"Fuzileiro Nota 10 em Portugus!" |
"Curso preparatrio de portugus para o concurso de CFN- Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais. Teoria e exerccios, questes de provas anteriores. Mdulos de Sintaxe (sujeito, predicado, objeto direto/ indireto, predicativo do sujeito, complemento nominal, adjunto adnominal, adjunto adverbial, aposto e vocativo), Oraes Coordenadas/ Subordinadas (substantivas, adjetivas e adverbiais), Classes Gramaticais (substantivo, adjetivo, verbo, pronome, artigo, numeral, preposio, conjuno, advrbio, interjeio), Ortografia/ Acentuao, Concordncia Verbal/ Nominal."
Price: 39.99 |
"Footwear Design School: Learn how to be a footwear designer" |
"Learn to design and curate your portfolio for university, art school or a job interview.I go through the necessary items that need to be included in a portfolio to get you on your journey to getting your dream shoes done. This course will take you from have little ideas in design to a fully developed collection.A knowledge of Photoshop or Illustrator is needed for this course.I go through the knowledge I learnt at the highly esteemed London College of Fashion through to working on shoes for London Fashion Week 2018.I take the knowledge and ideas you already have and apply it to footwear design."
Price: 29.99 |
"Branding e Marketing - Criao e Gesto de Marcas de Sucesso" |
"Junte-se a mais de 2 mil alunos inscritos no curso de Branding e Marketing - Criao e Gesto de Marcas de Sucesso.Aqui voc vai entender como despertar sensaes e criar conexes conscientes e inconscientes, que sero cruciais para que o cliente escolha a sua marca no momento de deciso de compra do produto ou servio.Entenda conceitos e estratgias de Branding para alavancar seu negcio!Criao e DNA da Marca;Definio da Brand Persona;Experincia de marca para surpreender seu consumidor;Aplicao de storytelling;Estratgias de Marketing nas aes de Branding;Cases de sucesso;E muito mais!Overview/Resumo do cursoNeste curso voc vai aprender qual o significado de Branding (o que e o que no ), suas origens e fundamentos, indo fundo na criao de uma marca. Nosso objetivo que voc entenda o funcionamento das marcas, o processo de construo e gesto das mesmas. Alm disso, voc vai conferir dicas para que voc crie estratgias de branding para uma marca forte e coerente. Ao longo do curso, voc vai ter as noes bsicas para ficar preparado para gerenciar estrategicamente sua marca, definir a identidade e posicionamento da sua marca e, a partir disso, planejar qual a mensagem certa que voc quer passar aos seus clientes (e prospects) por meio de aes criativas: Storytelling, Branded Content, Brand Experience, entre outras.Abordando as diferentes fases do processo de branding, desde a anlise do negcio at o desenvolvimento das aes, este curso para quem deseja agregar valor organizaes, produtos e servios atravs de marcas slidas e com propsito bem definido, afinal, marcas sem propsito esto fadadas ao fracasso. preciso gerar conexes fortes e compartilhadas com o pblico para garantir o sucesso de uma marca, e nesse curso de Branding voc vai aprender como chegar l. Defina, crie e comunique o propsito da sua marca!D uma olhada em algumas avaliaes que recebemos Uma tima experincia! Curso bem detalhado e bem executado. A instrutora entende muito bem do assunto e apresenta timos exemplos alm de absolutamente TUDO neste curso ser bastante aplicvel em diversos cenrios. - Joo Guilherme da Silva Tenho certeza de que com essas noes de Branding vou conseguir alavancar meu negcio e ainda ajudar outras pessoas a conseguir o mesmo objetivo. - Luis Carlos Brocaneli de Carvalho Se pudesse daria mais de 05 Estrelas na avaliao desse curso. Apesar de ter uma pequena carga horria a professora no peca na qualidade da apresentao e domnio do contedo. Super indico aos que tm interesse em conhecer o tema e rea de abrangncia do Branding! - Carlos Alberto Lima Neto A professora, super concisa e sem blblbl intil, que no agrega nada busca do objetivo do curso, apresenta o essencial que precisamos saber. Claramente, fez um roteiro e est seguindo. No aquele comportamento de sair falando o que vier cabea no momento. Muito profissional. Eu, que j tenho algumas leituras de bons livros na rea, estou tirando bom proveito do curso. Para quem nem sabe o que branding, o curso funcionar como um indicador de rumos, um clareador de ideias. No mnimo, vai fazer o empresrio que busca valorizar sua empresa na ""selva"" chamada mercado, a tomar decises relacionadas ao assunto com o p no cho, com nvel mnimo de conhecimento de causa. - Fabricio Valle O curso trouxe uma boa viso sobre o que branding, me deixando seguro para liderar a equipe na minha empresa focada nesse assunto. Alm disso, a instrutora sempre se mostrou disponvel para esclarecer minhas dvidas. Recomendo! - Marina SoaresAlm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasGarantia de reembolso de at 30 diasTenho certeza que voc vai gostar desse curso e compreender conceitos bsicos de Branding para aplicar no seu negcio! Vamos trocar experincias!E porque esperar? Comece ainda hoje a alavancar a sua marca com essas estratgias, s clicar no boto! :)"
Price: 489.99 |
"Linux server training basics to advanced label" |
"this course is design by basics to upper label as per project basedif any candidate can learn Linux server and client based then you can take the this coursei have the design the course of two label first is basics and 2nd is server label both section fully deign by project basicsno any expertise required to learn for this course ."
