"Come Diventare un Traduttore Freelance" |
"Versione italiana del Bestseller ""How to Become a Successful Freelance Translator""Questo corso vi insegner come usare le vostre capacit linguistiche per lavorare in proprio. Lavorate indipendentemente tramite Traduzioni Freelance!In questo corso imparerete:Come usare la vostra conoscenza di lingue per guadagnare soldi da freelancerCome diventare un traduttore freelance professionaleA lavorare sia con agenzie di traduzione sia con clienti finaliCosa stanno cercando le agenzie e i clienti finali, in modo da poter essere assuntiImparerete a vedere la vostra seconda lingua come un secondo diplomaPerch sapere un'altra lingua quasi come un super potere, ed equivale ad avere un altro diploma. Vi apre un altro mondo e vi da l'opportunit di guadagnare da vivere usando questa conoscenza!Avete imparato un'altra lingua, e questo corso si concentra sul prossimo passo: come usare le vostre capacit linguistiche per scegliere i lavori e i clienti che interessano a voi. In altre parole, potrete diventare un traduttore freelance!Alcuni commenti da altri studenti:""Mi piaciuto molto questo corso, stato interessante e ho saputo cose che nessuno dice mai. L'insegnante proprio portato per il lavoro di traduttore!"" - Georgeta Sebie""Offre informazioni molto utili e pratiche."" - Sara Petrosino""Pienamente soddisfatto"" - Assima kpatcha Maani""Corso che ti d consigli pratici, soprattutto per chi agli inizi."" - Sabrina Icandri"
Price: 99.99 |
"Touch Typing Made Easy - From Beginner to Mastery in Typing" |
"Let me show you how this Touch Typing course will help you:First you will learn how to place your fingers correctly on the keyboard.Then you will learn how to type your first two letters: F and J. Very simple, right? Right.After knowing how to type your first two letters, you do exercises to practice your typing. The exercises so far will contain only these two letters that we have just learnt: F and J.When you have mastered typing these two letters F and J, you move to your next lesson where you learn two more letters D and K. But this time, in the exercises, you practice touch typing four letters: D, F, J and K. As you can see, you review the letters F and J from the previous lesson and you practice touch typing the new letters D and K.This process goes like this until we study all the letters!It is important to mention that from lesson 5 we have very interesting exercises: we will exercise typing words that contain only the letters that we have already studied.For example, if we haven't studied the letters B and Y, we won't have exercises that contain these letters (like Ball, Yellow, etc)This course also covers CAPITAL letters and punctuation Marks.So, by the end of this course, you will be equipped to type fast and accuratelyI am sure you will enjoy this course that will give you this very important skill for life.Many thanks and hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso Completo de Criao e Traduo Automtica de Legendas" |
"Este o Curso Completo de Criao e Traduo Automtica de Legendas. Aqui voc vai aprender a criar legendas a partir do zero ou a partir do roteiro do vdeo ei traduzir para Portugus, Ingls ou qualquer outro idioma.De facto, existem vrios motivos para voc colocar legendas nos seus vdeos, abaixo apresento quatro:Nem todo mundo consegue ouvir - no mundo existem milhares de surdos que dependem de legendas para entender o que est sendo dito nos vdeos.Muita gente assiste vdeos com o som desligado - h pessoas que assistem os vdeos em locais onde no d para ligar o som; dai as legendas vo fazer toda a diferena para a compreenso do vdeo.As legendas aumentam a compreenso - Muita gente assiste programas de televiso ou filmes com as legendas ligadas, por mais que sejam falantes nativos do idioma que ouvem. Fazem isso simplesmente porque assistir, ouvir e ler ao mesmo tempo aumenta grandemente a compreenso do que est sendo dito.Nem todo o mundo fala o seu idioma - De facto, para aqueles que no falam o seu idioma mas que precisam de assistir os seus vdeos, as legendas vo ajudar.Como este curso est organizado?Este curso est organizado da seguinte forma:Download e instalao do programa para criar e traduzir legendas.Explicao da interface do programa de criao e traduo de legendasCriao e sincronizao de legendas a partir do zero - aqui, voc vai aprender a criar legendas a partir do zero.Atalhos (Shortcuts) para acelerar o processo de criao e traduo de legendas.Criao e sincronizao de legendas a partir do roteiro do vdeo - aqui, voc vai criar legendas a partir do roteiro do vdeo.Traduo automtica usando o Google Translate - aqui voc vai usar os servios grtis e pago do Google Translate para traduo automtica das legendas.Carregamento das legendas para Udemy e Youtube - voc vai colocar as legendas nos vdeos da Udemy e do Youtube."
