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"Python -"
". IT 12 , . , . OpenCV WEB WEB Python , . , . , !"
Price: 79.99

Price: 144.99

"Complete Course of Dart Object Oriented Programming Language"
"Dart is an open-source general-purpose programming language.It is originally developed by Google and later approved as a standard by ECMA.Dart is an object-oriented, class defined, garbage-collected language using a C-style syntax that transcompiles optionally into JavaScript. It supports interfaces, mixins, abstract classes, reified generics, static typing, and a sound type system.Why Dart: Developers at Google and elsewhere use Dart to create high-quality, mission-critical apps for iOS, Android, and the web. With features aimed at client-side development, Dart is a great fit for both mobile and web apps.Dart is free and open source, developed.Some Features of Dart: Productive, Fast, Portable, Approachable, this Course you will take a look about Dart OOP , , the main concept ,the concept of code , how can you type that code , then i will walk you through every aspects of Dart Programming Language as the following: Dart Syntax, Data Types, Variables, Numbers, Strings, Boolean, Operators, Loops, Decision Making, Lists, Lists Operations, Maps, Enumeration, Functions, Dart OOP, Classes, Dart OOP Properties, Dart OOP Methods, Dart OOP Constructors, Dart OOP Setter & Getter, Dart OOP Class Inheritance, Dart OOP Class Inheritance Method Overriding, Dart OOP Class Constructor Inheritance By Super Class, Dart OOP Abstract Class, Dart OOP Packages & Libraries . Do not Forget That Dart is Required To Learn Flutter , Which is The Next Course to You After Finish this current Course."
Price: 199.99

"Dart . Google ECMA.Dart C-style JavaScript. . Dart: Google Dart iOS Android . Dart . . : . Dart OOP Dart :Dart Syntax Boolean Dart OOP Dart OOP Properties Dart OOP MethodsDart OOP Constructors Dart OOP Setter & Getter Dart OOP Class Inheritance Dart OOP Class inheritance Method Overriding Dart OOP Class Constructor Inheritance By Super Class Dart OOP Abstract Class Dart Packages OOP & Libraries"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning Terminology & Process For Beginners"
"In the world of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning withCloud Computing and Big Data - LearnMachine Learning Terminology & Process For Beginners step-by-step while gaining solid understanding hands-on - Bringing you the latest technologies with up-to-date knowledge.Are you new to machine learning? Are you looking to enhance you skills within the AWS ecosystem or perhaps pursue AWS certifications? Look no further - learn and acquire new skills with this Machine Learning Terminology & Process For Beginners course.Course DescriptionWelcome to Machine Learning Terminology & Process For Beginners - A one of its kind course! It is not only a comprehensive course, you are will not find a course similar to this. Note: AWS Machine learning is not free. Please note that you may incur additional costs from AWS.In this course, you'll learn and practice:Basic machine learning terminology and processLearn how to frame a machine learning problem and when to use machine learningPrepare and develop data setsGain solid understanding of feature engineering and data visualizationsWork with model training and evaluationLearn about business goal evaluationSee machine learning prediction, andmuch more....In this course, you will alsoget complete resources, and code where applicablewith this course!We've built this course with our TeamClayDeskof industry recognized developers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- Gain solid understanding of Machine Learning, this course is for you- Gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for intermediate or advanced level students...thisMachine Learning Terminology & Process For Beginnersis exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completion)What out students say...See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all of Machine Learning processes and important terminology along with demos - Absolutely worth it- Chavez This is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! Jill Neumann.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As a senior Project Manager & Web developer, managing and deploying enterprise level ITprojects, along with a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer & Trainer, my experience with Machine Learning projects has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inMachine Learning Terminology & Process For Beginners today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of enterprise cloud computing and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed & Team ClayDesk"
Price: 74.99

