"Mastering CodeIgniter to Build Awesome Applications" |
"Hello, Welcome to the course Mastering CodeIgniter to Build Awesome ProjectsIn this course you will learn everything from setting up code igniter application to building an awesome crud application covering all the features in CodeIgniter.Covered Everything about Models Views and Controllers that you should know.You will learn connecting to Database in CodeIgniter and performing all the CRUD Operations with SQL queries and CodeIgniter's Query Builder.Covered about Helpers, Libraries also autoloading helpers/libraries in CodeIgniterForms are covered in In-depth, You will learn everything that you need to know while working with forms in CodeIgniter. That is Form Validations, Populating Form Data and File Uploads.Finally Integrating Forms with Databases, performing all the CRUD operations with forms as you have seen in the CRUD application.Working with Routes in CodeIgniter and Removing the index.php file from all the URL'sUsing CodeIgniter Sessions to display flash messages.Take Action and Join the Course.Will see you inside the Course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Microsoft Office 2016 Bundle - Maximize your productivity!" |
"Welcome to the course where you can learn Microsoft Office2016from the very beginning! Nicely designed for beginners to get a great start while helping more experienced users fill in any gaps in their knowledge.Microsoft Office2016 Bundle - Maximize your productivity!guides you through Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPointand looksinto the practical application of its numerous functionalities.The video lessons touch on several topics such as text formatting, working with objects, inserting section breaks and page numbering, how to create cells and use them as well as creating presentations.Besides that, we will discuss how toinsert footnotes and endnotes, improve the layout of text documents, prepare mail merges,how to take advantage of Words spelling, about page payout in Excel, how to work with formulas and how to make your presentation to look professionalin PowerPoint.Finally, we will focus on the Track Changes feature, which allows you to collaborate with several people in a smooth manner as well as how to present you slideshow in PowerPoint.It is important for you to specialize these features because employers consider thesesoftwares a necessary pre-requisite before selecting you for a given job.With this course you will be confident with Word, Excel and PowerPointin the workplace but also you have a possibility to do everything you need for personal use, hobbies, non-profit, volunteering or running your own business.A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.This is important becausethis is valuable confirmation indicating you are familiar with the program and that you would not need tutoring on the job. You can include it in your resume.If you don't have training certificate it will just make easy to your competition to beat you.This self-learning video formatallows you to study on your own pace. Watch videos as you have time, then come back to learn more later.Now you have a chance to become a master at using threeof the world's most popular computer applications - MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.So don't wait anymore! Click 'Enroll' and see you in the course!"
Price: 149.99 |
"The YouTube affiliate complete marketing course" |
"If I would give you 1 minute of promotion in CNN-imagine what can happen to your businessNow think that I can give you an access to the giant media engine that will dliver traffic to your offers 24/7 by demandIn this course I will teach you every thing you need to know in order to create a funnel that bring hot targeted traffic to your sales page and web site using this giant media provider.So now when you know what you can get the only question that you need to ask your self is how much would you like to get from it ? this course will guide you step by step how to create a real online funnel that drive sales to your bank account"
Price: 34.99 |
"Make profit from your Email list" |
"This course is about to teach you how to treat your mailing list.You know that th list that you have is the most important thing that you can earn and hold in your businessThis course will show you how to talk to your audience and they will give you their credit card in returnThis is a must have course for any online marketer"
Price: 34.99 |
"internet marketing- become an internet star" |
"internet marketing- become an internet star is about to show you and guide you through your internet marketing effortsAs you knowatthis days it's not easy to get a customer and it can be very hard to do-especially onlineWith all this competition you must be the best - nothing less -in this course internet marketing I will guide you step by step how you can dominate the competition and learn new and advanced skills on your marketing strategy that will teach you every thing you need to know in this advanced marketing strategy gameand internet marketingSo grab your self a copy from my new course ...and see you on the beaches of Costa Rica"
Price: 39.99 |
"Affiliate marketing-clickbank affiliate" |
"Affiliate marketing- Affiliate marketing-clickbank affiliate - those are the things nobody told you Is all about improving your skills and creating your traffic more easy and low costMarketing strategy that bring costumers to your affiliate offerI know what it takes to create traffic - as I've build an online college that converts leads every single daySo in this course I've put together some of the best ideas and techniques that you can implement right now This course is about to change every thing you know about internet marketing - so let me know how it was"
