"Les bases du Chinois - Cours de Mandarin pour dbutant" |
"Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez les bases de la langue en connaissant bien la culture chinoise. Vous connatrez des anecdotes sur la Chine et vous comprendrez mieux l'origine de la langue et de ses caractres. Vous pourrez prononcer le chinois et les tons et vous serez capable de vous prsenter la fin du cours.Matrisez Rapidement Les Bases Du Mandarin Grce Ce Cours Pas Pas.Comprendre la culture chinoiseApprendre lorigine de la langueSavoir prononcer les lettres en chinoisReconnatre les caractres frquemment utilisscrire les caractres chinois grce leurs radicauxConnatre les 4 tons chinoisUtiliser des mots simplesFormer une phrase en chinoisSavoir se prsenterDiscuter en mandarinLeon de Mandarin pour dbutant souhaitant sinitier au chinois.Nous allons nous familiariser avec la culture et la langue chinoise : apprenons le mandarin !Jai conu ce cours de chinois pour les dbutants qui sintressent cette langue.Grce des fiches rcapitulatives et de petits exercices simples, vous serez en mesure de progresser rapidement tout en tant accompagn ! Ce cours est divis en 14 sessions qui vous permettront dacqurir un niveau correct en chinois : vous serez capable dcrire certains caractres, de les lire, de vous prsenter en chinois et davoir une conversation simple !N'hsitez plus, foncez !"
Price: 119.99 |
"Leadership for creativity and innovation" |
"Section 1:Leading with Questions: motivate, persuade and guide the discussionsLeadership means to master a complex set of knowledge, skills and attitudes.Persuading others, could be one of the most important skill.In this course we present questioning techniques and demonstrate how asking others about there opinions and needs (before we begin to speak) can be useful in making them decrease there resistence to change, increase there compliance and making them to acceptance easier new ideas.The course contains the following topics:1Introduction2Non-judgemental Questioning3Leading discussions4Planning your questions5Overcoming obstacles6Influencing and persuading7Putting all togetherSection 2:6 Creative Thinking StrategiesWhich is the motivation behind this topic?What situation does this course try to help you solve?Rapidly changing environments with complex and diverse elementsrequire flexible and innovative responses. Rigid operating systems are ineffective in such environments and lead often to stress.Flexible systems, in contrast, are characterised by multiple solution possibilities.Creative solutions can provide flexibility by increasing our options and helping us cope and adapt.The more ideas we have, the more solution avenues will be at our disposal.New ideas can openup new worlds, new insights, and new ways of doing old things. Creativity, in short, can help us reinvent ourselves and our organisations.If you are searching forways to improve your problem solving kit, in this course we present and offer, six different thinking strategies in order to increase your creativity and innovation levels.1. collecting ideas2. free associations3. combinations4. use of stimuli5. paradoxical thinking6. lateral thinking"
Price: 49.99 |
"Leadership Lessons from the US Marines Teamwork" |
"This course will turn you into a team building ninja. I am not an academic. This isn't theory about teamwork. This course will teach you the team building skills and techniques you need to employ with your team.If you are ready to become a team building ninja, jump into the course. See you in there."
Price: 49.99 |
"Resin Geode Basics: How to create sparkling geode art works" |
"A course for resin beginners looking to create amazing geode inspired resin art works.Maybe you've dabbled with resin before, perhaps just some simple clear coating on coasters or art work. Now you've discovered how amazing it can beand seen some of the geodes made from resinand want to make them too. But resin and the geode materials are expensive. You could dive right in, spend a lot of time and money and end up with a piece that just didn't work out - and all those materials are wasted. Taking this class will help you avoid those mistakes and leap up the learning curve so that your first piece will be amazing.In the class we will cover a wide range of topics concentrating very much on the basics for creating resin geodes. It assumes a previous basic knowledge or resin working but we will still cover safety and supplies needed for working with resin. You'll learn how to pick the best surface, what materials you can use and where to get them, how to keep your resin layers from bleeding and moving too much, and how to tease them into the shapes you want for your resin geode.Once you have the basics and your first resin geode completed, your creativity can kick in without fear of failure and you'll be able to take it so much further, create amazing designs you will love. You can scroll down to see the full curriculum for this course."
Price: 39.99 |
"Romanian for Beginners : Level 1" |
"Student feedback:*****""Great course for a beginner"" - MannyLearn the basics of the Romanian language in just a few short lectures.Do you have friends of Romanian origin and would like to impress them by speaking a few words in their language?Are you travelling to Romania and would like to know the basics before arriving?This course is for you.I want to teach you the fundamentals of the language so that you can have a basic conversation with anyone.This course will teach youcommon simple wordshello and goodbye ask for directionsstart a conversation numbershow to ask for directionstalk about yourself and ask about the other personand moreAfter taking this course you will be able to talk to Romanian people on a basic level, express yourself and ask them about themselves.Sign up today and learn your first few words in Romanian.30 day money back guarantee - no questions asked - provided by UdemyHighly rated instructor with over 8000 active students and growing monthly."
Price: 24.99 |
"Aprende a crear componentes grficos de Java Swing" |
"Hola!Si te gustara saber como funciona una aplicacin grfica por dentro, cul es la lgica detrs detodo lo que ves en tu pantalla, y tienes conocimientos de POO en Java, entonces este curso es para ti.Aqu he logrado reunir todos los conocimientos que he obtenido sobre Java y desarrollo de aplicaciones grficas usando el framework Swing.Veremos cmo se codifica un rompezabezas (JPuzzle) bajo el modelo de trabajo para los JComponent. A lo largo del curso, te ensear con animaciones, ejemplos y preguntas de cada conceptopara que quede todo muy claro. Espero disfurtes el curso y que me hagas saber tus preguntas."
Price: 29.99 |
"May vs. Might" |
"What is the difference between may and might? Between may and can? Between must and should?In this quick and easy course, you will learn the primary difference between some of the most confusing modal verbs. You will also learn how native English speakers distinguish the difference between them.This course was designed to be short and to the point (because I KNOW you don't want to watch hours of video), giving you enough information to be able to choose which modal verb to use whenyou're talking about possibility (may & might), giving and asking permission (may & can), and telling people what to do (must & should).Please note that this course is not a comprehensive guide to modal verbs. This coursewill show you how native English speakers choose which modal verb to use when two of them sound like they meanthe same thing.By the end of the course, you will be confident that you are choosing the correct modal verb in certain situations, which is a great step up for your English learning!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Online Freedom Course" |
"The Dropshipping Model has taken off. There's a reason for that. People want a business that can generate an income for them while they sleep, while they spend time with family, and while they're busy doing the things they love. Who wouldn't?If you don't know, essentially what Dropshipping entails is upselling the consumer to make a profit. As the ""dropshipper,"" you help facilitate the sale of certain items from a wholesaler (usually overseas) to a customer in a different market place. The customer usually doesn't know they aren't actually buying from you. From this you can shave money off the top and make a profit on each product you sell.This business model is so popular because there is very minimal risk involved. You don't need much start up at all. In fact, I'll show you how to get start for Free for up to 2 Months. What do you have to lose? ....On top of that, you don't need any warehouses. You don't need any merchandise. You will never actually handle any products you sell.I'll take you through the step by step process of setting up a dropshipping site with Big Cartel100% Free of up to two months before you have to pay anything. Then I'll show you how to pic a niche that buyers won't be able to resist,pick products that sell, and optimize your listings and site for conversions. We'll then set up the process to be semi-automated and as hands off as possible with a special plug in.Finally, I'll even show you how to drive traffic to your site and really scale it up.Enroll today. To grow your Big Cartel Empire!"
Price: 34.99 |
progintro |
". : data types Functions Operators Comments Conditional Statements Loops Randomness / Classes > ."
Price: 19.99 |
Python |
"Python High Level Language . . Artificial Intelligence . ."
Price: 34.99 |
"SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) Gesamt" |
"Legacy System Migration Workbench LSMW oder auch DatenbernahmeWas versteht man unter LSMW? Die Kurzbezeichnung LSMW bedeutet Legacy System Migration Workbench. Zu diesem Thema gibt esein Video / Folge 2041mit einer Laufzeit von 37:33 Minuten.Legacy System Migration Workbench LSMW oder auch Datenbernahmemit den Themen :Aufzeichnungen und Spezielle Themenim LSMW. Zu diesen Themen gibt esdieFolge 2042 (Aufzeichnungen im LSMW) mit einer Laufzeit von 12:13Minutenund die Folge 2043(Spezielle Themen)mit einer Laufzeit von20:41Minuten.Da Udemy mindestens 5 Lektionen fordert, wurden in denLektion 4bis 5 noch kurzeTexte / Definitionenzu diesem Thema aufgenommen. Die Lektion 4 bis 5 enthlt daherkeinVideomaterial.Das Werkzeug LSMW ermglicht die einfache oder auch komplexe bernahme von Datenstrukturen aus SAP Fremdsystemen in ein auf NetWeaver basierendes System. LSMW kommt dann zum Einsatz wenn Daten migriert, eine groe Anzahl von bestehenden Daten gendert oder auch Daten aus SAP fremden Systemen in ein SAP System bernommen werden sollen. Programmierkenntnisse sind mit diesem Werkzeug nicht erforderlich.Unser SAP-Berater Gnter Wartig erklrt dies verstndlich am Beispiel bernahme von Debitorenstammstzen aus einem Fremdsystem in ein SAP System. LSMW untersttzt dabei das einfache undbequeme Einlesen von Daten aus diesen Fremdsystemen. LSMW kann einmalig eingesetzt werden, es kann aber auch periodisch zum Einsatz kommen, nmlich dann, wenn Daten in regelmigen Abstnden aus einem anderen Quellsystem in das SAP System eingespielt werden sollen. So kann zum Beispiel ein Verlagshaus seine Vermarktungsrechte an einen Dienstleister bergeben haben, welcher in zyklischen Abstnden diese Daten in die SAP Datenbank des Verlagshauses bergeben muss, um fr Transparenz innerhalb der Buchhaltung bei Erlsen und Forderungen zu sorgen."
