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"PFSense: Soluo completa de firewall"
"Aprenda neste curso todos os detalhes de uma das melhores solues de firewall do mundo, o PFSense. Se voc precisa proteger seus usurios de pragas virtuais e ainda garantir a melhor utilizao do link de Internet, este curso para voc. Mostraremos passo a passo como configurar o PFSense e assim obter uma soluo completa de segurana, desde a distribuio dos IPs na sua rede, passando pela filtragem HTTPS at aconfigurao dediversos PFsensecom HA. Este curso um dos nicos a ensinar a abrir pacotes HTTPS (criptografados) e inspecionar seu contedo, conseguindo dessa forma bloquear proxys HTTPS como o Ultrasurf.Matricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99

"Inventrio de rede com OCS Inventory NG"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender passo a passo a instalar e configurar o OCS, uma das melhores solues livres e gratuitas para inventariar e gerenciar toda sua rede, desde computadores,notebooks, at smartphones! Voc tambm vai aprender a realizar buscas na sua rede via SNMP e Ipdiscover e assim encontrar dispositivos que no suportam a instalao do cliente do OCS."
Price: 39.99

"Administrao de e-mails com Zimbra em Multiplos Servidores"
"No dia-a-dia importante estender as funcionalidadesdo seu servidorZimbra conforme suas necessidades, isso fundamental para uma melhor eficincia do servio de e-mail.Neste curso, voc vai aprender passo a passo atravs de aulas 100% prticas a instalar e configurar o Zimbra Open Source Edition em mltiplos servidores, de forma a fazer um cluster de balanceamento de carga e tolerncia a falhas. Voc tambm aprender tcnicas de recuperao de desastre com backup e restore completo do sistema.Matricule-se j e conhea mais este curso com a qualidade da FAME Treinamentos!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso preparatrio certificao Linux (LPIC 101 e CompTIA)"
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender com aulas 100% prticas e focadas no contedo oficial da prova LPIC e CompTIA Linux+. Curso totalmente voltado para preparar o aluno a passar na prova, incluso diversas questes de prova e um simulado completo, com os mesmos pesos e tipos de questes da prova! Aprenda com um professor certificado LPIC-3, o nvel mximo da certificao LPIC.Aproveite agora! Diversos alunos j conseguiram sua certificao com a ajuda deste treinamento!"
Price: 39.99

"Central telefnica com Asterisk"
"Neste curso ns vamos te ensinar passo a passoa configurar uma central de telefonia com Asterisk, com isso voc vai ser capaz de substituir centrais telefnicas convencionais, adicionando novos recursos e reduzindo custos! Nosso professor certificado Asterisk (DCAP) e possui vasta experincia, aprenda com quem faz na prtica! Para que voc possa realizar todos os testes necessrios, os alunos desse curso receberoalguns reais de crdito junto ao nosso parceiro Directcall, dessa forma, voc ser capaz de montar a sua central telefnica utilizando apenas uma mquina virtual!"
Price: 39.99

"Snort com PFSense"
"Aprenda passo a passo a melhorar a seguranada sua rede utilizando o Snort no PFSense!O Snort uma ferramenta livre e 100% gratuita que permite a deteco e bloqueio proativode ameaas na sua rede. Nesse curso voc vai aprender a configurar a ferramenta no seu PFSense.Nesse curso voc vai aprender a:Instalar o SnortConfiguraralertas automticos para te avisar se houver alguma tentativa de invasoConfigurar regras de acordo com seu ambienteSimulaes prticasMatricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99

"Internet Webfilter com NxFilter e DNS"
"DNS a sigla em inglsde Domain Name System,Sistema de Nomes de Domnio, um dos mais importantes serviospara o funcionamento da Internet, atravs do DNS quepodemos traduzirum endereo IP por um Nome como por exemplo WWW.Este curso dividido em duas partes, na primeiravoc aprender os conceitos do servio DNS tais como:definio de zonas, hierarquia, tipos de entradas, entre outros. Em seguida, vamos ensinar a instalar e configurar os mais populares servidores de DNS da atualidade como: ISCBind, Unbound eMS DNS. Para concluir, vamosensinar a registrar um domnio no Brasil, no site do Registro BR.Na segunda parte do treinamentos, vamos ensinar a configurar um Webfilter de DNS com NxFilter de forma que voc possa gerenciar o acesso de seus clientes e usurioseassim, bloquear contedos indesejados por categorias. Tambm vamos ensinar a integrar o NxFilter ao Firewall PfSense de forma a ter uma soluo completa de firewall e com Fitro de DNS para dar mais segurana na sua rede."
Price: 39.99

