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"El Camino Druida III"
"En estes curso profundizaremos un poco ms con la filosofa Druida, trabajaremos con nuestra piedra de la verdad, el elemento aire, el aliento del dragn, haremos un ejercicio muy potente de purificacin y hablaremos sobre la nubomancia.En el apartado de Vates veremos nuestros animales de poder, limpieza con plumas, prcticas con ellas y un ritual mgico invocando a la Diosa Arianrhod.En el ltimo apartado nos conectaremos de nuevo con la conciencia Madre y ampliaremos nuestra sabidura con las triadas.Te espero!!Recitemos juntos la oracin que uno a todos los Druidas:Concdenos, oh! Diosa Madre, tu proteccin, y en la proteccin, fuerza, y en la fuerza, entendimiento, y en el entendimiento, conocimiento, y en el conocimiento, el conocimiento de la ley de la Naturaleza, y en el conocimiento de la ley de la Naturaleza, el amor a ella. Y en el amor a ella, el amor a todo lo que existe, y en el amor a todo lo que existe, el amor de la Diosa Madre y todo lo que es bueno.Awen"
Price: 49.99

"El Camino Druida IV"
"En este curso profundizaremos un poco ms en la filosofa Druida, veremos herramientas mgicas como la varita y la rama de sancin. Haremos sanaciones para equilibrar nuestros elementos, descubrir nuestro animal de sanacin y trabajar con el. Continuaremos con las triadas y disfrutaremos de compartir en camino!!Alegres nos encontramos, alegres nos despedimos y alegres nos volveremos a encontrar!!Awen"
Price: 24.99

"El camino druida V"
"En este curso profundizaremos en la parte de Bardos con el aliento del dragn, triple ley y ley de oro. Adems veremos los elementos agua, fuego y espacio.En Vates repasaremos nuestro animal de sancin, los animales guardianes, magia del grial y polvo de hadas.En Druidas profundizaremos ms en esta filosofa tan maravillosa, triadas y  Rituales de trnsito.Alegres nos encontramos, alegres nos despedimos y alegres nos volveremos a encontrar!!Awen"
Price: 29.99

"El camino druida VI"
"En este curso trabajaremos con el elemento agua, espacio e integraremos todos los elementos. Tambin veremos los espritus que nos acompaan: lugar, tiempo,viaje, antepasados, tribu y gracia.Como Vates trabajaremos con los rboles del Oghan, magia de adivinacin y como druidas veremos ms triadas y hablaremos sobre el bculo.Alegres nos encontramos, alegres nos despedimos y alegres nos volveremos a encontrar!!Awen"
Price: 19.99

"El camino druida VII"
"Como Bates trabajaremos con los viajes internos, meditacin de Merln y Morgana y comenzaremos con nuestros 5 espritus. En nuestros apartado Vates veremos tcnicas de adivinacin: bola de cristal, bculo, moneda de plata, velas...Como druidas profundizaremos con la filosofa celta y las triadas.Alegres nos encontramos, alegres nos despedimos y alegres nos volveremos a encontrar!!!Awen"
Price: 19.99

"El camino Druida VIII"
"En este ltimo curso veremos que es nuestro anan cara (amigo del alma), espritus antepasados y los espritus del viaje.Como Vates hablaremos sobre la muerte y la transformacin en el laberinto de la vida.y en la parte de Druidas profundizaremos un poco ms en su filosofa y Triadas.Alegres nos encontramos, alegres nos despedimos y alegres nos volveremos a encontrar.Awen"
Price: 29.99

"Sourdough Basics"
"Learn all about sourdough! What is it, why would you use it, what are the health benefits, and how do you get started? We give you helpful tips on starting a starter, keeping it alive, and simple recipes to get started baking!Note- this course does not cover bread baking! There are great courses on that. This is for getting started using sourdough and other tasty treats you can make with it."
Price: 24.99

"Bone Broth Basics"
"Excellent course for beginners to bone broth. We'll give you all you need to make bone broth from chicken, larger animals, and fish! We will walk you through the history and health benefits, tools and ingredients, and actual cooking process with entertaining videos and helpful downloads. Come join us in the kitchen!"
Price: 24.99

