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"International Humanitarian Law" |
"Armed conflicts have always existed around the world. Unfortunately, recent events have shown that this phenomenon is becoming increasingly complex, especially with respect to some legal issues, such as: - The definition of combatants when terrorists are involved in the hostilities. - The detention by rebels of State armed forces. - The involvement and status of UN peacekeepers in armed conflicts. This course will help you understand these complex legal issues by teaching you the norms governing armed conflicts, also known as ‘International Humanitarian Law’ (‘IHL’).We will address these issues in light of recent practice, including the fight against ISIS and Al-Qaeda in different regions of the world, as well as other recent and older conflicts, such as those in Armenia, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, and the Israeli-Palestinian one. The course will provide essential theoretical and practical knowledge for students, researchers and academics who wish to specialize in International Humanitarian Law as well as professionals, including members of NGOs, involved in armed conflict situations, or even members of armed forces. In this course, you can choose between an audit (free) track and a verified track ($150 fee). The audit track Proposes a general approach to International Humanitarian Law (it’s a master level law course so learners with poor knowledge on this subject may have to work harder to understand the materials). Assesses your mastery of the relevant concepts through multiple choice questions that avoid complex and controversial issues. Implies a workload of about 4-7 hours/chapter The verified track Offers a deeper and more complex learning experience: detailed considerations and developments on controversial issues, additional videos and readings. Assesses your mastery of complex and controversial issues through more complex MCQ, case studies and peer review assignments. Offers a staff graded final exam. Implies a workload of about 8-12 hours/chapter. Delivers a verified certificate (in case of passing final grade) and allows you to pursue the International Law MicroMasters credentials."
Price: 150.00 |
"International Investment Law" |
"Are you aware of the controversial situations facing States and foreign investors nowadays in relation to, for instance, the protection of public health and the environment? Do you recall recent cases such as Philip Morris v Uruguay and Vattenfall v Germany? In the aftermath of these high profile cases and in the context of the negotiation of new international investment agreements, like the CETA and the TPP, local populations, policy-makers and NGOs have come to realize the societal importance of international investment law. Passionate and sometimes ill-informed discussions have resulted from this realisation. They have focused on the features of international investment law, which has traditionally granted rights to foreign investors to foster States’ economic development. Central to these discussions are the issues of: the balance between the protection of foreign investors and the right of host States to regulate in order to protect public welfare objectives; the duties and obligations of foreign investors; the promotion of sustainable development in international investment law; the legitimacy of arbitration tribunals to decide on disputes between host States and foreign investors; the coherence of arbitration practice. Learning and understanding the features and dynamics of international investment law is key not only for international lawyers and policy-makers, but it is also important knowledge for all well-informed citizens. In this law course, you will: discover the history of international investment law and understand the dynamics which shape its evolution; learn the objectives of international investment law and the specific rights international investment agreements grant to foreign investors; discover how those rights have been interpreted by arbitration tribunals; master the features and functions of investor-state arbitration; understand why international investment law and investor-state arbitration are currently the subject of criticism and be able to assess the soundness of this criticism; gain insight into the content of treaties newly concluded, and be able to assess how they address the issues of the right of host States to regulate, of foreign investors’ obligations and of the legitimacy of arbitration tribunals."
Price: 150.00 |
"Anatomy: Gastrointestinal, Reproductive and Endocrine Systems" |
"In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy XSeries, you’ll learn about the various digestive, endocrine, and reproductive organs, their functions, and pathways of nerves and blood vessels serving these organs. Clinical correlations and vignettes will be used to highlight the importance of these anatomical structures and their relationships. Images and videos from cadaveric and artistic materials will be used to illustrate these concepts."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction to ONAP: Complete Network Automation" |
"Open source networking projects are transforming how service providers and enterprises develop, deploy, and scale their networks and next-generation services. The Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) project orchestrates and manages physical and virtual network services to bring agility, higher customer satisfaction and lower costs. This course provides: The basics of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) An introduction to The Linux Foundation ONAP project The challenges ONAP solves Overview of the ONAP project’s architecture, subprojects and demos Is your organization embarking on anetwork transformation journey? Do youunderstand why open source software will play a critical role in this journey? Are you unclear how to manage and orchestrate network services for your SDN/NFV use case? If yes, this course is for you. This course is designed to provide a high-level understanding and business perspective of the ONAP project and a guide for navigating, participating, and benefiting from the ONAP community. The course is also meant for vendorswho wish to determine how to position or sell their products into the ONAP ecosystem."