Price: 19.99 |
"HTML i CSS - poznaj podstawy i zacznij programowa!" |
"Programowanie nie jest proste - ale teraz moe by atwiejsze, ni kiedykolwiek. Jeeli chcesz stworzy swoj pierwsz stron WWW i pozna wiat programowania, nie moge lepiej trafi! Projektowanie stron internetowych zaczyna si wanie tutaj - od nauki HTML i CSS, ktre le u podstaw kadej witryny. Praktycznie kady web developer rozchwytywany na rynku pracy zaczyna w tym miejscu, w ktrym Ty teraz si znajdujesz - a my poprowadzimy Ci po tej ciece krok po kroku, od zupenych podstaw, po zaawansowane projekty.Dziki opanowaniu zagadnie z kursu nauczysz si nie tylko ""suchej teorii"", ale po prostu... zaczniesz tworzy strony - nowoczesne, zgodne ze standardami HTML5 i CSS3, i w peni dziaajce.CO JEST ZAWARTE W KURSIE?Zaczniemy od wprowadzenia teoretycznego. To tutaj wanie zebralimy dla Ciebie sam esencj wiedzy, ktra pozwoli Ci pozna najwaniejsze aspekty: tworzenia markupuskadni znacznikw oraz nowej semantyki w HTML5Nic Ci to nie mwi? Nie szkodzi - po tym wprowadzeniu bdziesz pewnie operowa takimi pojciami. ;) Majc t wiedz, dowiesz si:czym jest CSSpoznasz jego najwaniejsze koncepcje oraz nauczysz si stylowa swoje strony WWW Druga cz kursu to praktyczne wykorzystanie omwionych wczeniej poj oraz... Najciekawszy fragment, dla ktrego w ogle signe po ten kurs - czyli tworzenie od podstaw Twojej pierwszej strony Internetowej.EWOLUCJA HTML I CSSHTML i CSS cay czas si rozwijaj i zmieniaj. eby nie pozostawa z tyu, przygotowalimy Kurs w taki sposb, eby umia nada za zmianami i tworzy strony, ktre bd dobrze dziaa na wszystkich przegldarkach.Zamiast tworzy rozlege omwienie specyfikacji koncentrujemy si na praktycznych przykadach oraz rozwizaniach, ktre wykorzystywane s najczciej na stronach WWW.Przy okazji, staramy si przekaza jak najwicej praktycznych wskazwek - my potrzebowalimy wielu lat, by odkry par trikw, ktre znacznie by nam uatwiy pocztek przygody z programowaniem... I eby zaoszczdzi Twj czas, przekazujemy Ci te wskazwki juz na samym pocztku.SEMANTYKA I ZNACZNIKI HTMLW pierwszej czci kursu dowiesz si: jakie s najwaniejsze zasady tworzenia dokumentw HTMLpoznasz znaczniki, ktrych warto uywa jakie s typy treci na stronie WWWjak semantyka moe pomc w stylowaniu strony A do tego przekonasz si jak moesz sprawi, eby Twoja strona bya bardziej widoczna w wyszukiwarkach (czyli poprawi SEO) i jak konstruowa hipercza, cieki i pracowa z obrazkami w HTML. SKADNIA I WACIWOCI CSSKolejna cz to seria przykadw, ktre odkryj przed Tob potencja CSS. Midzy innymi:poznasz wikszo waciwoci CSS (ktre regularnie wykorzystywane s przy projektowaniu i stylowaniu stron WWW)nauczysz si podkada grafikipracowa ze stylami tekstu tworzy ukad strony w modelu pudekowymoraz pozycjonowa elementy layoutuMEDIA QUERIES I NARZDZIATworzc stron chcesz, by kady mg wygodnie z niej korzysta - i dlatego wanie opowiemy Ci o tym, jak dostosowa stron do rnych rozdzielczoci i urzdze. Uyjemy do tego CSS3 Media Queries. Dowiesz si: jak testowa strony w przegldarcejakich narzdzi developerskich uywajak przyspieszy i uatwi pisanie kodu I W KOCU... WASNA STRONA WWW!Fragment, do ktrego prowadziy wszystkie poprzednie lekcje! Ju po kilku godzinach bdziesz mg pod okiem prowadzcego wykorzysta zdobyt wiedz w praktyce i... Stworzy swj pierwszy projekt strony WWW. Dowiesz si:jak przygotowa i wyeksportowa grafik na potrzeby stronybdziemy pracowa z kolorami, typografi i web fontamidodamy trecioraz zadbamy o to aby wszystkie elementy layoutu poprawnie wywietlay si na stroniea na koniec dowiesz si, jak dostosowa stron do rnych rozdzielczociDLA KOGO JEST TEN KURS?Nie wiesz nic o tworzeniu stron WWW, a chcesz zacz je tworzy? Kurs zosta stworzony z myl wanie o Tobie - w cigu jego trwania poznasz podstawy teoretyczne i praktyczne, a co najwaniejsze - pod koniec kursu stworzysz swj wasny, pierwszy, nowoczesny projekt strony WWW. To take materia dla tych z Was, ktrzy ju wiedz co nieco o projektowaniu stron, ale chc uporzdkowa swoj wiedz, zaktualizowa j o nowe standardy i aktualne praktyki.Autorem kursu jest Grzegorz Rg.Do tego kursu nie udzielamy wsparcia w ramach serwisu Udemy. "
Price: 119.99 |
"Kurs Photoshop CC od Podstaw" |
"Photoshop to prawdopodobnie najbardziej wszechstronny program z jakim kiedykolwiek sispotkae. Obok edycji zdjstworzysz w nim take interfejsy stron WWW i aplikacji, fantastyczne ilustracje, a nawet bdziesz pracowaz materialem wideo i 3D. Ogrom moliwoci jak rwnieilo zasobw moe przytacza - dlatego niezwykle starannie przygotowalimy dla Ciebie kurs, ktry jest esencja dowiadczenia jego autora, wieloletniego trenera i praktyka Photoshop a take Certyfikowanego Eksperta Adobe. To nasz flagowy kurs Photoshop, ktry doceniy tysice klientw - nagrany na nowo, tak abymgwykorzystapeen potencja najnowszych wersji programu. Jeli zaczynasz przygod z Photoshopem i od pocztku chcesz naby poprawne nawyki - nie wahaj siani chwili, to jest materiadla Ciebie!Fundament pracy z grafik rastrowWad wielu tutoriali, ktre znajdziesz w sieci, jest nakierowanie na osignicie konkretnego i tylko jednego efektu. W Kursie, ktry opracowalimy, znajdziesz odpowiedzi na pytania nie tylko jak to jest zrobione, ale przede wszystkim dlaczego. Poznajc zagadnienia takie jak teoria kolorw, specyfika grafiki rastrowej czy interpolacji pikseli, zrozumiesz mechanizmy, ktre dziaaj pod mask narzdzi Photoshopa, co pozwoli Ci wykorzysta je we waciwy sposb.Formaty plikw oraz narzdzia Bridge i Camera RawPoznasz take podstawy pracy z niezwykle przydatnymi aplikacjami, ktre dostpne s razem z Adobe Photoshop. Poznasz specyfik formatw plikw i szybk nawigacj z Adobe Bridge, a take dowiesz si jak pracowa z korekt fotografii w Camera RAW. Obrazowo wyjanimy zalety jednych formatw nad innymi, kompresj oraz zapisywanie plikw na potrzeby sieci jak rwnie przygotowanie ich do druku.Korekta i edycja fotografiiPodczas caego kursu zaprezentujemy dziesitki praktycznych przykadw i zastosowa zwizanych z korekt obrazu - poczwszy od Camera RAW, w ktrym wykonamy korekt zdjcia, przez kluczowe funkcje Photoshopa i warstwy korekcyjne, ktre pozwol Ci dostosowa jasno, nasycenie, kolory i sprawi, e Twoja fotografia bdzie wygldaa naprawd wietnie.Praktyczny projekt retuszuNa koniec Kursu, kiedy ju sprawnie bdziesz porusza si w interfejsie i zna mechanizmy dziaania Photoshopa, wykonamy praktyczny projekt w ramach ktrego poznasz szereg ciekawych technik retuszu w Photoshopie. Poprawimy zdjcie modelki z ktrego usuniemy niedoskonaoci, dodamy makija, poprawimy kolory i wiele wicej, poznajc przy tym dziesitki skrtw i ciekawych technik, ktre pozwol Ci wycign z fotografii jeszcze wicej!Techniki Ekspertw na wycignicie rkiW Internecie znajdziesz mas materiaw na temat Photoshopa. Zalet naszego kursu jest fakt, i zosta on przemylany tak aby stanowi kompleksowe Kompendium i oszczdzi Ci dziesitek godzin poszukiwa oraz nakierowa na prawidowy tok mylenia i poprawne nawyki. Po przerobieniu materiau bdziesz w peni wiadomy nabytych umiejtnoci, jak rwnie poznasz dobre nawyki, ktre zaprocentuj w przyszoci. W przeciwiestwie do wielu podstawowych kursw, w kolejnych lekcjach bdziesz odkrywa coraz bardziej zaawansowane techniki, z ktrymi pracuj eksperci, takie jak maski, zoone selekcje, kanay i wiele wicej!Narzdzia wektorowe i praca z interfejsamiNa przestrzeni kursu zapoznasz si z narzdziami, ktre uatwi prac z projektowaniem layoutw stron WWW czy aplikacji mobilnych. Poczwszy od podstawowych ustawie programu Photoshop, przez preferencje siatki i organizacj pola pracy, a do narzdzi wektorowych, wasnych ksztatw oraz stylw warstw, ktre pomog Ci osign podane efekty. Dowiesz si take jak skutecznie eksportowa grafik na potrzeby sieci.Typografia w Adobe PhotoshopPhotoshop jest niezwykle zaawansowanym narzdziem take w kontekcie edycji tekstu oraz typografii. Moliwoci nowych narzdzi w Photoshop CC pozwol Ci take emulowa wygld tekstu na Mac i Windows, a obszerne biblioteki Typekit pozwol na wykorzystanie w projektach setek wysokiej jakoci fontw. W jednym z praktycznych projektw, stworzymy take niezwykle ciekawy, stylizowany tekst przy okazji poznajc szereg faktastycznych efektw warstw!Efekty graficzne i StyleW Kursie dowiesz si jak wykorzysta cay potencja Adobe Photoshop - odkryjesz niesamowite Filtry i ich niecodzienne zastosowania, przydatne Style Warstw, a take bardziej zaawansowane efekty jak Tryby Mieszania i wykorzystanie Warstw Korekcyjnych. Dopiero poczenie tych technik pozwoli Ci zrozumie, jaki potencja drzemie w Adobe Photoshop i wkrtce zrozumiesz, e jego moliwoci ogranicza w zasadzie tylko Twoja wyobrania!Praktyczne zastosowania oraz automatyzacja w PhotoshopGwny nacisk pooony zosta na przedstawienie narzdzi oraz trickw i technik procesu edycji zdj na praktycznych przykadach. Chodzi np. o przeksztacanie, wycinanie, kadrowanie, poprawa kolorw i kontrastu, usuwanie szumw. Poznasz take ciekawe dodatki zwizane z Photoshopem, jak rwnie sposoby na automatyzacj i usprawnienie procesw z pomoc akcji!Dla kogo jest ten kurs?Moim zadaniem jest przedstawienie Ci Adobe Photoshop, tak aby zaprzyjani si z interfejsem i funkcjami aplikacji i w procesie twrczym nie musia zastanawia si nad tym, z jakiego narzdzia skorzysta. Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osb pocztkujcych, ktre stawiaj swoje pierwsze kroki w Adobe Photoshop, ale take dla tych z Was, ktrzy pracuj bd pracowali ju z tym fantastycznym programem i chc uzupeni podstawy a take dobre praktyki, ktre stanowi fundament wiedzy ekspertw. Jestem przekonany, e po przerobieniu kursu bdziesz pewnie porusza si w interfejsie programu a take bdziesz dokadnie wiedzia, jaki kierunek wybra aby uzupeni swoje umiejtnoci - jest to kolejny doskonay powd aby wybra tenkurs, poniewa nasza cieka Photoshop dopiero si tutaj zaczyna, a jej kontynuacja jest starannie dobran kontynuacj materiau, ktry masz przed sob!Autorem kursu jest Grzegorz Rg.Do tego kursu nie udzielamy wsparcia w ramach serwisu Udemy."
