"Creating A PHP Guestbook ln Less Than An Hour!" |
"Creating A PHP Guestbook has never been easier. In this course taught by a software engineer with over 13 years experience you will be taken through the baby steps of creating our application. Everything is explained in detail as we go along and the final result is a functioning guestbook that you can put on your website!"
Price: 19.99 |
"SQL: Master SQL With PhpMyAdmin and MYSQL Engine" |
"In this fantastic course you will learn the SQL query language for the MySQL Engine. We will install MySQL with PhpMyAdmin to make learning as easy as possible.This course will teach you all about database relationships, creating tables, selecting data, inserting data, updating data, deleting data, subqueries and joining multiple tables together.Taught by a professional freelance software engineer with a 1st class bachelors degree in Computer Science and over 13 years experience you cannot go wrong with this course!By the end of this course you will understand SQL very well and should have no trouble passing your university level assignments"
Price: 19.99 |
"C++ Multi-Threading And Thread Safety" |
"In this class you will learn all about C++ multi-threading and how to create thread safe programs in C++Why Will This Benefit Me?Learning how to create multi-threaded applications is a must know if you wish to do software engineering in C or C++ and even Java. In this easy to follow crash course you can learn all you need to know to get started with multi-threading in C++. Taught by someone with over 13 years experience you can know for sure the information you are gaining is valuable .I look forward to teaching you"
Price: 19.99 |
"C Programming In Windows" |
"It's time to finally master the C programming language. Dan your tutor has been developing in the C programming language for over ten years and has a lot of experience to give. What makes this course different than the others is that you will actually use the compiler an IDE will not do it for us we will be using the compiler ourselves this will give you the experience you need to manually use the GCC compiler. Be A Pro.This course will teach you everything about the C programming language, you will be taken through the basics all the way to more complicated concepts such as functions pointers and library development.We end this course by creating a book program that allows a user to create books, save them to disk and then read them again.This course is beginner friendly regardless of your current skill level"
Price: 34.99 |
"x86 Assembly Language Programming Masters Course" |
"This course is intended to teach you x86 assembly programming. This course teaches you how processors work and how machine code is possible. We start the course using an emulator for the legacy Intel 8086 processor.Since we start the course with an emulator it allows me to pause the machine at any moment in time and show you exactly what is going on.After you learn all about the legacy 8086 processor and how to program assembly for it we then move to the modern processors of today and start writing assembly for those. You are taught how to write 32 bit programs for Windows machine's and most importantly how to communicate with C programs using assembly language.This course recommends that you have some prior experience in the C programming language or at the very least some programming experience in another language. The reason for this is because part two of the course when I teach modern assembly I reference the C programming language quite a lot since we write assembly that can talk with C."
Price: 44.99 |
"Arapa Haber eviri Dersleri YDS ve Arapa Snavlar iin" |
"Her seviye Arapa bilgisi olanlarn Arapa bilgilerini gelitirebilecekleri haber metinleri zerinden aklamalar yapan. Temel, orta ve ileri seviye Arapa bilginizi gelitirip, pekitirebileceiniz bir Arapa eitim setidir. Metinler yapsal olarak irdelenip aklanmaktadr.Yeni eitim videolar periyodik olarak eklenip eitim seti gelitirilmektedir. Hem kelime bilginizi hemde gramer bilginizi gelitirebileceksiniz. Gncel metinler zerinden yaplan bu alma sayesinde gndelik Arapa bilginiz de dahada artacak."
Price: 49.99 |
"Instagram Marketing e IGTV (2020) - O curso mais COMPLETO" |
"Junte-se a mais de 25 mil alunos inscritos nos cursos de marketing da M2up aqui na Udemy.So mais de 8h de contedo detalhado sobre Instagram Marketing e como usar a rede social para estreitar a relao entre a sua marca e suas personas. Alm disso, nesse curso voc vai aprender a elaborar uma estratgia profissional de marketing na plataforma, focando em marketing de contedo, engajamento e como gerar autoridade para sua marca!Domine o Instagram como uma plataforma de negciosPerfil Instagram for BusinessOtimizao de perfilAlgoritmo e regras da plataformaInstagram MarketingEstratgia de ContedoCriao e Publicao de Contedo que engajaOtimizao de posts no feedOtimizao de StoriesOtimizao de DestaquesIGTV Marketing...e muito mais!D uma olhada em algumas avaliaes que recebemos Excelente curso. Parabns! Faa mais cursos, por favor!!! - Diana Guimares Fo Curso excelente! Professores com tima didtica, blocos de aulas muito bem separados (em etapas), o que auxilia muito na prtica e dicas muito legais para otimizao da conta no Instagram. Recomendo! - Adriana Leila Gomes Duraes Simplesmente excelente. o que eu procurava. Muita coisa boa! Vale a pena! - Aleandro Batista de Melo FANTSTICOOOO....OBRIGADO M2UP! - Miguel Silva Curso excelente, bem interativo e dinmico, com muitos aprendizados importantes que irei colocar em prtica - Gabriel de Souza Menezes Resumindo em poucas palavras, vocs so incrveis! - Robson Silva Pereira Filho Curso muito top, compensou o investimento - Wilhans Rezende Dos SantosCurso focado para profissionais e negcios, no ""Instagrammers""Se voc est atrs de seguidores para se tornar um ""Instagrammer"" esse curso no para voc. Esse treinamento dedicado para profissionais e empresas que querem dominar o Instagram como um canal de Marketing Digital!Porque o Instagram excelente para sua estratgia de marketingAtualmente, o Instagram a rede social que mais cresce! Em outras palavras, a chance de o seu pblico-alvo estar presente nessa rede social muito alta. Alm disso, a plataforma focada na experincia mobile first, isto , focada no futuro: tanto das formas de consumo, como das interaes sociais como um todo. Trata-se de uma plataforma informal, o que faz com que marcas e consumidores se aproximem e estreitem relaes mais facilmente. A plataforma, atualmente, j um local aonde as pessoas DESCOBREM novos produtos/servios e tambm COMPRAM e tomam decises, graas a contedos consumidos na rede social! Em outras