"Writing Skills for AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam" |
"My Chinese Writing Studio would like to help writers aged 12+, even college students practice Chinese writing skills, prepare Chinese writing tests: AP, HSK.The Chapter of Writing Skills Practice for AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam is made for students to prepare AP Chinese wring test, which is composed of 24 episodes: 12 episodes of Story Narration, 11 episodes of Email Response and 1 episode of Summary based on latest exam questions.In addition, the exercises added behind the videos offer you plenty of writing practice, help you get well-prepared for your AP Chinese writing test."
Price: 19.99 |
"Common Mistakes of Making Chinese Sentences" |
"The course of Common Mistakes of Making Chinese Sentences is made for students who learn Chinese as a second language to speak and write Chinese natively, get prepared for HSK, AP, SAT Chinese examinations.This series of lectures is composed of 21 episodes: 185 wrong sentences have been selected from students' essays of HSK AP Chinese examinations and diagnosed as 14 types of typical mistakes occurring in learning Chinese as a second language, and more importantly, these wrong sentences have been corrected into native Chinese sentenceswith the detailed explanations of grammar points. This is how the lectures help you avoid the same mistakes in the future study and improve your HSK, AP, SAT exam scores nicely.In addition, there are plenty of exercises added behind the videos, and the keys are given to the exercises as well for your reference."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende Cinema 4D desde Cero, Fcil y Rpido" |
"Este curso esta dedicado para toda persona que este interesada en aprender Diseo y Animacin 3D con este potente Software llamado Cinema 4D. El curso est creado y pensado para que puedas aprender en el menor tiempo posible con videos cortos pero super informativos y de calidad. Aprender 3D nunca fue tan fcil como ahora y eso es lo que quiero brindarte en este curso, las herramientas necesarias y claves para que en poco tiempo te encuentres realizando artes de buen nivel.En este curso aprenders temas como:1- Qu es el 3D? 2- Introduccin a la interfaz de Cinema 4D (Herramientas, Mens, Ventanas)3- Las Primitivas4- EL Modelado (Teora + Prctica)5- Las Texturas y Materiales (Teora + Prctica)6- Las Luces (Teora + Prctica)7- La Animacin (Teora + Prctica)8- El Render (Teora + Prctica)As que no esperes mas y adquiere este curso y no te arrepentirs, lo que hars es una inversin y no un gasto ya que pronto estars creando tus primeras imgenes en 3D."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Cinema 4D from Scratch Fast and Easy" |
"This course is dedicated to all persons that is interested in learn 3D Design and Animation with this very powerful software called Cinema 4D. The course is created using methods that will help you to learn fast in less time as possible, with short videos but very informatives and very good quality. Learn 3D never was so easy as now, and this is what i want to give you in this course, the key tools, tricks and tips, that will help you to create 3D arts with good level!.In this course you will learn topics like:1- What is 3D design? 2- Introduction to Cinema 4D interface (Tools, Menus, Windows)3-The Primitives4- The Modeling (Theory + Practice)5- Textures and Materials (Theory + Practice)6- Lights in Cinema 4D (Theory + Practice)7- Introduction to the Animation in Cinema 4D (Theory + Practice)8- Render (Theory + Practice)Then dont wait more! and join this course now, and you will not get back, what you will do is an investmen and not a expense..."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende a crear Intros animados en 3D fcil y rpido" |
"In this course you will learn how to create high quality animated intros, which can be used in Youtube channels, TV programs, social networks, among others. The course is oriented so you can learn the concepts from scratch until you create an animated intro in 3D using Cinema 4D and After Effects which are two of the most powerful tools on the market. We will start with such basic concepts about vectorizing and preparing a logo for later 3D modeling, then I will explain how you can add materials, colors and textures in a professional way to enter the next step is lighting and later rendering, To After Effects to do the post production in which we apply color corrections, effects, Among other adjustments that will give your animation a more professional touch. Sign up now and take advantage of this great opportunity to learn !."
Price: 19.99 |
"Como Invertir por Internet en Forex Fcil y Rpido" |
"En este curso aprenders los temas fundamentales para aprender a invertir en Forex manera sencilla y rpida, si estas interesado en aprender sobre inversiones por Internet y no quieres gastar aos aprendiendo los temas principales que necesitas para empezar, pues este curso es para ti. Este curso no es para personas avanzadas y experimentadas, es para personas que empiezan y no saben por donde comenzar, les muestro de una manera didctica y practica los diferentes trminos utilizados en este mundo del trading y ademas de una manera practica te enseo las herramientas principales que vas a necesitar, como son: Anlisis Tcnico, Velas Japonesas, Indicadores, Anlisis Fundamental, Manejo del Riesgo, entre otros."
