"Building a Car Racing Game in Unity using C#" |
"This course will walk you through building an entire video game hands-on, and will take you step-by-step through the game development process.Did you grow up playing car racing games like Need For Speed and Gran Turismo? Do you want to learn how to build car racing games in Unity using C# code? Growing up, racing games always fascinated me. I was intrigued by how the in-game physics was so realistic and how they simulated driving in the game so accurately. Now, I make games professionally for a living and have a deep understanding of what goes into making all types of games, including car racing games.This course is meant to teach you how to build a full racing game in Unity, even if you are a beginner or have never used Unity before. By the end of this course, you will have a full car racing game and you built in Unity from the ground up. We will add 5 playable cars to the game, each of which will have their own visuals, speed, acceleration, and handling.As we build this course, you are going to gain a wealth of knowledge in the different areas of the Unity game engine. Some of the core game development techniques this course will teach you are:Working with Unity's Physics system and understanding how to use components like Wheel Colliders and Rigidbodies to simulate vehicle movement and interaction with the environment.Using C# logic to get enemy AI cars driving around the track and competing against the player in races.Utilizing Unity's AI system to build mini-maps and other racing heads up displays such as MPH and car stats.Writing reusable code that can be applied to several different sections of the game. Object-oriented C# scripting techniques for writing clean, reusable code.Assemble AAA quality racing environments hands-on as we build levels using Unity game assets.Learn about the different UI components and how they can be used together to build in-game menus and selection screens that efficiently and intuitively respond to user input.Turn your ideas into code using C# with Unity and build up a set of skills that you can use to build other car racing games and showcase them in your portfolio.By the end of this course, you will have a full game project you developed from the ground up! You will also have some more C# tips and tricks that you can add to your arsenal. If you want to learn game development or are aspiring to build a career in the game industry, then this course is for you!"
Price: 39.99 |
physics-i |
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Price: 19.99 |
"CCNA : ""TRAINING 100-105"" Entranement l'examen ICND1" |
"Le parcours de formation CCNA est fait, pour les personnes qui souhaitent apprendre pas pas, devenir administrateur Rseau, ou bien russir leurs certifications Cisco CCNA.La certification Cisco est la rfrence dans le domaine des rseaux informatiques.La CCNA est ce jour, la certification la plus connue et la plus demande.Elle permet de justifier ses comptences et est un excellent moyen de faire voluer sa carrire.Aujourdhui, avoir son Numro Cisco est un puissant levier professionnel.Mme si cela demande un vritable travail dapprentissage pour tre reconnu dans le monde des rseaux, linvestissement sur le long terme est trs rentable !Le parcours de formation CCNA se compose de plusieurs cours rseau menant droit vers la certification CCNA:CCNA : ""FAST"" Les fondamentaux du rseau :Contiens toute la thorie du programme, avec des questions/rponse, entre chaque module. Ce cours permet dacqurir les fondamentaux du rseau, cest--dire de se construire de bonnes bases solides pour la suite.CCNA : ""ICND1"" Apprenez Devenir Administrateur Rseau :Tout le programme de la 1re partie du CCNA, est runi dans ce cours, avec des travaux pratiques reproduire sur le simulateur Packet Tracer.CCNA : ""TRAINING 100-105"" Entranement l'examen ICND1 :Ce cours permet de s'entraner sur le type de questions du programme ICND1, que vous aurez lors de l'examen.C'est aussi un trs bon moyen de rvision.CCNA : ""100-105"" Russir la certification Cisco ICND1 : Test Pratique : Permets de sentrainer russir lexamen 100-105, qui dlivre la certification CCENT.CCNA : ""ICND2"" Apprenez Devenir Administrateur Rseau : Tout le programme de la 2e partie du CCNA est runi dans ce cours, avec des travaux pratiques reproduire sur le simulateur Packet Tracer.CCNA : ""TRAINING 200-105"" Entranement l'examen ICND2 : Ce cours permet de s'entraner sur le type de questions du programme ICND2, que vous aurez lors de l'examen.C'est aussi un trs bon moyen de rvision.CCNA : ""200-105"" Russir la certification Cisco ICND2 : Test Pratique : Permets de sentrainer russir lexamen 200-105, qui dlivre la certification CCNA.Le cours : ""CCNA : Les bases du Rseau et de la Certification Cisco"" prsente un chantillon du parcours CCNA. Il a pour objectif de montrer aux participants, la profession dun administrateur rseau.Les cours de test pratiques sont tout aussi importants dans lapprentissage du monde des rseaux, car ils permettent de rviser lensemble du programme CCNA. Chaque question comprend une explication dtaille des rponses, afin de consolider ses acquis.Je suis convaincu que si vous compltez les cours 100% et que vous validez lensemble des tests pratiques, et bien vous aurez toutes vos chances, pour russir lexamen officiel du 1er coup !Jai conu ce programme limage de celui que jaurais aim avoir, quand jai commenc ma route vers la certification Cisco, ce qui maurait vit dessuyer plusieurs checs lexamen du CCNA !Toutes les personnes qui se seront inscrites lensemble du parcours, avant le 24 fvrier 2020, recevront automatiquement le nouveau programme de la mise jour Cisco !Le parcours CCNA est la voie express vers la certification Cisco, en apprenant pas--pas, devenir administrateur rseau.Jaime interagir avec mes participants, nhsitez donc pas poser des questions ! De plus, le cours dispose d'une garantie satisfaite ou rembourse de 30 jours. la demande de plusieurs participants, qui ont des difficults d'internet, j'ai activ le tlchargement de la formation sur l'ensemble de mes cours. Je suis ravi de partager mes connaissances avec vous et vous souhaite un max de succs !LA CERTIFICATION CISCO N'A JAMAIS T SI PROCHE DE VOUS !"