"OTRS 6 - Monte uma central de servios de TI"
"Voc est com dificuldades para realizar atendimentos de chamados na sua empresa?Aprenda do zero e passo a passo como implementar uma central de servios de TI utilizando o software livre OTRS na sua ltima verso (OTRS 6). Uma central de servios responsvel por tratar todas as solicitaes feitas sua equipe , utilizando as boas prticas da biblioteca servios de TI. Neste treinamento vocaprender a configurar sua central de serviose assim melhorar o atendimento a seus usurios.Essa soluo pode ser utilizada por vrios setores da sua empresa, no apenas para a TI. Basicamente se um setor gera demandas, elas podem ser controladas pelo OTRS!Esse curso contm aulas exclusivas que voc no encontrar em nenhum outro local! Veja abaixo:- Dashboards interativos com Grafana - Integrao com o AD- Relatrios com grficos- Tickets pendentes e auto-fechamento- Acordos de nvel de servio- Plugins de pausa do SLA e definio de servios por fila"
Price: 39.99

"Deteco de Intrusos com AIDE"
"O que o AIDE?AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) um programa de deteco de intruso. Mais especificamente, um verificador de integridade de arquivos.O AIDE constri uma base de dados dos arquivos especificados em aide.conf, o arquivo de configurao do AIDE. O banco de dados AIDE armazena vrios atributos de arquivo, incluindo: tipo de arquivo, permisses, nmero de inode, usurio, grupo, tamanho do arquivo, mtime e ctime, atime, tamanho crescente, nmero de links e nome do link. O AIDE tambm cria um checksum ou hash de cada arquivo usando um ou uma combinao dos seguintes algoritmos de resumo de mensagem: sha1, sha256, sha512, md5, rmd160, tigre, haval, crc32 (pode ser compilado no whirlpool se o suporte mhash for acessvel). Alm disso, os atributos acl, xattr, selinux e e2fsattrs podem ser usados quando ativados explicitamente durante o tempo de compilao.Como funciona?Depois de uma invaso, um administrador pode comear examinando o sistema usando ferramentas de sistema como ls, ps, netstat e who as ferramentas mais provveis de serem trojanadas. Imagine essas ferramentas tenham sido alteradas para no mostrar qualquer arquivo chamado sniffedpackets.log e que ps e netstat foram reescrito para no mostrar qualquer informao para um processo chamado sniffdaemond. At mesmo um administrador que j havia imprimido em papel as datas e tamanhos desses arquivos de sistema no podem comparar que eles no foram modificados de alguma forma. Datas do arquivo e tamanhos podem ser manipulados, alguns root-kits melhores tornam isso trivial.Embora seja possvel manipular datas e tamanhos de arquivos, muito mais difcil manipular uma nica soma de verificao criptogrfica como md5, e exponencialmente mais difcil de manipular cada um de todas a matrizes checksum que o AIDE suporta. Executando novamente o AIDE aps uma invaso, um administrador do sistema pode identificar rapidamente as alteraes nos arquivos e tem um grau bastante elevado de confiana quanto preciso.O que o curso de AIDE?Este curso aborda na prtica a instalao e configurao do AIDE de forma que seja possvel implementar vrias de suas regras em ambiente de produo e inclusive enviar notificaes de alertas. Ao final do curso voc ser capaz de implementar em ambiente de produo e aumentar o nvel de segurana de seus servidores ou de clientes. Alm disso, tambm poder receber alertas por e-mail. O InstrutorEduardo Fraga Graduado em Redes de Computadores com MBA em Gerenciamento de Projetos e Governana de T.I., possui vrias certificaes como: LPIC3, LPIC-303, LPIC-304, IBM System Expert Blade Center e ITILv3 Foundation.Mais de 17 anos de experincia na rea de TI e diversos projetos implementados na rea de infrastrutura de redes. Atualmente trabalha como Analista Administrador de Redes. instrutor da FAME Treinamentos onde co-fundador. Tambm fundador da EF-TECH onde presta servios de consultoria. Total de alunos 3.253Cursos 8Avaliaes 1.045"
Price: 39.99

