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"SharePoint Pedagogy For New Users Step By Step"
"Do you have a idea to be done and do not know how to code. Why not check if  using SharePoint is your way.  You will learn the basic concepts like Sites, Lists, Libraries, Pages. You can watch the Demos that teach you how to do the following tasks:Create Site CollectionCreate SubsiteAdd PageAdd Video/Audio/PicturesCreate ListCreate List ColumnsAdd List ItemBulk update List ItemsCalculated Column to find day of your BirthdayShareAlertsAdding VisitorUpload FilesVersion HistoryAdd SurveyPowerApps and FlowMicrosoft TeamsMicrosoft FormsReuse Site"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Teams making life/business easy with Meetings,Chat"
"Are you tired of travelling either to office for work or for business meeting? Time and money is wasted in unwanted travel giving rise to traffic and health issues sometimes. Microsoft Teams is a boon from Microsoft to make lives and business way easier by meeting without actually meeting physically and yet solving problems or meet your goals by teaming with teams of people with similar goals or experts who have solution to your problem. It gives you freedom to work from home or anywhere.It is recommended to have your own Office 365 Trail/Business account.The course gives step by step guidance on how to do the following:Join a teamCreate a teamChannelsConversationsStart a chatSend MessageMentionEmotijiAdd TabsShare a FileSearchPraise FeatureStay up to date ActivityShift for First line workersMeetingMake a CallSchedule MeetingStart a MeetingJoin MeetingAfter watching various demos, you will understand the following concepts:TeamsChannelCallConversationMeeting"
Price: 199.99

"SharePoint Online/Office 365 Sample SPFx,Microsoft Graph App"
"Are you a key decision maker in a organisation using Office 365? You need to be a Manager/Director or key decision maker to view this course. This course is born to show the power of SPFx, Microsoft Graph and PowerShell apps in SharePoint Online. I have observed that many organisations have Office 365 and yet never use it fully. Each organisation has its own custom requirement and SPFx, Microsoft Graph and PowerShell are powerful tools to automate complex business process, reduce the pain and show the data in a user friendly way. PowerApps are getting expensive and hence a course has been designed to show the power of other tools in Office 365/SharePoint Online to get your Business requirement done.After looking at the course, you will have an idea on the following:1. Does my organisation need custom apps in SPFx,Microsoft Graph2. Can I think of Business requirements similar/same as the demos shown that helps my organisation.3. What type of app is the best, long lasting and cheap?Note: This course is not for developers and does not contain step by step guide for developers but targets useful information for Business Analysts/Key Decision Makers to decide whether apps can benefit them"
Price: 199.99

"C Komplettkurs: Praxisnahe Programmierung fr C Einsteiger"
"Bewertungen von Kursteilnehmern:""Besser als erwartet , finde so gut wie du das ganze ausfrlich macht. Jede Zeil wird erklrt machmal gelscht um eine bessere variante zu schreiben. ich finde es gut"" (   von Prudence Akouen Tchoffo)""Der Kurs ist sehr gut strukturiert. Die einzelnen Kapiteln sind gut aufgebaut. Manche bungsaufgaben sind vom Verstndniss leicht kompliziert. Die Quizfragen sind sehr gut, da kann man ruhig mehr davon machen."" ( 1/2 von Serdar Kirdemir)""Der Kurs ist wirklich klasse! Es ist extrem viel Input in kurzer Zeit. Mir fllt auch nichts ein, was dem Kurs noch gro fehlen wrde."" (1/2 von Holger Teichmann)Kursbeschreibung:Du mchtest die moderne und effektive Programmiersprache C erlernen und beherrschen?Du bist ein Programmieranfnger oder kennst dich bereits in anderen Sprachen aus?Dann ist mein Kurs genau richtig fr dich! Der Kurs beinhaltet eine perfekte Balance zwischen interaktiven Lerninhalten und eigenstndiger bungen. Alle Sektionen des Kurses sind mit Videos, Quizze und Programmieraufgaben versehen, um den optimalen Lernerfolg zu garantieren. Ebenfalls wird der verwendete Code bereitgestellt.Dieser Kurs besteht aus folgenden Themengebieten:Variablen und DatentypenAbfragen und LogikSchleifenFunktionen und HeaderCompiler AblufeZeiger (Stack und Heap)Arrays und StringsStrukturen und DateienWarum sollte man die C Programmierung beherrschen?C ist eine schnelle und effektive ProgrammierspracheBietet die Mglichkeit Low-Level Operationen auszufhrenWird von Firmen, wie Amazon und Google fr groe Projekte eingesetztWerde noch heute ein Profi, in der Technologie von Morgen!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 129.99

