"Learn English for Tourism: The Basics" |
"Learn English forTourism: The Basics teaches the English vocabulary that is essential for the tourism industry.Quizzes for thiscourse are included in the videos and I am happy to answer any additionalquestions throughout the course.This is a course that's suitable for people with an intermediate level of English and above."
Price: 19.99 |
"Level Management in Unity" |
"Are you ready to level up your game dev skills? In this course, we will:start with simple demoUnity project and add a front-end menu systemlearntechniques for building re-usable UI components and transitions in-between Unity sceneslearn the fundamentals of saving and loading persistent data locally from your applicationcreate C# scripts line-by-line and learn how to architect game components cleanly and logicallyLevel up your Unity skills!learn the Singleton design patternuse statics andGenerics to avoid repetitious codeexplore PlayerPrefs and JsonUtility to save and load dataWhen you complete the class, you should have a full set of source code to build your own menu system and to save/load persistent data!Learn from 40+ videosbroken into small 10-15 minute lessons. Power through 6hours of lectures and save weeks of coding!Join the ever growing ranks of our class and see what you can build today!Note: the videos were originally recorded with Unity 2017.3 but the project files have been upgraded to version 2018.2. Though there are cosmetic UIdifferences between Unity 2017 and Unity 2018, you should be able to follow along with the lectures using the latest version of Unity."
Price: 69.99 |
"Unity Tech Art: Realistic Lighting For Game Development" |
"2019 Update: Check out our new Section on the ShaderGraph!Creating shaders can now be done without writing a single line of code! Making your Unity games look amazing is easier than you think. You don't need to be great at programming and don't need incredible 3D art skills. Creating immersive games starts with understanding the secrets of lighting and being able to squeeze maximum value from your technical art pipeline. This course assumes that you're a little bit familiar with Unity but doesn't require you to have any programming or art experience. We will take you through Unity's lighting toolset and discuss everything from colour theory to shadows to materials that emit light.More specifically, the course will start off with basic light set ups such as a single point light and build up to complex lighting setups. Among other things, the course covers:Direct realtime lighting including directional lights, point lights and spotlights.Global illumination theory and principles, both realtime and baked (pre-rendered).Emissive materials and how they can be used to make specific items in your scene stand out.Three- and four-point lighting set ups - how to create them, how to vary them and how to use them for different effects in your games.ShaderGraph: get started using Unity's visual editor for creating shaders!Want to get started with Unity 3Dfrom scratch? Check-out our Complete Unity Developer 3D course. Want to create great environments in Blender instead of Unity? Check out our Blender Environment Artist course.We follow a project-and-challenge approach which means you don't just sit there and watch us, you follow along and flex your own creative muscles to create interesting game moments. We all learn best by doing (rather than just watching)! You will also be asked to take on a bigger challenge and light your own scene. This serves as a great portfolio piece, or just something to show yourself what you're capable of once you've finished the course.Unity is a fantastic engine which enables you to make production-quality games.Furthermore these games can be created for Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source!This course is perfect for programmers who want to make their game more interesting, for 3D artists who want to triple how amazing their artwork looks, designers who dream of creating cinematic moments worthy of AAA games, and anyone else who is interested in leveling up their tech art skills.Come and join us in this course now - you'll be amazed at what you're capable of creating! Note: the project files for this course have been updated to use Unity 2019 with version 2 of the PostProcessing stack. We recommend that you complete the using Unity 2019 or above."
Price: 94.99 |
"Practical Guide to Leadership & Management in the Workplace" |
"This course givesyou practical real world tools and techniques to allow you to effectively lead and manage the work of others.Leadership and management can be broken down into 4 key competency areas. By mastering these key areas, you will maximise your results. The 4 key areas are: Emotional intelligence; Operational planning; Managing team effectiveness; and Managing workplace relationships.Along with the video explanation of the topics, there are downloadable resources and templates for you to use back in your workplace, such as operational planning, professional development plans and emotional strengths and weakness matrices."
