"Diplomado de Fisicoconstructivismo - Modulo 4" |
"Este curso es el cuartomodulo de Diplomado deFisicoconstructivismo.Conocers y dominarslas herramientas para el desarrollo de programas especficos e integrales delentrenamiento de fuerza.Qu es la Kinesiologa deportiva, cmo funciona labiomecnicaen cada ejercicio de gimnasio y qu ejercicios son contraindicados.Hablamos de temas como:Factores y componentes de la Fuerza-Velocidad:Componentes de Fuerza Velocidad, Manifestaciones de las Acciones Musculares, Fundamentos fisiolgicos de la fuerza velocidad, Ejercicios de musculacin para la Fuerza-Velocidad yFuerza Reactiva.Dolor Muscular de Aparicin Tarda-DOMSPliometra:Tipos de Pliometra, Tests para la Fuerza Explosiva y PliometraPlanificacin del entrenamiento de fuerza:Carga de EntrenamientoEste curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo."
Price: 29.99 |
"Diplomado Nutricin Aplicada al Culturismo y Deporte Mod. 1" |
"Este curso es el primermodulo de Diplomado deNutricin Aplicada al Culturismo y DeporteConocers laclasificaciny cules son lascaractersticasy funciones de las protenas,carbohidratos, grasas, vitaminas, minerales y agua. Cmo se digieren y absorben los alimentos. A que hora comer protena y por qu.Cmo bajar o subir de peso. Cmo perder la grasa en base a la frecuencia cardiaca. De dnde se obtiene la energa y su aplicacin en el deporte. Cmo usar los complementos alimenticios y cules son sus beneficios. Tambin aprenders a elaborar dietas acorde a los diferentes objetivos de tu entreno.Hablamos de temas como:Nutricin: Primaria, Moderna, Optima, Deportiva, Caractersticas de la Dietay Cambio de Hbitos.Digestion, Absorcin y Metabolismo: Metabolismo Basal, Total, Anabolismo, Catabolismo, Metabolismo de la Glucosa, Glucogeno, Activadores del Metabolismo Basal yFactores que inhiben la Correcta Nutricin.Macronutrientes: Funciones de los Carbohidratos, Grasas, Protenas,Aporte Nutricional Racin Alimentos yMitos sobre la Alimentacion y Entrenamiento.Micronutientes:Funciones de los Minerales,Importancia del Agua, Vitaminas Hidrosolubles y Liposolubles.Enzimas y Antioxidantes:Teora del Envejecimiento,Enzimas, Antioxidantesy Radicales LibresAlimentacin Diaria:Ingesta Diettica Recomendada yCausas para Vitaminarse.Peso: Gasto Calorico yDistribucin de NutrientesEste curso est diseado para que todo lo que aprendas, lo puedas aplicar inmediatamente en tu gimnasio o producto deportivo."
Price: 49.99 |
"SEO Schema Tutorial: Structured Data for Wordpress - JSON LD" |
"If you are an SEO - or are planning to be one - then you absolutely, positively must know how to markup your webpages.With voice search becoming more important by the day, Google is relying a lot on schema markup code to understand the content of webpages and present results that are very, very relevant to searchers.You may expect webpages with well optimized schema markup to gradually take more and more prominent positions in the SERPs.And webpages without schema markup will start ceding space to to ones that have optimized schema markup. More so when you are talking about local businesses.And local business without schema markup on their pages is practically leaving money on the table.In this course, you will learn -step by step - how to create JSON LD schema markup for any kind of webpage, test your code - and insert it onto your webpages. Even if you do not know much about programming and haven't written computer code in the past, you will be able to see how to create valid schema markup for your websites.You will also see how to optimize schema markup - and why you need to.If you were to try to learn all of this by yourself, you might spend hours or even days trying to figure out all of the nitty-gritty. This course will help you get upto speed and have a working knowledge of creating and usingschema markupin a little over 2 hours."
