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"The Open Source Multimedia Masterclass"
"Are you ready to take charge and learn quick and easy methods for creating and editing  powerful websites, web images, social media graphics, and web videos like a professional in just a few hours? Whether you are an entrepreneur, employee, content creator, teacher, author, or social media maven, over the last few years it has  become CRUCIAL to know how to do a little bit of everything online. With this course as your guide, you'll learn how to confidentially and  professionally create and manage your OWN  website as well as unique images, web videos, and social media graphics for your  website, blog, eCourse, eBook, presentations, or social media pages.-No design skills required. -No expensive software required. -Beginners and busy people welcome.Save time, money, and sanity by learning how to finally make your own  website, images, and media  without having to always pay someone else to do them  for you. In this course you will learn:Easy and quick ways to create professional websites, web & social media graphics, and videos for the web and social media in minutes using free online toolsHow to take your regular logo and put it on a transparent background in four minutes or lessLearn the most essential and useful tools in Canva, Stencil, Wix, InVideo and the freeware imaging program GimpUnderstand how to get free images, music, and video for your projects that you can use worry-free every timeAbsorb the most important design principles as we work together making real websites, images, videos, and social media graphics for real clientsUnderstand how to better choose and organize type, images, colors, and layout in your designs See how to schedule and deliver graphics through the free social media post-planning tool, Buffer.Get a birds-eye view of the design process from concept to final product.Gain FREE access to the course, Make an Easy Promo Video in 1 Hour: iMovie Spotlight.Create a quick and dirty, yet persuasive promo video using InVideo. This course was created especially for complete beginners as well as  people who fight with technology who want to gain new and valuable  digital imaging skills and web design skills that can be used every day. You can watch and  follow  along with me as I show you through case studies for actual client s how I make professional-looking social media graphics and web images  using the free online tools Canva and Stencil and easy, code-free/fuss-free websites using the powerful free tool Wix. You'll also learn how to make the most essential image fixes and edits using the free program Gimp as well as the trial version of Adobe Photoshop. I'll also show you how to make easy and effective web videos using InVideo. Also as a special bonus, you'll learn how to use simple iMovie trailer templates to make professional and effective promo videos in just 1 hour.I'm a practicing award-winning multimedia artist and a former tenured  Associate Professor of Digital Media and Program Director of Film &  Digital Media at The American University of Rome (2006-2016). I recently  taught at American University of Myanmar in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) and currently teach and work in Lilongwe, Malawi.Since 2000 I've been teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into  something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of  time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately.New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely design advice will be provided in the discussion  forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions  ASAP.  Empower yourself now by enrolling in this course and join our growing learning community! Click the ""Take This Course"" button in the upper right corner and let's get  started building your new web and image creation skills today."
Price: 199.99

"ekirdekten Uzmanla Egzersiz ve Projelerle Komple JAVA"
"Neden Bu Kursu Almalsnz ve Bu Kursu zel Yapan Nedir?Bu eitim seti javaprogramlama dilini en ayrntl ekilderenmek isteyenleriin hazrlanmtr.Trkiye'de yazlm alannda kaliteli kaynaa eriimde yaanlan skntlardan dolay bir bayapt olarak hazrlanmtr. nc bir kurs olmas amalanmaktadr.Bu eitim seti kavramlar temelinde ve znde ok iyi bir ekilde kavracanz ekilde hazrlanmtr.Neden Java renmeliyim?Java dnyann en popler ve en ok i sahas olan yazlm dillerindendir. Java kodu bir kere yazarsnz ve her platformda(Android,Linux,Windows,Mac v.s) alr. Genelde en ok kazandran yazlm dilidir. Java ile web ve mobil dahil olmak zere birok platforma uygulama gelitirilebilmektedir."
Price: 19.99

"Developing Your Psychic skills & Abilities"
"Developing Your Psychic Skills & Abilities courseis for those who are newly wanting to discover their own psychic abilities, this course gives you the confidence needed to explore and sets you on your own personal path of self discovery!If youhave always wondered ''do I have a psychic ability'', this course can help you not feel so lost on where to start.I have set this course so it flows and builds up on itself, this is not a quick fix overnight course there is work to be done but you'll be rewarded with the effort you put into your own psychic development.Build a strong foundation to start developing your psychic skills and abilities with this coursefor beginners.Discover the 4 main psychic senses:Clairvoyance,Clairaudience,Clairsentience andClaircognizance.Learn to meditate to help you connectLearn how to ground yourself so you can let go of energy and become calmerLearn other topics that help with psychic development such as; Chakras, divination and meeting your spirit guidesPsychicdevelopment goes hand-in-hand with self-discovery andwith self-discovery comes a deeper understanding that strengthens allyour relationships.Content and OverviewSuitable for beginning psychic development, through this course of 30lectures and 2hours of content, youll learn all of the psychicfundamentals and establish a strong understanding to strengthenyour own skills and abilities of the 4 main psychic senses.Each chapter closes with exercises, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with learning to meditate effectively, this course will take you through the 4 psychic sensesand how to developthem. By giving you a clear outline andcreating confidence, youll a establish a strong understanding of your own personal strengths and abilities.With these basics mastered, the course will take you through to a more intermediate level of psychic development so you can continue your personal path with confidence and the skills needed.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to continue on their own path of self discovery and become more aware of the world around them and their inner self's.Complete with PDF worksheets and hands on practical exercises,youll be able to see your own personal growth, and will receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course and a deeper understanding of your own psychic skills and abilities."
Price: 124.99

