"Gua de Referencia AZ-900: Conceptos de la nube" |
"Microsoft Azure es un conjunto en constante expansin de servicios en la nube. Esto significa, que la misma plataforma de Azure, est en constante evolucin para brindar soluciones a los responsables del rea tecnolgica, de la ms alta calidad. Cada da, se suman al mundo del cmputo en la nube, cientos de empresas de tecnologa, ya que hospedar soluciones web, backends, bases de datos y dems servicios en la nube, es mucho ms rentable que hospedarlos en servidores propios. Esta decisin es tomada en base a parmetros como la seguridad, la capacidad de escalamiento, replicacin, entre otros parmetros.Es por ello, que si quieres dar un plus a tu carrera, y quieres sobresalir de entre el resto de los desarrolladores enfocados en la nube, Tienes que certificarte! Los nmeros muestran que cada da las empresas buscan ms gente capacitada para dar soluciones que cumplan sus demandas, sabiendo configurar correctamente las funcionalidades en la nube. Es un hecho, que si demuestras sobre tu conocimiento en Azure a travs de un examen de certificacin, y lo expones en tu CV en tu perfil de LinkedIn, tendrs a muchos reclutadores tras de t, ofrecindote vacantes que muchas veces no pueden llenar debido a la falta de gente especializada.Basado en el temario oficial, este es el primer curso completamente en espaol que trata los requerimientos del examen AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals. A diferencia de otros cursos que podrs encontrar, en este curso se trata a detalle cada uno de los sub objetivos del temario.* Microsoft, Windows y Microsoft Azure son marcas registradas. Este curso no es un curso certificado, acreditado y/ afiliado por Microsoft Corporation."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to D3.js with React" |
"Welcome to Introduction to D3.js with React!This course will help you to get up and running with D3.js in a React environment as quickly as possible. The course will teach you to program in the latest version of D3 - version 6.x.Course OutlineThe course is structured in a code-along format, gradually adding on to what you can do with the D3 library over the course of 5 sections.Section 1:Telling you why you should learn D3Going over the structure of the courseExplaining course resourcesSection 2:Getting your environment setupCreating a wrapper for using React and D3 togetherIntroducing SVGsTaking your first steps in D3Section 3:Building a static bar chart with D3How to add scales and axes to a chartIntroducing the D3 axis generatorsAdding in the D3 margin conventionSection 4:Building an updating bar chart with D3Introduction to the D3 Interval methodUsing the D3 transition suiteUnderstanding the D3 General Update PatternUpdating the chart according to user input through ReactSection 5:Building a complete web app with React and D3Building a scatterplot with D3Handling events between React and D3Practicing using the two libraries togetherShould I Take This Course?D3 is an incredibly powerful library to use, with a strong community of developers which is growing every day. The library famously doesn't play well together with React, as they both want total control over the DOM. Take this course if you want to learn the right way to get these two libraries together, and get up and running as quickly as possible.This course is not an introductory course to web development. Students are expected to have had experience coding in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and React before enrolling in this course."
Price: 129.99 |
"Ansys ICEMCFD - Become guru in Hexa Mesh generation (Part 1)" |
"In this course students will learn basics of hexa meshing along with geometry operations and various other options in ICEMCFD. After going through lectures, we will apply this knowledge in 10 workshops which are designed to give you hand on practice on different commands and method in ICEMCFD. After going this course you will be able to understand hexa meshing concept, geometry operations etc and apply them on simple problems. Testimonials:""Amazing course. Best investment of money..."" ***** -Ahmed Asees Aamir ""Excellent course..."" *****-Karam Al Masri""It's a very good course. I wish to complete it and learn in details about ICEMCFD..! *****-Debasish Roy""The course content is increasing day by day. The course instructor is a very knowledgeable person and also very helpful. Highly recommended"" *****-Prasenjit Sanyal"
Price: 199.99 |
"Ansys ICEMCFD - Become guru in Hexa Mesh generation (Part 2)" |
