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"C# Orientado a Objetos - Certificao MTA 98 - 361"
"ATENO! CURSO COM AULAS SEMANAIS AT A SUA FINALIZAOO C# uma das principais linguagens de programao da Microsoftpara a construo de aplicaes web, mveis e de desktop. A sintaxe do C# muito semelhante ao Java e C++e permite o desenvolvimento rpido de aplicaes (RAD)cominterface grfica parausurio (GUI).Por que C#?Ele compartilha os mesmos princpios de outras linguagens de programao. fcil e rpido para desenvolverpequenos programas.Ele mantidopela Microsoft e pr requisito nas certificaes Microsoft.A IDE (que a sigla em ingls para ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado)da Microsfot gratuita.No curso ser abordado os principais fundamentos do desenvolvimento de software, passando por praticamente metade dos tpicos exigidos na prova de certificao MTA 98-361Programao Orientada a Objetos com C#Compreender a programao orientada a objetoCompreender o que uma Classe e um ObjetoCompreender o que HeranaCompreender o que emcapsulamentoCompreender o que polimorfismoConhecer um pouco sobre as Certificaes Microsoft"
Price: 129.99

"Aprenda Email Marketing com Photoshop e MailChimp"
"Se voc um empreendedor em qualquer rea de atuao e busca meios de promover o seu negcio, ou se j um profissional de criao (Programadores, Web Designers, Designers, Publicitrios) e gostaria de aprender mais sobre email marketing para realizar campanhas para os seus clientes, este curso uma boa escolha para voc! O objetivo dele ensinar de forma clara e direta os principais mtodos para se criar um email marketing incrvel para o seu negcio. Mas, no se preocupe se voc no tiver nenhuma experincia, pois ele foi pensado e estruturado com assuntos que vo do bsicos at o avanado.Vamos apresentar alguns dosprincipais conceitos deste universo do email marketing. Ao longo das aulas, veremos:Por que utilizar email marketing e os tipos existentesO que soSPAMS, OPT-IN e OP-OUTComo construir uma base de emailsComo criar bons assuntos para os emailsComo enviar nosso email marketing para a nossa lista de contatosNo se assuste, voc vai ver o quanto compreensveleste assunto.Se voc nunca abriu o Photoshop ou o MailChimp na sua vida, fique tranquilo, pois teremos algumas aulas de introduo ao Photoshop para voc se familiarizar com a ferramentaantes do nosso projeto final."
Price: 39.99

"Salon Business Plan - Template, Example, Sample & Financials"
"The Salonbusiness plan,startup and operatingcourse,provides an extensive set of documents for starting and running a Salon business and contains lectures on how to customize them.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for a Salonbusiness.The document covers executive summary, objectives, marketing strategies you can use to get customers,and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. AnExcel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with instructionson how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your Salon. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Salon.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your companyto operate and obtain a loan or investment if needed."
Price: 64.99

"Restaurant Business Plan - Example, Template, Sample & Excel"
"Quickly create a professional business plan to start and run a Restaurant.Not only is a business plan a great document for owners and managers to look at for guidance, it can be necessary if seeking financing and negotiating a lease.This course takes you through each section of a Restaurant business plan.What you get in this course:1.) A full business plan template for a Restaurant. The document covers executive summary, objectives, marketing strategies you can use to get customers, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. An Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with instructions on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your Restaurant. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Restaurant.When you finish the course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company to operate and obtain a loan or investment if needed."
Price: 64.99

"Coffee Shop Business Plan Template with Example & Financials"
"The Coffee Shopbusiness plan,startup and operatingcourse,provides an extensive set of template, example and sampledocuments for starting and running a Coffee Shopbusiness and contains lectures on how to customize them.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for a Coffee Shopbusiness.The document covers executive summary, objectives, marketing strategies you can use to get customers,and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. AnExcel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with instructionson how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your Coffee Shop. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Coffee Shop.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your companyto operate and obtain a loan or investment if needed."
Price: 64.99

"Record Company Music Label Business Plan Template & Example"
"The Record Company Music Labelbusiness planstartup and operatingcourse,provides an extensive set of template, example and sampledocuments for starting and running a Record Company Music Labelbusiness and contains lectures on how to customize them.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for a Record Company Music Labelbusiness.The document covers executive summary, objectives, marketing strategies,and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. AnExcel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with instructionson how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your Record Company Music Label. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Record Company Music Label.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your companyto operate and obtain a loan or investment if needed."
Price: 49.99