Price: 149.00 |
"NFV Acceleration: An Introduction to OPNFV" |
"Open source networking projects are transforming how service providers and enterprises develop, deploy, and scale their networks and next-generation services. Is your organization embarking on an NFV transformation journey? Do you believe open source software will play a critical role in this journey? Are you unclear how to integrate and test large, complex open source projects for your NFV use case? If yes, this course is for you. This course offers an introduction to The Linux Foundation OPNFV project (Open Platform for NFV), providing the basics of Network Function Virtualization (NFV). It delves into the challenges OPNFV solves, with an overview of related projects and industry use cases. We will also discuss how you can benefit from OPNFV. The Linux Foundation Open Platform for NFV project (OPNFV) facilitates the development and evolution of NFV components across various open source ecosystems. Through system level integration, deployment, and testing, OPNFV creates a reference NFV platform to accelerate the transformation of enterprise and service provider networks. This course is designed to provide a high-level understanding and business perspective of the OPNFV project and a guide for navigating, participating, and benefiting from the OPNFV community. The course is also meant for vendors that wish to determine how to position or sell their products into the NFV ecosystem including verification testing."
Price: 149.00 |
"Diseño de la red de valor" |
"Para las microempresas y pequeñas (MYPE) empresas en América Latina, la competitividad, el ahorro de tiempo y el aumento de las ganancias se han convertido en las principales preocupaciones para mantener las empresas vigentes en el mercado.Alguna vez te has preguntado ¿cómo se diseña la cadena de abastecimiento? Este curso te ayudará las herramientas que necesitas para hacerlo de forma exitosa. Aunque la logística, parezca un proceso complejo y lejano que solo aplica a las grandes empresas; en realidad, día a día micro y pequeñas empresas se ven involucradas en estos, solo que es necesario ordenarlos, reconocerlos y articularlos para sacarles el mayor provecho posible. A través de este curso online podrás conocer los conceptos básicos, necesarios para articular procesos logísticos con eficiencia operacional, a través de diseño y planeación de ventas, marketing y operaciones."
Price: 25.00 |
"Gestión de compras eficientes para tu empresa" |
"Para el funcionamiento adecuado de una empresa es necesario contar con un abastecimiento permanente de materias primas o mercancías, si este abastecimiento se realiza de manera eficiente, será posible tener disponibilidad para la producción y/o venta en el negocio. Es importante realizar las actividades previas a las compras, conocer bien los requerimientos del negocio y de la producción; así mismo, tener un conocimiento profundo de los proveedores, evaluando siempre que ofrezcan la mejor calidad y los costos más apropiados para el negocio. Comienza a explorar las compras en este curso online. La planeación y gestión de las compras son de suma importancia para cualquier organización, no importa si es una MYPE, PYME o una empresa de gran tamaño. Aprende sobre la gestión de compras en tu organización en este curso de administración de empresas."
Price: 25.00 |
"Gestión de inventario y portafolio" |
"El inventario también es dinero de la empresa pero materializado en insumos para la elaboración de productos en proceso, terminados y para la venta. Mantener el inventario organizado y actualizado te permitirá ahorro en tiempos y recursos. Saber con qué tipo de producto se cuenta y en qué estado se encuentra te permitirá organizar lo que tienes, de tal manera que no tendrás desperdicios y venderás en la misma manera en la que vayas produciendo. El inventario en un tesoro guardado dentro de las empresas, en este curso online aprenderás a gestionarlo adecuadamente y así cumplir con las expectativas de los clientes optimizando tiempo y dinero, para evitar desperdicios y tomar decisiones más acertadas en tus inversiones.La gestíon del portafolio e inventario es de suma importancia, no importa si tu organización es una MYPE, PYME o una empresa de gran tamaño."