palavras, fazer um bom trabalho de Instagram Marketing significa ter a capacidade de influenciar na jornada de compra do seu consumidor, fortalecer a sua marca e fazer com que o seu negcio cresa!Como se tudo isso j no bastasse, o Instagram ainda uma empresa do grupo Facebook. Em outras palavras, a plataforma conta com todo o apoio financeiro e com as tecnologias j desenvolvidas pelo grupo de empresas do Facebook. Resumindo, estamos falando da rede social do futuro! No a toa que o Instagram esteja recebendo tanto investimento e ateno por parte do Facebook e seu CEO Mark Zuckerberg.Overview/resumo do cursoInicialmente, o curso foca nos conceitos bsicos: criao de perfil e otimizao desse perfil para negcios. Aps essas primeiras aulas, voc vai aprender sobre as regras do Instagram e seu algoritmo (o que fazer e tambm o que NO fazer).Depois de entendermos as ""regras"" da plataforma - mas antes de publicar qualquer tipo de contedo - FUNDAMENTAL ter uma boa estratgia de marketing definida para a rede social. Por isso, o prximo captulo foca exatamente nisso: como definir objetivos, identificar sua persona, seus concorrentes e, claro, como planejar o seu contedo para o Instagram!Entendido isso, o prximo passo a sua estratgia de contedo como um todo. Nesse captulo voc vai ter aulas sobre: contedo autntico, tipos de contedo, como ter ideias alinhadas com a sua persona, definio de frequncia, horrios de postagens e muito mais!Aps a sua estratgia de marketing e de contedo estarem definidas, finalmente, chegou a hora de comearmos a criar, publicar e realizar a gesto do seu contedo na rede social. Por isso, as prximas aulas focam nesse aspecto. Nessas aulas, voc vai ver vdeos com dicas de ferramentas de criao, bancos de imagens gratuitos, calendrio editorial e como realizar a gesto eficaz das suas postagens!Alm disso, voc vai conhecer todos tamanhos e formatos de imagens e vdeos que so suportados pela rede social. Com isso resolvido, vamos entrar a fundo nos canais de mdia existentes dentro da plataforma, comeando pelo clssico: o feed do Instagram. Nesse captulo, voc vai aprender tudo que voc precisa saber para criar posts otimizados para o feed: legendas de impacto, hashtags, como evitar o shadowban e muito mais.Em seguida, o treinamento foca nos Stories, o formato de contedo que mais cresceu nos ltimos anos. Nesse momento, voc vai aprender diversas dicas, segredos e truques que voc vai poder usar para criar Stories mais criativos e engajantes. Obtendo, assim, resultados cada vez melhores para sua estratgia. E, para finalizar o captulo de Stories, obviamente voc tambm vai aprender tudo sobre os Destaques do Instagram: como, quando e porque us-los!Lembrando... isso s o resumo do curso! Com certeza, o curso completo e todas as aulas ainda vo te agregar muito mais: com conhecimento em reas e boas prticas que voc nem sabia que existiam! Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasGarantia de reembolso de at 30 diasMuito obrigado por ter dedicado o seu tempo valioso para conferir o curso Instagram Marketing PRO. Tenho certeza que voc vai adorar e vai estar tomando a deciso correta! Mal posso esperar para trocar experincias com voc.E porque esperar? Comece ainda hoje a sua trajetria de marketing com o Instagram, s clicar no boto!"
Price: 579.99 |
"AutoCAD I The Complete Beginner Course From Autodesk Expert" |
"AutoCAD I The Complete Beginner CourseThis AutoCAD I Complete Beginner Course is ideally suited to new users and of the software embarking on a career in computer aided design, users that may have previously used much older versions of AutoCAD software and need to refresh themselves with the program, people interested in advancing their employment opportunities and casual users that need to understand core functionality and drawing tools.This complete beginner course will lead the user through the basic 2D features of the latest versions of AutoCAD.This beginner AutoCAD course covers drawing setup, fundamental construction and editing tools, layer management, object properties and basic annotation (text and dimensions) and provides an introduction to layouts and plotting.24 Hours of Project-Oriented Training36 Practice Drawings5 Assignments and Easy Steps You Can Follow In - This Is The Most Comprehensive AutoCAD Course Available.Upon Successful Completion of This Course, The Students Will Have Reliably Demonstrated The Ability To:Set up an AutoCAD drawing.Use construction commands to create a new drawing.Use editing commands to modify an existing drawing.Use annotation commands to add text and notes to a drawing.Use dimensioning commands to add dimensions to a drawing.Set up viewports to plot a single layout, single scale drawing.AutoCAD I The Complete Beginner Course From Autodesk Expert is structured the following way:Lesson 1: Introduction to AutoCADIntroduction to basic AutoCAD concepts and the AutoCAD interface. Using the online Help system. Entering, canceling, and repeating commands. Line, Circle, Arc, Polygon, Rectangle, Erase, and Undo commands introduced. Starting a new drawing, saving a drawing and opening a drawing. File utilities and windows file management techniques.Lesson 2: CoordinatesIntroduction to the Cartesian Coordinate system, methods of point entry and Dynamic input. New concepts also include navigating a drawing with the Zoom and Pan commands, Drawing Aids, and Object Snaps.Lesson 3: Selection and Editing IIntroduction to basic selection methods. (Pick, Window, Crossing, Previous, and Last). Construction and Editing I Erase, Move, Copy, Rotate, Offset, and Mirror.Lesson 4: Polylines and Editing IICreating and working with Polylines. Construction and Editing II Trim, Extend, Fillet, and Chamfer.Lesson 5: Setup, Layouts and ViewportsDiscussion on drawing set up procedures. Using basic template drawings. Introduction to Paper Space. Creating single viewports and setting viewport scales.Lesson 6: Inquiry and Editing IIIConstruction and Editing III Stretch, Scale, and Lengthen. Breaking and Joining entities. Introduction to basic inquiry procedures with the List, Dist, ID, Area, and Measuregeom commands.Lesson 7: Properties and LayersIntroduction to Layers and Object Propertes AutoCAD. Controlling linetypes with Ltscale and Celtscale. Students will learn how to set and modify properties through the Properties Palette. New commands include Layer, Properties, and MatchProp.Lesson 8: AnnotationDiscussion on procedures for adding text to a drawing. Setting a style and following standards. Students will learn techniques for creating and formatting text. Various options of the Mtext editor will be discussed in depth.Lesson 9: Grips and TrackingIntroduction to grips and