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"Crea e automatizza il tuo Business online in sole 3 ore!"
"SCOPRI ANCHE TU IL BUSINESS CHE LAVORA DA SOLO PER TECiao Amico.Ti spiego come creare anche tu un business che lavora da solo in modo che tu debba solamente incassare in maniera rapida ed efficiente.Non solo!Ti voglio anche spiegareLesatta e precisa strategia che ho creato io e che puoi finalmente replicare come un Copia e Incolla sul tuo ComputerQuali sono gli strumenti qualitativamente eccellenti da 10 e lode e quali sono quelli che ti consiglio per iniziare la tua carriera di Mega Imprenditore del Terzo MillennioCome tracciare i tuoi clienti anche per assurdo quando vanno in bagno a pisciare e cagare, rimanendo perfettamente entro i limiti del legale. Puoi stare tranquillo che pi li spii e pi gli piace.Che cosa otterrai dal mio VideocorsoQuesto videocorso strutturato perch abbia a disposizione tre strumentiIl sito internet, compreso lhosting ed il dominio e come configurarli correttamente per poter installare un CRMWordpress e la sua struttura: ti sorprender quanto facile sar costruire il tuo sito anche se non sai nulla di programmazioneActive Campaign, il miglior servizio per tenerti in contatto con i tuoi clienti, senza disturbarli, senza offenderli e con la sicurezza che quello che tu vai a dire, sia ascoltato.In pi come bonus esclusivo per i miei clienti, avrai ancheDivi, il potente tema di Wordpress, che ti consentir di costruire pagine di vendita e costruire i template che utilizzo per i miei business e che ti convertiranno un sacco di clienti con Active CampaignBloom, per fare i tuoi fantastici moduli per la raccolta dei contatti e poi piazzarli su Active CampaignVuoi sapere perch li metto a parte ? Perch desidero che tu agisca e che ti metta subito al lavoro.Altrimenti i tuoi progetti faranno la muffa ed i miei corsi non saranno serviti a niente. Poi non ti lamentare che la vita ti rema contro.Caspita Carlo. Mi stai aprendo e dando un mondo ma quanto costa tutto questo ?Presto detto: 47 euro. Penso sia inutile dirti che questo un prezzo regalato perch i corsi fatti dai migliori e lapprendimento valgono in s migliaia di euro. Io di euro spesi in 5 anni di apprendimento sono almeno 50mila(!), spesi in prove, errori, fallimenti, truffe, fregature, ecc.Ma siccome mi reputo una persona generosa e ti invito a capirlo anche tu nel tuo cuore e siccome so perfettamente cosa ti serve in questo preciso momento, senza cretinate e cose simili, ho deciso di farti questo fantastico prezzo che sar per te sicuramente accessibile.Affrettati per perch la mia mente prima o poi rinsavir e potr decidere di raddoppiare o triplicare il prezzo un giorno o anche solo domani. Io ti ho avvertito ;)Ti voglio dire con questo discorso una cosa che ho letto una volta e che mi ha folgorato:La parola cliente deriva dal latino cliens che vuol dire colui che sotto la mia protezione.I miei clienti quindi li proteggo.E per dimostrarti questo ho deciso di farti un altro regalo anche se questo te lo dico subito, un giorno lo lever perch le persone che seguo cominciano ad essere anche tantine.In cambioMa a parte il fatto che al momento tu non hai bisogno di questa conoscenza, ammettiamo di volerti dare lesatto corrispettivo monetario necessario a te di quel 3% di formazione che ti realmente utile ?Dovrei farlo pagare almeno 347 euro.Perci se tu metti in paragone 47 euro con 347, per quasi tre ore di contenuto, risulta un prezzo regalato da parte di un professionista.Non solo. Se applicherai quello che c nei video, potrai nel giro di tre giorni al massimo creare il tuo sito professionale.Ma attenzione perch questo prezzo lo metter solo per due settimane da quando tu vedi questa pagina. Ti consiglio perci di affrettarti se non vuoi che un giorno rinsavisca e raddoppi il prezzo. Io ti ho avvertito :)Voglio esserti daiuto, ma prima di tutto devi essere tu a volerlo questo aiuto ed per questo che ho mantenuto il prezzo basso per questo periodo.A questo punto tu hai due possibilitChiudi il videocorso, dimentica tutto e troverai il videocorso raddoppiato perch i miei clienti straripano e vogliono alta formazione ed io giustamente devo saper fare i miei affari e offrire il mio valore a chi fa il prezzo pi alto. Non niente di personale ci tengo a dirlo, obbedisco semplicemente alla legge del mercato pi famosa ossia che il prezzo determinato dal rapporto tra domanda e offerta. E se trovi qualcun altro come me auguri!Non solo anche solo nel trovarlo ma anche ad assicurarti che faccia un prezzo uguale al mio.Penso invece che la sua richiesta in termini di denaro sia doppia o tripla. Ma questa la tua scelta ed io qua non posso minimamente intervenire.Approfitta subito dellofferta, ti levi il pensiero e applichi quanto c nei video. E ti assicuro che ti si aprir letteralmente un mondo dato che anche tu come me vuoi far denaro. Ti voglio avvisare subito. Dovrai farti un mazzo tanto ma solo per i primi sei mesi, dopodich potrai cominciare ad avere il tuo reddito integrativo significativo.Infine mi vien da ridere a dirlo cosa stai aspettando ? Che rinsavisca e aumenti il prezzo ?Dammi retta. Il momento per decidere del tuo futuro ora. Fatti un regalo del valore di migliaia di euro e prendi anche tu questo videocorso. Domani potr essere gi tardi.Qualunque sia la tua decisione io ti mando un grosso abbraccio e che la Forza sia con te, come direbbe Obi wan di Star Wars."
Price: 34.99

