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"Adobe Launch"
"Adobe LaunchLaunchAdobe Luanch"
Price: 39.99

"Sales 2.0: How to Sell the Current Customer Easily"
"A good salesperson doesnt sell with words, persuasion, & manipulation. A good salesperson sells by listening, identifying the customers problems & pain points, & then finding the exact product/service that solves that problem.In sales, you dont win by selling the customer on your product. Its not a one sided affair. A true salesperson understands that both sides should win. The customer wins because you were able to solve their problem & rid them of their pain pointand they compensated you for that accordingly.Your goal should NOT be to sell someone. It should be to make them WANT to buy.Unfortunately, most sales courses & training out there are outdated. They teach old tactics that only apply to door to door sales or car salesmen.The salesperson of THIS DECADE is often neither of those.The salesperson today not only needs to understand whats tried & true from the great sales strategies of the past, but also how those apply to current business models & online customers too.The salesperson of THIS DECADE can no longer rely on outdated information that doesnt apply to current businesses & current markets if they want to make any kind of impact or money.So, if youre ready to learn the tried & true sales techniques from best former salespeople, as well as new sales tactics that ACTUALLY apply to customers today this Course is for you.You'll learn innovative sales strategies to help you pre-qualify potential customers by using current platforms. You'll understand how to interact with customers today & build their trust. You'll learn to leverage algorithms to spoon feed your business prospects, all while mastering the techniques that have already been proven. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"Artificial Intelligence AI - Simply Explained for Beginners"
"This video course on artificial intelligence is aimed at beginners and is designed to teach you the basics within the historical development of AI. For this reason, our journey begins with the section ""Introduction and historical background of AI"".Topics and contents of the lessons:I. Introduction and historical backgroundWhat is AI - a philosophical considerationStrong and Weak AIThe Turing TestThe birth of the AIThe era of great expectationsCatching up with realityHow to teach a machine to learnDistributed systems in the AIDeep Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language ProcessingII. The general problem solverProof Program - Logical TheoristExample from ""Human Problem Solving"" (Simon)The structure of a problemIn this section, we first take up the initial techniques of AI. You will learn about the concepts and famous example systems that triggered this early phase of euphoria.III. Expert SystemsFactual knowledge and heuristic knowledgeFrames, Slots and FillerForward and backward chainingThe MYCIN ProgrammeProbabilities in expert systemsExample - Probability of hairline cracksIn this section, we discuss expert systems that, similar to the general problem solvers, only deal with specific problems. But instead, they use excessive rules and facts in the form of a knowledge base.IV. Neuronal NetworksThe human neuronSignal processing of a neuronThe PerceptronThis section heralds a return to the idea of being able to reproduce the human brain and thus make it accessible to digital information processing in the form of neural networks. We look at the early approaches and highlight the ideas that were still missing to help neural networks achieve a breakthrough.V. Machine Learning (Deep Learning & Computer Vision)Example - potato harvestThe birth year of Deep LearningLayers of deep learning networksMachine Vision / Computer VisionConvolutional Neural Network.The idea of an agent and its interaction in a multi-agent system is described in the fifth section. The main purpose of such a system is to distribute complexity over several instances.The sixth section deals with the breakthrough of multi-layer neural networks, machine learning, machine vision, speech recognition and some other applications of today's AI."
Price: 19.99

"Desarrolla tu potencial creativo"
"Aprenders todos los aspectos bsicos del pensamiento creativo y cuales son las diferencias con el pensamiento lgico, descubrirs los mitos que se han generado en torno a la creatividad y aprenders a aplicar diversas herramientas que te ayudarn a pensar de forma creativa. Obtendrs a dems, una serie de consejos y recomendaciones que he obtenido de mi experiencia como profesional creativo en el rea de Diseo Grfico."
Price: 570.00

"Classical realist drawing 01 - How to draw the head"
"We will start from the basics and study what are lines, dots, shapes, 3D forms, measurements, light and shade, shadow mapping and edge use in art. We will use those fundamentals of visual language to understand the 3D form of the human head, its planes, and the usual shapes formed by light and shadow.All demonstrations and lectures are recorded on real time while I explain in detail what is involved in the making of the drawings."
Price: 74.99

"Kung Fu estilo da guia nvel II"
"Esse curso destinado a praticantes e admiradores de Kung Fu , apresentando   tcnicas do estilo da guia FormasKon Li Kuen ( punhos rpidos )Siu Lun Quan ( Basto )Apresentadas de forma didtica para seu aprendizado .Apos a publicao do curso nvel I , este curso  tem o objetivo de dar continuidade ao  aprendizado do estilo da guia iniciado no curso anterior, apresentado de forma prtica e demonstrando a  aplicao prtica dos movimentos . A"
Price: 159.99