Price: 79.99 |
"CCNA : ""TRAINING 200-105"" Entranement l'examen ICND2" |
"Le parcours de formation CCNA est fait, pour les personnes qui souhaitent apprendre pas pas, devenir administrateur Rseau, ou bien russir leurs certifications Cisco CCNA.La certification Cisco est la rfrence dans le domaine des rseaux informatiques.La CCNA est ce jour, la certification la plus connue et la plus demande.Elle permet de justifier ses comptences et est un excellent moyen de faire voluer sa carrire.Aujourdhui, avoir son Numro Cisco est un puissant levier professionnel.Mme si cela demande un vritable travail dapprentissage pour tre reconnu dans le monde des rseaux, linvestissement sur le long terme est trs rentable !Le parcours de formation CCNA se compose de plusieurs cours rseau menant droit vers la certification CCNA:CCNA : ""FAST"" Les fondamentaux du rseau :Contiens toute la thorie du programme, avec des questions/rponse, entre chaque module. Ce cours permet dacqurir les fondamentaux du rseau, cest--dire de se construire de bonnes bases solides pour la suite.CCNA : ""ICND1"" Apprenez Devenir Administrateur Rseau :Tout le programme de la 1re partie du CCNA, est runi dans ce cours, avec des travaux pratiques reproduire sur le simulateur Packet Tracer.CCNA : ""TRAINING 100-105"" Entranement l'examen ICND1 :Ce cours permet de s'entraner sur le type de questions du programme ICND1, que vous aurez lors de l'examen.C'est aussi un trs bon moyen de rvision.CCNA : ""100-105"" Russir la certification Cisco ICND1 : Test Pratique : Permets de sentrainer russir lexamen 100-105, qui dlivre la certification CCENT.CCNA : ""ICND2"" Apprenez Devenir Administrateur Rseau : Tout le programme de la 2e partie du CCNA est runi dans ce cours, avec des travaux pratiques reproduire sur le simulateur Packet Tracer.CCNA : ""TRAINING 200-105"" Entranement l'examen ICND2 : Ce cours permet de s'entraner sur le type de questions du programme ICND2, que vous aurez lors de l'examen.C'est aussi un trs bon moyen de rvision.CCNA : ""200-105"" Russir la certification Cisco ICND2 : Test Pratique : Permets de sentrainer russir lexamen 200-105, qui dlivre la certification CCNA.Le cours : ""CCNA : Les bases du Rseau et de la Certification Cisco"" prsente un chantillon du parcours CCNA. Il a pour objectif de montrer aux participants, la profession dun administrateur rseau.Les cours de test pratiques sont tout aussi importants dans lapprentissage du monde des rseaux, car ils permettent de rviser lensemble du programme CCNA. Chaque question comprend une explication dtaille des rponses, afin de consolider ses acquis.Je suis convaincu que si vous compltez les cours 100% et que vous validez lensemble des tests pratiques, et bien vous aurez toutes vos chances, pour russir lexamen officiel du 1er coup !Jai conu ce programme limage de celui que jaurais aim avoir, quand jai commenc ma route vers la certification Cisco, ce qui maurait vit dessuyer plusieurs checs lexamen du CCNA !Toutes les personnes qui se seront inscrites lensemble du parcours, avant le 24 fvrier 2020, recevront automatiquement le nouveau programme de la mise jour Cisco !Le parcours CCNA est la voie express vers la certification Cisco, en apprenant pas--pas, devenir administrateur rseau.Jaime interagir avec mes participants, nhsitez donc pas poser des questions ! De plus, le cours dispose d'une garantie satisfaite ou rembourse de 30 jours. la demande de plusieurs participants, qui ont des difficults d'internet, j'ai activ le tlchargement de la formation sur l'ensemble de mes cours. Je suis ravi de partager mes connaissances avec vous et vous souhaite un max de succs !LA CERTIFICATION CISCO N'A JAMAIS T SI PROCHE DE VOUS !"
Price: 79.99 |
"Angular - Aprende a crear Aplicaciones Web con Angular!" |
"Este curso comienza absolutamente desde Cero para aprender Angular, No necesitas saber Angular 1 ni Angular 2! (Angular 8 es la ltima versin de Angular 2), slo necesitas tener las bases de HTML, CSS y JavaScript para aprovechar al mximo este curso.Estudiaremos desde la configuracin hasta la implementacin del framework de Angular, Este curso lo cubre todo! Aprenders todo sobre Componentes, Directivas, Servicios, Formularios, HTTP Access, Autenticacin, Optimizacin de una aplicacin Angular con mdulos y mucho ms, todo con ejemplos del mundo real.Pero eso no es todo! Este curso tambin te mostrar cmo usar el CLI de Angular y presentar un proyecto completo, que te permit practicar todas las cosas aprendidas a lo largo del curso!Y si tienes cualquier duda, te brindamos un soporte extremadamente rpido y amigable, NUNCA ESTARS SLO!Angular es uno de los frameworks frontend ms modernos, eficientes en rendimiento y potentes que puedas aprender. Te permitir crear excelentes aplicaciones web que ofrecen increbles experiencias de usuario. Aprende todos los fundamentos que necesita saber para comenzar a desarrollar aplicaciones Angular de inmediato.Este curso utiliza TypeScript. TypeScript es el idioma principal utilizado por el equipo oficial de Angular y el idioma que vers principalmente en los tutoriales de Angular. Es un superconjunto de JavaScript y hace que escribir aplicaciones de Angular sea realmente fcil. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de TypeScript no es necesario, el conocimiento bsico de JavaScript es suficiente. Adems tendrs cursos de bono totalmente gratis para aprender HTML, CSS y JavaScript si an no ests familiarizado con estas tecnologas. As que este curso comienza absolutamente desde cero.Por qu Angular?Angular es el framework JavaScript de mayor crecimiento en los ltimos aos. Es el sucesor de Angular.js. Las potentes funciones y capacidades de Angular te permitirn crear aplicaciones web complejas, personalizables, modernas, receptivas y fciles de usar.Angular 7 es la ltima versin de Angular.Angular es ms rpido que Angular 1 y ofrece un enfoque de desarrollo mucho ms flexible y modular. Despus de tomar este curso, podrs aprovechar por completo todas esas caractersticas y comenzar a desarrollar aplicaciones increbles de inmediato.Debido a las drsticas diferencias entre Angular 1 y Angular (= Angular 7), no necesitas saber nada sobre Angular.js para poder beneficiarte de este curso y construir tus proyectos con Angular.Este curso te ensear todos los aspectos bsicos sobre mdulos, directivas, componentes, databindings, routing, uso de HTTP access y mucho ms! En cada seccin crearemos un proyecto real. En cada uno de los ejemplos mostraremos las caractersticas que ofrece Angular y cmo aplicarlas a proyectos del mundo real.Especficamente aprenders:Arquitectura de AngularTypeScript para escribir aplicaciones con AngularDirectivas y componentesCmo funciona databindingTodo sobre enrutamiento (routing) y manejo de navegacin.Qu son los pipes y cmo usarlosCmo acceder a servicios web (por ejemplo, servidores RESTful)Inyeccin de dependencias y cmo usarlo.Creacin y uso de mdulos en AngularOptimizar la aplicacin Angular para produccinConexin a Firebase y FirestoreDespliegue de una aplicacin del mundo real a InternetAl final crearemos un proyecto del mundo realPor si fuera poco, te incluimos el curso de TypeScript:TypeScript (Lo esencial para aplicar este lenguaje con Angular)Y mucho ms!Por lo que puedes estar seguro de que aprenders muchsimo en este curso.Sin ms, te veo del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaFundador de Global Mentoring. Experiencia y Conocimiento para tu Vida."