Price: 119.99 |
"Kurs Adobe Premiere Pro w Praktyce" |
"Wideo ju jaki czas temu stao si najbardziej atrakcyjnym i popularnym medium. Od niedawna czasy drogich narzdzi i kosztownego studia odeszy w zapomnienie. Z pomoc Premiere Pro i jego narzdzi, kady jest w stanie zmontowa fantastyczny materia wideo dodajc do niego rewelacyjne efekty wizualne. Niewane, czy tworzysz amatorskie filmy, czy pracujesz nad profesjonalnymi produkcjami - Premiere Pro jest przyjaznym narzdziem, ktre sprosta kademu zadaniu!Czego nauczysz si z kursu Premiere Pro?Na przestrzeni 7 godzin Kursu dowiesz si wszystkiego o najwaniejszych narzdziach i technikach pracy w Adobe Premiere Pro. Dowiadczony autor - Adobe Community Expert, pokae Ci najbardziej trafne i poprawne nawyki przy pracy z materiaem wideo, poczwszy od jego importu, przez organizacj projektu, najciekawsze techniki montau, skrty i wskazwki - a do renderu gotowego pliku wideo. W trakcie naszej przygody z Premiere Pro poznasz te moliwoci efektw, ktre oferuje aplikacja, dowiesz si jak edytowa nagranie z wielu kamer, zajmiesz si obrbk dwiku, jak rwnie korekt kolorystyczn.Interfejs i narzdzia PremiereW kursie znajdziesz szczegowe omwienie funkcji programu Premiere Pro, poczwszy od podstawowej organizacji rodowiska pracy, najwaniejszych preferencji aplikacji a take omwienie paneli aplikacji oraz ich wasnych ukadw. Dziki waciwej organizacji bdziesz mg pracowa wygodniej a przede wszystkim wydajniej. Poznasz take dziesitki wanych skrtw klawiaturowych, dziki ktrym oszczdzisz czas i ktre sprawi, e monta materiau wideo bdzie przebiega w sposb zautomatyzowany.Monta materiau filmowego w praktyceW kursie bdziemy pracowa na praktycznych przykadach, w tym zmontujemy krtki film promocyjny, omawiajc cay montaowy proces pracy. Zaczynajc od organizacji zasobw, ich przegldania i selekcji, przez tworzenie Subclipw, import dodatkowych mediw, prac z audio, tworzenie plansz pocztkowych i animacji i wiele, wiele wicej. Prac zakoczymy na omwieniu opcji eksportu i renderowania gotowego wideo, w zwizku z czym poznasz wszystkie montaowe zadania od A do Z. Przy okazji poznasz mas montaowych sztuczek, moliwoci atwej pracy z nagraniami z wielu kamer czy efektywne wykorzystanie masek w Premiere Pro.Praca z kolorami i efektamiPoza omwieniem samych narzdzi montaowych, w kursie znajdziesz obszerne informacje zwizane z wzbogacaniem materiau o efekty, przejcia i animacje. Poka Ci take, jak z pomoc innych aplikacji Adobe doda profesjonalne materiay do Twojego wideo, takie jak plansze przygotowane w Adobe Photoshop. Posuymy si take funkcjonalnoci Dynamic Link, aby poczy Premiere Pro z After Effects, co da Ci niezrwnane moliwoci w zakresie efektw wizualnych. Poznasz take prawidowy sposb postpowania z korekt barwn materiau wideo - bdziemy pracowa z panelem Lumetri dostosowujc kolory, krzywe, kontrast i inne parametry, ktre sprawi, e Twoje filmy bd wyglday znakomicie.Praca z materiaem AudioPoznasz take skuteczne techniki i skrty zwizane z obrbk audio, poza podstawowymi operacjami jak automatyczna synchronizacja wielu cieek audio, czy normalizacja w samym Premiere Pro, poka Ci take jak wykorzysta potencja Adobe Audition - aplikacji z pakietu Adobe, ktra w niezwykle prosty sposb czy si z Premiere Pro i umoliwia zaawansowan korekt parametrw audio. Z pomoc Audition wykonamy takie operacje jak odszumianie i normalizacja. Poza tym dowiesz si jak atwo naprawi problem rozsynchronizowanych cieek i jak uywa efektw dla audio.Dla kogo jest ten kurs?Kurs zosta przygotowany z myl o wszystkich, zarwno amatorach jak i profesjonalistach, ktrzy chc nauczy si montau w Premiere Pro lub udoskonali swj warsztat o ciekawe techniki, nowoci i narzdzia. Jest on narzdziowym kompendium, ktre bdzie przydatne take dla osb, ktre pracuj ju w Premiere Pro. Premiere jest niezwykle przyjazn aplikacj, ktra moe stanowi doskonae wprowadzenie w wiat montau dla osb, ktre chc na przykad zmontowa materia z wakacji, jak rwnie suy profesjonalistom, ktrzy pracuj przy projektach komercyjnych, reklamwkach, relacjach z wydarze, lubach. W kocu, take profesjonalni montayci, pracujcy z dokumentami czy fabu, zapewne znajd w tym kursie uporzdkowane techniki, szereg nowoci i przydatne skrty.Autorem kursu jest Grzegorz Rg.Do tego kursu nie udzielamy wsparcia w ramach serwisu Udemy."
Price: 129.99 |
"JavaScript - zacznij tworzy dynamiczne strony i aplikacje" |
"Znasz podstawy HTML i CSS, tworzysz strony internetowe Ale masz poczucie, e czego im brakuje? To najlepszy moment na poznanie podstaw JavaScript, co sprawi, e Twoje projekty bd bardziej dynamiczne, interakcyjne i rozbudowane. Okae si, e otworzy si przed Tob zupenie nowy wachlarz moliwoci!JavaScript to jeden z najpopularniejszych jzykw programowania, ktry pozwoli wej na wyszy poziom wszystkim pocztkujcym programistom. Poprowadzimy Ci krok po kroku przez praktyczne przykady, ktre pozwolCi pozna dziaanie tego jzyka oraz jak najszybciej oraz najwygodniej wykorzysta go w swoich projektach. Omwimy te Obiektowy Model Dokumentu, dziki czemu wykorzysta JavaScript nawet poza przegldark internetow!COJESTZAWARTEWKURSIE?W pocztkowych lekcjach dowiesz si, co sprawia, e JavaScript jest tak szeroko wykorzystywany na caym wiecie. Na pewno zdye zauway, e HTML i CSS maj swoje ograniczenia - i to wanie z uyciem JavaScript je obejdziemy. Na pocztku:omwimy histori jzyka JavaScript, co wbrew pozorom te okae si przydatne ;)poznamy jego konstrukcj dowiesz si czym s zmienne, liczne operatory, ptle, obiekty... jakie typy danych s dostpne wJavaScript czym s instalacje warunkowei, po prostu - jak dziaa JavaScriptCho jzyk JavaScript powsta jako jzyk skryptowy na potrzeby stron internetowych, to ju dawno temu wyszed z przegldarek internetowych i moe by uywany tak naprawd... gdziekolwiek. W kursie, ktry masz przed sob, poznasz jzyk JavaScript jako niezaleny jzyk programowania, a dopiero pniej dowiesz si, jak wykorzystywa go do wzbogacania stron internetowych.OBIEKTOWYMODELDOKUMENTUW drugiej poowie kursu dokadnie omwimy Obiektowy Model Dokumentu, dostpny w przegldarkach internetowych. Przekonasz si:jak przegldarka tworzy z kodu HTML drzewo dokumentujak reprezentowane s poszczeglne jego wzyjak jzyk JavaScript potrafi z tym wewntrznym wiatem wsppracowajak wyszukiwa na stronie interesujce nas elementy HTMLoraz jak tworzy nowe elementy, przypisywa im tre i wstawia je na stronPopracujemy rwnie z atrybutami elementw, ich klasami i wreszcie ze stylami CSS, abymy mogli wpywa dynamicznie na wygld naszej strony. Podczas pisania jakiegokolwiek kodu zawsze mog zdarzy si bdy - i chcemy Ci na to przygotowa. Dowiesz si jakich bdw mona si spodziewa oraz jak sobie z nimi poradzi. JAVASCRIPT- WYKORZYSTANIEWPRAKTYCEOczywicie, celem nauki JavaScript jest to, by umia wykorzysta go w swoich projektach - i dlatego przedstawimy Ci wiele wskazwek i trikw, ktre uatwiCi prac. Pod okiem instruktora stworzysz przykadowo:zaawansowany skrypt, ktry pozwoli Ci sortowa wprowadzone dane w rny sposb lub zmienia kolejno elementw HTMLna stronietaki, ktry sprawdza bdzie poprawno wprowadzonych do formularza danychpoznasz zagadnienia z zakresu rozwizywania bdw, stworzysz interakcyjne przyciskia na sam koniec - przygotujesz projekt wyskakujcego okienka ze wskazwk. Dodatkowo bdziesz mg podzieli si projektem z innymi z uyciem Tooltipa. TIPS&TRICKSNa koniec kursu przygotowalimy 10 krtkich lekcji zawierajcych praktyczne wskazwki, dziki ktrym zrozumiesz jeszcze lepiej jzyk JavaScript, ale przede wszystkim... Uatwisz sobie prac. DLAKOGOJESTTENKURS?Jeeli chcesz, by Twoje projekty stron WWWbyy bardziej dynamiczne, interakcyjne, i po prostu lepsze - to wanie dla Ciebie powsta ten kurs. To obowizkowy krok dla kadego, kto chce tworzy bardziej zaawansowane, profesjonalne i estetyczne projekty. Dodatkowo to te wietny wybr dla osb, ktre znaj ju podstawy JavaScriptu, ale chc uporzdkowa i odwiey swoj wiedz. The author of the course is Piotr Palarz."