grip edit commands. Working with Polar Tracking and Polar Snap settings. Using Object snap tracking and the Align command.Lesson 10: Points and ArraysConstruction & Editing IV Donuts and Spirals. Xlines and Rays. Rectangular and Polar Arrays. Point, Divide and Measure.Lesson 11: Dimension OverviewIntroduction to dimensioning terms and commands. Introduction to dimension styles and style settings and how they control the appearance of dimensions. Students will learn how to create and manage both mechanical and architectural style dimensions.Lesson 12: Dimension EditingEditing and fine-tuning the appearance of dimensions with Child styles, dimension edit commands (Update, Edit and Tedit), grip editing, and the Properties palette.AutoCAD is the worlds most widely used and fully featured drafting software. Autodesk software continues to go from strength to strength with the constant addition of new drafting features to aid drawing productivity and streamline drawing workflows.AutoCAD I course will give students the foundation knowledge in the use of this powerful drafting software that is used across multiple design, architectural and engineering companies worldwide.Building up knowledge about the essential drawing and drafting tools enables users to leave the AutoCAD training course with a confident foundation knowledge that will allow them to explore the higher functionality this software offers and give you more employment opportunities.Webelocity Designs, is an integrated practice of architecture, engineering, designers and construction professionals personally invested in delivering creative and practical built environments that enrich communities.Core ValuesQualityWe are committed to ongoing quality improvement initiatives to ensure we deliver solutions that meet our clients expectations of quality and value. Our dedication to project success influences everything we do and ensures our clients are satisfied, and that we enjoy mutual success.Client FocusWe want every client to receive the best service we can provide and for them to feel we have contributed real value to their project. We want our clients to be confident in recommending our services to others.IntegrityWe strive to work ethically in all areas of our business and in our interactions with our people and everyone we meet in our communities and beyond.#autocad course #autocad 2019 #autodesk #autocad #architecture #bim #AutoCAD I The Complete Beginner Course From Autodesk Expert #Architecture Fundamentals #Design #architectural design"
Price: 199.99 |
"AutoCAD II Complete Intermediate Course From Autodesk Expert" |
"AutoCAD II Complete Intermediate Course From Autodesk ExpertThis AutoCAD II Complete Intermediate Course covers paper space detailing, multiple layout setup, advanced dimension techniques, blocks and symbol libraries, tables and schedules, attributes, dynamic blocks, parameters, and external references.It is ideally suited to current AutoCAD users / prior knowledge in AutoCAD 2D drawings. The student will development the required skills for the preparation of working drawings, this intermediate level course examines further the capabilities of AutoCAD for 2D drawings. It introduces more efficient commands and workflows for various tasks to enhance CAD productivity. The course explores commands and techniques for drawing, editing, and annotating. Topics include CAD standards, block libraries, dynamic blocks, attributed blocks, multi-view drawings, annotative scaling, fields, tables, external references and electronic output.26 Hours of Project-Oriented Training12 Practice Drawings4 Assignments and Easy Steps You Can Follow In - This Is The Most Comprehensive AutoCAD Intermediate Course Available.Upon Successful Completion of This Course, The Students Will Have Reliably Demonstrated The Ability To:Setup and work with multiple layouts in the paper space environment in AutoCAD.Create detail drawings using multi-scale viewports and paper space detailing techniques.Create construction drawings with blocks, attributes, and hatching.Use tables and table styles to create schedules for construction drawings.Create presentation drawings with solid and gradient fills.Use sheet sets to create multi-file plotting sets.Use publishing techniques to prepare drawing sets for distribution over the internet.AutoCAD II Complete Intermediate Course From Autodesk Expert is structured the following way:Lesson 1: Introduction to the concept of Paper Space detailingDiscussion on advanced techniques for creating and working with floating viewports, creating multiple layouts, and using the Maximize Viewport toggle.Lesson 2: Advanced Dimension ConceptsStudents will be introduced to advanced dimension concepts including tolerances, ordinate dimensioning, and alternate unit dimensions. Students will also learn how to properly create a single dimension style for use in multi-scale drawings.Lesson 3: Hatching Patterns, Gradient Fills, and Solid FillsIntroduction to methods for adding and modifying hatching patterns, gradient fills, and solid fills to a drawing. Students will learn the Hatch and Wipeout commands.Lesson 4: Multileaders, Quick Dims, Wipeouts, Revision Clouds, and BoundariesStudents will learn how to create and work with Multileaders, Quick Dims, Wipeouts, Revision Clouds, and Boundaries.Lesson 5: Introduction to tables and table stylesStudents will learn how to create and modify tables, control the appearance of tables with styles, and add text and formulas to tables.Lesson 6: Advanced selection setsDefining Selection filters and using Quick Select. Defining Layer filters and working with Layer states.Lesson 7: Introduction to BlocksApplying the block, insert, explode, rename, and purge, commands. Using REFEDIT for in-place editing of blocks. Creating a library drawing of block symbols. Using the Wblock command to write blocks to the hard drive.Lesson 8: AttributesStudents will learn how to create and work with simple attributes to assign information to blocks. Attribute extraction methods will also be discussed.Lesson 9: AutoCAD Design CentreDiscussion on how to use the AutoCAD Design Centre to import named entities such as blocks, dimension styles, text styles, layers, layouts, etc, from existing drawings into a current drawing. Block tool palettes.Lesson 10: Dynamic blocksStudents will be introduced to the concept of Dynamic Blocks and explore methods for adding intelligent parameters and actions to blocks.Lesson 11: Introduction to the Sheet Set ManagerStudents will learn how to organize drawing layouts into named sheet sets.Lesson 12: Introduction to PublishingStudents will learn how to publish a sheet set from the Sheet