aponotorikata |
"1004/ NG 100"
Price: 2400.00 |
"Planning & Scheduling: Be the Professional from Scratch" |
"Planning and Scheduling is a major and vital activity when it comes to managing the project successfully. As per AACE International there is less than 2000 planning and scheduling professionals worldwide and the same number goes for scheduling professionals as per PMI standards!. Imagine that!!. It means that you rarely have met one. How about becoming one? We are from the top 2000 worldwide professional planners that are successfully managing more than 1 BILLION $ projects on hand today. In this course, we reveal how are we doing it.There are lots of project management, planning and scheduling books and courses out there. We have tried most, combined the best practices and methods into this course.To be recognized as a professional planner (PSP - Planning and Scheduling Professional) by AACE International or PMI (PMI-SP - Scheduling Professional) is given after a rigorous exam of 5 hours and 3.5 hours respectively. So, how about to become one of the few? - That's why this course came to life and to LOVE what you learn.SO>What is planning ? >What is Scheduling?>What makes the perfect plan?>What is the difference between planning and scheduling?>Is there even a difference between planning and scheduling?>When you say the plan, are you taking a project management plan, time plan, cost plan or what? >Is Planning and Scheduling a skill?This is all answered in this course and tailored to make you of the planning and scheduling professionals.This course is the Planning and Scheduling Definitive Guide.The skill and the knowledge of planning and scheduling are really way underappreciated and unrecognized. We have seen a lot throughout our career life that does not know what the planner should do? How to do? And how important is he or she to the success of the project? Finding a professional planner to handle out the project time, saves the company rights, allocate the costs right is something so hard. Thats why this course is created, to cover this huge knowledge gap and even to make you more confident when applying to a job as a planner or even if you are working in a different position or a project manager to know how the planner works? And how to pick the best ones from the market? - Planning and Scheduling is a vital skill.The contribution of a planner to projects is huge. It can totally affect the project's goals, believe it or not, a project could fail miserably if planned wrong. We have seen projects that took twice its planned time and cost because it has not been planned correctly. Imagine the frustration! Here comes the motto of Fail to plan is planning to fail. There should be a considerable effort in planning the project and then scheduling the project.I personally after graduation with a Bsc of engineering and before joining the workforce in construction section, I never knew what is a Planner? I even thought that it is not important and the most important thing is to make the right drawings and do it right on site, thats it. I never knew that the efforts of all the project team might go different ways and every one might be working in a different direction if they are not planned correctly. I also never knew that to be a planner you have to study for it or it was just initiative. I always thought that all I have to do is to learn commercial software such as Primavera P6 and thats it, I will be professional. I also never knew that there is a lot of knowledge, skill and, books about planning. I always thought what these books are going to write. I was exactly like many of you. The importance of perfect planning and scheduling to any project has valuable benefits to the project. I have seen how mega construction projects fail not due to poor construction methodology but due to no proper planning and scheduling. Learn in this course to produce a full construction project plan and schedule, and manage construction projects.Seeing all of that I was lucky enough to meet one of the professional planners in my first working years in the construction industry. I have decided that I would pursue the career of planning and started studying management and contract administration that took 3 years to complete 2 professional degrees and then to be certified from PMI as a Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) and AACE International as a Planning and Scheduling Professional (PSP) and read a lot of books. What initiated this course is this. I was really looking for some kind of help, a summary of all the books out there. I was looking for a guide. I wanted something to be special and include all the information that was scattered everywhere. Something that I could refer to, and because the professional planners are not much so this type of info is not anywhere. Thats why the course was created to fill this gap and help you to achieve what you want. If you ever think that planning is JUST using software, then this course is exactly what you want. It is to show you that the last thing you want is the software. The software acts as a tool where you use to create the output you require. The tool will never help you to find the inputs even if you are the best one in the world in using this tool. SO thats why we are here to make you UNDERSTAND PLANNING AND SCHEDULING. The course is divided to two main sections to take you to be the professional you wanted to be. The first section is to make you understand the project management fundamentals, the different knowledge areas and interaction with planning and the second is then taking you from having a general knowledge scattered there and there to a more organized way of thinking and in order. Your first section ends at the lecture named Your Road to Your Profession and all the excitement starts from here. Up to this point, the course is developing you and giving you the basic knowledge for becoming the planning and scheduling professional.From here Section 2 begins and you are going to get the information as a professional would do. You will know what is planning and scheduling with the exact steps to produce the perfect plan and schedule. You are going to know what is planning and what is scheduling, what are the considerations, constraints and the inputs for each stage. Each lecture is made to be easily reverting to later on whenever you need it in your lifetime. Lectures are made fun and as explaining simply to make you get the most with a summary at the end of the major lectures. Make sure to preview the lectures before enrolling. Scheduling is the art of making a schedule that is realistic and gets the buy-in from the team. Scheduling is done right after considerable studies have been done in the planning. As the main instructor of the course is a construction professionals, there are a lot of examples on construction projects There is no other course even similar to that course. It is a guide and a guru in the planning and scheduling field. It has been done with care to add a value to you. At the end even if you wish to get recognized by one of the prestigious institutions as a professional planner there are exams to help you practice before going to the real exam. If you have ever investigated the reasons behind the failed projects, You would most probably find that neither planning nor scheduling is given much care.Upon completion of this course, you will realize how any project will extremely benefit with the right planning and scheduling application. If you wish to pass the Scheduling Professional Exam from PMI (PMI-SP) or the Planning and Scheduling Professional Exam (PSP) from AACE International, this course will be your Definitive Guide.Learn to love planning and scheduling, and apply it as a pro.Covering Topics:Planning, Project Planning, Planning Professional, Scheduling, Project Scheduling, Construction Planning, Construction Scheduling, Construction Time management, Construction Schedule, Construction time schedule, Construction Project Management, Planning and Scheduling Professional (PSP) Exam from AACE International, Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) Exam from PMI, Planning Course, Scheduling Course, Planning and Scheduling Course, PSP Exam, PMI-SP Exam, PSP exam preparation course, PMI-SP exam preparation course."
Price: 199.99 |
"BIM Intro,Construction BIM -Construction process -Part 1of 6" |
"Disclaimer: This is not teaching you any software. This course is an introductory course to BIM for construction. This introductory course part 1 of 6 is a key entry for BIM and familiarize yourself with what's new in construction.It is most beneficial for professionals having 5 years in the built environment. For students or fresh graduates, it will open a door and understand the BIM, and they can later refer to this course after gaining more experience. Then, The course will be understood better.This course (part 1 of 6) acts as the door for you to BIM, and open other doors for you to go deep in BIMin construction if you wish to. If you think BIM is just drawing a model, then you have a lot to know. If you think it is a software, then NO.BIM is evolutionary, you have to know about it before becoming popular. You have to familiarize yourself with everything new in the construction field before you feel you are left out.What should you expect from this BIMconstruction course.>>Is to mainly answer the following questions:What is BIM ?Why use BIM in construction?Is BIM going to be the new industry standard?Is construction will evolve in the industry?Is it a methodology in a construction, a management process, etc.?What will happen to the construction industry with BIM?Who, and how to adopt to the construction industry?Is it considered a working environment?Who should initiate BIM in construction?Is contractors, clients, designers all should know BIM in construction?What are the standards for BIM in construction industry?What are the risks of not adopting BIM in construction?Why to use BIM rather than the conventional method in construction?"
Price: 149.99 |
"Liderana AntiFrgil - comande um time de alta performance" |
"Neste cursovoc vai aprender, de forma SIMPLESe direcionado para a PRTICA, os comportamentos e ferramentasnecessrias para se destacar como LDER. Em qualquer rea de atuao, mesmo em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo.Dividimos em 3 sesses (com vrias aulas em cada):Descubra-se: qual o seu perfil empreendedor/lder?Liderana: um olhar para si e pelo outroArgumentao: como entender o outro e ser persuasivoEste mini-curso faz parte de um dos mdulos do curso de Mentalidade & Comportamento do AntiFrgil Business Club."
Price: 579.99 |
"Mindset AntiFrgil - Sucesso em quaisquer circunstncias" |
"Tcnicas e ferramentas prticas, estudadas etestadaspelos maiores casos de sucesso do mundo. A mentalidade e o comportamento adequado que vo te fazer vencer em qualquer cenrio e circunstncia! Voltado para empreendedores, executivos ou profissionais liberais de qualquer rea de atuao. Seja um pontofora da curva, seja acima da mdia, seja um lderAntiFrgil!"