Price: 19.99 |
"Java con JDBC, Netbeans y MySql" |
"Conexin a Bases de Datos con JDBCLeccin 1 - Comenzando con JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)La necesidad de una base de datosInstalando MySql y OracleDescarga de controladores (drivers) para conectarnos a la baseLeccin 2 - Conectando a la Base de Datos (BD)Pasos para conectarnos a una base de datos relacionalCdigo JDBC para conectarnos a la base de datosLeccin 3 - Sentencia SelectPasos para ejecutar la sentencia Select de SQL con JDBCUso de la sentencia select para leer la informacin de la BDLeccin 4 - Manipulando Datos con JDBCPasos para ejecutar las sentencias insert, update y deleteUso de las sentencias insert,update y delete para manipular informacinSeparacin de funciones select, insert, update y delete con JDBCLeccin 5 - Metadatos con JDBCConocimiendo la estructura de las tablas de BD con JDBCLa importancia del uso de Metadatos en JDBCLeccin 6 - Patrones de DiseoPatrn de Diseo DAO (Data Access Object)Patrn de Diseo DTO (Data Transfer Object) o VO (Value Object)Laboratorio Final con la integracin de todo lo visto en este Nivel"
Price: 19.99 |
"Python 3 Essentials" |
"Python today is among one of the most popular programming languages and this course will ensure that you get all your basics right about Python.Python is extensively used for Data Science and Machine Learning and is a popular choice for all things related to Data Extraction.This course helps you in building a strong Python foundation and helps you in leveraging the various opportunities that Python has to offer like Machine Learning, Data Science and Data Extraction, etc.So join this course now to hone your Python Basics skills."
Price: 64.99 |
"Quorum Blockchain For Professionals" |
"This course covers both functional and development aspects of Quorum Blockchain. It will help you to get a profound knowledge of Quorum blockchain, and it's working principles.Quorum is one of the first significant steps towards universal adoption of Blockchain among financial industries. Quorum is an enterprise-focused, private-permissioned blockchain infrastructure specifically designed for commercial use cases. Quorum was intended to appease many of the critical concerns that financial institutions have regarding blockchains.This training is a comprehensive, in-depth journey into Quorum. Quorum projects are designed for traditional businesses that are trying to improve internal data integrity, collaboration, and bring about cost-effective solutions within their organizations. It is an advanced online training designed for individuals to gather architectural knowledge on Quorum. This course covers a wide verity of topics such as Quorum ecosystem, Quorum Network, Quorum Transaction processing, and privacy, Quorum Contracts, Quorum consensus, Setting up a quorum environment, and more. Getting certified as a Quorum developer will fuel your career growth."
Price: 199.99 |
"Introduction to Raspberry Pi 4" |
"Hello learners, Welcome to MAKERDEMYs ""Introduction to Raspberry Pi 4"" course. This is an introductory course about Raspberry Pi 4, the credit-card sized computer, which is the latest & greatest in the line-up from the Raspberry Pi foundation. As this is a beginner level course, no prior knowledge of programming or electronics is required to start. If you are a hobbyist, a teacher, or an absolute beginner who wants to get introduced to the world of physical computing using the Raspberry Pi 4, this fully self-contained course is meant for you. We have tailored this course by giving equal importance to projects as well as the concepts. Furthermore, with numerous custom-made illustrations and animations, we have set the standard in terms of production quality. All so that you can have a terrific learning experience.By the end of the course, you will get deep insights into the hardware features of the Raspberry Pi 4. You will learn to configure and set up the software properly and also learn to do proper troubleshooting. You will become competent with Linux & Python programming. You will learn to work with several actuators & sensors like LED, Button, Light Sensor, Motion Sensor, Motors, Ultrasonic Sensors, and much more. You will be confident in working with UART, I2C, and SPI Protocols on the Raspberry Pi 4. You will also learn wireless communication using Bluetooth and implement an IoT project using the Cayenne Platform.So, come join me in this introductory course on the Raspberry Pi 4. I am looking forward to being your instructor and hearing about all the wonderful projects you were able to build after completing this course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Mockito & JUnit Unit Testing Fast, Simple & Practical" |
"THE BEST DEDICATED COURSE FOR ACQUIRING PRACTICAL UNIT TESTING SKILLS USING JUNIT & MOCKITOThe primary goal of this course is to teach you everything you need to become a professional unit tester using JUnit & Mockito. I will teach you the fundamental concepts of test-driven development and demonstrate how it's done. In each section I will give you a practical exercise to complete so you can practice your new Mockito & JUnit unit testing skills. The course will cover topics like:What is unit testing and what is it good forHow to install and configure JUnit & MockitoHow to write your first unit testJUnit runnersWhat is mocking?How to do mocking with MockitoMockito pitfallsMuch more...When you are finished with this course, you will be able to write complex unit tests using JUnit and Mockito and to cover as much as possible of the existing code of an application.By completing this course, you will have laid the foundation for your future development career with your new skills in unit testing. I look forward to meeting you in the course forum where I'll be available to help you along the way and answer questions that you might have.WHAT IS UNIT TESTING / JUNIT / MOCKITOUnit testing is a concept where you test your code at the smallest level possible. It is similar