Price: 124.99 |
"Kurs Photoshop - Szybki Start" |
"Witaj w Kursie Photoshop - Szybki Start! W naszym materiale zapoznasz si z podstawami pracy z tym uniwersalnym narzdziem wykorzystywanym przez grafikw i designerw, a take rekreacyjnych uytkownikw. To doskonay wybr dla wszystkich osb, ktre dopiero zaczynaj swoj przygod z grafik komputerow i szukaj kursu, ktry przeprowadzi ich przez tajniki Photoshopa od samych podstaw. Na pocztku dowiesz si, jakie s podstawowe rnice midzy grafik wektorow a bitmapami oraz kiedy naley wykorzystywa te rodzaje grafik. Wraz z prowadzcym poznasz najpopularniejsze aplikacje do obrbki grafiki i sprytnego zarzdzania plikami, tak, by ju od samego pocztku pracowaz Photoshopem w sposb jak najbardziej efektywny. Zajmiemy si prac ze zdjciami o rnych rodzajach i rozdzielczoci, dziki czemu bdziesz przygotowany do pracy nad kadego typu projektami.Nastpnym krokiem bdzie przejcie do takich zagadnie, jak kadrowanie, transformacje i selekcje. Po poznaniu podstawowych zagadnie i technik pracy przejdziemy do tematw, ktre pomog Ci zoptymalizowa stojce przed Tob zadania. Omwimy najwaniejsze ustawienia Photoshopa w celu zwikszenia wydajnoci, a na koniec zapoznasz si rwnie z przydatnymi skrtami klawiszowymi. Wszystkie omawiane zagadnienia pokaemy Ci nie tylko w formie teoretycznej, lecz rwniena praktycznych przykadach, tak, by Twoja praca z Photoshopem bya poparta dziaaniem na rzeczywistym projekcie. Na zakoczenie kursu przejdziemy do sekcji powieconej Photoshow - ktra w peni odkryje przed Tob ca magi kryjc si w tym praktycznym narzdziu Adobe.Materia przygotowany zostaz myl o osobach, ktre dopiero rozpoczynaj swoj przygod z Adobe Photoshop i chc znale w Kursie wszystkie niezbdne informacje. To doskonae kompendium podstawowej wiedzy, po opanowaniu ktrego bdziesz przygotowany do zagbienia si w bardziej rozbudowane zagadnienia. Kurs, ktry masz przed sob, oparty zosta na praktycznych przykadach oraz wieloletnim dowiadczeniu prowadzcego, co pozwoli Ci unikn czstych bdw osb pocztkujcych i wypracuje u Ciebie poprawne odruchy podczas pracy z tym narzdziem.Autorem kursu jest Grzegorz Rg.Do tego kursu nie udzielamy wsparcia w ramach serwisu Udemy."
Price: 19.99 |
"Kurs Web Design i UX - Szybki Start" |
"Witaj w kursie Web Design - Szybki Start! Web design jest niezwykle dynamicznie rozwijajc si bran. Rosnce zainteresowanie projektowaniem stron www idzie w parze z rozwojem technologii, ale i oczekiwa wzgldem web designerw. Dla osb, ktre dopiero rozpoczynaj swoj przygod z web designem, przygotowalimy praktyczne i uporzdkowane kompendium wiedzy, ktre otworzy przed nimi nowe moliwoci i pozwoli na rozpoczcie pracy w tej brany. Na pocztku zajmiemy si wprowadzeniem Ci w technologie webowe i omwimy pokrtce kad z nich. Dowiesz si jak zbudowane s strony WWW oraz z jakich elementw si skadaj. Prowadzcy opowie Ci o istotnych obecnie zagadnieniach, takich jak Responsive Web Design czy Mobile First, dziki ktrym ju na pocztku swojej pracy z web designem bdziesz przygotowany do wyzwa, jakie stoj przed wspczesnymi projektantami. Opowiemy Ci o wszystkim, co musisz wiedzie, by tworzy nowoczesne strony oraz aplikacje zgodne zarwno ze standardami, jak i pasujce do oczekiwa klientw i uytkownikw strony. Przejdziemy pynnie do podstaw jzykw programowania HTML i CSS, dziki czemu po poznaniu praktycznych przykadw i ich zastosowa bdziesz gotowy do wprowadzenia podstaw kodowania do Twoich projektw. Nastpnie wsplnie pod okiem prowadzcego wykonamy praktyczny projekt funkcjonalnej strony WWW od A do Z.Na zakoczenie kursu poznasz informacje na temat konfiguracji rodowiska i edytora kodu, ktre znacznie usprawni Twoj codzienn prac, a take przedstawimy Ci wiele przydanych, dodatkowych narzdzi, dziki ktrym znacznie atwiej i bardziej intuicyjnie bdziesz odnajdowa si w nowej brany. To wszystko oraz o wiele wicej czeka na Ciebie w kursie Web Design - Szybki Start!Kurs przygotowany zostaz myl o osobach, ktre nigdy przedtem nie miay do czynienia z projektowaniem stron WWW i chc zapozna si z podstawami web designu na praktycznych przykadach. Poniewa web design jest zagadnieniem niezwykle rozbudowanym, bardzo wane jest to, by ju od samego pocztku wyrobi w sobie prawidowe nawyki, pozna najwaniejsze narzdzia oraz nie omin adnych podstawowych informacji, ktre nastpnie mogyby zablokowa nas na bardziej zaawansowanym poziomie nauki. Dlatego duy nacisk pooony zosta na przejcie przez kady etap tworzenia strony www od A do Z - a praca nad tym projektem okae si znacznie prostsza i przyjemniejsza, ni moesz si spodziewa! Autorem kursu jest Grzegorz Rg.Do tego kursu nie udzielamy wsparcia w ramach serwisu Udemy."
Price: 19.99 |
"Kurs JavaScript - Szybki Start" |
"Welcome to the introduction to JavaScript! In this material you will get acquainted with the basics of the most popular programming language in the world! If you are just starting your programming adventure, the course you have in front of you is a great introduction that will allow you to get to know the most important JavaScript structures and capabilities without going into advanced concepts that are difficult to understand for beginners.We prepared this course so that it would be the easiest and most pleasant introduction to the world of JavaScript technology and creating functional websites and websites. However, JavaScript is not just a page, so the material has been prepared in such a way that you can, after assimilating the necessary basics, also take care of the creation of applications for phones or desktops!In the course you will also find an introduction to jQuery, thanks to which you will be able to see how after you learn the basics of JavaScript you will be able to speed up and simplify your work! All the discussed constructions will be processed using practical examples that will allow you to prepare an interesting menu with tabs or handle the form on the website.This material has been prepared for people who are just starting their adventure with JavaScript and want to get the necessary knowledge to start as soon as possible. This is not another course that has to teach you JavaScript from AZ in tens of hours. In our assessment, such materials may discourage beginners and are overloaded with unnecessary information.Just like learning a foreign language - you can learn grammar, syntax, spelling and spend years at school, or just go abroad for a long vacation and learn a language through conversion, as you use it in reality. The course that you have in front of you is fully compatible with this second approach, which in our opinion allows for a much more effective learning. You will see that it can also be extremely pleasant!Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the course!The author of the course is Piotr Palarz."
Price: 19.99 |
"Kurs Grafika Wektorowa - Szybki Start" |
"Witaj wkursie powiconym grafice wektorowej. W trakcie tego materiau zapoznasz si z tajnikami tego zagadnienia, ktre jest nieodcznym i podstawowym elementem pracy grafika. Z roku na rok zapotrzebowanie na graphic designerw poruszajcych si biegle w rodowisku pracy z grafik wektorow ronie, a dziki praktycznym przykadom, przygotowanym przez profesjonalist z wieloletnim dowiadczeniem, wprowadzimy Ci wtechniki pracy od samych podstaw! Podczas kilkugodzinnego kursu zapoznasz siz niezwykle popularnym i praktycznym narzdziem od Adobe - Illustratorem. Zaczniemy od budowania prostych obiektw wektorowych, dziki czemu zbudujesz solidne podstawy, ktre pozwol Ci przej do bardziej rozbudowanych projektw. Zapoznasz si z wachlarzem moliwoci oferowanych przez rnorodne narzdzia zawarte w aplikacji Illustratora. Nastpnie przejdziemy do tworzenia na praktycznych przykadach pod okiem prowadzcego ilustracji flat oraz rnych technik tworzenia wektorw.Opowiemy Ci rwnie nieco o cechach i waciwociach plikw SVG, dziki czemu praca z nimi bdzie dla Ciebie wygodna i intuicyjna.Kurs przygotowany zosta z myl o osobach, ktre nie miay uprzednio do czynienia z grafik wektorow i chc postawi pierwsze kroki w tej ciekawej i dynamicznie rozwijajcej si dziedzinie grafiki. Od prostych ksztatw, przez coraz bardziej rozbudowane, a do do zaawansowanych kompozycji graficznych - krok po kroku przeprowadzimy Ciprzez wszystkie techniki, omawiajc przydatne narzdzia oraz dzielc si wskazwkami, ktre znacznie usprawni Twoj codzienn prac. Podczas kursu przygotujesz praktyczny projekt, dziki czemu poczujesz si pewniej i bdziesz mg samodzielnie sprawdzi dziaanie omawianych funkcji.Do tego kursu nie udzielamy wsparcia w ramach serwisu Udemy."
Price: 19.99 |
"Desenvolvimento rpido com webdev Sistema Gesto de Hotel" |
"Uma dasmelhores formas de se aprender a criar um sistema web, atravs de um estudo de caso. Neste curso, o aluno aprender a desenvolver aplicaes webde forma rpida e intuitiva tendo como o ponto de partida a criao de um sistema de Gesto Hoteleira, com as funcionalidades de reservas de quartos, registo de checkin e checkout, login com nveis de acesso, pesquisas personalizadas,gerao de relatrios em PDF, Word, xml eExcelde formaautomtica. Com apenas alguns cliques o nosso sistema estar pronto. Alm do mais,vamos dispensar o pessoal do webdesign,pois o webdev j responde de forma automtica este quesito. Com o WEBDEVo desenvolvimento 10 vezes mais rpido. No necessrio ter nenhum conhecimentoem HTML5, XML, Javascript nem AJAX... Voc vai se surpreendercom a facilidade e produtividade que esta ferramentaprope."