"Prometheus e Grafana Monitoramento em Nuvem passo-a-passo"
"O que o Prometheus? O Prometheus um kit de ferramentas de monitoramento e alerta de sistemas open source originalmente criado no SoundCloud. Desde a sua criao em 2012, muitas empresas e organizaes adotaram o Prometheus, e o projeto tem uma comunidade de desenvolvedores e usurios muito ativa. Agora um projeto de cdigo aberto independente e mantido independentemente de qualquer empresa. Para enfatizar isso, e para esclarecer a estrutura de governana do projeto, a Prometheus juntou-se Cloud Native Computing Foundation em 2016 como o segundo projeto hospedado, depois da Kubernetes.O que o Grafana? uma plataforma de anlise para todas as suas mtricas. O Grafana permite consultar, visualizar, alertar e entender suas mtricas, independentemente de onde elas estejam armazenadas. Crie, explore e compartilhe dashboards com sua equipe e promova uma cultura baseada em dados.Sobre este curso?Neste curso voc vai aprender na prtica desde a Instalao at o deploy em ambiente de produo utilizando o Grafana e o Prometheus, incluindo o alermanager e outros. O curso ser dividido em trs parte, so elas: Prometheus: Nesta parte do curso o aluno aprender alguns conceitos bsicos, em seguida ser instalado e configurado o Prometheus; Grafana: Nesta segunda parte do curso e com o Prometheus j devidamente instalado e configurado o aluno ir aprender a instalar, configurar o Grafana para visualizar seus itens coletados pelo Prometheus de forma mais amigvel. Casos de uso: Na ltima parte do treinamento o aluno ter alguns casos de monitoramento para treinar e utilizar em ambiente de produo. O que os alunos aprendero em seu curso?Instalar o Prometheus e o Grafana dentre outras ferramentasExportar os dados para que o Prometheus possa coletarEnviar alertas via Email, Slack e TelegramCriar dashboard incrveis com o GrafanaH algum requisito ou pr-requisito para o curso? Para fazer os LABs o alunos poder utilizar o Virtualbox ou Cloud; aconselhvel ter conhecimento em Redes, Linux e Windows.Quem so seus alunos-alvo?Analista de sistemas, DevOps, administradores de redes;Pessoas que desejam aprender sobre monitoramento de rede redes em Cloud."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a instanciar servidores na DigitalOcean"
"O que Digital Ocean?A DigitalOcean, Inc. um provedor americano de infraestrutura de nuvem com sede em Nova York e data centers em todo o mundo. A DigitalOcean fornece aos desenvolvedores servios de nuvem que ajudam a implantar e dimensionar aplicativos executados simultaneamente em vrios computadores. Bnus de crditoCaso voc ainda no tenha criado uma conta na DigitalOcean, ns lhe enviaremos um cupom de crdito, que suficiente para rodar os Laboratrios do curso e criar seus Droplets sem custo adicional. Sobre este cursoNeste curso voc aprender passo-a-passo a instanciar os Droplets, que so as VMs Linux, utilizando a infraestrutura da DigitalOcean. Alm disso voc tambm aprender outros recuros disponveis no orquestrador da DigitalOcean como por exemplo:DropletsVolumesSpacesImages Networks e Outros"
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop CC 2018: Master Advance Photoshop skills quickly!"
"Wecome to Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 Mastering Photoshop Advance techniques. In this course you will learn all hidden Photoshop tricks and techniques which have never been taught before. Have you ever saved hundreds of images within few minutes using action in Photoshop. And Working with advanced 3d objects and making realistic 3d logo. And have you ever know what is the purpose of variable in Photoshop. If no then this course is for you.Further in this course you will learn about Advance selection Techniquee Selection is one of most important tool in Adobe Photoshop but how about using it effectively and select different images with advance option such as color range and focus area.Advance Action in Photoshop Action will make every task in Photoshop automatic and I will show you how to use action to make the project more easy and effective while minimizing the time and maximizing the result.Working with Illustrator file in Photoshop I will show you how to integrate different file formate from illustrator to photoshop and which option is more effect working with vectors.3Din Photoshop I will show you how to use 3d in Photoshop and we will be familiar with 3d environment. We will also make realistic 3d logos in Photoshop.Variables in Photoshop I will show you how to use variable in Photoshop and you will learn how to make 1000 for business card within few minutes using variables.3DMock-up in Photoshop In this lesson you will learn about realistic 3d logo mockup in different objects, i.e wall, door and floor.Want you waiting just click the enroll button and lets start learning the creativity using Adobe Photoshop CC 2017"
Price: 199.99

"Web Development for beginners: Build Website from Scratch"
"Welcometo the course Master Web Development & Design. In this course youwill learnstep by step CSS, HTML ,CSS3 and HTML5. And You will alsolearn how to design a website from PSD and develop thatincompletewebsite. Thatcourse is specially designed for those students who are recently started theircareer as a web designer and developer. Therefore, I have covered each lecturewith simple concept and explanation and provided proper guide how to use HTMLand CSS and Design and develop the website easily and quickly"
Price: 199.99

"Freelancer Course: Ultimate Guide to Freelance"
"This Freelancer course is specially designed for those people who loved to work from home and want to be his own boss. I have more then 5 years of Freelancing experience working with different countries all over the world. Therefore, I am going to share all my experience in this course to guide you to get ultimate projects worldwide.I will also share what problems I have faced being a freelancer and how to overcome all those problems. In this course I will show you different tricks and tips to attract clients and win the project easily in real time with all requirement. And how to deal with clients to remain in long-term business relationship instead of short-term business. I will also discuss about power of review system and being a top rated and seller freelancer in all platform.In short, This course is complete freelancer Guide to get success in freelancing world."
Price: 199.99

"Python for Beginners: Complete Python Programming Course"
"Do you want to learn the worlds most powerful and efficient programming Language, Which easy to learn.If so, youre in the right place - and I'm happy to have you here!Maybe you have an interest in programming, or you have done a little bit of programming, or maybe you have quite a bit of programming experience. Either way, we've made this course to help you to understand programming with deep concept and understanding.We've included over a dozen full practical programs, where you follow along with real-time coding. These lessons are great for learning all of the Python programming skills.Who is this course for?Whether you are using other programming languages, like Java, C or C# and want to extend your knowledge about Python as well. Then this course will teach you how to use the Language to its fullest potential. This course was created for beginner Python programmer to Learn Programming with ease.Our Promise to You!We'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. We want to make this the best course on how use Python. So if there is any way we can improve this course, just tell us and we'll make it happen.With our 30-day money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!"
Price: 199.99