Price: 44.99 |
"Create traffic with blogs" |
"Create traffic with blogs -in this course you will learn how to create free traffic using blogs.Since day one blog has been one of the main sources to create traffic to our websites.The organic search words creates valid recommendation for the costumer and it last for longWith payed advertising you depends on daily expanses but with blogging it's freeSo now it's your decision if you prefer to pay for your results or the results will pay you"
Price: 39.99 |
"Facebook marketing-create Facebook ads" |
"The Facebook marketing secrets that know one told you is the most advanced E-course that you can put your hands onIn this course, you will go step by step over the basic and the advanced techniques that creates targeted visitors to your siteEvery online effort that you do must create ONE THING - traffic = salesThe online reality is changing every day-this course will teach you the things that ever last and will give you the unfair advantage for The Facebook marketing secrets for businessSee you inclass"
Price: 39.99 |
"Java - Programmieren fr Anfnger" |
"Dieses Java-Seminar gibt sich nicht damit zufrieden, Ihnen die Syntax von Java beizubringen. Vielmehr geht es darum, Ihnen die Grundlagen der praktischen Informatik am Beispiel von Java zu vermitteln.D.h., es werden elementare Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen (Kellerspeicher(Stack), Schlangen(Queue), Bume(Tree) vermittelt sowie dasSuchen und Sortieren oder das Vergleichen von Zeichenketten und vieles andere mehr. Sie lernen eine Vielzahl von Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, die Sie dann auch in der Java-Dokumentation wiederfinden, so dass Sie in die Lage versetzt werden, diese zu verstehen und selbststndig zu nutzen.Anhand ausgesuchter bungsaufgaben und Musterlsungen lernen Sie den vermittelten Stoff in praktische Programme umzusetzen. Alle bungsaufgaben sind grundstzlich so gestaltet, dass Sie bei deren Lsung zustzliches Wissen erlangen. Das setzt ein gewisses Ma an Eigeninitiative voraus! - Zu allenbungsaufgaben gibt es Musterlsungen.Sie lernen alle erforderlichen Grundlagen, um selbststndig Programme entwerfen und erfolgreich implementierenzu knnen."
Price: 94.99 |
"Go (Golang): Explorando a Linguagem do Google" |
"Go a linguagem desenvolvida pelo Google para resolver problemas da escala que a gigante da tecnologiatem e, sem dvida, essa linguagem tambm vai ajudar a turbinar as suas aplicaes.Ele uma das poucas linguagens que surgiu depois dos processadores com mltiplos ncleos e isso fez com que a linguagem tenhamecanismo deconcorrncia no cerneda linguagem, o que a torna ideal para aplicaes na qual so exigidos um alto grau de desempenho.Go uma linguagem enxuta, moderna, compilada (muito rpida), que tem vrios recursos que iro te ajudar nos desafios de desenvolver uma aplicao escalvel!No perca tempo e se matricule para aprender essa linguagem fantstica!"
Price: 204.99 |
"Curso Web Moderno com JavaScript 2020 COMPLETO + Projetos" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao Curso Web Moderno com JavaScript! COMPLETO 2020 + Projetos! Esse que talvez seja o maior e mais completo curso de tecnologia do mercado. So quase 500 aulas divididas em 32 captulos com mais de 75 horas. Alm dos fundamentos e vrios exerccios, so vrios projetos com as principais tecnologias da atualidade com aplicao na vida real, te ensinando a ser um desenvolvedor Web desde o bsico at ao nvel profissional avanado..Tudo que voc precisa aprender para construir aplicaes modernas para Web voc aprender aqui e com aplicaes reais.Desenvolvimento Web hoje um dos assuntos mais relevantes do momento porque o mercado respira Web. E Se voc deseja ser um profissional preparado para o mercado e no quer aprender apenas frmulas, mas o porqus, esse curso a escolha certa pra voc.Neste curso iremos abordar o desenvolvimento Web de ponta a ponta, para que voc seja capaz de construir uma aplicao com as principais tecnologias do mercado. So 13 cursos dentro de um s. Voc ir aprender Javascript, que hoje a linguagem da atualidade, vrias empresas esto migrando suas bases de PHP, Python e outras para terem suas bases completamente feitas em javascript. Tambm ir aprender Node, os ltimos recursos de HTML e CSS, Gulp, Webpack, jQuery, Bootstrap, React ( Tecnologia usada por umas das maiores empresas do mundo, o Facebook), Vue JS, ExpressJS, MySQL e MongoDB.O melhor de tudo que durante a nossa jornada iremos agrupar essas tecnologias em desafios e projetos para consolidar o seu conhecimento. Voc aprender a dominar tecnologias de frontend - que a parte da aplicao executada no browser do usurio, e tecnologias de backend - que o cdigo executado no lado do servidor. O curso vai abranger essas duas partes, alm de se preocupar muito com os fundamentos que so comuns toda aplicao. Nesse curso voc tambm ir aprender os paradigmas de programao usados na Web Moderna: Funcional, Orientao a Objeto e etc. Aplicaes Web baseadas em Componentes. Contedo suficiente para voc conseguir um emprego como desenvolvedor Web Fullstack e se tornar um desenvolvedor Web de sucesso.Um dos maiores diferenciais dos nossos cursos que Ns no ensinamos apenas frmulas, voc vai terminar esse curso entendendo os porqus, a lgica de como a coisa acontece, o que vai te tornar um profissional muito mais qualificado e competitivo no mercado. E no projeto final do curso iremos desenvolver uma aplicao exclusiva que surgiu de uma necessidade real da Cod3r. Assista a essa aula sem custo e confira o que voc vai poder desenvolver junto com a gente.Por isso o que temos aqui no apenas um curso, e sim um agrupamento de 13 cursos e um investimento certo pra sua carreira. Assista as aulas abertas e confira a qualidade do nosso contedo, e veja tambm, os comentrios dos nosso alunos sobre a nossa didtica. Somos a escola de tecnologia com uma das melhores avaliaes do mercado. No tenho dvida que voc estar fazendo um excelente investimento se juntando nossa comunidade de mais de 50 mil alunos.E sabe o que mais? Voc vai receber um certificado de concluso ao final do curso, e o seu acesso vitalcio, no expira. E se mesmo depois de tudo que apresentamos, mesmo assim voc no gostou do curso, ns garantimos o seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias aps a compra de forma simples.Invista na sua carreira, venha pra Cod3r.Grande abrao e bons estudos!"