Price: 219.99 |
"Comunicao de alta performance para negcios" |
"Este curso a base do sucesso, em qualquer rea de atuao e/ou qualquer estgio de carreira ou que seu negcio esteja. Seja voc um empresrio, um investidor, um profissional liberal, um executivo, funcionrio pblico ou QUALQUER outra atuao, se voc quer ser notado e visto como deseja, precisa aprender como ser uma COMUNICAO bem efetiva, para ""se vender"" de forma efetiva.Voc ir entender de forma prtica e embasada, os principais CONCEITOS, TCNICAS E FERRAMENTASque esto mal explicados por ai, alm de estar capacitado desenvolver pessoas sua volta lideradas por voc, fazendo potencializar ainda mais o seu sucesso!O curso est dividido em 4 sesses, com um total de 23 aulas (alm de vrios materiais complementares):Oratria e conversas pessoaisComunicao de negcios e lideranasFalando em pblico: Palestras, Apresentaes e PitchesLinguagem Corporal para Negcios (bodylanguage)"
Price: 579.99 |
"Deep Learning with Python and Keras" |
"This course is designed to provide a complete introduction to Deep Learning. It is aimed at beginners and intermediate programmers and data scientists who are familiar with Python and want to understand and apply Deep Learning techniques to a variety of problems.We start with a review of Deep Learning applications and a recap of Machine Learning tools and techniques. Then we introduce Artificial Neural Networks and explain how they are trained to solve Regression and Classification problems.Over the rest of the course we introduce and explain several architectures including Fully Connected, Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks, and for each of these we explain both the theory and give plenty of example applications.Thiscourse is a good balance between theory and practice. We don't shy away from explaining mathematical details and at the same time we provide exercises and sample code to apply what you've just learned.The goal is to provide students with a strong foundation, not just theory, not just scripting, but both. At the end of the course you'll be able to recognize which problems can be solved with Deep Learning, you'll be able to design and train a variety of Neural Network models and you'll be able to use cloud computing to speed up training and improve your model's performance."
Price: 199.99 |
"Instalacin y Configuracin Team Foundation Server 2017" |
"Este curso te enseara a Instalar y Configurar Team Foundation Server 2017.Todo el material necesario en este curso es brindado con enlaces de descarga.El curso esta estructurado en secciones con evaluaciones finales.Debes realizar este curso si lo que deseas es convertirte en un agente de cambio en tu organizacin a travs del trabajo colaborativo, control de cdigo fuente centralizado, planificacin gil e integracin continua."
Price: 29.99 |
"Servicios con Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)" |
"Este curso te enseara a disear, construir,probar y desplegarservicios Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) en protocoloSOAP &REST.Todo el material necesario en este curso es brindado con enlaces de descarga.El curso esta estructurado en secciones con evaluaciones finales.Debes realizar este curso si deseas aprender a disear, construir, probar y desplegaraplicaciones orientadas a servicios (aplicaciones distribuidas) con Visual Studio .NET 2013/2015/2017."
Price: 29.99 |
"Arquitectura de Aplicaciones Empresariales con .NET Core" |
"Este curso te enseara a disear,crear y desplegar Aplicaciones con una Arquitectura robusta, segura, confiable & escalable utilizando .NET Core y Docker.Todo el material necesario es brindado con enlaces de descarga.El curso esta estructurado en secciones con evaluaciones finales.Debes realizar este curso:Si deseas aprender a Disear & crear aplicaciones robustas, seguras, confiables & escalables.Si deseas aprender a Contenerizar Aplicaciones .NET Core y realizar despliegues en Contenedores Docker.Si deseas explorar nuevas herramientas case como Micro ORM Dapper, AutoMapper, JSON Web Token, Web API, Postman, Open API, Swagger & mucho ms.El curso se encuentra actualizado a la versin de .NET Core 3.0.Anmate e inscrbete."
Price: 49.99 |
"The Fun and Effective Piano Course" |
"Do You Want To Play Properly, Quickly And Beautifully? Do You Want To Get Compliments On Your Piano Playing?This course focuses seriously on two often neglected topics: piano technique and improvisation. Most piano and other keyboard players don't even know how much they are lacking in these two key areas. When you have a solid technical base, everything becomes easier. And improvisation is an essential skill for any serious musician.The course is designed to be modular and flexible, so that you can quickly learn no matter what your initial level is. The only thing you have to do to guarantee yourself success on the piano beyond what you previously thought possible is to put in the time, as described in the course introduction."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to Find all of the Planets!" |
"Before you consider enrolling into this class I have a question for you. Where are you? That question may sound simple, but it really isn't. Believe it or not, you and I live on a rock. A very large blue rock swhirling through space a speed of 30 kilometers per second!!! This rapidly moving rock is orbiting around a HUGE ball of burning hydrogen. This we call the sun. With Earth, there are billions of objects doing just what we do. So, who wouldn't want to see other 'Earths'. In this class I will show you how's to find every planet in our solar system. You will see a planet that rain sulfric acid. You will see a planet with glistening rings. You will see planet with 66 moons! You are one click away from this journey of OUR SOLAR SYSTEM!!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Amazon Web Services AWS Interview Preparation" |
"Amazon Web Service (AWS) is one of the fastest growing field in technology world. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in AWS field. Engineers with AWS knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without AWS knowledge. In this course, you will learn how to applyAWS technology in Software Design and Development. I will explain you what are the tools in AWS to build a highly scalable, resilient system. What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Amazon Web Services (AWS) for theoretical benefits. But if know how to handle interview questions on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can convert your Amazon Web Services (AWS) knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Amazon Web Services (AWS) best practices, Security, Simple Storage Service S3, Elastic Compute Cloud EC2, Elastic Load Balancing ELB, CloudFront, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, ElastiCache and Lambda.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Amazon Web Services (AWS) interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Amazon Web Services (AWS) Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Amazon Web Services (AWS) architecture.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Amazon Web Services (AWS) technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Amazon Web Services (AWS).What are thesample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What do you know about AWS Region?What are the important components of IAM?What are the important points about AWS IAM?What are the important features of Amazon S3?What is the scale of durability in Amazon S3?What are the Consistency levels supported by Amazon S3?What are the different tiers in Amazon S3 storage?How will you upload a file greater than 100 megabytes in Amazon S3?What happens to an Object when we delete it from Amazon S3?What is the use of Amazon Glacier?Can we disable versioning on a version-enabled bucket in Amazon S3?What are the use cases of Cross Region Replication Amazon S3?Can we do Cross Region replication in Amazon S3 without enabling versioning on a bucket?What are the different types of actions in Object Lifecycle Management in Amazon S3?How do we get higher performance in our application by using Amazon CloudFront?What is the mechanism behind Regional Edge Cache in Amazon CloudFront?What are the benefits of Streaming content?What is Lambda@Edge in AWS?What are the different types of events triggered by Amazon CloudFront?What is Geo Targeting in Amazon CloudFront?What are the main features of Amazon CloudFront?What are the security mechanisms available in Amazon S3?What are the benefits of AWS Storage Gateway?What are the main use cases for AWS Storage Gateway?What is AWS Snowball?What are Spot instances in Amazon EC2?What is the difference between Spot Instance and On-demand Instance in Amazon EC2?What are the different types of load balancing options provided by Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)?What are the main features of Classic Load Balancer in EC2?What are the main features of Application Load Balancer (ALB) in Amazon EC2?What is the difference between Volume and Snapshot in Amazon Web Services?What are the two main types of Volume provided by Amazon EBS?What is the difference between Instance Store and EBS?What is an Elastic IP Address?What are the benefits of using a Virtual Private Cloud in AWS?What is a Placement Group in EC2?What are the main options available in Amazon CloudWatch?What is a Serverless application in AWS?How will you manage and run a serverless application in AWS?What is AWS Lambda?What are the main use cases for AWS Lambda?How does AWS Lambda handle failure during event processing?What are the different routing policies available in Route 53?What are the main benefits of using Amazon DynamoDB?What is the basic Data Model in Amazon DynamoDB?What are the different APIs available in Amazon DynamoDB?When should be use Amazon DynamoDB vs. Amazon S3?What is the use of Amazon ElastiCache?What are the use cases for Amazon Kinesis Streams?What is the difference between Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Microservices Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Microservices Architecture is one of the fastest growing software in technology world. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Microservices based architecture. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Microservices field. Software Engineers with Microservices knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Microservices knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Microservices technology in Software Design and Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Microservices architecture.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Microservices in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Microservices for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Microservices, you can not convert your Microservices knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Microservices best practices, Security, Pact, Bulkhead Design Pattern etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Microservices interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Microservices Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Microservices architecture.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Microservices technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Microservices.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What is a Microservice?What are the benefits of Microservices architecture?What is the role of architect in Microservices architecture?What is the advantage of Microservices architecture over Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?Is it a good idea to provide a Tailored Service Template for Microservices development in an organization?What are the disadvantages of using Shared libraries approach to decompose a monolith application?What are the characteristics of a Good Microservice?What is Bounded Context?What are the points to remember during integration of Microservices?Is it a good idea for Microservices to share a common database?What is the preferred type of communication between Microservices? Synchronous or Asynchronous?What is the difference between Orchestration and Choreography in Microservices architecture?What are the issues in using REST over HTTP for Microservices?Can we create Microservices as State Machines?What is Reactive Extensions?What is DRY?What is Semantic Versioning?Is it a good idea to build a Microservice or buy a commercial off the shelf software?Why do we break the Monolith software into Microservices?What is Continuous Integration?What is Continuous Delivery?What is Ubiquitous language?What is the benefit of Single Service per Host model in Microservices?What are different types of Tests for Microservices?What is Mike Cohns Test Pyramid?What is the difference between Mock or Stub for Microservice tests?How can we eradicate non-determinism in tests?What is a Consumer Driven Contract (CDC)?What is PACT?How can we separate Deployment from Release of Microservices?What is Canary Releasing?What is the difference between Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) and Mean Time between failures (MTBF)?How can we do cross-functional testing?What is a good tool for monitoring multiple services at a time?What is Semantic Monitoring?Why do we use Correlation IDs in Microservices architecture?What is the difference between Authentication and Authorization?How does HTTPS authentication works in Microservices?What are Client certificates?Why some big companies use API keys for providing access to public APIs?What is Confused Deputy Problem in security context?How can we secure Data at Rest in an organization?What are the different points to consider for security in Microservices architecture?What is Conways law?What are the important Cross-Functional Requirements to consider during the design of a Microservice?What is a Circuit Breaker pattern in the context of Microservice?What is Bulkhead design pattern?What is Idempotency of a Microservice operation?How can you scale a Database?What is Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) design pattern?How will you implement Caching in Microservice?What is CAP theorem?How will you implement Service Discovery in Microservices architecture?What is a good tool for documenting the Microservices?In which scenarios, implementing Microservices architecture is not a good idea?What are the major principles of Microservices?"