"Agile & Multi-Platform Game Dev. with Unity - Tier 2"
"In this series of videos, you'll learn how to develop a video game project using Unity 5, with Agile development practices in mind.In Tier 1, wetouched on Unitys programming fundamentals to quickly deliver a prototype.Tier 1 Complete Project isincluded so that you can jump right in!In thissecond Tier will touch on Performances, Debugging, Design Patterns and other enhancements required to turn the prototype into a release.This training is for anyone who wants to learn object oriented programming for video games. It has introduction chapters that people familiar with Unity can skip. All the programming basics are covered, and we touch on all major features of Unity. The training focuses on programming, and uses a 2D game project to keep things simple and stay away from fancy graphics features that already are well documented. Whether you know programming or not, whether you're new to Unity or already have some experience, this training will give you the good practices and help you organise yourself in the chaos of a video game project.I'm a self-taught developer myself. I work with Unity since 2011, and was very lucky to meet with mentors who taught me a great deal about Object Oriented Programming. That's a lot to learn about when your background is not in engineering, though, I figured that if I could do it, anyone can.I started to put this training course together a while back for a Master Class held with Unity, and decided to take it way beyond that, as I realised many developers were self-taught programmers, ex artist or designer, looking for that true programming knowledge.I wanted to emphasise on Agile practices, while this is not an Agile training in itself, because of the huge demand for Agile programmers. Agile Development really is a mindset that you cannot push. From a programmers perspective, its mostly about letting go of your desire for completeness and architecture awesomeness, and willing to deliver playable software as early as possible. The responsibility given to programmers brings a lot of stress, with which comes the need to foresee, plan and control development. Then any change in the plan becomes a trouble.Team confidence is key to Agile Development, and confidence comes with knowledge.The more you know, the more you trust yourself, and the less you doubt.The less you fear change, the less complex and overthought you need to make your code, and the sooner you deliver a prototype.This training aims at empowering programmers with enough knowledge to be confident in their capability to react to design changes and always deliver the most business value in the time theyre given.Now, Agile Development isnt just about prototyping, and well also touch on Performances, Scalability and Reusability of the code, which is also key to maintain a project.I really wanted this training to go beyond the usual academic training course. It does have a good share of theory, but everything is put into practice. Its course is well planned and offers a smooth learning curve, while its delivery is more like a live coding session in which I share what comes to my mind as to why I do things along with tips and tricks."
Price: 159.99

"Dveloppement C# et Agile avec Unity - 1re Partie."
"Au travers de cette srie de videos, vous apprendrez dvelopper un projet de jeu vido avec Unity, ainsi que les bonnes pratiques du dveloppement Agile.Cette formation aborde les principes fondamentaux. Elle a t teste et est entirement compatible avec Unity 5.6, 2017.4 et 2018.1.Dans la premire partie, nous allons nous intresser aux concepts fondamentaux de programmation avec Unity pour rapidement livrer un prototype. Pour cela, on va dvelopper un petit space shooter 2D. Tous les sprites, les sons et autres resources sont fournies, afin de se concentrer sur la programmation.Cette formation sadresse tous ceux qui veulent apprendre la programmation oriente objet dans le cadre dun projet de jeu-vido.Il y a quelques chapitres dintroduction, que certains pourront passer rapidement.Les bases de la programmation sont expliques, ainsi que les fonctionnalits de Unity.La programmation est le sujet principal, on travaille sur un projet de jeu 2D pour que tout reste simple et viter la complexit des fonctionnalits graphiques dj bien documentes. Que vous sachiez programmer ou non, que vous soyez dbutant avec Unity ou ayez dj un peu dexprience, cette formation vous donnera les bons usages et vous aidera vous organiser dans le chaos dun projet de jeu-vido.Je suis dveloppeur autodidacte. Je travaille avec Unity depuis 2011 et jai eu la chance de rencontrer dexcellents mentors qui mont beaucoup appris sur la programmation objet.Cest beaucoup de choses apprendre lorsque vous navez pas un parcours dingnieur. Cependant, si jy suis parvenu, nimporte qui peut en faire autant.Jai commenc prparer cette formation pour une Master Class avec Unity. Puis jai dcid de la pousser encore plus loin lorsque jai ralis que de nombreux dveloppeurs taient comme moi danciens graphistes ou designers, cherchant se former la programmation.Jai aussi voulu mettre en avant les pratiques Agile, bien que ce ne soit pas une formation lAgile, compte tenu de la demande grandissante de dveloppeurs Agile.Le dveloppement Agile cest vraiment un tat desprit quon ne peut pas forcer. Du point de vue du dveloppeur, il sagit surtout de lcher prise sur le dsire de compltude et de perfection darchitecture, et vouloir livrer une version jouable le plus tt possible. La responsabilit donne aux programmeurs apporte beaucoup de stress, avec lequel vient le besoin de prvoir, planifier et contrler le dveloppement. Tout changement devient alors un problme.La confiance de lquipe en elle mme est cl dans le dveloppement Agile et la confiance vient avec la connaissance.Plus vous en savez, plus vous avez confiance en vous, et moins vous doutez.Moins vous redouter le changement, et moins vous ressentez le besoin de sur-planifier et complexifier le code, and le plus tt vous livrer vos prototypes.Cette formation veut renforcer les dveloppeurs avec la connaissance ncessaire pour avoir confiance en leur capacit ragir aux changements et toujours fournir le plus de valeur dans le temps imparti.Maintenant, le dveloppement Agile, ce nest pas seulement pour prototyper. Nous allons aussi parler de Performances, de facteurs dchelle et dconomie de code, ce qui est aussi trs important pour la maintenance dun projet.Jai vraiment voulu porter cette formation au del du modle acadmique standard.Il y a une bonne part de thorie, toujours mise en pratique. Son droulement est planifi pour offrir une courbe de difficult croissante et digeste, et sa prsentation est la faon dune session live dans laquelle je partage le cheminement de ma pense, ainsi que beaucoup de trucs et astuces."
Price: 159.99

