"Emoji Design With Adobe Illustrator" |
"In this course you will learn to draw different emoji`s with the Adobe Illustrator in an easy and simple way, as we will work on 20 different type of emoji`s to explain how to create each and every one of them which will help you become more experienced in crating emoji`s and using the illustrator software if you are still working your way through it. And, you can use what you learn in this course to create your own designs with the technique`s and tools shown in the course.The objective of this course is to improve your work with the software and elevate your creativity so that you can be more flexible and professional in designing and drawing using the illustrator software."
Price: 199.99 |
"Filmora 9: Edit Your videos Like A Professional" |
"Hello and welcome to the Filmora editing software courseThis course is for everyone working online whether you are a youtuber or a course instructor or you just want to learn video editing this course is the one for you.With this course you will learn to edit videos in a smooth and simple way starting from cutting and merging videos to adding cool effects provided by software and creating all new ones, you will also learn to work with texts and animate it and edit audio files to export a full professional project plus changing and grading colors inside the video.After you complete this course you will be able to create your own videos in a professional way to upload it online in a high quality to offer great videos to your audience and clients."
Price: 199.99 |
"After Effects : Your Way To Learn Motion Graphics" |
"This after effect motion graphics course is a professional course for beginners to improve their level in motion graphics as the course starts with from scratch explaining the software`s tools and how to work with it to create a full project and learning all the different animation types and the tools used to create them plus a bunch of workshops in which we will apply all the techniques we learned in the course to help memories all that its learned in this course.In short this course is your way to start your motion graphics journey until you reach a professional level and be able to create your own full projects using the after effects software."
Price: 199.99 |
"Build Your Course Easily On The Udemy Platform : Unofficial" |
"With this course you can learn to create your own course from scratch in an easy and simple way.You will learn to:Plan for your courseSelect the right nicheIdentify the competitionRecord your courseEdit your course using the Camtasia softwareUpload your course on the udemy platformWhat are you waiting for? Subscribe to the course, learn and become a professional."
Price: 179.99 |
"Excel Charts and data Visualization . . . .########################### :* * * * ########################### 1997 ########################### Excel Charts Think as an Excel Charts Expert :* * * Excel Charts :Column & Bar ChartsLine ChartsCombo ChartsArea ChartPie ChartDoughnut chartsScatter Plot chartsBubble chartsStock chartsTreemap chartsSunburst chartsWATERFALL chartsFunnel charts MS Excel Excel Charts ########################### : 30 ( ) !"
Price: 59.99 |
"SEO per i Motori di Ricerca" |
"Un corso rapido introduttivo al mondo dell'ottimizzazione SEO, con la spiegazione dei fondamenti di indicizzazione e posizionamento e lo studio delle metodologie, azioni e strumenti necessari per ottimizzare le pagine web in ottica SEO, completo della parte finale di Web Analytics, necessaria per comprendere la bont delle azioni messe in campo."
Price: 99.99 |
"Elementi del Montaggio Video avanzato" |
"Oggigiorno il video diventato lo strumento di comunicazione principale su Internet. sufficiente aprire Facebook per scoprire come le bacheche degli utenti siano inondate da centinaia di migliaia di video di qualunque tipo. Gli strumenti da un lato, e il software dall'altro, hanno regalato a chiunque la bellissima illusione che basta poco per saper fare video. Ma la triste verit che la stragrande maggioranza di quei video sono troppo lunghi, monotoni, con musiche sbagliate e non sono in alcun modo in grado di catturare l'attenzione delle persone. Bastano i primi 5 secondi per convincere o meno gli spettatori a rimanere incollati allo schermo... e ce ne vogliono altri 10 per far decidere loro di continuare la visione. Elementi come: Ritmica, Dinamismo, Sintesi, Emozione, sono del tutto inesistenti in moltissimi video anche di chi si professa VideoMaker di Professione. E pensare che tali elementi sono importantissimi. Ecco, questo videocorso, evoluzione del corso di Video Editing Base, prende le mosse da quest'ultimo, portando lo ""studente"" in un percorso avanzato di ridefinizione del montaggio, destinato a metterlo in condizione di creare video accattivanti, ritmati e sintetici, che sappiano catturare l'attenzione (e trattenerla) degli spettatori."