"The Ultimate Technical & Fundamental Analysis"
"Would you like to learn thequickest and easiest way to get into stock, currencies, commodities & cryptocurrenciesInvesting?If so, you maylovethis Udemy Course!This course will teach you how to buy stock, commodities, currencies & cryptocurrencieswith ease,so that you can start trading immediately!No matter how much experience you have with the financial markets, you can trust us to teach you the fundamentals of technical analysis, and get you started on the right track!"
Price: 199.99

"Airport System Analysis using Pig and hive (BigData)"
"This is the actual real word use case, In this we can understandhow Airport Industries are analyzing their data in order to grow their business/customer happiness. And how big-data is playing important role in this kind of streaming data. In this course we can understand the actual implementation of Airport industry real time streaming data and how they are generating some relevant information from this RAW data in order to grow their business in terms of revenue."
Price: 1280.00

"Log Data Processing And Analysis in Mapreduce, Pig And Hive"
"Log Processing is a common scenario in industries but it was possible through ordinary systems/technologies when data was not huge. But in current era data is huge as it is streaming data (velocity/keep on generating) and not able to processed by an ordinary system or performance is very poor. Hence company moving towards hadoop in order to process the same and fix the issues at the earliest which are reported by the customers.So in this course we will see how Big-Data is effective in order to process the log data.This course is basically intended for users who are interested to learn about application of Hadoop technologies and how to work on the data sets with ease in particular.If we want an application to be processed by BigData tools then we can process real time log file. We can process that file in MapReduce and pig and then finally analyze it in Hive. Through this course we shall learn about all of that and more."
Price: 1280.00

"Apache Flume and Twitter Sentiment Analysis"
"Apache Flume is a typical, simple, vigorous, flexible, and Hadoop tool for data assimilation from various data webservers/directories/locationinto Hadoop. In this tutorial, we will be using simple and illustrative example to explain the basics of Apache Flume,Architecture,Installationand how to use it in practice.We will also lean how we can extract Twitter application data and store into HDFSfor further processing.This course is basically intended for users who are interested to learn about Apache Flume and how to work on the data sets with ease using Flume model and running its agents. In this tutorial, we will be using simple, effective and illustrative examples to explain the basics of Apache Flume and how to use it in practice."
Price: 1280.00

