"Como Vender Mais Com Ofertas Poderosas e Persuasivas + Copy" |
"Quer aprender a fazer OFERTAS estratgicas e persuasivas de qualquer tipo de produto na internet e que so quase impossveis de serem recusadas pelo seu pblico? ENTO ESSE CURSO PARA VOC!Quem sou eu para te ajudar a fazer lanamentos?Sou Edson Camacho e me tornei especialista em Marketing Digital desde 2014 com diversos negcios de sucesso na internet e hoje ensino pessoas a construir seus negcios de sucesso na internet.Me especializei em fazer lanamentos de produtos atravs de diversas mdias sociais e aprendi com meu tutor gringo Jeff Walker, responsvel por lanamentos milionrios no exterior atravs de seu produto ""Launch Formula"", a desenvolver lanamentos persuasivos para qualquer produto na internet, fsico ou digital.O que voc aprender nesse curso?COMO LANAR PRODUTOS E VENDER MUITO BEM.Juntando toda a minha experincia de marketing digital, entre erros e acertos e mais o conhecimento sobre o Launch Formula, eu resolvi adaptar essas tcnicas ao nosso mercado e desenvolver o MOI - Modelos De Ofertas Irresistveis, para ajudar voc a vender qualquer tipo de produto ou servio na internet.Voc aprender a fazer diferentes tipos de ofertas irresistveis atravs de tcnicas exclusivas de persuaso ""copywriting"" e poderosos gatilhos mentais, criando um sistema que praticamente vender de forma automtica para voc na internet.Ser um funcionrio digital trabalhando para voc 24 horas por dia sem cansar, voc aprender a montar um sistema de vendas que iro fazer ofertas de seu produto no momento certo, quando o seu lead est aquecido e pronto para comprar o seu produto.So tcnicas de vendas poderosas atravs de ofertas e tcnicas de vendas que jgeraram e ainda geramalto faturamento para diversos empreendedores ao redor do mundo, e irei revelar tudo que aprendi com meu tutor aqui nesse curso e adaptei para meus empreendimentos aqui no Brasil.Ento se voc quer aumentar suas vendas e vender continuamente qualquer tipo de produto na internet esse curso para voc, no existe milagre ou uma soluo mgica, ns iremos construir um sistema poderoso de vendas, para voc fazer os seus lanamentos e gerar resultados em vendas.No conheo nada melhor que essas tcnicas para vender um produto online, vejo que os empreendedores digitais de sucesso, quasetodos eles esto usando esse mesmo tipo de sistema de ofertas.O que voc poder fazer ao final desse cursoVoc estar apto para fazer e aplicar tcnicas de lanamentos diferenciadas em seu negcio na internet para gerar vendas ou aumentar o seu faturamento. o melhor que temos hoje em matria de tcnicas de vendas online.Tcnicas de CopywritingGatilhos MentaisMdias SociaisAds, qual fazer e em que hora fazerEstratgiasRelacionamentoEmail MarketingGerao de Lista de ContatosGerao de Contedo Estratgico e de ValorGerao de RelacionamentoOfertas IrresistveisCriar Um Negcio Automatizado De Gerao de ReceitaFerramentas Para Aumentar o Poder Das EstratgiasO Melhor do Marketing Digitale muito mais...Tome a sua deciso de sucessoAproveite enquanto voc tem essa soluo nica de vendas em suas mos e aplique imediatamente em seus negcios para aumentar suas vendas e gerar muito mais receita para seu empreendimento na internet, sua marca, seu negcio, sua empresa que depende de voc, no perca mais tempo e descubra o segredo dos melhores lanamentos."