Price: 199.99 |
"Docker Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Docker is one of the fastest growing software in technology world. Till now 4 billion Docker containers have been used. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Docker field. Engineers with Docker knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Docker knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Docker technology in Software Design and Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Docker and related areas.You will also learn the benefits of Docker in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Docker for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Docker, you can not convert your Docker knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Docker best practices, Security, DockerHub, DockerCompose etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Docker interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Docker Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Docker architecture.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Docker technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Docker.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What is Docker?What is the difference between Docker image and Docker container?How will you remove an image from Docker?How is a Docker container different from a hypervisor?Can we write compose file in json file instead of yaml?Can we run multiple apps on one server with Docker?What are the common use cases of Docker?What are the main features of Docker-compose?What is the most popular use of Docker?What is the role of open source development in the popularity of Docker?What is the difference between Docker commands: up, run and start?What is Docker Swarm?What are the features of Docker Swarm?What is a Docker Image?What is a Docker Container?What is Docker Machine?Why do we use Docker Machine?How will you create a Container in Docker?Do you think Docker is Application-centric or Machine-centric?Can we lose our data when a Docker Container exits?Can we run more than one process in a Docker container?What are the objects created by Docker Cloud in Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2?How will you take backup of Docker container volumes in AWS S3?What are the three main steps of Docker Compose?What is Pluggable Storage Driver architecture in Docker based containers?What is Docker Hub?What are the main features of Docker Hub?What are the main security concerns with Docker based containers?What are the security benefits of using Container based system?How can we check the status of a Container in Docker?What are the main benefits of using Docker?How does Docker simplify Software Development process?What is the basic architecture behind Docker?What are the popular tasks that you can do with Docker Command line tool?What type of applications- Stateless or Stateful are more suitable for Docker Container?How can Docker run on different Linux distributions?Why do we use Docker on top of a virtual machine?How can Docker container share resources?What is the difference between Add and Copy command in a Dockerfile?What is Docker Entrypoint?What is ONBUILD command in Docker?What is Build cache in Docker?What are the most common instructions in Dockerfile?What is the purpose of EXPOSE command in Dockerfile?What are the different kinds of namespaces available in a Container?How will you monitor Docker in production?What are the Cloud platforms that support Docker?How can we control the startup order of services in Docker compose?Why Docker compose does not wait for a container to be ready before moving on to start next service in dependency order?How will you customize Docker compose file for different environments?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Unix Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"This course contains Top 50 Unix interview questions that are asked in a technical interview. The focus is on commands and concepts inside Unix. It is an important topic for a software developer to know about Unix.It is a compilation of advanced Unix interview questions after attending dozens of technical interviews in top-notch companies like- Oracle, Google, Ebay, Amazon etc. Each question is accompanied with an answer so that you can prepare for job interview in short time.Often, these questions and concepts are used in our daily programming work. But these are most helpful when an Interviewer is trying to test your deep knowledge of Unix concepts.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Unix commands, concepts etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Unix interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Unix Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Unix topic.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:How will you remove all files in current directory? Including the files that are two levels down in a sub-directory.What is the difference between the v and x options in Bash shell scripts?What is a Filter in Unix command?What is Kernel in Unix operating system?What is a Shell in Unix OS?What are the different shells in Unix that you know about?What is the first character of the output in ls l command ?What is the difference between Multi-tasking and Multi-user environment?What is an Inode in Unix?What is the difference between absolute path and relative path in Unix file system?What are the main responsibilities of a Unix Shell?What is a Shell variable?What are the important Shell variables that are initialized on starting a Shell?How will you set the value of Environment variables in Unix?What is the difference between a System Call and a library function?What are the networking commands in Unix that you have used?What is a Pipeline in Unix?What is the use of tee command in Unix?How will you count the number of lines and words in a file in Unix?What is Bash shell?How will you search for a name in Unix files?What are the popular options of grep command in Unix?What is the difference between whoami and who am i commands in Unix?What is a Superuser in Unix?How will you check the information about a process in Unix?What is the use of more command with cat command?What are the File modes in Unix?We wrote a shell script in Unix but it is not doing anything. What could be the reason?What is the significance of 755 in chmod 755 command?How can we run a process in background in Unix? How can we kill a process running in background?How will you create a read only file in Unix?How does alias work in Unix?How can you redirect I/O in Unix?What are the main steps taken by a Unix Shell for processing a command?What is a Sticky bit in Unix?What are the different outputs from Kill command in Unix?How will you customize your environment in Unix?What are the popular commands for user management in Unix?How will you debug a shell script in Unix?What is the difference between a Zombie and Orphan process in Unix?How will you check if a remote host is still alive?How will you get the last executed command in Unix?What is the meaning of 2>&1 in a Unix shell?How will you find which process is taking most CPU time in Unix?What is the difference between Soft link and Hard link in Unix?How will you find which processes are using a file?What is the purpose of nohup in Unix?How will you remove blank lines from a file in Unix?How will you find the remote hosts that are connecting to your system on a specific port in Unix?What is xargs in Unix?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Cloud Computing Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Cloud Computing is the latest trend in Software Architecture. This course covers the important questions on Cloud Computing architecture that may be asked in technical interview for Software professionals.Many fortune 500 organizations use Cloud Computing. Therefore, Cloud Computing is also a very important topic in technical interview. This course contains basic to expert level Cloud Computing interview questions that an interviewer asks. Each question is accompanied with an answer so that you can prepare for job interview in short time.Often, these questions and concepts are used in our daily programming work. But these are most helpful when an Interviewer is trying to test your deep knowledge of Cloud Computing concepts.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Cloud Computing interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Cloud Computing Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Cloud Computing topic.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?What is On-demand computing in Cloud Computing?What are the different layers of Cloud computing?What resources are provided by Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) provider?What is the benefit of Platform as a Service?What are the main advantages of PaaS?What is the main disadvantage of PaaS?What are the different deployment models in Cloud computing?What is the difference between Scalability and Elasticity?What is Software as a Service?What are the different types of Datacenters in Cloud computing?Explain the various modes of Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud environment?What are the important things to care about in Security in a cloud environment?Why do we use API in cloud computing environment?What are the different areas of Security Management in cloud?What are the main cost factors of cloud based data center?How can we measure the cloud-based services?How a traditional datacenter is different from a cloud environment?How will you optimize availability of your application in a Cloud environment?What are the requirements for implementing IaaS strategy in Cloud?What is the scenario in which public cloud is preferred over private cloud?Do you think Cloud Computing is a software application or a hardware service?Why companies now prefer Cloud Computing architecture over Client Server Architecture?What are the main characteristics of Cloud Computing architecture?How databases in Cloud computing are different from traditional databases?What is Virtual Private Network (VPN)?What are the main components of a VPN?How will you secure the application data for transport in a cloud environment?What are the large-scale databases available in Cloud?What are the options for open source NoSQL database in a Cloud environment?What are the important points to consider before selecting cloud computing?What is a System integrator in Cloud computing?What is virtualization in cloud computing?What is Eucalyptus in a cloud environment?What are the main components of Eucalyptus cloud architecture?What is Auto-scaling in Cloud computing?What are the benefits of Utility Computing model?What is a Hypervisor in Cloud Computing?What are the different types of Hypervisor in Cloud Computing?Why Type-1 Hypervisor has better performance than Type-2 Hypervisor?What is CaaS?How is Cloud computing different from computing for mobile devices?Why automation of deployment is very important in Cloud architecture?What are the main components in Amazon Cloud?What are main components in Google Cloud?What are the major offerings of Microsoft Azure Cloud?What are the reasons of popularity of Cloud Computing architecture?What are the Machine Learning options from Google Cloud?How will you optimize the Cloud Computing environment?Do you think Regulations and Legal Compliance is an important aspect of Cloud Computing?"