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro. to Asset-Backed Securities, CFA Level I, 2019 Prep" |
"Fixed income, known to be one of the largest segments of global financial markets has been rated as one of the most difficult courses by most CFA candidates. Thiscourse is divided intothree sections as follows:The first section explains securitization, itsbenefitsfor economies and financial markets,and identifies the parties involved in the process and their roles.The second section discusses the types and characteristics of residential mortgage loans as a precursor to understanding mortgage-backed securities.The third section introduces anddescribes the types and characteristics of residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs)such as mortgage pass through,prepayment speed, weighted average life, and the inherentprepayment risk.The fourth sectionexplainscollateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), risks such as contraction and extension risksand the different CMOstructures such as sequential pay tranche, planned amortization class tranche, support trance, etc used inmanagingprepayment risk, and the cash flows and risks ofeach type.The fourth section discusses non-agency residential mortgage-backed securities, types of credit enhancements as well as commercial mortgage-backed securities.The last section introduces collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and this is followed with practice questions and quiz to reinforce the concepts learned throughout the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Invest Like The Gurus - A Step-by-Step Guide" |
"Warren Buffett has said severally that his strategy for successful investment involves doing three things right: selecting businesses with outstanding economic characteristics; run by competent managers; and buyingat a sensible price. Invest Like The Gurus- A Step-by-Step Guide is a journey into the mind and thinking of legendary investor, Warren Buffet and other successful investors such as Benjamin Graham, Philip A. Fisher, J.M. Keynes, Charlie Munger, Lou Simpson, Ed Thorpe, Joel Greenblatt, etc. It analyzes and synthesizes not only their investment strategies but the less-talked about behavioral attributes of these successful investors which have played a significant part to makingthem rich. The course is divided into two broad sections: the psychology of successful investors and their analytical framework. The psychology of successful investors discusses the way these successful investors think about a stock, what it represents and the financial markets and its actors in general. Specifically, it discusses a practical approach to successful investing which involves seeing a stock investment as a part ownership of an outstanding business, taking a long-term approach, avoiding market timing, concentrating investments in few securities which one has excellent understanding of their potential risk and return possibilities. To be successful, these investors advise that it is important to stay within ones circle of competence. The second part of this journey looks at key metrics that can reveal a business with potentials for a lasting competitive advantage (what Warren Buffett calls wide moat), such as a business with outstanding economic prospects, gushing out more cash than it requires, high return on capital and equity, employing limited debts, with a competent shareholder-friendly management that exhibits candor in communication with shareholders and high ethics in financial reporting. This section also discusses in detail practical approaches to spot earnings manipulation by management and avoid such companies which are associated with poor investment returns. As Warren Buffet would always say, a terrific business with outstanding economics and great management can be a bad investment if bought at a high price (prices that do not reflect their intrinsic value). The course concludes with how to estimate intrinsic value, challenges with intrinsic value estimation, and how to overcome these challenges. This section also offers a more practical alternative to buying an outstanding stock at a reasonable price. The importance of checklist has been documented in several fields of human endeavor. To make the course very practical, key metrics to spot outstanding businesses are backed by a list of checklist so the investor does not leave out key and tiny details that may be crucial to an effective decision of whether to pick a stock or not."
Price: 19.99 |
"Foundation Skills on Adobe Illustrator: Learn Fast!" |
"Get the FULL COURSE for 10.99 throughout 2018 - USEJUST2018Do you -Want to design your own branded products?Need to know The BASICS of a powerful graphic design software?Or interested to learn Adobe Illustrator FAST?Then you are in the right place!This course is a straightforward and basic guide to use one of the most powerful software in the field of designing Adobe Illustrator. My effort is to cut to chase and show you how you can learn the basics of Illustrator in just under 100 minutes!The course starts with a basic introduction of using various tools and panels available to create a design, whether its a logo or a print-ready material such as a flyer. You will then straight go for working on a few exercises with me that will teach you how to create brand stationary.No script. No reading out of books. More work done with lots of exercises!Designs worth at least 200are alsoincluded in the course.2000+ students are enrolled from 100+ Countriesaround the world!With a little practice and creativity, YOU can also join them anduse this knowledge to design amazing things. Guaranteed. After working in the field of designing and marketing a long time, I came across the fact that a lot of entrepreneurs or people who run small businesses do not have the skills to create their design, as learning to use illustrator can be pretty expensive. Therefore, most people rely on templates provided in various stationary printing websites. However, as you progress through the course, you will learn how to use the tools to create minimal and sophisticated designs for a brand. I will also share my experience during the course and show you how to make a design print-ready. Once you have completed the course, make sure you play around with the tools to sharpen your knowledge.This course will cover basic tools and discuss only fundamental/important functions and techniques that will need to know to set up Illustrator and start running. However, you will need to practice a little more to understand the use of various techniques shown in this course. So, if you open-minded and want to learn a new skill, come join me! By the end of the course, you will be able to create simple and wonderful designs. I hope this course will help a lot of eager talented creative people to learn Adobe Illustrator and use the techniques to show their creativity to the world! Learn how to use Illustrator effectively and start creating your own beautiful designs!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Realizzare app. senza esperienza di programmazione" |
"Questo corso rappresenta la guida definitiva per realizzare app. mobile senza avere alcunaesperienza di programmazione.Il corso ti forniscela possibilit di avere una renditaextra di 3000 al mese senza dover sacrificare la tua vita in attivitfaticose e stressanti. Ti insegner a valutare il mercato delle applicazionimobile e quali sono le strategie vincenti per ottenere velocemente un ritornoeconomico e una rendita mensile costante. In un settore dove la competizione altissima, non puoi permetterti di improvvisare e sperare di realizzarel'applicazione da100 milioni di download senza una valutazione oggettiva e professionale dell'applicazione che andrai a realizzare.Questo corsotifornir tutte le competenze necessarieper superare lamaggior partedelle software house che dedicano mesi di progettazione e ingentirisorseper poi creare applicazioni prive disuccesso. Riuscirai ad operare in modo mirato e preciso creando solo applicazioni che tigarantiranno una rendita. Non dovrai investire ingenti risorse e lavorare 12 ore algiorno. Il mondo delle applicazioni genera enormi ricchezze, per poterviaccedere devi solamente interpretarlo nel modo corretto e sapere come agire inmaniera efficace senza improvvisare.Potrai gestire il tuo tempo in completa libert e organizzare almeglio la tua vita. Lo scopo del corso proprio questo: fornire tutti glistrumenti necessari per poter avviare un'attivit imprenditoriale di successo e avere unarendita costantesenza dover dedicare anni di studio per imparare linguaggi di programmazione molto complessi.Nello specifico questo corso analizza:le diversetecniche per realizzare un'applicazione (non necessario che tu sia unosviluppatore).come sceglierele applicazioni da realizzare per guadagnare.quali risorse del web utilizzare al meglio per ottenere imigliori risultati con il minimo sforzocomeorganizzarela tua attivit e il tuo tempo.gli strumenti di marketing - un'analisi a tutto campo diquello che realmente puoi fare ottenendo grandi risultati.Questocorso una guida completa e definitiva per operare nel mondo delle applicazioni. Nondovrai seguire altri corsi di approfondimento per poter avviare questa attivitconsuccesso."
Price: 144.99 |
"Addition For Young Learners" |
"Arithmetic is essentialfor students tounderstand. It serves as the foundation for pre-algebra, algebra, and beyond. And it all starts with addition. The Addition For Young Learnerscourse, created by author and teacher, Marc Lapointe, is specifically designed to teachyoung children (kindergarten - elementary) how to masteraddition. Whether your child is ready and eager to dive into addition for the first time, or your son or daughter struggles to successfully grasp addition procedures and concepts, this course will provide the foundation he or she needs to successfully tackle any addition problem.Highlights include:Lessons are kept concise so that your child can easily remember and practice new skills.Lesson are animated - but not distracting - so that your child can feel at ease in the ""virtual"" classroom.Each lesson builds on the one before so that your child has the knowledge, practice and confidence to tackle moredifficult procedures.Each lesson is accompanied by printablepractice worksheets and a video answer key.Your child can complete the lessons at her own pace in the comfort of your home.In comparison to tutoring, workbooks, or other software, our course comes at a fraction of the cost."