"Polling Data Analysis in MapReduce,PIG and HIVE - BigData"
"This course is basically intended for users who are interested to learn about application of Hadoop technologies and how to work on the data sets with ease in particular. We are going to learn about -Analyze country sensor data for its development Using Hadoop.The training will involve analyzing pollingdata of one country name Phillipines. Data will be in json format. You will analyse this data in different big data tools like MR, PIG and Hive and can generate some useful information for that country so government can take some strategical decision in order to country growth and development."
Price: 1280.00

"Apache Hive - A Complete Guide"
"Apache Hadoop EcoSystem Hive Concept course is basically intended for users who are interested to learn about Hive. Hive enables examination of huge data sets using a language. This means anyone who can write SQL queries can access data stored on the Hadoop cluster. This discussion introduces the functionality of Hive, as well as its various applications for data analysis and data warehousing. The course will give you proper understanding about Apache Hive concepts from basic till advance like what Hive is, hive data types, commands partitioning ,bucketing etc.After this course student/professional will have complete knowledge about the topics with practicalalong with advance concepts and theywould be able to work on Hive with full of confidence."
Price: 1600.00

"Real-Time Data Ingestion in Elasticsearch through kafka"
"The Elastic stackand Apache Kafkashare a tight-knit relationship in the log/event processing realm. A number of companies use Kafka as a transport layer for storing and processing large volumes of data. In many deployments we've seen in the field, Kafka plays an important role of staging data before making its way into Elasticsearch for fast search and analytical capabilities. I'd like to shine more light on how to set up and manage Kafka when integrating with the Elastic Stack. Specifically, we'lldiscuss our experiences operating Kafka and Logstash under high volume.We will create a single data pipeline to process huge data with the help of kafka,logstash,apache monitor and kibana. Once we implement this we just need to put input files into source folder/directory and data will automatically get ingested into Elasticsearch and we can search/visualize data on ES web interface that is called Kibana."
Price: 1920.00

"Dating, Love And Relationships Masterclass For Men"
"This course will teach you how to potentially re attract an ex, or if you are really bold and audacious how to get someone new and infinitely better.Are you tired of losing with women? Have you had enough of having absolutely no clue what women really want?Have you ever heard those faithful words ""Lets just be friends?"".Are you fed up of having mediocre and inconsistent relationships and heartbreak with the fairer sex? Seeing all your good intentions and gestures rebuffed while the object of your affection is more interested in the so called ""douche bags"" or bad boys.This complete training course will save you years of pain, heart ache, confusion, time and money by demystifying the great question of our time. WHAT DO WOMEN WANT?If you have read this far then its because you have realized that what you have been doing in regards to your interaction with women has NOT been working.Have you ever had a nasty break up or have the woman that you love suddenly turn around and split up with you and all your attempts at begging and pleading for reconciliation only drove her further away?Or maybe she blew sunshine up your ass while she was quietly moving on with another fella?You will discover the formula for improving yourself and ensure you end the cycle of heartache, pain or rejection.This course will teach you exactly what you have been doing wrong and enable you to have the kind of success you deserve with women, be it re attracting a lost love that you drove away with your bad behaviour or finding new love.I will take you by the hand and cut out all the fluff and BS and move you from the pick up stage to the dating and finally the relationship stage with women -if that is what you want.You will discover why only 1% of men on the planet really understand women. But most importantly if you go on this journey you will become one of them.Say good bye to ghosting, eradicate friend zoning and learn the proper way to interact with women without driving them away like a weak beta male.We will go on an amazing and wondrous journey into the female mind and dissect the intricate workings of the feminine soul. You will understand once and for all why you have not had the level of success with women and your relationships that you potentially could have.This complete course will not only teach you how to be a more rounded and complete MAN AND LOVER but will open up a world of choice and success not just with women but in other areas of your life and mind that you did not realize was connected with the entire picture.Women are amazing and it is men that make them act crazy. If you are ready to join the ranks of apex men and enjoy levels of interaction, chemistry, relationship and romance with women beyond your wildest dreams while escaping a life of heartbreak, alimony, confusion and emotional pain, then it is time to take the penultimate journey of your life.Welcome to your new and improved life with women and relationships.Partnered with 100% Money Back Guarantee, join thousands of others in learning how to build stronger, healthier and more fulfilling relationships throughout the most important areas of your life.If you are sick and tired of losing the people you love or watching them disappear into someone else's arms or you just want to finally master and understand what women really want and respond to, then join us inside the course now. Your future self is waiting"
Price: 199.99

"Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders & Their Impact On Health"
"OrofacialMyofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are disorders pertaining to theorofacial complex, which lead to seemingly unrelated physicalproblems and symptoms. They may affect directly and indirectlyairway function, occlusion, deglutition, temporomandibular jointdysfunction, speech, and other. OMDs may also impinge upon variousmedical and dental treatments. Therefore, early intervention andtreatment are key; as in many cases they can be prevented.Thisis an introductory course designed to attempt to fill a need forclinical information about Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders andtheir detrimental health effects; and provides basic knowledge onassessment, prevention and various treatment modalities used for thetreatment of OMDs. Basicbackground knowledge about the orofacial complex is necessary fortaking this course; as it offers you an introductory clinicaloverview of OMDs. Thematerials included in this course area 90 minute power pointpresentation, latest and most up to date research articles, airwayscreening questionnaires, patient educationalmaterial for your office, and a list of helpful educational websites. The onlymaterial required for this course is a ruler. The course isstructured in a way that breaks the information down into severalcategories which include:DefineOrofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs)Explainwhy OMDs are detrimentalReviewthe physiology of swallowingReviewvarious treatment modalitiesFamiliarizethemselves with some measuring tools used in researchObjectivelyevaluate most orofacial featuresCase Studies"
Price: 99.99

"! , 25, . . - , . - , , , . ', , 100%. !"
Price: 24.99

"How to Create Scalable Online Income Streams"
"Whether you have created an online business of any size or are simply looking to take action on your path to financial freedom, you know that a key to success is proper planning. Using this course, you will be introduced tofour of the most profitable scalable online businesses and be given actionable tips along the way.This course is divided into four main sections:-ProductLaunch Model-Solo Advertising Model-Online Product Sales Model-High Ticket ModelInside each of these sections, we will cover key topics such as copywriting, how to build mail lists, and using drop shipping to automate your sales business.With the actionable information inside this course, you will have the skills to begin your journey to financial freedom through online business!"
Price: 19.99

"PMP & CAPM 6th Edition Mock Exam I (By knowledge Areas)"
"- This course includes 6 practice tests ordering by knowledge areas , It has been created based on book of project management body of knowledge SIX EDITION (PMBOK6).- The practice testincludes the right answer, the clarification for correctanswer,And the question reference in the(PMBOK6) .- Thispractice test includes same Questions that you will find them in your real PMP exam.- This practice test provides a good understanding for (PMBOK6) content , and it will give you a great vision about the real pmp exam .-Thispractice testONLYhas been covered 8chapters since other chapters will be covered in other course that will published soon.(According to UDEMYpolicyit is not allowed to publish more than 6 practice test)."
Price: 19.99

"Master in Wi-Fi ethical Hacking"
"First of all this course is based on the latest tools and complete practical base.This course on Wi-Fi hacking explains the different techniques, which you can hack the WEP, WPA/WPA2 and WPS Wi-Fi router. Continuously updated with new techniques,attacks and Security.Cracking a wireless networkis defeating the security of awireless LAN. A commonly used wireless LAN is awifinetwork. Wireless LANs have inherent security weaknesses.what will you learn?Cracking any WIFI network passwordsDe-Authentication or DOS attackWIFI jammingHow to protect your Wireless networkCreating Fake Wi-Fi access pointDifferent tools to hack wifi networkAll assaults are performed in Real Environment and with Sufficient Permissions. To get best out of this course, take a stab at assaulting own device for Practice."
Price: 199.99

