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"Receitas Veganas Alimentao Saudvel"
"Na alimentao vegana, o objectivo no consumir produtos de origem animal: carne, peixe, lacticnios, ovos, mel e outros ingredientes de origem animal.A alimentao vegana est muito longe de se resumir a saladas ou de ser uma alimentao sem sabor como alguns julgam. Pelo contrrio,existe uma enorme diversidade de deliciosos alimentos vegetais e o nico limite a tua imaginao.Adoptar o veganismo no uma questo de sade, mas sim o mnimo que podemos e devemos fazer para respeitar os outros animais. No entanto, ter uma nutrio adequada algo que todos devemos procurar. Com variado leque de receitas este curso tem inteno de partilhar o mximo de receitas possveis."
Price: 39.99

"Nik Collection da Google - Software Gratuito"
"Neste curso irs aprender a instalar a verso Nik Collection da Google, um conjunto de Plug-ins de Software da Nik que a empresa Dxo disponibilizou. Efex Pro analgico, Color Efex Pro, Efex Pro Silver, Viveza, Efex Hdr Pro, Sharpener Pro, Dfine. Falarei sobre configuraes no ambiente do Gimp um software gratuito, assim como tambm compatvel com as ferramentas Adobe  igualmente aplicvel em ambos os programas. Ns vamos lidar com a gesto dos nveis, como usar os slides de ajuste, de cor e intensidade. Seja qual for a sua preparao bsica no final do curso, voc ser capaz de melhorar o fluxo do trabalho graas ao grande potencial desses plugins. Aprenda a criar fantsticas imagens, e a dar vida s suas Fotos!"
Price: 279.99

"IONIC : La guida pratica per principianti"
"CORSO IN AGGIORNAMENTO PER IONIC 4.Con l'aiuto di Angular, Angular 2 fino ad Angular 7, possiamo non solo creare delle applicazioni Single Page ma anche delle APP che possiamo distribuire sia su App Store che su Google Play.Questo corso basato su IONIC 3 ( in corso l'aggiornamento per IONIC 4) e ti insegner da zero come usare il framework per creare qualunque app tu abbia in mente.Non ti servir saper programmare in SWIFT, JAVA O KOTLIN per poter sviluppare le tue app e ridurrai il tempo di sviluppo o PROOF OF CONCEPT  almeno del 60%Con pi di 6 ore di video lezioni, tutte con degli esempi pratici,  avrai tutto ci che ti occorre per sviluppare con IONIC 3 Ecco alcuni temi che vedremo: Installare tutto ci che server: node.js, android, xcode per lo sviluppo di app con IONIC 3Creazione di paginePassaggio di parametri tra una pagina e l'altra con l'uso del NavControllerCreazione di finestre modali per inserimento e lettura di dati di un form ed utilizzo del ModalControllerCreazioni di menu laterali a scomparsa, sidemenu, e collegamento alle diverse pagineCreazione di un app completa: FAVORITE POKEMON dove vedremo tutto ci che offre ionic 3Creazioni di moduli, classi e serviziUtilizzo del modulo HttpClient e RXJS per leggere dati esterni, come API, e collegarli all'appLettura offline dei  dati perch l'app funzioni anche senza InternetUtilizzo delle diverse iconeUtilizzo di liste, cards, menu, buttons, NavBar e altri componenti  ALTRI VALORI AGGIUNTI DEL CORSO DOCENTE UDEMY ITALIANO CON PIU' SUCCESSO e pi di 40 000 studenti,  pronto ad aiutarti e rispondere alle tue domandeTutto il corso pratico e sar sempre in continua evoluzione con nuove app e aggiornamenti.Risposte ai tuoi dubbi sul forum del corso. Corso usufruibile offline su tablet e smartphoneRimborso entro 30 giorni se non sei soddisfattoVisibilit del Certificato  del corso su LINKEDIN condiviso con la mia rete di centinaia di headhunters"
Price: 99.99

"Learn to teach abroad with Limited Resource Teacher Training"
"Are you interested in volunteer teaching abroad? Have you been accepted onto a volunteer teaching programme and keen to complete some teacher training before you go?The LRTT online course has been designed specifically to introduce you to the key principles of teaching in a limited resource environment and to prepare you for your volunteer teaching placement. We're passionate about making sure those who travel abroad to teach have a positive impact. This course has been put together by a team of over 10 qualified teachers who have a range of International experience who are all dedicated to making sure volunteers don't just address the global issue of teacher shortage, but also improve quality, too.This course is without doubt one of the most useful things you could do if you're off to teach abroad. We hope you find the content useful and wish you luck on your project."
Price: 119.99

"Rocket Engineering and Interstellar Space Propulsion"
"THEONLYCOMPREHENSIVE,DETAILED AND APPROACHABLEONLINE COURSE ON ROCKETSCIENCE ANDINTERSTELLARSPACEPROPULSION!Space launchers and rocket propulsion systemsare what allowed us to spreadour spacecrafts from the Earth's orbit to theends of the Solar System. They lift buildings to the sky, takingrobots to Mars, enablingsatellites to continuouslytransform humancivilization and offering us the hope of one day spreading throughout the universe.This course offers the opportunity to learn andunderstand:-The Fundamental Principles of Rocket Science and Rocket Theory.- Chemical Rocket Design.- The Engineering and ChallengesBehind Expendable and ReusableSpace Launchers.- Electric and Low Thrust Space Propulsion .- AdvancedNuclear and Interstellar Space Propulsion.I will thoroughly detail andwalk you througheach of these subjects andexplain down to their fundamental principles, all concepts and subject-specific vocabulary. This course is theideal beginner,intermediate or advancedlearning platform forRocket Scienceand the engineering around it. Whatever your background,whether you are a student, awriter, a sci-fi addict, acomputer scientist, an engineer,a business orsports person with an interest in Space, rockets or crazily powerful machines,you will understand the functioning and engineering behind our mostambitious technologies!If you have questions at any point of your progress along the course, it will be my pleasureto answer any of yourquestions within 24 hours!If this sounds like it might interest you, for your personal growth, career or academic endeavours, I strongly encourage you to join! You won'tregret it!"
Price: 39.99

"Control Systems: From Mathematical Modelling to PID Control"
"ONEOFTHEONLYCOMPREHENSIVE,DETAILED AND APPROACHABLEONLINE COURSESON CONTROLSYSTEMS ENGINEERING,SPANNINGFROM MATHEMATICALMODELLINGTOPIDCONTROLDESIGN!Today, control systems are everywhere:in cars, military aircrafts, interplanetary rockets, computers, fridges, washing machines, etc. As technology advances, control engineering allows us to design systems which make the most complicated machines do exactly what we want them to do with outstanding accuracy and reliabilty.This course gives you the opportunity to understand,use and design the following:-Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Systems.- Laplace Transforms and Linear Differential Equations.- Systems' Transfer Functions, Stability and Block Diagrams.- Open Loop Control, Closed Loop Control and Steady State Performance.- Proportional (P), Proportional Integral (PI), Proportional Derivative (PD), Proportional Derivative Feedback (PDFB) Controllers.- Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Controller Design and Empirical Ziegler-Nichols Method.I will thoroughly detail andwalk you througheach of these concepts and techniquesandexplain down to their fundamental principles, all concepts and subject-specific vocabulary. This course is theideal beginner,intermediate or advancedlearning platform for control systems, the mathematics andthe engineering behind them. Whatever your background,whether you are a student, an engineer, a sci-fi addict, an amateur roboticist, a drone builder, acomputer scientist ora business orsports person,you will understand the brainsbehind our mostadvancedtechnologies!If you have questions at any point of your progress along the course, do not hesitate to contact me,it will be my pleasureto answer you within 24 hours!If this sounds like it might interest you, for your personal growth, career or academic endeavours, I strongly encourage you to join! You won'tregret it!"
Price: 39.99

"Model a Car and Design a PID Controller in MATLAB/SIMULINK"
"One of the only comprehensive, detailed and approachable online courses taking you from themathematical modelling of engineering systems toMATLAB/SIMULINK implementation and PIDcontrol design.ONTOPOFTHATWEMAKEITALLHAPPENONATESLAMODELS P85!Today, control systems are everywhere:in cars, military aircrafts, interplanetary rockets, computers, fridges, washing machines, etc. As technology advances, control engineering allows us to design systems which make the most complicated machines do exactly what we want them to do with outstanding accuracy and reliabilty.This course gives you the opportunity to learn anddo the following:-Understand and harness the Physics behind a Tesla Model S or any otherelectric car.- Establish the mathematical model of an electric DCmotor.- Derive the mathematical model behind the dynamics of a car.- Implement an engineering model in SIMULINK using blocks, transfer functions,MATLAB functions, etc.- Test and fit your model to relevant real life performance.- Implement, test and tune a PID controller adapted to your requirements in order to control the output of your system, in this case the speed of your Model S (cruise control).I will thoroughly detail andwalk you througheach of these concepts and techniquesandexplain down to their fundamental principles, all concepts and subject-specific vocabulary. This course is theideal beginner,intermediate or advancedlearning platform for the mathematics behind engineering systems, the use of MATLAB and SIMULINK in engineering design and PID control. Whatever your background,whether you are a student, an engineer, a sci-fi addict, an amateur roboticist, a drone builder, acomputer scientist ora business orsports person,you will master the physics behind an electric car andlearnhow to implement and control them inSIMULINKbydesigning a powerfulPID controller that fits your requirements!If you have questions at any point of your progress along the course, do not hesitate to contact me,it will be my pleasureto answer you within 24 hours!If this sounds like it might interest you, for your personal growth, career or academic endeavours, I strongly encourage you to join! You won'tregret it!"
Price: 59.99

"Meditation for Christians: A Biblical approach + 8 mp3 files"
"This course covers the theory and practice of meditation as it applies to a Biblical or Christian worldview. Using keyBiblical passagesas your guide, you will learn how to cultivate greater peace and wisdom in your life as you impress the word of God deep into your heart and mind.You Can Fully Embrace the Benefitsof Meditation While Staying True to Your Own Beliefs.Meditation is often misunderstood as either anon-spiritual mental health practice or a mysterious ritualbelonging to Eastern religions. In fact, meditation has always been intended as a spiritual practice, but it does NOT belong exclusively toEastern mystical traditions. Meditation, and therelated practices of contemplative prayer and ""lectiodivina"" have been part of Christianityfromthe beginning.Daily meditation is a powerful tool to transform our lives and cultivate greaterpeace and wisdom.In our modern life, we are too often stressed out, over-scheduled, and unfocused. In fact, it seems life conspires to keep us in this state of unrest. However, JesusChrist said, ""Come unto me, all ye that labor andare heavy laden, and I will give you rest."" The spiritual life shouldnot one of constant anxiety and fear and reactivity.By the end ofthis course, you will:-Understandthe basics of mindfulness meditation.-Be able to practicethe specific practice Christian or Biblical meditation.-Understand the ancient practice of ""lectiodivina"" or ""divine reading"" of scripture.-Use a Biblical approach to ""mindfulness""and ""non-attachment"" to beless reactive and fearful.-Feel a greater sense of peace and devotion to God as you begin to meditate.FREEBONUS: Get started right away with 8 free guided meditations from my popular YouTube channel, Meditationson the Mount. These downloadable MP3 files comprise the complete collection of my CD, Meditations on the Mount, an $8 value.I am not anybody's guru and Idon't claim any special enlightenment. However, Ihave been practicing and teaching meditation for about 10 years, to school groups and community organizations. I have learned a few things along the way and am eager guide you in learning a practice that has been a blessing in my life!Below are a few of the comments from my YouTube channel and Amazon regarding my guided meditations, which reflect the method taught in this course:""Was introduced this these meditations at a Women's Christian Retreat. Two selections from the disk were used for meditation. I found them both wonderful, but was especially impressed with the Lord's Prayer meditation"". - Amazon Review""I could feel my entire body so relaxed, careful, and as if I was floating, all anxiety and tension gone and I was able to feel where love was lacking a little bit in certain relationships and I will strive to love more. Gods presence is great in this meditation I feel physically and mentally changed. Thank you!"" - Amy Leak""All your meditations are wonderful and brought so much peace into my life. Blessings to you."" Michely Deana""You have the most beautiful voice and presence. Thank you for doing what you do. Your meditations are so centering, uplifting and transforming."" -Christine Clear""Very nice. Soothing background music and such a soothing voice of the narrator. I love listening to Scripture being read. A great way to de-stress and focus on God's Word."" -Amazon Review"
Price: 49.99

