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"Cmo mejorar en League of Legends (LoL)"
"Los objetivos de este curso son formar jugadores capaces de llegar a donde sea que se propongan, capaces de aprender por su cuenta, mejorando su comprensin del juego, proveyndolos de herramientas que podrn utilizar para seguir mejorando por cuenta propia y ms all de lo que ofrezca este curso. Algo interesante es que tambin les ser til en otros mbitos de la vida por lo que tambin sern personas ms competentes y eficientes, capaces de conseguir objetivos con mayor facilidad y capaces de aprender con mayor facilidad tambin."
Price: 39.99

"LaTeX para principiantes."
"Este curso a modo de vdeos,te facilitar el aprendizaje de estaincreble herramienta para hacer todo tipo de documentos. Ahorratiempo dejando que LaTeX se encargue del formato, para as concentrarte nicamente en elcontenido de lo que quieras escribir.Aprende a usar LaTeX en tan slo un par de horas!"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Premiere CC 2018"
"Ao final do curso o aluno estar capacitado a desenvolver vdeos, criar efeitos de transio e finalizar um projeto com um dos softwares mais respeitados do mercado internacional por meio de vdeo aulas em alta definio (HD) abordando o adobe Premiere Pr CC em sua verso 2018. O curso se destina a quem est comeando ou mesmo j est na rea, pois ser um reforo para os moldes atuais."
Price: 19.99

"Franchise Your Business Accelerator Program"
"If you want to do anything in life, find someone successfulwho has already done it and copy them...My name is Joe Hesmondhalgh - The Unreal Franchise Coach. I've started, built and sold several multi award winning franchise businesses and personally sold hundreds of franchises worth millions of dollarsin 6 different industries.In this course I'll show you exactly how I did it and how I eventually sold for millions of dollarsand how you can do the same by following this step by step proven system.I have a no B.S. approach, I've done the hard yards at the coal face of franchising and franchise sales. I know what works and more importantly what doesn't. I know what' I'm talking about, so pay attention and take the guesswork out of franchising your business...In my ""Franchise Your Business Accelerator Program"" you will learn:-How to build your franchise foundations for ultimate successHow you can succeed in franchising by following my systemsin any industry and in any countryAvoid the BIGGEST mistakes that nearly all franchisors make thatcost you thousands of dollars and years of your lifeHow to blow your competitors 'out of the water' and sell more franchises in a shorter amount of timeYou can copy the EXACT same recruitment and salessystem I've used to sell hundreds of franchises in multiple industriesWhere and how to advertise your franchises for sale for the best 'bang for your buck' and generate dozens and dozensof leads every month like clockworkHow to create your 3franchise manuals (operations / sales & marketing / policy & procedures) quickly and easily.I'll show you a secret resource so you can save thousands of dollars on lawyer produced franchise agreementsDevelop a thorough franchisee induction training programAnd so much more.....Franchising your business is not easy.... BUT get it right and the personal and financial rewards can be huge. It's not for everyone and not a get rich quick scheme (nothing ever is)By the time you complete the Franchise Your Business Accelerator Program you will have a fully franchisable business with every system in place and ready to sell franchises. Its a full step by step system and road map of what to do and how to do it."
Price: 199.99

"MS Excel - Get Basic MS Excel Skills in Almost 1 Hour"
"In this course I'll try to teach you Basics of MS Excel, and important is that you will learn in almost 1 hour so can save your much time.I'll try to teach you regarding front view of MS Excel, Using Formulas, Formatting of Data and some Special Skills.So please enroll this course and improve your MS Excel Skills. Please recommend to your friends and colleague."
Price: 19.99

