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"Introduo Alimentar - a chave para a sade do seu beb"
"A alimentao tem um impacto direto no desenvolvimento de nossos filhos, pois est relacionada com a preveno de doenas e a melhor qualidade de vida. Descubra aqui quais alimentos so essenciais e quais devem ser evitados para seu filho entrar no mundo dos alimentos com o p direito, com hbitos saudveis desde cedo.Quem ir me orientar?Lusa Fontenele Daniel MantuaneliNutricionista, pesquisadora e consultora Nutricional; Empresria no negcio Vem c Lusa, alimentao saudvel, porcionada e congelada; Coordenadora de Curso de Alimentao Infantil direcionado para empresas; Consultora para mes sobre Introduo alimentar, elaborao de cardpio, alimentao funcional, compras de produtos alimentcios; Graduao em Direito."
Price: 219.99

"Como Educar com Respeito e Harmonia"
"Voc j viveu alguma situao difcil com o seu filho? Conhea diferentes abordagens para uma educao respeitosa e harmnica, veja como voc pode transformar momentos de exploso, discusso e medo em oportunidade de ensinar e praticar o equilbrio das emoescom seu filho para que ele leve com ele para o resto de sua vida.Quem ir me orientar?Bete RodriguesMestrado em Lingustica Aplicada - PUC/ SP; Palestrante, coach (formada pelo ICI reconhecido pelo ICF); Consultora em educao e professora - PUC/SP; Formada em Letras - PUC- SP; Mais de 30 anos de experincia educacional, como professora, coordenadora e diretora pedaggica; Membro da Positive Discipline Association e certificada como Positive Discipline Trainer; Tradutora do livro Disciplina Positiva e Disciplina Positiva na Sala de Aula Jane Nelsen; Me h mais de 20 anos."
Price: 204.99

"Como Lidar com a Birra, Agressividade e Desobedincia"
"A forma como os pais compreendem os comportamentos agressivos dos filhos, vai influenciar diretamente no resultado que vo obter. Toda ao deles tem um porque,nesse curso ajudaremos os pais e interessados a saber como lidar eentender esses momentos, entende-los e fazer ser entendido para uma vivncia mais tranquila.Quem ir me orientar?Comportamentos Difceis:Bete RodriguesMestrado em Lingustica Aplicada - PUC/ SP; Palestrante, coach (formada pelo ICI reconhecido pelo ICF); Consultora em educao e professora - PUC/SP; Formada em Letras - PUC- SP; Mais de 30 anos de experincia educacional, como professora, coordenadora e diretora pedaggica; Membro da Positive Discipline Association e certificada como Positive Discipline Trainer; Tradutora do livro Disciplina Positiva e Disciplina Positiva na Sala de Aula Jane Nelsen; Me h mais de 20 anos.Comportamento Opositor e 5 Atitudes para Prevenir o Mau Comportamento:Lcia Milena de OliveiraEspecialista em Medicina Legal - Ambulatrio de Ansiedade (AMBAN); Especialista em Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental - Instituto de Psiquiatria do HC-FMUSP; Especialista em Psiquiatria - Associao Brasileira de Psiquiatria; Graduada em medicina - Faculdade de Cincias Mdicas da Santa Casa de So Paulo (FCMSCSP); Graduada em Filosofia pela Universidade So Judas Tadeu (USJT); Mdica colaboradora do Instituto de Psiquiatria no HC-FMUSP; Mdica assistente da APAE; Professora da Medcel - curso preparatrio de residncia mdica.Comportamento Opositor:Rodrigo Xavier Doutorando em Psicologia Clnica - USP; Mestre em Psicologia Clnica - USP; Psiclogo - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul; Professor universitrio; Psicoterapeuta Comportamental de crianas, com nfase em Transtorno de Oposio Desafiante."
Price: 204.99

"Ensine seu filho a lidar com seus sentimentos!"
"Desenvolver a inteligncia emocional dos nossos filhos, requer que conheamos nossos prprios sentimentos. Nesse curso voc conhecer tudo sobre o Coaching de Emoes e como ele importante para ensinar seu filho e voc mesmo a lidar com suasemoes e sentimentos, desenvolvendo assim maior empatia com as pessoas a sua volta.Quem ir me orientar?Natasha Bazhuni Doutora e Mestre em Psicologia Clnica - USP; Especialista em Psicopatologia e Sade Mental - USP; Psicloga Univ. Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Experincia de mais de 14 anos em clnica, atendendo adultos e crianas; Coordenadora e Docente de cursos de Ps-graduao em Sade Mental e Psicopatologia, Psicologia Infantil e Psicanlise; Autora do Livro: Circunscrevendo o Campo diverso, divergente e diferente do Acompanhamento Teraputico, 2010. Biblioteca24h; Associada fundadora da Associao Brasileira de Pesquisa em Preveno e Promoo da Sade (BRAPEP)."
Price: 219.99