"Fundamentals of Splunk"
"Splunk turns machine data into answers. Organizations of all sizes and across industries are using Splunk to unleash innovation and solve their toughest IT, security and business challenges. Splunk is one of the most used applications for analyzing unstructured data in the data center. In this course you will learn the fundamentals Splunk.  We'll go over on how to install and setup Splunk. Learn how Splunk can help you monitor data from multiple systems: web servers, databases, applications, and even cloud-based resources. We'll also explore the search and reporting features, and learn how to set up alerts so that you can catch potential problems before they become critical. In addition, learn how to set up dashboards for visual insights into the state of your systems."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Flipping Masterclass: Learn to Flip Services Online"
"Would you like to know how to make money with digital flipping?And are you looking for a complete guide on outsourcing?Then this course is for you. Before we start, I guess most people are not familiar yet with the digital flipping concept. In theory, digital flipping means accepting a job from an employer and outsourcing it to someone else. Let's for instance say there is someone that would pay you a good amount of money for a logo and you know a logo designer who could do it for much less. You would take the job from your employer, let someone else do the work for much less andkeep the margin. You just made a profit!We will cover in this course, how you can do that in practice for small and large margins. So, what exactly are you going to learn in detail here in this course?Basics of digital flipping - Learn about digital flipping - how does it work?How can you start a flipping business?Which niches are profitable?In this part of the course, you will learn how to start and scale your digital flipping businessOutsourcing -We will now learn how to outsource services all over the world - from web development to logo design, from translations to subtitles. Nothing will be left out. We will even learn how to generate recurring affiliate income while you flip.In this part of the course, we will focus on the 3 outsourcing platforms Upwork, Fiverr and Onlinejobs PH.Translation flipping - how can you make money flipping translation online? I will show you in this regard how to get 5-figure deals and manage multiple outsourcing partners simultaneouslyAgency businesses -We will now learn how to build an online agency from scratch. You will learn how to attract customers quickly, build email newsletters and much more. This chapter will take your flipping business to a completely new level. Risk management - There are a lot of things you could do wrong or not well. I will help you to not make any foolish mistakes. We will cover a variety of problems and solutions in the FAQ chapter of this course as well. This course additionally comes with a variety of resources for you to download and use. YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"Icon Design Business: Build An Icon Business from Scratch"
"Would you like to start your own icon design business, but do not know how to design icons, where to start, and how to scale an icon business? Then this course is for you.In this course, I'll show you step by step how to start and scale your business, how to find profitable Icon themes, and much, much more!This course is for all the people who finally want to leave their day to day profession and start their own business. This course is for designers and non-designers who are looking for new ways to make money online.What exactly will you learn in detail in this course?Basics of an icon business - How did I start my icon business? What exactly does an icon business do and how can I earn money with it? In the first chapter of this course, we will talk about outsourcing, and I'll show you step by step how to build a icon business without even having to create an icon yourself.Keywords & online marketplaces - Which icons are selling well? What should they look like? Where do you publish them? And how do I generate my first sales? We will talk about all these questions in this chapter and I will show you LIVE in the course how to generate your first profits with icon designsScaling your business - In this part of the course, we'll look at how to quickly build a large icon portfolio and how to earn money with icons without having to create them yourself.After completing this chapter, you will be able to:Build your own profitable icon business in less than 1 weekScale and optimise your icon portfolio for a variety of online icon marketplacesFind and hire high-quality icon designers from around the world for little moneyUpload your icon portfolio to a variety of online marketplace platformsGenerate passive income streams from 10+ online sourcesThis course takes you from 0 to owning a successful icon design business. Join the course and we'll see each other in the first video!I am waiting for you! Best regards,Leon Chaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Icon Design Unternehmen: Starte ein eigenes Icon Unternehmen"
"Wrdest du gerne dein eigenes Icon Design Unternehmen starten, weit aber nicht wie man Icons designed, wo du anfangen sollst und wie du das Unternehmen skalieren kannst? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich.In diesem Kurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie du dein Unternehmen starten und skalieren kannst, wie du profitable Icon Themenbereiche findest und vieles vieles mehr!Dieser Kurs ist fr all die Leute die endlich das Hamsterrad verlassen mchten und ihr eigenes Unternehmen starten mchten. Dieser Kurs ist fr Designer und Nicht-Designer, die nach neuen Wegen suchen online Geld zu verdienen.Was genau wirst du im Detail in diesem Kurs lernen?Grundlagen von Icon Unternehmen - Wie genau startet man ein Icon Unternehmen? Was genau macht ein Icon Unternehmen und wie kann ich mit diesem Unternehmen Geld verdienen? Im ersten Kapitel von diesem Kurs werden wir auerdem ber das Thema Outsourcing in Drittlndern sprechen und ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du ein Icon Unternehmen aufbauen kannst ohne selbst jemals ein Icon erstellen zu mssen.Keywordsuche & Online Marktpltze - Welche Icons verkaufen sich? Wie sollten diese aussehen? Wo publiziert man sie? Und wie generiere ich dann meine ersten Verkufe? ber all diese Fragen werden wir in diesem Kapital sprechen und ich werde dir LIVE im Kurs zeigen wie du deine ersten Profite mit Icon Designs generieren kannstSkalierung deines Unternehmens - Wir werden uns in diesem Teil des Kurses anschauen wie du schnell ein groes Icon Portfolio aufbauen kannst, wir werden lernen auf welchen Wegen du noch Geld mit Icons verdienen kannst und wie du mit Icons Geld verdienen kannst ohne sie bereits erstellt zu haben.Dieser Kurs lsst wirklich nichts aus und fhrt dich von 0 zum erfolgreichen Icon Unternehmen und das alles zum jetzigen Vorteilspreis.Schreibe dich in den Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video!Ich freue mich auf dich.Beste Gre,Leon Chaudhari- Dozent -"
Price: 199.99

