"Curso Completo de Android Material Design" |
"*** Depoimentos de nossos Alunos sobre o Curso Completo de Android MaterialDesign***""Muito bom! Eu estava esperando um curso assim, reunindo a documentao do Material Design e explicando seus detalhes. Aprovadssimo! Obrigado Fillipe e time do AndroidPro!""- Pablo Paschoaletto""Mesmo cursando o Android Acellerate, eu no sabia que podia adicionar tantos recursos no design dos meus Apps! Estou aprendendo MUITO!""- Alfredo Vieira Neto""Muito bom o curso. Excelente didtica.""-Celina Ferreira Ribeiro*** 100% Baseado na Especificao do Android Material Design do Google ***Um curso completo 100% baseado na especificao de AndroidMaterial Design do Google dividido em aulas conceituais e prticas, para vocse tornar um expert no assuntoem apenas 2 semanas e elevar seus conhecimentos emdesenvolvimento Android!O que Android Material Design?Com o lanamento do Android Lollipop, o Material Design do Google comeou a ser usado pelos melhoresprofissionais nodesenvolvimento Android. Designers e desenvolvedores em todos os lugares esto entusiasmados com a nova linguagem de designque visa unir a grande linha de produtos do Google sob um rico conjunto de estilos e princpios de design.Voc quer criar aplicativos Android bonitos e sensacionais?E voc quer desenvolve-los o mais suave possvel,sem ter que ler inmeros livrosou tutoriaispela Internet sobredesenvolvimento Android e Material Design?E claro: voc s quer a mais recente tecnologia, software e tcnicas - porque voc tem grandes planos, grandes idias - e vamos ser honestos,voc impaciente e quer ir mais rpido?Todos os conceitos do AndroidMaterial Designvoc pode encontrar aqui. Este curso baseado em projetos, o que significa que voc vai aprender criandoaplicativossurpreendentes!Neste curso, voc vai aprender tudo sobre Material Designpara desenvolvimento Android!. No final deste curso, voc poder desenvolver seus prprios aplicativos Android a partir do zero, implementando a Especificao do Android Material Design.Por que utilizar o MaterialDesign no desenvolvimento Android?Com milhes de aplicativos Android j publicados no Google Play Store, seus aplicativos devem ser surpreendentes e bonitos, de modo que ele tenha maior chance de ser considerado um aplicativo top. por isso que este curso, projetado especificamente para ensinarvoc as regras do Android Material Designno e como implement-las para elevar seu nvel nodesenvolvimento Android.*** Contedos Novos Toda Semanae Promoes Todo Ms***Alm de garantir um curso incrvel,voc receber semanalmente novos contedos sobredesenvolvimento Android profissionalpor email e via anncios na plataforma daUdemy.E tambm, todo ms fazemos promoes especiaisde cursos para nossos alunos, alm de receber acesso antecipado a novos cursos por um preo totalmenteespecial."
Price: 579.99 |
"Matemtica do Ensino Mdio" |
"Se voc est estudando para o ENEM, Vestibulares ou Concursos, voc chegou ao lugar certo!Veja o que a Emanuelle escreveu no nosso curso de Matemtica Bsica:""Eu sempre tive dificuldade em matemtica, e vejo a minha melhora gradativamente com esse curso, Parabns ao instrutor. Se ele fizesse outro curso mais aprofundado, com certeza eu compraria"".Ns fazemos nossas aulas com o maior cuidado para que todas as pessoas consigam aprender realmente!Adquira nosso curso e tenha 30 dias de garantia total pelo Udemy!100% de satisfao ou seu dinheiro de volta"
Price: 399.99 |
"Resoluo REAL de uma Prova do ENEM" |
"Depois do grande sucesso do nosso curso de Matemtica Bsica (mais de 1.500 alunos) e dos nossos vdeos no YouTube (mais de 15.000 inscritos), trazemos esta novidade para voc!Uma das habilidades mais importantes para se dar bem em uma prova / vestibular saber FAZERPROVASJ pensou em assistir seu professor (eu, no caso, heheheh) resolvendo uma prova REAL enquanto dou dicas e macetes de como gerenciar o tempo para conseguir o melhor resultado?Assista a Parte 1 (15 questes), que est liberada, para conhecer esta novidade!Algumas observaes:- Eu nunca tinha visto a prova nem nenhuma questo dela antes- Esta prova no um teste para mim. Onico intuito te ajudar. (quero dizer que no h razo eu trapacear)- Eu resolvi a prova como se fosse uma prova real, com limite de tempo e tudo mais- 3 min por questo (3 vdeos com 15 questes cada, dando uma mdia de 45 minutos por vdeo)"
Price: 399.99 |
"SOLIDWORKS Dynamics: Learn 2D Animation & Motion Analysis" |
"Learn how to use SOLIDWORKS Sketch - Blocks in your designs to create initial layout of the design motion before going into detailed 3D design phase.Master 2D Animations & Motion Analysis in SOLIDWORKS.Why would you take this course ?Learn unique skills in SOLIDWORKS and implement them to make your designs moreprofessional.Learn how to use the simple 2D dynamics tools to iterate the design before the detailed 3D design phase.Save both time and efforts by making simple layouts for your complex designs.Course topics overviewQueries on the leading employment websites for the top 100 U.S metropolitan areas reveal that of the 89,120 job openings seeking CADskills, 32% request SOLIDWORKS users (August 2015). This reveals how many more U.S. companies are using SOLIDWORKS.So when you consider learning SOLIDWORKSyou are increasing your job chances as a CAD designer.In this course you will be learning how to use SOLIDWORKS 2D Animation & Motion Analysis tools to create initial layouts for your designs;so you can modify and optimize them before the detailed 3D designIm not only explaining the 2D dynamics tools in SOLIDWORKS and leave you deal with them, but there are so many Exercises, 7 Quizzes and 4 Complete Projects explained step by step in the last section so that I can make sure that you will getthe maximum benefits out of this course.Complete the course lectures, examples, quizzes and the 4 projects from real life applications and you will be able toDistinguish your self as Cad designerwho had learntunique skills in the industry leading CAD software."