"A Sexualidade do seu Filho: do Beb ao Adolescente"
"A sexualidade se manifesta na forma como a criana se relaciona com as pessoas e com o mundo, muito mais do que o sexo em s, e vivenciado desde a mais tenra idade. Nesse curso descubra o que a sexualidade para um beb, criana e adolescente, assim na hora em que vierem as perguntas e a hora da conversa voc saber o que dizer.Quem ir me orientar?Sexualidade:Natasha Bazhuni Doutora e Mestre em Psicologia Clnica - USP; Especialista em Psicopatologia e Sade Mental - USP; Psicloga Univ. Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Experincia de mais de 14 anos em clnica, atendendo adultos e crianas; Coordenadora e Docente de cursos de Ps-graduao em Sade Mental e Psicopatologia, Psicologia Infantil e Psicanlise; Autora do Livro: Circunscrevendo o Campo diverso, divergente e diferente do Acompanhamento Teraputico, 2010. Biblioteca24h; Associada fundadora da Associao Brasileira de Pesquisa em Preveno e Promoo da Sade (BRAPEP)."
Price: 219.99

"Como Ajudar e Lidar com Filhos Adolescentes"
"Adolescentes no so fceis e necessrio grande pacincia e muita conversa para lidar com eles, neste curso voc encontrar os 3 assuntos mais importantes que giram em torno da vida de um adolescente: a escolha de carreira, o uso de drogas e a sexualidade, conscientize-se para que voc possa conscientiza-lo.Quem ir me orientar?Orientao Profissional: Ricardo Alves de LimaDoutor em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano - USP; Mestre em Educao - Universidade Mackenzie; Especialista em Didtica do Ensino Superior; Atua na Clinica de adultos, famlias, casais, superviso profissional e orientao vocacional h 20 anos; Docente de ps graduao; Palestrante sobre Conjugalidade, Famlia, Desenvolvimento Humano e Escolha Profissional.Drogas: Camila Chagas Especialista em Dependncia Qumica - UNIFESP; Especialista em Psicologia Poltica - USP; Graduao em Psicologia; Docente de Ps-Graduao.Sexualidade:Natasha Bazhuni Doutora e Mestre em Psicologia Clnica - USP; Especialista em Psicopatologia e Sade Mental - USP; Psicloga Univ. Presbiteriana Mackenzie; Experincia de mais de 14 anos em clnica, atendendo adultos e crianas; Coordenadora e Docente de cursos de Ps-graduao em Sade Mental e Psicopatologia, Psicologia Infantil e Psicanlise; Autora do Livro: Circunscrevendo o Campo diverso, divergente e diferente do Acompanhamento Teraputico, 2010. Biblioteca24h; Associada fundadora da Associao Brasileira de Pesquisa em Preveno e Promoo da Sade (BRAPEP)."
Price: 219.99

"BIM para la empresa. Trabajo Colaborativo con Revit 2018"
"Aprenda cmo se trabaja en el da a da profesional de forma colaborativa en Metodologa BIM (Building Information Modeling) con Autodesk Revit. El Worksharing, la comparticin de trabajos permite que varios usuarios trabajen, modelen, al mismo tiempo, en diferentes partes de un proyecto.El trabajo colaborativo con Revit (Worksharing) permite el acceso simultneo a un modelo compartido mediante el uso de un modelo (archivo) central.Al utilizar modelos vinculados, el proyecto se separa en modelos administrados individualmente que se pueden vincular entre s. Use modelos vinculados por ejemplo cuando su proyecto contenga edificios distintos, como un campus universitario por ejemplo, o cuando su edificio est siendo desarrollado al mismo tiempo por miembros del equipo de todas las disciplinas (Arquitectura, Estructura, Instalaciones: MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing), incluso estando los miembros del equipo en distintos pases, ubicaciones remotas."
Price: 149.99