Set Manager as a set of paper drawings as well as a single, electronic, multisheet Design Web Format (DWF) file.AutoCAD II will help those embarking on a career in computer aided design, users that may have previously used much older versions of AutoCAD software and need to refresh themselves with the program, people interested in advancing their employment opportunities and casual users that need to understand core functionality and drawing tools.Building up knowledge about the essential drawing and drafting tools enables users to leave the AutoCAD training course with a confident foundation knowledge that will allow them to explore the higher functionality this software offers and give you more employment opportunities.AutoCAD is the World's most widely used and fully featured drafting software. Autodesk software continues to go from strength to strength with the constant addition of new drafting features to aid drawing productivity and streamline drawing workflows.MissionWebelocity Designs, is an integrated practice of architecture, engineering, designers and construction professionals personally invested in delivering creative and practical built environments that enrich communities.Core ValuesQualityWe are committed to ongoing quality improvement initiatives to ensure we deliver solutions that meet our clients expectations of quality and value. Our dedication to project success influences everything we do and ensures our clients are satisfied, and that we enjoy mutual success.Client FocusWe want every client to receive the best service we can provide and for them to feel we have contributed real value to their project. We want our clients to be confident in recommending our services to others.IntegrityWe strive to work ethically in all areas of our business and in our interactions with our people and everyone we meet in our communities and beyond.#autocad course #autocad 2019 #autodesk #autocad #architecture #bim #AutoCAD II Complete Intermediate Course From Autodesk Expert #Architecture Fundamentals #Design #architectural design"
Price: 199.99 |
"AutoCAD III Advance 2D And 3D Course From Autodesk Expert" |
"AutoCAD III Advance 2D And 3D Course From Autodesk ExpertThis AutoCAD III Advance Course is ideally suited to current AutoCAD users / prior knowledge in AutoCAD drawings.You will learn the industry-leading computer-aided design (CAD) software, with our expert-led training.Our AutoCAD course show you how to create 3D designs, share and collaborate on your layouts with colleagues and clients, and make blueprints to transition your projects from concept to construction.25 Hours of Project-Oriented Training37 Practice Drawings4 Assignments and Easy Steps You Can Follow In - This Is The Most Comprehensive AutoCAD Course Available.Upon Successful Completion of This Course, The Students Will Have Reliably Demonstrated The Ability To:Use external references to create a 2D Assembly drawing set.Add raster images to a 2D assembly drawing set.Create and work with Fields and Drawing PropertiesCreate a 3D Modeling work space.Create 3D solid modelsEdit and modify 3D solid models.Document 3D solid models with automated 2D documentation procedures.Create custom 3D visual styles.AutoCAD III Advance 2D And 3D Course From Autodesk Expert is structured the following way:Lesson 1: Xrefs IIntroduction to methods for working with externally referenced drawings. Students will learn how to attach and overlay external references, use the Xref manager, and edit and update external references.Lesson 2: Xrefs IIStudents will learn how to resolve external reference errors, clip external references, increase xref performance with demand loading, layer and spatial indexes, and archive drawings with external references with the Bind and Xbind commands.Lesson 3: Introduction to Raster ImagesStudents will learn how to attach, scale, and work with raster images. Techniques for managing raster images and tuning raster image performance will also be discussed.Lesson 4: Fields and Drawing propertiesStudents will learn how to define custom properties for a drawing and how to define fields of text that will automatically update as the drawing properties change.Lesson 5: Introduction to 3D Workspaces and the Ribbon control panelsIntroduction to 3D object creation, 3D Navigation methods, and Visual Styles.Lesson 6: Introduction to 3D CoordinatesBasic User Coordinate Systems. Advanced UCS Options, and UCS settings. Working with model space viewports. Composite solid modeling and Boolean operations, Union and Subtract.Lesson 7: Model Documentation IIntroduction to the Model Documentation commands. Discussion on techniques for generating Base Views, Projected Orthographic Views, and Projected Isometric Views.Lesson 8: Region, Extrude, and Revolve commandsApplying AutoCADs solid modeling capabilities using the Region, Extrude and Revolve commands.Lesson 9: Model Documentation IIDiscussion on techniques for generating Section and auxiliary views. Press Pull command.Lesson 10: Model Documentation IIISolid model edits with Slice, Section, Fillet, and Chamfer commands. Accessing Solids History. Discussion on techniques for generating Detail views.Lesson 11: Intersection ModelingStudents will learn how to create complex forms with multiple extrusions and Boolean intersections. Grip Editing Solids. Selecting and modifying 3D sub objects.Lesson 12: Working with subobjects and GizmosUsing 3D MOVE, 3DROTATE, 3D SCALE, 3DARRAY, ALIGN, 3DALIGN and MIRROR3D commands in the creation and layout of complex 3D models.AutoCAD is the worlds most widely used and fully featured drafting software. Autodesk software continues to go from strength to strength with the constant addition of new drafting features to aid drawing productivity and streamline drawing workflows.AutoCAD III course will give students the foundation knowledge in the use of this powerful drafting software that is used across multiple design, architectural and engineering companies worldwide.Building up knowledge about the essential drawing and drafting tools enables users to leave the AutoCAD training course with a confident foundation knowledge that will allow them to explore the higher functionality this software offers and give you more employment opportunities.Webelocity Designs, is an integrated practice of architecture, engineering, designers and construction professionals personally invested in delivering creative and practical built environments that enrich communities.Core ValuesQualityWe are committed to ongoing quality improvement initiatives to ensure we deliver solutions that meet our clients expectations of quality and value. Our dedication to project success influences everything we do and ensures our clients are satisfied, and that we enjoy mutual success.Client FocusWe want every client to receive the best service we can provide and for them to feel we have contributed real value to their project. We want our clients to be confident in recommending our services to others.IntegrityWe strive to work ethically in all areas of our business and in our interactions with our people and everyone we meet in our communities and beyond.#autodesk autocad course #autocad 2019 #autodesk #3D modeling#bim #AutoCAD III Complete Advance 2D Course From Autodesk Expert #Architecture Fundamentals #design #architectural design"
