"Learn How To Play 25 Classic Hip Hop Songs" |
"This course by JFilt is dedicated to anyone who wants to be able to play hip hop songs on the piano. It's for hiphop, R&B,classical, jazz, pop, country, blues, and rock musicians who may want to add to their piano repertoire. No sheet music required! This course is geared to develop your ability to play by ear.It's also for deejays andbeatmakers who've always wanted to play their favorite hip hop songs not just on vinyl but on piano or keyboard. In this piano course you will learn exactly how to play 25 knownclassic hip hop songs. The songs are split up into regions so you can have a diversified learning experience. At the end of this course you will have gained at least 25 more songs to your live piano playing repertoire. If you have never played the piano before, I would encourage you to start with JFilt'sfree course called ""Piano Music Theory - Back to Basics"". If you wanna learn some innovative ways of creating beats, check out the YouTube Channel called Verysickbeats."
Price: 24.99 |
"Learn How To Play 25 Classic Hip Hop Songs Ch.2" |
"This course by JFilt is the sequel to Learn How To Play 25 Classic Hip Hop Songs which is alsodedicated to anyone who wants to be able to play hip hop songs on the piano. It's for hiphop, R&B,classical, jazz, pop, country, blues, and rock musicians who may want to add to their piano repertoire. No sheet music required! This course is geared to develop your ability to play by ear.It's also for deejays andbeatmakers who've always wanted to play their favorite hip hop songs not just on vinyl but on piano or keyboard. In this piano course you will learn exactly how to play 25 knownclassic hip hop songs. The songs are split up into regions so you can have a diversified learning experience. You will also see my fingers more clearly during this course so you can copy exactly what you see along with the piano diagram.At the end of this course you will have gained at least 25 more songs to your live piano playing repertoire. If you have never played the piano before, I would encourage you to start with JFilt'sfree course called ""Piano Music Theory - Back to Basics"". If you wanna learn some innovative ways of creating beats, check out the YouTube Channel called Verysickbeats."
Price: 24.99 |
"Cinemagraph Masterclass: Your Complete Guide" |
"This course will teach you how to create amazing Cinemagraphs and make money from them.While there are plenty of courses that focus on limited Photoshop techniques, it's hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which is for beginner to advanced operators. We will use Adobe After Effects in order to achieve a more a sophisticated type of Cinemagraph and make you stand out from the crowd.Just a few of the things you'll learn:Understand the correct settings to use on Camera to capture stunning CinemagraphsPrevisualise a scene to capture a perfect loopA detailed understanding of how to use Adobe After Effects to create CinemagraphsLean the visual language of Cinemagraphs, includingthe four methods ofcreatinga seamless loopLearn How to generate income from CinemagraphsOverviewCinemagraphs are a unique new genre that are here to stay. We now use screens as our primary viewing medium and this new visual landscape has its own requirements and language. Cinemagraphs fulfil a importantneed:they can be used in the way still images were used in the past, amongst text and other graphic elements, and yet dont force you to leave the experience like video does. Book covers, movie posters, point-of-sale, social media such as Instagram or Facebook,are some of the areas where they starting to replace still images. Cinemagraphs are the fastest growing visual genre today.Master Techniques to Create Extraordinary Cinemagraphs and Boost Your Income.We will learn how to use your camera to capture Cinemagraphs and previsualise what is required.We will use After Effects to explore many Cinemagraph techniques, with easy to understand, step-by-step tutorials. This will provide you with amazing tools that will elevate your Cinemagraphs in a way that is impossible with just using Photoshop: very important in the competitive world of image making. We will then learn how to export your Cinemagraphs in the best format for sales and publication. Beginners arewelcome!We we explore how to make money from Cinemagraphs, whether you are just starting out or a seasoned professional.By the end of this master course, your confidence as a Cinemagraph producer will skyrocket. You will have a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to create professional level Cinemagraphs that a beyond the competition."
Price: 124.99 |
"Beginners Guide to Wireframes - A Mini Course" |
"The first step to building great websites & apps is to learn how to design them. Learn the fundamentals of web & web design.In this course you will learn how to design the websiteof your wishes from scratch using industry leading tool, Balsamiq Mockups.Learn how to build wireframes and bring those wireframes to life by creating interactive clickable wireframes without writing a single line of code.You will wireframe the google chrome website and make it completely interactive.If you want to get started on learning design quickly in orderto make your ideas come to life. This course is for you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ultimate Guide on Using Twitter to Land Scholarships!" |
"Twitteris The New Way To Attract Colleges!Twitter is an online news and social networking service where users post and interact with messages, ""tweets,"" restricted to 140 characters. Registered users can post tweets while unregistered users can only review tweets. Twitter is the place to find out about whats happening in the world right now. Whether youre interested in music, sports, politics, news, celebrities, or everyday momentsBut wait!Twitter can also be used to successfully target universities for scholarships.This condensed and comprehensive course demonstrates how to create an optimized Twitterprofiles for high school students that will attract college professors, alumni, and admission officers.High School Students, Undergraduate Students, andGrad school Studentswill all benefit from taking this course.Learn from a Twitter Expert!Follow social media expert, Sedgrid Lewis, as he demonstrates through screencasts how tooptimize your Twitterprofile to attract college admission officers.Using real-world examples, Sedgrid shows you hands-on how to:Create a thorough and complete, professional, and optimized TwitterprofileHow to locate local scholarships in your communityLearn how to use Twitter Chats and Hashtags to locate national scholarshipsDiscover how to use Twitter to engage past scholarship winners to learn their success storiesHow to engage college professors on twitterLearn how to connect with college admission officers through twitterLet's Get Your TwitterProfileOptimized for Colleges and Scholarship Committees. Take the course today, and be a TwitterAll Star in no time!What are the requirements?Internet connectivity is requiredWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn how to build scholarshipTwitter Lists for content curationAbility to create a custom twitter profile optimized for college admission officersLearn how to obtain followers from key influencers such as college professorsWhat is the target audience?High School Students, Undergrad StudentsCollege Planners, Financial Aid Specialist, Guidance Counselors. Social Media strategist"
Price: 19.99 |
"WordPress Essentials - Maak je eigen website met WordPress" |
"Tijdens deze training voor starters met WordPress begeleid ik je stap voor stap in het proces van je eigen website creatie.We beginnen bij de keuze van je domeinnaam en hosting. Daarnagaan we WordPress installeren, laat ik zienhoe je met WordPress werkt,hoe je de look & feel van je website kunt aanpassen enhem op een eenvoudige manier kunt vullen met content.Verder lopen we alle zaken door die er voor zorgen dat je website goed functioneert en je hem zelf kunt optimaliseren voor je bezoekers en zoekmachines en je hem zelf kunt onderhouden.Een uitgebreide training dus waardoor je aan het eind van de training zelfstandig verder kunt met de professionalisering van jouw website!"