Price: 199.99 |
"Le Basi del Graphic Design" |
"Questo un video corso intensivo di Graphic Design che ti prende per mano, portandoti da zero allo sviluppo completo di un progetto grafico. Dallo studio delle primitive geometriche, al logo, fino alla progettazione e impaginazione delle pagine pubblicitarie, con alcuni approfondimenti su oggetti promocomunicazionali come depliant, manifesti, locandine a altro."
Price: 199.99 |
"Gestione del cliente nella Produzione Video" |
"I professionisti del VideoMaking sono spesso molto bravi nelle fasi vere e proprie di produzione e montaggio video. Dedicano molto tempo alla scelta delle attrezzatura, luci, location e tutti gli altri aspetti operativi. Ma quasi tutti hanno grandi difficolt quando si tratta di interagire con il cliente. Accettano le sue modifiche passivamente, accettano le riduzione di compenso che propone e qualunque altra cosa gli venga in mente. In buona sostanza non sono in grado di gestirlo e tenergli testa. Questo videocorso la soluzione ai tuoi problemi con i clienti: ti prende per mano facendoti comprendere come valorizzare la tua professione di VideoMaker, attraverso la costruzione dell'immagine che ti rappresenta, la presentazione dei tuoi lavori e preventivi e la gestione del cliente e del set durante la produzione video."
Price: 199.99 |
"Come diventare un ottimo formatore" |
"Il mondo del lavoro odierno sempre pi caratterizzato da professionisti che decidono (per i motivi pi disparati) di entrare in aula e insegnare quel che sanno ad altri. Questa attivit di formazione viene per spesso avviata con poca consapevolezza di cosa significhi porsi davanti a un audience che venuta (e ha pagato) per ascoltarti, comprendere e imparare. Cos come successo (e sta succedendo) per la tecnologia, ovvero che basta acquistare uno strumento per saperlo usare, nella formazione si sta (pericolosamente) diffondendo il costume che basta entrare in aula per essere un formatore. Grandissimo errore! Chi insegna non solo dovrebbe conoscere a menadito la materia, ma DEVE soprattutto conoscere le logiche e le dinamiche che legano un formatore all'aula. Autorevolezza, elasticit mentale, intuito, savoir faire, gestione del tempo, psicologia, public speaking, sono solo alcuni degli elementi che un bravo formatore deve conoscere, prima di decidere di entrare in aula."
Price: 199.99 |
"Come si crea uno Spot Pubblicitario" |
"Sempre pi spesso si vedono in rete video di vario genere ""spacciati"" per Spot: durano 3-4 minuti, non hanno una voce narrante e sono spesso solo una sequenza di belle immagini. bene ricordare che lo Spot un prodotto audiovisivo ben preciso (con una sua durarata massima, una sintassi e sue regole) e ha lo scopo primario di spingere le persone all'acquisto di un prodotto o un servizio. Saper fare belle riprese, saper montare e saper mettere della buona musica non sufficiente a creare uno Spot che sappia comunicare le necessit del cliente. In questo videocorso affrontiamo tutti gli aspetti della produzione professionale di uno Spot, dalla stesura dell'idea, al concept da presentare al cliente, alle fasi della produzione video vera e propria, fino al risultato finale."
Price: 199.99 |
"Come si crea il video di un Evento" |
"La ripresa video di un evento oggi uno dei prodotti audiovisivi pi richiesti dal mercato. Chiunque debba inaugurare una nuova sede oppure creare un evento divulgativo o comunicativo ha bisogno di immagini per i Social.Come si pianificano le riprese?Come si imposta lo stile di montaggio?Cosa giusto riprendere?Come si massimizza la location?A queste e molte altre domande risponde questo videocorso!"
