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"Aprende a programar Android con Kotlin + Firebase + Google"
"Aprende a crear aplicaciones Android con Kotlin. Para ello, usaremos Android Studio 3, cargado de novedades y soporte completo del lenguaje Kotlin. Aprovecha esta oportunidad, Kotlin es el futuro del desarrollo Android, desde Google animas a los desarrolladores a que empiecen a usarlo, es un lenguaje maduro, slido y estable, que aunque parezca nuevo, lleva desde 2010de la mano de JetBrains, aunque enla Google IO de 2017 fuecuando Google lo presentcomo lenguaje de primera clase y lo adopt pblicamente.Podrs crearapps desde cerocon Kotlin que usen:Lenguaje Kotlin (incluyendoExtension functions, Lambda expressions, Kotlin Android Extensions...)Firebase y Base de datos en la nube en tiempo real (RealTime)Inicio de sesincon GoogleReactividad con Kotlin + RxAndroid -Event bus reactivo...RecyclerView, CardView, ListView, AdaptadoresIntents, activities, permisos en run time...Componentes deMaterial DesignSubir app a Google Play StoreY mucho ms...Puedes echar un vistazo a las clases accesibles antes de comprar el curso y seguro que te decides a unirte a nosotros!Como empieza el curso?Con el mensaje de bienvenida del curso, tendrs un enlace a un repositorio GitHub donde tendrs el cdigo impartido en las diferentes secciones, totalmente accesible, incluyendo la App Final donde crearemos un chat, usaremos Login con Google+ y conectaremos con Firebase!Al ser miembro de este curso y pagar el acceso a l, incluye el uso del cdigo de los repositorios de forma totalmente gratuita, por lo que si quieres modificar un poco la app final y subirla para tenerla en tu CV puedes hacerlo sin problemas :)Te recomiendo ver el curso siguiendo el orden establecido, aunque la primera parte es muy terica sobre el lenguaje Kotlin, es necesario asentar unos conocimientos previos antes de saltar a crear apps, tendremos tiempo suficiente para hacer apps cuando pasemos la seccin deintroduccin.Es para mi este curso?Si tienes conocimientos previos sobre Android con Java, si es para ti este curso, puesto queaprenders como aplicar tus conocimientos sobreJava, pero en Kotlin. Si sabes algo de Kotlin pero no ests muy suelto en Android, este curso tambin es vlido para ti.Si no sabes nada sobre Android ni sobre Kotlin ni sobre Java, puedes disfrutar de este curso, y aprenders muchsimo, aunque en el caso de no tener conocimientos previos sobre Android, te recomendara hacer mi otro curso sobre Android con Java para asentar conocimientos bsicos, aunque en este curso cubrimos muchos de ellos, no nos paramos tanto a explicar en detalleciertos elementosdel mundo Android. Si no quieres hacerlo, no pasa nada, tambin aprenders con este curso muchsimo, aunque lo mencionado anteriormente es mi recomendacin para sacarle el 100% al curso.Si eres un experto en Android con Kotlin y al ver el temario sientes quedominas todos esos puntos, entonces este cursono es para ti :)Sobre el TutorEste es mi segundo curso en Udemy. El primer curso llamado Programacin de Android desde Cero +35 horas Curso Completo tiene ms de 18.000 estudiantes en el curso, categorizado como [BEST SELLER]con ms de un 4.4de media de satisfaccin,numerosos comentarios y valoraciones positivas. Multitud de alumnos han subido sus primeras apps conmigo durante ese curso y han dado sus primeros pasos laborales gracias al curso (y por supuesto a la dedicacin que le han puesto).Mi objetivo para este curso es dar un paso ms profesionalmente, tanto para esos alumnos de mi curso previo, como para los nuevos alumnos que disfruten de este curso, con un temario ms avanzado, con las ltimas tecnologas y herramientas ms demandadas.Si eres uno de mis alumnos del curso mencionado sabrs que conmigo como tutor, poniendo inters en las clases y trabajo de tu parte, estGARANTIZADO 100%que aprenders muchsimo.Se usa Android Studio 3?Por supuesto, eso ha sido uno de los motivos que ha retrasado este curso, esperaba la salida de esta nueva versin que hace posible el soporte nativo de Kotlin y otras muchas ms mejoras.Significa que no debera aprender Java o que lo que aprend en Java ya no sirve?No, claramente no. Si sabes Java,has tomado mi curso anterior o ests pensando en hacerlo, no te preocupes, Java es un lenguaje muy bueno para aprender Android desde cero, y los conocimientos que adquieras con l, sern los mismos que con Kotlin, con la nica diferencia que cambiars el lenguaje pero la lgica de funcionamiento y el resto es exactamente lo mismo.Si ya sabes Android, un ListViewes un ListView tanto en Kotlin como en Java, un Adapter es un Adapter en ambos lenguajesy as continuadamente. No es malo ni daino aprender Android conJava, y hay muchas ofertas de empleo sobre ello, y muchas empresas dando soporte a appsexistentes con Java, pero el futuro es Kotlin, incluso es parte del presente, y de aqu en adelante la transicin se va a ir haciendo, poco a poco, as que aprovecha el momento para aprenderlo ahora y sers uno de los primeros en saber Kotlinte llovern las ofertas!Y Por qu Kotlin?Existen muchas razones, algunas como:Simplicidad del lenguajeInteroperabilidad con JavaSoporte absoluto de Android, JetBrains y Android StudioAprendizaje rpido y sencilloMs seguridad que JavaImportantes empresas ya lo usan en sus productosClaridad, menos verbosoDivertido de usar, cuando lo domines, no querrs volver a JavaTu opinin cuentaDjanos reseas, contacta conmigo por privado mediante la plataforma, escribe tus preguntas y dudas sobre el curso, disfruta de la comunidad Slack, comparte tus apps, comntanosque te gustara que aadiese al curso mientras est en progreso... Tu opinin cuenta!Espero verte pronto en el curso,Un Abrazo,Alejandro ;)"
Price: 199.99

