"Render Arquitectnico con 3DSMAX y VRAY de cero a experto." |
"Alcanza un nivel profesional con estagua completa,paso a paso y desde cero hasta experto,de todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el arte del Render Arquitectnico.Aprenders con un experimentado profesor en render arquitectnicoy en enseanza.Aprende a plasmar las ideas de tusclientes en imgenes insuperablesy asegura contratos de diseo y construccin, o convirtete en un importante proveedor de servicios de renderizado.Nuestra experiencia como empresa de render nos permite ensearte las tcnicas para realizar imgenes en el mejor tiempo y de la mejor calidad.En este curso aprenders desde los conceptos base del render arquitectnico hasta post-producirlos con photoshop como lo hacen los expertos."
Price: 79.99 |
"Workshop:Archviz exterior con 3DSMax y Vray" |
"En este Workshop te enseamos a realizar un render arquitectnico exterior, aprende a iluminar, texturizar y post-producir. Trabajaremos con plugins como Forest-Pack para aplicar vegetacin de una forma rpida y sencilla.Utilizaremos Photoshop para mejorar el color, luces y sombra. Importaremos objetos y veremos las mejores prcticas para realizar un Render ntido y de alta calidad. Este workshop te proveer la experiencia con 3DSMax y Vray que necesitas para llegar a ser un experto en Render Arquitectnico.Adems te facilitaremos los archivos que utilizamos en el proyecto para que puedas poner en prctica lo que aprendas y as seguir el curso de unamejor manera."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master em Gesto e Marketing Esportivo" |
"O curso lhe dar uma viso geral sobre a indstria do esporte, permitindo escolher o aprofundamento na rea de seu interesse e melhor avaliar custo-benefcio de cursos com maior durao como MBAs e Ps Graduaes.O mtodo exclusivo desenvolvido por um dos precursores do marketing esportivo no Brasil, proporcionar ao aluno, desde o primeiro momento, uma viso do ambiente esportivo, com orientao predominantemente prtica.Aps o trmino do curso, voc ter direito a 45 minutos de mentoria online com JH Areias e saber como ingressar imediatamente neste mercado atravs de projetos como CLUBE DOS 30 (departamento de marketing de clubes e federaes) e VIDA DE ATLETA (agenciamento de atletas).Voc tambm receber os ebooks Uma Bela Jogada e Marketing no Pas do futebol (livros editados e esgotados de Joo Henrique Areias), e mais de 10 ebooks sobre diversos temas na rea e apostila do curso. Veja relao dos e-books:00 - LIVRO UMA BELA JOGADA - 2a EDIO JHAreias01 - APOSTILA DO CURSO DE GESTO E MARKETING ESPORTIVO COM J.H.AREIAS02 - MARKETING NO PAS DO FUTEBOL - J.H. AREIAS03 - GUIA DE OPERAO DE ESTDIOS04 - ARENA PETROBRAS - BRASILEIRO 2005 - CASA DO BOTAFOGO E FLAMENGO05 - 100 IDIAS PROMOCIONAIS PARA LEVAR PBLICOS S ARENAS06 - MANUAL DE MARKETING ESPORTIVO - PROPRIEDADES ESPORTIVAS07 - MANUAL DE MARKETING ESPORTIVO - UNIFORMES08 - AVA FC - FOLHETO COMERCIAL DE PROPRIEDADES ESPORTIVAS09 - FOLHETO COMERCIAL PATROCNIO ESPORTIVO - P3010 - FOLHETO COMERCIAL - FARJ - Federao de Atletismo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro11 - PLANEJAMENTO ESTRATGICO DO FUTEBOL CAPIXABA - SEBRAE12 - PROJETO DE REVITALIZAO DO FUTEBOL CAPIXABA13 - MEP - MOVIMENTO ESPORTIVO DE PETRPOLIS"
Price: 579.99 |
"English Grammar Launch Advanced: Upgrade your speaking" |
"English Grammar Launch Advanced is an advanced English grammar course taught by me, Anthony,anative British English speaker. You willlearn the target English grammar structures at a deep level, so that you cansound more native-likewhen you speak English.This course includes:lectures for the target structuresspeaking practice for every single grammarstructurelistening practice for every single grammar structurefuture updates - this course will continue to grow and growPDF transcriptsand MP3 downloads so that you can learn anywhere, any time.Each section focuses on one, two or three target structures so that you canmaster each oneandproduce itaccuratelyin your spoken English.This course is extremely detailed, so you can fully master the target English.If you want to speak English more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like,or if you simply want to take your English to an advanced level, this course can help you achieve your goal oftakingyour English to the next level."
Price: 39.99 |
"English Vocabulary Launch: Upgrade your speaking" |
"English Vocabulary Launch is an English vocabulary course taught by me, Anthony,anative British English speaker. You willlearn the target English vocabularyat a deep level, so that you cansound more native-likewhen you speak English.Start to speak with more creativity and variety by upgrading your English vocabulary!This course includes:lectures for the target vocabularypronunciation and meaning training for every single wordspeaking practice for every single wordlistening practice for every single wordfuture updates - this course will continue to grow and growPDF transcriptsand MP3 downloads so that you can learn anywhere, any time.Each section focuses on fivecarefully selectedtarget wordsso that you canmaster each oneandproduce themaccuratelyin your spoken English.This course is extremely detailed, so you canfully masterthe target English.If you want to speak English more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like,or if you simply want to take your English to a higherlevel, this course can help you achieve your goal oftakingyour English to the next level.This course is also perfect for anyone taking an IELTS test, TOEFL test or TOEIC test."