Price: 74.99 |
"Complete MATLAB Programming +MATLAB Simulink For Engineering" |
"This is a practicing course for MATLAB taught by Ahmed Rezk and Ahmed Mahdy. Learn the leading software MATLAB in numerical computing through step by step exercises.Master the basics and move to an advanced level in MATLAB.Why would you take this course?Learn about numerical & symbolic computing using MATLAB.Enhance your problem solving skills in the field of programming and building Algorithms in MATLAB.Implement MATLAB in your work and research. *Course Topics Overview*MATLAB is a leading software in numerical computing and building algorithms that is widely used by Engineers, Programmers, Researchers, Teachers, Colleges and Entrepreneurs.In this course you will start learning MATLAB :By creating and manipulating Matrices which are the key for MATLAB programming. You will learn how to use MATLAB in some Elementary Mathematics Problems. After that comes the Graphics section in which you will learn how to use MATLAB to produce 2D & 3D graphs. You will also learn how to build 2D animations in MATLAB. In the programming section you will learn how to use MATLAB as a programming language to build your own Algorithms. You will learn how to import and analyze data to MATLAB. You will get introduced to the symbolic capabilities of MATLAB.We will also simulate in the MATLAB using simulink tool circuits which is helpful for electrical engineering students especially power engineering students such as AC-DC, DC-AC, AC-AC and DC-DC converter circuits.We will explain those circuits which are from Ahmed Mahdy course of power electronics.As an example you will learn the simulation using MATLAB of:Single phase half wave controlled rectifier.Single phase bridge controlled rectifier.Single phase AC chopper with R and RL load.DC-DC converter as buck regulator.Boost regulator.Buck-Boost regulator.Single phase half bridge inverter.Single phase bridge inverter.Three Phase Inverter.Updated And New Lectures In 10/2019You will learn simulation of PV cell in solar energy using Simulink tool in MATLAB.You will learn about separately excited DC Machines and how to:1- Model the DC machine in no load case using Simulink in MATLAB.2- Model the DC machine in presence of load torque using Simulink in MATLAB.3- Simulating the DC machine using power library from Simulink in MATLAB.You will learn about Induction motors as:1- Construction and principle of operation of induction motor.2- Torque-speed characteristics of induction motor.3- Equivalent circuit and power flow of induction motor.4- Simulation of induction motor using simulink in MATLAB.Complete the course lectures, examples, quizzes and assignments in MATLAB and you will be able to distinguish your self as a MATLAB user & Programmer. Thank you and hope to see you in our course for MATLAB :)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Edit Like a Pro! 1 & 3 - Process Night Shots & Light Trails" |
"In this 24part course, Joe takes you through 2 images shot in Dublin, Ireland at night. In ""Navvy by the Liffey"", he shows how to bring out the best in a night image taken of an historic statue on the Quays with the iconic CustomHouse in the background overlooking the dark waters of the river Liffey. Global and local adjustments, cloning out unwanted details, bringing out clarity and detail in shadow areas - you'll be editing like a pro in no time!Then, in ""O'Connell Street Bridge Light Trails"",Joe shows you how to combine several traffic trail shots from the world famous O'Connell Street Bridge into a spectacular final composite image which willget admiration from everyone who sees such an image."