Price: 384.99 |
"Tcnicas de SEO para Ranquear seu Website na Internet" |
"No faa esse curso se voc no quer ver seu site com BASTANTE VISITAS dirias e bem ranqueado nos motores de buscaOl sou Edson Camacho, especialista em Marketing Digital desde 2014, fui responsvel por vrios empreendimentos de sucesso na internet e trabalho 100% online levando solues a diversos nichos de mercado.Eu nem sempre fui especialista em usar SEO para ranquear meu site ou blog na internet, eu tinha um timo contedo, um design fantstico, estava sempre gerando contedo de valor e divulgando eles em todo canto possvel, mas as visitas em meus sites eram poucas e o posicionamento deles eram bem longe daquilo que eu pretendia e eu sabia que para vender eu precisava de muita visita......foi ento que me aprofundei nos estudos de Marketing Digital e procurei me especializar em cada rea do MD, e SEO era uma rea que eu precisava aprimorar para gerar melhores resultados para meu website.Quando comecei a aplicar as novas tcnicas que eu havia aprendido, meu site comeou a subir de pgina nos motores de busca a ponto de colocar alguns dos meus nichos na primeira pgina do buscador Google atravs de palavra-chave.Se voc ainda no tem um website bem posicionada e no recebe muitas visitas dirias e h pouco cadastro em sua lista de contato, posso te afirmar que voc tem um grande problema em suas mos e precisa ser urgentemente resolvido e posso tambm te afirma que muito fcil de resolver isso.Com visitas voc vende, sem visitas no h um negcio slido e um negcio na internet que nem um foguete para quebrar quando no gera visitas, sei que esse seu caso e que chegou at esse curso por essa finalidade, quero te dizer que voc precisa urgente mudar essa sua situao.Eu desenvolvi esse curso para ajudar empreendedores e donos de websites a posicionarem melhor seus contedos na internet, ranquear seu website nos motores de busca para que possa ser encontrado por seu pblico alvo.Quero te ensinar as melhores e mais rpidas tcnicas de SEO para resolver o seu problema, aumentar as visitas em seu website, seu contedo ser encontrado e suas vendas consecutivamente aumentarem.Essa agora a chance de mudar a situao de seu posicionamento na internet e comear a ter visitas significativas em seu website, no basta ter um timo contedo, escrever bem, ter um excelente design, preciso saber aplicar as tcnicas de SEO no lugar certo e no cometer erros a ponto de levar seu website a ser mal visto pelos motores de busca.Esse curso ir ajudar voc a ranquear seu website e seus contedos online, isso tambm ser um fator chave para aumentar sua lista de contatos e suas vendas.Tenho aplicado essas mesmas tcnicas em meus negcios na internet e geram resultados at hoje, desde 2014 procuro me especializar cada vez mais no Marketing Digital e j ajudei muitos empreendedores nessa jornada e quero ajudar voc tambm.Clique no boto de compras e d ao seu negcio a chance de ser encontrado por seu pblico, aproveite enquanto esse curso est disponvel para voc, nos vemos do outro lado."
Price: 54.99 |
"Email Marketing, Tcnicas para Aumentar Vendas - Copywriter" |
"Voc quer aumentar suas vendas com um sistema de e-mail marketing que realmente funciona?Voc quer saber como a inverso de ponta cabea do funil de vendas no email marketing de um dos meus produtos aumentou minhas vendas significativamente? E quer saber como voc pode aplicar essa estratgia em seu email marketing em seus negcios? Ento fique comigo at o final dessa curta descrio e voc saber como pode aumentar suas taxas de vendas e vender muito.Eu trabalho com marketing digital desde 2014, j vendi diversos tipos de produtos, desde fsico at info-produtos, sempre utilizei o sistema de funil da forma tradicional que quase todos os empreendedores do mercado brasileiro usam e notei que no havia uma evoluo em minhas vendas.A taxa de desistncia em meu sistema de email marketing era em mais de 30% e a de desinteresse em continuar consumindo meus contedos era de 50%, a taxa de converso em vendas considerada aceitvel para um bom email marketing era de at 3% masmeu sistema mal conseguia manter 1%, minhas vendas variavam muito, ms vendia, ms no.Aumentei a produo de contedo, investi na qualidade e design, investi em redes sociais e anncios, apliquei um valor baixo e aumentei o valor percebido do produto, mas nada de melhorar as taxas de converso em vendas.At que resolvi aplicar uma mudana radical em meu sistema de email marketing e bingo as coisas mudaram radicalmente e rapidamente, a taxa de converso em vendas aumentaram significavelmente, uma vez que todo o meu fluxo de leads tinha foco em meu email marketing.Eu consegui e hoje consigo um grande resultado em meu sistema de email marketing apenas por inverter a posio do funil e usar tcnicas de comunicao persuasiva ou copywriting.Se voc no consegue uma boa converso em seu sistema de vendas por email, voc provavelmente dever ter o mesmo problema que tive e isso pode destruir seu empreendimento ou levar a falncia a sua empresa, a comunicao uma das partes mais importantes do marketing digital e boa parte disso aplicada no sistema de email.O problema com certeza est na sequncia de email e comunicao de seu contedo, que provavelmente est utilizando o padro de sequncia que