Price: 39.99 |
"Crystalline Silica Hazard Awareness" |
"Respirable crystalline silica is a dangerous hazard that millions of workers are unknowingly exposed to every year. Of these estimated 2 million workers, 840,000 of them are exposed to an amount of silica that exceeds the permissible exposure limit or the amount of exposure deemed safe. 90% of the individuals exposed to this material are employed in the construction industry.Individuals who perform construction activities such as cutting, sawing, drilling, and crushing of concrete, brick, ceramic tiles, rock and stone products are unnecessarily putting themselves at risk of contracting deadly diseases caused by respirable crystalline silica. The tools and training needed to protect these individuals are widely available and inexpensive. The issue is that these safeguards are not being implemented and therefore workers are losing their lives to these fatal diseases that are absolutely preventable.Exposure to respirable crystalline silica can cause silicosis, lung cancer as well as other respiratory and kidney diseases. The seriousness of the health hazards associated with exposure is emphasized by the amount of disabling illnesses and fatalities that occur in sandblasters and rock drillers, who are among workers at the highest risk of exposure."
Price: 19.99 |
"Respiratory Protection" |
"This is a video about the different types of respirators that workers might use in their workplace. If your employer requires you to wear a respirator on the job, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration - also called ""OSHA"" - and State OSHA Agencies require that your employer select an appropriate respirator for you.A brief overview and general information about various types of respirators and some of your employer's responsibilities under OSHA's Respiratory Protection Standard will be discussed in this video.This video can be part of the OSHA-required respiratory protection training, which includes many topics, like how to put on and take off a respirator and how to use, clean, and maintain your respirator. Your employer must also provide you with work site-specific training."
Price: 19.99 |
"A-Z Machine Learning using Azure Machine Learning (AzureML)" |
"Machine Learning is one of the hottest and top paying skills. It's also one of the most interesting field to work on. In this course of Machine Learning using Azure Machine Learning, we will make it even more exciting and fun to learn, create and deploy machine learning models. We will go through every concept in depth. This course not only teaches basic but also the advance techniques of Data processing, Feature Selection and Parameter Tuning which an experienced and seasoned Data Science expert typically deploys. Armed with these techniques, in a very short time, you will be able to match the results that an experienced data scientist can achieve. This course will help you prepare for the entry to this hot career path of Machine Learning as well as the Azure DP-100: Azure Data Scientist Associate exam.This course has more than 80 lectures and is over 11 hours in content. That simply means, we go through the details of Data Science and Machine Learning along with its implementation. Almost every topic has a hands-on lab that you can practice. I have dealt with almost all scenarios during my tenure with various governments across the world and Fortune 500 companies. I am committed to and invested in your success. I have always provided answers to all the questions and not a single question remains unanswered for more than a few days. The course is also regularly updated with newer features.Learning data science and then further deploying Machine Learning Models have been difficult in the past. To make it easier, I have explained the concepts using very simple and day-to-day examples. Azure ML is Microsoft's way of democratizing Machine Learning. We will use this revolutionary tool to implement our models. Once learnt, you will be able to create and deploy machine learning models in less than an hour using Azure Machine Learning Studio.Azure Machine Learning Studio is a great tool to learn to build advance models without writing a single line of code using simple drag and drop functionality. Azure Machine Learning (AzureML) is considered as a game changer in the domain of Data Science and Machine Learning.This course has been designed keeping in mind entry level Data Scientists or no background in programming. This course will also help the data scientists to learn the AzureML tool. You can skip some of the initial lectures or run them at 2x speed, if you are already familiar with the concepts or basics of Machine Learning.The course is very hands on and you will be able to develop your own advance models while learning,Advance Data Processing methodsStatistical Analysis of the data using Azure Machine Learning ModulesMICE or Multiple Imputation By Chained EquationSMOTE or Synthetic Minority Oversampling TechniquePCA; Principal Component AnalysisTwo class and multiclass classificationsLogistic RegressionDecision TreesLinear Regression Support Vector Machine (SVM) Understanding how to evaluate and score modelsDetailed Explanation of input parameters to the modelsHow to choose the best model using Hyperparameter TuningDeploy your models as a webservice using Azure Machine Learning StudioCluster Analysis K-Means ClusteringFeature selection using Filter-based as well as Fisher LDA of AzureML StudioRecommendation system using one of the most powerful recommender of Azure Machine LearningAll the slides and reference material for offline readingYou will learn and master, all of the above even if you do not have any prior knowledge of programming. This course is a complete Machine Learning course with basics covered. We will not only build the models but also explain various parameters of all those models and where we can apply them. In this course, we will start with some basic terms which are used very frequently in machine learning.I will also explain What is Machine Learning and some real world examples.Azure Machine Learning IntroductionProvide an overview of Azure Machine Learning Studio and high level architecture.We would also look at Steps for building an ML model.Supervised and Unsupervised learningUnderstanding the data and pre-processingDifferent model types The AzureML Cheat Sheet.How to use Classification and RegressionWhat is clustering or cluster analysisKDNuggets one of the leading forums on Data Science calls Azure Machine Learning as the next big thing in Machine Learning. It further goes on to say, ""people without data science background can also build data models through drag-and-drop gestures and simple data flow diagrams.""Azure Machine Learning's library has many pre-built models that you can re-use as well as deploy them. This course will also be a great help in preparing for the Microsoft 70-774 exam-Perform Data Science on Cloud using Azure Machine Learning. It covers almost all the topics of Azure Machine Learning. So see you inside the course."