Price: 199.99 |
"Closed Captions and Automatic Translation Made Easy" |
"This is Closed Captions and Translation Made Easy. Here you will learn how to create closed captions from scratch or from a video script and translate it into any language you want.In fact, there are several reasons for you to do closed captions. Here are some:Not everyone can hear - in the world there are thousands of deaf people who depend on captions to understand what is being said in the videos.Many people can't or won't turn on audio - there are people who watch videos in places where they cannot turn on the sound; hence the captions will make all the difference in understanding the video.Captions enhance understanding - Many people watch television shows or movies with captions on, even if they are native of the original language being spoken. They do so simply because listening and reading at the same time greatly enhances the understanding of what is being said.Not everyone speaks your language - In fact, for those who do not speak your language have to watch your videos, subtitles will help them.How is this course organized?Here is how this course is organized:Download and Installation of the captioning and translation software.Interface explanation of the captioning and translation software.Captioning and synchronizing from scratch - here, you will create captions from scratch.Shortcuts to speed up the captioning and synchronizing process.Captioning and synchronizing from a Script- here, you will create captions from a video script.Automatic translation using Google Translate - here, you will use free and paid translation services.Uploading to Udemy and Youtube - you will take the captions created and upload to Udemy and Youtube."
Price: 199.99 |
"O Guia Completo para Aprender Ingls Sozinho, Fcil e Rpido" |
"Para aprender Ingls comeando do zero at ao nvel avanado, voc segue este mtodo dos 4 passos:No Primeiro Passo, voc estuda a fontica da lngua Inglesa - pois voc deve saber como pronunciar correctamente os sons para poder falar Ingls com confiana e tambm entender os nativos. Se voc no sabe como um som pronunciado, voc no saber identificar esse som quando algum estiver falando - da voc ter muitas dificuldades em entender nativos e os nativos tero grandes dificuldades em entender o que voc est dizendo!No Segundo Passo, voc estuda a gramtica Inglesa - para poder entender a estrutura da lngua inglesa. Note que Ingls no um oceano interminvel, mas um pequeno lago composto de algumas regras. Logo que voc entende essas poucas regras (que nem so muitas), da voc estar falando Ingls fluentemente.Devo dizer tambm que o estudo da gramtica Inglesa permite voc comparar a lngua Portuguesa (que voc j fala) com o Ingls (que voc pretende falar) e ver as semelhanas e as diferenas, entender como diferentes ideias so expressas nas duas lnguas. Essa comparao permite voc absorver a gramtica Inglesa muito fcil e rpido, em vez de tentar memorizar regras sem sentido.No Terceiro Passo, voc estuda dilogos - Esses dilogos de diferentes situaes (na escola, em casa, no passeio, em viagem, no hotel, no banco, na praia, na festa, etc) permitem voc ver a gramtica Inglesa na prtica (e refer os conceitos estudados), adquirir diferentes vocabulrios e se expressar em diferentes situaes.Note que nesta fase voc no precisa decorar nada, apenas analisar como uma mesma ideia expressa em Portugus e em Ingls.No Quarto Passo, voc se torna fluente - Voc conversa sobre os diferentes tpicos do quotidiano at se tornar fluente - falar com confiana e sem hesitao. Basicamente, voc pode estudar um tpico por semana, e em trs meses voc j ter domnio de 12 tpicos. Em 6 meses voc ter domnio 24 tpicos. E sem voc dar conta, j estar fluente, conversando sobre diferentes tpicos