Price: 169.99 |
"Photography For Beginners: Master Camera Settings" |
"Photography For Beginners: If your learning photography, you must learn camera settings, this is the most important part of your photography journey. This course is designed to deliver you bite size chunks of information which is easy to digest, and will provide you with a wealth of knowledge, giving you the confidence and skills to become a great photographer."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to immigrate to Canada using the Express Entry in 2020." |
"This course has been developed to assist people like you to learn how you can become eligible to apply for Canadian Permanent Residency via the Express Entry System under the different immigration programs available In Canada and what you will require in order to begin your application.This course includes a basic overview of the Express Entry system, the different eligible immigration programs, the required language and accepted tests such as IELTS, TEF and CELPIP. This course also includes some practical advice on how to improve your CRS scores in your Express Entry profile.You're going to get over 5 hours of video lectures, access to the recommended resources, our student discussion forum, and the ability to ask me any questions you may have as you progress through the course. On top of all that, you get lifetime access.In summary, this course is a good do it yourself guide for immigration to Canada.By the end of this course, you will know some of the strategies and resources used in your immigration journey, job search in Canada and how to integrate into the Canadian labor market and start your new life in the True North.This course is taught by a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and is updated any time changes are made to the Canadian Immigration System."
Price: 99.99 |
"Proteccin de datos personales (LFPDPPP)" |
"Este es un curso bsico-intermedio para aquellas personas que se encuentren interesadas en el mbito de la privacidad, ya sea que te encuentres especializndote en temas de ciberseguridad o fuiste asignado como el encargado de datos personales en tu organizacin. Desde luego que si recibiste este curso como mecanismo de concientizacin o awareness espero que sea de tu utilidad y comprensin."
Price: 2970.00 |
"Unreal Engine 4 : Cration d'une Scne Complte (FR)" |
"Dans ce cours je vais vous donner tous mes secrets pour vous permettre de crer vos propres scnes avec un rendu avanc.Non content de vous dvoiler mes secrets pour l'Unreal Engine, je vais aussi vous montrer comment je cre mes propres modles sur 3ds Max, grce aux textures prsentes sur la librairie Megascans.Et comme j'ai a coeur de vous montrer le meilleur, je ne peux pas passer ct de Speedtree dans lequel nous allons crer ensemble tous nos modles de vgtation.Qu'ils s'agissent des arbres, de la vgtations au sol ou encore de la vgtation plus gnrique comme des fougres ou des trfles.Puisque les shaders (matriaux) dtiennent le pouvoir visuel de vos projets, nous allons crer tous les matriaux ncessaires notre scne. Qu'il s'agissent du shader pour la vgtation, les terrains, les decals ou encore les assets Megascans. Nous mettrons tout en place, des fonctions de matriaux aux Matriaux Maitres en terminant par des Instances faciles configurer.La conception de modles ou la cration de shaders ne vous intresse pas et tout ce que vous voulez c'est apprendre crer votre propre scne ? Pas de problme, vous trouverez dans les ressources du cours un projet Unreal prt l'emploi, vous permettant de ne vous concentrer que sur ce qui est essentiel pour vous.Note importante :Toutes les textures utilises dans ce cours ne sont pas intgres aux projets. Vous devez possder une licence Quixel Megascans valide pour pouvoir les tlcharger. Bien sr, vous tes libre d'utiliser les textures de votre choix.Une licence Speedtree valide est ncessaire pour l'utilisation du logiciel.Ce cours a t cr en version 4.22.3 et il est FORTEMENT RECOMMAND d'utiliser LA MME version ! Si vous choisissez d'utiliser une autre version, soyez conscient que vous pourriez rencontrer d'ventuelles erreurs non-traites dans ce cours."