Price: 99.99 |
"SQL Tricky Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"This course contains tricky and nasty SQL interview questions that an interviewer asks. It is a compilation of advanced SQL interview questions after attending dozens of technical interviews in top-notch companies like- Oracle, Google, Ebay, Amazon etc. Each question is accompanied with an answer so that you can prepare for job interview in short time.Often, these questions and concepts are used in our daily programming work. But these are most helpful when an Interviewer is trying to test your deep knowledge of SQL concepts.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?The biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to handle interview questions on SQL. I will explain you questions and their answers in detail. So you will be well prepared for your nextcareer jump.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on SQL group by, date operationsetc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for tricky SQL interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest SQL Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in SQL language.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if SQL tricky questions list changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions onSQL.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:Write SQL query to get the second highest salary among all Employees?How can we retrieve alternate records from a table in Oracle?Write a SQL Query to find Max salary and Department name from each department.Write a SQL query to find records in Table A that are not in Table B without using NOT IN operator.What is the result of following query?Write SQL Query to find employees that have same name and email.Write a SQL Query to find Max salary from each department.Write SQL query to get the nth highest salary among all Employees.How can you find 10 employees with Odd number as Employee ID?Write a SQL Query to get the names of employees whose date of birth is between 01/01/1990 to 31/12/2000.Write a SQL Query to get the Quarter from date.Write Query to find employees with duplicate email.Is it safe to use ROWID to locate a record in Oracle SQL queries?What is a Pseudocolumn?What are the reasons for de-normalizing the data?What is the feature in SQL for writing If/Else statements?What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE in SQL?What is the difference between DDL and DML commands in SQL?Why do we use Escape characters in SQL queries?What is the difference between Primary key and Unique key in SQL?What is the difference between INNER join and OUTER join in SQL?What is the difference between Left OUTER Join and Right OUTER Join?What is the datatype of ROWID?What is the difference between where clause and having clause?What is cardinality in SQL?What is Merge statement in SQL?What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?What will be the result of following query?What is the wrong with this SQL query?What is wrong with this query to get the list of employees not in Dept 1?What is the use of Execution plan in SQL?How many records are returned by following query?Write a query for this problem?Write SQL Query to get Employee Name, Manager ID and number of employees in the department?Write SQL Query to find duplicate rows in a database?Write SQL query to delete duplicate rows in a table?Why is the difference between NVL and NVL2 functions in SQL?What are ACID properties in a SQL transaction?What is the main difference between RANK and DENSE_RANK functions in Oracle?What is the use of WITH clause in SQL?Which SQL feature can be used to view data in a table sequentially?Write SQL Query to get Student Name and number of Students in same grade.Write SQL Query to get the list of grades with total score more than average score.What are the differences between CASE and DECODE in SQL?Write a Query to get Unique names of products without using DISTINCT keyword.Write a SQL query to maximum Zipcode from a table without using MAX or MIN aggregate functions.Given a list of student names and grade. Write a query to print a comma separated list of student names in a grade.What is the difference between Correlated and Un-correlated Sub query?Given an Employee table with Manager_ID as column, print First name, Manager ID and Level of employees in Organization Structure?Write a query to create an empty table from an existing table?"
Price: 99.99 |
"MySQL Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"MySQL is one of the most popular and useful technology in Data Science and Software Development world. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use MySQL. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Software Development and Data Science field. Data Engineer and Software Engineers with MySQL knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without MySQL knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on MySQL in Software Development. I will explain you the important concepts of MySQL.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of MySQL in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn MySQL for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on MySQL, you can not convert your MySQL knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on MySQL, MySQL queries, MySQL deep concepts andMySQL tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for MySQL interview questions. We have already compiled the list of most popular and latest MySQL Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in MySQL field.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if MySQL concepts change in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on MySQL.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:How will you calculate the number of days between two dates in MySQL?What are the different types of Triggers in MySQL?What are the differences between Heap table and temporary table in MySQL?What is a Heap table in MySQL?What is the difference between BLOB and TEXT data type in MySQL?What will happen when AUTO_INVREMENT on an INTEGER column reaches MAX_VALUE in MySQL?What are the advantages of MySQL as compared with Oracle DB?What are the disadvantages of MySQL?What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR datatype in MySQL?What is the use of 'i_am_a_dummy flag' in MySQL?How can we get current date and time in MySQL?What is the difference between timestamp in Unix and MySQL?How will you limit a MySQL query to display only top 10 rows?What is automatic initialization and updating for TIMESTAMP in a MySQL table?How can we get the list of all the indexes on a table?What is SAVEPOINT in MySQL?17. What is the difference between ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT and RELEASE SAVEPOINT?How will you search for a String in MySQL column?How can we find the version of the MySQL server and the name of the current database by SELECT query?What is the use of IFNULL() operator in MySQL?How will you check if a table exists in MySQL?How will you see the structure of a table in MySQL?What are the objects that can be created by CREATE statement in MySQL?24. How will you see the current user logged into MySQL connection?How can you copy the structure of a table into another table without copying the data?What is the difference between Batch and Interactive modes of MySQL?How can we get a random number between 1 and 100 in MySQL?What is the difference between Primary key and Candidate key?What is a Federated table in MySQL?How will you get the comma separated values for a column in a MySQL Group query?How can we get the results from a table in a random order in MySQL?How can we prevent duplicate records in a MySQL table?How will you eliminate duplicate values from a query result in MySQL?How will you get the size of data in a MySQL table?What is the option in Amazon Web Services for MySQL?How can we manage multiple MySQL servers?How will you migrate your SQL Server database to MySQL?What is the difference between MySQL and Oracle?What is the order of privileges in MySQL?Is it ok to mention a table name in lower case while creation and in uppercase while retrieving data from MySQL DB?Why this query does not work in MySQL?What is mysqldump?What is the limitation of mysqldump?Can we run Javascript or Python code in MySQL?What are user-defined variables in MySQL?How will you optimize a SELECT query in MySQL?What are the different optimization techniques in MySQL?How can we optimize INSERT query in MySQL?How will you make MySQL system secure against attackers?How can you protect your MySQL server against Denial of Service attacks?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Apache Hadoop Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Apache Hadoop is one of the most popular and useful technology in Data Science and Data engineering world. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Apache Hadoop. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Data Science field. Data Engineer and Software Engineers with Apache Hadoop knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Apache Hadoop knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Apache Hadoop in Software Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Apache Hadoop.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Apache Hadoop in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Apache Hadoop for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Apache Hadoop, you can not convert your Apache Hadoop knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Apache Hadoop, Hadoop architecture, Hadoop deep concepts, Hadoop tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Apache Hadoop interview questions. We have already compiled the list of most popular and latest Apache Hadoop Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Apache Hadoop field.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Apache Hadoop concepts change in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Apache Hadoop.