"Master Desarrollo Android con Java y Kotlin [Noviembre 2019]"
"Aprende a desarrollar apps Android AVANZADAS desde principiante con: Android Jetpack, MVVM, MVP, Google Maps, Animaciones, Room, Consumir APIs con seguridad por Token, Android Studio, Google Play Store... Y gana dinero con Google AdMob mediante la publicidad y anuncios.Crearemos multitud de apps desde cero, para que t puedas pasar por todo el ciclo de la creacin de apps, desde crear el proyecto, disear interfaces, aadir complejidad, bases de datos, consumir APIs... hasta publicar en Google Play Store y monetizar tu app.Si, monetizar tus apps, en este curso mostraremos como poder GANAR DINERO a travs de la publicidad en Google Play Store.Este curso ofrece muchos recursos que estarn disponibles para todos los alumnos:Todo el cdigo escrito en clase, ordenado y categorizado en GitHub.Enlaces oficiales.Apps realizadas en el curso publicadas en Google Play.Acceso a la comunidad Slack de programadores Android en espaol.[[ EN DESARROLLO ]] - ESTE CURSO SE ENCUENTRA EN CONSTANTE DESARROLLO, ESTO SIGNIFICA QUE NO EST TERMINADO AN. EL TEMARIO NO EST CERRADO, SUBIREMOS NUEVA SECCIN CADA MES HASTA QUE COMPLETEMOS TODO EL TEMARIO. NO TE PREOCUPES SI ALGO DE LO MENCIONADO NO EST AN PUBLICADO, LO ESTAR PRONTO.Ms de 40.000 estudiantes han aprendido Android conmigo, desde principiantes hasta avanzados. T puedes ser el siguiente. Anmate y forma parte de esta comunidad y empieza a desarrollar tus propias apps Android o mejora tus habilidades de programador Android llevndolas al siguiente nivel.Te animo a que veas cualquiera de las clases que estn accesibles antes de comprar el curso y seguro que desears ver el resto del curso.Equipo de Tutores- Alejandro Lora: Desarrollador Senior de Software e Instructor BEST SELLER en Udemy, especializado en tecnologas de Google. Trabaja como freelance en remoto para empresas americanas, usando tecnologas webs (Angular, Typescript...) y tecnologa mobile (Android).- Miguel Campos: Desarrollador Senior de Software y profesor de Android con ms de 10 aos de experiencia. Posee grandes habilidades docentes y comunicativas. Domina el mundo Android, siempre a la vanguardia de las ltimas novedades.Si an te preguntas, por qu este curso y no otro, te doy un par de razones:Sumamos la experiencia de Alejandro Lora y Miguel Campos para conseguir el curso definitivo de AndroidEl curso estar en constante desarrollo, aadiendo nuevas secciones y vdeos progresivamente.Amamos Android, trabajamos con Android y nos avalan aos de experiencia en esta tecnologa.Hemos analizado los conocimientos de diferentes niveles y hemos confeccionado un temario aptos para principiantes y para programadores Android, de forma que se empieza desde abajo (Principiante) hasta nivel avanzado (EXPERTO).Miles de alumnos han encontrado trabajo, han mejorado su situacin o han montado su empresa tomando nuestros cursos, prueba con nosotros, no te arrepentirs.Hablando del temario, hemos recogido feedback de todos mis alumnos + estudiantes y profesionales Android mediante encuestas para cubrir los conceptos ms interesantes, usados y beneficiosos en el mundo Android. Algunos de los puntos ms fuertes, son:ANDROID JETPACKExplicamos cmo usar esta coleccin de componentes Android que nos permiten desarrollar excelentes apps y forma ms sencilla, siguiente unas reglas de recomendaciones, estndares y buenas prcticas, consiguiendo simplificar tareas complejas y entregando apps extraordinarias.PATRN DE ARQUITECTURA MVVM Y MVP - BUENAS PRCTICASEnseamos dos patrones de arquitectura muy aclamados y usados en el desarrollo Android avanzado como MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) y MVP (Model-View-Presenter). Seguiremos las buenas prcticas que muestran cmo implementar estos patrones de diseo para tener una infraestructura slida y sostenible.BASE DE DATOS ROOMRoom es una librera que aade una capa de abstraccin para usar el motor de base de datos natural y nativo de Android, SQLite. El problema con SQLite es su complejidad para hacer cosas sencillas y su diseo. Room nos permite ser mucho ms giles, crear cdigo ms intuitivo, con menos lneas y ms eficiente.RESPONSIVE DESIGN + MATERIAL DESIGNMostramos cmo usar Constraint Layout y cmo hacer que los layouts se adapte a diferentes pantallas/dimensiones. Tambin veremos muchos componentes de Material Design, cambiar el theme y hacer que nuestras aplicaciones tengan un genial aspecto.ANIMACIONES Y TRANSICIONESHas visto esas apps que tienen unas animaciones espectaculares? Pues en este curso aprenders a hacerlas t mismo. Las animaciones y transiciones otorgan un aspecto muy profesional y avanzado a las apps.MAPAS DE GOOGLE + GPSAprende a crear mapas interactivos de Google en apps Android. Utiliza el GPS de tu dispositivo y domina este excelente componente que abre una gran cantidad de oportunidades.CONSUMIR API REST Y BASES DE DATOS EN LA NUBEConsume bases de datos en la nube, con datos centralizados y compartidos a travs de miles de usuarios. Consumir API Rest es de lo ms frecuente en el mundo del desarrollo software en estos das, aprende cmo hacerlo de forma eficiente y sencilla desde tus apps Android.BONUS EXTRASEstamos incluyendo nuevas secciones de contenido extras:- Desarrollo de juego 2D haciendo uso de Google Firebase para autenticacin y almacenamiento en la nube con el servicio Cloud Firestore.- Desarrollo de apps con el lenguaje de programacin Kotlin.Todo esto... y mucho ms!!Espero que si no lo tenas claro, ahora lo tengas un poco ms, y si tienes alguna duda puedes mandarme un MD e intentar resolver tu duda de forma inmediata.A qu esperas para unirte? todo esto y ms est a tu alcance.Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 189.99

"Impactos do eSocial na tributao da folha de pagamento"
"Continuando com a inteno de abordar objetivamente o eSocial na forma de um bate-papo informal, retomamos o tema aprofundando, desta vez, os relevantes impactos que esta sistemtica trar na tributao da folha de pagamento.Ao seu trmino, voc ter condies de aplicar o mtodo que aqui apresentamos, de modo a realizar a paridade das verbas utilizadas na folha de pagamento com a tabela de referncia do eSocial, avaliar a correspondente tributao e reflexos trabalhistas, e destacar as potenciais inconsistncias para avaliao jurdica, operacional e financeira, no processo de implantao do eSocial."
Price: 69.99

"How To Master ANY Talent"
"UPDATE: Added a fully downloadable Audio Section for every video.UPDATE:Brand NewCourse! January 14, 2017.1100 Students in 2 days!Everyone is talented in some way. Some play musical instruments, some play football or soccer, and some are good with mathematics. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can all agree that every person has a talent of their own.Many people believe that whatever comes naturally to you, that is what you will be talented it. Yes, but what if we could choose our own talents? Our own skills? What ifa good basketball player and wanted to pick up guitar?This course has clear information that talents can be created. Any talent you wish to learn or to obtain will be possible to achieve, whatever it may be. After this course you will have the knowledge and motivation on starting or continuing on a talent you always wanted to do.Sign up today, and start getting good at what you want to be good at."
Price: 44.99

"Advanced Guide to Finding Deals on Amazon"
"In this course, I offer tools and skills to find the bestdealson Amazon. You'll learn how totrackpricesof the products you use, so you can get the best deal possible. You'll gain a better understanding of Warehouse Deals and even learn how to order add-on items from Amazon. Once you've completed this course, you'll be able to set up alerts for the products you use on a daily basis, so you can be notified when they are on sale. When the prices are low, you'll be able to purchase themat a lower cost than normal. This courseis the most advanced guide to finding deals on Amazon that has been created by me to date."
Price: 29.99

"Linux Server Administration Made Easy with Hands-on Training"
"Course Update! Fedora has been updated to version 27. Some of background images and icons have changed but the command syntax used in the labs remains constant. Having to update the course with every updated version is administratively burdensome but I will be updating labs and videos if I see a pattern of issue. By the end of this course you will know and understand the fundamentals of the Linux Fedora operating system and be able to apply that knowledge as needed.If you want to learn basic Linux system administrationusing real world applied learning, read on.Do you want to learn how to install and configure a Linux server?Do you prefer learning using hands-on as opposed to just a lecture and quiz?If you have answered YES to above questions, then you choose the right course.This course teaches you the basic skills of Installing and Configuring Linux Fedora Workstation and Server.This course provides a solid hands-on experience for learning Linux and is designed for those needing to be able to demonstrate basic day-to-day administration and configuration skills required for Linux administering.This course provides hands-on learning on how to install, maintain and configure a Linux Fedora Workstation and Server. This Course is structured using short tutorial videos and hands-on labs. Students watch a short video tutorial, review the hands-on lab and then complete the lab.This course is designed to provide students with the necessary basic skills and abilities to work with a Linux system workstation and server. Students should have basic knowledge of computers, operating systems and networking.Students will learn how to install, configure and maintain a Linux system in a virtual lab environment. Students build a virtual install of Linux Fedora Workstation and Linux Fedora server but other Linux distros such RHEL 7 can be used. Student will use a hypervisor such as VMWare Player or Virtualbox to create a virtual lab environment. Students should complete Module 01, building a virtual lab environment before actually enrolling. Basic administrative tasks are covered such as creating and managing users, creating and maintaining file systems, determining and implementing security measures and performing software installation and package management. Linux networking topics include installing and supporting DNS, DHCP, Samba and the Apache Web server.Hands-on labs are used throughout the course to provide as much real-world experience as possible. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be prepared to install, configure and maintain aLinux system.Although the course is built around a Linux Fedora, CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 RPM Linux type system, much of the course content can be applied toUbuntu type distros.Who should take this course?Network administrators, technology students, entry level pentesters, wanna-be hackers and anyone wanting to learn how to use Linux.Who should not take this course?Anyone suffering from technophobia (the fear of learning new technology).Anyone unable to complete the first section of the course.Course requirements:Knowledge levelBasic networking concepts, how devices communicate, and basic troubleshooting of network connectivity issues. How to use a computer, a mouse and keyboard. How to configure a static IP address on an Network adapter. How to check for connectivity using PING, IPCONFIG and IFCONFIG. Hardware PC. laptop or desktop capable of virtualization. (Virtualization enabled BIOS). A minimum of 4 GB of RAM, (8GB or more of RAM recommended). Administrative access to the host operating system.(You own the machine). LAN or cable connection for Internet access. (Cannot use a wireless connection). High speed internet access using a reliable Internet connection. (5mb or higher throughput). Software Any 64 bit Windows operating system. (preferred) Current 64 bit Mac or Linux operating system. Installation of VMWare Player (free edition) for Windows and Linux users. (Links provided in lab). Installation of Virtualbox for MAC. (Links provided in lab).A good, solid Internet connection."
Price: 19.99