"Meshing can be considered the heart of any CFDsimulation. With high quality mesh, you will get accurate results and fast convergence. It is estimated that around 70-80% time in CFDis spent on mesh generation. And in this course, I will teach you meshing in a way so that you can minimize time spent on meshing and give more time to simulation, results interpretation and design optimization. So enroll today and make your CFDanalysis of high quality with professional touch. This is the part 2 of hexa meshing course. In this part you will learn to make hexa meshing for more complex cases. You will also learn new techniques of ICEMCFD for creating high quality hexa meshing. There are total 17 workshops in this part. I will be updating this course with new workshops to expand your knowledge in this very exciting subject. Hope to see you soon on this course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Three Dimensional Hexa Meshing in Ansys ICEMCFD" |
"Meshing is the process to divide the continuous domain into discrete parts to solve fluid dynamics equation to get solution of flow field and heat transfer numerically on computers. ICEMCFD is one of the leading meshing software and it is specially best for getting high quality hexa meshing for accurate CFD results. In this course you will learn to create high quality hexa mesh with 15 high quality workshops / cases in different applications areas. You will learn to use ICEMCFD options effectively to create the blocking and also you will be able to think about the blocking strategy yourself. Workshops/cases covered in this course are:Workshop 1 : Geometry, domain and hexa meshing of NACA 0012 3D airfoil with different trailing edges and domain shapes.Workshop 2 : Hexa meshing of Square DuctWorkshop 3 : Hexa meshing of cube in external flowWorkshop 4 : Hexa meshing technique for quarter cylinderWorkshop 5 : Hexa meshing of vortex generator over rampWorkshop 6 : Transition piping hexa meshWorkshop 7 : Hexa meshing of two type of hemispheres configuration for external flow analysisWorkshop 8 : Hexa meshing Ventrui scruber with three nozzles at throat areaWorkshop 9 : 3D injection nozzle system for coal, air and strawWorkshop 10 : Hexa meshing Gas Turbine Combustion ChamberWorkshop 11 : Hexa meshing of Supersonic Converging-Diverging Nozzle with Far FiledWorkshop 12 : Hexa meshing of U-Bend with top-down and bottom-up approachesWorkshop 13 : Hexa meshing of simple dimple over flat surfaceWorkshop 14 : Hexa meshing of triple wedge in supersonic external flowWorkshop 15 : Hexa meshing of of cone with different blocking approachesNote: This course requires some basic knowledge on ICEMCFD. Some basic courses you can also find on udemy to start with."
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprende python desarrollando tu primer videojuego" |
"En este curso vamos a aprender a programar en python desde cero, sin ningun conocimiento en programacin, para que puedas desarrollar tus capacidades y habilidades que exige la indstria 4.0. ste curso es 100% prctico pues su objetivo final es tener todas las competencias tcnicas de python para desarrollar un videojuego al final del curso usando una de las librerias mas populares como pygame."
Price: 24.99 |
"2/4Power BI Eitim Videosu Serisi 2 : SORGU DZENLEYCS" |
"""Power BI ile, ok az aba harcayarak ok eitli veri kaynaklarna ok hzl balanabiliyor ve bu verileri kullanarak Heathrow'u hi olmad kadar sorunsuz ynetebiliyoruz.""Stuart Birrell, Enformasyon Mdr (Heathrow Havaliman, Power BI'n yardmyla havalimann sakinletiriyor.)""Power BI sayesinde, blgesel eilim arkasnda nerede olduumuzu grebildik, soruna odaklanabildik ve zm oluturabildik.""Matt Craig, Blgesel Bakan Yardmcs-Dou Blgesi (En popler spermarket zinciri Power BI ile igr elde edip karll artryor.)""Microsoft BI ve analiz aralarn kullanmak, daha iyi kararlar almamza ve daha fazla ocuun hayatn kurtarmamza yardmc olur.""Stephanie Bruno, Veri Mimarisi Yneticisi, EGPAFta Biliim blm (Pediyatrik AIDSe kar mcadelede, veriler hayat kurtarmada yardmc oluyor.)------------------------------------------------------------------Her gn, irketler eitli kaynaklardan edindikleri byk miktarlarda bilgiyi oluturup muhafaza ediyor. Genellikle i srelerinde firmalar bu kadar byk bilginin kontrol ve ynetiminde ok sk zorluk ekmekte. Bu durumlarda, iletme verilerini birletirecek ve yeniden yaplandracak yazlm teknolojileri kullanmaya ihtiya duyuyor.Power BI ihtiya duyulan yapsal verilere dorudan eriim salayan faydalar ile herkesi glendirir. Kullanmnnkolay olmas sebebi ile Microsoft tarafndan daha ok teknik personeli olmayan kiilerinde rahatlkla kullanlabilecei ekilde dizaynedilmitir. Gl, interaktif, grsel raporlar ve alma alanlar ksasrede yaplabilmektedir."
