"Integracin Sensorial" |
"Sabas que actividades como la alimentacin, higiene, vestido y sueo pueden mejorar o empeorar la conducta de acuerdo a la carga de estmulos que presenta el ambiente?Sabas que cada nio tiene necesidades sensoriales diferentes? Tu nio presenta alguno o varios de los siguientes problemas?Probar ciertos alimentos, no tolera algunas texturas (pasto, arena, estar sucio, regadera etc.), busca experiencias peligrosas (golpes, cadas etc.), no le gusta ser cargado por alguien ms que no sean los paps, le molestan los ruidos, las multitudes, son desorganizados en sus actividades y tareas, agresivos, falta de atencin, problemas de lenguaje, de sueo, para relacionarse con otros nios, est muy irritable, tiene reacciones emocionales exageradasSi tu respuesta es positiva, probablemente presenta un problema de integracin sensorial.La pregunta es: qu hacer frente al problema? Lo ms importante es entender que el nio no est haciendo estas cosas a propsito, es que en realidad tiene un problema de integracin con los estmulos sensoriales.La integracin sensorial es un proceso que realizamos todos en cada momento para relacionarnos con el medio que nos rodea. Nuestro sistema nervioso procesa y registra los mltiples estmulos y no todos los pueden integrar de manera correcta, por lo tanto, stos nios parecen hipersensibles a todo.En esta conferencia te daremos una introduccin a la integracin sensorial para que puedas entender y explicarte lo que le sucede a tu hijo.Dirigido a:Todas las personas interesadas en conocer ms acerca de la Integracin Sensorial y su impacto en la conducta de los nios.Duracin: 50 min.Esta conferencia la tendrs disponible de manera ilimitada y lo podrs ver cuantas veces quieras, adelantar o regresar a tu conveniencia."
Price: 270.00 |
"La llegada del nuevo hermanito" |
"La llegada de un beb es un evento muy importante para la vida afectiva de cada uno de los integrantes de la familia. Incorporar al beb afectuosamente al grupo, y al mismo tiempo cobijar a los hermanos mayores, es una tarea ardua a la que nos enfrentamos los paps. Al ver esta conferencia podrs estar informado para preparar a los hermanos mayores para la llegada del nuevo miembro de la familia y anticiparles lo que van a vivir considerando su temperamento y edad. Te ayudaremos con muchos tips y estrategias para tener un mejor manejo de los celos y a que puedas vivir este proceso libre de culpas y en armona familiar.Dirigido a mujeres embarazadas que quieren prepararse para recibir a un nuevo beb en casa.Duracin: 45 minEste video lo tendrs disponible de manera ilimitada y lo podrs ver cuantas veces quieras, por partes o completo, todo a tu conveniencia."
Price: 270.00 |
"Tips saludables de alimentacin infantil" |
"Te preocupa que tus hijos estn recibiendo los nutrientes necesarios en cada comida? Seguramente te preguntas tambin si es bueno o no darles lcteos, o cules son las grasas buenas y cunto debemos darles. Aqu conocers cules son las porciones y los alimentos indispensables para el buen desarrollo fsico y mental de los nios. Aprenders el efecto del azcar y los colorantes en su conducta. Aclara tus dudas sobre lo que es moda y lo que est cientficamente respaldado en cuanto a la manera que debemos alimentarlos.Dirigido a padres de familia preocupados por la sana alimentacin de sus hijos en todas las edades. Duracin: 52 minutos Este video lo tendrs disponible de manera ilimitada y lo podrs ver cuantas veces quieras, por partes o completo, todo a tu conveniencia."
Price: 270.00 |
"Prevencin de Abuso Sexual" |
"Los nios tienen todas las herramientas necesarias para poder detectar y prevenir un posible abuso sexual, sin embargo, necesitan de un adulto que los gue para que puedan hacerlo. El objetivo del curso es brindar a los padres de familia estrategias muy concretas que pueden utilizar en situaciones normales, con la finalidad de brindar a los nios herramientas para poder detectar y prevenir un posible abuso sexual. Es importante que los adultos entendamos realmente lo que es un abuso sexual, cules son las estrategias que utilizan los abusadores para seducir a sus vctimas, cules son algunos sntomas y cmo debemos manejar la situacin en casa en caso de que haya habido un abuso.Dirigido a padres de familia con hijos en la primera infancia (0 a 7 aos) y adolescencia.Duracin del curso: 47 minutos Este video lo tendrs disponible de manera ilimitada y lo podrs ver cuantas veces quieras, adelantar o regresar a tu conveniencia"
Price: 270.00 |
"Crea App cross-platform con Flutter e Firebase" |
"Flutter e Firebase sono due prodotti made by Google. Flutter permette di creare applicazioni cross-platform per iOS ed Android. Firebase una piattaforma di servizi con funzioanlit backend, che integra - tra l'altro - un database realtime. In questo corso introduttivo, vedemo come configurare questi due ambienti per creare le nostre App mobile cross-platform."