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What are the four Vs of Big Data?What is the difference between Structured and Unstructured Big Data?What are the main components of a Hadoop Application?What is the core concept behind Apache Hadoop framework?What is Hadoop Streaming?What is the difference between NameNode, Backup Node and Checkpoint NameNode in HDFS?What is the optimum hardware configuration to run Apache Hadoop?What do you know about Block and Block scanner in HDFS?What are the default port numbers on which Name Node, Job Tracker and Task Tracker run in Hadoop?How will you disable a Block Scanner on HDFS DataNode?How will you get the distance between two nodes in Apache Hadoop?Why do we use commodity hardware in Hadoop?How does inter cluster data copying works in Hadoop?How can we update a file at an arbitrary location in HDFS?What is Replication factor in HDFS, and how can we set it?What is the difference between NAS and DAS in Hadoop cluster?What are the two messages that NameNode receives from DataNode in Hadoop?How does indexing work in Hadoop?What data is stored in a HDFS NameNode?What would happen if NameNode crashes in a HDFS cluster?What are the main functions of Secondary NameNode?What happens if HDFS file is set with replication factor of 1 and DataNode crashes?What is the meaning of Rack Awareness in Hadoop?If we set Replication factor 3 for a file, does it mean any computation will also take place 3 times?How will you check if a file exists in HDFS?Why do we use fsck command in HDFS?What will happen when NameNode is down and a user submits a new job?What are the core methods of a Reducer in Hadoop?What are the primary phases of a Reducer in Hadoop?What is the use of Context object in Hadoop?How does partitioning work in Hadoop?What is a Combiner in Hadoop?What is the default replication factor in HDFS?How much storage is allocated by HDFS for storing a file of 25 MB size?Why does HDFS store data in Block structure?How will you create a custom Partitioner in a Hadoop job?What are the differences between RDBMS and HBase data model?What is a Checkpoint node in HDFS?What is a Backup Node in HDFS?What is the meaning of term Data Locality in Hadoop?What is the difference between Data science, Big Data and Hadoop?What is a Balancer in HDFS?What are the important points a NameNode considers before selecting the DataNode for placing a data block?What is Safemode in HDFS?How will you replace HDFS data volume before shutting down a DataNode?What are the important configuration files in Hadoop?How will you monitor memory used in a Hadoop cluster?Why do we need Serialization in Hadoop map reduce methods?What is the use of Distributed Cache in Hadoop?How will you synchronize the changes made to a file in Distributed Cache in Hadoop?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Apache Spark Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Apache Spark is one of the fastest growing trend in Data Science and Data engineering world. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Apache Spark. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Data Science field. Data Engineer and Software Engineers with Apache Spark knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Apache Spark knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Apache Spark in Software Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Apache Spark.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Apache Spark in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Apache Spark for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Apache Spark, you can not convert your Apache Spark knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Apache Spark, Spark architecture, tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Apache Spark interview questions. We have already compiled the list of most popular and latest Apache Spark Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Apache Spark field.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Apache Spark concepts change in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Apache Spark.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What are the main features of Apache Spark?What is a Resilient Distribution Dataset in Apache Spark?What is a Transformation in Apache Spark?What are security options in Apache Spark?How will you monitor Apache Spark?What are the main libraries of Apache Spark?What are the main functions of Spark Core in Apache Spark?How will you do memory tuning in Spark?What are the two ways to create RDD in Spark?What are the main operations that can be done on a RDD in Apache Spark?What are the common Transformations in Apache Spark?What are the common Actions in Apache Spark?What is a Shuffle operation in Spark?What are the operations that can cause a shuffle in Spark?What is purpose of Spark SQL?What is a DataFrame in Spark SQL?What is a Parquet file in Spark?What is the difference between Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop MapReduce?What are the main languages supported by Apache Spark?What are the file systems supported by Spark?What is a Spark Driver?What is an RDD Lineage?What are the two main types of Vector in Spark?What are the different deployment modes of Apache Spark?What is lazy evaluation in Apache Spark?What are the core components of a distributed application in Apache Spark?What is the difference in cache() and persist() methods in Apache Spark?How will you remove data from cache in Apache Spark?What is the use of SparkContext in Apache Spark?Do we need HDFS for running Spark application?What is Spark Streaming?How does Spark Streaming work internally?What is a Pipeline in Apache Spark?How does Pipeline work in Apache Spark?What is the difference between Transformer and Estimator in Apache Spark?What are the different types of Cluster Managers in Apache Spark?How will you minimize data transfer while working with Apache Spark?What is the main use of MLib in Apache Spark?What is the Checkpointing in Apache Spark?What is an Accumulator in Apache Spark?What is a Broadcast variable in Apache Spark?What is Structured Streaming in Apache Spark?How will you pass functions to Apache Spark?What is a Property Graph?What is Neighborhood Aggregation in Spark?What are different Persistence levels in Apache Spark?How will you select the storage level in Apache Spark?What are the options in Spark to create a Graph?What are the basic Graph operators in Spark?What is the partitioning approach used in GraphX of Apache Spark?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Apache Hive Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Apache Hive is one of the most popular and useful technology in Data Science and Data engineering world. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Apache Hive. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Data Science field. Data Engineer and Software Engineers with Apache Hive knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Apache Hive knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Apache Hive in Software Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Apache Hive.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Apache Hive in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Apache Hive for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Apache Hive, you can not convert your Apache Hive knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Apache Hive, Hive architecture, Hive deep concepts, Hive tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Apache Hive interview questions. We have already compiled the list of most popular and latest Apache Hive Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Apache Hive field.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Apache Hive concepts change in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Apache Hive.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:How will you improve the performance of a program in Hive?Can we use Hive for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems?How will you change the data type of a column in Hive?What is Metastore in Hive?What is SerDe in Hive?What are the components in Hive data model?What are the different modes in which we can run Hive?What are the main components of Hive?What is the use of Hive in Hadoop eco-system?What Collection/Complex data types are supported by Hive?What is the use of .hiverc file in Hive?How will you run Unix commands from Hive?What is the purpose of USE command in Hive?What is the precedence order in Hive configuration?How will you display header row with the results of a Hive query?Can we create multiple tables in Hive for a data file?How does CONCAT function work in Hive?How will you change settings of a Hive session?How will you rename a table in Hive without using ALTER command?What is the difference between SORT BY and ORDER BY in Hive?What is the use of strict mode in Hive?What is the use of IF EXISTS clause in Hive statements?What is the use of PURGE in DROP statement of Hive?What are the main limitations of Apache Hive?What is the difference between HBase and Hive?What is ObjectInspector in Hive?What are the main components of Query Processor in Apache Hive?How will you resolve an out of memory error while running a JOIN query?What are the different SerDe implementations in Hive?What is the use of HCatalog?What is the Data Model of HCatalog?What is RLIKE operator in Hive?Can we use same name for a TABLE and VIEW in Hive?How will you load data into a VIEW in Hive?What is Bucketing in Hive?What are the pros and cons of archiving a partition in Hive?What are the table generating functions in Hive?How can we specify in Hive to load an HDFS file in LOAD DATA?What is a Skewed table in Hive?What is the use of CLUSTERED BY clause during table creation in Hive?What is a Managed table in Hive?How will you prevent data to be dropped or queried from a partition in Hive?What is the use of TOUCH in ALTER statement?How does OVERWRITE clause work in CREATE TABLE statement in Hive?What are the options to connect an application to a Hive server?How TRIM and RPAD functions work in Hive?How will you recursively access sub-directories in Hive?What is the optimization that can be done in SELECT * query in Hive?What is the use of ORC format tables in Hive?What are the main use cases for using Hive?What is STREAMTABLE in Hive?"