Price: 579.99 |
"Chatbot para Telegram com Node + 3 Projetos" |
"Seja muitobem vindo ao curso de Chatbot para Telegram com Node.Nesse curso, voc ver como muito simples criar um bot no Telegram para automatizar diversas atividades do seu dia-a-dia e da sua empresa tambm.O curso 100% prtico, onde ser mostrado o poder do uso do Telegram como uma interface de comunicao entre o usurio e o seu sistema.Os bots sero criados em Node.js utilizando uma biblioteca que vai simplificar ainda mais nosso desenvolvimento.Alm de apresentar vrias formas paratratar mensagens do usurios e como voc pode apresentar seu contedo de maneira melhor estruturada, tambm faremos 3 projetos para abrir a sua mente nesse novo mundo de comunicao e te ajudar a ter novas ideias:Lista de comprasAgenda de eventosChatbot de apresentao do cursoAo final do curso, voc ter uma boa base dos principais recursos de interface para desenvolver seus prprios bots. As possibilidades so infinitas, cabendo a voc aplic-las s suas necessidades. ;)"
Price: 174.99 |
"Pass The Certified Blockchain Developer Exam - Ethereum CBDE" |
"Seen Everyone Get Involved With Blockchain, But Youre Not Sure On How To?Got Involved With The Blockchain, But Not Sure On How To Certify Your Knowledge?Maybe Youre An Experienced Professional, And Want To Gain A Blockchain Certification?Well, worry no more!I am officially inviting you to join a distinguished group of learnersWho Will Be Among The First To Gain Their Ethereum Blockchain Certification.This course is the most complete course online helping to pass the Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE) exam, within record time!By passing the exam youll gain a recognised certification, by the Blockchain Training Alliance, which can be taken at anyPearson VUE exam centre.No Doubt This Will Enhance Your Professional Blockchain Proficiency Standing!Before I continue with details of the course, let me tell you more about the certification.Accredited by the Blockchain Training Alliance, where Pearson VUE is a program partner.The Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum exam, is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in this emerging space.The exam is a 70 question multiple-choice exam that lasts 1.5 hours, and is a performance-based evaluation of Ethereum Development know-how.Internet access is not provided during the exam, nor is any course material or study guides.In other wordsWe Have Created This Course In Collaboration With The Blockchain Training AllianceTo prepare you for everything you need to successfully pass the certification exam.Youll gain a step-by-step blueprint within this course providing you with all the knowledge you need, in order to successfully pass the exam!As recognition of gaining your accreditation, you'lljoina community of Blockchain leaders. Which comes monthlyupdates via email and video.Most important, you will help shrink the sobering skills gap the blockchain ecosystem is facing.The price includes all the video content you need to pass, lifetime access, support, all future updates, and a 30 day money back guarantee.We Hope To See You Gain Your Ethereum Blockchain Certification Soon!We'vesecured an exclusive discount for the exam, all students will gain $20 off the exam fee, hence investing in ourcourse isno brainer. Join today!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Drone Photography For Real Estate" |
"Drone Photography BusinessCourse CoveringEverything You Need Start AReal Estate Drone Photography Business.""Great course and Greg even goes above and beyond at the end.""******************************************************************************************Discover Drone Photography For Real EstateTips To Ensure Your Success:- What drone photographyequipmentis thebest on a budget!- How to get commercially drone certified easily!-Specific drone photographysettingsto use for your drone!- How toeditthe dronephotos fast and easily!- How tosend a downloadable linkto the dronephotos!- How tosendprofessional onlineinvoices!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30-days you get your money back!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************This course is a small investment that will repay itself many times over.******************************************************************************************Starting a real estate drone business or adding drone to your services is very profitable.Learn from numerous years of very profitable real estate drone photographybusiness experience.Great for beginners with no experience and even advanced photographers with years of experience.The course covers all the basics for those at the beginner level then gets into the advanced content for those with experience.Let me share my Real Estate Drone Business secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?Don't miss out on all the real estate drone jobs out there!******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""To the point, no BS, and doable unlike other courses who assume you have unlimited cash.""""Solid information, well worth the time to view.""""This course more than earned a 5 stars for me. Short and sweet I learned a lot. Highly recommended.""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 89.99 |
