"Complete Hardsurface Modelling & Sculpting inside ZBrush4 R8" |
"Thank you for your interest in ""Complete Hardsurface Modelling & Sculpting inside ZBrush4 R8"" CourseThis is a very fast pace course crammed with tips and tricks, please be aware this is an intermediate to advanced course we cover a lot and at speed!!!!During this course we will create a custom Motorbike from scratch inside Zbrush from basic block in to high detail rendering, for me it was a challenge to undertake this whole project just using ZBrush but as you will see it was not only quicker but also offers a lot of control as mentioned this course is packed with skills, ready to hear about some of themRead on...Course ContentDuring this hard surface modelling course in ZBrush we will cover the following:Reference GatheringBasic Blocking in at speedKitbash creation kits (I will show youhow to create Multimesh Insert and Curve brushes and show you how to link them to the lightbox from any drive, this will include tool creation for kit bashing as well)Creating parts from primitive toolsA look at all the common actions of the ZRemodeller brushPolishing and sculpting for a quick block inRetopology for a block in partsCreating complex Curve brushes and controlling there placementTip on topology and how to create bevels, inserts and extrusionsHow to work with creased edges understanding this is essential for good hard surface modellingUsing ZSpheres to create the frame (this will give you the ability to change the frame on the fly)Using dynamic subdivs (we use this to keep the file size smaller it gives the same result as a sub divided surface)Correcting problemsSymetry, Welding plus MirroringRenerign and set up plus final comp work or passes in PhotoshopThis course has hours of content and I am really pleased with the ammount of information that I have included in this course, I am hoping you guys will love it! please be aware that the course moves very fast I do mention everyhting I am doing and am always here to answer question or jump to my facebook group and get more detailed responses and help videos just for you!All the bestDavidUK Online Training Centre"
Price: 149.99 |
"Learn Aperture: Creating Bokeh & Blur to Style Your Photos" |
"Once you have the principles of photography in mind, it's important to learn how we can apply the theory to our own work. Many of us starting out want to be able to create a beautiful blurred or out of focus background- also known as a shallow depth of field and bokeh. But, how do we create it and how do we style it?Like everything else from lightingto composition, choices are made. What choices are we making when we choose our lenses and f-stops? Do we want our subject to stand out from the background, compressing the background with a shallow depth of field? Or do we want the subject to be apart of their background with more in focus?Testing and shooting is the only way to find out! So, join me to learn how we can make the right choices for our own look.In this class, we look at:Creating your own look in cameraChoosing lenses to enhance and change your depth of fieldThe control we have over lens compression and its relationship to our f/stop and exposureChoosing appropriate backgrounds to maximize our depth of fieldGetting experimental with vintage lenses"
Price: 24.99 |
"The Travelling Photographer: Packing the Right Gear" |
"For me, travelling is a necessary part for my own creativity and inspiration within my work. The experiences, the culture, the people I meet while in a new country are all integral to my learning through photography and life itself. It's important to live in the moment but we have to prepare for those moments by choosing our gear wisely.In this class, we look at:Findingyourpurpose for the trip and how that interprets to gearHow do we know what lenses, filters, and accessories are necessary to our creative vision and that purpose?How to travel with gear by keeping it safe and light while keeping your creative options available to youOnce we have decided on our gear, I provide some recommendations on how to pack it and the besttype of bags to use.Thebenefits of mobile travel photography including advice on external lenses and what applications I usBe creative, daring and take great photos!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Travel Photography 101: A Journey Through Egypt" |