em Ingls, entendendo filmes, novelas sem precisar de legendas, etc. Nesta fase voc no mais ser um estudante de Ingls, e passar a ser falante de Ingls. E estar usando Ingls no seu trabalho, em viagens, etc.Este foi o exacto mtodo que usei para aprender Ingls sozinho, sem precisar de ir a um escola de Ingls.Quando j estava falando Ingls fluentemente, decidi aplicar o mesmo mtodo para aprender Francs, Alemo e rabe. E funcionou risca!Agora estou aprendendo Italiano e Espanhol usando este mesmo mtodo.Portanto, neste Guia Completo para Aprender Ingls Sozinho, Fcil e Rpido, eu compartilho consigo o material que voc pode usar para aprender Ingls e tambm o passo a passo para voc estudar esse material e se tornar fluente.Este curso no contm teorias. Mas sim, dicas prticas que eu prprio usei para aprender Ingls, Francs, Alemo, rabe e compartilho consigo para voc tambm poder aprender Ingls rapidamente, em meses no anos!Note que o Ingls no em si o objectivo, mas uma ferramenta para voc desenvolver a sua vida profissional e pessoal. Portanto, aprenda rapidamente o Ingls e suba logo a escada do sucesso.Este curso tem tudo o que voc precisa para ficar fluente de verdade!Depois de voc aprender rapidamente o Ingls, tenho a certeza que vai usar esses 4 passos para aprender outros idiomas (tal como eu!)Sucessos!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Ingls - Curso Completo de Pronncia" |
"Quando voc quer aprender Ingls, a primeira coisa que voc deve aprender a pronncia correcta do Ingls.Estudar a pronncia correcta do Ingls vai permitir:Falar correctamente InglsEntender quando os nativos falam Ingls.Ler correctamente Ingls.Fazer ditados em InglsOutra vantagem que o Ingls se escreve duma forma e se pronuncia de forma diferente. Quando voc estuda a pronncia do Ingls, voc consegue de facto ler correctamente uma palavra mesmo que nunca a tenha visto antes, ou at mesmo fazer ditados: as pessoas ditam Ingls e voc escreve correctamente (independentemente se voc entende ou no!) por isso mesmo que eu vejo este curso como fundamental para todo aquele que est comeando a estudar Ingls ou aquele que quer melhorar o seu listening e falar com mais confiana, pois sabe que est a falar a coisa certa!"
Price: 199.99 |
"SEO na prtica - Como otimizar e criar um projeto de SEO?" |
"Importante:Esse curso para profissionais que j possuem um slido conhecimento em SEO. No irei explicar termos ou ainda conceitos. O foco a prtica do SEO. Para isso tenho aqui na Udemy o curso de SEO Completo - Do bsico ao avanado.Grade do curso de SEO na prtica:Como analisar a arquitetura de um projeto de SEO.Definir objetivos de um projeto de SEO.Definir as principais KPIs.Escolher palavras-chave.Otimizar os fatores On-Page.Produzir contedo linkvel.Criar aes Off-Page.Analisar concorrentes.Esse curso de SEO indicado para:Quem quer colocar a mo na massa em um projeto de SEO.Entender quando contratar um programador.Com o aprendizado do curso, voc ir:Ter habilidade para otimizar um projeto de SEO desde o incio.Mais detalhes sobre o curso de SEO na prtica:Voc precisa ter em mente que quem otimiza um projeto de SEO possui caractersticas especficas e com um vis de marketing.Um programador o responsvel por realizar ajustes e fazer marcaes em seu projeto. Um bom gerente de SEO sabe cobrar e trabalhar em conjunto com um programador.SEO suor! No existe mgica ou aes em massa que gerem resultado de longo prazo. Voc aprender como gerenciar um projeto de SEO com foco em performance de longo prazo.Objetivos:Capacitar um profissional nas aes prticas de um projeto de SEO. SEO no uma cincia e portanto existem diferentes formas de gerenciar e praticar SEO.Esse curso mostra a metodologia que usamos desde 2009 em projetos de search, isso no quer dizer que estamos 