"Creating an OSHA Emergency Action Plan For Your Organization"
"Creating an OSHA Emergency Action Plan For Your Organization is mandated by OSHA and companies are required to have the EAP in place with minimum requirements as per law. Nobody expects an emergency or disaster especially one that affects them, their employees, and their business personally. Yet the simple truth is that emergencies and disasters can strike anyone, anytime, and anywhere. You and your employees could be forced to evacuate your company when you least expect it.Welcome to this course on Creating an OSHA Emergency Action Plan For Your Organization where you will learn all of the guidelines that will allow you to create an emergency action plan for your company.In this course, you'll learn and practice:What is a workplace emergency?Worker safety and fire safety as per code of federal regulationsHow do you protect yourself, your employees, and your business?What is an emergency action plan?Minimum elements of an emergency action plan (EAP)What should your emergency action plan include?How do you alert employees to an emergency?How do you develop an evacuation policy and procedures?How should you plan for rescue operations?What does your plan need to include about hazardous substances?Value of Good Health and Safety Program and much moreSee what our students say It is such a practical course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all the tools to create an EAP from scratch. - Angela SmithThis is such an awesome course. Several eTools and templates were provided that made my life a lot easier and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Divya Bharti.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As a senior Project Manager managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects, along with a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer & Trainer, my experience with managing enterprise level projects has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students.  Enroll now in Creating an OSHA Emergency Action Plan For Your Organization today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed & Team ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99

"Organizational Design: A Modern Practical Approach"
"Become a high performance fluid enterprise organization in the 21st century.Organizational designs typically fall into two categories, traditional and contemporary. Traditional designs include simple structure, functional structure, and divisional structure. Contemporary designs would include team structure, matrix structure, project structure, boundary-less organization, and the learning organizationWelcome to Organizational Design: A Modern Practical Approach course. Hands-on learning, and quizzes - Learn from industry professionals!In this course you will learn:What is organizational design, and how it is impacting enterprise organizationsLearn about people, process, and technologyUnderstand organizational design methodology and how to design a new organizational structureWork with the process and stages of organizational developmentRole of leader within the organizational design processWhat do organizations of the future look like?Learn various types and strategies of organizational designsLearn by examples, use cases, and case studiesEfficient techniques enterprise companies utilize, and much more...See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and hand-on application with this Organizational Design: A Modern Practical Approach course, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Jennifer PalormaThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience!  Vicky.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course?Learn the latest modern and practical approach in organizational design and how enterprise companies evolve in the 21st century dynamic world. Exponential growth of cloud computing and technology is forcing companies to ever evolve and be a fluid organization. As an Enterprise architect and involved with enterprise organizations as a senior consultant, implementation strategies and change management, my experience with organization design strategies has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students.  Enroll now in Organizational Design: A Modern Practical Approach course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of learning new skills - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!SyedTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 159.99

"Value Stream Mapping Primer: Current State to Future State"
"Enterprise organizations are in need of talent with Information Technology and Business Management background.If you are in the Business Management industry and involved in taking the organization from current state to future state along with the responsibility of eliminating waste/redundant processes and workflows, then this is the perfect course for you.This is your chance to learn the proper techniques for assessing the requirements of an enterprise, and designing the right solutions for today and tomorrow! Would you like to take an enterprise organization from ""current state to future state""? Would you like to take your career to the next level? Would you like to be in-demand and learn project management skills?Welcome to Value Stream Mapping Primer: Current State to Future State course. Learn from industry professionals and gain practical experience! What Will You Learn?Understand the basics of Value Stream Mapping (VSM)What is current state vs. future state of an organizationLearn techniques of implementing a VSM strategyLearn how to create and implement VSM in an organizationWork with case studiesWhat do organizations of the future look like? Understand people, process, and technologyIn-Depth Project Management with PMBOK 6th EditionIn-depth workings of Lean Six Sigma fundamentalsLearn by examples, quizzes, assignments, use cases, case studies, and much more...See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course and I now know how to create a VSM. Bravo! to the instructors. I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Mike KolowskiThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience!  Ken.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course?Learn to deliver value to organizations by creating and successfully implementing Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Architects who consult with enterprise organizations to enable them become even more profitable by implementing various strategies and moving the organization from current state to future state. Making enterprise organizations efficient in their business processes, essentially taking the organization to next level. As an Enterprise architect and Project Manager being involved with enterprise organizations as a senior consultant, implementation strategies and change management, my experience as an Enterprise Architect has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students.  Enroll now in Value Stream Mapping Primer: Current State to Future State course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of learning new skills - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!SyedTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 99.99