"Life Coaching Tarot Course"
"Life Coaching Tarot Courseis not onlyfor those who are already Life Coaches but for anyone who is committedto creating the best life possible, this course gives you a new tool andthe confidence needed to explore your life to create meaningful goal!If you use Tarot, you can discover a new way of using the cards for self-improvement/development and if you're a life coach this course teaches you another option to add to your coaching toolbox.I havecreatedthis course so it flows and builds up on itself,with quick and easy to follow lessons.Learn a new skill for Life Coaching using the Tarotwiththis coursefor beginners and advancedpractitionersalike.Discover how to use Tarot in a Life Coaching settingLearn to skill to add to your Life Coaching ToolkitUse Tarot as a self-improvement and discovery toolLearn other topics that help with Life Coachingsuch as: The GROW ans SMART ModelsLife Coaching with Tarotgoes hand-in-hand with self-discovery andwith self-discovery comes a deeper understanding that strengthens allyour relationships.Content and OverviewSuitable for all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners, through this course youll learn how to use Tarot in a Life Coaching setting using a simple Five Card Tarot Spread in all Eight Areas of Life, then moving on to using the SMART Model and then the Grow Model.Each chapter closes with exercises, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with learning to connect with theTarot before a Life Coaching session, this course will take you through all life areasand then move on to creating an action plan.By giving you a clear outline andcreating confidence, youll a establish a strong understanding of your own personal strengths and abilities, using Tarot as a Life Coaching tool.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to use Tarot as a tool in their own life coaching practices or for personal use.Complete with PDF worksheets and hands on practical exercises,youll be able to see your own personal growth, and will receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course and a new skill to create the best life possible!"
Price: 24.99

"The Arduino Platform and C Programming1: Active session...."
"this course :Active session , Rich , interactive and simplifiedis Homework each last lessonApplication in Arduino and SimulationProteusStudents' responses are through commentsThese duties are very important, allowing for the exchange of ideas and correcting the wrong onesAdds and expands cognition and helps the lesson to maintain the objectiveAnd the answer to the call and thanks to all"
Price: 19.99

": Proteus"
Price: 19.99

"verkaufen leicht gelernt"
"Dieser Kurs ist fr DICH konzipiert worden. Du hast in ein exklusives Premiumprodukt und viel wichtiger noch - in Dich selbst - investiert. Dieser Masterkurs ist die Quelle, um Deine Verkaufsskills auf die nchste Stufe zu heben.Wichtig: Dieses Coaching ist so zusammengestellt, dass Du alle Inhalte, unabhngig von Deinem bisherigen Wissen und Deinen Fhigkeiten, in Deinen Verkaufsalltag integrieren kannst. Hier und da sind kleine Anpassungen notwendig, die Essenz hilft Dir auf jeden Fall weiter.Wichtiges zu BeginnMit den Inhalten aus diesem Kurs hast Du die Mglichkeit eine Menge Einfluss geltend zu machen, sehr berzeugend zu sein und Menschen motivieren bestimmte Handlungen durchzufhren. Wir legen groen Wert darauf, dass Du alles, was Du hier lernst und fr Dich anwendest im ethisch, moralisch und gesetzlich erlaubten Rahmen machst.Es gibt leider immer wieder Menschen im Verkauf, die falsche Absichten haben und Menschen ausnutzen. Dies ist weder notwendig noch sinnvoll. Wir arbeiten hier absolut sauber und legen grten Wert darauf, dass Du es auch tust.Wie nutze Du diesen Masterkurs bestmglich?Um diese Inhalte optimal zu verinnerlichen und nutzen zu knnen, haben wir hier einige kurze Tipps fr Dich zusammengestellt. Versuche regelmig (tglich) ein paar Inhalte zu konsumieren. Regelmigkeit ist wichtiger als Menge.Nutze Dein Trainingsportal berall - Die Inhalte sind fr den Desktop, das Tablet und das Smartphone optimiert.Lege Dir ein (digitales) Notizbuch an, in dem Du Deine Erkenntnisse, die fr Dich wichtigsten Inhalte und Gedanken festhltst. Fr die digitale Variante empfehlen wir z.B. Evernote, Onenote oder Google Notizen. Nimm Dir bestimmte Trainingszeiten und ziehe diese durch. Z.B. eine bestimmte Uhr- oder Tageszeit. Starte mit kurzen Zeiten und verlngere je nach Mglichkeit und Bedarf. Vorwissen - Jeder Teilnehmer diesen Kurses hat unterschiedliche Vorkenntnisse. Dies ist bercksichtigt. Da es gleichermaen wichtig ist seine/die Basics immer wieder zu wiederholen (Wiederholung ist die Mutter allen Knnens) und gleichzeitig seinen Wissenshorizont permanent zu erweitern, wirst Du hier genau dort abgeholt, wo Du gerade in Deiner Karriere stehst. Einer DER Vorteile, den dieser Masterkurs fr Dich bereithlt:Durch den Aufbau des Kurses hast Du die Mglichkeit, gerade die Formulierungsbeispiele und -hilfen, immer wieder und wieder zu trainieren. Wir machen immer wieder die Erfahrung, dass gerade das hufige Konsumieren dieser Abschnitte die Sicherheit, das Selbstvertrauen und damit auch die eigenen Umstze steigen lsst.Arbeite mit den bereitgestellten Arbeitsmaterialien (z.B. Nutzenargumentationstabelle). Diese Tools untersttzen Dich darin eine eigene Datenbank an Informationen aufzubauen, die Du perfekt mit den hier vermittelten Techniken anwenden kannst. Um das hufige und einfache Trainieren der Formulierungen zu gewhrleisten sind diese Videos in kompakter Form gehalten und auf das Wesentliche beschrnkt. ""Fllmaterial"" findest Du hier vergeblich :-)Deine Meinung - Du findest am Ende des Kurses eine Bewertungsfunktion und ein Textfeld, Z.B. interessiert uns, welche Techniken fr Dich am besten funktionieren, welche Du bevorzugst etc. Ich liebe Verkauf mit allem was dazu gehrt. Deshalb habe ich ein hohes Interesse an der stndigen Optimierung meiner Inhalte und der Bereitstellung weiterer Inhalte fr Dich. Je mehr Du uns hier mit Deiner Meinung hilfst, desto besser kann ich diese bercksichtigen und weitere Inhalte in die entsprechende Richtung produzieren. Notiz: Natrlich sind alle diese kurzen Umfragen zu 100% freiwillig.Stndige Erweiterung - Ich arbeite permanent an der Verbesserung und Optimierung diesen Kurses. Bitte wundere Dich nicht, wenn es pltzlich neue Inhalte, Videos oder anderweitige Ressourcen gibt.Notiz: Natrlich informiere ich Dich ber Neuerungen.Eine paar letzte und wichtige Hinweise:Ersetze Dein Wissen nicht durch unseres - In jedem Bereich, Verkauf (online wie Offline) ist da keine Ausnahme, gibt es eine Menge Propheten, die unterschiedliche Dinge predigen. Wir haben kein Interesse an egoistischen Wirsinddiebestenchallenges. Besitzt Du Techniken und Anwendungen, die fr Dich funktionieren - super! Wende sie an, alles andere wre idiotisch. Ergnze Dein Wissen und Deine Fhigkeiten mit all dem, was Du hier fr wertvoll erachtest, so dass Du Schritt fr Schritt mehr Wissen zusammen sammelst, flexibler wirst und Deine Fhigkeiten verbesserst. Es geht am Ende um ein Ziel: Mehr verkaufen online wie offline!Teile Deine Erfolge mit mir - Lass uns jederzeit wissen, mit welchen Techniken, Informationen und Anwendungen aus diesem Masterkurs Du Erfolge feierst. Dein Erfolg ist unsere Inspiration stndig neue Ideen zu entwickeln und weitere Inhalte zu konzipieren. Lets go!"
Price: 139.99

