"Seguridad en Mac" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a proteger nuestra computadoray nuestro datos personales. Al acabar seremos capaces de realizar copias de seguridad, proteger nuestra red con cortafuegos, as como proteger nuestras cuentas decorreos electrnicoy redes sociales, con gestores de contrasea seguros.Se tratarn no solo las aplicaciones de seguridad integradas en la Mac sino tambin aplicaciones externas, de otros desarrolladores,que cumplen funciones similares.Aplicaciones como Carbon Copy Cloner, Super Duper!, Little Snitch, Lastpass entre otras."
Price: 29.99 |
"Instala Windows en tu Mac con VMware Fusion" |
"La idea de poder combinar los dos sistemas operativoses ahora una realidad con VMware Fusion. El concepto de mquina virtual naci en su momento para poder combinar, bajo una plataforma PC, diversos sistemas operativos, Linux, Windows, Solaris, Unix, prcticamente todos menos Mac OS. Todo cambio hace diez aos cuando Apple dejo la plataforma PowerPC para trabajar bajo procesadores Intel. Un nuevo mundo se abri para los usuarios, y ms cuando empresas como VMware o Parallels crearon sus potentes herramientas.Con este curso, aprenderis a instalar VMware Fusion, a configurarlo y trabajar con l, instalar windows, compartir archivos, impresora internet. Os mostrarcomo activar y desactivar el modo Unity, que nos permite arrancar aplicaciones windows sin tener que abrir la mquina virtual.Entra, aprende y disfruta."
Price: 39.99 |
"Problem-Solving and Fearless Decision-Making" |
"Do you know why it's so hard to solve problems and fearlessly make decisions?It's not because you lack critical or creative thinking skills. Nor is it because you lack life experience. And it's certainly not because you can't think outside the box. Science tells us it's hard to solve problems and make decisions because our brain gets in the way and sends us a not-so-useful thinking pattern, and we get stuck.But good news! Science also tells us it's possible for us to grow new super useful and helpful brain tools...and that's what this course is all about. By the time you're finished with this course, you'll have two amazing checklists you can use as go-to tools to solve any problem and make a fearless decision. One checklist will help you make decisions very quickly; the other will help you when you have more time to think and reflect about the kind of decision you need to make for a more complex problem or task.But why do we give you checklists?Because we've used science to create methods and steps for your brain to follow in order to unleash your inner creative thinker with ease. Even seasonedpilots who fly sophisticated jets in the air force use checklists!Iknow you want to become a better problem solver and fearless decision maker, so join me and my friends as we take you on a learning journey where you'll become a better version of yourself!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Weight loss for WOMEN masterclass: Lose the belly fat FAST" |
"Are you training like the Menat the gym ?""""Are you lifting like the Men at the gym ?""""After lifting , you feel your arms growing like Arnold's one ?"" Your shoulder going broader than before ?""""Well , men and women . we are 2different kind of human . We both have different body structure , different hormones .So , we should also train differently also! Women ,tend to store fats around their belly , arms and thighs .So by doing what the man does , will not give you the most effective result .STOPwasting your time on doing the biceps curl ! ""This course will show you how should a women should train and the reason behind it .Anything You Need to Know AboutPeriod and Losing Weight!Have you been struggling,stressing.....To losethose female stubborn fat around your arms?belly?thighs?From low confidence and self esteem?Withfitting into your favorite dress or jeansanymore?Wonderinghow to lose weight on your period?So,you are looking for a training programme that able to help youto lose weight on your period?Female Menstrual Cycle Exercise and Weight Loss Course is definitely for you!About This CourseNo previous exercise experience requiredFull lifetime accessI'm continuing to add new material to the course, and you get it for FREE.Is all aboutperiod and losing weightEnrolling this course now,so you can start losing weight during your periodright away!***IS THIS COURSE FOR YOU ?***in order to maximize your leanining experience , i will recommend you to do the following things before purchasing any of my courses.1) Read the course description and curriculum carefully , so that you will have an idea on what is this coursesreally about . 2) Watch the preview lecture . Preview lectures aregood checking point for elements such asaccents and also presentation style . 3)Read the review . Im not a perfect instructors , so there will be some positive and negative reviews as a reference for youabout the course. 4) Talk to me . Feel free to sent me a message ,and ask me any questions regarding my course, and i will get back to you asap i promise .SO , in the case of if you did purchase one of my courses , and you do not really like it , do not worry! Udemy is offering a100% money back guarantee within 30 days .So u do not have anything to loss. And , if you like my course please give it a 5 stars rating and spread around among your firends and family .See ya , and take care"
Price: 199.99 |
"Get More Done With Trello" |
"Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Course:Learn how to work with Trello and how it's going to help your business.Learn how to work with the interface and background.Learn how to correctly configure your settings before starting to use it.How to use Trello Power Ups feature and some very interesting tips you should know.Learn how to use labels and comments the right way.Learn how to create checklists, teams and boards very quickly.Discover how to integrate it with your Google Drive.Learn how to use the tracking and storage features.The fast and easy way to share files and open up discussions.How to integrate Trello in your mobile."
Price: 19.99 |
"Docker para desenvolvedores Javascript / Node.JS" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunos como dar os primeiros passos com oDocker para seu uso tanto em ambiente de desenvolvimento como em produo. Sero abordados assuntos como:Conceitos iniciais do Docker, Dockerfile, Docker Hub, Docker Compose, Volumes, Networks, Portas, etc. importante perceber que o curso NO abordar ""Orquestrao de Containers"", sendo assim, ferramentas como Swarm e Kubernetes no faro parte do escopo desse curso."