Price: 19.99 |
"Build AI powered Chatbots at no cost with Chatfuel-No Coding" |
"Chatfuel allows you to Build Chatbots for free up to 5000 subscribers. Why not make use of it?This is a comprehensive and step by step course that shows how to create a basic chatbot and then empower it with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to become an intelligent bot.Once you have a bot, the course shows how to market the course both organically and via Facebook advertising. The course starts with an introduction that talks about what is being covered in the course and why it is important. Then many of the basic terms in the Chatbot world are covered. The next couple of lessons cover how to create a structure / skeleton of a Chatbot you want to build. The next few lessons show how to build a Chatbot step by step. If you take action in parallel, at the end of these lessons, youll have a functional bot in place. The next few lessons show how to include some advanced features and AI rules to make the bot an intelligent one. Finally, some of the ways to market your products within the bot are covered. This is course is for anyone who wants to build a bot for his / her own business or the one he / she works for. In case you want to start your own agency and build bots for clients, this course is a great starting point. Chatbots will soon rule the social media world and digital marketing space in general. But Chatbots are still in the initial stage of its lifecycle. So if you decide to enter this space and master it, this knowledge will be invaluable in your marketing career. The predictions about Chatbots are so startling that goes like Chatbots will improve in the next few years to replace humans in the marketing and customer service functions. This is possible with the improvement in the technology in the Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing fuctions. In the near future, may be in the next couple of years, there is no wonder if Chatbots take the place of email marketing. So my bold claim is this. If you are in the marketing space and have high aspirations to succeed in it, you cannot afford to master Chatbot marketing."
Price: 189.99 |
"Powerful Growth Hacking Strategies & Tools - 2019+Checklist" |
"Are you an Entrepreneur?Is your true north thegrowth of your business?Are you ready to Iterate different things to see what works?Then you need this course.It starts with a few simple hacks anybody can implement if they have some basic things like social handles,a website etc.The course covers some of the strategies you can implement right away to speed up the growth.To make it actionable, the course adopts a step by step approach to explain things.This means, you can start implementing the strategies immediately without needing any additionalmaterial apart from the ones shared within the course.Moreover, each lecture explains a strategy in detail and it's independent of other lectures. This means, you can pick and choose any strategy and implement it right away.This means there is no need to go through the course in the order of lectures, even though this will help to learn in a systematic way.The course covers growth hacking strategies from several areas of marketing like SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Blogging, Conversion Rate Optimization among many othersand some non marketing areas."
Price: 189.99 |
"Automatiza tu navegador. Selenium WebDriver con Python." |
"Este curso se concentra en como automatizar pruebas de paginas web usando Selenium. Cubre en forma extensa las diferentes formas de encontrar elementos usado el DOM y XPath. Xpath en un lenguaje muy pequeo para seleccionar nodos de un archivo XML. HTML es tratado como XML por XPath.Este curso describe las bases necesarias para cuando elijas tu propia estrategia, pero sin hablar de las diferentes estrategias para probar, solamente muestra una estrategia popular que es Modelo de Objetos de Paginas, (Page Object Model - POM).De acuerdo a su pgina web, Selenium se puede definir en solo trespalabras selenium automatiza navegadores eso es todo! Es usado para probar aplicaciones en internet. Especialmente la automatizacin de pruebas de aplicaciones en internet. Aunque tambin pudiera ser utilizado para automatizar tareas repetitivas y aburridas que usen internet. Selenium tiene dos partes, Selenium WebDriver y Selenium IDE. Si tienes proyectos grandes en los que tienes que hacer muchas pruebas de regresin. Con muchos casos de prueba y probablemente quieres probar en navegadores deiferentes, entonces necesitas usar selenum webdriver. Selenium webdriver tiene un lenguaje (Selenese) que puede ser usado para escribir pruebas desde otros lenguajes de programacin populares como C#, Java , Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP y otros. Selenium puede correr en Windows, Linux y OS X y es open source.Los ejemplos de este curso fueron probados en Firefox, Chrome e Internet Explorer. Para probar se hace uso de Unittest, aunque existen otros frameworks pero no se cubren en este curso.Tambin veras las acciones ms comunes y algunas no comunes en una pagina de internet, por ejemplo como darle clic a un botn o a una caja de seleccin, como verificar si un checkbox esta seleccionado, como seleccionar una opcin en un drop down. Como obtener el texto o cualquier atributo de un elemento. Un poco mas alla de lo bsico veras como cambiar el foco a alguna nueva ventana que se abra, o como cambarse a una alerta. Veras como realizar acciones en cadena ActionChains son utiles para crear acciones un poco mas complejas como seleccionar un men dinamico que aparezca cuando el raton se mueve encima de un elemento. Tambin aprenders como manejar esperas Implicitas y Esperas Explicitas o en ingles (Implicit waits y Explicit waits) El curso termina explicando lo que se conoce como Page Object Model (POM) que es un patrn de diseo. O en otras palabras es una estrategia probada para optimizar la creacion de tus pruebas, este modelo ofrece que . Tu cdigo ser ms fcil de entender Sea Fcil de mantener por cualquier persona Tu Cdigo sea reusable porque usa el mismo script en varias pruebas Porque eso entra de las estrategias que pudieras seguir para generar cientos de casos de prueba en forma eficiente. Al final de este curso te sentiras con confianza para generar tus programas para probar tus casos de prueba en una forma elegante y bien estructurada."