Price: 199.99 |
"15 Estratgias para criar elos emocionais com os clientes" |
"POR QUE ESTE CURSO DIFERENTE? O curso ensina dezenas de estratgias que visam criar e manter elos emocionais com os consumidores de qualquer rea! CONHEA MAIS DE 40 CASOS DE EMPRESAS DESEJADAS PELAS PESSOASAo longo das aulas, so apresentados cases de mais de 40 empresas que criam elos significativos com os consumidores. Dentre elas esto: Avon, Dove, Volkswagen, Kibon, Google, Imaginarium, Netflix, Melissa, Nivea, Starbucks, Tintas Coral, Nike, Airbnb, entre outros.VOC APRENDE COM TEORIA E PRTICAPara cada uma das 15 estratgias apresentadas, voc assistir aulas sobre o seu significado, como coloc-la em prtica e caso(s) de empresa(s) que dela se utilizam. RECEBA RECURSOS EXTRASVoc receber templates de todas as estratgias apresentadas ao longo do curso para imprimir e utilizar em sua vida profissional.O DESIGN EMOCIONAL TRAZ VANTAGENS PARA O SEU NEGCIOAo usar esta abordagem, voc ser capaz de:Diferenciar-se em mercados saturados;Desenvolver produtos e servios que se conectam de forma significativa com as pessoas;Criar e manter relacionamento duradouros com consumidores;Transformar o banal em surpreendente.O DESIGN EMOCIONAL PODE AJUDAR A CRIAR LIGAES MAIS PRXIMAS COM OS CONSUMIDORESProjetar experincias de consumo nicas;Influenciar comportamentos de compra;Impactar na forma como as pessoas se relacionam com os produtos e servios.CONHEA O CONTEDO RESUMIDO DO CURSOConhecer os nveis e benefcios do Design Emocional;Saber desenvolver um bom Storytelling; Utilizar os princpios da Gamificao;Saber construir um Propsito para sua empresa;Desenvolver Sistemas-Produto inovadores;Projetar possveis Experincias de Consumo significativas;Prolongar a Experincia de Consumo no pr e ps-venda;Criar dispositivos de boas memrias;Compreender como criar situaes Imersivas aos seus consumidores;Aplicar o conceito de Facilidade em diferentes aspectos de uma empresa;Usar a Personalizao, mesmo vendendo bens de consumo massificados;Utilizar o conceito da Felicidade para aproximar as pessoas da sua marca;Desenvolver bens de consumo Divertidos e que alegram as pessoas ao usar."
Price: 294.99 |
"PHOTOSHOP: Aprenda na prtica e ganhe 300 recursos extras" |
"* VOC SE INSCREVE NO CURSO E GANHA MAIS DE 300 RECURSOS EXTRAS QUE ESTO DIVIDIDOS EM 5 KITS:Kit 1: e-Book com o passo a passo de todos os projetos do curso e mais diversas dicas sobre o PhotoshopKit 2: 78 Templates editveis (em .psd) para usar em seus projetos (20 de Posts de Instagram, 13 de Stories de Instagram, 20 de Cabealhos para Facebook, 15 de Posts de Facebook, 5 de Cartes de Visitas e x de Currculos)Kit 3: 150 Gradientes exclusivosKit 4: dezenas de pincis de efeitos de papel rasgado, estilhaamento, formas geomtricas modernas, tinta aquarelada e muitas outras.Kit 5: dezenas de Formas Personalizadas.* POR QUE ESTE CURSO DIFERENTE?Voc ir aprender a utilizar o Photoshop por meio do desenvolvimento de 14 projetos aplicveis ao seu dia a dia profissional e at pessoal! Logo nas primeiras aulas, voc j estar desenvolvendo projetos profissionais para:Projeto 1: Post para Instagram Projeto 2: Stories do Instagram Projeto 3: Arte para Camiseta Projeto 4: Cabealho para o Facebook Projeto 5: Post para o Facebook Projeto 6: Quadros de ParedeProjeto 7: Capa para Canal do YoutubeProjeto 8: Carto de Visita Projeto 9: Cartaz A3Projeto 10: Apresentao Projeto 11: CurrculoProjeto 12: Aplicao de Logotipo em produtosProjeto 13: Carto de AniversrioProjeto 14: Capa de Catlogo de Produtos* COMO VOC IR APRENDER?Cada seo constitui um projeto diferente e, assim, ao final de cada um voc j ter pronta uma arte para usar na vida profissional ou pessoal. Desta forma, as aulas se tornam mais produtivas e voc aprende de uma maneira mais entusiasmante e menos cansativa!Alm disso, voc consegue visualizar a teoria na prtica, pois no adianta conhecer as ferramentas do Photoshop e no saber como coloc-las em prtica de maneira moderna e profissional.* RECEBA FEEDBACKS EM TODOS OS SEUS PROJETOS!Ao final de cada Projeto, voc tem a oportunidade de compartilhar seus projetos para receber feedbacks de colegas e da instrutora. Assim, voc tem a oportunidade de melhorar cada vez mais!* COMO ESTE CURSO PODE AJUDAR COM MEUS CLIENTES?Alm de voc aprender a utilizar o Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, os materiais extras disponibilizados no curso lhe daro autonomia para desenvolver projetos profissionais com menos esforo, mais rapidez e com efeitos mais profissionais."
Price: 489.99 |
"Simulados Preparatrio Certificao Lean IT Foundation." |
"A certificao em LITA Lean IT Foundation desenvolve o conhecimento necessrio para suportar uma estratgia enxuta nas organizaes de TI. Os candidatos entendero a filosofia enxuta, como a abordagem enxuta examina os processos para reduzir o desperdcio, como medir o desempenho e muito mais. O foco desse exame a maneira como os princpios de TI enxuta so aplicados. Ele abrange os seguintes tpicos: Introduo ao Lean Cliente Processo Desempenho Organizao Lean Comportamento e Atitudade Resoluo de Problemas/Kaizen.O material apresentado nos Simulados APENAS um complemento do conhecimentoj adquirido. As perguntas NOso iguais ao exame, os simulados uma forma do candidato testar os seus conhecimentos e conhecer o formato do exame.O exame aplicado peloExin, obedecendo os seguintes critrios:O candidato ter que responder 40 questes no perodo de 60 minutos. Cada resposta correta vale 1 ponto e, para ser aprovado no exame, deve-se obter 26 pontos(65%) ou mais.O exame exige conhecimentos sobre os conceitos essenciais e a terminologias bsicas do Lean IT Foundation1, conforme segue:1 - Introduo ao Lean IT - Peso no Exame 25%.2 - Dimenso Cliente - Peso no Exame 10%.3 - Dimenso Processo - Peso no Exame 10%.4 - Dimenso Desempenho - Peso no Exame 10%.5 - Dimenso Organizao - Peso no Exame 10%.6 - Dimenso Comportamento e Atitude - Peso no Exame 20%.7 - Resoluo de Problemas/Kaizen - Peso no Exame 15%.Todos esses conceitos esto contemplados nos Simulados."
