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Price: 2400.00

"How To Make A WP Blog/Niche Website Sahifa Theme Tutorial"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course? Use The Best Selling Magazine Theme for WordPress On The PLANET. I support my student to understand each lesson And Create Over 1000 WordPress Websites! Get a Modern and Responsive Look For Your Website! Most Recent Lecture! I Cover Everything In The lectures. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all in the topics. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your Blog/Magazine/News/Niche wordpress website from scratch as a beginner. What You Need To Start The Course ? 1 Domain and Hosting What Will I Learn From This Course? Install Wordpress Use Wordpress Customize Premium Blog Theme Woocommerce Shop Features Add Product Create Site Backup Who is the target audience? Anyone. This Course is for anyone Who want to make there own Niche site or any blog site for their self or for client."
Price: 19.99

"A Guide to Electronics Cooling"
"The rise of electronic devices over the last two decades has changed our way of life. Electronic product manufacturers are constantly competing with each other to produce the very best products. Often the limiting factor of an electronic device performance is its ability to dissipate heat. The faster the device cools itself, the better it will perform. Therefore the industry is in constant search of improving this area of technology i.e. electronic cooling. This course will cover all the information you need to know for designing electronics systems that are thermally balanced.A basic search on any job website reveals many high paying jobs in this sector. No doubt with electronic devices becoming ubiquitous in the last two decades and the need of high performance products, the skill for electronics cooling is very much in demand. Jobs in this sectorarelucrative. This course aims to equip students with this much needed skill.The skills learnt in this course are very much transferable to other areas such as Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering. The same concepts that are used in electronics cooling can be applied to find the heat loss by house walls or to find out the heat lost by a car engine. This course will be beneficial for anyone looking to pursuea career as a thermal analyst. Thermal Management of electronics is a skill in great demand. How the course is structured ?The lectures in the course have been delivered through whiteboard animations. This techniques breaks-down complex ideas intoeasy to digest, bite size concepts.Whiteboard animations have also proven to enhance student experience.The course begins with how heat is generated. It later deals with howheat isdissipated. There are alsocalculations in the coursethat are explained step by step. Through these calculations student will become confident in assessing electronics components through their datasheets.A section of the course has been dedicated to best techniques in the industry for electronics cooling. Heat Sinks, Heat Pipes, Heat Pads and Thermal Compounds have been explored. Transcripts for lectures havealso been madeavailable. Who should take this course?This course is for all levels and can be completed by anyone with basic knowledge of science. You should also have the ability to calculations of simple equations.The content tries to remain focused on more practical considerations rather than delving into more academic details.Who is the target audience? Students wanting to learn about Electronic CoolingIndividuals who want to become ""Thermal Analysts""Electronic System designer who would like to learn about heat dissipationRequirements Have an interest in technology and curiosity to learn some basic mathematics"
Price: 59.99

"How to make your Organization Green"
"In the coming era, environmental friendliness of business' and organisation would give them a huge boost in managing customer expectations. Business are also requiredtheir local councils to reduce improve their environmental impact. In the wake of Kyoto Protocol, many business' have been asked to upgrade their ""Green"" credentials. This course will be yourfirst step towards managing your eco-sustainability.This course covers all the concepts and actionable steps that will help you make your organisation green,sustainable and environmental friendly. Your organisation could be your office, your school or even your own household.In the past decades, the field of Quality assurance improved substantially. This was followed by the rise in standards of health and safety at workplace. Workplaces now employ people in both these fields. Similarly in the present era, environmental sustainability is an up and coming field. Many business already have people managing their green credentials full time. Many jobs in this area will open up in the future as well.The course will cover the most important aspects of sustainability. Sometimes because of lack of awareness, our efforts are more driven towards measures that have little or no impact on the health of the planet. This course will focus on the measures that will make a difference to the planet over the long run.It should be noted that sustainability is not just following work instruction but an attitude. If the points on the course are given due light they can be life changing. This course will run through all the actions that you can take to make a positive impact on the planet and not just switching the lights off We will empower you with knowledge that is effective and impactful."
Price: 19.99

"OpenShift Developers Workshop"
"UPDATE: New lectures added to include Scaling and Deployment Strategies as per your requests and comments. Enjoy!Build as manydevelopment environments and stacks as you need for your projectsand Run them in seconds.Never worry again about getting your environment ready for this last minute Proof of Concept or Demo.Streamline your development and build your own Automated Continuous Delivery from Code to Running Platform.Learn the fundamentals and tools you will need to build a fully functional OpenShift development environment on your local machine.Get ready to deliver and deploy projects on OpenShift with this tutorial for beginner and intermediate developers.Install OpenShift on your developer machine.Use Command line tool (OC) to manage OpenShift.Integrate your OpenShift environment with GIT Source Control.Build and deploy Wordpress on OpenShift.Your one course to get up to speed with OpenShift in very short time. Have OpenShift under your belt and stay up to date with the latest technologies. Use MiniShift to build a full OpenShift environment within minutes. Develop production ready projects on a next generation technology thats disrupting the virtualization and cloud markets.In this focused and concise hands on workshop, you will first get to understand the fundamentals of OpenShift, its architecture, how it works and who is endorsing it. This will be followed by hands on demos where I will walk you through a step by step guidance on how to obtain your packages and install OpenShift. We will then go through the deployment and build process along with git integration. Then we will see how to build a fully functional Wordpress blog on OpenShift. Each section will also include lab files where you will use to perform the examples on your own to gain the hands on experience and to keep them for reference."
Price: 99.99