Price: 99.99 |
"Fuzzy Logic - A practical introduction" |
"This course is intended for hackers, hobbyists and professionals alike; Anyone that wants to get up-and-running quickly with a Fuzzy inference engine. If you have little or no knowledge of Fuzzy Logic, then this course is definitely for you!At most you will require basic math skills and access to Google Sheets along with a willingness to use Fuzzy Logic to solve a problem.I will walk you through the complete design process of a Fuzzy Controller or Inference system - From fuzzification to inference methods up to and including defuzzification.This course will have you implementing your first Fuzzy System to solve your real world problem in a little more than half an hour.This course is succinct yetcomprehensive - Itcovers each aspect in enough detail to serve as a foundation but not so deep that you get bogged down in the details; it teaches you the lion's share..."
Price: 19.99 |
"Craft a Super Linkedin Profile Summary" |
"DescriptionSigning up for a linkedin account takes a few minutes. Then the difficult part begins. Knowing what to write on your linkedin profile, especially the summary is not an easy problem to solve. Your headline and summary are two of the most important parts of your profile. This course aims to help you overcome the challenge of writing your linkedin profile summary by sharing:Super profile summary methodBest practices for writing your linkedin profileExamples from others that you can learn fromA clear model/template to follow when writing your draftsContents and OverviewThis course contains 10 mini-lectures guiding you through the methodology of writing a linkedin profile summaryNuts and Bolts - Youll see why the summary is so important and learn some best practices to keep in mind when writing your summaryResearch and Guru Examples - We will view and analyze several linkedin guru profile summaries to see if they follow the best practices and also identify parts that we can learn from and incorporate in our own summaries.The Framework - Here you will be introduced to the summary framework that will help structure what you write and the order you youll want to present in order to achieve maximum impact.Case Examples - Well go through 3 drafts as a case example. You can follow along and write your own also!Who is this course forBusy professionalsEntrepreneursCreative FreelancersThis course is basically for the person who is setting up their profile and needs a little structure in getting their summary done."
Price: 19.99 |
"SAP BPC Embedded Sales Price Planning Application" |
"This course is for BPC, BW and SD consultants who want to create an integrated Sales Price Planning solution in SAP BPC Embedded. This lecture is the first of a series of lectures on how to create a fully integrated planning solution in SAP BPC Embedded.Prior experience with SAP BPC is assumed. If you do not the required level of knowledge, please look at completing this course first: SAP BPC Embedded Fundamentals for Planning Applications. This course is also suited for those who have completed the Fundamentals course and want to expand their knowledge of BPC Embedded.This course will cover the end-to-end configuration required in SAP ERP, SAP BW and BPC to create a Sales Price Planning Application, and in particular, will cover the following topics:A quick overview of SAP SD pricing conditions we are interested in,Building the required views and extractors in SAP ERP,Creating the DataSources in SAP BW,Creating the staging objects in SAP BW,Creating the Planning Objects in SAP BPC, such as InfoCubes,Aggregation Levels,Filters,Queries,Planning Functions andPlanning SequencesThis course is specifically aimed at the core functions in SAP BPC Embedded to create a Sales Price Planning Application. It is ideal for students who have completed the Fundamentals course to further their study into creating a real-world planning application.What this course is not:Topics covered in the introduction course mentioned above, such as security, reporting options and the basics of planning are not covered. We will focus on the core functions only. This course is also not an SD course. We will only look at those components of SD required for enabling planning in SAP BPC."
Price: 19.99 |
"Get Hired! Jobseekers Guide to Answering Interview Questions" |
"This is a crash course for acing job interviews. Whether youre a freshie looking for your first job or an experienced employee looking for a new start, this course is your express guide to conquer the two main components of any job interview in less than an hour. First component will be body language and gestures, and second will be strategies, tips and exercises in dealing with common interview questions. 55% of communications takes place through body language. - Mehrabian Winning over an interviewer requires your answers to be accompanied with appropriate body language and other non-verbal communication which compliments your answers. Learning these two components will significantly increase your chances of landing that dream job. Things You Will Learn Impress your interviewer and increase your chances of being hired by leveraging on Body Language DOs and DONTs Make yourself the most desirable candidate by understanding the reason interviewers ask a specific question, what information they expect to get from you with that question and how to answer to your advantage. (Downloadable Sample Answers and worksheets provided) We Want You To Succeed! We believe that your success is our success. Through the Q&A section, we promise to deliver all the support our experienced team can provide to help you nail that interview. Common questions will be updated regularly complete with analysis of the question as well as strategies to answer them."
Price: 29.99 |
"The Myers Briggs type Indicator" |
"In this course you will learn about -Discovering your own personality types - Your friends, family & other peoples personality type. - You will learn about your own self awareness within your personality type. -This course will require you to only take the MBTI test at least once. - You will learnabout all of the 16 MBTIpersonality types in thiscourse. -You will learn the history of Carl Jung's theory in personality types. -You will study & learn about Kathrine & her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers had built their theoretical work that is similar to Carl Jung. - Students will discover the 4 dimensions & preferences of Personality Types, which is .Extrovert & Introvert .Sensing & Intuition .Thinking & Feeling .Judging & Perceiving - You will not only think of this course as a career development course.- You will also think of this course as a complete guide for yourself on how you interact with others on a regular basis. - This course will help you to collaborate with all different kinds of personality types. - In this course you will learn about the general descriptions of all of the 16 MBTI personality types. That will apply to you & some of these descriptions may not apply to you individually.- In this course you will learn how to except people for who they are regardless of what their personality type is. -This course is not meant to label or compare other peoples personality types. - You will also learn about David Keirsey's 4 Temperament families such as the: .Sensing Judgers.Sensing Perceivers .Intuitive Feelers .Intuitive Thinkers. - You will also learn about your dominant cognitive functions of your personality type, auxiliary functions, third & fourth functions. This course is dominantly focused on your dominant personality type functions. - After you take this course you will take or the MBTI personality test. - It is best foryou to take the MBTI test more than 1 time."