Price: 24.99 |
"Apprendre mixer sa musique rapidement" |
"Tu as quelques bases en mixage, mais tu perds ton temps bidouiller ton mixage pendant des heures ?Tu aimerais finir plus de titres, plus rapidement, pour sortir plus de musique ?Tu veux tre productif le plus possible dans ton home studio ?Tu veux mixer pour d'autres groupes ou projets musicaux, et tu aimerais ne pas y passer des heures ?Si tu as rpondu oui une de ces questions, t'inquites, tu n'es pas tout(e) seul(e) !Au moment de mixer un titre, tu dois sans doute connaitre une de ces situations :Tu perds du temps pour commencer ton mixage, trouver le bon quilibre et la bonne balance.Tu sais que tu es cens faire cohabiter les pistes entres elles, mais les frquences ne font que se recouvrir les unes des autres.Tu n'arrives pas entendre le kick de la basse, la guitare rythmique recouvre la voix lead...Tu bidouilles l'EQ de la snare pour quelle ""perce"" le mixage, mais tu as du mal la rendre puissante.Ton mixage n'est pas clair et quand tu le termines tu le trouves un peu ""cheap"".Tu suppose que c'est part manque de temps que ton mixage n'est pas au niveau.Tes batteries / drums sont soit hyper compresses soit anmiques et manquent cruellement de puissance...Tu bidouilles les compresseurs sans vraiment comprendre leur intert, mais bon, on t'as dit que c'tait important, alors tu en mets sur toutes les pistes...Avec trop d'options ta dispositions, tu es un peu perdu et tu aimerais tre plus efficace pour rendre tes mixages plus vivants, plus musicaux et plus puissants.Tu mets des reverbs et des delay sur tes pistes sans trop en comprendre l'usage. Ca ""sonne"" un peu mieux quand mme... alors qu'en fait tu ne fais qu'alourdir ta musique et la rendre plus floue.Tu n'as pas vraiment de processus pour ajouter tes traitements progressivement et efficacement. Tu passes d'une piste l'autre, tu reviens en arrire, tu finis par te perdre dans ton logiciel...Tu essayes quand mme de faire ce que tu peux, tu passes du temps te documenter en ligne, regarder des tutoriels, mais au final tu n'en sais pas forcment plus qu'avant. Difficile de trouver quelque chose de complet, avec une marche suivre.Au final tu passes des heures et des heures bidouiller la track, en supposant que ""tu mixes"", mais le rsultat est dcevant, les instruments se recouvrent et l'ensemble de ton mixage est tout sauf clair.Tu as un peu perdu ton temps sur ton mixage, mais tu n'as aucune ide pour savoir si celui ci est termin. Pire a te dcourage et tu te demandes si tout ce que tu viens de faire tait vraiment utile !Tu as peut tre juste besoin d'apprendre comment gagner du temps, en intgrant dans ta pratique unworkflow efficace, du dbut la fin.Tu n'aimerais pas savoir un peu o tu en es dans ton mixage chaque instant,avoir un plan en tte ?Ce ne serait pas plus simple de prendre des dcisions rapidement pour amliorer ton mixage avec efficacit, sans se prendre trop la tte ?Et si tu pouvais te poser avec quelqu'un qui sait prendre ce genre de dcision, qui te montres comment embellir facilement un titre, t'indiquer les frquences importantes surveiller, et surtout quel workflow intgrer dans ta pratique personnelle.Si tu pouvais te poser avec quelqu'un qui t'expliques tout a en mme temps qu'il mixes : ses dcisions techniques, ses raccourcis cratifs mais aussi son tat d'esprit, son mindset pour aller plus vite. Ca te dirait de t'assoir ct ?Si tu as rpondu oui, alors permets moi de te prsenter MIXAGERAPIDE...Si tu veux apprendre mixer rapidement et efficacement, pour crer de meilleurs mixage, alors je suis ravi de t'en dire plus.Mixer rapidement c'est ESSENTIEL pour gagner en productivit musicale.Dans Mixage Rapide, je te montre comment faire passer un morceau amateur, enregistr avec du matriel de base (Focusrite, SM58 et GarageBand), la vitesse suprieur.Transformer cette dmo en quelque chose de plus convaincant, avec plus de caractre.Apprends mixer :Suis un mixage de A Z, comment utiliser les EQ pour bien sparer les pistes, la compression et autres traitements pour ajouter du punch.Intgre ton workflow :Je te montre au fur et mesure les tapes, le processus de mixage. Faire des choix est essentiel pour mixer plus efficacement, je te montre et t'explique tous mes choix.Deviens mixeur rapide :Aprs avoir regard un exemple concret, tu vas pouvoir intgrer cela dans ta pratique pour aller vite, et savoir quand tu as termin.BONUS- Le guide des questions se poser pendant le mixage60 questions pratico-pratique pour t'aider et te guide pendant ton mixage. Un genre de pense bte pour n'oublier aucunes des tapes du mix. Liste non exhaustive mais une bonne base pour commencer et viter de se perdre !"
Price: 94.99 |
"Apple Mac for Absolute Beginners" |
"This online class is designed for absolute beginners - people that have recently been given or have bought a Mac, desktop or laptop, it doesn't really matter. People who need to understand basic operations, what the supplied software does, learn basic filing and data storage routines, how to back-up and save your stuff, and most importantly, what to do if things go wrong. I have taught this class in a face-to-face format for over six years at Sydney University adult education centre - and have now converted more than 20 years of user experience into an easy-to-access and highly informative online resource."
Price: 19.99 |
"Photo Fine Art Projects" |
"Everyone shoots photos, most of us are shooting more than ever before, but fewactually 'do' anything really constructive with the bulk of their work. A few pictures get uploaded to social media, a few might even get printed, but the overwhelming majority of photographers do nothing but consign their work to a hard drive. This class is designed to encourage and demonstrate to students how to develop new and exciting ways to use their photographs in ways previously unthought of by many modern photography enthusiasts..."