Price: 39.99 |
"English Idioms Launch: Upgrade your speaking and listening" |
"English Idioms Launch is an English idioms course taught by me, Anthony,anative British English speaker. You willlearn the target English idiomsat a deep level, so that you cansound more native-likewhen you speak English.Start to speak with more creativity and variety by upgrading your knowledge ofEnglish idioms!This course includes:lectures for the target idiomspronunciation and meaning training for every single idiomspeaking practice for every single idiomlistening practice for every single idiomfuture updates - this course will continue to grow and growPDF transcriptsand MP3 downloads so that you can learn anywhere, any time.Each section focuses on fourcarefully selectedtarget idioms so that you canmaster each oneandproduce themaccuratelyin your spoken English.This course is extremely detailed, so you canfully masterthe target English.If you want to speak English more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like,or if you simply want to take your English to a higherlevel, this course can help you achieve your goal oftakingyour English to the next level.This course is also perfect for anyone taking an IELTS test, TOEFL test or TOEIC test."
Price: 39.99 |
"English Phrasal Verbs Launch: Upgrade your speaking" |
"English Phrasal Verbs Launch is an English phrasal verbs course taught by me, Anthony,anative British English speaker. You willlearn the target English phrasal verbs at a deep level, so that you cansound more native-likewhen you speak English.Start to speak with more creativity and variety by upgrading your English phrasal verbs!This course includes:lectures for the targetphrasal verbspronunciation and meaning training for every singlephrasal verbspeaking practice for every single phrasal verblistening practice for every single phrasal verbfuture updates - this course will continue to grow and growPDF transcriptsand MP3 downloads so that you can learn anywhere, any time.Each section focuses on four carefully selectedtarget phrasal verbs so that you canmaster each oneandproduce themaccuratelyin your spoken English.This course is extremely detailed, so you canfully masterthe target English.If you want to speak English more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like,or if you simply want to take your English to a higherlevel, this course can help you achieve your goal oftakingyour English to the next level.This course is also perfect for anyone taking an IELTS test, TOEFL test or TOEIC test."
Price: 39.99 |
"Self Defense for Women: Close Combat Training & Fighting" |
"In pocketsofGuatemala, it's not ""if you get raped."" It's ""when.""With this self defense philosophy in mind, Kalos Agon Intl, a nonprofit Christian organization (est.2010), has devoted itself to teaching womeneasy-to-remember martial art moves that work against any size opponent.Other martial artsystems teach militantstyle movesthat overwhelman opponent with highenergyand impracticalHollywood-style one-punch knockouts. This isn't the world we live in. An attacker,if angry enough,will push through the pain of a groin strike to finish his victim.By incorporating Biblical principals of mercy, self-control, and fighting for your neighbor (and not for pride), KA Intl is releasing this careful craftedknowledge to the people who need it most: you.Join us and take this self defense knowledge with you for the rest of your life."
Price: 94.99 |
"Birth Transformed: Childbirth Preparation & Empowerment" |
"Birth Transformedis a comprehensive approach to pregnancy and birth that empowers you from the outside in, meaning it equips you (and your partner) with powerful and necessary information to prepare for what is ahead. But, rather than leaving it solely up to you to assimilate the information on your own, and navigate what comes up for you in this process, Birth Transformed supports you in continuing to unravel the layers of your experience, thenmovinginto, facing, and transforming your fears, challenges and blocks, finding your wisdom along the way.As the you move through your time with this course, you will learn all the traditional strategies you can use to navigate birth (e.g., breath work, birth positions, pressure points, knowledge of the phases of birth, and more), but will also be supported in exploring the deeper layers of birth and motherhood, and how these layers will impact your experience.We're not just here to pass information on to you, but to love you through this journey, and be your mentor in finding and honoring your optimal path into and through motherhood.*The ideal companion for this course is the bookFeng Shui Mommy:Creating Balance and Harmony for Blissful Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood."
