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"MikroTik User Management Engineer with LABS"
"***This course is not officially sponsored  by MikroTik and not an authorized course by MikroTik. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***MikroTik User Management is a very demanding topic in the networking industry especially if you work on MikroTik products. I have designed this course to help you understand all topics that comes inside the User Management and to make you ready for the MikroTik MTCUME exam.In this course I am going to go in details about the User Management topics and will apply real LABS to show you step-by-step how you can do the configuration.Topics that are going to be explained are:PPPoE theroy and configurationPPTP Tunnel ProtocolL2TP Tunnel ProtocolEOIP Tunnel ProtocolIPSEC IKEv1 and IKEv2 in detailsMikroTik Hotspot in detailsBy end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of all those topics and you will be ready for the MikroTik MTCUME exam.If you want to become a MikroTik User Management Professional, it is your chance now to grab my course and make your dream comes true."
Price: 19.99

"Hands-on Microservices with Go and MongoDB"
"How do you build a service-oriented architecture, using microservices system that should not only be scalable with high performance but also handle frequently changing features? This is a real-world problem and its important that you empower yourself with the knowledge, tools, and skills today, so that you can build these systems with confidence!This course dissects the real-world problem into various aspects for understanding the data models, large-scale request processing, communication strategies, securing the system, and even testing. It will help you with all the knowledge needed to build scalable, extensible, and highly performant and future-proof systems that will make you proud of your work! We shall use a real-world example of managing a large number of events from wearable devices to showcase all the aspects of a performant system.By the end of this course, you will have all the knowledge and tools to build a scalable and extensible service-oriented system.About the AuthorGautam Rege is the co-founder of Josh Software, an 11-year-old company in India that specializes in quality product development and consulting. Gautam has authored 2 books on MongoDB and has been working in Go for the past 5 years. He organizes Indias largest Go conference, Gophercon India. He is also a speaker who has spoken at many international technical conferences.Gautam has been part of numerous large-scale architectures that have scaled to millions of requests per second along with large data stores. Gautam has an easy-going, practical and hands-on approach to teaching. He adds humor in this course so that you will enjoy listening to him as much as learning from this course!"
Price: 124.99

"Hands-on Kubernetes Native Serverless Development"
"Kubeless (Kubernetes + Serverless) is a Kubernetes-native serverless framework used to deploy functions encapsulating infrastructure underneath. It adds the capabilities of serverless computing to the Kubernetes to upload your code to the cloud provider without worrying about internals.This course will help you get up and running to build your own serverless application in Kubernetes with Kubeless. Firstly you will learn to set up Kubeless and leverage runtimes for your Kubernetes deployment. Once you have that set up you will learn to monitor and troubleshoot your Serverless functions running on K8s. Then you will add support for auto-scaling and API routing. Also you will learn to leverage Docker for solving the cold start problem of your FAAS. Finally, you will leverage the Kubernetes dashboard to deploy containerized applications to a Kubernetes cluster that is running in the cloud.By the end of the course, you will be confident in creating, running, and managing serverless functions on Kubernetes infrastructure with Kubeless framework. This practical course will also give you the ability to create and deploy lambda functions as a service to any cloud provider with ease.Please note that prior knowledge of the working of Kubernetes is assumed.About the AuthorTomasz Lelek is a Software Engineer and DevOps. He has been working as a software engineer with key operational management duties for tens of microservices infrastructures for 6 years leveraging Kubernetes from the beginning (2014) and Docker for over 6 years. In addition, he has worked in the cloud ecosystem with hundreds of deployments automated using Kubernetes. Moreover, his expertise encompasses implementing the automation of rolling deployments of services that had zero downtime during their new release. He has created several courses about automation using Kubernetes.He has conducted multiple conferences and presented on topics including Java and JVM-related technologies."
Price: 124.99

"Master Microsoft Power BI Dashboards in 90 Minutes!"
"*** This entire courses can be DOWNLOADED for offline viewing on the Udemy mobile app (Android & iOS)! ****** Lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee ***----------If you want to get better at Microsoft Power BI so you get a better paying job or just get answers & insights from your data FAST with Power BI Dashboards, then you are in the right place!No matter if you are an Power BI Beginner or NEVER USED POWER BI before, you are sure to benefit from this quick course which goes through the MUST KNOW Power BI features.You will be able to master straight away the following (in just 90 minutes):Everything about Power BI DashboardsPower QueryPower PivotPower ViewIn Just 90 Minutes You Will Walk Away With...MORE TIME (Who doesnt want that?)Create your own Power BI Dashboard from scratch in just 90 minutes!Understand the essence of the Power BI visualizations, and see them in action!See how Power BI is used with real examples!Understand how Power Query, Power View, and Power Pivot are used together!After this class you will be able to:Actually SMILE when you start creating Power BI Dashboards :-)Get valuable data insights & answers anytime you want from your raw data!----------Look, if you are really serious about GETTING BETTER at excel and ADVANCING your Microsoft Power BI skills...saving HOURS each day, DAYS each week and WEEKS each year...If you want to improve your PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to achieve greater opportunities like PROMOTIONS, a HIGHER salary and KNOWLEDGE that you can take to another job...All whilst impressing your boss and STANDING OUT from your colleagues and peers......THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Now you have the opportunity to join your fellow professionals who are taking this course and enhancing their Microsoft skills and JOB OPPORTUNITIES!To enroll, click the ENROLL NOW button (risk-free for 30 days or your money back), because every hour you delay only delays your personal and professional progress...---------->> Get LIFETIME Course access including ALL downloadable video tutorials, Exercises, 1-on-1 instructor SUPPORT and a 100% money-back guarantee! >> Watch our PROMO VIDEO above and a few of our FREE VIDEO TUTORIALS to see for yourself just how beneficial this course is and how you too can become better at Microsoft Power BI"
Price: 199.99