Price: 249.99 |
"Ruby on Rails 5.x - Do incio ao fim!" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunos como construir aplicaes usando o framework Ruby on Rails, o mesmo est dividido em 7 mdulos que mostraro detalhadamente cada uma das etapas enfrentadas por quem est iniciando nesse mundo de desenvolvimento Web com Rails. Vejamos cada um:No primeiro mdulo mostraremos os conceitos bsicos que precisamos para iniciar nossa jornada rumo ao entendimento do Ruby on Rails.No segundo mdulo vamos estudar um pouco da linguagem Ruby a fim de conhecermos alguns detalhes que precisaremos para um completo entendimento do framework Rails.No mdulo 3 vamos desenvolver e publicar nossa primeira aplicao.No mdulo 4 vamos configurar nosso ambiente de desenvolvimento em nossa mquina local. Esse ambiente funcionar em Windows, Linux e Mac.No mdulo 5 vamos desenvolver nossa segunda aplicao para nos aprofundar no framework Rails. Aqui tambm mostrarei algumas tcnicas e resolues de problemas corriqueiros no desenvolvimento de uma aplicao.No mdulo 6 vamos publicar nossa aplicao em um VPS mostrando passo a passo toda a configurao necessria para colocar uma aplicao em produo.No ltimo mdulo vou colocar alguns vdeos com dvidas ou coisas que no vimos durante os mdulo as anteriores.Enfim, o curso foi todo remodelado desde a ltima verso e vai contar com tudo que h de mais novo na verso 5 do Rails."
Price: 309.99 |
"Advanced Database Design For a Relational DB w/ MySQL" |
"Learn the basics elsewhere and get the advanced stuff here:OLTPvs. OLAP database designReference tablesDatabase deploymentNaming conventions best practicesAnd a lot more for those who want to get to the next levelIf you want to improve your software development career, get into database admin or databasedesign, or are just curious on this topic, this course is for you."
Price: 24.99 |
"Superb Advance Javascript - Become Javascript Professional" |
"What will you gain about this course?This Advance Javascript course is more hands-on than theory.Learn latest coding style that can be used in the programming industry.The only Advance Javascript course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes.Welcome to Superb Advance Javascript - Become Javascript ProfessionalThis is the best course to fulfill your dream tobecome Javascript Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skillsfaster.Javascript is number one programming language use in Web Development. Ill guarantee you that you will learn more in more advance mode and i teach you fast past mode so that you will learn what you really neededWith this course you can be beginner to professional in just 2 weeks.What will you get in this course?Environment SetupAdvance Javascript EssentialObject Oriented ProgrammingJavascript JSONJavascript AJAXMore ES6 TopicJavascript Form ValidationCreate Random PasswordGet this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quickergain SuperbAdvance Javascript Course.Thank You :D"
Price: 109.99 |
"Elite NodeJS Course - Become Certified NodeJS Developer" |
"What will you gain about this course?This Elite NodeJS Course is more hands-on than theory.Learn latest coding style that can be used in the programming industry.The only Elite NodeJS Course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes.Welcome to Elite NodeJS Course - Become Certified NodeJS DeveloperThis is the best course to fulfill your dream tobecome NodeJS Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skillsfaster.Ill guarantee you that you will learn more in more advance mode and i teach you fast past mode so that you will learn what you really neededWith this course you can be beginner to professional in just 3 weeks.What will you get in this course?Environment SetupNodeJS EssentialNodeJS IntermediateNodePackage Manger and LibrariesPublish NPM Libraries in NPM RegistryNodeJS Web ServerNodeJS ExpressLogin and Registration using Express and MysqlCRUD Using Express ,MongoDB and MongooseGroup Chat with Socketio and ExpressVideo Streaming using SocketIO, Express and PugNode Mocha and ChaiBonusGet this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quickergain Elite NodeJS Course.Thank You :D"
Price: 199.99 |
"Elite Bootstrap 4 Course - Learn From 0 to Ninja" |
"What will you gain about this course?This Bootstrap 4 Course is more hands-on than theory.Learn latest coding style that can be used in the programming industry.The only Bootstrap 4 Course that teaches you every detail and with awesome codes. Welcome to Elite Bootstrap 4 Course - Learn from Zero to NinjaThis is the best course to fulfill your dream tobecome Bootstrap 4 Developer. I will teach you more hands-on to enhance your programming skillsfaster.Ill guarantee you that you will learn more in more advance mode and i teach you fast past mode so that you will learn what you really neededWith this course you can be beginner to professional in just 4 weeks.What will you get in this course?Environment SetupBootstrap 4 EssentialsBootstrap 4 UtilitiesBootstrap 4 IntermediateMulti Level Menu and MegaMenu Pricing ThemeLogin ThemesRegistration ThemesResume ThemesParallax ThemesChat ThemesBonusGet this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quickergain Bootstrap 4 Course.Thank You :D"
Price: 124.99 |
"Partnership Accounting and Company Accounts Complete Guide" |
"In my whole course I have described each and every thing in a easy manner So, thatstudents can understand it in a better way and systematic way. The tool of this course isto provide complete source of information for students. My emphasis is on clearexplanation of all aspects of accounting.The students would be able to learn about the accounting of partnership & Company indifferent conditions (in their practical life as well as in theoretical ways) like at the timeof admission of partner in a partnership firm, at the time of retirement etc.Partnership is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of abusiness carried on by all or any of them acting for all. And when these people cometogether and form a business is called Partnership Firm.So, this course will give you a broad overview on the entire partnership accounting, likehow it gets formed, what are the cafeterias, how its accounting gets done and so on.This course shows the Accountant/Students how to set up and operate an accountingsystem for a partnership & Company. It focuses on the accounting for all types oftransaction that are unique to a partnership and Company, including the contribution offunds to a partnership, capital accounts, the allocation of profit and loses to a partner, theadmission of a new partner to a partnership, valuation of goodwill at the time of sales ofbusiness and liquidation/Dissolution of a partnership, Retirement of Partnership, Issue ofShares & Debentures and its redemption, Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow Statement,Depreciation, Financial Statement for Sole Proprietorship.I have focused more on understanding of concepts and tried to explain it in a simple andeasy to learn format for all. We have a few problem solving videos included. On the basisof which students can try to solve many more problems. I believe anyone can learnaccounting.Students should buy this course because it would be more reliable for students to study