Price: 389.99 |
"3/4DAX Dili Eitim Videosu Serisi" |
"DAX nedir?DAX, bir veya daha fazla deeri hesaplayp dndrmek zere bir formlde veya ifadede kullanlabilen ilev, ile ve sabit deerler topluluudur. Ksacas, DAX modelinizde bulunan verilerden yeni bilgiler oluturmanza yardmc olur.Neden DAX bu kadar nemli?Bir alma kitab oluturup iine baz veriler aktarmak kolaydr. Herhangi bir DAX formln kullanmadan nemli bilgiler grntleyen PivotTable veya PivotChart'lar bile oluturabilirsiniz. Peki ya birka rn kategorisine ve farkl tarih aralklarna ait kritik sat verilerini analiz etmeniz gerektiinde ne olacak? Ya da farkl veri kaynaklarnda bulunan birka tablodaki nemli stok verilerini birletirmeniz gerektiinde? DAX formlleri, bu olana ve ayn zamanda baka birok nemli zellii salar. Etkili DAX formlleri oluturmay renmek, verilerinizden sonuna dek yararlanmanza yardmc olur. Gerek duyduunuz bilgileri aldnzda, bilanonuzu etkileyen gerek i sorunlarn zmeye balayabilirsiniz. te buna Zekas diyoruz ve DAX oraya ulamanza yardmc olur..DAX' renmenin en iyi yolu baz temel formller oluturup onlar bir takm gerek verilerle kullanmak ve sonucunu bizzat grmektir. Bizde bu eitim serisi boyunca farkl veri kmeleri ile DAX formllerini Power BI Desktop ortamnda reniyor olacaz. Keyif alacanz bir eitim serisi olmas dileiyle.."
Price: 389.99 |
"4/4Power BI Eitim Videosu Serisi 4: HARC GRSELLER" |
"""Power BI ile, ok az aba harcayarak ok eitli veri kaynaklarna ok hzl balanabiliyor ve bu verileri kullanarak Heathrow'u hi olmad kadar sorunsuz ynetebiliyoruz.""Stuart Birrell, Enformasyon Mdr (Heathrow Havaliman, Power BI'n yardmyla havalimann sakinletiriyor.)""Power BI sayesinde, blgesel eilim arkasnda nerede olduumuzu grebildik, soruna odaklanabildik ve zm oluturabildik.""Matt Craig, Blgesel Bakan Yardmcs-Dou Blgesi (En popler spermarket zinciri Power BI ile igr elde edip karll artryor.)""Microsoft BI ve analiz aralarn kullanmak, daha iyi kararlar almamza ve daha fazla ocuun hayatn kurtarmamza yardmc olur.""Stephanie Bruno, Veri Mimarisi Yneticisi, EGPAFta Biliim blm (Pediyatrik AIDSe kar mcadelede, veriler hayat kurtarmada yardmc oluyor.)------------------------------------------------------------------Her gn, irketler eitli kaynaklardan edindikleri byk miktarlarda bilgiyi oluturup muhafaza ediyor. Genellikle i srelerinde firmalar bu kadar byk bilginin kontrol ve ynetiminde ok sk zorluk ekmekte. Bu durumlarda, iletme verilerini birletirecek ve yeniden yaplandracak yazlm teknolojileri kullanmaya ihtiya duyuyor.Power BI ihtiya duyulan yapsal verilere dorudan eriim salayan faydalar ile herkesi glendirir. Kullanmnn kolay olmas sebebi ile Microsoft tarafndan daha ok teknik personeli olmayan kiilerinde rahatlkla kullanlabilecei ekilde dizaynedilmitir. Gl, interaktif, grsel raporlar ve alma alanlar ksasrede yaplabilmektedir."
Price: 389.99 |
"SQL Server Tutorial" |
"This unique introductory SQL tutorial not only provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the on-line SQL interpreter. You will receive immediate results after submitting your SQL commands. You will be able to create your own unique tables as well as perform selects, inserts, updates, deletes, and drops on your tables. . The basics of each SQL command will be covered in this introductory tutorial. Unless otherwise stated, the interpreter will support everything covered in this course.If you're already familar with the basics of SQL, you can still use this as a refresher, and practice some SQL statements."
Price: 154.99 |
"Solid&Design Patterns in C#" |
"Course OverviewThe SOLID principles are fundamental to designing effective, maintainable, object-oriented systems. Whether you've only just begun writing software or have been doing so for years, these principles, when used appropriately, can improve the encapsulation and coupling of your application, making it more malleable and testable in the face of changing requirements.This course introduces foundational principles of creating well-crafted code and is appropriate for anyone hoping to improve as a developer."