"Contactando con lo Divino"
"CONTACTANDO CON LO DIVINOUn camino hacia el encuentro con tu espiritualidad, propsito de vida y el amorPor aos, tuve que enfrentar la incertidumbre de no saber exactamente qu era aquello que me hara sentir feliz. Saba que quera algo, sin embargo, no tena una clara idea, y mucho menos cmo conseguir alcanzar mis sueos, para vivir plenamente el amor, manifestar prosperidad, felicidad y paz en mi vida.En mis momentos de angustia, llegu a pensar que la felicidad quizs no era para m.Me haca muchas preguntas como:Qu me impide ser feliz?Qu es aquello que realmente deseo hacer en mi vida?Existe un destino?Existen seres de luz que nos pueden ayudar?Cmo puedo manifestar todo lo que deseo?Qu ms es posible para m?Qu pasara si elijo hacer las cosas de forma diferente?Qu es aquello que no estoy haciendo, que si lo hiciera, mi vida sera mejor?Busqu encontrar respuestas de muchas formas, sin embargo, la mayora parecan difciles de aplicar en un mundo que vive de prisa, al da, y peor an, pareca que todos los das eran iguales.Saba que poda encontrar la forma sencilla de liberarme del dolor, inseguridad, incertidumbre y confusin, y fue entonces cuando inici un camino hacia el encuentro con la Espiritualidad, Propsito de Vida y el AmorEs entonces, cuando naceContactando con lo DivinoContactando con lo Divino, es una invitacin a ser ms creativo en tu propia vida, descubriendo cmo por medio de expandir tu percepcin ms all de tus cinco sentidos, puede llevarte a un mayor despertar de la consciencia.Estamos acostumbrados a vivir desde un nivel muy limitado del ser, por una serie de creencias y condicionamientos que han causado todo tipo de sufrimiento a la humanidad. Sin embargo, al reconocer que somos seres infinitos, capaces de percibir, desarrollar y crear una realidad diferente a la ilusin con la que nos hemos identificado, entonces, seremos libres!Me ha tomado aos, y ha valido la pena porque esto que aprend, lo he compartido con muchas personas, tanto en mis conferencias, cursos y terapias; aquello que me haba ayudado a transformar mi vida, y permitirme ser feliz.Con el tiempo, publiqu mis audios y libro Contactando con lo Divino, con excelentes testimonios, mensajes y comentarios.Despus, publiqu mi programaUna Nueva Perspectiva,y desde entonces, mi audiencia sigue creciendo alrededor del mundo.Me pregunt, cmo puedo contribuir en la vida de ms personas con mis cursos? Y fue as que naci el curso onlineContactando con lo Divino.Por qu tomar el curso Contactando con lo Divino? (beneficios)Mi propsito de crear el curso online Contactando con lo Divino, es el de hacer sencillo, entretenido y constructivo, el mantenerte en tu practica de contactar con lo divino. Este curso te ayudar a :Cambiar tu perspectiva para crear una nueva realidad en todas las reas de tu vida.Obtendrs claridad de qu es lo que realmente deseas.Te ayudar a ser ms creativo en tu vida y alcanzar tus sueos.Enfrentar cualquier obstculo en tu camino.Podrs saber cul es tu propsito y manifestar prosperidad.Descubrirs la forma sencilla de desarrollar tu intuicin desde el primer da.Cmo comunicarte con los ngeles y seres de luz que te acompaan.Cmo ser feliz, vivir en paz y armona todos los das de tu vida.Encontrar un balance entre tu mente, emociones, cuerpo y espritu.Co-crear con la Divinidad.Esto y ms podrs disfrutar!Deseo que cada da, sea para ti la oportunidad deCREAR una nueva realidad, viviendo de forma consciente, creativa, inspiradora y sobre todo en paz.Compartir contigo, las herramientas que te facilitarn el vivir plenamente. Vivir tu espiritualidad no tiene por qu ser complicado. No se trata de reservar un espacio de tu tiempo, para hacer alguna actividad. Se trata, de vivir de forma espiritual cada da, cada instante.Cuando eliges vivir con ms consciencia, ya no te sentirs atrapado, repitiendo una y otra vez, eventos que te hacen infeliz.Puedes elegir seguir igual o puedes elegir hacer algo diferente, para que de esta forma, tu vida refleje justamente ese cambio de consciencia.Recuerda, tu felicidad y paz interior no dependen del exteriorCuando seas parte del curso online Contactando con lo Divino sentirs que tienes a una amiga cerca de ti en todo momento, dispuesta a ser parte de tu caminar por la vida, en sus altas y bajas; pero sobre todo, sentirs que puedes encontrar respuestas y los pasos que te llevarn a alcanzar cada uno de tus sueos.El amor, prosperidad, paz y salud, son el regalo que la vida tiene para ti, solo tienes que recibirlos!Si deseas que tu vida sea una experiencia diferente y mejor en todas las reas de tu vida, definitivamente este curso online es para ti!Para quin est dirigido el curso Contactando con lo Divino?Este curso, est dirigido para aquellas personas que saben que existe algo mejor en sus vidas, pero que quizs no saben cmo lograrlo.Desde coaches, practicantes de yoga, empresarios, madres, jvenes y cualquier persona dispuesta a vivir desde una posicin de mayor felicidad, creatividad y armona en su vida.Qu incluye el curso online Contactando con lo Divino?El curso bsico online, incluye 7 mdulos principales, basado en el libro Contactando con lo Divino, y podrs disfrutarlo tanto en audio, video, el PDF del libro Contactando con lo Divino, as como meditaciones guiadas, afirmaciones y manuales de trabajo, que te ayudarn a manifestar una vida libre del resentimiento, sufrimiento, ataduras, miedos e inseguridades, y te dar las herramientas necesarias para que puedas aplicarlas desde el primer da y observar grandes resultados.Este curso, te da la libertad de avanzar a tu propio ritmo en tus tiempos libres o bien puedes elegir escuchar los audios, mientras caminas, manejas o realizas tus actividades cotidianas.Imagina que podrs desintoxicar tu mente, emociones y cuerpo, y vivir as, desde una realidad con mltiples posibilidades!Cada da podrs aplicar los ejercicios, pasos y gua, que te llevarn a transformar tu vida de forma constante, consciente y creativa.Despus de todo, quin dice que no se puede tener todo en la vida?Si tu crees que no se puede, entonces no te sorprenda que as sea; sin embargo, cuando eliges descubrir el cmo s se puede disfrutar de amor, salud, prosperidad, espiritualidad y una vida plena, entonces te sorprenders de todo lo que se puede manifestar.Mi mantraSoar, Vivir, Crear y Creer que Todo es Posiblees solo el comienzo de una nueva aventura, la gran aventura de vivir!T eres el escritor de tu propia historia, y a la vez, el personaje principalQu historia deseas vivir? T eliges!"
Price: 34.99

"Music Theory for Beginners"
"Congratulations!You are about to learn the essentials of music theory and how to tell your story in a musiccomposition. The elements, the rules and guidelines, the way music works.Music is a language. But not any kind language. The greatest and most powerful means of communication, mankind has ever invented.A language that we all can relate to. A language to share joy and happiness. A language to share grief and sorrow.A language to portrait darkness and evil. And my favorite:a language to share the noble kindness and heroic goodness of your heart.YOU can have all this POWERThe power to make people laugh, or cry. The power to give the listeners goosebumps on their arms, and chills running through their body. The power... of emotion. Because that's what music is. A dynamic and compelling story of emotions. And you are the both the writer, and the director of this story.Examples of things you will LearnThe Elements of MusicThe Foundations and Guidelinesof MusicThe Way to Create Your Music Story full of EmotionsLevel up Your Knowledge TodayEnroll Now and Gain Knowledge from taking the Complete CourseLearn all the Concepts, Methods, Techniques and Tips etc.Take Action to Advance FasterFriendly regards,Mikael ""Mike""BaggstrmMusic Composer Sound Designer Artist"
Price: 74.99

"Music Composition Workflow Tips"
"Become anEfficient and Creative Music ComposerWelcome, andcongratulations for choosing to level up your productivity,creativity, and speed up your workflow when you compose music. You will learn all my best methods for unleashing your true creative powers. After this course you will have the power and knowledge to speed up your music making process. Composing music is a noble craft. You create something that can not be seen or felt by your hands. And yet the instruments, sounds and notes of your music story, carry so much emotional power. But it is not an easy task to create a full music composition. Its always tricky to start...but also to get from your first idea to a complete track. That is why you need a lot of tricks, and special methods in your composer toolkit.Your mission as a composer is to turn your ideas into an engaging story. A story told with instruments and sounds. Because that's what music is. A dynamic and compelling story of emotions. And you are the both the writer, and the director of this story.Examples of things you will LearnPowerful Workflow SecretsMind-opening Creativity BoostersIncredible Inspiration TricksLevel up Your Knowledge TodayEnroll Now and Gain Knowledge from taking the Complete CourseLearn all the Concepts, Methods, Techniques and Tips etc.Take Action to Advance FasterFriendly regards,Mikael ""Mike""BaggstrmMusic Composer Sound Designer Artist"
Price: 74.99

"Logic Pro X - Master your Workflow"
"Professional Music Production in Logic Pro XWelcome to this course, and congratulations for choosing to master your workflow for Music Productionin Logic Pro X. You will learn how tospeed up your productivity and efficiency, and as a result give more room and energy to your creativity, your music...which is what is most important after all.Become aProfessional MusicProducerin Logic Pro XThis is not a course for beginners of Logic Pro X. And this is not a course for beginners of music production.No, this is is a course for you, the experienced Logic user, with music production skills and experience.It is for you, who want to level up your workflow speedin Logic, to a professional standard. For Composers and Producers that want to be able to go from an idea, to a finished music production, faster and with more creative flow.Examples of things you will LearnBecome efficient withMusic Production inLogic Pro XPowerful Workflow Tricks in Logic Pro XNavigate in Rocket SpeedLevel up Your Music Production Speed in LogicTodayEnroll Now and Gain Knowledge from taking the Complete CourseLearn all the Concepts, Methods, Techniques and Tips etc.Take Action to Advance FasterFriendly regards,Mikael ""Mike""BaggstrmMusic Composer Sound Designer Artist"
Price: 199.99

"Music Composition - Rhythm Fundamentals"
"Rhythm & Percussion in Music CompositionWould you like to Master Rhythm, Percussion and Drive in YourMusic?After this course you will be able to lead and drive your music, enhance and spotlight special parts, control the energy and action, generate intensity and power, and forge the foundation of all music you create. Because you will master the core of all music: Rhythm.You will LearnThe Foundations of RhythmThe Role of RhythmThe Sounds of RhythmThe Performance of RhythmYou will alsoget real live demonstrations of various kinds of rhythms, sounds and techniques.And finally you willhave the knowledge and insightsto create the rhythmic foundation of a new track, with the complete range of drums, percussion and drive.Irecommend you to take action on every single concept, method and technique you learn in this course. Because I believe the best way to Learn, is by Doing.Do you want to BecomeA Master of DrumsA Master of PercussionA Master of Drive...and finally with practice, a Master of Rhythm in Music?Then Take Action: Enroll NowTaking action is the only way to move forward on your journey in music. Friendly regards,Mikael ""Mike"" BaggstrmMusic Composer Sound Designer"
Price: 74.99

"Music Composition - Guidelines for a Professional Sound"
"Master the Secrets to a ProfessionalSound in Music CompositionWelcome to this course, and congratulations for choosing to learn ways to increase the quality and professional sound of your music. After this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to create amazing clarity, focus and separation of the instruments and parts in your music compositions. Because this is not a course about music production, it is a course on how to get a professional sound in the very story of your music, the composing stage.You will Learn:10 Professional Guidelines for Composing MusicHow to Paint in The Canvas of MusicThe 3 Primary Colors of MusicHow to Make your Music more Expressive...and much more.You willget a Bonus PDFGuide forLearning Support Read this Guide as you go through the course for extra powerful learning. It is always great to have some notes to keep up, as you learn new things.Strengthen your Knowledge By reading it again after you completed the course you will deepen your knowledge. Remember the old saying: Repetition is the Mother of LearningImplement, Practice & Improve Learning by Doing, is always the best way to improve in any field. Use this PDF as a practice guide to try out every concept, tip and trick you get in the course.PS. Take Action - Learn NowTake this opportunity to learn and advance your skills as a music composer. I welcome you to enroll now, so that you will learn the true power of composing music with more focus, clarity and separation. Learn how to get a professional sound in your music compositions, right now!Friendly regards,Mikael ""Mike"" BaggstrmMusic Composer Sound Designer"
Price: 74.99