Price: 25.00 |
"Distribución: entrega de productos" |
"Sin importar el volumen de producción que tenga una micro o pequeña empresa (MYPE), siempre será indispensable hacer entrega de los productos a los clientes. Diseñar la mejor manera de realizar el transporte de sus mercancías puede significar hacer el proceso de manera propia o tercerizado (parte importante del proceso logístico de la organización). En este curso de logística conocerás los procesos relacionados con el transporte y cómo abarcan desde la elección de las rutas, selección de los vehículos, frecuencia de envíos, hasta asegurar la recepción de los cambios y devoluciones. En este curso online aprenderás las grandes oportunidades en la colaboración que ofrece el transporte y que permitirán a través del trabajo colaborativo con los actores y socios de negocio, mejorar los procesos y ahorrar costos de una manera eficiente."
Price: 25.00 |
"Gobernanza de datos personales en la era digital" |
"Este curso en línea te ayudará a comprender qué es la gobernanza de datos, los criterios que deben tener en cuenta quienes formulan política públicas al momento de redactar o desarrollar leyes, regulaciones o políticas en materia de protección de datos y privacidad, así como aspectos prácticos de los programas de gobernanza de datos. Antes, cuando las organizaciones podían almacenar la información de sus clientes en ficheros o archivadores manuales, las decisiones sobre cómo ejercer la autoridad sobre el procesamiento de datos personales eran más sencillas. La continua evolución de tecnologías digitales cambia constantemente las formas en que se procesan datos personales y por lo tanto, el paradigma de protección de datos personales. Diversos países están adoptando leyes y regulaciones que intentan abarcar y prever todos los aspectos de las distintas y siempre cambiantes maneras en que se procesan datos personales en la era digital. Por ello, los legisladores y autoridades de Protección de Datos personales se enfrentan al desafío de desarrollar un marco legal y regulatorio que pueda seguir el ritmo acelerado del desarrollo económico basado en la tecnología, a la vez que se protegen efectivamente los derechos e intereses de los sujetos titulares de datos. Los estudiantes se verán expuestos a aspectos intrínsecos al mundo online que deben ser considerados en el diseño de las leyes, regulaciones, políticas y programas de cumplimiento (compliance) de datos personales, incluyendo los sistemas de múltiples capas y múltiples actores interesados, que se ven involucrados en la protección de datos personales desde la perspectiva de cumplimiento y política pública. Este curso de derecho proporcionará al estudiante una base estructurada de aprendizaje apara entender las tensiones que surgen cuando actores online procesan datos personales, y cómo abordar dilemas y cuestiones básicas de protección de datos y privacidad en el diseño de políticas públicas y programas de cumplimiento (compliance) en datos personales."
Price: 49.00 |
"Business Model Implementation" |
"Designing a new business model is one thing, but how do you actually put it into practice? How do you move from your current model to a new business model? In this business and management course, you will learn how to make a practical action plan to implement your new business model. You will create a business model roadmap that will include practical activities that take into consideration the possible risks associated with moving to a new business model. You will also learn about the practical factors that need to be taken into consideration during the transition process, i.e. the competency of your people and your IT, in order to successfully implement a new business model. "
Price: 99.00 |
"Business Model Testing" |
"The world is changing rapidly and full of uncertainties. The future success of a business model depends on how well it is adapted to changing circumstances. Do you want to become aware of the relevant developments in technology, markets and society? And understand how this affects your business? This business and management course will teach you how to stress test your business model. You will learn how to identify the relevant trends and uncertainties and how they impact your business model. You will analyse the strong and weak parts of your business model and look for opportunities to make your business model more robust and future proof. You will learn through real-world examples from well-known companies and interact with fellow entrepreneurs. By the end of this course, you will be able to stress test your own business model to analyse its future success."
Price: 99.00 |
"Evolution of the Human Sociality: A Quest for the Origin of Our Social Behavior" |
"Through the process of evolution, animals have developed their biological features and their cultures based on their surrounding environments. How we live our lives today is a direct result of features developed from our primate ancestors as they adapted to new environments. In primatology, it is essential to think about how cultural development and biological natures are inseparable. This course will help you rediscover the process of evolution and will introduce primatological studies conducted by researchers at Kyoto University, Japan. Based on carefully conducted research on primate species, we will explore the origins of human beings and provide you with examples of common similarities between human beings and non-human primates. We will analyze basic features, such as foraging, mating, aggression, and communication from the primatological viewpoint. Furthermore, cultural and social aspects of human society, from the formation of family groups to community activities, will be considered thoroughly, in comparison to those of monkeys and apes. Our goal is to broaden your view of humans to a wider extent and think dynamically about your biology in terms of human evolution. Through acquiring knowledge of basic primatology in this course, you will establish a viewpoint to think and discuss the evolutionary process of human, and human society, in conjunction with those of our close relatives."