"Touch Typing: Beginner's Guide to Typing World"
"Are you intending to learn touch typing? This course is intended for the newbies and beginners. This course is just a guidance, the rest depends upon you. If you are motivated enough, you have to perform the practice in order to become a typing master. The course illustrates the techniques for a layman which can be used by anyone willing to enhance their touch typing skills. The course focuses over practicing the techniques taught in each lesson.After having adequate practice, you can also go through the different typing software and tools both offline and online to enhance your typingspeed and accuracy.The success of this course depends upon your motivation and practice. The more you are determined, the more you will enhance your touch typing skills. If don't know where to start, or how to start, this course will give you the idea to bring you on the right track. You will not only be able to device and plan your journey towards ample speedy and accurate typing but will also be able to achieve it in short time. You don't need to spend much by purchasing the software applications for the enhancements of your touch typing skills as you can do it simply with a word processor or notepad which is freely available in your computer.Best of Luck :)"
Price: 19.99

"HitFilm Express: Create and Edit Videos"
"Get started with HitFilm Express and start learning video editingLIKEA PRO.HitFilm Expressis a super powerful video editing tool that has many of the same features of other video editing software out there,and best of it's FREE to use!Hitfilm can be used in bothfilmmaking and as a normal video editing tool to use for editing YouTube videos or even instructor videos for Udemy.This course teaches the essentials of creating high-quality video content using equipment you already have and a the free video editing softwareHitFilm Express. The full range of the production workflow is covered, from setting up a camera, to recording audio, to editing, to sharing your work privately or publicly. We will takeyou through setup, importing footage, organizing media, editing video, adding transitions, inserting titles, including motion graphics, outputting the final files, and sharing your video presentation."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Vocal: Mtodo Para Desenvolvolver a Voz Profissional."
"A voz o veculo de transporte do conhecimento. H que se dar uma ateno especial a isso, pois se a profisso depende da voz ou a exige muito, ela no pode ficar em segundo plano como muitos a deixam. To importante quanto o contedo que aprendido para se tornar um profissional  a capacidade de a mensagem ser passada atravs da voz de quem detm o saber.O objetivo deste Curso informar e orientar os profissionais que necessitam da voz para exercer suas profisses a respeito dos aspectos referentes ao uso, sade e cuidados. Esse curso no tem o propsito de tratar nenhum tipo de disfonia ou problemas na voz, mas sim de evitar que ocorram, porm no substitui a terapia fonoaudiolgica individual e muito menos a avaliao de um mdico otorrinolaringologista. S deve utilizar esse curso pessoas com vozes saudveis para desenvolver maior conscincia vocal e treinar posturas atravs dos exerccios propostos para sua melhor performance.Quem so os profissionais da voz falada?   Todos os profissionais que usam a voz para desempenhar suas funes.So eles: Professores, advogados, reprteres de rdio e TV, palestrantes, atores, operadores de telemarketing, religiosos, polticos, etc. O tempo total do curso de aproximadamente 2 horas e o acesso vitalcio. Conta com teoria e prtica de assuntos de extrema importncia para a oratria dos profissionais da voz e tambm para a preveno e sade vocal de todas as pessoas que a desejam ter.Garantia de qualidade do Curso: Caso voc no esteja contente com a compra, nos primeiros 30 dias voc receber seu dinheiro de volta sem nenhum questionamento. Eu estarei acompanhando voc de perto nas aulas, pois esse curso permite o envio de material gravado da sua voz para eu avaliar, direcionar seus treinamentos ou encaminhar para uma avaliao mais detalhada com os profissionais capacitados para isso. Alm disso, ser um prazer responder eventuais dvidas no frum que a plataforma oferece. No perca tempo e comece agora a preparar e desenvolver sua voz, melhorando, assim, sua capacidade profissional! UMA MISSO COM A VOZA VOZ FALADA tambm merece ateno. A misso  trazer para voc, QUE NECESSITA DE VOZ EFICIENTE PARA EXERCER SUA PROFISSO, o conhecimento e treino necessrios para alta performance da sua voz, longevidade e sade. Toda experincia com o mestre do canto, com todo reconhecimento de seus alunos, aliado ao conhecimento da fonoaudiologia, trouxeram para um curso nico e inovador capaz de transformar sua performance. Estude com um dos melhores do mundo na rea da voz de onde voc estiver, quando quiser. Meu nome Andr Fantom, sou cantor professor de canto e fonoaudilogo e fao o direcionamento do aprendizado da tcnica vocal desde 1999 em mais de 500 alunos presenciais e agora mais de 12100 alunos aqui na Udemy. Boas aulas."
Price: 204.99