"Build Online Clinic Management System from scratch"
"Of course, every patient can view the results of his medical examinations via the Internet by entering his username and password. Also, any visitor can register at the site and book an appointment to meet with the doctor.The Course Contains is:HtmlCssJavascriptPhpJqueryMvcThis course is advanced programming to use mvc in programming php"
Price: 199.99

"Build Social Networking website from scratch"
Price: 19.99

"Forum script programming from scratch"
"In the name of of Allah the MercifulPeace, mercy and blessings of GodI offer you todayLibraries developed by and from companies have been usedJqueryFontaesome 5I have used the advanced methods in the PHP programming language, includingObject Oriented Programming (OOP)Model - View - Controller (MVC)Cleans Url (.htaccess)MysqliThe course explains how to build an advanced and complete forum such as advanced forums"
Price: 199.99

"Node.js for PHP Developers"
"Dear BrothersFull course to deal with Node js and PHPA few code a many tasksIn this course we will explain the PHP programming language and the equivalent of Node.jsFirst we will explain the node js without explaining the equivalent PHPconvert php function to node js functionUse and convert mysql function php to node js function"
Price: 199.99

"Build Social Networking website From Scratch Using Node.js"
"Welcome to the course,In this course I explain Nodjs detail boring also I am programming a social networking site full using this technique so there will be many mistakes in the course so I apologize now.Either this course will be very long so you must be patient for the sake of learning difficultiesEither the techniques used and the libraries they will use are:ExpressmysqlExpress-SessionBody-Parserserve-faviconmorganpathHttpcookie-parsermd5"
Price: 199.99

"Build advanced blog using node.js"
"There is no doubt that as programmers we have learned many programming languages through which we can build and programming large and small web sites, but there we face in the programming sites, which is that the sites do not work in real time had to be invented facilitates the process of real-time siteThere is no doubt that as programmers we have learned many programming languages through which we can build and programming large and small web sites, but there we are faced with the programming sites, which is that the sites do not work in real time was to be invented to facilitate the process of dealing with the site in real time so you have programmed how to build And programming a news blog using node js technology that enables us to deal and build real-time websitesOf course, this code has been programmed by the latest methods and codes used in the node js technology and I also use the framework system Express and also programmed several systems on the one hand so that the student can understand each system and these systems that you programmed in the course are:Create login systemCreate signup systemCreate posts systemCreate control page for usersCreate show select post in new pageCreate and split code html and code programmingCreate mysql connect systemCreate session and cookie system"
Price: 199.99

"Programming a news site from scratch using Node.js"
"In this course I explain all the properties of node.js used in the programming of websites on the Internet with high speed and efficiency and ten times faster than the programming languages used in programming applications and websites such as php so you must patience in learning and not bored because language node.js language Difficult to learn and difficult to understand so you will find in my explanation that I stand on many particles until I implement correctly and deliberately in this course to develop problems and solve other videos so that the student to understand and solve these errors when it is programmed in any site other than the site used by the choirIf you have this course, you can program a complete and advanced news site using node.jsI have separated each section so that the student can return to any department easily and you programmed the management system so that the site administrator can control the entire site of the board such as changing the name of the site and change the status of the site from open to closed and also designed the system of entry of members to the site and publication of publications and upload images inside Publications also specify any section that follows this publicationYou have also programmed a page that displays all publications published by the member with several options such as deleting the publication or the option to modify and update the publication and also programmed the registration system of the members of the site and make sure whether the registered email exists in the database or not if it exists telling the registered member to register I have also programmed the system of protection of pages from intrusion and the inability to access these pages only when the user logged on to the site and so I make this a success I have used a library that saves the sessions of the browser and user data when logged inFinallyI can not list all the advantages of the course so you must subscribe to the course to all its advantages and develop from yourself in the use of node.js technology in the programming of Internet sites.Thank you all"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Express.js Developer Course & Create Two Sites"
"In this course I will explain the full Express.js where I will explain everything special this framework so you have to be patient The choir will be very long sections and each section will contain many videos so it is necessary to watch all the videos and not jump from one video to another without Understanding the previous video"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete ADC conversion Library Course In PIC"
"ADC LibraryADC (Analog to Digital Converter) module is available with a number of PIC MCU modules. ADC is an electronic circuit that converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. ADC Library provides you a comfortable work with the module.Library RoutinesADC_InitADC_Get_SampleADC_ReadADC_InitThis routine initializes PICs internal ADC module to work with RC clock. Clock determines the time period necessary for performing AD conversion (min 12TAD).Requires MCU with built-in ADC module.Example:ADC_Init(); // Initialize ADC module with default settingsADC_Get_Sampleunsigned ADC_Get_Sample(unsigned short channel);Returns 10 or 12-bit unsigned value read from the specified channel (MCU dependent).Description The function aquires analog value from the specified channel.Parameter channel represents the channel from which the analog value is to be acquired. Refer to the appropriate datasheet for channel-to-pin mapping.Parameterschannel represents the channel from which the analog value is to be acquired.RequiresThe MCU with built-in ADC module. Prior to using this routine, ADC module needs to be initialized. See ADC_Init. Before using the function, be sure to configure the appropriate TRISx bits to designate pins as inputs. Exampleunsigned adc_value;adc_value = ADC_Get_Sample(2); // read analog value from ADC module channel 2ADC_ReadPrototypeunsigned ADC_Read(unsigned short channel);Returns 10 or 12-bit unsigned value read from the specified channel (MCU dependent).Description Initializes PICs internal ADC module to work with RC clock. Clock determines the time period necessary for performing AD conversion (min 12TAD).Parameter channel represents the channel from which the analog value is to be acquired. Refer to the appropriate datasheet for channel-to-pin mapping.RequiresNothing.Exampleunsigned tmp; tmp = ADC_Read(2); // Read analog value from channel 2"
Price: 199.99

"Programming Freelancer Site Using PHP"
"In this course I explained how to program a free business site so that the member can provide its services either by selling or buying and also you programmed the registration system in the site and activation by e-mail by a message to reach the e-mail containing the activation message any activation link and you have programmed the system Approval of the members and their membership of the site so that we can remove the false and imaginary membersThis course is also offered to businessmen and companies interested in the world of finance and businessSo that only $ 10 earns millions"
Price: 199.99

"Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With JQuery, CSS & HTML5"
"Note There are some videos in ArabicIn this course I explain all the programming languages related to the development of websites, where I explain each language separately and these languages php, html, html5, css, css3, jquery, javascriptI provide a detailed explanation of all the languages and I also explain all the functions used in the programming language PHPI do not want to give a precise description of the situation of the confusion of the student should see the videos yourself"
Price: 199.99