"Agile Aggravations"
"Agile teams can have their share of issues. Don't feel bad if your team has some of these challenges!User Story StrugglesTeam adversityBacklog BugaboosSmelly StandupsRun-of-the-mill RetrospectivesIn this course, we will discuss how we can overcome these challenges and have a great team! We cover a lot of great insights that will help your team provide the value your organization is really looking for!"
Price: 19.99

"Audio Engineering Fundamentals"
"You can learn the basic concepts of Audio Engineering and Sound Systems in this course!Sound systems are very important for the modern world. We all have enjoyed (or suffered!) with them. We can find sound systems in many different situations, like:ConcertsRecitalsSchoolsTheatresWeddingsHouses of worshipRestaurantsClubsSport arenasTheme parksetc.We use sound systems even in other less evident situations, like: stores, malls, airports, train stations, etc. So, sound systems are essential for many modern-day activities. Nowadays, it's easier and cheaper to get our own audio gear for any particular application. However, to properly operate a sound reinforcement system, you need some basic knowledge of audio engineering. In this way, you can avoid unpleasant or even hazardous situations.Unfortunately, it's very common to find systems that ""sound bad"". This is so common, that it's almost a clich to hear a feedback coming out of every sound system! It's rare to find situations where everything sounds right, clear, loud and you can really enjoy the show. Most of the times, this is due to a lack of technical knowledge.In this course, you will learn the Fundamentals of Audio Engineering. This will be your first step to understand any kind of sound system. You will know the basic ""blocks"" or stages in any audio system, its importance and applications. Sound systems evolve, brands and models change but fundamentals don't. The basics of sound engineering remain the same, if you learn these concepts you will understand any audio system: analog, digital, virtual, vintage or modern!You will learn topics, like:Sound and audioAudio signalsFrequency, hertz, decibelsSound pressure levelPreamplifiersAudio processorsSystems, mixers, pros and consPower amplifiersCrossoversLoudspeakersCables and connectorsConventional arrays and line arraysYou will also identify the causes and solutions of common problems in sound systems:FeedbackNoiseDistortionMisuse of microphonesBad loudspeaker positioningThis will help you to avoid damages in the equipment (or people!) and to improve the audio quality.This course is an ideal start for anyone who wants to learn about audio engineering and to operate pro-audio equipment properly. The course is also useful for technical staff that already have practical knowledge but lacks the basic theory of sound and audio.The course has been carefully designed to be a self-paced, step-by-step process right from the beginning, so you won't need any previous knowledge. You can even study a pair of lessons in just 15 minutes a day!You will be guided by a certified audio instructor (Meyer Sound, Avid, Yamaha), with more than 15 years of teaching experience at all levels, from seminars to college-level classes and a top instructor on Udemy, so academic quality is guaranteed. Join more than 3,000 students worldwide and learn more about audio!*Este curso tambin est disponible en espaol."
Price: 49.99

"Aplicativos iOS 12 com Swift 5 e Xcode 10 - Bsico"
"Curso Bsico Gratuito e em Portugus de Programao em Swift e Criao de Aplicativos iOS.Desenvolvido pelo professor Tito Petri.Verso - Swift 5 e Xcode 10*Curso totalmente atualizado em 01 de Maio de 2019.O Que Vamos Aprender?Introduo Lgica de ProgramaoProgramao utilizando a Linguagem SwiftIntroduo ao Xcode IDEInterface e Menus do XcodeLayouts Preview e Simulador do iOSStoryBoardsEstrutura de Dados e Modelo MVCDeseja aprimorar seus conhecimentos e aprender uma das linguagens de programao mais modernas e promissoras da atualidade? Este o primeiro passo. Aprender a criar aplicativos nativos para o sistema iOS utilizando a linguagem e a ferramenta oficial da Apple, o Swift e o Xcode IDE.Utilizamos a linguagem Swift para criar Aplicativos Nativos para iPhone, Jogos 2D e 3D, Realidade Aumentada, Cincia de Dados, Machine Learning, Data Science. Atravs do Xcode, podemos tambm criar aplicaes que funcionem no iPhone, iPad, AppleWatch e Apple tvOS.Atravs deste material, o aluno vai adquirir um slido conhecimento para dar os primeiros passos no Swift e Xcode e iniciar sua jornada na programao e criao de aplicaes iOS."
Price: 39.99

"Jogos 2D para iOS 12 com Swift 5 e Xcode 10 - Bsico"
"Bem-Vindo ao Curso de Desenvolvimento de Jogos para iOS e Introduo ao SpriteKit! a Engine de Games 2D para iOS Oficial da Apple.Ao assistir estas aulas, voc ter dominado os primeiros passos na ferramenta e como implementar os principais recursos para se criar um jogo completo em 2D para iPhones e iPads.O que Vamos Aprender sobre SpriteKit?Configurao do Projeto Inicial no Xcode 10Animaes ou SpritesSimulao FsicaSistema de PartculasEventos de ToqueUtilizao de Atlas* recomendvel que o aluno j tenha algum conhecimento preliminar em Linguagem Swift e Xcode IDE.Se voc ainda no conhece nada sobre estes assuntos, sugiro que assista o meu Curso Gratuito de Aplicativos em Swift aqui na plataforma Udemy antes de assistir estas video aulas."
Price: 39.99