"Lightroom 1x1 - CC + Classic CC: Bildbearbeitungs Videokurs"
"Mchtest du, dass deine Bilder groartig aussehen?Du mchtest lernen, wie man die wohl mchtigste und effizienteste Bildbearbeitungssoftware verwendet, die auch von den Profis genutzt wird?Dann ist genau das hier der richtige Ort.Es ist toll dich hier zu haben. Ich liebe die Fotografie und ich liebe es Bilder zu bearbeiten.Vielleicht bist du noch Anfnger, der noch nicht so viel Erfahrung mit der Bildbearbeitung hat oder du hast bereits Erfahrung mit hnlichen Programme. Egal, wir haben diesen Kurs erstellt um deine Bilder wertzuschtzen.Beginne jetzt mit der Bearbeitung in Adobe Lightroom Classic CC(frher Lightroom CC) und Adobe Lightroom CC. Der einzige Kurs der sich sowohl mit Lightroom Classic, Lightroom CC und Lightroom CC auf dem Smartphone beschftigt. Dieser Lightroom Kurs wird einfach alles abdecken.Du wolltest also schon immer mal lernen, wie einfach es ist Bilder zu bearbeiten? Lightroom ist das perfekte Werkzeug fr dich. Ausgereift & intuitiv. Dieser Kurs wird dir alles beibringen und du kannst heute noch mit der Bildbearbeitung anfangen.Was Qualifiziert mich dich zu unterrichten?Mein Name ist Matthias Butz und ich verwende Lightroom schon seit Version 3, also seit 8 Jahren. Ich bin professioneller Portrait- und Hochzeitsfotograf und wei worauf es ankommt, wenn man Bilder schnell gut aussehen lassen muss. Ich unterrichte die Fotografie und die Bildbearbeitung schon seit Jahren und habe all meine learnings aus der letzten Zeit in diesen Kurs gepackt. Es ist bereits die zweite Auflage meines Lightroom Grundlagen Kurses und ich lege jetzt noch einmal eine Schippe drauf.Mein Versprechen an dich.Ich werde dich auf deiner Reise mit Lightroom begleiten. Solltest du einmal eine Frage haben oder irgend etwas anderes zu diesem Thema wissen wollen, schreibe mir einfach eine persnliche Nachricht. Ich untersttze dich gerne!Ich mchte diesen Kurs zu dem besten Lightroom Kurs machen. Wenn es also etwas gibt, dass ich an diesem Kurs verbessern kann, schreibe mich gerne an und ich werde es mglich machen.Mit der 30 Tage 100% Geld-Zurck Garantie gibt es also nichts mehr, das dich noch davon abhalten knnte mit Lightroom durchzustarten und deine Bilder einfach besser aussehen zu lassen.Ich freue mich auf dich und wir sehen uns gleich in der ersten LektionGruMatthias"
Price: 99.99

"Fotografieren bei Nacht"
"Erstelle wunderschne Fotos bei Nacht.Deswegen bist du hier oder?Ich freue mich darauf dir zu zeigen, wie man geniale Fotos bei Nacht und wenig Licht erstellt.Mit diesem Komplett-Kurs, lernet du das richtig Equipment kennen, die Kamera-Einstellungen die du brauchst und die Bildbearbeitung-Techniken, die ich verwende um zum Schluss ein tolles Foto zu erstellen.Neben vielen anderen Tipps beinhaltet der Kurs das folgende:Welches Equipment braucht man fr die Nacht-FotografieWie bereitet man sich auf das fotografieren bei Nacht vor?Grundlegende Einstellungen(Blende, Zeit, ISO)Wie man die Kamera fr Langzeitbelichtungen verwendetWie du den Mond fotografierstWie man Sterne fotografiert (folgt in krze)Wie du Fotos, die du bei Nacht aufgenommen hast durch die Bildbearbeitung genial aussehen lsst.BonusinhaltPraktische UmsetzungRAW Dateien als Downloadkostenloser SupportUpdate-Garantie"
Price: 59.99

"Video 1x1 - tolle Videos einfach erstellen"
"Ich habe ursprnglich mit Videos angefangen, um anderen das Fotografieren schnell und einfach beizubringen. Meine ersten Videos waren, sagen wir mal ""verbesserungswrdig"". Es hat mich sehr viel Zeit gekostet, um auf den heutigen Stand zu kommen. Ich mchte dir diese Zeit sparen! Mit meinem Videokurs Video 1x1 lernt du alles, was du brauchst um ein tolle Videos zu erstellen.Wir werden bei den Basics anfangen und langsam auf das hinarbeiten, was du brauchst, damit andere deine Videos gerne anschauen. Keine Sorge es ist keine neue Kamera und kein Equipment fr mehrere tausend Euro. Du brauchst nur deine Kamera und meine Erfahrung im Bereich Film aus hunderten Videos."
Price: 99.99