"La pantalla del mvil parpadea recordndote que ya es la hora.Son las 20:30, toca desconectar el ordenador y volver a casa. Te estiras. ltimamente te duele un montn la espalda de estar tanto rato sin moverte.Coges el metro media hora hasta llegar a casa, preparas la cena y ves un rato la tele. Y digo solo un rato, porque lo ms probable es que a los 10 minutos ya ests ms dormido que otra cosa.Y de la cama a otro da como este. Y as, semana tras semana.Te consuelas pensando en las vacaciones, en esos 30 das que tienes para poder hacer lo que a ti te gusta. Pero la verdad es que el ao cada vez se hace ms largo.Pinsalo un segundo.Un ao tiene 365 das. Si quitamos los fines de semana (dando por hecho que descanses 2 das a la semana y no uno), quedan 261 das.Trabajas 261 das para descansar 30.Solo 30 das para poder hacer lo que realmente te hace feliz.Solo 30 das en los que de verdad te levantas motivado.Solo 30 das para disfrutar.No te parece que algo falla?Ir da tras da al mismo trabajo que te aburre por unos pocos das de vacaciones?Es eso todo lo que se puede esperar de la vida?Es eso lo que esperabas t?La libertad del nmada digital freelanceUn freelance, lo que en Espaa se denomina un profesional autnomo,es aquella persona que no trabaja por cuenta ajena para una empresa.Al contrario, ella es su propia empresa y los dems pueden contratarle para que realice trabajos para ellos. En algunos casos solo sern trabajos puntuales, en otros podrn establecerse colaboraciones regulares.Y a eso, adele la idea de nmada digital. Un profesional que vende sus servicios o productos (da igual del tipo que sean) por Internet.Pero, por qu convertirse en freelance es la solucin a tu problema?Por 2 motivos:Eres libre de vivir como te d la gana.Eres tu propio jefe.Empecemos por el primero.1. Eres libreMuchosfreelance realizan su trabajo de forma online.Y eso significa que:No dependes de horarios:organizas tu trabajo como mejor te venga. Lo importante es respetar las fechas establecidas con el cliente.No dependes de un lugar fsico:tu negocio cabe en una mochila. Solo necesitas un porttil y conexin a Internet. El mundo es tu oficina.Mejor calidad de vida:quieres vivir viajando como Antonio G.? Como freelance puedes. Quieres poder estar ms tiempo con tu familia? Como freelance puedes.Ahora eres t el que tiene el timn de tu vida.2. Eres tu propio jefeRecuerdas lo que vimos al principio? Ese ir da tras da a un trabajo que no te gusta y no motiva?Aqu pasas a un empleo/negocio 100% diferente donde trabajas de lo que te apasiona, con los criterios de calidad que t consideras y tratando al cliente como a ti te gusta.Esa es la gran ventaja de tener tu propio negocio.Es un reto increble donde puedes llevar a la realidad tus propias ideas.Todo estupendo, verdad?Tanto que ahora hasta es probable que ests pensando:""Vale, muy bien, todo eso es muy bonito y suena muy bien, pero...Cunto voy a cobrar?Cmo voy a conseguir clientes?Cmo puedo convertir mi trabajo actual en una versin freelance?S, es cierto. Este no es un camino color de rosa, ser freelance es complicado.Tienes que lidiar con clientes txicos, controlar tus propios miedos, aprender a gestionar un negocio...Es cierto, no es fcil.Pero antes de seguir, djame que me presente:Soy Esmeralda y es un placer conocerte.Desde hace 4 aos vivo viajando con mi negocio en la mochila. Durante ese tiempo he logrado sueos como los siguientes:En un nico ao he estado en los 5 continentes.He organizado retreats por todo el mundo (en barcos de vela por Grecia, haciendo surf en Lisboa, Argentina...).He ganado un sueldo mayor que lo que tena como arquitecta en Madrid en menos de 4 semanas.He conocido a personas increbles e inspiradoras en Brasil, Japn o Tailandia.Gracias a Internet he podido trabajar desde remotas tribus en Vietnam, desde un velero atravesando el Mediterrneo o desde la estacin de esqu ms soleada en el sur de Espaa.Muchos piensan que tengo suerte o que son muy pocas las personas que consiguen algo as. Sin embargo, te aseguro que si quieres, puedes.T tambin puedes generar tus propios ingresos viajando en menos de lo que imaginas.Te he querido contar mi historia antes, para que vieses que es posible. Y desde luego, no soy solo yo.Aunque en los medios convencionales no se habla de ello, se est gestando una autntica revolucin laboral desde Internet. Cada da aparecen nuevos profesionales que cansados de lo que el mundo les ofrece,se reinventan como freelance para gestionar su vida de otra manera.Pero aunque el freelacing abre ante ti un mundo nuevo lleno de posibilidades, como te dije antes, s que todava tienes muchas dudas.Y lo entiendo, abrirse un hueco dentro de este mundo no es fcil.Muchas personas fracasan porque no entienden las particularidades de trabajar por Internet. Esto hace que trabajen con unastarifas ridculas y rodeados de clientes txicos que no valoran su trabajo.Es un crculo vicioso.Al trabajar con tarifas tan bajas, estars amargado anclado al ordenador todo el da. Que si te fijas, es la misma situacin que cuando trabajabas por cuenta ajena.Qu necesitas para no caer en eso?Posicionarte como un referente en tu mercado.Crear una marca personal diferente y con la que tu pblico se identifique.Aprender a fijar una tarifa justa para tus servicios.Revalorizarte cada da ms para que puedas subir los precios.Reforzar tu mentalidad emprendedora para no caer en miedos e inseguridades que harn que bajes tus tarifas.O lo que es lo mismo,necesitas conocer todas las de estrategias que harn que todo el mundo quiera trabajar contigo.Toda las estrategias que te explico enmi Curso ND para freelance.Un curso donde te doy:Una hoja de ruta paso a paso con todo lo que tienes que hacer.Un enfoque 100% para novatos (te explico todo desde la base).Plantillas y ejercicios para que pongas en prctica todo lo que te enseo.El mtodo para conseguir clientes desde el principio para que generes ingresos cuanto antes.En definitiva, conseguirs un plan de accin para que desde ya puedas empezar a trabajar como freelance.Cul va a ser el antes y el despus de tu paso por el curso ND para Freelance?Tu situacin actual se representa con alguno o todos estos puntos.Ests atrapado en un trabajo que no solo no te motiva, sino que te amarga y te frustra.Solo tienes 30 das para disfrutar haciendo lo que te gusta.Trabajas muchsimo para ganar un sueldo muy reducido.Te asusta dar el paso de convertirte en freelance. Sabes que es la solucin para conseguir lo que quieres, pero muchos han fracasado intentndolo.Ya eres freelance, pero ests atrapado en unas tarifas miserables y no sabes cmo salir de ahEn cambio, despus de hacer el curso estars as:Tu tienda online ya genera ingresos.Se acab el perder tiempo con la tecnologa. Yo te digo de forma exacta lo que tienes que hacer para que todo funcione a la perfeccin.Nada de comprar herramientas que a la hora de la verdad no te valen.Dormirs tranquilo sabiendo que todo est en regla y que todos tus clientes llegan a un e-commerce que va como un reloj suizo.Este curso es tu puente hacia una nueva vida.Una vida con libertad geogrfica y de horarios.Una vida donde disfrutas durante todo el ao y no solo 30 das.Una vida en la que consigues unos ingresos mucho ms altos que por cuenta ajena (por esto s merece la pena trabajar).No tiene sentido hablar del precio.Pero es que adems, en el curso aprenders a ganar clientes desde el minuto cero. Por lo queen menos de 2 meses tendrs amortizada la inversin.Te espero dentro!"
Price: 24.99