"Desenvolvimento com Java para Android"
"O Android Studio a nova IDE (Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Integrado) do google, designado para o desenvolvimento de aplicativos para Celulares, Tablets, TV, Google Wear e Glass, fazendo do Android uma plataforma promissora e com alta demanda de mercado. Vale ressaltar quanto ao baixo ndice de conhecedores do Android frente ao alto volume de demanda do mercado. Aprenda em 32 aulas curtas e objetivas a programar para celulares e tablets Android, utilizando a linguagem JAVA e o Android Studio como compilador. Entenda como funcionam os principais recursos de Hardware do Android para aplicar o conhecimento em seus prprios projetos. Ao longo do curso criaremos diferentes mini-aplicativos como: Sistema de Geo-Localizao com Mapas.Acelermetro do aparelho como Controle.Recursos de Vibrao e Touch.Conexo com as Redes Sociais (Facebook SDK)udio, Vdeo e Contedo externo dentro do seu app. Todos os temas abordados de uma forma simples e eficaz Utilizando a Linguagem de Programao JAVA voltada ao Android, voc ter liberdade para criar prottipos e apps pronto para distribuio sem ser barrado pelas dificuldades impostas por algumas Linguagem de Programao. As aulas so narradas em Portugus (do Brasil), de forma clara e com nfase nos termos corretos e utilizados no mercado de Desenvolvimento. Este um Curso para novos Desenvolvedores (Games ou Apps). So cerca de 32 aulas, totalizando 3 horas e meia de contedo, cuidadosamente editados para que a informao seja entendida de forma clara pelos iniciantes em programao de apps. Cada mini-aplicativo ser criado do incio ao fim, mostrando os conceitos bsicos de Programao e Lgica. Voc entender o que so termos como Variveis, Condies IF e Case, Laos de Repetio For e While, etc. Esse conhecimento voc poder carregar para outras linguagens como C++ e Swift, por exemplo. Ao mesmo tempo que demonstra a Lgica da Programao, esse curso ensina a como trabalhar com o sistema operacional e o Hardware do Android: criar uma aplicao que usa fotos da Cmera ou da Biblioteca de imagens, por exemplo. Todos os principais recursos disponveis aos Desenvolvedores de Android sero mostrados nesse Curso. As aulas foram criadas para que voc assista o vdeo, faa uma pausa e crie seu prprio exemplo, aprendendo na prtica, no seu prprio computador. Voc tambm poder baixar e modificar os exemplos ensinados no Curso. Completar esse curso lhe dar conhecimento e direes para transformar suas idias em prottipos e apps, prontos para serem distribudos e comercializados na maior rede de aplicativos da Internet. Categoria:Design QUAL O CONTEDO DO CURSO? Mais de 30 aulas e 3.5 horas de contedo!Desenvolva do zero seus prprios aplicativos para celulares e tablets que utilizam Android.Aprenda os conceitos bsicos de lgica e programao. REQUISITOS DO CURSO (OPCIONAL): Familiaridade com a linguagem de programao JAVA e dispositivos Android. QUEM DEVE PARTICIPAR? Pessoas que tem o desejo de realizar seu projeto ou ideia atravs de um app.Programadores e desenvolvedores que no conhecem o Android Studio.Pessoas que nunca programaram e desejam entender um pouco de lgica e programao."
Price: 39.99

"Business Analysis Certification Program - The Tools"
"The Business Analysis Certification Program - The Tools course is aligned with the (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Guide) BABOK v3 and includes 3 topic-oriented courses that cover the tools part of the Business Analysis Certification Program.Analytical Techniques for Business Analysis (IIBA - ECBA)This course will introduce Analysis Tools for Scoping and Planning, Models that Support Business Analysis and Analyses that Support Decision making. Some examples: Benchmarking and Market Analysis, Document Analysis, Scope Modeling and State Modeling. We are also going to discuss about: Process Modeling, Process Analysis, Organizational Modeling, Interface Analysis, Data Flow Diagrams, Data Mining, Data Modeling and Prototyping. Finally, some words about Risk Analysis and Management, Financial Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, SWOT Analysis and Decision Modeling and Decision Analysis.Activities and Tools Used for Business (IIBA - ECBA)The categories of techniques covered in this course include idea generation and data gathering techniques that you can use with groups, such as brainstorming, collaborative games, and workshops. We'll also look at decision-making techniques, such as estimation and prioritization. Finally, we'll talk about several tools used for Business Analysis, such as Backlog Management, Balance Scorecard, and Business Model Canvas.Documentation and Criteria Used for Business Analysis (IIBA - ECBA)In this course, we're going to look at types of documents you will use as a business analyst. Some of them are glossaries and business rules you'll need, others are documents you'll create that contain business cases, use cases, and user stories. The final type of documents we'll look at contain metrics and criteria you'll use for evaluating performance and establishing requirements.You can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. This course is part of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes 14 courses. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 149.99

"Web API - JavaScript Fetch getting JSON data Fun with APIs"
"Explore JavaScript Objects and how you can get JSON data with an API connection using JavaScript CodeGet data from a web server and use that data within you JavaScript application.Previous JavaScript knowledge is a prerequisites to this course - YOU MUST HAVE JAVASCRIPT EXPERIENCECourse is focused on applying JavaScript to connect to web APIs and get back JSON dataCourse covers:What JavaScript objects are and how to use them in codeHow to iterate through arrays and objects to get dataComplex JavaScript Objects with many layers of dataJSON lint and how to read JSON dataHow to use fetch to connect to web APIsVarious examples of connecting to APIs to create interactive web applications.Using JavaScript code to connect to web APIsSetup of localhost using node and expressUsing node to make API requestsSetup of local web hostSource code is included so you can copy and paste the code to try for yourself.Step by step learningFast friendly support is always available within the Q&A sectionExperienced instructor with over 20 years of experience ready to help you learnYou have nothing to lose - Join now and start learning to create your own version of this helpful application today!!!"
Price: 199.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2019 - In Depth & Hands On!"
"BECOME AWS CLOUD CERTIFIED AND TAKE YOUR CAREER TO THE NEXT LEVEL!COURSE IS TO BE CONTINUALLY UPDATED SINCE LAUNCHComplete preparation for new AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.Get your questions answered inside the course. A great value, since this course is updated as AWS changes the exam requirements over time. This course will be ready for you when you are ready to take the exam.AWS has numerous certifications on cloud specialties but before you pursue the Solutions Architect Associate or any of the others, I HIGHLY recommend you take this course!! The AWS Cloud Practitioner certification was intended to help anyone new to the cloud get a good understanding on the foundation of cloud topics and this course is a sole resource to understanding those concepts and passing the exam.I'm quite confident that this is the most complete training course targeted specifically at the exam.Cost savings is the one that catches the attention of businesses. Some companies are spending millions of dollars per month of their IT infrastructure, and every few years that hardware needs to be repaired and upgraded. Being able to reduce the capital investment and essentially rent powerful equipment on demand is quite a lot of up front savings.If you add in the scalability, flexibility, and worldwide reach of the cloud, and the technology group sees the potential as well. You can truly do more with less.This course goes through all of the requirements of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and will be continually updated to align with the future changes in the certification exam. Multiple videos are devoted to each sub-objective, and we cover the topic thoroughly.If you do not know anything about the cloud THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!Enroll today!Version historyV1.00 - Initial Course Copy"
Price: 94.99

