"Web Scraping et APIs Scraping avec Python (Cas rels inclus)" |
"Si vous souhaitez vous initier au Web Scraping & au API Scraping avec Python, ce cours est fait pour vous !Ce cours est constitu des points thoriques ncessaires pour commencer scraper des APIs ou des sites web. Il est prfrable pour suivre ce cours d'avoir des notions basiques en Python (variables, listes, dictionnaires, boucles, conditions, utilisation des librairies). Si Python ne vous est pas familier, je vous recommande de suivre une formation sur Python au pralable ( la fin de cette formation est fourni un lien pour suivre ma formation Udemy sur Python appliqu la Data Science o vous trouvez toutes les bases requises si besoin).Ce cours est galement rempli d'exercices, de dfis, de projets et d'opportunits pour que vous puissiez pratiquer directement ce que vous apprenez. Vous allez pratiquer le API Scraping sur 3 APIs diffrents (volution progressive de la difficult), puis vous allez pratiquer le Web Scraping aussi sur des cas rels (un site mto pour scraper les prvisions sur la semaine et un site de critique de films pour scraper plus de 2500 films avec leurs titres/annes de sortie/notes)Ce cours en quelques chiffres :4 heures de vidos3 chapitres thoriques avec de nombreux training2 challenge pour mettre en pratique le Web Scraping1 cas pratique sur un API ScrapingPourquoi apprendre le Scraping?Le but principal du scraping c'est de rcuprer de la data pour ensuite l'utiliser et la manipuler. Malgr l'essor du big data, certaines data ne sont pas tlchargeables, il faut donc passer le scraping (API ou web).L'ide est d'automatiser les tches (ou requtes) afin d'obtenir des milliers de data (exemple emails, adresses postales, rsultats sportifs, mto, etc...)Pourquoi ce cours est diffrent ?Ce ne sera pas un cours o vous allez regarder mon code pendant des heures. C'est un parcours o l'on pratique, on met les mains dans le code et on manipule soi mme pendant des heures sur des problmatiques de scraping. Mon but c'est surtout de vous donner l'envie et le got de scraper le web :)Une fois ce cours termin, vous pourrez scraper n'importe quel API (en lisant la documentation), et surtout vous pourrez scraper tout site internet qui vous intresse.Alors, faisons a ! Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui et commencez apprendre le web & APIs Scraping !"
Price: 94.99 |
"SQL pour la Data Science de A Z (analyse de data relles)" |
"Avec cette formation, apprenez rapidement excuter des requtes SQL!Vousapprendrez lire et crire des requtes de plus en plus complexes en SQLen analysant des donnes depuis des bases de donnes SQLite et PostgreSQL. En bonus, vous verrez comment lire ces bases de donnes avec Python (connexion et analyse).Pourquoi apprendre SQL?SQL est une des comptences les plus demandes sur le march du travail, facilement applicable d'autres bases de donnes majeurs comme MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon redshift, Oracle et plein d'autres...Apprendre SQLest un des moyens les plus rapides d'amliorer considrablement vosplans de carrire que voussoyezdata scientist, data analyst, web dveloppeur, marketeur ou que vous souhaitiezvousformer dans un de ces mtiers.Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre rapidement SQLsur des cas concrets issus de bases de donnes issues du monde rel.Ce cours est galement rempli d'exercices, de dfis, de projets et d'opportunits pour que vous puissiez pratiquer directementce que vous apprenez. Appliquez ce que vous apprenez l'aide de bases de donnes adaptes chaque tape de votre apprentissage.La formationen quelques chiffres:11,5 heures de vidos11chapitres thoriques avec de nombreux training2 challenges pour valider vos acquis3 projets guidspour commencer un portfolio sur github4 bases de donnesvaries explorer1 projet final ax sur l'tude d'une base de donnes d'une socit de location de DVDsPourquoi ce cours est diffrent ?Ce ne sera pas un cours o vous allez regardermon code pendant des heures.C'est un parcours o l'on pratique, on met les mains dans le code et on manipule soi mme pendant des heures de la data. Mon but c'est surtout de vous donner l'envie d'analyser fond des bases de donnes.Je vous accompagneafin de vousaider saisir chaque lment abord dans la formation (n'hsitez pas poster vos questions, j'y rponds trs rapidement) :)Alors, faisons a ! Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui et commencez apprendreSQL et l'analyse de data!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Electrical Power Distribution with AUTOCAD, DIALux & Etap" |
"** The Most Unique Course in it's kind **Hi Buddy! - Looking to enhance your career in Electrical Power Distribution track ?** If your answer is a big YES You're definitely in the right place.--> Actually this is the course that I wish I had at the beginning of my career.This course is the first step foranyone who wish to be #1 in this field.Why this course is Powerful and Unique ?this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which collect all of these huge and practical information about electrical power distribution branch.Since your legs (or your mouse by the way) lead you to this course, so you might have heard these fascinating names:1 ) AUTOCAD --> AutoCAD is used across a wide range of industries by architects, project managers, engineers,graphic designers, and many other professionals. It is supported by 750 training centers worldwide as of 19942) DIALux--> Professional Lighting Designing software3) Etap --> Is the most powerful software in the area of Electrical Power Systems. Using this software you can design and analyse your power system from the source of power all the way to the loads connected to it.** At this course : These programs likeDIALux and Autocad would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing and Analysis.You'll learn with funny exciting method in order to understand without being bored. ** All you need is an open mind and the passion to be successful! ** My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy** Nothing is kept secret. I reveal all I know ...** New lectures will be added to the course constantly - at no extra cost to you!# This is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..--> So don't hesitate and click "" Buy Now"" Button so you can begin on the right path!"