"Think like a champion, and be a winner"
"The courseis based on the fundamental premise that success is not so much defined by where you were born, or how smart you are, or how much money you have or even luck. It is attained by using your thinking abilities and brains faculties to respond to the circumstances and challenges that you face in life. Good thinkers are successful people. If you can change your thinking, you can change your life. It is worth the investment. As Napoleon Hill has mentioned: ""More gold has been mined from the thoughts of man than has ever been taken from the earth. Human mind with the ability to think well is priceless. If human beings have come to control the environment, planet and in future even the universe, it has to do with the way our brains have evolved and are continuing to grow. However, a little-known fact is that even in our lifetimes, unlike the other body parts, our brain has the capacity to keep on growing as long as we live and breathe a concept which neuroscientists call neuroplasticity. Extraordinary people are ordinary people who think differently. By practicing the proven methods of effective thinking outlined in the talk, the ordinary person that thinks differently could be you. You could learn to overcome your fear of failure and be able to take up challenging endeavours fearlessly; become a more inquisitive and critical thinker and be able to appreciate and even develop out-of-box thinking. We would discuss several strategies like developing a better self-awareness, emotional balance and optimism to develop a winners mind. Understanding and then using them on a consistent basis could lead you to lifelong success. Please do enrol for this courseif you believe that you have been endowed with limitless potential and you need to learn how to exploit it for living a meaningful, happier and successful life."
Price: 19.99

"Kriptopara Analizi ve Yatrm"
"Bu ders serisinde en gncelyntemlerve aralar ile kriptopara dnyasna adm atacaz.Excel programnn ve Python programlamadilinin temellerinden balayp piyasay analiz edebilecekve kararlarmzalabilecek seviyeye geleceiz.Grafik ve sinyalleriokumayteorisiyle ve uygulamalar ile birlikte reneceiz.2015-2018 yllararasn (Excel vePython ile)en byk 10 koin iinanaliz edeceiz.Seride ileyeceimiztmrneklerzelliklebu seri iin en gncel dnemdenseildi.Dersteki tm ierik kriptopara haricimarketlerde de (hisse senetleri, dviz vs.) rahatlkla kullanlabilir. Yanisadece yeni gelien bir teknoloji iin deil, hali hazrda yllardr ilemyaplan piyasalar iin de kullanlabilir yntemler renmi olacaz.Burada anlatlanlaryatrm tavsiyesideil,yatrmlarnz deerlendirirken kullanacanz aralar veyntemlerdir"
Price: 399.99

"Aprenda sobre o CFTV"
"Aprenda a instalar econfigura um sistema de CFTV, criar conta no no-ip para os DDNS.tenha o conhecimento sobre produtos necessrios para instalao e como executar.Tenha um conhecimento Bsico pois a base essencial no desenvolvimento de um bom profissional.acredite nos seus sonhos!!! todo ser humano capaz de aprender basta ter foco e persistncia."
Price: 69.99

"Conhea sobre o cabo UTP"
"Nesse curso voc ira aprender um pouco mais sobre os famosos cabos de rede deinternet, (utp cat.5e), seus conectores e qual a sequencia que deverseguir na hora decrimparumcabode rede.... quais so as categorias e conectores que poderusarequais materiais necessrios para fazer isso."
Price: 39.99

"How to become a ROCKSTAR Graphic designer"
"In this Course you will not only be learning new tutorial tricks on how to design. I will be sharing with you how to become a successful graphic designers. I'm going to teach you how to go from being a freelance graphic designerto turn into an actual brand. You will learn how to connect with celebrities, how to price your graphic design service, how to market yourself and more. I will also be giving you resources to were you can find places to get free photos for flyers and more.What will you learn in your tutorialsHow to create Flyer designsHow to turn a photo into a cartoonHow to create a mixtape coverHow to make a half human half animal faceHow to cut out photos the right way"
Price: 29.99

