"Fazer Dinheiro No Instagram Como Influencer 2020" |
"O Instagram uma das plataformasmais poderosas ao nosso dispor. Porque no aproveitar a mesma e fazer dinheirocom ela?Neste curso,vamos-lhe explicar os mtodos mais eficientes que pode utilizar para comear oseu negcio no Instagram e como fazer dinheiro a partir da sua conta sendo um Influencerde InstagramVamos gui-lo passoa passo com dicas e conhecimentos fundamentais para crescer o seu Instagram ecomo otimizar o seu perfil profissionalmente. De seguida, iremos explicar-lhetodos os mtodos que utilizamos para fazer milhares de Euros a partir noInstagram e partilhar consigo tudo o que precisa de saber para comear a serpago. Compilamos tudo oque aprendemos sobre o Instagram durante a nossa jornada, incluindo mtodoscomprovados para abordar patrocinadores e companhias para executar parcerias ealcanar trabalhos pagos incluindo ainda o nosso sistema de automatizao paraenviar emails personalizados para milhares de marcas por dia. Este curso baseado na nossa experienciapessoal e no que aprendemos nos ltimos anos como Influencers de InstagramBONUS INSTAGRAM INFLUENCERS:Inclumos uma lista exclusiva com mais de 1500 contactos de Marcas quetrabalham regularmente com Influencers poupando-lhe centenas de horas depesquisas.Irainda aprender as prticas de Social Media mais eficazes que podem seraplicadas nas diferentes plataformas e como utilizar as mesmas para seu beneficio.Carregueno boto Compre Agora no topo desta pagina para aprender de imediato como fazerdinheiro a partir do Instagram"
Price: 99.99 |
"Email Marketing Tactics For A Successful Business In 2020" |
"Do you feel that your email marketing could be generating more income for your business?By the end of this course you will be able to put in practice effective Email marketing campaigns to grow your business and generate more sales.We have applied the practical steps and guidelines in this course with over 300 Online and offline companies in the last 5 years leading to an average of over 300% growth on sales and over 10 Million dollars in targeted Email Marketingsales . Email marketing is a critical component of any business marketing plan. The quality of your message and your list could make or break an entire marketing campaign. In this course we will take you through all aspects of an email program, including strategy, data, design, delivery, testing and analysis. We will provide insight, tactics, tips and takeaways that you can implement to improve your business email marketingcampaigns to increase your sales and revenues! In this course youll discover:Why email traffic is more valuable than any other traffic.How to successfully build your email listHow to write emails that get people to click the Buy buttonBest practices and effective email marketing techniquesReal life Email examples of what works and converts Your email list can make you independently wealthy, but only if you know the rules of the game. If youre an email marketer or business owner who wants to increase your sales but doesnt know how, this course is perfect for you. Dont waste any more time and Start this Email Marketingcourse now!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Aprende fcilmente funciones y gestin en excel" |
"Aprende rpida y fcilmente las funciones bsicas de excel, y como gestionar volmenes de datos.La obtencin de clculos en la planilla Excel es un aspecto fundamental en el cual se centra todos los contenidos abordados en el mini curso, en este caso los clculos los obtenemos a partir de la aplicacin de funciones, las cuales se definen como una formula predefinida que el programa contiene y en la cual debemos entregarles los parmetros y obtenemos un resultado.Con la aplicacin de las funciones bsicas de excel, el participante podr incorporarla en su diario quehacer tanto laboral, acadmico o personal, optimizando y haciendo mas eficiente su gestin del tiempo.En definitiva este curso es una ayuda, una introduccin a quienes desean iniciarse en este software tan usado hoy en da."
Price: 19.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Edicin de imgenes digitales" |
"Al da de hoy, Adobe Photoshopes la aplicacin estndar para el trabajo con imgenes digitales, y este curso te guiar paso a paso por las diferentes herramientas y opciones fundamentales de Photoshop para la edicin profesional de imgenes.Al finalizar el curso podrs manejarte con soltura y confianza con Adobe Photoshop utilizando selecciones, capas y mscaras, y sers capaz de realizar tareas fundamentales tales como transformaciones, correcciones de color, borrado de objetos, fondos y personas, retoques, eliminacin de imperfecciones de la piel, etc.//----------------------------------------------------//Comentarios destacados de los estudiantes:""Es de los mejores cursos, por no decir el mejor, de los que he realizado, en cuanto a claridad y aplicabilidad de los conceptos/temas a la prctica diaria, el ritmo es muy adecuado para entenderlo bien. Para mi es un curso excelente y el material audiovisual muy bueno. Debera recomendarse.""Jordi Matamoros Iraola""Explicaciones muy claras, aunque es conveniente saber algo de Photoshop para seguir bien este curso.""Andres Kelety//----------------------------------------------------//El abordaje utilizado en el curso es a travs de ejemplos prcticos, por lo que incluye las imgenes de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlas, seguir las clases paso a paso y realizar los trabajos prcticos.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte y para responder tus dudas.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo."