Price: 79.99 |
"PLC & AC Drive with Automatic & Manual Industrial Control" |
"Hello Our Friend!- Looking to enhance your career in Industrial Automation track ?>> If your answer is a big YES,then you're definitely in the right place.--> Actuallythis is the course that I wish I had at the beginning of my career.This course is the first step foranyone who wish to be#1in this field.Why this course is Powerful and Unique ?this course is thefirst oneon udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which collect all of these huge and practical information aboutManual and Automatic Control.Since your legs (or your mouse by the way) lead you to this course, so you might have heard these fascinating names:1 ) PLC in Automation Control >>learning different languages for programming your PLC like LADDER, FBD and STL. Also how to deal with SIEMENS devices like Simatic S7 1200 and S7 300and an overview on their wiring process.And working on illustrative programs like LogixPro, Simatic Manafer Step7andYASKAWA for acdrives.2) Basics of Electricity >> a great explanation for Power Factor and how to handle its variation, ATS (Automatic Transfer Switches) and how to include it in your circuits, solving problems in 3 phase system using Phase Sequence devices.3) Industrial Machines >>dealing with different kinds of machines like Induction Motors, Synchronous Machines, DC Motors and how to measure their speed with Encoders and Tachometers.4) Sensors >>how to deal with different sensors Digital and Analog and towrite equations in your code to get the physical values in the outside environmentfrom your sensors.4) ManualControl >> learn to design different kinds of controlling circuits related to the field using EKTS software.5) Motor Drives >>A drive is the electronic device that harnesses andcontrolsthe electrical energy sent to the motor. The drive feeds electricity into the motor in varying amounts and at varying frequencies, thereby indirectly controlling the motors speed and torque.** At this course:These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing and Analysis.You'll learn with funny exciting method in order to understand without being bored. ** All you need is an open mind and the passion to be successful! **My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question**Nothing is kept secret. I reveal all I know ...**New lectures will be added to the course constantly -at no extra cost to you!# This is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..--> So don't hesitate and click ""BuyNow"" button so you can begin on the right path!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Windows 10 - Einfach und verstndlich" |
"Windows 10 ist das aktuelle Betriebssystem von Microsoft. Dieses bietet jede Menge neue Funktionen und eine moderne Benutzeroberflche. So kehrt Windows 10 mit einem berarbeiteten Startmen und einem neuen Benachrichtigungscenter zurck. Neu ist auch Cortana, die persnliche Assistentin sowie der Browser Edge, der den altgedienten Internet Explorer ablst. Mit dem Windows Defender Security Center bietet Windows 10 zudem einen integrierten Virenschutz, der im Hintergrund ressourcenschonend fr Sicherheit sorgt.Windows 10 eignet sich somit hervorragend fr dasgeschftlichen als auch privateUmfeld. Wir zeigen Ihnen Schritt fr Schritt, wie Sie die neuen Funktionen verwenden und sichin der Oberflche zurechtfinden. Zudem passen wir Ihr Windows optisch genau an Ihre Vorstellungen an. Nach diesem Kurs sind Sie unter anderemvertraut mit- dem neuen Startmen und Benachrichtigungscenter (Info-Center)- Cortana, Ihre persnliche Assistentin- dem Windows Store, der Anlaufstelle fr Apps, Musik und Filme- Edge, dem neuen Browser von Microsoft unter Windows 10- dem Windows Defender, der integrierte VirenschutzAlles Neue und Wichtige in Windows 10 einfach und verstndlich - wir machen Sie mit Windows 10 vertraut."