Price: 11200.00 |
"Como Crear Videojuegos en Godot 3: El Contra" |
"En este curso enseamos a utilizar Godot 3 para la creacin de videojuegos gratis, de forma sencilla y explicado sintecnicismos innecesarios, buscandolos mejores resultados posibles a traves de la experiencia.En sta ocasin recreando el juego del Contra aprenderemos los fundamentos bsicos que nos permitirn disear un juego de plataformas (inclusive para 2 jugadores) tanto bsico como complejo, comprendiendo las caractersticas fundamentales para llevarlo a cabo.Adems recreamos los diferentes actores completos del primer nivel del juego, as como la escena en su totalidad, incluyendo la explosin del puente o la posibilidad de sumergirse en el agua.Se exhiben fundamentos de la interfaz de Godot, Gimp2 (diseo de Sprites), lgicas y algoritmos ante diferentes aspectos de videojuegos de plataforma, y manejo del lenguaje GDScript."
Price: 199.99 |
"Como Crear Videojuegos 2D en Unity: Sunset Riders" |
"En este curso enseamos a utilizar Unity para la creacin de videojuegos gratis, de forma sencilla y explicado sintecnicismos innecesarios, buscandolos mejores resultados posibles a traves de la experiencia.En sta ocasin recreando el juego del Sunset Riders aprenderemos los fundamentos bsicos que nos permitirn disear un juego de plataformas (inclusive para 2 jugadores) tanto bsico como complejo, comprendiendo las caractersticas fundamentales para llevarlo a cabo.Adems recreamos los diferentes actores del primer nivel del juego, as como un avanzado sistema de deteccin de suelos y planos inclinados.Se exhiben fundamentos de la interfaz de Unity, Gimp2 (diseo de Sprites), lgicas y algoritmosante diferentes aspectos de videojuegos de plataforma, y manejo del lenguaje C#."
Price: 199.99 |
"Hjlp til personlig udvikling" |
"Dette kursus er en introduktion til nogle af de typiske emner Coach Per Rasmussen mder dagligt. Tit krver udfordringer der kan virke store, blot et lille vrid i en anden retning for at komme videre, og f basale sm ting kan gre stor forskel.Hr Per fortlle om hvordan du kan f et bedre liv og blive opmrksom p vigtige omrder i livet."
Price: 24.99 |
"ULTIMATE Fitness workout - Primal Body Movements!" |
"This course is written andpresented by a Health and Fitness Expert with 10years' experiencein personal training and coaching.It has been recorded and produced on astudio quality level.By enrolling in this course, you will get a lifetime access to the current content.No risk involved! Watch ourPREVIEW VIDEOSDo you want to learn ancient body movements which were done by the primates/apes? Are you moving yourself enough? Are you tired of lifting weights and want to expand your motion? Do you find yourself doing the same exercises and routines over and over? Has lifting weights constantly or improperly wreaked havoc on your joints? Do you want to work on your flexibility, mobility, performance and endurance?If the answers for the above questions is yes, then this course is for you. It includes modules on different concepts related to primal body movements and bodyweight exercises. It will give the participants tools to develop their movement practice and to expand their technical, expressive, and creative range of movement possibilities.Locomotion is a unique creation, a fluid, challenging, beautiful and rewarding movement system which relies on the use of low gait, squatting, inverting, crawling, bridging, quadrupedaling and other patterns, integrated to a sophisticated multi layered flow close to the ground.You will be able to develop neurological connections, expand movement complexity, and increase capacity for information management with a range of coordination drills using different parts of the body in varied relationships to each other. You will learn how to negotiate the ground going in and out of the floor, gliding, rolling, melting and organizing yourself in communication with the ground.Moreover, you will gain confidence in bringing your body close to the floor in different ways is an important ingredient for movement freedom as a tool to improve your daily activities and your general wellbeing through the conditioning of joints, improving ranges of motion, displaying sequential ability and expression.All you need is yourself and some dedicated time.Through videos, slide presentations and PDF files, this comprehensive course will provide the tools you need to get the most out of bodyweight exercises!"