Price: 99.99 |
"The Vegan Body Plan" |
"Vegan Bodybuilding Masterclass (2019) - The Complete Guide to Building the Ultimate Vegan Body***Best Selling Course***This course is for Vegans and for those who are considering becoming vegan, who want a complete, practical and step by step approach to getting ripped, where everything is made clear to both understand and implement right away.Have you ever struggled to bulk up as a vegan?Have you been told that you need to eat meat to gain mass?Would you like to go vegan but are worried about losing your gains?If you want a simple proven approach to bulking, cutting and maintaining on a vegan diet, then this is the course for you. Covering training, nutrition, goal setting and mindset, it's the course for anyone who wants a one stop shop to learning all that is needed to getting ripped on a vegan diet.. Its not for you if youre looking for extensive biomedical explanations as to why the method works, if you believe in Bro Science, or if you believe that you can't build muscle on a vegan diet and don't want to be shown otherwise Why do some people who stick to a plan get minimal gains... or even none, whilst others build incredible bodies with consistent gains?There are a few fundamentals which if done consistently over time will lead you to the body of your dreams, guaranteed. The difficulty is sifting through all the industry BS to know exactly what these fundamentals are. The process of getting ripped has been massively over-complicated to help companies sell more magazines and supplements. If it wasnt like this these companies would go out of business as there is no way you could fill a whole magazine each month with new discoveries about basic training principles that have been around for hundreds of years. This course takes what has been made into a complicated subject and lays it out in plain and simple terms, providing a framework that anyone can take and apply to their own circumstances, to achieve their body goals.Here are 5 reasons why you should take the course:Learn a proven approach to training, that you can apply to your own workouts right away, even without access to a gym.Learn the keys to creating Bulking, Cutting and Maintenance Nutrition Plans that Leave You Feeling Satisfied, Nourished and Energetic.Discover the TOP 5 Myths and Mistakes that are Ruining Your Results Right Now and you don't even know it.Master Your Inner-game, Self-Discipline, and Make Your Determination ExplodeIdentify Destructive Behaviors that are Stopping You from Achieving your goals, and Replace them with Habits of SuccessHere are some reasons why you might not take the course:You have that niggling sense of doubt that we all get before we make a purchase - The course comes with Udemys 30 day 100% money back guarantee so rest assured there's absolutely no risk on your part.There are other courses on the subject - I believe this is the most comprehensive all-in one course on vegan bodybuilding on Udemy and online. In many cases, you have to purchase multiple courses from an instructor to cover the whole subject. Not here, everythings included including access to me.Youve seen a negative review - The course is a living, breathing organism and I update it regularly. Whenever I receive feedback that I can use to improve the course, I do. As you will see from the comment & ratings below I reach out to students to learn more about both positive and negative experiences. I want you to enjoy the course as much as I did creating it. If you are any less than 5* satisfied I encourage you to refund your investment with Udemys 100% money back guarantee.Youre not sure if the course is right for you - The course provides a complete framework that you can apply to your own individual circumstances. It teaches principles that have been proven to work, time and time again. Rather than showing you how to perform bicep curls, it gives you the principles behind the types of exercises that get you the most bang for your buck. The same with nutrition. I show you the kinds of nutrition (what kinds of carbs/fats etc) that work and why. I show you what I eat, and I show you how you can design your own nutrition plan that satisfies your own personal needs. I dont give you a generic one size fits all meal plan because we all have individual tastes, wants and needs. ***Important*** The course gives you the knowledge you need to build your own programme. In the course I treat you like an adult that has the ability to take principles, and then apply them to your own circumstances and goals. One of the keys to getting ripped long term is being proactive in making your regimen work for you. If youre looking to get ripped with zero pro-activeness on your part, the course isn't for you and I recommend that you don't take it. Heres what students are saying:This course is so great because it is universal. It does not show you how to curl your biceps, but describes the mechanisms which work, so that you can work out the details for yourself and still get the results. This is exactly the knowledge I was looking for.I have been training for about 1,5 years and after going through this course making notes i can see how much i have been doing wrong. I am confident and looking forward to seeing greater results than i have been before.I've tried many different workout plans and different diets and I suck at all of them.. Mainly because there are so many things to do.. I like this training , because he takes out all the hype and BS and just gives the basics you should do. plan and easy..Learning a lot basic stuffs from it. As a beginner this is the course of my choice. Thanks to the instructor for designing this amazing course. I pray and wish I could gain muscle following this course.If youre ready to go vegan, take control of your gains and finally achieve the body youve always wanted then enroll now and Ill see you inside!Michael"
Price: 199.99 |
"Excel Solver, Goal Seek and lots of Excel Tips" |
"Hi, Welcome to the Excel Solver course. Solver is an excellent tool for solving complex problems which involves analytics and lot of iterations.In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Solver, learn how Solver works under the hood. We will also see how VBA can be used within Solver. The Main motive here is not just learn Solver, we will have to understand Solver.Not only you will be learning Solver, we will be working on goal seek, Lot of excel tips and tricks.Throughout the course we will be learning lot of tools including:Excel BasicsGoal SeekSolverVBA for Solver and Goal SeekExcel Tips and Tricksand more....This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.This course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented. Many online courses are just a long series of ""watch as I code"" videos. This course is different. I've incorporated everything I learned in my years of teaching to make this course not only more effective but more engaging.If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I got into this industry because I love working with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding Solver can be!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Make your LIVE Web Show in Facebook" |
"If I ask you what is the most important currency today, what will be your answer? The right answer for you and me is ""The Attention"" of the people! If we don't have the attention of the people in first place, we CAN NOT serve or SELL!!! This is the ugly truth!Yes, today the ""LIVE VIDEO"" is the ""BIG DEAL"", but is not enough! Why? Exactly because of so many online entrepreneurs know this, and are using this amazing tool!YOUandme,WEneed something more!We need to be BOLD or Italic, but never regular! We need to be different if WE want to catch and hold the Attention of our viewers and potential customers!Let me show you, how YOU can make your live web show, to be so fancy and professional looking, that your viewers will fall in love with your show!Dynamic style, visual effects, audio effects- YOU WILL HAVE THIS EVERYTHING!!! And more easy and fast that you can imagine!What do you need? Computer, web camera, microphone and a couple FREE Softwares...I will give you, the fastest and patch, step by step to make YOUR Stunning Web Show"
Price: 194.99 |
"Step by Step Build Your Template by Bootstrap 4 from scratch" |
"Hello Everybody, In This course You will knewwellwhat isBOOTSTRAPV4 Grid-system.How to use it in your projects.Makingsure youwill recognize all Grid-system Optionsat the end of this course curriculum. and alsowe will buildAMAZING Templateusing the best front-end frameworkBootstrap 4Do You want to learnthe most important components or JavaScript of Bootstrap 4? ....in this template you will.We will also work withHTML5,CSS3andJQuery ... So don't care about your skills of each one You will do it well !Just Know how to make your template realFully responsiveandSEO Friendly,You will learn this by example and step by step."