Price: 19.99 |
"Computer Networks for Beginners" |
"Computer networks are growing trend. You can find them at your home, school, work, and most of the places you go on daily basis.Learn the basic concepts of computer networks, which hardware to use to set it up, and how to secure it.Become aware of networks surrounding youWhen you start noticing networks around you, you will also understand big part of the IT world. You will learn how the Internet works, how your Internet Service Provider (ISP) allows you to connect online, how do people share data without the Internet access, and much more. Everything starts by becoming aware ofcomputer networks.Learn how to set up a networkWhether you are taking this course to improve yourself, to get a better grade at school, or because of work, setting up a network is a skill that is very useful today. Yetmany people do not know how to do it. You have an opportunity to learn it in few minutes.Learn how to protect yourself in a network, including the InternetUnwanted sharing of passwords, pictures, documents, credit card numbers, andinternet activityis not something anybody would want to share. But, with expanded usage of computer networks, privacy is becoming anabstract term. This course helps you protect yourself when going online, and also protect your home/officenetwork.Course OverviewThe courseincludesanimationswithperceivable explanations. It is consisted of:visual help,simplification, andreal world examples.Every lecture had its power point presentation, which you can use to revise that lecture.In this course you will learn network concepts, what are they and how do they work.You will learn about network types,topologies, addresses, architectures, and communication modes.In addition, you will learn about network hardware like modems, routers, and switches;and about transmission media like cables and electromagnetic waves.Course also covers securing a networkand securing yourself in a network.It does not take a lot of time to take andview the course, but the knowledge you get will benefit your personal, and also your business life."
Price: 34.99 |
"Photo Retouching Basics Using Adobe Photoshop" |
"As the name suggests this course is on the basics of photo retouching using Adobe Photoshop The scopes of retouching explained in this course are the ones which are faced almost every time by a photographer during his career and there by making them the basics of photo retouching. So it is essential that a photographer should be familiar with the exact retouching method for correcting when he/she gets a retouching assignment with such a retouching scope. The retouching techniques explained in this course are used by professional photographers these days, which are pretty straight forward, not complicated and i also personally find these techniques simple to use. If you are an amateur photographer looking forward to make your clients look happier and if you want to take your photo retouching skills to the next level, trust me you have come to the right place,Now all you have to do is one simple thing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Just Enroll'"
Price: 19.99 |
"Photoshop CC Full Course" |
"This is full course of the Adobe Photoshopsoftware.In this course I will not only teach you the software but also I will teach you extra vital skills.- such as printing process which we will discuss the difference between offset and digital printing. - Colors: you will understand the difference between screen printing colors. - Resolution: I will teach you how resolution works to choose the best quality to save time and disk space.My course is concentrated to 3 hrs only.With videos between 2 4 minutes only to prevent you from being bored.I will not teach only the tools but I will give real life examples to have a better understanding.In this course I will teach you some keywords such asVector, Raster, CMYK, RGB, Pixels and more that you will find in any other software.This course is for absolutebeginners and any one who want to pursuea career in any graphic field should learn Photoshop.At the end of this course you will have the ability to work on your own projects usingPhotoshop CC 2017."
Price: 149.99 |
"Photo Manipulation: Master Photo Editing" |
"Do you love Photo Manipulating?Do you want to make a fantastic realistic Photo Manipulation?Do you want to master Photo Editing?Then you are in the right place.In this course you will learn the most important 10 principles that will help you to make a realistic Photo manipulation, Such as Selections, Adjusting Colors and Luminance, Shadows, Reflection, Motion... and more!After that we will use these principles to make a full Photo Manipulation project.At the end of this course you will have the ability to make your own Photo Manipulation art Guarantee."
Price: 94.99 |
"Photoshop Tips and Tricks" |
"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.Bill Gates.This lazy person is absolutely me, and this is why I made this course. To help you finish any hard job with an easy and quickly way!My name is Youssef Zidan. Graphic Designer and Photographer and I will be your instructor throughout this course. Why you should take this course? Through my experience, I believe that if you want to go from point A to point B you can use the regular way, or you can use a shortcut to save time and effort. And that is the core of this course. In this course I will teach you some hidden and amazing features and options inside Photoshop that may not everybody knows about it. Beside that I will give you some Tips and Tricks that I use to make amazing layouts quickly and in very easy way. In order to do that you need to know more about Photoshop, and in this course you will. I appreciate time very much, So even this course itself will take less time and effort from you to finish it, Because I made each lecture straight to the point which made it as short as possible. The amazing part about this course is it will be updatable which means I will keep uploading new lectures if needed to keep you up-to-date with the new Photoshop Tips and Tricks. Another amazing thing that you have ZERO RISK! Why? Because you will have 30-Day-Money-Back if you dislike this course. Ill be using Photoshop CC 2017 in this course, So you might find some changes if you are using an earlier version."
Price: 74.99 |
"Rendering AutoCAD Drawings in Photoshop" |
"Welcome to Rendering AutoCAD Drawings in Photoshop.Where you will learn how to convert aCAD floor plan into a beautifulcoloredone. My name is Youssef Zidan, Graphic designer and I will be leading you through the course, I graduated from Faculty of Fine arts as an Interior Designer but soon transitioned to Graphic Design where I found my passion. I worked as a Graphic Designer for more than 5 Years, then I started teaching in local institutes, after that I thought it will be great to share my knowledge online, Where I found my second passion which is Teaching. I designed this course to teach you how to convert a CAD floor plan drawing to a beautiful colored layout. By the end of the course you will be able to render ANY kind of CAD drawings not just floor plans. We will start our journey in AutoCAD, I will teach you how to export your drawingwith the right scale and extension in order to open it inside Photoshop, where the fun begins. We will start by learning the tools and options we are going to use, then we will learn some useful techniques like how to make a seamless pattern, using gradients, blending modes and much more, after that we will use what we have learned to make our final Design. The ideal students for this course areGraphic Designers who wants to learn a new skill, or of course Interior Designers and Architects. You need to have a light background in Photoshop, if you have a background in AutoCAD that will be great but not necessary, because in our course we will be focusing inside Photoshop. i will be using Adobe Photoshop CC and AutoCAD 2017 yet, any closer version for both Softwareare OK.Feel free to watch the free lectures, and I will look forward to see you inside."