"Dveloppement C# et Agile Unity - 2me Partie"
"Au travers de cette srie de videos, vous apprendrez dvelopper un projet de jeu vido avec Unity, ainsi que les bonnes pratiques du dveloppement Agile.Dans la premire partie, nous nous sommesintressaux concepts fondamentaux de programmation avec Unity pour rapidement livrer un prototype.Dans cettesecondepartienous allons travailler sur lesperformances, le debugging, les ""design patterns"" et autres amliorations requises pour transformer leprototype en versionfinale.Cette formation sadresse tous ceux qui veulent apprendre la programmation oriente objet dans le cadre dun projet de jeu-vido.Il y a quelques chapitres dintroduction, que certains pourront passer rapidement.Les bases de la programmation sont expliques, ainsi que les fonctionnalits de Unity.La programmation est le sujet principal, on travaille sur un projet de jeu 2D pour que tout reste simple et viter la complexit des fonctionnalits graphiques dj bien documentes. Que vous sachiez programmer ou non, que vous soyez dbutant avec Unity ou ayez dj un peu dexprience, cette formation vous donnera les bons usages et vous aidera vous organiser dans le chaos dun projet de jeu-vido.Je suis dveloppeur autodidacte. Je travaille avec Unity depuis 2011 et jai eu la chance de rencontrer dexcellents mentors qui mont beaucoup appris sur la programmation objet.Cest beaucoup de choses apprendre lorsque vous navez pas un parcours dingnieur. Cependant, si jy suis parvenu, nimporte qui peut en faire autant.Jai commenc prparer cette formation pour une Master Class avec Unity. Puis jai dcid de la pousser encore plus loin lorsque jai ralis que de nombreux dveloppeurs taient comme moi danciens graphistes ou designers, cherchant se former la programmation.Jai aussi voulu mettre en avant les pratiques Agile, bien que ce ne soit pas une formation lAgile, compte tenu de la demande grandissante de dveloppeurs Agile.Le dveloppement Agile cest vraiment un tat desprit quon ne peut pas forcer. Du point de vue du dveloppeur, il sagit surtout de lcher prise sur le dsire de compltude et de perfection darchitecture, et vouloir livrer une version jouable le plus tt possible. La responsabilit donne aux programmeurs apporte beaucoup de stress, avec lequel vient le besoin de prvoir, planifier et contrler le dveloppement. Tout changement devient alors un problme.La confiance de lquipe en elle mme est cl dans le dveloppement Agile et la confiance vient avec la connaissance.Plus vous en savez, plus vous avez confiance en vous, et moins vous doutez.Moins vous redouter le changement, et moins vous ressentez le besoin de sur-planifier et complexifier le code, and le plus tt vous livrer vos prototypes.Cette formation veut renforcer les dveloppeurs avec la connaissance ncessaire pour avoir confiance en leur capacit ragir aux changements et toujours fournir le plus de valeur dans le temps imparti.Maintenant, le dveloppement Agile, ce nest pas seulement pour prototyper. Nous allons aussi parler de Performances, de facteurs dchelle et dconomie de code, ce qui est aussi trs important pour la maintenance dun projet.Jai vraiment voulu porter cette formation au del du modle acadmique standard.Il y a une bonne part de thorie, toujours mise en pratique. Son droulement est planifi pour offrir une courbe de difficult croissante et digeste, et sa prsentation est la faon dune session live dans laquelle je partage le cheminement de ma pense, ainsi que beaucoup de trucs et astuces."
Price: 159.99