Price: 19.99 |
"Unreal Engine 4 : Learn How to Create a Natural Scene" |
"In this course I will give you all my secrets to help you to create your own scenes with advanced rendering.More than just giving you all my secrets for the Unreal Engine, I will show you how to create your own models on 3ds Max, with the textures from Megascans library and and with Speedtree, we will create our sets of trees, ground foliage like grass and plants but also more generic vegetation like ferns or clovers.Because shaders (materials) are the visual power of your projects, we will create all the materials needed for our scene. For vegetation, landscape, decals or Megascans assets. We will set up everything from material functions to Master Materials and end with easy-to-configure Instances. To get a unique visual we will create our own landscape textures with Quixel Mixer.You are not interested in designing models or creating shaders and all you want to do is learn how to create your own scene in UE4? No problem, you will find in the course resources a ready-to-use Unreal project, with all the models and shaders in it.If you like this program and you want to improve your skills on the Unreal Engine 4, Quixel Mixer or Speedtree, I'll see you soon.Important note : All the texture used in this course are not included to the project file. You must have a Quixel Licence to download them.. Of course you are free to use the ones you want.This course was created in version 4.22.3 and it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use THE SAME version! If you choose to use another version, be aware that you may encounter possible errors not covered in this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Unreal Engine 4 - Cration d'une Scne ""Route Perdue"" (FR)" |
"(Ce cours est la suite directe de mon autre cours ""Unreal Engine 4 : Cration d'une Scne Complte (FR)"")Dans ce cours nous allons aller encore plus loin dans la cration des modles et d'une scne.Le but de ce cours et de vous montrer qu'il est possible de crer entirement des modles optimiss sans jamais sortir de Speedtree.Grce aux textures prsentes dans les bibliothque Megascans, nous partions avec un allier de poids pour notre objectif qui est de crer une scne avec une route abandonne.Au-del de la simple conception de modles, je vous montrerai comment crer vos propres textures depuis Speedtree afin de crer des modles partir de textures diffrentes que vous aurez choisi.En parlant de texture, je vous montrerai comment en crer des combines nommes ""Atlas"" qui vous donneront un contrle total sur la qualit de vos modles mais aussi sur leur optimisation.Une fois notre vgtation termine, nous passerons la cration des textures telle que de l'herbe, de la roche et de la terre, mais aussi une texture de route propre et une autre en plus mauvaise tant, tout a sur Quixel Mixer.Nous finirons par mettre en place toutes nos crations dans une scne finale sur l'Unreal Engine 4.Note importante :Toutes les textures utilises dans ce cours ne sont pas intgres aux projets. Vous devez possder une licence Quixel Megascans valide pour pouvoir les tlcharger. Bien sr, vous tes libre d'utiliser les textures de votre choix.Une licence Speedtree valide est ncessaire pour l'utilisation du logiciel.Ce cours a t cr en version 4.22.3 et il est FORTEMENT RECOMMAND d'utiliser LA MME version ! Si vous choisissez d'utiliser une autre version, soyez conscient que vous pourriez rencontrer d'ventuelles erreurs non-traites dans ce cours."
Price: 19.99 |
"Unreal Engine 4 - Learn How to Create a ""Lost Road"" scene" |
"(This course is a direct continuation of my other course""Unreal Engine 4 : Learn How to Create a Natural Scene"")In this course we will go even further in models creation and a scene.The purpose of this course is to show you that it is possible to create fully optimized models without ever leaving Speedtree.With the textures available in Megascans library, we start with a powerful ally for our objective which is to create a ""Lost Road"" scene.Beyond the simple model creations, I will show you how to create your own textures from Speedtree in order to create models from different textures you have chosen.Speaking of texture, I will show you how to create combined one called ""Atlas"". That will give you total control over the quality and otimization.Once our vegetation finished, we will move on to creating textures such as grass, rock and soil, but also a clean road texture and one that is worse and worse, all on Quixel Mixer.We will put all our creations in place in a final scene on Unreal Engine and I will show you how to add even more details without losing performance with decals.If you want to create scenes to feed your portfolio or deepen your knowledge this course is for you.Important note : If you want to learn the basics of Speedtree or Quixel Mixer I recommend to begin with the previous course ""Unreal Engine 4 : Learn How to Create a Natural Scene""All the texture used in this course are not included to the project file. You must have a Quixel Licence to download them.. Of course you are free to use the ones you want.A valid Speedtree license is required to use the software.This course was created in version 4.22.3 and it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use THE SAME version! If you choose to use another version, be aware that you may encounter possible errors not covered in this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Angular 7/8 - Material Design + Node.js + MongoDB + Firebase" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo apresentar na prtica os principais recursos do Angular de maneira fundamentada.Voc vai aprender desde a criar o projeto, entender passo a passo o fluxo de execuo da aplicao, realizar requisies HTTP, construir APIs utilizando Node.js e MongoDB, at a projetar arquiteturas escalveis e limpas baseadas no modelo Redux por meio da utilizao do NGRX.Este curso no baseado na construo de uma nica aplicao, sero vrias aplicaes desenvolvidas no curso, com o intuito de entender os principais recursos do Angular.Este curso possui uma seo especial para o estudo do RXJS, que constitui a base da programao reativa no Angular, sendo utilizado em praticamente todos os seus recursos. O RXJS normalmente abordado muito superficialmente nos cursos desta plataforma, apesar da sua grande importncia para toda a arquitetura do Angular. Neste curso voc vai aprender a utiliz-lo desde a criao de simples streams at o encadeamento complexo de operadores.Abordaremos tambm, alm de todos os recursos fundamentais do framework, a construo de aplicaes utilizando o Firebase. Nessas sees aprenderemos a como interagir com o Firestone, banco de dados em tempo real fornecido pelo Firebase. Utilizaremos tambm o Fireauth e aprenderemos a como utilizar o recurso de OAuth2 para realizarmos login a partir de um servidor de recursos. Alm desses dois itens, construiremos uma aplicao para armazenamento de arquivos que utilizaremos para interagir com o Cloudstore, utilizado para gerenciar o armazenamento de arquivos em Cloud, o qual tambm faz parte do Firebase.Alm de tudo isso, aprenda a utilizar na prtica os principais componentes fornecidos pelo Angular Material, que possui uma tima biblioteca de componentes baseados no Material Design e que possuem APIs para interagir com sua aplicao."