Price: 94.99 |
"Votre premire application ReactJS" |
"Le but de cette formation est de vous aider dbuter avec ReactJs, en en matrisant les bases de ce framework.La premire partiede cette formation sera plus ou moins thorique pour comprendre lesbases de React. En expliquant ces composants principales.La meilleure faon d'apprendre quelque chose c'est de le pratiquer, pour cela la deuxime partie de cetteformation va tre oriente vers la pratique en dveloppant deux applications de A Z.Pour bien profiter de cette formation, je vous conseille de faire les applications proposes, et puisles personnalises par la suite pour bien comprendre.Merci et trs bientt."
Price: 69.99 |
"3Dsmax VRay Basic Interior Lighting" |
"Easy to follow STEP-BY-STEP video tutorials that will teach you how to set up Interior Lighting by using 3Ds Max and VRay.We will explore verity of lighting situations and learn to use VRaySun and VRaySky The Physically correct setup.In addition youll get our hands on myVRay Camera Exposure Settings and learn the Photographers technique for setting up the White Balance Like a PRO!After mastering the basics well dive into VRay Rendering Settings and you will discover the most efficient production rendering parameters that will help you to produce Hyper-Realistic Renders.Along with rendering process youll learn to optimize your scene materials and use the most exclusive method for Baking Textures after painting them in Photoshop that will give your scene the most unique look like nobody has.As an extra bonus tutorial, well demonstrate the proper usage of Floor Generator FREE 3Ds Max Plugin for creating realistic floor within seconds.THE FINAL BONUS to this self-training will be the hands-on-practice of my unique method for combining 15 VRay Passes(Render Elements) by using Photoshop with Plugins! Our Exclusive Post-Production techniques will bring your image closer than ever to the REAL looking Photographic Images!"
Price: 79.99 |
"VRay Portfolio Workshop" |
"THE MOST ADVANCED VRay Interior Lighting & Rendering WORKSHOPHERES HOW IT WORKSWe are about to learn ADVANCED PHOTO-REALISTIC Lighting Techniques with 3DsMax 2015 and VRay 3.40.03 - (Since not everyone updated their VRay 3.5)This Training is ""LEARNING by DOING"" - You will get a 3D space andYour Task Will Be to make it Realisticas possible by using my methods and step-by-stepguidelines.By The End of this workshopyou will have at least 2photo-realistic renders to put in your portfolio!Heres How Workshop Goes1. Download training materials2. Watch the videos and repeat the steps3. Get YOUR 3D Renders to the next LEVEL!First download PDFmanualinstructions to discoverthe next step you need to take:Phase 1 Design & Reference Modeling (Blocking)Phase 2 Basic Camera & HDRI Lighting (Ambiance)Phase 3 Texturing & Final lighting (Advanced Techniques)Phase 4 Rendering & Post Processing (Passes Assembly)All our steps (phases) made from step-by-step instructions and my personalFORUM support - so in case you get stuck just shoot me a message and I'll be more than glad to help you out.Step-by-Step /""Over the Shoulder""Each phase divided in to sections with video tutorials followed by 3Ds Max scenes for EVERY STEP. If you new to this you can just practice by following the video tutorial - upload your progress renderto forum and get direct instructions on how to improve your 3Dwork.Over the shoulder technique will include some more advanced methods and free plugins that I've used to create LIGNE ROSET MOEL scene.Things that Im going to explore are:Ivy Grow 3Ds Max Plug-in for growing plantsTexturing Realistic VRay Shaders Water (swim-pool) causticsCustom Carpet with VRayFur Hair & Fur simulationand some other cool stuff, let me surprise YOU :)Here's How The Challenge WorksYou Get ""LIGNE ROSET MOEL"" Space - with no furniture, lighting and other objects. You need to come up with new design or similar to what I show.The skills will be test by:Level Of RealismCreativityAbility to match deadlinesIf you wish to work on other scene or bring your own - you are free to do so!Training MaterialsHere are our TRAINING MATERIALS that will help you to build your scene much faster! If you don't want to use the challenge scene you can pick one from; 20 Half made scene for quick useBut if you really want to create something unique - you can choose to model your 3D space from these:30 DWG Files for basic modelingVRay Materials Library (Over 100 VRay Shaders)50 Design Elements100 PREMIUM DESIGN ModelsVizPeople FREE Interior Filling by VizPeopleVRay Carpets Collection3DArcShopWhy it Works For Everyone!We teach YOU how to analyze and spot Rendering ERRORS, blotches, artifacts, grain & noise AND we give you the Ultimate Formula to OVERCOME these challenges.So instead of downloading scenes and spend time on trying different rendering settings WE teach YOU to understand what settings affect rendering aspects.Heres Who I CAN HelpThis offer is for people who are up and running already and simply want to run a lot faster and a lot further.You need to have a solid knowledge of 3Ds Max & VRay user interface already.You must have a good project working habits and ability to learn more.You cannot be in the get PRO quick or Feed me with a spoon space.