"Server 2012 R2 - Hands-on Training Part II"
"Please do not enroll in this course until you have completed the first section on building your virtual lab environment. If you cannot create a virtual install of Server 2012, r2  using a Hypervisor, you will not be able to partake in the lab exercises. This course picks up where Windows Server  2012r2 -  Hands-on Training Part I leaves off. In part I of the course we looked at the basics of installation and configuration of a Windows  Server 2012 r2 domain. Part II of the course covers advanced network administration of additional roles and services.Certificate ServicesRDSHyper-VPowerShell.....and others!About this course:    This is Part II of a comprehensive two-part series for learning Server 2012  r2.   (Launched in February 2017) 12,000+ Students have already taken part I in the series. Do you want to learn to configure specific roles and services in Windows Server 2012 R2?   Do you prefer learning using hands-on as opposed to just a lecture and quiz?If you have answered YES to the above questions, then you are in the right place.   This course teaches you the advanced skills for Installing and Configuring Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2.   This course provides a solid hands-on experience for learning Windows   Server 2012 R2 and is designed for those needing to be able to demonstrate basic day-to-day administration and configuration skills required for Windows Server 2012 R2 administration.   This course provides you more hands-on learning on how to install,  maintain and configure the advanced roles and features of Windows Server 2012 R2.   The course is structured using short tutorial videos and hands-on labs.  Students watch a short video tutorial, review the hands-on lab and then complete the lab.   Students who take and complete this two-part series will be able to install and configure Windows Server 2012 R2 with  Active Directory, DNS, DHCP,  FSRM, and other roles commonly found in a  Windows Server 2012 R2 domain.     The course uses the same three virtual machines built-in Part I. In Part II you move on to more advanced configuration and administration of the  Windows Server 2012 R2  domain create in Part I.Why I should take this course?   A solid hands-on training course with lab practice   A complete guide for how to install, configure and maintain Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2   The course helps to prepare for your Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Certification Exam 70-410   You  will learn to install of Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard  Edition,  Windows Server 2012 R2 Core, Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 Professional  or  better   You will also learn Windows Server 2012 R2  Networking,  creating domain environment and installing and configuring  different  server roles   30-day satisfaction guaranteed   This is the course that could change your life.     Obtaining the Microsoft Server 2012 Certification (Exam 70-410) can help you to enhance your career opportunities and also helps to boost your income.  Microsoft Server 2012 Certification is a highly-sought certification.  Many positions either prefer or require Microsoft Server  2012  Certification. You can also see now a day many companies are asking for  Microsoft Server 2012 Certification in their Job descriptions.   An investment in your career is an investment in yourself.  Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by studying for and passing the Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Certification 70-410 exam!   You have 30 days money-back guarantee!!!   And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have 30 days money-back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click on the ""Enroll Now button!   See you in the course!!!  "
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking - Capture the Flag Walkthroughs - v1"
"You've taken enough ethical hacking courses. You know about the different pentesting tools but you're just not quite sure how to use them in a real-world pentest. Congratulations! You came to the right course!Students having completed the Syberoffense Ethical Hacking course can now put to use what they have learned. You've seen the tools, heard all the war stories, now learn to hack as you've always wanted to. Using the hacking methodology, this course will teach you how to use those pentesting tools to enumerate and gain root access. Over the span of the course, you will learn the different attack vectors used to exploit a target. You'll learn Python, PHP scripting and tricks of the trade that will astound you! This is not a course for beginners, bug hunters or wanna-be script kiddies. Anyone enrolling should have a good command of the Linux terminal and be able to follow written step-by-step instructions. Each step of every capture the flag exercise is covered in a video tutorial. You've taken the ethical hacking courses, you've been introduced to the tools and the methodology. This course brings it all together showing students how to perform an actual pentest and gain root access. Students step through each of the Capture the Flags (CTF) walkthroughs learning how to footprint a target, enumerate the target for possible vulnerabilities, analyze the vulnerabilities and exploit the target to gain root access. Each CTF demonstrates the advanced techniques and different attack vectors used by professional pentesters and hackers. Students having completed the Syberoffense Ethical Hacking course can now put to use what they have learned. You've seen the tools, heard all the war stories, now learn to hack like you've been wanting to. Don't cheat yourself! Check out the free preview of the first module of the course. Students have a lifetime a access and more CTF exercises will be added over time."
Price: 19.99