Price: 94.99 |
"E-mailmarketing met MailChimp" |
"Indeze training leer ik je stap voor stap hoe je jouw eigen mailinglijst maakt in MailChimp en jenieuwsbrieven verstuurd.Stap voor stap begeleid ik je gedurende de lessen.Vanaf het maken van een account, via het maken van een template en opmaken van je nieuwsbrieven tot het versturen van je campaign naar het bekijken van de statistieken en het laten groeien van je lijst."
Price: 94.99 |
"This course is designed forstudents who needa full course on the Russian Alphabet. Studentswill learncorrectpronunciation as well asthe spelling rules. Bonus content includes handwritten letters in both regularand cursive print.I have developed a method of learning that helpsstudents tointernalize the correct sounds of the Russian language making them understandable to native Russian speakers.Advanced concepts have been broken downintomanageablesections:AlphabetConsonantsVowelsSounds and lettersHand Written FontsThis is the most comprehensivecourse on the Russian Alphabet on the internet. If your aim is to have a completeunderstanding of the Alphabet and to become a proficient Russian language speaker, thenlook no further!You can preview this video by watching my other video Alphabet for free on Youtube, whereI give you a quick overview.And finally, Irecommend thatyoudont try to hurry and watch the whole video in one go. Instead, watch each part step by step:onedayforvowels, the next day for consonants, and so on. Relax, and remember that it is much more productive for your memorization and your learning process to watch this video for 15 minutesevery day rather than 2.5 hours in one day."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Personal Success Advantage" |
"Have you ever felt like you were hitting a ceiling in your growth or success? Have you felt like something or someone was holding you back, but you couldnt figure out what it was? The Personal Success Advantage will walk you through how you can finally break free of the thoughts, circumstances and people that are holding you back from achieving your dreams. In other words, youll be able to identify and break through the roadblocks that are keeping you from success. The personal success advantage is a brand new resource available through Next Level Solutions and includes more than 50 training videos focused on breaking through the roadblocks of success. This course includes 16 different Modules each one aimed at unpacking another key to giving you the Personal Success Advantage that youre looking for. In addition, each Module will include 3 Unique Camera angles that will help you see what you need to see in order to grab a hold of the ideas necessary to change your perspective and reach your full potential. The course is strategically broken down into chewable bites, each session is right around 8 to 10 minutes in length so you can knock out a couple of sessions on your way to work, a couple more on your way home, while waiting at the doctors office, or work through an entire module while walking on the treadmill! At the end of each module are 3 Focus Questions that should take you between 10 to 15 minutes to complete. These are absolutely essential to getting the most out of the Personal Success Advantage course because they will help you internalize the material and not just listen in general."
Price: 149.99 |
"Digital Access - Make Your Staff Meetings Better" |
"In the business world, it is sometimes hard to pull away from the day-to-day needs and actually become better as an organization. But, it is so essential that teams do this to get better and move their business forward. Digital Access is a 12 session course designed to do just that. The videos include follow-up questions for you and your team to discuss the content and talk about how it affects your specific business. This is an easy way for your organization to have a monthly staff meeting so you can consistently grow and get better together.From leading with vision to growing healthy teams, Matt will walk through how to be intentional about growing your business as a team. Each session was created with a staff meeting in mind and meant to be watched and discussed once a month during strategic leadership staff meetings."