"Blender 2.79 Discover 3D printing"
"During this training we will discover blenders specific tools for 3d printing.In the first chapter we will create a figurine from scratch. This figurine will be the basis for discover tools dedicated to 3D printing inside Blender. This chapter covers modeling, rigging, texturing techniques that you can also use for other workflows (video game, illustration).In the second chapter we will discover specific tools of Blender to prepare our figurine for 3d printing. You will learn how to clean bad geometries, but also to detect too thin parts or to hollow your object to gain printing cost.In the third chapter we will see several school cases that you will often encounter with 3d printing. You will discover how to cut an object, how to prepare a 3D scan for printing, model a technical part from a plan or a ring for metal printing.The fourth and fifth chapters will be dedicated to exporting created models and uploading our files to different production websites. All the pack files are exclusive and included for free in the training and will give you the opportunity to practice the modeling and specific operations that 3D printing requires."
Price: 59.99

"Blender 2.8 pour dbutant - Cration d'un sabre pour Unity"
"Voici une formation complte ddie la cration d'un sabre. Elle repose sur l'utilisation de Blender 2.8, logiciel de 3D gratuit et opensource. Pendant cette formation vous apprhenderez toutes les tapes pour crer un asset raliste et prt pour le rendu et le jeu vido. Les fichiers sources sont inclus dans la formation.Dcouvrez un workflow complet pour crer un sabre low poly.Apprhendez l'interface et les raccourcis clavier pour une meilleure efficacit.Obtenez des bases de modlisation polygonale.Dcouvrez les outils de sculpt, de texturing et de shading.La formation Cration d'un sabre pour Unity avec Blender 2.8 est destine tous les futurs utilisateurs souhaitant se familiariser avec le logiciel ou au professionnel dsirant mettre jour ses connaissances. Du graphiste freelance l'illustrateur voulant voluer vers le logiciel libre, Blender sera un atout indispensable pour vos productions graphiques et vidos."
Price: 49.99

"Blender 2.8 for beginners - Sword creation"
"Here is a complete training dedicated to the creation of a sword in Blender 2.8. Blender is a free 3D software and opensource. During this training you will learn all the steps to create realistic asset ready to import in game engines. All the production files files are included in the training.Discover a complete workflow to create a sword.Apprehend the interface and keyboard shortcuts for better efficiency.Get some polygonal modeling basics.Discover the tools of sculpting, texturing and shading.The creation of sword with Blender 2.8 is intended for all future users wishing to familiarize themselves with the new version of Blender or the professional wishing to update its knowledge. From the freelance graphic designer to the illustrator wanting to evolve towards free software, Blender will be an indispensable asset for your graphic and video productions."
Price: 49.99

"Blender 2.8 La formation complte du dbutant l'avanc"
"Voici une formation complte ddie lapprentissage du logiciel Blender 2.8 . Blender 2.8 et un logiciel de 3D gratuit et opensource.Cette formation complte permettra aux dbutants de dcouvrir le logiciel dans son ensemble. Les utilisateurs de Blender 2.7 trouveront une opportunit de faire la transition vers la nouvelle version.Cette formation est divise en 15 chapitres qui vous permettrons un apprentissage progressif et consistant. La plupart des chapitres sont ponctus dexercices afin de revoir les fonctionnalits abordes et de les mettre en application. Les fichiers sources sont inclus dans la formation et vous permettent dapprhender la progression dun projet.Durant la formation nous aborderons en parallle un projet complet de cration dun robot depuis la modlisation jusqu lanimation, ce projet vous permettra dappliquer les fonctions de Blender abordes dans le cours.De la prise en main du logiciel, la modlisation polygonale, le mode objet , le mode edit, les diffrents moteurs de rendu , lclairage dune scne , la cration de matriaux ralistes, le texturing, la sculpture numrique, lanimation , les simulations, le compositing, toutes ces notions seront abordes dans cette formation et vous permettront de progresser dans le logiciel."
Price: 184.99

"Blender 2.8 The complete guide from beginner to pro"
"This is a complete training dedicated to learning the Blender 2.8 software. Blender 2.8 and a free 3D software and opensource.This complete training will allow beginners to discover the software entierely. Blender 2.7 users will find an opportunity to make the transition to the new version.This training is divided into 15 chapters that will allow you to progressively and consistently learn. Most of the chapters are punctuated with exercises to review the features covered and implement them. The source files are included in the training and allow you to understand the progress of a project.During the training we will produce in parallel a complete project to create a robot from modeling to animation, this project will allow you to apply the Blender functions learned in the course.From discover ring the software, to polygonal modeling, object mode, edit mode, different rendering engines, scene lighting, realistic material creation, texturing, digital sculpture, animation, simulations, compositing, all these notions will be addressed in this training and will allow you to progress in the software."
Price: 184.99