Price: 99.99 |
"SQL Server: Programando Procedimientos, Triggers y funciones" |
"Curso bsico de programacin en SQL Server, en este curso aprenders a programar dentro de la base de datos. IncluyendoLos tipos de datos que se manejan en SQL ServerProgramacin en general: Condiciones (IF ELSE) Bucles (WHILE) Alcance de variables (Scope) Instrucciones BREAK y CONTINUE Creacin de vistas. Creacion de procedimientos almacenados (stored procedures) Creacin y programacin de funciones Como pasar parmetros a funciones y procedimientos almacenados. Manejo de error (TRY. CATCH) Tablas temporales Cursores Triggers"
Price: 79.99 |
"Excel VBA - Macro Training" |
"MS Excel is the integral part of MIS profession and one of the most useful Application for reporting and analysis. However to be successful in in this field only having the knowledge of MS Excel is not sufficient, the aspirant has to be well versed with Excel VBA as well. You may get to know about VBA at the time of learning and working with Macro itself. Macro recording enable the user to create a function it often requires. While the user records macros the Excel do a VBA programming for you. You may work on very advance level projects if you have got the knowledge of VBA. Our course curriculum has been considered as one of the most advance one. Download the content for more details. Moreover it enables the user to do what can be one in Excel itself but thousand times faster."
Price: 3520.00 |
"How to set up a writers group that works" |
"Writing can be a lonely activity and one of the best things a writer can do, both to combat this isolation and to help with the development and improvement of their writing, is to join a writing group.But there are many different types of group, with different aims and activities, and there are a lot of potential problems and pitfalls along the way for anyone who decides to set up a new group.This course is based on my own experience over several decades of belonging to a number of different writing groups, both as organiser and as rank-and-file member. It is intended to give an idea of the range of group formats and focus, to help you avoid the main pitfalls of organisation and admin, and, above all, to make sure that the group you set up meets your needs as a writer.During the course, we will take a look at a range of group activities, with particular emphasis on sharing work and giving and receiving feedback.Wherever you are in your writing career, belonging to a writing group can be beneficial: whether you use it to share your own work, collaborate with others, hone your editorial skills, share market information, or simply as a social group, a good group will foster an atmosphere of mutual assistance and allow all the members to improve as writers. Not all writing groups are the same and its important to find one or to create one that works for you.NOTE: In addition to the course video lectures, the bonus class includes a downloadable PDF of my book ""Writing in Circles: a writers' group handbook"", described by one Amazon reviewer as a valuable resource for organisers and members of writing groups that gives sound advice with humour and an abundance of goodwill.The book includes some of the material covered in the course as well as additional material that looks more specifically at group activities and also at the critique process."
Price: 19.99 |
"Inspirations for creative writing" |
"Some writers always have things to write about: they never seem to run out of ideas. Othersstruggle to start new work,sitting around waiting for inspiration to come. But experience shows that the Muse likes to find us working, so it's good to have a range of activities you can use when you're not sure what to write next.Each class in thiscourseprovidesadifferent promptor activity to get the creative process started. How you usethese resources will depend on your particular interests and aimsas a writer.Many of the classes are accompanied byexamples of writing that has resulted from the activity described. Most of these aretaken from my own work and,as my own maininterest is in poetry, the examples aremostlypoems; even so,the course shouldbe of interest to any creative writer whos looking for inspirational activities."
