"Salesforce Service Cloud Certification Exam Dumps 2020" |
"We are offering 180 UNIQUE practice questions for Salesforce Service Cloud Certification exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to most of the questions that will help you to understand the complicated questions.Practice Questions are taken from previous real time tests and are prepared by Industry Experts at Skillcertpro.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.Candidates should have the skills and experience to build custom declarative and programmatic applications on the Salesforce platform.Topic Weighting # of Questions Industry Knowledge 22% 13 Implementation Strategies 19% 11 Service Cloud Solution Design 19% 11 Case Management 11% 6 Knowledge Management 9% 6 Interaction Channels 9% 6 Integration & Data Management 6% 4 Contact Center Analytics 5% 3"
Price: 19.99 |
"CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Exam Dumps 2020" |
"We are offering 400 UNIQUE practice questions for CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to most of the questions that will help you to understand the complicated questions.Practice Questions are taken from previous real time tests and are prepared by Industry Experts at Skillcertpro.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.Domain 1. Cloud Concepts, Architecture and DesignDomain 2. Cloud Data SecurityDomain 3. Cloud Platform & Infrastructure SecurityDomain 4. Cloud Application SecurityDomain 5. Cloud Security OperationsDomain 6. Legal, Risk and ComplianceThe CCSP is ideal for IT and information security leaders responsible for applying best practices to cloud security architecture, design, operations and service orchestration, including those in the following positions:Enterprise ArchitectSecurity AdministratorSystems EngineerSecurity ArchitectSecurity ConsultantSecurity EngineerSecurity ManagerSystems Architect"
Price: 19.99 |
"Java SE 11 Programmer I [1Z0-815] Exam dumps 2020" |
"We are offering almost 400 UNIQUE practice questions for Java SE 11 Programmer I [1Z0-815] Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.New 400 questions added in Jan 2020.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.Exam Information : The Java SE 11 Programmer 1Z0-815 exam involves the candidate answering a total of 80 multiple choice-based questions within the duration of 180 minutes (3 hours). To pass the examination and gain the certification, the participating candidate needs to score at least 63% of the total marks. This means that out of the 80 questions, to pass the examination, a candidate has to answer 51 questions correctly at a minimum. The registration fee for the 1Z0-815 certification exam is US$150 currently. You can refer to the table below to have instant insight into the Java SE 11 Programmer 1Z0-815 exam information:As mentioned above, the Java SE 11 1Z0-815 examination is created to cover a wide range of available Java 11 concepts from the most basic to the most advanced level. To aid you in creating an efficient 1Z0-815 exam preparation schedule, here we enlist the topics and sub-topics that the examination covers.Understanding Java Technology and EnvironmentDescribing Java Technology and Developer EnvironmentIdentifying Main Features of Java LanguageCreation of Basic Java ProgramCreating a functional Java program with the Main ClassCompiling and Running a Java Application through the Command LineCreating and Importing PackagesWorking with Java String APIs and Primitive Data TypesDeclaring and Initializing VariablesIdentifying the Scopes of VariablesUsing Interference of Local Type VariablesCreating and Manipulating StringsManipulating the data through the StringBuilder Class and Related MethodsUsing Java ArraysDeclaring, Instantiating, Initializing a 1D ArrayDeclaring, Instantiating, Initializing a 2D ArrayUsing and Creating MethodsCreating Constructors and Methods with Arguments and Returning ValuesInvoking and Creating Overloaded MethodsApplying Static Keyword to other Fields and MethodsRe-Utilizing Implementations Via InheritanceCreating Superclasses and SubclassesCreating And Extending Abstract ClassesEnabling Polymorphism by Overriding MethodsUsing Polymorphism for Casting and Calling MethodsDifferentiating between Overloading, Hiding, and OverridingHandling ExceptionsAdvantages of Exceptions Handling and Differentiating between Checked, Unchecked Exceptions, and ErrorsCreating Try-Catch Block and Learning How Exceptions Alter Program FlowCreating and Invoking a Method that throws ExceptionsUtilizing Operators and Constructs for DecisionsUsing Java Operators Including Parenthesis for Overriding Operator PrecedenceUsing Java Control Statements Including if, if/else, and switchCreating do/while, while, for, and for each loop with nested loops inclusion.Describing Classes and ObjectsDeclaring Java Objects and explaining Objects LifecycleDefining Structure of Java ClassesReading or Writing to Object FieldsApplying EncapsulationApplying Access ModifiersApplying Encapsulation Principles to a ClassProgramming Abstractly Through InterfacesCreating and Implementing InterfacesDiffering Class Inheritance from Interface InheritanceDeclaring and Using ArrayList and List InstancesUnderstanding Lambda ExpressionsUnderstanding ModulesDescribing Modular JDKDeclaring Modules and Enabling Access Between ModulesDescribing How Modular Projects are Combined"
Price: 19.99 |
"Java SE 11 Programmer II [1Z0-816] Exam Dumps 2020" |
"We are offering almost 400 UNIQUE practice questions for Java SE 11 Programmer II [1Z0-816] Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.New 400 questions added in Jan 2020.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.Topics:Java FundamentalsCreate and use final classesCreate and use inner, nested and anonymous classesCreate and use enumerationsJava InterfacesCreate and use interfaces with default methodsCreate and use interfaces with private methodsFunctional Interface and Lambda ExpressionsDefine and write functional interfacesCreate and use lambda expressions including statement lambdas, local-variable for lambda parametersBuilt-in Functional InterfacesUse interfaces from java.util.function packageUse core functional interfaces including Predicate, Consumer, Function and SupplierUse primitive and binary variations of base interfaces of java.util.function packageMigration to a Modular ApplicationMigrate the application developed using a Java version prior to SE 9 to SE 11 including top-down and bottom-up migration, splitting a Java SE 8 application into modules for migrationUse jdeps to determine dependencies and identify ways to address the cyclic dependenciesConcurrencyCreate worker threads using Runnable, Callable and use an ExecutorService to concurrently execute tasksUse java.util.concurrent collections and classes including CyclicBarrier and CopyOnWriteArrayListWrite thread-safe codeIdentify threading