Price: 49.99 |
"Wordpress - Aprenda a instalar e configurar sites do Zero" |
"O curso ser direcionado para a produo de um site completo afim de que o participante entenda na prtica todo o processo de projeo, criao e publicao de contedo digital utilizando esta poderosa ferramenta.O que WordPressWordpress como Blog e Wordpress como CMSDominio, Servidor de Hospedagem e FTPInstalao do WordpressAcessando o Site e o Painel de ControleFront end e Back endConfiguraes GeraisConfiguraes de Escrita e LeituraMidiasLinks PermanentesComentriosTemas do WordpressPostsTaxonomias (Categorias e Tags)Mdias no WordpressPginasMenusWidgetsUsuriosPluginsSEOAnatomia de um temaHierarquia de arquivos de um temaCodex (Documentao do Wordpress)Backup"
Price: 39.99 |
"Creating Wood Art - An Intro to Handcrafted Wood Sculpture" |
"Have you ever suspected you had some hidden artistic talent,but just needed a few ideas and a littledirection on how to make your own artwork? This course covers all the steps needed tocreate some beautiful wood art objects in your spare time. Once youve completed the course, youll beable to makeart, and you wont need a bunch of fancy tools. There is also a do-it-yourself kit available from my website,with all the parts you'll need to make your own sculpture."
Price: 19.99 |
"Creating Wood Sculpture: Neptune" |
"We start byshowing the model Imade from sheet metal to determine the basic shape. Then we get down to business cutting the first pieces of wood and making the base for the sculpture. After that, we make all of the typical pieces with the chop saw and drill holes in them to prepare for stacking. Just like with our first piece, Tower, we dry stack all the pieces to get the shape determined, then take it all apart and start gluing, clamping and screwing. When it's all done we do a lot sanding, then figure out away to put on the ""head"", if that's what you call it. Finally, we takeit to the furniture refinisher for a beautiful professional lacquer coating."
Price: 19.99 |
"Steaming and Bending to Create ""Tilted Arc""" |
"We're taking making art in the garage to a new level! We use new tools, like the welder (to make a steel frame) and the steamer (to soften up the strips of wood). We bend the wood around a curvy piece of metal, then clamp and glue the pieces individually, to create Tilted Arc. I describe all the steps, including making a unique base out of travertine."
Price: 19.99 |
"Diseo UX de Productos Digitales" |
"Este es un curso bsico dirigido a todas aquellas personas que desean aprender la profesin de Diseo UX pero no saben cmo comenzar. Tambin para aquellos profesionales del diseo grfico o diseadores visuales del mbito digital que han visto cmo en los ltimos aos ha habido un ""boom"" del diseo de experiencia de usuario y desean realizar un cambio de rol. Si eres un profesional y quieres lanzar al mercado tu producto o servicio digital pero no sabes muy bien qu pasos necesitas seguir en el proceso de diseo del mismo este curso te puede ayudar.Tambin puede interesarte este curso si eres un profesional y quieres lanzar al mercado tu producto o servicio digital pero no sabes muy bien qu pasos necesitas seguir en el proceso de diseo del mismo este curso te puede ayudar.El curso est estructurado en cuatro fases por las que tendrs que pasar para crear tu producto digital: 1. Fase de descubrimiento:las metodologasde investigacin UX necesarias para conocer al usuario final. 2. Fase de exploracin:crea personas y user journeys que te ayudarn a conocer a tus usuarios. 3. Fase de creacin:cmo es una arquitectura de la informacin y la creacin de unprototipo de un producto digital. 4. Fase de testeo:cmo realizar un test de usuario del prototipo creado."
Price: 24.99 |
"How to Get Media Exposure for Your Business" |
"If youve ever read an article or watched a TV segment, and thought to yourself, That couldve been me! youre right. In this course, were going to pull back the curtain to demystify the process of how you can get media exposure for your business, art, service or expertise! Once you understand how the news cycle works and learn to think like a reporter, you can insert yourself into the story!As the founder of Mpact PR andas a contributingwriter, Jacqueline Lara hasbeen on all sides of the tablefrom behind-the-scenes coordinating local, national, and international media coverage for clients and experts to interviewing and writing about entrepreneurs and artists for niche publications. She's alsoacted as the on-air talent promoting brands. In this step-by-step course, she'll help you reach awider audience about your work and increase your bottom line."