"SketchUp Pro 2018"
"Este curso est dirigido a profesionales de la arquitectura: arquitectos, arquitectos tcnicos, ingenieros de edificacin, as como a interioristas, diseadores de mobiliario y otros productos, y en general a cualquier profesional del diseo que busque un software visual, intuitivo y muy completo para el desarrollo de sus proyectos. Comenzando por conocer las novedades en cuanto a las nuevas condiciones de Licenciamiento del software, podrsinstalar el programa SketchUp Pro 2018 en tu ordenador o bien usar el nuevo servicio en la nube: SketchUp Free durante el desarrollo del curso."
Price: 49.99

"BIM para empresas. Introduccin a la Metodologa BIM"
"Alguna vez te has preguntado cmo empresas como ARUP, AECOM, IDOM, INECO desarrollan sus proyectos en BIM?Este curso terico acerca de los fundamentos y conceptos bsicos de la Metodologa BIM (Building Information Modeling) teaportar, comoprofesional(arquitecto, ingeniero, PMP, delineante, etc)del sector AECO (Architecture, Engineering,Construction & Operations), una base slida de conocimiento con la que podrsintegrarte en estructuras de trabajo que desarrollenproyectos de edificacin y/o infraestructurasde forma colaborativa segn Metodologa BIM. Al finalizar el curso, poseers la base terica necesaria para podercomenzar a trabajar en equipos de diseo (Conceptual and Detail Design), Project Management, Fabrication,control de obra y Facility Management con Metodologa BIM. Eneste curso vamos a aadirjuntos a tu argot diario el uso de trminos propios de la Metodologa BIM, tales como:uBIM, CDE,BEP, BMS, VDC, AIA, LOD, LOI, Open BIM,IFC, BCF, COBie,FM y muchosms que te permitirndemostrar tu dominio y alto conocimiento delBIM."
Price: 99.99

"BIM 5D: Mediciones en BIM desde archivos IFC"
"Con este curso aprendes a pasardel BIM 3D al BIM 5D (costes), obtendrs de una forma muy automtica las Mediciones y el Presupuesto de tu proyecto de edificacin partiendo de uno o ms archivos IFC (Industry Foundation Classes). Los archivos IFC se han convertido en el standard de intercambio de informacin entre programas BIM, todo programa BIM (Revit, Archicad, Allplan, Vectorworks, Tekla, Edificius, CYPE, etc) puede exportar tu proyecto a un archivo IFC, incluso desde SketchUp Pro podrs exportar tu proyecto a un archivo IFC.Este curso te permiteobtener las Mediciones y el Presupuesto de tu modelado BIM independientemente del programa BIM 3D que hayas empleado para modelar: Revit, Allplan, Archicad, Vectorworks, AECOsim, Edificius, Tekla, CYPE,etc."
Price: 119.99

"BIM 5D: Cost-It, de Revit 2018 a Presto 2018.02"
"Curso de Cost-It:el plugin que permite exportar a Prestotoda la informacin de un modelo BIM realizado en Revit.Aprendersa pasardel BIM 3D al BIM 5D (costes), obteniendode una forma totalmenteautomtica las Mediciones desde unmodelo BIM realizado enRevit.Este curso te permiteobtener las Mediciones y el Presupuesto de tu modelado BIM independientemente de que hayas o no participado en el modelado BIM (Arquitectura, Estructura, Instalaciones)del mismo. Durante este curso aprenderemos ausarel plugin Cost-It de la empresa RIB Software Spain para llevar la informacin demodelos BIM desde Autodesk Revit a Presto."
Price: 119.99

"Diseo BIM 3D de Jardines y Espacios Pblicos"
"Con este curso descubrirs las ventajas de disear en 3D tus proyectos de jardinera para espacios pblicos y privados,integrando el diseo,elpresupuesto y elRenderizado en Tiempo Real (imgenes y vdeos) de tu proyecto en un mismo software. Inciate y da los primeros pasos enEdificius-LAND, un software BIM con motor de render entiempo real, desarrollado por ACCA software, la empresa italianalder en su pas.Adems descubrirs que Edificius-LANDse integra conotros software del mercado: SketchUp, Blender, Lumion, y exportando a IFC con cualquier otro software BIM del mercado. Todo esto podrs realizar con Edificius-LAND:1.Desarrollo en BIM 3D del proyectocon integracin 100% con SketchUp si lo deseas.2. Renderizado de imgenes y videosentiempo real con el RTBIM integrado dentro del software.3. Mediciones dinmicas en BIMy Presupuestoen tiempo real,de manera integrada ybidireccional."
Price: 99.99

