"Tecnologias para a Educao 3.0" |
"Com o desenvolvimento da tecnologia da informao e comunicao, diversas ferramentas digitais tm sido desenvolvidas que facilitam o gerenciamento de contedos,automatizama avaliao efacilitam a diferenciao da instruo. De transmissor do conhecimento, opapel do professor passa agora a ser de tutor e facilitador da aprendizagem, enquanto que o do aluno ser agente da construo do seu prprio conhecimento.Neste curso vamos aprender atravs de tutoriais em vdeo, leituras e atividades a utilizar diversas ferramentas online para aliar com eficcia a tecnologia no ensino e aprendizagem, promovendoa autonomia, a diferenciao e a personalizaoda aprendizagem, transformando as ferramentas digitaisna linguagemna qual nos comunicamos com o mundo."
Price: 19.99 |
"Microsoft OneNote para Educadores" |
"O OneNote uma excelente ferramenta de gerenciamento de contedos e avaliaes. Ele permite que o professor crie facilmente sequncias didticas, roteiros de estudos, exerccios, avaliaes com autocorreo e espaos online de trabalhos em grupo. Os alunos podem receber devolutivas de seus trabalhos em tempo real, acessar o contedo a qualquer horriopor dispositivos mveis ou computadores.Este curso voltado a professores que possuem email institucionais de sua escola, pois assim eles podem acessar gratuitamente o Office 365 para educao. Atravs de tutoriais em vdeo, artigos e tarefas vamos aprender a utilizar estas ferramentas da Microsoft, ganhando tempo e inteligncia no gerenciamento do conhecimento.Como bnus voc tambm ter uma introduo ferramenta de apresentao Sway e de elaborao de formulrios, o Microsoft Forms."
Price: 19.99 |
"Tecnologias para a Sala de Aula Invertida" |
"A sala de aula invertida um dos modelos de ensino hbridomais utilizados nas universidades e escolas inovadoras. Neste curso, atravs de vdeo aulas, tutoriaispasso a passo, atividades e artigos,voc vai conhecer oconceito desta metodologia ativa, seus princpiose as interfaces maisutilizadas. No final voc estar apto a elaborar atividades hbridas que promovem a autonomia do aluno na construo do seu prprioconhecimento."
Price: 39.99 |
"Firebase and Swift: Practical Examples" |
"This is a very practical video course aimed at beginner mobile app developers for iOS platformto help them learn how to use different Firebase services in their mobile app built with Swift programming language.Firebase is large and is constantly growing and this video course will also be expanding with new topics. If you are interested in learning how to use a specific Firebase service with Swift, thencheck out the curriculum of this course to see if it is coveredand if it is not coveredyet, then please message the instructor of this video course to learn when the topic of your interestwill be covered in this video course.This video course is aimed at beginner Swift developers and beginner Firebase usersand does not cover advanced tips and tricks which senior iOSapp developers might be looking for. But even though it is aimed at beginners and covers basics, the content of this course is sufficient enough for you to make Firebase a primarycloud backend for your mobile app and be able to build most of the must have functionality.You will learn and be able to use Swift and Firebase to:Implement User registration with email address and password,Firebase Social Authentication with Facebook account,Implement features like Email verification and password reset,Bypass sign in page if user is logged in,Add push notifications support for your mobile app and learn how to send push notifications user Firebase console,Send push notifications to all mobile app users or a single device,Send silent push notifications which are not visible to users but allow your app to partially wake up and do some business logic in background,You will also learn how to send push notifications to a single device using Postman HTTP client and from a terminal window using CURLYou will learn how to prevent use to open protected pages of your mobile app unless user has signed in and has verified their email address,You will learn how to let user choose a picture from their photo library and upload this picture and store it in Firebase Storage, Additionally to uploadingpictures to Firebase storage you will learn how to generate a download URLto your image stored in Firebase Storage,You will learn how to user FirebaseUI library to download and display images in your mobile app. And the beauty of FirebaseUI library is that it is integrated with a very popular project SDWebImageand you also get image caching support,When your mobile app is published and is being used by users crash reporting is a must to have. In this video course you will learn how to:Enable your mobile app to report crashes to Firebase andUse avery user friendlyFirebase Crash Reporting toolto view app crash details and see exactly in whichfunction and at which line of codean error in your app took place You will also learn how to:Create your own Firebase Cloud Function and deploy it to Firebase,Create Cloud Function that accepts HTTPrequest, reads HTTPRequest Query parameters and sends back a Response,Create Cloud Function that gets triggered when user uploads their profile image and generates a thumbnail for it."