Price: 19.99 |
"PMP Preparation Course Based on PMBOK Guide Sixth Edition" |
"49 """
Price: 19.99 |
"Russian Verbs of Motion Step by Step: -" |
"Some people think that learning about the verbs of motion is one of the hardest concepts in the Russian language. The truth is, it is not so difficult if you just try to understand them one step at a time. If you have studied Russian for some period of time, if you know how to read and write but find Verbs of Motion confusing then this course is for you. I have studied different languages and I believe that learning grammar is an essential part in language acquisition. Learning some phrases and using them in daily conversation is great, but you want to achieve a high level of Russian language comprehension, grammar is something you need to study. I LOVE structure and my teaching style takes a step by step approach to learning Russian grammar. My teaching method is unique and effective, based on having taught more than 2000 online, private, and class room lessons. Learning grammar should not be boring. My interactive course will show you how to learn Russian Verbs of Motion in an easy and interesting way. The courseconsists of 25 video lectures (1.5 hours of video content) and 14 Quizzes. Each section contains one video lesson, several quizzes, video exercises and practice dialogs. At the end of every lesson you are encouraged to do exercises and quizzes, which will help you to practice and memorize the grammar you've just learned. Every lesson lasts up to 5 minutes and covers a new grammar topic, such as: 1. Introduction to the Verbs of Motion. 2. The Conjugation of - . 3. Direction of the Movement: Prepositions , . 4. in Present Tense . 5. in Present Tense . 6. in Present Tense Review . 7. in Past Tense. 8. in Future Tense . 9. All Tenses. 10. Study more: Text. Listen and repeat all of the material covered in the lessons, go through the exercises and complete the entire course and you'll understand how to use Russian Verbs of Motion correctly."
Price: 39.99 |
"Russian Alphabet Step By Step" |
"Phonetics has always been an important part of language learning. Correct pronunciation is the first step to the successful study of any language. This phonetic video course is for those who never studied Russian before and want to start getting acquainted with letters and sounds. I will help you to overcome your fear of the unknown language and realize that you can start to read and write in Russian in anhourof self study. Take your time, study in your own pace, feel secure, and save your money to learn the Russian fundamental basics on your own. Easy to use and entertaining to watch phonetic cause was created after more the 1500 classes with students from all over the world. I found the fasters and easiest way to explain all the pronunciation difficulties."
Price: 19.99 |
"Statistik 1 fr Einsteiger: Praxisnah fr Studium & Beruf" |
"Bei dir liegtbald eine Klausur in Statistik an? Im Bro musst du wissen was Verteilungen sind und wie man daran testet?Dieser Kurs wird dich untersttzeneinen berblick auf alle groen Themenbereiche der grundlegendenStatistik zu erlangen,dabei wird alles theoretisch erklrt und direkt im Anschlussan Beispielen angewendet.Es gibt keinerlei Vorraussetzungen, auer einigenGrundkenntnissen in Mathematik und demBesitz einer Excelversion, wenn du die mitgeliefertenBeispiele selbst nachrechnen mchtest. Fr Fortgeschrittene ist dieser Kurs nur als Wiederholung geeignet.Inhalt dieses Kurses sindGrundlagen der Statistik, wobei ber die statistischen Kennwerte hinausauch noch etwas Messtheorie und Informationen zu Skalenniveaus kommen. Ebenso gibt es einen groen Block ber Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und theoretische Grundlagen der Inferenzstatistik, sowie die statistischen Tests fr alle Skalenniveaus. Dieser Kurs wurde also hauptschlich als Prfungsvorbereitung fr Statistik 1 konzipiert, bietet aber darber hinaus noch einige kleinere Themen an."
Price: 119.99 |
"Latim na Ponta da Lngua - Curso de Latim" |
"Salve, discipule! Salve, discipula! Ut vales?O curso LATIM NA PONTA DA LNGUA tem os mesmos objetivos que o curso de grego publicado anteriormente: possibilitar o aprendizado de uma das lnguas mais importantes do mundo ocidental. Alm de lhe permitir o acesso ao maior corpus literrio do mundo, desde antes de Ccero at os tempos atuais, tenho a inteno de lhe fornecer uma base slida para o entendimento de vrios aspectos da lngua portuguesa, por meio de um mtodo que agua a curiosidade e o intelecto.LATIM NA PONTA DA LNGUA ser dividido em vrios mdulos, cada um correspondendo a um curso. Neste primeiro mdulo, voc descobrir a relevncia do estudo do latim e aprender a pronunci-lo e l-lo de maneira correta. A partir do segundo mdulo, utilizaremos como material bsico os textos do mtodo Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, de Hans rberg, por meio dos quais abordaremos toda a gramtica e o vocabulrio mais relevante.A abordagem empregada neste curso resulta de mais de 10 anos de experincia no aprendizado e no ensino da lngua latina. Teve sua eficcia comprovada por mais de 20 mil alunos espalhados por todo o Brasil, desde a publicao, no YouTube, da srie didtica LATIM PARA PRINCIPIANTES."