it.............................................................................................................................................................................................................Topics Covered:Topic :- Valuation of goodwill Sub Topic :- Meaning, Factors affecting the value of Goodwill and Nature of Goodwill, Methods of goodwillTopic :- Accounting for partnership firms -Fundamental Sub Topic :- Nature and Meaning of Partnership Firm, its features, Partnership Deed meaning , importance, Methods of preparing Capital Accounts of partners under Fixed and Fluctuating Capital Methods, Division of Profit among Partners, Profit and Loss Appropriation Account, Methods of calculating Interest on Drawings, calculation of Interest on Capital & Managers commission, Past Adjustments, Guarantee of Minimum Profit to a partner Topic :- Admission of Partner Sub Topic :- New Profit Sharing Ratio and Sacrificing Ratio, Accounting treatment of Goodwill, Accounting Treatment for Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities, Accounting treatment of Reserves and Accumulated Profits, Adjustment of Capital :- Determining the New Partners Capital on the basis of combined Capital of Old Partners Adjusting the Capitals of Old Partners on the basis of the Capital of New Partner"
Price: 19.99 |
"Cryptocurrency Investing ICO Course 2018 Invest Next BTC" |
"Are you going to invest your money in any ICO in this Year? Then this course will help you to invest your money in the Right ICO and Overall Guide you not to lose your money at all.We design this course in the most practical way. This course is Really short and Step by Step.At the End of the Course You will Learn:You the able to get the Exact Method to Identify Smart-contract Based ICOs based on Ethereum, Cardano, EOS & NEO, etcYou will able to used the tools to identify the Best ICOs from the rubbish onesAble to differentiate between Over valued and under valued upcoming ICOs!You'll be able to invest in high-potential Cryptocurrencies before they explode in valueYou will able to minimize the loss and maximize the profitHands On experience to Invest in TOP rated ICOsYou will able to find TOP qualities Cryptocurrency based ICOs to invest and for a better life tomorrowWho Can Take the Course?Anyone who wants to know about Bitcoin Cryptocurrency ICO investingAnyone who wants to identify the best ICOs available right nowAnyone who wants to increase their Cryptocurrency knowledgeAnyone who wants to invest in the best Cryptocurrency companies in this yeearAnyone wants to know how to invest in ICOs"
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Understand Informal British English: London" |
"Improve your listening skills and increase your communication ability to communicate with native speakers in this comprehensive course.Many people study English for years and are able to speak and understand formal English without any problems. However, when it comes to understanding more informal English in casual settings, many of them have problems, especially when they come to the United Kingdom and in particular London. One reason, I believe, is the diversity of accents within the country and even within cities. People may know the words that the speaker is saying. However, because the way of pronouncing them can vary so much, a person without experience may struggle to understand. In this course, I will show you some of the major ways that informal speech can differ from the formal speech that is taught in textbooks. By the end of this course, you will be able to understand native speakers and everyday media without any problems.BenefitsAfter completing this course, you will:Improve your English listening abilityBe able to understand television and other forms of everyday mediaImprove your ability to participate in conversations with native speakers with minimum effortIntegrate easier into British cultureBoost your overall English comprehensionIn this course, we will focus on some very common variations in pronunciation found in the UK with a focus on London and the surrounding area since this is where the majority of the media comes from.You will learn about a variety of accent features in a lecture format. To give you some practical experience, each feature will be illustrated by many real-life examples of their usage by many well-known celebrities. You will then sharpen your comprehension ability through a series of targeted exercises. Once you finish this course, you will feel much more confident participating in conversations with native speakers because, since you listening ability will have improved, you will no longer worry about not understanding what the other person is saying in conversation. You can just relax and focus on having fun.Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. I know you're going to absolutely love it and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you on the inside!Why wait any longer?Click the ""Take This Course"" button, and join my course 100% risk-free now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Effortlessly Teach Yourself English" |
"Many people really want to learn a secondlanguage. They understand that knowing a second language will give them better job opportunities, new experiences and allow them to earn more money. However, it can be quite difficult to reach agood level of proficiency in the language for a number of reasons. One of the main reasons is that people do not have the time because of work andfamily commitments. Anotherreason is that people just do not have the money because classes can be expensive. A third reasonis that peopledo not have the motivation. In this course, I will introduce to you a method of language learning/acquisition that you can use toeasily integrate English learning into your everyday lifeso that you will not require much motivation and money. Sinceit will beintegrated into your daily activities, it will alsotakeup very little of your spare time.BenefitsAfter completing this course, you will:Learn how to integrate English learning into your everyday routineLearn English much faster and with a lot less effortLearn English in a fun and efficient wayWe will start off by looking at a theory of language acquisitionthat shows how we are able to acquire a languagewithout actively studying it. We will then look at ways that we can combine this theory with common online tools to create a plan that we can use to create a routine that will allow us to integrate English learning into our everyday lives. We will reach alevel where we will be able to effortlessly progress in our English learning daily without having to actually study the language.Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. I know you're going to absolutely love it and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you on the inside!Why wait any longer?Click the ""enrol"" buttonand join my course 100% risk-free now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Pronounce the Vowels in British English" |