"Server 2016 Exam Prep: 70-740 -Installation and Storage"
"This is not a technical training course! This course provides practice for taking the actual exam! The training should have been done by now. If you do not know the difference, please consider hotel management as a vocation and enroll is some other course but not this one! This course provides practice exam questions that help in the preparing to pass the Microsoft Certification Exam, Server 2016 Exam: 70-740 -Installation and Storage. This is a dynamic course with updated material being added as needed. Candidates for this exam are involved with the installation, storage, and compute functionalities available in Windows Server 2016. Candidates perform general installation tasks, including installing and configuring Nano Server, as well as creating and managing images for deployment.Candidates should have experience with local and server storage solutions including the configuration of disks and volumes, Data Deduplication, High Availability, Disaster Recovery, Storage Spaces Direct, and Failover Clustering solutions. The candidates should also be familiar with managing Hyper-V and Containers as well as maintaining and monitoring servers in physical and compute environments.Preparation for taking any certification exam come from many different resources and those preparing for any exam should not just rely on one source. Preparation requires research, study, a virtual lab environment and an investment of time and money.This course tries to ensure students have the most updated questions and scenarios but it does not guarantee an individual will pass the exam. Microsoft updates and rotates exam questions on a regular basis."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking - Capture the Flag Walkthroughs - v2"
"Welcome to Ethical Hacking - Capture the Flag Walkthroughs v2!If you're like me, you can't get enough information on pentesting/hacking techniques. We want more, more, more! This course picks up where v1 left off using all-new capture the flag exercises,  all new step-by-step video tutorials and hands-on labs.  You've taken enough ethical hacking courses. You know about the different pentesting tools but you're just not quite sure how to use them in a real-world pentest.  Congratulations! You came to the right course!Using the hacking methodology, this course will teach you how to use pentesting tools to enumerate and gain root access. Over the span of the course, you will learn the different attack vectors used to exploit a target. You'll learn Python, PHP scripting and tricks of the trade that will astound you! This is not a course for beginners, bug hunters or wanna-be script kiddies. Anyone enrolling should have a good command of the Linux terminal and be able to follow written step-by-step instructions. Each step of every capture the flag exercise is covered in a video tutorial. You've taken the ethical hacking courses, you've been introduced to the tools and the methodology. This course brings it all together showing students how to perform an actual pentest and gain root access. Students step through each of the Capture the Flags (CTF) walkthroughs learning how to footprint a target, enumerate the target for possible vulnerabilities, analyze the vulnerabilities and exploit the target to gain root access. Each CTF demonstrates the advance techniques and different attack vectors used by professional pentesters and hackers. Students having completed the Syberoffense Ethical Hacking course can now put to use what they have learned. You've seen the tools, heard all the war stories, now learn to hack like you've been wanting to. Don't cheat yourself! Check out the free preview of the first module of the course. Students have a lifetime of access and more CTF exercises will be added over time.  "
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Windows Server 2016 - Hands-on Training"
"Speed Learn Microsoft Windows Server 2016!This course is designed for speed learning Server 2016. The course is broken down into bite-size manageable chunks with most of the video tutorials being less than 5 minutes long and any tutorial over 5 minutes comes with a lab file to easily follow along with.Open your virtual machine, follow along using a short very concise video tutorial, move on to the next video, repeat. CaveatThis course Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Course is a follow-on for both my Server 2012 courses, Parts I & II. It is highly recommended anyone contemplating signing up for this course to first complete both of my Server 2012 courses or have a good background working with Server 2012. I did my best not to go over material covered in Server 2012 such as DNS. Most of the material covered in this course is unique and adds value to what was learned in both my Server 2012 courses.This course is for those needing to become familiar with Server 2016, building and maintaining a Microsoft Server 2016 network from the ground up. In this first part, students will learn how to install and configure Windows Server 2016 just as they would as a network administrator or networking consultant.This course trains the student on how to install, configure and manage the most common roles and services found on a Microsoft 2016 network. Part II of the course will introduce the more advanced roles and features offered in Server 2016.Microsoft Windows Server 2016 -Hands-on is a Comprehensive  Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Hands-on Training Course.Sections, 2 and 3 of the course are completely open and free. If you can set up your virtual lab environment, you will have no issue with completing this course. Please do not enroll until you have set up your virtual lab environment for the course. Do you want to learn how to install and configure Microsoft Windows Server 2016?   Do you prefer learning using hands-on as opposed to just a lecture and quiz?If you have answered YES to the above questions, then you are in the right place.   This course teaches you the administration skills for Installing and Configuring a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 domain.   This course provides a solid hands-on experience for learning Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and is designed for those needing to demonstrate basic day-to-day administration and configuration skills required for Microsoft Windows Server 2016 administering. This course provides hands-on learning on how to install, maintain and configure Microsoft Windows Server 2016.  The course is structured using short tutorial videos. Students open up their VM of Server 2016, watch a short video tutorial, complete the lab and move to the next tutorial.   Students who take and complete this course will be able to install and configure build a Microsoft Windows Server 2016  domain complete with Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Group Policy, Certificates, and other roles and features commonly found in a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 domain.   The course labs consist of configuring three virtual machines to join a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 network, creating Microsoft Windows Server 2016 domain environment and installing and configuring different server roles and features.   Why should you take this course?   A solid hands-on training course with lab practice   Use applied to learn to install, configure and maintain Microsoft Windows Server 2016   Help prepare for the Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Certification Exam 70-740   You will learn to install Windows Server 2016 Desktop Experience, Windows Server 2016 Core, and Windows 10 Pro as a client.You will also learn Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Networking, creating domain environment and installing and configuring different server roles   This is the course that could change your life.     An investment in your career is an investment in yourself.  Dont procrastinate! There is no time like the present to take charge of your futureYou have 30 days money-back guarantee!!!   And remember, once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30-day money-back guarantee if for any reason you do not like the course.See you in  the course!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Windows Server 2019 - Hands-on Training"
"Speed Learn Microsoft Windows Server 2019!This course is designed for speed learning Server 2019. The course is broken down into bite-size manageable chunks with most of the video tutorials being less than 5 minutes long and any tutorial over 5 minutes comes with a lab file to easily follow along with.Open your virtual machine, follow along using a short very concise video tutorial, move on to the next video, repeat. CaveatThis Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Course is a follow-on for my two Server 2012 courses, Parts I & II and my Server 2016 course. It is highly recommended anyone contemplating signing up for this course first complete both of my Server 2012 courses and my Server 2016 course or have a good background working with Microsoft Windows Server.This Windows Server 2019 course uses hands-on training. This course is designed for those needing to become familiar with Server 2019, building and maintaining a Microsoft Server 2019 network from the ground up. Students will learn how to install and configure Windows Server 2019 just as they would as a network administrator or networking consultant.Students will also learn how to install, configure and manage the most common roles and services found on a Microsoft 2019 network. Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the course are completely open and free. If you can set up your virtual lab environment, you will have no issue with completing this course. Please do not enroll until you have completed setting up your lab environment. Do you want to learn how to install and configure Microsoft Windows Server 2019?   Do you prefer learning using hands-on as opposed to just a lecture and quiz?If you have answered YES to the above questions, then you are in the right place.   This course teaches you the administration skills for Installing and Configuring a Microsoft Windows Server 2019 domain.   This course provides a solid hands-on experience for learning Microsoft Windows Server 2019 and is designed for those needing to demonstrate basic day-to-day administration and configuration skills required for Microsoft Windows Server 2019 administering. This course provides hands-on learning on how to install, maintain and configure Microsoft Windows Server 2019.  The course is structured using short tutorial videos and hands-on labs. Students open up their VM of Server 2019, watch a short video tutorial and complete the lab and move to the next tutorial.   Students who take and complete this course will be able to install and configure build a Microsoft Windows Server 2019  domain complete with Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Group Policy, Certificates, and other roles and features commonly found in a Microsoft Windows Server 2019 domain.   The course labs consist of configuring three virtual machines to join a Microsoft Windows Server 2019 network, creating Microsoft Windows Server 2019 domain environment and installing and configuring different server roles and features.   Why should you take this course?   A solid hands-on training course with lab practice   Use applied to learn to install, configure and maintain Microsoft Windows Server 2019   You will learn to install Windows Server 2019 Desktop Experience, Windows Server 2019 Core, and Windows 10 Pro as a client.You will also learn Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Networking, creating domain environment and installing and configuring different server roles   This is the course that could change your life.     An investment in your career is an investment in yourself.  Dont procrastinate! There is no time like the present to take charge of your future.See you on the course!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Stretching: 30+ Exercises For Flexibility & Posture"
"Boost Your Flexibility, Improve Posture &Relieve TensionThroughout Your Body With Complete StretchingThis is not your typical flexibility program.Complete Stretchingis designed for people who want tosafely improve their flexibility and posture with stretches thatcan be done wherever and whenever you want.But this program does more than teachyou a few exercises and workout tips. In the course I go over thescience behindstretching and flexibility,the benefits of static anddynamic stretchesand why timing you stretches will make or break your flexibilityroutine.Did You Know That Stretching Is Scientifically Proven To:Reduce Your Risk Of Exercise RelatedInjuryImprovepostureDecreaseMuscle Stiffness And Increases Range Of MotionReduces Muscular TensionImprove Functional PerformanceUnfortunately, most people stretch incorrectly and make one (or more) of the following mistakes:Don't use the right stretching exercisesStretch at the wrong timeDon't understand the difference of static and dynamic stretchesDon't stretch at allComplete Stretching shows you howto avoid these mistakes and follow a daily stretching routine that is simple yet highly effective.Here is what's inside the program:15-Minute Daily Stretching Routine30+ExerciseVideos To Help You Stretch With Perfect Form7 Most Common Stretching Mistakes & How To Avoid ThemStretching Safety & Correct FormThe Difference Of Static & Dynamic Stretching And How To Use It In Your RoutineStretching And Strength Training: How To Stretch For Muscle GrowthHow To Warm Up Correctly Before You StretchAs A Bonus You Also Get Access To My Privat Facebook Group ""Simple Muscle Academy"" Where I Give Free Advice And You Can Ask Questions And Interact With Other Students.Scroll Up AndGet ""Complete Stretching"" If You Want To See Real ResultsThe stretching exercise is right for anyone and will show you stretching for runners, bodybuilders and normal athletes. Learn about proper stretching exercises, stretching for pain relief and dynamic stretching. Better resistancestretching and stretching exercise will help with your backflexibility strength, spineflexibility and normalflexibility training."
Price: 79.99

"Nutrition Masterclass: Build Your Perfect Diet & Meal Plan"
">>Course Regularly Updated With New Lectures & Bonus Content<<Learn How To Build The Perfect Diet & Meal Plan For Improved Health, BetterWeight LossAnd MoreMuscle GainsHi,I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author.My ""Nutrition Masterclass""is designed for anyonewho wants to get the most out of their diet, no matter if you're an athlete, bodybuilder or simply want to live a healthier life.This course is not some random faddiet that tells you which foods you should and shouldn'teat. Instead I will take youthrough each of the steps involved in setting up and following through with your diet.Unfortunately, the internet is full of false health gurus that sell you all kinds of diet plans and supplements that are overpriced and don't work. This is why I wanted to create a video course that not only debunks the most common dieting myths but also teaches everything you need to know to reach your dieting goals, be it to lose fat, build muscle or simply live a healthier life.Here Is What's Inside The Program:Dieting For Health & FitnessEverything You Need To Know About Calories,Protein, Carbs & FatHow To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeHow To Track Calories The Right WayHow ToAdjust Your Diet For Weight LossHow ToAdjustYour Diet For Muscle GainsThe Perfect Pre- & Post-Workout MealsCheat Meals That Won't DestroyYour OverallDietReady To Use Meals Plans To Lose Weight And Build MuscleDiet TrendsExplained (See If They Are Right For You):Gluten FreeLow CarbPaleo DietingIntermittent FastinVegan DietingEverything You Need To Improve Your Health & Immunity:The RightVitamins & MineralsHow Much Water YouShould Really Drink (No, It's Not 8 Glasses Per Day)How To Boost Testosterone NaturallyHow To CorrectlyRead A Nutrition LabelScientifically Proven Ways To Boost ImmunityCommon DietingQuestions Answered:AreCarbsBad For You?Is Too MuchFat Bad For You?Is Too Much Protein Bad For You?Do Eggs Really Raise Cholesterol?Does Meat Cause Cancer?Do Several Small Meals Throughout The DayBoost Your Metabolism?All In All The Program Includes Over 80 Lessons On Dieting And NutritionSo If You Want ToBoost YourPerformance,Feel More Energized AndLive A Healthier Life, This Is The Right Course For YouLearn about proper superfoods nutrition, meal planning, healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Better meal planning and healthy cooking will help with weight loss, building muscle and overall well being. Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, and start building your perfectdiet today!"
Price: 99.99