to how cars are tested. When you are developing different parts for a car, you have to test each part in isolation to verify whether it is working as expected or not. Once the test of that part runs clear, it is then integrated with the other components of the car to verify the integration.The same is true for software code where we need to test out functionality at the unit/class/interface/method level to ensure that everything is working as intended. JUnit is a unit testing framework that is widely used by Java programmers all over the world. It is one of the most capable testing frameworks which offers support and integration for a variety of other testing frameworks. It is currently presented in its fifth form, a form that has lots of improvements and support for the latest Java goodies.Mockito is a mocking framework that allows us to flexibly extend our unit testing capabilities without the overhead of having to maintain a large mock.TOP 3 BENEFITS OF LEARNING UNIT TESTING1: High demand. Unit testing has become very popular with the addition of CI/CD tools and it has become a basic skill that a developer needs in order to perform his everyday duty.2: A job requirement. ""Unit testing"" has become one of the most searched terms for hiring agencies when looking for new developers. Adding JUnit and Mockito skills to your CV will boost your chance of getting hired into your dream job.3: Creates the best code. Testable code is a readable and maintainable code. Why not use unit testing skills to build reliable applications instead of average applications full of bugs?FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhy do we need Mockito when we can use input data instead?Not using Mockito or any other mocking framework will make your test dependent on the environment that it is run on (databases, environment variables, etc).Second thing, we do not want to test the JDBC or other frameworks with which we connect different services, because they were tested and it does not bring any value to our development life-cycle.Why bother unit testing when we have testers?Well, testers are usually making what we call black-box testing, they cannot find all the edge-cases, they will just make sure that the requirements of the application are met when implementing. So, a lot of cases remain untouched until the deployment of the application to the end-user.How can I benefit from this course? You can benefit from this by completing it and then sharing it on your professional platforms and adding it to your LinkedIn certifications. This way, when recruiters search for ""Mockito"", ""JUnit"" and ""unit testing"" as keywords, your profile will show up and they will contact you. GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a refund. We only want happy students. ARE YOU READY TO LEARN PRACTICAL UNIT TESTING SKILLS WITH JUNIT & MOCKITO?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 199.99 |
"The ABC of Singing - Fundamentals of Singing for Beginners" |
"The ABC of SingingA is for AlignmentThis video series is aimed at people who are complete beginners but would like to learn more about singing.In this video, we go into detail about Alignment. It's an important and often-overlooked aspect of singing. You need to look after your body when you sing, otherwise you aren't going to be able to sing at your best.It's all about noticing any unnecessary tension you have in your body, and trying to release it.B is for BreathingIn this video, we are covering Breathing. Breathing is so important! It's one of the things which if you don't' get it right, it is pretty-much guaranteed to adversely affect your singing.One of the things a lot of pupils struggle with is knowing how to do deeper breathing. Some people call this abdominal breathing or diaphragmatic breathing.The first thing to note: the diaphragm is important for the INHALE ONLY. After that, it's the transversus abdominis (corset muscle) that controls your EXHALE.The one thing out of that process which pupils find the most difficult is controlling the exhale. Specifically, knowing what it feels like to utilise the corset muscle, being able to manipulate it when needed, and control the utilisation until the end of the sung phrase.C is for ConnectionI am going to go some quick and easy exercises which will help you to be more familiar with what it feels like to use your core muscles when singing.This subject can be confusing, as different genres of music refer to the 'core' and mean different things. In Musical Theatre, it refers to the core muscles but also the alignment of your whole upper body. When I am talking about the core in this video, I mean parts of your anatomy.This is a guide in how to engage these muscles, to build up your knowledge of how to engage them at will and incorporate that into your singing technique."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cook That Speech: A Quick Guide to Public Speaking" |
"The ability to hold an audience spellbound is... everything!Elections have been won, thanks to the ability to communicate effectively in public. Nations have gone to war, prompted by the masterful deliveries of great speakers. Companies have raised huge capital. Causes have received overwhelming support. Many good (and bad) results have been achieved by the people who had the ability to hold the attention of crowds. One thing is certain: public speaking is a skill any leader, or one who intends to be, should have.Olumide Adeleye, Founder of The Twim Art Institute in Nigeria, draws on his experiences delivering speeches to different audiences across the nation and presents an essential guide for people who are looking to develop their public speaking ability.Comparing public speaking to cooking soup, Olumide talks about gathering the ingredients for your speech, turning on the fire from your very first few seconds of speaking, sustaining the temperature of the room by keeping your speech alive, and knowing when it's time to turn off the fire."