"Desenvolvimento Mobile com Flutter"
"O curso completo de Flutter possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender utilizar o Flutter para desenvolver seus aplicativos mobile para android e Ios em um unico projeto, ser mostrado os recuros, documentao, componentes, linguagem de desenvolvimento e muito mais, vamos criar diversos projetos prticos para demonstrar como o desenvolvimento com Flutter, uma SDK da google que a cada dia cresce mais no mercado, adquira j o curso e comece a desenvolver seus aplicativos."
Price: 399.99

"Discrimination Training for Managers"
"Why should you attend?A key step in fostering a safe and inclusive. workplace is making sure all employees are aware of the problems being faced and what is acceptable, and what is not acceptable. Discrimination is illegal. Over 1 million complaints have been filed to the EEOC. This course will teach you how to spot, prevent, and deal with discrimination in the workplace.Who should attend? This training is essential for current and future managers in an organization.Learning objectives What managers need to know about discrimination Protecting employees from retaliation Handling discrimination claims How to talk to the accusedEducational Approach This training takes a modern approach to sexual harassment training Classes are illustrated with practical questions and examples Classes include examples and real case discussionsPrerequisites A desire to make your organization better equipped to deal with discrimination in the workplaceTable Of contents Employer Responsibilities Regarding Discrimination Conduct Timely and Impartial Investigations Protect Employees from Retaliation Maintain Complainant Confidentiality How to Talk with the Accused Inform Employees of Their Rights Recognize Potential Discrimination in Leading Ask the Right Questions About Discrimination Understand Liability for Discrimination Refrain from Potential Discrimination During Hiring Address Discrimination Proactively Work with Reluctant Victims of Discrimination Handle Claims of Discrimination"
Price: 19.99

"SketchUp 2019 + VRay Next. Aprende con Proyectos 3D Reales."
"SketchUp 2019 + VRayNext. Aprende con Proyectos RealesAprende de la mano de un Arquitecto a modelar y renderizar proyectos de arquitectura. Interiores & Exteriores. Con esta amplia formacin aprenders el proceso completo y de forma profesional para llevar a cabos proyectos integrales. Una formacin 100% practica que aumentar tu habilidades y competencias profesionales. Un curso paso a paso que te ahorra mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en tu trabajo diario. La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 59.99

"FPGA Embedded Design, Part 3 - EDA Tools"
"It's time to learn more about FPGA IDEs!In this third part of the FPGA Embedded Design series, we'll get our hands on four different EDA Tools to bring our designs to life.We'll use four different development tools, and you may follow along with either of them. You may also use an FPGA development board to get the most out of your IDE. We recommend wither  the DE0-CV, with a Cyclone V FPGA from Altera/Intel, or the BASYS3, with an Artix7 FPGA from Xilinx.This course consists of two main parts:EDA Tools overview, where we'll cover what EDA Tools are, several examples of commercial and non-commercial tools available.Hand's On Training, where we'll give you a walkthrough of each of the following tools: Quartus Prime (by Intel), EDA Playground (by Doulos), Vivado Design Suite (by Xilinx), and LabsLand (a remote Lab tool).What are you waiting for? Let's have some fun!!! "
Price: 199.99

"NodeJS Curso Completo"
"Deseja aprender a Linguagem de Programao mais importante para o ambiente Web hoje em dia agora tambm no Lado do Servidor? Que tal aprender a criar projetos profissionais, comprimir vdeos dinamicamente usando JavaScript? Ou ser que chegou a hora de elevar o seu conhecimento em JavaScript para alm de comandos bsicos? Qualquer que seja sua motivao voc veio ao lugar certo.Este o Curso completo de NodeJS. Primeiro voc aprender sobre a estrutura interna do NodeJS, como empresas como Netflix, PayPal, Uber utilizam NodeJS para atender a milhes de usurios de forma rpida, leve e eficiente, aprenda a utilizar a linguagem JavaScript no ambiente NodeJS, depois como trabalhar na prtica construindo projetos passo a passo com um especialista em JavaScript que possui mais de 15 anos de desenvolvimento Web e JavaScript.Neste curso cobriremos cerca de 7 horas de contedo os seguintes tpicos:1) Estrutura do NodeJS 2) Controle de fluxo da Aplicao 3) APIs Nativas do NodeJS 4) APIs de Terceiros. 5) Projeto Web, CLI 6) IoT com Drone controlado pelo Node. So projetos que aplicaro o JavaScript na prtica.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a criar aplicaes profissionais em JavaScript, levando suas aplicaes web sejam sites ou web apps a um nvel profissional.Acesso vitalcio! Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 579.99

"Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - Corso Completo"
"Che corso di Bitcoin state cercando?Se state cercando un corso su come investire in criptovalute e diventare ricchi, questo non per voi. Sestate cercando un corso su come iscriversi ai vari exchanges, questo corso non per voiSestate cercando delle dritte su quale criptovaluta comprare per fare TOTHEMOON, questo corso non per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia vedere come formato un blocco utilizzando un fullnode Bitcoin, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire Bitcoin senza passare dalla parte speculativa, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia vedere come ottenere chiavi pubbliche e private, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire le transazioni, questo corso per voiL'obiettivo di questo corso capire il protocollo Bitcoin grazie ad esempi pratici. Ogni lezione parte da una introduzione con slide, per poi mettere in pratica quanto spiegatoQuesto il corso completo che comprende le macro sezioniBlockchainMiningWalletTransazionioltre a sezioni extra come:La storiacrittografiae molto altroSe sei interessato ad una sezione in particolare, puoi trovare il corso che fa per te a costo minore sempre qui su Udemy.Cosa intendiamo con esempi pratici?Chiamate RPCad un vero fullnodeCalcolare la difficolt del blocco tramite codice, cos da capire la potenza del Proof Of WorkRicalcolare il merkle root partendo dal merkle block message.Calcolare le proprie chiavi private e pubblicheCapire come una seed phrase possa generare un Wallet HDChe cosa sono le xprv e le xpubCapire che cosa sono i forksCreare transazioni da zeroe molto altro ...Tutto seguito da Quiz!Abbiamo deciso di utilizzare solo riga di comando, cercando di mantenersi pi possibile a basso livello.Il nostro obiettivo non scrivere del codice performante o riutilizzabile, il nostro obiettivo scrivere del codice per capire al meglio il protocollo Bitcoin. anche per questo motivo che abbiamo deciso di, ove possibile, non utilizzare librerie esterne le quali potrebbero fare il ""lavoro sporco"" per noi.E' consigliata una minima conoscenza dei comandi shell.Il corso potr avere degli aggiornamenti nel tempo.The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"
Price: 99.99

"Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - sezione Blockchain"
"Che corso di Bitcoin state cercando?Se state cercando un corso su come investire in criptovalute e diventare ricchi, questo non per voi. Sestate cercando un corso su come iscriversi ai vari exchanges, questo corso non per voiSestate cercando delle dritte su quale criptovaluta comprare per fare TOTHEMOON, questo corso non per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia vedere come formato un blocco utilizzando un fullnode Bitcoin, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire Bitcoin senza passare dalla parte speculativa, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia vedere come esplorare un merkle tree, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire i forks di Bitcoin , questo corso per voiL'obiettivo di questo corso capire il protocollo Bitcoin grazie ad esempi pratici. Ogni lezione parte da una introduzione con slide, per poi mettere in pratica quanto spiegatoQuesto non il corso completo, se stai cercando il corso completo cerca ""Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - corso completo"" o inviami un messaggioQuesta sezione si concentra principalmente suBlockchainoltre a sezioni extra come:La storiacrittografiae molto altroCosa intendiamo con esempi pratici?Chiamate RPCad un vero fullnodeRicalcolare il merkle root partendo dal merkle block message.Analizzare il blocco genesie molto altro ...Abbiamo deciso di utilizzare solo riga di comando, cercando di mantenersi pi possibile a basso livello.Il nostro obiettivo non scrivere del codice performante o riutilizzabile, il nostro obiettivo scrivere del codice per capire al meglio il protocollo Bitcoin. anche per questo motivo che abbiamo deciso di, ove possibile, non utilizzare librerie esterne le quali potrebbero fare il ""lavoro sporco"" per noi.E' consigliata una minima conoscenza dei comandi shell.Il corso potr avere degli aggiornamenti nel tempo.The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"
Price: 29.99

"Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - sezione Mining"
"Che corso di Bitcoin state cercando?Se state cercando un corso su come investire in criptovalute e diventare ricchi, questo non per voi. Sestate cercando un corso su come iscriversi ai vari exchanges, questo corso non per voiSestate cercando delle dritte su quale criptovaluta comprare per fare TOTHEMOON, questo corso non per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia vedere come formato un blocco utilizzando un fullnode Bitcoin, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire Bitcoin senza passare dalla parte speculativa, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire il PoW , questo corso per voi Se state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire i forks , questo corso per voiL'obiettivo di questo corso capire il protocollo Bitcoin grazie ad esempi pratici. Ogni lezione parte da una introduzione con slide, per poi mettere in pratica quanto spiegatoQuesto non il corso completo, se stai cercando il corso completo cerca ""Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - corso completo"" o inviami un messaggioQuesto il corso si concentra principalmente suMiningoltre a sezioni extra come:La storiacrittografiae molto altroCosa intendiamo con esempi pratici?Chiamate RPCad un vero fullnodeRicalcolare la difficolt di quel momento storicoCalcolare la difficoltVerificare se un blocco ha vinto il PoWAnalizzare il PoWe molto altro ...Abbiamo deciso di utilizzare solo riga di comando, cercando di mantenersi pi possibile a basso livello.Il nostro obiettivo non scrivere del codice performante o riutilizzabile, il nostro obiettivo scrivere del codice per capire al meglio il protocollo Bitcoin. anche per questo motivo che abbiamo deciso di, ove possibile, non utilizzare librerie esterne le quali potrebbero fare il ""lavoro sporco"" per noi.E' consigliata una minima conoscenza dei comandi shell.Il corso potr avere degli aggiornamenti nel tempo.The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"
Price: 24.99

"Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - sezione Wallet"
"Che corso di Bitcoin state cercando?Se state cercando un corso su come investire in criptovalute e diventare ricchi, questo non per voi. Sestate cercando un corso su come iscriversi ai vari exchanges, questo corso non per voiSestate cercando delle dritte su quale criptovaluta comprare per fare TOTHEMOON, questo corso non per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia vedere come formato un blocco utilizzando un fullnode Bitcoin, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire Bitcoin senza passare dalla parte speculativa, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire come viene creato un wallet partendo dal seed, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire la derivazione delle chiavi, questo corso per voiL'obiettivo di questo corso capire il protocollo Bitcoin grazie ad esempi pratici. Ogni lezione parte da una introduzione con slide, per poi mettere in pratica quanto spiegatoQuesto non il corso completo, se stai cercando il corso completo cerca ""Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - corso completo"" o inviami un messaggioQuesta sezione si concentra principalmente suWalletoltre a sezioni extra come:La storiacrittografiae molto altroCosa intendiamo con esempi pratici?Chiamate RPCad un vero fullnodeCalcolare chiavi private e pubbliche fino ad arrivare al bitcoin addressCalcolare le xprv e xpubCalcolare la derivazione delle chiavi hardened e non hardenede molto altro ...Abbiamo deciso di utilizzare solo riga di comando, cercando di mantenersi pi possibile a basso livello.Il nostro obiettivo non scrivere del codice performante o riutilizzabile, il nostro obiettivo scrivere del codice per capire al meglio il protocollo Bitcoin. anche per questo motivo che abbiamo deciso di, ove possibile, non utilizzare librerie esterne le quali potrebbero fare il ""lavoro sporco"" per noi.E' consigliata una minima conoscenza dei comandi shell.Il corso potr avere degli aggiornamenti nel tempo.The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"
Price: 44.99

"Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - sezione Transazioni"
"Che corso di Bitcoin state cercando?Se state cercando un corso su come investire in criptovalute e diventare ricchi, questo non per voi. Sestate cercando un corso su come iscriversi ai vari exchanges, questo corso non per voiSestate cercando delle dritte su quale criptovaluta comprare per fare TOTHEMOON, questo corso non per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia vedere come formato un blocco utilizzando un fullnode Bitcoin, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia capire Bitcoin senza passare dalla parte speculativa, questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia vedere e capire come funzionano le transazioni , questo corso per voiSe state cercando un corso che vi faccia fare delle transazioni da zero , questo corso per voiL'obiettivo di questo corso capire il protocollo Bitcoin grazie ad esempi pratici. Ogni lezione parte da una introduzione con slide, per poi mettere in pratica quanto spiegatoQuesto non il corso completo, se stai cercando il corso completo cerca ""Bitcoin dalla teoria alla pratica - corso completo"" o inviami un messaggioQuesta sezione si concentra principalmente suTransazionioltre a sezioni extra come:La storiacrittografiae molto altroCosa intendiamo con esempi pratici?Chiamate RPCad un vero fullnodeanalizzare transazioni vere su blockchainCanalizzare e capire il modello UTXOStudiare lo scriptSig e lo ScriptPubKey byte per byteAnalizzare byte per byte la transazione serializzatae molto altro ...Abbiamo deciso di utilizzare solo riga di comando, cercando di mantenersi pi possibile a basso livello.Il nostro obiettivo non scrivere del codice performante o riutilizzabile, il nostro obiettivo scrivere del codice per capire al meglio il protocollo Bitcoin. anche per questo motivo che abbiamo deciso di, ove possibile, non utilizzare librerie esterne le quali potrebbero fare il ""lavoro sporco"" per noi.E' consigliata una minima conoscenza dei comandi shell.Il corso potr avere degli aggiornamenti nel tempo.The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"
Price: 49.99

"Business Process Diagrams and BPMN 2.0 for Analysts"
"In this course you will learn how to read and create business process diagrams, use the Business Process Model and Notation Version 2.0 and get practical tips on using BPMN for your process diagrams. This is a must have skill if you want to work on business analysis. We will start from the basics and build our knowledge up one component at a time. Course enrollment includes real use case examples,  1-on-1 expert support, LIFETIME access, and a 100% money-back guarantee!   If you're looking for a practical process map and process flowchart course that will walk you step-by-step through everything you need to know, you've found the right course!  Ultimately, the goal of this course is to help you model any existing business process as well as create your own models for completely new processes  You will;Learn the ins and outs of the process flowchartsGain tangible, real-world experience with examplesCreate your own clean and easy to read process diagramsConfidently ace your business process diagram interview questionsLearn how to utilise different process diagram toolsThis course will help you design your business processes perfectly. If you are looking for a new role as a business analyst, this course will help you to pass your interview."
Price: 19.99

"Planejamento no Esporte"
"O curso PLANEJAMENTO NO ESPORTE o segundo da srie Gesto e Marketing Esportivo. Nele voc aprender como planejar o futuro de um entidade esportiva (atleta, clube, federao, confederao ou ligas).Planejamento o principio de qualquer projeto seja ele profissional ou pessoal. Organizaes e indivduos que planejam tendem a ter mais sucesso do que os que no planejam. Alm de insights tericos voc ver, na prtica, planejamentos feitos com entidades esportivas."
Price: 279.99

"Unreal Engine Cinematic Creator: Lights, Camera, Action!"
"** From the GameDev-tv team who has taught more than half a million awesome students on Udemy **Make your own cinematic moments using Unreal Engine 4's Sequencer Tool.Sequencer (which is included with the Unreal Editor - no additional download necessary) is a powerful editor which allows you to add tracks and animate everything from your cameras to your characters to your world.In this course you will be able to do the following:Create your own non-interactive cut scene which is triggered from gameplay.Compose interesting camera shots and animate your cameras as if you were Steven Spielberg's personal camera operator.Create movement and flavor in your levels by animating world events to take place as the player moves through your level (explosions and landslides anyone?).Create simple gameplay systems such as allowing the player to open doors when they run near them.Create animation sequences and render them to movie format so that you can make your own short films if you so desired.And along the way we'll talk about cinematography theory such as the different types of shots you can create or the various ways to move your camera, including creating camera rails and camera cranes."
Price: 49.99