* Well closely review your goals, your time and effort you are willing to put in this Workshop. All the students here for one reason GET AMAZING PORTFOLIO within 1 MONTH.(Im just using this point as a filter to keep the time-vampires at bay.)You MUST follow directions. (Dont worry, I wont ask you to do anything weird.)In order for me to grant you access to my unique process and allow YOU to DIG into my Training System, youre going to need to meet some strict (but reasonable) criteria and meet deadlines.Thats it! Those are all my requirements.Here it is:In order for us to do that, you need to have your act together.In other words, you need to be READY!So if youre too busy with other things and have very limited time to put into this training, we cant help you.OR if you just entering the 3D World, and have no idea where your desire is, this is not for you.But if you seeking to build your career as a PRO 3D Artist and want to grow your NAME in the ARCH. VIZ. industry we can help youWARNING TIME IS A FACTORAlso, you should realize theres a very large demand for Personal Portfolio help from our online school, and what Im offering to you is priceless simply because it creates a path for you to follow on your way to Successful CAREER.So with that said, know that the window of opportunity wont be open long.If you feel like this is right for you, click the button bellow, and join our Workshop TODAY!If You Think This Is For You - JOIN IN NOW!Become a PART pf PRO VRay Artist - Your Success Is Our Pride!Don't just do it - Do it LIKEa PRO!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Photoshop for Architects" |
"""Learn to Turn Your 3D Render Into a Masterpiece""No Matter WhatSOFTWAREyou use - SketchUp, Rhino, Blender, Maya, 3DsMax - All Renders End Up inPHOTOSHOP!I'm about to show you some FREE TOOLS that you can use to transform ""so what"" renders into GREAT LOOKING 3D.If you know how to use those techniques - YOUR RENDERS WILL NEVER LOOK THE SAME!VRay RENDERING ELEMENTS - can be the only thing you need to master - the rest is being build upon this basis.However YOU need to learn the basics and understand the logic behind each element in your scene - AND THIS - I can only do by SHOWING YOU EXAMPLE of a ""Future City Model"" -3Dsmax ModelWhat You Will Learn?How to apply quick color corrections by use AUTO tools adjustmentHow to treat ""Render Elements"" -VRay Passes- We will go over types of passes and how to blend them properlyUsage of FREE Plugins to Render Anti-Aliased masks and applying them inPhotoshopAdjustment Layersmethod for isolating objects for proper color treatmentWorking with Landscape and 2D Vegetation LibraryPlacing cut-out people - OldSchool placeholder techniqueAdding Photorealistic Effects - Lens Distortion, Chromatic Aberration, Film Grain, VignetteColor Processing Tools - bring natural colors back to your RENDERNatural Lighting Effects; Glow, Sun Beams, Lens Flare, Z-DepthWhat Skills You Get Upon Completing This Masterclass?You'll Know how to fix Lighting in Bad RendersYou'll have better control over your scene objectsYour images will have better quality and final lookYou'll be able to produce renders fasterYou'll be ahead of your competitionYou can charge more for services!What You Will Get?2D Photoshop Trees2D Cut-Out People2D Lens Flare & Brushes2D Post Processing FiltersPHOTOSHOP BrushesVRay Rendered Passes to practiceDON'T HAVE TIME?No Problem - You can Login and go through MASTERCLASS Training Materials Anytime - The access is unlimited!And if you have any questions use UDEMY forQ&AI'm are here to provide BEST ONLINE TRAINING EXPERIENCE!Your Success is My Pride!About VRay InstructorAlexander Vasiliuk - Senior 3D Artist - 12 years working experience - 7 years teaching, writing and assisting beginners reach high level of Arch. Viz. production.Since 2005 worked for companies such as; HP, DBOX, F&f, CADMAN . Graduated with Engineering degree in Interactive Communication (Technion) in 2004. Accomplished A.A Degree in Film TV and Animation (DeAnza College) in 2013. Highlights; Strong design background / Sharp eye with attention to detail / Professional understating of light behavior and digital painting techniques.Wrote books and manuals about VRay Rendering and Post Production. Since 2009 - released 10 learning apps and 12 online classes. Engaged in seminars and CG exhibitions as a GUEST SPEAKER. Blog writer and architectural explorer - always brings fresh video tutorials and shares his discoveries with Arch. Viz. community.That's about it,t's gonna be a lot of FUN!BOOK YOUR SEAT BEFORE ANYONE ELSE"
Price: 79.99 |
"VRay Exterior Workshop" |