Price: 29.99 |
"Lean Startup: About Entrepreneurship Outside Silicon Valley" |
"Do you want to accelerate your startup or project towards success? Lean Startup is a methodology that can help you through different tools and techniques, directly applicable to your ideas and increasing your chances of (big-time) success! Entrepreneurship has just become easier!What you will learn in this course:This course will make you familiar with the philosophy behind Lean Startup and the techniques that can be used to build a successful and scalable startup. With practical tips and examples you can apply these directly to your project, creating success in the real world!validation cyclescustomer discoveryinterviews, observations and experiments to validate your market Lean Startup Marketing and how to GET your first customersthe importance of having a business modelthe business model canvasprototyping and user experience how to present your ideaWhat my customers say:I am an experienced entrepreneur who has already achieved a record-breaking IPO. I am also a bestselling non-fiction author of 14 books/$3.8m+ sales and my work has been endorsed by many top business leaders. Inge is fantastic. I highly recommend her. Inge doesn't just have the brilliant professional knowledge to help you achieve your goals, she speaks the truth and has great intuition. Combine all these things and you can imagine how valuable her support is. I am certain you won't be disappointed. Thank you. Inge!J.B.Thank you so much for your help! Idk what it was about how you explained these concepts to me, but I had been struggling to understand them for two years and suddenly after talking to you it all made sense. I am forever grateful for your assistance and I will be coming to you for advisement in the future! Thank you so much again!B.Inge has taken the time to properly research my business and delivered an outstanding BMC along with very valuable suggestions that defiantly helped me in looking at my overall strategy & business model from a different prospective with highlighting the core activities that needs to be focused on. She's really professional and easy to communicate with. The work was delivered on time. REALLY recommended!!J.Provocative and out of the box approach to solving the problem. Not a rush job, but very thoughtful and insightful. Thanks for helping us out on this! Much appreciated.A.Inge is a great mentor, she helped me correct and refine my business plan and her expertise and advice were invaluable and vitally important in preparing my Business Model and Business Plan. Without her it would have been a mess. She is a highly skilled professional.S.We had a very good collaboration throughout the project. She is an expert in BM studies and I love to continue working with her. She delivered more than what we were expecting and really considering for long term cooperation. Thanks IngeA."
Price: 49.99 |
"Modern PHP Web Development w/ MySQL, GitHub & Bootstrap 4" |
"This course is designed to equip students with the skills required for creating dynamic web pages using PHP and MySQL. It further equips students with the fundamentals of PHP programming, while providing them with advanced features of the language. Immerse yourself in an end-to-end full-stack development experience, as we explore user interface design, business logic and hosting activities. By the end of this course, you will be able to build an attractive PHP application and host it for for future clients. Why Learn Development with PHP PHP was designed to make web development easier, and many beginners find it effortless to pick up and get started with. In fact, PHP code was so easy to pick up, many non-programmers end up being able to write PHP application in no time! The top 5 reasons to learn PHP are:Beginner FriendlinessDesigned to ScaleActive Support Community Career OpportunitiesFuture This course is practical and will equip you with all you need to build a fully functional web application, add it to source control using GitHub and finally, host it on Heroku. Languages and Technologies Used:PHP (HyperText Pre-Processor) - Server-Side Programming Language that allows us to build dynamic and data driven applicationsHTML and CSS - Standard Web Languages used to design web pagesVisual Studio Code (With extensions) - Development tool or IDE to help us write code faster.XAMPP Server - To facilitate Apache and MySQL ServersPhpMyAdmin - MySQL Management Tool built into XAMPP ServerGitHub - For Source Control and collaborationHeroku - For publishing website(s) PHP Application to the Cloud (Free with restrictions)NO other course on the market can equip you with these skills. Level up now and be a part of the modern PHP Developers' club!At the end of this course, you should be able to: Build a fully data driven web applicationUnderstand the PHP Application Flow Create and manage databases with phpMyAdmin and MySQL WorkbenchCreate PHP/MySQL queries with PDOSetup User Authentication and AuthorizationUse Bootstrap 4 CSS FrameworkUse JQuery and JQueryUIUse Visual Studio Code EfficientlyDeploy using Heroku HostingManage Projects with GitHubContent and OverviewTo feel comfortable in this course, you will need some prior knowledge of HTML and CSS. Beyond that, it is very beginner friendly, as we go through different programming structures using PHP. Even if you have no exposure to any web development, you will be able to follow along from scratch. This is a huge course. Over 10 hours of premium content, but smartly broken up to highlight a set of related activities based on each feature in the application that is being built. We will also look at troubleshooting and debugging errors as we go along; implementing best practices; writing efficient logic and understanding why developers do things the way they do. Your knowledge will grow, step by step, throughout the course and you will be challenged to be the best you can be.By the time you have finished the course you will have moved around in Visual Studio Code, XAMPP, GitHub and MySQL, that it will become second nature for you when working on a future PHP project. This will put your new learned skills into practical use and impress your boss and coworkers.The course is complete with working files hosted on GitHub, with the inclusion of some files to make it easier for you to replicate the code being demonstrated. You will be able to work alongside the author as you work through each lecture and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Clicking the Take This Course button could be the best step you could take towards quickly increasing your income and marketability! Also, remember that if you don't think the course is worth what you spent, you have a full 30 days to get a no questions asked refund!It's time to take action! This deal will not be available forever!Click the ""Buy Now"" button Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!"
Price: 199.99 |
100Windows10 |
Price: 2400.00 |
"StormPainter Studio: Know the basic options" |
"You want to know how to use a simple and powerful drawing software? Paintstorm studio is done for you! In this course, we are going to see how to use it, its options, layers, tools and so forth... All the basics options to know how to draw with it are going to be reviewed and explained. We are also going to see a couple of examples about how you can apply these options."
Price: 19.99 |
"101 AutoCAD Quiz Questions and Answers for Job Interviews" |
"This course consists of 101 high quality quiz questions prepared by industry experts who take job interviews of technical people. This course does not depend upon the version of AutoCAD that you have learned. You have a in-depth understanding of AutoCAD after this course. Because the questions will force you to explore the AutoCAD tools further and while doing so you will become an expert in AutoCAD. Guaranteed."