Price: 19.99 |
"Desenvolvimento gil com Windev - Software Gesto de RH" |
"Se voc deseja criar aplicaes robustas,profissionais e com uma interface grfica de usuriode ""tirar o flego"" e alm do mais,10 vezes mais rpido, ento voc encontrou o curso certo.Neste curso vamos criar uma aplicao de Gesto de RH, utilizando os recursos de alta produtividade e agilidadeque a fantstica ferramenta WINDEV proporciona. A nossa aplicao ter as funcionalidades de cadastro de funcionrios, processamento salarial, gerao automtica de relatrios em PDF, WORD, EXCEL, XML ,HTML e muito mais. Vamos gerar o login com nveis deacessos dosusurios e restringir acessoa determinados recursos da nossa aplicao.O WINDEV permite, atravs de sua integrao completa, sua facilidade lendria e sua tecnologia avanada, desenvolver facilmente grandes projectos em Windows, Linux, .NET, Java, etc!Voc vai se impressionar com o que esta ferramenta capaz de fazer em um curto espao de tempo de desenvolvimento.Inscreva-se no curso e confira voc mesmo!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Automatizando tarefas empresariais com ProcessMaker" |
"A Gesto de tarefas um elemento muito importante nas organizaes. atravs dela que so tomadas as decises que podem ou no definir o sucesso da Empresa.Automatizar o gerenciamento dessas tarefas deve ser uma das prioridades para Gestores e tomadores de deciso. Neste curso, o aluno aprender a automatizar a gesto de tarefas atravs da criao de diagramas de fluxos de trabalho usando uma ferramenta de BPM que permite tal automatismo no ambiente corporativo. Isto , O ProcessMaker.Para a demonstrao prtica, criaremos um Portal de Gesto de Pedido de frias. Voc vai se impressionar com a facilidade e utilidade do automatismo de tarefas em BPMN (Business Process Management Notation) em ambientes corporativos com a utilizao do ProcessMaker. Inscreva-se no curso e seja bem vindo a bordo!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Configurao e Administrao de Servidores Windows" |
"O ambiente de rede necessita de profissionais capacitados para que o sistema funcione de maneira eficiente. O curso de Administrao de Servidores Windows uma grande oportunidade para que voc se torne emum profissional completo e pronto para actuar.Todo ambiente corporativo depende quase que exclusivamente do bom funcionamento das redes. Portanto, necessrio a presena de profissionais que saibam lidar com segurana, configuraes de sistemas, gerenciamento dos diversos recursos e muito mais. Muitas so as funes do administrador de servidores Windows, e essa a oportunidade que voc tem de entrar neste mercado promissor. O Windows Server o sistema Operativoparaservidores lder de mercado, utilizado para administrar asredes de pequenas empresas aos maiores datacenters do mundo.O Curso de administrao de servidores Windows vai capacitar voca planejar, implementar e administrar sistemas, bem como trabalhar comvirtualizaoHyper-V, armazenamento,backup baseadas no Windows Server, administrao remota de servidores e muito mais. Inscreva-se no curso e seja bem vindo a bordo."
Price: 199.99 |
"Dropshipping mit Shopify und Aliexpress" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du alles lernen rund um das Thema Dropshipping mit Aliexpress. Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du deinen eigenen Onlineshop mit Shopify erstellst und wie die Produkte von Aliexpress importieren kannst. Desweiteren wirst du lernen, wie dein Shop gute Conversion Rates erzielen kann. Des weiteren lernst du, wie du schnell profitable Produkte finden kannst. Um deinen Shop erfolgreich zu promoten, zeige ich dir wie du Facebook Ads nutzt und wie du mit Instagram kostenlos Besucher auf deine Seite bekommen kannst."
Price: 199.99 |
"FitLondoners Fitness Video Marketing Course" |
"Online video is undoubtedly changing the way audiencesengage with content, ads, and brands, and smallbusinesses and enterprises alike are starting to takeadvantage. As more and more platforms are allowingfor video, and more devices are putting camerasin the hands of consumers,videos are becominga new way for people to communicate, and a wayfor small businesses and brands to communicateonline and on mobile.53% of business who use video say they struggle to promote the video content they produce. We can show you how to get the most from your videos. Learn how to attract 100s of prospects without cold calling, leafleting or other laborious and obstructive methods. Target the people that are looking for what you offer and show them why you are the one for them with a great high value content.By the end pf the course you will have set up neccesary accounts on Google, YouTube, Facebook, uploaded your videos for best search results, prepared your first campaign on Google AdWords and Facebook, and have your page ready for potencial customers to buy!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Fight And Win: Hand To Hand Combat Training" |
"LearnHow To Fight And Win in the fastest possible amount of time!REVEALED Hand To Hand Combat Skills That Thugs, Rioters and Criminals Dont Want You To KnowLearn The Most Devastatingly Effective Close Quarters CombatMoves That End Fights In Your FavourEvery Single TimeIt Doesnt Matter If Youre Short & Under-Sized Or Have Never Been In A Real Fight,Youll Be Shocked By How Easy It Is To Execute These Devastating Self DefenseMovesAs seen in Mens Health MagazineA great teacher and an amazing man of martial knowledge, I recommend him highly Geoff Thompson, 7th Dan Best Selling Author of Watch My BackThee intellectual dimension in reality training, putting brains behind the brawn Mo Teague star of Danny Dyers Deadliest MenOne of the most insightful martial artists Ive ever met. His direct methods cut right to the heart of functional self protection Iain Abernethy, 6th Dan British Combat Association Senior CoachGaining access to this training means youll be transformed into a lethaland brutalstreet effective fighter.in just a few hourstime. Plus, youll be able to handlePetty Store Front RobbersRandom Attacks From Bigger GuysHooligans Stupid Enough To TRY You Out For FunThieves Who Want To Steal Your Hard Earned MoneyCriminal Scumbags Who Threaten Your Family With ViolenceAll Handled!How To Fight And Win Against Any Bigger, Stronger, Younger AttackersBut dont think for a second that you need to have 10 years of fighting experience, 5 kinds of black belts and a dozen fighting trophies lining up your shelf before you know how to ward off the crazies lurking the streets.In fact, you dont need to be young. You dont need to be big. And you dont even need to have gone to a fighting school or spent thousands on private fighting instruction.The truth is if you want to defend yourself against an attacker all you need are simple, effective moves becauseMost Self Defense Courses Are Full Of Complex MovesThey teach you an8 stepdefense to deal with just onetype of attack when you could be faced with 100s of different attacks.Really?Thats going to take years of training to have any hope of this stuff being effective!ITS NOT ENOUGH they arent going to help you in a real life encounter they arent even close to reality!Violent street criminals that bloody their knuckles in real street combat couldnt care less about a twist his wrist this way technique or a strike him with this part of your foot technique because they dont fight by the same rules!Criminal scumbags who love violence are now getting more and more aggressive and skillful at taking down their victims with such ferocious intensity that it has even the police shaking with nerves, look at the wide spread riots that took place right across the United Kingdom the police DID NOTHING to protect the people!Ill tell you more about that in a second, but first let me introduce myself.My name is Lee Mainprize, and Im career martial artist, former fighter and mens health magazine self defenseexpert.Martial arts has been my life for the past 30 years now and Ive trained with many of the worlds elite fighters who know more than a thing or two about winning fights against heavily experienced opponents.And it was only recently that I decided to write this message to you.If I didnt, my conscience would eat me alive I HAD TO WRITE THIS MESSAGE.Because it could possibly SAVE your life and the lives of your loved ones.You Could Be NEXTViolent Happy Slapping And THRILL KILLINGMore and more, the world is slipping into some sort of violent melting pot of fist fights, muggings and murder.Its almost as if nothing can stop this terrible trend.You watch it on the news almost everyday students shooting up schools, petty crimes turning into full fledged killings and worst of all thugs who beat people up just for kicks!.To understand just how nasty things are getting, let me illustrate by describing 2 cruel acts Ive recently become aware ofViolent Happy Slapping: youve probably seen these videos on youtube and facebook too!Like the one where a guy walks out the train station, a thug moves towards this guy and slaps him so hard he falls to the ground OUT COLD!As if that wasnt bad enough, while on the floor he was stomped on mercilessly.Right there in broad daylight!No one helped, no one did anything.The most disturbing is THRILL KILLING, imagine the most cold-blooded mob of gang members who go into killing sprees at random, not to rob you, but to see the look on your face just before mercilessly pounding you to the ground.They target anyone who BREATHES.Which means, if youre not prepared, youre a helpless walking target!But I need to tell you something really importantIts Not Your FaultIts not your fault that this FILTH existsThey simply target guys that dont know how to fight and win on the streets. Youve seen it before, a bunch of bigger, stronger guys shoving, pushing and man-handling guys who dont have enough mass to stand their ground.The fact is these scumbags will always exist throughout our lives.Its how you handle the situation when it comes to crunch time that matters.What will you do when youre faced with a tough challenge, a physically bigger guy who wants to play around with you or your girlfriend/wife can you bear the humiliation of having someone you love go completely UNPROTECTED?I dont think so.Now You Can Have An UNFAIR Fight Advantage No Matter Your Size, Age Or ExperienceWhich is why I had to do something to give you the upper hand, NOT just level the playing field, but powerful tactics that hand you ultimate victory EVERY SINGLE TIME.Even better, it doesnt matter if youre undersized, middle-aged, or lacking in fighting experience these techniques and strategies are guaranteed to work for you.Heres the deal: I decided to put together a video training program with Jamie Clubb so anyone could deal with every imaginable fighting situation to protect themselves in the heat of the moment when your dignity and life hangs by a thread.Ive seen plenty of books and lets face it, you cant learn from a book, especially the ones that claim they are packed with 100s of the most deadly techniques.How can you possibly learn, let alone remember 100s of moves when youre faced with extreme violence!You dont need any knowledge or experience of fighting to work that out!PowerfulHand To Hand Combat Skills In Your LockerUnder normal circumstances, you would have to pay hundreds of pounds to get an elite expert come to your home and train you personally, divulge top fighting secrets and teach his life saving self-defence skills to you.But these are not normal circumstancesRight now, you have a unique opportunity to discover Rapid Strike and all the No nonsense skills that are required to defend yourself and your loved ones from dangerous situations, keeping you completely safe and secure.Once you master these moves, any attacker will rue the day he decides to mess with you.Which means you will soon have the ability toQuickly & Easily Handle Any Attacker Dumb Enough To Go Toe-To-Toe With YouGaining access to this training means youll be transformed into a dangerous andstreet ""effective""fighter in the shortest amount of time.Contained in this program is the most street-effective fighting tactics that will help you walk down the streets of any neighbourhood with total confidence.This is NOT martial arts that takes years to become proficient at and even then most martial arts training is not practiced specifically to deal with a brutal all out street attack.How To Fight And Win has one objective SURVIVAL and to extinguish any threat quickly, to save your life and so you learn everything you need to know in less than a day!Youll find no fancy moves in this courserthat untrained scumbags walk through!It combines a very specific set of core power moves that will cause maximum damage to your aggressor and no injury to you. Youll learn how to apply these moves to every possible situation youll ever need to know, to help you destroy your attacker in a real life street fight.Plus youll learn