"When learning a language, it is very common to learn how to pronounce the sounds of the language that you are learning using sounds from your native language. This can cause problems because, although sometimes the sounds may seemsimilar, normally the sounds in the two languages are verydifferent.Using the sounds from your native languageis what contributes to a foreign sounding accent. However, it can be difficult to know how the sounds should sound if you are not a native speaker. In this course, we will look at how to pronounce each vowel in detailso that you can copy them effortlessly.BenefitsAfter completing this course, you will:Improve your English speaking abilityBe able to pronounce all of the vowels easilyBe better understoodYou will learn abouteach of the different vowels with diagrams illustrating the most important features of each vowel. We will then practise each of the vowels in words and sentences so that you will be able to reproduce them effortlessly. Once you have finished this course, you will feel much more confident speaking to other people because you will be much easier to understand.Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. I know you aregoing to absolutely love it and I cannotwait to share my knowledge and experience with you on the inside!Why wait any longer?Click the ""Enroll"" button, and join my course 100% risk-free now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Advice and Guidance on Choosing a Career in Fashion Design" |
"Get a head start in your fashion career. The perfect short course for students at all levels. This free, short, online course will give you guidance to start your career in fashion design. The essential tool for anyone starting out or planning a career in fashion design. You are considering entering into the field of fashion. We focus primarily on fashion design but the course will help anyone who wants a better understanding of the fashion industry and tools to help prepare themselves. You'll get to create your own career planner to guide you in the early steps in your career. You will create an action plan that will lead help lead you to a fulfilling and successful career. Your course helps you to avoid making costly mistakes in your education and fashion career. We'll teach you how to check what your most suited to in your fashion career."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams" |
"These AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests are patterned after the latest exam format and were crafted based on the feedback of our 50,000+ students on what appeared in the actual exam. Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect practice tests are TOP-NOTCH and the CLOSEST to the actual exam, as demonstrated by the 9,000++ reviews on our course. Note: All sets can be used to review for the current ( SAA-C01 ) exam version. If reviewing for the new version ( SAA-C02 ), you can focus on sets 4, 5, and 6.Plus a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you're not satisfied for any reason.The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate is consistently among the top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share! Earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS Solutions Architect certification!But before you become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional, it is recommended for you to pass the AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification exam first, and this is where AWS practice tests come in. It is possible that you have read all of the available AWS documentations online yet still fail the exam! These AWS practice tests simulate the actual certification exam and ensure that you indeed understand the subject matter. This AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following:390 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 6 sets of AWS Practice Tests with 65 UNIQUE questions and a 130-minute time limit for each set.SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification exam to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam!DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts.VERY ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from thousands of our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the AWS services and concepts covered in the test.VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of AWS experts are able to address all your issues and COMPREHENSIVELY answer all your questions within 72 hours.CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which AWS knowledge areas you need improvement.MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!HAS BETTER VALUE THAN THE OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $20 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions.CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post in the QA section so we can discuss any issues.Prepared by an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional who has actually passed the exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my AWS Certificate)These AWS Solutions Architect practice exams are designed to focus on the important exam topics (such as EC2, EBS, S3 and many others) hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other AWS knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic are carefully selected based on the 5 domains of the actual AWS certification exam. Out of the 5 domains, Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures has the highest percentage (34%) with topics such as reliable and/or resilient storage; how to design decoupling mechanisms; determine how to design multi-tier, fault tolerant architectures, etc. Note that although there is a focus on these AWS topics, the questions are all still unique, to ensure that you fully grasp the concepts.Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you to attain an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS certification exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.Please also note that these AWS Certified Solutions Architect practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds to thousands of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests are meant to do.There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are also official certification practice exams provided by AWS but these only have 20 or 40 questions and cost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that is comparable with having these 390 Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions! When I was reviewing for my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam, I had a hard time finding comprehensive practice tests to help me pass my exam. I bought some of them in the market but I was disappointed because there are a lot of technical and grammatical errors in the questions. This is why I created these AWS practice tests to help my fellow IT professionals in the industry. We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your CSA-Associate exam. And we don't need to trash or slander other AWS practice test courses here on Udemy just to make a sale because we are confident that our AWS practice tests are simply the BEST.All the best!IMPORTANT NOTE These AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice exams have a passing score of 72% but I highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam. Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the AWS exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these Amazon Web Services practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!"