Price: 34.99 |
"The Long Term Passionate Marriage with Victoria & Michael" |
"Creating Your Long Term Passionate Marriage with Victoria and MichaelThe Keys to a Long Term Passionate MarriageCreating the ultimatelong term passionate relationshipsIt's not magic.... but when you work on it, it can feel like it!Program Content includes:Introduction to the programCreating Your Long Term Passionate MarriageIt's Possible - The Love LabGood Sex OftenGood Marriage FundamentalsJealousy and EnvyWhat are your Priorities?The Riches of Life - In the Present MomentVulnerability is the KeyHow to Fight ~ Fairly!Emotionally Self-SufficiencyHumor and the Long Term RelationshipLove LanguageConclusion ~The Long Term Passionate Marriage"
Price: 29.99 |
"Making Today Count - 6 Habits for Success" |
"Making Today Count - The Personal Breakthrough Program for Daily Success & GrowthIncludes over $50 of downloadable resources!!!A complete program for Personal Growth and Life-change - Discover the ""daily success"" habits that make all the difference between an ordinary day...and one that counts towards your dreams.This empowering course is for anyone who's ever dared to dream that life could be different. It's for everyone who's wondered what life could be like if you could only break free of the things that hold you back. It's for those who have hoped things will get better, and have decided that today is the day to do something about it.Using a easy-to-follow framework based on six key self-empowering strategies, you'll be shown how to build firm foundations into your life that will equip you to change the course of your life, set you free to aim for bigger and better, and develop habits to make every day count towards your vision of the future.This inspirational and practical course is based on Craigs book ""Making Today Count"", and the core message is that personal success is only a day away, and that life transformation is possible, once you are prepared to change from the inside out.Included in the course is a condensed copy of the eBook, a printable 5-page workbook, plus worksheets for each of the six strategies. A valuable resource for your personal growth.On completion of the course you will also be able to download the MP3 audio version of the course through the website, to take with you wherever you go.What else will I learn?Discover how to break free of normal days and fully embrace your future.Build your confidence in a better tomorrow, starting now.Easily plan and get more of the important things done.Make room in your life for your future.Define your dreams and set meaningful goals.Overcome procrastination without the need for will-power.The course contains over 3 hours of video lectures as well as bonus training and materials. It aims to equip the student who is intent on making the most of every single day, so that they never have to watch another day slip by without making it count for something.Craig is available to answer questions or expand on any of the concepts, through the discussion section. This is a course that is intended to give inspiration and encouragement, so only take this course if you want to see real, positive change.Remember, this course comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. Take the first step to making today one of the most important days ever."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Modern OpenGL Programming" |
"This course will introduce you to modern OpenGL programming. We will teach you a brief history of OpenGL to help you understand why we chose to teach modern OpenGL with its programmable rendering pipeline over the fixed function pipeline. The majority of tutorials and books only teach the outdated versions of OpenGL API with its fixed function pipeline. We will show you how to use the faster, more efficient and more flexible OpenGL API.We begin with the basics of getting OpenGL running in a window using the GLFW library. Then we will move on to understanding the basics of rendering polygons to the display by sending buffers of data to the computers graphics card and programming it using shaders with the GLSL shading language. We learn how to map textures to our objects. We'll set up a virtual camera using keyboard and mouse inputs to enable us to move around in the scene.After we have the fundamentals working then we can start building more complex things. We will learn how to load 3D models and add interesting lighting to the scene. By the end of this course, you will know how to set up and render in 3D with modern OpenGL. With each lesson we build the framework with reusable C++ and OpenGL code. That is a great starting place for you to build your own game engine. We will start with a blank project and write code each step of the way and each lesson builds upon the last. Even if you have never touched OpenGL you should find the course easy to follow and everything explained along the way. All of the source code, pre-built third party libraries and Visual Studio solutions for each lesson are included."
Price: 194.99 |
"SAP PP - Capacity Requirements Planning in SAP (PP-CRP)" |
"In this course you will learn how to customize the capacity planning process for your customers to make sure that the right machines, production lines and manpower are available.People understand better with practical examples. That's why we have prepared for this course a practical business example. This is part of a Project Simulation for a fictional company by using real life examples.You will use an example with a current product to:learn the master data objects used in capacity planning,Know how to create your own master data in SAP.Learn the capacity evaluation tools and how to customize themUnderstand the techniques for capacity levelingKnow the customizing available for the Tabular and Graphical Planning TableI hope I got your attention with our project simulation and the interesting things you will learn in this course.Lets get right into it because we have a lot of more interesting topics to cover."