Price: 149.99 |
"Curso Photoshop CC: Retoque de retratos y maquillaje digital" |
"La finalidadde este curso es que aprendas a utilizar Photoshop en tus fotografas de retrato para efectuar retoques y maquillaje que se vean ""naturales"".Habrs visto muchas fotografas en las que la piel se ve sin imperfecciones, pero demasiado artificial, como si fuese de plstico...La idea de este curso es justamente evitar este problema, y que al finalizarlo sepas como corregir las imperfecciones del rostro, y como efectuar un maquillaje digital con Photoshop, y que todo ello se vea de forma natural.//----------------------------------------------------//Comentarios destacados de los estudiantes:""Me encanta y lo est presentando muy claro.""Constanza Bernal Villegas""Es un muy buen curso y bien explicado.""Edgar Hoyos""Muy claro.""Mario Flores Tablada//----------------------------------------------------//Aprenders la tcnica profesional de ""separacin de frecuencias"" que te permitir mejorar el aspecto de la piel sin perder su textura, obteniendo un resultado muy natural, as como el mejoramiento del cabello, los dientes, los labios, los ojos, y la modificacin de algunos rasgos y volmenes del rostro.Tambin aprenders a realizar un maquillaje digital sobre los ojos, pestaas, pmulos y labios, que podrs hacer tan suave o intenso como desees.Tanto si tienes experiencia con Photoshop como si no la tienes, el curso te guiar paso a paso por las distintas tcnicas, e incluye las imgenes para realizar los trabajos prcticos, por lo tanto podrs seguir las clases efectuando tus prcticas sobre la misma imagen que yo utilizo.El curso consta de tres secciones fundamentales: Bsicos, Retoques y Maquillaje Digital.La ""Seccin Bsicos"" es esencial para quienes nunca han utilizado Photoshop y para quienes tienen un manejo muy bsico del programa. En ella aprenders o refrescars los conceptos elementales imprescindibles para utilizar correctamente el programa: Interfaz, herramientas, capas, mscaras, ajustes, como guardar tu documento, edicin no destructiva, etc.La ""Seccin Retoques"" te guiar paso a paso en la correccin y modificacin de la imagen para la obtencin de un resultado natural. En ella aprenders a retocar el cabello, los dientes, los labios, los ojos, la piel, y modificar algunos rasgos y volmenes del rostro. Aprenders la tcnica de ""separacin de frecuencias"" que te permitir mejorar el aspecto de la piel sin perder su textura, obteniendo un resultado muy natural.La ""Seccin Maquillaje Digital"" te ensear a maquillar digitalmente el rostro: Ojos, pestaas, pmulos, labios.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... Donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte y responder tus dudas.Te garantizo que lo disfrutars, y aprenders cosas asombrosas, as que antate en el curso y mejora tus retratos con Photoshop!"