Price: 19.99 |
"RESTful Web Services, Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC and JPA" |
"This is a very practical video course aimed at beginner Java developers to help them build their very first RESTful Web Service application with Java, Spring MVC,Spring Boot and Spring Data JPAto implement featureslike:User sign-up andUser sign-in,Email verification,Password Reset,Get user details APIcall,Get list of users API call and implement Pagination,Update user details and Delete user details APIcalls,Learn to secure Web Service endpoints with Spring Security,Learn to use Amazon AWS Simple Email Service(SES) to send and request to confirm user email address,and learn to generate and includetheJSON Web Token in HTTPRequest.Students will learnhow to use Postman HTTPclient software to send:HTTPPOST, GET, DELETE and PUT requests, as well as how to set neededHTTPHeaders. We will also cover how to:Send data to your RESTful WebService via HTTP Body and,How to pass datavia URLQuery String andas a Path parameter,How to enable your RESTful Web Service to respond to Cross Origin AJAXHTTPRequests.You will also learn how to make your RESTful Web Service accept and respond backwithJSON or XMLmedia type.This video course you will learn how to:Download and install Spring Tool Suite(STS),Download and install MySQLserver and MySQL Workbench GUI,Download and run Apache Tomcat,Add a specific Apache Tomcat Version to your Spring Tool Suite,User Maven to build and run your project as well as package it into a deployableWAR file,You will also learn how to run your Web Service as astand along Java application with build-in Tomcat,Deploy your RESTful Web Service toApache Tomcat as well as,Start up your own Amazon AWSEC2 Service in Amazon Cloud, install Java, MySQL, Tomcat and deploy RESTful Web Service to your very own cloud server.This video course also covers the H2 in-memory database and teaches how to build RESTful Web Service that stores data in a database without a need to install MySQL or any other database server. You will also learn how to use H2 console to preview data stored in an in-memory database tables or in a MySQL database server.When it comes to storing data in a database you will learn how to use Spring Data JPA Query Methods as well as Native SQL Queries. You will also learn how to use JUnit 5 to test your code and how to use one of the most popular test frameworks called Rest Assured to test RESTful Web Service endpoints of your REST Api."
Price: 39.99 |
"Las Artistas ms Importantes en la Historia del Arte Parte I" |
"Comentarios de los estudiantes sobre los cursos""Las explicaciones son claras e interesantes, acompaadas de hermosas imgenes ilustrativas.""Silvia Orfilia PAISAL ROSES sobre el curso Interpreta los mensajes ocultos del arte del Renacimiento.""Didctico y Ejemplificado."" Isaas Chvez sobre el curso Historia y Arte: Grandes Pintores del Barroco.""Interesante va adentrndote detalladamente en el entorno sociocultural de la poca para posteriormente acercarnos a las futuras explicaciones de los artistas.""Carmen Garca Nievessobreel cursoInterpreta los mensajes ocultos del arte del Renacimiento.De qu trata este curso?Vivimos en una etapamuy importante como sociedaddonde estamos revisando nuestra historia con otros ojos, una en donde la mujer tiene derecho al mismo reconocimiento que el hombre, la capacidad creativa es un don inherente a los seres humanos indiferente al sexo, y las mujeres de las que hablaremos en este curso lo han demostrado, durantelargo tiempo su trabajo ha permanecido casi en el olvido, pero la historia y la sociedad ha vuelto su mirada a ellas dndoles el lugar que les corresponde, es mi intencin poder ser parte de ese trabajo de difusin a travs de este curso, donde conoceremos la vida y la obra de las artistas ms influyentes de las historia del arte desde la antigedad al siglo XVIII.No necesitas conocimientos previos pero sin un profundo deseo de aprender y compartir tus aprendizajes en el curso.El objetivo y estructura de este curso es:Conocer la vida de las artistas ms influyentes de la historia.Analizar las obras ms representativas de estas artistas.Localizar las fuentes de informacin donde podemos recoger datos histricos sobre las artistas.Aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos mediante actividades prcticas.Comprender el estilo de las artistas ms influyentes de la historia.Qu tipo de materiales incluye?Videos e imgenes explicativas.Material de apoyo para descargar como documentos en pdf.Este curso tiene como misin actualizarse constantemente y aadir ms informacin de inters.Actividades prticas.GarantasAcceso de por vida30 das de garanta, toma el curso, tu dinero estasegurado, puedes pedir reembolso si no es lo que esperas. Slo asegrate de leer a quin va dirigido, el contenido y lo que se ofrece antes de hacer la compra."
