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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
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A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Reputation Management in a Digital World" |
"In this course, you'll take on the role of a communications manager for a fictional organisation, making key decisions that will affect its online reputation. You will experience: how to build a robust and sustainable online reputation the positives of building a strong participatory culture how to manage social media issues based on a real-life examples how to manage a crisis and respond appropriately across multiple platforms. Throughout the course, you’ll learn from real life case studies and gain an understanding of the important role that blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other social platforms play in today’s business world. The digital landscape is fast-paced and continually changing, yet is an equally challenging and exciting environment in which to work. This course is relevant to anyone working in marketing, communications, public relations, social media and advertising. This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World that is specifically designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses."
Price: 99.00 |
"AP® Calculus BC" |
"In this calculus course, you will learn all the Calculus BC topics that are not part of the AP® Calculus AB curriculum by engaging with video instruction, exam-style questions and interactive activities. Each topic is broken up into bite-sized pieces—with short instructional videos, interactive graphs, and practice problems written by many of the same people who write and grade your AP® Calculus exams. Topics include: L’Hospital’s Rule Parametric Equations Introduction to Series Series Convergence Series Manipulation Arclength Euler’s Method Improper Integrals Integration Techniques: Partial Fractions Integration Techniques: Integration by Parts The Calculus of Polar Functions This course is specifically designed for students who have already taken (or are currently enrolled in) Calculus AB. This course combined with a traditional Calculus AB course will prepare students to take the Calculus BC exam. *Advanced Placement® and AP® are trademarks registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, these offerings."
Price: 49.00 |
"Gestão de riscos em projetos" |
"É comum ver equipes de projetos tendo que investir grande parte de seu tempo para resolver problemas em vez de preveni-los. A gestão de riscos de projetos procura gerenciar antecipadamente os eventos positivos e negativos que possam afetar o projeto, a fim de aumentar sua probabilidade de êxito. O que você estará apto a fazer ao final deste curso? Identificar riscos em cenários de incerteza. Definir quem pode apoiá-lo. Entender como gerenciar riscos em situações em que os recursos são limitados. Estabelecer estratégias para responder aos riscos. Monitorar e atualizar os riscos ao longo do projeto. A quem se dirige este curso? Diretores ou supervisores de projetos. Membros de equipes de projetos. Financiadores. Funcionários públicos de entidades nacionais, subnacionais e municipais. Profissionais de diversas áreas, que contribuem para a formulação e execução de projetos. Profissionais interessados na gestão de riscos em projetos de desenvolvimento. Ao fazer este curso, você terá a oportunidade de compartilhar seu conhecimento e sua experiência com outros participantes. Além disso, terá acesso a um estudo de caso, ao qual poderá aplicar as boas práticas de gestão de riscos em um projeto e fará exercícios práticos, que o ajudarão a compreender conceitos-chave. O conteúdo apresentado no curso está baseado na metodologia de gestão de riscos do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, a qual está alinhada com o Guía de los Fundamentos para la Dirección de Proyectos, Sexta Edición, 2017, do Project Management Institute (PMI)®. O INDES, como Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.), foi aprovado pelo Project Management Institute (PMI)® para conceder 30 unidades de desenvolvimento profissional (PDUs) quando você obtiver o certificado do curso. Finalmente, a modalidade deste curso é ""self-paced (ritmo próprio)"". Isso significa que, se você optar por pagar pelo certificado verificado, terá a flexibilidade de fazer o curso por um período aproximado de três meses, de 16 de abril de 2020 a 16 de julho de 2020."
Price: 25.00 |
"Upper-Intermediate English: Business" |
"This course is the first in a series of four English language MOOCs designed for students with an intermediate level of English looking to reach a higher intermediate level. The course is comprised of video lessons, reading comprehension activities, grammar explanations and exercises, listening comprehension activities and speaking practice. The course covers interesting topics such as successful businesses, risk management, industrial design and radio broadcasting. This course also includes preparatory materials and recommendations to take the Cambridge University First Certificate in English Examination (FCE)."