Price: 19.99 |
"Nikon DSLR Photography: Getting Started with Your DSLR" |
"This is the only online Nikon camera course you need to learn how to use your camera to take amazing photos!Get comfortable using all of the buttons and features of your Nikon DSLR. Be confident taking great photos and understanding basic photography settings.Quickly navigate your camera's menu to change any setting you want.By the end of this course, you should be able to pick up your camera in any situation, and use it to take beautiful photos. We want photography to be fun for you, and by knowing the ins and outs of your camera, it will help you to not only become a better photographer but also have a great time shooting photos.In this course, we basically try to cover every button, dial, menu option and feature of a typically Nikon DSLR. What do we cover in this Nikon DSLR course?Quickstart guide to automatically taking great photosOverview of the camera body, buttons, dials and portsTaking a photoReviewing a photoExposing your photos properlyAutomatic shooting modesBurst and other drive modesFocus modes and pointsMetering modesExposure compensationWhite balanceColor profilesThe Nikon menu systemFormatting a memory cardUsing the internal flashUsing an external flashReading the histogramWifi connection and Nikon smartphone appThe viewfinder and diopterNikon video modesRecording audioUsing an external microphoneChoosing a lensSD card optionsND filtersand so much more!Who is this course for and what cameras is it good for?This course is perfect if you are brand new to using a Nikon DSLR. This course is great if you have zero experience with photography or if you already know a lot about photography, but are new to Nikon DSLR cameras. Please note that this course will teach you how to use your Nikon DSLR camera. It is not a complete photography course that will teach you the artistic and creative side of photography. This course is a more tech-specific course.We taught this course using one of the latest Nikon DSLRs in their budget DX DSLR series (the most popular camera for beginner photographers). Even if you are not using a Nikon DX camera, this course should be beneficial to you. Most Nikon DSLR cameras are very similar and have similar options, buttons and features. Specifically our demonstrations use the D3500.If you have a Nikon D5300, D7200, D5500, D500, D3400, D3500, D5600, D7500, D850, D5, D810, D750, D610, Df, D810A or any other model of Nikon camera, this course should help you.100% Money-back GuaranteeIf you are unsatisfied with the course, or if it just isn't for you, we have a 30-day money-back guarantee. Our goal is to make sure you love this course! We are always listening to students and improving our courses to make them even better. If you ever have a suggestion on how to make this course better, just let us know!What are you waiting for?If you want to learn how to take amazing photos with your Nikon DSLR, enroll now!See you in class!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Programming in Blazor - ASP.NET Core 3.1" |
"Blazor is a Microsoft technology that allows us to make interactive web applications with C# without using JavaScript.In this course we will learn to develop web applications with Blazor.Throughout the course we will create an application applying what has been learned.We will go from the basics to the advanced. We will create forms, components, entities, relations with our entities, and user system with roles and more.We will use an ASP.NET Core 3.1 application to serve our Blazor project, and with Entity Framework Core 3.1 we will create our database.In the end, we will use Azure services, such as Azure App Service and Azure DevOps, to publish our application to production."
Price: 64.99 |
"PIC Microcontroller EEPROM: A Step By Step Practical Course" |
">>> As you know PIC Microcontroller is a Professional electronic device that is easy-to-use in both hardware and software. It has so many potentials in it, that it's really wired how people are just using it for basic stuff using traditional and basics techniques. <<<Have you ever wondered how data for new passwords, set values for temperature are stored inside PIC Microcontroller memory when they are entered by an operator/user, and how this data is kept even when the power is lost??This course will show you how this is done, It's the magic of EEPROM You will enter Microcontroller Advance EEPROM Memory World, and together we will make YOU a Professional.Welcome to this course.This course is dedicated to moving you to the next level, teaching you professional and advanced Memory handling techniques.Be professional, be creative and be innovative using PIC Microcontroller EEPROM to store important data.This course is designed to introduce PIC Microcontroller EEPROM Advance programming techniques to get you started on building complex multi-functional projects as soon as possible.EEPROM make it possible to save important data in a specific memory location. An EEPROM is basically a type of memory that you can use to store data even that won't be lost even if the power is off, for sensitive, high priority data.Unleash Your Inner Master With this CoursePIC Microcontroller Advanced Programming TechniquesWhat is EEPROM?EEPROM in PICEECON Register EEPROM RegistersEEPROMPractical ExamplesContents and Overview This course is designed for anyone interested in learning advanced PIC Microcontroller Programming Techniques. No experience is required, and all you need is PIC Microcontroller and several low-cost components."
Price: 199.99 |
"Documentation Used for Business Analysis (IIBA - ECBA)" |
"The Documentation and Criteria Used for Business Analysis is the 11th course of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes a total of 14 courses. In this course, we're going to look at types of documents you will use as a business analyst. Some of them are glossaries and business rules you'll need, others are documents you'll create that contain business cases, use cases, and user stories. The final type of documents we'll look at contain metrics and criteria you'll use for evaluating performance and establishing requirements.Glossaries and Rules1. Glossary and Data Dictionary2. Concept Modeling3. Business Rules Analysis4. Exercise: Understanding Glossaries and RulesBusiness and Use Cases1. Business Cases2. Business Capability Analysis3. Use Cases and Scenarios4. Sequence Diagrams5. User Stories6. Exercise: Understanding Business and Use CasesMetrics and Criteria1. Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 2. Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria3. Nonfunctional Requirements Analysis4. Exercise: Understanding Metrics and CriteriaYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Make Money Writing: Your Ultimate Guide to Earn as a Writer" |
"So, want to create more ebooks, reach more readers and sell a ton of books, starting today? In the recent years, the book market has become even more and more saturated and has given rise to intense competition that will continue in 2020. This ultimate video course ""Make Money Writing: Your Ultimate Guide to Earn as a Writer"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and Stefi is for you. This course will help you to discover the right tools to create kindle ebooks extremely quick, improve your book's visibility among your target audience and also help you sell more books by publishing it to numerous platforms at one go!This mind-blowing course consists of video tutorials that will teach you secrets to kickstart your writing business and help you make money taking your writing skills as a weapon. What's more? You will learn to analyse sentiment and emotions in your writing with a powerful cloud-tool. You will even learn how to make a ebook cover, video trailer in Hollywood style to promote your Kindle Book to your maximum potential. Enrol now and let's start booming. Let's get busy and start changing your life one step at a time. Invest in your future and take your book marketing to the next level by creating and selling more books.What you'll get: Lifetime access to this course Practical tips that will bring you results Friendly support in the Q&A section Udemy certificate of completion"
Price: 1600.00 |
"The Best Content Marketing Strategy" |
"If you are a business owner it is imperative to have an effective content marketing strategy that will continually bring in new c customers and keep old customers loyal to your brand. If you don't already have this or you are looking for ways to help expand your business's marketing, then this course is what you NEED MOST!Whatever the case may be for you, this course will shed some light for you and will dramatically improve your business.In this course you will learn:What Is a Content Marketing Strategy?What Are the Different Forms of Content Marketing?How to Create an Effective Content Marketing StrategyThe Platforms You Can Use To MarketHow to Stand Out from Competitors Using Online MarketingAnd much more!Try out this course and start implementing these advanced techniques today."