"Excel 2016. Wykresy od podstaw do eksperta."
"Kurs Excel 2016. Wykresy. Od podstaw do eksperta to kompletny zestaw praktycznych wykadw oraz wicze z zakresu zwizanego z tworzeniem i modyfikacj prostych jak i zaawansowanych wykresw oraz ich elementw. Wykady obejmuj midzy innymi informacj o sposobach tworzenia i osadzania wykresw,modyfikacji jego poszczeglnych elementw takich jak serie danych, kategorie czy osie i etykiety. Przedstawione i omwione s te najwaniejsze typy wykresw.Do wikszoci wykadw dodany jest plik z omawianym przykadem. Moesz go sobie w kadej chwili pobra i przeanalizowa."
Price: 69.99

"Excel 2016. Praktyczne porady i zastosowania."
"KursExcel 2016. Praktyczne porady i zastosowania to zbir porad dotyczcych najczciej pojawiajcych si zapyta zwizanych z obsug popularnego programu firmy Microsoft. Jest to zbir wybranych i praktycznych porad z zakresu wprowadzania i edycji danych, tworzenia podstawowych wykresw, tabel oraz wykorzystania formu i funkcji w Excelu. Do prawie kadego wiczenia dodany jest plik z omawianym przykadem. Moesz go sobie w kadej chwili pobra i przeanalizowa. wiczenia omawiana s na Excelu w wersji 2016. Jednake wikszo z dziaa wykonuje si dokadnie tak samo lub podobnie w starszych wersjach programu."
Price: 69.99

"Word 2016. Twrz profesjonalne dokumenty."
"Kurs Word 2016. Twrz profesjonalne dokumenty tokurs, podczas ktrego krok pokroku bdziesz tworzy dokument uzupeniajc go o kolejne wymagane elementy, np.strona tytuowa, nagwek i stopka, przypisy dolne, spis treciczy bibliografia.Dziki takiemu podejciu do lekcji, bdzieszsamodzielnie budowa dokument wykorzystujc funkcjonalnoci edytora tekstu Word i dziki temu poznajc tajniki programu. Do kadego wiczenia dodany jest plik z omawianym przykadem. Moesz go sobie w kadej chwili pobra i przeanalizowa. wiczenia omawiana s na programie Word w wersji 2016. Jednake wikszo z dziaa wykonuje si dokadnie tak samo lub podobnie w starszych wersjach programu."
Price: 69.99

"Excel 2016. Jak zrobi kalkulator kredytowy?"
"Kurs Excel 2016. Jak zrobi kalkulator kredytowy? to kurs, podczas ktrego krok po kroku bdziesz tworzy kalkulator rat kredytowych pozwalajcy na prezentacj harmonogramu spaty rat w podziale na odsetki raz kapita dla dwch wersji spaty rat: rwnych i malejcych.Kurs rozpoczyna si od nauki funkcji z kategorii finansowych: PMT, PPMT oraz IPMT, poprzez poznawanie funkcjonalnoci Excela, takich jak:funkcje warunkowe,formuy zagniedone,tworzenie i formatowanie tabel,ochrona danych skoroszytu,dodawanie checkboxa.Kocowym efekt jest stworzenie uniwersalnego arkusza obliczajcego raty kredytowe w zalenoci od danych wejciowych takich jak stopa procentowa, liczba rat i wysoko kredytu.Do prawie kadego wiczenia dodany jest plik z omawianym przykadem. Moesz go sobie w kadej chwili pobra i przeanalizowa. wiczenia omawiana s na Excelu w wersji 2016. Jednake wikszo z dziaa wykonuje si dokadnie tak samo lub podobnie w starszych wersjach programu."
Price: 69.99