Price: 50.00 |
"Macroeconomic Diagnostics" |
"In this online course on Macroeconomic Diagnostics (MDSx), you will learn some applied tools that will allow you to assess the economic situation in a country. These analytical tools are the ones most used by applied macroeconomists—including those at the IMF. You will learn both how to technically implement these tools and to interpret their results. The course will guide you through the different sectors of an economy. It will present tools to assess the relevant sector and its vulnerabilities. These applied tools will be simple to apply and they will bring out the critical information that an economist needs to make an assessment. Beyond the tools themselves, we’ll also be showing how to refine and interpret their output. We will be doing more than just plugging numbers into a spreadsheet formula. We will want to use the results of these tools – filtered through our judgement – to develop a narrative of a country’s economic situation. To help you make this course more hands-on, you will be examining a case study country called “Diagnostica.” We will run through a series of sector-by-sector assessments. Along the way, we will be demonstrating how to apply the diagnostic by using different country examples. Then, you will be asked to perform that same exercise and interpret it for “Diagnostica.” Finally, we’ll be integrating our sectoral assessments into a comprehensive analysis known as a ‘risk assessment matrix’ or RAM. This will give us a sense of where the major risks and weaknesses lie in Diagnostica’s macroeconomic picture. Macroeconomic Diagnostics is offered by the IMF with financial support from the Government of Japan."
Price: 25.00 |
"Statistics for Business - II" |
"Statistics is a versatile discipline that has revolutionized the fields of business, engineering, medicine and pure sciences. This course is Part 2 of a 4-part series on Business Statistics, and is ideal for learners who wish to enroll in business programs. The first two parts cover topics in Descriptive Statistics, whereas the next two focus on Inferential Statistics. Spreadsheets containing real data from diverse areas such as economics, finance and HR drive much of our discussions. In Part 2, we use the language of probability to examine the underlying distributions of random variables. We model real-life phenomena using known variables such as Binomial, Poisson and Normal. We learn how to simulate data that are distributed according to these variables. We shall take up datasets that have over a million rows, which makes it difficult to analyze using a spreadsheet. This is a natural setting for R, an advanced statistical programming platform. We incorporate helpful tutorials to get learners acquainted with the platform."
Price: 50.00 |
"Digital Branding and Engagement" |
"Want to learn how to get people to engage with your brand, but not sure where to begin? Digital technology has rapidly evolved in the last decade, and so too has the way people communicate. Businesses can no longer rely solely on traditional business models to build brand awareness. In today’s interconnected, hyperaware world, brand awareness and brand engagement are synonymous. We are in the age of digital brand engagement, where brands need to participate in, and inspire, a two-way conversation with their consumers. This course will teach you about this shift and how it has altered the way brands communicate with their audiences. You will learn about the challenges of managing a digital brand and how rich and compelling content, combined with digital distribution, are integral to brand engagement. This course is part of the CurtinX MicroMasters Credential in Marketing in a Digital World that is specifically designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the five courses."
Price: 99.00 |
"Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science (chemistry)" |
"During each module of this course, chefs reveal the secrets behind some of their most famous culinary creations — often right in their own restaurants. Inspired by such cooking mastery, the Harvard team will then explain the science behind the recipe. Topics will include: How molecules influence flavor The role of heat in cooking Diffusion, revealed by the phenomenon of spherification, the culinary technique pioneered by Ferran Adrià. You will also have the opportunity to become an experimental scientist in your very own laboratory — your kitchen. By following along with the engaging recipe of the week, taking precise measurements, and making skillful observations, you will learn to think like both a cook and a scientist. The lab is certainly one of the most unique components of this course — after all, in what other science course can you eat your experiments? "
Price: 99.00 |
"Gestion macroéconomique dans les pays riches en ressources naturelles" |
"Dans cette formation en ligne consacrée à la gestion macroéconomique dans les pays riches en ressources naturelles (MRCx), vous découvrirez les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les pays riches en ressources naturelles en matière de politique macroéconomique. Les ressources naturelles (pétrole, gaz, minéraux) peuvent avoir une incidence non négligeable sur les exportations et sur la croissance économique des pays. L’abondance de ressources naturelles a permis à certains pays d’accumuler des actifs financiers considérables à l’étranger et ainsi d’investir dans des écoles, des hôpitaux et des routes afin de promouvoir la croissance et la diversification de leur économie. Cela étant, les ressources naturelles peuvent aussi être sources de difficultés. Outre l’inéluctabilité de l’épuisement de ces ressources, les autorités doivent aussi s’accommoder de la volatilité de leurs prix. Une équipe diverse de formateurs experts issus du FMI et de ses partenaires analyse l’expérience de nombreux pays riches en ressources naturelles de différentes régions (Afrique, Asie centrale, Amérique latine et Moyen-Orient) et en tire des enseignements applicables partout dans le monde. Dans ce module, qui fait usage de différents outils d’apprentissage, vous apprendrez à analyser les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les pays riches en ressources naturelles et vous verrez comment ces connaissances peuvent être appliquées dans votre pays. Le module MRCx est offert par le FMI avec le soutien financier du fonds thématique pour la richesse en ressources naturelles. Le programme de formation en ligne du FMI reçoit le concours financier du gouvernement du Japon."