Price: 194.99 |
"Conquer Cravings For Christians-Low Carb Weight Loss Program" |
"*Conquer Cravings 4 Christians is a christian weight lossprogram for people who want to stop craving sugar,binge eating, eating junk food, reduce and stabilize blood sugar. If you have been praying tolose weight andstop craving bad carbs this coursewill makefeel empowered to move forward.This christian basedcoursebridges the gap of mood, food and faith for people who struggle with food and can't seem to stick to eating healthy on a daily basis by following biblical truths.The courses currently available offers a wealth of information reflecting the broad array of everyday skills that will do away with depression, the dangers of high blood sugarand thefrustration of craving sugar and junk food.You are sure to love Renee'supfront a personal approach to teaching everyday challenges we face with food, emotions, and relationships.Health/Wellness/Fitness Expert Renee Dumont is proud to offer you a well crafted cutting-edge, online Christian educational video series that will enhance your knowledge in a wide variety of topics of binge eating and weight loss. These topics explain the connection relating to mood, food and faith that will empower you to CONQUER CRAVINGS. In fact, you'll feel the desires slipping away beyond what you've ever experienced before. Renee calls it ""The Shift"".Avoiding the temptation of foods likesweets and salty crunchy stuff is a REAL battle for most of us. That's what makeslosing weight and lowering your blood sugarone of the hardest things you do because you are always craving foods you love, but it doesn't have to be. If you have been struggling with binge eating or controlling food portions then you may need healing. So, whether your looking to stabilize your blood sugar orloseweight and end the roller coaster ride ofpoor health issues associated with eating junk foodthen this course is for you!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Die Steinzeitdit: In 28 Tagen zum Wohlfhlgewicht" |
"Die Steinzeitdit: In 28 Tagen erfolgreichzum Wohlfhlgewicht Wer heute abnehmen mchte, der steht einer teilweise unberschaubaren Zahl von Diten gegenber. Die meisten dieser Diten sind Trends, teilweise ungesund, nicht praktikabel oder sehr kompliziert umzusetzen. Des Weiteren fehlt in der bergewichtigen Gesellschaft nach wie vor die Aufklrung, dass eine Gewichtsreduktion nur mit einer vernderten Lebenseinstellung einhergeht. Viele Ratgeber, Kurse und Workshops sind zu einseitig bzw. haben nur Interesse daran teure Produkte an den Mann bzw. an die Frau zu bringen. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie: - Was dieSteinzeitditist und warum diese artgerecht ist - Was die 72 Stunden Regel bedeutet - Was derIST und SOLLZustand ist Der Ansatz derSteinzeiternhrungist ein vllig anderer und basiert auf Erkenntnissen der Forschung in den Bereichen Evolution-Medizin. Dieser Kurssoll Ihnen helfen,Schritt fr Schritt ihr Wohlfhlgewicht zu erreichen bzw. auch zu halten.DieserKursverschont Sie mit Hinweisen, wie gesundheitsgefhrdend bergewicht sein kann und hlt Ihnen auch in dieser Hinsicht keine Moralpredigt. Wer erfolgreich und vor allem dauerhaft abnehmen mchte erfhrt hier: - Welche Lebensmittel Sie bei der Steinzeitdit zu Haufen essen drfen. - Welche Lebensmittel SieUNBEDINGTmeiden sollten. - WarumEiernichts mit dem bsen Cholesterin zu tun haben. - Welche Lebensmittel das Abnehmen regelrecht sabotieren. - Welche Lebensmittel man whrend einer Dit und danach essen darf. - Warum Sie unbedingt eine ""Dit"" machen mssen um abzunehmen. - Klrt den Mythos auf, wie viele Mahlzeiten man wirklich essen sollte. - Wie Sie Ihren inneren Schweinehund bndigen knnen. - Ob Nahrungsergnzungsmittel sinnvoll sind. Und einiges mehr PLUS: Zahlreiche EXTRA-Bonusse... - 9 leckere Rezepte zum Nachkochen - Die Paleo-Einkaufs-Liste"
Price: 49.99 |
"Silent Subliminals" |
"""Verndern Sie Ihr Leben mit der Hilfe von Silent Subliminals""Was sind Silent Subliminals?Subliminal kommt aus dem Lateinischen. ""Sub"" bedeutet ""unter"" und das Anhngsel ""limen"" ""Schwelle"". Man kann das Wort Subliminal auch als ""unterschwellig"" bersetzen. Also, Silent Subliminals sind unterschwellige Botschaften (Affirmationen), die das menschliche Gehr nicht bewusst wahrnehmen kann, die vom Unterbewusstsein dennoch aufgenommen werden. Silent Subliminals sind gesprochene, positive Affirmationen, die direkt an Ihr Unterbewusstsein gerichtet sind. Diese positiv gesprochenen Affirmationen werden tontechnisch (mit einer speziellen Software) in einen hheren Bereich verschoben, die unsere Ohren nicht wahrnehmen knnen. Mit der Macht der unterschwelligen Affirmationen (Silent Subliminals) ......sein persnliches Wohlfhlgewicht