Price: 99.99 |
"Grego na Ponta da Lngua - Curso de Grego Antigo" |
", ! , !O curso GREGO NA PONTA DA LNGUA resultado de mais de cinco anos de experincia lecionando esta belssima lngua. Seja qual for o seu interesse apreciar as obras de Plato e Aristteles no original, ler o Novo Testamento na lngua em que ele foi escrito ou simplesmente aprimorar o seu vocabulrio , voc encontr neste curso todo o contedo necessrio para dominar a lngua como se ela ainda estivesse viva, a partir da combinao de aulas expositivas e um dos mtodos mais consagrados para o estudo do idioma.Este curso ser dividido em vrios mdulos. No primeiro, voc aprender a respeito da lngua grega e os seus dialetos, alm de adquirir todos os pr-requisitos para o acompanhamento dos mdulos posteriores: a pronncia e a escrita. A partir do segundo mdulo, utilizaremos como material bsico os textos do mtodo Athnaze, de Maurice Balme e Luigi Miraglia, por meio dos quais abordaremos toda a gramtica e o vocabulrio mais relevante.No fique de fora! Ser um prazer t-lo(a) como aluno nesta maravilhosa empreitada."
Price: 99.99 |
"Apprendre crer une boutique en ligne avec Prestashop" |
"Tu veux crer une boutique en ligne mais tu ne sais pas comment faire ? Tu as choisiPrestashop, mais tu as peur que a soit trop technique installer et utiliser ? Jai conu cette formation pour taider crer ta boutique en ligne avec Prestashop.Prestashop ne se prend pas decommissionsur les ventes et transactionsTableau de bord pour la gestion de votre boutiqueclaire&simplifieOptimisation SEO pour tre visiblesur les moteurs de recherchePrestashop est entirementgratuitGAIN DE TEMPSJ'ai fait ce cours sur Prestashopavecla simplicit l'esprit.Je vais vous montrer comment crer une boutique en ligne avec Prestashop dans les dtails en allant directement l'essentiel!CONOMIES TONNANTESCrer un site e-commercepeut paratredifficile, mais avec Prestashop, une formation et un peu de crativit, vous pouvez construire une boutique en ligne avecPrestashop pour trs peu d'argent.POUR LES DBUTANTSCe cours de sur Prestashop est pour lesdbutants.Vous n'avez pas besoin de savoir quoi que ce soit propos de Prestashop, du codage ou de la programmation.SUPPORTJe suis l pour vous aideravec tous les problmes que vous pourriez rencontrer.Postez vos questions et je rpondrai vos demandes sur la formation Prestashop ds que possible.LA FLEXIBILITCe cours vous apprend fairen'importe quel boutique en ligneavecPrestashop.Vous n'tes pas limit un style spcifique ou un site Prestashop.Vous tes libre de crer tout ce que vous voulez en utilisant les outils utiliss dans ce cours Prestashop.J'ai hte de vous voir dans ce cours pour apprendre le dropshipping avecPrestashop !"
Price: 29.99 |
"Maitrisez Shopify - Crer un magasin Shopify en 1 heure" |
"Dans ce cours, je vais vous fournir un guide tape par tape sur la faon de crer un magasin Shopify Dropshipping en 1 heure avec absolument zro code ou exprience surShopify!GAIN DE TEMPSJ'ai fait ce cours de ""Dropshipping Shopify"" avecla simplicit l'esprit.Je vais vous montrer comment crer un magasin Shopify en dropshipping enseulementune heure! Vous aurez votre boutique et vous maitriserez Oberlo et Shopify ds aujourd'hui!CONOMIES TONNANTESLe dropshipping peut paratredifficile, mais avec Shopify et un peu de crativit, vous pouvez construire une boutique en ligneShopify en dropshipping rentable pour trs peu d'argent.POUR LES DBUTANTSCe cours de dropshipping avec Shopify est pour lesdbutants.Vous n'avez pas besoin de savoir quoi que ce soit propos de Shopify, du codage ou de la programmation.SUPPORTJe suis l pour vous aideravec tous les problmes que vous pourriez rencontrer.Postez vos questions et je rpondrai vos demandes sur la formation shopify dropshippingds que possible.LA FLEXIBILITCe cours vous apprend fairen'importe quel boutique en ligne avecShopify et le dropshipping.Vous n'tes pas limit un style spcifique ou un site Shopify.Vous tes libre de crer tout ce que vous voulez en utilisant les outils utiliss dans ce cours Dropshipping Shopify.J'ai hte de vous voir dans ce cours pour apprendre le dropshipping avecShopify !"