Price: 49.00 |
"The Extremes of Life: Microbes and Their Diversity" |
"Life on our planet is diverse. While we can easily recognize this in our everyday surroundings, an even more diverse world of life can be seen when we look under a microscope. This is the world of microorganisms. Microorganisms are everywhere, and although some are notorious for their roles in human disease, many play important roles in sustaining our global environment. Among the wide variety of microorganisms, here we will explore those that thrive in the most extreme environments, the extremophiles. In this course, we will discover how diverse life is on our planet and consider the basic principles that govern evolution. We will also learn how we can classify organisms. Following this, we will have a look at several examples of extreme environments, and introduce the microorganisms that thrive under these harsh conditions. We will lay emphasis on the thermophiles, extremophiles that grow at high temperatures and will study how proteins from thermophiles can maintain their structure and function at high temperatures."
Price: 49.00 |
"Capstone Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability" |
"Please note: The capstone project is only accessible for ID-verified MicroMasters learners who successfully obtained verified certificate in all MicroMasters programme courses In this capstone project, you will focus on designing a sustainable biobased process. The emphasis of the project is on conversion. You will design a process from biomass to a finished product and discuss your choices for a catalyst, reactor type, organism and feedstock. You should be able to discuss your choices in the broad picture of sustainability while emphasising the conversion aspects of the process. The final product in this capstone project is a written report. Complete your MicroMasters credential by signing up for a virtually-proctored exam. This 2hour, multiple choice exam will test your knowledge on all topics discussed in the 3 MicroMasters programme courses. You can only start the capstone project after completingall other courses in the MicroMasters programme in Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability with a verified certificate for every course. Biorefinery: From Biomass to Building Blocks of Biobased Products; Design an effective biorefinery to obtain valuable components from various biobased feedstocks Catalytic Conversions for Biobased Chemicals and Products; Design new (bio)catalytic conversion routes to use biobased feedstocks to their highest potential C From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Business and Economics Perspective; ****Learn how to market and sell biobased products within a profitable business model"
Price: 299.00 |
"El Antártico, un continente asombroso" |
"Son muchos los aspectos en el que Antártida se revela de un modo diferente al resto del planeta, los que despiertan nuestro interés. Cada disciplina del conocimiento encuentra en este singular ámbito, una particularidad, ya sea esta la biología, la geología, la geofísica, la geodesia, su historia, y la particular presencia humana. Es el continente de mayor altura media del planeta. Se trata de una gran meseta, cubierta mayoritariamente de hielo. El Polo Sur se encuentra en la gran meseta polar de 2835 metros de altura, en donde el espesor de la capa de hielo alcanza mas de 2700 msnm. Si los hielos que la cubren desaparecieran el continente emergería 900 metros por sobre los niveles actuales de su suelo. Es el continente en el que se registran las temperaturas más bajas del planeta, con una mínima de casi -90° C. En Antártida viven especies con particularidades como mamíferos que nadan o aves que no vuelan. Focas, elefantes, lobos, ballenas, y una gran variedad de pingüinos. La configuración del campo magnético terrestre convierte al Antártico en una ventana abierta la física solar. Esta configuración del campo magnético, con sus líneas de fuerza entrantes en los polos, posibilitan el ingreso de partículas cargadas eléctricamente, o plasma, proveniente del sol. Esta es la causa de una serie de fenómenos propios de altas latitudes, como las grandes variaciones magnéticas, las perturbaciones ionosféricas y las auroras polares. En este curso en línea, conocerás que El Antártico es además el mayor reservorio de agua dulce del planeta. Los icebergs son verdaderos depósitos flotantes de agua dulce. Se identifican cinco polos, el geográfico, el magnético, el geomagnético, el polo de frío y el de inaccesibilidad relativa. En el curso de biología conocerás su significado y porque hay una línea en la que la brújula funciona al revés. El problema del ozono. El vórtice polar o corriente del jet polar, explica el confinamiento de la depresión estacional de ozono, diferente a la del polo Norte. Antártida es el único continente sin población permanente y el único en donde no existe el concepto de espacio nacional, tal como lo conocemos. Se rige por un tratado ejemplar, el Tratado Antártico. El Comité Científico del Tratado Antártico (SCAR.), es su componente de ciencia y aprenderás como funciona esta norma singular."
