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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
$12.95 |
A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Papo Lioness With Cub" |
"Magnificent feline, both elegant and powerful, the lioness is one of the largest carnivores in Africa. She has a long body with impressive muscles, as well as powerful lpaws with claws. This predator weighing over 150 kg is a formidable hunter. Lighter and faster than the lion, it can reach almost 60 km/h. Lionesses hunt in groups and feed on cattle or other animals such as buffaloes, giraffes, zebras or warthogs."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Koala bear" |
"The Koala, also called Australian sloth, belongs to the family of phascolarctidae of which it is today the last living representative. This nocturl animal is measuring between 61 and 85cm and has large round ears, a stocky body and short limbs. It is easily recognizable thanks to its silvery brown-gray woolly fur, whose regular maintence allows the rain to bead. The koala can sleep up to 20 hours a day and feeds mainly on eucalyptus from which it draws all its water supply. Did you know that a koala does not drink a single drop of water during its lifetime ?"
Price: 4.00 |
"Papo Tigress With Cub" |
"Mommy Tigress tends to avoid danger and frequently moves her cubs by carrying them in her mouth. Tigers often have several dens and move from one to another as needed. To give birth, the tigress isolates itself from predators. Cubs are born blind and weighs almost a pound. They are very vulnerable but they can count on the protection of their mother who will later teach them how to hunt."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Orang-Utang" |
"The Orangutan from the hominids family is, from the top of its 80 kg for 1.40 m, a great monkey which lives only in South-East Asia insular. This species close to humans is one of the most arboreal. Indeed, it spends the majority of its time in the trees in search of food: fruits, young leaves, bark, small vertebrates, eggs of birds and insects ... If the females can appear sociable because paying great attention to young, the males are however very solitary."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Mandrill" |
"The mandrill is a primate of the cercopithecus family which lives in Africa, in the lowland forests of Cameroon and Gabon. Recognizable by its bluish skin highlighted with large stripes, it can measure up to 81 cm for a weight of 50 kg for the most imposing males! Mandrills live only within very hierarchical groups, mixing male and female."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Bactrian Camel" |
"A tive of the Central Asian steppes, the Bactrian camel, also known as a two-humped camel, belongs to the Camelidae family. Bigger and larger than the dromedary, the camel also has two dorsal humps and a more abundant fur. It is able to adapt to the most extreme climatic conditions: hot and dry summers and harsh and snowy winters, but also to live relatively long without water."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Asian Elephant" |
"The Asian elephant has been since the disappearance of its ancestor the mammoth, the largest land mammal after the African elephant! What distinguishes it from its African cousin are its shorter ears, its smaller size and its trunk which has only one finger at its end while there are two in the African elephant. The trunk is actually an extension of its lip and nose, allowing it to communicate, to bring water and food to the mouth, to pull and transport branches and to trumpet. Its defenses are made up of ivory and emel and are in fact two teeth, used as a tool and as a defense in combat. The elephants live in herds of around 20 individuals and are gathered around the matriarch, the dean of the group. They spend most of their time looking for food."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Merinos Lamb" |
"Our little lamb has been born after having spent five months in his mommy's tummy. In the hours following his birth, he has maged to stand up and stay upright, ebling him to drink his mothers milk and receive colostrum, a liquid which is very rich in proteins and antibodies"
Price: 4.00 |
"Papo Anglo-Arab Mare" |
"The Anglo-Arabian is a breed of warm-blooded saddle horse rigited from French. This horse is primarily the result of crossing a Thoroughbred horse with an Arabian horse. The Anglo-Arab is characterized by its looks, its lightness, its skill, its courage and its strong persolity. It is generally said of the Anglo-Arab that it is a good versatile saddle horse, very athletic since it is the result of two breeds with excellent sporting skills. It is a little larger than the Arab, but its size has tended to increase and it is not rare that they reach 1.66 m at the withers."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Pinto Mare" |
"The Pinto horse is not an officially recognized breed in France because many horses can be considered to belong to this family. Indeed, for a horse to be assimilated to a Pinto, it must have a saddle horse appearance, be robust, balanced, have harmonious shapes and have a coat with a mixture of spots and white spread over the whole body. . The ideal distribution of these tasks is 50%. These horses reach a minimum of 1.49 m at the withers."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Female piglet" |
"Piglet is the me given to a young pig from a subspecies of wild boar. This mammal of the suidae family is today domesticated by humans and bred mainly for reproduction."