erreichen.... endlichmit dem Rauchen aufhren....... mehr Lebensenergie bekommen....seine Selbstheilungskrfte erhhen (aktivieren)....mehr Geld und Wohlstand anziehen.... ngste aller Art zu berwinden.... sein Gedchtnis verbessern.... seine alte Sehkraft wiedererlangen.... sein Selbstbewusstsein strken.... seinen Traumpartnerfinden.... und viele, viele andere Anwendungsmglichkeiten mehr.Die Macht der GedankenUnsere Umwelt und auch wir selbst sind letztendlich das Produkt unserer Gedanken, unserer Glaubensstzeund unseres Fokus. Einen sehr groen Einfluss auf das, was wir SIND, beziehungsweise wie wir uns selbst wahrnehmen, haben unsere unbewussten Glaubensstze. Glaubensstze sind berzeugungen, sich wiederholende Muster, selbst auferlegte Grenzen und Verallgemeinerungen. ber das Leben allgemein, ber uns selbst, ber andere, die uns oft durch unser ganzes Leben begleiten. Eine sehr gute und effektive Methode, negative Glaubensstze umzuprogrammieren, sind sogenannte Affirmationen. Affirmationen sind Programmierstze, die dabei helfen, das Unterbewusstsein gezielt umzuprogrammieren. Ziel ist es, Blockaden und negative Verhaltensmuster zu durchbrechen und durch neue positive Glaubensstze zu ersetzen. Was sind die Vorteile von Silent Subliminals? Affirmationen wirken am besten durch stndige Wiederholungen. Gesprochene (hrbare) Affirmationen besitzen daher ein gewisses Ablenkungspotenzial, und wenn man gesprochene, hrbare Affirmationen zum Beispiel eine Stunde dauerhaft hrt, knnen diese einem sehr schnell auf die Nerven gehen. Silent Subliminals haben den Vorteil, dass sie nicht aufdringlich sind. Man kann sie sich berall anhren, ohne dass man selber oder andere sich davon gestrt fhlen. Silent Subliminals lenken nicht ab, auch wenn sie vorhanden sind. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass die unhrbaren Affirmationen direkt in das Unterbewusstsein dringen knnen, ohne den Umweg ber den bewussten Verstand, gehen zu mssen. Insbesondere bei Affirmationen, die dem eigenen Verstand widersprechen, knnen sogenannte Abwehrmechanismen des Verstandes aufrufen lassen. Beispiel: Ein Mensch mit Geldsorgen suggeriert sich selbst ""Ich bin reich und besitze viel Geld"". Der Verstand wrde die Affirmation einfach nicht akzeptieren beziehungsweise annehmen. Mit Silent Subliminals knnen daher auch Menschen, die sich mit gesprochenen, hrbaren Affirmationen schwer tun, hnliche Erfolge erzielen.Lernen Sie in diesem Kurs:- Alles berdie Macht unserer Gedanken und die unseres Bewusstseins...- Warum wirdringend einen ""Fokus"" bentigen...- Was Glaubensstze sind und wie diese entstehen...- Wie negative Glaubensstze verhindern,dass wir ein glckliches Leben leben...- Was eigentlich Affirmationen sind und wie diese funktionieren...- Was genau der Unterschied ist, zwischen Affirmationen und Suggestionen...- 6 Regeln fr positivgesprocheneAffirmationen...-25 Beispiele fr Affirmationen (Persnlichkeit, Beruf, Beziehung)Mit Silent Subliminals verndern Sie bewusst, wie auch unbewusst ihr Leben. Ihr persnliches Ziel kann hierbei sein: Abnehmen, mehr Gesundheit, mehr Geld, einen neuen Lebenspartner u.v.m...Des Weiteren lernen Sie:- Was genau Silent Subliminals sind und woher sie kommen...- Welche gravierende Vorteile Silent Subliminlas haben...- ObSilent SubliminalsWundermittel oder reiner Betrug sind...?- Wie Silent Subliminals gezielt Ihre Wahrnehmung verndern...- Wie Silent Subliminals Sie regelrecht zum Handeln zwingt...... und vieles mehr.*** PLUS zahlreiche Bonusse ***- 6Silent Subliminals Videos zum Thema: Gesundheit, Finanzen und Partnersuche(mit 50 Affirmationen)zum Herunterladen (mit Musik oder Naturgeruschen)- WISSEN KOMPAKT: ""Das mssen Sie ber die Silent Subliminlas unbedingt wissen""- Wie die 72-Stunden Regel Ihr Leben zustzlich verndertWerden Sie strende Gewohnheiten los, wandeln Sie negative Glaubensstze in positive um und erreichen Sie endliche Ihre Ziele.Sprich:""OHNEEINEINNEREWANDLUNGGIBTESKEINEVERNDERUNGIMAUEN"""
Price: 49.99 |
"Project Management Fundamentals" |
"Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. The skills and methodologies of project management provide a foundation to make fact-based decisions that complete projects on time, within budget, and at the desired quality. Understanding the theory and fundamentals of project management is a prerequisite to successfully using project management software.This course teaches the concepts of project management by providing the essential theory and skills of managing projects effectively. Key areas of project management covered include starting, planning, implementing, controlling and closing a project. You also have available to download a Project Management Toolkit consisting of standardized templates that can be used in your own projects."