"Luminar 1x1 - Lerne die Bildbearbeitung mit Luminar"
"Luminar ist eine geniale Alternative zu Lightroom. Es ermglicht dir deine Bilder zu sortieren und zu bearbeiten und untersttzt dich dabei mit neuen Techniken und KI-gesttzten Filtern. Doch trotz der vielen neuen Funktionen, gibt es einiges zu lernen und ich zeige dir, wie du mit diesem Programm mit Leichtigkeit beherrschst und deutlich mehr aus deinen Fotos machst.Hierzu beginnen wir erst beim Management der Bilder. Ich zeige dir meine Techniken, die sich sowohl bei kleinen Shootings als auch groen Hochzeiten bewhrt haben. Wir finden gemeinsam einen Weg, mit dem du immer den berblick ber deine Fotos in Luminar hast.Das war jedoch erst die Vorbereitung auf die Bearbeitung. Denn diese ist mit jeder Menge Praxis und tollen Beispielen gespickt und natrlich passenden RAW Dateien, damit du direkt nachmachen kannst, was ich dir zeige.Zum Schluss wirst du den kompletten berblick ber Luminar haben, jeden Knopf kennen und jeden Filter anwenden knnen.Auf diesen Kurs gilt, wie auf all meine Kruse, eine Update- und Support-Garantie. Du bist immer auf dem aktuellen Stand, auch wenn es ein Update gibt und kannst mich jederzeit kontaktieren. Ich helfe dir bei Fragen weiter und gebe dir gerne Tipps zu deinen Bildern. Alles inklusive."
Price: 59.99

"Leadership Through Relationships"
"It takes more than telling people what to do that labels you a leader. Becoming an inspirational leader is doable and it not only can increase production in your business but also build deep meaningful relationships with your staff. You can also use this course to become a leader in your home with your kids. In this course you will learn how to influence your staff so that they will do what you ask. You will have less turnover and less grumbling employees. Production will go up and morale with go through the roof. You will learn how to delegate properly so that your staff is not only doing the job right but they will take pride in it. You will also be able to take your own life to new heights with the Personal Destiny Map. You will become a leader in your own life by using this framework to see where you are getting stuck and how to move forward. And  you will completely understand what it takes to be a leader in any endeavor you choose."
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Guide to iPhone Photography (+ iOS 13 UPDATE)"
"iPhone Photography Course: In this course you will learn how to take great photos using your iPhone. This course will help anyone who wants to get into the exciting and growing sector of iPhone photography. Exclusively filmed on location in London, UK! See the sights while learning how to take great photos.No risk: This course comes with a no hassle 30 day money back guarantee. So why not buy and try, you have nothing to lose.This course is designed for:Beginners that have little to no experience and want to become a skilled photographer without spending thousands of dollars on expensive camera equipmentAnyone that wants to build their portfolio for social media or sellingAnyone that wants to turn iPhone photography into an exciting careerThis is achieved by:Finding out how to take fantastic photos using the latest softwareRecognising some practical aspects of iPhone photography things like how to stand and how to hold your iPhoneLearning the basics principles of photography a must for beginners, a refresher for seasoned professionalsMaximising the quality of your photographs by learning the inbuilt tools to edit and perfectThis course will improve your skills at (it's like 5 courses in 1):iPhone PhotographyPortrait PhotographyMobile PhotographyLandscape PhotographyMacro PhotographyVastly improve your skills at iPhone PhotographyOver the last 100 years photography has continued to evolve and change, the latest chapter now being smartphone and iPhone photography. These changes require photographers to continually change, adapt and update their skill base.This course therefore uses the latest iPhone and the latest software to make sure you are at the absolute forefront of this new exciting avenue of photography and keeps you ahead of the competition.Content and OverviewThis course actively encourages you to get involved, after many lectures there are small tasks set which help you to put into practice what you have just learnt. Although you could just sit and go through all of the lectures, the course is designed to be as practical and fun as possible as well as academic.The course is split into 4 easy to understand sections (1) Understanding the software and what you can do with it (2) Some basic principles of photography which will help you to take great photos (3) Learn how to use other equipment when using your iPhone, and (4) Make those great photos even better by showing the power of photo editing.During the course you will also visit many locations around London and examine many photographs taken by the lecturer this makes the course a lot more interesting and fun, rather than it being delivered in a boring classroom format.As well as video lectures so you can see how to do everything, there are also quizzes for you to check your knowledge, and interaction with the lecturer and other students in the online groups this allows you to share your new skills with others also taking the course and provides support and encouragement for you to keep carrying on and improving even after completing the course.So by the end of this course you will no longer be bemused when you look at those Shot on an iPhoneposters and wonder how they got those photos looking so good why? because you will be taking those great photos yourself!!!Whether you need these new skills for your professional work, or you simply want to show off to your friends and family then this course is really for you, in fact, it is the only one you need to look at.Take Professional Photographs using only your iPhone, which you will be proud to share with the world"
Price: 99.99