100% corretos! =)Todas as aes so baseadas em boas prticas dos buscadores, o que torna nossa metodologia slida e resistente ao longo do tempo.Resumo Geral:Aprender aes prticas de um projeto de SEO.Viso:SEO um projeto de marketing! Voc precisa ter uma viso tcnica, porm sua mentalidade deve ser no usurio e como o marketing ir impactar seu projeto. S focar na tcnica ir gerar um projeto de SEO com muitos acessos e pouco resultado financeiro.Concluso do professor Ricardo Zacho:SEO um processo contnuo, onde o usurio o foco central das aes. Crie uma relao slida com seu programador e com seu profissional de marketing, pois s dessa forma voc ter sucesso em SEO.Aproveite o curso! Qualquer dvida, me procure pelas redes sociais.Muito Obrigado,Ricardo Zacho"
Price: 129.99 |
"Moodle and H5P" |
"This course will show learners how to add interactive content to Moodle courses using the H5P Plugin. I will begin the course, by showing learners how to create their own Moodle instance, and how to install the h%p Plugin. The course is then split into 5 main sections - H5P Content, H5P Games, H5P Multimedia, H5P Quizzes and Advanced H5P.I will also show learners how to use each of the different content types within H5P, as well as providing real life examples of each content type at the end of each course section.H5P allows new interactive content types to be created within Moodle, including Games, MCQs, Accordions, Interactive Videos, Online Presentations, Various Quizzes and much much more!Now also including three lessons on the new Branching Scenario!Why not sign up today?"
Price: 49.99 |
"Simple Moodle 3.2+" |
"The course provides a basic introduction to Moodle, for people who have never used Moodle before or have basic understanding of Moodle and want to learn more!The course begins with the Getting to know Moodle section, where I will explain what a VLE is and what it does, as well as focusing on Moodle itelf. Ill then give a tour of the moodle interface and explain how to edit user profiles and preferences.Next, I will show learners how to create a new Moodle course, how to add users, and how to enrol these users into various Moodle courses.The Editing Moodle courses section focuses on introducing learners to the moodle course page, and ill explain how to edit the course, what each of the icons within moodle do and mean, as well as introducing the activity chooser and the Atto text editor.We will then move on to adding resources such as page, urls, books and files and folders to the course, before adding various learning activities including lessons, chat, choices, forums and glossaries.The Mutlimedia section focuses on adding variosu multimedia elements throughout your course - including images, video, audio, podcasts and Youtube Videos.This course is slightly different to other online courses the course content and lessons will be interspersed with the creation of a special exemplar course, where the skills learnt in the course will be used to build a ready made interactive Moodle course, which will be available for download too!I have also added 5 learning activities, so that learners can practice what is being taught in the course, and these learning activities add up to create another exemplar course, which is also downloadable.I ntroduce each lesson with a description, and follow this up by showing learners how to actually do it for yourself. I actively encourage learners to watch the examples lessons, where examples are shown of all the topics covered within the section. I also encourage participants to use the Moodle Cloud course, that we create at the beginning, to practice the things I teach, and build up their confidence and theirown set of Moodle courses.So, If you want to learn Moodle, why not sign up today?"