problems such as deadlocks and livelocksI/O (Fundamentals and NIO2)Read data from and write console and file data using I/O StreamsUse I/O Streams to read and write filesRead and write objects by using serializationUse Path interface to operate on file and directory pathsUse Files class to check, delete, copy or move a file or directoryUse Stream API with FilesDatabase Applications with JDBCConnect to databases using JDBC URLs and DriverManagerUse PreparedStatement to perform CRUD operationsUse PreparedStatement and CallableStatement APIs to perform database operationsAnnotationsDescribe the purpose of annotations and typical usage patternsApply annotations to classes and methodsDescribe commonly used annotations in the JDKDeclare custom annotationsException Handling and AssertionsUse try-with-resources constructCreate and use custom exception classesTest invariants by using assertionsGenerics and CollectionsUse wrapper classes, auto-boxing and auto-unboxingCreate and use generic classes, methods with diamond notation and wildcardsDescribe Collections Framework and use key collection interfacesUse Comparator and Comparable interfacesCreate and use convenience methods for collectionsJava Stream APIDescribe the Stream interface and pipelinesUse lambda expressions and method referencesLambda Operations on StreamsExtract stream data using map, peek and flatMap methodsSearch stream data using search findFirst, findAny, anyMatch, allMatch and noneMatch methodsUse Optional classPerform calculations using count, max, min, average and sum stream operationsSort a collection using lambda expressionsUse Collectors with streams, including the groupingBy and partitioningBy operationServices in a Modular ApplicationDescribe the components of Services including directivesDesign a service type, load services using ServiceLoader, check for dependencies of the services including consumer and provider modulesParallel StreamsDevelop the code that uses parallel streamsImplement decomposition and reduction with streamsSecure Coding in Java SE ApplicationPrevent Denial of Service in Java applicationsSecure confidential information in Java applicationImplement Data integrity guidelines- injections and inclusion and input validationPrevent external attack of the code by limiting Accessibility and Extensibility, properly handling input validation, and mutabilitySecurely constructing sensitive objectsSecure Serialization and DeserializationLocalizationUse Locale classUse resource bundlesFormat messages, dates, and numbers with Java"
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 Practice Exam [New]" |
"We are offering 180+ practice questions for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification exam.One Stop Solution for passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification on first attempt.Unlike others, we update our questions every month with latest questions and tests.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Azure Security Technologies AZ-500 Practice Tests Dumps 2020" |
"We are offering 127 UNIQUE practice questions for Microsoft Azure Security Technologies AZ-500 exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Practice Questions are taken from previous real time tests and are prepared by Industry Experts at Skillcertpro.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.New 127 questions added in 2020.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.Candidates for this exam should have strong skills in scripting and automation; a deep understanding of networking, virtualization, and cloud N-tier architecture; and a strong familiarity with cloud capabilities, Microsoft Azure products and services, and other Microsoft products and services.Skills measuredManage identity and access (20-25%)Implement platform protection (35-40%)Manage security operations (15-20%)Secure data and applications (30-35%)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) Practice Test" |
"Offering 190+ Real-time Exam Questions for Certificate of cloud security knowledge (CCSK v4)The fourth version of the Certificate of cloud security knowledge (CCSK v4) by Cloud Security Alliance incorporates advances in cloud technology, its security features, and supporting technologies. Besides that, this version focuses on real-world cloud security practices and additionally has integrated the latest Cloud Security Alliance research project along with guidance for related technologies.CCSK v4 aims to provide the extended knowledge on the below areas, and the updated version is quite different than the previous one:The certification offers guidance and inspiration for a cloud-based business.The knowledge shared in this version focuses on how to manage and mitigate the risks associated with the cloud computing adoption.It has expanded the topics on governance, risk management contracts, and the legal aspects of cloud adoption. Also, the topics have been elaborated in a more global perspective.This version leverages the knowledge of Lambda serverless computingIn this version, different architectural patterns for cloud have been explained which are almost impossible in traditional computing.This version also covers topics such as containers, DevOps, CI/CD toolchains, Chaos engineering, etc.It has also elaborately discussed on Software Defined Networking Security concepts."
Price: 19.99 |
"Certified Associate in Project Management Practice test 2020" |
"As a project manager, you may be looking to take the next step in your career: certification. Certification is a step toward more job opportunities, higher earning potential, bigger networks, and more challenging projects.In 2003, PMI developed their Certified Associate in Project Management qualification. Its entry-level certification for project managers. It allows those with less experience to demonstrate their familiarity with the body of knowledge, processes, and terminology of the project management profession.According to PMI, Regardless of your career stage, the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is an asset that will distinguish you in the job market and enhance your credibility and effectiveness working on or with project teams.This certification requires less prerequisites and experience than the PMP certification, and so is ideal for those who arent quite as advanced in the field.The CAPM certification is acquired by taking an exam as well, but the exam is shorter than and less difficult than the PMP exam. Like the PMP exam, it too has questions based on the PMBOK Guide.Courses are available to help you prepare for the CAPM exam as well.The Exam:150 multiple-choice questionsA 3 hour time limit in which to complete the examCost: $225 for members, $300 for non-membersClosed book: no reference materials are allowedContent based on chapters 3-13 of the PMBOK Guide.The exam must be taken again every five years to maintain certification."