Price: 39.99 |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exam" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional ( SAP-C01 ) is consistently among the top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share. Professionals can earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification!In order for you to pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam, the exam blueprint, General IT, and AWS knowledge are key components that you have to learn and master. The 4 sets of AWS Solutions Architect Professional practice tests included in this course contains 75 questions per set, which simulates the latest version of the actual exam. At the end of each set, you will also find comprehensive explanations and reference links that will further strengthen your knowledge of the AWS concepts needed to pass the AWS certification exam.This AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following:300 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 4 sets of AWS Practice Tests with 75 UNIQUE questions and a 180-minute time limit for each set.NEW FEATURE! FLASHCARDS - unique visual tools found at Set #5 which will help reinforce the core concepts needed to pass the exam. SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Solutions Architect Professional certification exam to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam!DETAILED EXPLANATIONS AND REFERENCE LINKS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations plus complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct.COVERS ALL 5 EXAM DOMAINS - questions were designed to cover the 5 exam domains: (1) Design for Organizational Complexity, (2) Design for New Solutions, (3) Migration Planning, (4) Cost Control, and (5) Continuous Improvement for Existing Solutions.ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the AWS services and concepts covered in the test.VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of AWS experts are able to address all your issues and questions within 72 hours.CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement.MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!HAS BETTER VALUE THAN OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $40 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions.CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues.Prepared by an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional who has actually passed the exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my AWS Certificate)The questions in each set are carefully created and selected based on the 5 domains of the actual AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam. Out of the 5 domains, there are a lot more questions on Design for New Solutions and Continuous Improvement for Existing Solutions, as these are the topics with the heaviest weight in the actual exam. Note that although there is a focus on these topics, the questions are all still unique, to ensure that you fully grasp the topic.Some people are using exam dumps for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because using an AWS exam dump will not only hinder you to attain an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with 500++ questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional practice tests are meant to do.There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that is not only annoying but may also cause you to fail the actual exam. There's also the official certification practice exam provided by AWS but these only have a few questions and cost about $50 USD -- a price that is more expensive than taking these 300 Unique and Timed AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional practice questions! Just like in the Associate exam, when I was reviewing for my AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam, I again had a hard time finding comprehensive AWS practice tests to help me pass my exam. I bought some of them in the market but I was disappointed because there are a lot of technical and grammatical errors in the questions. This is why I created these AWS practice tests - to help my fellow IT professionals in the industry.We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your exam. All the best! IMPORTANT NOTE These AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional practice exams have a passing score of 75% but I highly encourage you to repeat taking these sets again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam. Note that the AWS Certification exam passing score is not published by Amazon as it is set by using statistical analysis which may change without notice.Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these AWS practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Excel Datenvisualisierung - Excel Diagramme & Karten" |
"Mit Excel kann man nicht nur Berechnungen durchfhren, sondern Daten auch mit Hilfe von Diagrammen und Visualisierungen zum Leben erwecken. So lassen sich viel schnellerEinsichten in die Daten gewinnen und Erkenntnisse in ansprechender und nachvollziehbarer Weise weitervermitteln.Dieser Kurs wird die ein umfassender Verstndnis fr die unterschiedlichen Visualisierungsmglichkeiten von Excel vermitteln. Ich zeige Dir,wie man die unterschiedlichen Diagrammtypen am besten einsetzt und gebe Dir jede Menge Vorlagen mit an die Hand, die Du bei deinen Projekten einsetzen kannst.Folgende Diagramm- und Kartentypen gehen wir in diesem Kurs durch:Sulen- & BalkendiagrammeHistogramm& ParetoLiniendiagramme& TrendlinienFlchengrafikenKuchen- &KreisdiagrammeStreungs-, Punkt- &BlasendiagrammeKastengrafik(Box & Whisker)Treemap & SunburstWasserfall & TrichterdiagrammeNetzdiagrammeKursdiagrammeHeat maps,3D-OberflchenVerbunddiagrammeSparklinesAdd-InsDynamische Diagramme mit SteuerelementenAnimierte Diagramme mit VBAFlchenkartogramme(2D-Karten)Einfhrung in3D-Karten (Power Map)Bing-MapsDynamische Weltkarte (Shapes + VBA)Neben den einzelnen Diagrammen gibt es zudem noch:Formatierungsregelnbedingte FormatierungenZeitspartippsMit diesem Kurs bringst Du deine Daten Visualisierung Fhigkeiten auf ein ganz neues Level und wirst bei der nchsten Prsentation von Daten deine Kollegen garantiertin Staunen versetzen.Der Kurs enthlt Begleitdateien, Vorlagen, lebenslanger Zugriff und die obligatorische30-Tage Geld-Zurckgarantie."