"Travel is something that takes us to a new level of creativity and exploration. It's an incredible feeling to learn and devour a new country, city and culture. Capturing it is another thing. How do we capture a destination through our own aesthetic? Using the Nile, the Pyramids and the Bazaar- we will journey through Cairo, exploring history, architecture and the principles of Travel Photography.In this class, we look at:Practical shoots in ancient EgyptChoosing your gearMaking decisions on locationHow to explore & capture new placesFinding continuity within our images"
Price: 19.99 |
"Scrapy bootcamp : collecting data from internet" |
"Now a day, ""data is new oil"". You have data, you have power to do a lot of thing.Scrapy is best tool to collect data from internet. This course is 100% practical guide you on how to use Scrapy framework.In this course you will learnInstall environment on Windows, Mac, UbuntuThe big picture : understand Scrapy and what is your remain job when using ScrapyGet funny title from Reddit : understand Shell, Spider, Item, ItemPipeline, Recursive Spider, Crawl commandScrape best seller book from Amazon : understand Inspection Tool, Multiple Level Parse functionCollect nature image on Pexels : understand CrawlSpider, LinkExtractor, Rule, ItemPipelineGet game data from Steam : understand LinkExtractor, Paging and FormRequestSalary for Data Engineer currently around 120000$ following Indeed and other HR site. Getting data is a key skill which every Data Engineer need to have.See you in my course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Redes Wireless - Curso Avanado Profissional (Gerenciamento)" |
"Redes Wireless - Curso Avanado Profissional (Gerenciamento) o curso ideal para os profissionais de TI e Telecom que desejam saber projetar e planejar redes wireless corporativas. O curso engloba a teoria das principais tecnologias envolvidas para a implantao de redes sem fio como os tipos de sistemas de gerenciamento (controllers), protocolo CAPWAP e gerenciamento de Radiofrequncia.No curso, so demonstrados prticas de implantaosistemas de gerenciamento e tambm ajudamos o aluno a realizar o planejamento de capacidade de redes sem fio de grande porte.Usaremos fabricantes como Cisco,Cisco Meraki e Ubiquiti para demonstrar os exemplos de sistemas de gerenciamento e tambm para realizar o projeto de capacidade de rede.Termos como Radio Resouce Management (RRM), Balanceamento de Carga e Airtime Fairness so explicados e exemplificados.Este um curso indispensvel e todo profissional de TI que opera redes wireless profissionalmente."
Price: 159.99 |
"Formao em Redes de Computadores - Mdulo 1" |
"Voc deseja se tornar um profissional de Redes de Computadores? Tudo comea aqui. A Formao em Redes de Computadores vai te dar todo o embasamento para voc chegar l. A abordagem aqui hbrida: tanto acadmica com a certificao CompTIA Network+ quanto profissional com a certificao Cisco CCNA. A fuso das duas certificaes vai ter tornar um profissional completo: adquirindo uma viso geral como funcionam as redes de telecomunicaes, estando assim apto a realizar configuraes em equipamentos de rede e tambm entender as principais tecnologias de redes de dados que existem atualmente.A ideia aqui no simplesmente ensinar a configurar equipamentos, ns vamos alm e te mostramos os detalhes das tecnologias. Sempre aliando a teoria com a prtica.O Modulo 1 pontap inicial para entrar no mercado de trabalho em redes de computadores.O curso visa introduzir o aluno no mundo profissional das redes de computadores. Engloba os seguintes tpicos:- Introduo s Redes de Computadores- Configurao de Rede Local (LAN)- Cabeamento Estruturado- Redes pticas- Redes WirelessTodos os captulos incluem exerccios para fixao e exemplos prticos.Todos os mdulos estaro atualizados para a nova prova CCNA 200-301!"
Price: 189.99 |
"Formao em Redes de Computadores Mdulo 2" |
"Bem vindos Formao em Redes de Computadores!Este curso ajudar voc a se tornar um profissional de TI e Telecom cada vez mais completo. Seja aprimorando os seus conhecimentos em redes de computadores aprendido no seu curso tcnico/graduao, seja para ajudar voc a se preparar a se certificar no Cisco CCENT e CompTIA Network+. Essas so certificaes que faro a diferena no mercado de trabalho.Neste mdulo 2 veremos a interconexo de LAN's, TCP/IP, e configurao de Switches. Engloba os seguintes contedos:- Principais Equipamentos de Redes- Configurao de VLAN- Segurana em Switches- Arquitetura de Redes TCP/IPTodos os captulos incluem exerccios para fixao e exemplos prticos.Chegou a hora de aprender redes de computadores e se preparar para as principais certificaes do mercado.Todos os mdulos estaro atualizados para a nova prova CCNA 200-301!"