"Vagrant - The fastest head start for developers"
"Build as many development environments and stacks as you need for your projects and Run them in seconds.Use Vagrant to set up one or more virtual machines by importing pre-made images (called ""boxes""), setting VM specific settings (IP address, hostnames, port forwarding, memory, etc.) and by running provisioning software like Puppet or Chef.Never worry again about getting your environment ready for this last minute Proof of Concept or Demo.Streamline your development and testing environments.Learn the fundamentals and tools you will need to build fully functional Vagrant boxes on your local machine.Get ready to develop and test projects on Vagrant boxes with this tutorial for beginner and intermediate developers.Install Vagrant on your developer machine.Use Command line tool ($vagrant) to configure and manage your boxes.Your one course to get up to speed with Vagrant in very short time.In this focused and concise hands on course, you will first get to understand the fundamentals of Vagrant, its architecture, how it works.This will be followed by hands on demos where I will walk you through a step by step guidance on how to install Vagrant. We will then go through creating and running environment using vagrant boxes. Then we will see how to update, change and configure the guest environments via the Vagrantfile."
Price: 99.99

"Advanced YouTube Marketing Full Updated 2019"
"Digital Marketingis one of the most popular topics these days,without strong marketing skills, no one can claim their existence in the online world or digital world.Digital Marketing is a wider and expandable topic which can not be covered in a single video, because it has so many components. Therefore, we thought to create a complete course on this topic in Bengali Language so that you guys can easily learn and understand Digital Marketing and after you complete the course, you can implement all the strategies taught in the course by instructor AL-AMIN.You can read the outline of this course below and you can also watch the introduction video of the course to know what's exactly included in this course.THANKS"
Price: 199.99

"Continuous Delivery on Amazon Web Services (April 2017)"
"Continuous Delivery is the DevOps term used for ""develop -build -deploy -test -promote"" process to release software and infrastructureupdates. Many tools could be utilizedto manage stages of release management process andAmazon Web Servicesofferset of DevOps tools that together can create a very sophisticated and well managed release management workflow.The focus of this course is to take a deep dive into theservices offered by AWS; CodeCommit for source control, CodeBuild for managed and automated builds, CodeDeploy for managed mass deployments,CodePipeline the release workflow orchestrator and CodeStar a project dashboard and management tool. The primary objective of this course is to teach you how to successfully run and manage applications and infrastructure updates on AWS platform.By the end of this course and using the incremental labs that we will go through from section to section, we will have an automated release management workflow that is triggeredby updates pushed to source control and automates the build and deployment process to multiple environments utilizing human approvals between stages."
Price: 99.99

"Application security on AWS with Amazon Cognito (June 2017)"
"Amazon Cognito is a managed service from AWS that isused to add authentication and authorization features to web and mobileapplications.Cognito could be used as Identity Provider (User Pool) where it keeps and maintains users.Andit could be used as Identity Broker (Identity Federation) by federating authentication to third-partyidentity provider like social media accounts or enterprise IDPIn this course we will have a closer look at Amazon Cognito and understand the basics and what authentication and authorization features Cognito has to offer.This course is a series of hands-on labs focused primarily on the objectives below:Create and manage Cognito user pools and identity federationImplement API Gateway resources security using Cognito User PoolImplementidentity federation to authenticate users using OAuthImplement webclient code to authenticate users and access secured AWS servicesImplement role-based authorization using identity federation and IAM roles"
Price: 49.99