Price: 34.99 |
"Edit Like a Pro! - 5 - Houses of Parliament Evening" |
"Do you ever take shots of some great building or landmark, amazed at its grandeur and scale, then feel a bit disappointed when you see your photo on screen? The building is not in proportion, verticals are not straight, it just doesn't feel the same as it did when you were standing in front of it. Well this class will show you how to fix this!In this video, professional photographer &Adobe Certified Lightroom expert Joe Houghton takes you through a complete edit on an afternoonphoto shot of the Houses of Parliament in London, England. This is a typical shot that many tourists would get of thiswell known landmark, but with a bit of editing, it is transformed into a wow image!Featuring the iconic Big Ben, in just a few minutes,Joe shows you how to :Correct distortion to get the building verticalMake complex selections to adjust the buildings and skyBring out colours and tones in the stonework and skyUse radial filters to brighten up the clock-faces on the towerCrop to a panoramic format to accentuate the scene and eliminate distracting elements... and lots moretips and tricks to help you make your own shots amazing.In just a few minutes editing, you can transform your shot with easy to use techniques that work! No previous knowledge required - just follow along and apply the techniques to your own shots and turn them into masterpieces!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn videos editing by Adobe premiere pro CC from scratch" |
"One of the most fundamental parts of storytelling and videos making is editing. Without good editing, stories dont fully come alive on screen. For this step-by-step course on getting started with Adobe Premiere Pro CC.In this course, I will take you through all skills you need to start using Adobe premiere Pro.We will start from scratch from knowing the program we use until we export our final product.so, lets start."
Price: 199.99 |
"PMP PMBOK 6th Practice Exam: 150 Math based Questions, 2020" |
"If you can Understand the Math Formulas of the PMP exam, you are more probable to pass the exam from your first attempt! You will have 15-20 questions testing you in the Math Concepts of the PMP exam. In these TWO PMP MATH exams, you'll be tested on 150 questions to help prepare you to pass the PMP. These math formulas are based on the concepts of the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition and the PMP exam objectives.In the PMP Exam you should expect questions from the following types:Math formula based questions, in such type of questions you need to use math formulas to solve, they are based on the formulas you need to memorize for the PMP exam.ITTO based questions, ITTO refer to Input, Tool and Technique, Outputs. Direct questions based on the ITTOs of the 49 processes will ask you about the input, tool or output of the process given in the question, some questions will describe a process in the question and as you about the most appropriate input/output/tool which could be used in the process, you first need to decide which process the question is describing and then select the right answer, its hard to memorize all ITTOs for the 49 processes, but you need to understand them for each process, expect questions of this type specially in Risk management, Communications management, and Stakeholder management.Situational Based Questions, the most difficult type of questions in the PMP exam, such type of questions will test your ability to apply the theoretical knowledge you learnt into real life examples and applications in managing projects, usually they are tricky and long.Definition based Questions, the simplest type of questions, there are important terms you need to be aware of for the exam, those questions will ask you about the definition of a specific term, or will define the term in the question and ask you to select the term the question is defining from the four options.Knowledge Based Questions, These questions may ask you to identify the meaning of a project management scenario based on the information provided in the question.Interpretation Questions, this type will give you a description of a situation and ask you about the best options to take. Math topics covered in this course:Project Selection Methods Economical ModelsActivity duration and cost estimates Schedule Network analysis and critical path methodEarned Value ManagementNumerical Risk AnalysisCommunication Channels Make/Buy AnalysisContracts final fee and final price calculations- Note: This course is different from the others as it was created by an instructor who passed the PMP, ACP, and RMP exams on his first attempt, so, the instructor knows how to pass the different exams from the PMI on the first trial.I am a PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PRINCE2 Practitioner in good standing who has delivered hundreds of training courses. These are my IDsProject Management Professional , PMP #1955425 Risk Management Professional , PMI-RMP #1982971Agile Certified Practitioner, PMI-ACP #9625125PRINCE2 Practitioner , GR657024205SA Please check the PMI Certification Registry. Search for my name as followsName : Shadi Ismail Al Sha'er Country : Saudi Arabia Disclaimer: PMI, PMBOK, RMP, CAPM and PMP are registered trademarks of Project Management Institute. "
Price: 29.99 |
"PMP PMBOK 6th Practice Exam: 200 ITTO & Definition Questions" |