"Java Programming for Complete Beginners"
"Zero Java Programming Experience? No Problem.Do you want to take the first steps to Become a Great Java Programmer? Do you want to Learn Java Step By Step in a Fail Safe in28Minutes Way? Do you want to Learn to Write Great Java Programs? ******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* it's an awesome course , i was a complete beginner and it helped me a lot. One of the best courses i have every taken on Udemy. This is the best Java course I've come across. It's straight to the point without any missing details. You can get an idea of what you're getting into working with Java fast with this course. I really like it. The experienece was extremely amazing. The course was highly detailed and comprehensive and all the topic were covered properly with due examples to their credit. The instructor is passionate about what he is doing and hence it makes the course much more worth to learn. Kudos to the instructor for such an amazing job. Never thought taking an online course will be so helpful. The instructor is quite engaging, gives good amount of exercises. This course is wonderful! I really enjoy it. It really is for beginners, so it's very helpful for people which don't know nothing about programming. Very comprehensive and detail course the instructor takes the patience to explain everything and goes a step forward in thinking what kind of errors could happen to the students really good instructor! It's very well thought out. I enjoy the constant exercises and the challenge they present to make things happen.******* Course Overview *******Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Java offers both object oriented and functional programming features.We take an hands-on approach using a combination of JShell and Eclipse as an IDE to illustrate more than 200 Java Coding Exercises, Puzzles and Code Examples. This course assumes no previous ( beginner ) programming or Java experience. If youve never programmed a computer before, or if you already have experience with another programming language and want to quickly learn Java, this is a perfect course for you.In more than 250 Steps, we explore the most important Java Programming Language FeaturesBasics of Java Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing OutputJava Operators - Java Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit OperatorsJava Conditionals and If StatementMethods - Parameters, Arguments and Return ValuesObject Oriented Programming - Class, Object, State and BehaviorBasics of OOPS - Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance and PolymorphismBasics about Java Data Types - Casting, Operators and MoreJava Built in Classes - BigDecimal, String, Java Wrapper ClassesConditionals with Java - If Else Statement, Nested If Else, Java Switch Statement, Java Ternary OperatorLoops - For Loop, While Loop in Java, Do While Loop, Break and ContinueImmutablity of Java Wrapper Classes, String and BigDecimalJava Dates - Introduction to LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTimeJava Array and ArrayList - Java String Arrays, Arrays of Objects, Primitive Data Types, toString and ExceptionsIntroduction to Variable ArgumentsBasics of Designing a Class - Class, Object, State and Behavior. Deciding State and Constructors.Understanding Object Composition and InheritanceJava Abstract Class and Interfaces. Introduction to Polymorphism.Java Collections - List Interface(ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector), Set Interface (HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet), Queue Interface (PriorityQueue) and Map Interface (HashMap, HashTable, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap() - Compare, Contrast and ChooseGenerics - Why do we need Generics? Restrictions with extends and Generic Methods, WildCards - Upper Bound and Lower Bound.Functional Programming - Lambda Expression, Stream and Operations on a Stream (Intermediate Operations - Sort, Distinct, Filter, Map and Terminal Operations - max, min, collect to List), Functional Interfaces - Predicate Interface,Consumer Interface, Function Inteface for Mapping, Method References - static and instance methodsIntroduction to Threads and MultiThreading - Need for ThreadsImplementing Threads - Extending Thread Class and Implementing Runnable InterfaceStates of a Thread and Communication between ThreadsIntroduction to Executor Service - Customizing number of Active Threads. Returning a Future, invokeAll and invokeAnyIntroduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception Handling. try, catch and finally. Exception Hierarchy - Checked Exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions. Throwing an Exception. Creating and Throwing a Custom Exception - CurrenciesDoNotMatchException. Try with Resources - New Feature in Java 7.List files and folders in Directory with Files list method, File walk method and find methods. Read and write from a File.******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******Introduction to Java Programming with Jshell using Multiplication TableStep 00 - Getting Started with ProgrammingStep 01 - Introduction to Multiplication Table challengeStep 02 - Launch JShellStep 03 - Break Down Multiplication Table ChallengeStep 04 - Java Expression - An IntroductionStep 05 - Java Expression - ExercisesStep 06 - Java Expression - PuzzlesStep 07 - Printing output to console with JavaStep 08 - Printing output to console with Java - Exercise StatementsStep 09 - Printing output to console with Java - Exercise SolutionsStep 10 - Printing output to console with Java - PuzzlesStep 11 - Advanced Printing output to console with JavaStep 12 - Advanced Printing output to console with Java - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 13 - Introduction to Variables in JavaStep 14 - Introduction to Variables in Java - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 15 - 4 Important Things to Know about Variables in JavaStep 16 - How are variables stored in memory?Step 17 - How to name a variable?Step 18 - Understanding Primitive Variable Types in JavaStep 19 - Understanding Primitive Variable Types in Java - Choosing a TypeStep 20 - Java Assignment OperatorStep 21 - Java Assignment Operator - Puzzles on Increment, Decrement and Compound AssignmentStep 23 - Java Conditionals and If Statement - IntroductionStep 24 - Java Conditionals and If Statement - Exercise StatementsStep 25 - Java Conditionals and If Statement - Exercise SolutionsStep 26 - Java Conditionals and If Statement - PuzzlesStep 27 - Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table - IntroductionStep 28 - Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table - Exercise StatementsStep 29 - Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table - Exercise SolutionsStep 30 - Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table - PuzzlesStep 31 - Programming Tips : JShell - Shortcuts, Multiple Lines and Variables TODO Move upStep 32 - Getting Started with Programming - Revise all TerminologyIntroduction to Method with Multiplication TableStep 00 - Section 02 - Methods - An IntroductionStep 01 - Your First Java Method - Hello World Twice and Exercise StatementsStep 02 - Introduction to Java Methods - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 03 - Programming Tip - Editing Methods with JShellStep 04 - Introduction to Java Methods - Arguments and ParametersStep 05 - Introduction to Java Method Arguments - ExercisesStep 06 - Introduction to Java Method Arguments - Puzzles and TipsStep 07 - Getting back to Multiplication Table - Creating a methodStep 08 - Print Multiplication Table with a Parameter and Method OverloadingStep 09 - Passing Multiple Parameters to a Java MethodStep 10 - Returning from a Java Method - An IntroductionStep 11 - Returning from a Java Method - ExercisesStep 99 - Methods - Section ReviewIntroduction to Java PlatformStep 00 - Section 03 - Overview Of Java Platform - Section OverviewStep 01 - Overview Of Java Platform - An Introduction - java, javac, bytecode and JVMStep 02 - Java Class and Object - First LookStep 03 - Create a method in a Java classStep 04 - Create and Compile classStep 05 - Run Planet calss with Java - Using a main methodStep 06 - Play and Learn with Planet ClassStep 07 - JDK vs JRE vs JVMIntroduction to Eclipse - First Java ProjectStep 01 - Creating a New Java Project with EclipseStep 02 - Your first Java class with EclipseStep 03 - Writing Multiplication Table Java Program with EclipseStep 04 - Adding more methods for Multiplication Table ProgramStep 05 - Programming Tip 1 : Refactoring with EclipseStep 06 - Programming Tip 2 : Debugging with EclipseStep 07 - Programming Tip 3 : Eclipse vs JShell - How to choose?Introduction To Object Oriented ProgrammingStep 00 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Section OverviewStep 01 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - BasicsStep 02 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Terminology - Class, Object, State and BehaviorStep 03 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Exercise - Online Shopping System and PersonStep 04 - Create Motor Bike Java Class and a couple of objectsStep 05 - Exercise Solutions - Book class and Three instancesStep 06 - Introducing State of an object with speed variableStep 07 - Understanding basics of Encapsulation with Setter methodsStep 08 - Exercises and Tips - Getters and Generating Getters and Setters with EclipseStep 09 - Puzzles on this and initialization of member variablesStep 10 - First Advantage of EncapsulationStep 11 - Introduction to Encapsulation - Level 2Step 12 - Encapsulation Exercises - Better Validation and Book classStep 13 - Introdcution to AbstractionStep 14 - Introduction to Java ConstructorsStep 15 - Introduction to Java Constructors - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 16 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - ConclusionPrimitive Data Types And AlternativesStep 00 - Primitive Data Types in Depth - Section OverviewStep 01 - Basics about Java Integer Data Types - Casting, Operators and MoreStep 02 - Java Integer Data Types - Puzzles - Octal, Hexadecimal, Post and Pre incrementStep 03 - Java Integer Data Types - Exercises - BiNumber - add, multiply and doubleStep 04 - Java Floating Point Data Types - Casting , Conversion and AccuracyStep 05 - Introduction to BigDecimal Java ClassStep 06 - BigDecimal Puzzles - Adding IntegersStep 07 - BigDecimal Exercises - Simple Interest CalculationStep 08 - Java Boolean Data Type - Relational and Logical OperatorsStep 09 - Java Boolean Data Type - Puzzles - Short Circuit OperatorsStep 10 - Java Character Data Type char - Representation and ConversionStep 11 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 1 - isVowelStep 12 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 2 - isDigitStep 13 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 3 - isConsonant, List Upper Case and Lower Case CharactersStep 14 - Primitive Data Types in Depth - ConclusionConditionalsStep 00 - Conditionals with Java - Section OverviewStep 01 - Introduction to If Else StatementStep 02 - Introduction to Nested If ElseStep 03 - If Else Statement - PuzzlesStep 04 - If Else Problem - How to get User Input in Java?Step 05 - If Else Problem - How to get number 2 and choice from user?Step 06 - If Else Problem - Implementing with Nested If ElseStep 07 - Java Switch Statement - An introductionStep 08 - Java Switch Statement - Puzzles - Default, Break and Fall ThroughStep 09 - Java Switch Statement - Exercises - isWeekDay, nameOfMonth, nameOfDayStep 10 - Java Ternary Operation - An IntroductionStep 11 - Conditionals with Java - ConclusionLoopsStep 00 - Java Loops - Section IntroductionStep 01 - Java For Loop - Syntax and PuzzlesStep 02 - Java For Loop - Exercises Overview and First Exercise Prime NumbersStep 03 - Java For Loop - Exercise - Sum Upto N Numbers and Sum of DivisorsStep 04 - Java For Loop - Exercise - Print a Number TriangleStep 05 - While Loop in Java - An IntroductionStep 06 - While Loop - Exericises - Cubes and Squares upto limitStep 07 - Do While Loop in Java - An IntroductionStep 08 - Do While Loop in Java - An Example - Cube while user enters positive numbersStep 09 - Introduction to Break and ContinueStep 10 - Selecting Loop in Java - For vs While vs Do WhileReference TypesStep 00 - Java Reference Types - Section IntroductionStep 01 - Reference Types - How are they stored in Memory?Step 02 - Java Reference Types - PuzzlesStep 03 - String class - Introduction and Exercise - Print each word and char on a new lineStep 04 - String class - Exercise Solution and Some More Important MethodsStep 05 - Understanding String is Immutable and String Concat, Upper Case, Lower Case, Trim methodsStep 06 - String Concatenation and Join, Replace MethodsStep 07 - Java String Alternatives - StringBuffer and StringBuilderStep 08 - Java Wrapper Classes - An Introduction - Why and What?Step 09 - Java Wrapper Classes - Creation - Constructor and valueOfStep 10 - Java Wrapper Classes - Auto Boxing and a Few Wrapper Constants - SIZE, BYTES, MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUEStep 11 - Java Dates - Introduction to LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTimeStep 12 - Java Dates - Exploring LocalDate - Creation and Methods to play with DateStep 13 - Java Dates - Exploring LocalDate - Comparing Dates and Creating Specific DatesStep 14 - Java Reference Types - ConclusionArrays and ArrayListsStep 00 - Introduction to Array and ArrayList - Section Introduction with a ChallengeStep 01 - Understanding the need and Basics about an ArrayStep 02 - Java Arrays - Creating and Accessing Values - IntroductionStep 03 - Java Arrays - Puzzles - Arrays of Objects, Primitive Data Types, toString and ExceptionsStep 04 - Java Arrays - Compare, Sort and FillStep 05 - Java Arrays - Exercise - Create Student Class - Part 1 - Total and Average MarksStep 06 - Java Arrays - Exercise - Create Student Class - Part 2 - Maximum and Minimum MarkStep 07 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - NeedStep 08 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - BasicsStep 09 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - Enhancing Student ClassStep 10 - Java Arrays - Using Person Objects and String Elements with ExercisesStep 11 - Java String Arrays - Exercise Solutions - Print Day of Week with Most number of letters and moreStep 12 - Adding and Removing Marks - Problem with ArraysStep 13 - First Look at ArrayList - An IntroductionStep 14 - First Look at ArrayList - Refactoring Student Class to use ArrayListStep 15 - First Look at ArrayList - Enhancing Student Class with Add and Remove MarksStep 16 - Introduction to Array and ArrayList - ConclusionObject Oriented Programming AgainStep 00 - Object Oriented Programming - Level 2 - Section IntroductionStep 01 - Basics of Designing a Class - Class, Object, State and BehaviorStep 02 - OOPS Example - Fan Class - Deciding State and ConstructorsStep 03 - OOPS Example - Fan Class - Deciding Behavior with MethodsStep 04 - OOPS Exercise - Rectangle ClassStep 05 - Understanding Object Composition with Customer Address ExampleStep 06 - Understanding Object Composition - An Exercise - Books and ReviewsStep 07 - Understanding Inheritance - Why do we need it?Step 08 - Object is at top of Inheritance HierarchyStep 09 - Inheritance and Overriding - with toString() methodStep 10 - Java Inheritance - Exercise - Student and Employee ClassesStep 11 - Java Inheritance - Default Constructors and super() method callStep 12 - Java Inheritance - Puzzles - Multiple Inheritance, Reference Variables and instanceofStep 13 - Java Abstract Class - IntroductioStep 14 - Java Abstract Class - First Example - Creating Recipes with Template MethodStep 15 - Java Abstract Class - PuzzlesStep 16 - Java Interface - Example 1 - Gaming Console - How to think about Intefaces?Step 17 - Java Interface - Example 2 - Complex Algorithm - API defined by external teamStep 18 - Java Interface - Puzzles - Unimplemented methods, Abstract Classes, Variables, Default Methods and moreStep 19 - Java Interface vs Abstract Class - A ComparisonStep 20 - Java Interface Flyable and Abstract Class Animal - An ExerciseStep 21 - Polymorphism - An introductionCollectionsStep 01 - Java Collections - Section Overview with Need For CollectionsStep 02 - List Interface - Introduction - Position is KingStep 03 - List Inteface - Immutability and Introduction of Implementations - ArrayList, LinkedList and VectorStep 04 - List Inteface Implementations - ArrayList vs LinkedListStep 05 - List Inteface Implementations - ArrayList vs VectorStep 06 - List Inteface - Methods to add, remove and change elements and listsStep 07 - List and ArrayList - Iterating around elementsStep 08 - List and ArrayList - Choosing iteration approach for printing and deleting elementsStep 09 - List and ArrayList - Puzzles - Type Safety and Removing IntegersStep 10 - List and ArrayList - Sorting - Introduction to Collections sort static methodStep 11 - List and ArrayList - Sorting - Implementing Comparable Inteface in Student ClassStep 12 - List and ArrayList - Sorting - Providing Flexibility by implementing Comparator interfaceStep 13 - List and ArrayList - A SummaryStep 14 - Set Interface - Introduction - No DuplicationStep 15 - Understanding Data Structures - Array, LinkedList and HashingStep 16 - Understanding Data Structures - Tree - Sorted OrderStep 17 - Set Interface - Hands on - HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSetStep 18 - Set Interface - Exercise - Find Unique Characters in a ListStep 19 - TreeSet - Methods from NavigableSet - floor,lower,upper, subSet, head and tailSetStep 20 - Queue Interface - Process Elements in OrderStep 21 - Introduction to PriorityQueue - Basic Methods and Customized PriorityStep 22 - Map Interface - An Introduction - Key and ValueStep 23 - Map Interface - Implementations - HashMap, HashTable, LinkedHashMap and TreeMapStep 24 - Map Interface - Basic OperationsStep 25 - Map Interface - Comparison - HashMap vs LinkedHashMap vs TreeMapStep 26 - Map Interface - Exercise - Count occurances of characters and words in a piece of textStep 27 - TreeMap - Methods from NavigableMap - floorKey, higherKey, firstEntry, subMap and moreStep 28 - Java Collections - Conclusion with Three TipsGenericsStep 01 - Introduction to Generics - Why do we need Generics?Step 02 - Implementing Generics for the Custom ListStep 03 - Extending Custom List with a Generic Return MethodStep 04 - Generics Puzzles - Restrictions with extends and Generic MethodsStep 05 - Generics and WildCards - Upper Bound and Lower BoundIntroduction to Functional ProgrammingStep 01 - Introduction to Functional Programming - Functions are First Class CitizensStep 02 - Functional Programming - First Example with Function as ParameterStep 03 - Functional Programming - Exercise - Loop a List of NumbersStep 04 - Functional Programming - Filtering - Exercises to print odd and even numbers from ListStep 05 - Functional Programming - Collect - Sum of Numbers in a ListStep 06 - Functional Programming vs Structural Programming - A Quick ComparisonStep 07 - Functional Programming Terminology - Lambda Expression, Stream and Operations on a StreamStep 08 - Stream Intermediate Operations - Sort, Distinct, Filter and MapStep 09 - Stream Intermediate Operations - Exercises - Squares of First 10, Map String List to LowerCase and Length of StringStep 10 - Stream Terminal Operations - 1 - max operation with ComparatorStep 11 - Stream Terminal Operations - 2 - min, collect to List,Step 12 - Optional class in Java - An IntroductionStep 13 - Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces - Implement Predicate InterfaceStep 14 - Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces - Implement Consumer InterfaceStep 15 - Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces - Implement Function Inteface for MappingStep 16 - Simplify Functional Programming code with Method References - static and instance methodsStep 17 - Functions are First Class CitizensStep 18 - Introduction to Functional Programming - ConclusionIntroduction to Threads And ConcurrencyStep 01 - Introduction to Threads and MultiThreading - Need for ThreadsStep 02 - Creating a Thread for Task1 - Extending Thread ClassStep 03 - Creating a Thread for Task2 - Implement Runnable InterfaceStep 