"Introducing GarageBand for iPad - completely awesome!"
"Always wanted to make demos of your songs but never had the right equipment?Keep on losing your best ideas because you cant record them fast enough?Want to add some background sounds and music to a podcast but havent found an easy App to use?Dont know how to play any musical instruments but really want to make some music?If you would answer yes to any of the questions above, then you should know that this course will deliver the missing pieces for you. It can unlock the answers youve been looking for so you can explore further and enjoy yourself in the process.This course will introduce you to GarageBand on your iPad so you can play, create, jam and mix your ownmusic wherever and whenever you want.What terminology is used?Nearly all terminology used in the course is Apples own. This is to keep the course in line and consistent with Apples official GarageBand help pages and resources.What materials are included?All video lectures, transcripts, links and additional help files are included in the course. Once paid for, this course is yours for life - including all updates. However, as of January 2018, I am focussing on completing and publishing my Advanced GarageBand for iPad course - so no more updates to this course are planned.Note: TheGarageBand App is Apple software and only available for Apple devices.How long will the course take to complete?Because the course is structured around 10 minute videos, the pace you choose to learn at will determine how long it will take to study this subject. If you want to proceed quickly through it as fast as you can, it may only take you 2 hours. However, if you take your time, explore the things that are demonstrated and take part in the quizzes, it might take you a few days.How is the course structured?Currently, the course is made up of 15video lectures which are an average of 10 minutes long. In between lectures 4 to 12, there are quizzes that relate to the subject materials of each lecture - to test knowledge and encourage you to retain concepts and information more clearly. There is also a final quiz that tests knowledge across everything covered in the course - except the three bonus lectures.There are also some additional information lectures in the final section which were added when the GarageBand App was updated to version 2.2.Why take this course?Set your creativity free. Unleash your potential as a songwriter, musician, DJ or producer!Note about App version:This course is optimised for GarageBand for iOS v2.1. Apple released an update -v2.2in Jan 2017 which has changed the look of some viewsand functions shown in this course. If you have updated to v2.2, please refer to thesection of Additional Informationvideos at the end of thecourse that cover the changes that were introduced with the newversion."
Price: 29.99

"Playing Drums For Beginners : Learn to Play Your Own Way !"
"Drum-set Lessons : Level 1 - Drumming  For the BeginnerDrumming Lessons :If you want to learn to play the drums your own way the best place to start is by building your own beats as they relate to a piece of music. This series of lessons assumes that is your goal, while at the same time making sure to incorporate the foundation of knowledge for drummers which will evolve to developing your own style. By the end of this course, you will :Know how choices about sticks and your grip affect your playing. (Even a method for twirling your drumsticks!)Know all of the main pieces of a drum set and what they are used for.Understand what the major time signatures are and how to count them. Understand what tempo is and how it affects a song.Understand What is Meant by ""Independence"" on the drums and what that's all about.Learn the Basics of reading drum tab/music so you can understand and explain drum beats and patterns.Play better by using warm up techniques that lead you to developing your own ideas. Learn 5 different beats and variations on playing them with the thought again, of helping you to develop your own ideas.This course is put together with your understanding in mind. There are added experiential stories to help explain concepts. Creative illustrations are effectively used to illuminate points so that through a combination of sight, and sound, you can easily grasp the nuances of each lecture.  The goal is always to emphasize your understanding of each piece of the broader subject, and there are times when foundational concepts are re-visited in order to solidify your learning knowledge. Best of all you can go at your own pace!This course is designed for YOU, the drummer. This is the course that will show YOU how to jump start your drumming and take you to the next level. Whether you are a beginner who is just learning, or someone who has played a little that wants to learn a little bit more, this is the course that will help you reach your goal of getting to the next level of drumming.This course is also a great introduction for anyone who wants to get more serious about playing the drums in a broader sense. Completing this course is the most efficient way to gain inside knowledge that you might not ever learn on your own. This course is a great way for self-taught drummers to fill in a bit of knowledge about the theoretical aspects of playing the drums. It is also a great way to begin to think about not just learning to play, but also learning to develop your own style!"
Price: 19.99