"How To Start A T-Shirt Business FAST: No Costs Or Inventory" |
"T-Shirt Business Course CoveringEverything To Start A T-Shirt Business Without Any Costs!""Easily digestible, no gimmicks, makes sense; now it's time to get to work!""******************************************************************************************Learn Everything About A T-Shirt BusinessEnsure Your Success:-How To Sell T-ShirtsWITHOUT PAID ADVERTISING!-The BEST Shirt Designing Smartphone App!- Sell T-ShirtsOnline Without Buying A Website or Shopify!- How To Optimize Your T-ShirtsFor Sales AndSell ContinuouslyLong-Run!-Given AFREECopy-Paste Description To Turn Lookers IntoBuyers!-How To Market Your T-ShirtBusiness On Social Media For Free!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30 days you get your money back!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************FREE Apps Included To Design T-Shirts! No Need For A Graphic Designer!This method allows you to start a commercial gradet-shirt company without any risk or upfront costs. There aren't even any costs going forward!Learn how to sell t-shirts andnever have to outsource artwork or pay for advertising!Put in a few weeks of hard work then sit back and watch your t-shirt sales add up! You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.This course is seriously life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it! You'll be walked through how the new rich people get that way and how today's smart money is made. Selling t-shirts allowsyou to work from home or anywhere with internet and earnpassive incomelong into the future. This course is the best wayto start making with your own t-shirt business.Learn from years of t-shirt businessexperience, all the Trade Secrets and T-Shirt BusinessTricks/Tips are included in this course.Let me share my t-shirt business secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""Detailed instruction, step by step, clear, concise and to the point without a bunch of filler.""""I have learned a lot about the t-shirt business, and I'm still learning from Greg. He is always there to help you when you need him.""""So far this course is brilliant.""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Beginners Guide To Graphic Design Without Paid Software" |
"Graphic DesignCourse CoveringEverything You Need To StartGraphic Designing Without UsingPhotoshop!""Half way through and I'd say it's already earned its 5 stars. Valuable content.""******************************************************************************************Learn3 Free Websites ToEnsure Your Graphic DesignSuccess:-How To Start GraphicDesignWITHOUT Photoshop or Paid Software!- SmartphoneAppsThat Customize GraphicDesigns For You!-Given A Ton Of Graphic DesignBonus Material ForFREE!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30 days you get your money back!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************This course is a small investment that will repay itself many times over.******************************************************************************************Become a graphic designertoday...Seriously!These graphic designsitesallowyou to design from home or anywhere with internet and create content for social media, logos, flyers, ads, videos, and so much more!This course is the best wayto get into graphic design.Learn from years of graphic designexperience, all the Trade Secrets and Tricks/Tips are included in this course.Let me share my graphic designing secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""So far it rocks!""""Wow this is great stuff!""""Another excellent course! I like the direct to the point teaching and the bonus videos.""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 89.99 |
"How To Use iMovie To Edit Your Videos" |
"iMovieCourse CoveringEverything YouNeed ToMake Your Own iMovie Videos Today!You will be walked through every step via Screen Recording in an easy to understand format.""It gets right to it and goes through one step at a time. Liked it a lot!""******************************************************************************************Learn The 5 Easy StepsTo MakeiMovieVideos Today:-Step-by-step walkthrough of each of the5 iMoviesteps!-Inside lookat making a real live iMovievideo!-How to do all of this on iMoviein the least amount of time!- Easy process you can use on all of you iMovie videos!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30 days you get your money back!******************************************************************************************If you have a computer(Mac or PC)ora smartphone(iOS or Android)you are ready to begin.******************************************************************************************Get Ready For Everyone To Start ComplimentingYour iMovieVideos!These 5 iMoviesteps will teach you exactly how to start making awesome videos in iMovie today.Learn from years of iMovieexperience, all the Trade Secrets and iMovieTricks/Tips are included in this course.This course is the best way learn iMovie today!******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""It gets right to it and goes through one step at a time. Liked it a lot!""""Excellent course! I'm able to make my advertising videos look so much better.""""This is one of my favorite courses yet.""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!This offer won't last forever."