Price: 25.00 |
"Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 1: Linear Elastic Behavior" |
"All around us, engineers are creating materials whose properties are exactly tailored to their purpose. This course is the first of three in a series of mechanics courses from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. Taken together, these courses provide similar content to the MIT subject 3.032: Mechanical Behavior of Materials. The 3.032x series provides an introduction to the mechanical behavior of materials, from both the continuum and atomistic points of view. At the continuum level, we learn how forces and displacements translate into stress and strain distributions within the material. At the atomistic level, we learn the mechanisms that control the mechanical properties of materials. Examples are drawn from metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, biomaterials, composites and cellular materials. Part 1 covers stress-strain behavior, topics in linear elasticity and the atomic basis for linear elasticity, and composite materials. Part 2 covers stress transformations, beam bending, column buckling, and cellular materials. Part 3 covers viscoelasticity (behavior intermediate to that of an elastic solid and that of a viscous fluid), plasticity (permanent deformation), creep in crystalline materials (time dependent behavior), brittle fracture (rapid crack propagation) and fatigue (failure due to repeated loading of a material)."
Price: 49.00 |
"Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 3: Time Dependent Behavior and Failure" |
"All around us, engineers are creating materials whose properties are exactly tailored to their purpose. This course is the third of three in a series of mechanics courses from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. Taken together, these courses provide similar content to the MIT subject 3.032: Mechanical Behavior of Materials. The 3.032x series provides an introduction to the mechanical behavior of materials, from both the continuum and atomistic points of view. At the continuum level, we learn how forces and displacements translate into stress and strain distributions within the material. At the atomistic level, we learn the mechanisms that control the mechanical properties of materials. Examples are drawn from metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, biomaterials, composites and cellular materials. Part 3 covers viscoelasticity (behavior intermediate to that of an elastic solid and that of a viscous fluid), plasticity (permanent deformation), creep in crystalline materials (time dependent behavior), brittle fracture (rapid crack propagation) and fatigue (failure due to repeated loading of a material)."
Price: 49.00 |
"Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 2: Stress Transformations, Beams, Columns, and Cellular Solids" |
"All around us, engineers are creating materials whose properties are exactly tailored to their purpose. This course is the second of three in a series of mechanics courses from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. Taken together, these courses provide similar content to the MIT subject 3.032: Mechanical Behavior of Materials. The 3.032x series provides an introduction to the mechanical behavior of materials, from both the continuum and atomistic points of view. At the continuum level, we learn how forces and displacements translate into stress and strain distributions within the material. At the atomistic level, we learn the mechanisms that control the mechanical properties of materials. Examples are drawn from metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, biomaterials, composites and cellular materials. Part 1 covers stress-strain behavior, topics in linear elasticity and the atomic basis for linear elasticity, and composite materials. Part 2 covers stress transformations, beam bending, column buckling, and cellular materials. Part 3 covers viscoelasticity (behavior intermediate to that of an elastic solid and that of a viscous fluid), plasticity (permanent deformation), creep in crystalline materials (time dependent behavior), brittle fracture (rapid crack propagation) and fatigue (failure due to repeated loading of a material)."