Price: 24.99 |
"Architectural Design & Animation in Blender" |
"Welcome to the course architectural design and animation in blender. In this course you'll be learning how to layout the design and create photo realistic animations of this modern house. This is a great skill to have especially for 3D artists creating their own works and those who want to create architectural structures and models. We begin by laying out the 2D floor plan, an essential step for those looking to control the design aspect of their projects. The next step is to take the floor plan and begin the 3D modelling part of this project. This step includes the Archipack add-on that assists in the creation of walls, doors and windows to quickly assemble the structure. Once the structure is in place we will add a high dynamic range image to help light the scene. This lighting will help us achieve real world lighting conditions to view our material. We also look at capturing the suns light and the shadows it creates as it passes over the house.This leads us into materials and textures where you will learn to use Blenders PBR material shader to create a realistic looking 3D model. This is really important skill to have when creating architectural scenes in Blender.We look at more advanced techniques including creating grass using the particle system and creating trees using the sapling add-on. We complete this section by rendering out a photo realistic image.The next stage is the fun part where we prepare the model for animation. We make the house appear slowly using boolean modifiers and I will show you a great feature for quickly previewing how the animation looks before a full render. Finally we use render layers to speed up rendering and take a look at the compositor in Blender to put the elements back together. Content and OverviewArchipack:Learn to create3D parametric Architectural elementsArchimesh:Learn to quickly create large window elements for your sceneSun position:Create Sun animations with this great add-on for BlenderMeasureIt:Create, Dimension and Render your Layouts using this amazing add-on for Blender 3D.3D ModelGrassand use Blender'sparticle systemto add it throughoutthe scene.CreatingTreesusing theSaplingadd-on in BlenderUsing Blender'sPBRshader Create custom Material for your 3D models.RenderingSetupRender layersin BlenderExplore Blender'sCompositorforpost processing and much more!Learn how to design in this amazingly powerful 3D production suite and start designing architectural 3D models, design for 3D games, design unique 3D assets, design for 3D printed objects, or create amazing art work.Architectural visualization in Blender will allow you to impress your clients with photo realistic animations and images of their proposed designs.The course is designed forpractical learningand willwalkyou step by step through the process of creating 2D drawings tocreating custom 3D models. Discover the Archipack add-on in Blender, try thenewPBRcapabilitiesas we addmaterials, lighting, andcameras to the scene .When you complete this course you will be able to use Blender as the complete drafting and 3D visualization package. With the latest release of Blender there has never been a better time toget your creativity flowing.The lessons are taught withpractical examplesand aimed at completing the architectural design project. Learning Blender doesn't need to be difficult and you should enjoy thejourneyas you create some amazing architectural renders and 3D models. Unleash your Creative sideOpen Blender and be amazed at the possibilities. Discover a newworld of creativity. Blender is free, and constantly improving to deliverindustry standard tools. Ithas a strong online community just waiting to be discovered.So jump in and start creating today!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso MySQL de cero hasta experto Mysql 5.7 y Mysql 8, Linux" |
"ACTUALIZACINES MS RECIENTESTe enseo los pasos necesarios para contratar un VPS (servidor privado virtual) en la nube por si quieres tener una base de datos en la nube real en Ubuntu Server para que este disponible en todo el planeta, esta seccin esta pensada para quienes quieren una base de datos en la nube con un servidor real y con la seguridad que solo Linux puede ofrecer.Se agreg una clase en la cual se te ensea como y de donde descargar la versin de Mysql 8, ademas se mostraran los cambios en cada vdeo si es que los hay entre Mysql 5.7 y Mysql 8, realmente son pocos los cambios a realizar entre ambas versiones. Se agreg una seccin en la cual se hace una conexin entre Microsoft Excel y Mysql para hacer un pequeo formulario mediante el cual podremos consultar, agregar y eliminar registros de una tabla de Mysql pero desde excel. INTRODUCCINBienvenido alCurso MySQLcon el tendrs los conocimientos que necesita un DBA(Database Administrator)o un programador pero en un nivel de experto, te llevar de la mano desde el anlisis para hacer una base de datos hasta administrarla, optimizarla y agregarle programas almacenados como lo son, triggers, vistas, funciones almacenadas y procedimientos almacenados para sacar el mximo provecho a las bases de datos as como proveerlas de seguridad, con lo que aqu aprendas tambin es aplicable a motores de base de datos como lo son MariaDB, Sql Server, Firebird, Oracle, Informix entre otros ya que el lenguaje SQL es muy general y solo cambia muy poco de un motor de base de datos a otro, recuerda que si eres programador o eres DBA,siempre utilizaras bases de datos para tu trabajo y aqu te proporciono un camino para facilitarte tus labores profesionales garantizado.Quincluye este curso?Mas de 7 hrs de clases en vdeos con un nico objetivo cada uno.Cada clase incluye el cdigo fuente de las sentencias sql que se utilizan para hacer los ejemplos.Te proporciono el software necesario para trabajar y las diapositivas para que puedas tenerlas al alcance siempre como apoyo.Creamos una base de datos desde cero, hacemos el anlisis de casos reales de base de datos y te proporciono una base de datos de pruebas para que la puedas utilizar para los ejemplos.Soporte por parte de el instructor para tus dudas las cuales tratare de responderlas en menos de 24 hrs.Actualizacin constante del curso.Porqupublico este curso?Cuando yo trabajaba analizando la base de datos de una nminade un gobierno estatal comenc utilizando un motor de base de datos llamado informix, el sistema y la base de datos ya estaban creados y me toco darle mantenimiento, fue entonces cuando me di cuenta que no solo es bueno saber programar en lenguajes de programacin sino que las bases de datos es el corazn de toda la programacin y teniendo un buen diseo y seguridad en tu base de datos puedes dar buenos resultados, adicional a ello yo batalle mucho para aprender lo que aqu plasmo en este curso me hubiera gustado haber tenido un curso como este para poder comprender todo lo que maneje en ese motor de bases de datos, tambin descubr que lo que ah aprend lo puedo aplicar en cualquier motor de bases de datos, la sintaxis aveces cambia un poco pero el fin es el mismo.No lo dudes al adquirir este curso es para ti, no te arrepentirs de adquirirlo te lo garantizo."