Price: 39.99 |
"CCIE - Practical Implementation of IPSEC VPN - Secure DMVPN" |
"In this course the instructor will start to discuss the architecture of IPSec VPN, features of IPSec and its components to create IPSEC VPN. The instructor will introduce two practical labs with step by step instructions in how to establish DMVPN Tunnel and Protect the DMVPN tunnel with IPSec VPN."
Price: 44.99 |
"CCIE - Practical Implementation of Multicast" |
"In this course the students will learn important concepts in designing and implementing IP Multicast in Campus Networks. The author has taught this course with success and he starts by laying down the foundation about Modes of Communication, IP Multicast Fundamentals, Components of Multicast. The author will cover the different modes of PIM protocols, IGMP and the Service Model of Multicast Networks. The author will present 4 different labs that are close to real world examples with step by step configuration of the labs. The course will definitely enhance the students network knowledge. Thank you and register for this course in IP Multicast."
Price: 49.99 |
"CCIE - MPLS Design and Configuration" |
"This is an advance course and the author will cover the MPLS network design and configuration. For the benefit of the viewer the author will provide step by step configuration and explanation of the whole process. The author will also cover the concepts and theory involved with MPLS and he will also demonstrate 5 most important labs that can be used in real world situation. The topics that will be explained in details are below1. Facts about MPLS.2. MPLS Shim Header details.3. MPLS Design Requirements.4. MPLS Label Information.5. MPLS Label Operation.6. MPLS commands.7. Lab 1: Building of MPLS Core Network.8. Lab 2: Redistribution of Static Routes to MPLS.9. Lab 3: Redistribution of EIGRP Routes to MPLS.10. Lab 4: Redistribution of OSPF Routes to MPLS.11. Lab 5. Establish Convergence using BGP routing."
Price: 54.99 |
"CCIE - Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and Configuration" |
"Master Spanning Tree Protocol standards and get ahead in your career by addressing and resolving issues related to Spanning Tree Protocols. In this course the author will take you in a deep dive that will uncover the STP standards in use today in campus networks. The author has carefully designed the course and in its content to match the requirement for CCNA, CCNP and CCIE certified individuals. The author will discuss the Facts of STP, STP protocol standards, Bridge ID Concept, BPDU Decision, Spanning Tree discovery in Topology, Per VLAN Rapid Spanning Tree, Rapid Spanning Tree, and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol. The author will present three unique labs with step by step configuration. Join my course and enhance your switching skills!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Nexus Switches in High Availability" |
"This is a practical course of Nexus Switches in High Availability. In this course I will be emphasizing the implementation aspect of high availability (HA) services in data center environment networks and I will be showing step by step configuration and implementation of the features like VPC, VTP, SVI, RSPT and HSRP. All these feature are core components of core switches and you can apply them in real world after you complete this course in confidence. Enjoy the course and Join me."