Price: 49.00 |
"University Studies for Student Veterans" |
"The skills you learned in the military will go a long way toward helping you succeed in college, but if you’re looking for some extra support – or an academic tune-up – then you’ll find it in this course. We know that the culture of higher education is different from the culture of the military in meaningful ways, and we also know that one of the keys to excelling in college - especially for student veterans - is learning to navigate these differences successfully, right from the very start.This course aims to help you do just that. First, the course will orient you to the norms and expectations of the college classroom. The quicker you know what is expected of you, the quicker you can start learning. Second, the course will offer you strategies to ease your transition, to help you achieve your academic goals, and to allow you to make the most of your college education.While this course is open to everyone, the content has been tailored specifically for student veterans currently pursuing higher education, active duty servicemembers who aspire to start school or return to school soon, and higher education professionals who work to support student veterans at their schools. If this sounds like you, and if you’re ready to learn how to make your transition easier and more successful, then we hope you’ll join us.This online curriculum may be used in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, as a start-to finish, self-directed online experience (MOOC). It can also, in its current format, serve as an “orientation” for other student veteran success programs. We also invite you to utilize this resource as a library/toolkit of academic success strategies, a tool for flipped classroom pedagogy, or a companion text for on-the-ground transition courses.We welcome the opportunity to assist higher education institutions (both 2-year and 4-year), military installation education services officers and transition assistance programs, veteran focused non-profit organizations, and more. To get underway, contact us at the Columbia University Center for Veteran Transition and Integration."
Price: 49.00 |
"Introduction à l'immunologie: méthodes et applications médicales" |
"Bienvenu au deuxième volet du cours en immunologie intitulé «Introduction en immunologie: méthodes et applications». A travers de courtes vidéos, de questionnaires en ligne et d’exercices, nous vous ferions approfondir vos connaissances en immunologie.Ce cours s’adresse à des étudiants de licence ou de première année de Master, des professeurs de sciences naturelles et à tout public averti en biologie qui ont déjà suivi la première partie de cet enseignement intitulée «Introduction à l’immunologie fondemantale» et qui souhaitent renforcer leurs connaissances. L’objectif principal de cette deuxième partie d’enseignement est de faire appliquer vos connaissances en immunologie fondamentale à des questions de santé humaine, notamment à la vaccination, l'allergie, les maladies auto-immunes, la transplantation et l’immunothérapie. A la fin de ce cours, vous saurez comprendre le fonctionnement du système immunitaire, le language des immunologies. Vous allez découvrir les principales techniques immunologiques telle que le test ELISA, le Western blot, et la cytométrie de flux vous seront présentés.Enfin, des mots comme complément, interférons, hypersensibilités, tolérances n’auront plus de secret pour vous. Le but est de vous donner une vision globale, par exemple comprendre les mécanismes activés au cours d’un infection du système respiratoire par un poumons. Ce cours se déroulera de la même manière que sa première partie. Chacune des 6 semaines du cours comprendra un à cinq vidéos à regarder. Chaque vidéo est suivie de petits quizzes qui vous permettront de vous assurer de votre progression. A la fin de la semaine, il y aura aussi un exercice plus important en ligne qui servira de base à votre note. Dans cet exercice, nous vous poserons des questions reprenant les aspects vus dans la leçon en cours et dans les leçons précédentes. Selon notre point de vue, il est indispensable que vous réussissiez bien ou très bien ces exercices avant de passer à la leçon suivante."