Price: 149.99 |
"Synthesizer Serum Harmor Synthmaster Massive" |
"If you want to make your own sounds as a sound designer, you need to handle virtual synthesizers. For beginners these synthesizers may be overwhelming.In this course you will learn how to operate several synthesizers (Serum, Harmor and Synthmaster 2, Massive). These synthesizers share common features, but also have their specific qualities.This course starts with Serum, because it is neatly organised, has a lot of visual feedback and contains many aspects of popular synthesizers.By no means you need to buy al these expensive synthesizers. You can use the demo versions of the first 3 to do some testing. Also there are plenty of free synthesizers available on the internet.This course is for you to learn the basics of several synthesizers. With this basics you can understand the functioning of other synthesizers faster and choose your favourite. Then you can become a new big sound designer!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Lead Auditor Tools for a Professional Internal Audit" |
"##### UPDATED FOR 2020 ! ##### ### New 5 resources added - downloadable file of each section summary ### What is an audit and its benefits?Why does internal audits often seem as a waste of time?How to prepare questions to the audit?How to document efficiently during the audit?How to write a killer report within minimum time? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you a want to know some quality tips and tricks RIGHT NOW, here's what you can do;Go to Hands On Quality Facebook Group, where I share FREE resources, and all my tips and tricks, including audits.Just copy & paste the following text: HandsOnQualityto your Facebook search bar and chose the one with the ""GROUP"" in the description.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An internal audit is an excellent PREVENTIVE tool for catching problems before the damage.An ineffective audit is a waste time and money to the organization.But if the audit will reveal the company shortcomings and helps saving on operation cost, this exactly what management will appreciate. Just imagine what impact it can have on your professional career, if you would carry out an effective audit, that would bring a positive change. In this course, you'll learn how to carry out a professional internal audit, by answering all the above questions, plus: Types of audits Optimal audit duration and content Writing an audit plan The best audit opening ever The audit psychology Do the best closing Handling feedback on the report And so much more Being one click away from a practical course, that will give you the ability to carry out an internal audit as a pro, is an excellent place to be. You are welcome to watch all FREE preview videos - I made sure that you'll have at least one video for preview, in EVERY single section.Plus, you have a 30-day money back guarantee, to enable you to confidently enroll. See you in the course!Danielle"
Price: 89.99 |
"Introduction to Business Statistics" |
"Hi, My name is Robert, I am an senior business analyst with over a decade of experience working as data specialist consulting to both big corporate and small medium enterprises. First I would like to thank you for your interest in this course. It is the fruit of my combined experiences and technical know-hows from my years. I decided to share it with you due to my passion in teaching people, to use data in their business, for improvement and profit. Let's introduce you to the course.This course will give you a start in understanding statistics in general and business application of statistics in particular. We will discuss the terminology of statistics, basic measurements and the probabilityconcept. You will have a taste of the fundamentals of statistics and how it is applied in business settings for simple problems.However be awarethat this course is not a full on statistics course in the academic sense. Base on my experiences, statistics is too easily being misused by amateurs and professionals alike. Due to its usage of mathematical concepts, measurements and formulas statistics unintentionally createdan alluring vision of scientific exactness in the eyes of the inexperienced. In fact, statistics is an imprecise science, an series of educated guesses. True statisticians do not deal in certainty, but probability. A good statistician always deliver his/her results with a clear communication on how confident he/she is on the results, and what could be done further to improve that level of confidence. Thus I decided to only include the most basic and widely used statisticalmethods in this course. Methods and measurements which are simple but also incredibly powerful in producing pragmatic insights that could aid tremendously indecisions making everywhere.Therefore, if you are a business student or a professional who is looking for a simple but powerful way to make sense of data. What are you waiting for, join the course and let start!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Laravel and Vue.js - Fullstack Web Development (2019)" |
"Update historiesNovember 2019 - Added new section about building Single Page Application (SPA)October 2019 - Added new section about RESTful API DevelopmentSeptember 2019 - Added new lesson about how to upgrade Laravel version from 5.8 to 6.0August 2019 - Added new section section about deploying Laravel application in Digital OceanJune 2019 - Added new section about upgrading laravel version (5.7, 5.8)March 2019 - Added new section about building editor component with syntax highlighter support with Vue.js & Prism.jsWelcome to Laravel and Vue.js - Fullstack Web Development course, the best online resource for learning how to build full stack web app with Laravel, Vue.js and other technologies.You will learn basic and advance Laravel features, integrating Bootstrap 4 to create beautiful and responsive website, Integrating Fontawesome 5, utilizing Laravel mix to write and compile Sass code and Javascript code and much more.All of my courses are project-driven learning, in this course we will build real world project, that will make you proud of yourself and make you confident to build complex web applications that you can imagine.Here's exactly what you will learn:Basic Laravel features: database migration, database seeds, model factories, accessor & mutattors, form validation, authentication and authorization.Advance Eloquent Relationship: Many to many and Many to Many polymorphic relationship.Integrating Fontawesome 5 via Laravel mix.Integrating Bootstrap 4 for UI Styling.Implementing DRY principle.Using Git for version control and Github as code repository.Introduction to Vue js: Directive, list rendering, conditional rendering, class binding, style binding, components, mixins and much more.Integrating Vue js & Ajax to make our application more interactive.RESTfull API DevelopmentDeploy Laravel applications in Heroku and Digital Ocean Virtual Private Server.Upgrade Laravel application to the newer version to make our app up to date.And much moreSo what you're waiting for? Join today and learn how to build full stack web apps from scratch with Laravel & Vue.js."