"If you can memorize and understand the ITTO's (Inputs, Tools, Techniques and Outputs) of the PMP exam, you are more probable to pass the exam from your first attempt! In these TWO PMP ITTO exams, you'll be tested on 200 questions to help prepare you to pass the PMP exam from your first trial. These ITTO's are based on the concepts of the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition and the PMP exam objectives.In the PMP Exam you should expect questions from the following types:Math formula based questions, in such type of questions you need to use math formulas to solve, they are based on the formulas you need to memorize for the PMP exam.ITTO based questions, ITTO refer to Input, Tool and Technique, Outputs. Direct questions based on the ITTOs of the 49 processes will ask you about the input, tool or output of the process given in the question, some questions will describe a process in the question and as you about the most appropriate input/output/tool which could be used in the process, you first need to decide which process the question is describing and then select the right answer, its hard to memorize all ITTOs for the 49 processes, but you need to understand them for each process, expect questions of this type specially in Risk management, Communications management, and Stakeholder management.Situational Based Questions, the most difficult type of questions in the PMP exam, such type of questions will test your ability to apply the theoretical knowledge you learnt into real life examples and applications in managing projects, usually they are tricky and long.Definition based Questions, the simplest type of questions, there are important terms you need to be aware of for the exam, those questions will ask you about the definition of a specific term, or will define the term in the question and ask you to select the term the question is defining from the four options.Knowledge Based Questions, These questions may ask you to identify the meaning of a project management scenario based on the information provided in the question.Interpretation Questions, this type will give you a description of a situation and ask you about the best options to take. Enroll in this course today and go through these 200 questions to help you learn more about the ITTO's of the PMP Exam. - Note: This course is different from the others as it was created by an instructor who passed the PMP, ACP, and RMP exams on his first attempt, so, the instructor knows how to pass the different exams from the PMI on the first trial.I am a PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PRINCE2 Practitioner in good standing who has delivered hundreds of training courses. These are my IDsProject Management Professional , PMP #1955425 Risk Management Professional , PMI-RMP #1982971Agile Certified Practitioner, PMI-ACP #9625125PRINCE2 Practitioner , GR657024205SA Please check the PMI Certification Registry. Search for my name as followsName : Shadi Ismail Al Sha'er Country : Saudi Arabia Disclaimer: PMI, PMBOK, RMP, CAPM and PMP are registered trademarks of Project Management Institute. "
Price: 29.99 |
"Learning AutoCad Civil 3D for Road Design" |
"Why Chose me?I am a professional Engineer with degree in Transportation Engineering. Working in a multinational Consultancy Firm as a Senior Highway Design Engineer. I have been a part of many Mega projects of National and International Importance.As a Highway Design Engineer, AutoCAD Civil 3D is my primary design tool. I have excellently developed my skills on AutCAD Civil 3D over a period of many years, working on several Highway Design projects.What you will learn from this course:After completion of this course, you will be able to independently design Highway/Roads using AutoCAD Civil 3D. You will be able to create surfaces, design horizontal and vertical alignments, corridors, cross-sections and much more.What are exactly the points covered in this course:This course is divided into 7 sections and there are total 24 lectures, which are listed below:About this CourseUnderstanding AutoCAD Civil 3D User InterfaceOverview of SurfacesCreating SurfaceAdding Data to Surface using Point FilesAdding Data to Surface using ContoursAdding Data to Surface using Points GroupLabeling SurfacesOverview of AlignmentsCreating Alignment from a PolylineCreating Alignment Using Alignment Creation ToolAlignment Labels and Label StylesEditing AlignmentsOverview of ProfilesCreating Surface Profile and Profile ViewsCreating Design ProfileProfile Labels and Label StylesEditing ProfilesCreating Assemblies and SubassembliesEditing Assemblies and SubassembliesCreating CorridorsEditing Corridors and Corridors PropertiesCreating Sample LinesCreating Cross SectionsThe course is easy to follow; all of the resources needed are posted in the course content. What are you waiting for ! register now.Who this course is for:Transportation Engineering StudentsCivil Engineering StudentsUrban Engineering StudentsEngineers working in Highway and Roads IndustrySurveyors"
Price: 74.99 |
"Desarrollo de videojuegos 3D: Con Unity" |
"Hola a todos los interesados en crear video-juegos. :)Este curso lo cree con el objetivo de personas quetengan la perseverancia, en la idea que tiene, sobre aprender a crear videojuegos se haga realidad por medio de este curso y que sus sueos puedan ser posibles mediante el aprendizaje y orientacin que les brindare con todo gusto en este curso, no importa si no saben programar o hasta ahora esten aprendiendo o quieran mejorar sus conocimientos, es por lo cual que deberian elegir este curso para cumplir su meta.Recuerda en este curso nos iremos en un gran viaje, el cual empezara por lo basico e ira hasta un nivel ms avanzado pero esto lo conseguiremos poco a poco. En este curso a diferencia de los dems no te enseare a hacer algn juego en especifico, sino que por tu propia cuenta, lograras crear los videojuegos que tu quieras, con las bases que te dare aqu.Por eso te invito a que compres este curso y logres alcanzar tus sueos!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to C++ and Qt5 Programming for Raspberry Pi" |
"Part I contains an introduction to C++.This part is designed to avoid forward referencing as much as possible, and it presents the top- ics in an order and a level of detail that should not overwhelm someone who is new to C++.Throughout this sectionwe will use code examples to explain and illustrate important programming and OOP issues. Our aim in each case is to use a minimal example that will illustrate the ideas and techniques briefly and efficiently.In Part II,you will find physical projects that dont need any graphical user interface. We can call them headless.Part IIIwill cover core knowledge about Qt5 with an embedded system like the Raspberry Pi. Here well writing C++ Code directly in the Qt Creator to develop GUIs for our Raspberry Pi projects.What do you get from the course:You will learn to get your development environment right, this goes from knowing what to use andinstalling toconfiguration.You'll learn how to get electronic componentsto work with C++ and Qt5.The examples and the provided Source Code willgive you confidence."