Price: 89.99 |
"How To Create A Website To Sell Drone Photos" |
"DronePhotographyCourse CoveringEverything You Need To Start Selling Your DronePhotos Online!""That was just what I needed. Excited to get this started.""****************************************************************************************Learn Everything Step-By-StepTo Ensure Your Success:- How to easily create a website to sell your drone photos!- How toautomatethe selling and delivery of the drone photos!- How to set this up to be apassive income stream!- How to add drone photosfast and easily!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30 days you get your money back!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!****************************************************************************************This course is a small investment that will repay itself many times over.****************************************************************************************Learn how to sell on drone photos on your own website!Put in a few weeks of hard work setting your site up then sit back and watch your drone photos earn money! You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.This course is seriously life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it! You'll be walked through how veteran photographers make their money. Selling stock photos allowsyou to make money from anywhere and earnpassive incomelong into the future. This course is the best wayto start selling stock drone photos online.Learn from years of photographyexperience, all the Trade Secrets and Stock Photo SellingTricks/Tips are included in this course.Let me share my stock photo selling secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?****************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""That was just what I needed. Excited to get this started.""""...Well worth your time.""""Step by Step is a great way to teach...Good job!""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 89.99 |
"Facebook Ads For Local Service Businesses" |
"Facebook AdsCourse CoveringEverything You Need To Get Started RunningFacebook Ads On A Small Budget!Follow along in an easy step-by-step instructional. No Risk Enrollment - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee""Love how detailed this was! Creating the perfect facebook ads can be tricky.""******************************************************************************************Learn Crucial Skills For Facebook AdsTo Ensure Your Success:- How to make aFacebook AdAccount!- How 'Boosting' a post is different than an 'Ad'!- How to create a great Facebook Ad!- One button to run yourAd on Instagram also!- How to use a smallbudget thatworks and is affordable!- How to use these strategieslong run!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30 days you get your money back!******************************************************************************************If you have a computer(Mac or PC)or a smartphone(iOS or Android)you are ready to begin.******************************************************************************************Best Facebook AdMethods For ALocal Service Business!The content in this course is for professionals but easy enough to understand that you don't need any Facebook adsexperience.Learn from 10+ years of Facebook adexperience.Let me share my Facebook Ads secrets with you.******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""Instructor had a clear, no-nonsense approach to facebook advertising.""""Love how detailed this was! Creating the perfect facebook ads can be tricky.""""This course helped a lot with my business!""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!This offer won't last forever."