Price: 109.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Colores, luces y sombras" |
"Aprende las ventajas del trabajo con capas de ajuste en Adobe Photoshop CC y aprovchalas para dar a tus imgenes un acabado visual perfecto.//----------------------------------------------------//Comentarios destacados de los estudiantes:""La pedagoga del profesor es genial, hace parecer fcil todos los procesos, y los explica de una forma clara, sencilla, pausada, hacindolo paso a paso en un ejemplo prctico. Este curso no lo haba hecho, pero vale la pena repetir cursos para embeberse de los diferentes temas.""Jordi Matamoros Iraola""Excelente curso, muy bueno me ayudo bastante.""Emmanuel Tribio//----------------------------------------------------//Aprenders a:Trabajar con capas de ajuste en lugar de utilizar los ajustes tradicionales.Realizar modificaciones sencillas de la gama tonal.Transformar imgenes con claroscuros de manera sencilla.Modificar la informacin de la imagen correctamente sin deteriorarla.Cambiar colores y generar monocromos.Modificar independientemente los distintos sectores tonales de una imagen.Alterar la potencia de los colores, dndoles mayor o menor fuerza.Crear imgenes en blanco y negro con buen detalle y contraste.Modificar cada uno de los componentes de color primario de una imagen.Combinar diversos ajustes para obtener el resultado deseado.Capas de ajuste de Curvas, Niveles, Exposicin, Tono/saturacin, Intensidad, Brillo/contraste, Filtro de fotografa, Equilibrio de color, Correccin selectiva, Blanco y negro, y el comando Sombras/iluminaciones, sern algunos de los temas que vers en el curso.Finalizando con un trabajo prctico en el que aplicars varios de los ajustes aprendidos sobre una imagen.Si no tienes conocimientos bsicos de Photoshop, te recomiendo que primeramente tomes mi curso ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Edicin de imgenes digitales"", que puedes encontrar en mi perfil, que te dar las bases necesarias para aprovechar este curso al mximo.Este curso forma parte de una triloga de cursos de Photoshop que te permitirn aprender desde lo ms bsico hasta manipulaciones complejas:Con ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Edicin de imgenes digitales"" aprenders los fundamentos para la edicin y retoque digital de imgenes en Photoshop CC.Con ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Retoques y manipulaciones"" aprenders a utilizar las herramientas de retoque, limpiar, reconstruir y mejorar tus imgenes.Con ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Colores, luces y sombras"" aprenders a utilizar las capas de ajuste, generando imgenes con un acabado visual perfecto.No se trata de un simple tutorial de Photoshop, ni de un rejuntado de tutoriales, sino de un curso de Photoshop estructurado como tal, e incluye las imgenes para realizar las prcticas y seguir las clases.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo; y no estars solo, ya que yo estar para ayudarte, para responder tus dudas, como una suerte de tutor online."
Price: 79.99 |
"Fundamentals of Bridge Design-Concept of design and modeling" |
"Fundamentals of Bridge Design : Your way to be bridge designerThis course covers fundamental concepts and methods in bridge design. Starting with the very basics, we consider definition of the bridge,differenttypes and what is the staticallysystem of each type of bridges.We then move on to look at bridge components; what are they and how the loads transfer throughthem? We'll cover thedifferenttypes of design codesand the differenttypes ofloadsin detail. Worked examples are used extensively to demonstrate the practical application of theory.Based on my experience lecturing to engineering undergraduates, the course focuses on those areas students find particularly tricky when starting out. The link between theory and practice is reinforced using myexperience as a infrastructure design engineer.The course includes video lectures which combine screen cast voice over with traditional style lectures.The emphasis is on worked examples with students encouraged to try questions before the detailed solution is presented. The teaching philosophy is 'learn by doing!'.This course is suitable for engineeringstudents who find their bridges lectures confusingand feel a little lost when it comes to bridge design. The course also give the hand for the graduated engineers to build their way to be bridge designer. Bridge designer became one of the most requiredcivil engineering jobs in the market. Once you get the chance to understand and apply on real brides you already created a new chance for your career.Who is the target audience?This course is great for undergraduate engineering students who feel a little lost in their bridge designlectures. We start from scratch, establishing the basics and build from there.Graduated engineers who want to create another chance on their career as bridge designer.If you're about to start an engineering program, this course is a great way to get a head start.Bridge designers who are doing their design manuallywant to learn a fast tool to design bridgesby computer.Working examplesDesign examples on real bridge design will be updated in order to increase the application and ability to understand."
Price: 39.99 |
"Building Information Modelling : Essentials of BIM level-2" |
"In this course you will understand What is mean by BIM, what arethe key points of the BIM process and the roles and responsibilities of each person in the BIM team, you will learn what mean by BIM levels and what is the latest BIM level. Yoiu will know how to create your BIM excuting plan and how to implement it.You will be familiar with new terms like (BIM maturity, BIP, EIR,BEP,LOD,COBIE., etc..)**The course will explain all the following important topics in BIM**1- BIM definition.2- BIM dimensions.3- BIM VS CAD.4- BIM uses.5- BIM applications.6- BIM implementation factors .7- BIM levels of developments.8- BIM responsibilities9- BIM levels maturity.10- BIM executing plan.11- Employers Information RequirementsAt the end of this course you will be ready for the advanced level of BIM with information management."