"Ketogenic Diet For Beginners! Become a Fat Burner Now"
"THISISYOURANSWER!Ketogenic Diet For Beginners is a simple understandablestep-by-step guide to getting started on a ketogenic diet for the person who doesn't know how orwhere to start! No other courses are needed as this will answer all your questions plus you'll receive:- Mealplan-Shopping list-Food tracking worksheets-Workout (optional)-RecipesDon't get lost deep in the confusing science, Brandi delivers the information onwhen you can start losing weight immediately...This course shows you how to get into keto, stay in keto, calculate calories and macros, design your own mealplan,select your fat sources, track your food intake, shop for the perfect foods and more!The science is madeBrandi providesfull support along the way, for every question you may have. She also provides answers to your questions regarding your meal plan and how to modify it for your needs."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Portuguese in easy method - Course 1"
"Learn to Read and write Portuguese.Learn Portuguese in a fast and easy method. With this course you can learn Portuguese inan easy manner with simple and logical way.It gives you pronunciation ofPortuguese words and phrases. You can listen and repeat or use his version of phonetics to help you pronounce words. Theres a useful explanation of commonly used expressions. By the end of the course, youll be able to hold basic Portuguese conversations such as introducing yourself, asking for directions and making small talk with others. Youll also know how to read and write in Portuguese.The words and expression you will learn will be useful in any visit to Portugal or Brazil. And you will learn how to put these expressions and the words together to form sentences.With continuous repetition and building on verb forms, you get helpful drilling practice in conjugating verbs while learning vocabulary groups. This course is intelligently designed to get you speak Portuguese in the shortest time possible. I have created this course as complete Portuguese course for the complete beginner who only has few minutes to spare in a day."
Price: 19.99

"Healthy Start - Lifestyle Course"
"Kelsey Byers is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, 50 Pound Weight Loss Success, Mom and Oxygen Magazine Fitness Cover Model. She coaches women all over the world to transform their bodies and feel their best. In this video, Kelsey outlines the simple steps she's learned on how to get great results through healthy nutrition and fitness. This beginner's course is for anyone starting their journey and doesn't want to obsess about calories, the scale and doesn't have hours to spend in the gym. Work smarter, not harder! This course covers simple workout, nutrition and weight loss tips that Kelsey has learned during her 10+ year fitness journey. KELSEYBYERS.COM"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Dosh App!"
"In order to use this course you must have the Dosh app. the link above to get started if you don't alreadyYou will learn Mainly about Marketing using Facebook ad managerThen I will recommend other forms of marketing including Youtube and Word of mouthto get as many referrals as possible in a short amount of time!"
Price: 19.99

"Master the JavaScript Interview"
"Master the JavaScript interview by practicing this set of carefully curated interview questions and solutions. These problems will provide the tools you need to tackle any question you find in an interview.Most questions have multiple solutions presented. All solutions are thoroughly explained and time and space complexity are discussed. A passing familiarity with these ideas is expected. You'll learn how to tackle different types of problems so you can proceed with confidence in your interviews.These questions go beyond the common problems that we've all seen. FizzBuzz and bubble sort? We start past those.We'll discuss how to refine algorithms. We'll go over clever, advanced ways of manipulating data that interviewers are looking for. You'll walk away more skilled and confident in your problem solving and interviewing abilities."
Price: 44.99