"Crecer y Correr"
"Correr, no solo es una manera de ejercitarse, sino que tambin es una importante disciplina y una completa forma de vida. Puedes mejorar muchos aspectos en tu diario acontecer, ampliar tu cosmovisin del mundo que te rodea, adems de crecer tanto profesional como personalmente, practicando diariamente y de manera correcta el correr. Nosotros te enseamos cmo."
Price: 24.99

"El Proceso Electoral Nacional"
"El Dr. Manuel Gonzlez Oropeza nos conduce en la reflexin y anlisis del proceso electoral federal del ao 2018 en Mxico, que es un acontecimiento histrico por diversas razones, entre las quese encuentran que estas elecciones sern las ms grandes que se han organizado en el pas en toda su historia, tanto por el numero de candidatos y puestos de eleccin popularque sern elegidos, como por la gran cantidad de presupuesto econmico que se ejercer por los diferentes partidos y candidatos, as como por lasautoridades federales y locales.Toda persona mayor de edad en Mxico que votar en las elecciones del ao 2018 est interesada en los conocimientos que este curso ofrece.El expositor, Dr. Manuel Gonzlez Oropeza, es un destacado especialista en el tema electoral quecuentacon amplia experiencia en elecciones locales y federales, tantocomojuez del tribunal federal electoral, as como consultor para organismos internacionales en relacin al tema de elecciones.Los temas del curso abarcandesdeorgenes histricos de los procesos electoralesMxicohasta los temas de mayoractualidad como el voto de los jvenes, los candidatos independientes o la libertad de expresin. Este curso provee al estudianteun panorama muy amplio e informadode las caractersticas e implicaciones polticas y sociales de laselecciones en nuestro pas."
Price: 945.00

"Relacin Mxico - Estados Unidos"
"El cursoRelacin Mxico - Estados Unidos, aspectos jurdicos, econmicos y sociales exploraelementos jurdicos, econmicos y sociales fundamentales de las relaciones entre Mxico y Estados Unidos.Las personas que tomen este curso sern capaces de distinguir y entender dichos elementos y aplicar su conocimiento para mejorar su comprensin de los fenmenos que inciden enla relacin de ambos pases."
Price: 945.00

"Reforma Tributaria de Estados Unidos"
"El curso Reforma tributaria de Estados Unidos y su impacto en las empresas mexicanas provee a los interesados conocimientos puntuales acerca de las formas para resolver sus esquemas tributarios yatenuar los efectos adversos de la reforma fiscal de los Estados Unidos. El curso es de inters para los empresarios yprofesionales relacionados con el desarrollo de la empresa, como economistas, contadores, asesores financieros, auditores y otros."
Price: 945.00

"Curso de Estratgia de Contedo e SEO por Angelo Pblio"
"Voc se sente um pouco perdido fazendo artigos de blog loucamente e as visitas do seu site no crescem? Ou pior, as visitas do seu blog ataumentam, mas gerar leads que bom, nada?Fique calmo, no s voc que est passando por isso no Brasil. E isso no estacontecendo s com as pequenasempresase empreendedores digitais. As grandes e mdias empresas tambmesto passando porisso.Vamos consertar isso!Angelo Pblio Professor de Inbound Marketing Mais Vendido na Udemy, Mestre em Design,Autor da metodologia Play-Driven Design,Parceiro da HubSpot no Brasil Plataforma #1 de Inbound Marketing , escio da agncia de marketing digitalNA5. Desde 2002, Angelotem ajudadoempresasa crescerem com Vendas e Marketing Digital.Imagine quanto voc economizaria de tempo e dinheiro ao descobrir em um nico cursoos principais tpicos de SEO e entender como eles influenciam nos resultados do Google?Hoje, se preocupar apenas com o SEOdo contedo que voc produz no suficiente para o seu contedoser on 1 noresultado orgnicode buscasnoGoogle.Voc precisa ter uma Estratgia de Contedo e SEO mais profunda.Voc deve estruturar o seu site, blog e ecommerce, paraque os seus visitantese o Googlecompreendam quais so os contedos mais importantes.Desde 2014, o professorparticipa de treinamentos presenciais nos Estados Unidos emEstratgia de Contedo, Inbound Marketing e SEO, com as principais autoridades nestes temas: Rand Fishkin (Moz), Larry Kim (WordStream), Dharmesh Shah (HubSpot),Guy Kawasaki (Canva), Ryan Deiss (Digital Marketer), entre outros.Neste novo curso, o professorcompartilhao que existe de mais relevante em Estratgia de Contedo e SEO, com uma linguagem fcil e acessvel. um curso sem enrolao,para quem buscaconhecimento eresultados rpidos.No um curso de uso de ferramentas. um curso de estratgia. Ferramenta voc aprende no site do fabricante. Estratgia voc aprende aqui. Voc est preparado?"
Price: 399.99

