"Il marketing con i video in Facebook" |
"I numeri ci mostrano una via oramai tracciata: il video in Facebook presente e futuro della comunicazione.Sono davvero molte le strategie di marketing dirette ed indirette che possono essere affrontare con i video, strategie che vedremo assieme con anche molti esempi pratici utili a stimolare lingegno di ognuno di voi.Perch di ingegno si parla e non solo di attrezzature al giorno doggi basta un normalissimo Smartphone per dare voce ai propri prodotti e servizi in modo assolutamente vincente."
Price: 199.99 |
"Gestire una azienda nei Social" |
"Nati per comunicare, i social network mettono a disposizione strumenti vecchi e nuovi che assolvono a molteplici scopi per le quali oggi opportuno avere molti indicazioni aggiuntive per sfruttarli al meglio secondo le loro regole, regole che importante conoscere.Il rispetto della netiquette non imposto da alcuna legge, ma sotto un aspetto giuridico, invece spesso richiamata nei contratti di fornitura di servizi tra grandi aziende lo sapevate? Se non lo sapete, come anche se non sapete cosa significhi fare marketing facendo ""branding"" ... allora questo il corso giusto per Voi."
Price: 199.99 |
"La SEO nelle risorse: immagini e video" |
"Il posizionamento delle immagini e dei video una strategia di marketing che ha un peso molto importante in tanti e differenti mercati: dal fashion ai gioielli, dallantiquariato alle auto quanti sono gli oggetti che desideriamo prima vedere per capire se comprarli o meno?La risposta a questa domanda ci spiega anche quali siano in realt le enormi possibilit che ci vengono offerte dal saper posizionare le nostre risorse prima di quelle dei concorrenti e non solo."
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Build a Business Plan with Monte Carlo Analysis" |
"Every business has several levers that determine its financial performance.For example,The business can increase its sales.It can improve its margin.It can improve the efficiency of its back office activities.It can use its assets more efficiently.It can do combinations of the above and more.In corporations, business unit directors are held to account against performance targets set by the main board.The business unit director should be asking, ""How confident can I be that the business will achieve the performance I am being set?""Suppose the sales team cannot meet the 10% pa improvement target you set them.Suppose operations cannot meet the 5% pa margin improvement you require.What will be the free cash flow you should expect?Enter Monte Carlo Analysis.This technique allows you to set a range of performance improvements instead of point targets.For example, if you ask the sales director what is the maximum improvement the sales team can achieve and what must go right to make this, you have a clear idea of the most you can expect and what you have to manage to improve the likelihood of securing it.If you also ask the sales director what is the minimum improvement the sales team can achieve and what must go wrong for it to be so low you can be confident that this is the worst you should plan for and know what you must mitigate to lower the likelihood of such a poor performance.If you then ask the sales director what it is the most likely improvement in sales you will have the benefit of the salesperson's expertise and experience.Instead of the traditional single point target you now have a range of plausible sales performance forecasts defined by these three points:there is no chance of performing below the minimumthere is no chance of performing above the maximumthere is a calculable chance of achieving the most likelythere is some calculable chance of achieving every sales improvement performance between the minimum and the maximum.Now let's ask the Operations Director the same regarding margin.Let's ask the back office functions the same regarding selling and general administration.Monte Carlo Analysis allows as many scenarios as you want to be constructed by randomly selecting values for all the levers in your business plan and forecasting the free cash flow for each scenario. By collecting the free cash flow from every scenario, the analysis builds up a picture of the range of possible outcomes and the probability of them occuring.Not only does the course show you how to do this. It also includes an Excel spreadsheet that calculates one thousand such scenarios from the financial data you provide and the levers you set using three-point estimates.This delivers five free cash flow forecasts for the next five years:the minimum free cash flow for each year, meaning there is zero chance of achieving less than thisthe 10% confidence line, which means that 10% of outcomes lie between the minimum and this linethe median line, which means that 50% of outcomes lie between the minimum and this linethe 90% confidence line, which means that 90% of outcomes lie between the minimum and this linethe maximum free cash flow for each year, meaning there is zero chance of exceeding this.You can see immediately that 80% of outcomes lie between the 10% and 90% lines.The spreadsheet also calculates the net present value of these forecast cash flows.The most powerful feature is that the spreadsheet allows you to set a free cash flow or net present value target and responds with the confidence in exceeding it. Thus, if the main board want to set a target you can calculate how confident you can be in achieving it.The spreadsheet uses all native Excel functions. That is, it requires no add-ins and no Visual Basic.If you have completed my Forecast Business Outcomes with Monte Carlo Analysis then you will be well prepared to extend your knowledge and skills with this course.If you have an appreciation of Monte Carlo Analysis or will take the theory behind it on trust, then you will be able to improve your business planning rightaway using this technique and the spreadsheet provided."