"Model-View-Controller design pattern with Unity."
"This training is thefirst of a series of training on Unity,focusing on team work between designers,artists and programmers.Every training in this series will touch on a specific subject of the game industry.This course will touch on design patterns, and especiallythemodel-view-controllerpattern and how to implement it withUnity.We're going to start from scratch to build a GuitarHero, or Tap Tap Revenge likegame.We'll touch on data structure and gameplay mechanics, which overlapdesign and programming, and data-gameplay graphics, which overlaps art and programming.We'll begin with a quick overview of the known patterns (MVC, MVVM, MVP)Then, we'll mockup the view with Unity UI tools, before we work on the game architecture.We'll design theTrack Data structure(Model), then we'lldisplay and edit it with a CustomInspector, and randomlygenerate sample data to work with. We'll touch on reusable data with the ScriptableObject class.We'll then work on the Track View, populate it with prefabs UI objects, andanimate it.We'll then work on the GamePlayController, that'll handle inputs from the Player and all Game Play mechanics, and update the view so the Player knows how he's doing.At the end of the course, artists will know better what they can do with UI components, andprogrammers and designers will know how they can author custom game data, right from the editor, for use at runtime."
Price: 49.99

"Architecture d'un Model-View-Controller avec Unity"
"Cette formation est la premire d'une srie de formation sur Unity, axe sur le travail d'quipe entre designers, graphistes et programmeurs.Chaque formation de cette srie touche un sujet particulier de l'industrie du jeu. Cette formation porte sur les ""design patterns"", les schma d'architecture logicielle, et en particulier sur lemodel-view-controlleret comment l'implmenter dans Unity.En partant de rien, nous allons crer un jeu de rythme, tel que Guitar Hero ou Tap Tap Revenge. Nous commencerons par la structure des donnes et mcanique de jeu, qui concernent le design et la programmation, puis nous verrons l'affichage des donnes et retours visuels, qui concernent le graphisme et la programmation.Nous allons commencer par une vue d'ensemble de certains design patterns connus (MVC, MVVM, MVP). Puis nous construirons la reprsentation graphique avec les outils d'interface de Unity, avant de travailler sur l'architecture du jeu.Nous allons structurer le modle de donnes (Model)du jeu, puis nous l'afficherons et l'diterons l'aide d'un inspecteur de proprits personnalis. Nous verrons aussi comment enregistrer des donnes dans l'diteur l'aide de la classe ScriptableObject.Nous travaillerons ensuite sur la vue piste (View), en la remplissant d'objets d'interface enregistrs plus tt, et nous animerons le dfilement de la vue piste.Nous travaillerons alors sur le contrleur de jeu, rcuprantles entres (input) du joueur pour les utiliser dans la mcanique de jeu, et mettre jour l'affichage.A la fin de cette formation, les graphistes sauront ce qu'il est possible de faire avec les composants d'interface en 3D, les programmeurs et designers sauront crer et manipulerdesmodles de donnes spcifiques un jeu, depuis l'diteur pour les utiliser au ""runtime""."
Price: 49.99

"OOP, SOLID design & Profiling with Unity"
"This courseis the second chapterof a series of training on Unity,focusing on team work between designers,artists and programmers.Every chapterin this series touches on a specific subject of the game industry.This coursefollows onthe previous chapter, touching on themodel-view-controllerdesignpatternand covers everything you need to know about software architecture with Unity.In this chapter, we're going to start of the end of the previous chapterin which we started to build the data structure and base architecture of aGuitarHero, orTap Tap Revengelikegame.As suggested in Agile practices, we're going to start with a simple requirement, which willallowus to think the architecture of the project. We're going to add a Debug Helper component, so that designers, artists and QA can easily test features. We're going to split Inputs from the Controller tomake it easier later to support multiple platforms.And we're also going to add depth to our TrackView so that it can be easily enhanced in the future.We're going to review,and put in practicethe Object Oriented Programming fundamentals (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism), and take advantage of AbstractGeneric Classes and C#Events.We're also going to apply the SOLIDdesignprinciples :Single Responsibility PrincipleOpen Closed PrincipleLiskov Substitution PrincipleInterface Segregation PrincipleDependency Inversion PrincipleWe'll touch on evaluation and compare Eager evaluation and Lazy Evaluation, outlining their benefits in the context of video game development.Last but not least, we'll add custom profiling code to our classes and use the Profiler to compare the footprint of different designs.At the end of the course,programmerswill have all the necessary knowledge and skills to design a game architecture to empower other programmers as well as artists and designers in the team."
Price: 119.99

"Adding Rewards to your GamePlay with Unity"
"This courseis the thirdchapterof a series of training on Unity,focusing on team work between designers,artists and programmers.Every chapterin this series touches on a specific subject of the game industry. This coursefollows onthe previous chapter, touching on theSOLIDdesign principlesand touches on game play visual and audiorewards.In this chapter, we're going to start of the end of the previous chapterin which we completed the architecture of aGuitarHero, orTap Tap Revengelikegame.We're going to touch on GameDesign, programming, Unity Events,video playback, audio and UI to engage the player with compelling rewards through the game.At the end of the course,programmerswill have all the necessary knowledge and skillsto empower other programmers as well as artists and designers in the team."
Price: 79.99