"Redes TCP/IP"
"Aprenda sobre redes TCP/IP com um dos maiores especialistas brasileiros no assunto, Gabriel Torres, autor de 25 livros sobre tecnologia. Neste curso voc aprender o embasamento terico necessrio para aprofundar seus estudos em cursos avanados. Voc aprender, entre outros assuntos, sobre endereamento IPv4 e IPv6, portas, traduo de endereos (NAT), protocolos de aplicao (HTTP, DNS, FTP, email, etc.), protocolos de transporte (TCP e UDP), protocolos de rede (IPv4, IPv6, IPsec e ICMP), protocolos de roteamento, segurana e muito mais!Preparatrio para concursos pblicos que contenham, em seus editais, o tema ""TCP/IP"".Base terica que o auxiliar em seus estudos para exames de certificao Cisco, como CCENT, CCT, CCNA e CCNP.Este curso ideal para estudantes e profissionais que desejam aprofundar seus conhecimentos em redes de computadores. O mercado est em constante evoluo; garanta a qualidade do seu conhecimento e seja um profissional de sucesso!O curso Redes TCP/IP  uma continuao do curso ""Arquitetura de Redes"" do mesmo professor e, desta forma, recomendado que voc j tenha feito o curso anterior para conseguir acompanhar esse curso.Nota: este curso est sendo atualizado e a cada semana novas aulas so adicionadas. O contedo marcado com ""(em breve)"" abaixo ainda est sendo desenvolvido e estar disponvel durante as prximas semanas.Entre outros assuntos, voc aprender, em profundidade, sobre:Endereamento IPv4 e IPv6Portas TCP e UDPTraduo de endereos (NAT)Estrutura e funcionamento de protocolos da camada de rede (IPv4, IPv6, IPsec e ICMP)Estrutura e funcionamento de protocolos da camada de transporte (TCP e UDP)Estrutura e funcionamento de protocolos da camada de aplicao (DNS, FTP, HTTP, e-mail, etc.) (em breve)Estrutura e funcionamento de protocolos de roteamento (RIP, EIGRP, OSPF e BGP) (em breve)Segurana (em breve)Anlise de questes de concursos pblicosVantagens do nosso curso:Todas as aulas so ministradas pessoalmente por Gabriel TorresPagamento nico, sem mensalidadesAcesso vitalcioAtualizaes regulares com novas aulas e melhoriasAcesso grtis a futuras aulas e atualizaesSeo de perguntas e respostas para voc tirar as suas dvidas sobre o contedo do cursoCertificado de concluso de curso"
Price: 39.99

"DEINE eigene Wordpress Affiliate Webseite"
"Du hast eine tolle Idee fr eine Webseite, aber kannst diese nicht umsetzen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich!Hi, ich bin Patrick von der SEOHOCHSCHULE und in diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du wirklich ganz einfach deine eigene Webseite auf Wordpress erstellen kannst.In meiner langjhrigen Laufbahn als SEO-Berater hatte ich am meisten mit Wordpress zu tun. Dabei habe ich viele Tipps und Tricks gelernt, die ich dir heute zeigen will.In den Themen dieses Kurses zeige ich dir von grundauf, wie du das System installierst und einrichtest.Das Tolle daran ist, dass wir eine Affiliate Seite bauen, mit der du dann sogar Geld verdienen kannst. Egal ob du Neu bist, Blogger werden willst oder eine tolle Idee fr eine Webseite hast - mit dem Wissen kannst du vieles selbst dannach umsetzen.Beachte, dass dieser Kurs nur die technsichen Vorraussetzungen schaffen soll - dir aber nicht die Arbeit an Content und Marketing abnehmen kann. Das wrde zu weit fhren und ist einen kompletten neuen Kurs wert.Okay, dann freue ich mich, wenn ich dich gleich im Kurs begren kann und stehe dir bei Fragen natrlich immer zur Seite."
Price: 24.99

"Die wichtigsten Google Rankingfaktoren 2018 & Zukunft"
"Mit den ber 200 Rankingfaktoren von Google verlierst du leicht die bersicht?Du weit gar nicht welche am wichtigsten sind oder welche du zuerst berhaupt in Angriff nehmen sollst? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich. Mit diesem Kurs fhren wir dich durch den Dschungel der Rankingfaktoren und geben dir ein einfaches System an die Hand. Mit Erklrungen und Beispielen, dass du ganz genau verstehen was dich weiterbringt und was vielleicht deine Zeit verschwendet. Das sind die wichtigsten Bestandteile unserer Betrachtung: Wir sehen viele Rankingfaktoren als zusammengehrig an und erklren dir diese auch im Zusammenhang. Wir ordnen den Rankingfaktorverbund fr dich in ein einfaches Raster ein, sodass du jeden leicht bewerten und die Wichtigkeit erkennen kannst. Dabei machen wir Beispiele fr typische Fehler im Zusammenhang mit diesem Rankingfaktor und wie Fehler sich insgesamt auswirken knnen. Wir nutzen dabei unsere jahrelange Praxiserfahrung, sowie Studien, Tests und auch Meinungen von Top-SEOs. (auch wenn wir teilweise nicht bereinstimmten) Uns ist wichtig, dass wir uns auf aktuelle Trends der SEO Szene beziehen und nicht auf Sachen, die vielleicht schon veraltet sind. Dabei zeigen wir dir, dass grere Faktoren aus vielen kleineren Stellschrauben bestehen und wo du natrlich am besten ansetzt, um deine Seite schnell voran zu bringen."
Price: 59.99