Price: 39.99 |
"Melhore sua pronncia de ingls com professor americano." |
"Voc quer aprender ingls? Voc est comeando a sua jornada de aprender ingls agora? Ou voc j entende algumas coisas, mas no consegue ser entendido? Voc j avanado mas quer melhorar o seu sotaque em ingles?No importa a razo, se voc tiver a vontade de falar e entender ingls americano da forma correta, este o curso para voc!Sou professor Willy, professor de ingls norte-americano. Desde que eu e a minha esposa abrimos nossa escola de ingls em Palmas, Tocantins em 2015 e comeamos a desenvolver nosso mtodo de ensino, eu vi que meus alunos mostraram um padro de erros de pronncia por causa do jeito que o portugus pronunciado.Ento eu comecei a desenvolver tcnicas para aprender ingls, e especificamente a pronncia, para ajudar meus alunos a lembrar dos sons. E hoje, voc tambm pode desfrutar deste trabalho. Ajudar meus alunos aprender ingls a minha paixo, e por ser um professor americano nativo que aprendeu e atualmente fala portugus todos os dias, eu tenho a oportunidade rara de poder compartilhar as diferenas sutis que eu descobri, entre o ingls conversao e portugus falado. Desenvolvemos este trabalho por meio da prtica do nosso curso de ingls bsico e ingls gratuito que mantemos e realmente vai te ajudar. Estamos muito animados para comear esta jornada contigo com este, nosso primeiro de muitos, curso de ingls online! Voc no tem nada a perder...alm do seu sotaque!!Do curso a Nairi Desiderato disse: ""Amei! Super recomendo, o curso de pronncia! Achei extremamente didtico, os exerccios so excelentes para a fixao do contedo. Eu consegui corrigir pronncias erradas desde a poca de colgio. Parabns teacher Willy, e muito obrigada, por sempre pensar em formas diferentes de nos ajudar, facilitando nosso aprendizado.""A Ilza Cardoso disse do curso: ""Eu vivencio este curso como uma aula particular, na qual o professor enxerga os meus erros e imediatamente os corrige. Eu achei fantstica a preocupao do professor Willy em pesquisar os sons das letras em portugus para us-las na pronncia em ingls, e o resultado disso para mim perfeito. Eu percebo o quanto tenho evoludo com este curso de pronuncia. Thank you teacher Willy!""Veja voc tambm!"
Price: 69.99 |
"ACE IT! ingls de conversao Viaje com mais segurana!" |
"Aprender ingls nunca foi to fcil!What's up? Eu sou professor Willy da escola de ingls ACES aqui em Palmas, Tocantins. Falar ingls um dos seus objetivos? Voc entende que o mundo fala ingls e que se comunicar nessa lngua ser um diferencial para voc, mas os cursos que j testou foram longos, chatos, e caros?Neste primeiro mdulo de ACE IT! curso de ingls de conversao Viaje com mais segurana voc vai entender como pode ser divertido e agradvel aprender ingls com este curso bsico, divertido, dinmico, e que no vai precipitar emprstimo de um banco para se inscrever! (Sim estou falando contigo, Mauro Vergara, Ask Jackie, Small Advantages, Ingls Winner, e os outros com seus cursos caros!)Mtodo ACE IT!: aqui o aluno comea a primeira aula falando ingls, mesmo que seja o seu primeiro contato com a lngua. No acreditamos que a gramtica leva fluncia, mas sim a prtica, a formao correta dos sons, e que a gramtica deveria ser usado somente para auxiliar a aprendizagem. Trabalhando de forma intensa duas ferramentas - falar e ouvir, este mtodo tem dado timos resultados com os nossos alunos, conforme depoimentos abaixo: Aqui, voc aprender ingls de maneira inovadora, porm bastante simples, as lies so prticas e dinmicas, voc comea a conversar em ingls de forma gradativa e natural: Pronncia dividida em silabas para o aluno aprender a falar com sotaque de nativo. Dilogos apresentados da maneira que realmente so usadas pelos americanos. Aprende frases, logo, voc aprende a falar efetivamente. Dicas sobre pronncia e explicaes.Este primeiro mdulo de 5 lies inclui:Apostila de 55 pginas com exerccios e gabarito, guia de pronncia dos udios, e explicaes mais abrangentes. Guia de pronncia bsica das vogais e consoantes em ingls com udio para baixar. Os udios de cada lio escritos e com guia de pronncia. Exerccios adicionais para cada lio e gabarito. Explicaes mais abrangentes dos assuntos