"3 Phase Motor Control Bootcamp"
"This course is bootcamp for push button 3 phase motor controls.Learn how to design and wire up 7 essential 3 phase motor control circuits.In this course we will learn about 3 phase squirrel cage motors and the different ways of connecting them. We will learn about contactors, thermal overloads, relays, circuit protection, indicator lights, push buttons, an off delay timer relay, an on delay timer relay, a power supply and a dc injection brake. We will look at how all these parts work and how they are used in conjunction with each other to control 3 phase motors.The first circuit we look at is the staple of motor controls, the DOL starter. We start off nice and easy by designing the power circuit. The power circuit is the base that we will work from for all of our circuits in the course. We will explain the characteristics of the power circuit and then build up the control circuit step by step, lesson by lesson, until we end up with a fully functioning DOL starter for a 3 phase motor. After we have designed our DOL circuit we will then wire it up from scratch and check it's operation.Like the DOL starter, we will comprehensively learn another 6 motor control circuits such as reverse, on delay, off delay, star/delta, various mixed voltage circuits and a dc injection braking circuit. We look at some practical applications for these circuits and we also discuss some of the different ways to design them. To keep things fresh we will mix up the supply voltages, so that no matter where you come from around the world the skills learnt in this course will be easily transferable.If you're keen on learning 3 phase motor controls, get your pen ready so we can start drawing up the control circuits together!What is covered in the course:Introduction: Different supply voltages, schematics.Learn the parts: 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor, contactors, thermal overloads, relays, circuit protection, push buttons, indicator lights, power supply, off delay timer relay, on delay timer relay, dc injection brake.Control circuit design, wiring and operation: DOL, reverse, on delay, off delay, start/delta, mixed voltage, dc injection braking.Are you ready to upskill?"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Microcontroller Programming"
"If youre reading books of microcontroller programming, following different blogs and still feel stuck. Then you came to the right place, this microcontroller programming course designed around most popular 8-bit ATmega328 AVR Microcontroller. In this course, we will learn how to write C Programs for ATmega328 MCU. Ive made complex concept easy to understand using quality content. It doesnt matter if youre new to microcontrollers or already know basics. I am sure youll enjoy learning with this course.Short Description:Well begin our journey to explore microcontroller right from the basics like setting-up official Atmel Studio7 IDE, installing programming utilities and hooking up the circuits in easiest way. To keep the hardware part simple in the beginning, we will use ATmega328 chip on Arduino Uno. Believe me this will save our time at hardware side so that we can focus more on core microcontroller features through AVR C Programming. Later on, as the time rolls on we will use ATmega328 Xplained Mini evaluation kit to learn advance debugging techniques.""The Biggest objective of this course is to help you build sound understanding of microcontroller architecture and peripheral registers in-order to use them while writing professional embedded systems softwareWe will setup every circuit from scratch and write microcontroller firmware for it. We will spend enough time in the beginning to get basics right. This will save time in long run and make you feel confident working with Microcontroller Architecture and C Programming.Later on, we will be building mini projects to use LED, Switches, Analog and Digital Sensors (temperature/humidity/light Intensity/distance), IR Sensor, Relays and many more. These projects can be small yet very powerful to lay down strong foundation to use GPIO, Interrupt, Timer/Counter, PWM, USART and other peripherals while developing embedded software and hardware."
Price: 19.99