Price: 4.00 |
"Papo Black and White Cow" |
"The coat refers to a cows colour and the thickness of its hair. The ""black and white"" coat is the best known as it is frequently seen today, particularly with the ""Holstein"" breed from Holland. Each cow has its own distinctive coat with spots of varying shapes and sizes!"
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Brown Appaloosa Mare" |
"The appaloosa is a breed of saddle horse tive from the northwest of the United States. The great feature of these horses is that they often have a spotted coat. It generally measures from 1.42 m to 1.65 m at the withers for a weight of 400 to 450 kg. The appaloosa is a horse with a docile and calm character but which is also lively and receptive. For the rider, it is a horse that proves to be strong, resistant, agile and mageable."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Skewbald Irish Cob" |
"The Gypsy Cob, Irish cob or Tinker is a breed from Ireland and England. The Cob is one of the most recognizable breed horses thanks to its generally magpie coat, its raised and proud head carriage, its top line and above all its very abundant horsehair and baleen. The cob is now sought after for its softness and its ability to adapt to most riding disciplines."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Border Collie" |
"Alert and always on the move, the Border Collie is ready to set off with its master to herd the flock! This is a hard-working dog and an excellent companion.Origiting from Great Britain, the Border Collie takes its me from the Borders region, a large area located along the border between Scotland and England. The English term Collies refers to all Scottish shepherd dogs. This is one of the most dymic and most agile dogs in the world. Its seemingly boundless energy and docility make it an excellent shepherd dog, capable of learning and performing all kinds of tasks. It has a long snout, brown or hazel eyes and a short haired or moderately long-haired coat, which can be different colours. Ever attentive to its master, it can form a strong bond with him."
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Pteranodon" |
"Pteranodon is one of the most famous Pterosaurs. This flying reptile lived on Earth in the Late Cretaceous 70 million years ago. With a wingspan of 7 to 9 meters, it moved by hovering over oceans to fish as do our current pelicans. His jaw is devoid of teeth, which suggests that this very good fisherman swallowed the whole fish. The crest on his head counterbalanced with his elongated beak and his skeleton was to be light because of the hollow and thin bones of his wings."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Turtle Cacouanne" |
"The loggerhead sea turtle is a great swimmer, mainly to be found in temperate waters around the world. It measures around a meter and weighs almost 100 kg. Its flat shell is comprised of a reddish carapace which contrasts with its yellow plastron. It has a long head and a hooked beak, which is very useful for grinding up its food (coral, crustaceans, molluscs and small fish, etc.). Its large legs are perfectly suited to swimming on the high seas. The front legs are used for propulsion while the rear legs act as a rudder. Gathered in groups numbering hundreds of individuals, the loggerhead sea turtles migrate and cover several thousand kilometres to reach their egg laying site. Did you know that when laying its eggs the loggerhead sea turtle lays more than 100 of them which it covers with sand? Each female only lays every two or three years."
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Pelican" |
"The pelicans are among the largest aquatic birds and can be recognised due to their large beak with a roomy extendable pocket. All in all, a genuine fishing net! As well as being used to capture prey, this mouth bag ebles the Pelican to refresh itself during very hot periods. Pelicans are to be found in waters the world over and are often present near rivers, lakes and oceans, where they live in colonies. For the chicks, they organise a kind of ""child-minding"" system. Did you know that pelicans can only take off after a substantial run-up on the water due to their weight?"