Price: 34.99 |
"Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0" |
"(Disclaimer: this course has professional voice over)We are proud of being the BESTSELLER course on digital transformation.In this course we will start learning about Industry 4.0 which is actually the foundation of the digital transformation term. Then we will have a quick look at the Society 5.0 because it will impact the scope of the digital transformation projects you will be running, especially for the government and public sector. Then we will study basics of digital transformation within different departments of a company and also within different industries. Finally we will cover several case studies to see real digital transformation projects and how they were managed.The first 2 section will cover Industry 4.0 and digital transformation which will be theory and information focused. The last section will only consist of real examples and the impacts which I guessyou will enjoy the most.This course is useful for C level managers in charge of digital transformation within their organization or program / project managers who will manage digital transformation projects. Senior managers also can benefit this course if the company will have the transition under their supervision. This course is also suitable for pioneers who want to start a digital transformation in a certain area within their company. This is a beginners level course and you dont need any preliminary knowledge to take this course.At the end of this course you will learn the roots of digital transformation and where it is heading to in the future. You will learn how to overcome the challenges of digital transformation projects. You will also have knowledge about real cases from different industries to show you how industries are evolving with the changes. If you were enthusiastic and patient enough to read to this end, then you should definitely register and start the course right away.The topics we'll cover in this course are;Industry 4.0Introduction to Industry 4.0Industry 4.0 is not just about factoriesHistory of Industrie 4.0Industry 4.0 by definitionIndustrial InternetFirst stages of maturityThe next maturity stagesSociety 5.0Society 5.0: breaking down 5 wallsDigital TransformationIntroduction to Digital TransformationDigital business transformationCauses of disruption and transformationDigital transformation myths and realitiesDigital Transformation and customer experience4 pillars in customer experience transformationDigital transformation in marketingDigital transformation across various industries Retail industryGovernment and the public sectorInsurance industryHealthcareBanking: Royal Bank of Scotland case studyFintech:Travelex case study Public Sector:The MET office case studyThis course covers a wide range of different topics and I would suggest you to take a different approach than traditional courses. Please pick the lectures that are most relevant to you and finish them first. You dont have to follow a specific order in this course.If you were enthusiastic and patient enough to listen to this end, then you should definitely register and start the course right away."
Price: 199.99 |
"Creating Ethereum Blockchains and Deploying Smart Contracts" |
"The focus of this course is on installing a private blockchain on a cloud machine and then deploying smart contracts.This course explains how to:setup and access a cloud machine; install the Ethereum client (geth); install truffle; and to deploy a smart contract.We focus on the operational environments such as mining, contract addresses, ABIs, and options for geth.Geth has enormous flexibility and we cover the basics of how geth may be configured for a private directory, with different accounts, and mining.This is a hands-on course designed to get a student who has only knowledge of Ubuntu commands to a point in a few hours of being able to implement a new blockchain, deploy contracts, and setting up a server. Therefore, this is a practical course designed to provide real life skills needed in building blockchain based projects.This course is the first of a series of courses which are designed. This course introduces the key methods to get started. Further courses will provide more detail about coding smart contracts, accessing elasticsearch, building UIs for smart contracts, Oracles, and how smart contracts may solve business related problems.Therefore this course is a bedrock level course to get started, and from this far more is possible."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learning Solidity & Smart Contracts" |
"This video series builds on an earlier one. You will need to understand geth and truffle before starting this course. We cover in this course -1. How to compile a solidity contract using solc and also using truffle.2. How to code state variables.3. How to code functions and function modifiers.4. How to write events in a contract.5. How to test a contract using geth and how to test events.There is a practice test.At the end of this course you should be able to -1. Define a contract instance, and define an ABI.2. Code a smart contract, define state variables, define their scope, and test their values.3. Code events in a smart contract.4. Test a smart contract in geth.5. Write, compile, deploy, and test smart contracts."
Price: 19.99 |
"Solidity: State and Functions" |
"This course covers key areas in smart contracts and Ethereum:1. State and Functions.2. Storage and Variables.3. Structs and Arrays.4. Sha3 and Keccak256.5. Constructors and Addresses.6. Mappings.This course provides -1. Videos of real-time processing using geth.2. Tests of the material.3. A practice test.4. An assignment.5. Links to key resources.6. Downloadable code examples.After completing this course you should be able to write, deploy and test a smart contract. You should be able to check the results of your program by checking storage areas, and you should be able to control access to your smart contract by using a constructor.This course presents several key concepts essential in developing a solidity program."