"Weight Loss And Nutrition: Lose Fat & Get Your Dream Body"
"Learn How To Lose Weight & Keep It Off For Good ByUsing ProvenScience-BasedStrategiesHi,I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author. This courseis designedfor anyonewho wants tolose fat, behealthyand feel great.My Weight Loss & Nutrition Courseis not some random faddiet that tells you which foods you should and shouldn'teat. Instead I willtake youthrough each of the steps involved in setting up and following through with your diet.Unfortunately, the internet is full of false health gurus that sell you all kinds of diet plans and supplements that are overpriced and don't work. This is why I wanted to create avideo course that not only debunks the most common weight loss myths but alsoteaches everything you need to know to lose weight,get your dream body andlive a healthier life.Here Is What's Inside The Program:The Theory & Science Behind Weight LossTheMost CommonWeight Loss Myths DebunkedThe Weight Loss PyramidThe Science Of Successful Weight LossThe REAL Fat Loss Foods (They Aren't What You Think)Setting Up Your Weight Loss Diet (Step-By-Step)Determining Your Daily Calorie NeedsIdeal Protein Intake For Weight LossIdeal Carbohydrate Intake For Weight LossIdeal FatIntake For Weight LossThe Right Meal Timing & Meal FrequencyDesigning Your Ideal Meal PlanFat Loss Supplements That Really WorkHow To SolveCommon Dieting Problem:The Perfect Cheat Meals That Won't Break Your DietHow To Take Diet Breaks CorrectlyHow To Break Through Fat Loss PlateausExplaining Sudden Weight ChangesIs Starvation Mode Real?Creating Healthy Eating Habits:The Best Sources Of HealthyProteinThe Best Sources Of HealthyCarbsThe Best Sources Of HealthyFatsHow ToMake Small Changes To Your Diet That Will Have ABig ImpactWeight Loss Motivation:How To Set SMARTWeight Loss GoalsHow To Track Your ProgressCorrectlyDetermining Your Ideal Rate Of Weight LossHow ToStop Relying On Willpower To Lose WeightHow To Use Role Models For Faster Weight LossAll In All The Program Includes Over 35Lessons On Weight Loss And Successful DietingSo If You Want ToLose Weight,Feel GreatAndLive A Healthier Life,This Is The Right Course For YouThis course is great for anyone and will help with weight loss over 50, fat loss for men and fat loss for women. It will teach you proper meal planning that is ideal for your fat lossdiet and fat loss plans to achieve weight loss mastery. Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, andstart building your perfectdiet today!"
Price: 99.99

"Complete Fitness Trainer Certification: Beginner To Advanced"
">>>THIS COURSE IS CPD ACCREDITED. COMPLETE IT AND YOU AUTOMATICALLY EARN YOUR CERTIFICATION & 10 CREDITS<<<Learn How To Become A Fitness Trainer, Work With Clients And GrowYourFitness CoachingBusiness Hi,I'm Felix Harder fitness coach and certified nutritionist.My ""Complete Fitness Trainer Certification""is designedfor anyonewho wants to coach others about fitness training - be itcardio, strength training or flexibility.In this course I will take you through the process of becoming a fitness expertstep by step. You will learn everything you need to know about the fundamentals of good training programs and how to design your very own for you or your clients.Researching and gathering all the knowledge you need to coach others takes a lot of time, so I created this course as a complete program to teach you everything there is to know about the three pillars of a good fitness workout:- Strength training (e.g. gym training or bodyweight training)- Cardiovascular training (e.g. jogging,circuit training or HIIT)- Flexibility (e.g.stretching and maintaining healthy joints)Here Is What's Inside The Program:Human AnatomyThe Nervous System ExplainedThe Skeletal System ExplainedThe Muscular System ExplainedThe Cardiovascular System ExplainedThe Different Types Of Muscle FibersHow Muscles Contract& What Makes Them GrowMuscle Agonists & AntagonistsClient Assessment(Determine Strength & Fitness Levels)The Client InterviewFitness AssessmentTheHarvard Step TestEstimating 1 Rep Max StrengthResistance TrainingHow To Build A Beginner GymWorkoutBodyweight vs Strength TrainingMyMuscle Building FormulaMy Fat LossFormulaThe 4 Most Important Exercises For Muscle GrowthHow To Warm Up Before Lifting WeightExercise Videos (Learn Proper Form)Bench PressDeadliftSquatsLat Pull-DownsBarbell RowsPush-UpsPull-UpsChin-UpsLungesCardio & Endurance TrainingHow To Build ACardio WorkoutThe Different Types Of CardioHow To Measure AHeart Rate During A WorkoutCardio vs Weighttraining - Which Is Better For Weight Loss?The RightCardio For Weight LossHIIT Explained (incl. Sample Workout)FlexibilityMost Common Stretching MistakesStatic vs Dynamic StretchingSample Stretching RoutineThis course will give you all the tools you need to help others achieve their fitness goals, be it to build muscle lose fat or simply life a more active life. If you want to build up your online fitness coaching business, be it online or in person its important you equip yourself with the knowledge of how to correctly work with your stundents and understanding their painpoints.The fitness coach course is designed to develop both your personal and professional life. That means its not just for professionals but also for beginners who want to imporve their own fitness level. You dont have to have to be a personal fitness trainer or have any students yet and all you need is an interest in fitness to get started.The program is made up of multiple downloadable worksheets, eBooks and other printable resources. If you sign up you get access to all of them so you can study anywhere and at anytime.So If You Want ToCoach Others AndMake Fitness Your Career,This Is The Right Course For YouRemember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, andstart learning today!"
Price: 199.99

"Six Pack Abs Masterclass: Ab Workout, Diet & Core Strength"
"Lose Belly Fat &Get Six-Pack AbsWith My Proven Diet AndWorkout ProgramFollow this program to lose belly fat and make your sixpack abs ""pop"". This course is not some random workout but a step-by-stepprogram that teaches you everything you need to know to see results as fast as possible.I will share with you the same exact foods and exercises I used to completely transform my physique and get my dream body.Getting a sixpack is a lot simpler than many people think. You dont need to do hundreds of crunches and you dont need to blast your abs every day to see results. In fact, that the best way to burn yourself out and hurt your health & fitness in no time.Instead you want to focus on a few proven exercises and the right diet. Together they work wonders andwill get you results in no time.Believe it or not for my personal transformation I only used a handful ofab exercises and only trained 3 times per week.Here's what is included in the course:Six-Pack Diet PlanThe right dietfor weight loss: lose belly fat& grow muscleLearnhow much protein, carbs & fats you needEat normal foodsthat you can find at any supermarketUse the right supplements for beginnersSix-Pack WorkoutTarget your ab muscles with the proven exercisesTrain 3 times a week for 10 - 15 minutesExercise videos to learn perfect formOptional: I also included a full-body workout for bigger arms, chest and legsPrintable Meal PlanDownload the same exact meal plan I usedReady to use for men & womenNo needfor complicated diets or overpriced productsSo if you want to look great, get 6 pack abs, build muscleand a stronger core, this is the right yourse for you!Enroll now andstart your transformationtoday!"
Price: 99.99

"Diet And Nutrition Coach Certification: Beginner To Advanced"
">>>THIS COURSE IS CPD ACCREDITED. COMPLETE IT AND YOU AUTOMATICALLY EARN YOUR CERTIFICATION & 10 CREDITS<<<Learn How To Become A Diet Coach, Work With Clients And GrowYourFitness CoachingBusiness Hi,I'm Felix Harder fitness coach and certified nutritionist.My ""Diet And Nutrition Coach Certification""is designedfor anyonewho wants to coach others about dieting - be itto lose weight, build muscle or healthy eating.In this course I will take you through the process of becoming a nutrition expertstep by step. You will learn everything you need to know about the fundamentals of good meal plans and how to design your very own for you or your clients.Researching and gathering all the knowledge you need to coach others takes a lot of time, so I created this course as a complete program to teach you everything there is to know about dieting & fitness:- Nutrition Theory (Calories, Macronutrient, Micronutrients etc.)- Meal Planning (Create diets for weight loss & muscle growth)- Working with clients (assessing their eating habits & helping them see results fast)Here Is What's Inside The Program: Nutrition TheoryEverything You Need To Know About Calories,Protein, Carbs & FatHow To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeEnergy MetabolismProtein, Carb & Fat DigestionHelping Clients Lose WeightHow ToCreate Diets For Weight LossHow To Take Diet Breaks CorrectlyHow To Break Through Weight Loss PlateausIs Starvation Mode Real?Explaining Unexpected Weight ChangesHelping Clients Build MuscleHow ToCreate Diets For Muscle GainsWhen To Eat For Optimal Results (Pre- & Post-Workout Meals)How Many Meal Should You Eat?The Best Foods For Muscle GrowthDiet TrendsExplained:Gluten FreeLow CarbPaleo DietingIntermittent FastinVegan DietingKetogenic DietsVitamins & Minerals:Vitamins A - K Explained (How Much Do You Need)Minerals: Calcium - ZincThe Ideal Water IntakeWhy You Should Avoid Multivitamins Supplements (Find Out If You Really Need Them):Whey ProteinCreatineFish-OilBCAAsGlutamineThe diet and nutrition certification is not just for professionals but also for beginners who want to improve their own fitness level. You dont need to be a dietician (dietitian) or have to have any students yet and all you need is an interest in fitness to get started.The nutrition for beginners program is made up of multiple downloadable worksheets, eBooks and other printable resources. If you sign up you get access to all of them so you can study anywhere and at anytime.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, andstart learning today!"
Price: 199.99