Price: 89.99 |
"How To Negotiate Like A Professional" |
"This Negotiation Course CoversHow To Gain Respect In Your Negotiations.""Greg knows his stuff. I learned a lot of valueable skills with this course that will transfer in to my day-to-day business life.""******************************************************************************************Discover Crucial Negotitaion Skills Ensure Your Success:- Learn thefour main negotiationstrategies.- Specific lines to sayto get the other person to agree.- All the best negotiation skills,tricks, and tips.- Easy steps to dobefore, during, and after every negotiation.- How toopen everynegotiationto get an upper hand.- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30-days you get your money back.No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************This course is a small investment that will repay itself many times over.******************************************************************************************Learn how to negotiate like a professional!This course packs hours of valuable negotiation principles into a single, easy to understand, Udemy course.You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.This course is seriously life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it! You'll be walked through how the new rich people get that way and how today's smart money is made. You'll learn skills that no-one can ever take away from you and you carry with you for the rest of your life!This course is the best wayto learn negotiation skills.Learn from years of negotiatingexperience, all the Trade Secrets and NegotiationTricks/Tips are included in this course.Let me share my negotiation secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""Used this on a business call today and rushed back to leave a 5 star review. Haven't been this satisfied in a while.""""Very knowledgeable about the topic. I took away a lot a good strategies from this course!""""If you're interested in learning how to win deals and have influence this is a great course to explore.""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 144.99 |
"Digital Nomad Income: 3 Low-Stress and Steady Online Incomes" |
"Digital Nomad Course CoveringEverything YouNeed ToMake Money AsA Digital Nomad!""This course is eye-opening and inspiring! I had no idea these opportunities existed.""******************************************************************************************Discover The 3Top Websites To Make Steady Income Online As A Digital Nomad:-Overview of each of the3 top websites!-Inside lookat my personalaccounts!-The 3 websitesare free to use and passive money makers (low stress)!- Unlimited earning potential, depending on your needs and time you can put in upfront.- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30 days you get your money back!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************Put In A Few Months Of Hard Work Then Sit Back And Forget Stressing About Jobs!You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.This course is seriously life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it! These websites are great for digital nomadsand gets rid of the constant stress of finding jobs while traveling. It's hard work up front then very passive going forward.Learn from years ofexperience, all the Trade Secrets andTricks/Tips are included in this course.Let me share my digital nomad money making secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""This course goes into the money making side of being a digital nomad and I love it.""""Greg provides good actionable content in a clear and friendly manner. I enjoy his courses!""""This is one of the best courses on digital nomading I've even seen. It actually shows you the websites and how to use them. I've never seen anyone show that before.""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Digital Marketing and Social Media For A New Business" |
"Digital Marketing and Social Media Course CoveringEverything YouNeed To Get Your Business Found On The Web!""This Udemy course is GOLD for a small business!""******************************************************************************************Discover The Most Effective Digital Marketing And Social MediaMarketing Tips:- Business Website, how to create it (with extras)!- Important Social Media, how to set them up, and what to post!- Google Maps and secret Google Hacksto rankhigher (most valuable section)!- PowerfulSEO, get great SEO for FREE!- FREEemail marketing to drive real sales!- Step-by-step how to setuppaid ads!- Google Analyticsto track digital marketing and social media!- This course is about results! If you don't see them within 30 days you get your money back!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************This course is a small investment that will repay itself many times over.******************************************************************************************If You Want A Step-By-Step Digital Marketing And Social MediaGuide, This Course IsFor You!Put in a few weeks of upfront hard work then sit back and watch your business reap the benefits! You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.This course is seriously life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it! You'll be walked through how the new internet works for businesses. Save countless hours of researching and trial/error by enrolling in this one course.This course is the best wayto learn digital marketing and social media for a business.Learn from years of digital marketingexperience, all the Trade Secrets andTricks/Tips are included in this course.Let me share my digital marketing secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?******************************************************************************************See What Everyone's Saying:""Great course that I would recommend to anyone starting digital marketing.""""Wow! This is a fantastic course for business owners in the digital age.""""Presenter is clearly knowledgeable, and has a good understanding of what his audience is likely to really need. He goes right to those things and explains/shows them clearly and rapidly. He also speaks well - clear, bright, no annoying speech mannerisms, no cliches. Easy to listen to and follow. Material is also arranged logically (logical sequence, each point building on the last). Great!""You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion 30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Work From Home Jobs: Top 10 Best Freelance Jobs!" |