Price: 69.99 |
"How to Use Amazon KDP's Sales Reporting & Promotion Tools" |
"As an International Bestselling Author and Writing and Publishing Coach, oneof the questions I'm asked most is this: I've published my ebook(s) on Amazon KDP...but now what?The questions that are then askedare asfollows:How do Iknow how many books I've sold?How do I know what my author and sales rankings are on Amazon?How do readers find out about my books on Amazon and elsewhere?How do Ifind out what my royalties are and when will Ibe paid?Does Amazon provide any promotion tools and if so, what are they and how do I use them?This course will answer every single one of these questions for you PLUS give you a fantastic set of Cheat Sheets to use and always have at your fingertips whenever you need them.In addition, you'll also learn exciting, cutting edge ways to partner with your fellow Amazon Authors to build your readership to the levels of your dreams.As I like to say: Nothing Beats Writers Helping Writers Reach ReadersAnd that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do as well as how to measure the progress of your efforts.This class consists of 5 modules (right around 111 minutes of instruction) and a collection of downloadable and printable PDFs so the information is right there for you long after you've successfully completed the class.Here's what you'll be able to do once you're finished:Access Your Amazon KDP DashboardFindYour Month-to-Date Sales Across All Amazon Marketplaces (Domestic & International)SeeYour Amazon Sales from a Historical ViewPreviewYour Amazon Royalties and PaymentsLocateYour Book's Sales Rankings on AmazonAccessYour Amazon Author PageAddYour Bio and Author Photo to Your Amazon Author PageAddYour Blog Feeds, Videos & Events to Your Amazon Author PageClaimYour Books for Your Amazon Author PageDiscoverthe Additional Sales Information Available thru Amazon Author CentralCheck Your Sales & Author Ranks on Amazon Author CentralSchedule An Amazon Free Book PromotionPublicize Your Free Book Promotion Using Facebook Reader GroupsWrite Your Free Book Promotion Social Media PostJoin Facebook Reader Groups that Put Your Book in Front of Millions of ReadersTrackYour Book Promotion's ProgressPartner with Other Amazon Authors to Build Your Readership TogetherWhat are the requirements?Login toyourAmazon KDP AccountLogin to your Amazon Author Central AccountBe a self-published Amazon KDP Author with at least one book publishedWhat is the target audience?First-time Amazon KDP Authors Who are New to the Sales and Promotion Tools Amazon ProvidesAmazon KDP Authors with Multiple Books Who Want to AnalyzeTheir Sales and Use Amazon Tools to Build Their Readership to New LevelsWriters Considering Using Amazon KDP to Self-Publish"
Price: 19.99 |
"ntegral ve ntegralde Alan(Eksiksiz Calculus)" |
"niversite iin konunun temelini anlamaya ve sindirmeye yardmc vize,finallere hazrlkta kaynak niteliinde integral konu anlatm ve rnek soru zmleri ieren integral ve integral uygulamalar video eitimi.Liseler iin ise ileri matematik dersi ad altnda integral ve uygulamalar niversite snav ve niversite matematii iin temel oluturacak matematik konu anlatm ve uygulama(soru zmlerini) ieren bir eitim serisi btn sorunlarnza karlk bulacandan eminim.Keyifle sklmadan izleyeceiniz rengarenk ieriiyle hazrlanm temiz pdf'lerle pekitirilmi anlatmn tatl bulumasn bu eitim serisinde greceksiniz.Kayt ve dokmanlarn hazrlanmas srasnda ok keyif ve heyecan duydum izlerken ayn duygular sizin de yaayacanzdan eminim.*Arkadalar nizlemelerden dersleri izlemeden iinize sinmeden satn almayn nizlemelere baktnzda zaten isteyerek alacanzdan eminim*Baarlar.-TUN KURT-"
Price: 49.99 |
"2.Dereceden Denklemler/Fonksiyonlar ve Parabol-Eksiksiz" |