Price: 19.99 |
"C++ programming step by step from beginner to advance level." |
"This course will teach you C++ from scratch upto advance level step-by-step with Object oriented programming (OOP ) using C++11/14. The object oriented programming concepts are clearly explained, you will learn classes, objects, inheritance, runtime polymorphism, Operator overloading apart from basic programming concepts like variables, branching and looping, functions, reference parameters, arrays, string and vectors in C++.File I/O has been discussed in details and in the Mini project File I/O is used extensively. You will learn STL or standard template library in detail along with concept of functors and lambda.The approach is 100% practical, hands on experience of learning will help you to get more confidence with C++ programming. You can follow me along side doing the programs in C++and that will be best way to do the course."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Book Cover Design" |
"What if I told you that it is easy to create professional looking book covers in PowerPoint? Maybe you assumethat PowerPointworks only for creating presentation slides, which is actually not true. You can be really creative in PowerPoint. You can create visuals in different sizes and formats, create your own templates, make your own designs by creating new shapes, editing eps vector files, customizing fonts and using many other effects. Moreover, you can create mockups and promotional visuals foryour books and other digital products.Even if you are struggling with creating your book cover design, after watching this course, you will be able to create professional looking book cover designs that sell and you will be proud of.If you are a self-publishing author and are starting out on a very small budget, a homemade, DIY book cover is a practical solution. However, the worst thing you can do is consider your cover design like a blank canvas and add all elements randomly without deeper understanding what role they are playing. So, in this course you are going to learn how to use colors, fonts, pictures and graphical design principles to communicate your genre and create a book cover that attracts your readers attention. Moreover, you will learn practical know-hows and advanced techniques to create your own and original book cover design in PowerPoint 2016(If you don't have PowerPoint 2016 you can apply the same techniques also in PowerPoint 2013).The additional benefit is that the same principles and techniques that you use for your book cover design you will be able to use also for creating other visuals for social media and web. Therefore, you will never need to consider paying for additional image editing softwares or tools, because PowerPoint can offer everything you need. You will be surprised how multi-functional it is. This course is full of techniques you can use for creating different kind of visuals for almost every purpose. 100% Risk Free 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Enroll now to bring your book cover designs to the next level!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Ceramic Design: Flexible Production (Renewed Feb 2019)" |
"I designed this course for those people who intend to produce ceramic pieces in volume, that is, to market them in stores or with their friends.Why do I do it? Because I am convinced that the mind of the designer behaves differently when the challenge goes beyond simple entertainment.The design of ceramic pieces involves addressing more aspects involved, and in a certain way, of a very complex and indeterminate technical nature, because each time we open an oven, it is like opening a box of surprises since the results are unexpected.I observe two main objectives:1. Develop a skill that allows you to face the art of ceramics with enthusiasm and determination.2. Orient said skill to the design and production of low and medium volume pieces to be commercialized.Therefore, this class can not cover such an ambitious project. That is why this first class will focus exclusively on the ability to produce pieces whose model and mold are already available, modify them and orient them to a specific market.The phases of preparation of pastes and plaster molds, as well as those of decoration or wider finish, both will be seen in deteriores classes.Finally, I apologize for my level of speaking the English language, but my enthusiasm for trying to break the language barrier is greater.I'm Arturo Jurez, originally from Mexico City and it's a pleasure to be with you.Good luck!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Marketing Strategies for Startups, Home Businesses, and SMBs" |
". ."
Price: 39.99 |
"How To Design Social Media Graphics With The Logo Creator" |
"In this class, you will learn how to create all your graphics quickly and easily with The Logo Creator.No need to learn Photoshop or Adobe Illustratorwhen you have such a simple program to use to create the graphics you need in 5 minutes for that glossy and professional look. I have been using this amazing tool for 3 years for myself, and ALL my clients in my Agency. you can also use it to create graphics for others and charge cold, hard CASH.Logo Creator isa simple software you simply downloadto your computer in 30 seconds and you can quickly make amazing looking graphics of all types including,but not limited to:Facebook Feed, Header, AdsLogosAvatar ImagesTwitter Headers, Avatars and Post PicsPinterest PicsInstagram PicsPictures and graphics for blog postsBanner ads of all sizesWordpress slider imagesAdding text to images or picturesYouTube thumbnails and MUCH, MUCHmore!After watching this course and downloading and using The LogoCreator yourself, you'll be able to successfully create your own beautiful graphics. Justuse it and practice often.RememberMASSIVE ACTION = MASSIVE RESULTS!I alsogive you the resources I use for getting graphics to useas well asthe websites to get ROYALTY FREE orPAID imagesfrom to use for your graphics, posts or background images."
Price: 19.99 |
"Create Stunning Pixel Art Tilesets for Games" |
"This course teaches you to create simple tilesets for both platform games and RPGs. You will learn how to make tiles loop well, organize your tilesets, and set up tilesheets for autotiling.If you have a basic understanding of pixel art but struggle with tilesets this course is for you.It will take roughly 5 hours to complete.There are both step by step video lectures and some discussion video lectures in this course.This course will strengthen your foundations in art and pixel art. It will build your confidence in your art and give you the information you need to continue improving your pixel art even after completing the course."
Price: 49.99 |
"Time Series Analysis in R: SMA, EMA, and Theta Models" |
"In this course we explore R's capability to model time series data with some of the most basic and widely used model types. We'll learn what a simple moving average is and how R can take the analysis of data in this model to a higher level, then we move on to exponential models which are the most widely used types for financial market data. Finally generalizing the EMA model to compound modeling in R and introducing a newer more powerful Theta model as a tool."
Price: 19.99 |
"Creating Rocks Displays: For Landscapes and More" |
"This rock design course will take you step-by-step demonstrating how to create creative rock displays for your landscape and more. If having unique decor gets you excited, this course is for you. You will see how rocks sitting around your yard can be transformed into something amazing! The lessons include videos and discussions on techniques to help guide you through the creation process."
Price: 19.99 |
smile_drawing |
"30! Udemy! Udemy110"
Price: 4800.00 |
"Work From Home" |
"As thetechnology we use to complete our workhas gotten smaller and more portable, our ability towork from anywhere has increased drastically. This course will outline the numerous benefits of working remotely, demonstrate exactly how to shift to a remote work position, and explain how to best design and make use of this newfreedom."