Price: 34.99 |
"The Complete NodeJS Course: Build a Full Business Rating App" |
"Gain the ability tobuild real applications in Node.JSby taking this course! Get answers from an experienced ITexpert to every single question you have related to the learning you do in this course, inclucing usingMongoDB, Express and Mongoose!If you are looking to improve your current skills in Node.js or switch over to Node.js, this course is perfect for you!You will learn to use:Express.js as the framework to build this Node.js applicationMongoDB as a noSQL database to store dataMongoose as an object modelling tool for Node.jsNode.js package ecosystem to install modules required for building the applicationThis course is perfect taking your Node.jsskills from Beginner to Advanced asyou learnstep by step how to build a complete Business ratingweb application. This application is an employee to business app (Or we can say as well it is a business to business rating app) where an employee of a company (or another company) rates a business based on experience with the company's business dealings.You will learn how to build the app from start to finish.If for any reason I am wrong, you have 30 days to ask Udemy for a refund. So the only thing you risk is your time!Thank you very much for reading all of this! I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Node Package Manager Course: Build and Publish NPM Modules" |
"NPM(Node Package Manager) is a package manager for node.js packages or modules. NPM consist of a command line client and an online database of public and private packages, called the npm registry. NPM makes it easy for javascript developers to share and reuse codes, and also makes it easy to update the codes. All packages on the npm registry solves at least one problem.A package comes with an important file called package.json which usually contains metadata about the project. Packages can be installed as dependencies which are used in the project or as dev dependencies which are only used for testing or for development. Examples of very popular packages are:ExpressAsyncMongooseReactMomentRequest etcDo you have an idea of a node package/modulethat will help other developers like you but don't know how to start or where to start from?Are you looking to learn how node modules are built and published? Then this course is for you.In this course, you will learn step by step on writing the javascript codes and adding them to the module files. You will write the codes from scratch and also learn how to publish the modules to the npm registry.In this course you will createmodules thatGenerates random alphanumeric charactersAllows arrays to be manipulatedManipulates stringsInteract with external API to return resultsYou will also learnTo setup the project for git and add the codes to the github repositoryTo setup the projects for NPMTo write javascript functions to work with array and stringsTo write unit tests using mocha, expect and supertest librariesTo publish the modules"
Price: 29.99 |
"Node with SocketIO: Build A Full Web Chat App From Scratch" |
"Have you tried to build your own web application with real time functionalities using Node? Maybe you have heard about the popular socket IOreal time application framework but have never used it because you don't know where and how to start.Perhaps, you have tried to build an application with some socket IOfunctionalities and you need to do more with it, then this course is for you.This course is created for youThe complete socket IOcourse will guide you through building your own real time web chat application from start to finish.The course usestools like Express, Mongodb, Mongoose.The best way to learn NodeReading about Node is not just sufficient in learning but also by building real world apps. That is why this course is strictly project based from start to finish. At the end you'll gain hands on experience in learning Node and socket IO.You'll be building a chatapplication using:NodeSocket IONPMExpressMongoDBMongooseAmazon Web ServiceRESTful API DesignAsynchronous programmingES6 features like classesVersion control with GitGithubApp deployment with HerokuWhat is an app if it is notonlinefor people to use? That is why i'll show you how to deploy your app to Heroku and also point your own domain to heroku app url or domain.During the course you'll learn:Dependency injection with modulesUsers local authentication with passportUsers social authentication with Facebook and GoogleAmazon Web ServiceUploading files to AWS S3 buckets from your Node.js appMongoDB aggregate methodSocket IOemitting and listening for eventsGroup chat functionalityPrivate chat functionalityFunctionality to send and receive friend requestsReal time friend request and message notificationsUsing third party APIApp deployment to Heroku (You'll see how to point your own domain to heroku app)And more..."