Price: 50.00 |
"Aprendizaje automático y ciencia de datos" |
"El aprendizaje automático es una habilidad que toma cada vez más relevancia debido al gran número de datos (big data), los cuales deben de ser analizados para tomar decisiones. En este curso en línea aprenderás los conceptos básicos del aprendizaje automático (machine learning) y la ciencia de datos. En particular, aprenderás las técnicas necesarias para evaluar el rendimiento de los algoritmos y de los modelos obtenidos. También aprenderás como preprocesar los datos para obtener así modelos de mayor calidad (simples, comprensibles, eficientes, etc.). Por último, en este curso de análisis de datos aprenderás a poner en funcionamiento las técnicas estudiadas mediante un ejemplo práctico programando tus propios scripts y algoritmos en R."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introducción a los encofrados y las cimbras en obra civil y edificación" |
"Este es un curso en línea básico de construcción de obras civiles y de edificación con encofrados y cimbras. Es un curso de construcción e ingeniería que no requiere conocimientos especiales y está diseñado para que sea útil a un amplio abanico de profesionales con o sin experiencia, estudiantes de cualquier rama de la construcción, ya sea universitaria o de formación profesional. El aprendizaje se ha escalonado de modo que el estudiante puede profundizar en aquellos aspectos relacionados a los encofrados y las cimbras que más les sea de interés mediante documentación complementaria y enlaces de internet a vídeos, catálogos, etc."
Price: 50.00 |
"Introducción al griego clásico: lengua, nombres y mitología" |
"En la antigua Grecia vivieron y escribieron algunos de los autores que sentaron las bases de la cultura occidental, es decir, nuestra cultura. Pensadores como Sócrates, Platón y Aristóteles, poetas como Homero, Hesíodo y Safo, historiadores como Heródoto, Tucídides y Jenofonte o dramaturgos como Esquilo, Sófocles y Eurípides, entre muchos otros, comparten la riqueza expresiva de la lengua griega: un tesoro que este curso pone a tu alcance. El objetivo de este curso en línea es la adquisición de las nociones básicas de la lengua para poder comprender textos sencillos en griego clásico e iniciarte en su estudio. Este curso es el primero de la XSerie ""Aprende griego clásico a través de la mitología, la filosofía y la historia"". Contiene tres unidades: XAIRETE ('bienvenidos y bienvenidas'), donde te ofrecemos una introducción al mundo griego; GLOSSA ('lengua'), donde aprendemos el alfabeto, el verbo ser y cómo leer y escribir en griego; y MYTHOS ('mito'), donde leyendas como las de Prometeo y Pandora nos acompañarán en el aprendizaje de la morfología nominal. Te invitamos a embarcarte en la aventura de la lengua griega y a descubrir con nosotras un mundo fascinante."
Price: 49.00 |
"MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe" |
"How can we eradicate malaria? Explore the scientific and technological underpinnings of malaria, as well as the historical, political, social, and economic contexts in which control, elimination, and eradication efforts unfold. Through foundational lectures and supplemental interviews, this course provides participants with a toolbox of knowledge and skills. Learners will be guided through the analysis of real-world data and its effective use in problem-solving. Analytical approaches focus on how to develop and implement evidence-based intervention strategies to contribute to national and local malaria eradication efforts. The target audience for the course includes those with an interest in gaining the technical expertise and leadership skills needed to work in global health and malaria programs around the world. The self-paced nature of the course will allow learners to access it at their convenience."
Price: 49.00 |
"AWS: Getting Started with Cloud Security" |
"Data security is on the forefront of everyone’s mind these days, with data breaches, denial of service attacks, ransomware and malware being common news stories. In this course two of Amazon Web Services’ Solutions Architects will provide you with a foundational understanding of cloud security, compliance and the AWS shared responsibility model. They will then discuss more technical content by looking at various security controls such as identity and access management services, directory services, network isolation and connectivity options, auditing, monitoring, encryption and managing secrets.This course will cover a number of AWS services, such as Amazon VPC, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS Security Hub, Amazon S3, Amazon EBS, Amazon EC2, and AWS Secrets Manager, among others.Several demonstrations are provided throughout the course to provide a practical example of the concepts that have been discussed. Class discussions will provide an opportunity for you to interact with fellow students as well as AWS training staff."