Price: 19.99 |
"PMP Practice Tests 2020 PMBOK 6th Edition Dumps" |
"About Course : Around 400 Unique Practice Questions, Spread across 4 practice tests.Questions are prepared by Industry experts in PMP training field.100% Pass Guarantee with our Practice tests.The Project Management Institute developed the Project Management Professional certification in 1984 and it has become the gold standard of project managers across the globe. It is recognized across multiple industries and in many countries, and is a professional credential for project managers.According to PMI, If youre an experienced project manager responsible for all aspects of project delivery, leading and directing cross-functional teams, then the PMP is the right choice for you.In 2007, Project Management International earned ISO/IEC 17024 accreditation for the PMP certification program. This standardization gives PMP certification credibility in the more than 85 countries that have adopted and endorsed ISO standardization practices.In order to be a certified PMP, you must have the necessary prerequisites, pass the PMP exam, and earn 60 PDUs every three years in order to maintain your status.t is considered by most to be a fairly difficult exam, and many find that taking a course to prepare for the exam is the best way to ensure passing.The Exam:200 multiple-choice questions25 of the 200 questions are sample items used for research purposes and are not counted toward the final scoreA 4 hour time limit in which to complete the examCost: $405 for members, $555 for non-membersClosed book: no reference materials are allowedContent based on processes from five domains Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, and Closing"
Price: 19.99 |
"Designing an Azure Data Solutions DP-201 Practice Tests 2020" |
"About Skillcertpro Practice Tests.We are offering 165+ UNIQUE practice questions for Designing an Azure Data Solutions DP-201 certification exam. Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.Our Practice tests are prepared by Subject Matter experts in Azure Technology and are taken from real time exam tests.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: design Azure data storage solutions; design data processing solutions; and design for data security and compliance.Skills measuredThe content of this exam was updated on December 4, 2019. Please download the Skills measured document below to see what changed.Implement data storage solutions (40-45%)Manage and develop data processing (25-30%)Monitor and optimize data solutions (30-35%)"
Price: 19.99 |
"DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution Practice Tests" |
"About Skillcertpro Practice Tests.We are offering 165+ UNIQUE practice questions for DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution certification exam. Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.Our Practice tests are prepared by Subject Matter experts in Azure Technology and are taken from real time exam tests.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Practice Tests" |
"About Skillcertpro Practice Tests.We are offering 165+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification exam. Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.Our Practice tests are prepared by Subject Matter experts in AWS and are taken from real time exam tests.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Practice Tests" |
"About Skillcertpro Practice Tests.We are offering 130+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty certification exam. Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.Our Practice tests are prepared by Subject Matter experts in AWS Technology and are taken from real time exam tests.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.The AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a development or data science role. It validates a candidate's ability to design, implement, deploy, and maintain machine learning (ML) solutions for given business problems.Abilities Validated by the CertificationSelect and justify the appropriate ML approach for a given business problemIdentify appropriate AWS services to implement ML solutionsDesign and implement scalable, cost-optimized, reliable, and secure ML solutionsRecommended Knowledge and Experience1-2 years of experience developing, architecting, or running ML/deep learning workloads on the AWS CloudThe ability to express the intuition behind basic ML algorithmsExperience performing basic hyperparameter optimizationExperience with ML and deep learning frameworksThe ability to follow model-training best practicesThe ability to follow deployment and operational best practicesPrepare for Your ExamThere is no better preparation than hands-on experience. There are many relevant AWS Training courses and other resources to assist you with acquiring additional knowledge and skills to prepare for certification. Please review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on the certification exam."
Price: 19.99 |
"Communicate at your best, becoming confident and influential" |
"Every day every aspect of our life is affected by the way we communicate, you will improve both your professional and personal life by applying these easy, yet very powerful proven techniques that combine the knowledge from top Public Speakers, Sales Reps, Personlity Experts and N.L.P. The difference of where you are and where you want to be is definitely the way you express yourself, your ideas and the way you influence in others thru them."