tratados nos vdeo aulas.Lio 1 Como falar frases bsicas como com licena, sou brasileiro, no entendo ingls e mais! Como formar afirmaes em ingls. Como formar negaes e perguntas em ingls. As trs formas mais usadas para negar em ingls e quando usar cada uma. Prtica das pronuncias bsicas do guia de pronuncia bsica. Como usar verbos fracos e verbos fortes (e o que significa estes termos!)Lio 2 Como responder que est bem e muito bem. A pronncia correta do verbo falar e as palavras americano e bom dia. Os usos das palavras miss, ma'am, e sir. Os usos das palavras Miss, Mrs., e Mr. Como saudar pessoas em ingls com bom dia, boa tarde, e boa noite.Lio 3 Como agradecer em ingls. Como usar mas em ingls. Como dizer as frases no muito bem, e voc, sinto muito e por favor. Introduo de ""sons de ligao"".Lio 4 Introduo para os nveis de comunicao. Contraes, redues e sons de ligao. Perguntas de confirmao. Como pedir informaes.Lio 5 Como dizer de nada. Como pedir coisas em ingls. Como pedir coisas de um jeito mais educado. As formas mais usadas para dizer obrigado. Reviso do contedo.QuizO complemento perfeito para suas aulas. Voc poder contar com uma seo de quiz depois de cada lio para praticar e aperfeioar sua aprendizagem. Quiz finalAvaliao no final para o aluno entender exatamente quanto que aprendeu!Resultado finalImagine que o primeiro dia da sua viagem para um pas que fale ingls. Depois de fazer o primeiro mdulo de ACE IT! voc vai no s conseguir iniciar uma conversa com uma pronncia mais parecido com um falante nativo de ingls norte-americano, mas vai tambm saber como pedir coisas educadamente, como procurar informaes para chegar onde quer ir, e mais do que tudo vai aprender de um jeito que te faz querer aprender mais, ao invs de querer desistir!"
Price: 99.99 |
"ACE IT! ingls de conversao Viaje com mais segurana, 2" |
"Aprender ingls nunca foi to fcil!What's up? Eu sou professor Willy dono da escola de ingls ACES aqui em Palmas, Tocantins. Falar ingls um dos seus objetivos? Voc entende que o mundo fala ingls e que se comunicar nessa lngua ser um diferencial para voc, mas os cursos que j testou foram longos, chatos, e caros?Neste segundo mdulo de ACE IT! curso de ingls de conversao Viaje com mais segurana voc vai entender como pode ser divertido e agradvel aprender ingls com este curso bsico, divertido, dinmico, e que no vai precipitar emprstimo de um banco para se inscrever! (Sim estou falando contigo, Mauro Vergara, Ask Jackie, Small Advantages, Ingls Winner, e os outros com seus cursos caros!)Mtodo ACE IT!: aqui o aluno comea a primeira aula falando ingls, mesmo que seja o seu primeiro contato com a lngua. No acreditamos que a gramtica leva fluncia, mas sim a prtica, a formao correta dos sons, e que a gramtica deveria ser usado somente para auxiliar a aprendizagem. Trabalhando de forma intensa duas ferramentas - falar e ouvir, este mtodo tem dado timos resultados com os nossos alunos, conforme depoimentos abaixo: Aqui, voc aprender ingls de maneira inovadora, porm bastante simples, as lies so prticas e dinmicas, voc comea a conversar em ingls de forma gradativa e natural: Pronncia dividida em silabas para o aluno aprender a falar com sotaque de nativo. Dilogos apresentados da maneira que realmente so usadas pelos americanos. Aprende frases, logo, voc aprende a falar efetivamente. Dicas sobre pronncia e explicaes.Este segundo mdulo de 5 lies inclui:Apostila de 50 pginas com exerccios e gabarito, guia de pronncia dos udios, e explicaes mais abrangentes. Guia de pronncia bsica das vogais e consoantes em ingls com udio para baixar. Os udios de cada lio escritos e com guia de pronncia. Exerccios adicionais para cada lio e gabarito. Explicaes mais abrangentes dos assuntos tratados nos vdeo aulas.Lio 6 to/too/two em ingls e as 5 palavras pronunciadas /tu/ Como formar frases com agora em ingls. A diferena entre as preposies num e no em ingls e como us-las. Como formar e usar a contrao mais usada com a palavra would. Quais so os verbos medrosos e porqu chamamos assim. Como dizer mais tarde em ingls.Lio 7 A pronncia correta da palavra hotel em ingls. A pronncia correta da palavra restaurant em ingls. A pronncia rpida de