"Sfrdan Balayarak C# ile Uygulama Gelitirme"
"ncelikle bu kursa girmek iin herhangi bir kodlama bilginiz olmasna gerek yok. Hi kodlama bilgisi olmayan birisi bile ok iyi bir ekilde bu kurstan sonra program yazabilir.Bu kursu bitiren bir kii rahat bir ekilde hayalindeki program yazabilir. lk zamanlarda zorlanabilirsiniz fakat inanarak aln ve renin. te o zaman gerek sonuca ulaacaksnz. Eer bir eyler yapmak istiyorsanz sklmadan ylmadan renmeniz gerekir bu yzden en erken vakitte hayallerinizi kodlamaya balayn. rnek projelerle birlikte hazrladm bu kursumda ayrca sizlerin benimle iletiim kurmalar iin bir messenger benzeri uygulama yaptm ve ayn zamanda bu program yazarken bunu sizler iinde kaydettim. Kursumuzda grmek zere...C#Nedir?C#, yazlm sektr ierisinde en sk kullanlan iki yazlm dili olan C ve C++ etkileimi ile tretilmitir. Ayrca C#, ortak platformlarda tanabilir bir (portable language) programlama dili olan Java ile pek ok adan benzerlik tamaktadr . En byk zellii ise .Net Framework platformu iin hazrlanm tamamen nesne ynelimli bir yazlm dilidir.Yani nesneler nceden snflar halinde yazldr. Programcya sadece o nesneyi srklemek ve sonrasnda nesneyi amaca uygun altracak kod satrlarn yazmak kalr.Bu kurs sonras;-Online programlar yazabileceksiniz.-Hesaplama uygulamalar yapabileceksiniz.-Mteri veresiye,evraktakip,muhasebe vs. programlar yazlabilir.-Bu program renen birisi online YT MAAC(MAAC irketi tarafndan yaynlanm olan bir takip kazanma programdr.) benzeri bir uygulama yazabilirsiniz.Bu program maacofficial da bulabilirsiniz.-Herhangi bir sorun yaadnzda ise yazdm basit tabanl messenger benzeri MAAC 7-24 letiim program ile benimle iletiim kurabilirsiniz.-Yeni oyunlar programlamak iin temel atm olursunuz."
Price: 349.99

"CAE Speaking C1 Advanced Speaking Cambridge English Exam"
"Do you want to have a C1English certificate?Do you want to get into an English speaking university?Do you want to improve your job prospects?This course is designed to help you prepare yourself for the Cambridge English Advanced(CAE) C1level English exam. This is a globally recognised language exam accepted by lots of education and work institutions around the world!In this course Igive you all the best tips, techniques and resources to effectively prepare yourself for the Speaking paper of the exam. I go through each part of this papergiving you the best advice on how to answer the questions, so hopefully it won't be necessary for you to spend lots of extra money on lessons.There is no other course that I have found which focuses on and instructs you how to pass each section of this exam, using exam samples for practice exercises. This course allows you to concentrate specifically on what you need to do in order to pass the Speakingpaper.The course comprises 7 videolessons with lots of useful information,tipsand practice exercises.Homework exercises are given."
Price: 99.99

"FCE Use of English - B2 First Certificate"
"Do you want to have a B2 English certificate?Do you want to get into an English speaking university?Do you want to improve your job prospects?This course is designed to help you prepare yourself for the Cambridge: First Certificate (FCE) B2 level English exam. This is a globally recognised language exam accepted by lots of education and work institutions around the world!In this course Igive you all the best tips, techniques and resources to effectively prepare yourself for the Use of English paper of the exam. I go through each part of this papergiving you the best advice on how to answer the questions, so hopefully it won't be necessary for you to spend lots of extra money on lessons.There is no other course that I have found which focuses on and instructs you how to pass each section of this exam, using exam samples for practice exercises. This course allows you to concentrate specifically on what you need to do in order to pass the Use of English paper.The course comprises 7 videolessons with lots of useful information,tipsand practice exercises.Homework exercises are given."
Price: 99.99

"Microservices Fundamentals"
"Microservices - also known as the microservice architecture - is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services, which implement business capabilities. The microservice architecture enables the continuous delivery/deployment of large, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its technology stack.This course covers the fundamentalconcepts of microservices, to help you determine if this architectural model is the right fit for you and your team.We'll then get intosome core concepts of microservices, including bounded contexts and the API layer. We'll also goover some of the more advanced areas of the architecture, as well as the importance of embracing a DevOps culture should you choose to move to microservices."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a Programar Videojuegos con Game Maker Studio 2"
"*** Este curso solamente funciona con el programa Game Maker Studio 2 ***El contenido del curso se actualizar de forma frecuente. Habr nuevos juegos prximamente.MUY IMPORTANTE! Si utilizas un ordenador con Windows, el sistema operativo debe ser de 64 bits.Siempre te ha gustado jugar a videojuegos, en consolas o en pc? Quieres aprender a programar videojuegos? Ahora es el momento de aprender a disearlos!No sabes programar? Este es el primer paso. Gracias a Game Maker Studio 2 y el curso que tienes delante, aprenders lo necesario para programar un juego.Game Maker se cre para ensear los fundamentos de la programacin a nios a partir de los 10 aos y, aunque el programa ha cambiado a lo largo de los aos (y sobretodo con esta ltima versin), su facilidad a la hora de crear videojuegos no ha cambiado.Game Maker Studio 2 utiliza un sistema de acciones Drag&Drop predefinidas. Simplemente arrastrar y soltar en el orden correcto, y ya puedes crear un juego sin escribir ni una lnea de cdigo. En este curso aprenders a utilizarlas de una manera prctica, aplicndolas en distintos tipos de juegos.Este curso es para principiantes: sabrs como funciona el programa, los diferentes recursos que puedes agregar, como funcionan los objetos, como aadir diferentes niveles con rooms... y as ir construyendo tu propio videojuego paso a paso.No llegaremos a ver el lenguaje GML (el lenguaje de programacin propio de Game Maker), pero aprenders los fundamentos de la programacin necesarios que te permitir hacer cosas ms avanzadas."
Price: 79.99