Price: 49.99 |
"Intermediate Moodle 3.2+" |
"Do you use Moodle? Do you use it to its full potential? Would you like to learn more about Moodle?Well this is the right course for you!This course has been split up into various different sections.I'm going to begin the course by showing learner's how to create their own Moodle instance on their own computer. This will be used throughout the course so that you can test and try all of the things I teach you. This will be followed by the Moodle Calendar and the Dashboard. I will discuss the Moodle website and the various resources available to learners. In the Moodle courses section, we shall investigate categories and subcategories, and various course enrolment methods such as Meta Links, Cohort Enrolment, Guest Access, Groups and Groupings.The course fomats section will look at Moodle course formats - inlcuding Topics, Weekly, Social and Single Activity. User tours will also be taught in this section.I wil show learners how to add various different activities to the course page including databases, wikis, advanced lessons and advanced forums.In the next section, I will show you how to import, export, backup and restore Moodle courses. There will be a section on Moodle quizzes well I will show learner's how to create basic Moodle quizzes with various different quiz question types.Ttowards the end of the course there will be a section on course tools where I show learner's how to use activity completion, release criteria, the Moodle Gradebook and access course logs, so that you can see what your learner's are up to!So if you want to learn a bit more about Moodle and get really involved in the nuts and bolts of this great virtual learning environment, why not sign up today?"
Price: 49.99 |
"Productividad Consciente" |
"Te damos la bienvenida al taller Productividad Consciente!Este taller te dar, adems de informacin sobre como hacer lo que haces siempre en menos tiempo, ejercicios prcticos que te llevarn a tomar consciencia de cual es tu estilo actual de hacer tus actividades y como lograr mejorar tu enfoque con ajustes sutiles en tu cotidianidad.Productividad Consciente propone un sistema que se acopla a tu actividad diaria y te propone un tiempo de anlisis y planificacin para mejorar tus resultados.Cmo funciona el taller?Cada semana se libera una Vdeo clase con sus ejercicios en PDF y Vdeo tutoriales que facilitarn la comprensin Durante la semana te conviene hacer la tarea para ir acoplando la metodologa poco a poco.La primer fase es de reconocimiento, la segunda de construccin de nuevos hbitos y la tercera de consolidacin de los mismos.Cada Mdulo es importante y se sostienen del anterior y completa la metodologa.Si corts por alguna razn el fluir semanal del curso, te recomiendo hacer un repaso antes de retomar con el siguiente y volver a re conectar tus circuitos neuronales con respecto a lo que vas a aprender y apoyarlo slidamente de lo ya aprendido... (Es importante el ""flow"" de la informacin para que sea ms efectivo el aprendizaje.)Si por alguna razn, te sents estancado en alguna actividad, tens abierto el canar de comunicacin conmigo y poder ayudarte a seguir avanzando.El objetivo es que este taller te aporte nuevos hbitos y consciencia de TU MEJORESTILOPRODUCTIVO.Es todo por ahora, Mir el video Introductorio y te veo adentro!Diego Delboy"
Price: 99.99 |
"LEED v4 Green Associate Exam Tutorial" |
"This LEEDGreen Associate tutorial is equipped with nine sections and 75 sample questions. It includes an introduction to LEED, the organizational aspects of theUSGBC, and the following sections are dedicated to each scorecard category. Whether you are a student, professional, or interested in environmental impacts from the built environment, this course will give you a broad scope of LEEDcontent to pass your exam on the first try."
Price: 19.99 |
"SharePoint Document Libraries - Advanced Use & Customization" |
"While Document Libraries are technically usable upon creation, without any additional configuration required. Because admins don't HAVEto do any configuration, most of them never think of doing ANY configuration on their libraries. By seeing so many of these additional features and settings in use in specific scenarios, you will learn ways to use your SharePoint resources in much more productive ways. This demo-based course exposes students to the wide range of settings and configurations available on SharePoint Document Libraries, in the context they might be used."
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel on SharePoint" |
"This course teaches several Intermediate-advanced Excel topics, with an emphasis on ensuring that the elements in Excel are fully usable through the browser on SharePoint. Topics include: Charts, Conditional Formatting, Date and Time Functions, PivotTables, Pivot Charts, VLOOKUP formula, Excel Dashboards, and Excel Document Libraries on SharePoint. Full written tutorials and accompanying sample files available for every section."