Price: 74.99 |
"DAX Power Pivot Time Intelligence - 10 Easy Steps" |
"This course builds upon the skills learned in the firstcourse in this series DAX Power Pivot 10 Easy Steps for Beginners.You have already gotten your hands dirty with DAX & Power Pivotand seen how awesome it is. Now you are ready to take your skills to the nextlevel by delving deeper and acquiring a more thorough understanding of howPower Pivot handles Time data. Data AnalysisExpressions (DAX) includes Time Intelligence functions to supportthe needs of Business Intelligence analysis by enabling you to manipulate datausing time periods, including days, months, quarters, and years, and then buildand compare calculations over those periods.Here's what others had to say about the course:""So far it's been easy to follow. The instructor is doing a great job of explaining what she is doing. Looking forward to more advanced topics. UPDATE: I've completed the course. It's a great course and I'm glad I took this one, as well as DAX Power Pivot 10 Easy Steps for Beginners. I'll be referencing the material often, there's a lot on information that's new to me. I really want to dive more into custom calendars and DAX patterns. I've already been showing my managers at work how powerful DAX functions can be. Gilly Dow did a fantastic job with both of her courses I took on Udemy. She's very knowledgeable on Excel and Power Pivot topics and her enthusiasm and encouragement always shows in her lectures. She is very responsive to queries from her students; my questions were answered very quickly. I've taken other online courses where you never heard back if you were having problems; that's definitely not an issue here.""- John Pertell""Outstanding. Its explained clear concise wonderful examples that are broken down and clearly explained fantastic course great teacher and teaching style. Highly recommend""- Stephen Davanzo""Highly recommended course! For every single function mentioned in the course there are an example and practice exercise. Great!""- Elbina RizakhanovaWhat You'll Learn:The first part of the course concentrates on DAX time-ready functions ideal for astandard calendar the kind you hang on your wall. So, if thats how you rollat work this is perfect for you.The second half raises the stakes and you will learn how tomanipulate DAX to generate your own custom functions to work with 4-4-5 calendars used in many differentindustries including retail.In order to do this, Ill introduce you to some new DAX functions that will elevate yourskills enabling you to build custom functions for those pesky non-standard calendars.Even if this doesnt fit your remit DO IT ANYWAY! Your level of understanding will increase leaps andbounds and your confidence will soarrrrr!!! Plus, its GREAT fun and youlllearn heaps along the way!What you will learnin this course:Performing Date Calculations in DAX with a Standard CalendarBuilding a standard Calendar tableRunning Totals with: Month-to-Date (MTD), Quarter-to-Date (QTD) and Year-to-Date (YTD)Computing the moving annual total for Fiscal Year EndsAggregating and Comparing Growth %s over timeTime intelligence with CALCULATE()Computing periods from the Prior YearClosing Balance, First Date, Last Date, End of Month and Start of YearComputing values Between DatesPerforming Date Calculations in DAX with a 4-4-5 CalendarBuilding a custom Calendar tableWorking with multiple Calendar tablesManipulating DAX PatternsCustom Time intelligence with CALCULATE()Custom Time intelligence with CALCULATE(), FILTER() and ALL()Aggregating and Comparing Growth %s over timeWill it be easy?Yes and no the first half of the course the DAX time-readyfunctions are intuitive and straightforward.The custom Time Intelligence functions you create can be challenging but with my guidance and your growing understanding it will be really, really satisfying - trust me!Thanks for taking the time to check out my course. I can't wait to help you take the next step in developing your DAX & Power Pivot skills. I have used Excel 2016 to demonstrate this fantastic tool but you can follow along in Excel 2010 & 2013 - I'll do my best to point out the differences. If you have any questions about the course, feel free to message me here or check out the FREE preview lectures to learn more.Take the first steps to a new and rewarding future by clicking on the TAKE THIS COURSE button, located on the top right corner of the page.I look forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 184.99 |
"Excel 2016 Power BI - 10 Easy Steps for Beginners" |
"What's the course about?Power View is a data visualization tool that enables the creation of interactive charts, maps and other visuals that bring your data to life instunning reports.Power Query is an intuitive tool that lets you manipulate, transform, consolidate, enrich, merge and do much more with your data. Power Query acts as an ""ETL"" tool which means it Extracts data from almost any data source, Transforms that data and then Loads it - in our case that's either an Excel worksheet, Power View report or Power Pivot data model.Here's what other thought about the course:""Very enjoyable course with many real world examples. Gilly's enthusiasm for the Microsoft Wizardry is wonderful and spurs you on to master it. I look forward to more courses by Gilly!""- Douglas Paterson""Very easy to understand""- Dale PierceWho is this course for?Excel Users Users that employ Excel 2016 on a daily basis and want to exploit the full power of the new Excel Business Intelligence tools in to improve their reporting and data crunching capabilities HAVE TO TAKE THIS COURSE! IT & BI Specialists Professionals that are in charge of the data warehouse management of their company and need to understand how to provide support to analysts who need to extract data from different analytical and relational sources HAVE TO TAKE THIS COURSE! What's in it for me?As a Microsoft Excel trainer, I understand that the value of a training course is in making sure students learn skills that they can apply in their daily jobs. My goal - with every course I create and deliver - is to ensure that all students learn practical skills that can be applied in the real world. To maximize learning, I provide: Solid instruction Follow along downloadable files Practice exercises and solutionsSupporting pdf user guideTopics Covered Power View Discover the Canvas & Visualizations Switch to Matrix, Cards, Callouts or Charts Learn how Power View filters data To Slice or TILE BY - decisions, decisions.... Work with multiple tables and create relationships Create stunning reports with images and interactive maps Power Query Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the Query Editor Learn how to transform messy data into useful data sets Append multiple file types together into a single data set Merge tables - if you like VLookup - you're gonna love this! Combine multiple Excel files Create your own custom columns with Power Query M language expression builder Throughout the course we work together building Power View reports and transforming data with Power Query. At the end of each step you have an opportunity to practice creating your own Queries and Reports to help you consolidate, embed and reinforce everything you have learned. I provide a solutions video lecture before moving on to ensure youre on track and ready to move on. I provide all the files you need to follow along and a fully supporting pdf user guide detailingallthe steps and practice exercises with solutions. Thanks for taking the time to check out my course. I can't wait to help you take the next step in developing your Microsoft Excel skills. I have usedExcel 2016to demonstrate this fantastic tool and youll need Power Pivot installed ready to go. If you have any questions about the course, feel free to message me here or check out theFREEpreview lectures to learn more. Take the first steps to a new and rewarding future by clicking on theTAKE THIS COURSEbutton, located on the top right corner of the page."