"Blender 2.81 - Substance painter - Cration d'asset sci-fi"
"Dans cette formation nous allons dcouvrir ensemble le processus de cration dassets de science fiction. Nous prendrons comme exemple la cration dun fusil pour un jeu vido.Cette formation vous permettra permettra de dcouvrir un workflow dans son ensemble et de dcouvrir les fonctionnalits des deux logiciels.Cette formation est divise en 5 chapitres qui suivront le processus de cration de la conception des formes de base au texturing et limport dans un moteur de jeu.Dans le premier chapitre nous aborderons les outils de modlisations spcifiques que nous allons utiliser dans Blender, une fois ces notions acquises nous pourrons passer la modlisation du fusil dans le chapitre deux. Dans le chapitre 3 nous ajouterons des dtails sur le modle. Le chapitre 4 sera consacr Substance painter pour le texturing, puis nous reviendrons sur Blender dans le chapitre 5 pour faire un rendu du projet sur les deux moteurs de rendu dans Blender . Nous dcouvrirons galement comment faire un set complet afin dexprimenter des nouvelles formes. Nous importerons ensuite notre modle sur Sketchfab et Unity.En bonus dans cette formation vous trouverez galement deux modles complets qui ont t produits avec les mmes techniques de crations que nous allons aborder, un droide complet et un mecha complet, ces modles sont riggs et texturs prts tre utilis dans vos projets. Je ne met aucune restriction dessus.Les fichiers sources sont inclus dans la formation et vous permettent dapprhender la progression du projet de A Z."
Price: 59.99

"Blender 2.81 - Substance painter - Sci fi asset creation"
"In this training we will discover the process of creating science fiction assets. We will take as example the creation of a rifle for video game.This training will allow you to discover a complete workflow and discover features of both software.This training is divided into 5 chapters that will follow the process of creating the basic forms to texturing and importing into a game engine.In the first chapter we will watch in depth the specific modeling tools that we will use in Blender, once these notions have been acquired, we will be able to proceed to the modeling of the rifle in chapter two. In chapter 3 we will add details into the model. Chapter 4 will be in Substance painter for texturing, and then we will come back to Blender in Chapter 5 to render the project on both rendering engines Cycles and Eevee. We will also discover how to make a complete set to experiment new forms and We will import our final model on Sketchfab and Unity.As a bonus in this training you will also find two complete models that have been produced with the same creative techniques, a complete droid and a complete mecha, these models are rigged and textured ready to be used in your projects. I do not put any restrictions into it.The source files are included in the training and allow you to understand the entire workflowfrom the beginning to the end."
Price: 59.99

"Blender 2.81 - Spiders and insects creation from scratch"
"In this training we will discover the process of creating spiders and insects. We will take as example the creation of a realistic wolfspider.This training will allow you to discover a complete workflow and discover features of Blender for modeling , texturing and animation.This course is divided into 7 chapters that will follow the entire process of creation from the basic modeling to texturing and importing into a game engine.In the first chapter we will model the spider with polybuild techniques, then we will make the UV editing and texturing in chapter two. In chapter 3 we will add the hair partyicles into the model. Chapter 4 and 5 will be for rigging and animation, and then we will render the project on both rendering engines Cycles and Eevee in chapter 6. We will finally export the model with animations into Unity in the last chapter.As a bonus in this training you will also find 4 complete models that have been produced with the same creative techniques, a dragonfly, a stag beetle, a praying mantis and a grasshopper these models are rigged and textured ready to be used in your projects. I do not put any restrictions into it.The source files are included in the training and allow you to understand the entire workflow from the beginning to the end.Thank you for appreciating my work and good training to all!"
Price: 59.99

"Blender 2.81 - Cration d'insectes et araignes"
"Dans cette formation nous allons dcouvrir ensemble le processus de cration dinsectes et daraignes. Nous prendrons comme exemple la cration dune araigne loup.Cette formation vous permettra permettra de dcouvrir un workflow dans son ensemble et de dcouvrir les fonctionnalits de modlisation, texturing , rigging et animation de Blender.Ce cours est divis en 7 chapitres qui suivront l'ensemble du processus de cration, de la modlisation de base au texturing et l'importation dans un moteur de jeu.Dans le premier chapitre, nous modliserons l'araigne avec des techniques de polybuild, puis nous dplierons notre modle sur un plan Uv pour effectuer le texturing dans le chapitre deux. Dans le chapitre 3, nous ajouterons les particules pour crer les poils de laraigne. Les chapitres 4 et 5 seront consacrs au rigging et l'animation, puis nous ferons diffrents rendus du projet sur les moteurs de rendu Cycles et Eevee dans le chapitre 6. Finalement nous exporterons le modle avec les animations dans Unity dans le dernier chapitre.En bonus dans cette formation vous trouverez galement quatre modles complets qui ont t produits avec les mmes techniques de crations que nous allons aborder, une libellule, un lucane, une mante religieuse te une sauterelle , ces modles sont riggs et texturs prts tre utilis dans vos projets. Je ne met aucune restriction dessus.Bon blend!"
Price: 59.99