Price: 139.00 |
"How to Design a Successful Business Model" |
"Do you want to start or grow your own business, go international, or avoid bankruptcy? In this business and management course, you will learn the key steps to take to design or innovate your own business model. You will learn about the trade-offs to be made, and the design issues that are critical for a viable and sustainable business model. This course will help you answer questions like, ""How do I create a simple business model in a structured way?"" and ""How do I engage my users and how do I create value for my customers as well as revenue for my company?"" "
Price: 99.00 |
"The Value of Business Models" |
"Does your business need a make-over? Are you unsure how to start? Having an innovative business model is key for a profitable business and growth. In this business and management course, you will learn how to design, test and implement new business models for sustainable success. This course introduces you to the main topics of business model innovation. You will learn what drives business model innovation and why it is valuable to you and your business. You will apply practical tools to (re)design and test a business model. Be inspired by real-life business model examples from fellow entrepreneurs and learn from leading experts who design business model innovations. By the end of this course, you will be able to structure your thinking and communicate your business model ideas and learn how to improve your own business. "
Price: 99.00 |
"Essential Competencies for Nurse Preceptors" |
"Nursing programs partner with a variety of clinical practice settings to provide student nurses expert clinical training. This essential partnership assures students are prepared to provide quality patient care. Within these practice sites, staff registered nurses (RNs) provide nursing students rich clinical learning experiences within a safe yet challenging learning environment. These RNs are identified as Nurse Preceptors. While many clinical practice sites have programs that prepare staff nurses to precept new employees, most programs do not include specific preparation for working with nursing students. This Preceptor Development Program is designed to prepare registered nurses to construct high quality, rich, and effective learning experiences. Staff RNs who participate in preceptor development programs report more confidence and satisfaction in the preceptor role. This effect translates to the student’s learning as well. Students who have well prepared clinical preceptors describe effective and valued learning experiences. Topic areas covered in these modules include: 1. Preceptor roles and responsibilities 2. Assessing learner needs and learning styles 3. Clinical teaching 4. Critical thinking and clinical decision making 5. Legal issues in preceptorships 6. Communication and conflict resolution 7. Managing learning experiences of culturally and generationally diverse students Verified learners may receive 8 continuing education units (CE's) from the University of Maryland School of Nursing. The University of Maryland School of Nursing is an accredited provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation."
Price: 199.00 |
"Empathy and Emotional Intelligence at Work" |
"One of the key insights from the science of happiness is that our own personal happiness depends heavily on our relationships with others. By tuning into the needs of other people, we actually enhance our own emotional well-being. The same is true within organizations: those that foster trusting, cooperative relationships are more likely to have a more satisfied, engaged—and more productive and innovative—workforce, with greater employee loyalty and retention. This course delves into the social and emotional skills that sustain positive relationships at work. It highlights the foundational and related skills of empathy and “emotional intelligence,” also known as EQ, which refers to the skills of identifying and regulating our own feelings, tuning into the feelings of others and understanding their perspectives, and using this knowledge to guide us toward constructive social interactions. Drawing on research and real-world case studies, the course reveals how honing these skills promotes well-being within an organization, supporting everything from good management—managers high in empathy, for example, have employees who report being happier and take fewer sick days—to more effective teamwork, problem solving, and recovery from setbacks. The course also explains the psychological and neuroscientific roots of cooperative, compassionate behaviors, making the case that these are not just “soft” skills but core aspects of human nature that serve basic human needs as well as the bottom line. What’s more, it offers practical ways to strengthen empathy, trust, and collaboration among teams and resolve conflicts more constructively—with a special emphasis on how socially intelligent leadership can build cultures of belonging and engagement. The course instructors are expert faculty from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., and Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D., whose earlier edX course, The Science of Happiness, has been a global phenomenon, inspiring a half million students worldwide. Here they take a central insight from that course—that our personal well-being is entwined with our social connections—and explain how to apply it to the modern workplace to create more productive, satisfying experiences at work."
Price: 199.00 |
"Ácidos y bases: reacciones químicas y aplicaciones" |
"Los ácidos y las bases son sustancias muy comunes en el entorno cotidiano, con frecuencia las utilizamos sin ser conscientes de que son compuestos con carácter ácido o básico, por ejemplo: el vinagre el bicarbonato la Aspirina® el amoníaco Los ácidos y las bases tienen un papel fundamental en los sistemas biológicos, están presentes en algunos fenómenos de contaminación ambiental y forman parte de numerosos productos medicinales, domésticos, industriales, etc. En este curso en línea se tratan los aspectos generales de las reacciones ácido-base en medio acuoso, en el contexto de la teoría de Brönsted-Lowry. En este curso de química se enfatiza en la comprensión del concepto de ácido y de base y su fortaleza, de los pares conjugados ácido-base, de la escala del pH y su determinación experimental, así como de los procesos de neutralización entre ácidos y bases que dan lugar a la formación de las sales. Se aplican estas ideas a los cálculos de pH en disoluciones de diferentes tipos de ácidos y de bases. Se presentan aplicaciones relacionadas con estos conceptos en aspectos tecnológicos, biológicos y de la vida cotidiana"
Price: 50.00 |
"The Foundations of Happiness at Work" |
"This course explains what happiness at work looks like, why it matters, and how to cultivate it. It begins by defining happiness and making the case that happiness at work improves the performance of individual employees and organizations as a whole, increasing innovation, productivity, engagement, retention, and the quality of their work. It then explores the key factors that empirical research has linked to workplace happiness, zeroing in on practices such as gratitude, developing a strong sense of purpose, and forming authentic, cooperative connections with others. The course will also highlight common barriers to workplace happiness, both at the individual and cultural level. Finally, the course presents a practical framework for workplace happiness and explores accessible techniques for: a) evaluating happiness in an organization, b) creating an effective strategy to increase workplace happiness, and c) implementing that strategy in your own work life, within your team, or across the culture of your organization, with special tips for workplace leaders. The course instructors are expert faculty from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., and Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D., whose earlier edX course, The Science of Happiness, has been a global phenomenon, introducing a half million students worldwide to the research-based keys to a happy, meaningful life. In this course, they tailor their scientific insights to the needs of the modern workplace."