"12-Minute Home HIIT Workout: Get Fit & Burn Calories At Home"
"Looking For AHighly Effective Home WorkoutThat Will Get You Fit, Burn Calories & Help With Weight Loss?My 12-Minute Home HIIT Workout is designed for people who want to get fit while training just a few minutes per day. Train whenever & wherever you want (at home, the park etc.)No equipment neededOnly bodyweight exercisesThis program does more than teachyou a few exercises and workout tips. In the course I go over the science behindeffective workouts and successful dieting,the perfect beginnerroutine and showyou how toset clear and well-defined fitness goals that keepyoumotivated.By giving you the necessary tools to reach your fitness goals, I will alsohave to debunk certain training myths that have been around for decades. How many times haveyou beentold that if in orderto get in shape youneed to Exercise at least five times per weekTrain two or even three hoursAnd perfectly time your meals no more than three hours apart.As you will see in the course, most of these tips are nonsense and some will even work against you in the long run. Instead I will show you the exact training methods that are scientifically proven to work.Here is what's inside the program:HIITExplained: Why It's Better Than Traditional CardioThe Full HIIT Workout ProgramExerciseVideos To Help You Train With Perfect FormEverything You Need To Know AboutNutrition And DietingMy 100page ebook ""Bodyweight Basics"", with 44 Additional Bodyweight Exercises (Pictures Included)A Lesson OnHow To Stay Motivated Through Clear GoalsThis home workout is great to get, lose weight and workout at home. You can do basic bodyweight exercises and bodyweight fitness anywhere which makes this bodyweight workout the perfect muscle building course if you are looking to boost your fitness. Body weight exercises are really the simplest for to gain muscle and lose fat. Scroll Up AndGet My 12-Minute HIIT Routine If You Want To See Real Results"
Price: 99.99

"Ketogenic Diet Mastery: Keto Meal Planning For Beginners"
"Learn How To Build The Perfect KetogenisDiet & Meal Plan For Improved Health, BetterWeight LossAnd MoreMuscle GainsHi,I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author.My ""Keto Masterclass""is designedfor anyonewho wants toget the most out of their ketogenicdiet, no matter if you're an athlete, bodybuilder or simply want to live a healthier life.This course is not some random faddiet that tells you which foods you should and shouldn'teat. Instead I willtake youthrough each of the steps involved in setting up and following through with your diet.Unfortunately,the internet is full of false advice and misinformation about keto dieting. That is why I wanted to create an video course that not only debunks the most common myths but alsoteaches everything you need to know to reach your dieting goals, be it to lose fat, build muscle or simply live a healthier life.Here Is What's Inside The Program: Setting Up Your Ketogenic DietThe Most Common Keto Myths DebunkedHow To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeHow Much Protein, Carbs & Fat Do You Need On A Keto Diet?The Best Keto FoodSources Of Protein, Carbs & FatSupplements - The Best ProductsBuilding Muscle & Losing Fat On A Keto DietHow To Adjust Your Diet For Fat LossHowTo Adjust Your Diet For Muscle GrowthHow Much Protein Do You Need ToBuild Muscle?How Track Your ProgressThe Best Muscle Building & Fat Loss SupplementsEverything You Need To Improve Your Health & Immunity:The RightVitamins & MineralsHow Much Water YouShould Really Drink (No, It's Not 8 Glasses Per Day)How To CorrectlyRead A Nutrition LabelScientifically Proven Ways To Boost ImmunityCommon DietingQuestions Answered:Should You TakeMultivitamins?Is Too Much Protein Bad For You?Is Too Much Fat Bad For You?All In All The Program Includes Over 30 Lessons On Dieting And NutritionLearn everything you need to know about ketosis, keto cooking,and Ketogenic recipes. So If You Want ToBoost YourPerformance,Feel More Energized AndLive A Healthier Life, This Is The Right Course For YouRemember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, andstart building your perfectdiet today!"
Price: 149.99

"Complete Python 3 Programming Bootcamp: Beginner to Advanced"
"Welcome to the most practical, comprehensive, well-organized Python 3 Programming course in Udemy. Would you like to become an Expert Python Programmer or Advance your existing Python skills? Then, this is the ""rightful"" course for you! Learn Python from scratch with this Professional Python Programming Course! Become a Python Programmer and learn one of the employer's most demanded skills of 2018!If you have no previous knowledge or experience in Python programming, don't worry you will like that the course begins with Python basics. Even if you have some experience in programming in Python, this course can help you learn some new information you had missed before. Each section of the course is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned and each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help students in their process of learning. Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to write programs that have real-world examples.What I think is the best about this course is that you can search questions others have had, post your own questions, and get answers to challenges you are currently facing in learning and using Python programming.Here is the list of topics that youll learn by the end of course:Command Line BasicsInstalling PythonInstalling various Python IDEsRunning Python CodePython StringsPython ListsPython DictionariesPython TuplesPython SetsPython Number Data TypesPython Output FormattingPythonConditional StatementsPython LoopsPython FunctionsPython Function's ScopePython args/kwargsPython Built-in FunctionsPython Debugging and Error HandlingPython ModulesPython External ModulesObject Oriented Programming Concepts (OOPPython)Functional Programming in PythonPython InheritancePython PolymorphismPython IteratorPython DecoratorPython GeneratorPython YieldPython File I/OOperationsPython Advanced Data StructuresWorking with Databases in PythonAnd much more!If you haveany suggestions on topics that have not been covered, youcan send them via private message.We will do our best to cover them as soon as possible.You'll also get: Lifetime Access to The Course Working Document for Each Lesson Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadNo Risk Money-Back Guarantee:Finally,there is no risk. You can preview 10% of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course,Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee.So, you have nothing to lose,sign up for this great Python programming course and learn how to write your Python programs easily from scratch to master level!Hope to see you in the course soon and I hope you will enjoy your time learning as much as I have!So what are you waiting for? I'll see you in the next lecture!"
Price: 199.99