Price: 39.99 |
"Build a Website with Rapidweaver for Mac" |
"Web design as a life-skillIn todays world, the ability to build and manage your own website is a life-skill that can revolutionise your business if you have one, or open up amazing doors of opportunity, enabling you to share your passion with the world. It is a skill that I learned when I wanted to launch my first business, and it proved to be the keytomy business success, giving me a huge advantage over my local competitors.Who isthis coursefor?This course is for you if you own a mac computer and want to build a website using Rapidweaver. Rapidweaver is the best web design software for Mac. It makes web design easy and accessible for the amateur. Importantly, you dont have to learn to code. I will show you how to build a website with the drag-and-drop simplicity of 'stacks'.This course is aimedprimarily at those who want to build and manage websites for their own use. That includes:Business owners who want to attract more customersSelf-employed workers like Plumbers, Electricians, Artists,Authors, or EntrepreneursAnyone with ahobby or passion theywant to share with the world.Or it might be that youre an employee of a small business and your boss has asked you to make a website.As I said at the beginning, in todays world, being able to build a website is an important life-skill. The applications of it are limitless.What you will be able to do at the end of it?This is a beginners course that requires no previous web building experience. At the end of this course:You will be able tobuild and publish a simple websiteYou will understand important considerations in choosing a domain or web address for your businessYou will understand key elements that make a website convertvisitors into customersYou will know how to find whatever addons you require to meet your particular website needsYou will be able to spend your website budget wisely, identifying the addons you need without wasting money on ones you'll never actually useYou will know where to find tutorials on advanced Rapidweaver topics in order to take your skills to the next level, including integration of eCommerce solutions, Content Management Systems (CMS), and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).Should you wish to starta new career building websites as a business, this course could be the start that you need.How isthe course structured?There are 8 sections to this course:IntroductionStart building using Rapidweaver's built-in page typesIn this section you'll gain an overview of Rapidweaver's interface and tools, andlearn how to add several built-inpage-types. These pageswill be replaced in a later section after adding the Stacks plugin, so web building will only be taken to a very basic level in this section.Choose a Web Hosting companyI'll guide you through a list of top recommended companies.Choose your own Internet DomainI'll guide you through various important considerations to help you choose the right address for your website.Manage your hosting and domain, and publish your websiteYou may choose a different hosting company to me, but I'll give you a brief tour of the control panel for my web hosting anddemonstratehow to obtain your publishing details and input them into Rapidweaver's publishing settings.Enhance Rapidweaver using AddonsThe reason Rapidweaver is suchapowerful web building solution is that it provides a platform for third-party developers around the world to create their own addons. There are now over 1,000 addons available and in this section I guide you through the various different categories to choose from.Continue Building using StacksThis is the longest and most detailed section, in which you will follow mestep-by-step as I create a new and better website for my plumbing business. If you keep apace with each lesson and build your own website, by the end of this section you will have a website ofyour ownsufficient for many types of business use.Course Wrap-UpIn this lesson I will show you how to extendyour Rapidweaving skills further beyond the scope of this beginners' course.I will introduce Search Engine Optimisation. Iwillshow you where to find courses andaddons for advanced topics like integrating eCommerce solutions and Content Management Systems. I will give you anoverview of graphics and videoapps that you may find usefulin your web building projects. I will show you why building your own website gives you such an advantage over your competitors who mostly outsource their web design. And Iwill give you an overview of strategies I have used to advertise my business and attract visitors to my website.Course Support PageThroughout the course I refer you to my Rapidweaversupport page on a website that Ihave created as an informative supportto my Udemystudents.This page contains a detailed description of 'All Things Rapidweaver', together with a multitude of links to help you find all the tools you need to excel in your Rapidweaving skills. I also refer you to the Rapidweaver Community website where you can find the most comprehensive library of addons as well as tothe Rapidweaver Forum. If you have questions about any of my lessons I encourage you to message me via Udemy and I will try to answer your questions or add Q&A Videos if appropriate. For general questions about Rapidweaver or specific addons, I encourage you to contact the specific developer, or make use of the Rapidweaver Forum where you will find enthusiastic users only too eager to answer your questions.What are the requirements?Rapidweaver is a mac-only web design app, so you need:to own a mac computer running a recent version of Mac OS Xto purchase Rapidweaver from Realmac Software.It costs 69 GBP, but you can also download a free trial version to start with. This course was made with Rapidweaver 7 which is very similar in layout to the newly released Rapidweaver 8. You can learn about its new features and refinements by visiting Realmac Software's website.to buy web hosting from a hosting company and register a domain so that you can publish your website. Prices vary according to company, but start from about 20 for the first year.to buy the Stacks plugin from Yourhead Software, which costs about $50. Without this, you can build a goodwebsite with just the Rapidweaver app, especially if you know a bit of html.Stacks is such a revolutionary enhancement that I would recommend this as a must-have for most users. It enables you to build your website with the simplicity ofdrag-and-drop stackelementsand no coding expertise.a budget for additional addons. As much as possible, Ishow you addons with a demo version that you can 'trybeforeyoubuy' in order to help you make best use of your website budget, and avoid wasting money onaddons that you won't actually use. A recommended websitebudget will depend on your particular requirements, but it is certainly helpful to have another two or three hundred pounds or dollars to spare. If your budget is tight you cancreate a website within your budget and improve it with more addonsas and when additional funds become available. In addition to the searchable addons library at RapidweaverCommunity, on my own support websiteI havecreated a RWstacks page that ismy ownsearchablestacks library. You can filter stacks by several categories, including price, and pick out the free ones if you're on a tight budget. This page is a work in progress, so is not yet as complete as the one at Rapidweaver Community, but Ihope you will find it helpful."
Price: 24.99 |
"What Camera Lens Filters Are & How to Use Them" |
"Ever wonder what camera accessories will help you take your photos and videos to the next level? Today, the answer to your question is right in front of you.In this course we'll be taking a closer look at the various types of attachment filters that you can place over your camera lens to open up a whole new world of photography and videography for you to experience. We'll also be discussing how to determine what size filters you'll need to buy and the different types of filter mounting options that exist.No matter where you are on your journey through the world of photography or cinematography these tools are somethingyou won't want to miss out on using!Disclaimer:This course was produced independently of Canon, Altura Photo, and GoPro. As such this course has not been sponsored by, produced in affiliation with, or endorsed by Canon, Altura Photo, or GoPro."