Price: 29.99 |
"Desenvolvimento de supervisrios com Elipse E3 - Iniciante" |
"[Curso em desenvolvimento]Falou em automao, logo pensamos em controladores lgicos e nas telas com desenhos do processo cheio de animaes e informaes importantes.Em outros cursos aprendemos a programar CLP, microcontroladores, desenvolver projetos, comunicar via rede industrial e at mesmo parametrizar os inversores de frequncia, e agora o momento de desenvolver estas telas com os desenhos de processos, no qual so chamadas de sistemas supervisrios,ou SCADA (Controle de Superviso e Aquisio de Dados).Como um programador de PLC e de microcontroladores, sabemos o quo importante atuar com estas tecnologias associadas a displays que permitem monitorar e visualizar os dados do processo, circuito e produo, permitindo queas pessoas possam interagir com as mquinas e equipamentos. Legal no !Neste curso, voc aprender sobre o supervisrio Elipse E3, desenvolvido pela empresa brasileira Elipse,criando interfaces grficas para monitorar e controlar processos automatizados, estabelecer parmetros operacionais e finalizar a aplicao com telas de navegao mais profissionais.A jornada no para e no comea por aqui, mesmo no sendo requisitos para este curso, recomendo que voc ao logo de sua formao profissional aprenda e saiba desenvolver nos seguintes pontos para atuar com automao:Fundamentos de controle eautomao;Instrumentao;Controladores lgicos programveis (no mnimo duas marcas diferentes: Siemens, Rockwell, Altus, Schneider, Delta etc);Linguagens de programao conforme IEC 61131 (no mnimo duas linguagens, por exemplo, uma grfica e uma textual);Acionamentos eltricos (incluindo softstarter, inversor de frequncia epartidas a rels);Redes industriais (modbus, profinet, can open etc);Gerenciamento de projetos;Marketing pessoal;Vendas.Sucesso!"
Price: 69.99 |
"(Step by Step) Weebly Website and Google AdSense Training" |
"In this course, you will learn about weebly free website & earning from your website. After this course, you will have your own website (free & publish website) in the internet. We have taught step by step making a free weebly website here. So just follow me in this course and learn completely about weebly free website."
Price: 34.99 |
"The Missing Comprehensive And Hands On Docker Course in 2019" |
"Course Last Updated 7/1/2018 for Docker 18 and Docker Compose v3This is just one-hour crash course you've been looking for to master software development with Docker.Docker Compose? We got it. Docker Swarm? Covered. Docker Service? Included!What is Docker?Embrace changes in how you develop your application! Embrace the power of Docker! Embrace the revolutionary Container technology to give you a tremendous boost in developing your applications! Docker is leading a new way how we do software development with ease and confidence. No more environment issues that work in my computers but not in yours. Use Docker to ensure smooth deployments among development, staging and production environment.How this course is different from other existing courses in Udemy?Take you the least time to master Docker and use it ( 1 hour video content and 1 hour for hands on practice) I know your time is precious and create no waste in course content.COMPREHENSIVE We cover the most important and features of Docker and what it takes to get started with Docker from Development to Deployment.This is a hands on beginner course. You learn Docker by doing it rather than knowing it. We included the theory and concept at minimum level.Updated as of July 2018. Docker releases new features even four years after released. It is important to know the latest development of Docker. In this course we do not use obsolete APIs.This course is an absolute beginner course that give you essential knowledge and practical walkthrough to master and use Docker in LESS THAN ONE HOUR.What does this course cover?This course covers what you need to know as beginners to get started with Docker technology.While the length of this course is just an hour, we do not sacrifice the coverage of the course. This course is comprehensive that COVERS understanding the Docker Image, use of Docker Registry, Hands On Experience with Docker APIs to manage containers in Command Line Interface, Use of Docker Compose to set up multiple services, Customisation of Docker Image using Dockerfiles, Docker Swarm Cluster, Deployment of containerised applications using Docker Stack, and Service APIs. Of course! You will learn how to install Docker on different operation systems. Not only we will cover concepts but also we will walk through how to write Dockerfiles, docker-compose YAML file and deploy apps to Swarm Cluster. All these walkthrough helps you build confidence using Docker in real world projects.What does this course not cover?This is a COMPREHENSIVE but not a COMPLETE course on Docker. This course does not cover complex topics that you do not need at the beginner level. Tedious topics such as Volumes, Networking and Secret Management are not covered and will be offered in another course. We will just use the default setting for networking and volume in this course. I assured you that we will just need to know enough about network and volume for getting started with Docker. You will be able to apply most of your use cases and just learn the advanced networking, volumes and secret concepts after you are comfortable with the basic knowledge of Docker.Learning SupportWe give you the text direction for the frequently used Docker commands and the practice materials for trying it yourself like source code. You can also ask questions30 days money-back Guarantee, I offer you a chance to change the way you develop your applications. If you cannot feel the immediate change bought by this Docker course after completion, you can submit full refund request to Udemy within 30 days of purchasing this course.Continuous Improvements To This CourseDocker was released five years ago and every year, Docker rolls out new features to make Docker more powerful especially for production use. I personally keep updating my knowledge in Docker and I will update existing lectures or publish new lectures as needed. Your feedback on the course content is welcome!What are you waiting for? Just enrol in this course to get started with Docker!"