"This is how you go camping like a pro"
"Hello everyone , I hope  you will enjoy learning here .i designed this course to help you out to learn all the things you need to know in order to have  a great camping trip .as you know we all like camping , that's why i decided to make this course in order to teach you all you need to know about camping , so you can camp like a pro , and in case if you're camping for the first time you won't be afraid of what's going to happen ,because you're going to be all prepared  .i designed this course with the most likable way ,so you cannot get bored while taking this course . in this course i tried to tackle all the aspects about having a great and successful camping trip , so you're going to be learning what you should know and do before camping , and also the things you need to know about tents and how to pitch it and where to pitch it , and also the things you need to know about the first aid kid and so many other things that you can check out in the Course content area .why this course is important for you  ?the only reason we go camping is to have fun and enjoy our times , and without knowing the basics about camping you can have a really bad experience , so knowing about camping and not knowing about it is the difference between a great time and a bad time while camping , so that's why i recommend this course for all the people who want to have a great time camping .it will be better to check out the free preview so you would have an idea about what i am teaching .. i really hope you find this course interesting  and useful .thank you so much .best regards .Zakaria Fessa"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Seblod iniciante"
"Seblod conhecido como um dos melhores CCKS para Joomla. O AppBuilder mais integrado ao Joomla de todos. Neste curso aprenderemos como usar esta bela ferramenta, criaremos nossas prprias extenses, assim voc no fica dependente de um milho de extenses. Com Seblod voc pode criar sites de imobilirias, sistema de protocolo, sistema de comentrios e muitos outros mais! "
Price: 129.99

"Curso de Seblod Intermedirio"
"Quer aprender mais sobre Seblod? Quer poder criar mais sistemas com Joomla sem depender de um monte de extenses. Este o curso perfeito pra voc que j conhece o Seblod, mas quer melhorar seus conhecimentos! Este curso vai te ajudar a fazer coisas interessantes com um pouco de programao!"
Price: 159.99

"Pronounce Finnish Like a Boss - Basics & Vowels"
"Pronunciation lays the foundation to your Finnish speaking skills and that's why it's fundamental to learn how pronounce like a true Finn.I'm here to help you to achieve just that.In this part 1, you will learn all the fundamentals of the Finnish pronunciation. This will help you to understand how the Finnish pronunciation works and to help your skills to develop further.Secondly, we will cover all the vowels and learn how to pronounce them individually and with example words. We will also learn how the Finnish vowel harmony works.Thirdly, you will learn everything you need to know about diphthongs, which is a pair of two different vowels in the same syllable. This are frequent in Finnish so this is important to know.."
Price: 29.99

"Inorganic Chemistry (PART-1)- Chemistry Series"
"The word organic refers to the compounds which contain the carbon atoms in it. So the branch of chemistry that deals with the study of compounds, which does not consist of carbon-hydrogen atoms in it, is called as Inorganic Chemistry. This course consist of following topics in detailed manner:1-VSEPR Theory2-Walsh Diagram3-D-p Bonding4-Bent Rule and Energetics Of Hybridisation5-Metal-ligand Equilibria in Solution6-Factors Affecting Stability of Complexes7-Determination Of Stability Constant By Polarographic Method8-Determination Of Stability Constant By Solvent Extraction Method9-Determination Of Stability Constant By Ion Exchange Method10-Determination Of Stability Constant By Complexometric Titration Method11-Determination Of Stability Constant By Mole Ratio and Yatsimirskii Method12-Determination Of Stability Constant By Conditional Constant13-Determination Of Stability Constant By Potentiometric Titrations-I14-Determination Of Stability Constant By Potentiometric Titrations-II15-Determination Of Constant By Job's Method16-Determination Of Stability Constant By Bjerrum's Method17-Determination Of Stability Constant By Curve Fitting and Elimination Method18-Energy Profile Diagram-I19-Energy Profile Diagram-II20-Chemical Reactivity Of Transition Metal Complexes21-Inert and Labile Complexes-I22-Inert and Labile Complexes-II23-Mechanism For Substitution Reaction24-Kinectics Of Octahedral Substitution25-Acid and Base Hydrolysis26-Mechanism For Substitution Reaction In Square Planar Complexes27-Trans Effect-Principle and Theory28-Trans Effect-Applications29-Redox Reaction-Electron Transfer Reaction30-Mechanisms OF Redox Reaction-Outer Sphere Reaction31-Factor Effecting Outer Sphere Reaction32-Mechanisms OF Redox Reaction-Inner Sphere Reaction33-Factor Effecting Inner Sphere Reaction34-Marcus-Huss Theory35-Cross Reactions and Marcus-Huss Relation"
Price: 19.99