Price: 49.99 |
"Become More Orgasmic Through Masterful Self-Touch" |
"Would you like to train your body to experience expanded and deeply nurturing sex anytime and anywhere?Do you want to deepen your bodys capacity for mind-blowing pleasure, toe-curling orgasms and fulfilling intimacy?Are you ready to learn what your body truly desires in bed and how to get it every time?Masturbation Coaching is a fairly new modality offered by sex coaches and sex therapists all over the world. Its extremely powerful because healthy and nurturing self-touch, self-touch that is free of shame and dogma, will prepare your body for a lifetime of great sex and amazing pleasure.A lot of people have been shamed for pleasuring themselves at some point of their lives and have since developed very limited, shame-based masturbation practices. This kind of self-touch is not only reducing the amount of pleasure you can feel in the moment. It can also lead to sexual issues and difficulties throughout your life.After completing this course, you will:Become extremely familiar with your pleasure anatomy and all your erogenous zonesLearn to expand your orgasms from head to toeStart experiencing completely new types of orgasmExperience sex and intimacy which is deep, sacred and meaningfulRe-sensitize your body to experience MUCH more pleasureHeal toxic beliefs and patterns related to your sex lifeCreate more sensuality and joy in your eroticismBecome more charismatic and magnetic to other peopleAnd much more!When I teach my clients how to have great sex, I talk a lot about the need to self-touch and to explore one's body. This is because a close and intimate relationship with your own sexuality is crucial for a healthy and fulfilling enjoyment of touch with other people.A lot of people seem to think that self-touch is only reserved for people who are lonely and unable to be in a relationship. There's a huge taboo surrounding self-pleasure as we seem to think that partnered sex is a 'better' or 'higher' form of intimate pleasure.Well, this is simply not true! And I recommended self-touch not as a last resort but as a valid experience for people who also enjoy love-making with their partners. Today I'm going to list just 3 of the many, many reasons why you absolutely should have a joyful, healthy and expanded practice of touching yourself.3 powerful reasons to self-pleasure regularly:1/ Self-explorationThe better you know your body, erogenous zones and your pleasure potential, the better you can guide your partner to pleasure you. Unfortunately, in our society most people dont actually know what they want in bed and hence, are unable to ask for it. We are all different and we all have different needs and desires. These needs and desires can even change daily which can be very confusing to our partners, particularly if we dont understand them ourselves.Once we get to know our own bodies intimately, we can support each other in exploring our sensuality and pleasure. Because its much better to give each other 5 minutes of what we really, really want than 30 minutes of what we THINK the other person wants.2/ Pleasure trainingOur bodies learn pleasure and can get better and better at it in the same way that your muscles get stronger and stronger as you keep going to the gym. Self-pleasuring is a wonderful way to teach your body how to feel sexual pleasure and to train and condition yourself for a lifetime of orgasmic bliss and ecstasy. Self-touch also allows us to overcome limiting beliefs, shame and guilt about our bodies. Touching yourself slowly, mindfully, giving yourself a loving full-body massage will re-sensitize your skin and help you develop a deeper connection with your physical sensations and your erotic self.Plus something that not many people are aware of nobody can give you an orgasm, they can only support you in having one. Whether you orgasm or not, depends on you only your level of sensitivity, of connection with your body and any limiting beliefs in your head that might be inhibiting your orgasmic ability.3/ It will make you happyYes, as simple as that pleasure makes us happy, relaxed and content. Awakening our sexual energy and feeling that deeply vibrant, ecstatic force flowing and dancing through our bodies charges us, energizes us and nurtures our bodies.Orgasms cause a huge release of pleasure hormones and neurotransmitters that flood our system giving us more satisfaction, confidence and general wellbeing.Can you relate to this?When I was 20, I met my first long-term partner. I was a catholic girl and a virgin. He was the same age but much more experienced than me. After 3 months of dating, he introduced me to sex. After another 3 months, he introduced me to masturbation.It was a very confusing experience for me. One day, we were playing in bed together and then he suddenly placed my hand on top of my genitals. After that he left the room. I was left alone, uncertain how to proceed. I tried stroking and rubbing myself but nothing I did actually felt too good so I gave up. Plus I was experiencing shame and embarrassment which were not helping at all!After that, I didn't re-visit self-pleasuring until years later. And when I think back of that 20-year old me now, I