o mercado utiliza e que est acomodado e obsoleto.Voc tem um grande problema se no consegue aumentar suas vendas e seu negcio no pode continuar assim, ou voc muda radicalmente como eu mudei o meu ou voc continuar tendo os mesmos resultados ruins que teve at hoje, quer mudar isso? Ento continue comigo, vou te apresentar a soluo.A soluo que tenho para voc simples mas poderosa, basta inverter a posio do funil, literalmente de cabea para baixo e aplicar tcnicas persuasivas em sua comunicao por email, simples assim.se voc aplicar esse conceito em seu sistema de email marketing nesse exato momento, voc perceber logo no primeiro ms o aumento de vendas que isso poder lhe proporcionar e no para mais.Se voc at agora no conseguir aumentar suas vendas atravs de seus emails, a culpa no sua, culpe esse sistema antigo que no funciona mais e que te passaram para aplicar em seu negcio.Eu criei esse curso ensinando como inverter a posio do funil, criar uma sequncia de amil perfeita e de alta converso e como aplicar as tcnicas de persuaso em seus emails.Com essas estratgias e informaes, voc mudar radicalmente o seu email marketing e com certeza aumentar a suas vendas, agora a culpa ser toda sua se no aplicar essas estratgias ainda hoje, ou voc acredita nessa soluo e comece a aplicar em seus sitema de email para aumentar suas vendas, ou continue tentando e testando todo o tipo de soluo mgica que no funciona.Eu quero mudar o seu sistema de email marketing para algo que realmente funciona e que te dar resultado a curto, mdio e longo prazo, a vida de seu empreendimento que est em jogo, quer aumentar o seu faturamento todos os meses, ento essa a sua soluo que entrego para voc, te vejo do outro lado.PONTOS A SEREM ESTUDADOSInverso do funil de vendas no email marketingDesenvolvimento de sequncia de emails com texto persuasivosAplicando tcnicas de copywriting em seu contedoGatilhos mentais para reter pblico alvo"
Price: 54.99 |
"Desk for Success" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Discover how to use Feng Shui and other powerful proven tools to reach your goals (especially at work), and overcome obstacles with ease and less stress.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Do you want to enjoy your work more and prosper in your business?Have you considered how you can use Feng Shui for success?Would you like to find simple inspiring ways to improve your life?Then I invite you to take the Desk for Success course and begin to see the results after only a few hours of taking positive actions to change your office and mindset...Desk for Success will empower you to shift your work space into a supportive environment that builds momentum while keeping you focused on your career goals. This course is for entrepreneurs and business leaders, and anyone, who find themselves feeling overwhelmed, stuck or with great ideas that dont seem to take root and grow. This course will help you move past obstacles and energize your professional and personal life.Business professionals will learn how their environment is impacting and influencing them, and methods to apply for achieving success. Youll learn about the neuroscience of how the brain responds to its environment, quick ways to apply the ancient art of Feng Shui, and how to use creativity and visualization to help keep yourself focused and building momentum.Desk for Success is designed to teach you the basics of Feng Shui (also an excellent refresher for experienced users), and will get you moving to make basic changes that will inspire you to be better at work and find opportunities that escaped you in the past. Youll receive:Feng Shui best practices (including a map of the Bagua)The Feng Shui Secret Formula to Life! handoutWorksheets for going deeper in your individual processYoull develop a strong foundation in applying Feng Shui and the Bagua for immediate effectiveness in areas where youre feeling stuck. Youll learn powerful tools to shift difficulties and feel energized. Youll feel empowered to take on more challenges, avoid procrastination, and implement solutions that make a real difference. Here are five key points covered in the course:Change the triggers and you change the storyInspiration Points -- how the first things you see when you enter your office impacts your life...How to go general and de-escalate your stressWays to use all your senses to awaken hidden talentsTechniques for sharing your discoveries for full effect!Why learn from me?Im a Feng Shui Master and Communications Coach, and have studied how our environment impacts our life for more than 25 years. My work is also grounded in science, and Ive thoroughly tested every exercise given in the Desk for Success course with hundreds of clients. Youll be amazed how you can easily use the tools provided in the course to move past obstacles and redesign your environment so you move forward with ease. Who is the target audience?You are a professional looking to up-level your career.You want a clearer understanding of Feng Shui and how to use it in your life.You want step-by-step instructions to create powerful transformation.You want powerful tools with proven results.You want more confidence and a jump start for your next phase of life."