Price: 184.99 |
"SQL Server DBA Eitim Videosu Serisi" |
"Veri Taban YneticisiVeritaban Yneticileri bir irketin verilerini organize eder ve ynetir. Veritaban yneticileri, iletme verilerinin; doru, kullanlabilir ve gvenli olmasn salar. Kurumsal veritaban, bordro, imalat, sat ve daha fazlasn yrten temel i sistemlerinin kalbidir. Tm bu nedenlerden dolay veritaban yneticileri bir kuruluun baarsnda nemli bir rol oynamalar rolyle tannrlar.Tipik bir veritaban ynetimi renme plan; bilgisayar bilimleri, veri taban ynetimi, bilgisayar bilgi sistemleri veya ilgili bir alan zerinde lisans derecesi ile balar. Teknik, iletme ve iletiim becerileri dengesi, bir veritaban yneticisinin baars ve yukar doru hareketlilii asndan kritik nem tar. Becerileri ve SorumluluklarKurumsal veritabann uygular, destekler ve ynetir.likisel veritaban nesnelerini tasarlar ve yaplandrr.Veri btnl ve kullanlabilirliinden sorumludur.Veritaban sunucularn tasarlar, uygular ve izleyebilir.Veri datm ve veri arivleme zmlerini tasarlar.Yedeklemeler ve felaket kurtarma da dahil olmak zere veritaban gvenlii salar.Uygulama ve veri salama plann yapar ve uygular.Veritaban bilgilerini entegre mobil cihazlara aktarr.Baz veritaban yneticileri irket veritabann tasarlar ve gelitirir.Baz veritaban yneticileri i kararlarn ekillendirmeye yardmc olmak iin kurumsal verileri analiz eder ve raporlar.Varlk ilikisi ve veri ak diyagramlar, veritaban normalletirme emas, fiziksel veritaban haritalarna mantksal ve veri tablosu parametreleri retir.Veritaban yneticileri, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL ve Oracle gibi bir veya daha fazla nde gelen veritaban ynetim sisteminde uzmandr."
Price: 339.99 |
"Veri Ambar Eitim Videosu Serisi" |
"Veri Ambar Nedir ?Veri ambar, veri analizi ve raporlama iin oluturulan i zekas sisteminin zdr.Tarihe:Veri Ambar, kullanclarn organizasyondaki performansn anlamalarna ve gelitirmelerine yardmc olur. Bilgisayar sistemlerinin karmak hale gelmesi ve artan miktarlarda bilgi ile baa kma ihtiyac duymas nedeniyle veri depolanmas ihtiyac geliti. Ancak, Veri Depolama yeni bir ey deildir.1960- Dartmouth : 1960- Dartmouth ve General Mills ortak bir aratrma projesinde dimension ve fact terimlerini gelitirdiler.1970 - Nielsen perakende satlar iin dimensional data martlar tantyor.1983 - Tera Data Corporation, karar destei iin zel olarak tasarlanm bir veritaban ynetim sistemi sunar.Veri ambar kullanm 1980'lerin sonunda IBM alan Paul Murphy ve Barry Devlin'in "" Veri Ambarn"" gelitirmesiyle balamtr.Veri Ambarlar Nasl alrlar ?Bir Veri Ambar, bilgilerin bir veya daha fazla veri kaynandan geldii merkezi bir depo olarak alr. Veri Ambarna veriler, transactional bir sistemden ve dier ilikisel veri tabanlarndan gelir.Veriler, Zekas aralar, SQL istemcileri ve elektronik tablolar araclyla Veri Ambarnda ilenen verilere eriebilecekleri ekilde ilenir, dntrlr ve alnr. Bir veri ambar, farkl kaynaklardan gelen bilgileri tek bir kapsaml veritabannda birletirir.Tm bu bilgileri tek bir yerde birletirerek, bir firma mterilerini daha btnsel olarak analiz edebilir. Veri ambar, veri madenciliini mmkn klar. Veri madencilii ise, verilerde daha yksek sat ve karlara yol aabilecek kalplar arar.Veri Ambar Trleri:1. Enterprise Data Warehouse,2. Operational Data Store (Operational Data Store),3. Data Mart.Veri Ambar AamalarDaha nceleri, kurulular nispeten daha basit veri ambarlar kullanyor idiler. Ancak zamanla, depolama anlamndaki ihtiya da artmtr.Veri ambarnn genel kullanm aamalar u ekildedir:a. Offline Operational Databaseb. Offline Data Warehousec. Real Time Data Warehoused. Integrated Data WarehouseVeri Ambar Bileenleria. Load manager,b. Warehouse Manager,c. Query Manager,d. End-user access tools.Veri Ambarna kimler ihtiya duyar ?* Byk miktarda veriye dayanan karar vericiler,* Birden fazla veri kaynandan bilgi almak iin zelletirilmi, karmak ilemler kullanan kullanclar,* Verilere erimek iin basit teknolojiyi isteyen insanlar tarafndan da kullanlr,* Ayn zamanda karar vermek iin sistematik bir yaklam isteyen insanlar iin de nemlidir,* ayet kullanc, byk miktardaki veri zerinde performansl grafik raporlar retmek isterse, Veri Ambar kullanm gzel sonular verecektir.* Veri kmeleri zerindeki gizli kalm paternlerini kefetmek istiyorsanz Veri Ambar kullanm bunun ilk adm olmaldr.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Veri Ambar konusuyla ilgili merak ettiiniz her eyi ve ok daha fazlasn bu eitim serisi ierisinde bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 299.99 |
"BIM Revit Insight. Energy analysis of buildings" |