"Especialistas em gente (Fortalecimento 360)"
"O objetivo do curso:Ampliar o conhecimento sobre si,sobre aspessoas em geral e suasrelaes para que vocpossa acionar o seu melhor, o melhor do outro, criar relaes de confiana e transformar o sofrimento e a limitao em alegria e grandeza.No caso de lderes, o curso prepara para ser um lder cada vez mais inspirador, protagonista,capaz de transformar realidades e, ainda, fortalecer uma cultura tica, colaborativa e inovadora.A base terica do curso:Desenvolvido pela psicloga, coach e consultora sistmica Mnica Santos, esse curso foca no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional de uma forma profunda, ampliada e sistmica. Com uma linguagem simples e vdeos curtos, a profissional aborda questes complexas que somente uma minoria tem acesso. Alm do contedo especializado e elaborado com as melhores referncias:Steven Covey, Richard Barred, Ren Brown, Daniel Goldman, Ken Wilber,Dahan Zorar, Bruce Lipton, Bert Helliger,Rubert Sheldrake,Don Peppers, Simon Dolan, Kiel, Lennik,Anthony Robbins, Amit Goswami, Jon Kabat Zinn, Marchal Rosenberg,Debbie Ford, Jeremy Riffiks, William Yuri, Edgar Morin, Greg Bradden,entre outros.)O curso contempla os 4 tipos de aprendizagem:visual (imagens e ilustraes); auditiva (udio do vdeo); textual (material complementar) e cinestsico(exerccios prticos).O curso dividido em:Seo 1:Quem sou:o que preciso saber de mim e darealidadepara oferecer o meu melhor?Esclarecer mais sobre o autoconhecimento e sua dinmica de luz e sombra (essncia e ego)Ampliar a conscincia e o senso de responsabilidade sobre o seu mundoAprender a desacelerar e a manter-se centrado no seu mundo interior para ter maior conscincia e controle de si mesmo.Seo 2:Mente operacional:O que preciso saber para expandir a minha mente e ser o protagonista da minha vida? Esclarecer mais sobre o ego e a mente e como sua programao mentalpode criar ou transformar a realidade;Tomar conscincia do poder da escolha e da iluso da liberdade de escolher,uma vez que existe grande in uncia da mente inconsciente; Esclarecer sobre a ignorncia e as in uncias da mente coletiva; Elucidar sobre a importncia de sair da zona de conforto e explicar comoampliar o seu mundo atravs da prtica de se colocar no lugar do outro.Seo 3:Conscincia Sistmica: o que preciso para enxergar alem e mais profundo e estar em harmonia com todas as relaes?Esclarecer sobre os padres sistmicos inconscientes e suas in uncias,assim como elucidar o primeiro passo para sair do ciclo vicioso e criar um ciclovirtuoso. Explicar quais so os princpios sistmicos e como estar em harmonia com o uxo harmonioso com a vida, para judar a: estar em paz, com sade eabundiancia em todas as reas da vida. Mostrar qual a viso e a postura interna que ajuda voc a ter umamentalidade de protagonista e seguir a prpria vida de forma inspiradora. Reforar o poder da gratido.Seo 4:Emoes : Como lidar com as emoes para acionar o melhor em mim e nos outros?Esclarecer sobre o que imaturidade e o que acontece quando o adultopermite que sua criana interna assuma a direo da sua vida Aumentar a conscincia sobre a responsabilidade e o agir maduro Esclarecer sobre as emoes e as in uncias das crenas e pensamentos Ensinar como aumentar a inteligncia emocional Esclarecer sobre a importncia da autenticidade e autocompaixoSeo 5:Relacionamento:Como posso extrair o melhor dos relacionamentos?Esclarecer sobre a importncia dos realacionamentos e elucidar como ajudara melhor-los Explicar sobre a inteligncia moral e a sua importncia. Esclarecer sobre os desa os da comunicao e sua in uncia para conectar edesconectar uns aos outro Mostrar o mtodo e caz de comunicao chamado Comunicao NoViolenta ou CNV Reforar o poder das perguntas."
Price: 204.99

"Academy of Honor: Basic Training"
"ACADEMY OF HONOR BASIC TRAINING.CLASSES OFFEREDUnderstanding HonorThe Golden Rule explainedRespectPurposeCommunicationCitizenshipLeadershipCORE VALUES INSTILLED THROUGHTHE TRAINING.HonorCharacter developmentLeadershipTrustworthinessRespectResponsibilityIntegrityCaringCitizenshipExcellenceMISSION STATEMENT OF OUR TRAINING.The purpose of the Academy of Honoris to instill and promote the importance of caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility, and trustworthiness within our students and teach practices that model and reflect the following pillars of characterABOUT THE ACADEMY OF HONOR TRAINING.As part of the Institute of Leadership and Mentorship, The Academy of Honor focuses on training the youthin honor, character development and leadership so that they may rise up to their full potential.Our mission is to accomplish the following objectives within a ourtraining program:Bring back the culture of honor to all our graduates.Awaken and motivate the youth to take their place as leaders in their generation.Increase attendance, engagement and participation in school activities, events and or functions.Appoint the youth as Ambassadors of Honor who serve their community with dignity.Offer our students the highest recommendation as they become proven leaders of honor in their community."
Price: 99.99