Price: 19.99 |
"Solidity Libraries, Contracts, Inheritance, and Interfaces" |
"This course extends earlier courses in this series. It addresses how contracts can be used together, by copying code (under inheritance), reusing code (under libraries), interfaces to contracts (allowing contract upgrades in effect), and how contracts are called.The course is practical with a lot of worked examples, demonstrated in geth. These examples show how state changes when a library is used, how inheritance affects state, and how interfaces can be used to pickup changes in contracts.This course is designed to lead into more complex subjects such as opcodes, efficiency, and security.The pre-requisites are the preceding courses in this series."
Price: 19.99 |
"Blockchains, Tokens, and Cyrptocurrencies for Non-Engineers" |
"This course is an introduction into blockchains and associated technologies. This is a non-engineering course aimed at people who have no engineering skills.We cover how nodes work;the role ofBasics tokens;differences between nodes and tokens; mining and proof of stake; use cases; security and wallets.After this course your should be able to understand key blockchain concepts and how they are used."
Price: 19.99 |
"Fundamentals of Microsoft Bot Framework" |
"With Microsoft Bot Framework you can build, connect, deploy, and manage intelligent bots to naturally interact with your users on a website, app and more. In this course we'll go through the creation of a bot and introduce you to the software available to help you. The course begins by introducing you to the Microsoft Bot Framework and how it can help you create a bot. You will be taught how to create conversational dialogs from the ground up.This course covers installation, setup, connectors, activities, messages, states, authentication, and dialogs. We'll then get into the Bot Framework integrating FormFlow and Language Understanding Intelligence Services (LUIS) and building, testing, and publishing a bot."
Price: 24.99 |
"Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)" |
"In this Course, you would understand various Action Plans of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, what they deal with and how are they applicable on tax planning structure that are adopted by MNC's. The Course is in English and Hindi language and knowledge of the two is required to complete the course. In this Course we have covered Action Plan 1 - 15."
Price: 19.99 |
"Hindi Language - Grammar and Vyakaran for Class 10" |
"This Course covers various topics of Hindi Vyakaran, which are a part of the CBSE and ICSE curriculum and is relevant for Students of Class 10. It covers various topics like Kriya, Kaal, Vachan, Ling, Pad Parichay, Vachya, Vakya, Vakya vishleshan amongst others. These topics are further sub-divided into various other topics that can be accessed from the curriculum page."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Transfer Pricing - Basics" |
"In this Course,Basics of Transfer Pricing, the students would be able to learn about various concepts of Transfer Pricing, Methods of Transfer Pricing and their applicability, Advance pricing agreements and Safe Harbor Provisions. This course is meant for audience in India, who want to gain basic knowledge of Transfer Pricing"
Price: 2240.00 |
"Common English Spoken and Written mistakes 1" |
"Common English Spoken and Written mistakes 1course assists you to make meaningful sentences.This course helps all English students levels to learnEnglish grammarwell.If you want to write or to speak well,you need to make goodEnglishgrammarstructural sentences.This course gives you difference ofEnglish grammarrules.Step by step, everything will be very easy to you.This course is updated regularly.New Englishlessons andexercises with answers are added regularly to meet your satisfaction. After completing this course,you'll be able to: How to avoid Common English Spoken and written Mistakes,Using Often as an adverb,Comparison showing the difference between simple past,present perfect,present continuous and present perfect continuous,present simple passive and past simple passive,learn in details all English tenses with quizzes and answers,Learning the affirmative and questionform in present simple passive and past simple passive,Learning how to use When or while in past simple and past continuous,Learning the difference between since and for,andLearning how to use when as an adverb of time.There alwaysis a bonus section which contains new lessons for FREE.Feel free to ask any questions you like.Thank you for participating in this course.I will beresponsive as much as I can at all times.Enjoy!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn and Practice C programming for beginners" |