Price: 19.99 |
"Fotografa Pictrica" |
"Durante el curso aprenders a componer escenas que se abstraen de la realidad y que se acercan ms a la idea de un lienzo en blanco que irs realizando a travs de pequeas tcnicas de luz, texturas y formas. Un taller en el que generar imgenes poticas y artsticas para romper con unafotografa normativa y dejarte llevar hacia un terreno ms pictrico.UNIDAD 1 LA IMAGEN Qu es la fotografa pictrica? Referentes pictricos. Los medios de expresin en torno a la imagen.UNIDAD 2 LA CREACIN Cmo llevar a cabo la idea. Tcnicas y proceso creativo.UNIDAD 3 LA PUESTA EN ESCENA Ejecucin de fotografa. Procesado de la imagen. Conclusiones finales.En ste curso se habla sobre todo de la pintura como elemento fundamental, hay una importante parte de creacin de texturas de forma manual y por ltimo y la mxima presencia del curso es el retoque digital para conseguir mezclar las texturas con la fotografa resultante. ste curso est recomendado a fotgrafos que quieran experimentar con nuevas tcnicas y dejarse llevar, para esas personas inquietas que quieran recorrer nuevos caminos creativos."
Price: 54.99 |
"Powershell Windows Sever 2016:" |
", PowerShell. , . . PowerShell . ISE. : Windows PowerShell; ISE; PowerShell Windows PowerShell Integrated ScriptingEnvironment (ISE); PowerShell, ; , ; ; PowerShell ."
Price: 124.99 |
"Azure for Beginners: Portal, Virtual Machine and Compute" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Azure Portal, Virtual Machine, Compute, Network Concepts basics.The goal is to provide coverage of Azure fundamentaltasks including topics like Getting Started with Azure Portal and Navigation, Azure Virtual Machines and Compute Basics, Azure Networking Concepts etc.The course is targeted to help start with your Azure skills gaining. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use Azure Portal. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently.A Brief Contents of the Course:Azure Portal and NavigationBuilding Virtual NetworkCreating an Azure Availability SetDeploying a Virtual MachineBackup and RecoveryAzure Networking ConceptsBuilding a Virtual NetworkBuilding network security groupsBuilding a load balancerCreating a Virtual Network Gateway"
Price: 124.99 |
"High Availability: Mastering Exchange Server 2016 with PS" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to automate time-consuming administrative tasks with the help of PowerShell. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become an Exchange server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Microsoft Exchange Server and Office Exchange Online with Powershell.The goal is to provide coverage of Exchange High Availability (Database Availability Groups) tasks including topics like Creating a Database Availability GroupAdding mailbox servers to a Database Availability GroupConfiguring Database Availability Group network settingsAdding mailbox copies to a Database Availability GroupActivating mailbox database copiesPowerShell Key Concepts"
Price: 179.99 |
"Active Directory: Domain Controllers, Operations Masters, GC" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSmain concepts like AD DS components: domain controllers, global catalog, cloning domain controllers, operations masters (FSMO), and more...The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to describe:What is a domain controller?What is a global catalog?Give an overview of domain controller SRV recordsAD DS sign-in processWhat are operations masters?Transfer and seize FSMO rolesDeploy a domain controllerInstall a domain controller from Server ManagerInstall a domain controller on a Server Core installation of Windows Server Install a domain controller by installing from mediaClone domain controllersAdd Another domain controllersPowershell Key ConceptsInstall a domain controller and manage FSMO roles with Powershell"
Price: 179.99 |
"Mastering Exchange Server 2016 with Powershell Bootcamp: 5h" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to automate time-consuming administrative tasks with the help of PowerShell. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become an Exchange server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Microsoft Exchange Server and Office Exchange Online with Powershell.The goal is to provide coverage of Exchange Server Administration tasks including topics like Creating, modifying, and removing mailboxes using PowershellManaging distribution groups using PowershellManaging resource mailboxesCreating recipients in bulk using a CSV fileReporting on mailbox sizesReporting on the mailbox creation timeWorking with move requests and performing mailbox movesImporting and exporting mailboxesDeleting messages from mailboxes using Search-MailboxSetting storage quotas for mailboxesRestoring deleted items from mailboxesReporting on distribution group membershipAdding members to a distribution group from an external fileAllowing managers to modify group permissionsRemoving disabled users from distribution groupsWorking with distribution group naming policiesWorking with distribution group membership approvalCreating address listsExporting address list membership to a CSV/XML fileManaging the mailbox databasesMoving databases and logs to another locationConfiguring the mailbox database limitsReporting on mailbox database sizeFinding the total number of mailboxes in a databaseDetermining the average mailbox size per database Creating a Database Availability GroupAdding mailbox servers to a Database Availability GroupConfiguring Database Availability Group network settingsAdding mailbox copies to a Database Availability GroupActivating mailbox database copiesPowerShell Key Concepts"