"Swift 5 Programming Qualification - Certificate [Accredited]"
"Swift 5 Programming Course: This course is designed to fully equip and prepare you to successfully pass the Swift Level 1 examination with the Cambridge Certification Authority (CCA).No risk: This course comes with a no hassle 30 day money back guarantee. So why not give it a try, you have nothing to lose.Have you ever wanted to try out programming but didn't know where to start? Have you previously tried to learn Swift but got fed up with outdated and complicated YouTube videos and confusing written tutorials? THEN THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!The Swift programming language was released by Apple in 2014 and it has quickly become one of the most loved programming languages by developers. According to a Stack Overflow developer survey, Swift is one of the most fastest growing programming languages in the world.With the release of Swift 5 the Swift programming language became ABI stable - this means that the Swift language has matured to a point where future updates will become more infrequent - making this a perfect time to learn Swift.What is Swift?Swift is a programming language that allows you to write software for iPhones, iPads, Macs, Apple Watches, Apple TVs, desktops, servers, or anything else that runs code! Swift is great for new programmers because it is very intuitive, it continues to evolve as Apple adds new features (like SwiftUI), it is relatively easy to catch software bugs compared to other languages, and you can see your results immediately in Xcode and Playgrounds. So it is well worth learning!Content and OverviewThis course actively encourages you to get involved, after many lectures there are small challenges set which help you to put into practice what you have just learnt. Although you could just sit and go through all of the lectures, the course is designed to be as practical and easy as possible as well as academic.The course is split into 4 easy to understand sections (1) Introduction and set up (2) All of the Swift Level 1 skills needed (3) The Exam Section, and (4) Course conclusion and what nextAbout the InstructorMichael has already successfully taught over 30,000 students on Udemy on how to build and create Apps for the Apple platform. He has several apps in Apples App Store that have been downloaded and updated thousands of times, from people all over the world. He is interested in creating quality content while at the same time delivering his topics in a friendly and engaging way. Michael is active in student groups, forums, and Q&As and is always happy to answer questions to help his students."
Price: 149.99

"Te gustara desarrollar aplicaciones para el Sistema Opertivo Android, o tal vez juegos para este Sistema Opetivo, o an mucho mejor trabajar de manera profesional en Android.En este curso veremos las distintas maneras de como podemos programar en Android, desde los conceptos ms bsicos para que puedas empezar en este gran mundo de desarrollo de aplicaciones. Adems vamos a enfocarnos de una manera mas prctica, resolviendo problemas, ejercicios, desarrollando apps.Anmate e inscribete en este curso y se un buen programador."
Price: 19.99

"Hello Python - Python Programming for Beginners"
"If you have no coding experience and want to begin coding in Python for the first time then this is the course for you!Hi, I'm Rob. I know what it is like to have no coding experience and desire to code professionally. I started coding in 2016 and landed a full time development shortly thereafter. It was hard but it was worth it. That's why I'm here. To help you make that transition yourself. In Hello Python you will immediately begin to learn the language of Python. Well learn the basic syntax of how the Python language works.After that we are going to apply what we learn to mini projects. That will allow us to take what we have learned and put it into practice. Some courses teach you to build some sort of large application while you haven't mastered the basic syntax of Python. This course will give you opportunities to build mini applications step by step in a way that makes sense to someone learning programming for the first time or still learning the basics of programming.This is an early release of this course and I will be adding approximately 30 minutes of new material per week. My JavaScript Bootcamp began and just an hour and is now over twenty hours long! Sign up now and come back weekly for updates!This isn't the only Python course you should take but it should be your first!"
Price: 179.99