Price: 39.99 |
"Prosperity Mantra Meditate *" |
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Price: 34.99 |
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Price: 39.99 |
"The Best eBay Selling Course: eBay Business DOMINATION" |
"RECENT REVIEWS:>>>> FIVESTAR!""The course is short and right to the point. Everything in it is IMMEDIATELY ACTIONABLE guidance.Brian really kills it in terms of telling you exactly what you need in a friendly way without wasting time.""------------------------->>>>""Definitely one of, if not THEE best course on this topic that I have ever seen!""------------------------->>>> I knew that I wanted to make money flipping things on eBay, but I really didn't know how to get started. I kept reading about dropshipping, and tried it, but had so many issues with few sales and most were returns, I kinda of gave up on the idea because it seems like that's all that is taught anymore.But this course was by far a better way that just about anyone can make money on eBay, and Facebook/Craigslist as well!-------------------------So now that you know what others think about the course, let's talk about it...It can be frustrating to learn how to generate extra income, quickly, and without a lot of money to invest upfront.You will be able to generate extra income, or maybe even replace your existing full-time income once you master the technique of buying previous owned items at the right prices. In this course, I will teach you all of the secrets I've learned in over 10 years of buying and selling used products in the pawn industry.You Will Learn:How To Find Items For FREE That You Can Sell For A ProfitHow To Find Items For Sale Locally That You Can Quickly Flip on eBayHow To Research The Value Of Items So That You DON'T GET BURNED!The Two Most Beneficial Methods I Learned To Negotiate The Best Prices On Used ItemsHow To Picture Items For Maximum Impact On eBayHow To Create eBay Titles THAT SELLHow To Create eBay Descriptions That Entice Bidders So That You Make The Most On Every TransactionThe Psychology of eBay Pricing To Make Sure That The Maximum Number of Buyers See Your Auctions and BID!In the end, this course is all about one thing...Making consistent money on eBay without a trick, scam, or gimmick in sight!If you are:Self MotivatedAmbitiousHave A Desire To Improve Your LifeWant To Make More MoneyMay Consider Replacing Your Full Time Job With Something You Enjoy In The FutureThen this course is for you.It's not often that people get to look behind the curtains of a pawn shop and see how the skills are built for buying and selling items on a daily basis.It's even less common for people to see how to do it profitably, and with EVERY SINGLE ITEM you buy.But that's exactly what you will learn in this course.This course is for YOU!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Instagram Marketing for Business: How To SELL On Instagram!!" |
"This course is for everyone thateither owns a business, is an affiliate marketer, personal brand,or wants to run an Instagram Account for Business purposes.Even if you don't have a product to sell right now, dont worry, Iwill teach you how to find them.You will learn how to grow your Instagram account QUICKLY.You will learn EXACTLY what type of content you need to fuel your Instagram SUCCESS.We aren't talking about taking pictures of kittens.We aren't talking about takingpicture of your Cheerios every morning.This is about MAKING MONEY on Instagram, and it is EXACTLY what you are looking for if you are the type of person that:Takes ActionSets GoalsWants To Utilize Instagram To Get Them ThereIf you are serious about learning how to make money on Instagram, than you need to pay attention to the lessons learned here because they will change how you see Instagram Business FOREVER!The lessons taught will help you if you are:An affiliate marketerA personal brandAn authority in your nicheA local businessA large, multi-location businessA start-upProduct creatorUdemy instructorNeed to create a lead gen funnelAnd if you are pursuingmany other business goals..."
Price: 199.99 |
"Vendre en une semaine avec l'automatisation du marketing" |
"Vous avez entendu parl de l'automatisation du marketing. Vous ne savez pas ce que c'est et ce que cela peut vous apporter. Vous tes au bon endroit!Cette formation est conue pour vous montrer ce qu'est l'automatisation du marketing, et vous permettre de comprendre ce que cela peut vous apporter dans votre dveloppement commercial.Vous pourrez poursuivre avec la formation avance."