Price: 19.99 |
"Email Marketing Made Simple" |
"Email Marketing Made SimpleThis course will give you an overview of the Basics and Fundamentals as well at professional aspectsof Email Marketing in today standards. If you are thinking of starting a business online, you will soon learn that email marketing is one of the most essentials things you need to learn and utilize to become successful. Email Marketing will always be the backbone of any business. Without a list, most businesses are dead in the water. So it's imperative that you learn the skill the right way the first time before you begin your quest for Email Marketing greatness.Together we will go through all of the elements that make up the entire process such as:Basics & FundamentalsStructure & DeliverabilityWriting Email CampaignsThis course is divided into 3 Modules so that you can start with the Basics and work your way up into the more advanced sections.I hope you enjoy the course and I'll look forward to seeing you in the class.Happy Learning :)- Ronnie Rokk Smith -Certified Email Marketing Specialist"
Price: 74.99 |
"Gain a working knowledge of Project Scope Management" |
"Projects are the way of doing business and organisations need skilled people who can manage them and operate effectively in a project environment. As more organisations adopt Project Management as the tool for the implementation of work, these skills are becoming ever so in demand. Understand and Apply Scope Management. This program has been drawn from International Project Management Best Practice and developed to meet the requirements of the relevant unit of competence within Nationally Recognised Certificate IV in Project Management Practice in Australia. This course is delivered in a practical real world context and whilst it is supported by theory it focusses on delivering the practical skills you can apply directly to your projects. If you are managing projects, working in a project team or affected by projects in one way or another this course is for you. You will gain a practical insight into scope management exploring the following: Introduction into Scope Management: Key Terminology and the importance of Scope Management Factors which impact Scope The Project Management Plan and other documents How to Identify Project Scope How to review an initiation document How to set objectives Validating the problem/opportunity Tools to explore the project potential How to Define the Project Scope The importance of a clear scope Developing your baseline Making it measurable Practical tools for scope definition How to Navigate the Approvals Process How to identify approval requirements Tips for getting your project approved The Business case Understanding and defining hold points How to Control the Projects Scope Understanding and minimising Scope Creep Maximising value and managing the cost of change Applying simple but effective change controls How to Verify and Close-Out Scope Management How to monitor Scope Performance How to communicate non-conformances How to Close-out and Review Scope Management At the end of this program you will have a practical, working understanding of how to manage the scope of the Project. By completing the activities, you will have met most of the requirements of the Nationally Recognised unit: Apply Scope Management Techniques (BSBPMG401) as part of the Certificate IV in Project Management. The reason for developing the course I found that the resources provided to many students undertaking studies in Project Management were lacking. They were either; too theoretical, which prevented students applying it to their workplaces; not engaging, such as books or PDFs; hard to understand: using complex language to illustrate otherwise simple concepts; or incorrect, usually written by people without a true and practical understanding of the subject. Online learning is difficult- I know, I am the worst online student.Asa result, I have designed this course to provide students with an additional resource to enhance their understanding of the topic. The course is based upon strong theoretical foundations, but delivered in a practical way- so you can apply what you learn to better your projects. I have also tried to make the course engaging using a mix of visual and auditory delivery accompanied by tasks which you can use to test your knowledge and apply the concepts. I have also tried to approach the subject in a casual way, which will hopefully make it a fun learning experience. I have tried to keep the language to its simplest form, explaining industry words as I progress through the course. This will enable you to understand the vocabulary used in Project Management, without being confused by it."
Price: 199.99 |
"Schedule Management" |
"Projects are the way of doing business and organisations need skilled people who can manage them and operate effectively in a project environment. As more organisations adopt Project Management as the tool for the implementation of work, these skills are becoming ever so in demand.Understand and Project Time Management.This program has been drawn from International Project Management Best Practice and developed to meet the requirements of the relevant unit of competence within Nationally Recognised Certificate IV in Project Management Practice in Australia.This course is delivered in a practical real world context and whilst it is supported by theory it focusses on delivering the practical skills you can apply directly to your projects.If you are managing projects, working in a project team or affected by projects in one way or another this course is for you. You will gain a practical insight into scope management exploring the following:Introduction into Time Management:Key Terminology and the importance of Time ManagementTime management concepts and principlesTime management tools and methodologiesUnderstanding the WBSUnderstanding the WBSand its purposeDeveloping a WBSCreating a Practical WBSHow to Estimate TimeHow to estimate durationHow to estimate resources3 Point estimation techniqueHow to Develop the scheduleHow to sequence activitiesCreating a WBTConstruct a network diagramWorking out the critical pathHow to Control the Projects ScopeHow and when to monitor the scheduleCommunicating with stakeholdersMaking forecasts and looking forwardHow to Reiview ManagementHow to review time performanceHow to conduct lessons learntAt the end of this program you will have a practical, working understanding of how to manage the scope of the Project. By completing the activities, you will have met most of the requirements of the Nationally Recognised unit: Apply project time management techniques (BSBPMG410) as part of the Certificate IV in Project Management.The reason for developing the courseI found that the resources provided to many students undertaking studies in Project Management were lacking. They were either;too theoretical, which prevented students applying it to their workplaces;not engaging, such as books or PDFs;hard to understand: using complex language to illustrate otherwise simple concepts; orincorrect, usually written by people without a true and practical understanding of the subject.Online learning is difficult- I know, I am the worst online student.Asa result, I have designed this course to provide students with an additional resource to enhance their understanding of the topic. The course is based upon strong theoretical foundations, but delivered in a practical way- so you can apply what you learn to better your projects.I have also tried to make the course engaging using a mix of visual and auditory delivery accompanied by tasks which you can use to test your knowledge and apply the concepts. I have also tried to approach the subject in a casual way, which will hopefully make it a fun learning experience.I have tried to keep the language to its simplest form, explaining industry words as I progress through the course. This will enable you to understand the vocabulary used in Project Management, without being confused by it."