Price: 19.99 |
"3 Minute Business Class" |
"Interested in how these popular apps became successful and popular? If you want to find out the recipe that made them succeed and made it big, thisis just the right course for you! On top of that, each lesson only needs 3 minutes of you attention, so this course will save your time as well!This course will answer these questions:How Instagram works and became popular?How Shazam works and became popular?How Snapchat works and became popular?How Musically works and became popular?How Facebook works and became popular?How Tinder works and became popular?How Spotify works and became popular?How AirBnB works and became popular?How Uber works and became successful?How Google works and became popular?At the end of the course, you will have gained deeper insight into each of the 10 businesses."
Price: 29.99 |
"Mastering Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams" |
"Each lecture is developed and delivered with the benefit ofmy experience as a university lecturer in structural engineering. The teaching style appeals to all types of learners with material developed through hand-drawn notes and sketches. Students are encouraged to engage with each lecture by actively developing their own notes during each video lectureno death by PowerPoint here!We'll focus on pinning down the basics before diving into worked examples.If you follow all lectures and attempt all of the worked examples, by the end of the course you will have an excellent grasp of this essential civil engineering skill!Section 1: Reviewing the basicsBefore we get into the detail of shear force and bending moment diagrams, first we need to do a little housekeeping. We'll clarify a few assumptions that apply to our analyses and make sure you can determine support reactions for statically determinate structures.Section 2: Understanding internal bending momentsIn this section we start laying the foundation for your understanding of bending moments. We kick things off by considering how the bending moment relates to the state of stress within the structure - we're trying to answer the question 'what is the bending moment telling us about the state of stress within the structure?'.Then we'll see how the principle of equilibrium allows us to determine the internal bending moment at any point within the structure. This will prepare us nicely to start thinking about how the bending moment changes along the structure.We'll wrap this section up with some worked examples to make sure you understand everything we have discussed in the section.Section 3: Understanding internal shear forcesEverything we've done for bending moments we're going to now do for shear forces:relating shear stress to shear forcecutting the structure to reveal the internal shear forceintroducing a sign conventionAs always we'll confirm you understand everything by completing some worked examples.Section 4: Differential relationships between loading, shear force and bending momentIn this section we take our understanding to the next level. We're going to establish the relationships (and rules) that allow us to systematically build bending moment and shear force diagrams - 100% accurately every time. By the time you complete this section, you will understand how these diagrams can be developed in a systematic way, ensuring success every time.Section 5 & 6: Bringing it all together - Worked ExamplesIn these final two sections we reinforce everything you have learning so far. Remember, structural analysis, like any other skill only improves through practice. By putting everything you have learning over the previous 4 sections into action here, you're ensuring the skills are embedded.We will start on familiar ground in section 5 by considering beam structures. In section 6 we'll map what you have learned onto frame structures - greatly expanding the applicability of the tools and techniques you have developed in this course!At this point you can confidently analyseany statically determinate structure you're likely to come across in your civil engineering studies orcareer. Next step...statically indeterminate structures!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Indeterminate Structures & The Moment Distribution Method" |
"Go Beyond Simple Statically Determinate StructuresAlmost all real world civil engineeringstructures of any significance are indeterminate meaning we can't simply rely on the trusty equations of static equilibrium. Themoment distribution methodis one of the most intuitive ways to analyse these structures.After completing this course you will be well equipped to determine theshear force diagram,bending moment diagramandqualitative deflected shapefor any statically determinate or indeterminate structure you're likely to encounter as a civil engineer.Having a fast hand-analysis method for indeterminate structures is invaluable for any good engineer!The analysis of indeterminate structures is all too often left to the computer in civil engineeringthese days. But as an engineer, if you can't approximate by hand what the computer is telling - you're on thin ice! By the end of this course you'll have given yourself an invaluable skill - the ability to make sensible judgements on acomputer analyses!Section 1: Establishing the fundamentalsI will start by setting out the fundamental parts of the moment distribution method; explaining each element before using some worked examples to tie them all together. After completing this section you will have a clear analysis procedure to employ. Each worked example concludes with development ofa complete shear force and bending moment diagram.Section 2: Understanding the importance of structural stabilityOne of the main areas of application for the moment distribution method is the analysis of structural frames. However, before we can start analysing frames, we first need an understanding of structural stability. In this section I will outline some of the common methods employed by civil engineers to ensure lateral stability of their structures. This will equip you for the analysis of frames in the following sections.Section 3: Applying what you have learned to non-sway framesNow we will start to really see the power of this analysis technique. We will apply the procedure and techniques from section 1 to the analysis of non-sway or propped structural frames. This will equip you to perform sub-frame analyses commonly required in the design of reinforced concrete frame structures. After completing this section you will be able to analyse some of the most common structural forms employed in civil engineering today.Section 4: Expanding to consider sway-framesIn this final section we will bring your analysis skills to the next level by introducing you to the analysis of sway frames. Structures expected to undergo significant lateral deflections under loading will experience additional sway moments. Taking proper account of these sway effects is essential for an accurate analysis of the structure. Following an explanation and demonstration of the techniques, you are challenged to complete the analysis of a number of sway frame structures."