"LinkedIn for Business: Beginner to Expert Guide"
"You want to learn how you can use LinkedIn to grow your personal brand and actually generate more business, right? You've found the perfect course.In this course, I explain and show you the basics of account set up, but with a flair to stand out! By the end of this LinkedIn for business course, you will have an amazing profile and feel confident in reaching out to new prospects!My name is Austin Armstrong, and I've been doing digital marketing for 14 years (I started very young). Through my profession, I have seen successful video marketing strategies work time and time again and developed strategies to generate leads, phone calls, website traffic, emails, awareness and everything in between!By joining this course, you will learn:- How to set up a LinkedIn personal page and business page- How to take the perfect profile picture- Inside strategies, I personally use myself and teach my clients to generate business- How to create content that engages and reaches massive amounts of peopleand much more!Whether you are just starting out or are already having some success with LinkedIn marketing, this course will provide you with a much better understanding and show you some cool tricks to get targeted followers and new leads coming in every month.If you are ready to take your passion, business, expertise, hobby, etc to the next level and start reaching people online, I hope you will give this course a try.PS: If you ABSOLUTELY cannot afford this course, Send me an email at"
Price: 149.99

"YouTube Audience Growth: Grow an Audience from Scratch"
"Want to grow a YouTube audience from Scratch?Welcome to your YouTube audience growth course!In this course, I'll teach you how to grow a YouTube audience from scratch.Our primary goal in this course will be to help you grow a fully-engaged audience that supports the work you create so that you can consistently grow a YouTube channel. We'll go over some growth hacking techniques that you've never heard of before, explore how to create more engaging videos and work on getting you more subscribers who interact with your content on a daily basis!In this course you'll learn:How to grow a YouTube audience from scratch How to find your niche or start with a niche that you can eventually shape into something else How to create more engaging videos How to use a call to action to gain more subscribers How to produce content faster and get over the hump of perfectionism Learn how to speak in an engaging and convincing way on camera How to use YouTube analytics to create better videos and narrow in on the content that works ... and much more!This course is different from all the other courses on the internet because I bring a background of digital marketing to YouTube content creation. Growing YouTube channels for clients around the world has given me the experience required to grow YouTube channels from scratch, including my own!Let's get started growing your YouTube audience l from scratch. Ican't wait to see your channel launch up like a rocket!"
Price: 199.99

"LinkedIn for Beginners: Learn LinkedIn Fast"
"Want to learn how to use LinkedIn FAST? I've got you covered in this complete beginner's course!When you apply to a job, there's a huge chance that your prospective employer will Google you and search for your LinkedIn profile. That's why it's so important to manage your LinkedIn presence and create a profile that appeals to recruiters. Having a bad LinkedIn profile can cost you the job you've always wanted. Let's create a strong LinkedIn profile together so you can stand out among the competition and learn how to use the platform. This course is for complete beginners and people who don't know much about how to leverage and use the LinkedIn platforms to connect and appeal with recruiters. The information in this course is valuable to anybody who wants to manage or level up their career and improve their online presence. Idraw from my background and experience in helping new Canadians get employed and my extensive background of social media, digital marketing and online reputation management. This course is relevant and applicable to anybody, anywhere in the world who wants to level up their career. Some things you will learn:How to use the LinkedIn platform for absolute beginners How to create a profile that stands out and shines among the competition How to use and leverage important LinkedIn features to connect with recruiters How to manage your online reputation on LinkedIn How to focus your profile to target the right people"
Price: 199.99