Price: 199.99 |
"Gain a Working Knowledge of Project Cost Management" |
"Projects are the way of doing business and organisations need skilled people who can manage them and operate effectively in a project environment. As more organisations adopt Project Management as the tool for the implementation of work, these skills are becoming ever so in demand.Understand and Apply Cost Management.This program has been drawn from International Project Management Best Practice and developed to meet the requirements of the relevant unit of competence within Nationally Recognised Certificate IV in Project Management Practice in Australia.This course is delivered in a practical real world context and whilst it is supported by theory it focusses on delivering the practical skills you can apply directly to your projects.If you are managing projects, working in a project team or affected by projects in one way or another this course is for you. You will gain a practical insight into scope management exploring the following:Introduction into Cost Management:Key Terminology and the importance of CostManagementUnderstanding key concepts; Tax, Depreciation and othersIncrease knowledge of fundamental cost management conceptsHow to Estimate the Project's CostUnderstand estimates and the factors which affect themUnderstand Top down estimationUnderstandBottom upestimationUnderstand contingencyHow to budget the ProjectUsing the WBS to develop budgetsUsing different budgeting methodsChecking cash flowIdentifying approval requirementsHow to Monitor and Control CostsHow to develop an effective frameworkUsing the Cost Management PlanS-CurvesDealing with variancesHow to Review the Project's CostReview the Project's BudgetReport on cost effectivenessConduct lessons learnedAt the end of this program you will have a practical, working understanding of how to manage the scope of the Project. By completing the activities, you will have met most of the requirements of the Nationally Recognised unit: Apply project cost management techniques (BSBPMG412) as part of the Certificate IV in Project Management.The reason for developing the courseI found that the resources provided to many students undertaking studies in Project Management were lacking. They were either;too theoretical, which prevented students applying it to their workplaces;not engaging, such as books or PDFs;hard to understand: using complex language to illustrate otherwise simple concepts; orincorrect, usually written by people without a true and practical understanding of the subject.Online learning is difficult- I know, I am the worst online student.Asa result, I have designed this course to provide students with an additional resource to enhance their understanding of the topic. The course is based upon strong theoretical foundations, but delivered in a practical way- so you can apply what you learn to better your projects.I have also tried to make the course engaging using a mix of visual and auditory delivery accompanied by tasks which you can use to test your knowledge and apply the concepts. I have also tried to approach the subject in a casual way, which will hopefully make it a fun learning experience.I have tried to keep the language to its simplest form, explaining industry words as I progress through the course. This will enable you to understand the vocabulary used in Project Management, without being confused by it."
Price: 204.99 |
"Gain a working understanding of Project Quality Management" |
"Projects are the way of doing business and organisations need skilled people who can manage them and operate effectively in a project environment. As more organisations adopt Project Management as the tool for the implementation of work, these skills are becoming ever so in demand.Understand and Apply QualityManagement.This program has been drawn from International Project Management Best Practice and developed to meet the requirements of the relevant unit of competence within Nationally Recognised Certificate IV in Project Management Practice in Australia.This course is delivered in a practical real world context and whilst it is supported by theory it focusses on delivering the practical skills you can apply directly to your projects.If you are managing projects, working in a project team or affected by projects in one way or another this course is for you. You will gain a practical insight into quality management exploring the following:Introduction into Quality Management:Key Terminology and the importance of Quality ManagementHistory and reasons for quality managementUnderstanding quality standardsQuality Management ToolsTools to identify qualityUse of the quality management planHow to Plan for QualityIdentifying the needs of stakeholdersHow to identify relevant standardsQuality Assurance and ControlEstablishing good measuresControlling the project's qualityDealing with shortfalls in qualityEvaluating QualityHow to measure performanceGetting feedback from stakeholdersUnderstanding lessons learnedUsing the continuous improvementAt the end of this program you will have a practical, working understanding of how to manage the qualityof the Project. By completing the activities, you will have met most of the requirements of the Nationally Recognised unit:Apply project quality management techniques (BSBPMG411) as part of the Certificate IV in Project Management.The reason for developing the courseI found that the resources provided to many students undertaking studies in Project Management were lacking. They were either;too theoretical, which prevented students applying it to their workplaces;not engaging, such as books or PDFs;hard to understand: using complex language to illustrate otherwise simple concepts; orincorrect, usually written by people without a true and practical understanding of the subject.Online learning is difficult- I know, I am the worst online student.Asa result, I have designed this course to provide students with an additional resource to enhance their understanding of the topic. The course is based upon strong theoretical foundations, but delivered in a practical way- so you can apply what you learn to better your projects.I have also tried to make the course engaging using a mix of visual and auditory delivery accompanied by tasks which you can use to test your knowledge and apply the concepts. I have also tried to approach the subject in a casual way, which will hopefully make it a fun learning experience.I have tried to keep the language to its simplest form, explaining industry words as I progress through the course. This will enable you to understand the vocabulary used in Project Management, without being confused by it."
Price: 204.99 |
"Gain a working knowledge of Project Human Resource" |
"Projects are the way of doing business and organisations need skilled people who can manage them and operate effectively in a project environment. As more organisations adopt Project Management as the tool for the implementation of work, these skills are becoming ever so in demand.Understand and Apply Human Resource Management.This program has been drawn from International Project Management Best Practice and developed to meet the requirements of the relevant unit of competence within Nationally Recognised Certificate IV in Project Management Practice in Australia.This course is delivered in a practical real world context and whilst it is supported by theory it focuses on delivering the practical skills you can apply directly to your projects.If you are managing projects, working in a project team or affected by projects in one way or another this course is for you. You will gain a practical insight into scope management exploring the following:Introduction into Human Resource Management:What is Human ResourcesThe legislationTypical roles and GovernanceMethods to engage personellHow to determineProject Human Resource requirementsHow to staff a projectUse the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)Analyse task skillsUse the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)How to Develop Effective TeamsDiscover what motivates your teamHow to foster collaborationSetting a great cultureHow to Monitor effective Human Resource ManagementHow develop methods to monitor roles and responsibilitiesUnderstand Human PerformanceUnderstand coaching, mentoring and trainingMonitor and Track metrics such as effortHow to manage conflictHow to Evaluate Human Resource ManagementHow to review the effectiveness of Human ResourcesUnderstand the 360 degree feedback toolConduct lessons learnedAt the end of this program you will have a practical, working understanding of how to manage the Human resourcesof the Project. By completing the activities, you will have met most of the requirements of the Nationally Recognised unit: Apply project human resources management approaches (BSBPMG413) as part of the Certificate IV in Project Management.The reason for developing the courseI found that the resources provided to many students undertaking studies in Project Management were lacking. They were either;too theoretical, which prevented students applying it to their workplaces;not engaging, such as books or PDFs;hard to understand: using complex language to illustrate otherwise simple concepts; orincorrect, usually written by people without a true and practical understanding of the subject.Online learning is difficult- I know, I am the worst online student.Asa result, I have designed this course to provide students with an additional resource to enhance their understanding of the topic. The course is based upon strong theoretical foundations, but delivered in a practical way- so you can apply what you learn to better your projects.I have also tried to make the course engaging using a mix of visual and auditory delivery accompanied by tasks which you can use to test your knowledge and apply the concepts. I have also tried to approach the subject in a casual way, which will hopefully make it a fun learning experience.I have tried to keep the language to its simplest form, explaining industry words as I progress through the course. This will enable you to understand the vocabulary used in Project Management, without being confused by it."