Price: 99.99 |
"Earn Money Playing Video Games" |
"The translation of the Top Seller Udemy's Trainingin Spanish is now available in English. Are you passionate about video games? Do you spend hours and hours in front of the screen? Would you like to be the next tester of your favorite game? My name is Ricardo Izquierdo and I have been working in the video game industry for more than 10 years as a professional tester, now I have created this trainingfor you, so that you can also fulfill the dream that I fulfilled one day, be a professional video game tester. After the success of the training in Spanish, with more than 2300 students in 52 countries in just one year, comes to your hands the integrated and improved version of the professional video game testing training, I hope you enjoy it!"
Price: 174.99 |
"Narrativa Profesional de Videojuegos" |
"Cuando un videojuego lo recuerda todo el mundo, es por que ese videojuego ha sabido tocar la mente y el corazn del jugador. No cualquier juego se convierte en un clsico ni en un juego recordado por todo el mundo. Quieres aprender a disear los videojuegos mas emocionantes que estn todava por crearse?, Tienes problemas para que tu historia impacte al jugador?, Deseas que tus videojuegos sean recordados para siempre? En este curso, creado despus de mas de 11 aos trabajando en empresas como Electronic Arts, King Games o Pyro Studios, aprenders a conocer los elementos que tienen en comn juegos como God of War, Battlefield, TheDarkness o Assasin's Creed, conocers las herramientas clave que hacen que los juegos impacten emocionalmente en el jugador y aprenders a crear las historias mas increbles y memorables que todava estn por desarrollarse. Si quieres que tus juegos sean recordados por siempre, este es tu curso."
Price: 94.99 |
"QlikSense Completo: De cero a desarrollador Qlik Sense" |
"Hola y bienvenidosa este curso de Qlik Sense Completo.En este curso aprenders desde cero a usar Qlik Sense para crear aplicaciones y dashboards. Trabajarscon Qlik Sense Cloud as que podrs hacerlo con cualquier navegador desde cualquier dispositivo. Es un curso totalmente prctico y dinmico en donde empezaras desde cero con Qlik Sense.Qlik Sense es el nuevo software de Qlik donde puedes crear aplicaciones con dashboards y todo tipos de visualizaciones de forma muy intuitiva.Empezaremos con lo massencillo, creando grficos y objetos simples, ajustando tamaos, colores etc.Luego iremos metiendo ms cosas y acabaremos entrando en detalle hasta meternos a fondo en el desarrollo de cdigo del script , modelados de datos y Set Analysis para expresiones y frmulas hasta llegar a un nivel de usuario avanzado de Qlik Sense.Mi nombre es Sebastian y llevo 5 aos trabajando en empresas Tecnolgicas con Big Data en Barcelona. Como Analista de Datos trabajo desde la extraccin y manipulacin de datos hasta la creacin de dashboards y programacin de modelos de aprendizaje automtico. Llevo muchos aos trabajando con Qlik Sense y en este curso teensear lo necesario para poder desarrollar aplicaciones completas con Qlik Sense.Te invito a que veas la presentacin completa del curso y las lecciones gratuitas.Cualquier duda que tengas me puedes contactar por mensaje privado dentro de la plataformaTe espero en el curso, un saludo y muchas gracias."