Price: 199.99 |
"Big Data - Processamento de dados com Spark e PySpark" |
"No se assuste mais com as tecnologias de Big Data! Aprenda o essncial para processar grandes quantidades de dados em memria com o melhor Framework do mercado: O Apache Spark!Iniciaremos do zero, explicando o que Big Data e o que necessrio para que um dado seja categorizado como tal. Tudo de forma simples, com uma linguagem leve e agradvel!Aps nos situarmos entre as tecnologias explicadas, dentre elas, o Hadoop, criaremos um servidor Apache Spark em uma instalao Windows e ento prosseguiremos o curso explicando todo o framework e analisando dados. Vale ressaltar que instalaremos o Spark no Windows para os usurios menos experientes. Caso voc seja usurio Linux, no se preocupe: Os comandos so os mesmos!Explicaremos detalhadamente o que so as variveis de ambiente e como elas influenciam na instalao e configurao de programas, como por exemplo o Java e a sua mquina virtual, a JVM.Aplicaremos Map Reduce e outras funes nativas do Spark, utilizaremos o Spark SQL, criaremos RDDs e os novos Dataframes! Tudo isso do zero, passo a passo, explicado com que voc j conhece!Preocupado com os softwares? Voc ter um drive com todos os programas e scripts do curso, exlusivo para o nosso material, alm de, claro, tambm ter os links oficiais, caso deseje baixar os programs direto do fabricante!E a? Curtiu a ementa?Vem comigo aprender a processar Big Data!!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Master Business Intelligence - O Curso Completo" |
"Venha para o BI Academy Microsoft! Aprenda de maneira simples, ILUSTRADA e divertida!Voc quer iniciar na rea de Business Intelligence mas no tem experincia? Ento esse curso o ideal para voc.Utilizando as trs principais ferramentas de BI da Microsoft: Integration Services na rea de ETL, Analysis Services na rea de cubo e o Reporting Services como servidor de relatrios, aprenda como se comporta um projeto de Business Intelligence, nesse fantstico curso 3 em 1!Nesse curso criaremos um projeto completo de Business Intelligence de uma loja de varejo fictcia. Modelaremos o Banco de Dados Relacional e o Datawarehouse, passando pela fase de carga de dados com a ferramenta ETL, Integration Services, aps criaremos os cubos no Analysis Services e por fim, analisaremos as informaes com o Report Services, a ferramenta de Relatrios da Microsoft! Enfim, juntaremos o conhecimento das ferramentas de BI da Microsoft em um projeto ""real"". Os dados sero fictcios e o DW criado ser da tica de vendas. bom que voc tenha uma noo bsica das ferramentas e das fases de um projeto de BI, e para isso h os cursos iniciais, mas com esforo, voc conseguir acompanhar o curso caso no tenha tido nenhum contato anterior, embora eu recomende fortemente! As ferramentas sero utilizadas com direcionamento apenas ao escopo do projeto.Aqui voc vai aprender tudo do zero, desde as instalao das ferramentas at a sua utilizao para construir o projeto!Ento vamos l? O gerente da loja TERA S.A est esperando e querendo os relatrios para analisar as suas venda, e voc agora faz parte da equipe de analistas da UNIDADOS!Para cuidar desse projeto, dividiremos por fases, onde:Estudo das Regras de Negcio e montagem de todo ambiente OLTP e OLAP.Instalao do ambienteCriao do Banco de Dados RelacionalModelagem do Banco de Dados RelacionalGerao de Dados fictcios na base de dados relacionais, com tcnicas de TSQLCriao da rea de stageCarga de Dados do operacional para a rea de stage, utilizando Integration ServicesCriao do DatawarehouseModelagem do DatawarehouseCarga de Dados INCREMENTAL de Dimenses da Stage para o Datawarehouse, utilizando Integration Services com tcnicas de SCD.Carga da Tabela Fato da Stage para o DW, utilizando programao TSQL com Integration Services e a tcnica de WatermarkMontagem do Cubo no Analysis ServicesAnlises no Excel, com criao de DashboardsCriao de Relatrios no ambiente OLTP e no ambiente OLAPPreparado pra ver um projeto COMPLETO?Voc ter acesso completo a todos os scripts, slides e arquivos de instalao, em um servidor de armazenamento dedicado somente voc! Todo o software utilizado livre para estudos. Voc baixar a verso Developer e poder estudar sem nenhuma restrio, tendo em sua casa um ambiente igual ao ambiente empresarial das maiores e melhores empresas do mercado. E ns iremos mont-lo JUNTOS!Vamos aprender Business Intelligence orientado a projeto? Vem comigo!Um abrao!Felipe Mafra"
Price: 579.99 |
"Curso de Adobe Premiere CompletoAprenda a trabalhar com o Adobe Premiere um dos programas mais utilizados para edies de vdeo onde voc aprende a diversos conceitos de edio e configurao de vdeos, organizao dos arquivos, tcnicas profissionais de trabalho, aprenda tambm a trabalhar com udios, criar efeitos especiais, transies de udio e vdeos, tratamento de cor da forma correta, criar formas e textos e muito mais.Neste Curso de Adobe Premiere do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender na pratica a utilizar o programa criando diversos trabalhos e exerccios de forma que possamos trabalhar em um nvel avanado e at mesmo profissional mas sem deixar a parte terica de lado.Aproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 294.99 |
"Curso de Adobe Illustrator Do bsico ao AvanadoAprenda a criar grficos vetoriais padro do setor que permite criar logotipos, cones, esboos, tipografia e ilustraes complexas para impresso, web, dispositivos interativos, de vdeo e mveis.Neste curso, vamos comear do bsico fazendo crculos e retngulos at criar ilustraes complexas, logotipos, cartes de visita e muito maisO curso est atualizado com as verses mais atualizadas do programa como O Illustrator cc 2018 e 2019Neste Curso de Adobe Illustrator do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender na pratica a utilizar o programa criando diversos trabalhos e exerccios de forma que possamos trabalhar em um nvel avanado e at mesmo profissional mas sem deixar a parte terica de lado.Aproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 294.99 |
"Cmo monetizar tus Ideas Innovadoras?" |
"Este curso es una gua prctica del proceso de innovacin pero enfocado en un tema importante Cmo monetizar nuestros proyectos de innovacin o nuestras ideas? Todos sufrimos en ese proceso de monetizar nuestras innovaciones. Por eso,a travs de estos videos, comparto el procesoque ha permitido mejorar los ingresos, no solo en mi empresa, sino tambin de otras empresas ystartups en las que he trabajado como consultor y mentor.No prometo lo imposible, este curso no te va a convertir en Amancio Ortega en 7 semanas, pero si va a orientar tu idea hacia la ruta de monetizacin.Si ya estn cansados de estar en el mercado y no ver resultados reales en sus cuentas de banco o no cumplen la meta definida ao a ao, este curso te ayudar a monetizar al mximo tu idea.Inscrbetenos vemos y hablamos pronto."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn ISO 9001:2015 - Clause by Clause" |