Price: 99.99 |
"DevOps Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"DevOps is one of the fastest growing trend in technology world. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc adopt DevOps culture. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in DevOps field. Software Engineers with DevOps knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without DevOps knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on DevOps in Software Development. I will explain you the important concepts of DevOps.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of DevOps in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn DevOps for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on DevOps, you can not convert your DevOps knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on DevOps best practices, Jenkins, Docker, Automation etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for DevOps interview questions. We have already compiled the list of most popular and latest DevOps Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in DevOps field.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if DevOps concepts changein future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on DevOps.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What are the popular DevOps tools that you use?What are the main benefits of DevOps?What is the typical DevOps workflow you use in your organization?How do you take DevOps approach with Amazon Web Services?How will you run a script automatically when a developer commits a change into GIT?What are the main features of AWS OpsWorks Stacks?How does CloudFormation work in AWS?What is CICD in DevOps?What are the best practices of Continuous Integration (CI)?What are the benefits of Continuous Integration (CI)?What are the options for security in Jenkins?What are the main benefits of Chef?What is the architecture of Chef?What is a Recipe in Chef?What are the main benefits of Ansible?What are the main use cases of Ansible?What is Docker Hub?What is your favorite scripting language for DevOps?What is Multi-factor authentication?What are the main benefits of Nagios?What is State Stalking in Nagios?What are the main features of Nagios?What is Puppet?What is the architecture of Puppet?What are the main use cases of Puppet Enterprise?What is the use of Kubernetes?What is the architecture of Kubernetes?How does Kubernetes provide high availability of applications in a Cluster?Why Automated Testing is a must requirement for DevOps?What is Chaos Monkey in DevOps?How do you perform Test Automation in DevOps?What are the main services of AWS that you have used?Why GIT is considered better than CVS for version control system?What is the difference between a Container and a Virtual Machine?What is Serverless architecture?What are the main principles of DevOps?Are you more Dev or more Ops?What is a REST service?What are the Three Ways of DevOps?How do you apply DevOps principles to make system Secure?What is Self-testing Code?What is a Deployment Pipeline?What are the main features of Docker Hub?What are the security benefits of using Container based system?How many heads can you create in a GIT repository?What is a Passive check in Nagios?What is a Docker container?How will you remove an image from Docker?What are the common use cases of Docker?Can we lose our data when a Docker Container exits?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Python Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Python is one of the most popular programming language for enterprise applications and Big Data solutions. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Python in their Data architecture. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Python field. Software Engineers with Python knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Python knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Python in Software Design and Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Python language.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Python in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Python for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Python, you can not convert your Python knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Python best practices, Security. tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Python interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Python Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Python language.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Python technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Python.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:How will you improve the performance of a program in Python?What are the benefits of using Python?How will you specify source code encoding in a Python source file?What is the use of PEP 8 in Python?What is Pickling in Python?How does memory management work in Python?How will you perform Static Analysis on a Python Script?What is the difference between a Tuple and List in Python?What is a Python Decorator?How are arguments passed in a Python method? By value or by reference?What is the difference between List and Dictionary data types in Python?What are the different built-in data types available in Python?What is a Namespace in Python?How will you concatenate multiple strings together in Python?What is the use of Pass statement in Python?What is the use of Slicing in Python?What is the difference between Docstring in Python and Javadoc in Java?How do you perform unit testing for Python code?What is the difference between an Iterator and Iterable in Python?What is the use of Generator in Python?What is the significance of functions that start and end with _ symbol in Python?What is the difference between xrange and range in Python?What is lambda expression in Python?How will you copy an object in Python?What are the main benefits of using Python?What is a metaclass in Python?What is the use of frozenset in Python?What is Python Flask?What is None in Python?What is the use of zip() function in Python?What is the use of // operator in Python?What is a Module in Python?How can we create a dictionary with ordered set of keys in Python?Python is an Object Oriented programming language or a functional programming language?How can we retrieve data from a MySQL database in a Python script?What is the difference between append() and extend() functions of a list in Python?How will you handle an error condition in Python code?What is the difference between split() and slicing in Python?How will you check in Python, if a class is subclass of another class?How will you debug a piece of code in Python?How do you profile a Python script?What is the difference between is and == in Python?How will you share variables across modules in Python?How can we do Functional programming in Python?What is the improvement in enumerate() function of Python?How will you execute a Python script in Unix?What are the popular Python libraries used in Data analysis?What is the output of following code in Python?What is the output of following code in Python?If you have data with name of customers and their location, which data type will you use to store it in Python?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Hibernate Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Hibernate is one of the most popular framework for enterprise applications implemented in Java. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Hibernate based architecture. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Hibernate field. Software Engineers with Hibernate knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Hibernate knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Hibernate framework in Software Design and Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Hibernate architecture.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Hibernate in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Hibernate for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Hibernate, you can not convert your Hibernate knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Hibernate best practices, Security. tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Hibernate interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Hibernate Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Hibernate framework.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Hibernate technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Hibernate.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What is Hibernate framework?What is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM)?What is the purpose of Configuration Interface in Hibernate?What is Object Relational Impedance Mismatch?What are the main problems of Object Relational Impedance Mismatch?What are the key characteristics of Hibernate?Can you tell us about the core interfaces of Hibernate framework?How will you map the columns of a DB table to the properties of a Java class in Hibernate?Does Hibernate make it mandatory for a mapping file to have .hbm.xml extension?What are the steps for creating a SessionFactory in Hibernate?Why do we use POJO in Hibernate?What is Hibernate Query Language (HQL)?How will you call a stored procedure in Hibernate?What is Criteria API in Hibernate?Why do we use HibernateTemplate?How can you see SQL code generated by Hibernate on console?What are the different types of collections supported by Hibernate?What is the difference between session.save() and session.saveOrUpdate() methods in Hibernate?What are the advantages of Hibernate framework over JDBC?How can we get statistics of a SessionFactory in Hibernate?What is the Transient state of an object in Hibernate?What is the Detached state of an object in Hibernate?What is the use of Dirty Checking in Hibernate?What is the purpose of Callback interface in Hibernate?What are the different ORM levels in Hibernate?What are the different ways to configure a Hibernate application?What is Query Cache in Hibernate?What are the different types of Association mappings supported by Hibernate?What are the different types of Unidirectional Association mappings in Hibernate?What is Unit of Work design pattern?In Hibernate, how can an object go in Detached state?How will you order the results returned by a Criteria in Hibernate?How does Example criterion work in Hibernate?How does Transaction management work in Hibernate?How can we mark an entity/collection as immutable in Hibernate?What are the different options to retrieve an object from database in Hibernate?How can we auto-generate primary key in Hibernate?How will you re-attach an object in Detached state in Hibernate?What is the first level of cache in Hibernate?What are the different second level caches available in Hibernate?Which is the default transaction factory in Hibernate?What are the options to disable second level cache in Hibernate?What are the different fetching strategies in Hibernate?What is the difference between Immediate fetching and Lazy collection fetching?What is Extra lazy fetching in Hibernate?How can we check is a collection is initialized or not under Lazy Initialization strategy?What are the different strategies for cache mapping in Hibernate?What is the difference between a Set and a Bag in Hibernate?How can we monitor the performance of Hibernate in an application?How can we check if an Object is in Persistent, Detached or Transient state in Hibernate?What is the inverse side of association in a mapping?What is ORM metadata?What is the difference between load() and get() method in Hibernate?When should we use get() method or load() method in Hibernate?What is a derived property in Hibernate?How can we use Named Query in Hibernate?What are the two locking strategies in Hibernate?What is the use of version number in Hibernate?What is the use of session.lock() method in Hibernate?What inheritance mapping strategies are supported by Hibernate?"