"Work From Home Job CourseCoveringEverything YouNeed ToMake Money From Home Or Remotely!Find the best work from home jobthat fits your lifestyle and pays the best!******************************************************************************************Learn The Top 10 Work From Home Jobs:-Most in-demand work from home jobs.-Both hourly and project based paying work from homejobs.-All you'll need is acomputer to start any of these work from homejobs!-These work from home jobs are easy enoughto start today!- This course is about results!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!******************************************************************************************This course is a small investment that will repay itself many times over!******************************************************************************************Work from home jobs allow you toset your own schedule and work from the convenience of your home!These top 10 work from home jobs are vetted,reliable, in-demand, and pay very well!You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.This course is seriously life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it!This course is the best wayto find your ideal freelance job.Learn from years of freelanceexperience, all the Trade Secrets and Tricks/Tips are included in this course.Let me share my freelance secrets with you.Don't go on wondering ""what would have happened if I did"". You won't be disappointed, plus you get an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. What have you go to lose?******************************************************************************************You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Quick& HelpfulSupport in the Q&A Section Download&Print ReadyUdemy Certificate of Completion30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Remember, this course is only available here on Udemy, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Macro Photography & Focus Stacking Made Easy" |
"Explore the amazing world of Close-up and Macro Photography and Focus Stacking with an internationally published photographer. Learn the techniques and equipment (optical, lighting and support) needed to achieve sharply focused, well-exposed photographs of flowers, insects and much more.This intensive course will show you how to get the most from your DSLR and mirrorless camera and how to enhance its macro capabilities in very affordable ways. Find out, for instance, how to turn your ordinary lens into a superb macro lens for only a few dollars. Or how to turn your on-board flash into a macro flash for small change. The course covers every type of close-up shot, all the way to extreme macro, and equipment ranging from macro and reversed lenses to close-up attachments and bellows. It also covers focus stacking techniques (including processing through Photoshop and Helicon Focus) as well as software and equipment for extreme macro.What Udemy students are saying about this course:This course had a lot of great tips and instruction on macro photography for a beginner like me. Ive learned about cameras and other equipment used in macro photography. The instructor has a vast range of knowledge that he presents in an easy to digest manner. I like how the instructor uses DIY equipment as well as equipment that can be purchased. It gives the student options when first starting out with macro photography. This course is a great reference guide as well. I know Ill be referring back to it as I practice. If youre a beginner like me, I highly recommend this course! -- Jamie SantellanoGreat work; good quality videos; precise, clear commentary_ instructions and product recommendations. Great Teacher! Worth watching if you are interested in macro photography, as I am. Now to get my camera and already purchased gear and go out to find shots and to shop for some new gear that was suggested. Look out world, here I come! -- Rudra TysonJust a great discussion. I really enjoyed the ""out of the box"" ideas to make macro photography cheaper. Really good detailed explanation . . . -- Ross Brewer"
Price: 99.99 |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner" |
"Welcome to the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Course.Are you a business professional, accountant, sales person, or some other type of non-technical person that works in the tech industry? Have you always wanted to know what cloud computing is, how it works, and what it's used for - without all the technical jargon? If you answered YES, then the Certified Cloud Practitioner course and exam are perfect for you.As the cloud computing industry continues to grow, understanding it's concepts, purpose, and use cases will become an increasingly valuable skill amongnonI.T. individuals and employees. What that in mind, AWS created an exam that covers the very basics of their cloud computing platform, and that tests you on basic AWS services, benefits, concepts, and use cases. All without having to know detailed technical terms, concepts, and know-how.For all those who want to learn these basics, this course has been designed with two main objectives in mind: (1) Prepare you to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam, and (2) learn the foundations of cloud computing and AWS, including its primary services, benefits, and use cases.This course is NOT designed to teach you how to build and run applications on AWS. This course is all about conceptual understanding. If you are looking for an introduction to AWS course from a hands-on/cloud engineering perspective, please see our AWS Essentials course.As an added bonus to all who enroll, we have made a select group of Linux Academy's Hands-On Labs and flashcards available for free to all students who wish to take advantage of them. Instructions on how to access these bonus features will be provided during the course. (NOTE: These bonus features are not a required part of the course. they are an addition you can choose if you so wish)."
Price: 29.99 |
"Conoce a Picasso en un solo curso. Vida y obra a tu alcance." |
"Una forma clara y directa de diferenciar y entender las diferentes etapas artsticas del genio, as como un paseo por su apasionante e intensa vida y obra. Conocers y entenders por fin las etapas que diferencian la obra de Picasso y el por qu de su estilo. Analizaremos algunas de sus obras indispensables y mticas del autor.Acompame y te guiar por la biografa del genio que marc las pautas en la historia del arte del siglo XX."