"This course gives you the indispensable knowledge on ISO 9001, to become a Quality Manager or to cover managerial positions.It starts from the very first chapter, the introduction, and clause by clause introduces you to all the requirements of the standard ISO 9001.You will learn what the ISO 9001 requirements are with respect to the context analysis, leadership, planning, design, and much moreHave a look at the course description video and at the lessons provided for free, and enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Graphology - Gestalt Method complete guide" |
"One day I was visiting an exhibition. At one booth a crowd had gathered. In the center there was a man standing like a famous celebrity. People were looking upto him as if he was giving them gold coins. Igot curious and I stood in the crowd waiting for my turn..This person was no less than a celebrity. He was a handwriting analyst, surprising people with his magical skills of revealing dozens of character traits of a person by reading his signature. When he started telling me about me, I was shocked. How could he know all these things about me when we have never met before even once in this life?His accuracy was mind blowing.This is what you can achieve through this course. Become a certified handwriting analyst cum celebrity where people are eager to give you their autograph! Haha..Handwriting reveals personality. This course is ideal for you if you wish to learn how to know a person's personality from handwriting. You may learn this as a hobby or for professional application. This course is good for beginners.So what will you be learning in this course?You learn how to read people's personality from their Handwriting.You learn the meaning and psychology behind every aspect of handwriting.You learn all the variations of handwriting. Eg: Margins, Baseline, Size, Slant, Pressure, etc.You will also be given 20-30 handwriting samples for your study purpose.You can apply this method of handwriting analysis to analyse handwriting of an language even if you dont know the langauge you can still do some analysis.This is a complete course in itself. You do not need any more information other than what is shared in this course of Gestalt Method of Handwriting Analysis.Note:Paresh has been conducting classroom training programs on handwriting analysis and this online course is designed to give you the same learning experience. This course is a beginner course covering all aspects of Gestalt Method Handwriting Analysis. The course is designed by Paresh Chitnis who is a certified Graphologist and Handwriting Expert practicing now for more than 11 years professionally. Partial recordings are done by Neha Rathod who is a Psychologist & Graphologist at CPAG.--graphology meaninggraphology coursesgraphology pdfgraphology in mumbaigraphology booksgraphology basicsgraphology testgraphology course in mumbaigraphology analysisgraphology and healthgraphology applicationgraphology appgraphology analysis onlinegraphology analysis pdfgraphology articlesgraphology and psychologygraphology and personalitya graphology meaninggraphology a to zgraphology a lettergraphology a levelgraphology a sciencecapital a graphologya to z graphology pdfis graphology a pseudosciencegraphology basics pdfgraphology best booksgraphology book pdfgraphology books pdf free downloadgraphology books in hindi pdfcapital b graphologygraphology courses near megraphology classes in thanegraphology courses in indiagraphology careergraphology courses in navi mumbaigraphology case studygraphology definitiongraphology distance learning coursesgraphology datasetgraphology degreegraphology drawing 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Price: 189.99 |
"Signature Analysis - Beginner to Advance" |
"Signaturereveals personality. This course is ideal for you if you wish to learn how to know a person's personality from handwriting. You may learn this as a hobby or for professional application. This course is good for beginners.If you are interested in knowing personality, behavior, way of thinking or mindset of a person from his/her handwriting, this course is for you. You may be a psychologist, counselor, coach, mentor, trainer, teacher or a therapist wanting to know what goes on in the mind of your client, patient or student; or you may be an investigator wanting know what is the suspect thinking; or a, businessman or a salesperson wanting to know his customer or a team leader or a recruiter wanting to know your team members or candidates. For any reason, if you can work better by knowing people better, this course is for you. Many participants of this course in the past have taken this course to pursue their hobby and interest in knowing people. This course is not for you if you are looking for diagnosing illnesses or predicting future of a person.The course has been designed by Paresh P Chitnis, trainer, author and Government certified forensic handwriting analyst. The narrator of the lessons, Neha Rathod, is a qualified Psychologist and Graphologist at CPAG Graphology Experts.Paresh has been conducting classroom training programs on handwriting analysis and this online course is designed to give you the same learning experience.