"Facebook Kickstarter 2017" |
"Avis de quelques tudiants sur mes cours""Ce cours est plutt complet, et dtaill, j'aime beaucoup les exemples concrets."" Nicolas""Bonne formation avec des exemples pratiques.Je recommande !"" Boubacar""Excellent cours de qualit : pdagogie, structure et densit. Merci Thibault ."" EmmanuelPourquoi rejoindre Facebook Kickstarter 2017?Dans cette formation, vous allez dcouvrir comment facilement lancer des campagnes publicitaires rentables sur Facebook mme en dbutant.Et ainsi comment booster vos ventes grce aux publicits Facebook sansjeter votre argent par les fentres Peut importe votre business :que ce soit une entreprise physique comme un restaurant ou une salle de sport, un site e-commerce vendant des produits physiques ou des produitsdinformation, ou mme un business de service, de consulting, de coaching en B2B ouB2C.Vous serez en mesure d'optimiser vos publicits pour un objectif et ainsi d'augmenter votre nombre de conversions pour un cot drisoire.Vous y dcouvrirez:Toutes les fonctionnalits importantes de Facebook business managerComment effectuer rapidement une tude de march afin dy reprer les besoins fondamentaux et de dfinir un client-typeComment crer votre campagne publicitaire selon votre objectifLes 4 rgles suivre pour crer une publicit irrsistibleLes 5 tapes dune optimisation efficace pour faire dcoller le rendement dune publicitVous aurez accs vie la formation et ses mises jour (du contenu sera rgulirement rajout pour tenir compte des volutions de Facebook).Cliquezsur le bouton vert""Acheter maintenant""pour rejoindre la formation et lancer vos premires publicits rentables ds aujourd'hui."
Price: 94.99 |
"Stratgie Produit Gagnant (Dropshipping)" |
"Dnichez rapidement des produits gagnants pour votre boutique e-commerce grce cette stratgie.Cettestratgievous permettra de lancer rapidement des produits ayant un fort taux de conversion.Stratgie Produit Gagnant est une formation vido rpartie en 5 modules (+1 bonus)qui a t spcialement cre pour vous permettre de lancer des produits fort taux de conversion dans votre boutique en seulement quelques joursElle le fait en vous donnant une structure directrice, un plan dactionet des exemples concretsVous navez ainsi qu copier la stratgie et lappliquer.Pourquoi j'ai crStratgie Produit Gagnant?80% de la bataille en e-commerce est la slection de produits.Si vous vous trompez sur cette partie , vous ne connatrez jamais le succs avec votre boutique e-commerceCest pour cela que jai dtaill chaque tape de la stratgie dans laformation dans un cadre trs facile suivre et comprendre.Vous ne serez plus jamais hsitant quant au choix dun produit lancer, mais vous serez en mesure de trouver des produits gagnants avec un grand potentiel de croissance.Et en plus du programme tape par tape, je vous ai prpar unbonus:Vous aurez accs une liste de produits faite spcialement pour vousque jai recherch personnellement10 produits prouvs et rcents, qui fonctionnent sur le march en cemoment mme, servis sur un plateau dargent.Donc si vous navez pas le temps de suivre et appliquer la stratgie,vous naurez qu les utiliser et les lancer sur votre boutique Et vous pourrez faire vos premires ventes rapidement..Cliquez sur le bouton vert pour commencer ds aujourdhui."
Price: 94.99 |
"Stratgie Produit Gagnant 2.0" |
"Vous voulez la mthode que j'utilise pour trouver des produits WINNERS la demande et lancer des offres que votre march ne pourra pas refuser ? Vous avez limpression que le dropshipping nest pas fait pour vous ou alors que a ne fonctionne plus ? Vous attendez dsesprment le tching de lapplication Shopify sur votre tlphone qui vous annonce que vous avez fait une vente mais en vain, votre boutique ne vous gnre pas ou peu de ventes ? Vous narrivez pas lancer une campagne publicitaire e-commerce rentable et perdez de largent chaque fois ?Je vais vous dire comment vous dbloquer, et vous montrer comment faire.Le premier pilier, et un des plus important, est tout simplementLe choix dun produit fort potentielUn produit winner comme on dit souvent dans le milieu du dropshipping.Mais je les appelle personnellement les produits GOLDCe sont ceux qui ont le plus de potentielPourquoi ?Car ils rpondent le mieux tous mes critres.Ces critres, je ne les ai pas invents.Aprs des recherches et tests, jai remarqu certains points qui revenaient pour beaucoup de produits winners qui ont fait un carton.Jai donc centr ma mthode de recherche de produits autour de ces critres.Que je partage intgralement dailleurs, plus de dtails sur a plus loin sur cette page.Mais aujourdhui vraiment,Mme si a peut suffire pour faire un carton,Mais je pense vraiment, quavec la maturation du march et laugmentation de la concurrence,Il faut aller plus loin et se diffrencier de la masse.Du coup, cette recherche nest quune premire tape de ma nouvelle mthode : Le lancement dune offre irrsistible Si vous voulez vous diffrencier, dominer le march sur 2019, faire grossir votre business sur le long terme en prlevant les visiteurs de vos concurrents vers VOTRE boutique,Cette deuxime partie est cruciale.Car personne ne le fait aujourdhui.Et a, a va vous donner un avantage concurrentiel norme.Cela se fait en plusieurs tapes :Il faut dabord connatre votre client-typeA quel niveau ?Ses plus grandes peursSes problmes actuelsSes dsirs les plus profondQuest ce qui gche son quotidienEt bien dautres points que je naurais pas le temps de dvelopper sur cette page.Tout a ?a nous permettra de lui proposer quelque chose (une offre) qui lui corresponde vraiment.De rpondre un problme qui le touche directement.Le but est quil se dise que loffre est faite sur mesure pour lui !Aprs cette tape, on va donc crer une offre :Autour dun produit fort potentielEt autour des besoins exacts de votre client-type.Comment ?On va ajouter de la valeur, en plus du produit.Bien sr ce ne sera pas au hasard.Ce sera quelque chose qui va vraiment aider votre client.Et je vais vous montrer comment vous pouvez crer une offre irrsistible qui parle votre client-type, mme sans avoir aucune connaissance sur un march actuellement.Ce qui vous permettra de vendre un prix suprieur la concurrence, sans perdre en conversion !Ce qui dcuplera votre marge, sans crer pour autant des systmes complexesAvec tout a, fini largent gaspill, jet par les fentres dans des campagnes non rentables !Et enfin votre premier vrai salaire grce votre activit e-commerce !Qui vous permettra den vivre,Et daccder en fin votre libert totale !Tout a ?Je vous le montre en intgralit dans ma nouvelle mthode : Stratgie Produit Gagnant 2.0.Pourquoi j'ai crStratgie Produit Gagnant?80% de la bataille en e-commerce est la slection de produits.Si vous vous trompez sur cette partie , vous ne connatrez jamais le succs avec votre boutique e-commerceCest pour cela que jai dtaill chaque tape de la stratgie dans laformation dans un cadre trs facile suivre et comprendre.Vous ne serez plus jamais hsitant quant au choix dun produit lancer, mais vous serez en mesure de trouver des produits gagnants avec un grand potentiel de croissance.Ce que vous obtenez avec Stratgie Produit Gagnant 2.0 4 nouveaux modules de formation vido pour enfin trouver de vrais winners et faire dcoller ton activit e-commerceUne stratgie plus pousse adapte l'volution du march (97)De nouvelles sources indites et tactiques trs peu utilises pour trouver des produits GOLD (197)Comment connatre ses clients mieux qu'ils ne se connaissent eux-mmes et ainsi leur vendre vos offres e-commerce volont (297)Comment crer une offre irrsistible autour d'un produit et booster les conversions avec la structure idal de la fiche produit (297)"