"Introduction to Turkish - Turkish For Beginners"
"Introduction to Turkish is a Zero-Beginner Friendly Course for learning Turkish. It is possible for you to start speaking Turkish right after you finish this course.What is a Zero-Beginner Course?A zero-beginner course is a course specifically made for complete beginners who don't know anything about the topic; in this case, Turkish. This course was hand-made from scratch by me, a professional Turkish teacher. Everything you need, including the learning order of the topics, example sentences and recordings are ideal for zero-beginner learners of Turkish.Why is this course different than others?This course was made by a professional Native Turkish teacher who is also a professional English teacher. If you've searched for any other Turkish courses on Udemy, you would have seen courses made by non-Turkish instructors who are probably not real teachers.I'm a professional teacher with 10+ years of teaching experience. I still teach online one-on-one lessons and I have taught more than 600+ hours of lesson to learners from around the world. I can guarantee that everything you'll learn from this course is legitimate, up-to-date and jargon-free (using the least amount of jargon).What will I learn from this Turkish course?Here is the list of topics you will learn from this video course:The Turkish AlphabetVowels & ConsonantsVowel HarmonyConsonant AssimilationWord StressCardinal NumbersOrdinal NumbersThe Present (To Be) MarkerThe Past (To Be) MarkerThe Genitive & PossessiveExistential WordsVerbs. Present Continuous Tense. Case Markers.Question Words. Infinitives. Spatial Post-positionsPast TenseAdjectivesAdverbsComparatives & SuperlativesFuture TenseFuture Tense Supposed ToEvidential PastAorist TenseThe Obligation MoodThe Imperative & OptativeThe Potential MoodWord Order VariationsConjunctionsDo you provide a course booklet with the video course?Yes, you can download and use the 72-page course booklet for this video course to use together with the video lectures. I also give you a 50+ page Exercises Booklet and two other exercise booklets for Speaking and Writing Exercises. Do you have exercises to go with this course?Yes, there are more than 100 exercises consisting of Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Shadowing exercises. You will download an Exercise Booklet which you can carry on with you to do these exercises. Once you purchase this course, please read the ""Please Read Before You Start"" text after the first video for more information. I explain everything that you need to do, to have the best experience doing the exercises.Isn't this course the same as your ""Turkish Grammar Fundamentals"" course?No, this course is a ""zero-beginner friendly"" course. ""Turkish Grammar Fundamentals"" is a general course not particularly aimed at beginners. This course is also a premium video course. The quality of the content is not the same as my earlier course. Everything was designed for complete beginners who have little to no knowledge of Turkish. There is no Beginner Turkish course on Udemy like this one, I can guarantee you that.I have a question about the Turkish language, can you help me?Of course! Please read the ""Please Read Before You Start"" text that I have after the ""Before You Start"" video to learn more about how you can get assistance from me."
Price: 64.99

"DQS Training"
"The topics which are covered in this online video training course on DQS areDQS IntroductionDQS TerminologiesDQS ArchitechtureDQS InstallationData CleansingData Source used for DemonstrationDomains and Knowledge BaseCleansing ProjectSSIS Package for Data CleansingData DeduplicationMatching PoliciesDeduplication ProjectAdvanced DQSTerm Based RelationsComposite DomainsCreating Regular Expressions Rules in a domainDomain DataTypesImport Knowledge Base & Domains Export Knowledge Base & Domains Open Delete Rename Unlock Knowledge Base & ProjectsPurpose of each DQS DatabasesBackup and Restore DQS DatabasesDQS ConfigurationsDQS Activity Monitor"
Price: 34.99