Price: 199.00 |
"Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies" |
"Developed by Blockchain at Berkeley and faculty from UC Berkeley's premier Computer Science department, this course presents Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as the motivation for blockchain technologies, and provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the fundamental concepts of the crypto space with a particular emphasis on Bitcoin. The course covers basic properties of bitcoin, the mechanics behind it (e.g. including cryptographic hash functions, Bitcoin Script, privacy, and hash commitment schemes) and its roots in the Cypherpunk movement and Libertarian ideals. You'll learn about practical applications of Bitcoin such as wallets and mining, as well as how to destroy bitcoins, including network attacks and malicious mining strategies. We will also take a brief look at Ethereum and how blockchain can be used outside of cryptocurrencies. This course is open to anyone with any background. Whether you are planning your next career move as a blockchain developer, crypto trader, data analyst, researcher, or consultant, or are just looking for an introduction to the Bitcoin technology. This course will help you to begin developing the critical skills needed to future-proof your career. This course is part of the Blockchain Fundamentals Professional Certificate program. If you are planning to enroll in the entire series, we suggest starting with this course and then progressing on to CS198.2x Blockchain Technology."
Price: 99.00 |
"Future Cities" |
"Understanding a city as a whole, its people, components, functions, scales and dynamics, is crucial for the appropriate design and management of the urban system. While the development of cities in different parts of the world is moving in diverse directions, all estimations show that cities worldwide will change and grow strongly in the coming years. Especially in the tropics over the next 3 decades, it is expected that the number of new urban residents will increase by 3 times the population of Europe today. Yet already now, there is an extreme shortage of designers and urban planners able to understand the functioning of a city as a system, and to plan a sustainable and resilient city. To answer questions like: Which methods can contribute to the sustainable performance of a city, and how can we teach this to the next generations, the ETH Future Cities Laboratory in Singapore has produced over the last 3 years many necessary research results. “Future Cities” aims to bring these latest results to the places where they are needed most. The only way to better understand the city is by going beyond the physical appearance and by focusing on different representations, properties and impact factors of the urban system. For that reason, in this course we will explore the city as the most complex human-made “organism” with a metabolism that can be modeled in terms of stocks and flows. We will open a holistic view on existing and new cities, with a focus on Asia. Data-driven approaches for the development of the future city will be studied, based on crowdsourcing and sensing. At first, we will give an overview of the components and dynamics of the future cities, and we will show the importance of information and information architecture for the cities of the future. The course will cover the origins, state-of-the-art and applications of information architecture and simulation. “Future Cities” will provide the basis to understand, shape, plan, design, build, manage and continually adapt a city. You will learn to see the consequences of citizen science and the merging of Architecture and information space. You will be up-to-date on the latest research and development on how to better understand, create and manage the future cities for a more resilient urban world."