"MonoDevelop/Visual Studio Mac & Unity ; Pro Tips and Tricks"
"""Don't think !"" says the old master.In most things, what really matters is the ""why"". More than the ""what"" or ""how"".This course touches on all the small and bigger features of MonoDevelop and Unity you need to stop thinkingabout the howand the what, and start focusing on the why.It's not organised as a follow along course, so thatyou can watch any of the lectures as you need it.We'll touch on MonoDevelop features, like Templates, Tasks, Refactoring, documenting the code with Markups, and otherfeatures withMonoDevelop and Unity, like Debugging with Break Points, Stack Trace, pre-compiling libraries to share aframework with other developers, as well as thegood codingpractices.This courseis meant to be a reference that you can always come back to and easily find a quick, short video on the topic you need at any given time."
Price: 59.99

"Unity for Design Vizualisation"
"Modelling for real-time rendering isnt about using less polys. Its about understanding how things work under the hood, and adopt the best strategy to avoid artefacts and performance hits, while delivering the most accurate and good looking result, taking into account the target platform and level of interactivity we want.This course will deliver short theory lectures on technical knowledge you need to take any model into Unity and make it look awesome.Beyond theory, it'll put everything in practice, using ""real"" models from places such as Google Sketchup 3DWarehouse.No programming skills required. All scripts are included. For programmers, there will be lectures going through the core principles."
Price: 199.99

"Scrum Master Certification Simulator"
"One of the most powerful learning techniques is to keep veryfing your knowledge by solving tests and learning on your own mistakes. That's why we have created this simulator - to help you learn about the Scrum framework and prepare for the official assesment.This simulator contains 4 practice tests and 320 questions + multiple answers in total. All of them were created and designed by us, based on the latest version of the Scrum Guide. Each practice test is built on the same rules like the real certification exam:Passing score: 85%Time limit: 60 minutesNumber of questions: 80The order of the questions is random so you can use the same tests multiple times. Every question is supported by an explanation, usually taken directly from the Scrum Guide, so that you can reinforce your understanding of the Scrum framework before you take the real exam.IMPORTANT NOTICE:This Simulator is not an official prepariation for Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) certification by Scrum(.)org and it is not connected with this organization. We also highly recommend the official Scrum trainings offered by this them."
Price: 29.99

"Symulator Testu Certyfikacyjnego na Scrum Mastera"
"Jednym z najskuteczniejszych sposobw przyswajania wiedzy jest jej weryfikowanie, poprzez testy i nauk na wasnych bdach. Wanie dlatego stworzylimy symulator testu certyfikacyjnego dla Scrum Masterw, ktrzy chc zweryfikowa swoj wiedz ze Scruma - agile'owego frameworka. Ten kurs zawiera 4 prbne testy oraz cznie 320 pyta jedno i wielokrotnego wyboru oraz o charakterze Prawda/Fasz. Zostay one opracowane  wycznie przez nas, na podstawie najnowszej wersji Scrum Guide'a z listopada 2017 roku. Wszystkie pytania s opracowane w jzyku angielskim, tak jak oryginalny test , ktry rwnie dostpny jest wycznie po angielsku. Znajomo tego jzyka na poziomie komunikatywnym jest niezbdna. Natomiast wyjanienia odpowiedzi do pyta zostay opracowane dla uatwienia w jzyku polskim. Kady z testw zbudowany jest na wzr oryginalnego testu certyfikacyjnego organizacji Scrum(.)org, to znaczy:posiada prg zaliczenia w wysokoci 85% poprawnych odpowiedzi,musi zosta rozwizany w cigu 60 minut,skada si z 80 pyta.Kolejno pyta w testach dobierana jest losowo. Dziki temu moesz do nich podchodzi wielokrotnie.WANE:Symulator ten NIE jest oficjalnym przygotowaniem pod certyfikacj Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) organizacji Scrum(.)org ani nie jest w aden sposb z ni powizany. Zachcamy  rwnie do wzicia udziau w oficjalnych, certyfikowanych szkoleniach oferowanych przez t organizacj."
Price: 69.99

"Agile Project Management - Zwinne Podejcie Do Projektw"
"Czy coraz czciej spotykasz si z terminem Agile albo zwinne podejcie do projektw? Czy chcesz zrozumie rnic pomidzy podejciem zwinnym, a tradycyjnym - kaskadowym (Waterfall)? A moe wiesz ju czym jest Agile, ale chciaby usystematyzowa swoj wiedz?Jeeli Twoja odpowied na ktre z powyszych pyta jest twierdzca, to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!:)Nasz kurs to kompendium wiedzy na temat podstaw Agile'a, skadajce si z powizanych tematycznie sekcji imoduw. Na kocu kadego z nich znajduje sitest wiedzy weryfikujcy zrozumienie danego tematu.Kurs porusza nastpujce tematy:szczegowe omwienie postulatw i zasad Manifestu programowania zwinnego,porwnanie Agile'a i Waterfalla,analiza wad i zalet podejcia zwinnego,analiza najpopularniejszych mitw wok Agile'a,szczegowe omwienie zwinnego podejcia do zarzdzania zakresem i planowania prac.Wszystkie moduy, wraz z pytaniami sprawdzajcymi wiedz, dodatkowymi materiaami,praktycznymi wskazwkami i wsparciem ze strony autorw stanowi spjny produkt, ktry pozwoli zrozumie Ci, czym jest Agile oraz jak wykorzysta to podejcie wpraktyce. Kurs ten moe suy zarwno osobom pocztkujcym, ktre nie syszay wczeniej o zwinnym podejciu do projektw, jak i tym,ktrzypragn uporzdkowa swoj wiedz w tym obszarze.Autorami kursu s dwaj entuzjaci agile'owego podejcia do projektw i rozwoju produktw, certyfikowani Scrum Masterzy z praktykbudowanna co dzie przy pracy z rnymi zespoami scrumowymi i organizacjami. Nasze wczeniejsze dowiadczenie w projektach prowadzonych przy uyciu tradycyjnych modeli pozwolio nam zbudowa peny iobiektywny obraz tego, czym rni si te dwa wiaty oraz jakie maj wady i zalety."
Price: 609.99