"Hello Ruby - Ruby Programming for Beginners"
"Hello Ruby is not the only Ruby course you should ever take but it should be your first!Here are a few reasons why you might want to learn Ruby:  It is beginner friendly. Ruby was a programming language built for people. It was meant to have a low learning curve so beginners could get started right away!It is incredibly popular among developers. It is the third most tagged programming language on GitHub. High work demand. It is listed as the fourth most popular programming language on Angel List, a premier site for Startups.This is an early release of the course. There will be much more coming in the next few months but it is already loaded with great content :) Here are a few things you will learn in just the first two hours:* Ruby expressions* Ruby variables* Ruby strings* Ruby escape sequence in strings* Ruby method converting strings to numbers* Ruby numbers* Ruby math operations and comparisons* Ruby method converting numbers to strings* Ruby methods on an object* Ruby comments* Ruby ""puts"" and ""print""* Ruby ""gets""* Ruby input, storage and output* Ruby string interpolation* Ruby object inspection with ""inspect"" and ""p"" methods* Ruby conditionals* Ruby loops - for and whileWe will learn about all of these while building our first program! This course teaches you the language of Ruby and then gives you an opportunity to speak, program, in that language.Hello Ruby isn't the only course you should ever take but it should be your first!Welcome to Hello Ruby!"
Price: 119.99

"Tingdong Chinese 1A: Chinese Story Intensive Study Course"
"The course is based on ""Whom do you like more? n zu xhun shi"" Story. Level 1, 300 words. The story length is around 10,000 characters but the main vocabulary you will ever need to thoroughly understand the story is around 300 only! The course is designed to dramatically transform the story into Chinese language learning material. IMPORTANT REMARK: The course is not retelling the story in a narration pattern and it is not an alternative of the story, it is a study course that brings your level up to start speaking, reading and writing, and of course listening. The whole course is in Chinese. Our unique method will force your mind; without suffering any pain, to remember and react. The story is available in many online bookshops such as amazon ... etc.To get yourself into the correct atmosphere of learning Chinese, you need to get the word, the structure, and the taste of the language out of the scene. By doing that, you will get that native taste of the language that nobody else can have unless they do what you do. This course is offering this chance for you in a golden plate, feeding your mind the story scenes, bite by bite with a golden spoon. After completing this course successfully, we are sure in a hundred percent that you will be speaking Chinese at the top confidence."
Price: 99.99

"Tingdong Chinese For Beginner Readers 01, Ten stories, Set 1"
"The course is a set of 10 short stories. Each story is an independent course. You are going to learn new vocab, characters and discuss each story by asking and answering questions. Tingdong Chinese teaching method is to learn from context. You will never need to remember a single word somewhere in the universe but instead in a short story where you can remember all about it. The course is titled for beginners because the type and length of stories are for children and thus the sentence structures and the topics are easy and not complicated, otherwise the vocabulary included cover the range of all levels.In brief, the course teaches the following:392 key Chinese characters222 key Chinese words208 Questions & AnswersIn details, the characters and words you will be learning are spread out throughout the course as follows: 74 characters + 27 words.56 characters + 23 words48 characters + 25 words33 characters + 19 words33 characters + 25 words30 characters + 19 words37 characters + 24 words26 characters + 17 words : 31 characters + 23 words: 20 characters + 18 wordsBased on each story, the Q/A discussion as follows:: 26 Questions + Answers: 19 Questions + Answers: 24 Questions + Answers: 20 Questions + Answers: 19 Questions + Answers: 19 Questions + Answers: 24 Questions + Answers: 14 Questions + Answers: 20 Questions + Answers: 23 Questions + Answers"
Price: 99.99

"Tingdong Chinese For Beginner Readers 01, Ten stories, Set 2"
"The course is a set of 10 short stories. Each story is an independent course. You are going to learn new vocab and characters and discuss each story by asking and answering questions. Tingdong Chinese teaching method is to learn from context. You will never need to remember a single word somewhere in the universe but instead in a short story where you can remember all about it. The course is titled for beginners because the type and length of stories are for children and thus the sentence structures and the topics are easy and not complicated, otherwise the vocabulary included cover the range of all levels.In brief, the course teaches the following:160 New Chinese characters115 New Chinese words181 Questions & AnswersIn details, the characters and words you will be learning are spread out throughout the course as follows: 20 characters + 11 words.13 characters + 11 words20 characters + 18 words16 characters + 21 words20 characters + 13 words11 characters + 14 words27 characters + 24 words10 characters + 7 words : 6 characters + 5 words: 17 characters + 10 wordsBased on each story, the Q/A discussion as follows:: 17 Questions + Answers: 21 Questions + Answers: 18 Questions + Answers: 18 Questions + Answers: 25 Questions + Answers: 16 Questions + Answers: 17 Questions + Answers: 18 Questions + Answers: 17 Questions + Answers: 14 Questions + Answers"
Price: 99.99