"TUN KURT-MATEMATKArkadalar merhabalar.Konular en batan en temelden alnarak karnza gelecek problemleri zmeniz iin nasl bir yol izlemeniz gerektiini anlayacanz seviyeye kadar kmaktadr.km ve kendi hazrladmz sorular ile keyifli bir anlatm sizleri bekliyor.Bu eitimi aldnz taktirde 2.dereceden denklemler konu anlatm ve soru zmn ieren eksiksiz bir eitime ulam olacaksnz.2.dereceden denklemler ve fonksiyonlar ad altnda deineceklerimiz:2.DERECEDEN DENKLEMLER FASKLNDEK KONULAR:-2.dereceden bir bilinmeyenli denklemlerin genel ve zel zmleri,denklemin diskimrant,2.dereceden parametrik denklemler,kkler ile katsaylar arasndaki balantlar(*zellikle zerinde duruldu),kkleri verilen 2.dereceden denklemin yazlmas,2.dereceden bir bilinmeyenli denkleme dntrlebilen denklemler,2.dereceden iki bilinmeyenli denklem sistemleri,mutlak deerli denklemler ve konu sonunda blm testleri.2.DERECEDEN FONKSYONLAR FASKLNDEK KONULAR:*Bu ksm parabol konu anlatmn kapsamaktadr.Daha detayl ve temelden renmek isteyen arkadalar parabol ile devam edebilir.Konuya biraz hakim olduunuzu dnyorsanz bu fasikl iinizi grecektir.*-2.dereceden fonksiyonlar ve grafikleri(parabol grafii yorumlama ve parabol grafii yazma),iki parabolun birbirine gre durumlar,eitsizlik grafikleri ve konu sonunda blm testleri.PARABOL FASKLNDEK KONULAR:-Parabole dair hibir ey bilmediinizi dnyorsanz bu ksm size gre parabol sfrdan alp anlattk.Bu ksmn uzun ulmasnn sebebi fonsiyonlar,polinomlar fizikte atlar vb.konularda trev konusunda grafik olarak ve soru kk olarak okca karnza kacak olmasdr.Sonu olarak bu eitimi tamamladnzda matematik2 konularnn temellerini atm olacaksnz.Bitirdiiniz taktirde sizi yavaca limit fasikllerine uurlayabiliriz. :)Baarlar-Tun Kurt**Krallar gibi yaamak istiyorsan kleler gibi almalsn.**"
Price: 49.99 |
"niversite Snav ve Calculuse Hazrlk in Limit." |
"Selamlar;Arkadalar limit konusunun neminden bahsetmeme gerek yok herhalde.ok gzel bir ekilde her ksmna deindiimi dndm limit konu anlatm ve soru zm fasiklleri karnzda.Ama limitin tanmn anlamanz ve forml teorem vs.ezberlemeden rahatlkla limit sorularna yaklam yapabilmenizi salamaktr.Kursumuz daima aktif olacaktr.Konu anlatmlarn soru zmlerinin kaytlar devam etmekte ve pdfleri ile kaytlar tamamlandnda buradan paylalmaya devam edecektir.Yani kursumuz aldnz ders saati ve dokmanlaryla snrl kalmayacaktr.Bu kurstan tam verim almak iin sizden istediklerimiz pdflerin ktlarn almak ayn videodakigibi gzelce renklendirmek ve belli zaman dilimlerinde tekrar etmenizdir.Dilek ve nerilerinizi mesaj ile bildirmeyi unutmayn ltfen.Baarlar dilerim :)"
Price: 49.99 |
"Kmeler Konu Anlatm km Sorular ve Soru zm" |
"Tun KurtHacettepe Fen Fakltesi Matematik Blm rencisiAkademisyenlik Adayrenmeyi ve retmeyi seven birisi olarak uzun sredir hazrladm konu anlatm ve soru zm dkmanlarnn talepleri zerine Youtube zerinden eitim videolar yaynlyorum.Yaynladm eitim videolar niversite snavna giri ve niversite gruplar tarafndan takip edilmektedir.Ales,Kpss,Dgs ve abt snavlar iin de eitim videolarm Youtube kanalna yklenmitir.Sonu olarak anlattm konular,anlatm dzeyi ve sizin eitimler sonucunda ulaacanz dzey temel dzeyden sizleri alp gtrebildiim kadar yukar kartmaktr.Udemy'de ise1)Anadolu,Fen Liseleri ve Kolej liseler iin;*leri dzey mantk,ileri dzey matematik ve kolej matematii belki ileride kolej fizii2)niversiteler iin;*Fen faklteleri iin;(Matematik,Fizik,Kimya,Biyoloji,statistik,Akterya)ileri matematik,analiz(1-2-3-4),ileri analiz,genel matematik,soyut matematik,cebir,lineer cebir(algebra) *Eitim faklteleri(Matematik,fizik vb. retmenlikler)iin;*lkokul matematii,lise matematii,kolej matematii,soyut matematik ve cebir*Sosyal Bilimler faklteleri iin(ktisat,letme vb.) iin;*Genel matematik,ekonomi dersleri iin soyut matematik(ileri mantk,kmeler kuram ve nermeler kuram)*Mhendislik faklteleri iin;*Advanced Calculus(calculus 1-2-3-4),Linear Algebra(lineer cebir)Konu anlatm ve sk kullanlan kitaplardan(calculus kitaplarndan)alnm soru zmleri ve konu anlatm fasiklleri.Fasikllerin amac sizlerin eitim videolarn izlemeden temin edip video sresince bizimle birlikte konuyu anlayp rnekleri zebilmeniz iin zenle hazrlanm pdflerden olumaktadr.Eitimlerin amac niversite snavna hazrlanan arkadalar snava matematik anlamnda tam olarak hazrlamak ve niversite matemati iin temel oluturmak,niversite de ise konular tam olarak anlamak,vizeye finallere hazrlk ve ek bir kaynak oluturmak. Tarafmca titizlikle hazrlanm matematie dair her eye ulaacanz keyifle takip edeceiniz eitim serisinin kordinatr."