"NEW for 2019! CBT : All Mental Health Tuts Recovery Bundle"
"Mental Health Recovery Course :For All Mood Disorders ( Psychosis, Schizophrenia,Voice Hearings, Auditory Hallucinations , CBT ,Addictions,Anxiety and Much Much More..)Auditory Hallucinations & Schizophrenia :This course is for those who are hearing strange or weird voices of unknown persons in their heads and going through auditory hallucinations.This course is also for all those who are hearing voices of known individuals,let it be their FRIENDS or BOSSES or of any known person to them in this world.Are the voices commanding you or giving comments often or regularly to you ?If you are the person among your family or a group who is facing such a problem , then you are not alone.CBT :If you have mood disorders and addictions, this course will help you to overcome them and live a meaningful life. This is a practical cognitive behavioral therapy CBT self-help course, which will help you to understand yourself and gain knowledge of how to overcome your problems. After listening,watching and applying what is recommended in this course, you will change your thoughts and behaviors to make you feel better. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most effective therapies that have been developed to treat mental illnesses and substance addictions. The principles stated in this course can be practiced on a daily basis and will live on with the patient, even after the treatment is completed. It will help you to overcome anxiety, depression, phobias, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive behavior, drug and alcohol addictions among all mood disorders and addictions. CBT is talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. Unlike some other talking treatments, CBT deals with your current problems, rather than focusing on issues from your past. It looks for practical ways to improve your state of mind on a daily basis. Changing thoughts and behavior is a helpful way to alleviate mood disorders and addictions. If you can apply the principles recommended in this course and eat healthy foods and exercise the CBT skills regularly, you will overcome the challenges that prevent you from enjoying your life and having a meaningful life."
Price: 19.99

"Free Ways to Create Passive Income Online"
"Free Ways to Create Passive Income.Everything you need to know and apply to begin to make passive income online. You'll learn dropshipping, affiliate marketing, Email Marketing, Network Marketing,url shortening, free domain extensions, Free automated passive income software, annuities, and websites. Learn how to get free traffic and lots of it. Free referrals, how to earn money using your phone or tablet. Free tools to automate your online business. Free investing tips, Free Conference Calls, Free Video Intro Creator, Free Press Releases, Free Advertising, Free Website Analysis. You'll learn how to create real passive income for absolutely free. No credit cards or trial offers, just no joke, passive income. It's simple and laid out for you, You have to be the one to take action! Do the work and you'll be so happy you did."
Price: 24.99

"Backlink Kurs - Der Ranking-Boost fr deine Webseite!"
"Backlinks, da sind sich ausnahmsweise alle SEO-Experten einig, sind ein wichtiger Rankingfaktor bei Google.Doch viele Webseitenbetreiber scheuen oftmals dieses Thema. Sei es, wegen des Aufwandes, der dahinter steckt oder die Angst, etwas falsch zu machen und dann mglicherweise abgestraft zu werden.Ich mchte dir diese Angst nehmen und dir zeigen, das Backlinkaufbau nicht immer zeitintensiv sein muss.In ber 2,5 Stunden Videomaterial wirst du die Grundlagen des nachhaltigen Backlinkaufbaus lernen und im Praxisteil werden wir die Grundlagen auf verschiedene Arten des Backlinkaufbausanwenden.***Deine Vorteile*** Du wirst die Grundlagen eines nachhaltigen Backlinkaufbaus erfahrenDu wirst zahlreiche ntzliche Tools kennen und anwenden lernenKeine Zusatzkosten: Alle verwendeten Programme und Tools sind kostenlos nutzbarDu wirst Tricks und Methoden aus der Praxis erfahrenAlle Videos kannst du herunterladen und auch unterwegs offline schauenExklusiv: Eine Forenliste mit 100 Foren aus verschiedenen Kategorien nur fr dich***Auerdem***Du kriegstlebenslangen Zugriff auf ber 20 Lektionenund den zugehrigen Artikeln.Du gehstkein Risikoein, sollte Dir derKurs nmlich nicht gefallen, dann kannst Du ihn innerhalb von 30 Tage zurckgeben und erhltst DeinGeld zurck.Und du bekommst persnlichen Kontakt zu mir und kannst mich bei Fragen jederzeit kontaktieren.Worauf wartest Du also noch?Bring dein Ranking nach vorne und erhalte dadurch mehr Reichweite, mehr Traffic und mehr Umsatz. Jetzt oben anmelden und dann sehen wir uns gleich im Kurs wieder!"
Price: 94.99