Price: 149.99 |
"9 Steps to Innovation, by the Masters - Idea to Product" |
"This course is designed for anyone who may or may not have an idea but would want to know about Innovative Thinking. The course is relevant to anyone who shows some keenness for wanting to learn about Innovating.Is this course for me?This is a primer course designed for all audiences who:Dont know what innovation isUnderstand that they must innovate but dont know where to starthave ideas and dont know what to do nextwant to build a business based on an innovative ideaPeople aspiring to file patents, and so forth.What will I Learn?This course will take you through:Why is Innovation important? Relevance?Sources of Ideas, Root Cause Analysis, PLCWhat is Copyright, IP, Patent, TM?Building a Business proposal & planSources of FundingPrototype buildingSoft skills for presenting the ideaBeing psychologically ready to face the worldMethod of Course Delivery:The topics are designed such that we will expose the you to all stages and processes we feel are necessary for innovation Structured as well as Unstructured."
Price: 24.99 |
"VMware vSphere 6.5 - Setup your own enterprise environment" |
"OverviewVMware vSphere is the most popular platform for deploying virtualized workloads. In this course you will learn how to build reliable enterprise grade VMware vSphere infrastructure from scratch to fully operational production environment. Is this a right course for me? (Please click blueFull detailslinkbelow)Have you ever wondered how to set-up your own VMware vSphere infrastructure? How everything is working together to create reliable environment for virtual machines? I have designed this course to help you to understand key concepts of VMware vSphere and I will guide you through whole process of creating your own VMware vSphere infrastructure.What is covered?I wont be talking much about theory and all those fancy acronyms you can see everywhere. Instead of that we will create our very new enterprise grade VMware vSphere environment. We will install three hypervisors and central management platform, configure real world networking and interconnect everything together. Then I will cover key functions of our newly created environment such is high availability, shared storage, migrations of virtual machines and all useful functions that might be handy in real world. After this course, you will be able to set-up you own VMware vSphere environment in your company from the scratch and provide reliable infrastructure for your virtual machines.Am I going to be bored?I have tried to be as practical as possible. I wont disturb you with those little things like How many hypervisors can be part of a cluster? Is it 32 or 64? No, we will be learning things by doing them in my lab. Because of those practical lessons I hope you will enjoy them much more than some theory based lectures. What otherssayFew selected reviews. Thank you!After finishing the course and recreating everything in my VMware workstation nested ESXi Lab. I learned a lot of things that i can use at my job. I am aspiring to join the vmware experts at my company and this put me on a fast track towards achieving that. This filled in a huge gap (production grade design that I can use in my VCP lab) in my studies for VCP 6. Many thanks to the author. I hope he adds more design related videos and shares his experiences about designing private clouds in the bonus section. I would like the videos to be geared towards new VMware architects.Love it Love It Love It. Deatailled and extremely easy to understand and follow.I am junior VMware administrator and this course was really usefully for me. At my work I usually solve incidents within the infrastructure but I haven't actually install the environment from the beginning. Based on what I have learned I have better understanding how individual components works together.It's a great course that provides a detailed introduction to VMware and its features.Helps a lot to enhance skill on the latest version of vSphere 6.5."
Price: 99.99 |
"VMware vSphere 6.5 - How to create professional LAB" |
"OverviewVMware vSphere is the most popular platform for deploying virtualized workloads. In this course you will learn how to setup your own advanced vSphere LAB that you can utilize for learning about VMware vSphere, testing advanced products like VMware vSAN or NSX or you can use this lab for preparation to your VCP exam. Is this a right course for me? (Please click blueFull detailslinkbelow)Have you ever wondered how to set-up your own VMware vSphere infrastructure? What components are necessary for building advanced vSphere LAB? I have designed this course to cover all aspects of your LAB deployment from the scratch. What is covered?We will start with basic information regarding hardware for your LAB. I will use dedicated server from third-party service provider to support our LAB. We will deploy virtual router that will be used for connecting your LAB to outside, public network and provide several networking features for our LBA. You will also learn how to setup your supporting Microsoft environment for your LAB where you will learn how to setup your Active Directory and iSCSI storage server that will host our shared storage. Then we will work on the configuration of our master ESXi server in terms of advanced networking and storage. And finally, we will setup several virtualized ESXi servers that will together with VMware vCenter server forms your advanced LAB. Am I going to be bored?I have tried to be as practical as possible. I will show you everything in real world. No PowerPoint how-to but real hands-on experience with the configuration itself."