Price: 49.99 |
"Tun KurtHacettepe Fen Fakltesi Matematik Blm rencisiAkademisyenlik Adayrenmeyi ve retmeyi seven birisi olarak uzun sredir hazrladm konu anlatm ve soru zm dkmanlarnn talepleri zerine Youtube zerinden eitim videolar yaynlyorum.Yaynladm eitim videolar niversite snavna giri ve niversite gruplar tarafndan takip edilmektedir.Ales,Kpss,Dgs ve abt snavlar iin de eitim videolarm Youtube kanalna yklenmitir.Sonu olarak anlattm konular,anlatm dzeyi ve sizin eitimler sonucunda ulaacanz dzey temel dzeyden sizleri alp gtrebildiim kadar yukar kartmaktr.Udemy'de ise1)Anadolu,Fen Liseleri ve Kolej liseler iin;*leri dzey mantk,ileri dzey matematik ve kolej matematii belki ileride kolej fizii2)niversiteler iin;*Fen faklteleri iin;(Matematik,Fizik,Kimya,Biyoloji,statistik,Akterya)ileri matematik,analiz(1-2-3-4),ileri analiz,genel matematik,soyut matematik,cebir,lineer cebir(algebra) *Eitim faklteleri(Matematik,fizik vb. retmenlikler)iin;*lkokul matematii,lise matematii,kolej matematii,soyut matematik ve cebir*Sosyal Bilimler faklteleri iin(ktisat,letme vb.) iin;*Genel matematik,ekonomi dersleri iin soyut matematik(ileri mantk,kmeler kuram ve nermeler kuram)*Mhendislik faklteleri iin;*Advanced Calculus(calculus 1-2-3-4),Linear Algebra(lineer cebir)Konu anlatm ve sk kullanlan kitaplardan(calculus kitaplarndan)alnm soru zmleri ve konu anlatm fasiklleri.Fasikllerin amac sizlerin eitim videolarn izlemeden temin edip video sresince bizimle birlikte konuyu anlayp rnekleri zebilmeniz iin zenle hazrlanm pdflerden olumaktadr.Eitimlerin amac niversite snavna hazrlanan arkadalar snava matematik anlamnda tam olarak hazrlamak ve niversite matemati iin temel oluturmak,niversite de ise konular tam olarak anlamak,vizeye finallere hazrlk ve ek bir kaynak oluturmak. Tarafmca titizlikle hazrlanm matematie dair her eye ulaacanz keyifle takip edeceiniz eitim serisinin kordinatr."
Price: 49.99 |
"Law of Attraction Mastery For Success & Transformation" |
"If you are a person who wants to get more out of life, this is the course for you. Success and transformationstarts with you.Welcome to the Law of Attraction Mastery - For Success & Personal Transformation course. I have compacted all of the crucial Law of Attraction information and havespecifically designed this course to be just an hour long.My goal is to teach you everything that you need to know within a short amount of time so that you can begin to take action and start seeing results.I will be taking you step by step, showing you what the Law of Attraction is, how it works, and how you can make simple adjustments in your daily routine in order to align yourself to it.The Law of Attraction is a natural law of the universe that governs the whole process of creation. It is constantly active in each and everyone of our lives regardless of us consciously noticing it or not.Becoming aligned with the Law of Attraction leads to success in any endeavour.You will learn the reason why you have been unable to see the results that you want, why you have difficulty manifesting your desires, andwhy you are having a difficult time creating the change you want in your life.This change could be:Generating a higher incomeImproving your physical healthDecreasing negative thinkingOvercoming anxietyRecovering relationshipsANDThis course will teach you that it is possible for you to achieve anything that you desire IF you firsttake the time to properly align yourself to the Law of Attraction.After you finish this course you will:Understand the effect that your thoughts have on your reality.Realize why some people succeed and others fail.Have knowledge thatenablesyou to work less but accomplish more.Know what you can do to align yourself to the powerful Law of Attraction.Build deep faith in your ability to achieve whatever you set your mind to.Become empowered to finally live a successful and abundant life."
Price: 119.99 |
"Success Habits For Beginners - Elite Performance Mindset" |
"Learn to build the mindset of successful people. Understanding these principles and implementing these strategies will literally attract your success to you.Equip yourself with the tools you need on your journey of success. Understand the psychology of achievement. Know why some people succeed and others fail. Learn the 5 fundamental principles that will help you achieve anything you set your mind to."
Price: 99.99 |
"Facebook Para Afiliados 2018 - Atualizado" |
"Um curso completo sobre Facebook para Afiliados.Conceitos bsicos at as estratgias e tcnicas mais avanadas de Facebook para campanhas de Afiliados, voc vai conhecer cada recurso disponvel para tornar seu annciomais rentvel, com menor gasto! O Treinamentotambm te mostrara como feita uma campanha pelos top afiliados.Por que fazer o curso?Se voc deseja obter melhores resultados com o Facebook ou quer dar menos compublicidade, este o curso ideal para voc.O curso tem uma abordagem simples que te leva a ter insights sobre estratgias para seu prprio negcio/projeto.Este curso pra voc."