"Email Marketing mit MailChimp erfolgreich meistern"
"+++ DSGVO und MailChimp +++Viele beschftigt die Frage:Knnen Newsletter weiterhin ber den US-Dienst Mailchimp versandt werden, jetzt wo die neue DSGVO kommt?Antwort: Ja! MailChimp ist fr das us-europische Datenschutzabkommen ""Pricacy Shield"" zertifiziert. MailChimp hat sich damit zur Einhaltung europischer Datenschutzstandards verpflichtet. Der Einsatz von MailChimp ist somit trotz internationalem Datentransfer unbedenklich.++++++Email Marketing ist eines der erfolgreichsten Methoden im Online Marketing und selbst bei wenigen Abonnenten sollte man nicht auf Email Marketing verzichten.MailChimp ist dabei ein geniales Tool, welches dir unzhlige Mglichkeiten bietet deine Abonnenten zu verwalten, Ihnen Emails zu schicken und deine Erfolge auswertet.Und das ganze ist sogar vllig kostenlos fr bis zu 2000 Abonnenten!In diesem Kurs ""Email Marketing mit MailChimperfolgreich meistern"" lernst du Schritt fr Schritt den Umgang mit diesem tollen Tool.Inber 3 Stunden Videomaterialwirst du folgendes lernen:du wirst die Grundlagen von Email Marketing beherrschendu wirst problemlos mit MailChimp arbeiten knnendu wirst deine eigenen Anmeldeformulare erstellen knnendu wirst gezielt Newsletter versenden knnendu lernst, wie du A/B Splittests durchfhrstdu kannst Autoresponder einrichten und automatisiert Emails verschickendu kannst Emails aufgrund von bestimmten Nutzerverhalten versendendu lernst die Daten auszuwerten und deinen Erfolg deiner Newsletterzu messendu wirst viele weitere Tipps und Tricks zu MailChimp lernenDu kriegstlebenslangen Zugriff auf alle Lektionen.Du kannst die alle Videos downloaden und somit berall die Videos anschauen, auch wenn du mal kein Internet zur Verfgung hast oder Datenvolumen sparen mchtest.Du gehstkein Risikoein, sollte Dir derKurs nmlich nicht gefallen, dann kannst Du ihn innerhalb von 30 Tage zurckgeben und erhltst DeinGeld zurck.Worauf wartest Du also noch?Erstelle deine eigenen Newsletter und sammel zahlreiche Abonnenten. Strke deine Kundenbindung und erhhe somit deinen Gewinn langfristig!"
Price: 104.99

"Der ultimative Digital Marketing Kurs - DIGIMAKU"
"Digimaku - der ultimative digital Marketing Kurs hilft dir dabei, dein eigenes Online Business aufzubauen!Online Marketing ist ein riesiges Feld, wo man sich leicht verzetteln kann. Wir mchten dir mit dem digital Marketing Kurs einen roten Faden an die Hand geben, eine Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung, damit du den berblick behltst.Unser Ziel ist die praktische Umsetzung. Deswegen lernst du Online Marketing nicht nur in der Theorie, sondern wir zeigen dir auch die technische Umsetzung. Du kannst sozusagen das Gelernte Klick-fr-Klick nachmachen und auf dein Projekt anwenden. Dabei bentigst du keine Vorkenntnisse und auch keine Programmierkenntnisse.In ber 16 Stunden geballtes Videomaterial mit vielen ntzlichen Zusatztools wirst du folgendes lernen:grundlegende Dinge im Online Marketing und welches Mindset du dafr mitbringen solltest.du wirst lernen, wie du eine profitable Nische, eine gute Idee suchst und findestdu wirst erfahren, wie du eine Zielgruppen- und Marktanalyse durchfhrstdu erstellst deine eigene Webseite mit WordPress und lernst dabei die wichtigen Funktionen, verschiedene Plugins und Einstellungsmglichkeiten kennendu erfhrst, wie du automatisiertes Email Marketing betreibst (Funnelaufbau), Newsletter verschickst und neue Abonnenten findestdu erstellst dir deine eigenen verkaufsstarken Landingpages, wirst lernen, welche Unterschiede es da gibt und welche Richtlinien du erfllen musstdu lernst relevante Faktoren fr die Suchmaschinenoptimierung kennen und kannst sie in die Praxis umsetzendu lernst, wie du deine Erfolge tracken und analysieren kannst, um dein Online Business zu verbesserndu lernst detailliert, wie du Google Adwords Kampagnen schaltest und dann optimierstdu wirst Facebook Werbeanzeigen erstellen und Instagram Marketing betreiben knnen ***Was Du sonst noch bekommst***                                                                                                           Persnlichen Kontakt zu Fabian und Toni, fr deine FragenZahlreiche Tools an die Hand fr dein Online Marketing***Hinweis*** Gerade wenn man mit Online Marketing startet und das eigene Online Business noch in den Kinderschuhen steckt, hat man oftmals wenig Budget zur Verfgung. Wir sind uns dessen bewusst und haben daher versucht, die Investitionskosten, die man zum Start bentigt, so gering wie mglich zu halten. Dennoch kommt man ganz ohne Zusatzinvestition nicht aus, wenn man sein Online Business ernst nimmt. Daher fallen ca. 5/Monat fr einen Webhoster an und ein vernftiges Theme (Design) fr die Webseite (Kosten zwischen 30 und 60) sollten es schon sein. Hinzu kommen Kosten fr Werbung bei Google Adwords und Facebook, die sich im Idealfall aber schnell wieder rentieren. Sei dir dessen bitte bewusst, wenn du den Kurs kaufst und die gelernten Dinge auch wirklich umsetzen mchtest!***Bring dein Online Business auf ein neues Level***Wenn du Lust hast auf Online Marketing, wenn du Lust hast dein eigenes Online Business aufzubauen, dann bist du bei Digimaku, dem digital Marketing Kurs, genau richtig.Du erhlst lebenslangen Zugriff auf alle Lektionen und den zugehrigen Artikeln. Du gehst kein Risiko ein, sollte Dir der Kurs nmlich nicht gefallen, bekommst du ohne wenn und aber 30 Tage lang dein Geld zurck.Also worauf wartest du noch? Starte dein eigenes Online Business, verwirkliche deine Ideen und mach den ersten Schritt fr mehr Freiheit im Leben."
Price: 199.99