Price: 84.99 |
"Unity: Build A Complete 2D Game From Start to Finish" |
"Have you ever thought ofstarting your journey ingame development? Or,maybe you want to build on your game development skills.Well, you've come to the right place.This course is created just for youThe Unity course Build A Complete 2D Game From Start to Finish will guide you step by step on how to build your own 2D game. At the end of the course, you will gain hands on experience in learning Unity.In this course, we will build a 2D sidescroller game where a player has to avoid obstacles and kill enemies in other to get points and score.In this course, you'll learnLearn to code in C#Unity AnimationsGame Manager ControllersSingleton PatternsMonobehaviour Event ExecutionCoroutinesRandom Obstacle InstantiationRandom Enemies InstantiationScore and Points SystemPlayer Lives SystemHandle game Reload With CoroutineMenu System"
Price: 84.99 |
"Angular, Ionic & Node: Build A Real Web & Mobile Chat App" |
"Have you tried to build your own web and mobile application with real time functionalities using NodeJS backend?Perhaps, you have tried to build an application either for web or mobile with chatfunctionalities and you need to do more with it, then this course is for you.Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps with HTML, CSS and TypeScript. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular.Ionicis an open source framework used for developing mobile applications. It provides tools and services for building Mobile UI with native look and feel.This course follows a hands-on approach, which means that the whole course is structured around one big application and the different concepts will be explained detailedlyas they are introduced in this application. The backend built using NodeJS will be used for both the Angular web app and Ionic mobile app.So two apps with one backendDuring this course, you will learn to:Set up a NodeJS + Express + MongoDB + Angular + IonicApplication with the help of the Angular CLI, Ionic CLI and Node Command Line ToolUse NodeJS and Express frameworkUse JWT for authenticationAdd authorization to Angular appsUnderstand RESTful API DesignImage upload from Angular and Ionic appsUse Cloudinary cloud storage for imagesConnect your NodeJS backend with your AngularApp through Angulars HttpClient serviceConnect your NodeJS backend with your Ionic App through Ionic's providersAdd private chat functionalityAdd emojis to Angular and Ionic appsSocketIO for real-time interactionUse materialize css frameworkHandle ErrorsForms with validationsLearn concepts like Angular's http interceptorsUpdate Angular apps to Angular 7Angular Lazy Loading techniquesAnd much moreAt the end of this course, you will be able to build a complete and functioning real-time application both for web and mobile platforms."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Angular 7 Framework By Example - Build Awesome Apps" |
"Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps with HTML, CSS and TypeScript. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular.This course follows a hands-on approach, which means that the whole course is structured around building web applications and the different concepts will be explained detailedlyas they are introduced in this application. The applications that require a backend will be built using NodeJS and MongoDB as the database.In thiscoursewecovermanyimportantAngular features and the apps that will be built, you can use right away in your own applications. Apps that will be builtCRUD App where you learn basic CRUD operations in Angular with complete create, read, delete and update functionalities.Angular and Redux with NGRx StoreValidations App where you learn about form validations in Angular.Word to PDF Converter App where you'll learn to build an app that converts word documents to PDF.Token Based Authentication App using JWTPassword Reset App where you'll learn to add password reset functionality to your app.At the end of this course, you will be able to build apps that you can integrate to other apps"
Price: 99.99 |
"Job Search in the Digital Age: From Resume to LinkedIn" |
"Prepare to search for a job in the digital age by understanding the changing job market, identifying your interests, assessing your qualifications, and exploring career opportunities.Develop savvy search strategies by recognizing job sources and using digital tools to explore the open job market. Expand your job-search strategies by using both traditional and digital tools in pursuing the hidden job market.Organize your qualifications and information into effective resume segments to create a winning, customized resume.Optimize your job search and resume by taking advantage of todays digital tools.Draft and submit a customized cover message to accompany a print or digital resume.Learn LinkedIn, the premier digital platform for gaining the type of online footprint needed in the 21st century market place. You will learn how to craft a compelling profile, the numerous networking capabilities, and how to search for jobs."