Price: 39.99 |
"The Hidden Art of Hypnotic Sales, Persuasion and Influence" |
"Do you struggle with sales? Would you like a simple, proven and effective methodology that gets you results?Are you looking for a powerful new approach and a extra set of tools to close more sales than ever before?Enter the art of hypnotic sales, persuasion and influence. This is more than just a sales training course which comes with a few sales techniques. In this program, we will examine the deep psychology and secret sales process that master salespeople use to get prospects and clients to buy anything! ANYTIME!Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon that everyone. In this program, you will learn this skill and how you can strategically use it in your marketing, sales process and business. Not only will you improve your presentation skills, non-verbal communication and how to communicate with emotion... you will transform into a master hypnotist know exactly what to say from the start of the sale up until the close of your service/productbuild a powerful connection with your prospects fast and turn them into loyal clientsTopics covered in this program include:Learn the process to hypnotize anyone naturallyGet a step-by-step process to master persuasionAttain communication skills to influence ethically and effectively Master the art and science of storytelling Develop your expertise in sales and closingWho is this for:Whether you are a beginner in sales looking to improve your communication skillsAn intermediate looking to work on your sales skillsA business owner or skilled closer who is looking to take his/her skills to the next levelA speaker who sells from stage or online through videoyou will gain a lot from this sales training process... When you join this program and master it's contents you will never worry about the 'HOW TO' of sales EVER AGAIN! Sign up now and become a Master Hypnotic Closer!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Resolutions for Longevity" |
"When it comes to our health, we feel we are on track and take feeling amazing for granted. This one hour class will teach you how to prioritize your health and how to make the right food choices to enhance it without feeling deprived or under fed. The more we know the better we will feel and heal. Learn how to place your health and eating habits FIRST Understand better ways of setting up your food plan to empower your health and energy centers Discover new ways of combining foods to better support the activities in your day"
Price: 24.99 |
"Weight Loss 101" |
"For centuries we have looked for the magic pill, that quick and easy resolve to losing weight. Unfortunately there is no quick fix but there are several trade secrets that can make it easier than you thought, in a manner that is permanent and doable. Adita will share the principals to permanent weight loss to easily design a program for you or your clientele. Learn why our body holds on to certain types of fats and how to trick it into letting it go Understand how food based ""nutrients"" hold the key to a permanent weight loss program Discover the value to maintaining healthy habits as opposed to continuously trying the next great ""diet plan"""
Price: 24.99 |
"The Pillars of Health for Longevity and Wellbeing" |
"Health is a balanced combination of 4 things, once balanced you are INVINCIBLE! Adita shares these four secrets and teaches you easy ways to implement and maintain them into your day to day routine and how to introduce them to your family and clients. Learn how to easily combine a few rituals that will enhance the health of your body Understand why these 4 secrets can have such a lasting affect on your health and wellbeing Discover new ways of going about your day that will actually give you more energy"
Price: 24.99 |
"The Complete Etsy Training Course" |
"Tell me if this sounds familiar ...We started our Etsy shop after the overwhelming encouragement from friends and family. We thought ""This is going to be amazing! We're gonna be successful and get to make things for a living! This is great!""After we opened our Etsy shop ... crickets. Very few people were visiting and nobody was buying. But our friends and family said our stuff was amazing!What were we doing wrong?!Sound familiar? I bet.For the next 14 months I started studying. I read, listened, and watched everything I could to finally understand Etsy and what makes a top Etsy seller. A few things stood out.#1: Good SEO#2: Product Photography#3 (and probably most important) Running Your Etsy Shop Like A Real BusinessThat third one was a game-changer for me.Running Your Etsy Shop Like A Real Business!When I finally took a step back and shifted my mindset, recognizing we are indeed an actual business, and we need to act like one. It was that ""ah-ha"" moment when all the pieces fell into place.I finally had an idea of what I needed to focus on.This course is designed specifically to show you what I learned and to help you navigate your Etsy journey into becoming a Top Etsy Seller.Step-By-Step ProcessIn this course we cover the crucial 4 STEPS to transforming any Etsy shop.STEP 1: IMPROVING YOUR EXISTING SHOPSTEP 2: OPTIMIZING YOUR SHOP WITH SEOSTEP 3: TREATING YOUR SHOP LIKE A REAL BUSINESSSTEP 4: GROWING YOUR ETSY BUSINESS USING PROVEN METHODSFollow these easy to understand steps to finally equip yourself with the tools needed to see massive growth in your Etsy business. We're talking about the kind of growth you used to only DREAM about.REAL GROWTH"
Price: 69.99 |
turkishwithnadib |
"1. , . : , , . , , , , : , , , . , , . , , -! !"