Price: 49.00 |
"Capstone Exam – Materials for Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Devices" |
"The MITx xMinor in Materials for Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Devices is a certification program offered by MITx that is designed and administered by MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering. This xMinor credential consists of three college-level undergraduate courses and a comprehensive, proctored final examination.Only people who have earned certificates of completion in 3.012x, 3.024x, and 3.15x are qualified to take this exam."
Price: 150.00 |
"Programming Reactive Systems" |
"Reactive programming is a set of techniques for implementing scalable, resilient and responsive systems. The basic building-block of such systems is event handlers. This course teaches how to implement reactive systems in Scala by using high-level abstractions based on event-handlers."
Price: 199.00 |
"Measure and Improve Innovation at the Workplace" |
"Innovation is a big buzzword in today's business media. There are many people who argue that the right kind of innovation can solve almost any problem a company faces. In fact, some directly link an organization's approach to innovation to their likelihood of survival.It's important to remember, however, that innovation is driven by people. Therefore, it's not so easy to find reliable models that allow us to analyze the behaviors of our workers and help foster innovation in a company.In this course, we will present a model of innovation competence composed of three dimensions. This model can be applied to self-evaluate your own innovation competences or those of the people working in your organization. In this way, you will be able to detect needs and establish personalized training actions, as well as collect evidence of the results of possible interventions carried out to promote innovation."
Price: 150.00 |
"Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Materials" |
"This course from MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering introduces the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, solid state physics, and electricity and magnetism. We use these principles to describe the origins of the electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of materials, and we discuss how these properties can be engineered to suit particular applications, including diodes, optical fibers, LEDs, and solar cells. In this course, you will find out how the speed of sound is connected to the electronic band gap, what the difference is between a metal and a semiconductor, and how many magnetic domains fit in a nanoparticle. You will explore a wide range of topics in the domains of materials engineering, quantum mechanics, solid state physics that are essential for any engineer or scientist who wants to gain a fuller understanding of the principles underlying modern electronics."
Price: 150.00 |
"Electrical, Optical & Magnetic Materials and Devices" |
"This course will explain the basis of the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials including semiconductors, metals, organics and insulators, and will show how devices are built to take advantage of those properties. It is illustrated with a wide range of devices, placing a strong emphasis on new and emerging technologies. Applications presented include diodes, transistors, photodetectors, solar cells (photovoltaics), displays, light emitting diodes, lasers, optical fibers and optical communications, photonic devices, magnetic data storage, motors, transformers and spintronics. Image attribution: Disk drive: KEURT Datenrettung, Lasers: US Navy Surface Warfare Center, Computer Chip: Jon Sullivan"
Price: 150.00 |
"A-level Mathematics for Year 13 - Course 1: Functions, Sequences and Series, and Numerical Methods" |
"This course by Imperial College London is designed to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in your A-level maths exams.The course is most appropriate to the Edexcel, AQA, OCR and OCR(MEI) papers. You will investigate key topic areas to gain a deeper understanding of the skills and techniques that you can apply throughout your A-level study. These skills include: Fluency – selecting and applying correct methods to answer with speed and efficiency Confidence – critically assessing mathematical methods and investigating ways to apply them Problem solving – analysing the ‘unfamiliar’ and identifying which skills and techniques you require to answer questions Constructing mathematical argument – using mathematical tools such as diagrams, graphs, logical deduction, mathematical symbols, mathematical language, construct mathematical argument and present precisely to others Deep reasoning – analysing and critiquing mathematical techniques, arguments, formulae and proofs to comprehend how they can be applied Over seven modules, covering an introduction to functions and their notation, sequences and series and numerical methods testing your initial skillset will be extended to give a clear understanding of how background knowledge underpins the A-level course. You’ll also be encouraged to consider how what you know fits into the wider mathematical world."