Price: 79.99 |
"O curso Fbrica de Docinhos resultados de anos de experincia na fabricao e venda de docinhos. Se voc realmente quer aprender a montar um negcio do zero voc est no lugar certo.O curso inteiramente on-line com vdeo aulas em alta resoluo HD e som de qualidade e voc pode assistir as aulas pelo notebook, tablet, smartphone, computador, smart tv em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora e repetir quantas vezes quiser!Esse curso no ensina apenas a fazer docinhos. um curso completo de negcios, onde voc vai aprender desde o bsico, desde o zero, passo a passo de como fazer negcios, fabricar os docinhos, embalar, vendas diretas, encomendas, ps-venda, atendimento ao cliente, como expandir o negcio, quanto faturar e como ampliar esse negcio para que ele se torne mais lucrativo!O curso composto de 30 vdeo aulas, divididas em 7 mdulosonde voc aprende passo a passo como fazer os docinhos e como usar avanadas tcnicas de venda para faturar alto! As aulas mostram verdadeiramente o dia-a-dia da Karol como empresria como se fosse um reality show! realmente sensacional.MDULO I - MENTALIDADE EMPREENDEDORAMDULO II - MATERIAISMDULO III - INGREDIENTES E RECEITASMDULO IV - BOTANDO A MO NA MASSAMDULO V - ENROLANDO OS DOCINHOSMDULO VI - TCNICAS DE VENDA E ATENDIMENTOMDULO VII - RECEITAS DE OURO"
Price: 39.99 |
"Data Studio the Lazy Way" |
"Google released their beautiful dashboard-building powerhouse, Data Studio, in Fall 2016. We've been actively building dashboards with it ever since.Ascending new heights. Stretching the limits of what's possible with Data Studio. You get the picture. We've turned this tool inside out, and now are here to share everything we've learned.During the course, you'll master how to build Data Studio reports. All of these dashboards are based on raw data from Google Sheets, but the same methods could be used for any data source (Google Analytics, Youtube, a database, etc):Building a Twitter data dashboard (the course project)Connecting Mailchimp to Data Studio (template included)Building an Adwords + FB ads dashboard with Supermetrics (template included)Your team will thank you, when they bask in the beauty and elegance of your next monthly update."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn C# & SQLite Programming for beginners" |
"""This course was simple enough so that everyone can learn about Windows Forms and using SQLite to connect to app. Lecturer responses to problems quickly, so you can ask for help and get help in 24 hours period. Expecting some advanced topics soon! """"Great Job of explaining some extremely useful and powerful. So, I trully enjoyed this course. Content is presented in a clear and concise.Alireza is an excellent instructor. He is so responsible for the course and problems. I would highly recommend this to anyone learning C# and SQL easily. """"It is a excelent course for beginners. Easy to understand and well documented. The teacher's input interesting motivating.""""This class was great. The instructor was very knowledgeable and presented the course in an easy to follow way. The quality of the video was great and I recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn about database connectivity within an application ""C# developers with database designing skill are some of the highest paid programmers throughout the world right now. There couldn't be a better time to join the world of database developers. About the courseIf you are going to learn programming and get a job, this is the right course. This course is designed totally for the beginners. It helps you to learn database programming by using SQLite as a database engine and C# as application development language. Even if you aren't interested in a career change this course will give you the necessary skills to build database application and store and retrieve your data from it.At the end of this course, you build the fully functional application with C# and SQL. There couldn't be better to build an application in less than hour. It's so fast as you can imagine. By this course, you start to learn and do it at the same time. you can see the result in your code.What you are going to get from this course?You will learn how to design simple SQL database and then how you can manage data from your application that you will make in C#. This course is well enough to encourage you to continue database programming.We will be using some simple code and easy steps to do these works. I provided the source code I'm using during the course. You can download it and test it to learn it.You can complete this course in a day and after that you can continue this type of programming by attending in similar courses in the intermediate level.You wil have my ful supporrt during the course and I am here to help you so do not hesitate to tell me about your problems, feedbacks and etc."