"SSRS Reporting & T-SQL Combo with Real World Tricks 15+ Hrs"
"This course starts from the beginning , no prior knowledge is needed and it is step By step Practical Training on Programming Transact SQL Query from basics on Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Online Tutorial using Visual Studio 2017 or SQL Server Data Tools.This course is must for all the Aspirants who want to become Microsoft SQL Server Database Developers , Microsoft Database Administrator, Web Developers such as .NET Developers,Database ANALYSTS , Report Developers such as SSRS or ETL Developers such as SSIS etc The following topics are covered in this SSRS Reporting Video Training Course. After learning this course you will be able to handle real world reporting scnarios.Following are the course contents which are covered in   T-SQL Online SQL Server Video Step By Step TrainingIntroductionWhat is a Relational DatabaseWhat is Relational Database Management SystemSSMS and SQL Server Database EngineSQL Server and SSMS InstallationBasic T-SQLCreating DB Tables & Inserting Data into the tablesPrimary Key and Foreign KeyBasic Select CommandsAggregate Functions with SELECT CommandGroup By Clause using Single and Multiple ColumnsDifference Between WHERE and HAVING ClauseSyntax of SELECT CommandT-SQL Joins to query SQL ServerInner JoinT-SQL with Inner Join and Group By TogetherLeft JoinRight JoinFull JoinCross JoinSelf-JoinUnion OperationUnion All OperationIntersect OperationExcept OperationWorking with SchemaWhat is Schema and its ImportanceSchema Creation & Transfer and Viewing the objects inside Schema using T-SQLSubqueriesGetting Started with first Subquery ExampleCommon Interview Question on SubqueryJoins Group by Derived table Subquery combined TSQLSubquery as a ColumnSubquery using NOT ExistsALL ANY SOME Keywords in SubqueryCorrelated SubqueryNot Exists Keyword Scenario of Correlated Subquery to speed up query performanceDatatypesDatatype ConversionImplicit & Explicit Conversion (Type Casting)DML Operations and ConstraintsMany Different Options while performing insert update and delete operationsPrimary Key, Foreign Key, Unique, Not NULL, Default, Check ConstraintsJoining more than two tablesJoining three tablesJoining four TablesOne more example in joining four tablesWorking with CASE Statements and Inbuilt FunctionsPerforming Select and Update operation using case statementWHILE LoopInbuilt Functions - EOMONTH, IIF, CHOOSE, DatePart, String Functions etc.Following are the course contents which are covered in SSRS Reporting Online  Video  Recording Step By Step TrainingSSRS Reporting ProcessShared and Embedded DataSource and DataSetReport Generation using Report WizardSSDT Components ExplainedDataSet used in SSRS Reporting ExplainedTablix ReportSSRS GroupingWhy to create Black and White ReportDrillDown OptionPage Break in SSRSMerge and Sort a column based on another columnAdd Calculated FieldHow to display loss in Red ColorAdvantage of Creating Calculated FieldReport Header , Report Footer , Page Header and Page FooterHow to Reset Page Number on the basis of a GroupHow to create Document MapHow to display first 3 characters of every month for the consistent report How to Repeat Column Header on each Page of a Report in SSRSHow to Freeze the Headers of a Table in the SSRS ReportHow to hide the Advanced ModeHow to Display Different Currency Symbols in SSRSHow to Display Different Currency Symbols in SSRSParameterized ReportsHow to Add Parameters in the ReportHow to use DropdownParameters in SSRS ReportHow to implement Multi-Select Parameters Option for SSRS ReportsHow to add All option to SSRS dropdownFixing the No Record issue in the ReportHow to Manually Add the Options in SSRS DropdownHow to setup the Default Value in the DropdownHow to Generate Cascading Parameters in the SSRS ReportHow to deal with Multiple Values in the Cascading ParametersDisplay No Data Available for Empty Dataset and Dynamically play with ParametersHow to use a Column which has Date Datatype as a ParameterChart ReportsCreating ChartsHow to make Lower Values Visible in SSRS charts using Scale Breaks OptionTooltip DataLabels and Changing Chart TypesMixture of Columns and Lines in a Single ChartDynamically changing the Chart Title based on the Dropdownlist Selected OptionsHow to display a Table Report after clicking on a Chart using Drillthrough OptionChanging Vertical Axis values in the ChartMajor Ticks, Minor Ticks, Major Gridlines & Minor GridLinesPie ChartLegends in the Pie ChartAdvanced ReportingMatrix ReportHow to convert Detailed Data into SummaryList in SSRSTable inside a ListSum Function with different Scopes in an expressionIndicatorsDatabarsCreating trends using SparklinesHow to Name Worksheets with the Group Name Values when Exporting Report to ExcelUsing Stored Procedures as DatasetSubreport in SSRS"
Price: 174.99

"Maximize Your Learning Potential"
"""The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning new skills. "" - Peter Ducker.Today, we live in a time of constantly evolving knowledge and information. Knowledge, that is relevant and useful one day, but becomes outdated another day. It is estimated that 40 per cent of what you learn in your school, college & university, will be outdated in a decades time. You need to be ready to learn new ideas and skills EVERY DAY. The ability to adapt and learn faster will soon become a requirement for survival.Maximize your learning potential offers the necessary techniques to learn faster & smarter in a shorter amount of time. These techniques are based on research from neuroscience & cognitive psychology experts & can be applied to almost everything you want to learn.It challenges any negative ideas you might have about your memory and help you to take a fresh look at yourself as a learner."
Price: 89.99