"SQLite, Unity 3D, C# y Bases de datos para Videojuegos"
"Bienvenidos al curso de SQLite y bases de dato para videojuegos con Unity y C#En este curso aprenders DESDECEROtodos los comando utilizados con el lenguaje SQLite para trabajar con bases de datos locales para proyectos profesionales y videojuegos. Lo estaremos integrando con C# y Unity 2018 y podrs publicarlo para todas las plataformas, desde PC y Mac hasta iOS y Android.Es un curso totalmente prctico y dinmico en donde empezaras desde cero con SQLite hasta llegar a un nivel avanzado.SQLite es una librera basada en lenguaje SQL que enfocada a videojuegos servir para almacenar y gestionar todo tipo de mecnicas de manera prctica sencilla, organizada y segura.SQL es un lenguaje de manipulacin de datos muy intuitivo que permite manejar datos de forma muy sencilla. SQLite se instala muy fcilmente y ocupa muy poco espacio.Aprenders a hacer desde consultas ms bsicas hasta las ms avanzadas, leyendo ordenando y gestionando todos los datos de una base datos completa.Agregars, editars y eliminars datos con total facilidad.Aprenders el uso de funciones con SQLite desde la consola paso a paso con ejemplos muy sencillos.Una vez que tengas estudiado y dominado el uso del lenguaje SQLite en consola pasaremos a la implementacin en Unity con el lenguaje C#Revisaremos todos los comandos anteriormente estudiados y haremos todas nuestras consultas y operaciones dentro de Unity.Publicaremos el proyecto para PC Android, iOS y MacLo siguiente ser desarrollar 1 proyecto finales de ejemplo para entender las mejores tcnicas de como trabajar con SQLite dentro de Unity e integrarlos con User Interfaces dinmicas para poder controlar la cantidad de datos que recibimos en pantalla.Crearemos un Ranking de posiciones simulando un juego.Aprenderemos a ordenar todos los datos recibidos de la base datos de menor a mayor o viceversa.Limitaremos la escritura de la base de datos para gestionar el peso y la cantidad de datosque escribimos.Presentaremos en pantalla el nmero de datos elegido por nosotros.Desarrollaremos User Interfaces dinmicas y avanzadas que se adaptarn a todos los dispositivos y pantallas.Escribiremos datos desde el juego y al final publicaremos el proyecto para todas las plataformas.Es un curso muy completo en el que estudiamos y profundizamos el uso y la implementacin de SQLite con casi 7 horas de video y con acceso a todos los archivos y recursos que vamos generando."
Price: 99.99

"Fotos im Gemldelook"
"Man sagt einigen meiner Bilder oft nach, dass sie aussehen wie die Malereien aus vergangenen Zeiten.In diesem Workshop lernst du, wie du aus deinenFotos Bilder machst, die wirken wie die Gemlde der altenMeister. Wenn du diese Bilder dann noch auf Leinwand druckst, werden Menschen staunend vor deinenArbeiten stehen und dich fragen, ob das Malerei oder Fotografie ist.Dieser Stil wird beeinflusst von verschiedenen Faktoren. Zum Einen ist die Auswahl des richtigen Models natrlich ebenso wichtig, wie die Auswahl der richtigen Kleidung. Wenn wir dann noch bewusst auf einen geeigneten Hintergrund achten, diesen und das Model mit einem entsprechenden Lichtset ausleuchten, haben wir schon ein gutes Rohmaterial. Und der Feinschliff entsteht dann in der nachtrglichen Bildbearbeitung mit Adobe Photoshop.Ich zeige dir in diesem Seminar mit Model Lena von der Idee, ber das Fotografieren bis zum fertigen Bild den kompletten Entstehungsprozess der Bilder.Du bist anschlieend in der Lage selbstndig Aufnahmen mit diesem Look zu erstellen."
Price: 99.99

"Franais Intensif - Intensive French Intermediate Level"
"Dive deeper into the realms of the French language. Familiarize yourself with more advanced grammatical structures and learn new vocabulary. In this course well explore all the main areas of French grammar. Discover How Fantastic the French Language Is and How Marvelous It Is To Use It Correctly. French Tenses The Pass Compos Tense Simple Arithmetic Ordinal Numbers, Fractions and Other Numerals Date and Time Deadjectival Adverbs Position of Adjectives Agreement of Adjectives and Nouns Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs The Imparfait Tense Compound Nouns Nominalization Ways to Express the Future The Futur Simple Tense The Futur Antrieur Tense The Plus-que-Parfait Tense Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives Conditionals The Subjunctive Mood Coordination and Subordination of Clauses Temporal Clauses Causal Clauses Final Clauses Concessive Clauses Consecutive Clauses Reported Speech Passive Voice ... and more Become a Highly Skilled User of French Its All Well Within Your Reach. French is definitely one of the most popular languages in the world. Theres a whole bunch of benefits to knowing French. Let me just mention a few. In our global society you can make use of it in business, becoming a more valuable worker, in private life, on vacation, chatting online, reading literature and press or watching satellite TV. In some parts of the world French is either the main language spoken or one of the main ones. And I could go on and on like that... This is an intensive course, which means it covers quite a lot of stuff. The explanations are concise and clear. You should have no difficulty following and understanding them. A lot of stuff and a lot of practice. Contents and Overview This course is pretty comprehensive, but the language I use is simple and should be easily understood by everybody. This course is divided into 14 sections, each of them covering a broad topic subdivided into lectures. The pace is up to you, you can go through the easier parts faster and then take more time to study the more sophisticated ones. To help you memorize and practice all the new stuff, there are loads of exercises. Most lectures are accompanied by additional resources. These are downloadable files with exercises (with key). There also files with vocabulary revision and, first of all, the main text file containing the material covered in the lecture video. After you finish each section, theres a quiz for you that covers the material discussed in that section. After you finish this course you will be able to use the French language comfortably and correctly, understanding all the underlying rules and thus able to generate any constructions you want, in both spoken and written language. You will be able to use simple, compound and complex sentences and you will know what word order should be used. You will know how the language works and you will get a good feel of it."
Price: 34.99