"Emergency Management"
"Emergency Management is one of three courses we have available covering emergency management in places of public assembly or venues as we refer to them.This course has been written for people working in avenue who wantto understand more about emergency planningand to improvetheir skills in this area. Whilst aimed at entertainment venues and places of public assemblythis course also provides information that can absolutely be applied for those people who have planningresponsibilities in other types offacilities. We are currently working on a course for general facilities so please get in contact if you would like a notification for when that course is ready.The other courses that make up the suite of emergency management covers the three levels ofplanning(emergency planning),leading(leadership in emergency management)andparticipating(this course)anemergency situation.This course is presented in six sections - the first and last sections are the introduction and conclusion. The other sections cover Potential Emergencies for Venues where we present on a number of scenarios that are most likely to occur in entertainment venues and what you as a warden need to understand topreparefor anemergency.Section three is all about the emergency control organisation - you might call it something else in your part of the world but this is the part of the organisation that plan and prepare the organisations for emergencies. Understanding how this organisation works will help you understand your roleand responsibility in an emergency.Section fourhelps us understand the key considerations for our emergency response procedures and is a good place to start if you think your organisation has gaps in theseprocedures.The final learning section is dedicated to improving your warden skills, it includes leadership and communication in emergencies, being calm under pressure and how to improve your situational awareness and finally we give you some practice in making decisions during an emergency.Emergencies in venues can and do happen and the more prepared you are the more able you will be able to make decisions in what will be an extremely stressful and difficult time. We use our combine learnings from years in the venue management industry and our experience in real life emergency situations to provide you with the knowledge and skills toset you up for success!"
Price: 29.99

"Leadership in Emergency Management"
"Leadership in Emergency Managementis one of three courses we have available covering emergency management in places of public assembly or venues as we refer to them.This course has been written for people working in avenue who wantto understand more about emergency planningand to improvetheir skills in this area. Whilst aimed at entertainment venues and places of public assemblythis course also provides information that can absolutely be applied for those people who have planningresponsibilities in other types offacilities. We are currently working on a course for general facilities so please get in contact if you would like a notification for when that course is ready.The other courses that make up the suite of emergency management covers the three levels ofplanning(emergency planning),leading(this course)andparticipating(emergency management)anemergency situation.This course is presented in six sections - the first section isthe introduction and details why you should take this course, the last section includes a farewell andthe assessment. The other sections cover Potential Emergencies for Venues where we present on a number of scenarios that are most likely to occur in entertainment venues and what you as a chiefwarden need to understand to plan andpreparefor anemergency.Section three is all about the emergency control organisation - you might call it something else in your part of the world but this is the part of the organisation that respond toemergencies. Understanding how this organisation works will help you understand your roleand responsibility in an emergency.Section fourhelps us understand the key considerations for our emergency response procedures and is a good place to start if you think your organisation has gaps in theseprocedures.The final learning section is dedicated to improving your chiefwarden skills and identifying who will make a good chief warden. It includes leadership and communication in emergencies, being calm under pressure and how to improve your situational awareness and finally we give you some practice in making decisions during an emergency.Emergencies in venues can and do happen and the more prepared you are the more able you will be able to make decisions in what will be an extremely stressful and difficult time. We use our combine learnings from years in the venue management industry and our experience in real life emergency situations to provide you with the knowledge and skills toset you up for success!"
Price: 39.99

