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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
$12.95 |
A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Papo Black Rhinoceros" |
"The black rhino is a relatively imposing animal, the largest males can measure up to 3.50m and weigh up to 1500kg! It is distinguished from other rhino breeds, not by its color which is the same as that of a white rhino (for example), but by the shape of its skull, more stocky, as well as the presence of two deeply anchored horns . Solitary in ture, it only moves at nightfall and only rubs against its congeners during the breeding period. If the latter has a very good sense of smell and fine hearing, you should know that he is, however, almost blind and struggles to distinguish the forms beyond 20m. The West African black rhino has been declared extinct since 2011."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Giraffe" |
"Isn't it gigantic? From its height of 5.50 meters, the giraffe domites the savanh and holds the title of ""highest terrestrial mammal"". Easily recognizable by its very long neck, the giraffe is fawn-colored with large orange spots and has at the top of its head 2 small horns called ossicones. This herbivore loves leaves (especially acacia) which it can graze at the treetops. It can eat more than 50 kg of leaves per day! It also has a very long tongue which can measure more than 50 cm."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Giaraffe Calf" |
"After spending 15 months in his mother's womb, the girafon is born. At birth it measures almost two meters for 40 to 80 kg and already has two small tufts of black hair on the head where the ossicones (which looks like horns) will grow later. You should know that if the girafon is uble to stand up quickly or able to suckle, it may be abandoned by its mother. However if all goes well he will stay with her until he reach two and a half years old."
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Baby Crocodile" |
"The female crocodile, once fertilized, lays eggs, which can go up to sixty per nest. During the entire incubation period of 80 days, she will watch over her born to be without interruption and very often without feeding. Once they are ready to come out of their shell, their mother delicately carries them in her mouth to the river. Did you know, unlike humans, the sex of a crocodile will be determined by the temperature it makes in the nest: at 31.5 ° it will be an male, if it does more or less hot it will be a female."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Grazing Simmental Cow" |
"A Swiss cattle variety origiting from the Bernese Oberland, the Simmental is today found all around the world. It grows quickly and provides a rich milk, the production of which is being improved through careful selection and which is also used in some excellent cheeses."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Braided Mane Horse" |
"This elegant horse with a braided mane has been lovingly prepared by its owner who is about to take him for a nice walk in the forest."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Black Appaloosa Horse" |
"The appaloosa is a breed of saddle horse tive from the northwest of the United States. The great feature of these horses is that they often have a spotted coat. It generally measures from 1.42 m to 1.65 m at the withers for a weight of 400 to 450 kg. The appaloosa is a horse with a docile and calm character but which is also lively and receptive. For the rider, it is a horse that proves to be strong, resistant, agile and mageable."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Black Appaloosa Foal" |
"The appaloosa is a breed of saddle horse tive from the northwest of the United States. The great feature of these horses is that they often have a spotted coat. It generally measures from 1.42 m to 1.65 m at the withers for a weight of 400 to 450 kg. The appaloosa is a horse with a docile and calm character but which is also lively and receptive. For the rider, it is a horse that proves to be strong, resistant, agile and mageable."
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Young Trendy Riding Girl" |
"With its delicately plaited mane, her horse is ready for riding. The young rider has carefully matched her clothing to the pretty pink saddle pad her mother gave her for her birthday."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Young Mammoth" |
"With his trunk and huge tusks, the mammoth strongly looks like his cousin the elephant. This prehistoric animal died more than 10,000 years ago and is one of the best known extinct animals, thanks to the very well preserved fossils found buried in the ice. tive from Africa, they then spread more widely in Eurasia, North America and the plains of Siberia. This mammal possessed a thick fur to fight against the cold and sometimes even a real woolen mantle in the woolly mammoth. His large curved defenses could reach up to 3 m in length and were used, among other things, to search the ground for food. It is assumed that global warming is causing their extinction. Did you know that there are mammoth paintings on frescoes? Hunted by prehistoric men, mammoths appear in hunting scenes and decorate walls of magnificent caves."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Playing Dolphin" |
"The dolphin is a marine mammal belonging to the cetacean order. An excellent swimmer, it has lungs and can hold its breath for 20 minutes under the water. The small hole on its head known as the spiracle ebles it to take in oxygen on the waters surface. It is also capable of diving to great depths. This is a very sociable animal which mainly lives in groups (from 15 to more than several hundred according to the species). This is a definite advantage where protection from predators is concerned but also for hunting shoals of sardines or mackerel. Dolphins emit ultrasound and use echo-location (a kind of sor) to find their way around and to detect the presence of obstacles or shoals of fish. They like to play and often display their joy with incredible leaps from the water.Did you know that the dolphin is recognised as one of the world's most intelligent animals?"