"After Effects: Create Advertisement From an Image"
"In this course we will learn some different skills like :- * How to create an idea from an image * How to create an ad from an image using Photoshop and after Effects * How to create Composition in Photoshop and export it to after Effects * How to deal with the composition in after Effects and work animation her * Handle more than Composition within the main Composition * Add Sounds and synchronize audio * Add the text and animation herWHAT DO YOU GET IN THE COURSE?* (1.0) hours of premium video lesson* Downloadable resources* Premium support from instructor to answer any questions* Feedback on your own video projectsGo ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in Lecture 1!"
Price: 99.99

"After Effects: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques"
"-: Welcome to our serieson After Effects Tips, Tricks, and Techniques.-: Adobe After Effects is, of course, a very deep and powerful packagefor digital content creation.-: No matter what your industry or discipline,we'll have something new for you to learn.-: Whether you're interested in infographicsand product motion, animation, visual effects and virtual worlds, motion graphics,or any other possible application of Adobe After Effects,you'll have the opportunity to extend your knowledgeand skills with the techniqueswe cover in this series.-: For me, it's a great way to cover some of the topicsthat, for whatever reason,didn't fit into the other courses I've authored here.-: It's going to be fun and exciting,so be sure to check back each for a new installment.-: Let's get started learning some cool tips,tricks, and techniques in Adobe After Effects."
Price: 199.99

""" "" """""
Price: 99.99

"Campanha poltica de sucesso"
"Polticos e candidatos precisam passar segurana e credibilidade no que dizem, pois seu sucesso depende de seu poder de persuaso. Um candidato com um bom discurso e uma boa postura pode conquistar e at mesmo fidelizar um eleitor.Alm da postura e do contedo do discurso, o poltico precisa planejar muito bem sua campanha, e com antecedncia, para poder executar aes que certamente faro a diferena nas urnas. Precisa de uma equipe competente e comprometida, alm de ter total conhecimento das alteraes da lei eleitoral que obrigam os candidatos realmente engajados a usarem estratgias assertivas.O candidato precisa conhecer bem seu eleitor, investir em uma comunicao constante e saudvel com ele. E, claro, estar presente das redes sociais, oferecendo o contedo que seus eleitores querem consumir. Como descobrir? No curso voc saber o melhor caminho para chegar at essa resposta!Dentre outros assuntos, oPrograma Online Treinamento para Polticosconta tambm com dicas de comportamento, de como iniciar ou potencializar sua presena digital, como fazer para sempre manter a sua imagem pblica positiva e at mesmo como agir para fugir dos esteretipos negativos dos polticos. Sero55 aulasrepletas de muito contedo para voc que realmente quer fazer a diferena nas prximas eleies."
Price: 444.99

"Learn Practical Python 3 for Beginners (2018)"
"This course teaches you the fundamentals of any programming language, with Python 3.6 and Anaconda 5.0.0 with Jupyter Notebook!The course is suitable for those are either completely new to programming, or are coming from another programming language (R, JavaScript, etc) and are keen to get a solid grasp of using Python.You'll be learning:Installing Jupyter Notebook IDEUsing all the vital features of Jupyter NotebookVariables and comparison operatorsStrings, slicing and formattingLists, Dictionaries, Tuples and SetsControl flow andloopsList, Set and Dictionary ComprehensionFunctions and decorators to make your code my Pythonic!Random module and Built-in FunctionsLambda expressions andHandling errorsLearn how to manage files with the OS moduleWork with txt and pickle filesGenerators, Generators expressions and functional programmingYou'll fully master Object-Orientated ProgrammingWork with Numpy and Pandas modules for manipulating dataframesVisualize data with Matplotlib moduleWork with projects starting with a simple Scissors, Paper, Rock gameNew lectures and practical projects will be added regularly.There are a total of 11exercises with full solutions provided as ipython files, pdf files and lecture solutions.This course will be kept up to date!Check out the previews to get a taster of what you'll learn. Cheers!"
Price: 149.99