Price: 264.99 |
"The Six - How to Start Changing Your Life TODAY" |
"A primer into Leadership Zen, The Six is a book that introduces our philosophy for personal change to promote integrated wellness and the ability to increase fulfillment in your life. Beyond that we believe that as you change your life, you can inspire others, which can cause change on a much broader level. The Six walks you through the basic philosophy and practice, and then moves into explaining how the Six Commitments can lead to habits that can transform your life. Far from a prescription for wellness, it is a blueprint of how real people have seen real change, and have found fulfillment daily in their own lives."
Price: 29.99 |
"Bigdata Scala Hive Hbase Shell script" |
"Apache Hive is a datawarehouse software project which is built on top of Apache Hadoop.Apache Hive is one of the most popular and useful technology in Data Science and Data engineering world. Big companies like HCL, Netflix, Google etc use Apache Hive. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Data Science field. Data Engineer and Software Engineers with Apache Hive knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Apache Hive knowledge.Apache Spark is in-memory computing engine which is widely used in software..In this course we will see various real time issues which we have faced while working on bigdata technologies"
Price: 19.99 |
"STM32F4 Discovery ile CAN BUS haberleme (Keil Arm - CubeMX)" |
"STM32F4 Discovery gelitirme kartnda arm mimarisinde CAN BUS haberleme dersine hogeldiniz. Bu dersimizde balang seviyesinden adm adm renerek ilerleyecek ve CAN BUS haberlemesine hzl bir giri yapabileceksiniz. Dersin bitiminde ise ilk CAN BUS haberlemenizi gerekletirmi olacaksnz. Bylelikle Otomotiv projelerinden askeri projelere, havaclk projelerden endstriyel projelere kadar yaygn bir kullanm olan hzl ve gvenilir bir haberleme yntemi ile proje gelitirmeye ilk admnz atm olacaksnz. Anlamadnz ksmlar olduu taktirde ise videolarn alt ksmndaki soru sorma sekmelerine tklayarak sorularnz bana iletebilirsiniz. Dersimizde size imdiden baarlar dilerim."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ableton Live, Beyond Music Production: The Masterclass" |
"Ableton Live, Beyond Music Production: The MasterclassHave you ever wondered how your favourite band/DJ or live performer puts on such amazing shows? How many times have you seen a live performer or DJ use the same tired setup at every event you go to? Well this course will bring you on a journey to enlighten you to some of the most cutting edge technologies music has to offer and how to integrate them all into one cohesive unit. Whether you're into music, visuals or lighting, you can learn to automate and perform each to create stunning audio visual masterpieces to take you from a bedroom performer to the club and stage of your choice! This class is for anyone who:Makes or performs musicDJsWorks in the field of audio engineering, lighting or projectionWorks in the field of Audio Visual ProductionAnd who wants to learn:The Essentials:How to network a variety of applications to produce synchronised outcomes in audioHow to network across multiple machines to synchronise those appsHow to create your own templates in TouchOSC to control said applications wired or wirelesslyHow each application is interconnectedAudio:What audio protocols are and how they operateMIDI and MIDI Mapping Audio routingLighting:How lighting can be automated in Ableton LiveWhat lighting protocols are and how they operateMIDI and MIDI Mapping Visuals:How Resolume Arena worksHow to blend together multiple projectorsHow to use visuals on multiple screensSynchronisation:What sync protocols are and how they operateMIDI and MIDI Mapping Audio routing and synchronisationIn this class we start with the very basics of Ableton and applications like RemixVideo and DMxis work all the way up to producing synchronised lighting shows and effects. I walk you through every step of the process, and explain my logic behind every decision I make. I'll even walk you through a complete demonstration from beginning to end.The goal of this class is for you to learn how to create stunning lighting effects for use in the home, venue, club or stage.DAWs:In this class I'll be using Ableton Live and I've gone to great lengths to make sure this class is useful to everyone, no matter what your experience.Setting:I'm best known for working with electronic music and corporate audio visual events, but I've designed this course to be useful to anyone who has interest in the topics discussed. Topics Covered:Ableton Live: A Quick OverviewTraktor ProRemixLiveRemixVideoLaunchpadLoopbackResolume ArenaStudiomuxTouchOSCAudio NetworkingImage BlendingDMX: What Is It?DMX AddressingDMXisMIDIMIDI MappingThe IAC DriverBonjour on the Mac OS SystemThe IAC DriverThe Audio MIDI Setup ToolAnd much, much more!If you are ready to start making professional looking lighting shows, this is the class that will start you on that journey. Get started today.David is a BSc Entertainment Systems and a greatly experienced instructor with over 2,000 students since launching his first course just this year.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music technology related lighting course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.---------------------------------------------------------------------Praise for Courses by David O'Leary: ""Looks like a lot of thought and preparation was put into this course. Very professional."" - M. Charles ""I've been in music production and DJ'ing for nearly 20 years and I haven't seen anyone put together a course like this before. Granted you need some basic skills but thats not a problem for me. Great, great course. Will be implementing real soon"" - S. Coonan ""The course looks amazing! The instructor is really knowledgeable, explains everything very well and the end results as demonstrated in the first lecture are stunning!!"" - P. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Who this course is for:Any and all music makers!Music PorducersDJsVJsAudio Visual TechniciansLighting TechniciansProjection Technicians"
Price: 199.99 |
"Bienestar y desarrollo. Para la felicidad." |
"Este cursoproporciona informacin y estrategias para mejorar su bienestar y comenzar un plan de trabajo para su propia felicidad.El tema fundamental son las emociones, comprender su informacin y utilizarla activamente para mejorar nuestra vida, reducir la prdida de energa e incrementar nuestro manejo de las emociones.La inteligencia emocional y saber utilizar las emociones nos permiten hacernos dueos de nuestra vida y de nuestros comportamientos ante las diferentes situaciones.Las emociones son un camino de desarrollo y crecimiento infinito.Cada vez que aprendemos a manejarnos calmadamente en una situacin, conseguimos un nuevo recurso personal."