"Video Marketing Strategies: Learn Video Marketing"
"In this beginner course, you'll learn my top video marketing secrets and how you can market your videos. This course is perfect for you if you want to use videos to:Reach a wider audience Market products and services Boost brand awareness Increase engagement on social media platforms and websites Use video marketing to convert viewers into customers Learn how to reach relevant audiences with your videos This course will NOT cover how to produce and edit videos from scratch. We'll briefly talk about creating videos and methods of obtaining marketing videos, but it will not walk you through the technical ins-and-outs of creating and editing videos. Instead, we're laser focused on what to do with the videos after you've produced or obtain them. I'll still provide video editing recommendations as well as free resources that you can use to produce marketing videos, but this course assumes you have some knowledge about recording video or obtaining relevant video for marketing purposes. We'll walk through video marketing on different social platforms and sites, such as:Facebook video marketing YouTube video marketing Instagram video marketing Vimeo video marketing Here are some additional topics we cover:Video marketing ads (Google Adwords and Facebook Ads)Vimeo video marketing (Creating Hero Content that Makes an IMPRESSION) Consistent video marketing to build an audience Creating content that focuses on strong storytelling If you want to learn video marketing, now's the time. Start today and get 24/7 access to me as your teacher FORLIFE!"
Price: 199.99

"Phone Sales Training Course: Master Selling on the Phone"
"Trying to sell a high-ticket product or service using the phone? You need THIS telephone sales training course!  This is the course for people who want to sell things on the phone. Since I was 15-years-old, I was interviewing people on the phone for a radio show and selling products on the phone.Then I went to journalism school and launched my own business and that's when I built my phone skills. I went from selling small marketing packages on the phone to making high ticket sales. Did I mention I also interviewed the first Canadian to walk in space? - That's right - on the phone! I've sold high-ticket services to people who have never seen my face, which left me in an ideal position to grow my business. Soon I'll be travelling the world and making content abroad as I grow my business and I credit one thing for that - my phone sales skills. Whoever tells you the phone is irrelevant in the digital age is wrong. The phone is a powerful tool that most people don't know (and aren't taught) how to use. I'll help you master the phone and gain a competitive edge over everyone in your industry. Here's some skills you'll pick up: How to sell anything over the phone How to get someone you've never spoken with to trust you in seconds How to speak in a way that makes you both likeable and trustable How to craft intelligent responses over the phone How to position yourself as a high-valuable person - an expert in your industry How to leave a voicemail message that makes people want to call you back How to create a voicemail that makes people want to leave a message If you want to learn how to sell anything on the phone, this is the course for you! "
Price: 199.99

"Online Reputation Management for Personal Brands"
"Do you want to learn online reputation management (ORM)? Online reputation management is one of the most underserved niches in the marketing realm. The online reputation management that exists today in terms of services and software is also geared towards businesses and corporations. Most people are not qualified to provide online reputation management services for themselves or for individuals who want to manage their personal brands. In this course, I'll teach you everything I know about online reputation management. Why am I qualified to teach this course? I'm a full-service digital marketer specializing in online reputation management. I've helped people repair their online reputations and lead better lives through my Toronto-based digital marketing agency. Now, it's time for me to teach you everything I know so you can do the same. What's in the course? Learn what online reputation management for individuals (ORM) is and how it works Learn about how to outrank negative Google links and push down negative content Learn how to set up brand alerts to notify you about media released about you or your clients Learn how to audit webpages and negative media Learn the fundamentals of journalism and how to remove negative articles Learn basic PR and how to write, then publish a press release Learn how to create solid brand images to sway the way people perceive individuals If you want to learn online reputation management for personal brands and individuals, this is the course for you! "
Price: 199.99

"Work from Home as a Virtual Assistant"
"This is the most in-depth and informative course you will find online ANYWHERE to become a VA, or earn an income working from home.We add new content every single week and as it's already a deep dive into what you need to know, we add even more information as new and great programs come out to the market.Thiscourseis perfect if you want to set up a strong, profitable Virtual Assistant business. Suitable for beginners and intermediate, with a strong focus on social media skills, as this is an area 95% of clients want you to know about. Created by highly skilled and experienced VA's to help you start your business or side hustle, we guarantee this course will give you the tools, tips and tricks essential for today's VA and remote Executive Assistant."
Price: 39.99