Price: 199.99 |
"Shear Forces and Bending Moments Bumper Example Pack" |
"After completing my flagship civil engineering structural analysis course, Mastering Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagrams, what better way to confirm you truly have mastered the techniques, than testing yourself against 10 fresh challenge questions?Honing your structural analysis skills requires practice. There is no shortcut for sitting down and implementing your solution strategies on unfamiliar questions. Finding challenging questions complete withdetailed solutionscan be difficult. In fact, one of the most frequent requests I receive from my civil engineering students is for more worked examples.In this course, I have developed 10 questions with detailed solutions explaining the thought process and logic behind their solution.In each solution video I explain in detail how I've used the techniques you've been taught previouslyto construct the shear force and bending moment diagrams. I have developed this question set to cover all of the common and not so common statically determinate structure types. We will address, beams, frames,structures with internal pin-joints andinclines members, all things you're likely to come across as a civil or structural engineer.The course is developed around the concept of problem based learning. To get the most out of the course you should attempt aquestion and iterate on your solution until you converge on the correct one. This way you learn by working your way through each problem - hence the nameproblem based learning. Only at the end should you watch the accompanying video to check the reasoning behindyoursolution.Completing thisShear Forces and Bending MomentsBumper Example Pack is a great way to wrap up your study of shear forces and bending moments, leaving you well placed to move on and tackle more advanced analysis techniques."
Price: 179.99 |
"Analysing Hybrid Indeterminate Civil Engineering Structures" |
"In this course well apply the Principle of Virtual Work and the Principle of Superposition to analyse complex indeterminate civil engineering structures. Engineering students typically start learning structural analysis by focusing on simple trusses, then beams and frames. In reality many civil engineering structures are complex hybrids of both axially loaded (truss) and bending (beam and frame) elements. Realistic civil engineering structures are also very often statically indeterminate, meaning direct application of simple statics alone wont unlock their behaviour. In this course it is these complex, indeterminate structures that well focus on analysing. Well start by developing a solution strategy. Youll develop a sound understanding of this strategy as we develop everything from simple first principles, namely, Virtual Work and Superposition. The second half of the course focuses on implementation - you will work your way through a number of challenge questions, with my worked solutions as your back-up if you get stuck. By the end of this course you'll be confidently analysing structures that leave most other students scratching their heads in confusion.As a senior university lecturer in structural engineering, I have a lot of experience guiding students through these topics. Each video lecture is structured and delivered to ensure you get the most out of your time investment. If you take this course, dont expect to sit back and let the videos wash over you - youll need to actively work your way through the course, constantly comparing your developing understanding with what you learn in each lecture. Youre strongly encouraged to develop your own notes as we move through the coursewell be avoiding death by PowerPoint at all costs. The mode of presentation is predominantly through hand-drawn notes and sketches; a method universally favoured by every engineering student Ive ever had!"
Price: 179.99 |
"Fundamentals of Virtual Work for Civil Engineers" |
"In this course you'll be introduced to an immensely powerful method of civil engineering analysis. A fundamental requirement of any civil engineer is an ability to estimate how a structure will deform and behave under load. The Principle of Virtual Work is an elegant and efficient tool that gives us that ability. Being able to look at a structure and estimate the magnitude of its deflection is a key milestone in the development of any engineering student - the aim for this course is to help you hit that milestone!Using my experience as a senior university lecturer in structural engineering, each video lecture is structured and delivered to ensure you get the most out of your time investment. If you take this course, don't expect to sit back and let the videos wash over you - you'll need to actively work your way through the course, constantly comparing your developing understanding with what you learn in each lecture. You're strongly encouraged to develop your own notes as we move through the course...we'll be avoiding 'death by PowerPoint' at all costs. The mode of presentation is predominantly through hand-drawn notes and sketches; a method universally favoured by every engineering student I've ever had!Section 1:In the first short section I'll set out the plan for the course, discussing what we'll cover and why I've structured the course the way I have. This is followed by a short video where I offer you some advice on maximising value from the course. Anyone familiar with my style of teaching will know what to expect here :) Section 2:In this section, we'll cover some of the essential background knowledge required to proceed through the course. Basically, you need to be able to analyse statically determinate trusses to determine their internal member forces. To bring everyone up to speed, we'll make sure you can do this by the end of this section.Section 3:In section 3, well start thinking about structures as energy storage devices and how this allows us to tie together the concepts of work, energy and elastic deformation. What were doing in this section is laying the groundwork required to develop a solid understanding of virtual work in the next section. By the end of this section you'll understand what we mean by strain energy and you'll have conquered your first energy-based analysis technique.Section 4:Here we'll introduce the Principle of Virtual Work. This should be much easier to digest after completing the previous section on strain energy. In this section, were simply focusing on the principle of virtual work and the building blocks required to use it in our structural analyses. For many students that struggle with virtual work, this is the missing link!Section 5:Now that you understand the Principle of Virtual Work and how it evolves out of some pretty simple ideas, we need to take it and turn it into a structural analysis technique. In this section we'll develop the analysis strategies that you can routinely apply to pin-jointed truss structures. Understanding the material in this section is going to be key to you being able to use virtual work as an analysis technique out in the wild beyond this course.Section 6:At this point youve covered all of the groundwork and should have a good understanding of the theory that underpins the principle of virtual work and how it applies to structural analysis. Now its about practice. In this section there are five practice questions to get you started and help you confirm for yourself that youve understood everything weve worked on in this course. After successfully completing this final section, you'll be confident in determining how one of the most common forms of civil engineering structure (trusses!) deform under load. I hope to see you inside!"