"Glad youve landed on this page, because I have and easy STEP-BY-STEP method that will take your 3D Renders to the Next Level.There are 3 Steps that you need to learn to Successful 3D Render! And Im about to teach you these steps in detail so that you could create Photorealistic Exterior Renders by using 3DsMax,VRay and Photoshop with plugins.You just need to follow Video Tutorials DoExercises - Get Feedback andFollow my Instructions. You will be surprised how easy it is when you are taking your 3D image in 3 steps to perfect Lighting & Rendering.You are Going to ""Learnby Doing"" Real Example of a Duplex HouseWhat you see in samples is LEVEL 1 Camera & Lighting. We got 2 more to go Textures, Render Optimization, Post ProductionwithFinal Polishing.This DUPLEX is going to be our testing and practicing model Im going to provide you with this model and basic working library for setting up a tropical style house. You are going to test different Environment maps to select the type of Day Lighting you want to go with.Create realistic VRay Materials such as stucco walls, glass, concrete, wood and types of metal.Realistic Landscape architecture will be also covered in this training.We Concentrate on Whats Really ImportantYou will learn my solidtechniques for balancing all scene lights in 3 easy steps;Your image will have depth and much better visual impacton the viewer after completingmy exercises you will know how toadjust Ambient light with perfect combination withSun Light&InteriorLighting. SetupPhysically Correct Camera & Adjust Realistic Textures.You will learnhow Textures should behave in different Lighting and How You Can Make It LookRealistic!.Rendering Optimization Process Balancing DMC Sampler is going to be one of the most important Topics of this Training.All examples with3DsMax 2015 and VRay 3.0You are going to get my ENTIRE BLUEPRINT Backed-up with VIDEO TUTORIALS and Step-By-StepManual Instructions with Detailed Explanation How to Model, Texture, Light & RenderPhoto-realistic Exterior! In additionYOU ARE GOING TO GET MY 3DSMAX FILES WITH EVERY STEP CONFIGURATION!Workshop Training MaterialsIVE GATHERED ONLY WHAT YOU NEED TO HAVE IN ORDER TO GET MAXIMUMOFYOUR PRACTICEHDRI-HUB HDRI MAPSVIZPEOPLE BACKGROUND PLATESVIZPEOPLE CUT-OUT PHOTOSHOP PEOPLETHESE ARE YOUR TRAINING MATERIALSALRIGHT! - Ready to Start?Each Training is a LIFE TIME Experience that you will move you forwards towards your GOAL!Take this amazing opportunity to create REALISTIC 3D imageto serveyour portfolioand futurecareerIn addition you willdevelop working relationships with other 3D Artists in UDEMY forum that sharethe same passion with YOU! SO dont wait too long YOUR Journey to PRO LEVEL Begins Today!Click the Add to Cart button to Join Our VRay ExteriorWorkshop!Thanks for reading this, hope to see you inside!Hope to see you with us!Alex"
Price: 79.99 |
"Unreal Engine 4 VR Interior Tour with 3DsMax VRay Photoshop" |
"Do You Want To Walk Inside Your 3D Space?Virtual Reality Tour with UNREAL ENGINE 4 Can Do it For YOU!LEARN to USE FUTURE TOOLS -of ARCH VIZIndustry!3DsMax VRay to UNREAL ENGINE WORKSHOPWhat You Will Learn?In this workshop you will learn the ENTIRE PROCESS of producing VIRTUAL REALITY walk through TOUR with UNREAL ENGINE - Based of this ""LOFT"" 3D Space.Modeling and Lighting with 3DsMax & VRay (To get good reference to follow - PRO HDRI LIGHTING METHOD)Cleanup and UVW Preparation Methods for UNREAL ENGINEImport and Assembly 3D Space in UNREAL ENGINERealistic Textures Creation; Glass,Chrome, Concrete, Brick Walls, Wood, Leaves..etc.Post Production Effects to Get PHOTO-REALISTIC LOOK in Real TIME!Adding Realistic Lights, Ambient HDRI Map, Glow Materials and Animated WaterBuilding and Packaging your project to platforms; Windows, Mac, HTML5...and more.Exporting FULL HD Videos and 4K Images in seconds!* In the future this workshop is going to be updated, and more functions will be added, such as; turning on/off lights, opening doors, changing color/ textures of objects - And you get to ENJOY these updates for FREE!What You Will Get?Over 20 Video Tutorials - Step-By-Step Video InstructionsSample Scenes for EVERY STEPPersonal 1:1 FORUM SUPPORTLIVE Weekly Webinars (Will Be Recorded)UNLIMITED ACCESS to Training MaterialsSample Scenes for EVERY STEP!SPECIAL BONUS3DsMax VRay LOFT Scene3DsMax File includes all the models and textures + VRay TOP QUALITY Rendering SettingsPhotoshop PSD file with all the Layers and VRay Passes Assembly!How The Training Goes?After successful payment you will get access to this workshop and be able to download all the training materials, watch the videos, repeat my technique by using our sample scenes.IF YOU WISH - YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SCENE! (But it must be very light - Think Low Poly Game Engine)If you have questions or error you can upload them to our private forum and get feedback.SO NO WORRIES - I WILL PROVIDE SUPPORT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE TRAINING!What You Can Do After This Workshop? You'll be able to use UNREAL ENGINE Temples for quick 3D Space adjustmentsYou'll know how to pack and export your 3D WORLD for multiple platformsYou'll be able to Produce Virtual Reality Tours On Your OwnYou'll capture VIDEO and export 4K images in secondsYou'll know Basic Programing Functions and ScriptsWhy You Should LEARN it NOW?If you really interested in boosting up your skills and start introducing NEW TECHNOLOGY to your clients OR future JOB - This Workshop Is The Right One For YOU!I'm constantly asked if I can provide VR services - and THIS topic is growing FAST - More and More Companies and Freelancers have already implemented that product in their pipeline.STOP wasting time and trying to milk your potential with Old School techniques - UNREAL ENGINE is so EXITING to learn and the good part that you can preserve VRay Quality by using BakeToTexture method!LEARN TO WALK INSIDE YOUR CREATIONBRING YOUR RENDERS TO ""LIFE""JOIN US TODAY and Learn to Produce Virtual Reality Tours LIKE A PRO!Click the Icon Below to Join VR Interior Workshop"