"Earn Money Online: Start A Profitable Business in 24 Hours"
"Would you like to start your own online business and earn money from anywhere in the world but you can't decide on which source of income yet?Then this course is for you.In this course, you will learn how to set up a profitable business within 24 hours or less. We will cover more than 25 ready-made business ideas and you will receive from me step by step plans for setting up and scaling your business.What exactly will you learn in this course?Profitable business models - Which business models are low risk high return and how can we use these business models to build our own highly profitable online business?In this part of the course, we will talk about digital products, the marketplace and dropshipping business model and a lot more.25 online income streams - In this chapter, we will cover 25 of your potential future income streams. You will get complete step by step guides for businesses like Amazon Kindle, Shopify dropshipping, online courses,ACXand podcasting, remote jobs, online tutoring and many, many more. After completing this course, you will be able to...Build a location-independent business with 25+ online income streamsLearn how to set up a business from scratch and improve your entrepreneurial mindsetStart your own automated t-shirt business and sell your t-shirts on 10+ online marketplacesRecord professional online video courses, edit them, and promote them efficientlyMake money with affiliate marketing by building sophisticated educational models around the affiliate income sourceBecome a coach and educate personal mentees from all over the worldStart and scale a range of online businessesImprove your overall understanding of tax laws and the responsibilities every entrepreneur hasWhat are you still waiting for?Enroll now and we will see each other again inside the course!Best,Business Hero - your instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Gesto empresarial com ERP"
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para aqueles que esto iniciando neste mundo dos sistemas ERP e tem como foco o sistema principal da TOTVS, o Protheus. Um dos sistemas ERP mais utilizados hoje.Vamos iniciar a explicao terica sobre  a gesto empresarial, passando pelo surgimento do ERP, o funcionamento de uma empresa, o governo, os impostos, at chegarmos aos mdulos bsicos que complementam o sistema Protheus. Faremos uma explicao sobre cada um desses mdulos, para entendermos exatamente como funciona a integrao de todos eles e finalmente chegaremos as aulas prticas, onde aprenderemos a utilizar de forma correta alguns dos recursos essenciais do sistema ERP Protheus.O curso est imperdvel, no s pelo valor simblico, mas tambm pela riqueza de contedo que ele abrange, para aqueles que ainda precisam entender como funciona esse negcio de Gesto empresarial com ERP. No perca tempo, matricule-se hoje mesmo e garanta mais um passo a frente nesta sua jornada de aprendizado.** Ao matricular-se no curso, voc poder baixar um Ebook de apoio ao curso **Protheus e TOTVS so produtos e marca registrada de propriedade da TOTVS S.A."
Price: 99.99

"Criando relatrios com ADVPL"
"Uma das grandes demandas de quem desenvolve em ADVPL sempre foi a gerao de relatrios. Pensando nisto, preparamos um curso que ensina diversas tcnicas para ger-los utilizando programao em ADVPL, nos mais diversos formatos, como EXCEL, HTML ou TXT.Se voc fez o curso ADVPL - Aprenda do ZERO, no deixe de conferir este que est imperdvel. Vamos avanar na linguagem utilizando as tcnicas de programao necessrias para criar relatrios totalmente compatveis com as solicitaes dos usurios. O curso inteiro focado na extrao de dados de uma base SQL Server responsvel por armazenar o banco de dados do sistema Protheus. Se voc sente a necessidade de aprender a criar relatrios com ADVPL, este curso inteiramente para voc. No perca tempo e inicie ainda hoje o seu aprendizado."
Price: 99.99