Price: 199.99 |
"Comprehensive Beginner Wordpress Course" |
"This course is for anyone that would like to get familiar with Wordpress and build a site as they are learning. We will be using Wordpress' own Twenty Seventeen Theme to build a site. We will be using a lot of free resources so that the whole project turns into a great learning experience. You'll learn about where to find the free resources and how to adapt them for a website."
Price: 24.99 |
"How To Be Happy" |
"How do you navigate lost?How do you find the strength to move on?This course has you look at sadness, lost or depression in a different way. Making it easier to cultivate the state of happiness by creating new habits, routines and other powerful practices to live life in a beautiful state of mind.If you have been sad, depressed, going through a break up, transition or any hard time or just want to live ahappier life and be filled with more joy and laughter than this course is for you.This is something that should be taught in school. There is no reason for anyone to be sad or depressed for a long period of time. Happiness is natural it is just that sometimes we get to caught up in our mind and it goes away. This course will give you simple yet powerful practices and reminders to transform your state of being at anytime. You will gain an understanding that if you can rewire your habitual thoughts and habits you can change your entire life. This course will help you be more productive because you will feel better about yourself. It would be my honor to help inspire you to follow your dreams and actually have the energy to do so. Your past is over, lets make your present a happy place so you can create your dream future into a reality! To be a co-creator you must feel good in the moment so that you can be powerful and truly be in a space of creation. You deserve to be happy and live your dream life so lets pull it in closer, together!The course is a combination of video's and a FREEdownloadable PDFto journal, dig deep inside of your soul and answer questions that will lead to breakthroughs."
Price: 29.99 |
"Master Tkinter By Building 5 Fully Functioning Apps" |
"In this course, I will go over the basics ofTkinter in the second section. After we are done with the basics, we are going to build five fully functioning applications. Building these fivefully functioning applications with me will ensure that you became a Tkintermaster. There is nothing worst then creating an application that you cannot use. Because of this, I created a video in the end of thecourse showing you how you can turn your pythoncode into an app. Thiscourse is going to beengaging andentraining.I promise that by the end of this course you will have the knowledge to create your own personalTkinter app."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Python Unit Testing Course" |
"No software products should ever be shipped to the user without being tested. Making sure that your code works by writing effective, powerful, and sophisticated tests is a must in today's competitive world. This course is designed to turn you from a complete beginner to an expertin using the python Unit Test library. You will learn:1- how, why, and when should you test your project?2- how to test functions, classes, efficiency, and console print output? 3- how to organize your test files and test cases? 4- what, when, why, and how to use the test driven development method? And more! This course will be the best investment that you've ever made since we will build 11 projects that will ensure that you're extremely comfortable with testing."
Price: 199.99 |
"Shopify Dropshipping - Stoksuz, Maliyetsiz E-ticaret" |
"Dropshipping nedir ?Dropshipping stoksuz E-Ticarettir. Biz Trkiye'den inli reticinin maln Amerikal mteriye satyoruz. inli mal Amerikal mteriye kargoluyor. Bize rn gelmiyor. Stok tutmak yok, n maliyet yok.Peki neden bizden alsnlar ?Amerikallarn 2016 ylnda internetten yapt alveri miktar 394 milyar dolar ve bu her yl artyor. Yani zaten alyorlar. Sizde maaza aarsanz bu mteri potansiyelinden yararlanp paynz alabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"AEM: Adobe Experience Manager 6.3 The Complete Web CMS" |
"Today most organisations need to manage multiple brands fromseveral different sites on social and mobile platforms and many of them chooseAdobe Experience Manager (AEM) as the Content Management System. AdobeExperience Manager (AEM), formerly known as CQ5 or Communique5, is an Enterprise WebContent Management System which allows organizations to deliver a highlypersonalized digital experience to audience across different delivery channelsincluding web, mobile and social.This course is designed to build the fundamentals of AEM Architecture,Installation, develop and work with AEM applications using component andtemplates, using AEM with Eclipse and Git, how to use ClientLibs, Sightly, How to create your own website and MUCH MORE with online training...**** Whythis course is special and one of its kind #1: Completepackage of theoretical concepts and practical labs with online trainingWhatsreally important if you get one-stop shop with not just theory but alsopractical hands-on labs. This package of theory and practicalsessions will build your concepts (even without any priorknowledge) and prepare you for an Intelligent Content platform, AEM. #2: Fun to code with resourcesand exercises Youget the entire code and all the images and graphical assets that I designedespecially for the course as a free download.#3: Walk away withready-to-launch website We.LearnBythe end of the course you will have a complete, ready to launch website thatlooks great on your computer, tablet and smartphone.You will need basic knowledge ofweb-application techniques including HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Note: This course is built using AEM Version 6.3 and updates coming soon..."