"Create a Start Menu with Bolt in Unity using State Graphs"
"In this course you will be introduced to Bolt, a visual scripting tool built for Unity. Bolt gives you the ability to create Unity scripting without writing one line of code. Bolt is very easy and fun to learn. This course is designed for the complete beginner. It is a basic course that covers Flow Graphs, State Graphs , Variables and The Unity UI. The course is not heavy on programming terms allowing you to learn by doing. This course will show you how to use the State Graph to Create a Menu which can be very helpful for those who are looking for a step by step example."
Price: 19.99

"How to rapidly increase your productivity with Kanban"
"... it happened again, didn't it? The project that you put so much time and effort into fell by the wayside. Every situation is different, however the results are usually the same. Management is asking for more visibility. Your team is stretching their heads, wondering what went wrong. And here you are, trying to figure out solution. But, let me ask you a question? Have you ever thought that other project management methodologies are just ""too much""? The excessive gantt charts...The scrum ceremonies... Or the complete lack of structure to a project. But.. What if there was a better way?  What if a method exists that truly simplifies the process? What if this method can increase visibility to everyone on the team (and management) What if the basics of this methods could be grasped in only a few short hours. By taking this course, you are going to discover Kanban. Look, I used to be in a similar situation . As someone that is supposed to help lead a project team to success (as the Scrum Master) I kept hitting my head against the wall. You see, a lot of companies (and I really mean A LOT)  start using Agile methods for the sake of ""doing Agile"".  .. and when they start ""doing Agile"" it usually means trying to implement Scrum methodologies when the support from the organization isn't  really there.  This causes a problem with those doing the work as they find the ""Scrum ceremonies"" to lack value. It loses trust in program managers, or those at the Director or VP level because ""Agile was supposed to ""solve"" all of the problems"". Yet it's creating a lot more work. While Scrum is a really powerful method of working, it doesn't work for every department.  It works incredibly well for software teams, and often those that support those teams. But what about everyone else? What about the operational teams that have a large percentage of interrupt work throughout the day (example : this is broke, fix it now!) What about the accounting departments that have invoices to send, and bills to pay? Are the core of it, that's what this course is about. It's about introducing a ridiculously simple Agile framework to those that aren't software developers. By now, you are probably wondering what this course will cover. So let's make a few bullet points. You will learn about the history of Kanban. You will learn about setting up a Kanban board. This includes topics such asManaging the backlog.""Pulling"" work intro progress. (Not pushing it to the team) Setting up your workflows.Setting up Swimlanes. You will also learn about the two metrics used to Kanban efficiency. While great topics, I've also included a bit more about real scenarios. This includes:How to propose Kanban to your organization.How to lead a daily standup meeting. The three elements that are the root of nearly all issues in an organization. How to take a stand and say NO to requests that don't add value. Join the CourseIf you've made it this far, you must be interested in learning more.  Add this course to your shopping cart and start learning How to exponentially multiply your productivity with Kanban (and lead a team in the process). I can't wait to see you in the course!- Keith"
Price: 34.99

"Drawn To Reality ""Drawing From Your Imagination"""
"I am a firm believer that anyone can draw, even you! In my course I will teach you tips and tricks to utilize your imagination and bring what you have in your mind into the real world, as Art! Our imagination is limitless and so abundant, however many of us haven't tapped into its richness yet. I not only show you how to tap into its riches, but I also teach you different ways to draw with critical thinking and using simple tools to rev up your imaginations engine!"
Price: 24.99

"Customer Service English Essentials"
"Isn't it frustrating when you have to deal with an unhappy customer on the phone, especially when you're using your second language? It can be a big challenge to express yourself clearly and help a customer resolve their problem, while at the same time trying to show empathy and remain professional. I designed this course to help you get the confidence and English expressions needed to resolve issues with even the most difficult clients. This course is meant for non-native English speakers who deal with English-speaking customers daily, particularly over the phone. You will learn many common English expressions in this course, as well as common vocabulary and tips about intonation and stress to give your spoken English a more native sound (especially over the phone). This course falls in the category of business English. Each lesson is designed to prepare you for nearly every situation you may face, from keeping an angry customer calm to explaining steps in a detailed process, to telling a customer they are wrong, and much much more! If you practice what you learn, your ability to deal with challenging situations and customers, in English, will improve dramatically. You will be able to see my face in each video lesson, and I will use a blackboard at all times. Each lesson focuses on a single aspect of a particular skill. You can go at your own pace and should take their time, with lots of practice between sections. Replaying each lesson is highly recommended."
Price: 99.99