Price: 179.99 |
"Moment Distribution Method - Civil Engineering Example Pack" |
"This course is the ideal bolt-on to my main course on analysing civil engineering indeterminate structures, 'Indeterminate Structures & The Moment Distribution Method'. The best way to sharpen the skills developed in that course is through practice- that's where this bolt-on course comes in!The key to embedding any new structural analysis techniqueisimplementing your solution strategies on unfamiliar structures. One of the most frequent requests I receive from my civil engineering students is for more worked examples.In this course - we'll put the skills you've already learned into practice on 5 challenge questions. The questions are designedto sharpen your understanding of the momentdistribution method.The focus is on 2-dimensional structural frames. We'll cover both sway and non-sway frames - the emphasis is on analysing structuresyou're likely to come across as a civil or structural engineer. While I won't delve too deep into the derivation of solution methodologies (to avoid repetition), Iwill still explain the logic behind each step taken in the solution process. If you've come across these analysis techniques during your studies - this course wouldbe a sensibleaddition to your reference library.The course is developed around the concept ofproblem based learning. To get the most out of the course you should attempt aquestion and iterate on your solution until you converge on the correct one. This way you learn by working your way through each problem - hence the nameproblem based learning. Only at the end should you watch the accompanying video to check the reasoning behindyoursolution.Completing thisMoment Distribution MethodExample Pack is a great way to wrap up your study of indeterminate structures,leaving you well placed to analyse the types of structures seen in everyday life as a civil or structural engineer."
Price: 179.99 |
"Mastering Virtual Work for Civil Engineering" |
"In this course you will develop analysis strategies that allow you to apply the Principle of Virtual Work to beam and frame structures. In order to fully leverage this powerful engineering principle, you need to be able to apply it to civil engineering structures that experience bending. That's the focus of this course. As a civil engineer, a fundamental skill is being able to estimate how a structure will deflect and by how much! The Principle of Virtual work allows us to develop extremely efficient analysis techniques to accomplish this task using only hand calculation. By the end of this course you will be confident in calculating unknown deflections for the majority of civil engineering structures you're likely to face. More importantly you'll understand exactly how and why this techniques works; no black-box equations!As a senior university lecturer in structural engineering, I have a lot of experience guiding students through this topic. Each video lecture is structured and delivered to ensure you get the most out of your time investment. If you take this course, don't expect to sit back and let the videos wash over you - you'll need to actively work your way through the course, constantly comparing your developing understanding with what you learn in each lecture. You're strongly encouraged to develop your own notes as we move through the course...we'll be avoiding 'death by PowerPoint' at all costs. The mode of presentation is predominantly through hand-drawn notes and sketches; a method universally favoured by every engineering student I've ever had!Section 1: What's the plan?In the first short section I'll set out the plan for the course, discussing what we'll cover and why I've structured the course the way I have. This is followed by a short video where I offer you some advice on maximising value from the course. Anyone familiar with my style of teaching will know what to expect here :) Section 2: Nailing down beam bending basicsIn section 2 we're going to focus on covering some basic beam bending theory. One of our aims is to develop a complete understanding of the theory that underpins our analysis techniques. So, having the basics of beam bending theory nailed down is essential if we want to grasp the concepts introduced later. If youve completed my other course on Mastering Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams the material in this section will be familiar to you, but a quick refresher never hurts!Section 3: Introducing the Principle of Virtual Work and getting our terminology straightIn this section, well introduce the Principle of Virtual Work. This short refresher section is for the benefit of those who dont have any background knowledge of virtual work. It's always a balancing act with an engineering course, I need to make sure you have enough essential pre-requisite material without frustrating more advanced students. This section should be enough to quickly bring everyone up to the same level and also familiarise you with the terminology used throughout the rest of the course. If youve taken my course on the Fundamentals of Virtual Work this section will be a refresher. Section 4: Developing a solution strategy for bendingAt this point we have all the groundwork done on bending behaviour and the Principle of Virtual Work. In this section were going to bring all of this knowledge together and start developing the equations and workflow required to apply virtual work to structures in bending. This section is the heart of the course...after this section you should have all you need to independently calculate deflections for beam and frame structures...a huge skill to have in your analysis toolbox. Section 5: Practice Practice Practice!Now you understand the theory, you have the tools, we've walked step-by-step through the solution procedure, now it's time the put this new knowledge to work. This section of the course is focused on practicing what youve learned. The section contains five challenge questions designed to test you and embed the theory youve learned up to this point. As a civil engineer, you're never finished learning structural analysis, there is always another challenging structure around the corner to try and pick apart. This section gets you off to a good start.So, if this course sounds like it would help you, go ahead and enroll and I'll see you inside!"