"How to take notes like a pro!"
"I am a note taking nerd. I take notes of everything I learn, Observe, Experience and come across. I tried several methods on this journey to reap maximum benefits from my notes. On the journal I invented my own note taking format that I share in this course.I share with you an exhaustive list of different methods and apps available to take notes, organize and structure them.Da Vinci, Henry Ford, Lincoln, Aristotle and many more always used to take notes jn their pocket diaries. In this course, I share not only great tools and techniques of note taking but also interesting stories.There are a number of different ways to take notes, and it is best that you use the method you feel most at ease with.Stop googling, get the exhaustive list of note taking methods here. I have done the research for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for Social Anxiety & shyness"
"Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Social Anxiety & Shyness.Using Acceptance & Commitment Therapy to free yourself from fear and reclaim your life.A powerful step by step program to help you:1. Understand social anxiety is a new way2. Stop avoiding social situations3. Speak in public - even with fear and doubt4. Start participating fully in the life you want With downloadable guided mindfulness meditation and printable worksheets.With my personal I find that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy if very similar to spiritual practice of Vipassana. Vipassana is a Meditation technique original taught by the Buddha himself. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy has picked up many of the concepts and techniques as it is from this Buddhist teachings such as loving-kindness meditation, Acceptance of bodily sensations and mindfulness.In this course, I try my best to deliver a fusion of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Vipassana Meditation Course.Using these techniques many problems can be solved such as:StressAnxietyDepressionAnger IssuesDemotivationAgitated mindDisclaimer: This course is based on the Harbinger Workbook authored by Jane Fleming MD and Nancy Kocovski PHD"
Price: 104.99

"PostgreSQL pour les (grands) dbutants (cours de 3 heures)."
"Dans ce cours, je vais vous apprendre crire des requtes SQL, et utiliser les bases de donnes PostgreSQL.Nous partirons d'un niveau (trs dbutant), et vous finirez ce cours avec un niveau (plus que) confirm.Postgres est trs facile utiliser ! Vous serez vraiment tonn de la rapidit de votre progression.PostgreSQL c'est la 4me Base de donne la plus utilise au monde, et elle est gratuitePostgreSQL  a t lue pendant 2 annes de suite (2017,2018) la BDD la plus prise par les entreprises !!De nombreuses entreprises, commencent a migrer sur cette solution (Air France, administration franaise etc...)PostgreSQL est dj, et sera dans quelques annes trs demand sur le march du travail.Vous avez le choix entre de nombreuses bases de donnes, et mme de nombreuses bases de donnes gratuites.Postgresql est constamment class parmi les meilleures bases de donnes, de l'analyse de donnes au dveloppement Web de base.Dans ce cours, on abordera Postgres sur Windows et non Linux, pour le moment.Bien sur il y a des exercices et des corrigs :)"
Price: 99.99

"Curso para Aprender C# : de Cero a Experto 2020"
"** Nuevo contenido todas las semanas !!!**Eres nuevo en el mundo de la programacin, y quieres volverte experto en uno de los lenguajes de programacin, ms demandados por las empresas actualmente? , tal vez ya eres un desarrollador con aos de experiencia, pero sientes que escuchas trminos en videos en publicaciones, y no sabes de dnde sali dicha funcionalidad?Si alguno de los dos, es tu caso, entonces djame decirte, que este curso es el indicado para t!Despus de impartir el curso numerosas veces para empresas y universidades, he recopilado un temario y una estrategia, que va tocando los temas del lenguaje paso a paso, de tal forma que no se vea un tema sin comprender otro, como pasa en muchos cursos, en donde los instructores piensan que estn tratando con profesionales en el lenguaje.Porqu debera aprender C#?Djame comentarte, que en mi experiencia personal, como desarrollador Full Stack .NET, con ms de 10 aos de experiencia de desarrollo y certificado en dicha tecnologa, no hay semana en la cual no me lleguen ofertas de trabajo de empresas, que quieren que trabaje con ellos, ofrecindome una buena compensacin econmica. Sin embargo, suelo declinar ante este tipo de ofertas, ya que prefiero realizar cursos como este, que ayuden a ms gente a que pueda desenvolverse en el mbito profesional, y que a la vez puedan tener una buena calidad de vida.Sin embargo, si te vuelves un experto en la materia, empezando con este curso, seguramente pronto tendrs a varios reclutadores siguindote la pista.Qu incluye el curso?El curso cubre los temas ms importantes que necesitas saber al empezar a aprender el lenguaje de programacin C#. A continuacin, dejo el listado del temario:- Instalacin y configuracin del IDE- Variables, operadores y expresiones- Mtodos- Enunciado If- Ciclos- Excepciones- Uso de clases- Tipos valor y tipos referencia- Enumeraciones- Estructuras- Y muchos temas ms que vienen en camino! (Todas las semanas encontrars material nuevo)Por mucho, es el mejor curso que encontrars de C# del 2019, ya que por cada tema, cubro todas las formas posibles de trabajar en el lenguaje con dicho tema.As que... No lo pienses ms y te espero en el curso!"
Price: 44.99