Price: 39.99 |
smartcamera |
Price: 24000.00 |
"Synthesis with Propellerhead Reason - Europa" |
"Have you ever heard someone say (it may even be you) I'm not a sound designer? Or, I don't use a synth in that way, I just fiddle with presets?I've begun to really loathe the phrase ""Sound designer"". Because it's become a phrase that makes people think of synthesis in a way that is not accessible to them. Well, I've got news for you; if you push one slider or twist one knob on a synth in order to change the sound, YOUARE a sound designer. It's time that we stop being afraid of actually learning how to use our instruments.All too often I see people regularly buying new synthsand maybe, just maybe, they explore some of the presets and never test out the synths capabilities before they purchase a new synth. Does this sound familiar at all? I'll bet it does.These types of people have so many VST's or RE's that they've never used, and do you know what type of music they make? NONE. They don't make music because they don't take the time to learn to use the instrument they purchased.Don't become one of those people, and if you are, this is the course for you! I'll teach you how to get over that mental block and make you understand synthesis from abasic level to advanced in one course.Take this journey with me.Dean"
Price: 49.99 |
"Vaadin 8 & Maven - The crash course" |
"Vaadin Framework is a Java web application development framework that is designed to make creation and maintenance of high quality web-based user interfaces easy. Vaadin supports two different programming models: server-side and client-side. The server-driven programming model is the more powerful one. It lets you forget the web and program user interfaces much like you would program a desktop application with conventional Java toolkits such as AWT orSwing.Vaadin uses Java for creating web applications. The frameworks works with event-driven programming and widgets, which enables a programming model that is more like a GUI development than normal HTML and JavaScript. Vaadin used Google Web Toolkit for rendering the resulting web page. Vaadin adds server-side data validation to the actions, which means that if the client data is corrupted, the server does not allow it. Vaadin is distributed as a collection of JAR files with Maven or Ivy, which can be included in any kind of Java web project developed with standard Java tools.Also, there is plugin for Eclipse and Netbeans.Apache Maven is one of the most popular build andproject management tools in the java world.In this course you will master all the core concepts of Maven while working hands on creating 16 easy to follow Maven projects.Java is themost popularprogramming language in usesince its theonlylanguage that works across all computer platforms +androidwithout needing to compile againnew changes. Write once, and the JVM does all the work in making sure your programme can runon any platform likeWindows, Mac, Linux or Android. This complete Maven course will teach you everything you need to know in order to code awesome, profitable projects, and of course,have fun whilst doing it.You will learn what is Vaadin &Maven and how to use them!You will learnthe most important Vaadin components like Grid & Navigator!You will learn how to apply CSS to Vaadin applications!You will learn how to build a Vaadin project from scratch!You will learn Data binding & Data validation!You will learn how to deploy a war to Tomcat!You will learn password encryption with Maven!You will learn how to install all the required software (Java, Eclipse, Maven & Tomcat)You will learn how to work with both Vaadin and Maven!You will learn best programming practices!You will learn how toapply CSS properties to Vaadin components!+ Top 12 Maven interview questions with answers!See what your fellow students have to say:""Helps you to not just mimic tutorials, but fully understand all the relevant information. Also, introduces you to the Maven. Every question I have had has been answered on the Q and A section within the day. Couldn't be happier with the course. My room mate is now doing it too.""Jacob Wiliamson""Lots of content and really articulate. Instructor absolutely experienced and professional. If I have to find something to improve, I would suggest to show the methods that normally would be used in real world application instead of pointing that in those case we should do differently. I'm happy with the course and looking forward to enroll in others Kiril's courses.""Rakesh Petel""Kiril does a wonderful job of explaining Vaadin and Maven. Kiril is also very responsive to any queries and requests (and also updating the courses with new content periodically).""Sami YusufThis course is not for everyone.This is not aget rich quick course where you copy other peoples code, make low-quality software and hope to have contracts rich clients. This course takes work. There isa lot to learn with Maven, but with the right guidance, information, tutoring and tests, it doesnt have to be as difficult or time-intensive as doing it by yourself.You literally cant lose.You either end up with advanced Vaadin,Maven &CSS skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itReady to get started, programmer?Enroll nowusing the Buy Now button on the right, and get started on your way to Web applications. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you arecertain this course is for you.Hurry up, class is waiting!"