Price: 29.99 |
"OMRON PLC 1 (CX-Programmer Usage)" |
"Contents....19 VDO Totally.1. CX- Programmer Usage. 1.1 Creating a new project (8 lessons) - Create a new project. - Symbol & Comment. - Local symbol & Global symbol. - Rung comment & Section program comment. - Text color & Size setting. - PLC Simulation. - Create a function block. - Cycle time, Program capacity & Clock setting. 1.2 Go online & Debugging (8 lessons) - PLC Upload & Download. - Backup data memory(DM) - Debugging program. - Import/Export PLC symbols and comments. - PLC Data trace. - Time chart monitoring. - Programs comparison(Offline) - Programs comparison with PLC(Online) 1.3 Program protection & Password (3 lessons) - UM read protect & Password. - Task read protect & Password. - Function block protect & password.By Akapol Sahapattanawanaakapol.udemy@gmail.com"
Price: 49.99 |
"OMRON PLC 2 (PLC Instruction)" |
" I gonna talk about what are you going to learn this course Omron PLC Instruction There are 28 VDO lessons totally. Starting with what s operand?.. what s operator? and then You will learn PLC instructions such as sequence output instructions, sequence control instructions, Timers, Counters, Data Comparison, Data movement, Data Increment, Data Decrement, Data conversion, Data scaling instructions, and so on... This is my second course about Omron PLC. Who finished my first course CX-Programmer Usage . I highly recommend to continue this course Basic PLC Instruction that I strongly believe after you finishing, you will be confident with using Omron PLC for programming your machine. And Omron PLC will be easy for you.Okey.. Lets go to watch short VDO sample. See you again Enjoy! By Akapol Sahapattanawanaakapol.udemy@gmail.com"
Price: 49.99 |
"Italian Soccer Academy - Come diventare un calciatore" |
"Italian Soccer Accademy la prima scuola di calcio Italiana completamente online.Le lezioni sono state fatte sia per tutti coloro che vogliono imparare a giocare a calcio sia per tutti coloro che vogliono migliorare le proprie tecniche di base.Tutte le lezioni sono in Italiano, la lezione verr suddivisa in una prima parte teorica, dove vi spiegher la tecnica, la seconda parte invece vi far vedere io come eseguire la tecnica e nella terza parte della lezione vi far vedere tutti gli esercizi che devono essere eseguiti per migliorare la tecnica."
Price: 54.99 |
"Yoga Meditatie voor Zelfrealisatie" |
"Traditionele Yoga is voor Zelfrealisatie; de realisatie van het direct ervaren van de vereniging (Yoga) van het Zelf met de universele non-dualistische Realiteit. Deze cursus zal je de gehele weg van Yoga aanbieden van de beginstapjes tot een uitgebreide en diepgaande introductie van het gehele proces van het systematisch terugtrekken van bewustzijn via en voorbij lichaam, adem, en mind om een glimps te hebben van het Centrum van Bewustzijn dat achter en binnenin alle deze aspecten ligt. Deze cursus is ideaal voor allen die al enige kennismaking het gehad met n van deoude of moderne aspecten van Yoga.Het zal je een weg aanbieden die jaren van expansie naar en in de breedte en diepte van de traditionele Yoga biedt.Liefs,Swami Ma Tripurashakti (Ma Tri)"
Price: 49.99 |
"Comunicacin Intercultural" |
"Si quieres que te entiendan, necesitas entenderte primero. Cada uno de nosotros venimos de un grupo cultural con sus propias creencias, comportamientos y costumbres, lo cual nos hace nicos. Es por eso que, si queremos vivir en armona con las otras personas a nuestro alrededor, es importante crear los puentes necesarios para conectar nuestras ideas, pensamientos y perspectivas con las de ellos. Esto no solo nos permitir crear mejores relaciones, sino que tambin disminuir los niveles de malos entendidos que se pueden presentar, debido a que no entendemos a las otras personas. La comunicacin intercultural ya no es una habilidad de lujo, es necesaria para poder interactuar de manera asertiva tanto en un contexto profesional como personal. Si ests buscando mejorar tus comunicaciones, crear mejores relaciones y entender mejor a las personas que te rodean, este curso te dar las herramientas necesarias, para que comiences a potencializar tus comunicaciones inmediatamente. El contenido de este curso te ayudar a destruir cualquier tipo de barrera regional y te permitir conectar con cada una de las personas que aparezcan en tu vida, sin importar lo lejas que sean sus culturas de la tuya."
Price: 29.99 |
"Become a Kinematics (1D) Master" |
"This course is all about Kinematics in 1D, the physics of moving things along a straight line. Kinematics is always the first topic you would have to master in order to understand the laws of the universe.Everything in the universe is moving, so kinematics is the most fundamental thing you will need to know to do any kind of physics.I expect no prior knowledge of physics, in order for you to take this course. The only pre requisites are little bit of math (mentioned in the course basics). Although kinematics needs calculus, I will be teaching everything calculus that we will be needed to tackle various scenarios. So don't worry about calculus :)The course is structured as followsConcept videos, Practice problem videos, Extra information (Which is not mandatory but helps you get more insight and get more out of the course:))For every concept, Ihave included trivial and challenging quizzes to make sure, you can check your understanding and review any material if needed.There are assignment questions which test your application abilities and how you are able to connect various topics together.At the end you have practice test, with timings and scores. This makes you self evaluate your learning and understand how much you have gained from the entire course.So what are you waiting for, enroland let's get.. wait for it... moving! (sorry for that, my jokes get better)"
Price: 3200.00 |
"Become a 2D Kinematics Master" |
"This course is all about 2 dimensional kinematics.2D kinematics is study of things moving in a plane. Which means stuff can curve now. This adds difficulty to the analysis of motion. However by learning a new tool of mathematics called Vectors, we can use our knowledge of 1D kinematics (motion in a straight line)and analyse 2D motion WITHOUTANYEXTRAFORMULAE! This is amazing!. This is the beauty of mathematics.The course is Structured as follows1. Concept videos, practice problem videos, extra information (Which is not mandatory but helps you get more insight and get more out of the course.2. For every concept, wehave trivial and challenging quizzes to make sure, you can check your understanding and review any material if needed.3. There are assignment questions which test your application abilities and how you are able to connect various topics together.(This is also where you and I exchange a lot of thoughts)4. At the end we have practice test, with timings and scores. This makes you self evaluate your learning and understand how much you have gained from the entire course.(coming soon)So what are you waiting for, enroland ""let's get.. wait for it... moving""! (sorry for that, my jokes get better)"
Price: 2880.00 |
"Drawing Basics: How to Draw Like an Artist" |
"With Drawing Basics: How to Draw Like an Artist, you'll learn to draw the right way by thinking like an artist. The teaching approach is innovative by making you think of any drawing project as a process that consists of a series of steps. This innovative approach of The Drawing Workshopsis suitable for anyone that would like to improve the level of his/her drawing skills, regardless of the current skill level.What am I goingto learn from this course?How to draw anythingjust by changing how we see things and using simple mind tricksUnderstanding what the drawing skill consists of, and learn each part more effectivelyTwo simple tricks that will teach you to draw anything you likeSimple and easy practice exercises (6 skills and 74 exercises) that have great impact on your hand drawingskillsEnjoyable step-by-step drawing exercises that you can practice yourself along with the instructor.How is this course taught?This course is very simple and concise,and divided into 4 chapters for easy learning, as follows:1. Chapter one is about the drawing skill and you'll learnto draw like an artist2. Chapter two is about the first part of the drawing skill: mind skills and thetwo drawing methods that almost every artist use.3. Chapter three is about the second drawing skills: hand skills and a workbook to improve hand skills.4. Chapter four is about integrating hand skills with mind skills.Music used by: purple-planet"