"5 Formas de conectar C# a una base de datos Sql Server"
"Saber conectar una aplicacin en C# a una base de datos SQL Server, es una tarea que todo desarrollador .NET debera saber. Y es que, en el mercado laboral, esta es una tarea que los reclutadores siempre piden.Desafortunadamente, en los videos y tutoriales que se encuentran en internet, no hay una gua clara, sobre las tecnologas que podemos utilizar para llevar a cabo esta accin.Pensando en esto, y en los desarrolladores que inician su camino de aprendizaje en el mundo de .NET, he decidido crear este curso, el cual, de una forma sencilla, muestra cmo podemos conectar C# a una base de datos SQL Server, fcilmente.Adems, pongo toda mi experiencia, mostrando algunas tcnicas para acelerar tus desarrollos, as como para implementar buenas prcticas, que muchas veces se aprenden cometiendo errores.A lo largo del curso, aprenderemos a conectarnos a travs de 5 formas:Data Sources: Este mtodo, que funciona para aplicaciones de escritorio, nos permite, de una forma facilsima, conectarnos a SQL Server, a la par, de que nos crea los elementos de interfaz grfica, con tan slo algunos clicks. Es un mtodo maravilloso si es que necesitas desarrollar aplicaciones rpidas, sin tanta personalizacin.ADO.NET - Capa Conectada: Este mecanismo, nos permite ejecutar consultas a la base de datos directamente, con la advertencia de que tendremos que tener una conexin abierta para interactuar con la base de datos.ADO.NET - Capa Desconectada: Con este otro mecanismo, en lugar de tener una conexin abierta en todo momento, llenamos un objeto tipo DataSet, el cual contendr una copia de la informacin que especifiquemos, para trabajar con dicha informacin fuera de lnea, es decir, que no tendremos que estar conectados a la base de datos para utilizar la informacin.Dapper: Un simple, pero efectivo mapeador de objetos para .NET, con el cual, podremos consultar informacin de una tabla con tan slo algunas lneas de cdigo.Entity Framework: Un completo ORM (Mapeador de objetos relacionales) lanzado por Microsoft, la cual es una herramienta que simplifica el mapeo entre objetos a las tablas y columnas de una base de datos relacional.Sin duda, esta es una gua excelente, para aquellos que apenas inician con .Net y C#, o bien, para aquellos que ya tienen experiencia desarrollando con alguno de estas tcnicas, pero desconoce completamente sobre los dems temas.Qu esperas para conectar tu aplicacin a tu base de datos SQL Server?"
Price: 19.99

"Xamarin Forms Shell: De Cero a Experto"
"Xamarin Forms Shell, es la nueva forma de programar aplicaciones en Xamarin Forms. Esta nueva caracterstica, ha venido a travs de la actualizacin 4.0 de Xamarin Forms, y ha tomado a varios desarrolladores por sorpresa.Si quieres saber cmo poder integrar este nuevo paradigma a tus aplicaciones basadas en Xamarin, a travs de este curso lo podrs hacer paso a paso y de forma prctica, mientras vamos creando una hermosa aplicacin basada en fotografas.En el desarrollo del curso, aprenderemos a:Saber qu es Xamarin Forms ShellImplementar un ShellCrear elementos jerrquicos a travs de Flyouts y TabsNavegar entre pginas dentro del ShellImplementar una bsqueda con Xamarin Forms Shell"
Price: 24.99

"Xamarin Forms: Aprende los Conceptos de MVVM"
"An tienes dudas sobre cmo implementar el patrn MVVM en tus aplicaciones de Xamarin Forms?Si la respuesta es afirmativa, djame decirte que no eres el nico. A lo largo de mis consultoras, muchas veces me encuentro con desarrolladores que tienen dudas especficas sobre cmo implementar el patrn MVVM. Y es que, si vienes de un mundo Windows Forms, o de otra tecnologa parecida, debes de cambiar la forma de pensar para poder aplicarlo de forma satisfactoria.A lo largo de este curso, repaso los conceptos fundamentales que tienen que ver con el patrn MVV, brindndote las herramientas para que al finalizarlo, puedas implementarlo en tus propias aplicaciones sin mayor problema."
Price: 24.99