Price: 19.99 |
"Mapping Customer Journeys & Dealing With Customer Complaints" |
"The customer experience is 70% of the buying decision, so providing a great customer experience is a critical factor for succeeding in business.This concise two part course explains:What customer experience meansThe 6 key elements of a great customer experienceCommon mistakes businesses makeHow to apply each element in business for fast, profitable, sustainable growthHow to deal with customer complaintsHow to turn customer complainers into customer advocatesBy the end of the course you will:Understand what areas of business impact the customer experienceKnow the 6 key elements of a great customer experienceUnderstand how you can turn a customer complaint into a win for your businessWho is Nigel Greenwood?Nigel has spent 30 years creating great customer experiences, is a successful author, presenter and lecturer, but is mostly someone who likes to keep things simple. He says it as it is, knows what customers want and loves making a difference."
Price: 49.99 |
"CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) - CAS-003 Test" |
"This is the Only course in udemy where you will find 100+ hand picked question/answer that will help you to pass CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) - CAS-003 on your 1st attempt. Take the course with confident and boost your career to the next level...and become a certified SAP Technology Associate.Exam Details:Exam Name: CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) - CAS-003 ExamTotal Duration of The Exam: 120 MinutesTotal Questions: 100+Pass Mark: 75% Question Type: Multiple Choice, Selection.Key Points:1. Question/ answer are always update with the exam.2. This Practice Test will help you to get 80% or more score in the real exam.3. Guaranteed confidence boost and pass the exam in 1st attempt.4. 30 Days, no question ask money back guaranteed if you are not satisfied.So take this course with confident....."
Price: 49.99 |
"Konfliktmanagement am Arbeitsplatz und in Unternehmen" |
"Fhlen Sie sich unwohl, missverstanden und frustriert wenn Sie an Konflikte an ihrem Arbeitsplatz denken?Die Wahrheit ist, dass Konflikte ein unvermeidlicher Teil des Arbeitslebens sind, und sie betreffen nicht nur die direkt Beteiligten, sondern das gesamte Team, die Abteilung und die Organisation. Herzlich willkommen zu diesem Kurs Konfliktmanagement. Konflikte sind zunchst einmal etwas ganz natrliches und unvermeidbar und Konfliktfreiheit ist eine Illusion. Meinungsverschiedenheiten und Meinungsaustausch sind wesentliche Elemente der Kommunikation, der persnlichen Entwicklung und des Lernens. Allerdings verlaufen diese Konflikte nicht immer konstruktiv. Sobald das der Fall ist, kommt Konfliktmanagement mit den Inhalten dieses Kurses zum Tragen.Konflikte sind dabei Faktoren, die stark zum Stresserleben im Beruf beitragen. Konflikte treten nicht nur zwischen den Mitarbeitern auf, sondern auch zwischen Mitarbeitern und Fhrungskrften oder mit Kunden. Soziale Konflikte im Arbeitsleben werden von vielen Beschftigten als starker Stressauslser erlebt. Gerade Konflikte mit den engsten Kollegen und mit dem eigenen Vorgesetzten knnen das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz deutlich beeintrchtigen und zu Absentismus fhren. Wenn diese Streitigkeiten nicht sachlich und konstruktiv ausgetragen werden, knnen sie weiter eskalieren, bis hin zum Mobbing. Wenn umgekehrt gar nicht gestritten wird, reden die Kollegen mglicherweise nicht mehr genug miteinander, unterschiedliche Sichtweisen werden nicht besprochen und die Zusammenarbeit leidet.In der Wirtschaft wird eine Dienstleistungs- und Servicementalitt immer wichtiger. Dies erfordert von den Beschftigten einen sehr hohen Grad an Kommunikations- und Konfliktfhigkeit. Sind diese nicht vorhanden, knnen Konflikte leichter entstehen, werden schlechter und spter gelst und fhren hufig zu einem starken Stresserleben, weil Kunden und damit auch Kollegen unzufrieden sind.Schulungen zum Konfliktmanagement sind daher als wichtige Manahme zur Stressprvention anzusehen. Sie knnen mit Techniken des Konfliktmanagements und der Deeskalation Ihre eigene Belastung und Ihren Stresspegel deutlich senken.Wofr ist dieser Kurs und was soll damit erreicht werden:Als Person konfliktfhig zu sein bedeutet:Konfliktphnomene in sich selbst und in der Umgebung mglichst frh und deutlich wahrnehmenVerstehen, welche Mechanismen zur Intensivierung der Konflikte und Verstrickung beitragenVielfltige Methoden anwenden knnen, mit denen das eigene Anliegen zum Ausdruck gebracht werden kann, ohne die Situation wesentlich zu verschlimmernWege kennen und Mittel anwenden, die zur Klrung von Standpunkten und Situationen beitragenGut erkennen knnen, wo die Grenzen des eigenen Wissens und Knnens liegen und wo man sich deshalb um Hilfe von auen bemhen sollteWenn die Menschen konfliktfhiger geworden sind, knnen die Organisationen konfliktfester gemacht werdenZieleSie erkennen eigene und andere Wahrnehmungsmuster in KonfliktsituationenSie berprfen und reflektieren Einstellungen und BewertungenSie unterscheiden verschiedene Arten von KonfliktenSie erweitern Ihre Mglichkeiten der KonfliktbewltigungSie verfgen ber konstruktive LsungsstrategienSie nehmen eine empathische Haltung einSie entwickeln Gelassenheit"
Price: 59.99 |
"Entrance For Ancient Egyption History ,Predynastic Ages" |
"This course is an important introduction to the study of ancient Egyptian history in particular. We will study glimpses of prehistoric times, such as the old stone age, the neolithic age, the age of the beginning of minerals, the pre-dynastic era, and glimpses of this era, such as the nature of the atmosphere, religion and the unification of the country and some Egyptian gods."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Accept Online Payments With PayPal And Stripe" |