Price: 29.99 |
"CDP - Job Hunting Skills" |
"For other payment options please email: info@kickstart.com.pkVolume One ofCareerDevelopmentProgram - Job Hunting Skillsguarantees to give you a KickStart by embedding valuable skills required to Prepare, Target and Secure your dream job. You will learn howto build a winning resume that gets shortlisted every time you apply for a position and follow it up by giving the perfect interview.By attending this course, you will gain a huge competitive advantage over other candidates in the market.The content of this coursehas been vetted and scrutinized by 20successful seniorprofessionals across different industries and it includes theirimportant life lessonsfor an unparalleled learning experience.CDP - JHS augments value for youngsters who are hungry for learning and ambitious to succeed in their professional career byenabling them to confidently overcomethe challenges faced during the job hunting phase."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Punctuate Spelling: to improve spelling & writing" |
"From the creator of Udemy's popularSpelling Rules: to improve spelling & confidence,comes the perfect follow-on course -How to Punctuate Spelling: to improvespelling & writingto give you evenmore spellingknowledge and confidence to spell,write and get your meaning across.This isidealfor both American & British English users whoneed to understand and ""master"" the tricky punctuationmarks we put in spellings, especiallyapostrophes (you're, I'm, Joanne's course)andhyphens (good-looking, a 3-year-old, sister-in-law).You'llalso learn how to punctuate abbreviations (CD/CDs, Dr./Dr, gym), when tousecapital letters (I've, Samsung, Harry Potter), and how to writedates, and time,and much more.Knowing how to use these in your spellingswill help you get your point across, will stop you getting confused andangrywithspellingand yourself. Emails, andsocial mediahave all made writing important again, and it's a shame if you can't express yourself properly in these, or you spend so long trying to spell or figure out how to use an apostrophe, or not, that you give up.Knowing these will help you so much and make your writing lookprofessional andnot sloppy, or like you don't care.It'sa video based course with additionalPDFworksheets for revision, and exercises and spelling tests in the Resources too,"
Price: 19.99 |
"Predictive Analytics for Business - with Case Studies" |
"This is an introductory course designed to help business professionals and others learn predictive analytic skills that can be applied in a business setting. Since it is designed for business professionals it doesn't delve too deeply into the mathematics of the statistical models. We do the following case studies on Rapidminer software: B2B Churn of an office supply distributor, Market Basket Analysis of a retail computer store, Customer Segmentation of a customer database and Direct Marketing. The following models are used: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Association Rules, K-means Clustering and Decision Trees. Through these practical case studies we generate actionable business insights!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Teaser, die zum Weiterlesen animieren" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie interessante Teaser fr Online-Texte schreiben. Damit steigern Sie die Motivation Ihrer Leser, auf weiter oder mehr zu klicken und den eigentlichen Artikel zu lesen oder das Video zu sehen. Wenn die Headline der erste Hingucker ist, dann ist der Teaser der Textteil, der User im Idealfall dazu bringt, dass Sie weiterlesen wollen. Der Kurs Teaser, die zum Weiterlesen animieren zeigt Ihnen Tipps aus der Praxis, mit denen Sie gute und anschauliche Anreier verfassen. Er ist die Fortsetzung des Udemy-Kurses Headlines, die znden, ist aber auch ohne diesen verstndlich. Hier geht es um die Teaser-Texte, die Headlines werden im anderen Lehrgang behandelt. Der Kurs ist ideal fr alle, die ab und zu oder regelmig Texte fr eine Webseite schreiben. Es ist egal, ob das eine News-Seite ist, ein Blog oder eine Unternehmens-Homepage. Unwichtig ist auch, ob Sie Journalist, PR-Redakteur, Blogger oder nichts davon sind: Dieser Kurs ist fr alle gedacht, die Ihr Schreiben verbessern mchten. In zwei Stunden erlernen Sie die wichtigsten Tricks und Kniffe, um interessante Teaser zu verfassen. Die Trainerin ist ein Profi: Sie hat mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung als Journalistin bei groen Online-Medien. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren bringt sie Kursteilnehmern bei, wie sie gute Texte fr das Internet schreiben in der Akademie der Bayerischen Presse, bei der TU Mnchen, in Redaktionen, in groen Unternehmen wie Schaeffler, bei Bildungseinrichtungen und gemeinntzigen Organisationen wie rzte ohne Grenzen. In 27 Lektionen mit vielen Erklrvideos, Beispielen und zwei bungsblttern erfahren Sie alles Wichtige zum Thema Teaser. Ein eBook zum Download fasst alle Inhalte zusammen, und bei einem Quiz testen Sie Ihr Wissen. Die Kerninhalte des Kurses sind: Warum Teaser so wichtig sind Das macht interessante Teaser aus Die Bedeutung von Teasern Quiz: Interessante Teaser, abschreckende Teaser Das macht gute Teaser aus Der Teaser im Zusammenspiel mit der Headline Wie lang der Teaser sein darf Die Sprache im Teaser Der entscheidende erste Satz im Teaser Abschreckende Teaser Teaser versus Vorspann Der spannende Teaser Nachrichtliche, zusammenfassende Teaser Weitere