"Fluent English over the phone"
"Hello, Do you have to handle phone calls with foreigners ? Is it difficult to understand them and express yourself the way you want to?This course shows you how tomake a phone callreceive callshold and transfer the calls, record a voice message, take and leave messageshandle difficulties and end the callbe polite in Englishgreet and address peopleIt gives you alternatives to the spelling alphabets and presentsthe names and pronunciation of the special characters. The course is built on 8 lessons. There are printable lists of the expressions and the spelling alphabet. Also, you can check your understanding and communication with test questions. Are you ready? Lets get started. See you with the first episode."
Price: 39.99

"Fluent English in a job interview"
"Hello, Are you preparing for a job interview involving speaking English?This course shows you howto start the job interviewto greet and address peopleto introduce yourself and talk about your past experienceto talk about your strengthsand abilitiesto talk about your weaknesses and list your hard and soft skillsto talk about your goals and salaryto askto use proper grammar during the job interviewto be polite in EnglishIt includes follow-up email templates, lots and lots of model answers, tips and tricks to use. The course is built on 12 lessons. Also, you can check your understanding and communication with 50 test questions. Are you ready? Lets get started. See you with the first episode."
Price: 39.99

"O Guia COMPLETO Para Alta Produtividade + 4 Cursos Bnus"
"Indiscutivelmente o mais completo:SEMDVIDA, este o curso de Produtividademais simples, completo,prtico eobjetivo que voc encontrar na internet. ainda onico curso que vai alm eoferece gratuitamentevrios outroscursos extras para suaformao complementar em habilidades interpessoais que potencializaro seus resultados(confira mais abaixo).Nveis acima dos cursos (superficiais e tericos, feitos para quem busca mais um certificado) que encontramos hoje pela internet, com uma linguagem simples eexemplos realistas, neste curso voc definitivamenteaprender tcnicas vencedoraspara melhorar a sua concentrao, aumentar o foco, reduzir o stress e atingir o pico da sua produtividade pessoal.O seu mindset (isto ,sua forma de pensar) ser treinado para planejar e cumprir de forma eficiente as atividades tanto da sua vida pessoal quanto da profissional de forma extremamente eficiente.Se voc tem a mania de procrastinar, ou seja, deixar as coisas sempre para depois, aprenda aqui a se tornar algum proativo.Se voc algum ansioso e, por isso, costuma ter problemas de concentrao ou tomar decises precipitadas, aprenda aqui a controlar esta ansiedade e passar a ter mais domnio prprio.Ainda, como um bnus super especial, voc receber gratuitamenteo desafio dos7 dias para voc virar a chave e se tornar MUITO mais produtivo (e feliz!).[Bnus 01]Curso extra deProdutividadecom a melhor tcnica do mundo paraprodutividade pessoal.Bnus 02]Cursode Liderana: paraser produtivo, muitasvezes voc precisar fazer a sua equipe ser produtiva junto com voc.[Bnus 03] Curso Intensivo de Negociao: para negociaes mais objetivas e produtivas.[Bnus 04] Curso Completo de MS Project: para construir planejamentos profissionais para seus projetos.[Bnus ESPECIAL]Desafio de 7 dias para voc virar a chave e se tornar MUITO mais produtivo (e feliz!)[BnusExtra]1h de consultoria/coaching particular com Gustavo Farias com 50% de descontoOBS.:para agendar a consultoria, envie uma mensagem para mim atravs da plataforma e conte comigo."
Price: 579.99