"Dear Friend,Everyone knows what PayPal is. Youve probably used it to buy things online and to pay for auctions.Did you know that PayPal can also be used to accept credit cards at your site?You dont need to use an expensive merchant account thats extremely difficult to set up.PayPal has you covered, and you can do more than peer to peer payments.Set Up Your Own Shopping CartHaving a shopping cart on your site is extremely important. You need to make sure that the customers can buy when theyre ready.You dont want them to have to go through unnecessary processes that will make buying too tricky.People want to buy and pay for the item when they see it.If you make them jump through too many hoops, theyll buy from another site.Youd do the same thing, and thats the truth.Sell Digital Products Quickly And EasilyEveryone knows that digital products are big money makers.You need to act when the iron is hot. Instant downloads are so important if a customer has an interest in what you have to sell them.No one wants to wait hours or even days for a download link to be sent to them. They want to download the digital product within moments after paying.Using PayPal will make it happen, and itll all be effortless.The customer will have their product, and youll get paid for it too.PayPal Is A Name Everyone TrustsWhen was the last time you gave your credit card information to a payment processor that seemed sketchy at best?Everyone at some point has done it while hoping nothing bad happens to their card.Customers trust PayPal, and theyre familiar with their services.Your customers will trust the PayPal logo and know theyre protected.PayPal is accepted worldwide and everyone who shops online knows who they are.Dear Friend,Stripe is quickly becoming a leader in online payment processing. You may be considering using them to process your payments.Theres a lot of jargon for you to learn and some of it may sound complicated. Most of what youre going to be dealing with is standard procedure.Its stuff that youll end up dealing with over and over again.However, it can be very confusing in the beginning.You can feel in over your head in a matter of no time flat.Being Able To Accept Payments Quickly Is A MustYou may be processing payments using a peer to peer processor. You know, the type where you send money directly to email accounts.A method like this is suitable for beginners who dont generate much revenue from their site. Youre probably discovering now that youll need to do more.Buyers want to be able to purchase something right away when the desire hits them.They dont want to wait around for you to answer their email and send payment information to them.Stripe Lets You Cut Through The Red TapeYoull be able to accept payments whenever the customer wants to buy something automatically.All they have to do is enter in their credit or debit card information.Stripe will then take care of the rest and eventually send you your money. Everything will happen effortlessly after youve set it all up.The whole process may seem complicated now, but it wont after you have everything in motion.Itll just be a matter of the customer choosing what they want and paying for it.Satisfy The Needs Of Your CustomersThey want to buy from you. Are you making the whole process more difficult than it needs to be?Its time for you to switch to Stripe.Its the painless alternative to sending money the old-fashioned way online. You know, via email with other services.Stripe will make sure that the entire process is easy for the end user. Theyll handle the whole process of the transaction from start to finish.All youll have to do is collect the money and give the customer what they paid for.How To Accept Online Payments With PayPal and StripeWatch as I show you the how you can easily get started with PayPal and Stripe.In this video training I reveal all my best tips to you on what I do and what are the tools I use to get it done fast.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.We Take The Confusion Out Of The Entire ProcessTheres a lot to learn when it comes to accepting credit cards on your site using PayPal ans stripe.No one is going to say that youre going to learn it in a mere matter of minutes.However, our videos explain everything in a very easy to follow format.Youll have your very own e-commerce site up and running accepting PayPal and stripe.Customers will be able to pay you using their credit card, and youll receive their payments quickly and efficiently.PayPal and stripe make running a business online easy, and our videos will answer any questions that you have.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This course:Learn how to create an account with PayPal.Learn how to create an account with Stripe.Learn how to configure all the settings properly with all vital information.How to set up a bank account and a credit card to receive money.How to work with PayPal interface and features.How to work with Stripe interface and features.Learn about the multiple types of PayPal account levels.How to set up your first payment button and place it on your website.Learn the best practices of PayPal to prevent a shutdown.What you need to have on your website to stay within PayPal policies.How to look professional and keep your account safe.Integrating The Stripe Gateway With Shopping Carts.***************************************************************************************30-Day Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free!****************************************************************************************Udemy has 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk.You have a 30-day money-back guarantee.***************************************************************************************Lets start success together! Click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page right NOW! Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams.The Elite Team Groupprofessionals of Entrepreneurs, Market Experts and Online Tutors."
Price: 179.99 |
"Django Basic Tutorial" |
"Django is a high-level Python-based free and open-source web framework, which follows the model-view-template (MVT) architectural pattern. It is maintained by the Django Software Foundation (DSF). Django's primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites. Some well-known sites that use Django include the Public Broadcasting Service, Instagram, Mozilla, The Washington Times, Disqus, Bitbucket, and Nextdoor. In this video we will see: What is Framework Why to use Django Framework Static and dynamic website How Django can be used What is MVT in Django"
Price: 19.99 |
"Filemaker Server 18 ve Webdirect ile web uygulamalar" |
"Filemaker 18 ve yukars ile tasarlam olduunuz uygulamalarnz paylama amak istiyorsanz bu kursumuz tam size gre. Bu kursun sonunda,Uygulamalarnz aadaki ekilde paylama amay renmi olacaksnz:Webdirect ile web paylam: Hi kod yazmadan Filemaker uygulamalarnz bir ka ayarla web paylamna aabilirsiniz,OS zerinden paylama ama: Elinizdeki ipad ve iphone ile uygulamaya eriimi reneceksiniz.A paylam: Uygulamalarnz a ortamnda paylama amay reneceksiniz.Dosyalarnz nasl yedekleyeceinizi, kullanclara mesaj gndermeyi, kullanclarnz ynetmeyi ve daha pek ok eyi reneceksiniz."
Price: 149.99 |