"Google My Business mehr Besucher, mehr Kunden, mehr Umsatz"
"Wie Sie ihr lokales Ranking Stck fr Stck verbessern und damit mehr Besucher und mehr Kunden gewinnen ohne teures Marketing betreiben zu mssen.Google My Business ist kostenlos und Sie sollten es nutzen, um fr lokale Suchanfragen besser gefunden zu werden. Google My Business hat viele neue Funktionen integriert, womit Sie die Mglichkeit haben, Ihr Unternehmen noch besser zu prsentieren.In diesem Kurs werden Sie lernen, wie Siewelche Faktoren zur Verbesserung des lokalen Rankings wichtig sindwie Sie einen Google My Business Eintrag erstellen oder die Inhaberschaft bernehmenwie Sie Ihren Eintrag optimieren fr Besucher und Suchmaschinewie Sie mehr Bewertungen von Kunden erhaltenwie Sie Erfolge messen und sichtbar machen, auch in Google Analyticswie Sie mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf Ihr Unternehmen lenkenviele weitere sinnvolle Tipps, Tricks und Tools, um Ihren Konkurrenten einen Schritt voraus zu seinGleichzeitig werden Sie einen Google Maps Eintrag erhalten, worber Suchende Sie direkt finden knnen. Die Optimierungsschritte bekommen Sie direkt live gezeigt und knnen es parallel fr Ihr Google My Business Eintrag Schritt fr Schritt mitmachen.Schreiben Sie sich jetzt in diesen Kurs ein und verbessern Sie Ihr lokales Google Ranking fr mehr Besucher, mehr Kunden und mehr Umsatz!Viele GreToni Frisch"
Price: 99.99

"Stepping up to CSharp (C# Accelerator)"
"Stepping up to CSharp is ahigh quality, modern, in-depth, fast paced course intended for students who have at least some beginner level experience with a coding language, have a strong interest in learning C# or are active C# coders looking to expand their capabilities and understanding.C# is a mature, advanced and evolving language that thanks to open-source and OmniSharp, can be used cross platform. There is a good chance you have heard of Xamarin. Maybe you are working on a Unity 3D project. Or you're interested in writing your first Universal Windows Platform application. Having a solid understanding of C# code structure and some commonly used advanced techniques will give you an edge on your next project.Be sure to look at the later sections of the curriculum to see some of the more advanced topics we will cover to get a feeling for where this course will take you. :) We will go beyond C# as a language and cover many computer science topics that a more senior level developer may face.We will be using Visual Studio Code (free) and OmniSharp to allow for easy cross platform Windows and Mac OS development."
Price: 39.99