Price: 119.99 |
"How to Stop Drinking Without Willpower" |
"How a family man cured his devastating alcoholism problemHello, my name is Craig Beck and I probably understand better than anyone else how you are currently feeling. I have been where you are, alcohol became something that I couldnt stop drinking despite how miserable it made me.Alcohol replaced the real me with a fat, unhealthy zombie. I got sick of waking up full of regret and guilt. It wasnt fair on my wife, children or myself!Every day I made excuses about why I needed the alcohol even more, failing to make the connection that the alcohol was the reason for the vast majority of my problems.""I think I tried absolutely everything to get rid of that poison""AA was too depressing, and I didnt want to label myself as an alcoholic. Rehab was too expensive for my joyless and broke self. The thought of putting dangerous prescription drugs into my body in an attempt to rid myself of another drug didnt make sense at all.Finally... I realized willpower was not the answer. Id been fighting a losing battle!When I eventually landed on the secret to controlling my cravings for alcohol without willpower, life became...easy. I lost weight, slept like a baby, reconnected with my family, and regained my career.It is no stretch to say it both changed my life and saved my life, and its become my life mission to do the same for other people in my same situationpeople just like you.Thats why I created this affordable, private, and fast-acting how to stop drinking program, so you dont have to struggle as long as I did to control your craving for alcohol.Finally I discovered an easy solution to my addictionOnce you discover the secret of how alcohol is keeping you in a painful loop you will easily get back in control of your drinking in less than 3 weeks.WAIT let me be clear, I do not mean you will have to go around telling people you are not allowed to drink. The urge to drink will just fade away, you will no longer want to drink as often (or at all).You should trust me on this, when I finally figured out how to stop drinking it turned my life around. I lost 57lbs in weight, all my health problems disappeared and I started enjoying time with my friends and family again.This is all waiting for you just as soon as you get started today."
Price: 199.99 |
"Cheating Spouse Trap: How to Tell if A Partner is Cheating" |
"Are you worried your spouse is cheating on you?There is no doubt about it; being cheated on by a spouse is among one of the most distressing and upsetting things that can happen to someone.If you suspect your partner is cheating on you then you may be tempted to challenge them.Be forewarned:This is usually a detrimental decision. Unless you are 100% certain and you have the cast iron proof to support your accusation, patience is the secret.If you are wrong, you can wind up doing irreversible damage to your relationship.If you are correct but cannot substantiate it, all you are going to do is encourage your partner to work even harder to cover his/her tracks.Just as soon as you get started with me, I will give you the tools and techniques tospot cheating behavior a mile away. This course gives you total peace of mind and certaintyWhen you get started you will learn:How you identify the habits of a cheat.Utilizing the Web to capture your cheating spouse.The people most likely to be unfaithful.How to react to cheating behavior.The 14 signs they are not over their ex.The 10 important rules to catch a cheating spouse.And much more!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Millionaire University" |
"I am sure you have heard it said that wealth and abundance has nothing to do with your background, gender or location. However, this undeniable nugget of wisdom is just the tip of the millionaires iceberg.The harsh reality is there is a careful balance of wealth and poverty in the world. If you act in one way you will become rich and have everything you desire. Act another way and you will stay among the majority who struggle to cope with never quite having enough.The truth is it doesnt matter who the president is, what the economy is doing or any other peripheral element that could be used as an excuse. People become millionaires regardless of the external environment.No matter what changes on a political or economic level the balance of wealth and poverty will remain the same. The 80% majority will remain poor and the 20% elite will keep getting richer.The question is, which group do you want to be a member of?People in the 80% will never buy this book, ever! Why? Because they will read the blurb on the back and immediately decide that it sounds too good to be true.Meanwhile people in the 20% understand that extreme levels of wealth have nothing to do with life being fair, luck or even hard work. Becoming a millionaire is a question of mindset and religiously following a precise system.The blueprints for a house are not suggestions but rather exact steps to be adhered to. If followed to the letter you will get what you aimed for. Likewise, this book is a blueprint for extreme wealth and abundance. Over 50,000 people are testament to the results of following the Millionaire University program, and they are all in the 20% of life.Are you the next?"
Price: 199.99 |
"Law of Attraction University" |
"Hello my name is Craig Beck.When I first discovered the law of attraction my life was at an all-time low. I was in a 9 to 5 job that bored me senseless; I was broke, alcoholic and obese. I read books like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and had a little bit of success.But, I couldn't get the level of consistency I needed todramatically change my life. I believed so much in the Laws of Attraction that I decided to dedicate my life to understanding the quantum physics behind it.After many years of trial and error and almost at the point of quitting I had a breakthrough.The Breakthrough MomentI realized that the mainstream versions of this manifestation principle were only telling half the story. There are not doing this to be deceitful but because the missing pieces of the puzzle are too complicated to be palatable to a mass audience.I used my experience as a hypnotist, coach and master NLP practitioner to simplify and automate the part of the process that was preventing most people from manifesting the life of their dreams.Wealth, happiness, peace and purpose are not just for the lucky few... they are all just a mouse click awayAre You Living Your Dream Life?So many people spend an entire lifetime not quite having enough they get stuck in a job they dont like, in a relationship that isnt supportive and always seem to end up having too much month left at the end of the money.Sometimes they will try asking the universe but all the time assuming it sounds too good to be true. Then they will use their lack of success to dismiss the whole idea as a scam.The Secret Behind The SecretThe number one reason why people don't get consistent results from the power of attraction is they are asking from the conscious mind. The truth is the universe ignores everything that comes from this part of our being. It is 99.9% junk created by our insane egos.The universe only listens to our subconscious communication. Of course, this creates a challenge because we are prohibited from accessing this part of our mind. Quite simply, we can't be trusted to have that much power - we would kill ourselves within seconds.My Course Works So WellMy complete course in manifestation magic works so well because it teaches you how to communicate from the subconscious to the universe. This is not a simple trick that can be read once and mastered. I have spent almost a decade getting this right.The good news is it won't take you anywhere near as long. I have created a step by step process to give you success within days and weeks, not months and years.Too Good To Be True?Most people will read this and think it all sounds too good to be true and it can't possibly work. While others will feel this resonating with them at a deeper level. Somehow they will know that something powerfully beautiful will result from it.Both types of people will be correct. The choice you need to decide now is which one of those people you are?"