at a em ingls. Como pronunciar corretamente os plurais em ingls. As trs piores coisas do ingls, e a loucura que so as preposies em ingls. Vocabulrio de bebidas.Lio 8 O verbo to have a a sua relao s refeies. Como dizer a palavra refeio e os nomes das refeies. O verbo to do. O verbo to buy. O verbo have em frases que envolvem comer ou beber. Como dizer quem e usar com pronomes.Lio 9 Perguntas Indiretas. Como perguntar que horas em ingls. O uso da palavra o'clock em ingls. Reviso dos nmero at 10.Lio 10 A diferena entre como dizer mais tarde e muito mais tarde em ingls. Como perguntar que horas so em ingls. Como falar do futuro usando going to. Como dizer e usar a palavra quando em ingls. Reviso de contedo.QuizO complemento perfeito para suas aulas. Voc poder contar com uma seo de quiz depois de cada lio para praticar e aperfeioar sua aprendizagem. Quiz finalAvaliao no final para o aluno entender exatamente quanto que aprendeu!Resultado finalImagine que o primeiro dia da sua viagem para um pas que fale ingls ou que no fale portugus. Depois de fazer o segundo mdulo de ACE IT! voc vai no s conseguir iniciar uma conversa com uma pronncia mais parecida com um falante nativo de ingls norte-americano, mas vai tambm saber como pedir coisas educadamente, como procurar informaes para chegar onde quer ir, perguntar onde coisas ficam, ou que horas so, e mais do que tudo vai aprender de um jeito que te faz querer aprender mais, ao invs de querer desistir!"
Price: 99.99 |
"101 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2019, Solve 6 Tests!" |
"Boost your learning with these researched 300 Practice Questions & Answers. Please go through the Blue Print of the Exam from the official AWS Site and understand the Topics needed for the Exam; All the Questions and Answers are around those Topics. Some Questions could be bit harder but this would help you ultimately. The actual pattern of questions in real exam could be different from these and AWS proprietary.How to Approach?1. Make a Schedule not more than 15 days when you would attempt all Exams.. Keep the same Time of the day (any time day / night that works with you)2. Attempt the Practice Test 1. Don't bother about Score. Check, which Questions you got wrong and note down in your notebook so that you can read / watch something more on that topic3. Attempt Practice Test 2.. follow the same pattern as above4. Keep attempting the Exams until you pass them. Keep a Gap of 3-5 days in between because it is easy to pass the exam the next day since you would recollect answers easily.The approach specified as above works very well, this is because Questions are Unique (based on research) and solving them consistently helps you memorize the core concept associated. Wherever possible, a detailed explanation is given for the Correct Answer. AWS continuously adds challenges in exams and hence a really focused and consistent study approach is expected from the Candidate. As you make a habit of referring the relevant updates / blogs, whitepapers you would learn faster and don't forget to subscribe to official AWS Channel on YouTube. Lot of updates and enhances keep coming and you should keep yourself up to date. I would be adding additional Practice Test(s) in coming month.DISCLAIMER : Please note that, while every effort is made to help you achieve your goal, passing these Practice exams does not Guarantee that you would pass the actual exam."
Price: 24.99 |
"How to Start a Startup or Small Business the Right Way" |
"Having led, started, and advised startups and small businesses for the past 10 years, this course is my effort to fit many of my most important lessons, frameworks, principles, and potential mistakes/problems that I think entrepreneurs, founders, and small business owners should know and understand into a single, hour-long course. This course is intended for beginner to intermediate-stage stage founders who either (a) are thinking about launching a business or turning a side project into a startup or (b) who are in the early phase of their business and looking to develop product-market fit, employ best practices, and avoid common founder problems and mistakes."