Price: 199.99 |
"GIT Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"GIT Framework is one of the most popular version control system for enterprise applications and Big Data solutions. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use GIT Framework in their Software development architecture. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in GIT Framework field. Software Engineers with GIT Framework knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without GIT Framework knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on GIT Framework in Software Design and Development. I will explain you the important concepts of GIT Framework.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of GIT Framework in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn GIT Framework for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on GIT Framework, you can not convert your GIT Framework knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on GIT Framework best practices, Security. tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for GIT Framework interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest GIT Framework Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in GIT Framework.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if GIT Framework technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on GIT Framework.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:How can we see n most recent commits in GIT?How can we know if a branch is already merged into master in GIT?What is the purpose of git stash drop?What is the HEAD in GIT?What is the most popular branching strategy in GIT?What is SubGit?What is the use of git instaweb?What are git hooks?What is GIT?What is a repository in GIT?What are the main benefits of GIT?What are the disadvantages of GIT?What are the main differences between GIT and SVN?How will you start GIT for your project?What is git clone in GIT?How will you create a repository in GIT?What are the different ways to start work in GIT?GIT is written in which language?What does git pull command in GIT do internally?What does git push command in GIT do internally?What is git stash?What is the meaning of stage in GIT?What is the purpose of git config command?How can we see the configuration settings of GIT installation?How will you write a message with commit command in GIT?What is stored inside a commit object in GIT?How many heads can you create in a GIT repository?Why do we create branches in GIT?What are the different kinds of branches that can be created in GIT?How will you create a new branch in GIT?How will you add a new feature to the main branch?What is a pull request in GIT?What is merge conflict in GIT?How can we resolve a merge conflict in GIT?What command will you use to delete a branch?What command will you use to delete a branch that has unmerged changes?What is the alternative command to merging in GIT?What is Rebasing in GIT?What is the Golden Rule of Rebasing in GIT?Why do we use Interactive Rebasing in place of Auto Rebasing?What is the command for Rebasing in Git?What is the main difference between git clone and git remote?What is GIT version control?What GUI do you use for working on GIT?What is the use of git diff command in GIT?What is git rerere?What are the three most popular version of git diff command?What is the use of git status command?What is the main difference between git diff and git status?What is the use of git rm command in GIT?What is the command to apply a stash?Why do we use git log command?Why do we need git add command in GIT?Why do we use git reset command?What does a commit object contain?How can we convert git log messages to a different format?What are the programming languages in which git hooks can be written?What is a commit message in GIT?How GIT protects the code in a repository?How GIT provides flexibility in version control?How can we change a commit message in GIT?Why is it advisable to create an additional commit instead of amending an existing commit?What is a bare repository in GIT?How do we put a local repository on GitHub server?How will you delete a branch in GIT?How can we set up a Git repository to run code sanity checks and UAT tests just before a commit?How can we revert a commit that was pushed earlier and is public now?In GIT, how will you compress last n commits into a single commit?How will you switch from one branch to a new branch in GIT?How can we clean unwanted files from our working directory in GIT?What is the purpose of git tag command?What is cherry-pick in GIT?What is shortlog in GIT?How can you find the names of files that were changed in a specific commit?How can we attach an automated script to run on the event of a new commit by push command?What is the difference between pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks in GIT?Do we have to store Scripts for GIT hooks within same repository?How can we determine the commit that is the source of a bug in GIT?How can we see differences between two commits in GIT?What are the different ways to identify a commit in GIT?When we run git branch <branchname>, how does GIT know the SHA-1 of the last commit?What are the different types of Tags you can create in GIT?How can we rename a remote repository?Some people use git checkout and some use git co for checkout. How is that possible?How can we see the last commit on each of our branch in GIT?Is origin a special branch in GIT?How can we configure GIT to not ask for password every time?What are the four major protocols used by GIT for data transfer?What is GIT protocol?How can we work on a project where we do not have push access?What is git grep?How can your reorder commits in GIT?How will you split a commit into multiple commits?What is filter-branch in GIT?What are the three main trees maintained by GIT?What are the three main steps of working GIT?What are ours and theirs merge options in GIT?How can we ignore merge conflicts due to Whitespace?What is git blame?What is a submodule in GIT?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Spring Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Spring is one of the most popular software framework for enterprise applications implemented in Java. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Spring Framework in their Software development architecture. This course is designed to help you achieve your goals in Spring Framework field. Software Engineers with Spring Framework knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Spring Framework knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Spring Framework in Software Design and Development. I will explain you the important concepts of Spring Framework.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Spring Framework in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Spring Framework for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Spring Framework, you can not convert your Spring Framework knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Spring Framework best practices, Security. tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Spring Framework interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Spring Framework Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Spring Framework.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Spring Framework technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Spring Framework.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What is Spring framework?What are the benefits of Spring framework in software development?What are the modules in Core Container of Spring framework?What are the modules in Data Access/Integration layer of Spring framework?What are the modules in Web layer of Spring framework?What is the main use of Core Container module in Spring framework?What kind of testing can be done in Spring Test Module?What is the use of BeanFactory in Spring framework?Which is the most popular implementation of BeanFactory in Spring?What is XMLBeanFactory in Spring framework?What are the uses of AOP module in Spring framework?What are the benefits of JDBC abstraction layer module in Spring framework?How does Spring support Object Relational Mapping (ORM) integration?How does Web module work in Spring framework?What are the main uses of Spring MVC module?What is the purpose of Spring configuration file?What is the purpose of Spring IoC container?What is the main benefit of Inversion of Control (IOC) principle?Does IOC containers support Eager Instantiation or Lazy loading of beans?What are the benefits of ApplicationContext in Spring?How will you implement ApplicationContext in Spring framework?Explain the difference between ApplicationContext and BeanFactory in Spring?Between ApplicationContext and BeanFactory which one is preferable to use in Spring?What are the main components of a typical Spring based application?Explain Dependency Injection (DI) concept in Spring framework?What are the different roles in Dependency Injection (DI)?Spring framework provides what kinds of Dependency Injection mechanism?In Spring framework, which Dependency Injection is better? Constructor-based DI or Setter-based DI?What are the advantages of Dependency Injection (DI)?What are the disadvantages of Dependency Injection (DI)?What is a Spring Bean?What does the definition of a Spring Bean contain?What are the different ways to provide configuration metadata to a Spring Container?What are the different scopes of a Bean supported by Spring?How will you define the scope of a bean in Spring?Is it safe to assume that a Singleton bean is thread safe in Spring Framework?What are the design-patterns used in Spring framework?What is the lifecycle of a Bean in Spring framework?What are the two main groups of methods in a Beans lifecycle?Can we override main lifecycle methods of a Bean in Spring?What are Inner beans in Spring?How can we inject a Java Collection in Spring framework?What is Bean wiring in Spring?What is Autowiring in Spring?What are the different modes of Autowiring supported by Spring?What are the cases in which Autowiring may not work in Spring framework?Is it allowed to inject null or empty String values in Spring?What is a Java-based Configuration in Spring?What is the purpose of @Configuration annotation?What is the difference between Full @Configuration and 'lite' @Beans mode?In Spring framework, what is Annotation-based container configuration?How will you switch on Annotation based wiring in Spring?What is @Autowired annotation?What is @Required annotation?What are the two ways to enable RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor in Spring?What is @Qualifier annotation in Spring?How Spring framework makes JDBC coding easier for developers?What is the purpose of JdbcTemplate?What are the benefits of using Spring DAO?What are the different ways to use Hibernate in Spring?What types of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) are supported by Spring?How will you integrate Spring and Hibernate by using HibernateDaoSupport?What are the different types of the Transaction Management supported by Spring framework?What are the benefits provided by Spring Frameworks Transaction Management?Given a choice between declarative and programmatic Transaction Management, which method will you choose?What is Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)What is an Aspect in Spring?In Spring AOP, what is the main difference between a Concern and a Cross cutting concern?What is a Joinpoint in Spring AOP?What is an Advice in Spring AOP?What are the different types of Advice in Spring AOP?What is a Pointcut in Spring AOP?What is an Introduction in Spring AOP?What is a Target object in Spring AOP?What is a Proxy in Spring AOP?What are the different types of AutoProxy creators in Spring?What is Weaving in Spring AOP?In Spring AOP, Weaving is done at compile time or run time?What is XML Schema-based Aspect implementation?What is Annotation-based aspect implementation in Spring AOP?How does Spring MVC framework work?What is DispatcherServlet?Can we have more than one DispatcherServlet in Spring MVC?What is WebApplicationContext in Spring MVC?What is Controller in Spring MVC framework?What is @RequestMapping annotation in Spring?What are the main features of Spring MVC?What is the difference between a Singleton and Prototype bean in Spring?How will you decide which scope- Prototype or Singleton to use for a bean in Spring?What is the difference between Setter and Constructor based Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring framework?What are the drawbacks of Setter based Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring?What are the differences between Dependency Injection (DI) and Factory Pattern?In Spring framework, what is the difference between FileSystemResource and ClassPathResource?Name some popular Spring framework annotations that you use in your project?How can you upload a file in Spring MVC Application?What are the different types of events provided by Spring framework?What is the difference between DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener in Spring?How will you handle exceptions in Spring MVC Framework?What are the best practices of Spring Framework?What is Spring Boot?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Node.js Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Node.js is one of the most popular Javascript engine in technology world. There is a growing demand for Software Engineer jobs in Node.js. Many fortune 500 organizations use Node.js. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Node.js based UI. This course is designed to help you answer interview questions on Node.js.Software Engineers with Node.js knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Node.js knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Node.js in Software Deployment and Development. We will explain you the important concepts of Node.js.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Node.js in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Node.js for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Node.js, you can not convert your Node.js knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Node.js best practices, internal details, Node.js tricky questions etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Node.js interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Node.js Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Node.js.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Node.js technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Node.js.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:What are the reasons of popularity of Node.js?What is Event Driven Programming followed in Node.js?What are the main advantages of using Node.js?What are the types of applications that can be built by using Node.js?Why Node.js is based on single threaded architecture?What are the different types of APIs available in Node.js?Can we run Node.js on Windows environment?What is Event Loop in Node.js?What are the disadvantages of Node.js?How can we handle blocking I/O operations in Node.js?What is the difference between Asynchronous and Non-blocking?What is the difference between Node.js and Ajax?What is the difference between Node.js and AngularJS?How will you import external libraries in Node.js?What happens if we call require() method to load same module multiple times in Node.js?What is REPL in Node.js?What are the popular REPL commands in Node.js?What is NPM in Node.js?Why Node.js application is scalable?What is the purpose of module.exports in Node.js?What is Tracing in Node.js?How will you debug an application in Node.js?What is a Child Process in Node.js?What is a Cluster in Node.js?What is closure in JavaScript?What is a Buffer in Node.js?How will you convert a Buffer to JSON in Node.js?Why do we use __filename in Node.js?What is the use of Timers is Node.js?What are the important APIs in Timers module in Node.js?What is EventEmitter in Node.js?What is the use of net.Socket in Node.js?What are the important events of net.Socket in Node.js?Can we build a REST service in Node.js?What is the use of DNS module in Node.js?What are the important command line options in Node.js?How does Node.js work?How can we avoid Callback Hell in Node.js?How do you resolve unhandled exceptions in a Node.js program?What is a Callback function in Node.js?What are the most popular modules of Node.js?What is the difference between readFile and createReadStream in Node.js?What is the use of QueryString in Node.js?How will you get the amount of free memory on the server in which Node.js application is running?What is a Global object in Node.js?What are the security mechanisms available in Node.js?What is the use of Zlib in Node.js?How will you convert a Buffer content into readable String in Node.js?How do you write unit test cases in Node.js?What are the standard Javascript errors?"