Price: 79.99 |
"Android : E-Commerce App using Kotlin, PHP and Paypal API" |
"This course will guide you (step by step) to build afull business Android app fromlogin screen to the payment screenBut at first, It will teach you Kotlin programming language from scratch, then you will learn how to create web services using PHP. Next you will learn how to use Kotlin in android app developmentThis course has many reach topics like Volley, Picasso and Recycler ViewIt's divided into five sections:Kotlin BasicsPHP and MySQLAndroid app development using KotlinBuild the full projectBonus VideosThis course is useful for IT Developers, Students or any interested person in the mobile and web development fieldAnd if you don't have any idea about programming basics, you can visit my channel on YouTubeadenittube"
Price: 24.99 |
"Android Monetize and Publish Apps in one hour using Firebase" |
"This course will guide you (step by step) to Android app which contains Google AdMob to get some income from Google Advertisement with the help of the latest Google framework which is FirebaseThen, the course will guide you to the practical steps which allowed you to upload your app to the Google PlayThis course has many reach topics like Signed APK, Firebase, AdMob and Publishing on the Google PlayIt's divided into foursections:IntroductionGoogle AdMob and FirebasePublishing on Google PlayBonus VideosThis course is useful for IT Developers, Students or any interested person in the mobile and web development fieldAnd if you don't have any idea about programming basics, you can visit my channel on YouTubeadenittube"
Price: 19.99 |
"PHP : Zero to Hero" |
"Hello every one !!!This course is designed to go through the required steps to build complete E-commerce web site from scratch and then go to next level of advanced techniques in PHPIt's not required to have previous knowledge about web site development, this course start from zero knowledge about web developmentIt has been divided into six parts :1- HTML2-CSS3- Java Script4- Database5- PHP6- Build E-Commerce web site from login page to payment using paypal7- Web API and JSON8- jQuery and AJAX9- OOP and Three layer design pattern10- Publishing web site11- Extra VideosYou can select any part if you already have a knowledge about specific partPHP : Zero to Hero - Part 1In this part, I'm going to teach basics of HTML which include1- Paragraphs and headers2- Tables, Images and LinksPHP : Zero to Hero - Part 2In this part, I'm going to teach basics ofCSS which include1- Inline, internal and external2- ID and Class3- Bootstrap4- Templates3- Div, list and Form4- Videos and YoutubePHP : Zero to Hero - Part 3In this part, I'm going to teach basics of Java scripts which include1- Variables, Conditions and Loop2- Functions and Events3- DOM4- Time out and IntervalPHP : Zero to Hero - Part 4In this part, I'm going to teach basics of MySQL database which include1- Database, Tables and Joins2- SQL statement3- Aggregate Functions and Sub Query4- Import and Export databasePHP : Zero to Hero - Part 5In this part, I'm going to teach basics of PHPwhich include1- PHP basics2- Get, Post, Session and Cookie3- PHP and MySQLPHP : Zero to Hero - Part 6In this part, I'm going to teach how to build web store from scratch and PayPal functionality for the payment process and you can find the source code in the Bonus sectionPHP : Zero to Hero - Part 7In this part, I'm going to teach you about Web API and JSON and implement weather condition example for live web APIPHP : Zero to Hero - Part 8In this part, I'm going to teach you about jQuery and AJAX and implement group chat as an example for using AJAX and jQueryPHP : Zero to Hero - Part 9In this part, I'm going to teach you about OOP conceptsusing PHP and how you can create three layers design pattern using OOP and PHPPHP : Zero to Hero - Part 10In this part, I'm going to teach you the process of publishing your web site on live web serverPHP : Zero to Hero -Extra VideosIn this part, I'm going to add many videos in many topics related to PHP in gradual wayI will be happy to help you, so please send my any question you haveI hope to be one of my 14000+ students around the worldEnjoy"
Price: 29.99 |
"Android Cars App using Kotlin, PHP and Google Maps" |
"This course will guide you (step by step) to build acar service Android app fromlogin screen to the last step of the order trackingBut at first, It will teach you Kotlin programming language from scratch, then you will learn how to create web services using PHP. Next you will learn how to use Kotlin in android app developmentThis course has many reach topics like Volley, Picasso and Recycler View, SMS and Google Map APIIt's good step to start building app like Uper or CareemIt's divided into the following sections:Kotlin BasicsOOP using KotlinAndroid app development using KotlinUser Location and Google Map APIPHP and MySQLCalling Web API using VolleyBuild the full projectThis course is useful for IT Developers, Students or any interested person in the mobile and web development field"
Price: 49.99 |
"How to Create Customize Product Store with OpenCart" |