Price: 39.99 |
"AEM Interview Q&A and Developer Certification Practice Tests" |
"The course is aimed for IT professionals who are interested in pursuing their career in Adobe Experience Manager, the complete Web Content Management System.Do you want to clear AEM Interview with full confidence and preparation? **Ok then. You have landed at the right place as the course will guide you, prepare you for tricky AEM interview questions and start your career as AEM Professional.**Prepare for AEM Interview covering 150+ Questions and Answers on Architecture, Templates, Components, JCR Repository, Sling, OSGi, Workflow, ClientLibs, Sightly, Workflow and much more..This course is well structured with all elements of different questions separated by different topics. Students should take this course if seriously want to advance their career and crack the technical rounds of AEM.Do you want to prepare for 9A0-384 Adobe AEM 6.0 Developer Exam?In this course you get 100+ certification exam questions, go ahead."
Price: 24.99 |
"Renda Passiva para Professores de Idiomas" |
"Voc ama ensinar aos seus alunos um novo idioma, porm est se sentindo esgotada e sobrecarregada com a sua situao atual, mas no pode descansar por causa da sua situao financeira?Voc se esfora, se dedica, se desenvolve profissionalmente, mas sente que no recompensado da forma que deveria?Voc gostaria de complementar a sua renda atual ou at mesmo, substituir o seu salrio atual por renda passiva?Mas afinal, o que essa tal de renda passiva? Renda passiva quando voc pago diversas vezes por algo que voc fez uma vez.Apesar de ser relativamente fcil criar produtos que gerem renda passiva, esse curso no promete milagres, nem ficar rico do dia pra noite. Porm, eu garanto que se voc fizer a sua parte, trabalhar duro e investir o seu tempo da forma correta usando as informaes passadas nesse curso, voc ser capaz de construir o seu negcio de renda passiva online em pouco tempo.Mesmo que voc precise se esforar para dar suporte aos seus alunos e clientes, certamente ser muito menos cansativo do que trabalhar em um emprego convencional vrias horas por dia. Quanto mais voc se dedicar a construir o seu negcio de renda passiva, menos voc precisa trabalhar fora dele.Nesse curso voc aprender:Quais so as possveis fontes de renda passiva para professores de idiomas.Quais so as fontes que combinam com seu perfil.Quais programas e ferramentas utilizar para criar os seus produtos.Quanto cobrar pelos seus produtos.Onde e como vender os seus produtos.Como receber os seus pagamentos."
Price: 99.99 |
"Potent Prospecting" |
"Potent Prospecting focuses on helping you build out a highly focused, potent and powerful prospecting game to fill your pipeline with both qualified and interested individuals. You''ll go over the basics of mindset, methodology, preparation, tools, ideal clients, qualifying questions, your daily routine and how to measure your success and improvements. This is all jam packed in to this course. :D"
Price: 29.99 |
"Build your first iOS App in Swift" |
"Welcome to iOS fundamentals course where we will explore a high level overview of all the building blocks you will need to build great iOS applications.This class covers a broad overview of iOS related topics in bite sized videos that you can follow along with. This class assumes you have some exposure to programming and are able to get setup and follow along. To succeed in this class it is best to follow along with each video. You would be best served by coding along with the video and making sure that your project outputs the same or similar results as mine as you go through each video in the series.The class project will require that you exercise many of thetopics covered in the videos to build your own application. You can refer to the class videos if you get stuck or forget how to do something a particular way. If you code along the way throughout each video you can refer to that as a reference for the class project.Specific topics covered in this course are:Subclassing UIViewControllersUnderstanding different kinds of segues and application navigationLearning about UINavigationControllers and UITableViewControllersAutoLayoutSubclassing UITableViewCellsThe basics of protocols and delegationLearning about the UIPickerViewCapturing user input with UITextFieldsPassing data between view controllersCreating UI elements programmaticallyLearning the basic concepts of caring about the user interface and user experience.Technologies Used in this Tutorial:Swift 4Xcode 9macOS Operating System"
Price: 19.99 |
"Video Editing; Softwares To Get You Started in Video Editing" |
"The Course is a well researched and demonstrated guide to basic Video Editing Softwaresfor those just starting outinvideo editing to those seeking to improve their video editing workflow in the filmmakingindustry .The course demonstrates threemajor video editing soft waresthat can help you start out, create, build and improve your editing workflow."