"Curso de Pregao Bblica (Homiltica)"
"No Curso de Pregao Bblica voc aprender tcnicas para falar de Cristo e da Bblia tanto no plpito quanto no dia a dia, atravs das redes sociais, durante reunies de estudos bblicos ou de pequenos grupos.As pessoas na ps-modernidade precisam de um contedo bblico que alcance tanto o corao quanto a razo. Esse curso lhe dar todo o suporte que precisa para testemunhar de sua f com conhecimento e poder do Esprito Santo.O autor Mestre em Teologia e Ps-graduado em Jornalismo Cientfico. Tem uma larga experincia no ensino miditico e on-line por estar familiarizado com o pblico de rdio e TV. Certamente o contedo desse curso, e os recursos didticos e de comunicao utilizados lhe impactaro profundamente."
Price: 354.99

"Rethinking Resumes - Your Complete Resume Overhaul"
"What's included?Professionally designed Visual Resume Template and Executive Addenda, Rethinking Resumes Workbook, and Best Practices white papers (all included with the price of the course!)The job market has changed - the days of security and loyalty are over! You can no longer sit back and allow your company to run your job. You could be easily downsized or replaced tomorrow. You have to take charge of your career. Its time to forget all the rules you were told and stand out among the crowd. Your resume will get between four and fourteen seconds of attention!That's it!An average of nine seconds. If you cannot capture the hiring manager's attention in nine seconds, you will become lost in the pile. This course will teach you to break the rules, reinvent your entireprofessional package, and get the job you want without begging for it. You will create a new text-based resume, an inforgraphic resume, and a professional portfolio.Its time to show the world your superpowers and howamazing you are!Stop wasting time on endless online applications that disappear into the ether.In ""Rethinking Resumes - Your Complete Resume Overhaul"" youwill stop thinking ofyourself as a writer and start thinking like a painter. You won't write a new resume, you will create a professional portfolio that cannot be overlooked! Let's begin!"
Price: 34.99

"? , . , , , ????"
Price: 149.99

"JAVA Sfrdan leri Seviye 2019 Gncel Eitim Seti"
"Kursun temel amac Java dilini retmekle beraber, tm yazlm dillerinde ki temel yap ve OOP mantn retmektir. Kodlama esnasnda kullanlan kodlarn ne ie yaradn anlatarak gerek kodlamay retmek.Kursun dier kurslardan fark;Herkesin anlayabilecei ekilde anlatmaya zen gsterdim.Kodlarn alma mantklarn ne i yaptklarn ayrntl bir ekilde anlatp, kodlama yaparken hangisini kullanacanzn farknda olmanz salamak zere dersleri anlattm.Eer isterseniz kursun cretsiz nizlemesinde ki derslerimi izleyerek kursum hakknda fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz!"
Price: 409.99

"The Complete Forex Course - Make Your Money Work For You"
"""If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.""- Jim RohnHow Is This Course Different From The Others?Unlike other Forex courses that bombards you with information you can already find on search engines over and over again in a repetitive style, this courses teaches you everything from A to Z in bite-sized videos.AbsolutelyNO beating around the bush, everything is taughtSTRAIGHTTOTHEPOINT.Make a living by trading ForexBe your own boss, take charge of your own pay checkYou decide when you want to trade, and when you don't want toWhy You Should Take This Course AndLearn Forex Trading?Trading is one of the best ways for people to work from the comfort of their own homes. However, it can take an extremely long time to master especially when you have a limited knowledge on the subject. Taking this course will give you a huge advantage, save you from hours and hours of failure and frustration because this course allows you to gain an in-depth knowledge and the biggest secret kept by the biggest traders in the world.In this course, Iwill explain how to select the right brokers for you, how to use different methodologies of analysis and most importantly, why you should get started right away, and how. Nothing is kept secret from you, Iwill teach you everything that Ihave learned and experience over the years that Ihave been trading the Forex market. I will help you avoid the most common traps that causes90% of traders to lose money.Extra Benefits of Taking This Course:YouWILL haveUNLIMITEDLIFETIMEACCESS to the course, at zero extra costsALL future lectures added will beABSOLUTELYFREEMy support is always available to you, questions asked will be replied within1 working day"
Price: 84.99

"Sfrdan NodeJS Eitim Serisi"
"Bu kurs ieriinde Node JS teknolojisine giri yappasenkron programlamaile uygulamalar gelitiriyoruz. NodeJS temelleriatldktan sonra, asenkron programlamaya giri yapp uygulamalarla bilgilerimizi glendiriyoruz.NodeJS ile beraber;MongoDBkullanm,MySQLkullanm,Sequelize ORMkullanm,Mongoose ORMkullanm,Express JSkullanm,Jadeablon motoruve daha fazla konular ile uygulamalar gelitiriyoruz.Bunun yan sra;Herokukullanm ve deployment sreleri,GitHUBentegrasyonlar,TODOAPIvePersonel Listesigibi 2 uygulama yapyoruzKursu bitirdiinizdeNodeJSile rahatlkla uygulama gelitirebileceksiniz .Hadi hep beraber NodeJS' e giri yapalm!"
Price: 389.99