Price: 179.99 |
"Productivity & Time Management For People Who Work From Home" |
"More than 90% of solopreneurs and freelancers who work from home have productivity issues.Now this might not be your case but I am 100% sure that you wouldnt want to have any productivity problems in your business.Hi, my name is Sorin, I am an online entrepreneur and marketer and I am working from home for over 4 years now.Ive had multiple challenges with my productivity during these 4 years and I had to learn how to avoid certain actions and how to become more productive.Truth be told, when you work on your own, from home, your business depends a lot on you and on your capacity to be productive.Even for people who actually have managed to get that time and money freedom that they wanted, productivity played a crucial part in their path towards success.Now, most people who work from home do not know how to become more productive or how to maintain a high productivity so often times they fall in depression or they get the feeling of being overwhelmed.The solution for solving this problem is simple, you just have to learn the DOs and DONTs and some basic things that you can apply in your routine.That is what we will talk about in this course!You will learn:how to become more productivehow to see what is wrong and not working for youhow to setup a good home work enviromenthow to become a better performer in what you doand much more...Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!New Tools introduced in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!All of this in less than 2hours (out of your busy schedule) of simple to follow lectures that YOU CAN APPLY from TODAY!It's Time to take action!To Your Massive Success,Sorin Constantin"
Price: 94.99 |
"How To Make An Android App Without Knowing Development" |
"LearnHow To Get Into Android App Development Without Knowing To Code - How To Make Your First Andorid App!This course will teach you how to build your android app from start to finish. This is perfect for beginners and it will cover absolutely everything you need to publish your own app in Google Play Store. Many courses will require you to buy them and in orderto make your app you will need to spend money on a lot of toher things(stock photos, monthly subscriptions etc.). But in this course, you will not spend anything except the mandatory $25 Google Play Store fee, which is a one time payment that all android developers must pay. If you don't want to publish in Google Play store and youjust want to make an app, then you will not spend anything else.This course will also teach you how to make money from your app if that is what you want. The main benefit is that you will be able to create an Android App without knowing how to code. You can use this for your own business or clients.What This course includes:- Where to get material / content for your app (where to get Free images, content and icons for your app. This alone will save you a lot of money)- How to make an android app- How to create a database for your app - How to create graphics for your app (You will need graphics for your Google Play store listing, I will teach you how to make them for free. You dont need photoshop or anything)- How to make money from your app- How to publish in Google Play Store (step by step)and much more...Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!New Tools introduced in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!All of this in less than 3hours (out of your busy schedule) of simple to follow lectures that YOU CAN APPLY from TODAY!It's Time to take action!After taking this course, you can be a freelancer and create apps for clients or make your own apps and make money from them.To Your Massive Success,Sorin Constantin & Emily S. Lima"
Price: 94.99 |
"Create Your Online Course Creation Platform With Teachable" |
"Online Course Creation can be a very profitable business model and the fact that you can start with almost 0 financial investment makes it the BIG OPPORTUNITY for many experts from all around the world that maybe didn't have the resources or tools needed to monetize their knowledge till now.I know because this has been my main business for the last 2 years and a half and it all started out as a test. I've started by creating and selling online courses through marketplaces like Udemy, Skillshare, CyberU and many others and I've slowly transitioned to selling through my own platforms and sites.The great part when you are selling through marketplaces is the fact that they really help you in the begining, when you have no audience to sell to or platform to host your courses on.However, and I've experienced that myself, relying on third parties like marketplaces for a long term business is not sustainable at all.Why?Because you have no control over your business. You don't decide the pricing, you don't decide the promotions and you don't have full access to your customers database. One day, if these marketplaces decide they don't want you anymore,they want to close shoppor that they want to change something that you don't agree with, well, let's just say that you can't do anything about it.Don't get me wrong, starting with marketplaces and collaborating with them is great and you should do it, 100% but a SMART instructor and marketer would build and sell on his own platform to and many people don't do it because they think it's hard!Well, it's not that hard and in this course you will see how to create and sell your courses on your own site using a platform named Teachable.You will learn how to do this in less than 1 hour and than you will be ready to sell courses on your own platform!So, if you are commited to building a long term online courses creationbusiness than stop waiting and enroll in this course right now!"