Price: 19.99 |
"29 Most Useful Websites or Apps for College Students" |
"Have you ever wondered how you might be able to squeeze more time in your day? Are you being distracted by too many social media posts? Have you noticed that you have gained weight in College? All of these problems can be solved if you know where to look!Lets face it todays life as a college student is difficult. Many of you have part time jobs as well as a full college credit load and homework to deal with as well. However, these stresses can be managed if you know where to look!This is where my course 29 Most Useful Websites or Apps for College Students becomes a lifesaver. Using just these little apps and websites you should be able to manage your time, keep track of what needs to be done and get more focused than ever before!Here is what you will learn in this course: You will know where you can learn to manage your finances so that you do not get into too much debt! You will know exactly where and how to keep track of your weight so that doesnt become a problem in the future You will know where to look for scholarships so you dont overpay for your education! You will know where to look for internships so you will be better able to get a job after you graduate! You will know where to network with others so that you will be able to get a job or meaningful contacts later in life!This course was designed specifically for the college students today and the struggles that they face! No other course that I know of offers so many resources and helpful suggestions to make life easier for you as a student!However, this course was designed for the modern College Student but everyone can benefit from these personal productivity techniques. Just about everyone can benefit from these websites as they will help you get more focused, help you maintain your health, and save you money!As time goes on it is common for many people to return to college. If you are one of these returning students you will also find these websites helpful as these resources weren't available most likely while you were in college the first time. Regardless of your age these websites come in very handy.As well, these websites will continue to be useful even later in life! The money saving websites alone can help you control your monthly budget and keep you out of debt! Not only that there are many websites that you could use to help you earn money on the side, that will help you reach your financial goals faster or keep you from become too burdened with debt.Enroll in this course today to find out what you may have been missing out on!My goal is to help you excel as a student and become better at life, even after you graduate!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Asp.Net MVC 5 - Ultimate Guide - Indepth & Sample Project" |
"Asp .Net MVC 5 - Ultimate Guide - Indepth & Sample ProjectTHE BEST SELLING Asp .Net MVC COURSE ON UDEMY - OVER 320 REVIEWS - 5 STARS!**************************************************************LEARN these HOT TOPICS in Asp .Net Mvc 5:Controllers and Action MethodsUnderstand different types of ActionResultMaster the Razor View Engine and use it like a ProRead model collections to produce gridsHandle HTTPrequest and HTTP response headersCreate Layout views (for master pages)Handle different issues of URLroutingEnable the NEW Attribute routingInteract with database using EntityFramework DbFirst Approach and CodeFirst ApproachUpdate database using CodeFirst Migrations, in case of CodeFirst ApproachCreate and use HTMLHelpers for development of various Forms with all ValidationsCreate User Authentication and Security using Asp .Net IdentityCreate and apply various types of Filters to Controllers and Action MethodsHandle Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)Handle exceptions with real-time best practicesCreate N-Tier architecture with Service Layer and Repository LayerShare data using ViewBag, TempData and ViewDataCreate REST-API End Points using Asp .NETWeb APIREAL-TIME PROJECTSA mini project, ""Products Management"", where the admin can create categories, brands and products with REST API.**************************************************************POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THIS COURSEBy the end of this course, you will create all of the source code for a complete Asp .Net Mvc real-time project, with all features like page navigation with routing, CRUDoperations with real databases, User registration and login with Asp .Net Identity, handle other aspects such as filters, layout views, validations, exception handling.You will type in every line of code with me in the videos ... all from scratch.I explain every line of asp .net mvc code that we create. So this isn't a copy/paste exercise, you will have a full understanding of the code. I am a RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR .... post your questions and I will RESPOND in 24 hours, ASAP.All source code is available for downloadPDF's of all lectures are available for download.English captions are available.**************************************************************Sample of the reviews:I decided to give a 5-star rating because towards the end of the course, the Teacher presents an example of a professional level project where best practices are applied in ASP .NET MVC programming. As far as I'm concerned, this made me completely change my mind in how to deal with a new MVC project. Thank you so much Harsha !!! - Roberto FaelliThis is the best course for learning ASP .NET MVC out there. Hands down!. - Anurag AnandI feel proud to have such knowledge-full person as instructor. Everything is so good. - Mitul Shahgo for it!! one of the best courses available for ASP .NET MVC. never felt so confident before. An in depth explanation has been provided for each and every topic. It is comprehensive and also engaging. - Nikilesh S.V. Srinivasthank you sir Harsha for providing a very creative lectures. i have see a lot of lectures on mvc but i not understand properly and this lectures is really very helpful for beginners. - S Qammer AbbasThis is an incredible course, i have a lot of experience with web forms and always wanted to move to MVC but didn't have the confidence to do, but this course answer all my questions about MVC, it explains everything how it works, all the functionalities and in the end you create a project with everything learned. It's a lot o content that make you really understand how asp .net MVC works, i recommend to everyone in Udemy. - Marcos Paulo de Melo CanovaI have been trying to learn MVC Asp dot net for 3 years. I attended many courses unfortunately no course has been explained me so well to understand MVC. I highly recommend this course if you want to learn MVC from A-Z and start making your next application in MVC. I am very happy to taken this course, and I am also taking another course of Harsh Angular JS. My Best Wishes to this instructor for making such a nice course. 