"3DMayaLTUnreal Engine4"
Price: 15000.00

"Learn C programming from ZERO with practice"
"Welcome toLearn C programming from ZERO with practiceC is the most popular and widely used programming language for both systems and application development.C Language is very fast, portable and platform Independent and is a significant first step for new programmers.At the end ofLearn C programming from ZERO with practice, you will be able to:Learn all Important Concepts of CStart your own projectStart working in a Automotive CompanyUsing Pointers and know how to manage memoryKnow boolean alegebraWorking with bits and have an easy move to EmbeddedKnow all basics algorithms used in CFeel forward to have a look at course description and demo videos and we look forward to see you inside."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Multitenant is the architecture for the next-generation database cloud.The architecture comprises of a multitenant container database thatcan hold many pluggable databases. Some of the benefits of the multitenant architecture of oracle database 12cis: High consolidation density, managing many databases as one and easy cloning using SQL.This course is for the following students ;DBAs who has a basic knowledge of 12c multitenant architecture and will want to learn its installation on Centos Linux 7 Operating system.Beginner who wants to start a career as an Oracle DBA TOOLS NEEDED TO TAKE THIS COURSE :Virtualization Software- I used VMware Workstation 12 (Older or Newer version is allowed) . A copyof virtual box as been made available in the resource material provided for your download Cent0S 7 Iso imageOracle Database 12c Release 2 Installation filePlease note that links and locations to download the above files is available in the resource material provided.This Course Will Cover the Following:Creating a Virtual Machine Using VMware Workstation 12 or Virtual Box 5 (Newer Release can be applied )Installation of CentOS Linux 7Setup Centos Server to meet oracle installation prerequisite Installation of 12c multi tenant databaseSetting up CDB and PDBS for enterprise manager expressConfiguring SQL Developer for CDB, PDB and HR schemaBONUS -Remote connection through windows Mozilla web browser and putty application"
Price: 24.99

"Sumie - Bamboo for beginners -"
"The pictures drawn by Sumi (black ink) are generally called Suiboku-ga or Sumi-e in Japan. It is said that Sumi-e is the most popular way of saying overseas. Sumi-e basically uses only black ink but sometimes uses a little bit of other pigments as well. Sumi-e with other pigments is called Bokusaiga.Sumie uses various techniques of gradation, shading, bleeding, blurring. Such techniques can be obtained through changing the amount of water added to the ink.At this time, the subject is ""Bamboo"". There are two kinds of techiniqueabout leaves, ""Zh"" and Roh"".""Zh"" techinique means drawing leaves by usingone tone inkwithout gradation. On the other hand, ""Zh""techinique means drawing leaves byusinggradation of ink. In this course, you can masterZh""techinique."
Price: 19.99

"Ruby on Rails. ."
"-, , , , , . , , . - Landing Page ."
Price: 24.99

"Desenvolva uma aplicao com Django 2.0 e deploy no Heroku"
"Neste curso vocaprendera preparar o seu ambiente ( sua mquina ), entendero funcionamentodeste excelente framework bem comodesenvolver e publicar seu primeiro sistema online, um gestor de clientes.Neste curso abordaremosos principaisconceitos do Django de forma clara e detalhada, sempre com abordagensprticas e com a mo na massa."
Price: 39.99

"Curso desenvolvimento web 2.0 completo 2018 Python e Django"
"Se voc pretende ser um desenvolvedor web de sucesso vocprecisa saber conceitos que so a base da web, desde o momento em que um usurio digita a URLno navegador ate o momento em que o seu site/sistemcarrega no browser. Este curso vai te dar a base sobre os conceitos tcnicos da tecnologia ajudando voc a entender o funcionamento da internet. Este e um curso TERICO com exerccios prticos sobre os conceitos nele apresentado.Por mais que muita gente no goste de teoria ela a base para os grandes profissionais, se voc no domina bem a teoria sobre um assunto voc pode facilmente passar por problemas durante o desenvolvimento de um software e no teridia de onde o problema vem, por isso esse curso muito importante para todo desenvolvedor iniciante."
Price: 39.99