Price: 49.00 |
"Improving Global Health: Focusing on Quality and Safety" |
"Improving access to healthcare is only as useful as the quality of care provided. Many agree that quality is important – but what is it? How do we define it? How do we measure it? And most importantly, how might we make it better?The course is designed for those who care about health and healthcare and wish to learn more about how to measure and improve that care – for themselves, for their institutions, or for their countries. Each session will be interactive and provide concrete tools that students can use. We will empower you to raise questions, propose concrete solutions, and promote change.We have assembled leading thinkers from around the globe – not only people who are experts – but people with real, hands-on experience running organizations, hospitals, and ministries of health. So join us – whether you are a physician, nurse, or other healthcare provider, if you are a student of medicine, public health, or health policy, or a patient who simply cares about getting good care – this course is for you. "
Price: 99.00 |
"AP® Calculus: Challenging Concepts from Calculus AB & Calculus BC" |
"Well-respected AP instructors from around the United States will lead you through video instruction, exam-style questions and interactive activities to help you master the most challenging concepts in the AP® Calculus AB & Calculus BC curriculum. Each module will cover one of the most demanding concepts in this AP® Calculus AB & Calculus BC (based on College Board data from 2011–2013 Advanced Placement® exams). These tricky topics are broken up into bite-sized pieces—with short instructional videos, interactive graphs, and practice problems written by many of the same people who write and grade your AP® Calculus exams. Topics include: AB/BC: Limits AB/BC: Definition of Derivative AB/BC: Chain Rule AB/BC: Implicit Differentiation AB/BC: Mean Value Theorem AB/BC: L’Hospital’s Rule AB/BC: Riemann Sums AB/BC: Functions Defined by Definite Integrals AB/BC: Modeling & Solving Differential Equations (1) AB/BC: Modeling & Solving Differential Equations (2) AB/BC: Rectilinear Motion BC: Parametric Equations BC: Introduction to Series BC: Series Convergence BC: Series Manipulation This course is specifically designed for blended learning in AP classrooms, but can also be used by AP students independently as supplementary help and exam review. *Advanced Placement® and AP® are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings."
Price: 49.00 |
"Droit d'asile et des réfugiés" |
"Qu'est-ce que l'asile ? Qu'est-ce que le principe de non-refoulement ? Qui doit être reconnu et protégé comme réfugié ? Ces questions relatives au droit d'asile et des réfugiés sont à la fois anciennes et contemporaines. Que vous soyez décideur, magistrat, avocat, défenseur des droits humains, vous devrez répondre à ces questions. Les réponses sont complexes. Elles exigent des connaissances théoriques et pratiques précises, tant en droit national et régional qu'en droit international. L'analyse approfondie de la convention de Genève de 1951, relative aux réfugiés, vous permettra de maîtriser ces questions. Cette convention demeure la pierre angulaire de la protection internationale des réfugiés. Elle est au coeur de ce cours en ligne. Vous analyserez en detail le principe de non-refoulement ainsi que la définition du réfugié. Cette définition permet - comme l'empreinte que vous voyez dans l'image ci-dessus - d'identifier les personnes qui, juridiquement, doivent être reconnues comme bénéficiaires du statut de réfugié et de la protection internationale. À l'aide d'un outil conceptuel, la théorie des trois échelles, vous analyserez de façon rigoureuse et structurée à la fois chaque élément distinct de la définition du réfugié (persécution, risque, preuve) et, dans une approche holistique, l'ensemble de la définition. En confrontant l'analyse théorique à des situations pratiques, vous constaterez que, correctement interprétée, la convention de Genève demeure efficace et impose, aujourd'hui encore, de protéger comme refugiés ( refugees ) de nombreux fugitifs ( Fl uchtlingen ). Vous suivrez aussi le parcours du réfugié - comme ce labyrinthe que représente également l'image que vous voyez ci-dessus - pour mesurer la nécessité d'une bonne connaissance du droit dans les procédures. Au-dela du droit, vous verrez aussi l'importance d'une approche interdisciplinaire, notamment pour mesurer la crédibilité du récit d'un requerant d'asile. Vous verrez l'importance des protections régionales, subsidiaires ou complémentaires. Vous vous interrogerez encore sur les défis futurs, comme la question des réfugiés climatiques. Avec ce cours Droit d'asile et des réfugiés , vous saurez si un migrant peut ou non être refoulé vers un autre pays, s'il doit être inclus dans la définition du réfugié ou en être exclu, s'il faut contester une décision relative au statut de réfugié. Tout cela, vous le ferez en developpant un raisonnement juridique rigoureux."
Price: 50.00 |