Teaser-Formen Teaser mit Rampen Typische Teaser-Rampen: Cliffhanger Typische Teaser-Rampen: Frage Typische Teaser-Rampen: Ankndigung Das Bild im Teaser Achtung, Clickbaiting Zehn Tipps fr gute Teaser Die zehn schlimmsten Fehler im Teaser Teaser bei Google und Facebook Teaser bei Google Teaser bei Facebook Headlines und Google-Optimierung Wie Google tickt und wie Texte optimiert werden Wie und wo Keywords in Headlines auftauchen mssen User-orientiert versus Google-orientiert schreiben bungsblatt: Abschreckende Teaser besser machen bungsblatt: Teaser mit Rampen schreiben Der Kurs entspricht den Inhalten, die meine Kursteilnehmer whrend eines Ein-Tages-Seminars lernen. Die Kursgebhr ist hier bei Udemy allerdings niedriger. Unterrichtsmaterial: Zwei Stunden Lehrrmaterial in Form von Erklrvideos, ein Quiz, zwei bungsbltter und ein eBook zum Nachlesen. Credit: Videodreh, Ton, Schnitt und Regie: Catrien Stremme / Webseite: Catriens de"
Price: 29.99 |
"Amazon AWS LightSail" |
"Outgrowing your freeWordPress Blog? Want to do more interesting stuff, customise, addyour own plugins and themes? Do you want to move from WordPressto your own self hosted WordPress? Want to easily point your owndomain name to your Blog? Maybe you one of themany people unhappy with your old school Web or Blog hosting? Is your web host slow, unreliable, and does your provider's supportsuck? Do you get the impression that they are always selling yousomething you don't need? Well I'm going to let you in on a littlesecret. They probably are. Or do you just want tostart learning Cloud the easy way, by creating your very firstWebsite or Blog on a newbie friendly Cloud platform?If you answered yes toany of these questions then this Course is for you. After following thiscourse you will be able to easily set up your Website or Blog onfast, reliable and cost effective AWS LightSail hosting, usingnothing more than your web browser, by filling in a few forms andcopying and pasting some text. You will feel confidentenough to set up everything you need to host your website or blog inthe Cloud, using the clear uncluttered Amazon LightSail andServerPilot web interfaces. Oh, for you geeks outthere on Udemy, you will also learn how to install and use the AmazonCommand Line Interface (CLI), so you can efficiently manage yourCloud servers by just typing commands on your computer."
Price: 94.99 |
"HTML In Urdu for Beginners - Complete Course With Projects" |
"Here is presented a course for to teach HTML from basic to advanced level. We will update continuously to this course,Remember this course is completely free for you but we can put into premium at any time.Do not worry if you enrolled now you will be not charged forever including every new updates free for you.We must have to update this course on regular basis and near future will find so many resources fee of cost.Do not miss it get enrolled now to learn HTML from basic to advanced level.Introduction to HTMLVery Basic HTML Tags (Many Lectures)Inserting/Managing LinksAdding/Managing ImagesCreating Web FormsCreating TablesCreating ListsUsing iFramesSpecial HTML TagsCreating a Website LayoutComing Soon these thingsCreating MarqueesIntroduction to HTML5Creating one More Website LayoutCreating another Website LayoutCSS CompleteYoure here because youre ready to start building professional, career-boosting websites.Or maybe youre coding already and want to take things to the next level?Welcome to The Complete Web Designing Course of Htmlin Urdu &HindiDesigned for youno matter where you are in your coding journeymy next-generation web developer course is overflowing with fresh content.Its your fast-track to iron-clad coding results.Weve left no stone unturned.I guarantee, this is THE most thorough, laser-focused and up-to-date coding course available ANYWHERE on the marketor your money back.Whether youre an entrepreneur, an innovator or the next Mark Zuckerberg just waiting to happen, here youll find everything you need to get up and codingfast.And its all in one perfectly-packaged, super-convenient online solution.It is hard to find a complete course out there that is like this one. I am amazed at the value of the content and I would without a doubt recommend it to anyone looking for a complete web developing course.-Daniel LimFrom zero to break-neck speed in just six weeks.What else makes my course different? Itll take you from beginner to expert in just six weeks (or take it at your own pacewhatever suits you).Dont be the one to get left behindGet started today and join thousands of my happy students, many of whom have changed careers, created second incomes or added critical new skills to their tool kits.All at your fingers tips. Right now.The course starts with the fundamentals. Ill show you insider tips to work quickly and efficiently with web technologies like HTML.As we all know, the best way to learn is to do, so youll complete fun website challenges at every turn. Plus, as you fly through the course, youll use your skills to put a site together as you go. The final challenge is a full Twitter clone.Very easy to follow along with how the course has been divided into small topics. The summary pages at the end of each topic are very useful to review if you have to take a break from the course, allowing you to pick up right where you left off.