"Learn Pixel Art for Games"
"In this course you will learn all the skills you need to create your own pixel art whether you use it for your own games, just to create art pieces or to sell as asset packs for other people to use.Youll learn basic techniques for how to draw objects in different art styles, how to add shading and highlights to objects and the importance of carefully choosing where your pixels go. Youll learn simple techniques for creating characters from basic shapes and youll learn how to add animation to your characters and objects. Youll learn how create a complete set of tiles for a platformer and a dungeon crawler, and learn the importance of re-using common elements in your tiles. Youll also be tested with regular challenges throughout the course to take the skills youve learned, apply them in new ways and share your progress with others.This course will teach you allthe basics and essentials you need for creating your own pixel art. Learn how to create art for your own games today!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn to Create & Publish Games for Mobile"
"Learn how to create your very own endless runner game for mobileusing Unity3D, an industry-standard program used by many large gaming studios and indie developers across the world.In this course, you'll learn everything you need to build and release a game on the Google Play Store, from building the game all the way through to how to publish your game on the Play Store itself.You wont just be learning programming concepts in this course, buttying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.This course has been designed to be easily understandable toeveryone, so whether youre acomplete beginner, anartistlooking to expand their game development range or aprogrammerinterested in understanding mobile game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to create such mobilegame elements as:Creating an endless worldGathering collectiblesUsing Advertisements to create revenue for your gamesRandomly generating objects in the worldAdding dangerous elementsUser Interface with interactive menusCreating a character unlocking & switching systemStart learning today and let me help you become a mobilegame developer!"
Price: 149.99

"Introduction to Teacher Training"
"This course is designed for individuals who would like an introduction to start teaching or tutoring and looking to develop their career.It is designed for both the private training industry and post 16 educational institutes, and covers the generic teaching skills that are required in becoming an effective teacher/trainer.You will learn the skills and qualities required to become a successful teacher/trainer and gain an undersstanding of: your roles and responsibilities as a teacher/trainer. planning your own session and the importance of providing an inclusive teaching setting that meets all individual needs. the three main types of assessments.This is an introductory programme and is ideal for those with no previous training in the models and techniques for training and developing colleagues in the workplace."
Price: 49.99

"NodeJS with SQL Web Development Course"
"Welcome to the Node.js with SQL web development course. This course is aimed at developers who wish to take their skills to the next level. Right from the start, you will learn about Node and what you can do with it.If you've ever wanted to build your own web applications, then this course is exactly for you. Unlike other courses, you will learn how to build sites using an SQLdatabase rather than a NoSQLdatabase like MongoDB. Don't know a single thing about SQL?That's no problem! This course will get you up to speed on what SQLis and how to use it.This course covers the fundamentals of Node before diving deep into great tools like Adonis, SQL and Lucid.The entire course is based around a single goal: To make you into a professional Node developer capable of delivering real world production applications.Learn the latest technologies for Node development. Topics such as ES7 Async/Await are covered and used in a PRACTICAL situation.Here's what you can expect to learn in this course:Learn the fundamentals of Node and web development. Deep dive into topics like HTTP and Buffers.Start your own local server with a few lines of code and serve HTMLfiles to the user.Dive deep into the Node module system and create your own custom modules for development.Integrate a templateengine to deliver dynamic content to your users.Learn abouttheMVC architecture to structure your application properly.Connect to an SQLdatabase easily. You'll learn about basic concepts like collations, CRUD, and so much more!Download and install modules through NPM to further extend the functionality of your application.Apply routes and restrict authorization by using middleware.Authenticate users using sessions and cookies.Validate requests and form input by using a special validation module.Understand the concept of IoC(Inversion of control)Use ES7 Async/Await to make your code more readable and manageable.Prepare your application to be translate ready by learning about Internationalization.Process file uploads by checking their type, size and much more!Learn great security practices such as hashing, encryption, validation, sanitization, and more!Create your own custom commands so you can finish tasks fasterLearn how to use the AdonisJSframework to create web applications.So much more!It's expected that you'll get stuck at some point. Most courses will just leave you there. You can expect me to answer your questions 24/7. I'm not satisfied until I know you know the concepts discussed in this course. Node and SQLdoesn't have to be hard. The biggest mistake most courses and tutorials make is expecting you to learn just by copying code.In this course, you'll understand the code deeply! This course was built to help you learn and understand NodeJSto make you a competent developer.I guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging Node course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Bsico de Linux con CentOS"
"En este curso usted aprender como instalar desde ceroLinux CentOS, una de las versiones mas populares de Linux y que es usada en una gran cantidad de proyectos comerciales.Usteddominaralos comandos fundamentales del sistema operativo, ejecutndolos desde una consola, como un experto, ademas aprender como crear y modificar archivos dentro del sistema, y gestionar permisos,en fin luego de terminar estar listo para el prximo nivel."
Price: 19.99