"Metodo Orientatore Diretto 02"
"Il Corso accompagna orientatori e career coach nell'accompagnamento al lavoro e nella ricollocazione con tecniche di promozione, candidatura e comunicazione innovative e efficaci. Le metodologie di supporto al cliente in ricollocazione sono state testate e insegnate per anni dai due autori sia con clienti privati che in contesti di placement e politica attiva del lavoro pubblica e privata, e si sono rivelate pratiche, efficaci e facilmente applicabili in contesti di orientamento, tutoraggio, collocamento individuale e di gruppo. Sono particolarmente indicate per gli operatori nei servizi pubblici per l'impiego, nelle Agenzie Formative e Agenzie per il Lavoro impegnate nelle Politiche Attive del Lavoro, e per gli insegnanti che lavorano nell'orientamento e nell'alternanza scuola lavoro."
Price: 199.99

"Metodo Orientatore Diretto 01"
"Il Corso accompagna orientatori e career coach nell'esplorazione delle risorse personali per la creazione di obiettivi di ricollocazione pratici e coerenti, da utilizzare nell'accompagnamento al lavoro nei servizi pubblici per l'impiego e nelle Agenzie Formative e Agenzie per il Lavoro impegnate nelle Politiche Attive del Lavoro. Le lezioni sono corredate dalle Schede degli esercizi e dalle Checklist di Bilancio in autovalutazione."
Price: 129.99

"Web Hacking: WordPress Penetration Testing and Security"
"Did you know that more than 30% of websites on internet are based on WordPress and more than 42% of online shopping sites are using WordPress as E-commerce solution. WordPress is robust and powerful open source website creation tool. In this course we are going to see the vulnerabilities in WordPress based sites We will start this course by looking into the core architecture of WordPress like How WordPress works? How themes work in WordPress? What are plugins and how to create plugins? Then will looking into information gathering phase of WordPress. We will see how to do version detection and how to gather user information. We will also try to find vulnerabilities in WordPress themes and plugins.After that we will see how to exploit these vulnerabilities and gain access to WordPress site. We will also try and gain access to complete server using WordPress site. Then Will see how to write malware code and exploit WordPress site on different levels. After looking into WordPress vulnerabilities we will see how to secure WordPress sites. We will provide you step by step information to secure your new WordPress site as well as existing WordPress sites."
Price: 199.99

"SDR for Ethical Hackers and Security Researchers"
"Have you ever thought of hacking your wireless doorbell, wireless switch or a car remote?OrHow to Sniff GSM Mobile Phone?OrHow to Track Aircraft without using internet?OrHow to broadcast your own Radio Station or TV WITHOUT using internet?If Yes! Then this course is for YOU!Welcome to the Amazing and wonderful world of SDR (Software Defined Radio). Fasten your seatbelts because we are going to show you how deep the rabbit hole goes in hunting for frequencies!We will start this course with very basic and try to understand what SDR is? Then we will look into the concept of frequencies. After that will setup our lab environment for practical work. Then will start with easy concepts of listening to radio stations and tracking aircraft details without the use of internet, following this we will move to some intermediate concepts of listening to ISS (International Space Station) and scanning wireless doorbell, wireless switch and car remote frequencies then we will advance towards more complex topics which includes sniffing Pager and DMR data and how to decode it. After that we will switch gears to see how to transmit frequencies starting with broadcasting your own Radio Station. Then we will see how to hack wireless doorbell, wireless switch and car remote using Replay Attack. After that we will move to advance concept of transmitting frequencies of Pager and DMR. After that we will try to understand highly advance and more complex topics of sniffing and listening frequencies which includes GSM Sniffing and Sniffing on Monitor screens just by using RTL-SDR Dongle we will also see how to jam signals in control lab environment and broadcast TV frequency."
Price: 199.99