Price: 149.99 |
"Myofascial Stress and Energy Management Techniques" |
"Course provides insight and techniques on enhancing your energy and stress management through the provision of metacognitive tools and 5 practical myofasical release exercises. The metacognitive tools include a new understanding of the mind/body relationship, the concept of hormesis, and the energy equation. Remy Aull, the primary myofasical release instructor, has over 15 years of experience as a myofascial release practitioner in Newport, Rhode Island."
Price: 19.99 |
"Investing In Indian Stocks For Big Gains ( )" |
"Investing In Stocks For Big Gains / Investing In Stocks For Growth course retail investor . business accounting finance field education financial concepts ratios course join . financial ratios ."
Price: 149.99 |
"The Four Keys to Natural Language Processing" |
"We ourliving in an amazing time. With the acceleration and growth oftechnology we are in a new age. With technology like Natural Language Processingwe are able to create and build applications that can change the world.We have the tools in the palm of our hands just needto understand howuse them.Learn and build applications on one of the most cutting edge technology fields today with this easy to understand course onthe Four Keys toNatural Language Processing.Understand what is NLP and its effects on societyDive in toFour of theKey pieces to NLPLearn the how to they work while building them yourselfGet real life examples of NLPsystems and methodsWith this course you will be able to understandwhyNLP is a drivingforce to change the way we interact with computers, learn from data, and solve problems.Many different forms of NLP arealready in everypart of our world and help us solve problems we haven't even thought of yet.I designed this Natural Language Processingcourse to be easy to understand for beginners. We start the course off by talking about what NLP is and how you may actually beusingit everyday. Secondly we talk about one the most important keys to NLP, Tokenization. Thirdly we go over POS-tagging and Lemmatizer to crucial parts to manyNLP applications today. Then we go over Named Entity Recognition and its uses today. Lastly we learn about the final key in the course, Sentiment Analysis. Each section in the course has a code demo where we get you started on your first NLPapplication for all four of the NLPkeys. When we are finished with all the material. Iwill do a quick overview of the mostimportant parts and what you should take out of the course."
Price: 29.99 |
"Test Automation with Katalon Studio (Selenium WebDriver)" |
"Are you a QA/Manager and want to learn automation to automate your routine task? but due to limited knowledge of programming language and basics of html, css and javascript, you never caste your focus on automation to automate your monotonous tasksThen here is the Good news for you!!!!! this course will teach you automation with Katalon Studio which is written on top of Selenium and Appium. In addition to this, Katalon Studio has been designed for pro automation engineer as well as for basic user like manual testers and proactive managers who don't have ever written a single line of automation script. For ease of manual testers and beginners in Automation, Katalon Studio team has created Readable Keywords for almost all actions that any naive user can use with little effort. This tool has feature to give dose of Selenium Scripting gradually once user get comfortable with this tool.For pro automation engineers this is Selenium with better features along with better action mapped keywords that can be used with java and groovy with great ease.Katalon Studio has made it easy to use this tool by embedding Eclipse and all Selenium related Jar already downloaded with tool setup. So user don't need to download Selenium, TestNG jars or any other api jar separately to work with Katalon Studio because everything comes as a single package and that can used right away.Best Features of Katalon StudioIt uses Selenium at best capacity, So whatever you think can be done through Selenium, can be done with Katalon Studio as well.Provides Reports for each of the suite execution with feature of parallel execution in different browserEvery action can be tracked through logsProvides interface to integrate GIT, CI Tools and JIRALearning curve is really short, any user with prior knowledge of Selenium can start using it right away.Katalon Studio seems to be an outstanding automation tool with shortest learning curve for test Automation ofweb application.So hope you will enjoy your learning on test automation with Katalon Studio and Selenium."