04 - Theory - States of a ThreadStep 05 - Placing Priority Requests for ThreadsStep 06 - Communication between Threads - join methodStep 07 - Thread utility methods and synchronized keyword - sleep, yieldStep 08 - Need for Controlling the Execution of ThreadsStep 09 - Introduction to Executor ServiceStep 10 - Executor Service - Customizing number of ThreadsStep 11 - Executor Service - Returning a Future from Thread using CallableStep 12 - Executor Service - Waiting for completion of multiple tasks using invokeAllStep 13 - Executor Service - Wait for only the fastest task using invokeAnyStep 14 - Threads and MultiThreading - ConclusionIntroduction to Exception HandlingStep 01 - Introduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception HandlingStep 02 - Basics of Exceptions - NullPointerException and StackTraceStep 03 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - try and catchStep 04 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Exception Hierarchy, Matching and Catching Multiple ExceptionsStep 05 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Need for finallyStep 06 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - PuzzlesStep 07 - Checked Exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions - An ExampleStep 08 - Hierarchy of Errors and Exceptions - Checked and RuntimeStep 09 - Throwing an Exception - Currencies Do Not Match Runtime ExceptionStep 10 - Throwing a Checked Exception - Throws in method signature and handlingStep 11 - Throwing a Custom Exception - CurrenciesDoNotMatchExceptionStep 12 - Write less code with Try with Resources - New Feature in Java 7Step 13 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Puzzles 2Step 14 - Exception Handling - Conclusion with Best PracticesFiles and DirectoriesStep 01 - List files and folders in Directory with Files list methodStep 02 - Recursively List and Filter all files and folders in Directory with Step Files walk method and Search with find methodStep 03 - Read content from a File - Files readAllLines and lines methodsStep 04 - Writing Content to a File - Files write methodStep 05 - Files - ConclusionMore Concurrency with Concurrent Collections and Atomic OperationsStep 01 - Getting started with SynchronizedStep 02 - Problem with Synchronized - Less ConcurrencyStep 03 - Enter Locks with ReEntrantLockStep 04 - Introduction to Atomic Classes - AtomicIntegerStep 05 - Need for ConcurrentMapStep 06 - Implementing an example with ConcurrentHashMapStep 07 - ConcurrentHashMap uses different locks for diferrent regionsStep 08 - CopyOnWrite Concurrent Collections - When reads are more than writesStep 09 - ConclusionJava TipsJava Tip 01 - Imports and Static ImportsJava Tip 02 - BlocksJava Tip 03 - equals methodJava Tip 04 - hashcode methodJava Tip 05 - Class Access Modifiers - public and defaultJava Tip 06 - Method Access Modifiers - public, protected, private and defaultJava Tip 07 - Final classes and Final methodsJava Tip 08 - Final Variables and Final ArgumentsJava Tip 09 - Why do we need static variables?Java Tip 09 - Why do we need static methods?Java Tip 10 - Static methods cannot use instance methods or variablesJava Tip 11 - public static final - ConstantsJava Tip 12 - Nested Classes - Inner Class vs Static Nested ClassJava Tip 13 - Anonymous ClassesJava Tip 14 - Why Enum and Enum Basics - ordinal and valuesJava Tip 15 - Enum - Constructor, variables and methodsJava Tip 16 - Quick look at inbuild Enums - Month, DayOfWeekStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Java Unit Testing with Spring Boot & Mockito"
"Great Programmers write Great Unit Tests. Want to Write Great Unit Tests for Spring Boot REST API ?Spring Boot Test?   Yes.    Layered Unit Tests?  Yes. Of Course.    Spring Boot Integration Tests?   Yes.Mockito?  Yes.                     JsonAssert, Hamcrest Matchers, and JsonPath?  Yes.  Included.******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* This a very comprehensive introduction to spring boot test, which brings Mockito, Junit, JsonAssert, Spring Data JPA, REST, design pattern, and many more. Very valuable course. Thanks. Excellent and to the point course on Unit testing with good references. This is an excellent course for both beginners as well as experienced Java developers who which to hone their skill. The instructor was very knowledgeable and knew how to keep the course engaging while providing lots of tips. Highly recommended... Great Course to learn Junit Testing. Great content and great examples to explain each scenarios of writing test cases. If you want to write java test cases then definitely go through this course. This course is a great introduction to unit and integration testing using Spring Boot, Mockito, and a number of other libraries that can help to write effective tests. It is easy to follow along with and has plenty of references where to look for more information. Needed it for new client project. Excellent source of concise tutorials for JUnit of microservices. I was drowning in unit test concepts and this course cleared up what read about them. And have a simple but clear explanation of when is good and how to create unit test in your app.******* Course Overview *******Spring Boot is the most popular framework to develop RESTful Services. It has Awesome Unit Testing capabilities through Spring Boot Starter Test. Mockito is the most popular mocking framework. JUnit is most popular Java Unit Testing Framework.In this course, you will learn to Write Great Unit Tests for Simple RESTful Services with Spring Boot Starter Test, Mockito and JUnit. You will learn to write independent unit tests for RESTful web services talking with multiple layers - web, business and data. You will learn how to write integration tests using an in memory database H2.You will build the unit tests step by step - in 40 easy steps. This course would be a perfect first step as an introduction to unit testing with Spring Boot and Mockito Frameworks.You will be using Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Boot, Maven (dependencies management), Eclipse (IDE), in memory database H2 and Tomcat Embedded Web Server. We will help you set up each one of these.You will use all the frameworks that are part of Spring Boot Starter Test - JUnit, Spring Test, Spring Boot Test, AssertJ, Hamcrest, Mockito, JSONassert and JsonPath.You will learn to use the most important Unit Testing Annotations - @RunWith(SpringRunner.class), @SpringBootTest, @WebMvcTest, @DataJpaTest and @MockBean.******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******Section 1 - Learning Mocking with MockitoStep 01: Setting up the project using Spring InitializrStep 02: Writing Unit Test for a Simple Business ServiceStep 03: Setting up a Business Service to call a Data ServiceStep 04: Writing your first unit test with StubExercise - Update Tests 2 & 3Step 05: Exercise Solution - Updating Tests 2 & 3 to use Stubs - Problem with Stubs.Step 06: Writing Unit Tests with Mocking using MockitoExercise - Updating Tests 2 & 3 to use MockitoStep 07: Exercise Solution - Updating Tests 2 & 3 to use MockitoStep 08: More Refactoring - @Mock, @InjectMocks and @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class)Step 09: Mockito Tips - Multiple Return Values and Specific Argument MatchersStep 10: Mockito Tips - Argument MatchersStep 11: Mockito Tips - Verify method callsStep 12: Mockito Tips - Argument CaptureStep 13: Mockito Tips - Argument Capture on Multiple CallsStep 14: Introduction to SpyStep 15: Mockito FAQSection 2 - Unit Testing RESTful Services with Spring Boot and MockitoStep 01: Creating a Hello World ControllerStep 02: Using Mock Mvc to test Hello World ControllerStep 03: Using Response Matchers to check status and contentStep 04: Creating a Basic REST Service in Item ControllerStep 05: Unit Testing Item Controller and Basic JSON AssertionsStep 06: Digging deeper into JSON AssertStep 07: Writing a REST Service talking to Business LayerStep 08: Writing Unit Test for REST Service mocking Business LayerStep 09: Prepare Data Layers with JPA, Hibernate and H2Step 10: Create Item Entity and Populate data with data.sqlStep 11: Create a RESTful Service talking to the databaseStep 12: Writing Unit Test for Web Layer - Controller - Using Mock MVCStep 13: Exercise & Solution - Writing Unit Test for Business Layer - MockingStep 14: Writing Unit Test for Data Layer - Data JPA TestStep 15: Writing an Integration Test using @SpringBootTestStep 16: Tip : Using @MockBean to mock out dependencies you do not want to talk to!Step 17: Tip : Creating Different Test ConfigurationStep 18: Writing Unit Tests for Other Request MethodsStep 19: Refactor SomeBusinessImpl to use Functional ProgrammingStep 20: Better Assertions with Hamcrest - HamcrestMatcherTestStep 21: Better Assertions with AssertJ - AssertJTestStep 22: Better Assertions with JSONPath - JSONPathTestStep 23: Easier Static ImportsStep 24: Tip : Measuring Test Coverage with EclipseStep 25: Tip : Keep an eye on performance of unit tests!Step 26: Good Unit TestsStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Master Automation Testing with Java and Selenium Webdriver"
"Zero Java Programming Experience? No Problem.        Zero Automation Experience? No Problem. Do you want to become a Great Programmer with Java? Do you want to become a Great Automation Tester with Selenium? Do you want to learn to setup New Automation Test Projects with Junit, TestNG and Selenium Webdriver? Do you want to learn Creating Automation Test Frameworks?  Look No Further!******* FAQ - What Is Included in this Course? *******Java ?   Yes.    Junit ?   Yes.       TestNG ?   Included.   Selenium 3 ? Yes.  Selenium Advanced Test Scenarios ?  Of Course. Selenium Standalone and Grid ?         Yes.  Data Driven Tests ?  Yes.    Page Object Model ?  Included.Build Automation Frameworks ? Yes.Cross Browser Automation Testing? Yes. Of Course.******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners ******* This course is very good. The instructor explains things clearly and provides lots of examples. Highly recommended. easy exercises and several examples! This course was amazing. It was very indepth look at Java and automation testing. I was a beginner automation test engineer but there are quite a few things that I will be using on my next automation project. I am able to understand it very quickly as voice and pronunciation is very clear. Also the instructor is very experienced in his topic. Excellent Course for Beginners -  A right place to begin learning Selenium with Java. Very detailed, easy to follow. It is awesome.******* Course Overview *******Writing Your First Automation Test with Java and Selenium Webdriver is a lot of fun.Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Java offers both object oriented and functional programming features. Selenium can be used for screen scraping and automating repeated tasks on browser.In this course, you will learn Programming with Java and Automation Testing with Selenium.We take a Hands-on Approach using Eclipse as an IDE to illustrate more than 200 Java Coding Exercises, Puzzles and Code Examples. We will also write more than 100 Selenium Automation Tests with Java for a wide variety of scenarios.In more than 350 Steps, we explore the most important Java Programming Features and Selenium Automation Testing ScenariosBasics of Java Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing OutputUsing Selenium IDE and Katalon Studio to Record and Replay Automation Testing ScenariosLearn the basics of Selenium WebdriverExporting Automation Tests and Setting up new Maven Project for JUnit and TestNGTestNG vs JUnitTestNG Advanced Features - XML Suite, Test Reports, Running Tests with Parameters defined in XML and Running Tests in ParallelBasics of HTML, CSS and XPathSelenium Locators - By Id, By Name, By Link Text, By Partial Link Text, By Class, CSS Selectors and XPath ExpressionsSetting and Reading values from Form Elements - Text, TextArea, CheckBox , Radio Button, Select Box and Multi Select BoxAdvanced Selenium Automation Testing Scenarios - Playing with Windows, Modal Windows (Sleep, Implicit Wait and Explicit Waits), Alert Boxes, Window Handles and New Browser Window Launches, Frames, Taking Screenshots, Executing JavaScript Code, Actions Interface to control mouse and keyboardSet up Automation Testing Frameworks - TablesImportant Interfaces - WebDriverIntroduction to Cross Browser Automation Testing, Headless Testing and Setting up a Basic Cross Browser Automation Testing FrameworkWriting Data Driven Testing with Data Providers, CSV and Excel SpreadsheetsImplementing Page Object Model for a Complex Test ScenarioScaling up with Selenium Standalone and GridJava Operators - Java Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit OperatorsJava Conditionals and If StatementMethods - Parameters, Arguments and Return ValuesAn Overview Of Java Platform - java, javac, bytecode, JVM and Platform Independence - JDK vs JRE vs JVMObject Oriented Programming - Class, Object, State and BehaviorBasics of OOPS - Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance and PolymorphismBasics about Java Data Types - Casting, Operators and MoreJava Built in Classes - BigDecimal, String, Java Wrapper ClassesConditionals with Java - If Else Statement, Nested If Else, Java Switch Statement, Java Ternary OperatorLoops - For Loop, While Loop in Java, Do While Loop, Break and ContinueJava Array and ArrayList - Java String Arrays, Arrays of Objects, Primitive Data Types, toString and ExceptionsJava Collections - List Interface(ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector), Set Interface (HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet), Queue Interface (PriorityQueue) and Map Interface (HashMap, HashTable, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap() - Compare, Contrast and ChooseGenerics - Why do we need Generics? Restrictions with extends and Generic Methods, WildCards - Upper Bound and Lower Bound.Introduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception Handling. try, catch and finally. Exception Hierarchy - Checked Exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions. Throwing an Exception. Creating and Throwing a Custom Exception - CurrenciesDoNotMatchException. Try with Resources - New Feature in Java 7.You will be using Eclipse and Brackets as the IDE. You will be using Maven, npm (Dependency Management), TestNG (XML Test Suite, Parallel, Multiple Browsers), JUnit, Selenium IDE, Katalon Studio, Selenium Standalone and Selenium Grid. We will help you set up each one of these.******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.Each of these courses come with Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences Real Project Experiences using the Best Tools and Frameworks Awesome Troubleshooting Guides with 200+ FAQs Answered Friendly Support in the Q&A section Free Udemy Certificate of Completion on Completion of Course~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course. This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be. The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does. I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early. Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!******* Step By Step Details *******Introduction to Java Programming with Jshell using Multiplication TableStep 00 - Getting Started with ProgrammingStep 01 - Introduction to Multiplication Table challengeStep 02 - Launch JShellStep 03 - Break Down Multiplication Table ChallengeStep 04 - Java Expression - An IntroductionStep 05 - Java Expression - ExercisesStep 06 - Java Expression - PuzzlesStep 07 - Printing output to console with JavaStep 08 - Printing output to console with Java - Exercise StatementsStep 09 - Printing output to console with Java - Exercise SolutionsStep 10 - Printing output to console with Java - PuzzlesStep 11 - Advanced Printing output to console with JavaStep 12 - Advanced Printing output to console with Java - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 13 - Introduction to Variables in JavaStep 14 - Introduction to Variables in Java - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 15 - 4 Important Things to Know about Variables in JavaStep 16 - How are variables stored in memory?Step 17 - How to name a variable?Step 18 - Understanding Primitive Variable Types in JavaStep 19 - Understanding Primitive Variable Types in Java - Choosing a TypeStep 20 - Java Assignment OperatorStep 21 - Java Assignment Operator - Puzzles on Increment, Decrement and Compound AssignmentStep 23 - Java Conditionals and If Statement - IntroductionStep 24 - Java Conditionals and If Statement - Exercise StatementsStep 25 - Java Conditionals and If Statement - Exercise SolutionsStep 26 - Java Conditionals and If Statement - PuzzlesStep 27 - Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table - IntroductionStep 28 - Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table - Exercise StatementsStep 29 - Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table - Exercise SolutionsStep 30 - Java For Loop to Print Multiplication Table - PuzzlesStep 31 - Programming Tips : JShell - Shortcuts, Multiple Lines and VariablesStep 32 - Getting Started with Programming - Revise all TerminologyIntroduction to Method with Multiplication TableStep 00 - Section 02 - Methods - An IntroductionStep 01 - Your First Java Method - Hello World Twice and Exercise StatementsStep 02 - Introduction to Java Methods - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 03 - Programming Tip - Editing Methods with JShellStep 04 - Introduction to Java Methods - Arguments and ParametersStep 05 - Introduction to Java Method Arguments - ExercisesStep 06 - Introduction to Java Method Arguments - Puzzles and TipsStep 07 - Getting back to Multiplication Table - Creating a methodStep 08 - Print Multiplication Table with a Parameter and Method OverloadingStep 09 - Passing Multiple Parameters to a Java MethodStep 10 - Returning from a Java Method - An IntroductionStep 11 - Returning from a Java Method - ExercisesStep 99 - Methods - Section ReviewIntroduction to Java PlatformStep 00 - Section 03 - Overview Of Java Platform - Section OverviewStep 01 - Overview Of Java Platform - An Introduction - java, javac, bytecode and JVMStep 02 - Java Class and Object - First LookStep 03 - Create a method in a Java classStep 04 - Create and Compile classStep 05 - Run Planet calss with Java - Using a main methodStep 06 - Play and Learn with Planet ClassStep 07 - JDK vs JRE vs JVMIntroduction to Eclipse - First Java ProjectStep 01 - Creating a New Java Project with EclipseStep 02 - Your first Java class with EclipseStep 03 - Writing Multiplication Table Java Program with EclipseStep 04 - Adding more methods for Multiplication Table ProgramStep 05 - Programming Tip 1 : Refactoring with EclipseStep 06 - Programming Tip 2 : Debugging with EclipseStep 07 - Programming Tip 3 : Eclipse vs JShell - How to choose?Introduction To Object Oriented ProgrammingStep 00 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Section OverviewStep 01 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - BasicsStep 02 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Terminology - Class, Object, State and BehaviorStep 03 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Exercise - Online Shopping System and PersonStep 04 - Create Motor Bike Java Class and a couple of objectsStep 05 - Exercise Solutions - Book class and Three instancesStep 06 - Introducing State of an object with speed variableStep 07 - Understanding basics of Encapsulation with Setter methodsStep 08 - Exercises and Tips - Getters and Generating Getters and Setters with EclipseStep 09 - Puzzles on this and initialization of member variablesStep 10 - First Advantage of EncapsulationStep 11 - Introduction to Encapsulation - Level 2Step 12 - Encapsulation Exercises - Better Validation and Book classStep 13 - Introdcution to AbstractionStep 14 - Introduction to Java ConstructorsStep 15 - Introduction to Java Constructors - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 16 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - ConclusionPrimitive Data Types And AlternativesStep 00 - Primitive Data Types in Depth - Section OverviewStep 01 - Basics about Java Integer Data Types - Casting, Operators and MoreStep 02 - Java Integer Data Types - Puzzles - Octal, Hexadecimal, Post and Pre incrementStep 03 - Java Integer Data Types - Exercises - BiNumber - add, multiply and doubleStep 04 - Java Floating Point Data Types - Casting , Conversion and AccuracyStep 05 - Introduction to BigDecimal Java ClassStep 06 - BigDecimal Puzzles - Adding IntegersStep 07 - BigDecimal Exercises - Simple Interest CalculationStep 08 - Java Boolean Data Type - Relational and Logical OperatorsStep 09 - Java Boolean Data Type - Puzzles - Short Circuit OperatorsStep 10 - Java Character Data Type char - Representation and ConversionStep 11 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 1 - isVowelStep 12 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 2 - isDigitStep 13 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 3 - isConsonant, List Upper Case and Lower Case CharactersStep 14 - Primitive Data Types in Depth - ConclusionConditionalsStep 00 - Conditionals with Java - Section OverviewStep 01 - Introduction to If Else StatementStep 02 - Introduction to Nested If ElseStep 03 - If Else Statement - PuzzlesStep 04 - If Else Problem - How to get User Input in Java?Step 05 - If Else Problem - How to get number 2 and choice from user?Step 06 - If Else Problem - Implementing with Nested If ElseStep 07 - Java Switch Statement - An introductionStep 08 - Java Switch Statement - Puzzles - Default, Break and Fall ThroughStep 09 - Java Switch Statement - Exercises - isWeekDay, nameOfMonth, nameOfDayStep 10 - Java Ternary Operation - An IntroductionStep 11 - Conditionals with Java - ConclusionLoopsStep 00 - Java Loops - Section IntroductionStep 01 - Java For Loop - Syntax and PuzzlesStep 02 - Java For Loop - Exercises Overview and First Exercise Prime NumbersStep 03 - Java For Loop - Exercise - Sum Upto N Numbers and Sum of DivisorsStep 04 - Java For Loop - Exercise - Print a Number TriangleStep 05 - While Loop in Java - An IntroductionStep 06 - While Loop - Exericises - Cubes and Squares upto limitStep 07 - Do While Loop in Java - An IntroductionStep 08 - Do While Loop in Java - An Example - Cube while user enters positive numbersStep 09 - Introduction to Break and ContinueStep 10 - Selecting Loop in Java - For vs While vs Do WhileReference TypesStep 00 - Java Reference Types - Section IntroductionStep 01 - Reference Types - How are they stored in Memory?Step 02 - Java Reference Types - PuzzlesStep 03 - String class - Introduction and Exercise - Print each word and char on a new lineStep 04 - String class - Exercise Solution and Some More Important MethodsStep 05 - Understanding String is Immutable and String Concat, Upper Case, Lower Case, Trim methodsStep 06 - String Concatenation and Join, Replace MethodsStep 07 - Java String Alternatives - StringBuffer and StringBuilderStep 08 - Java Wrapper Classes - An Introduction - Why and What?Step 09 - Java Wrapper Classes - Creation - Constructor and valueOfStep 10 - Java Wrapper Classes - Auto Boxing and a Few Wrapper Constants - SIZE, BYTES, MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUEStep 11 - Java Dates - Introduction to LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTimeStep 12 - Java Dates - Exploring LocalDate - Creation and Methods to play with DateStep 13 - Java Dates - Exploring LocalDate - Comparing Dates and Creating Specific DatesStep 14 - Java Reference Types - ConclusionArrays and ArrayListsStep 00 - Introduction to Array and ArrayList - Section Introduction with a ChallengeStep 01 - Understanding the need and Basics about an ArrayStep 02 - Java Arrays - Creating and Accessing Values - IntroductionStep 03 - Java Arrays - Puzzles - Arrays of Objects, Primitive Data Types, toString and ExceptionsStep 04 - Java Arrays - Compare, Sort and FillStep 05 - Java Arrays - Exercise - Create Student Class - Part 1 - Total and Average MarksStep 06 - Java Arrays - Exercise - Create Student Class - Part 2 - Maximum and Minimum MarkStep 07 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - NeedStep 08 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - BasicsStep 09 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - Enhancing Student ClassStep 10 - Java Arrays - Using Person Objects and String Elements with ExercisesStep 11 - Java String Arrays - Exercise Solutions - Print Day of Week with Most number of letters and moreStep 12 - Adding and Removing Marks - Problem with ArraysStep 13 - First Look at ArrayList - An IntroductionStep 14 - First Look at ArrayList - Refactoring Student Class to use ArrayListStep 15 - First Look at ArrayList - Enhancing Student Class with Add and Remove MarksStep 16 - Introduction to Array and ArrayList - ConclusionObject Oriented Programming AgainStep 00 - Object Oriented Programming - Level 2 - Section IntroductionStep 01 - Basics of Designing a Class - Class, Object, State and BehaviorStep 02 - OOPS Example - Fan Class - Deciding State and ConstructorsStep 03 - OOPS Example - Fan Class - Deciding Behavior with MethodsStep 04 - OOPS Exercise - Rectangle ClassStep 05 - Understanding Object Composition with Customer Address ExampleStep 06 - Understanding Object Composition - An Exercise - Books and ReviewsStep 07 - Understanding Inheritance - Why do we need it?Step 08 - Object is at top of Inheritance HierarchyStep 09 - Inheritance and Overriding - with toString() methodStep 10 - Java Inheritance - Exercise - Student and Employee ClassesStep 11 - Java Inheritance - Default Constructors and super() method callStep 12 - Java Inheritance - Puzzles - Multiple Inheritance, Reference Variables and instanceofStep 13 - Java Abstract Class - IntroductioStep 14 - Java Abstract Class - First Example - Creating Recipes with Template MethodStep 15 - Java Abstract Class - PuzzlesStep 16 - Java Interface - Example 1 - Gaming Console - How to think about Intefaces?Step 17 - Java Interface - Example 2 - Complex Algorithm - API defined by external teamStep 18 - Java Interface - Puzzles - Unimplemented methods, Abstract Classes, Variables, Default Methods and moreStep 19 - Java Interface vs Abstract Class - A ComparisonStep 20 - Java Interface Flyable and Abstract Class Animal - An ExerciseStep 21 - Polymorphism - An introductionCollectionsStep 01 - Java Collections - Section Overview with Need For CollectionsStep 02 - List Interface - Introduction - Position is KingStep 03 - List Inteface - Immutability and Introduction of Implementations - ArrayList, LinkedList and VectorStep 04 - List Inteface Implementations - ArrayList vs LinkedListStep 05 - List Inteface Implementations - ArrayList vs VectorStep 06 - List Inteface - Methods to add, remove and change elements and listsStep 07 - List and ArrayList - Iterating around elementsStep 08 - List and ArrayList - Choosing iteration approach for printing and deleting elementsStep 09 - List and ArrayList - Puzzles - Type Safety and Removing IntegersStep 10 - List and ArrayList - Sorting - Introduction to Collections sort static methodStep 11 - List and ArrayList - Sorting - Implementing Comparable Inteface in Student ClassStep 12 - List and ArrayList - Sorting - Providing Flexibility by implementing Comparator interfaceStep 13 - List and ArrayList - A SummaryStep 14 - Set Interface - Introduction - No DuplicationStep 15 - Understanding Data Structures - Array, LinkedList and HashingStep 16 - Understanding Data Structures - Tree - Sorted OrderStep 17 - Set Interface - Hands on - HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSetStep 18 - Set Interface - Exercise - Find Unique Characters in a ListStep 19 - TreeSet - Methods from NavigableSet - floor,lower,upper, subSet, head and tailSetStep 20 - Queue Interface - Process Elements in OrderStep 21 - Introduction to PriorityQueue - Basic Methods and Customized PriorityStep 22 - Map Interface - An Introduction - Key and ValueStep 23 - Map Interface - Implementations - HashMap, HashTable, LinkedHashMap and TreeMapStep 24 - Map Interface - Basic OperationsStep 25 - Map Interface - Comparison - HashMap vs LinkedHashMap vs TreeMapStep 26 - Map Interface - Exercise - Count occurances of characters and words in a piece of textStep 27 - TreeMap - Methods from NavigableMap - floorKey, higherKey, firstEntry, subMap and moreStep 28 - Java Collections - Conclusion with Three TipsGenericsStep 01 - Introduction to Generics - Why do we need Generics?Step 02 - Implementing Generics for the Custom ListStep 03 - Extending Custom List with a Generic Return MethodStep 04 - Generics Puzzles - Restrictions with extends and Generic MethodsStep 05 - Generics and WildCards - Upper Bound and Lower BoundIntroduction to Exception HandlingStep 01 - Introduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception HandlingStep 02 - Basics of Exceptions - NullPointerException and StackTraceStep 03 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - try and catchStep 04 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Exception Hierarchy, Matching and Catching Multiple ExceptionsStep 05 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Need for finallyStep 06 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - PuzzlesStep 07 - Checked Exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions - An ExampleStep 08 - Hierarchy of Errors and Exceptions - Checked and RuntimeStep 09 - Throwing an Exception - Currencies Do Not Match Runtime ExceptionStep 10 - Throwing a Checked Exception - Throws in method signature and handlingStep 11 - Throwing a Custom Exception - CurrenciesDoNotMatchExceptionStep 12 - Write less code with Try with Resources - New Feature in Java 7Step 13 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Puzzles 2Step 14 - Exception Handling - Conclusion with Best PracticesJava TipsJava Tip 01 - Imports and Static ImportsJava Tip 02 - BlocksJava Tip 03 - equals methodJava Tip 04 - hashcode methodJava Tip 05 - Class Access Modifiers - public and defaultJava Tip 06 - Method Access Modifiers - public, protected, private and defaultJava Tip 07 - Final classes and Final methodsJava Tip 08 - Final Variables and Final ArgumentsJava Tip 09 - Why do we need static variables?Java Tip 09 - Why do we need static methods?Java Tip 10 - Static methods cannot use instance methods or variablesJava Tip 11 - public static final - ConstantsGetting Started with Selenium, JUnit and TestNGStep 01 - Getting Started with Selenium - An OverviewStep 02 - Installing Selenium IDEStep 03 - Recording and Replaying Google Search with Selenium IDEStep 04 - Exercise - Recording Facebook LoginStep 05 - Advanced Features in Selenium IDEStep 06 - Alternative for Selenium IDE - Katalon StudioStep 07 - Installing and Recording Tests with Katalon StudioStep 08 - Advanced Features of Katalon StudioStep 09 - Export Unit Tests and Set up new Maven ProjectStep 10 - Adding Maven Dependencies for JUnit, Web Driver Manager and Web DriverStep 11 - Fixing Driver Error with ChromeDriverManagerStep 12 - Exercise - Run Facebook JUnit TestStep 13 - Running a Selenium Automation Test - What is happening in BackgroundStep 14 - Install TestNG Plugin and Create New Project with TestNGStep 15 - Export and Run TestNG Test for Google and FacebookStep 16 - Comparing TestNG and JUnit Tests and Course OverviewTestNG vs JUnitStep 01 - Introduction to TestNG vs JUnitStep 02 - Creating a Unit Test for SimpleClassStep 03 - Adding Asserts to Unit TestStep 04 - Exercise - Write more unit test ScenariosStep 05 - Writing Selenium JUnit Automation Test for Google - Part 1Step 06 - Writing Selenium JUnit Automation Test for Google - Part 2Step 07 - Exploring WebDriver InterfaceStep 08 - Writing Selenium JUnit Automation Test for Google - Part 3Step 09 - Reducing Duplication with @Before and @After JUnit AnnotationsStep 10 - Time for TestNG - Convert Unit Test to TestNGStep 11 - TestNG Advanced Features - XML Suite and Test ReportsStep 12 - TestNG Advanced Features - Running Tests with Parameters defined in XMLStep 13 - TestNG Advanced Features - Running Tests in Parallel Getting Started with HTML, CSS and XPathStep 01 - Why should you learn HTML and CSSStep 02 - How does Web Work - Request, Response, HTML and BrowserStep 03 - Installing Web Editor - BracketsStep 04 - First HTML File - Tags, HTML, Head and BodyStep 05 - Basic HTML Tags - Paragraph, Div, Heading - H1 to H6Step 06 - Formatting Tags - Bold, Italicized and QuotesStep 07 - Using Tags without closing tag - BR and HRStep 08 - W3C Standards for HTMLStep 09 - Creating List of elements with UL LI and OLStep 10 - Organizing Your Data Using TablesStep 11 - Organizing Your Data Using Tables - Exercise SolutionsStep 12 - HTML Attributes and Links - Absolute and RelativeStep 13 - Image Tag in HTML - Local and Internet LinksStep 14 - Introduction to Live Preview Feature in BracketsStep 15 - Nesting of Divs and Understanding align AttributeStep 16 - Getting Data from User using Forms - Text and TextAreaStep 17 - Attributes on Text Elements - Size, maxlength, valueStep 18 - Choosing among multiple options using Radio ButtonsStep 19 - Choosing among multiple options using Select BoxStep 20 - Choosing Yes or No with Check BoxStep 21 - Submitting a Form and Understanding GET and POSTStep 22 - Introduction to FramesStep 23 - Miscellaneous - Password Fields, File Input and Multi Select BoxStep 24 - Introduction to CSSStep 25 - CSS for input, select and text areaStep 26 - CSS attributes with color, background colorStep 27 - Grouping Form Elements with fieldsetStep 28 - Styling Fieldsets with CSSStep 29 - Exercise - Styling ListsStep 30 - Using an External CSS FileStep 31 - Understanding Class in CSSStep 32 - Making best use of Class in CSS and Multiple ClassesStep 33 - Using id with CSSStep 34 - Understanding CSS Selectors and Testing using $$ functionStep 35 - CSS Selectors - Identifying Input ElementStep 36 - Introduction to XPath Expressions - Absolute and RelativeStep 37 - Using id and class in XPath ExpressionsStep 38 - Using XPath on the Forms PageStep 39 - A Review of XPath Expressions and CSS SelectorsSetting up First Web ApplicationStep 01 - Setting up First Web ApplicationStep 02 - Refactoring Shortcuts To LearnStep 03 - My Favorite Shortcuts - Ctrl + 1 and Ctrl + SpaceSelenium Automation - LocatorsStep 01 - Introduction to the SectionStep 02 - Setting up New Project with TestNGStep 03 01 - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By Id and WebElement InterfaceStep 03 02 - Exercise - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By IdStep 04 - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By Name - Part 1Step 05 - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By Name - Part 2Step 06 - Abstracting @BeforeTest and @AfterTest to common super class AbstractChromeWebDriverTestStep 07 - Debugging Errors - Element Not Found ExceptionStep 08 - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By Tag NameStep 09 - Finding Multiple Matching Elements with findElementsStep 10 - Finding Multiple Matching input ElementsStep 11 - Slowing Tests using sleep for visualizingStep 12 - Automation Test for Entering UserId and Password and Logging in from Login PageStep 13 - Exercise - Create Automation Test fo Login Static PageStep 14 - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By Link TextStep 15 - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By Partial Link TextStep 16 - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By ClassStep 17 - Exercise - Selenium Locators - Locate Elements By ClassStep 18 - Selenium Locators - Locate Table ElementStep 19 - Exercise - Selenium Locators - Locate and Click Table ElementStep 20 - Understanding CSS Selectors for Table Data - tdStep 21 - Using XPath Expressions to Locate Table ElementsStep 22 - Choosing among multiple Selenium Locator OptionsStep 23 - Improving Performance By Caching WebElementsStep 24 - ConclusionSelenium Automation - Playing with Form ElementsStep 01 - Introduction to SectionStep 02 - Reading and Setting values into Text Elements using Selenium Web Driver InterfaceStep 03 - Reading and Setting values into TextArea Elements using Selenium Web Driver InterfaceStep 04 - Reading value of CheckBox in Automation TestsStep 05 - Setting value of CheckBox in Automation TestsStep 06 - Creating Framework Utility Method for CheckBox in Automation TestsStep 07 - Reading value of Radio Button in Automation TestsStep 08 - Setting value of Radio Button in Automation TestsStep 09 - Reading value of Select BoxStep 10 - Reading value of Multi Select BoxStep 11 - Setting value of Select Box in Automation TestStep 12 - ConclusionSelenium Automation - Advanced Testing ScenariosStep 01 - Introduction and Setting up New Project with TestNG and SeleniumStep 02 - Reading CSS StylesStep 03 - Exercise - Reading CSS StylesStep 04 - Checking if an element is enabled using isEnabled and Exploring WebDriver InterfaceStep 05 - More methods in WebDriver Interface - getAttribute, getLocation and getSizeStep 06 - Accessing Window Information using WebDriver manage window methodStep 07 - Window Navigation in Selenium Automation Test with WebDriver navigate methodStep 08 - Automation Testing Modal Windows using SleepStep 09 - Automation Testing Modal Windows with Implicit WaitStep 10 01 - Automation Testing Modal Windows with Explicit WaitsStep 10 02 - Automation Testing Modal Windows with Explicit Waits - EventsStep 11 - Testing Alert Boxes with SeleniumStep 12 - Window Handles and Basics of Testing New Browser Window LaunchStep 13 - Finding the Handle of Newly Launched WindowStep 14 - Switching to Newly Launched WindowStep 15 - Writing Automation Tests for FramesStep 16 - Taking Screenshot during Automation TestStep 17 - Executing JavaScript Code in Selenium TestStep 18 - Reviewing WebDriver InterfaceStep 20 - Writing Automation Tests for TablesStep 21 - Designing a basic framework for TablesStep 22 - Using Actions Interface for Basic Actions with Keyboard and MouseStep 23 - More Actions Interface - Drag, Drop, Hold and Release Introduction to Cross Browser Automation TestingStep 01 - Introduction to Cross Browser Automation TestingStep 02 - Setting up a New Project and Running Tests in Chrome and FirefoxStep 03 - Running Automation Tests in Other Browser - Safari, Internet Explorer and EdgeStep 04 - Running Headless Automation Test with PhanthomJSStep 05 - Running Automation Tests with Chrome and Firefox Browsers in Headless modeStep 06 - Designing Cross Browser Automation Test Framework - Part 1Step 07 - Designing Cross Browser Automation Test Framework - Part 2Data Driven Testing with Data Providers, CSV and Excel SpreadsheetsStep 01 - Section OverviewStep 02 - Understanding Prerequisites and Login Test ScenarioStep 03 - Setting up a new Project with Hardcoded Login ScenarioStep 04 - Writing Automation Test for Unsuccessful LoginStep 05 - Data Driving Unsuccessful Login Automation Test with DataProviderStep 06 - Adding Passwords to DataProviderStep 07 - Adding Expected Test Result to Data ProviderStep 08 - Reading Test Data From CSV FileStep 09 - Connecting Test Data Provider to CSV FileStep 10 - Setting up Excel File with Google SpreadsheetsStep 11 - Reading Test Data From Excel using POI and ExcelReadUtilStep 12 - Understanding ExcelReadUtilStep 13 - Connecting Test Data Provider to Excel FileImplementing Page Object Model for Update Todo ScenarioStep 01 - Introduction - Objectives and PrerequisitesStep 02 - Setting up a New Project and Creating an outline for the Update Todo TestStep 03 - Writing First Version of Update Todo Automation TestStep 04 - First Working Version of Update todo Test and a Discussion on MaintainabilityStep 05 - Introduction to Page Object ModelStep 06 - Creating Your first Page ObjectStep 07 - Updating the Automation Test to use Login Page ObjectStep 08 - Creating Action Methods in Login Page ObjectStep 09 - Creating Todo Page ObjectStep 10 - Creating List Todo Page ObjectScaling up with Selenium Standalone and GridStep 01 - Selenium Standalone and Grid - An IntroductionStep 02 - Intallation Step I - NPM using Node JSStep 03 - Intallation Steps II and III - Installing and Launching Selenium Standalone ServerStep 04 - Setting up an Automation Project and Creating a Simple TestStep 05 - Creating a New Test to run using Selenium Standalone ServerStep 06 - Introduction to Selenium Grid - Hub and NodesStep 07 - Setting up Selenium Grid with a Hub and 2 NodesStep 08 - Setting up different browser capabilities for the Nodes in the Selenium GridStart Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!"
Price: 199.99