"Codeigniter ile Sfrdan CMS Yapm"
"Codeigniter ile SfrdanCMS yapmn merak ediyorsanz bu eitim seti ierisinde aradnz hereyi bulacaksnz. Eitim seti ierisinde;ER diyagramDatabase Nasl OluturulmalPanel Nasl KodlanmalCodeigniter ile Tema giydirme ilemi nasl olmalCodeigniter ile CRUDilemleriDropzone ile dinamik olarak oklu dosya aktarmSortable ile dinamik olarak veri sralamasToggle ile dinamik olarak durum deitirmeAlert Sistemi MantLogin,Logout sreleri, ifremi Unuttum sreleriE-mail yaplandrmasDosya Upload lemleriSESSIONlemleriForm Validation ile Veri KontrolCodeigniter ileLibrary OluturmakSimpleImagesnf ile Resim Maniplasyonun yz zerinde Google Map KullanmCSRFgvenlii nasl olmal?CAPTCHAile Dorulama Kodu oluturmakSlidermantPortfolyo Modl,Hizmetlerimiz Modl,MarkalarModl,rnlerModl,EitimModl,ReferanslarModl,oklu Dil MantKullanc Yetki Tanmlamagibi daha birok konuya detaylca deiniyoruz."
Price: 349.99

"PHP ile Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin API Kullanm"
"Eer Web Projelerinize Sosyal Medya ile ye Olma ve ye Girii Srelerini dahil etmek istiyorsanz bu eitim tam size gre. Eitim ieriinde;Linkedinzerinde uygulama oluturmaLinkedinAPIKullanmLinkedinile Kayt Olma(Register) ilemiLinkedinileye Girii(Log In) ilemiLinkedinDokmantasyon KullanmFacebookzerinde uygulama oluturmaFacebookAPIKullanmComposerKullanmFacebook SDK indirme ve kullanmFacebookile Kayt Olma(Register) ilemiFacebook ileye Girii(Log In) ilemiFacebook Dokmantasyon KullanmTwitterzerinde uygulama oluturmaTwitterAPIKullanmTwitterile Kayt Olma(Register) ilemiTwitterileye Girii(Log In) ilemiTwitter Dokmantasyon KullanmProjeye Bootstrap Entegrasyonugibi daha birok profesyonel Register ve Login srelerini reniyor olacaz. Hadi vakit kaybetmeden balayalm :)"
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan Uygulamal MySQL Eitimi"
"Bu kursun ierisinde sfrdan Veri Taban, SQL ve MySQL kavramlarna giri yapp SQL dilini etkili bir ekilde kullanmaya balyoruz.Eitim setinin ierisinde;Veri Taban, SQL ve MySQL kavramlarnn ne olduunu detayl bir ekilde reniyoruzMySQL Kurulumunu yapyoruzRDBMSKavramnn ne olduunu reniyoruzSQL dilinin ne olduunu detaylca reniyoruzCRUDilemlerinin ne olduunu detaylca reniyoruzAyrcaSELECT ile veri seme ilemleriINSERT ile veri ekleme ilemleriUPDATE ile veri gncelleme ilemleriWHERE ile belirli veriler zerinde almayBirden fazla tablo ile alma mantnJOIN ile tablo birletirme ileminiLEFTJOINile RIGHTJOINarasndaki farklarnbol bol uygulama yaparak reniyoruz. Daha fazla vakit kaybetmedeneitime balayalm :)"
Price: 69.99

"Sfrdan JavaScript ve JQuery Eitimi"
"JQueryrenmek istiyorsunuzamaJavaScriptbilmediiniz iin ekiniyor musunuz?te bu eitim serisi tam size gre.JavaScript' in temellerini renerekJQueryKtphanesini pekitire pekitire uygulayarakreniyoruz.JQueryDnya'nn en fazla kullanlanJavaScriptFrameworklerinden biridir.DOMzerinde olduka kolay iler yapmamz salayan buFrameworkileberaberWeb Projelerimizoldukaetkili hale gelmektedir.Eitim Seti eriinde;JavaScriptDili ile ilgili blmmzde;JavaScript'inne olduuna,Elementseim ilemine,Deikentanmlama ilemine,Dngler,Koullu ifadelergibi daha bir ok temel konuyu ele alyoruz. Ardndan;JavaScripttemellerimizi attktan sonra,JQueryktphanesine giri yapyoruz. Bu blmlerde;JQuery'ninne olduuna,Nasl kullanldna,Element seim ilemine,MetotKavramna,Filtrekonusunagibi daha bir ok konuyu ele aldktan sonraJQueryileBackendilemlerine de giriyoruz. Bunun iin;GETMetoduPOSTmetoduile form gnderme ilemlerini ele alyoruz. Bu ierikte grdmz tm bilgileri kullandmz uygulama blmyle beraber eitimimizi pekitirerek bitiriyoruz.Hadi vakit kaybetmedenJQuery' e balayalm :)"
Price: 89.99