"What is OpenCart ?OpenCartis an open-source PHP based eCommerce software. It helps you set up your own online store and run your eCommerce business cost effectively andone of the fasted growing E-Commerce software that is very fast, lightweight on server, easily customizable andopen source.What is Custom Product Store?Custom product store is the platform where your user can add text, Add Photos, Change color, Upload Picture from there own computer and add all thison to theproduct as per they want.Now a days its very much demanding and so much creative Business around the world. Hope from this course you will be well understandthathow you can crate fully professional Online Custom Product Store with OpenCart.How This Course Design For youSection 1 : Introduction CourseSection 2: Installing OpenCart and Install Custom Product ModuleSection 3 : Adding and Setup Custom ProductSection 4 :How to Setup and Customize Editor Product Build OptionsSection 5: How to Customize Editor Panel as Per You WantWhen i updatesomething new,I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn from this course.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!without action nothing will change in you life, andI am also not responsible for your actions.Click the ""Buy Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited tosee you in the course!Sincerely,Kazi Ariyan"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn PHP To Create Basic Student Roll Attendance System" |
"Are you ready to learn how to build a Basic Student / Employ Attendance system using PHP and MySQLi? Then you are at the right place at the right time and you have the perfect tutorial.That is one of the very unique course in udmey. I always try to create my all project for professional level so that's will helpsyou alot. For that reason i crate this course with one project thatyou will learn PHP Development with complete one project as well.What Is PHP?PHP is an open source (free) scripting language that allows you to create dynamic websites and work with servers. PHP is now used on over 20 million websites and over 1 million servers worldwide.Bonuses:Getting Started with Bootstrap FrameWork from scratch without using any Bootstrap TemplateFull Coding ExercisesTips / TricksWhen i updatesomething new,I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!without action nothing will change in you life, andI am also not responsible for your actions.Click the ""Buy Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited tosee you in the course!Sincerely,Kazi Ariyan"
Price: 99.99 |
"Wordpress Woocommerce - Complete Project Professional Course" |
"WordPress Woocommerce - Complete Project Professional CourseHello Friend would you like to Create Fully Professional eCommerce store withWordPressWoocommercewith Absolutelynocoding Knowledgeand start your own online business or perhaps you look towork as a freelancer and Work for create eCommerce store for you client then that is one of the best investments you can take.If you don't have any idea aboutWordPressand Woocommercebefore, after end of this course you will beable to build fully professional eCommerce website such As Shown in Preview Video.I will start from where you can find WordPress and how you can install this on your web serverwhere you can find outWoo commerceandWoocommercetheme,how you can download and install this on you WordPress site.COURSECONTENT:: Step By Step Process Following :Section 1: Introduction & Getting StartedSection 2: Installing word press in Web Server.Section 3: Understanding Posts and PageSection 4: How to Install WordPress ThemeSection 5: Understanding Themes Customize OptionSection 6: Install Woocommerce and Start Adding Product.Section 7: How to Setup WooCommerceSection 8: How to Customize your ThemeSection 9: WordPress Backup and SecurityAdded Value:All lectures follow a step-by-step plan that will guide you along the way, so by the end of thisWordPresswoocommercecourse, you can transcend from absolutely zero to anWordPresswoocommerceexpert, running a powerful online eCommerce store in no time.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------without action nothing will change in you life, andI am also not responsible for your actions.Click the ""Buy Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited tosee you in the course!Sincerely,Kazi Ariyan"
Price: 199.99 |
"PHP for Beginner - Create PHP OOP Login / Register System" |
"This course will teach you how to create a full login, logout and user registration system for your website.You'll learn about PHP, MySQL, OOP, PDO, BOOTSTRAP.Learn how to create a website login and registration system using PHP, MySQL, OOP, PDO and BOOTSTRAP.This course will show you everything you need to know to make a full login-logout system with a user registration bonus.This is a fast paces course, but you'll a lot of advanced concepts that a typical ""build a login system"" course won't teach you.You'll learn MORE than just how to make a login system. This course includes topics on:Design and Create Page.Create Connection with DatabaseCreate and Validation of Registration PageCreate and Validation of Login PageCreate and Validation of Logout PageRead Data from the DatabaseCreate and Validation of Profile PageWhat to build next on your own.You'll learn how to code a full login system, with registration, logout and member-only access pages.Almost every website on the planet has a login system. It's about time yours does too.The best part about creating your own login system (and taking this course) is the skill you'll gain:you'll be able to put a login system into EVERY website you design in your future. It's very easy once you learn how to do itand that's why you're here: to learn how to code your own login system from scratch.I look forward to seeing you inside the course!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------without action nothing will change in you life, andI am also not responsible for your actions.Click the ""Buy Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited tosee you in the course!Sincerely,Kazi Ariyan"