"How you create 12 Streams of Income in the Next 3-5 Years"
"You have over12 streams of income inside of you ready to flow.Do you want to discover them? Do you want to make more money? In this course you will learn how to unlock your potential, work with different streams of income andcreate tangible revenue streams.Discover how to unlock all those streams today!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Discover and Use All 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit"
"God has given each believer a variety of opportunities and gifts that is perfectly suited to his or her situation in life. Every Christian is really a minister with a unique ability to serve and add valueto make to the body of Christ. The impact and thrust of your ministry depends on your understanding and usage of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.In this class, we will look at the definition, design, desirability, and description of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We will also see how to discover and develop spiritual gifts and consider the danger of their abuse and directions for their use.In this class,I will deal with the question of; What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? How do I discover them? How do I use them? How do I grow in them? What is the nuts and bolts of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and much much more!The unique thing about this class is the activation and impartation of these gifts on your life. You will see that these gifts will begin to manifest remarkably in your life rather quickly. This class for sure will transform your life and ministry!"
Price: 199.99

"Super easy way to Forgive When You Don't Feel Like Doing It."
"Did you know unforgiveness is one of the leading causes of death? Did you also know that as long as there is unforgiveness there can never be peace in your heart? Did you also know that a person full of unforgivenesswill most likely not respond well to any plan ofhealing orwellbeing?I learnt this subject from mypersonal experience. I had to forgive my fathers killers and build a pathway to reconciliation. I knew I needed to share valuable lessons with people like you to help you forgive and heal. In this class, you will learn;What is forgiveness.What is forgiveness therapy?How to forgive as a choice and not as a feeling.Over 75-point self assessment/personal inventorytest and Training on forgiveness therapy.Take a personal inventory on your heart and emotions related to unforgiveness. How healthy are you?This training is unique because it is like doing a surgery on yourself as well as equipping you to help others do the same for themselves."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Completo de Formatao de Computadores"
"Esquea os mtodos complicados de formatao e vem conosco, seja voc de qualquer idade, adolescente, jovem, adulto ou idoso no importa!Voc capaz de formatar qualquer computador basta apenas estudar e colocar em prtica, ns vamos te ensinar a formatar se esse for seu desejo claro um mtodo fcil e simples como 1,2,3...Mas que pode lhe trazer uma renda extra a cada ms j imaginou formatar computadores e ter clientes viciados em seu servio e voc lucrar sempre prestando seu servio?Agilidade,Praticidade e Profissionalismo estaro ao seu lado para lhe auxiliar e conquistar seu cliente de uma vez por todas.Conosco sem enrolao! Vamos direto ao ponto chave...Meu Compromisso com o seu Sucesso!!!"
Price: 99.99

"How To Maximize Earnings Potential As An Uber/Lyft Driver"
"As an Uber/ Lyft driver, you and your car make up your business. Some people succeed greatly while others fail miserably.I want to show you HOW to be better at the game and hopefully change your mindset as a driver/ business owner.My goal for this course is to teach some simple tricks to seem more Likeable, more Relatable, more Friendly, Etc. My goal is to teach you how to increase the odds of getting more tips and the frequency of those tips; Or at least show how to have genuine conversation with strangers that will stick with you making each ride worth the while.WARNING: Profanity and Swear words contain a lot of Emotions and help to Better Express Ideas and Feelings due to how powerful they are. Therefore this course will contain a bad word or two, for Educations sake."
Price: 19.99

"Yeni Nesil retmen Aralar Web 2.0"
"Sevgili retmen arkadam, renci kardeim bu kursadenk gelip bu sayfay atysan eer ikimizde ayn tutkuyu paylayoruz demektir.Bu kursteknolojinin eitim kltrnde hi grlmemi bir zenginlie sebep olacana inanan bir retmen tarafndan hazrland. erikler zenginletike renmek daha kalc ve keyifli bir hal alacaktr. Her dersteite bu zenginlii snfna, hayatna taman iin sana yardm edecek aralarn tariflerini bulacaksn. Mmkn olduu kadar ne ie yaradklaryla birlikte nasl kullanldklarn da anlatmay denedim. htiyacn olan aralar buradan bulup denedikten sonra hayatna katm olacaksn. yi ki geldin."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Piano in 45 Days (Part two)"
"If you have taken my part one of my class, then move onto this next level where you will learn...How to play ""Hot Cross Buns""Playing in the G position.All 24 major and minor chords and how to figure them out by sight.Your first jazz song.Figure out harmonies by ear.How to play ""My Country Tis' of Thee""How to play ""Deck the Halls""Your first Mozart piece.Alberti bass lines and chord in versions.And much more!!"
Price: 19.99

"Play Pachelbel's Canon in D on Piano"
"It is one of the most famous works of classical music. Played at weddings, concerts, and other venues, the ""Canon in D"" is beloved by millions. Now, you can learn to play this great work!This course teaches you the left hand, then various sections of the right hand. Also, there is a video on pedaling as well as a course on improvisation.If you are totally new to piano, then please take my free course- Learn Piano in 45 Days (part one and part two)."
Price: 19.99

"Play ""The Entertainer"" and ""Maple Leaf Rag"" by Joplin!"
"Are you a beginner? Do you know the basics of piano already? Would you like to impress your friends? Then, this is the course for you! You will learn to play to great standards by Scott Joplin- ""The Entertainer"" and ""Maple Leaf Rag."" Both of these songs are popular and are used in many films (most notably ""The Sting""). As with all of my courses, I go step by step, taking you through both hands. All sheet music is provided!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Play Christmas Carols (Volume 1)"
"Are you a beginner? Do you know the basics of piano already? Do you love Christmas carols? Then, this is the course for you! You will learn to play four timeless Christmas carols including ""Angels we Have Heard on High,"" ""O Holy Night,"" ""Joy to the World"" and ""What Child is This?"" Sheet music is provided for free and comes in two versions- edited and not edited. The edited version has a lot of notes and fingerings written, but the not edited is just the music. I go step by step with each hand and show you some different ways of playing the songs. If you don't know how to play piano yet, then check out my ""learn piano in 45 days"" course on this site."
Price: 24.99