Price: 199.99 |
"VRay Interior Workshop" |
"Learn to Create TOP QUALITYInteriors with VRayBeginners to Advanced LevelSELF-TRAINING VIDEO MANUALI'm going to Provide you with VIDEO TUTORIALS, DWG Files to model the scene and exact explanation of how I did NUBA COR scene.Your task is to repeat my steps and make PHOTO-REALISTIC NUBA Scene.From A-Z Realistic Lighting, Rendering and PostProductionThis workshop will take you through the process of creating interior scene from importing DWG files, setting up the lighting and executing render with 3DsMax & VRay to PRO PhotoshopTips & Tricks for giving realistic look to your 3D Renders. By the end of this workshop you will know how to setup your scene and execute FAST test renders without wasting valuable time.You will know how to avoid rendering mistakes and failures that most beginners do. In addition you will get working materials, such as VRay Materials Library and IES lights. Every stage of creation followed by the sample scene so even if you stuck youll be able to download the next stage scene and continue your practice without any delay.HOW DOES IT WORKS?Step-by-Step 20 VIDEOS that will take from the first step of Arch. Viz. till the final destination of Photorealistic 3D Image! You simply watch the video, and repeat the steps, if you have any questions you can access our Private FORUM AND post your WIP's to get FEEDBACK WITHVISUAL DIRECTIONS for improvement.WHAT WOULD BE COVERED?You will learn PRO shortcuts and system configurationof3Ds max!Complete break down from importing DWG (Architectural Plans) to setting them in View Port of 3Ds max.Quick & Easy Modeling techniques of most common interior objects.MAIN Rules for good VRay (Physical) Lighting Setup for InteriorsThe most common VRay Interior Textures and their typical propertiesVRay Rendering methods High END vs. Fast Preview PresetsPost production principles and Photorealistic aspectsLight Painting and final retouches that make your 3D Renders look like REAL Photos!WHO THIS IS FOR?If you are a Beginner You can learn the proper way to VRay Realistic Rendering.If you are Advanced You can find many useful tips on how to become more efficient.If you are a PRO You probably can skip this and check out our VRay PortfolioWorkshopThis Workshop will teach the Good Combination & Setup of 3Ds Max + VRay + Photoshop with Photorealistic Plugins based on NUBA COR Scene:WHAT YOU SEE - IS WHAT YOU GETYou will discover every single thing about this sceneAll Cameras with DOF & Exposure SettingsVRay Production Lighting & Rendering SettingThe Entire 3D Scene is Free for commercial useDay & Night Setting included!Premium Scenes, Models & Other Bonuses can be Viewed in our Training System after you Log in.These LIVE Sessions will include PRO tips & tricks Lectures and Demonstration of NEW TOOLS - Such as Marvelous Designer, RenderMask, LooksBuilder, PT Lens...and much more! Since I'm also going to update my NUBA and GO CRAZY with it - So you Get to Watch it!Plus All users can ask questions and see each other progress inthe recordings - Just in case you're not able to make it to LIVE Sessions (you can always DOWNLOAD the rcording, see your feedback and make progress)WORKSHOP TRAINING MATERIALSPREMIUMDESIGN MODELSThis collection of over 250VRay Modelswill Speed-Up your scene creation process and add variation to your design.In ADDITION YOU WILL GET:1. 25 Videos Tutorials system configuration, importing DWG, modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering and post production.2. 20 DWG files (Architectural Plans) for practicing your modeling skills and creating awesome designed spaces.3. 30 IES Lights Will help you to setup realistic looking spots with cool shapes.4. Nuba Cor Scene with Day/NightRending & Lighting settings.5. 150 Premium design VRay Models.Plus this workshop will be updated in the near future and more awesome VRay bonuses will be added so now is the best time to get this up. Here's the whole scoop:SO GO AHEAD Press the button bellow and join the most advanced VRay Interior TrainingScenes without textures, or lighting, DWG files for free modeling, VRay Materials Library plus other bonuses can be found inside our Training System.If You Think Its For You Now Its Time To Get InThis workshop got LIMITED seats, and we can accept only 100Users at this time. So if you see the purchase button that means YOU have a CHANCE to get in. But if you dont see thatbutton that means we are full and the waiting time can be up to 4 Months.However if you had purchased the workshop you can start anytime you want, the access is UNLIMITED YOU CAN WATCH THE VIDEOS andRepeat the Exercises Any TIME you want!HOPE TO SEE YOU WITH USClick the button Bellow and Join US before its too late there are over 500.000 Arch. Viz. Artists in this world that are IMPROVING their skills rapidly.Dont Stay Behind Join The PRO's Today!"