Price: 194.99 |
"Live Stream Master Class: Grow Your Audience With Live Video" |
"Learn the best practices and strategies to implement the mostinteractive tool in the 21st century to reach and grow your audience fastLive streaming tactics, tips, ideas for streams, topics, and growth hacksHow to leverage live video for numerous types of businesses, both small and bigLearn from the top experts in the space with actual case studies and interviewsTried and true methods to modernize your growth and marketing strategy that produce resultsLearn from someone who is anactual live stream broadcaster, a practitioner, who has broadcasted over a 100 live streams26 years of Sales And Marketing experience on hand informing each and every lecture15 years of teaching Writing and Communications in higher education"
Price: 199.99 |
"Personal Branding: Build A Personal Brand That Makes Money" |
"Everyone (CEOs, business owners, entrepreneurs, authors, professionals, and job seekers) needs a strong personal brand. In today's online environment, a personal brand is more than a clever tagline, a vague elevator speech, and professional profile picture. A Personal Brand is a deeper, more developed, and consistent narrative that conveys your value and creates lucrative opportunities.Your Personal Brand is the ultimate currency in the 21st century. Without a strong, polished, value driven personal brand that attracts your target audience you will have zero equity in this current digital marketplace.In this course you will learn all the crucial components, in an easy to follow, step by step format, understanding how to reach a specific audience with a well thought out Personal Brand Identity that produces long term results.YOU WILL LEARN:Why Building a Personal Brand is the most important component to making income and earning revenue in the 21st centuryWhat a Personal Brand is exactly and in the simplest of termsHow to Create a Personal Brand that influences people and makes money for you when you sleepAn easy, step by step guide through concrete, evidence based examples and high quality videos that teach you exactly what to doThe Mindset and methodology to sustaining a Personal Brand through any kind of economic weatherAnd more..."
Price: 199.99 |
"Mindset Mastery: Change Your Life, End Anxiety and Suffering" |
"Do you want to be happy, successful and fulfilled in every area of your life and possess the inner power Mindset Mastery creates to overcome whatever challenge you might face?Do you see a gap between where you are and where you want to be? You have a job, but youre not living your dream. You have a social life, but no meaningful relationships. It feels like running on a treadmill, but you have no idea what youre doing and why youre doing it.If you answered yes to most if not all of those questions, then this Mindset course has been created for you.I designed this online course to guide you step-by-step on how to access the mindset that will allow you to perform at your best. You will learn a specific method tailored to your individual needs. I have outlined clear steps and strategies that will develop your capacity for conquering challenges and becoming you YOUTRULYARE and discard everything that keeps you bogged down and suppressed."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learning Algorithms in JavaScript from Scratch" |
"This course teaches algorithms in javascriptfrom the ground up. Using algorithms in your programmingallows you to improve theefficiency,performance,speed,andscalabilityof your code/applications/programs. You will learn what algorithmsare, why they are important, andhow to code them out in JavaScript. You will also learn other important programming concepts along the way such as functional programming, time complexity, recursion, and other important concepts,because you will be implementing them in the algorithms that you build throughout this course. This course also heavily usesdiagramsandanimationsto help make understanding the material easier.This course is also very good for anyone who isinterviewingfor developer/engineering jobs at both large and small companies. Interviewers will very often ask candidates to write algorithms out in code, and this course willprepare you very wellto do that. If you have recently graduated from a coding bootcamp or are currently looking for a job, you will find this course to be beneficial.Knowing algorithmswill absolutely help you to excel intechnical interviews."
Price: 174.99 |
"Learn Salesforce and Enhance Your Career" |
"Salesforce is the world's leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software platform and enterprise cloud ecosystem.In this course, we will walk through the process of setting up your own Salesforce account. We will then tour the user interface, to become familiar with navigating the platform and performing common functions.We'll then get into best practices for utilizing the Salesforce platform.You will learn about how to begin or advance a career developing on the Salesforce platform. Youll learn practical strategies for learning and finding that first job and how to rapidly move up the income ladder. Current developers on the platform will learn how to gain advanced developer skills, engage with the rapidly growing developer community, and opportunities that exist beyond regular employment or consulting."
Price: 24.99 |
"Mercado de Aes - Como Utilizar os Scanners" |
"Operando no Mercado Americano de Aes significa imediatamente que temos acesso ao Maior Mercado do Planeta.Isso muito bom, mas pode tambm te deixar um pouco perdido(a).Existem mais de 11.000 empresas listadas na bolsa de valores americana, onde podemos diariamente operar qualquer uma delas.O problema inicia nesse ponto... Eu preciso de informaes mais especficas como:Qual so as empresas que tem mais volume de transaes hoje? Quais empresas publicaram os seus ganhos ontem?Quais aes esto com notcias quentes?Este cursos responde todas essas perguntas!Se voc no estiver com a ao certa na hora certa, provavelmente vai chegar atrasado na operao.Com esse curso vou te ensinar a configurar os 2 scanners mais comuns do mercado Americano de Aes e mostrar quais so os filtros que utilizo todos os dias."