Price: 159.99 |
"Redes Wireless - Curso Avanado Profissional (Radioenlace)" |
"Este mais um mdulo da srie de cursos ""Redes Wireless Profissionais""! Curso essencial a todos profissional que precisa ter conhecimentos mais aprimorados para manusear e entender o funcionamento de enlace de radio wireless. comum encontrar profissionais do ramo wireless que encontram problemas para implantar ou resolver alguma adversidade em enlaces de rdio eredes em malha. Mais comum ainda encontrar profissionais que no tem um grande conhecimento nos fundamentos de radiopropagao. Fato esse que dificulta a implantao bem sucedida de sistemas ou at mesmo a resoluo de problemas.Saber como realizar a configurao dos roteadores Ubiquiti, Mikrotik, Cambium, dentre outros muito importante. Mas fundamental entender como uma onda se propaga no espao livre, comportamento de uma antena, modulao e muitos outros aspectos.No curso, desmistificaremos tudo isso com uma linguagem fcil, direta e sem rodeios."
Price: 159.99 |
"Sexual Harassment Prevention for Law Enforcement" |
"Right now as you are watching this webinar, someone is being sexually harassed in their work environment. So much to the point of frustration and fear of how to address the problem, the devaluation of the person could turn into a flash point of workplace violence.Sexual harassment continues to not onlytear away at the fabric of trust between employeesand employers in the private sector but also law enforcement agencies. Now more thansexual harassment training must be delivered in law enforcement training programs which notonly emphasizes a message of zero tolerance but protects the integrity and limits liabilities for allpersons who adhere to the standards of maintaining a professional work environment."
Price: 84.99 |
"Sheriff Legitimacy, Procedural Justice & Community Relations" |
"This webinartakes an in-depthlook into the independentpower,role andduties in theOffice of Sheriff in accordance with the Constitution of Georgia and Official Code of Georgia Annotated. Four empoweringlessons to restore public confidence in law enforcementservices asrequired by the Georgia Governor's Initiative on Police Legitimacy, Procedural Justice and Community Relations.A special thank you and acknowledgement to Grammy Award artist Phil Davis for permission to use the track ""Venom"" to score this webinar."
Price: 29.99 |
"USE -" |
Price: 19.99 |
"USE -" |
Price: 19.99 |
"17 [Premeire Pro]" |
"<2018/05/13>3()UdemyPanasonic GH411Rode232Airbnb33311Premiere Pro Adobe Premiere Pro"
Price: 15000.00 |
"Complete Camping & Outdoor Cooking Class" |
"*Updates02/16/2017 - New recipes and course ebook uploaded in the course.This is the course all the outdoor-loving folks who also love to cook are waiting for. This course, you carefully crafted cooking videos coupled with exciting recipes well-suited for outside cooking. will find several ideas and different types of recipes you can do do away from your home kitchen.We have share information about the places we 've visited plus some of the special Japanese ingredients. Every lectures in this course is loaded with valuable information which you can use when you do outdoor cooking yourself.Join the course and let's start the fun in cooking!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The Complete Japanese stew ""Nabe"" Recipes" |
"This is the course all the Japanese-food-loving folks who also love to cook are waiting for. This course, you carefully crafted cooking videos coupled with exciting recipes well-suited for indoor cooking,will find several ideas and different types of recipes you cando with your friend or family.We have share information about the places we 've visited plus some of the special Japanese ingredients. Every lectures in this course is loaded with valuable information which you can use when you do indoor cooking yourself.Join the course and let's start the fun in cooking!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Deadline Funnel" |
"()MA()""Deadline Funnel""Deadline Funnel""""3131(2) MAMA""Deadline Funnel""Deadline Funnel112359MailChimpAPI2Deadline Funnel"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Easy to Make Mexican Recipes at Home" |
"Four years ago, I was in New York City. The place was really amazing. Everything was new to me - the diversity of people and languages, the subway system, laundromat, and the Mexican Delis among many others. I loved that city and even until now, the memories still seemed fresh whenever I think about it.When I came back to Japan, one of the things that I couldnt forget is the taste of the salad with a cumin dressing, refried beans, tinga con pollo served with Mexican rice that we always order at the Mexican Deli beside the Laundromat at a street in Brooklyn while we wait for our clothes to dry. It took me years to get a courage to cook Mexican Food in Japan because I knew that Mexican ingredients are hard to find in this country where majority of people are intolerant of spicy food. Despite all this, I welcome you all to join me in this course because I finally got the courage to do what I really want and share to all of you my Mexican-inspired recipes cooked from my humble kitchen away from Mexico.In this course, I will share to you not only the recipes but also the story behind each recipe. I will tell you how I got Mexican ingredients even if I live far from Mexico and some substitutions that you can make.Rich, delicious, vibrant and fun - these are the things which I like about Mexican food. You can follow the recipes that I will share to you teaspoon by teaspoon but dont stop yourself by experimenting and use whatever you have on your pantry. The focus of this course is to make homemade Family Mexican dishes.Dont stop yourself from trying something new specially when it comes to cooking. Join me in this course and let us all taste a bit of Mexico even were away from Mexico."