truly wish that I had received back then any form of sexual education or support. A woman who regularly touches her body, who knows where her pleasure zones are, that woman is not only activated and confident in her own eroticism. That woman is also deeply attractive to men around her because she is whole, because she incorporates her sexuality into her being in a way that is healthy, natural and beautiful.Unfortunately for me, I was neither of these things in my 20s. And because I was stripped of my sexual power, I kept attracting men who were dominating and abusing me. This had led to many years of suffering and frustration that took me a long time to heal later on in life.And the sad truth is that I wasn't the only person deeply lacking in knowledge and skill in the bedroom. I have since come across thousands of men and women who suffered in one way or another in their sexual lives. Lack of open conversation about sex and self-touch can lead to issues and difficulties that are extremely common these days. Premature ejaculation, erectile difficulty, porn addiction, painful sex, difficulty orgasming, difficulty experiencing pleasure in bed, low libido, high libido or inhibitions in bed are just a few that keep coming up most often in my sessions.My deep desire and passion is to bring these topics back up into the public attention and to re-establish sexuality and self-touch as natural and healthy aspects of human nature. One of my students recently wrote to me something truly beautiful:I'd like to witness the day, which is sure to come, when saying, ""I'm staying in tonight to self-pleasure,"" is as socially acceptable as, ""I'm going to the gym / yoga class / shopping...""Feedback from students:""Flawless presentation, calm and relaxing style, clear explanations""- Sarah""I'm already feeling more confident with women that I meet! Wow!""- Paul""I've done the homework. Very powerful and healing... made myself cry!""- Belinda""If this is just the beginning, it is going to be a truly fabulous coaching course! :-)""- SteveMasturbation Coaching is a true breakthrough in sex coaching and therapyIt will support you in forming a potent and exquisite connection with your body and your pleasure. As a result, you'll know exactly what to do to make your body sing. You'll also be able to guide your partner to all the most wonderful spots and erogenous zones that they might never find on their own! But that's not the end!This course will help you face and heal anything that has been limiting or blocking your full orgasmic potential. You'll learn to self-care and to create completely new ways to experience pleasure and touch. This will help you re-wire your nervous system, allowing your body to take you deeper, deeper and deeper into the realm of bliss and ecstasy you never knew existed.Frequently Asked Questions about Masturbation Coaching course:Q: Is this course for women only?No, it's not. This course is for both men and women. It's for people of all genders, ages and backgrounds. If you have a body and if you want to explore new, exciting and expanding ways to experience its eroticism and sensuality, this course is for you.Q: Will I still have access to the course after the 7 weeks are up?Yes. The content of the course is released over 7 weeks but you can take as much time as you need to progress through it. And afterwards, you'll keep a full access for as long as you want. It means that you can keep coming back to the entire course or its particular sections as much as you want and whenever you want.Q: Do I need to have a partner to complete this course?No, this course was designed as a solo experience - just you and your body. I might ask you to use different props and accessories at times but you don't need a partner to complete any part of the program.Q: Will I learn to last longer as a lover?This is a very common question that I've been receiving from men and my answer is YES, YES, YES! Poor masturbation habits are in most cases the very thing that causes men to finish quickly. But when you reverse these patterns and touch your body in a way that encourages long-lasting states of arousal, you'll train your body to last much longer in the bedroom - both all by yourself and with a partner.Q: How will doing this course affect my lovelife?The answer to this question is multi-layered. Because on one hand, this course will help you become more magnetic and charismatic to other people. A healthy self-touch routine will activate your body and your eroticism, making you much more confident and attractive to others.And on the other hand, you'll be learning completely new ways to touch yourself. And this will not only deepen your pleasure in the moment, but will also TRAIN your body to experience more and more expanded, blissful and satisfying states of ecstatic pleasure whenever you want!Q. Can I really experience new types of orgasm?Absolutely! We are all capable of many, many different types of orgasm. But unfortunately, most people rarely experience more than just one. Our bodies are amazing and our pleasure potential is immense. And the Masturbation Coaching course will open your eyes and your body to all that is possible for you!Are you ready? Lets begin!"