"ADVPL - Avanando com MVC"
"Atendendo a muitos pedidos, este o curso definitivo de ADVPL para quem pretende dominar a programao com MVC.Este um curso exclusivo de ADVPL, que parte da ideia de que o aluno no saiba NADA sobre o desenvolvimento de ADVPL utilizando MVC. Neste curso o aluno aprender no s a programar utilizando este conceito, mas tambm a analisar outros cdigos que tenham sido desenvolvidos em MVC. Um curso que foi desenvolvido tanto para alunos que nunca programaram em ADVPL usando o MVC, quanto para aqueles que ja sabem e queiram aprender um pouco mais, ou apenas rever alguns conceitos.Este mais um curso que segue o padro de todos os outros ja desenvolvidos pela RCTI, no carregando apenas um preo simblico, mas tambm um contedo que pode ajudar a muitos que pretendem alavancar sua carreira.Este curso faz parte da trilha de desenvolvedor ADVPL, onde comeamos com o curso ADVPL - Aprenda do ZERO! E avanamos para o Criando relatrios com ADVPL. Agora avanamos ainda mais com o curso de ADVPL com MVC! Matricule-se ainda hoje e avance em sua carreira."
Price: 114.99

"The Complete Shopify Dropshipping Course - Pro Level"
"Welcome to the 2019 complete dropshipping course! What is included:10 hours of contentComprehensive Marketing TacticsUpdated Content For 2019Resources & TemplatesA unique and proven way to run a Dropshipping StoreThis is the most in-depth dropshipping course with unique tactics not taught anywhere else. I show you exactly what i do to maintain a profitable dropshipping store, while giving you real life examples. If you're a Youtube subscriber you know exactly what i mean! I've been a dropshipper for over 2 years, and this is a basically a dump of everything i know. So there is a ton of information in this course. With that being said, I hope to see you enrolled and enjoy the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Mobile Ads Masterclass: Learn Mobile Ads from A-Z"
"Would you like to run successful Facebook mobile ads? Then this course is for you! In this Facebook mobile ads masterclass, you will learn how to create professional Facebook mobile ads that convert, define KPIs (key performance indicators), learn to track them and create eye-catching mobile content that impresses your followers. But what exactly are you going to learn in detail here in this course? Understanding Facebook Mobile Ads - What makes a mobile ad convert? In this part of the course, you will learn more about 5 key components of highly converting Facebook mobile ads, I will give you a step by step guide for working with KPIs (key performance indicators), and help you not make any mistakes that could cost you in the long run. Defining a Facebook Target Audience - We will now cover the audience insights tool, Creative Hub and you will learn where to get the cheapest and most suitable traffic for advertising budget. Instant Experience - Instant experiences were made for mobile devices. We will create instant experiences from scratch in this chapter together. Copywriting - A good copy grabs your attention, informs you and let's you take the advertiser's desired action. In this chapter, I will cover with you copywriting hacks that work. Splittesting - Effective split testing might make the difference between a winning or losing mobile ad. After completing this chapter, you will have a clear vision of what a proper split test looks like and how to get the results you desire. Creating Mobile Image Content in Canva - To finish off the course, we will learn more about content creation and content management in Canva. What exactly will you learn in this course?Create professional Facebook mobile ads that convertDefine KPIs (key performance indicators) and learn to track themSplit testing for creative, delivery optimization, placement and audienceCreate eye-catching mobile content that impresses your followersTake a data-driven approach to Facebook paid advertisingWhat are you still waiting for? Enroll now and we will see each other inside the course!Best,Marketing Hero-  instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Manychat Masterclass: Build Facebook Chat Bots with Manychat"
"Would you like to know how to build sophisticated Manychat chat bots? Then this course is for you. In this Manychat Chat Bot Masterclass, you will learn how to set up your first Facebook Bot, how o build sequences and AI rules as well as work with the flow builder. What exactly will you learn in this course?Flow Builder, Sequences, and Messages - In this part of the course, you will learn how to use the Manychat Flow Builder and create sequences. You'll learn all about keywords, tags, conditions, your Manychat Audience Tool, and more.Growth Tools - You will learn how to use different widgets effectively. We take a step-by-step look at how to build Landing Pages in Manychat, how to insert bot links into buttons, how to put widgets and pop-ups on your website, and much more.Facebook Ads & JSON - You probably signed up for this course because you wanted to learn more about messenger ads or JSON. In this part of the course, we'll learn how to increase our bot subscribers number through professional Facebook ads and learn about JavaScript code