Price: 99.99 |
"How To Be An Influencer And Win People" |
"You are about to discover the secret to influence, double your productivity, get more things done and move to the next higher level.By the end of this course you will be able to apply the ""I.N.F.L.U.E.N.C.E.R"" Principle every time you want to influence and win people. The only way in the world to achieve your goals and attain the level of success you wanted is by possessing effective Influencing skills. This course is designed to help you become more influential, persuasive and successful in your personal as well as your professional life."
Price: 49.99 |
"Self-motivation is the burning desire that keeps moving forward - it's our internal calling to produce, develop, and keep creating. When you think you're ready to give up, or you just don't know how to begin, that's when your self-motivation kicks in and drives you forward like fuel in your car."
Price: 49.99 |
"7 Figure Dynamic Presentation Masterclass (Part 1 of 3)" |
"Whether you are preparing to be a professional speaker/presenter or you are someone who does a bit of presentation as a part of your profile, youll want to be prepared for the presentations that you do. This masterclass will give you all types of training tools to help you create and deliver engaging, compelling presentations that will encourage your audience to come back for more.This masterclass dives deeply into the strategies, techniques, and tools you need to be an effective presenter. In this masterclass, you'll learn everything about adult learning.The materials included in this masterclass are based on years of research and contain the most current information available to propel you to new levels of performance.Why should you join this masterclass workshop? Build your leadership skills and reproduce future leaders Establish your brand Unlock your hidden potential 10X your ability to empower, influence and inspire others to take action Make a difference in peoples lives Add value to the market place Facilitate online and offline seminars/webinars, conferences, forums Get interviewed in local and international media Travel nationally & globally Double your income in a short span of time"
Price: 49.99 |
"7 Figure Dynamic Presentation Masterclass (Part 2 of 3)" |
"This is Part 2 of the 7 Figure Dynamic Presentation Maserclass.Whether you are preparing to be a professional speaker/presenter or you are someone who does a bit of presentation as a part of your profile, youll want to be prepared for the presentations that you do. This masterclass will give you all types of training tools to help you create and deliver engaging, compelling presentations that will encourage your audience to come back for more.This masterclass dives deeply into the strategies, techniques, and tools you need to be an effective presenter. In this masterclass, you'll learn everything about adult learning.The materials included in this masterclass are based on years of research and contain the most current information available to propel you to new levels of performance.Why should you join this masterclass workshop?Build your leadership skills and reproduce future leadersEstablish your brandUnlock your hidden potential10X your ability to empower, influence and inspire others to take actionMake a difference in peoples livesAdd value to the market placeFacilitate online and offline seminars/webinars, conferences, forumsGet interviewed in local and international mediaTravel nationally & globallyDouble your income in a short span of timeWhat youll learnThe 'WHY' behind your presentationSteps to follow when you receive a speaking invitationAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?You do not have to have speaking or facilitating experience. This masterclass is designed for new, aspiring, and experienced speakers. Medium of instruction is in English therefore participants must be able to communicate in English. A strong will to step outside of your comfort zone and practice the techniques is all that you will need!Who this course is for:This course is designed for anyone that is interested in improving or learning public speaking and presentation skills, including but not limited to: Students, business owners, business executives, business professionals, Corporate leaders, C-Suites (CEO, CFO, COO), consultants, trainers, facilitators, corporate trainers, educators, teachers, counselors, keynote speaker, coaches, entrepreneurs, leaders, managers and human resources professionals, sales & marketing professionals, performers, aspiring public speakers, armature public speakers, professional public speakers, seminar leaders, advanced speakers who want to become a world-class speaker.Instructor"
Price: 49.99 |
"TypeScript dla pocztkujcych" |
"TypeScript z roku na rok zyskuj coraz wiksz popularno. Korzystaj z niego tacy giganci tacy jak Netflix, Microsoft, Google czy AirBnB, a wraz z nimi setki innych firm. TypeScript poszerza skadni znan z JavaScript i dodaje sztywne typowanie i wiele innych moliwoci znanych do tej pory gwnie z jzykw gwnie back-endowych takich jak Java czy C#.W tym kursie poka Ci jak z nich korzysta. Dowiesz si jak uywa typw, jak tworzy wasne. Dowiesz si o kompozycji i dziedziczeniu. Poznasz zasady programowania obiektowego takie jak enkapsulacja, abstrakcja i polimorfizm. Zobaczysz jak uywa klas i funkcji generycznych i do czego mog by uywane.Stworzymy wsplnie prosty konwerter na stronie HTML, gdzie zamiast JavaScript uyjemy TypeScript i stworzymy wersj strony gotow do wgrania na zewntrzny serwer.Dowiesz si te jak pracowa z bibliotekami JavaScript (na przykadzie Lodash) w TypeScript."