Price: 99.99 |
"Ableton Mixing Vocals In Live Using only Stock Plugins" |
"Its true what they say: vocal processing is one of the most difficult aspects of music production.If you start with a recording that is below par, or if your singer cant sing in tune, and with conviction, then no amount of processing magic is going to help. Even if youre working with a top-notch recording of an awesome singer, its STILL tricky business. Weve all been there: you labour for hours to get vocals to sit just right in the mix, only to realize they end sounding buried, dull, thin, or like a hot fatigued mess and completely out of placeHere's Is an awesome course for beginners that will help you a long with your vocal mixing journey and get you top notch mixes with very simple steps"
Price: 174.99 |
"Deine kostenlose Webseite mit Hugo und GitHub Pages" |
"Wolltest Du schon immer mal ein Weblog oder Webseite haben, welche Du selber auf einfache Weise Pflegen und Updaten kannst? Haben Dich Serverkosten und umstndliche technische Installationen davon abgehalten? Dann ist der Kurs genau das Richtige. Hier lernst Du wie Du mit dem Programm Hugo eine moderne Webseite erzeugst und diese ber GitHub Pages verffentlichst.GitHub ist einer der wichtigsten Hoster fr Open Source Software. Alle groen IT Firmen nutzen fr ihre Projekte auch diese Plattform. Mit GitHub Pages wurde eine Mglichkeit geschaffen, statische Webseiten kostenlos zu hosten. Damit Deine Seite nicht ganz so statisch ist, kannst Du das Programm Hugo verwenden."
Price: 29.99 |
"Effective Go - Lerne mehr ber idiomatischen Golang Code" |
"Die Macher der Programmiersprache Go (Golang) haben mit""Effective Go""einen kleinen Leitfaden zusammen gestellt, wie die Programmiersprache anzuwenden ist und was idiomatischen (sauber und leserlichen) Go Code ausmacht.Dieser Kurs geht alle Kapitel von Effective Go durch und begleitetdich Schritt fr Schritt durch dieses Dokument. Der Kurs richtet sich an alle, die ein tieferes Verstndnis fr die Programmiersprache Go entwickelnmchten.Um dem Kurs folgen zu knnen solltest Du entweder bereits mehrjhrige Erfahrung in einer Programmiersprache (idealerweise C,C++ oder Java) mitbringen oder Grundkenntnisse in Go besitzen."
Price: 29.99 |
"Win Football Bets with Historical Data & Proven Strategy" |
"With this football betting course, you can bet to make profit in football leagues.It is a proud result from 3 years of testing and about $10,000 of investment.This course will provide you all tools needed.Additionally, you will understand why you lost in previous bets.This course only requires basic soccer betting knowledge to start."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Play Guitar In 20 Days - Guitar Beginner Lessons" |
"Welcome to this Beginner Guitar Course. Through this 20 dayscourse you will learn the skills necessary to start playing guitar. If you have never played guitar or any other musical instrument before that is ok, if you slowly work your way through the videos. Making sure to practice what you have learned before moving on, I know that you can master the guitar in no time.This course has 21 main videoswith the common terminology used when talking about the guitarwhat is the neck?...What are frets?Then we will show you how to tune the guitar so that it is playing the notes that it should. From there we get into actually playing the guitar. First we take a look at playing first position notes. This is just a fancy term for playing single notes with all of your fingers. Guitar is similar to typing at a computer, you might find that it is fine to get by with only using 2 fingers and pecking around, but you will find that you can type faster and more smoothly if you learn how to use all of your fingers together.After learning how to play single notes we take a look into playing more than one note at a time, which is called a chord. We will teach you to play open chords, which are the basic chords that comprise a large majority of acoustic guitar music. There are many different types of chords but will learn how to play what is called major and minor chords. These two types of chords are very common in music and are huge basis for many songs. Along with learning the notes to play a chord we also take a look at the groove, or rhythm that accompanies chords. This rhythm is called strumming, and it is helpful to learn as you learn to play your first chords.Then we move into a little bit harder but still manageable area of moveable scale patterns. We will take a look at the major scale as well as the blues scale. These are simple shapes on the guitar that you can memorize, and can then be moved all up and down the neck to give you the major and blues scales starting on any note. We will talk about what keys are and how you can use your moveable scale patterns to play the scales in any key.Lastly we will take a look at Bar Chords. Bar chords are a little bit trickier than open chords but they have the same advantage as the moveable scale patterns, as one chord shape with your hand can be moved all over the guitar to allow you to play any number of different chords.Armed with this knowledge, I know that you can work on these guitar principles and be playing guitar in no time. It may seem daunting at first, but broken up into manageable pieces you can learn to play the guitar. I hope that the things that this course covers are interesting to you, so that together we can help you start playing guitar today."
Price: 19.99 |