"Python Programming for Beginners - Learn in 100 Easy Steps"
"Python is one of the most popular programming languages. Python offers both object oriented and structural programming features.We take an hands-on approach using a combination of Python Shell and PyCharm as an IDE to illustrate more than 150 Python Coding Exercises, Puzzles and Code Examples.We love Programming. Our aim with this course is to create a love for Programming.What our Learners say?""Best Course on Python ever in-depth explanation and Experienced Instructor. If this course would had any fee i would have payed it happily :)""""It was a such an amazing experience, loved the way he teaches. I have learned a lot so far still so much more to learn. I would highly recommend this course to beginners in Python. Thank you!""""This is a great course for those who have no idea what programming involves. It teaches you in a very simple and easy to follow manner that is fun and really rewording. Definitely what you need to get your head around computer programming basics, so you can progress on to cool stuff that lead you hear in the first place. :)""""I like the way of teaching. I have really learned a lot from some few lessons! I'm a completely newbie to programming, but everything is clear so far. Keep it up!""""Great overview of python for a beginner with programming. Covers with just sufficient depth the topics to understand the basics of python. Highly recommendable for anyone who is just beginning programming.""""This was one hell of a journey. The 100 steps took me a great distance in getting to know Python with depth. I loved the friendly instructor and admired his in-depth knowledge on the subject.""""This course may seem to move at a slow pace at first, but this is essential. pay attention to his methods and his logic - this course is the one in a million course that changed the direction my coding journey has taken.""""I was learning python for the first time. This is the best course for beginners.""""Course was very helpful and instructor teaching method was awesome.""""Concepts are beautifully explained for a beginner.Well done!!""""This guy is the best instructor ever!""In more than 150 Steps, we explore the most important Python Programming Language FeaturesBasics of Python Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing OutputPython Operators - Python Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit OperatorsPython Conditionals and If StatementMethods - Parameters, Arguments and Return ValuesAn Overview Of Python PlatformObject Oriented Programming - Class, Object, State and BehaviorBasics of OOPS - Encapsulation, Inheritance and Abstract Class.Basics about Python Data TypesBasics about Python Built in ModulesConditionals with Python - If Else Statement, Nested If ElseLoops - For Loop, While Loop in Python, Break and ContinueImmutablity of Python Basic TypesPython Data Structures - List, Set, Dictionary and TuplesIntroduction to Variable ArgumentsBasics of Designing a Class - Class, Object, State and Behavior. Deciding State and Constructors.Introduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception Handling. try, except, else and finally. Exception Hierarchy. Throwing an Exception. Creating and Throwing a Custom Exception.Step By Step DetailsIntroduction To Python Programming With Multiplication TableStep 01 - Getting Started with ProgrammingStep 02 - Introduction to Multiplication Table challengeStep 03 - Break Down Multiplication Table ChallengeStep 04 - Python Expression - An IntroductionStep 05 - Python Expression - ExercisesStep 06 - Java Expression - PuzzlesStep 07 - Printing output to console with PythonStep 08 - Calling Functions in Python - PuzzlesStep 09 - Advanced Printing output to console with PythonStep 10 - Advanced Printing output to console with Python - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 11 - Introduction to Variables in PythonStep 12 - Introduction to Variables in Python - PuzzlesStep 13 - Assignment StatementStep 14 - Tip - Using formatted strings in print methodStep 15 - Using For Loop to Print Multiplication TableStep 16 - Using For Loop in Python - PuzzlesStep 17 - Using For Loop in Python - ExercisesStep 18 - Getting Started with Programming - Revise all TerminologyIntroduction To Methods - MultiplicationTableStep 00 - Section 02 - Methods - An IntroductionStep 01 - Your First Python Method - Hello World Twice and Exercise StatementsStep 02 - Introduction to Python Methods - ExercisesStep 03 - Introduction to Python Methods - Arguments and ParametersStep 04 - Introduction to Python Method Parameters - ExercisesStep 05 - Introduction to Python Method - Multiple ParametersStep 06 - Getting back to Multiplication Table - Creating a methodStep 07 - Tip - Indentation is kingStep 08 - Introduction to Python Method - Puzzles - Named ParametersStep 09 - Introduction to Python Method - Return ValuesStep 10 - Introduction to Python Method - Return Values - ExercisesIntroduction To Python PlatformStep 01 - Writing and Executing your First Python ScriptStep 02 - Python Virtual Machine and bytecodeIntroduction To PyCharmStep 01 - Installing and Introduction to PyCharmStep 02 - Write and Execute a Python File with PyCharmStep 03 - Execise - Write Multiplication Table Method with PyCharmStep 04 - Debugging Code with PyCharmStep 05 - PyCharm Tips : Tool WindowsStep 06 - PyCharm Tips : Keyboard ShortcutsBasic Numeric Data Types and Conditional ExecutionStep 01 - Introduction to Numeric Data TypesStep 02 - Exercise - Calculate Simple InterestStep 03 - Introduction to Numeric Data Types - PuzzlesStep 04 - Introduction to Boolean Data TypeStep 05 - Introduction to If ConditionStep 06 - Introduction to If Condition - ExercisesStep 07 - Logical Operators - and or notStep 08 - Logical Operators - and or not - PuzzlesStep 09 - Introduction to If Condition - else and elifStep 10 - if, else and elif - Menu Exercise - Part 1Step 11 - if, else and elif - Menu Exercise - Part 2Step 12 - if, else and elif - PuzzlesText in PythonStep 01 - Text in Python - Methods in str classStep 02 - Data Type Conversion - PuzzlesStep 03 - Strings are immutableStep 04 - There is no seperate Character data typeStep 05 - String moduleEDITStep 06 - Exercise - is_vowel, print lower case and upper case charactersStep 07 - String - Exercises and PuzzlesStep 08 - String - ConclusionPython LoopsStep 01 - For loop basicsStep 02 - For loop exercise 1 - is_primeStep 03 - For loop exercise 2 - sum_upto_nStep 04 - For loop exercise 3 - sum of divisorsStep 05 - For loop exercise 4 - print a number triangleStep 06 - Introduction to while loop in PythonStep 07 - While loop - ExercisesStep 08 - Choosing a Loop - Menu ExerciseStep 09 - Loops - Puzzles - break and continueBeginner TipsTip 1 - Using Predefined Python ModulesTip 2 - Loop - Getting Index ElementTip 3 - Python is Strongly Typed and Dynamic LanguageTip 4 - Beginners Mistakes - ShadowingTip 8 - Defining Equality for ClassesTip 5 - Beginners Mistakes - IndentationTip 6 - PEP8 - Python Style GuideTip 7 - PEP20 - Zen of PythonIntroduction To Object Oriented ProgrammingStep 00 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Section OverviewStep 01 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - BasicsStep 02 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Terminology - Class, Object, State and BehaviorStep 03 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Exercise - Online Shopping System and PersonStep 04 - First Class and Object - Country classStep 05 - Create Motor Bike Python Class and a couple of objectsStep 06 - Class and Objects - a few PuzzlesStep 07 - Constructor for MotorBike classStep 08 - Constructor for Book class - ExerciseStep 09 - Constructors - PuzzlesStep 10 - Class and Objects - Methods and BehaviorStep 11 - Exercise - Enhance Book class with copiesStep 12 - Class and Objects - Methods and Behavior - Puzzles on selfStep 13 - Advantages of EncapsulationStep 14 - Everything is Object in PythonPython Data StructuresStep 01 - Python Data Structures - Why do we need them?Step 02 - Operations on List Data StructureStep 03 - Exercise with List - Student classStep 04 - Puzzles with Strings ListsStep 05 - List SlicingStep 06 - List Sorting, Looping and ReversingStep 07 - List as a Stack and QueueStep 08 - List with a custom class - Country and representationStep 08 - List with a custom class - Part 2 - sorting, max and minStep 09 - List ComprehensionStep 10 - Introduction to SetStep 11 - Introduction to DictionaryStep 12 - Exercise with Dictionary - Word and Character OccurancesStep 13 - Puzzles with Data StructuresObject Oriented Programming AgainStep 01 - OOPS Basics RevisedStep 02 - Designing a Fan ClassStep 03 - Object Composition - Book and ReviewsStep 04 - Why do we need InheritanceStep 05 - All classes in Python 3 inherit from objectStep 06 - Multiple InheritanceStep 07 - Creating and Using an Abstract ClassStep 08 - Template Method Pattern with Recipe ClassStep 09 - A Quick RevisionError Handling with PythonStep 01 - Introduction to Error Handling - Your Thought Process during Error HandlingStep 02 - Basics of Exception HierarchyStep 03 - Basics of Error Handling - try exceptStep 04 - Handling Multiple Errors with Multiple except blocksStep 05 - Error Handling - Puzzles - Exception Details andStep 06 - Error Handling - finally and elseStep 07 - Error Handling - Puzzles 2Step 08 - Raising ExceptionsStep 09 - Raising Custom ExceptionsStep 10 - Exception Handling Best PracticesFinal TipsTip 1 - Math Module and Decimal ClassTip 2 - Statistics Module - find mean and medianTip 3 - Collections Module - deque for Queue and StackTip 4 - Methods and Arguments - BasicsTip 5 - Methods and Arguments - Keyword ArgumentsTip 6 - Methods and Arguments - Unpacking Lists and DictionariesTip 7 - Creating Custom Modules and Using Them"
Price: 199.99