Price: 199.99 |
"SharePoint Fundamentals for New Users" |
"Are you new to SharePoint and have a project to be done using SharePoint. This Course is designed to help you use SharePoint by learning from my SharePoint experiences with no code solutions. You will learn the basic concepts like Sites, Lists, Libraries, Pages. You can watch the Demos that teach you how to do the tasks and listen to various Real Time SharePoint projects implemented by me around the globe."
Price: 199.99 |
"SharePoint Online Administration Made Easy(Crash Course)" |
"Are you planning to become SharePoint Online Administrator and want to learn quickly to help you for years?This course is coming from years of experience of Instructor and many other Administrators to help you face the SharePoint Administration by spending just 2 hours of time. You get the confidence to manage SharePoint Online environments by learning the concepts and learning from the mistakes of administrators in real work. You also get to learn basics of Office 365 Administration concepts.You will learn the history of SharePoint Administration and understand how easy SharePoint Online Administration ,is now.You will learn the following in the course:SharePoint Online BasicsHistory of SharePoint AdministrationSetup of Office 365 AccountPlanningRoles of AdministratorOffice 365 and SharePoint Admin CentersUnderstand how to manage the environment in PowerShellUnderstand hybrid scenariosSite Collection AdministrationSharePoint Online Advanced Administration like User Profile,Taxonomy,Search,Apps"
Price: 199.99 |
"Crash Course on Managing Active Directory with PowerShell" |
"Are you planning to become Active Directory Administrator and want to learn quickly to help you for years?This course is coming from years of experience of Instructor , SharePoint Consultant and many other Administrators to help you face the Active Directory Administration by spending just 1 hour of time. You get the confidence to manage Active Directory by learning the concepts and learning from the mistakes of administrators in real work. You also get to learn basics of new Azure Active Directory concepts.You will learn the history of Active Directory Administration and understand how Active Directory Administration has been made easy now ,with the help of simple PowerShell and Azure Active Directory.You will learn the following in the course:Active Directory BasicsWhyWhat is Active DirectoryDescribe the key components of Active DirectoryObjectsDomain AttributesLDAPPowerShell Get-ADUser,New-ADUser and glimpse of common commands usedInstall and SetupPowerShell and Active DirectoryMake your Windows server as a Domain ControllerActive Directory Administration from Admin UIAdd OUAdd UserActive Directory Administration from PowerShellAdd OUAdd UserPowerShell and Azure Active DirectoryUnderstand the basics of Azure Active DirectoryCreating Users from User InterfaceManaging Azure Active Directory with PowerShell"
Price: 199.99 |
"Crash Course on SQL Queries Made Easy For New Developers" |
"Are you planning to become Database Administrator and want to learn quickly to help you for years?This course is coming from years of experience of Instructor , Microsoft SharePoint Consultant and many other Administrators to help you face the SQL Queries construction by spending just 1 hour of time. You get the confidence to manage Database by learning the concepts of SQL Queries and learning from the mistakes of administrators in real work. You also get to learn how SQL queries are used in a PHP web application along Sorting and Search feature using jQuery datatable.While comparing the SQL queries used SQL projects in 2007 and 2019, the SQL Queries are same. This is unlike other technologies where things change too fast and too much where a feature is completely a thing of the past like the hand dial on the home phone replaced by touch in mobiles now. For a long time, the SQL queries are the same like CREATE,UPDATE,INSERT and many others and hence I decided to make a course to help many for years to come to grasp the basics in a short time. The information shared is highly valuable for those wanting to be in Database management or development or administration. SQL Queries helps you to think and this course lays foundation to write complex queries later or use the SQL queries in other programming languages like PHP.SQL Queries are helpful for running analytical queries, data integration script and do CRUD(Create,Read,update,Delete) on tables in a database.In this Course, you will learn the following in the course:What is SQLWhy SQLRDMS conceptsInstallation/ToolsSQL QueriesSELECTUPDATECREATEINSERTAnd many more demos on selecting items with various conditionsLearn how to order itemsLearn to select top few itemsLogical AND and OR operatorsMicrosoft SQL ServerRunning Queries on MySQL using PHPAdminSQL Queries from a programming language on your websiteDemo of sample PHP application using SQL queries that allows you to Search, Filter, Page the data from a database"
Price: 199.99 |