"Hello! Welcome.If you really care about learning the basics and fundamentalsof any programming languages,you'll really need to start learning C programmingin whichmost ofprogramming languages based on it.In thiscourse,you're going to learn the following:Section 1 is an introduction of the instructor.Section 2 the essentials of C programming contains 20 lectures: in which you are going to learn what the program is,what it consists of,understanding different data types and how to assign data values to variables and constants,and much more.Section 3 Manipulating Data with Operators contains 7 lectures:in which you are going to learnArithmetic ,assignment operators,increment or decrementby one,and relational operators used in conventional expressions and much more in C programming.Section 4Reading from and Writing to Standard I/O contains 4 lecturesin which you are going to learn how to use the keyboard as an input data to your program using scanf() and more in C programming.Section 5Decision making and branching contains 5 lecturesin which you are going to learnhow to use if,if else,switch,break,and go to statements in C programming.Section 6iteration or loops contains 5lectures in which you are going to learnfor,while,infinite while,do while,nested loop statements in C programming.Section 7 Arrays in which you're going to learn what an array is and its advantages,declaring arrays data type and size ,indexing arrays,and finally initializing arrays with values.Section 8 Bonus lectures will be uploaded when you finish your C programming course."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso Completo de Adestramento Natural+ com Toms Szpigel" |
"Estamos acostumados com a ideia de que,para um cachorro no ter atitudes desagradveis, necessrio recorrer a punies fsicas,que trazem apenas dor e traumas.O Adestramento natural + uma proposta que refuta essa prtica extrema. Toms Szpigel aborda a educao canina pelo vis da psicologia. Segundo o autor, basta entender o que se passa na mente do animal e ajud-lo a se adaptar nossa sociedade e nosso estilo de vida.Ces so inteligentes esencientes. E neste cursoToms oferece orientaesde como potencializaras capacidades do cocom carinho,pacincia e respeito s limitaes, ensinando de forma simples e fcil de ser aplicada.Este curso vai te ensinar como tornar o seu cachorrocooperativo -no por medo -mas por compreenso e comunicao."
Price: 279.99 |
"Yoga Edge: Rx For Runners, Athletes, Cross-Training, Weights" |
"Yoga Edge is a supplement in workout form, designed to help you train better, perform better, recover better, and feel better. This is yoga for those who don't normally do yoga. This is yoga to help you make progress on your days off to get the most out of your current exercise plan.Created for avid runners, competitors of all types, and anyone who works out. You'll be able to increase power, strength, and mobility as you soothe sore muscles, protect your joints, relieve pain, and enhance your recovery. Tackle every workout with renewed energy!Inside, you'll get access to two easy to implement sessions perfect for rest-days and post-workouts that are just 25 min long. You'll also get a special matrix that allows you to select the yoga exercises best suited to your sport.Strengthen your knees and ankles to run faster, longer, and smoother. Improve muscle activation in your glutes for more explosive squats. Increase rotational strength for more powerful throws and swings. Build core strength and improve hip flexibility to strengthen your lower back. Improve your range of motion for more power in your lifts, runs, and sprints. Increase body control and balance for quicker changes of direction.Whether you're simply hitting the gym to get into shape, competing as part of a team, or training for race day, you'll be able to achieve your goals sooner, safer, and with less chance of injury while feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready for more.Featuring chief yoga beast, Dean Pohlman, you can expect a fitness, anatomy-based approach to yoga without the traditional yoga lifestyle. No painful postures. No hymns, chants, or gongs. Its the missing piece of the puzzle to your existing training regime.Take your game to the next level and get the confidence you need to push yourself to the limit without the fear of injury."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso intermedio en Criptomonedas y Trading: Bitcoin ETH TRX" |
"Hola a todos!!Bienvenidos al curso ""Curso intermedio en Criptomonedas y trading: BitcoinETH TRX"" donde aprenders todo lo referente al mundo de las criptomonedas y el tradingpaso a paso y de manera sencilla.Este curso lo he desarrollado para que cualquier persona pueda entenderconceptos y trminos usados en el mundo de las criptomonedas y ademas hacerlo de manera practica. Adicionalmente, aprenders que es el trading y como aplicarlo para ganar dinero!!!Mi curso consta de 10secciones:Seccin 1: Introduccin. Aqu te dar la bienvenida y las condiciones generalesdel curso.Seccin 2: Teora bsica enCriptomonedas. Te explicare, entre otras cosas,que son las criptomonedas y el blockchain.Seccin3:Criptomonedas: Revisaremos algunos proyectos famosos como Bitcoin, Ethereum, Theter, etc.Seccin4: Informacin y monitereo