"Mastering the craft of UI/UX with Adobe XD"
"More than often, UI and UX are used interchangeably.But actually,UI is a part of User eXperience, by means of which a user interacts with a software.Along with a comprehensive coverage of Adobe Experience Design and UI/UX principles, these are thehighlights:introduction to the general software development processlinks to external resources for fonts, colors, icons, images, vectors, etc., wherever appropriateall the examples explained in the course can be downloaded as a part of the course contentvarious techniques for testing your prototypethings to keep in mind before buildingthe final productcompiling a bunch of designs which work as an inspiration throughout the design phase with the help of a mootboardunputdownable assignments to keep you engaged Here'a a quick analogy.You might have noticed the Login/Sign Up button, no matter how fancy it looks, is mostly on the top right corner of a website.The design of the button, the color, the font, the size, is UI.The reason that button is placed there, however, is UX.That's because when we open a website, we have a tendency to look at the corners first and not the middle portion. This is a very brief example of how UI and UX differ.When it comes to implementation,Adobe XD, which has quickly become the industry standard for UI designing, is an obvious choice.So here we provide a comprehensive course that includes everything right from installing Adobe XD to exporting and sharing your design.We begin by taking a look at how to quickly download and install Adobe XD, followed by a quick overview of the general software development process. Then, we talk about UI and UX in detail, including various principles and how the UI/UX process fits in the general software development process.After we are acquainted with the principles, we visit a few popular websites and try to identify certain patterns and trends. Next, we build our own mock-up and prototypes, for a website and an app, followed by a few testing strategies. Then, as we approach the end of the course, we look at how to export and share these designs and how to use them further for the development phase.To bring about a change, you have to look for a root. You have to go back to basics. AtTabdeel Studios, this is our motto. We are an IT services company offering Web Development and Graphic Designing services. What makes us different, you may ask? That when we say we believe in going back to basics, we attempt to achieve it by putting forth an opportunity for people to learn about technology from the basics, through our online courses and training programs. Our course-ware has been carefully sculpted by students themselves. This gives us a first-hand experience in understanding the kind of approach that is required. At Tabdeel Studios, we have always tried putting that extra effort, that personal touch, which makes the final outcome better in so many ways.'Tabdeeli' once initiated, takes a hundred-fold reach to make a mark.Hence, why not enroll for the course and help us reach our milestone?"
Price: 1280.00

"Interview Edge-From resume to negotiating your pay package"
"Course key FeaturesUnique teaching methodology of blended learningCourse created specifically for an Indian audienceCoaching with an easy Indian accentCourse material designed based on real learning needs.Transforming you into a confident converser when you are in the hot seat.Interview Edge is designed to take care of everything from getting your resume right to negotiating your pay package."
Price: 1920.00

"10 Common Grammar Mistakes Made by English Learners"
"In this course we will study10 commongrammar mistakes made by learners of English as a second/foreign language.Each video contains a clear and simple explanation of the mistake, as well as several examples of correct and incorrect usage.The explanation and examples are followed with a practice section, where you can work step-by-step with the instructor to apply the rules you have learned in the lesson.The instructor is a native speaker English teacher with a Masters degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, and over 10 years of classroomexperience."
Price: 3600.00

"Como Ensinar Ingls ou outros Idiomas online"
"Nunca foi to fcil e barato dar suas aulas online sem enfrentar trnsito e economizando tempo e combustvel. Est pronto para ter alunos de todo o Brasil e mundo a partir de sua casa?Neste curso o professor de idiomas aprender detalhes fundamentais e tcnicos para ensinar idiomas online em alto nvel.SO 4 MDULOS SIMPLES E DIRETOS!Mdulo 1 - FundamentosVamos compreender o atual cenrio de aulas particulares online! Vantagens e Desvantagens de Aulas Presenciais e Virtuais Porque Apostar em Aulas Online Aulas Online j so comuns? Aulas Sncronas e Assncronas A Dinmica de uma Aula por Videoconferncia Como lidar com Alunos Resistentes Migrao do Presencial ao Online Utilitrio: Google Agenda Certificado Digital-------------------------------Mdulo 2 - Tecnologia e Equipamentos MnimosConhecer as condies e materiais necessrios para comear as aulas online. Custos para Aulas Online Equipamentos Bsicos e Perifricos Qualidade Mnima de Conexo Internet Clusula Contratual para Aulas Online Locais Indicados para Aulas Online Caractersticas Fsicas de Salas mais Indicadas Dress Code-------------------------------Mdulo 3 - Troca e Edio de Documentos ColaborativosComo preparar e enviar arquivos, handouts e udios para os alunos! Trocar e Enviar Arquivos Criar e Editar Documentos Colaborativos Google Drive, Dropbox e WeTransfer Como Passar udio e Vdeo nas Aulas Online Como Usar Material Didtico nas Aulas Online-------------------------------Mdulo 4 - Como as Aulas acontecem por VideoconfernciaVeja como usar as plataformas mais simples e eficazes disponveis atualmente. Aulas Individuais, em Duplas ou Grupos e Webinrios Plataformas de Videoconferncia para Aulas Online Skype Appear. in Plataformas para Aulas Assncronas Plataformas Intermediadoras Como Receber os Pagamentos"
Price: 84.99