Price: 99.99 |
"OpenCart 3 - Complete Project Professional Ecommerce Course" |
"Welcome to my courseOpenCart 3 - Complete Project Professional Ecommerce CourseOpencartis an open-source PHP based eCommerce software. It helps you set up your own online store and run your eCommerce business cost effectively andone of the fasted growing E-Commerce software that is very fast, lightweight on server, easily customizable andopen source.This comprehensive course is designed for opencart beginners and step by step takeyou the basics to master level of opencart that you all you need to know. You will be able to build fully functional A -Zonline store with opencart.I create this course from my professional experience so end of the course i think you will get all that answer that you want to know. My goalis to become you expert,that you can earn money from you new skill.For your better understand idivide my course with 12 sections like:SECTION A: Project IntroductionSECTION B: Installingopencart and Opencart Themein web-serverSECTION C: Customizing Catalog admin menuSECTION D: Customize Opencart Theme ModuleSECTION E: CustomizingOpencart Design SectionSECTION F: CustomizingOpencart Sales optionsSECTION G: Customizing Opencart Customers OptionsSECTION I: Customizing Marketing Options.SECTION J: Customizing SystemOptionsSECTION K: Customize your Theme Design.SECTION L: Backup and SecuritySECTION M: Bonus Featureand moreWhen i updatesomething new,I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!without action nothing will change in you life, andI am also not responsible for your actions. I am excited tosee you in the course!Sincerely,Kazi Ariyan"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn PHP MVC - Complete PHP MVC Framework Project" |
"Learn How to Create Complete PHP MVC Framework ProjectWhat is PHP MVC Framework ?TheModel-View-Controller (MVC)is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main logical components: themodel, the view, and the controller. Each of these components are built to handle specific development aspects of an application. MVC is one of the most frequently used industry-standard web development framework to create scalable and extensible projects.StartPHP Code Like a Professional by Building a PHP MVC Framework from Scratch.Section 1: IntroductionSection 2: Start With Model, View, ControllerSection 3: Create Advance Search OptionSection 4: Create Dynamic URLSection 5: How to Create Login and LogoutSection 6: How to Work with Admin AreaSection 7: Manage and Privileges Your UserWhat is your benefit ?We will end this course with one complete project. so you will learn not only all that function like what isModel / view / Controller. You will learn how to useitand how you can make one most advance project with this very easily.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click the ""Buy Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited tosee you in the course!Sincerely,Kazi Ariyan"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn to Sing: Warm-Ups & Exercises For Busy People" |
"Vocal exercises custom-designed to strengthen your voiceSinging isn't a talent you're born with.Singing isa skill you can learn, and here's why:becauseevery single daythose with ""natural talent""get surpassed by singers who work hard.This is not a lofty dream, this is proven reality.One of Nathan's students several years ago was a young woman whocame in forher first lesson literally onlyable to sing 5 pitches; everything else would crack or wouldn't come out at all.But she knew she wanted to sing more than anything. She studied these same techniques and practiced hardat home.In time, shehad one of the top auditions forher school's honor choir.If you can begin building a habit ofsinging often, withhealthy technique, your voice will improve. That's what this course is all about.Nathan'soriginal vocal exercisesare specifically designed to help singers release vocal tension, using lyrics and patterns that reinforce positive vocal habits. They are available to sing along with on video, or to download and print for personal or educationaluse.You may also be interested in the complete vocal course, which contains a thorough series of training lessons that guide you through all sorts of techniques you'll need to master to become a solid singer. Search for it among our additional courses, which also includesPiano Building Blocks, a fun and simple method for learning to play piano by chord.Nathan has a B.A. in Vocal Music Education andleads worship weekly at a growing church in Iowa. He's a composer, pianist, andguitarist. Hewas section leader in one of the top college choral ensembles in the nation,and he's taughtscores of voice students in private lessons.Sign uptoday!!Keywords: sing,singing, sing better,singing lessons, singing courses, singing from the diaphragm, singing voice, singing lesson, voice lesson, voice training, vocal training, vocal lessons, vocals, vocal course, vocal production, vocal harmony, sing harmony, sing high, sing high notes, singing in tune,sing in tune, sing on pitch, singing pitch,sing lesson, sing lessons, sing professionally, sing voice, sing vocal, singing with vibrato, singing warm up, singing exercises, singing techniques, singing technique,singing transformation, singing training, singing teacher, singing tips, singing success, singing for beginners, singing for busy people, singing for men, singing lessons online, singing classes, singing classical, singing class, singing vibrato, singing voice training, singing voice lessons."