"Living Courage #2 - How to Master Emotional Intelligence"
"Emotional Intelligence has been shown to be the leading predictor for financial success and health, and the single biggest predictor of performance in the workplace.There can be a stigma around emotions. We swing from ""suck it up"" to ""You're too emotional!"" Emotions won't kill us but not feeling them will. Our fear of emotion can absolutely kill us, because its the numbing of them that kills people everyday. Eric Johnson says, ""Future generations are depending on you to come face to face with how you feel."" So what do we do with emotions? WHAT IS THIS?How to Master Emotional Intelligence for Living Courage is a 2 hour e-Course. Previous students have commonly said this second module in the Living Courage series is one of the most enjoyable and beneficial. It is the second foundation stone of building courage as a life style. This is a safe, sacred place where your learning is yours. Your answers are yours and they are not monitored or recorded in anyway. This is why I ask you to have your own workbook and why I do not not offer an online workbook. The central purpose of this course is to aid you in developing self awareness and empowerment in a safe, respectful, shame-free space.Living Courage is a training series consisting of 4 modules. While each module can stand alone and be done as an individual course. The Living Courage series is designed to build onto each other creating a deeper more comprehensive understanding and development of the skills and lifestyle of courage.  WHO'S THIS FOR?~ ~ Anyone who wants more freedom personally or greater opportunities for quality of life, connection with God and others, work place advancement and understanding of the times we are living in.~ Leadership - essential Professional Development for anyone in Business, HealthCare, Education, Life Coaching or Faith Communities.~ Parents - having used this material in our family, its transformed how we do life and fun togetherWHAT WILL YOU LEARN?1. This experiential course outlines Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Literacy, explains why it is important in courage and in your personal and professional development 2. Equip you with how to assess and mature in your own confidence, calling and abilities by developing your EI3. How God values and moves in Emotional Intelligence4. How to respond from my values rather than reactions I may regret laterWHAT YOU WILL GET?The objective of this course is to equip you with:1. Developing and moving you towards mastering insight and skills in Emotional Intelligence2. Building strong values and skills in Emotional Literacy3. Engaging short videos interspersed with self evaluation tasks supported by downloadable practical exercises and other resources to help you revise and consolidate the learning. This course is based on a set of learnable skills. It is Biblically based and backed up by a huge body of research.4. By the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of Emotional Intelligence and Courage, what is required and how to maintain movement, courage and breakthrough in your life and destiny. 5. More confident in your decisions, faith, leadership, parenting and work place relationships. WHERE DOES THIS FIT WITH FAITH and WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?God is an emotional being! We don't get too far into the Bible and God demonstrates an array of emotions. The Scriptures speak to us of the emotional journey and emotional challenge living faith is. One of the most needed spiritual gifts in this day, is discernment. What if we are a 'feeler' and discern through feelings? We are not going to understand ourselves or this gifting if we do not grow in Emotional Intelligence.I don't believe its possible to reach the fullness of our relationship with God and others, to move with maturity in spiritual gifts or progress as far as we desire in our professional lives and cultures without Emotional Intelligence. We are not going to build strong healthy counter culture faith communities without it because life and people are emotional. Communities as with individuals, self destruct under the weight of our complex, demanding world without developing their EI.WHO?This course features easily learned elements supported by practical exercises, all clearly explained by Helen Goatley, Instructor and Consultant. Helens work is based on over 20 years experience of helping and inspiring people in many different settings and cultures internationally.Living Courage is sourced from Anthropological and Sociological research. This is a training course and not a Counselling course, though it can be helpful for anyone in Life Coaching and the Health Care Sector. If during this course you come into a deeper awareness of your life journey. We encourage you to courageously seek out the professional help you need to succeed further and bravely own your story and destiny. People who do this are heroes and champions.What's OK and What is not OK?It is OK to do this course and use all worksheets with others in your Leadership or Staffing teams, friendship groups or Church groups. We ask that each group member pay for the course themselves. We live by a core value of honor and this is a way to honor the work of the Author and yourself as a learner. We value what we sacrifice for. For me, this is a means of income and a way of supporting the work so I can continue in it. Share, learn, grow and change the world you live in!It is NOT OK to use any part of this course or it's materials for commercial use. You can not sell it, sell training based on it or create a website redistributing this course or any material from it.If you are interested in going after more, consider doing another course in this Living Courage Series or our Experiencing the Presence of God Series. Professional Consultations are also available by contacting Helen"
Price: 74.99