Price: 174.99 |
"Mtodo Cientfico: como fazer pesquisas que surpreendero" |
"Voc j se sentiu perdido quando teve que fazer uma pesquisa na empresa ou na universidade? No se preocupe: eu tambm passei por isso!Muitas vezes ns achamos que somos incompetentes para fazer uma simples pesquisa, pois no conseguimos entender direito como usar o MTODO CIENTFICO. Esse mtodo est por trs de qualquer pesquisa feita na universidade, em empresas, no escritrio, na loja e assim por diante. Portanto, voc precisar entender o MTODO CIENTFICO, se quiser pesquisas teis e bem feitas.Este curso vai te ensinar a dominar esse mtodo por meio de uma ABORDAGEM QUE VOC NO ENCONTRAR NOS LIVROS NEM SER ENSINADA PELO SEU PROFESSOR.Neste curso, eu uso minha experincia de mais de 20 anos orientando alunos universitrios e trabalhando com pesquisas em empresas para te ensinar o MTODO CIENTFICO NA ABORDAGEM NATURAL.Nela, voc aprender uma sequncia lgica e natural para fazer pesquisas que surpreendero a todos."
Price: 504.99 |
"Anlise de Dados com R Studio" |
"Aprenda a analisar dados de uma maneira surpreendente com o R Studio, software gratuito e que vem sendo usado cada vez mais em empresas e universidades no mundo inteiro. Neste curso, voc ver como usar o R Studio para resolver problemas prticos do dia-a-dia de profissionais de mercado e pesquisadores. Para isso, voc aprender a criar bases de dados, inserir variveis, fazer tabelas e grficos com anlises descritivas e multivariadas de alta qualidade."
Price: 519.99 |
"Estratgias de Inovao e Internacionalizao em Empresas" |
"As empresas investem cada vez mais em estratgias de inovao e internacionalizao. Afinal, com mercados cada vez mais dinmicos e competitivos, elas precisam ter diferenciais para obter vantagem competitiva. Neste curso, aprenda o que no te ensinam nas especializaes e MBAs. Entenda as razes verdadeiras pelas quais empresas bem administradas erram ao no inovar e no se internacionalizar."
Price: 549.99 |
"Real World SAP - SD Pricing for Freight" |
"You've learned basic SAP SD Pricing. Now it's time to step out of canned classroom courses andlearn how to apply it. In this course we willtake a set of real world pricing requirements for freight/shippingand configure them. After completing this course you will:Increase your understanding of how to work with and configure SAP SD pricing including Pricing Procedures, Condition Types, Access Sequences, Pricing TablesUnderstand the context and use of pricing within an SAP projectConfigure freightsurcharges, promotions, exceptions, and delivery pricing in SAPSD (Sales and Distribution)NOTE - This course does not provide the student with access to an SAP system. It is highlyrecommended that students getaccess to an SAPsystem in order to practice and build upon their knowledge."