Price: 99.99 |
"Ultimate Ear Training for Piano, Guitar, & More: Play by Ear" |
"People spend thousands of dollars every year in expensive college music degree programs, and virtually every one of them includes an ear training course of some kind. They do it for good reason; hearing and identifying pitch is a powerful tool. Ear training helps you learn new songs faster. Ear training helps you avoid mistakes before they happen. Ear training gives you the ability to improvise and compose.Now YOU can have an easy, yet thorough, overview of the most practical aspects of a college ear training course, focused on the typical modern musician's actual needs, at a tiny fraction of the cost. We have pared down these long and complex courses into simple and practical tutorials that will help you really develop your ear for music.You will learn how to: Hear and identify the chords of nearly any song. Know what families of notes and chords will sound best together when improvising or composing. Learn new songs faster, using your ear to speed up the process. Reduce your likelihood of live performance mistakes Increase your ability to recover smoothly when mistakes might happen. Plus much more!Stop feeling jealous of great musicians who seem to effortlessly play whatever they hear. Now you, too, can learn their secrets. Why not starttoday?Keywords: ear training, music theory, music, piano, guitar, scales, chords, major, minor, play by ear, play by chord, compose, composition, improvise, improvisation."
Price: 149.99 |
"40 English Idioms You Need To Know" |
"This course will present 40 very common English idioms in a variety of ways with explanations, situations, and exercises. These idioms are often heard in everyday speech in conversations and in movies and on TV. Learning them will help you understand English more and improve yourability to communicate.All of the videos are narrated by me, Joe, a native speaking English teacher with over 20 years of experience of teaching students of all ages and ability levels. The videos also have slides that present the main ideas, questions, and situations, so that you will be able to fully understand the idioms.The idioms are presented and then you will be tested to check their understanding and memory. You will be able to pause the videos if needed before your knowledge is checked.I have also included some small and usefulquizzes throughout the course. These quizzes will help you remember, understand and strengthen your knowledge of the 40 idioms in the course. The quizzes are easy to understand and take, and afterwards you will have full command of these 40 everyday idioms."
Price: 34.99 |
"15 Ways To Learn English" |
"Every video in this course will have me, Joe, speaking as well as a set of presentation slides to show you exactly what you can do to learn English in different ways. Over my career as a teacher I have met thousands and thousands of students. Some of them were very successful in classrooms, but some of them weren't. The one's who weren't needed to learn English in other ways, so I had to come up with other ways to help them improve their English. Perhaps you are like one of those students. Do you have trouble learning English in a classroom?Perhaps you are not able to go to a school right now?Do you need other ways to help you improve on your schedule and in your way?This course can help you.In the videos,I will describe the different ways and explain them fully. I will also give you motivation by showing you how each different way can improve your skills. Iwill give you ideas and help so you can see yourself using these ways on a daily basis and really starting to improve your English. This course includes:- lectures giving you many different ways to learn English. - reasons for changing the way people traditionally learn English. - easy to follow instructions for you on how to learn in different ways.This course is perfect for people who have trouble learning in a traditional classroom environment. It presents lots of ways for you to learn outside of class and on your own. By the time you are finished with this course you will no longer be discouraged about learning English. Maybe you have had some bad experiences and poor progress in classrooms, but this course will show you lots of ways to work on your English and improve it anywhere and at any time."
Price: 19.99 |
"Questions and Answers to Improve Fluency" |
"Do you sometimes not know how to ask a common question in English?Do you sometimes get asked questions in English, but you don't know the right way to answer?This is a complaint that I hear a lot from my students. This course can help you by showing lots of common questions and answers in common everyday situations. These are questions that get asked to people thousands of times every day, so it is important to know what they mean and how to answer them. Every video in this course will have me presenting five common questions in different everyday situations. For each questionI will present two possible answers that the student will have to choose between. You listen and read the questions and answers and then you think of which answer you think is the right one. After that I will show you the correct answer, as well as any possible alternative answers and I will explain them all. Finally, I will reveal a possible question for the wrong answer, too. This learning system will show you common questions and answers so you can match them up and remember them forever. To check to make sure you know and understand the right answers for the questions, several quizzes are provided. These quizzes check and strengthen the knowledge you learn from the videos. This course includes:- Lots of videos presenting over 100 common English questions. - Common everyday answers to those questions. - PDF documents so students can read over all the material. - Quizzes to check understanding and recall of the information. - A final video to teach you what to do if you don't hear a question properly. This course is perfect for people who want to improve their fluency and learn how to speak English more like a native speaker. It is an easy to learn system that will present you with commonly asked questions and their proper answers, so you will never have to be frustrated in situations again where you don't know what to say."