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Price: 19.99

"Learn more on Lightning Protection Design BS EN 62305!"
"Hi! Are you interested in knowing more on what gets into the design of lightning protection systems? This system saves thousands of lives eachyearand hundreds of million dollars.The course will address the lightning protection design on structures by following the British Standard BSEN 62305.The course is divided into four parts each addressing a single part of the BSEN62305.We'll start with part three of the standard BS EN 62305-3 where we will address the following:External Lightning Protection SystemRolling Sphere MethodProtective Angle MethodAir Termination SystemDown ConductorsEarthing Termination SystemThen we will discuss the fundamentals of the standard BS EN 62305-1 where we will address the following:Sources of DamageTypes of DamageTypes of LossTypes of RiskThen we will discuss the Internal Lightning Protection Design BS EN 62305-4 where we will address the following:Lightning Current CharacteristicsSurge Protective DevicesThen we will discuss the Risk Management BSEN 62305-2 where we will address the following:Risk Factors R1, R2, R3, R4Understanding the concept of DesignThe generic formula of the risk calculationExample of using Risk Assessment Study Calculator"
Price: 154.99

"Seminario de Planificacin Estratgica"
"DESCRIPCINAprendacomo se hace un Plan Estratgico. Conozcalos grandes beneficios que su organizacin lograr. Aprenda la metodologa de una manera clara, fcil, y con ejemplos. Aplicando los conocimientos de este curso brindar xito de largo plazo a su negocio. El contenido del curso esta estructurado en forma lgica El curso es equivalente a un seminario de tres das con diapositivas, grabaciones de voz e imgenes. El curso comparte un buen ejemplo tomado de una consultora que apoya la explicacin de la metodologa.Los contenidos estn a cargo de Salvador, y la voz esta a cargo de Indra Mara Bendaa, ambos Maestros en Administracin de Empresas,consecuentemente es enriquecedor yagradable seguir las explicaciones a lo largo de los vdeos.CONTENIDOS DEL CURSOINTRODUCCIN. Que es un Plan Estratgico, como se hace, y cuales son sus mltiples beneficios.DEFINICIN DEL NEGOCIO ESTRATGICO. Desarrolle el auto conocimiento sobre su negocio.ANLISIS DE LA SITUACIN DEL NEGOCIO. Analice los ambientes internos y externos de su negocio.SELECCIN DE LA ESTRATEGIA.-Escoja cual estrategia es la que le conviene a su negocio.PLAN DE TRABAJO.-Ponga a trabajarsu estrategia y disfrute de sus beneficios.EL DOCUMENTO.-Publique un buen documento que le permita socializar su Plan Estratgico.SOBRE EL AUTORSalvador ha trabajado con xito como Asesor en Planificacin Estratgica en organismos internacionales como el SNV Servicio Holands para el Desarrollo, la Universidad Tecnolgica Centroamericana y como profesional independiente, realizando Seminarios-Taller exitosos para numerosas organizaciones por lo que conoce bien como hacerun buen Plan Estratgico.Estudi Ingeniera Industrial en el Instituto Politcnico Nacional en la ciudad de Mxico con un Postgrado en Administracin de Empresas en el ITESM en Monterrey, Mxico, especializado en Planeacin de Largo PlazoTambin es instructor certificado por Chiquita Brands Internacional, la Fundacin Nacional para el Desarrollo de Honduras y Dale Carnegie Internacional y ha sido Profesor de reconocidas universidades en Mxico y Honduras. Tiene valiosa experiencia laboral en organizaciones de excelencia como Dole Food Internacional y Chiquita Brands Internacional.Salvador es casado, con cuatro hijos, con nacionalidades mexicana y hondurea y actualmente vive en la costa del mar caribe en Honduras, Centro Amrica mientras se dedica a proyectos de capacitacin y consultora.VENTAJAS DEL PRODUCTOEste es un producto completo, prctico y aplicable, explicado en forma simple y clara. Usted ser capaz pararealizar su propio plan estratgico para su beneficio profesional y el beneficio en sostenibilidad, calidad y rentabilidad de sus negocios.An y cuando se explica en forma sencilla, el nivel de enseanza es similar al que se estudia en un Postgrado o Maestra.Este producto tiene una garanta incondicional de treinta das."
Price: 34.99