Price: 199.99 |
"Unstoppable University - How To Get The Life Of Your Dreams" |
"Life is similar to a train journey. Most people on the train are merely passengers; they are simply going where life is taking them. They are neither in charge of their speed, direction or final destination. If the heading of the train pleased and delighted its passengers then perhaps you could envy them.However, the sad truth is that the vast majority of people are entirely unhappy with the direction and impetus of their life's journey. Of course, they could invest in themselves and learn to be a driver, but that would involve accepting responsibility and risk. People would rather accept mediocrity and consequently have someone else to blame. Be the driver, not a passenger! The driver of the train is upfront occupying the best seat. They are in full control of the speed and destination of his or her life. These inspirational and rare people are responding to life, not just reacting to life. They are carving out a breathtaking journey. They are not only sitting back and waiting to see what life throws at them. Don't think there is much difference between responding and reacting? When the doctor sees the medicine is working, he declares that the patient is responding to treatment. There is a huge difference between this and doctor reporting that you are reacting to the medicine. Unstoppable University by renowned motivational speaker Craig Beck, is a robust route map for success, happiness, and abundance. In this life-changing book, the recipe for living an exceptional life is reverse engineered. So you can quickly and just copy the step-by-step process and make huge impacts in your own life. Find a life your purpose Sell your passion for cash Live with a continuous abundance of money Understanding the power of persistence Why motivation & integrity go hand in hand Experience beautiful and peaceful relationships And much more."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn 70 Great Websites to Get Unlimited Royalty FreeImages" |
"In this course we'll learn how to find royalty free stock images for personal & commercial projects.As we all know stock photos are costly but still we need to used it into our projects, so this is why we'll come up with this course where we'll tech you my best 70 free sources that you can used to find high quality royalty free images for your personal or even commercial projects. So enroll the class now. Internet marketers,logo web designers, theme developers and Digital andweb marketing agency ,app developerneed images.They all need visuals, Images, pictures and visual elements are powerful, killer tools to convey, communicate and sell no matter what your product, service or message you need to deliver.I work hard to research the whole searchto collect all the websites from which you could download photos, picture and images for free and usethem wherever you want. Yes, all images arecommercial uses because they release images under CC0.In this course we'll fix my top 70 sources to get Thousands of Royalty FREE images with no copyright problems and no attribution required. This means that you can use these images for any purpose and make them as your own.imagesare great and in demand nowadays. However, creating your own images are expensive, time consuming and too much effort needed. So why not look for High Quality images For FREE? With these images, you can usecommercial personaland other projects."
Price: 44.99 |
"Speak English with StorySpeaking: ""A car for a kiss?""" |
"Hello! Welcome to the StorySpeaking course.Im Dmitry Volov, a TEFL-certified English teacher, and I have more than 6 years of experience teaching English. Well, If youre reading this course description now, then you're probably either:a beginner student of English, oryou may have learned English in school, in college or in a university, but you still speak slowly, you make many mistakes while speaking, or maybe you dont speak English at all.If you are a beginner student congratulations! Youre in the right course to learn how to speak English fluently.If you have learned English before, then theres something I want to tell you:Most students learn English the traditional way: they analyze and memorize grammar rules, they read boring textbooks and do boring exercises. In fact, most schools teach English exactly this way, and many teachers think its the only way to teach! But guess what? Its a very unproductive way to teach students to speak English. Why? Because when students are bored in the process, they have little or no motivation to learn English. As a result, they quit learning English and say to themselves, Oh, Im just not good at English! :(, or, English is too difficult for me! :(, or, I dont have time to learn English!.And even many organized and motivated students spend most of their learning time analyzing and memorizing grammar rules. They consciously try to apply these rules to construct sentences when they speak. Or they try to translate from their native language into English what they want to say. So, their speech becomes very slow and unnatural. Youre probably asking me right now Ok, Dmitry, but what is the right way to learn to speak English fluently?. You see, when you talk to people, usually you dont have extra time to remember grammar rules or to translate in your head before you actually say something. Thats why you have to learn to think in English in order to speak English fluently. And this is exactly what this StorySpeaking course is going to teach you. Why do I call this course StorySpeaking?Well, its becauseI use a special kind of stories to teach you English:I tell a story a little bit, then I ask you a number of questions about the part of the storyyouve just listened to, then I tell you another part of the story and ask you some more questions about this part, and so on. As you listen to the story and answer the questions,a process called deep learning takes place in your mind, which means that language patterns (phrases and sentences) go deep into your brain, they go deep into your subconscious mind. So, as a result, you start to think in English. And the more you listen to the lessons and answer the questions, the better you become at thinking in English. Its like a muscle that you build.And then, over a period of time, you will find that phrases will just appear in your head and you will know automaticallywhat to say. You wont be translating, you wont think of the rules, because you will be able to think in English and it will be much easier for you to speak English! In this StorySpeaking course you will also learn grammar subconsciously, like a native speaker, without thinking about grammar rules and without memorizing them. And you will also practice your pronunciation and improve your listening skills.The sentences from the StorySpeaking course will be in your subconscious mind, and they will become your building blocks for many conversations you have with people. Thats the power of the StorySpeaking method! I created the video lessons in this StorySpeaking course as animated lessons. As I tell you the story and ask you the questions, you will see the animated images that will help you understand the meaning of the words, and youll also see the questions and the answers appear on the screen as text. I know some people are more visual leaners, other people are auditory learners, so, whichever type of learner you are, you will be happy with this course. And also because this course is designed as an animated course, its suitable for both beginner students and intermediate students. The StorySpeaking method is even suitable for older people in their 50s or 60s who have never learned English before: its easy and fun to learn with this method, because they dont have to analyze and memorize grammar rules. Like I said, the learning process is mostly subconscious! Ive also provided audio versions of the lessons, so you can learn English while driving your car or while doing something else. So, Im sure youll enjoy learning English with me. Go ahead and enroll in the StorySpeaking course, and start speaking English today!"