"5 Proyectos de Arduino para Principiantes"
"Estas iniciando en el mundo de Arduino, y siempre encuentras tutoriales sobre cmo conectar circuitos, pero sin ninguna aplicacin prctica?Si es as, djame decirte, que has llegado al curso correcto. En este curso, vamos a aprender a desarrollar 5 proyectos fascinantes, que son muy fciles de hacer, econmicos, y que se vern increbles una vez que los termines.Los proyectos que desarrollaremos son:Un Reloj BinarioUn Detector de MovimientoUn Piano ElctricoUna Estacin MeteorolgicaUna Lmpara AmbientalCada uno de los proyectos, est explicado paso a paso, para que sepas exactamente qu se est haciendo, y lo mejor de todo, es que tambin el cdigo fuente, est explicado detalladamente, por lo que te aseguro, que aprenders a cntaros al hacer estos proyectos.Saca el maker que hay en t, y desarrolla estos proyectos!"
Price: 29.99

"Programacin Orientada a Objetos con C#: Un Caso Prctico"
"Estas iniciando en el mundo de la programacin orientada a objetos, y sientes que son muchos trminos que no son fciles de asimilar?O tal vez ests trabajando en un proyecto, pero nadie te ha explicado qu es la herencia, polimorfismo, o trminos que suenan sumamente extraos?Para todos los que se sienten as, he creado este curso de Programacin Orientada a Objetos, con el propsito de ir mostrando cada uno de ellos de forma prctica.Con este curso, se acabaron los ejemplos bsicos, donde se explica el qu son los conceptos, pero no cmo utilizarlos en un proyecto.Al finalizar el curso, tendrs los conocimientos necesarios para aplicar conceptos de programacin Orientada a Objetos, en tu prximo gran proyecto."
Price: 24.99

"Xamarin Forms: Desarrolla ms rpido con FreshMvvm"
"Quieres mejorar la arquitectura de tus aplicaciones, pero no sabes cmo?Te has encontrado con problemas, que no sabes como resolver, como por ejemplo, cmo navegar desde un ViewModel a otro?Desconoces cmo desacoplar tus clases en tus proyectos de Xamarin Forms?Si te encuentras en alguna de las situaciones anteriores, este curso es para t.FreshMvvm, es un framework mvvm sper ligero, diseado especficamente para xamarin forms, el cual est pensado para ser fcil, simple y flexible.A lo largo del curso, aprenders cmo resolver problemas comunes, como por ejemplo, cmo navegar de un viewmodel a otro, pasando informacin, o bien, cmo inyectar dependencias dentro de tus viewmodels, para tener una buena arquitectura, todo gracias a framework FreshMvvm.Algunos de los temas que veremos en el curso son:Cmo navegar entre viewmodelsCmo pasar informacin entre diferentes viewmodelsCmo configurar un contenedor de inyeccin de dependenciasCmo reducir el acoplamiento entre dependenciasCmo manejar mltiples pilas de navegacinEntre muchos otros temas.Qu esperas para mejorar tus tiempos de desarrollo y tu arquitectura con Xamarin Forms?Te veo en el curso."
Price: 29.99

"Xamarin Forms: Crea un aplicacin de Chat en tiempo real"
"Estoy seguro, de que si eres apasionado por el desarrollo de software, alguna vez has deseado crear tu propia aplicacin tipo chat, con las cual puedas comunicarte con otras personas alrededor del mundo en tiempo real.Aunque parece una tarea complicada y difcil, hoy en da, gracias a Microsoft Azure y Xamarin Forms, se pueden crear este tipo de aplicaciones, de comunicacin en tiempo real, en tiempo rcord.Gracias al backend en Microsoft Azure, podremos crear un conjunto de apis que nos permitan transmitir mensajes a cualquier dispositivo conectado a nuestra red.Aunado a ello, con Xamarin forms, podremos crear apps para Android, iOS y otras plataformas, con un mismo cdigo XAML, y con una misma lgica de negocios, logrando una mayor productividad.Al finalizar este curso, sabrs cmo crear aplicaciones de comunicacin en tiempo real, y aunque crearemos una aplicacin tipo chat, en realidad, puedes replicar el conocimiento para crear cualquier tipo de aplicacin, que requiera de una comunicacin en tiempo real.Algunos de los temas que veremos en el curso son:Azure SignalRAzure FunctionsAzure StorageTemas selectos de Xamarin Forms, tales como CollectionView, Visual Material y DataTemplatesQu esperas para desarrollar tu aplicacin de Chat con Xamarin?Te veo en el curso!"
Price: 29.99