"Proofreading Essentials with US and UK English Differences"
"This course is for those who have already have a good understanding of English and want to learn some of the basic essentials for proofreading. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding the differences between American and British English. This goes beyond some variations in spelling but also in how some words are used and the different names things are sometimes called. Not understanding the difference between these two styles sometimes leads to misunderstanding, confusion and even embarrassment."
Price: 29.99

"Google Spreadsheet: Writing Complex Formula"
"Since I am a full time Google Spreadsheet consultant, with clients all over the world,I know what are the things that are important and should be taught to students.Google Spreadsheet gives you a lot of options to present the data and use it appropriately. While basic function is used to do basic stuff, by using the same basic function in a more intelligent way, can give you result that in otherwise, would seem a lot of manual work and calculation. There is no end to complexity of a function. Some examples are:Combining ARRAYFORMULA and VLOOKUPto achieve the result for entire column with one functionCombining INDEXand MATCH to get value of columns on the left that is not possible with simple VLOOKUPThis course compels you to think in right direction by giving some example, so that in future, you can create your own functions in tough times.Happy Sheets !!!"
Price: 99.99

"Using Google Spreadsheet for Designing"
"There are things that we need to do on daily basis, that has majority of component , exactly the same. For ExampleInvoice :Outline is always same. Only item detail changesAppointment Letter:Text is all same. Only the salary structure and joining date changesCertificates: Design is same, only names and position is changedIn all such cases, Google Spreadsheet can be very handy in automating the task, where in few clicks, we can get the desired document.In this course, we will learn how to use Google Spreadsheetto design the documents and fill them with data from a table."
Price: 149.99

"Advanced Google Apps Script and API Calls"
"Disclaimer:Since I am a full time Google Spreadsheet and Apps Scriptconsultant, with clients all over the world,I know what are the things that are important and should be taught to students.In our course on Google Script for beginners, we learnt how to open the editor and write some basic function. Now it is time to master the art of writingApps script code and exploit all the options and facilities given by Apps Script. Some of the things we will be learning in this course are:Using 2D array efficientlyPrinting a large set of data at once to Google SpreadsheetConnecting with other tools like CRM using APIUsing API to send and receive data from other software.Once you have mastered the concepts taught in this course, you will be equivalent of a Software Developer. Software development is so big an area that it can not be taught in a course. But thanks to our time, everything is available on Google. So in this course, I have focused on teaching how to google for an answer while writing codes.Happy Scripting !!!"
Price: 164.99

"77-727 Microsoft Excel Certification - MOS Excel Core Exam"
"Microsoft Certification (MOS)Use your knowledge to become a Microsoft Office Specialist in Core Excel.This course will prepare youfor the Microsoft Office SpecialistExam 77-727. The course provides an overview of the exam, the objective requirements set by Microsoft,tips on how to prepare and what to expect on the day of the test.It includesa comprehensive bank of test exerciseswhich reflect the style of questions asked in the 77-727Microsoft Core Excelexam. A comprehensive series of lectures are provided which cover every step needed to succeed.Become a Microsoft Office Specialistand Enhance Your CareerUse your knowledge to obtaincertified statusUnderstand the 77-727ExamLearn how to correctlyprepare for the testGet advice from a seasonedprofessional who knows how to pass the examCore Excelwith theMOS 77-727ExamThis course is suitable forpeople at all levels of proficiency in Microsoft Excel.If you are new to the subject, then the course will lead you step by step through every single technique which is tested in the 77-727 exam. If you are already proficient in the use of Excel to some extent, then this course will help you to understand what is required in order to obtain a valuable certification in the subject.Every element of the objective domain for the 77-727 exam is comprehensively covered, together with exercises designed to ensure that you know the style and types of questions which you are required to answer in the exam.When you pass the 77-727exam, Microsoft issue you with the MOS, or Microsoft Office Specialist certificationstatus, in core Excel. Obtaining this certification provides tangible evidence that you are proficient in your use of Microsoft Excel and your LinkedIn profile will be automatically adjusted by Microsoft to reflect this achievement.If you follow and complete the course and exercises you will optimise your chances of gaining that qualification, you will enhance your status in your existing job and boost your job prospects in the marketplace.Content and OverviewSuitable for beginners or for anyonewho has a reasonable knowledge of Microsoft Excel,this course is aimed at you obtaining certification status from Microsoft by passing the 77-727exam. Rather than simply provide sample questions, the course explains how the exam is structured, the way that the questions shouldbe approached and how to study successfully to pass.The course alsoincludes invaluable advice on the best way to prepare and what to expect from the testingprocess."
Price: 129.99