Price: 19.99 |
"Hadoop MAPREDUCE in Depth A Real-Time course on Mapreduce" |
"Mapreduce framework is closest to Hadoop in terms of processing Big data. It is considered as atomic processing unit in Hadoop and that is why it is never going to be obsolete.Knowing only basics of MapReduce (Mapper, Reducer etc) is not at all sufficient to work in any Real-time Hadoop Mapreduce project of companies. These basics are just tip of the iceberg in Mapreduce programming. Real-time Mapreduce is way more than that. In Live Big data projects we have to override lot many default implementations of Mapreduce framework to make them work according to our requirements.This course is an answer to the question ""What concepts of Hadoop Mapreduce are used in Live Big data projects and How to implement them in a program ?"" To answer this, every Mapreduce concept in the course is explained practically via a Mapreduce program.Every lecture in this course is explained in 2 Steps.Step 1 : Explanation of a Hadoop component Step 2 : Practicals - How to implement that component in a MapReduce program.The overall inclusions and benefits of this course:Complete Hadoop Mapreduce explained from scratch to Real-Time implementation.Each and Every Hadoop concept is backed by a HANDS-ON Mapreduce code.Advance level Mapreduce concepts which are even not available on Internet.For non Java backgrounder's help, All Mapreduce Java codes are explained line by line in such a way that even a non technical person can understand.Mapreduce codes and Datasets used in lectures are attached for your convenience. Includes a section 'Case Studies' that are asked generally in Hadoop Interviews."
Price: 29.99 |
"Apache Flink A Real Time & Hands-On course on Flink" |
"Apache Flink is the successor to Hadoop and Spark. It is the next generation Big data engine for Stream processing. If Hadoop is 2G, Spark is 3G then Apache Flink is the 4G in Big data stream processing frameworks. Actually Spark was not a true Stream processing framework, it was just a makeshift to do it but Apache Flink is a TRUE Streaming engine with added capacity to perform Batch, Graph, Table processing and also to run Machine Learning algorithms.Apache Flink is the latest Big data technology and is rapidly gaining momentum in the market. It is assumed that same like Apache Spark replaced Hadoop, Flink can also replace Spark in the coming near future.Demand of Flink in market is already swelling. Big companies like Capital One (Bank), Alibaba (eCommerce), Uber (Transportation) have already started using Apache Flink to process their Real-time Big data and thousands other are diving into.What's included in the course ?Complete Apache Flink concepts explained from Scratch to Real-Time implementation.Each and Every Apache Flink concept is explained with a HANDS-ON Flink code of it.Include even those concepts, the explanation to which is not very clear even in Flink official documentation.For Non-Java developer's help, All Flink Java codes are explained line by line in such a way that even a non -technical person can understand.Flink codes and Datasets used in lectures are attached in the course for your convenience."