--signature analysis online freesignature analysis appsignature analysis pdfsignature analysis onlinesignature analysis coursesignature analysis in punesignature analysis tipssignature analysis astrologysignature analysis aliassignature analysis articlesignature authentication analysissignature analysis of donald trumpa file signature analysisdo a signature analysissignature analysis book pdfsignature based analysissignature analysis in bistsignature analysis of bill gatescurrent signature analysis basicsignature analysis courses in mumbaisignature analysis chartsignature analysis circlessignature analysis comparisonsignature character analysissignature component analysissignature analysis in computer forensics is based onsignature analysis in condition monitoringsignature analysis definitionsignature analysis digital forensicssignature analysis dotssignature analysis definesignature analysis designsignature analysis two dotsfile signature analysis definitionsignature analytics san diegosignature analysis encasesignature analysis eve onlinesignature analysis examplessignature analysis expertsignature analysis electronicssignature analysis electricalanalog signature analysis equipmentfile signature analysis encasesignature analysis personality examplessignature analysis with examples pdfelectronic signature analysise-signature market analysissignature analysis freesignature analysis for personalitysignature analysis forensicssignature analysis first lettersignature analysis full stopsignature analysis factssignature analysis faultsignature forgery analysisnumerology signature analysis freejohn f kennedy signature analysissignature analysis generatorfile signature analysis gary kesslergene signature analysisgraphology signature analysis tipsgraphology signature analysis onlinesignature analysis horoscopesignature analysis hindisignature analysis hpsignature hole analysissignature analysis in hindi pdfsignature analysis of ht motorhandwriting analysis signaturesignature vs heuristic analysissignature assignment swot analysis hcs 449handwriting analysis signature above the linesignature analysis in tamilelizabeth i signature analysissignature analysis javasignature analysis jobjfk signature analysismotor current signature analysis kitsignature analysis of virat kohlikajol signature analysissignature analysis loopssignature analysis lfsrsignature analysis letter phandwriting analysis signature large first letterhandwriting analysis line under signatureload signature analysislearn signature analysissignature analysis maintenancesignature analysis malwaresignature analysis mechanical vibrationsignature analysis mumbaisignature analysis methodssignature analysis motorsnetwork signature analysisnoise signature analysisnapoleon signature analysissignature analysis nsignature analysis personalitysignature analysis personality testsignature analysis performssignature analysis personality pdfsignature analysis personality traitssignature analysis personality in hindisignature analysis predictionssignature analysis quizquantum signature analysissignature analysis reportsignature analysis resultsmutation signature analysis ris signature analysis realmotor current signature analysis reportrajinikanth signature analysisrf signature analysisradar signature analysissignature analysis servicesignature analysis samplesignature analysis strikethroughsignature analysis successsignature style analysissignature survival analysissignature shape analysissignature analysis tips in hindisignature analysis traitssignature analysis techniquessignature analysis theoryfile signature analysis toolsonline signature analysis toolsignature analysis underlinesignature analysis uploadsignature analysis using lfsrhandwriting analysis underline signatureanalog signature analysis using a curve tracerforensic signature analysis uksignature analysis is used as a form ofcurrent signature analysis unitsignature analysis vibrationcurrent signature analysis vibrationvalve signature analysissignature analysis with examplessignature analysis wikipediasignature analysis workshopexplain signature analysis with exampleelectrical signature analysis wikipediawaveform signature analysiswritten signature analysisgeorge w bush signature analysisanalysis your signatureencase 7 signature analysisencase 8 file signature analysis"
Price: 189.99 |
"Parenting with Handwriting Analysis" |
"Handwriting reveals personality and so it can be used to understand your strengths as a parent. But there is more to it. Often times your behaviour, beliefs and action have effects on your child that is not what you intend them to have. This course is ideal for you if you wish to identify root traits that can lead to incorrect programming of your child. Children are programmed by emotions and actions of their parents. As you behave and express, so does your children. In this course you can assess yourself and your child from handwriting. This will help you to identify the harmful pattern in your parenting style and your child's programming. This can further be used to improve the quality of your parenting. You may learn this as a personal development or for professional application. This course is good for beginners as well as experts. "
Price: 159.99 |
"Build Confidence with Graphology" |
"Handwriting reveals personality and so it can be used to identify the roots of various problems that is usually seated in your behaviour. This course is ideal for you if you wish to identify root traits that are causing low self esteem in youfrom handwriting. You may learn this as a hobby or for professional application. This course is good for beginners as well as experts.If you are interested in knowing personality, behavior, way of thinking or mindset of a person that is causing low self esteem thenthis course is for you. You may be a psychologist, counselor, coach, mentor, trainer, teacher or a therapist wanting to know what goes on in the mind of your client, patient or student; or a team leader or a recruiter wanting to know your team members or candidates. For any reason, if you can work better by knowing people better, this course is for you. Many participants of this course in the past have taken this course to pursue their hobby and interest in knowing people. This course is not for you if you are looking for diagnosing illnesses or predicting future of a person.The course has been designed by Paresh P Chitnis, trainer, author and Government certified forensic handwriting analyst.Paresh has been conducting classroom training programs on handwriting analysis and this online course is designed to give you the same learning experience.--handwriting analysis quizhandwriting analysis all capshandwriting analysis forensicshandwriting analysis donald trumphandwriting analysis yhandwriting analysis forgery and counterfeitinghandwriting analysis is reliablehandwriting analysis activity pdfhandwriting analysis articleshandwriting analysis accuracyhandwriting analysis all capitalshandwriting analysis and forgeryhandwriting analysis angleshandwriting analysis and personalityletter a handwriting analysisopen a handwriting analysisget a handwriting analysisa handwriting analysis expertwhat does a handwriting analysis dowhat is a handwriting analysis 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Price: 109.99 |