Price: 179.99 |
"Active Directory: Managing Users Accounts and Properties" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSusers. The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to describe:Create user accounts.Configure user account attributes.Manage user accounts.Create user profiles.Manage inactive and disabled user accounts.Explain user account templates.Use user account templates to manage accounts.Powershell Key ConceptsPerform all these operations with Powershell"
Price: 179.99 |
"Active Directory: Managing Groups, Computers and OUs" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSgroups, computers, OUs. The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to describe:Group types and scopesDefault groupsSpecial identitiesComputer accountsControl permissions to create computer accountsJoin a computer to a domainOU hierarchyADDS permissionsPowershell Key ConceptsPerform all these operations with Powershell"
Price: 179.99 |
"Active Directory and Windows Server 21+ Hour with Labs" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the complete information they need to know about Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of basic and advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and configure AD DS components.This course will be updated monthly. The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently. It's 8 in 1 course and it consists of:Active Directory: Introduction and Administration ToolsActive Directory: Domain Controllers, Operations Masters, GCActive Directory: Managing Users Accounts and PropertiesActive Directory: Managing Groups, Computers and OUsActive Directory: Advanced AD DS infrastructure managementImplementing Group PolicyActive Directory: Managing user settings with Group PolicySecuring Active Directory Domain ServicesNew courses on Active Directory will be added here!After completing this course, you will be able to:Describe the components of AD DS.Describe AD DS domains.Describe OUs and their purpose.Describe AD DS forests and trees and explain how you can deploy them in a network.Explain how an AD DS schema provides a set of rules that manage the objects and attributes that the AD DS domain database stores.Describe Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).Identify the tools available for administering AD DS.Describe what is new for on-premises Active Directory Domain Services in Windows Server 2016.What is a domain controller?What is a global catalog?Give an overview of domain controller SRV recordsAD DS sign-in processWhat are operations masters?Transfer and seize FSMO rolesDeploy a domain controllerInstall a domain controller from Server ManagerInstall a domain controller on a Server Core installation of Windows Server Install a domain controller by installing from mediaClone domain controllersAdd Another domain controllersInstall a domain controller and manage FSMO roles with PowershellCreate user accounts.Configure user account attributes.Manage user accounts.Create user profiles.Manage inactive and disabled user accounts.Explain user account templates.Use user account templates to manage accounts.Perform all these operations with PowershellGroup types and scopesDefault groupsSpecial identitiesComputer accountsControl permissions to create computer accountsJoin a computer to a domainOU hierarchyADDS permissionsDeploying a domain controller in Azure IaaSManaging objects in complex AD DS deploymentsAD DS domain functional levelsAD DS forest functional levelsDeploying new AD DS domainsDemonstration: Installing a domain controller in a new domain in an existing forestConsiderations for implementing complex AD DS environmentsUpgrading a previous version of AD DS to Windows Server 2016Migrating to Windows Server 2016 AD DS from a previous versionImplement Group PolicyImplement administrative Group Policy (GPOs) templatesConfigure Folder Redirection, software installation, and scriptsConfigure Group Policy preferencesItem-level targeting with Group Policy (GPOs)Securing domain controllersDeploying an RODCImplementing account securityPassword policiesAccount lockout policiesFine-grained password and lockout policiesPSO precedence and resultant PSOImplementing audit authenticationAccount logon and logon eventsConfiguring managed service accountsChallenges of using service accountsOverview of managed service accountsConfiguring group MSAsDeploy and manage certificate templates.Manage certificate deployment, revocation, and recovery.Use certificates in a business environment.Implement and manage smart cards.Much more..."