"Thanks to AUTODESK REVIT INSIGHT it is no longer necessary making complex energy analysis at the final phase of the building designing process. Until now, it was hard and costly modifying an already designed building when energy efficiency goals had not been achieved.When using INSIGHT you will be able to know the factors with the greatest impact on the energy consumption of your building with as little information as the building shape and location. In this way, you can make the right decisions throughout the designing process and meet the energy consumption requirements with ease.If the building you are working on is already designed in detail, INSIGHT will help you to reduce your building energy consumption. You will also be able to compare your model against reference buildings under ASHRAE 90.1 and ARQUITECTURE 2030 standards.In-depth technical knowledge is not required. If you are a REVIT user, you can take this course.The course is structured in easy to follow modules starting from basic concepts to more intermediate applications. It is taught using AUTODESK REVIT 2018/2019 version of the software. The course is in video format.This course is built over exercises. You will have two sets of files: PDF files which carries supporting information and RVT files which will help you to do the exercises.The first version of this course was published in Spanish. I decided to make an English version due to the positive student ratings and reviews. Although I speak English, I hired a person to record the voice of the videos and increase the course quality. What other students have said:""An excellent experience with the instructor. He's a very good teacher and well-involved with the course. He answers back real fast and is always willing to help. Really good course and instructor."" Camilo Yaez Cuevas.""I found this course material to be really helpful as it solved many doubts I had. I enjoyed its fast teaching rhythm"". Yalmar Snchez."
Price: 34.99 |
"Climatizacin, aire acondicionado y HVAC" |
"En este curso he intentado aportar mis conocimientos y experiencia para ayudarte a comprender los sistemas de climatizacin que existen en el mercado y cmo seleccionar el ms adecuado a tu edificio. Esto es tarea compleja ya las necesidades de calefaccin, refrigeracin y renovacin de aire dependen de muchos factores, pueden haber lmites presupuestarios o inters por incorporar tecnologas del alta eficiencia y bajo coste de operacin. Se tratar sobre temas tan variados como el funcionamiento de las bombas de calor, la psicrometra del aire, las condiciones de confort, el clculo de cargas trmicas, los sistemas convencionales de calefaccin y refrigeracin y los ms avanzados como VRV, aerotermia, geotermia etc. Tambin he incluido una seccin sobre dimensionamiento de conductos, ya que lo considero importante por el espacio que ocupan y por la necesidad de una buena distribucin del aire. Quiero aclarar que no se llega al detalle del clculo de pequeos elementos como vlvulas, tuberas etc., para lo cual se necesitara un curso de muchas ms horas y no es el objetivo que me he propuesto.He intentado que el curso sea ameno y fcil de comprender. He incluido catlogos de fabricantes y ejemplos, de forma que sea lo ms prctico y til posible. He hecho especial incidencia en sistemas de alta eficiencia y aprovechamiento de energas renovables porque creo que es importante que la actividad humana sea compatible con un bajo consumo de recursos energticos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Introduction to 2 & 3D Drone Modeling With Agisoft Metashape" |
"This course covers 2D & 3D Modeling with DJI drones and Agisoft's Metashape. In this class students will learn about capturing images with their DJI drones for creating models. Students will then walk through the process of generating 2D & 3D models with a software package known as Metashape, developed by Agisoft.The basic principles of Drone Modeling will be covered in this course. Capture images, import to a modeling program, aligning images, generating a point cloud, generating a 3D mesh, and generating a texture file. Most programs for drone modeling follow this workflow. So even if you're not a Metashape user, this class will still walk you through the basics of the modeling process.A fair amount of the course will cover capturing drone images for 2D & 3D Models. We introduce several capture applications and show flight setups for creating models. If your initial flights aren't good, your model will most likely turn out poorly as well. So focusing on initial image captures is very important in this course. We will introduce Metashape Standard Edition and Pro Edition for your modeling process. While other programs allow you to achieve similar results, their interfaces vary from program to program. Metashape is easy enough for beginners to work with, and powerful enough for professional drone modeling applications as well. Ground Control Points and Advanced Modeling TopicsThis course on drone modeling with Agisoft's Metashape is designed for beginners who are interested in generating 2D & 3D Models. While the course gives a brief over view of manual image alignment and Ground Control Points, it does not get into the great detail and complexity of utilizing Ground Control Points (GCPs). If you're approaching the professional level of drone modeling you will require a more advanced class than this one.Pilot in Command's ResponsibilitiesIn this course we'll be discussing a lot of automated drone flight. If you're intending on using a drone for the purposes of mapping and modeling you should have a basic understanding of your drone, the rules and regulations where you're flying, and your personal responsibility as a drone pilot. This course does not cover basic drone flight principles nor flight regulations, and it's up to you to be aware of flight safety and legal flight requirements."