Price: 89.99 |
"Start a Profitable Career as a Mortgage Loan Originator" |
"One of the only online mortgage courses that actually teaches you how to go from completing a loan application to closing a loan and running DU in the process. Once you become licensed as a mortgage loan originator and are licensed in Florida you can come work for Finibi Mortgage and start your new career.Main benefits of this course and of being a mortgage loan originator:- Make a great income Part-time MLO's make $45,000 - $72,000 per year. Full time successful MLO's make $150,000+ some even make $300,000 - $1,000,000+.- Have a flexible work schedule (Work from home on your computer and phone)- Learn what it takes to finance your own home loan.- Have time freedom so you can actually enjoy life and spend time with family and friendsI WISH A COURSE LIKE THIS WOULD HAVE EXISTED WHEN I STARTED AND THAT TECHNOLOGY WAS AS ADVANCED AS IT IS TODAYIn this course you will learn:How to become a mortgage loan originator and start a new career doing something fun, educational, and very profitable. MLO's, mortgage loan originators, have flexible work schedules so you can work part time, full time, weekends, or when ever you want. Just like other careers, once you get licensed you still have to learn how to do your job. This course teaches you how to do what others don't teach you. How the entire process works so you can start making money and closing loans right away.HOW EASY IS IT TO CLOSE A LOAN? Today most documents in mortgage process are digital which means you can do a large portion of the work on your smart phone or tablet. This makes things easier than ever before. You can be on the beach taking an application and submit to the bank all in the same day. It incredible how much technology has made the mortgage process faster and easier. Borrowers sign on their smart phones and your done! These are some of the things you will learn:- How to prequalify borrowers- How to complete a loan application for primary residences, investment properties, and vacation homes- How to use Calyx Point to complete a loan package including disclosures- Successfully run DU and get an approval- Submit a loan to underwriting for a conditional loan approval- Understanding a loan approval- How to read and understand a credit report- How to quote an interest rateI will walk you through every step of the way. Who is your instructor?I own my own mortgage brokerage business and have been in this business for over 15 years. I have closed hundreds of loans and made a good living do so. I love doing mortgages and constantly travel to conventions and learn new things. I even closed my own home loan when others couldn't.WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BECOMING A MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER?- Make real money. Potential to make a very profitable living. Part-time MLO's make $45,000 - $72,000 per year. Full time successful MLO's make $150,000+ some even make $300,000 - $1,000,000+.- More free time. Work when you want and where you want (thanks to digital mortgages and electronic documentation). This means you can have another job if you want to or work at home if being out and about is not possible.- You get to help others. Often, when I close a loan I make my commission but what makes me the happiest is having helped others in the process. Really, helping others buy their homes is a very satisfying experience. They will thank you and send their friends to finance with you.- Buy your own home. Most mortgage loan officers overlook the benefit of having the potential to become a home owner thanks to the knowledge and position their in. OWN YOUR HOME. It's worth it.- Come work for Finibi Mortgage once you are licensed as a mortgage loan originator. You must be licensed in Florida. You will have access to one of the fastest and technologically driven mortgage companies in the business.THIS IS NOT A LICENSING COURSE. In order to obtain your mortgage loan originator license you must take the required course (Can be take over the weekend or online) and pass the state exam. THIS COURSE WILL TEACH REAL LIFE PRACTICE OF THIS PROFESSION SO YOU ARE READY TO WORK AS SOON AS YOU ARE LICENSED."
Price: 199.99 |
"NMLS SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Practice Tests" |
"This course includes 400+ practice exam questions including mortgage specific math. All questions have solution explanations so that you understand each and every concept.If you want to become a mortgage loan originator you must pass the SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator exam. This course focuses on teaching you to master the most common questions you will see in the SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator exam. Some courses overload you with common knowledge that you will never see in the exam which is a waste of time. In this course, you will reinforce the most important topics, terms, and definitions you need to know to pass on your first try. What should be your #1 goal when taking the SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Test? PASS ON YOUR FIRST TRY OR YOUR MONEY BACK!This course is composed of simulated practice exams and key test questions that will appear in one form or another in your test. The SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Test is a National test composed of 125 test questions of which only 115 are scored. The test allows for a total of 190 minutes in which you have to complete all test questions. For this reason you have to be prepared to answer quickly and accurately.This course will teach you through simulated practice test questions to:- Quickly determine question types and how to answer them- See and know the answer instead of guessing your way through the test- Practice hundreds to test questions on your smart phone or computer- Understand important mortgage definitions in order to understand test questions better- Improve your math skills when taking mortgage questions that require math calculations- Answer questions quickly and accurately- Understand key laws that are important when testingThis course is a comprehensive set of simulated test questions that will help you to identify and answer questions correctly the day of the exam. Your ability to consistently answer test questions correctly will determine your final test score. The questions in the practice exams you will see in this course will cover the 5 main subjects which are:Federal mortgage-related lawsGeneral mortgage knowledgeMortgage loan origination activitiesEthicsUniform State ContentThis course includes:- 4 practice tests containing 100 questions and include the explanation and/or the math calculation for each one. - 1 practice test that contains 50 questions that have a high concentration of math content within those questions.Your instructorJoe Correa took and successfully passed the SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Test on his 1st try and is a successful mortgage loan originator and owner of Finibi Mortgage, a Mortgage Brokerage Business based out of Orlando, Florida. Joe was a college math professor for years before entering the real estate and mortgage market and was always solicited by his students because of his ability to make difficult concepts easier to understand.Good luck in your test and practice, practice, practice if you want to be successful on test day!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Start, Run, and Manage a Successful Mortgage Business" |