Price: 119.99 |
"How To Create A Website With Wordpress From Scratch" |
"Forget about the times when you had to learn programming to create your own website or spend a ton of money with companies or freelancers to do it just to end up with a website that you didn't like to much.Now it's easier than ever to create your website as you want it, with all the functions included,without having to spend weeks or even months to learn how to do it or build it from scratch.Needless to say that most of us already know about Wordpress and some of us have already tried to use it to build a website but we didn't do such a great job or we don't know how to fully customize it to give it a decent look.This course will teach you how to create a Website with Wordpress from scatch. It will teach you the whole process from registering a domain to creating a website. You will even learn how to create a personal branding website, a corporate or business website and an online store. You will learn how to change the look of your website by installing different themes and how to customize it to fit your business and brand needs. You will learn how to add new features to your website via plugins and widgets and even how to integrate SMTP for email marketing.By the time you are finished with the course, you will be able to create your own website or offer website creation services to your clients at a local or international scale.So, it this course we are going to cover:How To Register A DomainHow To Setup Wordpress For Your New WebsiteHow To Chose A Theme And Customize ItHow To Set Your Wordpress WebsiteHow To Add Functionalities To Your SiteHow To Build Presentation Sites, Online Stores Or Business Sites.and much more...Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!New Tools introduced in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!All of this in less than 4hours (out of your busy schedule) of simple to follow lectures that YOU CAN APPLY from TODAY!It's Time to take action!After taking this course, you can be a freelancer and create sites for clients or make your own sites for your business ventures.To Your Massive Success,Sorin Constantin & Emily S. Lima"
Price: 139.99 |
"Canva Graphic Design For Beginners - The How To Guide" |
"Hey, over 72.000 students from all around the world are taking our courses on Udemy and learning new skills that are helping them in their daily activity.Now it's your turn to learn a new skill and become better at what you do!This course will teach you how to design graphics with Canva,almost any type of design, without using Photoshop or other complicated tools.No graphical design experience is required and it's prefect for beginners and experienced designers to.No need to buy any software such as Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. We will be using a free, graphic design web-based app. So no worries, you will not spend anything. It will also teach you where to get Royalty Free Photos so you don't need to buy expensive stock photos from sites such as Shutterstock.Whether you are a solo entrepreneur or part of a graphic design agency, this course will be useful to you. It is especially aimed at beginners though because its very easy to use. You will learn how to design graphics easily and fast, with almost zero spending. This is the best course for graphic design if you are a newbie who knows nothing about Photoshop.Requirements from You:- Desktop or Laptop Computer- Internet access- Willingness to learnSome graphics we can design with Canva using this course:- Logos- Social Media Posts- Brochures- Pinterest graphics- Youtube thumbnails- Business cards- Resumes- Book Cover- Banner Ads- Posters- Infographics- Business card- Magazine cover- Web graphics- And many more!Stop wasting money with freelancers that overcharge you for simple graphics and stop wasting time by trying to learn or use complicated tools like Photoshop.This will save you time and money and it will help you create almost any type of graphic that a business could need!So, enroll right now and we will see you on the inside.PS:We are so sure that this course is going to help you that we are offering a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, no questions asked, so there is NO RISKFOR YOU whatsoever!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Blender 2.8 - Exerccios Prticos de Motion Graphics" |
"Aprender a criar animaes de alta qualidade usando o Blender tornando-se um profissional na rea de Motion Graphics.Talentos para criar este tipo de animaes e efeitos so cada vez mais procurados. Use esta ferramenta poderosa e gratuita, e encontre uma forma de ganhar dinheiro como freelancer ou revender suas animaes num pacote, em centenas de sites na web.Aprenda e Domine Motion Graphics no Blender neste Curso abrangente:Entenda os conceitos por trs das Tcnicas de AnimaoAprenda a projetar, animar e sequenciar projetos completos de Motion GraphicsTrabalhar com todas as transformaes bsicas e almAprenda tcnicas fceis, mas poderosas, para criar as animaes mais complexasCrie efeitos visuais impressionantes usando o novo motor em tempo realEEVEE do Blender 2.8Dominando Blender paraMotionGraphicsVoc passar por criar animaes teis e prticas e aprender a usar tcnicas de animao simples e complexas. Este no o tipo de ""Dicas e truques"" aqui e ali, claro. Este curso uma experincia sria de aprendizado, na qual voc realmente cria animaes srias e aprende genuinamente como usar o blender para se tornar um animador de primeira linha e um artista de motion graphics.Contedos e Viso GeralVoc comear com uma pista rpida para se familiarizar com o Blender com a sua interface, e rapidamente iremos juntos criar exerccios prticos que ajudaro a criar o seu portflio e a ter autonomia para ser um profissional em MotionGraphics. Voc aprender tudo sobre as transformaes essenciais usando animaes prticas e exemplos teis. Voc criar Projetos e Vdeos do zero e praticamente aprender mais sobre vrios recursos e funes do Blender.Este treinamento vai ajudar voc a criar uma renda atravs do Motion Graphics.Voc passar por projetos onde aprender como criar seqncias de animao e empacotar um vdeo inteiro.A manipulao essencial dos muitos mtodos no Blender abordada com nfase no uso prtico e no apenas em uma viso geral dos mtodos.Ao longo do curso, o esprito de composio, reunindo Motion Graphics totalmente coberto. Essa experincia inestimvel para voc dominar Blender.O mais importante, este curso oferece a voc a chance de entender, praticar e desenvolver suas habilidades como Artista de Motion Graphics.Aprenda a dominar a arte de Motion Graphics para poder ganhar dinheiro com o seu talento."
Price: 189.99 |