Price: 169.00 |
"Quality of Life: Livability in Future Cities" |
"Cities are becoming the predominant living and working environment of humanity, and for this reason, livability or quality of life in the city has become crucial. This urban planning course will focus on four areas that directly affect livability in a city: Urban energy, urban climate, urban ecology and urban mobility. The course begins by presenting measurable criteria for the assessment of livability, and how to positively influence the design of cities towards greater livability. We will focus on this basic topic of the human habitat in a holistic way, and introduce possibilities of participatory urban design by citizens, leading towards the development of a citizen design science. You will be able to share your experiences with the other participants in the course and also with the experts from the teaching team. In completing this course, you will better understand how to make a city more livable by going beyond the physical appearance and by focusing on different properties and impact factors of the urban system. Livability in Future Cities is the second course in a series of MOOCs under the title “Future Cities.” This series aims to bring the latest research on planning, managing and transforming cities to places where this knowledge has the highest benefit for its citizens. “Future Cities” provided an overview, and this course will focus on livability in existing and new cities."
Price: 169.00 |
"Smart Cities" |
"Cities are first and foremost built for people, and in today’s world, people produce large amounts of valuable data, thus contributing to what we call “smart cities."" As almost every building and every city is a prototype, these communities are in the early stage of development and require specific attention and expertise as we advance. Smart cities, such as Zurich and Boston, consist of human-made structures or environments that are, in some capacity, monitored, metered, networked and controlled. With this functionality, combined with stationary sensors and mobile devices, data and information have become the new building materials of future cities. Using this data, citizens are now beginning to influence the design of future cities and the re-design of existing ones. In this architecture course, you will learn the basics of information cities and urban science research, as well as how dynamic behavior and citizen-driven learning differentiate the responsive city from the smart city. The cities we present and develop in this course use the stocks and flows of information as the main drivers of change. To deepen your knowledge of smart cities and give a perspective on the future of these cities, we also introduce the concept of citizen design science, a combination of citizen science, urban design, and cognitive design computing. Participants will furthermore have unique access to a design research platform for citizen design science. The intelligent use of data and information is at the core of this course, and these concepts will be the next generation of participatory design and design computing environments. This course is part of the “Future Cities” XSeries, and builds on the experiences from our first two urban MOOCs: Future Cities and Livability in Future Cities."
Price: 169.00 |
"Responsive Cities" |
"Responsive cities define the future of urbanization. They evolve from smart cities, with a fundamental difference: The citizens move from the center of attention to the center of action. Responsive citizens use smart technology to contribute to planning, design and management of their cities. Responsive cities are about bringing cities back to their citizens. Responsive cities change the way the technology of a smart city is used. The first Smart Cities were technology driven and they produced large amounts of data from fixed or centrally controlled sensors. But by now, the citizens and their mobile phones have taken the leading role in direct data generation. Rather than using data that are centrally collected and stored, you will see platforms on which the citizens place the data and the information they decide to share. With this, your own responsibility becomes a foundation of a Responsive City. Cities evolve from being smart to being responsive. To demonstrate the potential of Responsive Cities, this course will define the concept of Citizen Design Science, a combination of Citizen Design, Citizen Science and Design Science. Experts, citizens and scientists participate in Citizen Design Science. This approach is still in an early stage of development, but with the Responsive Cities Massive Open Online Course, you will be ahead in exploring and defining its possibilities. ‘Responsive cities’ is the fourth edition of the ‘Future Cities’ series on urban MOOCs. The ‘Future Cities’ series is the first and complete series of urban courses dealing with the design, management and transformation of cities for their sustainable and resilient future. With every edition, the series becomes more interactive. It increasingly empowers citizens around the world to become part of the development of their own cities, especially in those places where this knowledge is needed most. Therefore, the course is inclusive for every individual interested in the planning, construction, redevelopment and management of future cities. The course is open to anyone regardless of background, skills, knowledge, or age."
Price: 169.00 |
"Climate Change: Carbon Capture and Storage" |
"The atmosphere is a shared resource and the amount of greenhouse gases it can absorb is a finite resource. This introductory course to the technology of Carbon Capture and Storage is designed for a wider audience with an interest in energy, sustainability and climate change. The aim of Carbon Capture and Storage is to achieve Deep reductions in carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere Unlock carbon negative solutions to achieve a neutral carbon balance to the atmosphere in the 21st century Carbon Capture and Storage makes cheap, widely available fossil fuels ‘safe to use’ in the context of the Paris Climate Change agreement of 2015. It prevents their carbon dioxide emissions from entering the atmosphere to store them permanently and safely underground.The course is taught by a team of leading academics at the University of Edinburgh with decades of experience in this field. It aims to bridge the gap between the forefront of the latest developments in science, engineering, geology, policy and economics, and the wider public. The aim is to help you understand this technology objectively and why it is so important in our efforts against climate change. We hope the course will make you want to find out more about climate change mitigation options and that you will continue to further educate yourself in this area."