Price: 94.99 |
"The Complete Web Inbound Marketing Course" |
"Hai intenzione di scrivere un tuo blog ma non sai da dove iniziare? Hai costruito un sito web ma non riesci a raggiungere un buon traffico di visitatori sul tuo sito? I tuoi posts sui social media non danno i risultati sperati? Oppure hai iniziato un nuovo progetto e vuoi sapere come generare nuovi potenziali clienti e convertirli in clienti veri e propri?Se hai risposto si ad una o pi domande, o ti senti frustrato perch la tua strategia di marketing non sta performando bene o non sai come costruirne una, allora hai trovato il giusto corso che potr darti nozioni, strumenti e documenti per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi.Io sono qui perch, come Product Marketing Manager di una start up a Londra, ho conosciuto il fallimento, che ho trasformato in opportunit, ed ho conosciuto il successo che ho trasformato in metodi di lavoro migliori (best practice). Sono qui quindi per condividere teoria, esperienza, pratica, strumenti pratici, suggerimenti e tutto quello che mi ha aiutato nel mio viaggio verso il successo.Breve descrizione del corsoLInbound sta letteralmente trasformando il modo di fare Marketing e Sales. Nellera digitale, trasformare non vuol dire solo utilizzare blogs, social media o landing pages per attirare nuovi clienti, ma significa anche utilizzare i dati permisurare lefficacia di una strategia ed imparare da essi per migliorare e raggiungere gli obiettivi.Questo corso vi introdurr al mondo dellINBOUND MARKETING, attraverso le 4 fasi della Metodologia Inbound. Dallottimizzazione di un sito web per avere pi traffico, allanatomia di una landing page per generare pi leads (potenziali clienti), allimportanza strategica di costruire un contenuto educativo.Ma NON SOLO TEORIA! A differenza di altri corsi (che io stessa ho seguito), questo percorso vi arricchir con presentazioni, fogli di calcolo, lista di strumenti (tools) da utilizzare, per implementare tutte le best practices che ascolterete.Ed infine VOI! Se c' qualcosa che ho veramente imparato nel mio percorso, che davvero difficile mettere in pratica ci che si impara nella teoria. Per questo durante il corso vi chieder di produrre letteralmente qualcosa, da un blog, alla definizione del buyer persona, alla strategia di marketing. Potrete inviare il vostro materiale per feedback e commenti :) Potrete inoltre voi stessi dare feedback a me, al corso, a come migliorarlo e su cosa avete specificatamente bisogno per costruire un progetto a vostra misura.Cosa aspettate ad iniziare? Pronti a diventare inbound marketers e distinguervi dagli altri? Come strutturato il corsoIl corso composto da 11 classi, 36video, per un totale di circa 3 ore.Volendo dare una overview generale del corso, attraverso queste classi, parleremo di:Inbound Marketing, che cosa e come sta cambiando il modo di fare marketing e sales.Strategia SEO e ottimizzazione website per almeno raddoppiare il traffico sul sito. Content Marketing e come costruire una strategia ed un piano di contenuti (content) per attirare nuovi visitatori.Blogging e come creare un blog seguendo le best practices. Social Media e come aumentare il numero di visitatori verso il vostro prodotto, attraverso una pianificazione sui social.Calls-to-action, che cosa sono e dove posizionarle per iniziare il processo di conversione in leads.Landing pages e forms, per promuovere unofferta.Thank you pages per ringraziare i vostri leads ed accompagnarli nel buyers journey.Email Marketing, ancora efficace?Smarketing, che cosa e come realizzarloInbound sales, e come oggi le persone siano indipendenti nel processo di vendita.Non vi preoccupate se alcuni dei termini utilizzati non sono chiari, perch lobiettivo di questo corso quello di dare a tutti una conoscenza approfondita e dettagliata di cosa linbound Marketing e perch il Marketing tradizionale non funziona pi.Non importa infatti in quale fase o quale nozione di Marketing voi abbiate. Questo corso si distingue per materiale innovativo, tutorial e tools di elevata qualit, fogli di lavoro e finalmente il materiale sar in italiano con alcuni elementi in inglese, per avvicinarvi verso linternazionalizzazione.Inoltre potrete fare delle richieste specifiche su uno degli argomenti trattati, ad esempio, come creare un landing page, quali tools utilizzare, o come pubblicare un sito web o un blog. Potremo organizzare Skype o Hangout calls, creare insieme piccoli tutorial e vi metter in contatto con le giuste persone per seguire e costruire insieme a voi una vincente strategia di Inbound Marketing.Lista tools e templates completamenteGRATIS E PRONTI ALL'USO:Buyer Persona Template IBuyer Persona Template IISEO Ebook - The beginners guide to SEOSEO Ebook - Learning SEO from the expertsOn page SEO experiment TemplateContent Marketing Planning TemplateContent MapContent Mapping Template130 ways to get trafficBest time to post on social mediaAnalytics Template: Facebook and TwitterSMART - Marketing goals TemplateSocial media content calendarHow to getmore Twitter followers Ebook85 ways to grow your email listConversion rate optimization strategies checklist2017 Marketing Experiment Calendar TemplateLead goal calculatorLead nurturing experimentWhat else?Il materiale a vostra disposizione a vita, con aggiornamenti continui, perch fondamentale in questo campo allinearsi con le nuove tendenze. Registratevi ora al corso di Inbound Marketing per iniziare a vedere i primi risultati in pochi giorni.Non mi credete? MONEY BACK se il materiale fornito, le nozioni date e i tools suggeriti sono al di sotto delle vostre aspettative."