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Hammerhead Shark" |
"The hammerhead shark is an easily recognisable fish species with large flat protrusions on its head and with its eyes on the sides. The shape of its head improves close-quarters manoeuvrability. It can measure up to 5 m in length and weigh up to 150 kg. The hammerhead shark is to be found in all tropical oceans and shallow coastal waters. It mainly eats squid, octopuses and crustaceans. Although the young often form groups, the adults are rather solitary."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Harness Gift Box" |
"Here is a gift pack including a saddle pad, a saddle with its stirrups and reins. All of the accessories will fit PAPO horses and eble our riders to saddle up safely."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo The Enchanted Princess" |
"The enchanted princess is as beautiful as she is generous. She likes to travel through the regions of her kingdom, accompanied by her unicorn, to go and meet her lovely subjects."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo The Enchanted Unicorn" |
"The unicorn, whose Latin me means ""who has only one horn"" is a legendary animal said to be immortal. With a horse body, a goat chin and a twisted horn, the unicorn is a gentle and peaceful animal that knows neither hatred nor anger. A true symbol of purity of soul, love and chastity, unicorns have the ability to detect impurity in the hearts of people but also to fulfill wishes."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Polacanthus" |
"The polacanthus, whose me means ""many spines"" was a quadruped of the family of ""nodosaurids"" living on Earth 132 to 122 million years ago. He was 4 to 5 meters long and his body was covered with two rows of thorns on his back and many triangular plates at the tail giving him real armor against the most ferocious predators!"
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Cheetah with cub" |
"Living in Africa and some parts of the Middle East, the cheetah is a relatively large mammal in the feline family. Recognizable by its short snout, its two black traces starting from the eyes and its fawn coat mottled of beige, it is today the fastest land animal in the world with a running speed of up to 115km / h. After 90 to 95 days of gestation, the young cheetahs are born, they weigh between 300 and 500g and have a mane along the back which allows them to camouflage themselves in the grass. It will disappear from 3 months."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Trumpeting Elephant" |
"The African elephant is the largest terrestrial mammal in the world! It is therefore quite tural that he reigns supreme in the savanh. What characterizes him is undoubtedly a huge trunk, large ears that he uses to cool himself and huge defenses. The trunk is actually an extension of their lip and nose, allowing the elephant to communicate, to bring water and food to his mouth, to pull and transport branches and to shout. His tusks are made up of ivory and emel and are actually two teeth, used as a tool and as a defense in combat. The elephant lives in herds of around 20 individuals and spends most of its time looking for food. He feeds mainly on leaves, bush or tree branches, fruit or bark."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo White Tiger Cub" |
"After a gestation of 100 to 108 day the tigress can give birth to up to 4 cubs who, during the first 10 days of their life will be blind and entirely dependent on their mother. Until the age of 2 months they will feed only on their mother's milk. After the mother will gradually begin to bring its cubs preys. It is only after 32 weeks that they will start to hunt by themselves."
Price: 3.00 |
"Papo Tiger" |
"The great Sumatran tiger looks great. With its stripes, its look, its flexible and feline movements, its beauty fascites everyone! Symbol of courage, it reigns as a king over his territory. Origilly from Asia, this imposing carnivorous mammal is the largest feline in the world. It is easily recognizable by its orange fur and black stripes specific to each individual. This formidable predator feeds mainly on deer, wild boars, buffaloes and sometimes even crocodiles. tive to Asia, the tiger is considered as a threatened species and is now protected."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Lioness" |
"Magnificent feline, both elegant and powerful, the lioness is one of the largest carnivores in Africa. She has a long body with impressive muscles, as well as powerful lpaws with claws. This predator weighing over 150 kg is a formidable hunter. Lighter and faster than the lion, it can reach almost 60 km/h. Lionesses hunt in groups and feed on cattle or other animals such as buffaloes, giraffes, zebras or warthogs."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Lion" |
"Magnificent feline, the lion is a symbol of strength and courage. It is the most powerful and largest carnivore in Africa. Recognizable by its long mane, the lion was baptized ""king of the animals"". It has a long body with impressive muscles and powerful legs with claws. This large predator weighs almost 250 kg. He reigns over his territory and protects his troop made up of several females. It mainly feeds on cattle and hunts other animals such as buffaloes, giraffes, zebras or warthogs. It can devour up to 30 kg of meat at one time. Did you know that you can hear its roar from several kilometers away?"
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Hippopotamus" |
"Despite its calm appearance, it is best not to rub against a hippo. Even crocodiles are wary of this 3-ton mastodon with impressive canines. This semi-aquatic animal lives along the rivers of Africa and spends its days immersed in water to fight against the heat. It is only after dark that he reaches the mainland to eat fresh grass (up to 40 kg per day). The hippopotamus is easily recognizable! It has a massive silhouette, small ears, short legs and a huge mouth with impressive teeth. The hippos live in groups of about fifteen individuals respecting a strict hierarchy."
Price: 7.00 |