how to fast track your skills with specific training drills that will become embedded into your muscle memory just like a computer when your face to face with a dangerous situation your training will just take over leaving your opponent pummelled to the pavement!Youll be able toHumiliate bigger sized bad asses without much effort and bring them to their kneesPuncture anyones motivation and will to fight you with your raw masculine confidencePump yourself with up to 200% more power in your strikes by knowing exactly which areas of the body you should aim forInternalize all possible counter-moves that will save your life and the lives of your loved onesMaster dirty techniques to vulnerable points on any attackers body he will feel a world of pain if he dares even touch youAnd much moreHeres what you get:HighQuality Hand To HandCombat TrainingVideo Lessons that will show you exactly what you need to do to win a fight QUICKLY and with very simple moves.Youll be instructed in extremely easy to understand teaching methods, in a do this then do that style, in high-quality video format with one of the best reality self defence instructors.And whats great about this is youll SEE every angle needed to master these simple moves FAST.Dont understand a certain step? REWIND IT then play it again as many times as youd like.Try to do THAT at a dojo!Heres what youll get inside Rapid StrikeSimple Yet Astonishingly Powerful Fighting Tactics Now YOURS Like:Exactly when it is legally ok to strike someone first and how to set up your attacker for a single fight ending strike, he wont realise whats going on until hes chewing tarmac (statistically the person who strikes first wins) Video 1How to short circuit a street thugs head and completely overwhelm his nervous system hell be writhing in pain before he even has a chance to shout for his mates! Video 3How to control an aggressive or deceptive hardened street thug from getting in your face and landing fight ending blows! (most people hesitate and react when its too late!) Video 2A really nasty instant pain to the brain attack which requires no practice at all and works better the bigger they are, hell almost always give up instantly when you apply this move! Video 11How to quickly spot someone concealing a weapon and take action before they have a chance to take your life Video 5The revving technique thats as easy to apply as making a cup of tea its so easy even my little girl could drop an attacker to the floor like a sack of potatoes with this (works on any size attacker) Video 13And remember.You dont need any previous hand to hand combatskills and youll know more than the average Black Belt does about exactly what works on the streets in just a few hours time, this type of training should be a given to any martial artist but sadly its not!You dont need to be huge - smaller guys will enjoy these videos because they can use it to MAXIMUM impact as the moves shown in these videos are so easy to do. (If you can throw a standard punch, youve already got the skills needed.) Master These Easy To Learn Devastatingly Effective Fight Moves Practically OVERNIGHT!Learn to create an impenetrable defensive shield that even the most skilled street fighters will find difficult to penetrate, keeping you safe from harm and taking blows to the face Video 6How to jam your opponents strongest attack before it has a chance to break you in two. You can cut this out instantly and turn the tables on your attacker in a blink with the right counter attacking moves! Video 4Learn the code red system to instantly turn fear to your advantage and let your training automatically KICK IN to stop your opponent dead in his tracks Video 7How to stop a stronger attacker from lunging and taking you to the ground most fights end up this way and its crucial you know how to prevent this especially when facing multiple attackers Video 12Last resort moves that should only be used in EXTREME SITUATIONS you may tear flesh, blind or even maim your attacker Video 11Be Prepared For EVERY Possible SituationImagine youve been tackled or shoved to the ground by an attacker. Its embarrassing and humiliating to be a man on the ground in a submissive position.Its also THE WORST POSSIBLE place to be in a real fight.Lets say youre on your back an attacker wants to either humiliate you in front of his friends or ground and pound you to a pulp for fun.Heres what you do:Fighting Off Your Back3 step technique that launches you off the ground, onto your feet and away from your attackerAn unbelievably simple way to flip your attacker onto HIS BACK and give him a taste of his own medicine (this is the ULTIMATE role reversal, and it can happen in 2 seconds flat)Plus In Fighting Off Your KneesHow to use your attackers head to pull yourself up and away from danger in mere secondsThe 2 worst positions to be in when youre being attacked and how to recover quicklyWhat to do if youre seated down and your attacker is pummelling you? (You can switch things around and be the aggressor in less than 2 seconds Jamie shows you how)How To FightAnd Win WithThe Most Proven Fighting Tactics Known To ManWithout a doubt these are the most effective fighting skills in the world and theyre now instantly accessible to you in your living room, showing you the ropes of self-defence.No re-hash stuff is allowed, everything is fresh and new.Why?Because the streets are getting hip to many fighting techniques out there and you HAVE to stay ahead of the curve by at least 2 Steps, andRapid Strike is the best, most affordable way to hone your skills, walk with confidence and keep aggressive thugs from taking you down.Hang ON! Im Not Done THERES MOREWhen you get Close QuartersCombat Training youll NOT only receive cutting edge training that keeps you and your family completely safe from crazy attackersAnd if the massive discount isnt enough to push you over the edge, this will. When you order today, Im also going to give you another one of my best selling programs, Street Warrior.Bonus Gift #1: Street Warrior (value $97)In this system you will learn some the most effective strikes to destroy any attacker fast plus how to escape and release from almost any attack you can think of choke, grab, headlock and a whole bunch more. Thats bonus number one!Bonus Gift #2: Street Tactics For Dealing With Multiple Attackers! (value $25)You can never have enough skills in your arsenal especially when finding youre outnumbered!So I got Jamie Clubb to share his very best secrets on counter attacks to multiple aggressors that the average guy can pull off when faced with several attackers and no way to escape.In Hollywood movies or typical martial arts demos attackers take turns to attack which is complete BULL! Multiple attack situations are more and more common these days making this a must have self defence resource. These self defence tricks will work anywhere anytime for you when called upon!Right now, the entire collection of training videos and bonuses Ive listed above is an exclusive package that is only available from this page at this time.* Youll never see a similar self-defence training package anywhere else on the Internet.However, there is something Ive got to get off my chest, something Ive not been upfront aboutTheres A CATCH!And its a BIG catch at that.You see while I want to turn you into a street fighting machine (so you can stand up to any thug who tries to mess with you), I promised to limit how many people get access to this training.And so Im strictly limiting copies to just 500 people.This is an extremely small number considering the fact that Ive estimated that this message will be seen by at least 30,000 martial arts enthusiasts.Less than 2% get to actually see How To Fight And Wintraining.By restricting the number of members, I can guarantee that all purchasing of Rapid Strike will have a unique and distinct advantage on the streets because theyll know elite street fighting tactics that almost nobody else knows.And to make the decision easier for you, check this outAfter They Heard How Much I Wanted To Charge, They Said: LEE YOUVE GOT TO BE NUTS!When my team and I were brainstorming how much was a fair price to charge we knocked around some numbers that would be a win win for all.The lowest price on the table at that time was $97And if you think about it, thats actually a VERY REASONABLE price.Considering the fact that you cant even get a fully licensed multiple black belt holding instructor to spend a day with you for that amount of money, I thought, $97 was pretty fair.But you know what, I said how much lower can we go?I dont think we should go any lower than $77 someone yelled across the table. Going to a dojo twice a week every month costs more than that.You know what my reply was?Lets BRING THE PRICE RIGHT DOWN! Lets make this really affordable and go $47That was when people started calling me crazy, but you know what, Im willing to slash the price if thats whats necessary to convince you to get the skills that keep you and your family SAFE.Remember most dojos claim they teach self defence but in reality they dontMost experts will not bother to train you if you dont fork out a boat load of cashBut here youre getting a top-notch street self defence expert trained to the teeth and willing to dish out all the crucial life-saving self defence secrets for LESS THAN A TANK OF PETROL.How ToWin And Fight Win Solved.....Get Started Right NOW Before SomeoneSteals Your CopyYou dont have much time to waste right now.It could be that Close Quarters Combat has completely sold out now.It could be that youre too late and youll never know what its like to know own real self defence tactics designed for the street and not the dojo.The fact is, the number of programs are highly limited. And if youre on the fence about this, you need to make the decision and see for yourself how valuable this self-defence training really is.Youll love every moment of it and cant help but want MORE skills to take down bigger opponents, attackers and thugs quickly and easily.Go ahead and sign up RIGHT NOW. Youll get immediate access to the whole program upon sign-up and you can download everything. Were waiting for you insideLee MainprizeP.S.: Here are some blurbs from news outlets that caught my eye967 police laid off in Newark CBS NewsNearly HALF of the police department getting sacked ABC NewsThe number of children under 18 arrested and charged with violent crimes homicide, rape and aggravated assault has risen 10 percent this year compared with last year. Burglary arrests of juveniles jumped 90 percent, while thefts shot up 173 percent. Washington ExaminerThe Association of Chief Police Officers has estimated that 28,000 police jobs will go over the next four years (England and Wales) BBC NewsWhats happening right now is very simple, the economy in shambles is causing massive widespread layoffs of police officers EVERYWHERE.And with fewer police guarding our countries, crime rates will slowly but surely start to spike upwards, teen crimes, violent murders and unnecessary fights will be more and more common place.The only person who can protect you is YOURSELF. There simply arent enough cops at the moment to keep you safe or to even be on patrol.If a criminal scumbag thinks youre a good fit for his next crime and there are no cops around, guess what its crunch time CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY?You need the best protection you can get your hands on, and right now its this"
Price: 44.99 |
"Ultimate Boxing Training: Professional Boxing Techniques" |