"Android Development Without Coding In Urdu/Hindi"
"IntroHi there, I am Abdul Wahab Shah and i am part time creator on youtube.i create urdu courses and tutorials for the people who understand urdu language.I am also a full time computer teacher.I found this platform on internet so i start uploading courses for people who really want to learn something and serious to learn.You Can Learn In This CourseHow To Create Android Application Without Any Programming Knowledge.Tools And SoftwareNo Specific Tools And Software NeededNeed 1 PC And Internet ConnectionAdobe PhotoshopCourse Version1.0"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Ingls, O Mtodo Acelerado Que Far Voc Fluente!"
"Qual o diferencial em nosso curso e PORQUEvoc deve fazer ele.5 anos de curso em apenas 4 meses.As escolas tradicionais levariam 5 anos para entregar o contedo que voc receber nesse curso em apenas 4 meses.Porque alm de voc conhecer o verdadeiro caminho para a flunciaem ingls e poder se tornar fluente de forma acelerada, voc aprender em nosso curso como trabalhar usando o seu ingls,conhecer empresas que contratam pessoas que falam ingls paratrabalhar em casa, ou como trabalhar em casa por conta prpriausando osseus conhecimentos de ingls, e muito mais...Vocno ir apenas aprender a se tornar fluente, voc aprendercomotrabalhar e viver do seu conhecimento em ingls, esse o nossodiferencial.Imaginevoc sendo fluente em ingls, sabendo fazer perguntas, afirmaes,negaes e qualquer frase em qualquer tempo verbal?Como nosso Mix Total, voc j dominar a estrutura necessria paraser uma pessoa fluente o restante apenas vocabulrio.Logonas primeiras aulas voc aprender a aprender ingls, passandopela sequncia nica e correta de aprendizagem.Vocaprender todas as estruturas que so necessrias para montarfrases em ingls e os vocabulrios necessrios para umacomunicao do dia a dia de um nativo.Maisa frente voc aprender o Mix da Matriz para a Flunciaque a chave para vocatingir a fluncia em pouco tempo.Almdo Bnus que...Voccontar com as 2000 palavras mais usadas em ingls para ter umvocabulrio necessrio para desenvolver qualquer comunicao dodia a dia com os nativos.Vocter em mos o ebook com a metodologia completa, para ler e estudarem qualquer lugar.Voccontar tambm com vdeos e materiais de apoio que elevaro o seunvel de fluncia. Voc contar com palestras dos maiores professores a nvel mundial, brasileiros e nativos, dando dicas de aprendizagem acelerada que vocno encontrar em cursinhos por ai, um contedo exclusivo para nosso curso.Sevoc realmente quer ser fluente, esse o curso para voc.Voc aprender o mtodo acelerado para idiomas que realmente funcionaVoc ter o Mix da Matriz para a fluncia, com ele a sua fluncia est a poucos passosVoc dominar as 2000 palavras mais usadas em ingls, podendo desenvolver uma conversa com qualquer nativo americanoVoc ter ao final do curso, uma seode gramtica para reforar seu conhecimentoAlm de aprender toda a metodologia de aprendizagem acelerada para idioma que possumos, alm de todo o contedo que voc poder acessar em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento para praticar seu ingls, com vdeos, mp3, podcasts e etc, voc ter um contedo para estudar que utilizado no dia a dia de um nativo americano.rea a ser estudada:Greetings- CumprimentosCongratulations - CongratulaesUseful Expressions - Expresses teisTelling The Time - Dizendo As HorasDays Of The Week, Months Of The Year- Dias Da Semana, Meses Do AnoAt The Theatre - No TeatroMusic Opera Concert - Msica pera ConcertoMusical Instruments - Instrumentos MusicaisTravelling By Plane - Viajando De AvioAt The Bookshop - Na LivariaCountries And Nations - Pases E NaesCountries, Capitals And Nationalities - Pases, Capitais E NacionalidadesAt The Hotel - No HotelAt The Barber's Shop - Na BarbeariaTravelling By Ship - Viajando De NavioThe Weather - O TempoSports - EsportesCompetitions - CompetiesAssociation Football - FutebolThe Football Team - O Time De FutebolBoxe, Pugilism - Boxe, PugilismoCriket - CriqueteCycling, The Bycicle - Ciclismo, A BicicletaFishing, Angling - Pesca, Pesca A LinhaFoot Races - Corrida A PGolf - GolfeHorse Racing - Corridas De CavalosHunting - CaaGymnastics - GinsticaJumpings - SaltosLawn Tennis - TnisWater Sports - Esportes AquticosWinter Sports - Esportes De InvernoIndor Games, Society Games - Jogos De Salo, Jogos De SociedadeCard-Playing - JogoDe CartasMankind And Family Relationship - Genero Humano e Graus De ParentescoHigh Personalities - Altas PersonalidadesThe Armed Forces ( The Army ) - Foras Armadas - O ExrcitoProfessions And Trades - Profisses E OficiosAt The Tailor - No AlfaiateShopping - ComprasAt The Clothier's Shop - Na Loja De RoupasDrapery - Comrcio De TecidosHarberdashery - Artigos De ArmarinhoAt The Bakery - Na PadariaAt The Grocery - Na MerceariaAt The Greengrocery - Na QuitandaAt The Watchmaker's Shop - Na RelojoariaAt The Flower Shop - Na Loja De FloresPhotographyAnd Cameras - Fotografias E Maquinas FotogrficasAt The Jeweller's Shop - Na JoalheriaAt The Shoe-Shop - Na Loja De CalaadosAt The Shoemaker - No SapateiroTravelling By Bus - Viajando De nibusTravelling By Train - Viajando De TremAt The Restaurant - No RestauranteAt The Cinema - No CinemaThe House - A CasaAt The Dressmaker - Na CostureiraMedical Treatment - Tratamento MdicoAt The Pharmarcy- Na FarmciaThe Human Body - Corpo HumanoAt The Denstist - No DentistaAt The Hospital - No HospitalAt The Beauty Parlour - No Salo De BelezaColors - CoresTrees And Bushes - Arvores E ArbustosWild Animals - Animais SerlvagensDomestic Animals - Animais DomsticosBirds - PssarosInsects - InsetosNumerals - NumeraisHow To Write And Read Numbers Or Figures - Como Escrever E Ler Nmeros Ou AlgarismosE muito mais, mas muito mais mesmo.Esse um curso completo e diferente de tudo que voc j viu, voc no precisar fazer mais nenhum curso para atingir a fluncia, voc ter todo o conhecimento necessrio para atingir essa meta aqui.Agora no tem mais desculpas, s depende de voc! Nos vemos do outro lado."
Price: 369.99