"Emergency Planning"
"Emergency Planning in Venues is one of three courses we have available covering emergency management in places of public assembly or venues as we refer to them.This course has been written for people working in avenue who wantto understand more about emergency planningand to improvetheir skills in this area. Whilst aimed at entertainment venues and places of public assemblythis course also provides information that can absolutely be applied for those people who have planningresponsibilities in other types offacilities. We are currently working on a course for general facilities so please get in contact if you would like a notification for when that course is ready.The other courses that make up the suite of emergency management covers the three levels of planning (this course), leading (leadership in emergency management)and participating(emergency management)anemergency situation.This course is presented in seven sections - the first section isthe introduction and details why you should take this course, the last section includes a farewell andthe assessment.Section two is all about the emergency planning committee- you might call it something else in your part of the world but this is the part of the organisation that plans foremergencies by identifying possible emergencies, creating emergency response plans, manages the organisation's annual emergencytraining and drills and supports the organisation for the recovery phase should there be an emergency. Understanding the responsibilities of the emergency planning committee will help you gauge whether yourorganisation is emergency ready.Section fourhelps us understand the key considerations for our emergency response procedures and is a good place to start if you think your organisation has gaps in theseprocedures.Section five explains the role of the emergency control organisation, if you are on the emergency planning committee it is your responsibility to form this organisation and choose the right people for the right roles.The final learning section is dedicated to training and response exercises. It covers how often you should train your wardens, what sort of response exercises and drills are the most effective, how to communicate with occupants and visitors and how to improve skill retention.Emergencies in venues can and do happen and the more prepared you are the more able you will be able to make decisions in what will be an extremely stressful and difficult time. We use our combine learnings from years in the venue management industry and our experience in real life emergency situations to provide you with the knowledge and skills toset you up for success!"
Price: 99.99

"Better You by Minsoo Go"
"Hey!I'msohappythatyou'vemadeadecisionforanactiveandhappylifestyle.Asacoachandtrainer,Iwantnothingelsebutforyoutoreachyourgoals,adoptalifestylethatincludescleaneatingandactivity,andthatyouworktobejustalittlebetterthanyouwereyesterday.ThisprogramismainlybodyweightexercisesandchallengesyouateveryleveltobecomeaBetterYou. You move through foundation, fundamental and practical training to improve your overall physical condition and wellness.Foundation training includes your building blocks for fitness. It gets you in the routine of working out and fixes strength imbalances. Fundamental training expands your knowledge of fitness with body weight movements that give you a basic vocabulary in fitness. Practical training puts everything together with high intensity interval training workouts.CombiningHighIntensity,Strength,andCardioworkoutswithactivitiesyoualreadyenjoy,youwillbeonyourwaytounderstandingmoreabouthowyourespondtofitness,andhowtostayconsistent.Nutritionisalsoveryimportant, so we will cover the basics. I will give you examples worksheets that you can use to track your workouts, your diet, fitness testing, and how to keep you motivated as you progress and go beyond the program.Thisisnota'hardcore'heavy/intenseprogramanddoesnotrequirethatyougotoagym(yourchoicetoworkintheprivacyofyourhomeoragym),spendhoursatatimeworkingout,cutting,orusingsupplements.ThisisYOURprogram,foraBETTERYOU!"
Price: 99.99

"Improve academicsaim better gradesnote-taking strategies"
"This course depicts the learning techniques and strategies that will help students improve their academic performance and grades. Sometimes we do not know that a little effort can bring a remarkable change. We tend to focus more on big and important things while neglecting the rest or we feel less important. This course reminds you about those techniques that can bring a positive change in your academic journey.Time management, using correct and meaning resources and managing the information and knowledge for various subjects. If you are overwhelmed with the information you mind can retain; give a try to this course it may take you towards your goals."
Price: 99.99

"Build Your Own RealTime OS (RTOS) From Ground Up on ARM 1"
"This course teaches you how to build a Real-Time Operating Systems through intensive practice and theory. It starts by getting you excited through an introduction to the internals of a Real-Time Kernel on ARM Processors, which you shall implement yourself in code.Then we move on to learn all there  is about Real-Time Operating Systems, their various parts, how they work and then we finally build our own Real-Time Operating System exploring different scheduling algorithms and Inter-Thread communication tools. At the end of this course you should be able to build your own Real-Time Operating System from scratch, give your own lecture on Real-Time Operating Systems, be able to build a Round-Robin Scheduler, be able to build a Periodic Scheduler, be able to calculate the CPU utilization of your RTOS, be able to build an OS Kernel etc. Please see the course curriculum section to find out all the amazing content awaiting you. "
Price: 129.99