"Legendary Fighter And World ChampionReveals New UltimateBoxing TrainingSecrets To Bullet Proof Fighting Skills...Including Dirty Boxing Moves that could get youbanned in the ring!-If you would like to discover how to load any strike you throw with the EXPLOSIVE POWER of a sawed-off shotgun-EVADE your opponents with the grace of Muhammad Alis footwork-And BUILD a fortress-like defense with your arms that is impenetrable by anyone no matter how big they areThen I promise by the end of this potentially life-saving message you will know exactly what to do to fight like a champion, WIN by knock-out, and never take sh*t from anyone ever again.Hi, my name is Lee Mainprize, and Ive been in the fightscene for more than 20 years, traveling the world, training with some of the most effective and vicious fighters in the world.In fact, Ive met many of the greatest living fighters in Europe. And one who stands out head and shoulders from all the rest is Lance Lewis one of the greatest fighters of all time.Ill tell you more about Lance (and why you should pay attention to him) in just a minute. But first, let me tell you aboutWhat All Great FightersHave in CommonHave you watched any MMA cage fights lately?Its always fascinating to see how each fight ends.Occasionally, youll have a fight go all three rounds and the judges will have to declare a winner based on how well each competitor fought. This is a minority of fights.More often, the fights end in the first or second round due to: Knockout Choke out Tap outHeres what Ive observedChoke outs rarely happen. A good choke hold is especially hard to get in an MMA fight simply because both fighters are so experienced.Even if one fighter does get a choke hold on the otherperson, the losing fighter usually taps out before he passes out.Tap outs are a little more common than choke outs.Tap outs usually happen when one fighter gets some kind of arm bar or arm lock that threatens to snap the other guys arm in two. Most fighters will tap out before they allow that kind of damage to be inflicted on them.And knockoutsKnockouts are by far the most common way fights end in the cage.Ive seen plenty of fights end without even going to the ground. The guy with better boxing skills simply wears his opponent down before landing a fight-ending punch to the jaw or temple.Ive seen even MORE fights end on the ground, with one guy on top beating the other guys head in like a piata.In a recent MMA fight, I watched in shock as the winner knocked out his opponent with a single punch. Then, as the man fell to the canvas, his opponent leaped on top of him, landing THREE MORE devastating head shots before the referee could stop him.The man was out cold, eyes rolled back, and with each of the three successive punches, his head bounced off the canvas like a bobble-head doll.And THAT is a perfect illustration of the raw power of tightly honed boxing skills.FACT: The Very Best MMA FightersAre Wicked-Good BoxersThe fact is, an increasing number of the highest ranked MMA fighters are pursuing boxing as a core skill in their quiver of fighting skills.The reason theyre focusing so much attention on boxing is simple:Boxers hit harder.Boxers hit more accurately.Boxers end more fights with knockouts.Boxing is effective. More importantly, boxing for the street is relatively simple compared to other forms of martial arts.Imagine being in the ring with a ripped opponent. Hes got tattoos covering his arms, shoulder muscles rippling. Hes a mean dude and hes intent on taking you to the floor and pummeling you to a In that situation, you dont have time to think about dozens of possible moves. You cant be debating about whether to punch or kick, go for a takedown or start grappling.Youre in reaction mode.Youre in the moment attacking defending doing whatever the moment calls for so that you maintain your dominance in the fight.And its in just such a situation that you want to have mastered a few simple, yet effective moves to help you win.Because its not the number of moves you know that counts its how well youve mastered a small number of moves so you can execute them in the blink of an eye, without thinking.Which makes boxing a must have skillfor any fighter who wants to win (and win repeatedly).Boxing is a discipline that stands on its own. Even better, itenhancesall other fighting styles. Itll help you hit harder, land more punches, evade attacks, and defend against the most aggressive attackers. And get thisElite Boxers Have a ClearDefensive AdvantageAnother HUGE benefit of boxing is that strengthens your core muscles faster than any other martial art.Have you seen world-class boxers? Theyve got abs of steel. Their chest muscles and shoulders bulge even when theyre not flexing. Their triceps are loaded with explosive punching power.Naturally, this gives boxers an offensive advantage in the form of powerful punches.But it ALSO gives them a clear DEFENSIVE advantage because they can take multiple blows to their bodies and their core muscles simply absorb the blows.When other fighters crumple from the impact, boxers stay on their feet and return fire.The bottom line:Boxing is a vital skill for winning fights whether they happen on the streets or in the ring.With that in mind, let me introduce you toLance Lewis, Boxing Legend& World Kickboxing ChampionWhat youre looking at is a picture of Lance Lewis, who was at one time the best boxer in all of Great Britain, and the best kick boxer in the world.Hes the guy youll be learning your boxing skills from so that you can make quick work of attackers anytime, anywhere.The special thing about Lance is that hes done what very few fighters anywhere in the world has ever done.He won a championship as a teenager fighting ADULTS almost twice his age and twice his size!The only other fighter I know in the world who has accomplished the same feat is Mike Tyson.And I believe Lance got to this elite level of boxing for two reasons: 1) His raw talent and 2) because he drilled day and night at the world-famous Kronk Gym.A World Famous Kronk Gym FighterOnly 1 breed of fighter gets into Kronk Gym; the toughest, meanest and most stone-cold disciplined fighter.If you cant take the heat, you pack your bags and leave with your head hanging in shame.Lance didnt quit. Lance didnt leave.In fact, Lance Lewis was the first fighter outside the United States of America to get accepted into this exclusive clique of fighters, which included the worlds best boxers.Most of whom, including Lance, trained under one man, Emmanuel Steward the same man who trained more than 30 world boxing champions including Lennox Lewis, Thomas Hearns, and Oscar De la Hoya.Emmanuel Steward was such a phenomenal trainer that he was able to jump-start Lances fighting career from the very beginningBritish Kickboxing ChampionAt 16 Years OldLance began his fighting career before he was able to drive. While other kids were riding bikes and doing stuff that teenagers do, Lance was training to become a professional fighter.Lance was so unusually talented and driven that he became the British Kickboxing Champion when he was just 16 years old.Then, while still in his teens,Lance went on to defeat the legendary Scottish World Boxing Champion Ken Buchanan in boxing.Let me say that again Lance defeated the World Boxing Champion while he was still a teenager!Whats more, Lance went on to become the World Kickboxing Champion #1 in the world (not just Britain).Which is why when I wanted to put a video set together detailing the very best boxing for the street secrets, it was mandatory for me to get Lance Lewis onboard.Together with a team of filmmakers Ive managed to persuade him to produce a 3-volume video set detailing his finest street boxing secrets. Im talking about the stuff most people will never come close to getting access toAt 16 Lance was the British Kickboxing Champion and a professional boxer. He would go on to win a World Kickboxing title, but was later on curtailed by an eye problem just as he was labeled the best lightweight boxer in Britain. Somehow Lance managed to keep his academic studies on track and not content with a degree went on to get a Ph.D. I could never get up at five oclock on a cold Manchester morning, run six miles and then go to school, I never had the willpower, but Lance did. And what a fighter he is too, without a doubt one of the best fighters this country has ever produced with a work ethic to match.Brian Seabright, Chairman, British Karate AssociationIt Wasnt Easy To Get Lance On VideoIt wasnt easy to get Lance to give up his time, hes a very busy guy with many people chasing after him for his attention.You see Lance has his own stable of clients who pay good money to learn elite self-defense and fighting techniques directly from him.Hes also about to introduce proper self-defense methods to students all over Britain, equipping the younger generation with tools that will help them stand up to bullies and avoid being beaten up by bigger sized bad guys.It was only after much persuasion that Lance finally agreed to spend time to reveal his secrets on video and share them with you.Thats why Im very proud that when all was said and done I could finally bring to you the end resultIntroducing LETHAL FISTS:Ultimate Boxing Training: Professional Boxing TechniquesIn this 3-volume video series, Lance will teach you the fundamentals of boxing. But it wont end thereLance is going to teach you Street Boxing the kind of dirty moves that would get you banned in the cage but will help you win fights fast on the street.These Dirty Street Boxing fighting techniques are only known to a handful of elite level fighters.Now, youll be part of this elite group because youll be armed with fighting techniques that very few people have. Finally, youll be able toDefend yourself and your loved ones from thugs and lowlifes prowling the cold streetsMaster street boxing moves that end fights in mere minutes often with devastating knock outs!Hurt your opponents so badly they lose their will to fight backCounter-attack sophisticated fighters and make them pay for trying youPummel your opponents mercilessly within the first few minutes of fighting (and look like a champion prize fighter while you do it)Boost your confidence sky-high, knowing you can handle any hoodlum who dares cross your path (youll feel and walk like a new, strong and self-assured man)This is a 3-volume course.Which means you could be absorbing crucial life-saving moves in just a few minutes after reading this message.But let me give you a more detailed view of whats in these videos:Lethal Fists: Volume 1 -Ultimate Boxing Training: Professional Boxing TechniquesThe infamous 50-50 stance used by expert boxers in almost all professional fightsFootwork drills that make your movements smooth and graceful and let you easily outmaneuver your opponentThe secret reason why you should NEVER flatten your foot when you move around in a fightHow you can practice with a friend to develop footwork that will exhaust attackers and opponents into giving up and saving you from throwing a single punchThe FOUR types of punches used to win fights quickly (master these four punches and youll be deadly in a fight)A sneaky way to make a deep gash on your opponents face (surprisingly, this move is legal even in the boxing ring)How to train your jab so it lands EVERY TIME and hurts your opponent badlyThe exact step-by-step process of throwing one of the most powerful KNOCK OUT punches in boxing history (it ends fights with your opponents on the floor in excruciating pain)The secret to throwing a hook punch with the force of a howitzer-cannonThe easiest 3-punch combination that drops your opponent to the floor like a sack of potatoesA crazy Hoola Hoop technique for increasing your punching powerLethal Fists: Volume 2 -Ultimate Boxing Training: Professional Boxing Techniques3 boxing drills that add speed to your movements including one that saves your head from getting knocked off your neck!How to devastate your opponent with an amazingly simple 2-punch combinationHow to use your head to weaken your opponent, keep him off balance, or even knock him out cold!How to trap your attacker and force him to bleed massive amounts of energy trying to get freeHow to frustrate, agitate, or injure your opponent by thrusting your knee into his ribsHow to cut down your opponent with vicious elbow strikes that he never sees coming!Win your opponents BACK. This move keeps you safe from being hit and psychologically breaks down the other guy, making him weaker and submissiveHow to use a slight twist in an illegal headlock to knock the will to fight out of your opponentA nasty way to grind your opponents ribs with your elbow inflicting continuous pain and frustration!A Jedi mind trick that helps you gain an unfair advantage against your opponent Lethal Fists: Volume 3 -Ultimate Boxing Training: Professional Boxing Techniques6 punch combinations you can use in any fight, against any aggressor, in the ring or on the streets including an advanced combination that guarantees to knock the wind out of the other guy FASTHow to evade punches from your attacker while pummeling him with painful hooks to his head and bodyHow to effectively neutralize a jab from your opponentA winning strategy when you go up against a fighter who knows how to COUNTER your punchesHow to fight and win against a left-handed fighter (its actually easy if you know what to do)How to trick your opponent into letting his guard down so you can go in for the killFight-ending traps! How to trap your opponent in an indefensible position so you can beat him senseless (this is sneaky, but it works like gangbusters) Ive Thrown In a GREAT FREE BONUS GIFTToo! Bonus #1: Mindset of a Champion(Video) Value $37I recently had Bob Sykes sit down with Lance for an informal Q&A session where Lance was forced to spill the beans on how he got so good, so fast, so young.Its one thing to learn powerful street boxing moves from an expert fighter its a whole other thing to sit in front of him and learn how he thinks in a fight and discover what makes him tick.And thats what youll get; youll get to peek inside Lances mindset and discover how he got to be the fighter he is today. Everything is laid bare from his fighting strategies and