Price: 129.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Homebrewing Beer" |
"Homebrewing Beer (aka Homebrewing 101)teaches studentshow to make craft beer from start to finish. Don't fret if youre completely new to brewing, because this courseis intended for both beginners and homebrewersseeking to improve upon their current skill-set. Homebrewing Craft Beerconsists of the followingsections:General Beer Knowledge (learn brewing terminology,the difference between ales and lagers, and ingredients)Brewing Equipment (learn what you need to brew an extract or all-grain batch, and how to sanitize your gear)Developing Your Own Beer RecipeBeerSmith Software Crash CourseBrewing (Extract, Growler Kit and All-Grain)Troubleshooting Brewing Problems (learn how to avoid off flavours in your beer)By the end of this course, students will be able to develop their own beer recipes andproducebeautiful tastingcraft beer!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Secretos de la Publicidad Efectiva en Facebook Ads" |
"Te gustara dejar de Perder Dinero en tus Campaas de Facebook Ads e instagram ads? Te gustara saber cuales son los principales errores que se cometen al invertir en anuncios pagados?En este curso aprenders a crear campaas publicitarias exitosas en facebook e instagram. No se requiere conocimientos previos.Entenders cmo funciona la publicidad en facebook (y en cualquier red social), donde podemos colocar anuncios, como funcionan las principales herramientas de facebook e instagram.Entenders porqu es probable que ests desperdiciando recursos en disparos al aire y cmo crear una estrategia para generar clientes de forma medible, predecible y escalable.Algunas de las habilidades que obtendrs son:[+] Cmo establecer nuestra audiencia correcta.[+] Aprende el proceso exacto para convertir visitantes en clientes recurrentes.[+] Crears tus primeras campaas Ganadoras sin contratar redactores, diseadores o publicistas costosos.[+] Campaas de Retargeting para reenganchar a tu pblico y CRECER tus Conversiones.[+] Aprenders a usar el pixel de seguimiento y anuncios de REMARKETING tal como lo hacen grandes empresas como NETFLIX, AMAZON y MERCADO LIBRE."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Chinese Step by Step with Melody" |
"Welcome to Melody'sMandarin - Learn Chinese Step by Step! This course is an introductory course inbasic Chinese. This course will focus on communicative skills and help you to build a solid foundation ofpronunciation, grammar fundamentals,vocabulary, and sentence structure. Whetheryou are learning Mandarin for business, travel, orpersonal enrichment, this is the right course for you. Thiscourse incorporates Chinese culture and practical situations."
Price: 19.99 |
"Alibaba - Complete Master Guide For Importing Products" |
"Without a doubt Alibaba is the Largest Global Trade Marketplace which allows us to create millions of dollars selling products which have been purchased directly from manufactures. I will go over how you can safely import products form From Alibaba allowing you to get your hands onHIGH DEMANDproducts. This course is meant for thosewho want in in depth guide on how to import products from manufactures.The Market of Importing is enormous and allows anyone to jump in and earn loadsof money by a simple process which can be learned by the guidance of this course. this course usesthe basic ""buy low sell high"" concept and appliesit buy inexpensive wholesale products which can be sold for insaneMARGINS on Amazonand Ebay.I teach in a very concise manner which allows for high intensity learning in a very short time frame which grants you to see immediate results. i will go from showing you how you can go fromvalidatinga supplier to submitting and order with a price you feelcomfortable with.Iwill provide manyTemplates which you can use to negotiate prices and request FreeSAMPLES. Showing that you interested in purchasing from a specific supplierwill go a long way in terms of getting what you want.There is money to be made but if your not careful you can easily lose money as well. You will Learn to identifyreputable and reliable suppliers which will not scam you with low quality products. you will be able to spot red flags on product listing by looking for Gold Supplier and Trade Assurance.At the end of this course you will have a completeunderstanding of how to successfully place a order for a quality product at a reasonable price"
Price: 194.99 |
"Amazon FBA Full Guide - Dominate the Amazon Marketplace" |
"Just Last year Amazon Pulled in over $136 Billion in revenue and roughly 56% of that came from small individual sellers like us!If you have been liking for the NBT then you want to tap into the world ofeCommerce, this industry is currentlythe fastest growing industry and will continue to do so until the majority of traditional stores close down.Hi my name is Khaqan, as a representative of AMZ Academy i will present to you our exact business model which allows to the create passive income anywhere in the world.By partnering withAmazonyou will have them do all the sweatywork for you. This is something I had to go through while i worked at amazons warehouse. Amazon will do all the picking, packing, shipping, refunds and the list goes on. All this simply by partnering with them.The target of this course is to help you get Sales by:Finding high quality products at wholesale pricesPreparing and sending to Amazon Fulfillment centersPresenting your product in aProfessionalmannerMarketing and exposing your productRanking to the Top Page of AmazonIt is no longer required for you to invest thousands of dollars to get your self up and running but rather a formula which allows you to reinvest what you have earned from selling.This course goes through step by step on how you can take actions towards building your online Amazon businessBonus ($150 Value)Comes with 24 Hour SupportProduct Evaluation - Provide feedback on whether a product is worth sellingConstructive Criticism - Go over you Amazon Business and give Suggestions"
Price: 194.99 |
"Shopify - Learn To Start A Dropshipping Shopify Business" |
"Shopify Power:How To Build AWebsite, Sell Your Products, And Grow ABusiness On Shopify.Taught by award winning CEO and Adjunct Professor of OnlineMarketing at Northwest University - Jason Miles.About The Instructor &His Authentic Credibility On This Topic: Khaqan has sold millions online and theirpopular shopify website (Faire)has even been featured by Shopify as one of the sites premieresuccess case studies. Khaqanshares their insider tips, techniques, short-cuts and hard-won lessons acquired as they personallyset up and built theirShopify site, which currentlytransacts40,000-50,000 orders a month and serves over 1 million page views.How Is This Course Different?This course includes analysis, opinions, techniques, short-cuts, and tips from the instructorthat you won't find on the help pages of Shopify, or in other Udemy courses. It also includes step-by-step site build demonstration section.This course offers aunique andsystematic framework for planning and launchinga Shopify site in a step-by-step method that will prepare you for long-term ecommercesuccess.Who Is This Course Designed For?Students should have a basic understanding, or willingness to learnweb-building, such as having previously set-up a blog. They should also have the time, patience, and willingness to implement the lessons and details taught in this course. Students should already have a product, product idea, or product plan.If you have a private label product you sell on Amazon, or are an artist, crafter, or seller of unique items - and need a fully functional ecommerce website - then this course will be of value to you."