Price: 139.99 |
"Apache Maven - The complete course" |
"Apache Maven is one of the most popular build andproject management tools in the java world.In this course you will master all the core concepts of Maven while working hands on creating 16 easy to follow Maven projects.Java is themost popularprogramming language in usesince its theonlylanguage that works across all computer platforms +androidwithout needing to compile againnew changes. Write once, and the JVM does all the work in making sure your programme can runon any platform likeWindows, Mac, Linux or Android. This complete Maven course will teach you everything you need to know in order to code awesome, profitable projects, and of course,have fun whilst doing it.You will learn what is Maven and how to use!Learn how to deploy a war to Tomcat!You will learn password encryption with Maven!Learn to Execute and skip unit tests with Maven!You will learn how to install all the required software (Java, Eclipse, Maven & Tomcat)You will learn how to use maven from the command line, Eclipse terminal and Eclipse M2E pluginYou will learn best programming practices!Learn Maven Plugins and how to use them effectively!You will learn real world examples!All lectures in easy to follow and do steps!+ Top 12 Maven interview questions with answers!See what your fellow students have to say:""Great course, very complete with good examples and challenges. Very helpful resources. When in need of a topic easy to find the salient videos. Kiril knows his stuff and anticipates a student's potential problems and therefore attacks a topic with a learning perspective, rather than just presenting the material.Same for his Vaadin course.""Jamal Phillips""This is a solid course. It is well organized and paced. Useful information is presented and supported with relevant examples. There is enough value in this presentation to forgive the heavy accent. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to familiarize themselves with Maven.""Piotr Karpiak""This was a great Maven course, it covers a lot aspects of Maven programming in an easy-to-understand way with great examples. The instructor does very well explaining everything and pointing out real-world use.""Bougher AelouafiThis course is not for everyone.This is not aget rich quick course where you copy other peoples code, make low-quality software and hope to have contracts rich clients. This course takes work. There isa lot to learn with Maven, but with the right guidance, information, tutoring and tests, it doesnt have to be as difficult or time-intensive as doing it by yourself.You literally cant lose.You either end up with advanced Maven skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itReady to get started, programmer?Enroll nowusing the Buy Now button on the right, and get started on your way to startMaven. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you arecertain this course is for you.Hurry up, class is waiting!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Java 10 - What's new? + Maven - The Crash Course" |
"Did you know thatIf computer programming were a country, it would be the third most diverse for languages spoken! Still Java is one of the most used programming languages.We are going to cover the following Java 10 features and some of them we will see how to use in practice.Local-Variable Type InferenceConsolidate the JDK Forest into a Single RepositoryGarbage-Collector InterfaceParallel Full GC for G1Application Class-Data SharingThread-Local HandshakesRemove the Native-Header Generation Tool (javah)Additional Unicode Language-Tag ExtensionsHeap Allocation on Alternative Memory DevicesExperimental Java-Based JIT CompilerRoot CertificatesTime-Based Release VersioningApache Mavenis one of the most popular build andproject management tools in the java world.In this course you will master all the core concepts of Maven while working hands on creating 16 easy to follow Maven projects.Java is themost popularprogramming language in usesince its theonlylanguage that works across all computer platforms +androidwithout needing to compile againnew changes. Write once, and the JVM does all the work in making sure your programme can runon any platform likeWindows, Mac, Linux or Android. This complete Maven course will teach you everything you need to know in order to code awesome, profitable projects, and of course,have fun whilst doing it.You will learn what is Java 10&Maven and how to use them!You will learnthe most important Java 10components like Var!You will learn how to deploy a war to Tomcat!You will learn password encryption with Maven!You will learn how to install all the required software (Java, Eclipse, Maven & Tomcat)You will learn how to work with both Java 10 and Maven!You will learn best programming practices!You will learn how tocompile Java programs old fashioned way+ Top 12 Maven interview questions with answers!This course is not for everyone.This is not aget rich quick course where you copy other peoples code, make low-quality software and hope to have contracts rich clients. This course takes work. There isa lot to learn with Java 10 andMaven, but with the right guidance, information, tutoring and tests, it doesnt have to be as difficult or time-intensive as doing it by yourself.You literally cant lose.You either end up with advanced Java 10 and Mavenskills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you dont like itReady to get started, programmer?Enroll nowusing the Buy Now button on the right, and get started on your way to Java 10. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you arecertain this course is for you.Hurry up, class is waiting!"
Price: 199.99 |