Price: 39.99 |
"Business Success by Your Psychic Numbers with Numerology" |
"From the instructor of a Udemy Best Seller ""Psychic & Intuitive Living by Your Numbers with Numerology"", is her NEW course...Asimple Do-It-Yourself guide to discovering how your business numerology and its daily vibrations impact your brand, market presence, and sales activity, as well as other common business task.It is said that a job is what you are paid for and your calling is what you are made for. But what if they could be one in the same? By taking this course specifically designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners, you will learn this simple system of numbers (numerology) with a relevancy and practical focus on creating a solid and more favorable foundation for success and fulfillment with your business. Although it is designed for beginners through those with some numerology experience, by the end of this course, you will have gained the intermediate skills to create and interpret a business numerology profile like a professional.Whether you are in those beginning stages of starting your business or you are looking to grow your existing business or you want to turn your part-time passion into your full-time or primary career, discover how numerology can help you navigate common concerns and crossroads that entrepreneurs face with greater clarity and confidence. Gain practical insights into helping youBrand YOUR innate product or service niche.Use your lucky numbers to establish your business name and start date for setting a favorable foundation for success.Plan your work and work your plan using favorable timing for sales and promotional activities to getting your taxes done.Manage your daily operations in tune with your numeric design for helping fend off burnout.Recognize your strengths roles in your business versus where you could benefit from the talents of employees and contractors.Attain, maintain, and grow healthy client relationships.Select an energetically favorable location for your business.And much more!So enroll and learn how to use this by-the numbers guide for navigating your business for attainable and sustainable success. Better adjust to the unexpected by selecting alternatives for dealing with road blocks and challenges based on your innate talents and your business numeric design.Join in and experience the opportunities of planning your work and working your plan by your numbers!**********Disclaimer:The course instructor/creator is not responsible for any interpretations and decisions made or used by the recipient of the information from this course. For financial issues, consult a tax or financial professional. For medical or mental health issues, consult a medical or mental health professional. For legal issues, consult a legalprofessional.Chemical abuse including and not limited to drugsor alcohol impacts the relevancy of the numbers. A person is not of one's true essence when under the influence of any substance."
Price: 89.99 |
"Curso Completo de Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS" |
"Este curso irfocar a instalao, configurao e administrao do sistemaUbuntu Server na sua verso 18.04 LTS. O aluno aprender a comoinstalar e configurar um sistema operacional Linux mais usado domundo. O nosso curso abrange a ltima verso do Ubuntu Desktop, 18.04.Nele vamos estudar sobre: TCP/IP, configurao de rede Configurao do servidor DHCP Criao de um LAMP Servidor DNS com BIND9 Servidor FTP Servidor NFSE muito mais!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso completo de MySQL! Do Bsico ao Avanado!" |
"O MySQL um sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados (SGBD), que utiliza a linguagem SQL como interface. atualmente um dos sistemas de gerenciamento de bancos de dados mais populares, com mais de 10 milhes de instalaes pelo mundo.O MySQL foi lanado em Maio de 1995 e hoje seu desenvolvimento e manuteno empregam aproximadamente 400 profissionais no mundo inteiro, alm de usurios contribuem testando o software, integrando-o a outros produtos, e o escrevendo continuamente.Nesse curso abordaremos os principais tpicos do MySQL,como: Conhecer e aprender melhor sobre o banco de dados doMySQL; Backup e Restaurao; Tabelas, Restries, Vises, Funes com linguagens deprogramao; Administrao grfica; Segurana e muito mais!Grandes empresas usam o MySQL como a NASA, Friendster, Banco Bradesco, Dataprev, HP, Nokia, Sony, Lufthansa, U.S. Army, U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, Associated Press, Alcatel, Slashdot, Cisco Systems, Google, Pneus Cacique, entre outros."
Price: 19.99 |
"Psychology of Old Age Certificate / Gerontology - ACCREDITED" |
"Are you interested in learning about psychology of older age adults? Do you want to know better about their needs, goals and to understand them with ease?Whether you are building your professional career as a carer or a psychologist, or youwant to learn how to care for your elderly relative in your own home, you are in the right place!In this course you will take 23 informative lectures where you will find out many interesting aspects:What is 'Alzheimers disease' and 'dementia', and what's the difference between the twoHow we stereotype older people and how it affects themWhat is 'developmental psychology'Substance abuse in older pepleHow to improve health in older ageWhen is too late to exercise and eat healthier, and much more!Enrol now and see you in my class!"
Price: 144.99 |
"Grief and Bereavement Counselling Cert - NOW ACCREDITED!" |
"Are you interested in learning about grief and bereavement counselling? Is this your first step towards a professional career as a 'bereavement' counsellor or would you use this knowledge as a part of your current work? Or perhaps you want to support your loved ones who are going through grief at the moment or simply for yourself? In any case, you are in the right place! This course consists of 24 informative lectures where you will find out many interesting topics such as: The 5 stages of grieving process that most people go through The beliefs people hold towards 'death' and 'dying' from around the world How children view death and how they cope with grieving How to recognise 'clinical depression' and what treatments available for it How to adjust to unexpected or violent death You will also understand what is the loss of self in grieving process, and how to end 'long-term counselling', and so much more!P.S. This course is now fully accredited by the IAOTH - International Association of Therapists!"
Price: 169.99 |
"Alcohol- and Drug Addictions: Psychology - NOW ACCREDITED!" |
"Are you interested in learning about psychology of addictive behaviour? Would you like to help others through your work?In this course you will take 26 informative lectures where you will learn: What are the signs and symptoms of addiction How it gets diagnosed What kind of drugs people take What psychological and medical treatments are available to people diagnosed with addiciton What are the steps to full recovery You will also understand:What is 'detoxification treatment' Withdrawal from the substanceWhat is 'overdose' by drugs and how often it really happens and so much more!Are you ready to start your learning?Then Ill see you in my class!P.S. This course is now fully accredited by the IAOTH - International Association of Therapists!"
Price: 149.99 |