"American English Slang Phrases for Work"
"If English is your second language, it can be very frustrating to feel behind the conversation when talking with native English speakers.Why does this happen?One reason is that native English speakers use common phrases that come from culture. That means, looking at each word in the phrase wont tell you the meaning. The result is that youre not sure exactly what others are talking about and you cant express yourself as naturally as you would like to.If youve ever felt this way, at work or in your daily life, you will get a lot out of this course. This course will focus on English phrases more common in workplace situations, however, the course is useful for anyone interested in learning American English phrases, expressions, and idioms (especially those taking exams like IELTS and TOEFL).You won't just learn English phrases in this course, you will master themyou will know how to use them in your daily life. And if you feel uncertain about anything you're learning throughout the course, I will answer any questions you have.Let the journey begin!-Luke"
Price: 79.99

"American English Slang Expressions for Daily Life"
"The fact is, written English and spoken English are very different. Its probably the reason youre here looking at this course. You may also be wondering, What is the best way to learn spoken English?If you want to master real native English expressions, you have to learn by example, and thats the focus of this course. In each lesson of this course, we will carefully go over the most common daily English expressions that native English speakers use when talking with each other. Heres the lesson structure:Learn the correct pronunciation of the expressionUnderstand the meaning and backgroundLearn the various uses and meanings of the expressionLook at real-life examples, in contextYou will be able to deeply understand each expression and also learn how to use it in your daily life!You won't just learn English idioms in this course, youll master them, which is important for exams like IELTS and TOEFL. If you feel uncertain about anything you're learning through the course, I will answer any questions you have.I hope to see you in the first lesson!-Luke"
Price: 79.99

"American English Expressions Every Native Speaker Knows"
"When watching an American movie, have you ever said this to yourself?""I understand every word, but I have no idea what he is talking about!""If this is you, this course was made for you.We will be learning the most common English expressions, idioms and slang phrases native English speakers use in daily conversationsthe things you can't learn in books. The best way to learn is by example, and that is the foundation of this course. In each lesson, we will talk about one English phrase or expression. I will carefully explain the meaning, background, and usage(s), then share real-life examples from conversations between native English speakers.You won't just learn English idioms in this course, you will master them, and understand how to use them in your daily life, which is important for exams like IELTS and TOEFL. Also, if you feel uncertain about anything you're learning throughout the course, I will answer any questions you have.Are you ready to take your English mastery to the next level? Let the journey begin!-Luke"
Price: 79.99

"American English Slang Common Idioms"
"When watching an American movie, have you ever said this to yourself? ""I understand every word, but I have no idea what he is talking about!""If this is you, this course was made for you. We will be learning the most common English idioms native English speakers use in daily conversationsthe things you can't learn in books. The best way to learn is by example, and that is the foundation of this course. In each lesson, we will talk about one English phrase or expression. I will carefully explain the meaning, background, and usage(s), then share real-life examples from conversations between native English speakers.You won't just learn English idioms in this course, you will master them. You will know deeply how to use them, which is very important for exams like IELTS and TOEFL. And if you feel uncertain about anything you're learning through the course, I will answer any questions you have.Are you ready to take your English mastery to the next level? Let the journey begin!"
Price: 79.99

"How to Set Up a Translation Agency: The Complete Guide"
"This Course will help you expand from being a translator to running a full agency. Instead of just relying on one language in order to get business and clients, you can make full use of many languages in order to achieve full potential. Learn How to Expand into an Agency so that:You can Hire the TranslatorsYou can be in Direct Contact with End ClientsYou can become familiar with being the go-between, and facilitate workflow both waysYou can Manage the Projects in a Professional MannerContent OverviewThis course is structured to serve as reference material, so you can go through the whole course in around one week, but, as your agency progresses, you will probably want to go back for refreshers, so to see how various steps can apply to your new situation.Most of this course will be taught via videos, with some written notes and explanations for those wishing to go further in depth.By the end of this course, you will be able to use your knowledge to set up and run your own agency. You will understand what exactly you wish to achieve, how to find translators, how to find clients, and how to maintain the business running with both. The world is becoming increasingly global, while jobs are less and less secure, and the Internet is, by now, near universal. Combine all these factors, and you have a perfect storm of opportunity for people who wish to set up their own translation agency!Don't be limited by the number of hours you can work on a translation, or how much you can get paid per hour/per word! Set up a Translation Agency so You can have other Translators work for You! See what other students have had to say:""Yes, since I am agency owner and it's good to see another colleague's approach."" -  Matias Hernndez""Thank you so much. The lessons were clear and easy to follow."" - Abdi Jiijiile"
Price: 124.99