"Chanter#2: Le secret pour augmenter votre tendue vocale"
"Cetout NOUVEAU COURSde Lucas Fanchon vient complter son cours ""chauffement, respirationet physiologie de la voix"" et son cours ""Librez votre voix"" dj suivi par plus de 1000 lves.C'est l'outil indispensable pour pratiquer et dvelopper votre tendue vocale efficacement et sainement, trouver aussi bien vos aigus que vos graves avec assurance, confiance, et bienveillance. C'est comme si vous aviez votre prof de chant la maison pour descours particuliers !En face face avec Lucas Fanchon, laissez vous guider, et surtout commencez chanter immdiatement sans blabla ou explications rallonges. Seule la pratique rgulire et accompagne peut vous permettre d'atteindre vos objectifs vocaux et c'est ce que Lucas Fanchon vous propose. Alors Action !Voil ce qu'en disent quelques lves:""J'adore les cours de Lucas, il me donne envie de pratiquer, ce qui n'tait pas trople cas avant, les explications sont simples,claires et je sens un vrai changement dans ma voix, merci beaucoup"". (Annie,34 ans)Jai dcid de suivre vos cours pour trouver plus deconfiance dans ma voix, et pour le plaisir de chanter. J'ai suivi les trois formations et j'aieffectivement dcouvert ma voix, qu'elle tait belle et puissante, et que je pouvais m'exprimer sans avoir de complexes en chantant et j'ai pris du plaisirbien au del de ce que je pouvais imaginer. Quel bonheur!!! Un grand merci (Fabienne, 40 ans)"" Ce qui m'a plu, c'est l'approche corporelle, je me dtends en mme temps que je chante et je sens de mieux en mieux ma voix rsoner dans mon corps,c'est top"" .(Philippe, 45 ans)""Durantma vie je n'ai jamais os chanter. Les quelques fois o j'ai tent de le faire,j'avais fortement la sensation de chanter faux et de gner les personnes quim'entouraient. J'tais si peu sre de moi que je n'arrivais pas ""poser"" ma voix. On m'aparl des coursde Lucas.J'ai t tent par l'exprience. A60 ans j'ai dbut les formations avec Lucas. Il m'a miseen confiance et je le suis maintenantdepuis 3 ans.Aujourd'hui, 63 ans, j'prouve du plaisir chanter et j'aime enfin ma voix. Jepense que bnficier de l'enseignement de Lucas est une chance et j'encouragetoute personne faire cettedmarche."" (Myriam,63 ans)""Quand jai dmarr les formations avec Lucas Fanchon, j'tais dans une phase o j'avais besoin de travailler sur l'estime de soi, ce qui passait par le fait d'affronter les blocages qui nuisent l'acceptation de son corps dans son entier! Je rvais de goter au plaisir du chant, qui pour moi fait partie des plaisirs de la vie et donc participe la recherche du bonheur... vaste projet n'est-ce pas? Aujourdhui j'y gote de plus en plus et cela participe tout ce qui me redonne confiance, le travail est en cours et je vais entretenir les efforts plus que jamais. Je suis pass de Vous npourrez surement rien faire pour moi je suis impatiente de russir partager ces dcouvertes Pour conclure, juste merci, j'ai beaucoup dechance de tavoir rencontr. Raliser qu'il y a encore sur terre des gens positifs et bienveillants comme toi m'a redonn foi en la vie et une plus grande confiance en ma voix!Pour tout cela tu as toute ma gratitude! (Sarah, 42 ans)Sivous vous demandez comment augmenter votre tendue vocale sans tension, sans serrer la gorge ou vous faire mal ? Si vous voulez supprimer ces cassures entre vos graves et vos aigus, ces drapages, ces draillages et augmenter la flexibilit de votre voix ? Alors je suis content que l'on se rencontre aujourd'hui car c'est la raison pour laquelle j'ai cre ce cours.Et mme si vous tes dj trs l'aise avec votre voix, ces quelques notes supplmentaires dans les aigus ou dans le bas de votre tciture pourraient vous ouvrir de nouveaux horizons. Comme des chansons que vous n'osiez peut tre pas chanter par peur de cette fameuse note trop haute. Ou simplement vous permettre d'tre encore plus l'aise dans les notes hautes et basses de votre zone de confort.Et si cela vous permettait de supprimer tout stress avant d'aborder une chanson ? Ou de crer une seule et belle voix, des graves aux aigus, relie, puissante, connecte sans avoir toujours cette sensation de 2 voix diffrentes (une dans les graves et une dans les aigus) ?Et si vous aviez maintenant la confiance et la flexibilit dans votre voix qui vous permettait d'aborder chaquechanson avec aisance et avec libert ?Ce cours va vous apporter les outils pour repousser les limites de ce que vous pouvez dj faire avec votre voix.Qu'allez vous y trouver ?Je serais trs heureux de vous retrouver dans ce cours pour vous accompagner la dcouverte devotre voix et de votre tendue vocale:- Plus de 2h30 de vidos pour apprivoiser votre voix et votre tciture- Dvelopper vos aigus sans fatigue et sans tension- Relier les diffrents registres de votre voix- Amliorer votre flexibilit et tre plus libre vocalement- Gagner en confiance et en assurance- Plus d'une heure de mp3 tlchargeable emmener avec vous partout pour travailler votre voix sur votre tlphone, votre tablette, dans votre voiture.- L'accs mon groupe d'lves (de partout dans le monde) et une communaut bienveillante de chanteurs de tous niveaux.- La possibilit de me poser toutes les questions sur votre voixJe suis impatient de vous retrouver dans ce coursCe coursest l'occasion de nous rejoindre et de dmarrer une belle aventure vocale !je serais trs honor de vous avoir parmi nous.D'avance, Bienvenue !Lucas Fanchon"
Price: 199.99

"Chanter#3: Transformez votre Voix en 7 jours"
"Vous aimez chanter etVous rvez d'amliorer votre voix, plus de justesse, plus de confiance, plus de puissance pour pouvoir chanter en public avec beaucoup plus d'aisance et moins de trac? Voil la solution ultime pour rpondre justement cesenvies. La voix est un organe qui se dveloppe par la pratique et la conscience de son corps. En effet le corps est l'instrument du chanteur. N'importe quel sportif de haut niveau sait comment s'entraner pour atteindre les rsultats qu'il souhaite. Des heures de pratiquetous les jours rpter les mmes gestes, les mmes processus, un programme bientudiavec un coach pour atteindre tous les jours etprogressivement les meilleurs rsultats. Un pas aprs l'autre.La voix fonctionne de la mme manire, c'est pourquoi j'ai prpar pour vousen tant que coach ""sportif"" vocal le programme idal et efficace qui va vous permettre de dvelopper votre potentielvocalde manire exponentiel en faisant un simple pas chaque jour.Pour dvelopper tous les aspects de la voix- L'chauffement- La respiration- L'tendue vocale- La puissance- Les rsonnateurs- La justesse- La libert et le plaisirSans explications longues et fastidieuses, mais uniquement par de la pratique guide, visuelle, intractive et quotidienne.5 jours avec 5 sessions en face face progressive (plus de 4 heures de cours avec moi, 4 heures de chant et pas de bla bla)Chaque journe vous amne la suivante dans un travail de la voix guide et prcis. Imaginez votre coach personnel qui vous rend visite tous les jours,vous fait chanter, etvous pousse avec bienveillancepour que vousobteniezla meilleure voix possible.C'est une premire dans tout ce qui se fait sur internet.Suivi de cette faon, les progrs sont fulgurants, surtout qu'il s'agit d'une technique qui permet le relchement des tensions principales du chanteur(langue, mchoire, paules).Vous allez trouver:- Une profondeur et une libertdans le sonsans vous fatiguer- Des aigus et des graves sans plus jamais pousser sur la voix et sanssentir votre gorge qui se serre- Tenir de longues notes avec puissance sans manquer d'air- Une mthode globale pour travailler votre voix et tre capable ensuite de pratiquer seul(e)- 5 sessions sur 5 jours , cela veut dire 5 cours de chant de 45 minutes diffrents et surtout progressifs dans lesquels vous allez pouvoir puiser pour les360jours de pratique restants(prenez quelques jours devacances quand mme :) )Si vous souhaitez savoir ce qu'en pensent les milliers d'lves qui suivent mes cours, n'hsitez pas lire les commentaires dans les cours ""chauffement complet et physiologie de la voix"" ou encore ""les secrets pour dvelopper votre tendue vocale"" et enfin "" librez votre voix quel que soit votre niveau"". Plus de 150commentaires et des perces fulgurantes pour certains :""Juste merci, j'ai beaucoup de chance de tavoir rencontr. Raliser qu'il y a encore sur terre des gens positifs et bienveillants comme toi m'a redonn foi en la vie et une (certaine!) confiance en l'avenir et enma voix!Pour tout cela tu as toute ma gratitude!""Sarah,40 ans""Jai pris du plaisir chanter haut alors que lon ma toujours dit quejavais une voix grave""""Lucas est un enseignant ouvert tous les possibles, un accompagnateur, un facilitateur et cest ce qui donne toute cette puissance lapproche quil propose et qui va mon avis bien au-del dun cour de chant""Sylvie 60 ans""Je fais de la musique, guitare, depuis plus de 20 ans. Je n'avais jamais os passer le pas et chanter. Les quelques tentatives se sont avres peu convaincantes. Je m'tais dit qu'il fallait abandonner toutes vellits vocales. Lucasa dbloqu ma gne et maintenant je commence prendre plaisir chanter. Je suis d'ailleurs dans un groupe de rock et mon premier concert en tant que chanteur s'est droul de la meilleure manire possible grce aux conseils aviss de Lucas, merci toi.""Laurent, 38 ans""Lucas m'a aid comprendre ce qui ""bloquait"" ma voix et m'empchait de prendre du plaisir chanter. Avec des exercices tout simples, il m'a appris contrler les nombreux mcanismes qui interviennent lorsqu'on chante. Rsultat : je dcouvre ma voix et j'ai le sentiment de la travailler de manire efficace. C'est tout simplement l'approche qu'il me fallait.""Julien, 28ans""Jaime beaucoup lapproche avec le physique et le ressenti qui ma permis daccder une plus grande ouverture et une vraie amlioration dans ma voix chante. Merci toi.""Bettina, 60 anset sachez que vous ne prenez aucun risque essayer pendant une semaine ces 5 sessions puisque vous avez une garantie de30 jours pour tout pratiquer. et si vous pratiquez tous les jourspendant les 20 jours qui viennent et que vous ne sentez aucun progrs, je veux bien vous offrir un de mes deux autres cours en plus. Alors prt transformer votre voix ?C'est parti !c'est maintenant !AmitisLucas Fanchon-Passeur de voix"
Price: 199.99