"DSP From Ground Up on ARM Processors"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course focuses on developing DSP algorithms for ARM microcontrollers leveraging the microcontrollers features such SIMD, MAC, Floating Point Unit (FPU) and the ARM CMSIS-DSP Library.By the end of this course you should be able develop efficient DSP algorithms using MAC and SIMD instructions , develop RealTime Digital Signal Processing firmware , master the CMSIS-DSP Library, develop and test the Convolution Kernel algorithm on ARM processors, develop and test the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm on ARM processors, develop and test the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm on ARM processors, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters on ARM processors, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters on ARM processors, develop Windowed-Sinc filters on ARM procesors, build Modified Sallen-Key filters, build Bessel, Chebyshev and Butterworth filters, develop the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm on arduino, even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99

"Digital Signal Processing (DSP) From Ground Up in C"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course uses the C programming language.By the end of this course you should be able develop the Convolution Kernel algorithm in C, develop the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm in C, develop the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm in C, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters in C, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters in C, develop Windowed-Sinc filters in C, build Modified Sallen-Key filters, build Bessel, Chebyshev and Butterworth filters, develop the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm in C , even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99

"Digital Signal Processing (DSP) From Ground Up in Python"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course uses the Python programming language.By the end of this course you should be able develop the Convolution Kernel algorithm in python, develop 17 different types of window filters in python, develop the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm in python, develop the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm in pyhton, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters in python, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters in python, develop Type I Chebyshev filters in python, develop Type II Chebyshev filters in python, perform spectral analysis on ECG signals in python, develop Butterworth filters in python, develop Match filters in python,simulate Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems in python, even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99

"Java Digital Signal Processing (DSP) From Ground Up"
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language and computer code, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course uses the Java programming language. With each dsp topic we shall develop two versions of the same algorithm. One version shall be focused on code readable and the other version shall focus on robustness and execution speed- we shall employ programming techniques such loop unrolling and Multiply- Accumulate (MAC) to accomplish this.By the end of this course you should be able build a complete DSP library in java, develop the Convolution Kernel algorithm in Java, develop the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm in Java, develop the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm in Java, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters in Java, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters in Java, develop Windowed-Sinc filters in Java, build Modified Sallen-Key filters, build Bessel, Chebyshev and Butterworth filters, develop the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm in Java, even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 94.99

"ARM CMSIS-RTOS RTX : Real-Time Application Programming"
"Thiscourse teaches you the foundations of real-time systems and how to build real-time applications using theARM CMSIS-RTOS specification and Keil RTX, the official real-time kernel by ARM. The coursegivesa detail overview of the APIs provided by CMSIS-RTOS and then goes on to build real-time applications using thoseAPIs.This course does not assume prior knowledge of real-time systems and application programming. By the end of this course you should be able to build your own real-time applications and test their performance."
Price: 49.99

"FreeRTOS From Ground Up on ARM Processors"
"Thiscourse teaches you the foundations of real-time systems and how to build real-time applications using FreeRTOS ,one of the most popular real-time operating systemsfor embedded systems.The coursegivesa detailed overview of the characteristics of the FreeRTOSreal-time kernel, provides a detailedtutorial on the APIs to implementthe various features of FreeRTOS and then goes on to build about 50 real-time projects .This course does not assume prior knowledge of real-time systems and application programming. By the end of this course you should be able to build your own multitaskFreeRTOSreal-time applications which useall the features of a modern real-timeapplication (such as semaphores, mutexes, eventflags, hooks, queues, mailboxes etc)and test their performance.You should also be able to :Calculate the CPU Utilization of an RTOS,Understand Rate Monotonic Schedulers,port FreeRTOS to any ARM processor,Understand Round-Robin Schedulers,Understand Weighted-Round-Robin Schedulers,Understand First Come First Served Schedulers,Understand the Internals of an RTOS kernel,Implement and explain popular scheduling algorithms and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99

"ARM Assembly Language From Ground Up"
"Welcome to the ARM Assembly Programming From Ground Up course. Covering ARM Systems Design, Architecture and Practical Assembly Programming, this is the most comprehensive ARM assembly course online.I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an ARM embedded developer.By the end of this course you will master the ARM Instruction Set, the Thumb Instruction Set and the Thumb-2 Instruction Set. You will be able to create data structures such as FIFOs and LIFOs in Assembly. You will also be able to create Finite State Machines such as the Moore Machine and Mealy Machine. Furthermore you will design complex algorithms for performing Binary Search in assembly , and solving advance mathematical problems like the Taylor Series and the Bisection Algorithm . Finally you will be able to create hardware drivers to configure peripherals such GPIOs, ADCs, UARTs, TIMERs and SSRs.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start writing some low level code."
Price: 129.99