Price: 194.99 |
"Simple Value Investing Guide With Proven Methods" |
"People interested in learning about investing drown in the never-ending waterfall of financial news and get-rich-quick schemes, they no longer knowwhat works and what doesn't. This is why they miss focus and generally lose money.Do you ever get overwhelmed by thisinformation overload? Do you ever feel lost in the jargon and the many strategies which the investing world has to offer? Then this course might be able to help you!This investment course teaches you a powerful strategy which the greatest investors of our time, likeWarren Buffett use to earnbillionson the stock market: Value Investing.Where many courses only scratch the surface, this course goes in-depthto deepen your understanding, aspreadsheetto speed up important calculations, and a checklist to make better investment decisions.Concepts are introduced gradually, so that even a beginner will be able to follow along andbecome a confident investor in no-time! Value investing is a powerful, low-risk, proven strategy which allows you to consistently earn above-average returns. Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to: Understand all aspects of Value Investing, the strategy of the pros Understand why the majority of investors lose money (and how you can avoid this!) Find and identify attractive investment opportunities Manage your own portfolio with confidence Discover the truth about risk versus reward Consistently earn above-average returns using a simple, low-risk, proven strategy Protect and grow your hard-earned savings with minimum effort Quickly know when to buy and sell Plus much more!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Adobe Illustrator CC - Basic Fundamentals For Beginners" |
"Would you like to teach yourself all the course essentials required to master adobe Illustrator? if so, then this course is designed for youThis course was intended specifically for those of you who are just opening yourself up to the world of of creative design, this course will help you walk into the creative design aspect with confidence and pick up many essential skills like typography, graphic styles and drawing. This will not only help you in the professional world but this skills can also be applied to your personal life as well, for instance if you have a birthday party coming you can easily personalize and design your own invitation cards to hand out. Skills that you will pick up along the way Introduce you to both the tools panel and windows Begin to create lines as well as shapes on the canvasImprove your graphic design skills using pens and brushes Master all the drawing modes, pen tool and curvature toolLearn to manipulate multiple paths to create artworkApply gradients to objects and shapes Create a gradient mash Masking all sorts of objects on top of each other Using advanced tools like envelope distort to your character Introduction and applying the new puppet tool This course is filled with useful content designed so you can follow along and help take your design to the next level!Why should you learn from me?I have been professionally using Adobe Illustrator for over 7 years now and have been teaching for several years while acquiring thousands of satisfied students enrolled in my courses across multiple platforms and I would like you to enjoys the same level of satisfaction and benefits when you enroll into my course. Looking forward to seeing you inside the course!!Prepare yourself to become a professional Adobe Illustrator CC User"
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Start A Podcast" |
"Everyone is wandering how to start a podcast, but there is no accurate answer out there!If this is you, not to worry, this course aims to answer all your questions relating to starting a podcast. Podcasting is EXPLODING! More and more people are listening to podcasts each and everyday. Having your own podcast can do so much for you, whether you're trying to build your personal brand, promote your existing business, or just want to get your thoughts out there. In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to create your very own podcast and record your first episode.In this course, 'Podcast: How to make your own podcast', we will cover:The many potential benefits of making your own podcastCreating a plan for your own showThe basic equipment you need to start recordingComing up with ideas and plans for episodesRecording your very first episodeLaunching your very own podcastAfter covering the basics, we'll look into some ways in which you can take you podcast to the next level. These include getting guests for interviews, building your audience, and monetising your show.By the end of this course, you will have recorded the first episode of your very own podcast and be ready to launch your show!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Side Hustle: Develop the skills you need to succeed" |
"Do youcringe when 'Corporate Bob', celebrates his 40th year work anniversary? On the spectrum ofcontribution, would you prefer to be somewhere a little bit closer to ElonMusk?They bothhave the same amount of time in the week, same software (both homo sapiens) andhave been dealt a similar hand (born in lucky developed countries).The difference between them both? We think the biggest, is how they CHOOSE tospend their time. There isn't that much of it left over to pursue your goalswhen you are at work, sleep, eat, commute and hang out with buddies.That is what this online course is all about. We want you to findout what is the best use of the time you have left. That is our promise, tohelp you find the best use of the time you have left, to make sure you choosethe best side hustle and side project to work on, based on YOUR goals.You maybe early in your search for contribution and you are worried that your currentjob won't let you do it.Elon is abit older and is off the charts for contribution. And 'Corporate Bob',well he lived a happy safe life.But whatabout your potential? This course we will: Increase the potential for upside of your future Minimise the downside Increase the potential and probability of more impactOf course, you need to double down on one of the side hustlespresented to you after completing the course.If you already have a side project locked in, then THIS IS NOT FORYOU. We recommend 'searching' on Udemy for the most specialized help on yourchosen side project. Whereas other courses choose one topic and go deep, we have selectedmultiple potential project topics and have gone wide. That way you know whatpotential projects you can take on, so you know you are using your timeeffectively."