3 Cheers! - imtiaz Iqbal**************************************************************No Risk Money-Back GuaranteeFinally, there is no risk. You can preview first few lectures of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee.So you have nothing to lose, sign up for this course and learn how to build Angular Projects from scratch!Key Points about this Course:We don't use the ready-made project template called ""MVC"" in VisualStudio, but we develop (create) everything from the scratch with ""Empty"" project template; so that you will be able to understand each and every aspect of Asp .Net Mvc, clearly, without confusion.Authentication is shown with Asp .Net Identity development from scratchDatabase connections are shown with SQLServerAll the concepts are progressively integrated into a sample mini project called ""Product Manager"", which includes all essential features that a real-time project should have.All the concepts explained in both theoretically and practically.We use Bootstrap from the beginning of the course.We use Windows O/S, Visual Studio 2017 / 2019, C#, Entity Framework, Bootstrap."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Web Development (HTML / CSS / JavaScript / jQuery) - indepth" |
"Your dream of becoming UIDeveloper / Frontend Developer becomes TRUE with this course. This course providesReal training videos with clear explanations with practicals. Each topic will covered with theoretical, practical with best practices and examples.This course covers both basic HTML and HTML 5.This course covers both basic CSS and CSS 3.Includes Object Oriented JavaScript concepts.Note:This course doesn't provide any sample project."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Complete Angular 8 - Ultimate Guide - with Real World App" |
"Complete Angular 8 - Ultimate Guide - with Real World AppTHE BEST SELLING ANGULAR COURSE ON UDEMY - OVER 320 REVIEWS - 5 STARS!**************************************************************LEARN these HOT TOPICS in Angular 8:Data BindingsBootstrap Integration with AngularngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch, Style ManagementBuilt-in Pipes & Custom PipesModulesServices and Dependency InjectionRxJS Basics, ObservablesREST-API calls using AJAX with Asp.Net Core MvcObservable MapCRUD operations with real databasesAuthentication with Asp.Net Core Mvc and AngularJWT Authentication for REST API end pointsHttp Interceptors and Http HeadersUser Registration and Login in Secured wayRole Based AuthenticationSecure Routes using GuardsHandle Forms in Efficient way with Reactive Forms and Form BuilderComponent Communication with siblings, children and parent level, and with Custom events, RxJS SubjectViewChild, ViewChildren, ContentChild, ContentChildren, ElementRefBuild custom pipes and directivesPass route parameters in handle them in different waysCreate and secure child routes and animate themUnderstand router eventsUnderstand feature modulesCreate Dashboard with Real databases and ChartsCreate unit test cases for components and servicesUnderstand Angular ZonesUnderstand handling XSS and XSRF, View EncapsulationUnderstand basics of TypeScript classes and interfaces.REAL-TIME PROJECTSA mini project, ""Angular Task Manager"", where the admin can create projects and issue tasks to employees and the employees can update status of tasks.**************************************************************POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THIS COURSEBy the end of this course, you will create all of the source code for a complete Angular real-time project, with all features like page navigation with routing, CRUD operations with real databases, User registration and login with JWT authentication, handle other aspects such as directives, pipes, organize the big picture of the application using angular modules.You will type in every line of code with me in the videos ... all from scratch.I explain every line of angular code that we create. So this isn't a copy/paste exercise, you will have a full understanding of the code. I am a RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTOR .... post your questions and I will RESPOND in 24 hours, ASAP.All source code is available for downloadEnglish captions are available.**************************************************************Sample of the reviews:It's wonderful experience !! I am very much thanks full to Harsha that he made this tutorial interesting, easy. He teaches angular concept in very easy manner. I am expecting more courses on different technologies from Harsha. - Mithun Patilexplained very neat to understand every topic. - Praveen Kumar TExcellent course content and delivery. Instructor speaks clearly and ensures that course remains relevant as Angular gets updated by their creators. - Mohan Singamyeah it is really amazing .I am loving the course.Thank you Harsha - Kiran Kumari have completed around 70% of this course and it is absolutely brilliant. Harsha have complete knowledge about his subject and give in depth knowledge about angular. We don't only learn what to use we will learn why to use. Its an in depth explanation about angular.From zero to Hero. - Atal Srivastava**************************************************************No Risk Money-Back GuaranteeFinally, there is no risk. You can preview first few lectures of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee.So you have nothing to lose, sign up for this course and learn how to build Angular Projects from scratch!Key Points about this Course: Some of the lectures of this course are under renovation.AJAX & Authentication videos will be shown with Asp.Net Core Mvc; prior knowledge of Asp.Net Core Mvc or any other server technology is recommended.All the concepts are progressively integrated into a sample mini project called ""Task Manager"", which includes all essential features that a real-time project should have.All the concepts explained in both theoretically and practically.We use Bootstrap from the beginning of the course.We use Windows O/S, Visual Studio Code, TypeScript, Angular 8."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Object Oriented JavaScript [ES 6] - Basics to Advanced" |
"JavaScript all versions (5, 6, 7)will be covered.NO REAL-TIME PROJECT will be covered in this course. I suggest NOT to subscribe this course, if you want realtime project.Practice assignments are inclusive in this course.After completion of this course, you will have understanding of all essentials of JavaScript, that are needed to work directly with JavaScript in your project and also learn other libraries / platforms / frameworks that are based on JavaScript, such as jQuery, Angular, NodeJS, ReactJS, BackboneJS etc."