skills he developed to precision effectiveness in the ring and more like:The truth about BIG fancy kicks when facing an opponent/attackerLances secret to winning fights against adults that were almost twice his sizeThe people that inspired Lance to become a top notch fighterPlus, priceless advice for fighters who want to take it to the next levelThis interview gives you a deeper, advanced level of understanding about fighting that most people will never have.Who Is Lethal Fists For?Lethal Fists is for anybody who would like to:Hit harder put more power in your punches and strikes.Land more punches hit more accurately and land more direct hits.Learn the dirty street fight moves that end fights fast.Develop rock-hard core strength for a clear defensive advantage.Get ripped so you can feel good with your shirt off.Enhance your favorite fighting style so youll be a better all-around fighter.Whats more, Lethal Fists is for anyone who want to feel confident in their ability to defend themselves against thugs and any other low life predators.Remember:Lance became a kickboxing champion at age 16. And he reveals his best fist-fighting secrets so youll have a distinct advantage in ANY physical confrontation.Are You an Action Taker?Whether you know it or not, all of society is broken up into 2 groups of people.Non-action takers who let life bring them on a roller coaster ride without much or any controlAnd action takers who rule their own destiny, achieve their dreams and get what they deserve.Non-action takers make up about 80% of the population.Action takers make up the rest, 20%.Heres why I mention thisYou now know that theres a way to completely create a fortress of defense and counter attack any brute with your bare hands.You now know the exact resource thats going to show you everything you need to know about fighting with your hands the Lethal Fists 3 volume Course.You now know that theres a way to protect yourself and your loved ones and flatten attackers in seconds.Which means you now have a responsibility to yourself and the people who love you.It takes confidence to stand up for yourself and skills to bring down an attacker or opponent.These videos will give you that.Will you join the 20% of the worlds population and TAKE ACTION? or will you join the 80% who slouch around and do nothing?Heck! Im even going to make it easy for you and stick my neck out by allowing you toA Fraction of What It Would Costto Hire Lance Directly!Im sure youre thinking about how much these devastatingly effective boxing for the street skills are going to cost you.And the fact of the matter is that youre about to get your hands on video instruction given by one of the worlds most accomplished and respected boxers.If you were to get private instruction from him, it would cost you at least $700.00 for the full effect of these fighting skills to be felt.Get a lesser known, less-accomplished fighter to coach you, and youre looking at putting down at least $200.00Lethal Fists is not even half that.Plus when you get your hands on Ultimate Boxing Training: Professional Boxing Techniques youll notice its filmed in high quality video, you can even see the beads of sweat gathering on Lances forehead as he works to show you his fighting techniques.So how much for a set of videos from one of the worlds most highly sought-after champions?Only a mere $10!!!, thats less than the average membership to a good martial arts club and about 1/10the price of getting Lance to personally teach you how to fight.YES! I Want Access to the Lethal Fists Street Boxing Master Class So I Can Add Boxing to My Arsenal of Fighting SkillsI realize that by investing in Lethal Fists Street Boxing Master Class right now Ill become part of an elite group of smart people with unfettered access to Lances powerful Dirty Boxing techniques secrets that could turn me into an INCREDIBLE force against anyone, anytime!I understand that once I absorb and apply the potent methods inside this comprehensive video course, Ill have the power to defend myself against even the best of fighters.That means Ill get:The 3 Lethal Fists Boxing Master Class Volumes"
Price: 44.99 |
"Ground Fighting For The Street: Essential Grappling Moves" |
"You've Been Sucker Punched And You Hit The Pavement He's Moving Forwards To Stomp Your Face In....This is the most vulnerable place to be...it also feelshumiliating to be in this position.You Need To Get Back To Your FEETasFAST as Possible to take control back!The main reason for this is that by its nature you will become entangled and therefore vulnerable to multiple attackers.Lee Mainprize has been featured in the biggest selling mens magazine Mens Health as their martial arts expert.Lee Mainprize is a true fighter! One of the few who can actually do what many pretend they can do! His understanding of combat is without a doubt impressive to say the least! Lee is without question one of the all time greats!Bob Sykes - editor martial arts illustrated and UKLegendGrappling can prolong a fight unnecessarily and every second you stay in a fight like this the greater the risk.It takes relatively little time for weapons as well as other attackers to join in the frenzy of a real fight.This doesnt mean that grappling should be passed over altogether.It is an important support system and can provide a student with some superb combat positioning skills along with other useful attributes.We can also derive anti-grappling techniques from grappling training.A good grappler will teach you how to bridge or buck someone off you if you are being pinned, move from various grounded postures.They will also show you how to sprawl to prevent someone from tackling your legs and taking you down.In addition to understanding a grapplers counter moves to another grappler we can add in less sporting techniques like eye gouges, biting, finger-breaks and head-butts.These are all very simple and primal weapons that work well at grappling distance.However, remember the objective is to get into a position when you can strike effectively again.A fight is defined by its range. When we get to the in-fight stage of physical conflict ranges can change pretty fast.From being at a non-touching conversational range you have had a brief window to exploit striking range.If this hasnt ended the fight early on then you will naturally end up grappling with your attacker.This is a very close range and can end up on the ground, especially if you are fighting in an open space.It is important to train from every conceivable range and to train to get from that range to standing as quickly as possible, where you are better placed to run when possible.You must be able to use your preferred strike from as many ranges as possible.You must be able to throw it from a standing posture, kneeling, sitting down and from your back.An assault can happen almost anywhere and can go to any range.It is also important to be comfortable with transitioning from each range quickly.You must be able to go from your back to a seated position to your knees and then standing.Train to keep yourself protected as you move through the postures and avoid putting your hands on the ground.These are exactly the things you will learn so if you find yourself in deep water you won't drowned you'll be ready!Here are a few more highlights you will learn with this course>>>>>>>>- How to get back to you're feet fasteven it a gang of people are trying to mercilesslystomp you on the ground- How to defend from the ground to prevent your attacker landing fight ending blows- How to turn the tables on your attacker fasteven if your on your back and he is towering over you in a seemingly winning position.- Learn to swim in deep water without drowningfightingoff your back and knees- How to attack the ground and finish your attacker off before you has a chance to recover and come at you againAnd if you end up grappling on the ground that's covered too without spending years learning complicated moves.- Master allthe grappling moves you need to control and dominate your opponent while landing fight ending blows- Learn all the escapes when you opponent has you locked down even if he is bigger and stronger than you-How To Use Your Knees To Control A Downed OpponentLeaving your fists and elbows free to drop in with a fight ending assault of devastating blows while standing over your adversaryIf you want to ensure ground fighting is covered when it comes to your total fight game this course has you covered.Click the add to cart button now!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Thai Kickboxing Training Program: Best Kickboxing Techniques" |
"Powerful Muay Thai Kickboxing TrainingAccelerates The Learning CurveLearn More In 1HourThan You CouldIn 6MonthsTraining At Most Martial Arts Schools!ThisLethal Combination Of Martial ArtsTraining Is Second To None!Lee Mainprize has been featured in the biggest selling mens magazine Mens Health as their martial arts expert.Lee Mainprize is a true fighter! One of the few who can actually do what many pretend they can do! His understanding of combat is without a doubt impressive to say the least! Lee is without question one of the all time greats!Bob Sykes - editor martial arts illustrated and UKLegendDear Friends,My name is Lee Mainprize, I am a career martial artist, former fighter andmartial arts expert.Do you ever watch professional UFC fighters?These guys, without a doubt, are the worlds best fighters. Its their job to be the best.That means they spend 8-12 hours a day training But do you ever notice how the BEST of these fighters, the world champions, they always have Muay Thai Kickboxingas one of their base arts.Because most fight end with a knockout from a punch or kickAnd thats what sets my training apartIteach you allmoves from Muay Thai that will give you the skills to pummel and destroy your opponent, I teach you advanced moves from a variety of styles, I show you how to defend against specific attacks from all stylesI show you theBEST OF THE BESTand how to put it all together to be a TOTAL WARRIOR!From learning the RIGHT way to throw basic punches to defending yourself if you ever find yourself on the ground in a fight.It doesnt matter if youre fit or out of shapeor whether youve had martial arts training before or not this training can take you to the next level.And it can do it FAST.If youd like to learn how to defend yourself in ANY situation but would rather not spend yearsof your life to master traditional martial arts then stick with meAnd thats why I put these simple step by step videos together with YOU in mind, so when you immerse yourself in my training youll find yourself feeling great about theKICK ASSmoves youre learning and youll quickly start to see yourself pulling these moves off when it matters most!Now, heres a secret most people dont realize:You dont NEED to be a master to win a fightYou just need to be smarter than the guy youre fighting.This course teaches you how to be street-smart. Plus, it combines the most powerful attacks from Muay Thai and Kickboxing soyou can be totally confident wherever you are.And the best part of all is you can start learning everything you need to know to gain a serious advantage.*Devastating Muay Thai Combinations The ultimate in standup striking, Muay Thai is a brutal discipline that can be downright deadly when put into the wrong hands*How to quickly master the fundamentals in only a few hours time Once you understand the basics, youll have a HUGE advantage over 90% of people you come across on the streets*How To Throw A Blind Punch That Your Opponent Will Never See Coming Even if theyre staring straight at you and prepared to defend against an attack*Learn how to master Muay Thai and transform every limb on your body into a lighting fast deadly weapons with pinpoint accuracy*Lethal Knee And Elbow Combinations Using some of the most powerful bones in your body youll be able to land skull crushing blows that even the worlds most elite fighters have a VERY hard time defending against*The Most Common Counter Attack (Used By Drunk Fighters And MMA Pros Alike) That Opponents Will Instinctively Use To Defend Against A Jab Know what it is, watch for it coming and then use that advantage to lay your opponent out on the floor.*How To String Together Merciless Combinations Learn how to combine advanced punching and kicking techniques to string together lighting fast attack combinations that are nearly impossible for (even highly trained) opponents to defend against.*How To Pull Off Devastating Side Kicks, Roundhouse Kicks, Knee Strikes And More Transform the most powerful parts of your body into your own personal arsenal of dangerous and deadly weaponsClick the add to cart button now and become an explosive striker in martial arts."
Price: 44.99 |
"Kryptowhrungen einfach erklrt - Bitcoin, Blockchain & Co." |
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Price: 39.99 |