"Facebook Marketing Dont Spend on Ads increase organic reach"
"Facebook Marketing organicallyYou will be definitely getting frustrated with how low your Facebook page post visibility is? Not getting the reach and engagement you think your content deserves? You will also Want to see more engagement from your fans but you are unsure where to start? These are common complaints from businesses that are trying to harness the power of Facebook, but finding it difficult to locate that elusive power.You might know that Facebook does not show your post in the news feed to all those people who are connected with your page, but It show it to a very small percentage of itWay back in 2012, organic reach on Facebook was at an all-time high of 16%, this was down to 6.5% in 2014, and since changes to Facebooks algorithm this year, brands are seeing organic reach even more lower.And at this point marketers start saying that Facebook organic reach is dead, which is wrong, Facebook organic reach is not dead but the marketers are going against the rules of Facebook that is why their organic reach is going lower and lowerFacebook says that The goal of News Feed is to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time so they dont miss the stories that are important to them. And Facebook says that Ideally, we want News Feed to show all the posts that people want to see in the order they want to read them.And for this purpose Facebook have designed an algorithm to filter posts for showing in the news feed of each individual because Facebook caresabout each individual and their experience on Facebook. Every single person seesan aggregation of all the posts from personal connections like friends, people they are following, pages they have liked and groups they are a member of. On average each person can receive over 3000 pieces of news each daily. It is impossible for all these news stories to be seen in the news feed so Facebook news feed algorithm helps out by filtering.Now if you follow the Facebook news feed algorithm rules so your post will rank higher in those 3 thousand pieces of news each daily and hence Facebook will show your post to your audience in their news feed Facebooks news feed algorithm filters posts based on many factors, and beside Facebook news feed algorithm there are some more important things that effect the visibility of your post in the news feed of your audienceSo in this course we will discuss step by step that how the Facebook news feed algorithm works, and how to adjust to the algorithm, how to create post that get more organic reach and all the important things that effect the organic reach of your post on Facebook.Organic Facebook Marketing trickTo increase your organic reach on Facebook you will need to get engagement on your page posts and you will get engagement then when your audience are interested in your business, and getting interested audience on your Facebook business page is only possible when your page is search engine optimized because a search engine optimized page appear in the search results when someone search for it, now if some one is searching for your business on Facebook and Facebook show them your page in the search results so that way you will get interested audience on your page, and interested audience on page mean more engagement and more engagement lead to more reach, so in the first section of this course you will learn how to make your Facebook business page fully search engine optimized, once your page is optimized you will see daily hundreds of organic likes on your page, and at the end of the day your Facebook marketing will be effective."
Price: 199.99

"Protecting Yourself With ESET SMART SECURITY 10"
"This Course will guide you step-by-step through a typical installation and the basic configuration of the ESET.In this course you will be able to protect your device from attacks and malicious software.Also in this course you can be able to learn and understand how to setup Eset features, All-in-one Internet security allows you to confidently explore online while protected against physical theft of your computer, identity theft and exposure to potentially offensive web content. ESET Smart Security features Anti-Theft which locates your missing laptop and gives you tools to help recover it. The new Social Media Scanner extends protection to your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Personal Firewall and Anti-Phishing keep your data safe from identity theft and network attacks, while Parental Control and included Cybersecurity Training help make your family's online experience even safer."
Price: 19.99

"The Best Way to Format a Computer"
"In this course we will learn how to format a computer by install a new Windows without a windows CD & with our full data collection step-by-step, also we will learn how to create a bootable windows installer from USB, and how to create hard-drive partitions in Windows to save our data before install the new copy of windows."
Price: 19.99

"Web Flexbox"
"WebCSS float float WebCSS3Flexible Box Layout ModuleFlexboxFlexboxWebFlexbox Flexbox FlexboxWeb"
Price: 2400.00

"Web Web"
"WebCSS font-familyfont-family Web Windows Mac Web CSS3 WebWeb Web Web WebWeb"
Price: 2400.00

"The Art of Parenting via Montessori Part-1"
"Course DescriptionThe video consist of the following three topics based on the methodology of Dr.Montessori1.A child in an alien environment.When children are born, the ways in which the child should be bought up is one most important thing.This video helps in the psychic development of the child right from birth.2.Sensitive periods in children.Sensitive periods are compass in children to set them right in the world and achieve their psychological, physiological and psychical goals.3.Children sensitivity to orderSensitivity to order can be seen in children right from birth till 2-2.6years of their age."
Price: 19.99

"A Complete book on Artificial Intelligence (AI)."
"Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on disciplines such as Computer Science, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Engineering. A major thrust of AI is in the development of computer functions associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and problem solving. Goals of AI:To Create Expert Systems The systems which exhibit intelligent behavior, learn, demonstrate, explain, and advice its users. To Implement Human Intelligence in Machines Creating systems that understand, think, learn, and behave like humans.AI draws heavily on following domains of study.Computer ScienceCognitive ScienceEngineeringEthicsLinguisticsLogicMathematicsNatural SciencesPhilosophyPhysiologyPsychologyStatistics"
Price: 19.99