snippets for the Manychat JSON tool. Do not worry - no existing programming skills are needed in this regard.Customer Service Bots - In addition to the theoretical background, we will also go through dozens of practical examples in this course. We learn how to develop a customer service bot and learn how to create AI Rules in order to set up an artificial intelligence.GDPR - At the end of the course, we will make your bot as GDPR compliant as possible. We talk about topics such as double opt-in procedures, imprints and data protection duties, collecting data, data mining and much more.After completing this course you will be able to do the following things:Create professional chat bot sequences, Flows and AI Rules with ManychatSet up customer service chat bots that automatically answer questionsUnderstand how to use the Manychat tool JSONGain more subscribers for your chat bot through Facebook Ads & content marketing strategiesImprove your marketing strategies by using KPIs (key performance indicators)Work with messenger ads through the Manychat Ads ToolWhat are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and become a Manychat professional.Best,Marketing Hero- your instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Manychat Facebook Ads & JSON: The Ultimate Manychat Guide"
"Would you like to know how to run messenger and traffic ads through Manychat? And do you want to customise your ad experience using JSON? Then this course is for you. In this course, you will learn how to work with Manychat's ads tool BETA and JSON, we will learn how to install JavaScript Code snippets in order to optimise our Facebook ad experience and build sophisticated flows for better advertising results. And don't worry - no programming skills are required to take this course.What exactly are we going to cover in this course? Manychat's Facebook Ads Tool - In this part of the course, you will learn how to run ads directly from your Manychat account that convert. We will cover the ins and outs of the tool and learn how to define KPIs (key performance indicators). Additionally, we will learn more about conversion rates and appropriate content creation. JSON - JSON is a Manychat growth tool and stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It can be used in order to customise messages within Facebook messenger. We will learn how to set it up correctly together. Splittesting in Manychat's Ads Tool BETA - In order to run ads that convert, we need to figure out which ad is the most suitable one for our means. In this chapter, you will learn how to splittest ads in Manychat's Ads Tool BETA.After completing this course, you will be able to:Run highly converting messenger and traffic ads through ManychatSet up Manychat JSON correctlyBuild sophisticated flows to let your subscribers take immediate actionCreate welcome messages and flows that convertIncrease your Manychat subscribers listWhat are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and become a Manychat professional.Best,Marketing Hero- your instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"How to Hit the Perfect Tennis Forehand"
"This is a very detailed course on everything about the forehand from the grip to the correct swing pattern.In this course, pro Joseph Correa teaches you how to fully develop your forehand using techniques used by professional tennis players. Joseph goes straight to the point and tells you exactly whats needed to perfect your forehand no matter what your level of play is or difficulties you may be having. This is a fun and exciting course that will provide you with new concepts and unique drills not normally taught by other tennis coaches.Some of the key concepts you will learn are:- How to properly position your body for an open-stance forehand and a closed-stance forehand- How to hit with topspin and sidespin- How to create a figure 8 swing for efficient muscle and racket head acceleration- What muscles to train to improve your forehand bio-mechanics and increase torque- How to mentally approach your forehand so that you become more confident during critical moments- What are the common mistakes people make with their forehand and how to quickly fix these mistakes- What specific drills will improve your forehand 10 times faster than other drills- How to execute the right strategies to maximize your forehand on the court- Where you should position yourself to hit a forehand on the court and why- How to hit 2 hit, 3 hit,4 hit, and 5 hit combinationsCoach Joseph Correa played professional tennis for many years and trained with some of the best tennis players in the world. He has held a USPTR professional tennis coach certification and is ITF certified. He has trained players of all levels and ages and taken them to the next level. Now its your turn to take your forehand to the next level and make it as great as it can be. Never let anyone tell you just how good your forehand can be or how fast it can improve. Be open to learning new concepts and new ways of training so that you get the most from this course. Remember, if you are not completely satisfied you can always return the course for a full refund. Get started now."
Price: 199.99