Price: 189.99 |
"Birthdate Numerology. The Meaning Of Each Day" |
"The Wonders Of BirthdateNumerologyAs you are reading this,Stop to think about thisjust for a moment.All of us when we took our first breath, were born under that days energy in a calendar month dayfrom 1-31And when this happened, each one of us washanded aGPS life courseto follow.However, because this was never explained, the GPScompass we were given stayed in the drawer, and off we went, and quite often unprepared, and un-relaxed for what lied ahead for each and every one of us.So, instead of being practical as our birthdate energy revealed to us, we went off and traveled out of sorts, never bothering to take notes, or structure anything, even though our birth chart indicated our tendency to do just that.And because we did not, we ended up far away from ourenergetic destination,thatwe were most suited for, andbest alignedto.In another way of expressing it, we becomefrustrated.And today, as evidenced by what is happening in our lifetimes,many still are.And we ask this question too!Why am I here?. What is mylife purpose?Where are theguides who can give me the pathI ambest suited to follow.Am I stuck, or can this be away homefor me.Even if you have Googled numerology, your birth date, unless you know the source of where the information came from,you can get at best get a smallportion of theBuffet that awaits youwith the information that I am about to convey.Just so we can clear the deck,I am notnew to this field.I have done""thousands of readings,""and have enjoyedhuge accoladesfor them.And to my way of thinking since very few have an understanding of it, I wanted to beone of the firstto step upin my field who canshare this informationwith you in ways that you canrapidly,grasp, appreciate, and understandbased on the content provided.If youryearningforreal learning, and by your reading this I think you are,join me nowin enrolling in this basic course of learning, understanding, and Yesappreciating who you areas you are about to find out.As I stated, this information you are about to see, feel, and hearcanchange your work habits, your relationships with the world,help you drive a better car, get a higher paying position, personal authority,and much more.I willsee you in the inside, and am looking forward to havingyou as being one of my best students as I share this life changinginformation with you.In the near future I plan to bring to theUdemy Stagemore courses.Including...In-Depth Birth Date NumerologyWestern And Eastern AstrologyCareer NumerologySports NumerologyConversational NumerologyTarot ReadingsHow To MemorizeAnything You DesireHuman Design Strategies, And TypesLife CoachingNLPMade EasyBruce KeifferCertifiedInstructor"
Price: 19.99 |
"Systemize your business with Podio" |
"The Designing Podio forSuccesstutorial willteach you how to build a Podio system to systemise and automate your business. This PodioZen Course willteach you how to use all the different tools in thePodio toolbox to create amazing automations that will save time and prevent anything from falling through the cracks. You will learn howto apply these tools in different ways.The course will take you through 5 easy steps to create a business system and translate that into a Podio app, making sure you use best practises to create long lasting apps that work."
Price: 24.99 |
"Le temes a AutoCAD? Aprende su version 2017 2D, desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenderaa usar AutoCAD2017 sin necesidad de que posea un conocimiento previo del mismo.Aprendera el uso de las herramientas basicas para el dibujo en 2D, desde una simple trazo hasta la realizacion de planos de proyectos arquitectonicos o dibujado de piezas mecanicas avanzadas.El curso esta diseado para que cualquier persona lo entienda, se familiarice con el programa y lo domine al finalizar.El desarrollo de este esta hecho de tal forma que sea:-Didactico: con mucho material de practica -Preciso: analizando los comandos detalladamente-Divertido: con un buen metodo de enseanzaCual es la diferencia con los dems cursos dictados?-Practica, practica y mas practicas! Aplicaremos cada conocimiento adquirido en las clases.-Apoyo constante, si tiene alguna duda, le ayudare a resolverla!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Dessiner des schmas lectriques avec QElectroTech" |
"Introduction:QElectroTech sert raliser des dessins des schmas lectrique et/ou lectronique;QElectroTech ne sert pas simuler le fonctionnement des schmas;QElectroTech est pour ceux qui dsirent construire un dossier lectrique (format images, papier,)QElectroTech nest pas pour ceux qui veulent tester le fonctionnement, tudier les caractristiques des circuits ou autres tudes;Cette formation est pour ceux qui dsirent apprendre utiliser QElectroTech pour dessiner des schmas lectriques industriels.Objectif:Cette formation pour but de vous faire dcouvrir le logiciel QElectroTech.Ce que je vous propose comme mthodes est tire de mon exprience, et nest pas la seule faon de faire.Jai essay de vous prsenter les fonctions ncessaire pour la ralisation des schmas lectrique industriel standards.Vous devez faire attention, pour tirer un maximum de profit suivez exactement les tapes dcrites pour maitriser ma faon de faire et ensuite vous pouvez explorer le reste des fonctionnalits de QElectroTech et constituer votre propre mthode de travail."