Price: 99.99 |
"Java Design Patterns Interview Questions Preparation Course" |
"Java Design Patterns is a very important topic in technical interview. Many fortune 500 organizations use Design Patterns. Big companies like Amazon, Netflix, Google etc use Java Design Patterns based architecture. This course is designed to help you answer interview questions on Java Design Patterns.Software Engineers with Java Design Patterns knowledge may get more salary than others with similar qualifications without Java Design Patterns knowledge.In this course, you will learn how to handle interview questions on Java Design Patterns in Software Design and Development. We will explain you the important concepts of Java Design Patterns.You will also learn the benefits and use cases of Java Design Patterns in this course.What is the biggest benefit of this course to me?Finally, the biggest benefit of this course is that you will be able to demand higher salary in your next job interview.It is good to learn Java Design Patterns for theoretical benefits. But if you do not know how to handle interview questions on Java Design Patterns, you can not convert your Java Design Patterns knowledge into higher salary.What are the topics covered in this course?We cover a wide range of topics in this course. We have questions on Java Design Patterns best practices, Factory, Singleton, Proxy Design Pattern etc.How will this course help me?By attending this course, you do not have to spend time searching the Internet for Java Design Patterns interview questions. We have already compiled the list of the most popular and the latest Java Design Patterns Interview questions.Are there answers in this course?Yes, in this course each question is followed by an answer. So you can save time in interview preparation.What is the best way of viewing this course?You have to just watch the course from beginning to end. Once you go through all the videos, try to answer the questions in your own words. Also mark the questions that you could not answer by yourself. Then, in second pass go through only the difficult questions. After going through this course 2-3 times, you will be well prepared to face a technical interview in Java Design Patterns.What is the level of questions in this course?This course contains questions that are good for a Fresher to an Architect level. The difficulty level of question varies in the course from a Fresher to an Experienced professional.What happens if Java Design Patterns technology changes in future?From time to time, we keep adding more questions to this course. Our aim is to keep you always updated with the latest interview questions on Java Design Patterns.What are the sample questions covered in this course?Sample questions covered in this course are as follows:When will you use Strategy Design Pattern in Java?What is Observer design pattern?What are the examples of Observer design pattern in JDK?How Strategy design pattern is different from State design pattern in Java?Can you explain Decorator design pattern with an example in Java?What is a good scenario for using Composite design Pattern in Java?Have you used Singleton design pattern in your Java project?What are the main uses of Singleton design pattern in Java project?Why java.lang.Runtime is a Singleton in Java?What is the way to implement a thread-safe Singleton design pattern in Java?What are the examples of Singleton design pattern in JDK?What is Template Method design pattern in Java?What are the examples of Template method design pattern in JDK?Can you tell some examples of Factory Method design pattern implementation in Java?What is the benefit we get by using static factory method to create object?What are the examples of Builder design pattern in JDK?What are the examples of Abstract Factory design pattern in JDK?What are the examples of Decorator design pattern in JDK?What are the examples of Proxy design pattern in JDK?What are the examples of Chain of Responsibility design pattern in JDK?What are the main uses of Command design pattern?What are the examples of Command design pattern in JDK?What are the examples of Interpreter design pattern in JDK?What are the examples of Mediator design pattern in JDK?What are the examples of Strategy design pattern in JDK?What are the examples of Visitor design pattern in JDK?How Decorator design pattern is different from Proxy pattern?What are the different scenarios to use Setter and Constructor based injection in Dependency Injection (DI) design pattern?What are the different scenarios for using Proxy design pattern?What is the main difference between Adapter and Proxy design pattern?When will you use Adapter design pattern in Java?What are the examples of Adapter design pattern in JDK?What is the difference between Factory and Abstract Factory design pattern?What is Open/closed design principle in Software engineering?What is SOLID design principle?What is Builder design pattern?What are the different categories of Design Patterns used in Object Oriented Design?What is the design pattern suitable to access elements of a Collection?How can we implement Producer Consumer design pattern in Java?What design pattern is suitable to add new features to an existing object?Which design pattern can be used when to decouple abstraction from the implementation?Which is the design pattern used in Android applications?How can we prevent users from creating more than one instance of singleton object by using clone() method?What is the use of Interceptor design pattern?What are the Architectural patterns that you have used?What are the popular uses of Faade design pattern?What is the difference between Builder design pattern and Factory design pattern?What is Memento design pattern?What is an AntiPattern?What is a Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern?"
Price: 199.99 |
"Python : Formation complte pour dbutant (cas rels inclus)" |
"Ce cours traite du langage de programmation Python pour dbuter dans le monde de la Data Science (ou science des donnes). Tous les concepts cls et basiques de Python y sont dtaills et expliqus l'aide d'exemples concrets.Si vous souhaitez vous initier la manipulation de donnes en apprenant pour cela les fondamentaux de Python, ce cours est fait pour vous ! C'est une bonne porte d'entre la Data Science.Ce cours est constitu des points thoriques ncessaires pour commencer stocker et manipuler des donnes depuis des datasets (jeux de donnes). Toutes les syntaxes de base de Python y sont prsentes, mis en scne autour du domaine de la Data Science.Ce cours est galement rempli d'exercices, de dfis, de projets et d'opportunits pour que vous puissiez pratiquer directement ce que vous apprenez. Appliquez ce que vous apprenez l'aide de datasets adapts chaque tape de votre apprentissage.Ce cours en quelques chiffres :7 heures de vidos14 chapitres thoriques avec de nombreux training2 challenges pour valider vos acquis2 projets complets pour commencer un portfolio sur github10 datasets divers et varis explorerPourquoi apprendre Python?Constamment class une des comptences les plus demandes par les employeurs, Python est un moyen fantastique de stimuler votre dveloppement professionnel que ce soit du ct data scientist, data analyst ou mme dveloppeur.Pourquoi ce cours est diffrent ?Ce ne sera pas un cours o vous allez regarder mon code pendant des heures. C'est un parcours o l'on pratique, on met les mains dans le code et on manipule soi mme pendant des heures de la data. Mon but c'est surtout de vous donner l'envie d'investiguer fond des datasets.Une fois ce cours termin, vous pourrez interagir avec n'importe quel fichier csv, dceler des tendances sur tout sujet qui vous intresse :)Alors, faisons a ! Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui et commencez apprendre les bases de Python avec des exemples concrets de manipulation de donnes !"
Price: 194.99 |