Price: 84.99 |
"Google Sites (New): Great Looking Web Design Made Easy" |
"Harnessing the power of Google Sites is the easiest and best first step in web design. The Google Suite is powerful and having this in your toolkit is an essential element of knowing how to use Google Apps in Education and your personal life. Possible uses could include developing a professional portfolio, class website, event website, and a wide range of other reasons to have a web presence. Web design can be difficult. With Google Sites it is made easy.With the new Google Sites, it now also looksprofessional and is easy to use. This course will take you step by step through the web design process and show you how to integrate images, videos, Google maps and other elements, whilst also tracking web traffic to your site. You will end up with a great looking site that is both manageable and stands out from the crowd. You'll be amazed at how simple it is to do and end up with a tool you can use over and over into the future."
Price: 19.99 |
"WordPress 101" |
"Learn the essential skills needed to set up your first website with the simple WordPress platform.This course takes you from absolutely zero knowledge of web development to having your own website online. Lectures will walk you through step by step the ways to set up your first domain, get web hosting, creating a homepage, creating support pages, downloads, and even how to set up your own support desk!Learn all you need to know to get your new website up and running with this basics course.What makes this course better than any other WordPress course? We cover the same materials that many others do, but we pack it all in to a shorter time than many others. This means that you don't have to spend time listening to me take ten minutes explaining what could be explained in two! I strive to keep my lectures concise and to the point so that you can learn quickly and get your website up and running as soon as possible!Enroll in WordPress 101 now!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Advanced Microsoft troubleshooting techniques" |
"It`s my first course to transfer my knowledge about advanced troubleshooting techniques for who working in Microsoft field, it`s time to add new techniques that will save your time and make you reduce your analysis time to a half.In this course you will get what you need without any introduction and time wasting in less than an hour, hands on videos will deliver all what you need.This course will be a straight forward course, will concentrate on two mechanism but will help to resolve most of the issues that you are facing as IT professional.This is an advanced techniques for troubleshooting windows server issues, you will know analytical thinkingstrategies regarding Microsoft products issues.Cases the you will need to usethese techniques:Blue screens and the hangs serverscases by analyzing memory dump.Windows core issues ( services not coming up,permissions issues,... etc) by analyzing ProcMon.Two questions that the course will talk aboutWhat is memory dump?What is procmon?The first section of this course is a quick introduction and then we jump right into the second section where we go over our first topic about memory dump and how to analysis a dump.Then sections threego to second topic and it`s procmon, how to analyze procmon capture.I am always available to my students and I like to continually add material to my courses, especially material that my students want to see.So take a look through the course material and layout, let me know if you have any questions and Ilook forward to seeing you in the lectures.Who is the target audience?This course is intended for students who have a background in IT and would like to know more about Microsoft core issues. This course is also meant to act as a quick reference guide for day to day operations within windows server.Prior windows serverexperience is necessary to take this course."
Price: 29.99 |
"Fondant Character Modelling for Cake Makers - Sea Creatures" |
"In this Project, Pretty Witty Academy Guest Tutor Stephanie Janiceshows you how to make a fantastic 4 tier under the sea cake with no less than SIXTEEN characters to learn. This tutorial is a Master Class for character modelling covering just about every sea creature character that Pretty Witty Cakescould think off - 16 in total! In this tutorial, Pretty Witty Academy covers all the accessories and decorations such as coral, sea plants and more.What you will learnThis Project is all about learning to model characters and accessories for an under the water sea or beach themed cake. You will learn how to make 16 characters as well as all accessories:How to make a whaleHow to make a turtleHow to make a lobsterHow to make a crabHow to make a sharkHow to make a hermit crabHow to make aseahorseHow to make an octopusHow to make a blue tang fishHow to make a starfishHow to make a swordfishHow to make a jelly fishHow to make a puffer fishHow to make a stingrayHow to make a clown fishHow to make a scuba diverHow to make a dolphinHow to make clamsHow to make sea floraHow to make accessories for the sea creatures: coral in various styles, sand, bucket and spade, life ring, mirror and comb, sailor's hat, clams, and seaweedHow to assemble this kind of cake and top tips for making itYou can opt to make any of the sea creatures or all of them depending on what suits your need as the videos break down each topper individually. You could make one topper for a smaller cake or all of them for a huge cake.The 'Tool List' for this project is attached as an additional resource for your use."
Price: 74.99 |