Price: 144.99 |
"Archicad Grasshopper Live connection" |
"Archicad - Grasshopper live connection is an amazing toolset developed in last years that bridges the gap between two major AEC industry practices of BIMand algorithmic modelling. This is an advanced course developed for people that already know both Archicad and Grasshopper to show some very practical applications of the live connection.I encourage you to take my ""Grasshopper: Beginner to Advanced"" course before starting with this one since this one will assume that you already have good command of Grasshopper.Course image credits: GRAPHISOFT"
Price: 19.99 |
"Kangaroo for Grasshopper" |
"Kangaroo is a powerful engine created by Daniel Piker to simulate different phenomena in Grasshopper.Learn how to create goals of different nature to simulate your structures.Get introduced to peculiar structures, such as:TensegrityBending active rods and platesHybridsNote: This course presumes that you already know Grasshopper.Kangaroo logo from Food4rhinoMusic credit: BenSound (creative minds)"
Price: 49.99 |
"iOS 12 & Swift 4: Build A Pokedex App" |
"Why take this course?Taking this course will help you develop vital fundamental programming skills that you will be able to use in the professional world. We teach you import techniques and practices, accompanied with detailed explanations to make sure you understand what you are coding. You're not just building a Pokedex here, you're learning how to code like a professional.What will you learn?Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of Swift 4 & XcodeHow to connect to an APIand bring information in from the internet How to construct custom objects from JSONdataHow to understand/implement the MVCarchitecture. How to design a clean User Interface How to implement aesthetic animations for an improved User ExperiencePrinciples of object and protocol oriented programmingHow to create custom sub classesHow to implement custom extensionsHow to work with UICollectionView programmaticallyHow to build storyboards programmatically How to search through PokemonHow to parse JSONHow to create custom objects How to write clean, reusable professional code Code refactoring Work with auto layout and cocoa touch classes Who Am I?My name is Stephan DowlessI am a professional Senior iOSDeveloper with 4 years of experienceHere to help you learn :)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Map Kit Mastery: iOS 12 & Swift 4" |
"Understanding the MapKit and CoreLocation frameworks are fundamental components of becoming an advanced iOSDeveloper. In this course, I teach you everything you need to know about the two frameworks from the ground up, from the basics to the advanced stuff. You will also learn how to structure your code like a professional, write super clean and reusable code, and implement some cool animations and functionality along the way! You're not just learning how to work with map kit here, you're learning how to code like a pro, from a pro. My name isStephan Dowless and I have been a professional iOS Developer for 4 years now. Take a look below to see what you will be learning in this course. What you will learn:MapKit &CoreLocationHow to enable location servicesHow to request user locationHow to display user location on map How to center map on user location with animationHow to search for locations on map How to display locations on map based on search results How to define a custom region on a map Implement custom zoom functionality to show certain annotationsHow to select/deselect annotationsHow to get directions from user location to a selected location How to generate a poly line from user location to selected location How to calculate and display distance between user location and selected location Programming TechniquesHow to implement a custom subclass for the search input view How to implement custom animations for an awesome user experience How to implement swipe gestures for animationsHow to work with enumerations to create clean and professional code How to use protocols to delegate actions How to pass information from one class to another Object Oriented ProgrammingProtocol Oriented ProgrammingHow to refactor code for efficiency Swift StuffProgrammatically implement Search Bar Programmatically implement Table View Programmatically implement custom UIView Create all storyboards programmatically Create custom colors with extensions Auto layout Model View Controller"
Price: 199.99 |
"Programmatic Uber Clone Swift + Firebase No Storyboards!" |
"Fully Programmatic Uber Clone Swift 5 Firebase No Storyboards!Welcome! In this course you will learn how to build a fully functioning clone of the famous Uber application. We will be building this app from the ground up, fully programmatically without the use of storyboards. In addition, we will be using Firebase for our backend database, which we will engineer completely from scratch. Along the way, you will learn all kinds of advanced programming techniques, best practices, professional architecture, and more! *BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF SWIFT AND XCODE IS ASSUMEDWHY TAKE THIS COURSE?Learning advanced development skills should be taught using real world examples. In this course you're going to learn to code from a real life, professional developer. You will learn how to code like a pro, and everything will be explained in detail along the way. This will teach you to build production ready applications, that are easily scalable and maintainable. Here are some of the things you'll be able to do after taking this course:Understand advanced Firebase backend developmentWork fluently with iOS & FirebaseApply to jr iOS development jobsWork as an iOS contractorWho this course is for:People who want to build advanced iOS apps!Those who want to create their own startupThose looking to get a full time job as a developerBusiness ownersStudents & teenagersPeople who want to make money building appsWHAT YOU WILL LEARN:Major focus on user experience, using advanced animations and a clean UIEngineering a database from scratch using FirebaseIntegration Cocoa PodsCustom CocoaTouch View Subclasses UIView extensionsUIViewController extensionsCreating a sliding menuCreating a settings pageSearching for locations Displaying locations on mapFirebase sign in and authenticationLocation Services & GeolocationSaving and showing real time driver annotations on the mapUsing Firebase for real time user requestsMapViewsAnd much more!Who this course is for:If you have basic experience with iOS development take this courseIf you have basic experience with iOS or mobile development then take this course"