"Kubernetes Mastery: Hands-On Lessons From A Docker Captain"
"Taught by an award-winning Docker Captain and Kubernetes expert, this Course is the result of a collaboration between Bret Fisher, creator of the #1 Docker & Kubernetes course on Udemy, and Jrme Petazzoni who is a full-time Kubernetes instructor, as well as one of the original Docker Inc DevOps Engineers! We designed the course to take your Kubernetes skills from first-time user to using K8s in production.Updates are a thing! You can count on it. Kubernetes is a huge topic and constantly evolving. As a result, this course will grow and evolve with it. Just starting out with Kubernetes? Perfect. This course starts out assuming you're new to container orchestration.And, if you're using Kubernetes now and need to learn the latest features, I'm here for you! See my topics around dry runs, diffs, logging, rolling upgrades, startup healthchecks, zombie reaping, and more.[five stars] ""Because Bret knows, lives, breaths and loves his technology stack. The passion and belief always comes through in all of his courses which is why I will always recommend his work.""  -- Steven Hunt, Udemy StudentAlready a Docker Mastery student and want to know what's different between the two courses? This course assumes you know Docker and dives deeper into Kubernetes and the community of tools around it. Unlike Docker Mastery, which starts with container 101 and takes you through a lot of tools like local development setups, docker-compose, registry, Docker Hub, Swarm basics, Kubernetes basics, and general Docker best practices... this course starts with Kubernetes 101 and has you learning and practicing each feature and workflow you'll need for running your own Kubernetes clusters, and like all my courses, it focuses on how to use those features with a DevOps mindset and workflow. BONUS: This course comes with Slack Chat and YouTube Live Q&As with me!""...Bret is amazing. You can tell he knows exactly what he is talking about and enjoys helping others. I have never seen someone so involved with his user base as Bret. ...I would seriously buy any course the Bret puts out because I have no doubts that it will be excellent.""  -- David Olson, Udemy Course Student Why should you learn from me? Why trust me to teach you the best ways to use Kubernetes?   (Hi, I'm Bret, please allow me to talk about myself for a sec):I'm A Practitioner. Welcome to the real world: I've got 20 years of sysadmin and developer experience, over 30 certifications, and have been exclusively focused on DevOps and the container ecosystem for my consulting clients and my own companies since Docker's early days. Learn from someone who's helped run thousands of containers across dozens of projects and organizations.I'm An Educator. Learn from someone who knows how to make a syllabus: I want to help you. People say I'm good at it. For the last few years, I've trained thousands of people on using Docker & Kubernetes in workshops, conferences, and meetups. See me teach at events like DockerCon, O'Reilly Velocity, GOTO Conf, and Linux Open Source Summit. I Lead Communities. Also, I'm a Docker Captain, meaning that Docker Inc. thinks I know a thing or two about containers and that I do well in sharing it with others. In the real-world: I help run two local meetups in our fabulous tech community in Norfolk/Virginia Beach USA. I help online: usually in Slack and Twitter, where I learn from and help others.""This guy is out of this world. I love his patience and carefulness he puts in all of his lessons."" -- Evan Baird, Udemy Student Giving Back: a portion of my profit on this course will be donated to supporting open source and protecting our freedoms online! This course is only made possible by the amazing people creating open source. I'm standing on the shoulders of (open source) giants! Donations will be split between my favorite charities like Electronic Frontier Foundation and Free Software Foundation. Look them up. They're awesome!This is a living course and will be updated as Kubernetes features change.This course is designed to be fast at getting you started but also to get you deep into the ""why"" of things. Simply the fastest and best way to learn the latest container skills. Look at the scope of topics in the Session and see the breadth of skills you will learn.Also included is a private Slack Chat group with 21,000+ students for getting help with this course and continuing your Docker and DevOps learning with help from myself and other students.""I am really loving your approach to training so far. Concepts are really simplified and easy to understand. Thank you.""  -- Yemisi Omoijo, Udemy StudentSome of the many cool things you'll do in this course:Deploy a microservice app using both CLI and YAMLInvestigate running apps using CLI, logs, and eventsTest out different local Kubernetes installs like Docker Desktop, microK8s, and minikubeUse Stern to view multiple container logs at onceTry different load balancer types with Kubernetes ServicesTroubleshoot container and network performanceCreate custom labels for controlling load balancer connectionsUse the new Server Dry Run to test changes with the APIRecover from a failed update, and rollback updates to previous versionsTest different healthcheck probe typesUse various app config options with built-in Kubernetes featuresQuickly patch YAML with a single commandSplit up and deploy YAML from git repos using DevOps practicesDeploy the Kubernetes Dashboard web GUI securelyAnd so much more... After taking this course, you'll be able to:Know when to use Kubernetes for solving real-world problemsStep through the proper decisions to make when creating healthchecksUnderstand how to test healthchecks to ensure they don't create problemsKnow when to use different types of app configuration like args, envs, ConfigMaps, and moreDesign a ConfigMap with the Downward API for more flexible deploymentsMake Kubernetes YAML manifests and deploy using infrastructure-as-code DevOps methodsProtect your keys, TLS certificates, and passwords with encrypted secretsLead your team into the future with the latest Kubernetes container skills! Extra things that come with this course:Access to the course Slack team, for getting help/advice from me and other students.Bonus videos I put elsewhere like YouTube, linked to from this course's resources.Live Q&A with me on YouTube.Tons of reference links to supplement this content.Updates to content as Kubernetes changes the features on these topics."
Price: 199.99