- Andrea Price-LaceThere are TONS of books, expensive courses, and crappy videos online that you could waste hours upon hours on. DONT. Just take this course. Youll see. T. HendersonNever waste another minute learning from out-of-date books, clunky and expensive online courses and yawnsome YouTube videos again!WithTheComplete Web Developer Course 2.0everythings ready to go, in one convenient, mapped-out platform.Plus youll get fast, friendly, responsive support by email, Twitter and on the Udemy forums. Or enjoy chatting with other students in my friendly forums.Great course!!! Easy to follow and gives great support if needed! Both the instructor and fellow students are quick at helping out. -Malin SingletonTake a peek at my bio below, to see how I gave up my successful career to teach others to code part time. Since making that decision, my life has changed beyond compare.I guarantee that ANYONE can benefit from taking this course, whether its earning some extra money or changing your career altogether.So whatare you waiting for? Transform your world and sign up now to get a free copy of my exclusive 20 page ebook How to make $10,000 while learning to code.I learned more in the first few HTML tutorials then I did with 70% of code academy. - Louis ElliottTaught byI'm a web developer &software developer since 4 years.I love to translate this course for those who want to learn web development in Urdu &Hindi, or for those they can't understand English.You wouldnt believe the freedom that being a web developer offers. Sign up and find out for yourself why so many people are taking and recommending this course. I genuinely believe its the best on the market and if you dont agree, Ill happily refund your money.If youre looking for a genuinely effective course that gears you up to competently build polished, professional websites that people will want to pay you for, I personally guarantee this is the ONLY course for you. Rob PercivalSign up toThe Complete Web Developer Course 2.0and join me in this amazing adventure today.The course is excellent. I haven't completed even half the course but couldn't wait to share my review based on the experience so far. This is just the perfect recipe for students who have little or no knowledge of the technologies required to develop websites. (It also helps the students who know them). The one thing that impressed me a lot was the motto - Learn by Doing. I personally knew these technologies as I had studied them in college but I really learned them while doing this course!! And there's the difference. The practical hands on knowledge is really helpful. Kudos! Keep up the good work :).-Veeresh KambleWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn to codeAnyone who wants to generate new income streamsAnyone who wants to build websitesAnyone who wants to become financially independentAnyone who wants to start their own business or become freelance"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Search Something On Google as a Professional in 2018" |
"Hello guys , In thisfull coursewe will learn togetherhow to search effectively using google search engine. We will start frombasics, such (basic search , search by image , search by voice , search on image and google search settings) Toadvanced search, And in advanced search we will learn something calledOperatorsand how we can use them to get better and more accurate results. Also , we will talk about some cools things , Such (How to use google as a calculator , How to get information faster about something , How to know details about stock or flight ... etc).So ,By the end of this courseyou will be able to search using google searchperfectlyand save yourtime. Also , I hope you will enjoy this course and benefit from it :)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Google Docs & Sheets - Say Bye Bye to MS- Word & Excel" |
"Google Docs & Sheet bothhavetruly transformed how I create documents, store, access and share files and collaborate with colleagues.I would like to give you the opportunity to also dramatically improve how you interact with and manage your word processed documents.Share my expertise and over 4years teaching experience to make you, and potentially your workplace, effectively utilize the cloud-based features integral to Google Docs' ongoing success.Google Docs is cloud-based word processing software created by Google. It allows users to store files in ""the cloud"", share files with other collaborators and edit documents with ease.This course is suitable for people from any profession as the skills developed are applicable on both a personal level as well as having tremendous potential in any workplace.Students will:How To Create sheet without Ms-ExcelWhy Google Sheet & Google Doc is Better Than Ms-Word & ExcelHow to give privileges to other as sharing documentsInserting Charts and Texboxes in google sheets and DocsTranslation and voice typing system in Google Docs and Sheets.Develop the ability to create files and synchronize these across your various devices.Converting document into different formats like ppt. pdf and vice versa.Always access the most recent version of a document.Collaborate in real-time with colleagues on documents.Share files with other parties setting restrictions and limits as to the access privileges of all groups who can access the file/s.Remove the need to email documents as attachments, simply allow access to the document online.Where necessary, convert existing Microsoft Word documents into Google Docs format.This course will positively change how you interact with your documents and the information you work with on a daily basis."