"Dating Mastery 2: First and Follow-Up Dates like a PRO"
"Over 30 women participated in the construction of this course.Over 30 women undergone an hour long deep interview regarding Dating.We gathered hours of audio and video data and constructed this amazing course just for you!Learn from REALWOMEN how to make us MELT for you!This course covers all! The Perception of you so you are in the best state of mind when asking her on the date then of courseasking on the date itself, how to prepare on the date, how to behave so the woman falls in love with you! Also what to say - not only topics but whatEXACTLY to say. How to talk about yourself in an interesting way, how to catch on the hooks in the conversation how to raise your status in her eyes. How to beat initial nervosity and how to BEATAWKWARDSILENCES.Iwill teach you how to gain the natural confidence! No artificial manifesting through learned strategies and faking it. Iwill teach you where to find it for real!We continue with our course learning about how to End the date how to Master the Texting game after and some Follow-up dates basic rules.We will also learn about the Body language of an Extrovert and an Introvert or a Combination of the two! ALL and much more in this course.Don't forget. Everything is spicedup by Realinterviews with our lovely ladies. They will tell you themselves what works on them!And as you know Imyself study Social behaviour, Sociology and Iam a big fan of Psychology and of course TANTRA!What's the result? A course packed with PRACTICALinformation.Don't miss out. Enrol now and I'll se you inside.If you're still not sure there is a DEMO version of this course available for FREE! Check my profile.LoveAdelka"
Price: 99.99

"Entendendo o ECMAScript 6"
"Seja muito bem-vindo a uma nova era na histria do JavaScript!H muitos anos que a linguagem JavaScript no ganhava modificaes e funcionalidades novas relevantes, mas isso finalmente mudou com a chegada da nova verso da especificao ECMAScript. Nos ltimos cinco anos, o JavaScript ganhou muita fora com o ""grande boom"" do ecossistema Node.js e npm. A flexibilidade da linguagem tem sido usada a favor no somente do lado do cliente, mas tambm do lado do servidor. Tudo isso fez com que a comunidade reconhecesse a fora da linguagem e finalmente a levasse a srio.Neste curso - baseado no livro ECMAScript 6 - Entre de Cabea no Futuro do JavaScript - te apresentaremos as principais mudanas trazidas para a linguagem com a especificao. Aprenderemos no somente o conceito, mas principalmente como aplic-lo na prtica no dia-a-dia. E para fixar o conhecimento, o curso acompanha uma srie de exerccios prticos e resumos em PDF dos tpicos apresentados. Veremos muitas coisas novas,como:NovasmaneirasdeiterarobjetosecoleesDeclaraodevariveiscomleteconstO lao de iterao for...ofMelhoriasemfunescomarrowfunctionsAs novas de estruturas de Map, WeakMap, Set e WeakSetModularizaoeclassesMelhorias em objetos literaisOperadores Rest e SpreadDesestruturamento de objetosPromises (Promessas)GeradoresesmbolosE muito mais!Confira o currculo do curso, as aulas gratuitase no perca mais tempo! O JavaScript no para de evoluir e o ECMAScript6 a ponte para entrar de cabea no futuro do JavaScript!"
Price: 144.99

"Mastering Brushstrokes - Part 1"
"List price of $49.99 now $19.99Brushstrokes are at the core of being an artist, and an individual's brushwork is one of the things that sets them apart from other artists. Using her approachable, easy-to-understand teaching method and lots of hands-on activities, artist Jill Poyerd breaks down historic and contemporary brushwork into twenty-two unique brushstrokes. This course is part one of a two-part series and covers twelve of the twenty-two strokes. They are broken down by style of application and include a brief history, examples of how they're used in masterpieces, visual demonstrations, and student practice exercises. By combining technical learning with visual and hands-on examples, students will gain a thorough understanding of each brushstroke variation. Part one covers invisible strokes, direct painting, strokes that use light amounts of paint, and strokes that use thick, impasto paint."
Price: 19.99

"Study the Bible (1) Avoiding 5 mistakes"
"In this course ""Study the Bible (1) Avoiding 5 mistakes"" students willremove the barriers, mental and false assumptions that keep the Old Testament (Bible) out of any standard reader.This Bible emerged from sources outside the world; People whocall this source of knowledge ""intuition"" arealmost right...Studying correctly with one of the ""Guardians of Secrets"" who possess a broad and original understanding of the Bible, can bring Personal Empowerment, healthier relationships with all Those around you.This course is based on my knowledge, after leaving my 'comfort zone' as a successful high school principal job (in Israel), going to different places in the world delivering seminars to non-Jews who were seeking for true answers. Out of the many conversations I had,I understood those five (six) mistakeswe will clear them up in the course here.This course is meant for all audiences, the believer as those who don't, no matter what religion you hold today; YOU will find here a primary key for learning new thoughts and emotions that were kept secretly by the old Hebrew Nation.This course focus on essential Five (six) biblical Assumptions.Most of the world today is not aware of the fundamental mistakes that underlie the 'underlying assumptions' in the general culture, because the Jewish people have been silenced throughout history. However, these Five (Six, with the bonus) milestones that are compatible with all human thought and belong to all.I do trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all.By taking this course, you will increase your understanding and knowledge of God's Word, and you will have a firm foundation upon which to build your life. The understanding gained will also help you to be more confident in explaining your faith to yourself & others."
Price: 19.99