Price: 74.99 |
"Realidade Aumentada com Unity e EasyAR 3 - Bsico" |
"Unity desempenha um papel importante num mercado global emergente de jogos. Mais jogos so feitos com o Unity do que qualquer outra tecnologia de jogos. Mais jogadores aproveitam jogos feitos com o Unity e mais desenvolvedores confiam em nossas ferramentas e servios para conduzir seus negcios.EasyAR uma plataforma para criar aplicativos de realidade aumentada para Android e iOS totalmente gratuita. EasyAR fornece diversas funcionalidade para criar uma aplicao em realidade aumentada, tais como:Image target, Cloud Recognition, Surface Tracking e mais"
Price: 39.99 |
"React Native - Bsico" |
"Fala meus amigos!Neste curso ns iremos falar pouco e codificar muito.No, eu no vou deixar de explicar o contedo pra vocs, mas, programao, s se aprende de um jeito, praticando.Espero que todos vocs tirem o mximo de proveito neste curso totalmente prtico e que ao final dele, vocs j sejam capaz de juntar todas as partes que ensinarei e consigam por si mesmos desenvolver os seus prprios aplicativos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Freelance : Comment tre plus productif ?" |
"Comment dvelopper son activit Freelance ? J'entends par dvelopper : gnrer plus de chiffres d'affaires ou gagner plus de missions / contrats. Le premier rflexe est simple : monter ses prix. C'est bien, mais a prsente des limites, on ne peut pas continuellement augmenter ses tarifs.En vrit, on peut toujours proposer autant de valeur ses clients, pour le mme prix et malgr tout gnrer plus de revenus. Le secret : amliorer sa productivit ! Cette rvlation, je l'ai eu il y a quelques annes ...Ayant dmarr mon activit de Freelance en parallle d'une activit salari, j'ai additionn job temps plein et Freelance durant 4 annes. Je consacrais du temps mon activit Freelance uniquement le soir et le week-end. Par la force des choses, j'ai d apprendre tre ""ultra-productif"" ! En effet, je souhaitais me dgager un bon revenu en seulement quelques heures par semaines. Au fil des mois et des annes, j'ai donc appris plusieurs techniques pour gagner en productivit. Aujourd'hui, j'ai dcid de partager mes mthodes, techniques et bonnes habitudes pour tre un Freelance productif ainsi que les outils que j'utilise au quotidien pour m'assurer un bon rendement en automatisant certaines tches.Il s'agit de ma premire formation Udemy car en effet, je suis aujourd'hui 100% Freelance. tant un Freelance ultra-productif, j'ai trouv le temps de me lancer dans la formation et dans beaucoup d'autres projets. Surtout, aujourd'hui, je me prends du temps pour moi, je profite de mon temps libre mme en semaine ...c'est le pied :-) !Alors, prt rejoindre la communaut des Freelance ultra-productif ?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Dvelopper son trafic grce au rfrencement naturel SEO" |
"Pour beaucoup, le SEO (rfrencement naturel) peut sembler obscure, trs technique voire mme risqu. Je l'ai constat dans beaucoup d'entreprises : tout le monde s'accorde dire que le SEO est important pour dvelopper la visibilit de sa marque sur internet, mais trop peu ont les comptences pour mettre en place une stratgie de rfrencement naturel efficace. Faire appel une agence peut se rvler intressant, nanmoins il est indispensable de matriser les concepts cls du rfrencement naturel.Vous souhaitez vous former au SEO ? Vous tes au bon endroit !Ce cours a justement pour but de vous former et de vous apporter les comptences ncessaires pour : comprendre comment fonctionne le SEO et comment fonctionnent les moteurs de recherche, notamment Google ;trouver des mots cls SEO, recherchs par les internautes, la base de toute stratgie SEO ;optimiser les pages et le les contenus de votre site internet pour le rfrencement naturel ;optimiser la structure de votre site internet et comprendre en quoi l'exprience utilisateur (UX) peut avoir une influence, positive ou ngative sur votre positionnement ;optimiser les critres externes (SEO Off Site) de votre site internet. Comprendre en quoi la popularit de votre site internet va amliorer votre SEO. On parle notamment d'acquisition de backlinks. Je vous dvoilerai plusieurs techniques pour dvelopper proprement votre netlinking ;suivre et piloter votre stratgie SEO, notamment via des outils analytics.Aprs ce cours, vous serez en mesure :D'optimiser le SEO d'un petit site internet en totale autonomie ;de piloter des projets SEO ;d'changer avec des professionnels du SEO (et les comprendre).Mon objectif est de vous apporter suffisamment de connaissances en SEO pour que vous soyez l'aise avec ce sujet. Je ne prtends pas que vous pourrez mettre en place la stratgie SEO de A Z d'un site ecommerce comme Amazon, mais vous pourrez aisment mettre en application mes enseignements sur votre propre site internet ou bien piloter un projet SEO dans votre entreprise.Que vous soyez tudiant, salari, indpendant, responsable marketing ou chef d'entreprise, ce cours vous aidera dvelopper vos comptences en marketing digital notamment car il allie thorie et pratique. Dans ce cours, vous bnficierez de :3 heures de vidos avec support, dcoupes en 27 leons pour vous permettre de revenir quand vous le souhaitez une notion cl ;la prsentation d'outils professionnels gratuits et payants, qui vous aideront mettre en pratique le SEO ;5 quiz pour tester vos connaissances thoriques ;4 exercices pratiques (expliqus en vido) pour vous aider mettre en application vos enseignements ;des ressources tout au long du cours ;un support par messagerie si vous avez des questions.Un mot propos de l'auteur :Je suis consultant freelance en marketing digital depuis plusieurs annes maintenant. J'aide mes clients mettre en place des stratgies d'acquisition de trafic, de leads ou de clients ROIstes. J'utilise pour cela plusieurs leviers : rseaux sociaux, publicits en ligne, SEA et le plus souvent, le rfrencement naturel qui est le levier le plus intressant sur le long terme. Je peux aller plus en loin en accompagnant mes clients dans la mise en place d'une stratgie d'Inbound marketing et de marketing automation.J'ai travaill pour des entreprises de toute tailles, beaucoup de PME, startups et sites ecommerce. J'ai notamment une certaine expertise dans le secteur BtoB des nouvelles technologies.Je vous dis tout de suite de l'autre ct !"