Price: 24.99 |
"Litchi Waypoint Missions for your Drone Business" |
"In this course students will learn about using the Litchi App for creating Waypoint Missions for their DJI Drones. Waypoint missions can help students create flight paths that can be used over and over again. Commercial applications include still photography time lapse over long periods of time, and video missions that can be repeated over time as well. Commercial applications include real estate photography and video, construction progression reporting, and more."
Price: 24.99 |
"Realidade Virtual Para Arquitetos." |
"O curso tem como objetivo capacitar profissionais que desejam apreender como usar a realidade virtual e aumentada em seus projetos de arquitetura. Voc vai aprender com criar uma cena de realidade virtual com imagens 360 graus. Durante o curso vamos utilizar um framework javascript e um editor de cdigo online para o desenvolvimento das experiencias VR."
Price: 174.99 |
"Corso Python e introduzione a Data Science" |
"Python il linguaggio pi importante nel campo dei dati, e le sue librerie per l'analisi e modellazione sono l'arma principale. In questo corso inizieremo costruendo le basi di Python per poi andare ad approfondire le librerie fondamentali come Numpy, Pandas, e Matplotlib. Le quattro caratteristiche principali di questo corso sono:1. Linguaggio chiaro e semplificato, adatto a chiunque2. Pratico ed efficiente3. Esempi, illustrazioni e dimostrazioni accompagnati alla spiegazione4. Aggiornamento continuo dei contenuti ed esercitazioni"
Price: 149.99 |
"Corso di Time Management" |
"Perch molti corsi di gestione del tempo non ti aiutano a risolvere i problemi? Hai imparato ma non hai applicato Hai imparato ma non riesci ad applicare Hai imparato ma non riesci a persistere nellapplicazione Non hai applicato? perch tra la teoria e la pratica c di mezzo labisso. Non riesci ad applicare? perch le spiegazioni dei corsi sono troppo teorici e poco applicabili. Non riesci a persistere nellapplicazione? perch la gestione del tempo un problema di natura umana e cambiamenti di comportamento a lungo termine, necessita di una soluzione completa e la progettazione di un sistema.In questo corso partiremo dal capire assieme del perch importante la gestione del tempo, introducendovi un nuovo concetto il TIME ROI. Cio il ritorno sullinvestimento applicato al tempo.Poi andremo a vedere il come. Cio come gestire al meglio il proprio tempo: partendo da una buona pianificazione smettendo di procrastinare e utilizzando metodi GTD e SOPDopo queste nove lezioni di corso riuscirai a crearti un sistema completo da applicare per 28 giorni. Man mano noterai il tuo miglioramento e saprai il tempo che hai guadagnato. Guadagnando anche solo 6/7 ore a settimana pu fare molta differenza se lo moltiplichi per un mese o un anno."
Price: 99.99 |
"Corso fondamentale di Word 2016" |
"Word, come molti di voi sapranno, un editor di testo dell'azienda Microsoft, nata nel 1983. Dopo vari aggiornamenti siamo arrivati alla versione attuale.Possiamo tranquillamente dire che Word l'editor di testo pi utilizzato al mondo. Avrete sicuramente visto almeno una volta nella vita un documento in formato doc oppure docx.Con lavvento dellinformatica, Word stato il programma principale che andato a sostituire la vecchia carta e penna. Ad oggi infatti, se dovessi scrivere una tesi di laurea, cos come stipulare un contratto o preparare un curriculum, non andr di certo a farlo scrivendo questi documenti a mano, ma andr ad utilizzare un programma del computer, che nella maggior parte dei casi sar proprio Word.Word quindi diventato uno strumento fondamentale per la nostra vita quotidiana e soprattutto lavorativa, ma spesso molte persone non sanno sfruttare al massimo le potenzialit di questo strumento.Ed ecco che, in questo corso, andremo ad analizzare il software partendo dalle cose pi semplici a funzioni e metodi pi complessi che vi permetteranno di lavorare in maniera pi sicura e veloce.Il corso diviso in 7 sezioni, nelle prime lezioni andremo a illustrare tutti i metodi per selezionare, modificare e formattare un testo in Word. Cos da creare delle buone fondamenta.Poi proseguendo, andremo a vedere nozioni pi specifiche ad esempio: come impostare rientri e spaziatura, come utilizzare le tabulazioni, come creare e gestire le tabelle. E Cos via."