"Kubernetes and Docker MasterClass :HandsOn Kubernetes 2 in 1"
"Longest Docker and Kubernetes Training Course on Udemy.Course Focus on building efficient computing infrastructures using Kubernetes and Docker.Help you to be Pro in Kubernetes and Achieving Carrer Changing Goals.Help you to get Kubernetes Certified Engineer and Pay Hike.After taking this course, you'll be able to:Use Docker in your daily developer and/or sysadmin rolesMake Dockerfiles and Compose filesBuild multi-node Swarm clusters and deploying H/A containersBuild a workflow of using Docker in dev, then test/CI, then production with YAMLProtect your keys, TLS certificates, and passwords with encrypted secretsKeep your Dockerfiles and images small, efficient, and fastDevelop locally while your code runs in a containerProtect important persistent data in volumes and bind mountsLead your team into the future with the latest Docker container skills!Docker & Kubernetes Training: Become Job Ready in Docker Containerization by learning Docker Ecosystem, creating Docker images using Dockerfiles, Installing Ubuntu Linux and CentOS Linux, Granting Docker Control to Non-root Users, Security, Orchestration, Network Configuration Files, etc. You will also get an exposure to industry based real-time projects in various verticals. This course will help you to gain an understanding of how to deploy, use, and maintain your applications on Kubernetes. If you are into DevOps, this is a technology you need to master. Kubernetes has gained a lot of popularity lately and it is a well-sought skill by companies.This course is updated frequently to include the features of the latest releases!Be ready for the Dockerized future, where nearly all software is developed and deployed in containers. Welcome to the most complete and up-to-date course for learning and using Docker end-to-end, from development and testing to deployment and production. Just starting out with Docker? Perfect. This course starts out assuming you're new to containers.This is a living course and will be updated as Docker features and workflows change.Why DevOps skills?Nowadays DevOps engineers are in great demand in the IT industry. Companies are looking for developers who can both develop and deploy the applications.The average salary of a DevOps engineer is about $145,000 per year in the Silicon Valley area which is 20% higher than the salary of a software engineer.Master DevOps Skills means you will be staying ahead in the competitive job market!Some of the many cool things you'll do in this course:Edit web code on your machine while it's served up in a containerLockdown your apps in private networks that only expose necessary portsCreate a 3-node Swarm cluster in the cloudUse Virtual IP's for built-in load balancing in your clusterOptimize your Dockerfiles for faster building and tiny deploysBuild/Publish your own custom application imagesCreate your own image registryUse Swarm Secrets to encrypt your environment configs, even on diskDeploy container updates in a rolling always-up designCreate the config utopia of a single set of YAML files for local dev, CI testing, and prod cluster deploysAnd so much more... 30-day money-back guarantee!You will get a 30-day money-back guarantee from Udemy for this course. If not satisfied simply ask for a refund within 30 days.Are you ready to take your DevOps skills and career to the next level, take this course now!"
Price: 199.99

"Kubernetes MasterClass : Kubernetes From Scratch to Advance"
"This course on Kubernetes for Absolute Beginners was primarily designed with beginners in mind.You'll learn a lot of DevOps workflow hands-on in this course.In addition to covering everything you need to know about Kubernetes, this course also covers the very basics of virtualization and cloud technologies, including Docker Containers.This is a hands-on Kubernetes course with a lot of Labs, and Demos.Here is a brief summary of what you'll learn in this course:Virtual Machines,Docker containers,Difference between Virtual Machines and Docker Containers,How to build Docker Container Images and run them.How to push Docker images to Docker Hub RegistryDifference between Docker and KubernetesWhat is KubernetesKubernetes vs Docker SwarmWhy Google Open Sourced KubernetesWhat is the need for Kubernetes,What is the problem that Kubernetes addressesHow end-users benefit from Kubernetes,Kubernetes CompetitorsHow to create a real multi-node Kubernetes Cluster in Google Cloud PlatformHow to create a Minikube cluster on your laptop or VM.How to create, run and manage Docker Containers as Pods in Kubernetes Cluster at cloud scaleHow to create a Kubernetes DeploymentHow to create a Kubernetes Load Balancer ServiceBasics on Microservices ArchitectureHow to scale up and Scale down Pods in Kubernetes ClusterHow to perform DevOps workflow (rollout and rollback software updates to Pods) in a Kubernetes ClusterHow to drain a Kubernetes Node for maintenance using High AvailabilityHow to add back the node to the cluster after the maintenance.How to dismantle the Kubernetes Cluster.This is a hands-on Kubernetes course with a lot of Labs, and Demos. Who this course is for:Software Developers, DevOps Engineers, Application Developers, Software Test Engineers, IT admins, Managers, Executives, or Anyone who's interested in learning Docker Containers and Kubernetes"
Price: 164.99

"Learn English: The simple present verb tense"
"Before you attempt this class, you must understand ""to be"" and ""to have.""If you need more practice with ""be"" and ""have,"" please take Lesson 1A first.This is a beginner level English class. This class focuses on the form of the simple present and the time phrases used. Students will learn some basic verb vocabulary. In each lesson, you will also learn new nouns and a few adjectives."
Price: 24.99