"Rational Compassion Masterclass: Critical thinking for good"
"***Instructor pledges to DONATE20% of his proceeds to the HIGHEST IMPACTNONPROFITS in the world***A FEW QUESTIONSDo you ever feel defeated, like no matter how much you care and how hard you try to make the world a better place, you never quite see the results youre hoping for?Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of issues facing humanity, nonhuman animals, and the environment we all share, like theyre just too big to possibly do anything about as just one person?Do you try torecycle, avoid plastic bags, take shorter showers, consume consciously and want to do SO much more, but you just dont know how to do good effectively, what actually works, or even where to start?Are you ever frustrated by your inability to persuade people to do less harm and live more benevolent lives, wondering why they refuse to listen and improve?Do you ever realize you were far toooptimistic or pessimistic about the probability a proposed solution will actually solve a problem, and then question how your mind allowed you to be so far off when you felt so confident?IVE BEEN THERE, I PROMISEAnd I spent a decade in 60-some countries as asenior-level humanitarianaid worker, advocacy advisor and consultantresearching and compiling clues, investigating how one individual can most effectively impact positive change in the world and persuade others to do the same.I researched these vital questions: How to do good better? How to make a difference that lasts? How to take action that makes an impact? How to changethe world? More specifically: How can I do good better? How can I make a difference that lasts? How can I take action that makes an impact? How can I change the world? How can I be the change?And my biggest finding: RATIONAL COMPASSION HAS THE ANSWERS.Rational compassion is the intersection between critical thinking and heartfelt empathy, where our benevolent hearts are guided by our more logical brains, where weve upgraded from our flawed mental software, and where we take action to consciously impact change, not to subconsciously feel less burdened by the issues we care about most.Rarely do harmful issues persist in the world because no one cares. Rather, issues persistbecause people want to solve them but just dontknow how. And more often than not, straightforward solutions exist, but were blinded by our cognitive biases and victim to logical fallacies that prevent us from: first, comprehending the issues; second, understanding how we relate to the issues; and third, learning how to most effectively contribute our unique assets, as individualchangemakers, to the solution.BY THE END OF THIS COURSE, YOUWILLUSE:Critical thinking to... identify and overcome dangerous cognitive biases, logical fallacies and other common misconceptions that renderineffective changemakersCritical thinking to... dissectthe key complexities of causes andissues (both global and local) that cause harm to humans, nonhuman animals and the environmentCritical thinking to... understand how you relate to these issues and which solutions you're empowered to contribute toCritical thinking to... maximize your positive impactper unit of effort exerted, your ROI if you were a resource for changeCritical thinking to... calculate both the impactand footprintof your choices and actions, both negative and positiveCritical thinking to... multiply Your impact by10x, 100x, 1,000x by doing good smarter, not working harderCritical thinking to... take action for causes, volunteer for nonprofits, donate to charity, and utilize careers and pastimesin the most high impact intelligent ways we canCritical thinking to... balance a joyful life with a high impact life neurologists and psychologists formula for happiness and lasting fulfillmentThe uncritical mind is optimized for making itself feel better about what burdens it. We do this by adjusting our perceptions of that burden, not by taking actions to improve upon the undesirable reality that burdens us to begin with. We convince ourselves we're all charities are curA mind exercising rational compassion is optimizedto solve problems instead of hiding from them, to address the root of that burden, to impact positive change highly effectively and efficiently.In a sense, we are each resources for change. So why not invest ourselves wisely? This starts with optimizing our minds not to hide from its burdens, but to address them with high impact actions that do good, better.RATIONAL COMPASSION KEY CONCEPTS WE'LL EXPLORE:Compassion vs empathyCounterfactual reasoningExpected value theoryDoing good vs the MOST good (and the 100x multiplier effect)Average vs marginal impactIntentions vs. outcomesThe ""less-harm limitation""Our conceptual value systems vs thosedemonstrated by our actionsSelf-regarding vs other-regarding actionsSocial circles vs global circlesPush vs pull decision makingActualism vs possiblismAnthropomorphism, anthropocentrism, carnism, and speciesismMoral licensing effectFalse dichotomy fallacyIdentifiable victim effectScope insensitivity biasOmission biasSelective Perception and confirmation biasand many more!HERES THE BOTTOM LINEOur brains come preprogramed with heuristics, mental shortcuts to conserve time and energy at the expense of accuracy. These heuristics guarantee suboptimal reasoning in our choices and actions UNLESS we choose to identify them and purposefully overcome them. When the difference between doing some good (with suboptimal reasoning) and the MOST good (with critical thinking and applied rationality Rational Compassion) is not 2x but often 100X or 1000X the impact, then is there any better investment we can make in alleviating suffering and improving the world than learning to think critically and exercise our compassion rationally?So, if youd prefer to truly make a difference, prevent avoidable deaths / actually save lives, alleviate quantifiable amounts of suffering and promote wellbeing as a direct result of your time, energy and resources used intelligently, THEN ENROLL IN THIS MASTERCLASS NOW!The world needs us right now as much as it ever has before, so no more waiting for the right opportunity to start being the change you want to see in the world. Be the change today, starting right now!Ill leave you with one of the best pieces of advice Ive ever been given. It went something like this: ""Every single day you wait to experience or learn something valuable is one more day lived unaware, and one less day the world benefits from your wisdom.IHOPE YOU REFUSE TO WASTE ANOTHER DAY AND THAT YOU ENROLL RIGHT NOW!The world is waiting for your most rational compassion, and Ill be waiting for you inside!WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?This course is for anyone who believes in working smarter, not harderThis course is for anyone who wants to utilize their empowered and fortunate position in the world to leave behind a humanity and planet that is, to the greatest degree, better off as a direct result of their having lived their livesThis course is for anyone who believes critical thinking on the topics of alleviating suffering and promoting wellbeing is the realest form of empathyThis course is for anyone who cares enough about their impact on the world to invest a few hours in learning how to maximize itThis course is for truth seekers, effective altruists and aspiring changemakersThis course is NOT for people who prefer a more convenient falsehood over a less convenient truth"
Price: 44.99