"RFID Programming and Security Master Class"
"RFID were first invented by Russian Spy Harry Stockman. Even though Radio Frequency Identification or RFID for short is largely unknown in public it is being currently used by Walmart, McDonalds, Amazon and even in American Army. There are endless industries in which RFID can play an important part.So, in this course we are going to see how to program RFID tags. We will start this course by understanding what RFID is? Then will Program RFID Mifare Classic Cards using ACR122u in which we will see what are data blocks? What are value blocks and Sector Trailer? Then will Program the same cards using STM8 microcontroller.After Learning how to program RFID tags and cards we will see the security of RFID Cards and we will start with offensive security and try to crack RFID tags using Proxmark3 we will see how to crack Mifare cards without knowing the actual key we will also see how to clone Mifare cards on Magic cards then we will see how to make RFID cards fully secure and how to overcome such type of attacks.At the end we are also going to do real world practical example of RFID tags with correct market standards."
Price: 199.99

"Narrativa interactiva y guin no lineal para vdeo juegos"
"Guin no lineal, interactivo.Videojuegos, audiovisual (cine, TV, web), transmedia.Industrias que cuentan historias interactivas, donde el espectador ya no se limita a mirar, tambin participa. Los nuevos formatos que exige el mundo del entretenimiento.Durante el curso vemos teora narrativa y enseamos a disear y escribirguiones interactivose hiperficciones.Pods ver las clases grabadas cuando quieras y a tu ritmo. Una vez que comprs el curso, es tuyo para siempre. Hablamos sobre narrativa formal, interactiva, emergente, digresin ludonarrativa, herramientas de software y otros temas relacionados a la generacin de contenidos para videojuegos, la industria audiovisual y las producciones transmedia.TEMARIOEl rol del narrador interactivo.Tipos de narrativa interactiva.Estructuras de progreso narrativo.Multitramas.Game Spine, Golden Path.Breacrumbing, funneling.Control autoral.Finales mltiples.Identificacin de vehculos narrativos.Formatos de entrega.Proceso de escritura sugerido.Digresin ludonarrativa.Combinando narrativa con gameplay.Librojuegos.Guin clsico versus interactivo.Hiperficciones.Guin para videojuegos.Produccin de voz.Formatos efmeros.Twitter Storytelling.Software de edicin."
Price: 199.99

"Narrativa transmedia: qu es y cmo hacerla"
"Para transmediar un proyecto no es necesaria una inversin millonaria, sino entender cmo aplicar el mecanismo correcto a lo que estamos creando.En este curso online no slo teorizamos,te enseamos cmo trabajarmediante una metodologa prctica.Qu es Transmedia Storytelling y por qu importa?Es la ltima y ms evolucionada forma deretencin. La implementacin inteligente de la narrativa transmedia permite recuperar inversin y fidelizar nuestros proyectos.Transmedia Storytelling implica contar una historia distribuida estratgicamente a travs de mltiples formatos enlazados por las redes sociales. Hoy existen productos notables que se extienden por medio de videojuegos, cmics, series de TV, msica, twittersodes y otros.Entender transmedia es indispensable en el diseo moderno.Permite que ahorremos recursos, al mismo tiempo que nuestras creaciones cobran valor. Ejemplos de producciones transmedia sonHarry Potter, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Assassins CreedyOverwatch, entre muchos ms.Al contrario de lo que podra pensarse, hacer transmedia es ms un tema de tcnica e ingenio que de costos."
Price: 199.99

"Learn the Skills and Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs"
"You Want to Change the World? Change Yourself!Are you a passionate person? Do you think you have what it takes to turn your passion, your goals, your dreams into a viable business doing what you love and living the life you want? Many people feel this way but are simply afraid to take the leap. After all, it's risky, there are no safety nets, and there's so much doubt and discouragement from the societal conditioning machine until even taking the first step can be frightening.In this course, I want to help you overcome the fear and doubt. I want to help you realize that there really is no time like the present to take that first step (and many more) towards following your dreams and doing what you love. I believe the risks are worth it, and I want to help you navigate the social platforms that are laid out for us--the ones that are often set up for us to fail--and use them to overcome them.I teach in a matter-of-fact, down-to-earth way, and I believe that after my course, you'll be pumped up to get out there and start making things happen. Feel free to check out the first 10 minutes of the course for free and once you're ready to delve in, I'll be waiting for you!Disclaimer: This course is for informational purposes only. No results are guaranteed or implied."
Price: 39.99