"SEO Local con WordPress: Posicinate en Google"
"En este curso te enseo el sistema de SEO Local que utilizamos con cada uno de nuestros clientes.Mira por encima de mi hombro mientras rediseo y posiciono sitios web de negocios locales de clientes reales, en la primera pgina de Google.Ya sea que tengas un negocio local y quieras que su sitio web aparezca en los primeros lugares de los buscadores, o tienes una agencia de marketing que ofrece servicios a pymes (pequeas y medianas empresas) y quieres ofrecer SEO Local, ests en el lugar correcto.En este curso te comparto el sistema que utilizamos con todos nuestros clientes, mismo que nos ha servido para posicionar en la primera de Google a la mayora de los sitios que optimizamos en pocos meses (con algunos tardamos solo pocas semanas).En cada uno de los videos sers testigo de cmo hago cambios en el sitio web del cliente y te dir no solo los pasos exactos que debes seguir, sino tambin por qu debes hacerlos. Adems te dir cmo crear cualquier sitio web en WordPress ""con el pi derecho"" para SEO, con la plantilla, plugins y constructor de pginas que mejor se llevan con Google.Algunas cosas que cubriremos son:Ejemplos reales de negocios locales que hemos posicionadoLa psicologa de Google y qu quiere de nosotrosFactores de posicionamiento local en los buscadoresOptimizar adecuadamente una ficha de Google My Business (Google Mi Negocio)Hacer tu sitio web rapidsimo por medio de su optimizacinAnalizar palabras clave de un negocio realAnalizar la competenciaQu plantillas, plugins y constructor de pginas elegir antes de crear un sitio web en WordPress.Crear una plantilla de ""Prximamente"" adecuada para SEO.Cmo crear cada una de las pginas internas de forma optimizadaCrear enlaces en directorios de negocios y redes socialesCmo comunicarle a Google sobre nuestro nuevo sitio webQu pasos cruciales debemos seguir para subir imgenes Nunca haba sido tan buen momento para crear sitio web optimizados para SEO, adems de ofrecer este servicio a negocios locales.El posicionamiento local puede ser un verdadero activo para tu agencia, ya que todos los dueos y gerentes de negocios estn conscientes de que necesitan generar nuevos clientes. La mayora de sus prospectos se encuentran navegando en Google para resolver algn inconveniente que tus clientes pueden resolverles."
Price: 199.99

"Resmi Yazma Kurallar"
"Bu Kursta;1- Balk Atma,2- Say Verme,3- Tarih Ekleme,4- Evrak Konusunu Yazma,5- Evrakn Muhatabn Belirleme (Evrakn Kime Gideceini),6- Resmi Yazda lgi Yazma Kuraln,7- Metin eriinin nasl yazlacan tam olarak renme,8- mzann nereye, nasl atlacan ve isim, unvan yazma usuln ,9- Ek Blmnn yazlma eklini,10- Datmlarn (Gerei,Bilgi) yazma usul,11- Olur yazlacaksa nasl yazlacan,12- Paraf ksmn dzenlemeyi,13-Koordinasyon Paraf amay,14- letiim Bilgileri dzenlemeyi,15- Office Word Program zerinden pratik yaparak Gncel Mevzuata gre grp reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Advance python object oriented programming (OOP)"
"This course covers Advance level topics in python, this course starts from explaining python language Object Oriented Programming topics like class and object.Advance Object Oriented Programming in python like class object Inheritance polymorphism abstractionStudents will learn Object oriented programming and their skills will become strong in this domain.Python 3 is used to code."
Price: 49.99

"Complete C++ programming from Basics to Advance level"
"This course covers Basics as well as Advance level topics in C++, as this course is MEGAcourse so it starts from scratch explaining C++ language and then moves to Advance topics like Object Oriented Programming in C++.This course can be Divided into 3 major parts.1. Basics of C++ (Loops, Conditionals, Arrays 1D and 2D, Functions)2. Object Oriented Programming in C++ (Class and Object, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction & Encapsulation)3. Advance topics like Pointers and dynamic memory allocation."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Python programming from Basics to Advance level"
"This course covers Basics as well as Advance level topics in python + GUI programming, as this course is MEGAcourse so it starts from scratch explaining python language with a slow pace to benefit students who have just started programming and then moves to Advance topics like Object Oriented Programming in python, and python GUI programming with high pace for better understandingsThis course can be Divided into 3 major parts.1. Basics of python2. Advance Object Oriented Programming in python3. tkinter (GUIprogramming)python (Basics + Advance(OOP) + GUI programming)"
Price: 199.99