Price: 49.99 |
AI1TensorFlowPythonFlaskAI |
"2019/1/19 iOS2019/1/7 CoreMLiOSMacApple Developer2018/3/22 Flask2018/2/10 20171TensorFlow8,000AIPythoniOSAnaconda, Python 3, TensorFlow, Keras, , AIAI"
Price: 9600.00 |
"TensorFlowPython 3GANAI" |
"2018/8/23 DCGAN2018/4/7 GANJupyter Notebook, 2018AIGoogle ResearchGAN5AITensorFlowGANAIGANGANAnacondaTensorFlowJupyter NotebookGAN(GANMNIST(DCGANGANDCGANmatplotlibFIG, AXESpicklePythonPython"
Price: 9600.00 |
"4Python 3 PyTorch AI" |
"PyTorchFacebook AI ResearchPyTorchWebPyTorchTensorFlow2018CaffeAIPyTorchAI2018/7/6 1PyTorch2PyTorch33342018/7/6PyTorchPyTorchNumPyDefine by RunTensorFlowDefine & RunTensorFlowGPUPyTorch"
Price: 10800.00 |
Go |
Price: 6000.00 |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2018" |
"2018Adobe Photoshop CC1BridgePhotoshop23RawAdobe Camera RawRawPhotoshopRawCamera RawRawPhotoshop"
Price: 3600.00 |
"Microsoft Access 2016" |
"Microsoft AccessAccess1Access21AccessAccess6AccessExcelExcel 2"
Price: 3000.00 |
Bootstrap3Dreamweaver(CC2018)HTML5CSS3WEB |
"HTMLCSSBootstrapDreamWeaverWEBHTMLCSSBootstrapDreamWeaverHTMLCSSBootstrapDreamWeaverWEBCSSBootstrapHTMLCSSBootstrapDreamWeaveHTMLCSSBootstrapDreamWeaveCSSBootstrapWEBWEB 8698.5"
Price: 12000.00 |
"Excel VBA[1]()IT" |
"3(VBA)(VBA)Excel(VBA)VBA(VBA)(VBA)WebWeb(VBA)1+1100VBAMsgBoxVBAVBEOption ExplicitIntegerStringVariantVBAMsgBoxReplaceDateAdd"
Price: 3000.00 |
"Excel VBA[2]()1IT" |
"2VBAVBA(VBA)(VBA)Excel(VBA)VBA(VBA)(VBA)WebWeb00.5VBAVBEOption ExplicitIntegerStringVariant1Range2IfifElseIfElseIf34ForDo WhileDo Until4.52End.RowCells5Worksheets"
Price: 4200.00 |
Ritz(Scratch) |
"Ritz!()ITScratchFlappy BirdScratch"
Price: 4800.00 |
"PowerPoint 8" |
"PowerPoint5,000ITPowerPointPowerPoint1PowerPoint Word+Excel+PowerPointPowerPointWindows PowerPoint2016Office3652018.920102013Q&AMacMacPowerPointWindows"
Price: 4200.00 |
[2]()Scratch() |
Price: 4800.00 |