Price: 199.99 |
"Essentials of Unix Operating System" |
"Syllabus for Essentials of Unix Operating System(1st Class)Introduction to UNIXMini TutorialDownload and Install PuTTYDownload and Install WinSCPAccess to Unix (No Root access. Sorry. It's very basic to basic access)(2nd Class)File ManagementListing a directoryCreating a directoryRemoving a directoryChanging a directoryRenaming a directoryPermission CommandsFile Access ModesDirectory Access ModesChanging PermissionsChanging OwnershipChanging Group Ownership(3rd Class)Finding Directories, files, grep, compare, difference commands.(4th Class)Commands continued for word count, finger, etc,(5th Class)Vi EditorVi Editor Cheat SheetsUNIX Cheat Sheets"
Price: 19.99 |
"Basic Concepts of MySQL Database" |
"This course is introduction level for MySQL. It covers examples with handouts and MySQL queries. There will be also free online MySQL access for practice.Please Note that Last Chapter is very fast and it is more of installing MySQL database on Debian, Ubuntu, CENTOS. You must require root access if you want to perform those operations. If I am missing something; you can refer handout, and SQL script. You can also reach me through email if you need any explanation on specific topics.Chapter 1: Introduction on MySQLChapter 2: Data TypesChapter 3: SELECT StatementsChapter 4: BackticksChapter 5: NULLChapter 6: Limit and OffsetChapter 7: Creating databasesChapter 8: Using VariablesChapter 9: Comment MySQLChapter 10: INSERT StatementsChapter 11: DELETE StatementsChapter 12: UPDATE StatementsChapter 13: ORDER BY ClauseChapter 14: Group ByChapter 15: Errors in MySQLChapter 16: JoinsChapter 17: Joins continuedChapter 18: UNIONChapter 19: ArithmeticChapter 20: String operationsChapter 21: Date and Time OperationsChapter 22: Handling Time ZonesChapter 23: Regular ExpressionsChapter 24: VIEWSChapter 25: Table CreationChapter 26: ALTER TABLEChapter 27: Drop TableChapter 28: MySQL LOCK TABLEChapter 29: Error codesChapter 30: Stored routines (procedures and functions)Chapter 31: Indexes and KeysChapter 32: Full-Text searchChapter 33: PREPARE StatementsChapter 34: JSONChapter 35: Extract values from JSON typeChapter 36: MySQL AdminChapter 37: TRIGGERSChapter 38: Configuration and tuningChapter 39: EventsChapter 40: ENUMChapter 41: Collations, Transactions, Log files, Replication, Backup"
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction on Jira and Confluence" |
"This course is for usage of Jira as a Test management Tool.JIRA lets us prioritize, assign, track, report and audit our 'issues,' from software development, hardware defects and assigning to respective owner, to improvement and change requests and creating reports et.,I will be giving you access to the tool for practices so that if I missed something or something has been updated you can have hands on practice.Below are the topics coveredLecture - 1 Introduction on JiraLecture - 2 Creation of User Stories/RequirementsLecture - 3 Creation of Test CasesLecture - 4 Creation of BugsLecture - 5 Creation of ReportsLecture - 6 Introduction on Confluence"
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Rally Test Management Tool" |
"This course is for usage of Rally as a Test management Tool.Rally lets us prioritize, assign, track, report and audit our 'issues,' from software development, hardware defects and assigning to respective owner, to improvement and change requests and creating reports etc.,I will be giving you access to the tool for practices so that if I missed something or something has been updated you can have hands on practice.Below are the topics coveredLecture - 1 Usage of Dashboard and creation of user storiesLecture - 2 Creation of Tasks and Test CasesLecture - 3 Execution of Test CasesLecture - 4 Creation of DefectsLecture - 5 Creation of ReportsLecture - 6 Introduction on Team Board"
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Azure DevOps Server" |
"This course gives you basic idea and usage of Azure Devops Server as a Project/Test management Tool. It was formerly known as Team Foundation Server (TFS)Azure DevOps Server lets us prioritize, assign, track, report and audit issues from software development, hardware defects and assigning to respective owner, for improvement and change requests and creating, charts, reports etc.,In this, you can get access to the tool for practice so that if I missed something or something has been updated you can have hands on practice.I directly cannot give access because Microsoft prevents multiple access at different IP Address.Below are the topics coveredLecture - 1 Introduction to DevOps Server and DashboardLecture - 2 Introduction on Wiki in DevOpsLecture - 3 Creation of User StoryLecture - 4 Creation of TasksLecture - 5 Creation and Execution of Test casesLecture - 6 Creation of BugsLecture - 7 Queries and creation of Charts in DevOps Server"
Price: 19.99 |
"Freed Camp Project Management Tool" |
"This course gives you basic idea and usage of Freed Camp as a Project and or Test management Tool.Freed Camp lets us prioritize, assign, track, report and audit issues from software development, hardware defects and assigning to respective owner, for improvement and change requests etc.,In this, you can get access to the tool for practice so that if I missed something or something has been updated you can have hands on practice.It is free for practice and you can create your own account.Below are the topics coveredLecture - 1 Introduction to Freed CampLecture - 2 Introduction on Freed Camp AdministrationLecture - 3 Creation of Tasks as Product Owner, Developer and as a TesterLecture - 4 Creation of Test Cases using TasksLecture - 5 Creation of Bugs using Tasks"
Price: 19.99 |
"Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio" |
"This course gives you basic idea and usage of Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio.Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. It is the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learning for themselves.The process of learning begins with the data, such as examples, direct experience, or instruction, in order to look for patterns in data and make better decisions in the future based on the examples that we provide. The primary aim is to allow the computers learn automatically without human intervention or assistance and adjust actions accordingly.Applications of Machine Learning include but not limited to virtual personal assistants, predictions while commuting, videos surveillance, social media services, email spam and malware filtering, online customer support, search engine result refining, product recommendations, online fraud detection, etc.,Please Note: This course is to develop an algorithm of specific instructions and data generated can be used for performing specific task for computer systems.In this, you can get access to the tool for practice so that if I missed something or something has been updated you can have hands on practice.Lecture -1 Introduction to Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio and AdministrationLecture -2 Various Modules in Machine LearningLecture -3 Prediction of Income (Automated Tutorial)Lecture -4 Prediction of Automobile Price using Linear Regression AlgorithmLecture -5 Dataset Processing and Analysis (Sample-1)Lecture -6 Cross Validation for Regression (Sample-2)Lecture -7 Clustering Group Iris data (Sample-3)Lecture -8 Introduction on Notebook in Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio"
Price: 19.99 |