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Knight in armour" |
"In the Middle Ages, whether for battles or simple tourments, the knight had to be equipped and protected from enemy attacks. To do this he put on armour that could weigh up to 50 kg and covered him almost completely."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Horse in armour" |
"In the Middle Ages, during battles or tourments, the horse, like the knight riding it, was equipped with a caparison, an integral armour, and a chamfer to protect the head from the blows of lance and sword."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Knight in Tourment" |
"At the announcement of his coat of arms the knight in the tourment makes his entry and joins the other competitors. Having appeared in the Middle Ages in the West, tourments replaced wars and consisted of a series of events. They were an opportunity for knights to prove their worth but also, for the strongest, to get rich."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Robert The Bruce" |
"Robert Bruce, whose real me was Robert I of Scotland, was a Scottish morch born on 11 July 1274 at Turnberry Castle. He is also the heir of a lineage from the Anglo-Norman barony. Before being crowned King of the Scots in Scone on 25 March 1306 he was Earl of Carrick and took part in the revolt in Carrick during the uprising of William Wallace."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Tourment Horse" |
"In the Middle Ages a knight could own up to 4 different types of horses, each with a particular use. In a tourment he was accompanied by a steed. Durable and sturdy, it was able to support the weight of its rider and his 50kg of equipment for hours. He was also trained not to fear the noise of battles."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Standing Tiger" |
"The great Sumatran tiger looks great. With its stripes, its look, its flexible and feline movements, its beauty fascites everyone! Symbol of courage, it reigns as a king over his territory. Origilly from Asia, this imposing carnivorous mammal is the largest feline in the world. It is easily recognizable by its orange fur and black stripes specific to each individual. This formidable predator feeds mainly on deer, wild boars, buffaloes and sometimes even crocodiles. tive to Asia, the tiger is considered as a threatened species and is now protected."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Sloth" |
"The sloth is a medium-sized mammal tive to tropical America. It has the particularity of living hanging upside down in the trees and only going down once a week to go to the loo. For him, the ground is the place where he is most vulnerable to predators such as the jaguar or the ocelot. It also moves very slowly and travels a bit less than 10 meters in one minute."
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Mountain gorilla" |
"Present in the African Great Lakes region, the mountain gorilla, from its 2 meters, is an impressive animal but relatively sociable and peaceful. This large herbivore lives in a polygamous family led by a ""silverback"" male. The latter will play a protective role in the face of dangers and, if he is going to disappear, he is then replaced by another sufficiently old male."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Winter Riding Girl Horse" |
"The fashion rider and her horse have put on their winter outfits, they are ready for a new walk in the snowy forest!"
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Winter Riding Girl" |
"The fashion rider and her horse have put on their winter outfits, they are ready for a new walk in the snowy forest!"
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Blacktip reef shark" |
"Living in the shallow coastal waters of coral reefs in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the black tip shark is a species easily recognizable by the black tips of its fins. Relatively sedentary, it can live for years on a limited territory. This rather shy and capricious shark is not a danger to humans."
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo Whale calf" |
"The humpback whale is one of the world's largest animals. Found in all of the world's oceans and seas, this cetacean mammal measures 15 m on average and can weigh up to 40 tonnes. What makes it so distinctive are the large fins and the bulges on its head. It also stands out for its colours - black on top and white underneath - which may sometimes be admired during spectacular leaps out of the water. Apart from their majestic appearance, the whales are known for their complex songs which sound to human ears like some strange and fantastic melody. It is possible that it also play an important role in courtship displays. For the humpback whale, mating takes place in tropical or warm waters and is followed by one year of gestation. After birth the calf will remain dependent on its mother until its 6 years, period when it is becomes sufficiently imposing and is therefore no longer an easy prey for its predators."
Price: 5.00 |
"Papo White Knight with Sword" |
"Protected by his armour, armed with his sword, this knight proudly wears the colours of his king and kingdom in battle. In the face of the enemy he will fight valiantly to defend what is dear to him."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Germanic Knight" |
"Founded in 1128 in Jerusalem, the Teutonic Order is the third great order of religious and military chivalry to emerge from the Crusades. The first knights of this order were called Brothers of St. Mary and had as their primary vocation the relief of sick or wounded Crusaders, before being reorganized in 1190 as a military order. This revival subjected the knights to the rule of both the Hospitallers and the Knights Templar."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Knight With A Triple Battleaxe" |
"The rider and nocturl companion of the Dragon of Darkness, the knight with a triple battleaxe is a brave warrior whose task it is to spot any aggressors threatening Papoland as early as possible. He can then either drive them back or warn the troops guarding the kingdom."
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Octopus Mutant Pirate" |
"He can hold as many weapons as he has arms, giving him a considerable advantage over his enemies. He is a particularly skilful knife thrower and is also extremely flexible, ebling him to hide easily."
Price: 7.00 |
"Papo Polar Bear" |
"Majestic and fearsome, the polar bear (also called white bear) is one of the largest terrestrial carnivores. This large mammal of the ursidae family is a solitary. It lives in arctic regions and can weigh up to 1 ton. Its thick white fur protects it from the cold that reigns over the ice and allows it to blend in with the decor. To combat these extreme temperatures, the polar bear can also count on its thick layer of fat. Swimming in icy water doesn't scare him! It hunts both on land and in water and feeds mainly on seals and fish. Did you know that the polar bear is able to slow down its metabolism to save energy?"
Price: 6.00 |
"Papo Quetzalcoaltus" |
"From its 12 meter wingspan and 8 meters long the quetzalcoatlus is one of the largest known pterosaurs. Disappeared 66 million years ago, it had a relatively elongated neck and a beak that can measure up to 2 meters long! Its large wings allowed him to use updrafts to hover but also to move on land."
Price: 20.00 |
"Papo Therizinosaurus" |
"About 70 to 66 million years ago there was a theropod dinosaur called therizinosaurus in Chi and Mongolia. Its me, which means ""mowing lizard"" refers to its long and powerful claws fake shaped. This dinosaur whose diet was composed of small mammals and plants, could measure up to 5 meters high for 9 meters long and weighed more than 6 tons."
Price: 22.00 |