"This is one of the few mortgage courses that actually teaches you how to obtain your mortgage business license from start to finish, how the entire business works, and how to run your own mortgage company. Once you become licensed as a Mortgage Brokerage Business, or Correspondent Lender/Lender, or Mortgage Servicer Lender you can get approved with different lenders to start originating mortgage loans and receive a much higher compensation than as an employee. In good economic times and bad economic times, this is a great business to be in.Main benefits of this course and of starting a mortgage business:- You will own your own business and not have a boss anymore- Increase your income substantially and have the potential to increase it even more by hiring more employees. As a mortgage business owner you can make $100,000+ if you're just starting out and $2,000,000+ if you're an established company depending on how you structure your business. - Have a flexible work schedule (Work from home by having a virtual office or open a physical location)- Learn how to get licensed as a mortgage business and how to make it profitable right from the start.- Start a business you can one day sell and retire or leave to your kids for them to run- Run your business as a one-person shop or hire as many employees as you wantNO ONE HELPED ME WHEN I GOT STARTED SO I KNOW HOW VALUABLE THE INFORMATION IN THIS COURSE IS.In this course you will learn:How to start a mortgage business no matter what structure you choose to begin with can be very fulfilling financially and lifestyle wise. You can choose to make your business as large or as small as you want by having a small group of employees or a large group. You can choose to hire a branch manager to take care of the daily operations and you just oversee the business and its future growth. Just like starting any business, there are many things to learn but this course takes the guess-work out of the equation by telling exactly what you need to do and who to contact. In order to start any of these mortgage businesses you need to obtain your mortgage loan originator license and either work in the industry for 1 year or hire someone who has worked in the industry for 1 year but this can be done fairly quickly. This course will take you behind the scenes into a world that most people never want you to know about and will never teach you how to get started. The best thing is you will have very low start-up costs and very high profit potential. If you decide to work from home, your initial costs will just be paying for your licensing which you will learn about in this course.HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO OPEN A MORTGAGE BUSINESS? Thanks to technology the whole licensing process can take about a month and then getting approved with a lender and credit company will take about 2 weeks. As soon as you have a lender and can start submitting loans to them, you are ready to make money. Almost the entire loan application and closing process can be done online either through your laptop, tablet, or smart phone. Digital signatures, e-docs, video conferencing, and cloud storage providers have changed the way business is done in the mortgage industry and has made doing business quicker and faster. This course will teach you how to make your mortgage business as efficient and cost-effective as possible.HOW MUCH CAN YOU MAKE IN A TYPICAL TRANSACTION AS A MORTGAGE BUSINESS? As a Mortgage Brokerage Business, you typically make up to 2.75% in compensation. This would be the breakdown of how much you can make:Loan amount $300,000 x 2.75% = $8,250. This is how much you would make and depending on your mortgage loan originators compensation pay structure you pay the MLO their portion of the compensation.As a Correspondent Lender or Lender Business, you typically make up to 4 - 6% in compensation. This would be the breakdown of how much you can make:Loan amount $300,000 x 6% (assuming its 6%) = $18,000. This is how much you would make and depending on your mortgage loan originators compensation pay structure you pay the MLO their portion of the compensation.As a Lender Servicer Business, you typically make up to 4 - 6% in compensation plus other profits from selling the mortgage and from collecting payments. This would be the breakdown of how much you can make:Loan amount $300,000 x 6% = $18,000+. This is how much you would make and depending on your mortgage loan originators compensation pay structure you pay the MLO their portion of the compensation.Compensation can vary and how much you pay your MLO's can vary as well but in general these are the potential profits you can have which as you can see are very generous and worth the effort.What will you learn in this course:- How to get licensed as a mortgage business- How to get approved with lenders- How to choose what lenders to work with- How to choose a credit company to pull borrowers credit reports- Choosing what LOS (loan origination software) to use- Successfully hire mortgage loan originators - Successfully create a payment structure for mortgage loan originators - Understand how to process a loan and how to hire a processor- Understand how to prevent fraud and create a quality control plan- How to read and understand financial statements- How to prepare a profit and loss statement as well as a balance sheetI have covered as much as possible to make your business a success. Who is your instructor?I own my own mortgage brokerage business and have been in this business for over 15 years and I've closed hundreds of loans and made a good living do so. i owned a correspondent lender business as well. I love doing mortgages and constantly travel to conventions and learn new things. I even closed my own home loan when others couldn't.WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF OWNING A MORTGAGE BUSINESS?- Get others to work for you. Stop chasing leads and borrowers. Your mortgage loan originators will bring in deals and you help them to close those deals and make a profit in the process.- More time. As the owner of the business you can choose to hire employees to take care of the daily operations of the business and have more free time to focus on what matters the most and have a more enjoyable life with the people you love. - More freedom. When you own a business, you get to choose your hours, who you want to work with, and how much you want to make.- Make more money. When you are an employee, you always receive a smaller compensation than as the employer. When you own a mortgage business you have the capacity to make much more of the profits than ever before.- More control. You will have complete control over the transaction and the speed at which your loans close which is very different to make happen when you are not the owner of the business.- You get to help others have a job and a career. Everyone knows that finding a job is not that easy and a great paying job even more. That's why offering other people a chance to work for you and your business is a blessing that everyone will appreciate. - Having control over your own home loan. As the owner of a mortgage business and as a mortgage loan originator, you will have the unique opportunity to buy real estate at lower rates and with reduced closing costs.- You won't have to find a job anymore once you open your business you won't have to work for any one and will have the power to hire others and great an empire.THIS IS NOT A LICENSING COURSE. In order to obtain your mortgage loan originator license you must take the required course (Can be take over the weekend or online) and pass the state exam. THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO START AND RUN A MORTGAGE BROKERAGE BUSINESS AND WILL PROVIDE AN OVERVIEW OF A CORRESPONDENT LENDER, LENDER, AND LENDER SERVICER BUSINESS AS WELL."