"100 Practical Tips for Success in Your Business Career"
"Welcome to our course on 100 Practical Tips for Success in Your Business Career where you will learn everything you need to know about starting, managing and growing your business.This course is designed for new or existing entrepreneurs seeking practical advice on how to start, manage and grow a new business venture.By the end of the course, you will be able to think as an entrepreneur, choose a business structure, generate a business idea, develop yourself personally to be a business person, organize your business operations, think strategically, plan and implement successfully marketing and sales efforts for your business, as well as manage people and finances of your business.All of this in a practical fashion through proven tips from an experienced instructor.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing entrepreneur that wants to start a new business, launch a new product or service, grow an existing business or event full-time employee looking to start a business career.There are no requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Marketing Strategy"
"Welcome to our course on How to Write a Marketing Strategy.This course is designed for entrepreneurs, managers, marketing professionals and everyone else seeking practical advice on how to write a quality marketing strategy, quickly and effectively.  By the end of the course, you will be able to write a quality marketing strategy in 2 - 3 days.  You will benefit from practical tips on how to prepare a marketing strategy outline, marketing strategy template, how to write different sections, how to write quality content and how to make it look professional.Course starts by looking at what you need to consider before you start writing, how to prepare a marketing strategy outline and template, how to gather the data, how to start writing different sections, how to complete proofreading, formatting and prepare for a presentation.First, we start by understanding the current situation of your company and the target market that it serves.  Then, we analyze the priorities of stakeholders and define the goals and objectives of the marketing strategy.  Course continues by showing you how to build a target market, how to create buyer persona profiles, key marketing messages, unique value proposition and how to write the content strategy.In the next section, we talk about the marketing strategy execution by covering how we prepare an action plan, a marketing budget and a sales forecast.  This is followed with insights on how to convert our marketing efforts into sales.  Course concludes by covering techniques on how to measure the performance of our marketing strategy.Course includes templates for outline, template, report, tables and annexes.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing marketing professional or project manager who wants to improve their marketing efforts and achieve success with their marketing strategy as well as improve their marketing strategy writing skills.There are no requirements necessary to enroll.  We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn and ready to take some risks. In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies.  Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99

"MBA Business Skills Masterclass for Entrepreneurs & Managers"
"Welcome to our course on MBA Business Skills Masterclass for Entrepreneurs and Managers where you will learn everything you need to know about starting, managing and growing your business.This course is designed for new or existing entrepreneurs and managers seeking practical advice on how to start, manage and grow a new business venture.By the end of the course, you will be learn about:All of this in a practical fashion through proven tips from an experienced instructor.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing entrepreneur or manager that wants to start a new business, grow an existing business, launch a new product or service, transition from full-time to a business career or just learn essential business skills.There are no requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 49.99

"How to Write a Communication Strategy"
"Welcome to our course on How to Write a Communication Strategy.This course is designed for entrepreneurs, managers, communication professionals and everyone else seeking practical advice on how to write a quality communication strategy, quickly and effectively.  By the end of the course, you will be able to write a quality communication strategy in 2 - 3 days.  You will benefit from practical tips on how to prepare a communication strategy outline, communication strategy template in Microsoft Word, communication strategy presentation template in Microsoft PowerPoint, how to write different sections, how to write quality content and how to make it look professional.Course starts by looking at what you need to consider before you start writing, how to prepare a communication strategy outline and template, how to gather the data, how to start writing different sections, how to complete proofreading, formatting and prepare for a presentation.First, we start by understanding the current situation of your company in terms of communication.  Then, we analyze the priorities of stakeholders and define the goals and objectives of the communication strategy.  Course continues by showing you how to prepare your unique value proposition as well as how to write each component of the strategy including the aims of the strategy, current situation, assumptions and risks, audiences, strategic communication objectives, strategic communication deliverables and key performance indicators, communication channels and tools, key communication messages, action plan and budget plan.Course includes templates for outline, strategy document template, strategy presentation template and strategy action plan.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing communication professional or project manager who wants to improve their communication efforts and achieve success with their communication strategy as well as improve their communication strategy writing skills.There are no requirements necessary to enroll.  We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn and ready to take some risks. In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies.  Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99

"Google Sheets in 2019"
"In this course, you will learn how both the basics of using spreadsheets with Google Sheets and more advanced features such as using functions to create dynamic spreadsheets that reference data from across multiple sources, and generate visual representations of what you have with pie charts and trend lines.By the time you're done with this course, you'll have full confidence in most things that require you to use Google Sheets. In situations that require something beyond your current skill level, you will have the tools needed to acquire the  knowledge necessary without feeling overwhelmed."
Price: 19.99