Price: 159.99 |
"Gain a working knowledge of Risk Management" |
"Projects are the way of doing business and organisations need skilled people who can manage them and operate effectively in a project environment. As more organisations adopt Project Management as the tool for the implementation of work, these skills are becoming ever so in demand.Understand and Project RiskManagement.This program has been drawn from International Project Management Best Practice and developed to meet the requirements of the relevant unit of competence within Nationally Recognised Certificate IV in Project Management Practice in Australia.This course is delivered in a practical real world context and whilst it is supported by theory it focusses on delivering the practical skills you can apply directly to your projects.If you are managing projects, working in a project team or affected by projects in one way or another this course is for you. You will gain a practical insight into scope management exploring the following:Introduction into RiskManagement:Key Terminology and the importance of Risk ManagementHazards and RisksRisk Management PlansHow to Establish the ContextHow to Identify the environmentsHow to identify the scope of worksHow to determine the roles of the partiesCollaboration and consultationHow to Identify RiskThe risk information continuumHow to properly IDrisksHow to Assess RisksWhat is risk prioritisationHow to establish the scalesHow to assess likelihoodHow to assess consequenceHow to Treat RisksMethods of risk treatmentMethods to treating hazardsHow to monitor, control and report risksHow to monitor risksHow to report risksHow to conduct a lessons learntAt the end of this program you will have a practical, working understanding of how to manage the scope of the Project. By completing the activities, you will have met most of the requirements of the Nationally Recognised unit: Apply Risk Management Techniques (BSBPMG415) as part of the Certificate IV in Project Management.The reason for developing the courseI found that the resources provided to many students undertaking studies in Project Management were lacking. They were either;too theoretical, which prevented students applying it to their workplaces;not engaging, such as books or PDFs;hard to understand: using complex language to illustrate otherwise simple concepts; orincorrect, usually written by people without a true and practical understanding of the subject.Online learning is difficult- I know, I am the worst online student.Asa result, I have designed this course to provide students with an additional resource to enhance their understanding of the topic. The course is based upon strong theoretical foundations, but delivered in a practical way- so you can apply what you learn to better your projects.I have also tried to make the course engaging using a mix of visual and auditory delivery accompanied by tasks which you can use to test your knowledge and apply the concepts. I have also tried to approach the subject in a casual way, which will hopefully make it a fun learning experience.I have tried to keep the language to its simplest form, explaining industry words as I progress through the course. This will enable you to understand the vocabulary used in Project Management, without being confused by it."
Price: 204.99 |
"Project Communications Management" |
"Projects are the way of doing business and organisations need skilled people who can manage them and operate effectively in a project environment. As more organisations adopt Project Management as the tool for the implementation of work, these skills are becoming ever so in demand.Understand and Apply Project Communications.This program has been drawn from International Project Management Best Practice and developed to meet the requirements of the relevant unit of competence within Nationally Recognised Certificate IV in Project Management Practice in Australia.This course is delivered in a practical real world context and whilst it is supported by theory it focusses on delivering the practical skills you can apply directly to your projects.If you are managing projects, working in a project team or affected by projects in one way or another this course is for you. You will gain a practical insight into scope management exploring the following:Introduction into Communications:Key Terminology and the importance of Managing CommunicationsCommunication modelsInformation management and understanding document flowHow to Plan Project CommunicationsHow to establish a communications planUnderstand the Project Initiation DocumentUnderstand the risk and efficiency trade offHow to Implement Project CommunicationsImplementing the communications planStatus reportingHow to Review Project CommunicationsReviewing CommunicationsLessons LearnedAt the end of this program you will have a practical, working understanding of how to manage the scope of the Project. By completing the activities, you will have met most of the requirements of the Nationally Recognised unit: Apply project information management and communications techniques (BSBPMG414) as part of the Certificate IV in Project Management.The reason for developing the courseI found that the resources provided to many students undertaking studies in Project Management were lacking. They were either;too theoretical, which prevented students applying it to their workplaces;not engaging, such as books or PDFs;hard to understand: using complex language to illustrate otherwise simple concepts; orincorrect, usually written by people without a true and practical understanding of the subject.Online learning is difficult- I know, I am the worst online student.Asa result, I have designed this course to provide students with an additional resource to enhance their understanding of the topic. The course is based upon strong theoretical foundations, but delivered in a practical way- so you can apply what you learn to better your projects.I have also tried to make the course engaging using a mix of visual and auditory delivery accompanied by tasks which you can use to test your knowledge and apply the concepts. I have also tried to approach the subject in a casual way, which will hopefully make it a fun learning experience.I have tried to keep the language to its simplest form, explaining industry words as I progress through the course. This will enable you to understand the vocabulary used in Project Management, without being confused by it."
Price: 89.99 |
"Working with Autistic Spectrum Disorders" |
"Do you support someone on the Autistic Spectrum, either in their home, the community, or in an educational setting? Maybe you know someone on the spectrum that you are in close regular contact with?What ever your situation, this course is a great way to enhance your knowledge of Autistic Spectrum Disorders and improve your working practices and the strategies and approaches that you use to support those on the spectrum. This course will provide you with the following information:*an overview of Autistic Spectrum Disorders - what is autism? who is effected? causes? Diagnosis? Related conditions?*Behaviours associated with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and positive behaviour management*Communicating with people on the spectrum*Support strategies at home / work / education / in the community*Information on further support and guidanceThis course will betaught by a tutor with over sixteen years experience of supporting and teaching people on the Autistic Spectrum, from children to adults.By the end of the course you should feel much better informed and equipped to provide the best quality of care and support to those on the spectrum to help them lead a more rewarding andfulfilling life."
Price: 19.99 |