Price: 199.99 |
"TUTO AUTOCAD 2016 franais - Leon 1 du niveau initiale" |
"dans ce tutoriel vous allez voir comment utiliser la souris et le clavier dans l'nervement AUTOCAD 2016, et cela par pratique avec des exercices de dessin d'une cartouche A4 avec plusieurs mthodes.Les objectifs de ce tutoriel:-Lancer Autocad 2016-Crer un nouveau dessin-Utiliser la souris, le clavier-Utiliser les fonctions Ligne, effacer, Rectangle, dcaler, dcomposer et ajuster pour dessiner une cartouche format A4 dans Autocad 2016"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Create A Learning Management System With Wordpress" |
"Do you want to create aLearning Management System(LMS) with Wordpress and take advantage of the e-learning revolution ? If yes, then you are in the right place.This course is meant for anyone who wants to create a Learning Management Systemwebsite with Wordpress.. There is no experience required. You can do this if you can point and click. The idea is to teach a broad subject like wordpress website creation coupled with a specific outcome through a really specific application of the knowledge like creating a Learning Management System website with wordpress.Learn how to create aLearning Management System(LMS)with wordpress evenif you are a beginner. If you are an intermediate or advanced user of wordpress, you will know the lessons you need to take as the outline has a meaningful learning path and meant to address the beginner as well as the intermediate user. I willtake you by the hand andwe will travel the path together. We will move from the beginner stage to the intermediate and the advanced stages along the course. The process uses the free core version of awordpress plugin andmany of the concepts and ideas for gamification and engagement presented in the coursehave universal application from the perspective of e-learning and online courses. The steps are clearly laid down with walk-throughs so that you can follow along the course and create thedesired outcome.This course is suitable for professionals across verticals who would like to create a learning management system website with wordpress. It is suitable for trainers across industries as well as course curators and aggregators.Here is the course outline to help you plan your learning experience depending on where you are are in your learning journey.1.Introduction2.How To Research And Register A Domain Name For Your Website3.How To Buy Basic Hosting For Your Website4.How To Connect Your Domain To Your Hosting5.How To Create A DataBase In CPanel6.How To Install Wordpress And Configure Basic Settings7.How To Install A Theme In Wordpress8.How To Install A Plugin In Wordpress9.LMS Options In Wordpress10.General SettingsFor The LMS Implementation11.How To Create Courses, Sections And Lessons12.Additional Settings To Improve The Value Of Your Course13.How To Set UpThe Sidebar Widgets14.How To Manage Students15.How To Manage Reporting And Analytics16.How To Create Quizzes17.Gamification AndStudent EngagementStrategies18.How To Create Certificates19.How To Create Achievement Badges20.How To Set Up Personalized Emails21.How To Clone, Export And Import Your Courses22.How To Create Course Tracks23.How To Set Up Membership Sections24.Pricing Models And Student Access Plans25.How To Set Up Manual Payments26.How To Create Coupons27.How To Create Vouchers28.How To Use VouchersIn Flipped Classrooms29.How To Use Shortcodes Functionality30.Final Thoughts AndNext StepsAn e-learning revolution is taking place. When you learn, it is growth, When you have the ability to create a Learning Management System (LMS) website with wordpress - everybody learns....and when everybody learns, it is a revolution. Online learning is awesome. You already know it since you are here. Take Action Now ! Lets do this."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Use Hashtags In Social Media Marketing" |
"Do you want to learnHow To Use Hashtags In Social Media Marketingand take advantage of this modern day communication tool ? If yes, then you are in the right place.Hashtags have become a part and parcel of contemporary social media communication. It has evolved with time into a powerful tool to categorize topics and conversations as well as to track, monitor and analyze content across multiple social media platforms.What is a hashtag ? Why are hashtags important ? What is the purpose of hashtags in social media marketing ? If you want to know the answer to all these questions and more, this course is meant for you.If youre serious about your social media marketing, hashtags should play an essential part in crafting your campaigns.Here is the course outline to help you plan your learning experience depending on where you are are in your learning journey.1.Introduction To Hashtags2.History Of Hashtags3.Benefits Of Hashtags4.Hashtag Strategies For Social Media Marketing - Part 15.Hashtag Strategies For Social Media Marketing - Part 26.How To Create And Use Hashtags The Right Way7.How ToResearch Hashtags8.How ToTrack, Monitor And Analyze Hashtags9.Evergreen Hashtags You Can Use Today10.Hashtag Campaigns And Case Studies11.Final Thoughts And Next StepsHashtags can help you to target your audience, expand the reach of your content, grow your brand and more. You have a choice to take advantage of this powerful tool or be left behind as hashtagswill continue to be relevant and impact our social media landscape."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Create Dashboards With Google Data Studio" |
"Do you want to learn how to create data dashboards with Google Data Studio and take advantage of the data revolution ? If yes, then you are in the right place.In this course, you will learn how to create data dashboards with Google Data Studio even if you are a beginner. If you are an intermediate or advanced data analyst, you will discover how to visualize rawdata into beautiful looking, engaging, impactfuland interactive data dashboards that tell great data stories to support data driven decisions.This course is designed for marketers, data analysts and anyone who relies on communicating stories with data. In fact, the lessons presented in the course have universal application from the perspective of digital marketing and beyond into the realms of social, economic and political data dashboards.I will take you by the hand and we will travel the path together. We will move from the beginner stage to the intermediate and the advanced stages along the course. It will be an exciting journey.Data dashboards are a great way to easily get better insights into your business, keep track of key performance indicators and metrics, data trends and compare data across differenttime periods. Google Data Studio turns your data into informative, meaningful, engaging and interactive dashboards and reports that are easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable.Google Data Studio is free in most parts of the world and you can create unlimited custom dashboards with full editing,sharing and collaboration capabilities.This comprehensive course will arm you with a basic to advanced understanding of Google Data Studio and will give you the opportunity to take your data visualizationsto a whole new level and tell impactful, engaging and interactive stories with your data. This course will take you by the hand and teach you all the elements in googledata studio which will allow you to create beautiful dashboards to wow your audience. You will learn everything you need to know to build great looking data dashboards with Google Data Studio.The steps are clearly laid down with walk-throughs so that you can follow along the course and create the desired outcome.Here is the course outline to help you plan your learning experience.1.Introduction To Dashboards And Google Data Studio2.Why Should You Use Data Dashboards ?3.Why Should You Use Google Data Studio ?4.Understanding The Google Data Studio Interface5.Understanding Data : Dimensions And Metrics6.Types Of Dashboards7.How To Connect Data Sources In Google Data Studio8.Introduction To Data Visualization9.How To Visualize Data With Geo Maps10.How To Visualize Data With Scorecards11.How To Visualize Data With Tables12.How To Visualize Data With Charts - 113.How To Visualize Data With Charts - 214.How To Use Date Range Controls15.How To Work With Dates And Time16.How To Add Pages17.How To Use Filter Controls18.How To Work With Components19.Report Layout Options In Google Data Studio20.How To Style Your Reports21.How To Create Calculated Fields22.How To Share Dashboards In Google Data Studio23.How To Create Dashboards From Templates With Sample Data24.How To Create Dashboards From Templates With Own Data25.How To Create Custom Dashboards With Data From Google Sheets26.The Anatomy Of A Custom Google Adwords Dashboard27.The Anatomy Of A Custom SEO Dashboard28.The Anatomy Of A Custom Google Analytics Dashboard29.How To View Google Data Studio Reports30.How To Edit Google Data Studio Reports31.How To Add, Remove And Restore A Data Source32.How To Change The Data Source For A Component And A Page33.How To Make A Copy Of A Google Data Studio Report34.How To Delete And Restore A Google Data Studio Report35.Sources Of Templates For Google Data Studio Dashboards36.How To Group Data In Google Data Studio Dashboards37.How To Deep Link To A Specific Report Page38.How To Create A PDF Report In Google Data Studio39.Dimensions And Metrics That Matter For A Content Effectiveness Dashboard40.Final Thoughts And Next StepsIt is time to embrace the data culture. It is time to bring your data to life. It is time to tell stories with your data.Don't play the guessing game in today's data driven environment. The data story is beginning to unfold. The question is : Are you there ?"
Price: 19.99 |