de criptomonedas. Donde buscar informacin fiable.Seccin5:Almacenamiento de Criptomomedas. La criptomoneda deseadadebe seralmacenada en algn sitio, en esta seccin veremos algunas opciones.Seccin6:Comprar Criptomomedas y Exchanges. Te explicare que es un exchange y como comprar unacriptomoneda.Seccin7: Minera Fsica y Minera onlinede Criptomonedas. Nos centraremos en Ethereum.Seccin8:Trading: Conceptos bsicos.Seccin9:Trading: Indicadores tcnicos y como crear una estrategia de trading.Seccin10:Conclusiones. Te dar un resumen y algunas recomendacionesTerico-Practico ya que en cada seccin tendrs una gua practica para potenciar lo aprendido en clase! :DAs que esperas?.. Introducete de una buena vez en esta revolucin tecnolgica que cambiara al mundo y a la forma de como conocemos el dinero hoy enda. Y ademas.. aprendiendo a realizar trading podrs, con constancia y esfuerzo,obtener ingresos de manera independiente..:DTe espero adentro. Un abrazo!Miguel"
Price: 179.99 |
"ZBrush 4 R8 - Creating a Sword Long Claw The Game of Thrones" |
"In this course we will be creating ""Long Claw"" from the epic series The Game of Thrones!This course is a great way to showcase some of the features of ZBrush 4 R8 we will use these new features to create a bladed weapon inside ZBrush during this course we will cover the following with tips and tricks along the way:Creating low poly basesUse Gizmo tranforming effectsYou will learn to use the ZModellerbrush and see how effective it is for hard surfacesLearning to crease smooth edgesPreviewing and using the Dynamic SubdivsWelding and duplicating a toolUV unwrapping and using Goz as well as traditional UV techniquesLearn to sculpt in DynameshCavity and Masking techniquesRender doc sizeBoolian techniques to get results quicklyAdding surface noise and using masking and alphas inside the noise generatorProblems you could face like duplicated facesAdding materials and colour to your subtoolsAs you can see there is a lot of stuff packed into this course, it is fun and fast paced and remember any problems I am a click away!!See you in there!!"
Price: 49.99 |
"ZBrush 4 - Create Hair & Fur with Fibremesh, Game of Thrones" |
"Want to learn how to create realistic Fur and Hair, if the answer is yes then this could be the course for you!I felt there was a real need to simplifyas much as possible the techniques for creating Hair and Fur, especially within ZBrush, I have seen many videos and courses that use Zbrush and then shoot into other programs to finish the job, and yes although professionally you would probablywant to use multiple applications it does not take away the fact that renders from ZBrush are outstanding and deserve the full project to be undertaken in this amazing application!Alright! so let's get into what this course will be teaching you!!This is a beginner to advanced course and will ground you in all the main tools and techniques in using fibremesh, the whole process will be undertaken inside ZBrush, onlu hopping out quickly into Photoshop for a look at applying textures to fibres!Fibremesh Course Details:Methods for creating fibres from a meshImportance of polygroups and maskingWhat are all the settings in Fibremesh forWhat brushes to use with FibremeshDoing different tests ona sphere to beginCreating EyebrowsCreating EyelashesCreating BeardsTwo hair stylesUsing alphas to maskBPR settingsAnd loads of tricks and tips along the wayShould I take this course?If you love the course image then you should take the course as thats what we are creating!Want to learn to create hair and Fur for your Zbrush Characters? This is the course for youLets Learn to Tame and Master Hair and Furwith Fibremesh!!!See you in the course!!!All the BestUK ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE"
Price: 49.99 |
"ZBrush 4 R8 Course on Creating Game of Thrones Style Armour!" |
"Welcome one and all!Learn to create Armour in fact any hardsurfaces in this detailed course, during this course I will lift the lid on the technqiues that are currently being used by professional to create armour using ZBrush, not just one technique but a pletherer of them! this course has been packed with key skills and its aim is for you to be able to create any kind of armour you choose or imagine!Just look below on some of the things we will cover in detail, using my special training technique of repetition and problem solving your be armouring your selves up in no time!!Course Key FeaturesUsing a besmesh for our armourExtractions, topology and rigging to create our base armourZModeller brush to create the armour and panel loopsDynamic subdiv previews The use of UVs with Surface noiseControl with layersAlpha ArmourNanomesh techniquesUV texturing both manual and via Gozusing and creating vector displacement brushesCreating a multinsert mesh and using it as a curve brushCreating a custom modified materialFinal Comp in PhotoshopLoads of tips and tricks along the way...As you can see its certainly is an action packed course!!!See you inside..."