Price: 199.99 |
"Become a Mortgage Loan Processor" |
"Starting a new career as a mortgage loan processor is a smart and profitable decision that can have a significant effect on your financial future. Mortgage loan processors are in high demand!In this modern course, you'll learn all of the skills necessary to become a successful mortgage loan processor and be able to use these skills in you're day-to-day working life. From how to prepare a loan package to submitting a file to underwriting and getting an ""approved with conditions"" status, these lectures are designed for any one who is interested in starting a career in real estate but that would prefer not be in sales. With real world examples demonstrating exactly how to execute each step of the mortgage process, you'll find out exactly what to do (and what not to do) to prepare a file to the level where it can be approved and be compliant with all federal and state regulations.Main benefits of this course and of being a mortgage loan processor are:- Make a great starting and future income Most starting processors make $40,000 - $60,000 per year. Senior and experienced loan processors make $60,000 - $100,000+- Have the flexibility of getting paid in the form of a salary or as an independent contractor (Work from home on your computer and phone if you are an independent contractor)- Learn what it takes to close a home loan- Start a career that is in high demand where you can quickly increase your incomeIf you already know the basics of being a loan processor and want refresh your memory or are just starting out and want to learn more in depth, this is the course for you. Ensuring the success of each and every loan is very different if you have the knowledge necessary to solve problems and have back up plans if problems arise. You need to know the steps you will need to take to prepare, submit, and close a loan. This takes experience and the right skills which is what this course will provide you with.The first section of this course will take you through two hugely important elements of loan processing: how the entire loan process works and what you'll need to do on each and every loan file. You will learn how to do quality control checks to make sure you are compliant with all laws and how to be ready for an audit. In the second section of this course, you will learn what you need to do to start a career as a loan processor and what it entails.At the end of it all, you'll have the tools needed to make better, and more successful decisions in your loan processor role.Your instructorJoseph Correa is the founder and CEO of Finibi Mortgage, a licensed mortgage brokerage business based out of Orlando, Florida. Having closed hundreds of mortgage loans and processed many of them, he has the necessary processing knowledge to help you become a success. In the past, he has also owned a correspondent lender business and invested in real estate."
Price: 149.99 |
"Start a Profitable Career as a Real Estate Agent" |
"Starting a profitable career as a real estate agent is a wise and very profitable decision that will have a significant effect on your financial future. Almost everyone buys a home at one point or another so why not be your own agent and make a commission along the way!In this complete course, you'll learn all of the skills necessary to become a profitable real estate agent. From how to prepare a purchase contract to submitting an offer and getting deals closed, these lectures are designed for any one who is interested in starting a career in real estate but need the knowledge and inside information to be a success right from the start. The main benefits of this course and of being a Real Estate agent are:- See a big jump in income even if you are just starting out- Most starting real estate agents make $50,000 - $100,000 per year. Experienced real estate agents make $100,000 - $1,000,000+- Have time and schedule flexibility- Work when you want and take vacations when you want- Learn what it takes to close a real estate transaction- Invest in real estate and make a great commission in the process- Start a career that is profitable when the market is up and downAs a real estate agent, you will need to know how to prepare purchase contracts, addendum's, and listing agreements. Thanks to technology the whole process has become much simpler by having customers esign all the documents, schedule showings on the MLS app, and entering homes you need to show via an electronic lock box. Making the most of technology will make your life easier and will allow you to close more deals in less time and with less paperwork.This course will teach how to do this.The first section of this course will teach you: how to get started and will give you an overview of the entire process. You will learn how to do read and understand a purchase contract as well as prevent any issues you could possibly have. In the second section of this course, you will learn what you need to do to start a career as a real estate agent and how to choose the right company to work for.In the end, you'll have the tools you need to become a successful and profitable real estate agent.Joseph Correa is licensed real estate agent and the founder and CEO of Finibi Mortgage, a licensed mortgage brokerage business based out of Orlando, Florida. Having closed hundreds of real estate transactions, he has the knowledge and experience you need in an instructor that will help you to success as a real estate agent. Once you get started, contact him with any questions you may have."
Price: 149.99 |
"Psychic Development for beginners and Chakra Knowledge" |
"UNLOCK YOUR NATURAL PSYCHIC ABILITIES, RE-TAP INTO YOUR PSYCHIC GIFTSYou feel like you want to get started and tap into psychic gifts but you don't know where to start.You know for sure you want a safe place to learn, practice and growYou want to learn about the clair-senses and how to give readings A SELF STUDY COURSE ON HOW TO UNLOCK YOUR NATURAL GIFTS WITH EXERCISES AND MEDITATIONS YOU WILL LEARN PROTECTIONGROUNDINGSHIELDINGTHE CLAIR-SENSESHOW TO SEE THE AURALEARN THE AURA COLOURSHOW TO GIVE A PSYCHIC READINGHOW TO BEGIN ASTRAL TRAVELHOW TO START REMOTE VIEWINGJOURNEY INTO THE AKASHIC RECORDSPSYCHIC EXERCISESLEARN ABOUT THE MAIN SEVEN CHAKRASLEARN HOW TO OPEN, BALANCE AND TEST CHAKRAS Working on the chakras can help balance your physical, emotional and spiritual body. And this can help you manifest quicker. This course will help you to have more energy, less fatigue and stop feeling drained You'll be able to become more psychic and a clearer channel to the spirit world. I'll teach you how to balance the main 7 chakras and how to test the over or under activity of these chakras. You will learn to protect your own energy field ensuring that you are shielded from psychic attack and not taking on other people emotions all the time. I would love to have you join other beautiful like-minded souls in this journey of Unlocking Your Soul giftsFacebook group link: Join with other people taking the course and offer practice sessions, a place where you can meet with like minded souls. Imagine what it would feel like to...Communicate