Price: 34.99 |
"How To Master Your Time & Skills in Steemit For Beginners" |
"What Will You Learn?-How to Get started fast ( Step by Step ) with Steemit social media that pays you.-You Will Be Able To Exchange you Time, Skills, Effort with Real Money.-I Will Teach You How To Build Your Steemit Profile From Scratch and Get Your First Followers-You Will Understand How To Invest your Time & Skills In Steem and The Steemit Community-By Then End of Our Course Students Will Be Able To Get Paid (as reader or writer ) To Blog With Steemit!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Chinese Language Course in Urdu/Hindi efficiently" |
"Hello everyone in this course you are going to learn chinese language/Mandarin quickly in urdu/hindi.This course contains hsk4 vocabulary.This course contains all necessary patterns use in daily and business lifeSo you must buy this course to learnChina is no doubt growing fastly so to meet the world you should learnIn this course i have used very easy methods so that you enjoy my coursesthank you very much for visiting and buying"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Excel for 2018: Zero to Mastery" |
"""The Complete Excel for 2018: Zero to Mastery"", is a course that contains each and everything about Excel 2016, backed with 30 day money back guarantee from Udemy.Start mastering Excel, the world's most popular and powerful spreadsheet program, with Excel expert.Learn how toenter and organize data, perform calculations with simple functions, work with multiple worksheets, format the appearance of your data and cells, and build charts and PivotTables. Other lessons cover the powerful IF, VLOOKUP, and COUNTIF functions; the Goal Seek, Solver, and other data analysis tools; and automating tasks with macros."
Price: 99.99 |
"A Beginner's Guide to Setup Kodi, Try it yourself today" |
"Kodi spawned from the love of media. It is an entertainment hubthat brings all your digital media together into a beautiful and user friendly package. It is 100% free and open source, very customizationand runs on a wide variety of devices. It is supported by a dedicated teamof volunteers and a huge community.It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet."
Price: 19.99 |
"PowerShell Fundamental" |
"Neste curso iremos aprender os conceitos bsicos de PowerShell e como usar a programao com detalhes em hash tables, custom tables, arrays, operadores e condies ..etc. Enfim uma proposta completa pata voc aprender como customizar seus scripts. o curso certo e fundamental para quem quer aprender como usar cmdlets e customizar sadas ou junes de cmdlets , ou seja, programao em PowerShell. Do que adianta voc saber os cmdlets de active directory ou do SQL Server mas no saber como criar um custom table que vai customizar o output deste cmdlet.Este curso no pesca para voc e sim te ensina a pescar."
Price: 204.99 |
"PowerShell - Performance em Scripts" |
"Neste mini curso abordaremos os conceitos de foreach-object cmdlet versus foreach construct, quando e quando mo usar, prs e contras de cada um, tambm veremos o uso do where-object versus parmetros server sidee finalizaremos com um contedo importante de performance em arrays, conceitos de pipeline e best practices em scripts. um curso voltado para quem quer saber alguns conceitos internos do PowerShell que podem melhorar (ou no) a performance de seus scripts"
Price: 489.99 |
"PowerShell and SQL Server Best Practices in a Word Document" |
"Have you ever try to perform a SQL Server Best Practices in a Word Document. If yes, you know how painful is to run the query in SQL Server, copy the result and paste into tables in Word. This job may take to you up to 5 hours. In this training I will show how to customizeand provide to you the scripts that I wrote to perform this operations in minutes. Check the promotional video to see the magic of the PowerShell"
Price: 149.99 |
"The essential basics of the French language (indispensable)" |
"Hi, I am Ilhame FR., teacher ofFrenchlanguage.During this course (Level 1) we will learn :tounderstan, towrite, topronouncecorrectly thefrenchlanguage, especially :1.FrenshALPHABET (How to pronounce it and how to write it in arabic?)2.FrenshPRONOUNS(How to pronounce it and how to write it in arabic?)3.FrenshPOSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE (How to pronouce it &how to write it in arabic?)4.FrenshPOSSESSIVE PRONOUNS(How to pronouce it &how to write it in arabic?)5.FrenshQUESTION WORDS( who, what, .... when .... How much ....) ( How to pronouce it & how to write it in arabic?)6.SOMEFrenshWORDS FOR THE BEGINNING ( How to pronounce & how to write it in arabic?)7.THES DAYS/ THES MONTHS / THE SEASONS INFrensh( How to pronounce & how to write it in arabic?)8. Bonus : SOMESSHORT SENTENCES INFrenshCOMMONLY USED .9.Complete video of pronunciation of everything we saw during class.#LEVEL 1.-Frenshis a beautiful language written and spoken.- It is often said that it is the language that God will speak with everyone in the other life (if there really is another life after death).- But what interests us for the moment is to learn it from the desire to discover other languages and other cultures.- Good luck for leval 1 . -I will share another lesson soon and maybe one of them already share it, consult my videos can be one of them will interest you. -We will go gradually until you perfect theFrenshlanguage.Good luck !Bonne chance"
Price: 19.99 |