Price: 199.99 |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners - Lesson 1 - Logic" |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners consists of a series of lessons in Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra. Lesson 1 from this series covers the basics of mathematical logic. In this lesson we will learn about statements, logical connectives, truth assignments, the construction of truth tables, how to determine truth without a truth table in an efficient yet rigorous way, and the notion of logical equivalence."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners - Lesson 2 - Set Theory" |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners consists of a series of lessons in Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra. Lesson 2 from this series covers the basics of set theory. In this lesson we will learn about sets, subsets, Venn diagrams, and the transitivity of the subset relation. We will also begin to learn how to prove theorems.The content in this lesson is self-contained with the exception of a few notes that refer to some of the concepts that were taught in Lesson 1."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners - Lesson 3 - Abstract Algebra" |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners consists of a series of lessons in Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra. Lesson 3 from this series introduces a few basic algebraic structures. In this lesson we will learn about binary operations, associativity, commutativity, identity elements, invertible elements. We will also look at examples of semigroups, monoids, and groups.The content in this lesson is mostly self-contained. It does use a bit of notation that was developed in Lesson 2. Specifically, it will be helpful to understand set-builder notation, the membership relation, and the subset relation."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners - Lesson 4 - Number Theory" |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners consists of a series of lessons in Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra. Lesson 4 from this series focuses on properties of the integers. In this lesson we will learn about rings (and the integers in particular), divisibility, and mathematical induction.Although the content in this lesson is mostly self-contained, the author recommends covering Lessons 2 and 3 before this one. In particular, the basic proofwriting skills taught in Lesson 2 will be useful, and knowledge of the definitions introduced in Lessons 2 and 3 will be helpful."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners - Lesson 5 - Real Analysis" |
"Pure Mathematics for Beginners consists of a series of lessons in Logic, Set Theory, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis, Topology, Complex Analysis, and Linear Algebra. Lesson 5 from this series focuses on properties of the real numbers. In this lesson we will learn about ordered fields, why the rational numbers are not enough for real world applications, upper and lower bounds, the completeness property of the reals, the Archimedean property, and the density theorem.The author recommends covering lessons 2, 3, and 4 before beginning this lesson."
Price: 19.99 |
"Business Essentials" |
"After 10,000+ hours of consulting companies and entrepreneurs achieve their growth targets we developed this power packed course with 7 KEY concepts that you need to understand to grow your business. This course is specially developed to help entrepreneurs, professionals, start-up founders and business owners do the right things right to drive growth. This course will explain the following: Understand the Business Landscape and Your positionYour Core Value Proposition - Mission, Vision and Values Statement Develop your Business Model and Draft your Business CanvasUnderstand the Various forms of Money in BusinessIdentify and Manage your Inventory, Capital and Operational ExpensesUnderstand the importance of organization Develop and instill culture in your organization Develop an effective incentive structure for your teamBuild an effective and sustainable organization structure Identify and develop KPIs for your team Develop Team review structure & agenda Recruit Properly and EffectivelyEvolve in different types of roles as an entrepreneurBalance between current and future roles Develop your guidance system Create a Brand ExperienceImpact-fully Market your BusinessEffectively Sell Various options to scale your businessSuitability of each scaling technique To provide utility of your learning experience, we keep adding resources from time-to-time.Start your growth journey now!"
Price: 199.99 |
"El Camino Druida II" |
"En este cursos profundizaremos ms sobre la filosofa Druida, hablaremos sobre la Awen, Los 4 mundos, el caldero, conectaremos con el elemento Tierra y nuestra piedra de la verdad, tambin hablaremos sobre la vsica piscis y el circulo.En el apartado de Vates nos adentraremos un poco en la magia drudica, las tres corrientes y los encantamientos, adems de iniciarnos en los viajes chamnicos.En nuestro apartado Druidas veremos el nudo de Taliesin y su filosofa y continuaremos con las Triadas Drudicas.a por ello!!Recitemos juntos la oracin que uno a todos los Druidas:Concdenos, oh! Diosa Madre, tu proteccin, y en la proteccin, fuerza, y en la fuerza, entendimiento, y en el entendimiento, conocimiento, y en el conocimiento, el conocimiento de la ley de la Naturaleza, y en el conocimiento de la ley de la Naturaleza, el amor a ella. Y en el amor a ella, el amor a todo lo que existe, y en el amor a todo lo que existe, el amor de la Diosa Madre y todo lo que es bueno.Awen"
Price: 59.99 |