"Creative Web Design Deconstructed : Learn By Doing"
"Get better at web design and be inspired to unleash your creative ideas !These days a lot of website look the same and for good reason - they have been made using generic templates.And i have nothing against it, but if you are a designer or you are learning to become one then you might appreciate a bit more creativity to be put into design.And i am proud to say that this design is definitely something unique. It is suited for companies or individuals who want to look different and show that they are open to people, ideas and have this adventure and free minded spirit.In this course we will design unique one page website with multiple sections !What You Will Learn:Use pen tool to create simple iconsHow to use blending modes to create unique image effectsWork with clipping masks to make interesting design solutionsUse typography to your advantageDesign one page website from scratchStep out of the box to look at design from different perspectiveAnd more ...FAQ:I have no experience in design. Can i still enroll ?Sure you can. That is the aim of this course - you will learn by working on actual design !I have only used Photoshop/Sketch/other. Will i be able to follow along ?Yes, as a matter of fact many design tools have a lot of similarities so you should not have any problems switching to this tool. We will take it step by step so that you can adapt to using this tool. Also FREE guide to basics of design tool FIGMA included - message me and i will send you it for FREE !!!Will i have to spend money on expensive software licences ?NO ! All of the software we will be using will be completely FREE. Also other resources will be free so don't worry - you won't have to spend any extra money, i've got you covered ;)If i have other questions can i contact you ?Absolutely YES ! You can contact me before enrolling into course at - i will answer all of the questions you have. And if you have any questions during or after the course i will also be there to help you !Target Audience:Creative individuals who are looking for fun project to work onDesigners who want to get better at their craftWeb developers who are interested in design processStudents who are tired of plain theoryOther artists who want to get inspired and improve their design skillsAll you need to have is computer and internet connection - all of the software we are going to use will be completely FREE !I will see you in the first lesson !Reinis Brzi ("
Price: 19.99