Price: 1280.00 |
"NodeJS & MEAN Stack - for Beginners - In Easy way!" |
"Become NodeJS expert in just few hours!! This course covers all the concepts in detailed with proper examples. MongoDB basics also will be covered in this course. This course requires JavaScript as pre-requisite. If you don't have JavaScript knowledge, I suggest you to checkout my other course ""Web development - indepth"", which covers HTML,CSS, JavaScript &jQuery.This course shows NodeJS installation only on Windows.This course doesn't provide any real-time project."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Test Automation: great alternative to Selenium" |
"Software test automation is very popular topic nowadays.Probably you heard somethingabout Senenium, don't you?This course is different than other courses about automaton. Selenium is not the best solution for eachcase. Maintenance test infrastructure can be time consuming with Selenium. In this course I will show you thatyou can write maintainable and stable automation scripts very quickly. And Sahi will help us with this.UnlikeSelenium, where you must download web drivers for each browser, Sahi solve this problem easily. Maintenance oftest infrastructurewill be handled by properly selected web automation tool - Sahi.Let me shortly depict what youwill learn inthis course. Prior automating web application with Selenium, Sahi or other dedicated tool, youneed to understand why and what to automate.After that, youwill install and configure web automation tool Sahi which allowsto write highly effective multi browser automated scripts. Then, youwill learn how to identify any UI element. Selenium uses XPaths for complicated HTMLcode whereas Sahi has its built-in API which makes constructing locators easier. Also, we will learn how to perform a wide range of possible actions andassertions. Finally, we will learn how to improve our tests and enhance their maintainability using Page Object Model and Data Driven Testing. Selenium with TestNG or xUnit provides us with DDT butSahi has itsextremely simple implementation.We will learn how to organize our tests into test suite and execute a lot of test scripts within one run. While Selenium with TestNG requires complicated XML files, Sahi implements suites as asimple list of tests you want to run!At the end of my course, as a bonus, I will present you complicated things in simple way: how to download and upload files, how to read and write files. These tasks may be quite challenging in other technologies like Selenium with Java. I am sure this course will very useful for you. And I guess you will think about migration your tests from popular technologies like Selenium, Protractor or others :-)Welcome to my course!"
Price: 89.99 |
"Automated visual testing with Selenium and TestNG" |
"""Automated visual testing"" is a buzz word in the IT industry nowadays. In this course I would like to show you what it is and how you can significantly benefit from it.Automated visual testingis a great complement to functional tests. If something works, it does not mean that it looks fine. Moreover, if something is displayed on the page, it does not necessarily mean that it is displayed in the proper place. Here visual regression can help you.Let me show you ashort example.Usually visual regresison is about comparing two images.The first one is baseline image. This image is the screenshot of the page when it was thouroughly manually tested and was perfect.The second one is the current appearance of your page. You can take screenshots on daily basis, for example.If some visualdifferences are detectedthen you getreport where detected differences are highlighted in red.Thus you can be sure that your web site is looking great anduser interface is not broken by new development. This kind of testing can significantly enhance overall quality of your products.I hope you liked an idea of automated visual testing. So welcome to my course!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Introduccin al Business Intelligence y la Minera de Datos." |
"Con este curso, que no requiere tener conocimiento previos de estos conceptos, aprenderemos a ver qu es BI, cmo se aplica junto a soluciones ETL y qu tiene en comn con la Minera de Datos. Haremos un recorrido por estos tres mundos y tendris discurso y conocimiento como para entender el cmo, el cundo y el dnde se aplican. Encontrareis mas de 2h de vdeos de practicas con herramientas lideres en el mercado como QlickView o PowerBI de Microsoft."
Price: 24.99 |
"Introduccin a la gestion de Proyectos y Servicios IT" |
"Este curso trata de ver cmo debe montarse la capa de gestin o de gobierno en un proyecto (o varios), mediante una PMO, o en un servicio (o varios) mediante una SMO. Hablaremos de para qu sirven, que roles tienen, que funciones hacen y cuales son las similitudes y diferencias entre ambas. Siempre desde un enfoque PMBok (Proyectos) o ITIL (servicios)."
Price: 19.99 |
"Basic Cardiac Rhythm Recognition" |
"This basic cardiac rhythm recognition course is designed for entry level Medical Professionals (RNs, EMTs, Paramedics, Medical Students, Nursing Students, etc). By completing this course, students will be able to understand the cardiac cycle, identify narrow complex rhythms, wide complex rhythms, cardiac arrest rhythms and heart blocks. This course is also a great resource for students who are planning to become ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) or PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) certified. This course is not available for CMEs/CEUs at this time."
Price: 24.99 |