"77-728 Complete Techniques for the MOS Excel Expert Exam"
"Some recent messages and reviews.....From Amanda""I studied Lynda and took the Excel Expert Exam and made a 389. I regrouped and bought Dave's study material, including the practice exams. I learned so much more material that wasn't covered on Lynda through Dave's videos. I took the exam three weeks after studying Dave's tutorials and passed the exam with a 795.""From Christie""Dave,Thanks for the great course! I easily passed the Excel Expert exam a couple weeks ago thanks to the materials covered in your course! The lectures were easy to understand and all of the content from your course very relevant in preparing for the exam.Cheers!Christie""From Aicha"" I just passed the test today with 769 !! :) Just can't be happier. The course is really well structured and helpful especially the exercises at the end of each objective !! Thanks Dave , You did a great Job""From Branislav""Very specific and targeted topics. I believe it a must for all who attempt the exam.""From TaylorI can't post it here but I will show my badge earned in the facebook group. I've been studying for roughly a month, with basic data entry experience, and a BCIS course I took in highschool. Needless to say I wasn't very well versed in excel to begin with, and now im an Excel Expert. Im always skeptical about what I buy and strive to recommend as little as possible to friends and family through fear of worth. But this course here is incredible and I can't thank Dave enough for the time and effort he put into it. I'm a bit of a talker to, and Dave was able to get back to me with answers regarding questions I had about the Exam in a very timely manner. Regards, Taylor""Become a Microsoft Certified Excel Expert Our Students Understand ValueThis course will prepare you to take the 77-728 Excel Expert certification exam from Microsoft. Every aspect of the 77-728 exam is covered in detail, together with exercises and solutions. Delivered by a University professor with many years experience in teaching Excel to undergraduate students, and who is also a Microsoft Office Specialist examiner, if you take this course and follow the guidelines provided, you will enhance your chances of obtaining this valuable qualification. Prove your skills by obtaining independent certification from Microsoft.This certification is highly regarded by employers because it is independent proof that you have the skills to become productive straight away. That saves a lot of time and effort on the employers part and that value that very highly indeed! The messages and reviews speak for themselves. Our mission is to make you succeed in passing the 77-728. You can do it with our help!"
Price: 179.99

"Business English: The World of Work"
"This course is for people who need the English languagefor work andbusiness.It is made up of 12 lessons each based around a video withquestions at the end of each. Some lessons come with downloadable materials that you can print or save to your computer.To test your learning, there are mini quizzes throughout the course.In this course you will learn:How to introduce yourself in a business situationHow to talk about different types and ways of working,How to talk aboutgetting to workHow to talkabout the work you doThe language you need to find a jobHow to talk about your education, qualifications and work experienceThe language you need to write a CV/resume and cover letter in EnglishHow to talk about your qualificationsHow to talk about your work experienceHow to talk about the skills you have and needHow to describe yourself as an employeeYour InstructorFiona Sloane has beenan English language teacher for almost ten years. She has created this course to teach a wider audience. She is happy to personally answer any questions you have aboutMoney Back GuaranteeIf you're not completely happy with this course or you find it's not quite for you, it comes with Udemy's30 day money back guarantee!"
Price: 19.99

"Business English: 101 English Idioms"
"Many English language learners,despite having good grammatical knowledge and a wide vocabulary, find that they struggle to communicate with native English speakers which is often due to not understanding the many idiomatic phrases that are used in business as well as in everyday situations.This course teaches 101 Englishidioms that are commonly used in business in allEnglish speaking countries.In each video-based lesson, you will be introduced to each idiomin context, prompted to consider the meaning of the idiom, and then given thecorrect definition.Each lesson is around 5 minutes in length to fit around yourbusy schedule. After 2 video lessons there is a quiz to test your understandingof the idioms you have been taught.Knowing these idioms will help you better understand and use theEnglish language and make your speech more natural.This course is for English language learners of B2(Upper-Intermediate) level and above but may be suitable for strongintermediate level English language learners.Your InstructorFiona Sloane has beenan English language teacher for almost ten years. She has created this course to teach a wider audience and is happy to personally answer any questions you have.Money Back GuaranteeIf you're not completely happy with this course or you find it'snot quite for you, it comes with Udemy's30 day money back guarantee!"
Price: 19.99