Price: 199.99 |
"Active Directory: Advanced AD DS infrastructure management" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDScomponents of advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and Configure AD DS trusts.The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to describe:Why implement multiple domains?Why implement multiple forests?Deploying a domain controller in Azure IaaSManaging objects in complex AD DS deploymentsAD DS domain functional levelsAD DS forest functional levelsDeploying new AD DS domainsDemonstration: Installing a domain controller in a new domain in an existing forestConsiderations for implementing complex AD DS environmentsUpgrading a previous version of AD DS to Windows Server 2016Migrating to Windows Server 2016 AD DS from a previous version"
Price: 179.99 |
"Active Directory: Sites and Replication" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of AD DS components of advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and Configure AD DS Sites and Replication.The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to: Describe how AD DS replication works. Configure AD DS sites to help optimize authentication and replication traffic. Configure and monitor AD DS replication."
Price: 179.99 |
"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Vagrant in 1 hour" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to Vagrant. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to deploy a necessary IT environment with Vagrant from scratch. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Vagrant and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of Vagrant components, how to deploy a single machine or multi machine environment instantly. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Vagrant and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Install VagrantManage the base boxes in Vagrant environmentManage single machine environmentManage multi machine environmentRead, create and modify VagrantfileAnd more...Introduction to VagrantVagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases production parity, and makes the ""works on my machine"" excuse a relic of the past.Why Vagrant?Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology and controlled by a single consistent workflow to help maximize the productivity and flexibility of you and your team.For DevelopersIf you are a developer, Vagrant will isolate dependencies and their configuration within a single disposable, consistent environment, without sacrificing any of the tools you are used to working with (editors, browsers, debuggers, etc.). For OperatorsIf you are an operations engineer or DevOps engineer, Vagrant gives you a disposable environment and consistent workflow for developing and testing infrastructure management scripts. You can quickly test things like shell scripts, Chef cookbooks, Puppet modules, and more using local virtualization such as VirtualBox or VMware. For DesignersIf you are a designer, Vagrant will automatically set everything up that is required for that web app in order for you to focus on doing what you do best: design. For EveryoneVagrant is designed for everyone as the easiest and fastest way to create a virtualized environment!"
Price: 144.99 |
"Active Directory: Managing user settings with Group Policy" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of AD DS components of advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and Configure and Manage ADDS User Settings with Group Policy.The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Implement administrative Group Policy (GPOs) templatesConfigure Folder Redirection, software installation, and scriptsConfigure Group Policy preferencesItem-level targeting with Group Policy (GPOs)And more..."
Price: 179.99 |
"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Git in 1 hour" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to Git. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to use Git from scratch. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Git and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of Git components and commands. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Git and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Explain what Git is and how to use this toolInstall GitCreating a project for GitWorking with remote repositoriesGit important commands. Viewing commits' historyCreating, deleting and renaming branchesLearn the basics of command lineAnd more..."
Price: 144.99 |
"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Linux Command Line in 1 hour" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to Linux Command Line. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to use bash. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with command line and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of key components and commands. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Git and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Learn how to use this basic commandsRunning bash commandsCreating, deleting and renaming filesCreating, deleting and renaming directoriesAnd more..."
Price: 179.99 |
"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Ansible in 1 hour" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to Git. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to use Ansible from scratch. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Ansible and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of Ansible components and commands. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Git and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Explain what Ansible is and how to use this toolInstall AnsibleRun Ad Hoc Commands in AnsibleWorking with inventoriesAnsible important commands and modulesCreating and running playbooksAnd more..."
Price: 149.99 |