Price: 99.99 |
"Game Character Course - ZBrush to Substance Painter and more" |
"Want to get into Game design but dont know where to start?then this is the course for you!During this course you will see awhole pipeline and along the way you will understand what is required to create games characters inside Zbrush, I also show you how to get the assets straight out of ZBrush both High and Low poly models and into Substance Painter!!In this course you will learn essential skills to turn your ZBrush sculpts into low res game ready assets, this indepth course covers three main programs and will be used as follows:ZBrush 4 R8: Where you will build your character and texture him up, then prepare him for export into Substance painter.Substance Painter: You will learn how to export from ZBrush to Substance without the need of other software, I also show you exactly whats happening for the exports to work and supply a work sheet of the protocals!Marmoset Toolbag 3: We will look at how to get exported maps as well as the mesh into Marmoset and set up for render.Important InformationThis course also uses Maya it is not needed for the course but does explain more clearly what goes on with exports from ZBrush this program was used to make more clarity on what is happening."
Price: 99.99 |
"Game Design - Environments using ZBrush, Substance and Unity" |
"I am excited to welcome you to this indepth course on modelling an environments for game.During this course we will explore many techniques for creating games environmentsin this case a rocky terrain set, I will show you in detail how to model, map, paint and export your game readyassets from ZBrush, along the way we will look at painting using substance painter and also how to export the new maps out of Substance, we will look at Maya and scaling as well as the GOZ feature of Zbrush, not only that but we will also take a look at marmoset as well the end goal is to bring these assets into Unity and create a game set.So let me give you a break down of all the exciting stuff we are going to do together:MiscReference gatheringScale in MayaOverviewZBrushSet CreationGOZ from ZBrush to MayaTexturing as well as texturing from photoshopCreating tile-able texturesUV mappingCreating Low Poly ModelsExporting from ZBrush to SubstanceMulti map exporterWe will work on a Rock as well as a complete setAnd More...MayaGetting the scale correct in MayaWe do not use Maya much in this course so its not a major requirement of the courseas sizing can be done inside Unity!Substance PainterBaking maps form Models created in ZBrushPainting our setCreating roughness and metallics in SubstanceLooking at the basic navigation and shelvesExporting from SubstanceAnd More...Marmoset Toolbag 3We will use this to take a quick look at the textures we produce on a materialYou do not require this program for the courseUnityIn the last part of the course we will imports all our assetsApply the materials to the setScale and arrange a quick set extensionAdd mist to the sceneAdd a skybox to the sceneAdd Colliders to our setAdd a FRP to the scene so we can look around in realtimeAnd More...This course is a primer for my more detailed courses coming out soon and the course is here to give you a general understanding of Game Modelling with that in mind this course is targeted at Intermediate level modellers and can be considered a next step in your evolution as a game designer!I really hope you enjoy the course and hope to see you soon."
Price: 99.99 |
"Customising the Interface of ZBrush 4 R8" |
"During this course I will show lecture by lecture a different customisationfeature of ZBrush.Having the ability to make ZBrush work for you is an essential skill you definitely should know, in this easy to follow video I break each feature down check out all I cover below!During this course I cover these points:Changing all the interface coloursChangingthe Doc backgroundMoving icons and sliders aroundSetting up a New Top level menu itemAdding a sub level menu itemAdding items to the top and sub level menu itemCreating tool pop up items with hotkeysOrganising content for light box internally and on external devicesSetting up macros to run time consuming jobsWe will create a custom rock brushSaving custom brushesChanging the icon for custom brushesList of ZBrush shortcutsThese customisation methods will definitely speed up your production and make it easier for you to work, if you want to learn all the top customisation methods for ZBrush in an easy to follow digestible format this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"ZBrush 4 R8 - Kitbashing and Custom Brush and Tile Creation" |
"What this course does not cover in detail is the sculpting in ZBrush so this course is meant for beginners to advanced users who already know the basics! although saying that we will be creating a few of the insert brushes from scratch.Whos the Course for?If your trying to speedup your workflow and need to know how to create custom brushes and tileable textures then this is the course for you, also if you need to know how to oraganise your tools and brushes then again this is ideal for you!What we CoverBuilding basic brushesUsing premade brushes and modifying themHow to create custom insert and multimesh brushesTips about Insert brushesHow to create curve brushes for things like cable, pipes or belts etcHow to create a tileable textureHow to organise your kitbash kitThis comprehensive course shows you more than a few techniques in creating custom tools with the goal to speed up and organise your future creations."
Price: 19.99 |