"Curso De Italiano Com Professor Nativo + Mtodo Acelerado"
"Qual o diferencial em nosso curso e PORQUEvoc deve fazer ele.5 anos de curso em pouco tempo e com mtodo acelerado + professor nativo.As escolas tradicionais levariam 5 anos para entregar o contedo que voc receber nesse curso em pouqussimo tempo.Porque alm de voc conhecer o verdadeiro caminho para a flunciaem Italianoe poder se tornar fluente de forma acelerada, voc aprender em nosso curso como se comunicar em diferentes situaes e evitar riscos quando viajar para a Itlia...Voc no ir apenas aprender a se tornar fluente, voc aprender comodominar o idioma, esse o nosso diferencial. Imagine voc sendo fluente em Italiano, sabendo fazer perguntas, afirmaes, negaes e qualquer frase em qualquer tempo verbal?Voc aprender todas as estruturas que so necessrias para montar frases em Italiano e os vocabulrios necessrios para uma comunicao do dia a dia de um nativo.Maisa frente voc aprender o Mix da Matriz para a Fluncia aplicado ao Italianoque a chave para vocatingir a fluncia em pouco tempo.Almdo Bnus que...Voccontar com as 2000 palavras mais usadas em Italiano para ter umvocabulrio necessrio para desenvolver qualquer comunicao dodia a dia com os nativos.Voccontar tambm com vdeos e materiais de apoio que elevaro o seunvel de fluncia.Voccontar com o apoio de um nativo, dando dicas de aprendizagem acelerada que vocno encontrar em cursinhos por ai, um contedo exclusivo para nosso curso.Sevoc realmente quer ser fluente, esse o curso para voc.Voc aprender o mtodo acelerado para idiomas que realmente funcionaVoc ter o Mix da Matriz para a fluncia, com ele a sua fluncia est a poucos passosVoc dominar as 2000 palavras mais usadas em Italiano, podendo desenvolver uma conversa com qualquer nativoAlm de aprender toda a metodologia de aprendizagem acelerada para idioma que possumos, alm de todo o contedo que voc poder acessar em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento para praticar seu Italiano, com vdeos, mp3, podcasts e etc, voc ter um contedo para estudar que utilizado no dia a dia de um nativo."
Price: 84.99

"Marketing Digital + Copywriting + Lanamento de Produtos"
"Procurando por um curso de marketing digital que seja direto e que possa produzir resultados reais em seu empreendimento online? Ento esse curso para voc, no existe receita mgica para gerar bons resultados em um empreendimento digital, o que existe so tcnicas precisas e srias que precisam seraplicadas em qualquer empreendimento online.Quem sou eu para te ensinar sobre Marketing Digital?Meu nome Edson Camacho e sou especialista em Marketing Digitaldesde 2014, responsvel por desenvolver diversos projetos de sucesso em nichos.Como o contedo de Marketing Digital muito extenso, eu precisava desenvolver para os meus negcios um mtodo simplificado que pudesse ser aplicado mais rapidamente, mas que mantivesse os mesmos bons resultados que eu vinha tendo em cada negcio que criava e desse mtodo que criei atravs de exaustivas tentativas e erros gerou esse curso.Estudei Marketing Digital com um dos maiores especialistas do mundo ""Jeff Walker"" que foi criador do Launch Formula e ainda investi em meus conhecimentos aqui no Brasil, com os maiores case de mercado. Estudei tcnicas de persuaso ""copywriting"" com um dos maiores copywriter do Brasil, tudo para produzir o melhor contedo a nvel internacional.O que voc aprender nesse cursoVoc aprender a trabalhar seus contedos e mdias em geral com base em palavra-chave com foco em seu nicho de mercado, aprender a construir seu negcio online mantendo a presena de sua marca atravs de mdias sociais, blogs e todo o tipo de material relacionado como PDFs, MP3, Artigos, Imagens, Vdeos e etc.Aprender a construir um pblico fielSaber aonde encontrar o seu pblico alvo e o que entregar para esse pblicoAprender a gerar autoridade para a sua marca ou negcioCriar o melhor sistema possvel de comunicao com seus leads atravs de entrega de contedo de valorSaber como criar os melhores contedos e quase impossveis de no serem consumidosAprender a gerar uma lista de contatos responsivaAprender como vender qualquer produtoatravs de diversas mdiasAprender como aplicar as melhores tcnicas de SEO e otimizao para seu negcioAprender a criar um sistema de email-marketing que realmente pode venderAprender a criar um blog de nicho para divulgar sua marca e rentabilizarAprender a fazer lanamentos de qualquer produto seja fsico ou digitale muito mais...O que voc ir encontrar em nosso curso de Marketing DigitalSistema de email marketing que vende com tcnicas de persuasoComo criar um blog para gerar contedo para o nichoComo anunciar no Facebook com publicaes persuasivasComo gerar contedo usando SEO para ranquear melhor o site ou blogComo criar um vdeo ou carta de vendasComo usar gatilhos mentaisComo usar tcnicas de copywritingComo gerar lista de contatos de forma orgnica e pagae muito mais, no para aqui.O que voc ser capaz de fazer ao final do cursoAo final do curso voc estar apto a atuar na internet com um negcio montado, otimizado e que trabalhar para voc como se fosse um funcionrio, sabercriar autoridade para seu negcio, encontrar o seu pblico alvo e vender qualquer produto atravs da internet.Sua deciso importante para seu negcioEnto no perca mais tempo, tome sua deciso, esse o seu curso, faa o seu negcio acontecer na internet, h uma multido de pessoas procurando por sua soluo, saiba aonde encontrar eles e entregar a sua soluo,te vejo do outro lado."
Price: 99.99