Price: 129.99 |
"Corso fondamentale di PowerPoint 2016" |
"Il livello del corso un base intermedio, ed illustrato su PowerPoint 2016; per quanto riguarda la versione del software va bene anche chi ha installato sul pc una versione meno recente, come il 2010 o il 2013, perch le nozioni, di base, sono le stesse.Il tutto strutturato in 11 sezioni, con due metodi dillustrazione, video con voce dello speaker e video senza voce. Perch abbiamo notato che i video senza voce permettono quasi di dimezzare la durata del video, cos da allegerire anche il carico di chi segue il corso.Nelle prime 6 sezioni, vengono illustrate principalmente nozioni e operazioni di base, ad esempio: Da come inserire una casela di testo, come modificarne le dimensioni, colori e font A come inserire le animazioni di entrata, uscita ed enfasi.Tutte queste funzioni di base. Che sono, semplici da comprendere e facili da illustrare.Poi dalla sezione 7 in poi, sono i video con la voce. Per illustrare nozioni che senza voce non si riuscirebbe.Abbiamo progettato le lezioni con un mix di teoria e di pratica, in modo da rendere pi facile lo scorrimento del corso.Sezioni principalmente pratiche, li potete trovare ad esempio qui, la sezione 8, la sezione 10; e altre lezioni presenti nelle varie sezioni."
Price: 129.99 |
"Corso Excel 2016" |
"Il livello del corso un base, ed illustrato su Excel 2016; per quanto riguarda la versione del software va bene anche per chi ha installato sul pc una versione meno recente, come il 2010 o il 2013, perch le nozioni fondamentali sono le stesse.Il tutto strutturato su 6 differenti sezioni, ognuna con le varie lezioni.Nella prima sezione andremo a illustrare su come gestire un nuovo foglio di Excel e le operazioni di base per modificare righe e colonne.Nella seconda sezione andremo a vedere operazioni e personalizzazioni che possiamo andare a fare sulle celle.Poi, nella terza sezione vedremo le tabelle e alcune funzioni fondamentali.Spostiamoci sulla sinistra, troviamo la sezione quattro, dove andremo a illustrare i metodi per creare e modificare elementi grafici.Ed infine nelle sezioni cinque e sei andremo a vedere lutilizzo delle formule per eseguire calcoli matematici, creare operazioni logiche, e formattare il testo."
Price: 139.99 |
"Ruby on Rails 6: Business Texting App with Stripe System" |
"You'll learn how to code your own Business Texting App web application using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Ruby on Rails.What are the requirements?Basic understanding of the Ruby on Rails frameworkBasic knowledge of HTML/CSSHave a Ruby on Rails setup on your systemWhat am I going to get from this course?Build custom Ruby on Rails Business Texting App application with latest Stripe PaymentIntegrate latest Stripe javascript formUse Bootstrap 4.3.1 for your Rails appInstalling DeviseAdding Users with DeviseExploring Our New Devise FunctionalitySign Up and Sign In LinksCustomize Devise RoutesRedesigning the Sign and Sign Up PagesCreating a ScaffoldResources in RailsIntegrate Stripe Payment Through Current UserForcing People to Log InDesign Navigation bar and javascript"
Price: 124.99 |
"Laravel 6: Dating Website" |
"You'll learn how to code your own Dating websiet using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Laravel.By the end of the course, you'll also be able to build and add powerful features to your website including Captcha If you have basic knowledge of Laravel and you want to go to the next level - this course is definitely for you."
Price: 199.99 |
"Laravel 6: ECOM SHOP" |
"You'll learn how to code your own E-commerce web application using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Laravel.By the end of the course, you'll also be able to build and add powerful features to your web apps including PayPal Payment SystemIf you have basic knowledge of Laravel and you want to go to the next level - this course is definitely for you."
Price: 199.99 |
"Vue.js 2 - Le guide complet pour dbutant" |
"Le framework Vue.js est le plus prometteur de tous les frameworks JS du moment ! Il est simple d'utilisation, puissant dans son fonctionnement et rapide via son excution, que demander de plus ?Sa popularit est grandissante, et son utilisation galement, on peut l'utiliser tout moment : soit ds la cration d'un site web, soit pour amliorer un site web dj existant. En tant que dveloppeur, utiliser Vue.js est un vrai plaisir ! Pas besoin de passer du temps la mise en place comme pour React.js ou Angular, ici en trs peu de ligne on obtient ce que l'on veut, et de manire optimise !"