Price: 79.99 |
"Introduo Kali Linux Bug Bounty" |
"Novo e abrangente curso para aprender tcnicas envolvendo o sistema operacional Kali Linux.Prtico curso e materiais extras para aperfeioamento.Ferramentas podero ser utilizadas em conjunto para um ataque mais eficiente, demonstrando que ao utilizar o Kali Linux, necessrio entender a relao entre os comandos e as consequncias para casa ato. Aqui mencionando tambm o dever tico em relao potencialidade das ferramentas.Kali Linux exige tempo e muita leitura para entender como aautomao de algumas tarefas necessria, alm disto, uma dica para este curso : tenhavrias mquinas virtuais, use VPN e escolha bem os websites para teste ( como sempre falo nos cursos, h muitos websites para teste e aperfeioamento com o propsito de achar bandeiras ou capture de flags.)Como todos os cursos que envolvem o Kali Linux, o contedo do curso em ingls, mas a explicao em Portugus, com materias extras feitas especialmente para as aulas.Acima de tudo, todos devem ter o dever tico de no usar as ferramentas ensinadas em nada que no tenham autorizao."
Price: 54.99 |
"Orientao Gestantes : Da Gestao ao Parto" |
"O objetivo desse curso o empoderamento do casal gestante por meio do conhecimento dos procedimentos, riscos e benefcios que envolvem as escolhas envolvidas no parto e os cuidados do ps-parto, tanto para a me quanto para o beb. super importanteo casal estar preparado, assim eles podero passar pelas situaes boas ou ruins da melhor maneira possvel.Quem ir me orientar?Influncia da alimentao da me sobre o metabolismo do beb:Marina FeliceEspecialista em Nutrio da criana e adolescente UNIFESP.Doulagem:Marcela Ursulina de OliveiraEspecialista em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental Centro de Estudos em TCC (CETCC); Especialista em Psicologia Perinatal e Parental - Instituto Gerar; Doula e Consultora de Gestantes e Purperas; Psicloga.Parto e ps-parto:Renata Lopes RibeiroMestre em Cincias em Vitalidade Fetal - USPEspecialista em Obstetrcia e Ginecologia - USP; Mdica, graduada pela Faculdade de Medicina do ABC de SP; Membro da equipe de Medicina Fetal do Hospital So Luiz e Fleury; Mdica assistente do Setor de Vitalidade Fetal do Hospital da USP.Parto, olhar humanizado:Maria Ins PucciaDoutora em Cincias USP; Mestre e Especialista em Sade Pblica USP; Graduada em Enfermagem UNIFESP; Professora Auxiliar da Faculdade de Medicina ABC; Professora Titular da Universidade Paulista; Consultora em educao em sade Escola Nacional de Sade Pblica ENSP/FIOCRUZ; Enfermeira licenciada da Secretaria Municipal de Sade de Santo Andr."
Price: 219.99 |
"O que Voc Deve Saber Sobre a Amamentao!" |
"O objetivo desse curso tornar a hora de amamentar seu beb a mais tranquila possvel,afinal amamentar um ato de amor, feito para me e filho sentirem prazer. Aprender como superar as dificuldades iniciais eevitar o desmame precoce paragarantir uma amamentao prolongada e saudvel para ambos.Quem ir me orientar?Franoise Novaes Paulino De SouzaConsultora de parto e amamentao; Enfermeira Obstetra; Atuante no Centro de Estudos e Pesquisa Dr. Joo Amorim CEJAM; Instrutora do Curso de Suporte Avanado de Vida em Obstetrcia ALSO (Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics); Instrutora do Curso de Reanimao Neonatal pela Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.Maria Ins PucciaDoutora em Cincias USP; Mestre e Especialista em Sade Pblica USP; Graduada em Enfermagem UNIFESP; Professora Auxiliar da Faculdade de Medicina ABC; Professora Titular da Universidade Paulista; Consultora em educao em sade Escola Nacional de Sade Pblica ENSP/FIOCRUZ; Enfermeira licenciada da Secretaria Municipal de Sade de Santo Andr."
Price: 219.99 |
"Como Fazer seu Beb Dormir Melhor" |
"O objetivo desse curso te ajudar a descobrir a melhor forma da sua famlia dormir, adaptando o sono do seu beb.O sono importante para toda a famlia, e mais ainda para o desenvolvimento geral do beb. Por que algumas crianas e bebs dormem to bem e outros no? Escolha sua melhor forma e crie uma rotina para o seu beb.Quem ir me orientar?Deborah MossConsultora materno-infantil formada pela IMPI (Maternity & Child Sleep Consult Certification Program); Mestre em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano USP/SP; Especialista do programa Doces Sonhos (Brasil) do Discovery Home and Health; Ps-graduao em Neuropsicologia (CEPSIC); Psicloga - PUC/SP."
Price: 219.99 |