Price: 49.00 |
"Blockchain Technology" |
"Developed by Blockchain at Berkeley and faculty from UC Berkeley's premier Computer Science department, this course provides a wide overview of many of the topics relating to and building upon the foundation of Bitcoin and blockchain technology.The course covers many key topics in the blockchain space. First, we take a look at distributed systems and alternative consensus mechanisms, as well as cryptoeconomic and proof-of-stake. We then move on to the fundamental applications of bitcoin and blockchain technology, including exploring enterprise blockchain implementations (JP Morgan’s Quorum, Ripple, Tendermint, and HyperLedger), the challenges and solutions around scaling blockchain adoption, and the measures that the government is taking to regulate and control blockchain technology. We wrap up the course by also taking a look at the various blockchain ventures today and conclude with a blockchain-based future thought experiment. This course is open to anyone with any background. Whether you are planning your next career move as a blockchain developer, crypto trader, data analyst, researcher, or consultant, or are just looking for an introduction to Blockchain. This course will help you begin to develop the critical skills needed to future-proof your career. This is the second course in the Blockchain Fundamentals Professional Certificate program."
Price: 99.00 |
"Infrastructure Management for Public Libraries" |
"In this course, part of the Public Library Management Professional Certificate program, we’ll explore the ongoing infrastructure support that library leaders must facilitate, including: maintenance insurance contract services patron privacy technology budgets policies You’ll learn how these decisions are made to ensure long-term sustainability."
Price: 49.00 |
"Liderazgo en la empresa familiar" |
"Para lograr que la familia trascienda y la empresa se sostenga en el tiempo, en este curso de emprendimiento y administración de empresas, tendrás la oportunidad de comprender la complejidad de las dinámicas de familia y empresa, reflexionar sobre los roles y formas de pensar del dirigente familiar y hacer un diagnóstico del emprendimiento empresarial. Todo ello con el fin de que conozcas los instrumentos y componentes que implican liderar y orquestar la empresa familiar: la visión de futuro de la familia empresaria, el desarrollo de las siguientes generaciones y la formación de un gobierno de familia y empresa eficaz y flexible. Todo el conocimiento adquirido en este curso de administración de empresas podrá ser aplicado en la empresa familiar.El Centro de Familias Emprendedoras y EGADE Business School de la Escuela de Negocios del Tecnológico de Monterrey es la Institución ideal para desarrollar estas habilidades, ya que el Tec de Monterrey es la universidad número 1 en México y la 6a mejor en Latinoamérica según Times Higher Education (THE) 2016. Los profesores del Centro de Familias Emprendedoras están altamente calificados y son reconocidos al ser parte del proyecto mundial STEP para el emprendimiento familiar, y la EGADE Business School es la escuela número 1 en América Latina, en su MBA, según el ranking de AméricaEconomía."
Price: 49.00 |
"The Hardware of a Quantum Computer" |
"There is no doubt that the quantum computer and the quantum internet have many profound applications, they may change the way we think about information, and they could completely change our daily life.The aim of this course is to help you get up to speed with current progress in the transition to a quantum information era. After an initial review of some of the basic concepts and operating principles of the quantum computer and quantum internet (e.g. the ket notation and quantum bits, the qubits), the course will feature an extensive discussion on some of the different ways qubits can be built. Then, we will discuss the four types of qubits that QuTech focuses on: topological qubits, spin qubits, trans qubits and NV center qubits. The course is a journey of discovery, so we encourage you to bring your own experiences, insights and thoughts via the forum! This course is authored by experts from the QuTech research center at Delft University of Technology. In the center, scientists and engineers work together to enhance research and development in quantum technology. QuTech Academy’s aim is to inspire, share and disseminate knowledge about the latest developments in quantum technology."
Price: 79.00 |