from the heart, explore a range of psychic gifts. Use your intuition in your daily life and serve others needing guidance if you wish. THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF...You have an open mind and an open heartYou know you've used your intuition before, and you want to pick up the paceYou want to feel more confident in your decisions You want to feel safe while being yourself and tapping into your intuition & heartYou want to explore a range of psychic giftsYou don't want to spend a thousand hours looking online trying to learn about psychic gifts when you can be taught by a trained certified psychic medium who loves to teach and has your best interests at heartYou like learning online through video, text and audio exercises THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR YOU IF... You are not ready for change in your lifeYou feel like it just doesnt feel right You already use your psychic gifts regularly and are knowledgeable about the above subjects This psychic development course is ideal for anyone who wants to instantly improve their intuition, discover what intuitive gifts they have and learn to give psychic readings, as well as anyone who is sensitive and easily takes on the problems and negative energy of those around you. It will also suit tarot readers, psychics, mediums, alternative therapists, healers and anyone who has not used their gifts in a long time and are in need of a refresher. It is also useful for those who wants to make a living helping others using their intuition, to get started and help you make good aligned business decisions using your intuition. Who is the target audience? Anyone who suspects they have psychic abilities but doesn't know how to use themAnyone who wants to tap into their psychic power to improve their lifeAnyone who wants a safe and supportive environment to build up their psychic development"
Price: 199.99 |
"Connect with your Spirit Guides, Meet your guides and mentor" |
"Connect with your Spirit Guides, Meet your guides and mentors We are all blessed to be surrounded by the support and vast knowledge of our spirit guides Learn how to connect and meet your spirit guides in this online course. We all have powerful spirit guides waiting and ready to help us with every aspect of our lives. We are not always aware of our spirit guides, nor the amount of guides we may actually have. It doesnt mean that they dont exist or that they have left us. It just means that sometimes we lack the tools to be aware of the spirit guides presence, whether that is because we dont know the ins and outs of how to connect with guides and our psychic senses or that we just dont have the time to actually sit down, rest and spend some much needed time hearing from our spirit guides. Unaware to many, we usually need to ask for guides to step forward, communicate with us, guide us and help us. So they need your permission to actively work with you! A SELF STUDY COURSE ON LEARNING HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND MEETING YOUR GUIDES AND MENTORS Our guides and mentors in the spiritual realms are specific to each individual's personal beliefs, needs, vibrational level and spiritual experiences You are here to discover the vast amount of benefits that can be accomplished by connecting with your guides and a whole array of spiritual experiences that you will bear witness to as you begin your journey connecting with several different personal spirit guides, your higher self and meeting with some of the ascended masters When you connect to your Spirit team, you will feel their unconditional love, support and guidance, which can be quite an emotional but uplifting and pleasant experience. WHEN YOU ENTER THE CONNECT WITH YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES, MEET YOU GUIDES AND MENTORS ONLINE COURSE YOU WILL HAVE LIFE TIME ACCESS TO ALL THE COURSE MATERIALS INCLUDING VIDEO AND TEXT, MEDITATIONS AND EXERCISES. EACH LESSON IS DOWNLOADABLE. YOU WILL LEARN WHAT ARE SPIRIT GUIDESLEARNING ABOUT DIFFERENT TYPES OF SPIRIT GUIDESTHE CLAIR SENSESSIGNS FROM YOUR SPIRIT GUIDESSEPARATE EXERCISES WHERE YOU WILL MEET SEVERAL DIFFERENT GUIDES INCLUDING FROM DIFFERENT REALMS SUCH AS FAIRIE AND ANIMALSCONNECTION WITH THE HIGHER SELFWORKING WITH ASCENDED MASTERSMEDIUMSHIP MESSENGER GUIDECHOOSING GUIDES FOR DIFFERENT OCCASIONSGUIDANCE IN YOUR DREAMS* Includes certificate of completion THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF...You have an open mind and an open heartYou want to learn about spirit guidesYou want to feel more confident in your decisions You want to feel safe while being yourself and tapping into your intuition & heartYou are ready to meet and work with your spirit guide teamYou like learning online through video, text and audio exercises THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR YOU IF... You are not ready for change in your life You feel like it just doesnt feel rightYou already communicate with your guides regularly and are knowledgeable about the above subjectsThis course is designed for beginners and intermediate students looking to develop a deeper connection with their Spirit Guides. If you are interested in opening the doorway of communication and enhancing your intuitive abilities, then this course is suitable for you. There are absolutely no pre-requisites required to complete this course and you do not need to have any intuitive or spiritual gifts. You just need to have an open mind."
Price: 199.99 |
"Master GameMaker Studio 2 By Making 5 Games From Scratch" |
"Learn and Master GameMaker Studio 2 the best game engine for making 2D games used by many successful games and indie-games as well such as: Hyper Light Drifter, Forager, Undertale, Hotline Miami, Nuclear Throne and much more that you can check on their site.This is the course I wanted when I was starting to learn Game Development.We will begin with learning how to navigate throughout GameMaker Studio 2 and the basics of Game Maker Language or Drag And Drop, once we cover that we will proceed on making some simple games that will eventually expand to something bigger and get to the point where you will make games on your own.*IMPORTANT NOTE* If you want to make 2D Platformer or Top-Down Shooter you will need to learn Game Maker Language, It won't be covered In Drag And Drop style.I structured this course to be easily understandable to everyone, no matter if you are just a complete beginner or someone who is familiar with Game Maker Studio 2, this course will help you gain a better understanding of development.Some of the things you will learn in the course:GameMaker Studio 2 InterfaceImporting AssetsOrganizing The ProjectHow To CodeDrag and DropHow To Use PathsBasic And Advanced AIShop SystemMelee Battle SystemsMelee ComboSound FX And MusicHow To AnimateEnemy Spawning SystemThat And Much More Is Awaiting You In This CourseOn top of everything there is 0 chance for RISK, How??Well, If You are not satisfied with course there is always an option for a refund within 30 days of enrolling and Its full refund of your money.So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start making awesome games."