"Cloud Computing for CIOs - Basics to Strategy"
"Looking ahead to migrate your operations from hosted environment to Cloud computing environment.Why should you migrate?Where should you migrate?Want to makeinformed and analytical decision. Let us discuss all this and much more in thiscourse.This course is intended for CIOs who want to introduce cloud computing in their organization. This course is from basics to strategy.Various concepts covered this:Introduction toCloud Computing.How is this different from web hosting and networked computers.What are various components of Cloud ComputingHow to decide Cloud computing strategy of the organizationCloud computing Types (Saas, Paas, Iaas) : Introduction to these types and selection criteria and approach.Cloud computing vendors: Google, SalesForce, Microsoft Azure"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Java Language"
"1.Getting Started with OOPS and JavaObject-Oriented ProgrammingIntroduction to Object-Oriented ProgrammingEncapsulationInheritancePolymorphismAbstractionWhat is Java?History of JavaHow to get JavaCompiling and interpreting applicationThe JDK Directory StructureInside JVMA first java programIntroduce SOP and ScannerComments (Line, Block, Java Doc)2.Datatypes and VariablesPrimitive DatatypesNon-Primitive DatatypesDeclarationsVariable NamesNumeric LiteralsCharacter LiteralsString LiteralsThe Dot Operator3.Operators and ExpressionsAssignment OperatorArithmetic OperatorRelational OperatorsLogical OperatorsIncrement and Decrement OpratorsOprate-Assign Operators(+=,etc.)The Conditional OpratorOperator PrecedenceImplicit Type ConversionsThe Cast Operator4.Control FlowExpressionsStatementsConditional(if) StatementsAdding an else ifConditional (switch) StatementsWhile and do-while LoopsFor LoopsThe continue StatementThe Break Statement5.ArraysOne Dimentional ArraysMulti-Dimentional ArraysEnhanced For Loop6.Introducing ClassesClasses and ObjectsFields and MethodsMethodsCalling MethodsDefining MethodsMethod ParametersMethod OverloadingVariable argument parameters methodsConstructorsGarbage CollectionAccess Modifier (private, public, protected, default)Non-Access Modifier (static, final, abstract)keywords: thisWrapper ClassesString, StringBuilder and StringBuffer7.Inheritance in JavaInheritanceInheritance in JavaMethod OverridingKeywords (Super & Final)Abstract ClasesInterfaces8.Inner Classes and PackagesInner Classes ConceptAnonymous Inner ClassStatic inner classPackagesDefining PackagesPackage ScopeCLASSPATH and Finding PackagesThe import StatementStatic Imports9.Exception HandlingException OverviewCatching ExceptionsThe Finally BlockException MethodsDeclaring ExceptionsDefining and Throwing ExceptionsErrors and RuntimeExceptions10.Input/Output StreamsOverview of StreamsBytes vs. CharactersConverting Byte Streams to Character StreamsFile I/OBinary Input and OutputBasic and Filtered StreamsSerializationReading and Writing ObjectsPrint Writer ClassScanner ClassFile Class11.MultiThreading in JavaNon-Threaded ApplicationsThreaded ApplicationsCreating ThreadsThread StatesRunnable ThreadsCoordinating ThreadsInterrupting ThreadsRunnable InterfaceSynchronizing ThreadsInterthread CommunicationThreadGroupsAdvanced Locking Concepts12.Collection Framework and GenericsGenericsThe Collection FrameworkThe List InterfaceListImplementation ClassesThe Set InterfaceSet Implementation ClassesThe List InterfaceList Implementation ClassesThe Map InterfaceMap Implementation ClassesSorting with Comparator and ComparableSorting Lists and ArraysCollections Utility Methods13.Internalization and Property classInternalizing applicationLocaleResourceBundleProperties classDate Time formatterNumber Formatter14. Date and Time Handling in JavaDateCalenderSimpleDateFormat15. Neworking Basics and ClassesUrlUrlConnectionHttpUrlConnection"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Cordova PhoneGap"
"In this course we explore Cordova PhoneGap platform to understand it and then use it to develop an App. We start the course with a primer to JavaScript and HTML concepts to be used in the course.Students are advised to prepare a Cordova app along with this course to better understand the platform and develop amazing apps."
Price: 19.99

"The Digital Pinhole Lens Project [DIY Photography]"
"You're a good photographer and you love creating. But whenis the last time you built something with your hands? Do you remember the sense of satisfaction that comes with finishing your project.The warm feeling of well-deservedpride.What if what you built could be used to shoot photos? Read on!Pinholes were around long before the first glass lenses entered the scene.With this course, we takepinholes digital and bring themto 21st century!This lens will be likely be:-The cheapest one in your arsenal (think $7)-The only one that you built yourself-The most lightweight lens in your bag-THE lens to put on to go undercover-The one you'll be the most proud of - you built it, after all!-Not the sharpest lens you haveCheesy Insta filters to impress your followers? You know youdeserve better. Get the vintage look for your photos with #nofilter, explore new (well, the oldest actually) way of taking photos and have fun building your own lens today.I'll see you in the course!""The best Fun/ Price ratio of all my lenses!"" (Martin)""I love the feeling ofsoftness this lens brings to my portfolio. And it also shoots videos!"" (Sarah)"
Price: 34.99

"Photos That Sell: Advanced Topics in Online Photo Licensing"
"You love photography.You wanted you work to be seen.You wanted your photos to earn you money while you sleep.You have started your online photography portfolio and now you're looking to dive deeper. Well, you've come to the right place. This is a companion course to a popular ""License Your Photos Online: Create Photographs That Sell"" course here on Udemy. In these advanced lessons we dive deep into making our workflow even more profitable, keeping our inspiration up and understanding all the legal issues we need to deal with. To kick things off, we go through some of my best-selling photos and we look for what makes them sell well. How come my all-time bestseller in an Editorial image with limited usage?Maybe you're just starting in stock photography, maybe you have some experience already. And maybe you haven't started yet. Does not matter what stage you're at. To take your stock portfolio to the next level, this is the course for you!Sample student reviews on ""License Your Photos Online"":""I am a total beginner at this and I feel like I've already learned so much. It is a very practical course, filled with how to's and do's and don'ts. Thanks so much for sharing this!""""I thoroughly enjoyed this introduction, and I feel I have the tools needed to start selling my pictures online. The instructor is likable; he has a great sense of humor, and sets realistic expectations. He included some wonderful life lessons about dealing with feedback, and ways to spend one's earnings. [...]""""The course is well organized and the material is very concise. I particularly like the use of actual screen shots to support the topic. After viewing and reading a good bit on getting into stock photography, this course was exactly what I needed to take the final step toward getting my photos online.""Ready for the next level? I'll see you in the course!"
Price: 109.99

"Pro Tools for The Beginner"
"This course is designed for students that are new to Pro Tools, and want to quickly and easily get up and running in the software. Pro Tools is the Industry Standard audio program that is used to record, edit, and mix countless Songs and Albums, Movie Soundtracks and Audio, Audiobooks, and much, much more. This course will help the student begin to record, mix, and edit sound and music quickly, without the headache of an otherwise steep learning curve. Enjoy the course!"
Price: 34.99

"Administrao de e-mails com Zimbra Open Source"
"Aprenda do zero a configurar o Zimbra, uma das melhores e mais famosas solues de e-mail e plataforma de colaborao do mundo! Neste curso, voc vai aprender passo a passo atravs de aulas 100% prticas a instalar e configurar o Zimbra Open Source Edition, a verso 100% gratuita e livre do Zimbra. Voc tambm aprender tcnicas utilizadas na migrao de outras plataformas de correio para o Zimbra. Dessa forma, poder livrar-se de licenas de software e reduzir custos para sua empresa ou clientes.No deixe de conhecer tambm nosso curso de ASSP, um dos melhores antispams do mundo. No curso de Zimbra voc vai aprender tambm a integra-lo com o ASSP.Matricule-se j e conhea mais este curso com a qualidade da FAME Treinamentos!"
Price: 39.99