Price: 399.99 |
"Mercado de Aes - Grficos e Estratgias NYSE,Nasdaq e Dow" |
"O que acha da idia de trabalhar 20 minutos por dia, de Segunda a Sexta-feira e ter seus rendimentos em dlares? Tentador no ! A notcia boa que vrios dos nossos alunos conseguem fazer isso, e se voc for uma pessoa esforada, com foco e disciplina forte, voc tambm pode se tornar um Operador do Mercado Americano de Aes. O Curso Online para Formao em Day Trader abrange somente operaes da Bolsa de NY no Mercado Americano. Operamos somente Aes (Shares) das empresas listadas na Nasdaq, NYSE e Dow Jones. Operamos empresas como Apple, Facebook, AMD e Netflix. Esse programa foi especialmente desenvolvido para pessoas que desejam iniciar na profisso de Trader (Operador de mercado) e no possuem conhecimento sobre o assunto. No h nenhuma formao ou pr-requisito exigido. Qualquer pessoa pode participar do Curso Online Day Trader desde que tenha muita dedicao nos estudos e disciplina, para extrair o mximo de conhecimento possvel, se especializar e comear a sua longa jornada na Carreira de Day Trader. O Curso Online Day Trader ser o seu ponto de partida para ingressar na Bolsa de Valores de NY Te vejo na nossa primeira MasterClass!"
Price: 399.99 |
"Mercado de Aes - Indices e Terminologia NYSE, Nasdaq e Dow" |
"O MasterClass 2 foi especialmente desenvolvido para Day Traders do Mercado Americano de Aes que desejam entender de forma ampla e completa todos os seus termos e funcionalidades.Aprenda aqui como funcionam as Exchanges, os termos mais complexos para assim ganhar uma base slida de conhecimento e melhorar a cada dia mais suas operaes. Entenda como funciona as Prop Firms e Hedge Funds e futuramente voce podera tambem aplicar para uma vaga em uma dessas empresas.Para se tornar um Day Trader de sucesso voc precisa ter um grande conhecimento sobre o mercado todo em s, e no somente sobre anlises tcnicas. Gostaria de dar continuidade na Carreira de Day Trader e operar no Mercado Americano?Para voce que ja realizou o MASTERCLASS 1 esse novo modulo 2 sera a continuidade do seu curso.Bons estudos"
Price: 399.99 |
"Mercado de Aes - Anlise e Seleo de Aes de Wall Street" |
"O Curso Online para Formao em Day Trader abrange somente operaes da Bolsa de NY no Mercado Americano. Operamos somente Aes (Shares) das empresas listadas na Nasdaq, NYSE e Dow Jones. Operamos empresas como Apple, Facebook, AMD e Netflix. Esse programa foi especialmente desenvolvido para pessoas que desejam iniciar na profisso de Trader (Operador de mercado) e no possuem conhecimento sobre o assunto. No h nenhuma formao ou pr-requisito exigido. Qualquer pessoa pode participar do Curso Online Day Trader desde que tenha muita dedicao nos estudos e disciplina, para extrair o mximo de conhecimento possvel, se especializar e comear a sua longa jornada na Carreira de Day Trader. O Curso Online Day Trader ser o seu ponto de partida para ingressar na Bolsa de Valores de NY"
Price: 399.99 |
"Ultimate Investment Banking Course" |
"Our dedicated approach and solid methodology will teach youthe tools and skills of a good investment banker.This course is also for anyone who wants to work inInvestment Banking, and wants to learn about the necessary skills required to get into this sector.No prior technical knowledge is required. We haveDIRECT EXAMPLES for all of the concepts that we will be introducing, so you can practice directly as you go forward into the course.The course covers:Banking Organization: Understand how a bank really works, the main actors and how they interact with each others.Introduction to the Financial Markets: Introducing the different markets where the assets classes are exchanged. We will cover Equities, Bonds, Commodities and Forex.Interest Rates: Learn about the most common interest rates, from simple to periodic compound rates, those will not have any secrets for you!Derivatives: Derivatives are enigmatic for most people, but they are not. You will learn about futures, forwards, Swaps, Credit Derivativesand so on.Options: From Vanilla to Exotic options, you will master all the options types and understand how to draw their profit & loss graphs. You will also learn about the Greeks, which are fundamental risk indicators if you want to work with the options !Volatity:Very important concepts in investment banking, you will learn about the volatity and the different methodology to estimate it, such as the implied, skew and smile volatility.Bonds: Bonds are of the most traded products on the financial markets. You will learn how to price a bond and familiarize yourself with the concepts of convexity and sensitivity.Banking Regulations: You will discover the main financial institutions, their role, and also learn about the new financial regulations that came out after the 2008 crisis.Why should you take this course? Different possibilities :- You are not working in banking but you want to step in this industry andmake a jump in your career. All the required knowledge and understanding for this industry have been gathered in thisPackage.-You are afinance student. You are really struggling in finding a highly-valued and challenging position in Banking. You would like to start your career with a great asset on your resume and you are motivated to reach that goal.- You are already a banking employee, but you are working in a department that does not fit your ambitions, and you would like to join a more challenging department such as front-office, and work in the exciting environment of the trading room. In order to do that you need to prove that you can bring value to the team."
Price: 199.99 |