"Reconhecimento de Emoes com TensorFlow 2.0 e Python"
"Dentro da rea da Viso Computacional existe a sub-rea de reconhecimento/deteo de emoes, que visa identificar emoes especficas que pessoas podem expressar em imagens ou vdeos. Alguns exemplos de aplicaes so: alertar condutores de veculos que podem estar distrados, personagens de jogos podem interagir com o usurio de acordo com a emoo expressada, monitoramento de pacientes em hospitais, avaliao do interesse dos alunos em aplicaes de educao a distncia, sistemas de vigilncia e principalmente na rea de marketing; sendo possvel entender o que os consumidores esto sentindo sobre determinados produtos ou servios.E para levar voc at essa rea, neste curso voc desenvolver passo a passo Redes Neurais Convolucionais utilizando o TensorFlow 2.0 e o Python para detectar emoes em vdeos e imagens! O sistema ser capaz de detectar as seguintes emoes: raiva, alegria, tristeza, nojo, surpresa, medo e tambm se uma face no est expressando nenhuma dessas emoes. Utilizaremos modernas tcnicas de Deep Learning (Aprendizagem Profunda) para o desenvolvimento dos exemplos do curso, usando a base de dados FER3 que uma das bases de dados mais utilizadas para treinamento de sistemas de reconhecimento de emoo, que inclusive faz parte dos desafios do Kaggle!O objetivo principal deste curso que voc tenha uma viso prtica de como utilizar o TensorFlow 2.0 para reconhecimento de emoes, portanto, ns mostraremos somente uma intuio bsica sobre a teoria do algoritmo. Este curso para todos os nveis, ou seja, se este for o seu primeiro contato com a rea de Viso Computacional voc conseguir acompanhar o curso. Da mesma forma, se voc j tem experincia na rea tambm aproveitar o conhecimento adquirido com o desenvolvimento do projeto prtico.Preparado(a) para dar um importante passo na sua carreira? Aguardamos voc no curso! :)"
Price: 39.99

"Administracion de Windows Server , GPOs para principiantes"
"El curso de Administracin de Windows Server, GPOs para principiantes, tiene como objetivo servirle de base y de gua a la hora instalar y administrar Windows Server 2012 R2 y versiones posteriores, dotndole de una amplia serie de vdeos sobre Polticas de Grupo que le sern de mucha utilidad en la administracin de este sistema operativo da a da.El curso est elaborado desde lo ms bsico, con ejemplos prcticos detallados que le servirn para su desarrollo profesional en el da a da.Cada vdeo esta explicado de la forma ms simple, con el objetivo de que cualquier persona con conocimientos bsicos de informtica pueda seguir fcilmente el curso y ampliar sus posibilidades en el mbito laboral.Para los nuevos Administradores de Sistemas o Soportes Tcnicos es un excelente material que le servir de base a la hora de administrar una infraestructura sencilla, ahorrndole tiempo de bsqueda en foros y pginas de Internet (GOOGLEANDO), logrando as un trabajo ms eficaz y efectivo.Por que Windows Server 2012 R2?Esto es gracias a que la mayora de las infraestructuras tecnolgicas actuales an se basan en esta versin de este sistema operativo para servidores, adems su similitud con versiones posteriores del sistema te garantizar que lo aprendido en este curso puedas aplicarlo en versiones posteriores del sistema.Debido a que actualmente tenemos infraestructuras basadas en entornos de clientes mixtos (Windows 7, Windows 8 y Windows 10), creamos un ambiente basado en Windows 7 y Windows 10, con el objetivo de mostrarle como solucionar los problemas comunes a la hora de aplicar Polticas de Grupo (GPO) a sistemas operativos diferentes a Windows 7Sean todos bienvenidos a este curso, espero sea de su agrado. ?Dios le Bendiga J.P"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Spanish Method. Intermediate. Course 1."
"FULLY MASTER THE ESSENTIALS OF SPANISH IN A MATTER OF HOURS, NOT YEARS!NO BORING ""STUDY"", ONLY NONSTOP SPEAKING.EL MTODO allows you to: Speak, non-stop, from the very start. (no note-taking required) Produce and assimilate thousands of practical phrases for daily use. Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at intermediate level. Make rapid progress, without the need to memorise or ""study"" in the traditional sense.ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE CARRIED AWAY BY THE METHOD.""Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn ."" (Benjamin Franklin)Right from the start, EL MTODO engages you in a non-stop spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. This beautifully simple resource allows you to use and understand Intermediate Spanish in a matter of hours, without the need for tiresome attempts at memorisation or lengthy, grammatical explanations. This is achieved through a expertly designed, world-class methodology that builds up and practices the language in your mind and mouth, step by step, until you are able to form increasingly complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be forming your own sentences, effortlessly absorbing structures without even realising it. The method guides you through Intermediate Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.Recent students put it this way:                                                       ""Outstanding from the very first lesson to the end. The Spanish is challenging and fast moving, and yet  constantly revisits vocabulary and structures so that it sinks into long term memory. Explanations are short and yet accommodate for all learning styles. The whole journey has been a world-class introduction into a language Ive learned to love. Gracias por todo!""""After completing level 1 and level 2 , I am here for level 3 and have already purchased level 4. Does it not  prove how good and well organised the courses are! It's Fantastic. Beyond expectation!""LEARN SPANISH NATURALLY AND RAPIDLYIn EL MTODO as in real life, learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The process continues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposure to new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these are acquired for life.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?EL MTODO INTERMEDIATE, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After every lesson there is a series of optional written exercises..We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk, talk and talk. You won't stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system to learn Spanish. My goal with EL MTODO  is for you to become ""hooked"" on the program, thereby mastering intermediate Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.Best of luck! "
Price: 19.99

"How to immediately stop the symptoms of GERD"
"You can control the symptoms of GERD to stop immediately. You just use the method to learn in this course. And you will be able to apply this method whenever and wherever the symptoms of Gerd.  Without the need for any help equipment, no medication. You just follow the method learned in this course. You will stop the symptoms immediately. You will see the results yourself. You will be able to experiment immediately. When symptoms of acid reflux occur."
Price: 600.00