Price: 194.99 |
"The Ultimate Hyper-Casual Guide With Unity" |
"This is the most comprehensive online course for making Hyper Casual Games that will take you from beginner to creating your own Hyper Casual games in Unity Game Engine!The course is completely project-based.Starting things off very simple with learning Unity and C# from scratch, so if you are a complete beginner, don't you worry I got you covered. You will learn C# from basic to advance topics in no time that will set you off to make games in it.The course is mostly focusing on being All Level course so if you are a beginner or intermediate game developer I will provide you with information that will teach you everything you need to know as a beginner and also teach you some advanced game development techniques. The structure of the course is starting with basic info and slowly progressing into more difficult as we progress with the course. My idea for this course is to make it a single place that will have all the resources you need to learn how to create Hyper Casual Games using the Unity Game Engine.By having a single course with all the resources it is much easier for me as an instructor to answer your questions so rest assured that you will have my full support while you are going through the course lectures. And it will be much easier for me to update the course on a regular basis.I want to create this course to be the best learning resource for making Hyper Casual Games that I will upload more and more content based on your vote thus it will make it easier to have my full support.Some of the things you will learn in the course:Unity's interfaceImporting AssetsOrganizing the ProjectBasic, Intermediate And Advanced C# ProgrammingBasic AI(Artificial Intelligence)Advanced AI(Artificial Intelligence)Sound FXLearn How To Use Unity's UI SystemCreate And Animate MenusLevel System (Lock/Unlock Levels)Visible Level ProgressRandom AI NamesInput Player NameThat And Much More Is Awaiting You In This CourseIf You ever had an idea for an awesome game, then enroll in this course and learn the tools that you need to develop Your next hit game!!! Enroll Now!! You Will Not Be Disappointed!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Digital Forensic Series: Network Forensics" |
"With the rise of data breaches, it is important for those interested in the information security field to understand how to identify malicious attacks in network files along with system log files. Unlike computer and mobile forensics, the evidence in network forensics can be easily modified and harder to be admissible in court. Therefore, this class briefly explains the importance of log files and goes into hands-on exercises and scenarios. This class focuses on network forensics and incident response."
Price: 199.99 |
"Computer Forensics Training: Hands-on Lab" |
"These are hands-on labs that use either free or free trial forensic tools to follow the digital forensics process. This class is a supplement to the Digital Forensics Series: Introduction to Computer Forensics course. This course will help you to better understand how to use digital forensic tools and processes. This course will use digital forensics terms which assumes that you have previous knowledge of those terms."
Price: 64.99 |
"Crie aplicativos para Celular sem saber Programar" |
"Neste curso voc ser capaz de criar aplicativos para celular de maneira simples e eficiente. Podendo at montar seu prprio negcio de criao de aplicativos, tudo isto de maneira simples e baixo investimento.Alguns exemplos de aplicativos que podem ser montados.DeliveryGuias ComerciaisInstitucional de EmpresasSistemas de FidelidadeClube de descontosdentre outras opes.Venha j fazer parte do mundo dos APPERS."
Price: 144.99 |
"Java Multithreading Become A Master" |
"In this course you learn all about multithreading.You will learnWhat multithreading isHow to create a thread in JavaHow to protect your programs from concurrency problemsHow to prevent overloading a resource with multiple threads accessing it at onceHow to be efficient with your threads by making use of thread poolsHow to change values atomicallyThis is a fantastic course for someone with who wants to learn more about how multithreading works as a whole and how to do it in Java."
Price: 19.99 |
"Hacking Practical Course Learn To Hack Like A Professional" |
"This class teaches you how to hack so that you can learn how to protect your own software applications from similar attacks.This is a practical course! This means you will see real life hacking taking place with an explanation of what I am doing and the ability to follow along. This makes this course very unique as its not just theory.This course is intended for software developers who want to learn more about system security and how to protect their software applications from malicious attacks, this course teaches you how to protect yourself.You will learn all about SQL Injection, XSS(Cross Site Scripting) attacks, HTML Injection, Directory Traversal Attacks.This is a crash course and you will learn a lot I have over ten years experience in my field"
Price: 19.99 |
"Linux Kernel Development Course" |
"Have you ever wanted to create your very own Linux kernel module and start writing kernel code?Well this step by step course is designed to teach you just that, we start off by installing all the dependencies we need, then we create the simplest kernel module we can a ""Hello World"" module that just prints ""Hello World"" from kernel space.Finally we create a character device module that allows user programs to send data to us and read data from us. Think ""/dev/random""During the time I taught myself all of this many times I found articles from 2004 and they were outdated, this makes kernel development very difficult but I learnt a trick to make it all easier which I share in this course.This course is designed to clear up all the misconceptions every detail of what we are doing is explained in depth and nothing is left outTaught by an expert that that has created kernel modules professionally in the work place. Primarily virtual file system modules"
Price: 19.99 |
"Developing An Android Application" |
"Welcome!,I am Dan an experienced software engineer with over 13 years experience. In this course designed for absolute beginners we will create and program a Calculator for your Android phone.You don't even need an android phone to follow this course, we are using an emulator!In less than an hour you will have your own calculator mobile app designed and programmed by you! You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain."
Price: 19.99 |