Price: 19.99 |
"JavaScript for beginners To Web Development (2018)" |
"ThisJavaScript course is created to inspire your interest in JavaScript, by leading you through the language basics.During the course you will only need a web browser for following the code explanations and exercises.You will understandhow basic JavaScript programs work, by exploringlanguage'svariables, data structures, loops, conditionals, functions and many more.At the end of the course, you will be able to create simple functional programs.So go ahead,start your browser and let's try the examples!Thiscourse explains you the basic JavaScriptconcepts and fundamentals inlayman language and will serve as stepping stone for your career in webdevelopment as it is the de-facto language of the web.Also, JavaScriptis the mostpopular programming language in the world If you are new to programming then this is the perfect place to start as JavaScriptis easy to learn and most of the programming fundamentals are same across variety of programming languages. Learning Javascript will enable you to learn programming languages such as Node.js and Python which are very popular."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to List your Business/shop/brand On Google 1st Page" |
"Are you a local business, institution or professional serving your local neighborhood?Do you want to advertise on Google Search, Google Maps, and Google+ absolutely free of cost?Do you already have a Google Local Business Listing but are still not seeing enough calls or visits from potential customers?Well, if you answered ""Yes"" in response to any of these questions, this Google My Business Optimization Course is for you.Taught by former Google manager and digital marketing expert, Asghar Ali Khan, this only one hour long training will teach you to:create and verify a new Google Local Business Listingoptimize listing ranking to get more customerscomply with Google My Business policiesget support from Google My Business teamSign up now and learn effective and easy-to-implement strategies to optimize the performance of yourGoogleMyBusinesslisting and turn around yourbusiness performance!ABOUT GOOGLE MY BUSINESSGoogleMyBusinessis a freeGoogletool that allows businesses to create and manage theirGoogleLocalBusinessListing. With this tool they can advertise theirbusiness information likebusinessname, address, contact information, user reviews and maps directions onGoogleSearch,GoogleMaps andGoogle+. In fact, a Google My Business Listing provides more information compared to any kind of paid or organic result on a Google search results page. All this -- absolutely free of cost and without requiring a website. The real challenge for businesses is to rank their listing on the limited number of slots for LocalBusinessListings on the first page ofGoogleSearch"
Price: 19.99 |
"MCSA Windows Server 2016 Exame 70 740" |
"O curso composto por uma srie de videoaulas especialmente desenvolvidas para o mximo de absoro de contedo. Cada mdulo do curso composto de aulas tericas e prticas, facilitando a compreenso dos assuntos desenvolvidos. A teoria e a prtica juntas ajudam o mximo de reteno do contedo. Este um curso para quem quer aprender o Windows Server 2016 no modo avanado e para pessoas interessadas no desenvolvimento de seu conhecimento alinhado s necessidades do mercado de tecnologia da informao.Outra vantagem do curso a preparao para o exame 70 740, o primeiro passo para a certificao MCSA Windows Server 2016.O professor apenas o facilitador deste processo, mas quem realmente faz a diferena o aluno atravs do autodidatismo, auto-organizao e disciplina. Este um modelo educacional desenvolvido para adultos e para estudantes que realmente querem se distanciar dos demais."
Price: 189.99 |
"Questes de prova para Certificao Windows 10" |
"Estes simulados contm 252 questes em portugus com os assuntos mais cobrados nos exames 70-697 e 70-698.Boa parte das questes esto com comentrios e/ou links para o material de estudo e so verses das questes reais dos exames.Estes simulados sero atualizados constantemente visando o aprimoramento e a incluso de novas questes.DICA:1- Utilize inicialmente os simulados como base de estudo para rever todo contedo exigido pela Microsoft.2- Use os simulados para medir seu conhecimento s aps estudar, prximo da data da realizao dos exames.No Exame 70-697 so cobrados os conhecimentos em:Gerenciar Identidade (10-15%)Planejar o desenvolvimento do desktop e do dispositivo (10-15%)Planejar e implementar uma soluo do Microsoft 365 (10-15%)Configurar a rede (10-15%)Configurar o armazenamento (10-15%)Gerenciar o acesso a dados e proteo (10-15%)Gerenciar o acesso remoto (10-15%)Gerenciar aplicativos (10-15%)Gerenciar atualizaes e recuperao (10-15%)No Exame 70-698 so cobrados os conhecimentos em:Implementar o Windows (de 30% a 35%)Configurar e dar suporte aos principais servios (30-35%)Gerenciar e manter o Windows (30-35%)BOA PROVA!"
Price: 39.99 |
"MCSA Windows Server 2016 Exame 70 741" |
"O curso composto por uma srie de videoaulas especialmente desenvolvidas para o mximo de absoro de contedo.Cada mdulo do curso composto de aulas tericas e prticas, facilitando a compreenso dos assuntos desenvolvidos. A teoria e a prtica juntas ajudam o mximo de reteno do contedo.Este um curso para quem quer aprender o Windows Server 2016 no modo avanado e para pessoas interessadas no desenvolvimento de seu conhecimento alinhado s necessidades do mercado de tecnologia da informao.Outra vantagem do curso a preparao para o exame 70 741, um passo importante para a certificao MCSA Windows Server 2016.O professor apenas o facilitador deste processo, mas quem realmente faz a diferena o aluno atravs do autodidatismo, auto-organizao e disciplina. Este um modelo educacional desenvolvido para adultos e para estudantes que realmente querem se distanciar dos demais."
Price: 189.99 |
"MCSA Windows Server 2016 Exame 70 742" |
"O curso composto por uma srie de videoaulas especialmente desenvolvidas para o mximo de absoro de contedo.Cada mdulo do curso composto de aulas tericas e prticas, facilitando a compreenso dos assuntos desenvolvidos. A teoria e a prtica juntas ajudam o mximo de reteno do contedo.Este um curso para quem quer aprender o Windows Server 2016 no modo avanado e para pessoas interessadas no desenvolvimento de seu conhecimento alinhado s necessidades do mercado de tecnologia da informao.Outra vantagem do curso a preparao para o exame 70 742, um passo importante para a certificao MCSA Windows Server 2016.O professor apenas o facilitador deste processo, mas quem realmente faz a diferena o aluno atravs do autodidatismo, auto-organizao e disciplina. Este um modelo educacional desenvolvido para adultos e para estudantes que realmente querem se distanciar dos demais."
Price: 189.99 |