Price: 119.99 |
"Do your own UK Tax Return" |
"In this ""How to do your own tax return"" I will show you step-by-step how to submit your own UK self assessment tax return online with HMRC.If you are a UK based small business owner with a straightforward business or an individual who needs to submit a tax return you can easily do it by yourself.You will save on accountants fees and you will be in control of when your tax return is submitted.I will cover what you need to include on your tax return, explain where you can find the information and then show you how to input on the HMRC website.It's not an accounting course, so you will need to know your self employment income and expenses to include on your return.It's also not meant for complex businesses, where I would still recommend using an accountant.If you have capital gains or foreign income, please be aware that I haven't covered these. But for most people, these sections will not be required.At the end of the course, you will realise that completing your own UK tax return is not as scary as you think. You can do it, and next year you will find it even easier!The examples I show you are for the 2017-2018 tax year, but can still be used to help you complete your 2018-2019 tax return."
Price: 49.99 |
"Xero Online Accounting - the Practical Data Entry Course" |
"*THIS COURSE USES THE LATEST VERSION OF XERO WITH THE ALL NEW IMPROVED XERO NAVIGATION INTRODUCED AT THE END OF NOVEMBER 2018*My 'Xero Online Accounting - Practical Data Entry' course will take you from beginner level to being confident using Xero for all your ongoing data entry.As the name suggests, it's a very practical course, so perfect for the student who enjoys learning by doing. The course is video based where I show you how to do something in Xero, then give you a practical assignment for you to complete at the end of each lesson.Here's what's included in the course:After a quick welcome and an explanation of the course format, you will be shown how to register for your 30-day free trial in Xero.The course includes no less than 24 practical assignments, so there's plenty for you to do. For each assignment there is a video lesson where I show you step by step what you need to do in Xero. Then you are given the opportunity to repeat the assignment in your own Xero account. You have the option to refer back to the videos as often as you need to, and you can always ask me questions if you are unsure about anything.Here's what we cover in the assignments:*Assignment 1.1* - Setting up your Organisation*Assignment 1.2* - Tidying the Chart of Accounts*Assignment 1.3* - Opening Balances*Assignment 2.1* - Sales Invoice Setup *Assignment 2.2* - Sales Invoices and Credit Notes*Assignment 2.3* - Sales Reporting*Assignment 3.1* - Adding Suppliers*Assignment 3.2* - Purchase Invoices and Credit Notes*Assignment 3.3* - Purchases Reporting*Assignment 4.1* - Importing a Bank Statement*Assignment 4.2* - Customer Receipts*Assignment 4.3* - Customer Receipts Reporting*Assignment 4.4* - Supplier Payments*Assignment 4.5* - Supplier Payments Reporting*Assignment 4.6* - Sundry Bank Receipts and Payments*Assignment 4.7* - Sundry Bank Receipts and Payments Reporting*Assignment 5.1* - Customer Defaults*Assignment 5.2* - Item Codes*Assignment 5.3* - Supplier Defaults *Assignment 5.4* - Repeating Purchase Invoices *Assignment 6.1* - Merging Duplicate Contacts*Assignment 6.2* - Amending Sales Invoices*Assignment 6.3* - Amending Purchase Invoices*Assignment 6.4* - Find and RecodeThroughout the course I share with you my expert knowledge - I'm a UK qualified accountant and I've been using Xero for over 7 years.I look forward to sharing my love of Xero with you and welcome any questions during or after the course.This course is specifically geared towards beginners, so it doesn't include the more advanced topics of Payroll, Fixed Assets and VAT.What are you waiting for, let's get started!!"
Price: 79.99 |
"Xero: How to become a Xero Superuser" |
"This HOW TO BECOME A XERO SUPERUSER Course will take you being a Xero User to a Xero Superuser in only a few hours.In the video lessons I show you step by step my A-Z of Xero Superpowers. You can watch the videos, then follow what I have shown you, always having the option to refer back to the videos at any time.At the end of each section you can test your new knowledge with a multiple choice quiz.If you are already comfortable using Xero, but are eager to learn more, then this is definitely the course for you. I've learned my Xero skills over the past 7 years, using Xero on a daily basis.I'm using the UK version of Xero but this course is suitable for Xero users around the globe.Here's the Xero Superpowers I've included in the course:A Add NotesB Bank RulesC Custom ReportsD DiscussE Email SettingsF Find and RecodeG GroupsH HelpI Item CodesJ JournalsK Keyboard ShortcutsL Lock DatesM MergeN NotificationsO Opening BalancesP Payment ServicesQ QuotesR Repeating InvoicesS SearchT TrackingU UsersV View Status UpdatesW WatchlistX Xero CalculatorY Your XeroZ Zero ExcusesAnd, with a promise to continue adding new Superpowers to the course at a later date.If the idea of being promoted to the Xero Superuser league excites you, then why wait any longer.Let's get started!!"
Price: 99.99 |