Price: 99.99 |
"PRO POST-PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES with VRay Passes (Render Elements).Your Renders Can Look Like Real Photos!Have you ever had that feeling, that you dont know what else to add so that your render will look Realistic?Your image missing those small details that rendering program just can not do! The reason is, your 3D software not meant for making PHOTO-REALISM It got other purposes. In order to give that small tuning to your image you need to use Photoshop.This VIDEO TRAINING will teach you how to convert 3D Render into Real Looking PHOTO!Step-by-step video instructions will teach you advanced Photoshop skills that will make revolution in your FINAL 3D RENDER Quality!Here you will discover, why this might be the only course youll ever need and how this training can save you tones of time by simplifying your 3D working process.Your professional 3D skills will satisfy your clients and bring new ones to the circle, simply because you can produce good quality of work.The Most effective Photoshop skills for your Everyday Workflow In One Class!Highlights of this Online TrainingYou will do 3D mostly better than others, because you will have full control and understanding What it takes to create photorealistic render - Construction Companies and Community Forums will put your renders on their front page.You will get recognized as industry expert when you show your professional work users will be amazed by your rendering quality and how similar it is to REAL Photos. By the end of this training your work will rise to the level of Photorealism and your clients will be much satisfied.You will learn how to use your 3D & Post Production package at it best fixing bugs, and improving images without touching RENDER button again.During this course you will get your hands on actual practice and experience the correct process of balancing LIGHT in our scene, in less than 10 minutes, by using my exclusive way of color correction. Just image how all interior space that can be rendered within 6 images, can represent all the interior beauty in detail. Such project will be ready for print in magazine, shown at exhibitions and other conventions.This method includes breakdown of detailed explanation and practice of my unique method for working with 15 Render Elements that V-Ray can produce by using those elements you will be able to increase reflections, decrease transparency, change color of spotlights, improve materials, balance lighting and have full control over your 3D image by using Photoshop only!Im also sharing the most exclusive Tips & Tricks that only professional studios use in order to create hyper realistic renders.You will be able to go from something that looks ""ok"" to something that looks AMAZING!You can work from home in your free time, by doing video exercises and following instructions.What you will get with this training?25 Video Tutorials with Post Work Exercises - All videos on Easy English language with screen sharing (even if you do not speak good English you still can repeat those exercises).Detailed explanation of how to work with V-Ray Passes and how to use them in Photoshop.Collection of professional post production techniques and methods that can make your renders look like real photos.My personal working PSD files with detailed examples of how to combine 15 V-Ray Passes in Photoshop.Complete PDF Photoshop Post Work 2.0 Manual with detailed explanation of How to achieve Phtorealism.5 Recorded Webinars 6 Hours of Total Live V-Ray Training.100 WIPs from previous courses you can learn so much just by absorbing other students mistakes.Personal Support in our Private forum - visual feedbacks on your work each day!FREE Visual Feedback I can color correct your image and show you how to get there.ROLF BENZ VERO 3D Scene made with 3Ds Max & V-RayThis scenes is followed by Detailed Making of ROLF BENZ 7800 and 3DsMax file.If you have any questions dont hesitate to write me a message and Ill be more than glad to assist you!Thanks for taking your time and our PHOTOSHOP POSTWORK online training.Click the button below and join one of the most exclusive online-trainings for PHOTOSHOP POST WORK.Always remember!If you wanna do it RIGHT Do it like a PRO!Hope to see you with us Thanks againand Good Luck with your 3D RendersAlex"
Price: 39.99 |
"INTERIOR DESIGN CHALLENGE with 3DsMax VRay Photoshop" |
"You're About to Learn PRO VRay Rendering Techniques AND Make Amazing Portfolio !...During this Self Training Video Guide I'm going to lead you to your best result By giving you precise video instruction that will lead to professional design of interior space Udemy SYSTEM designed to take you step-by-step through entire training. Professional Feedback in UDEMY Forum and direct communication.Every year we will select winners and award prizes - so we will post videos in ""Bonus Section"".If your work will not be selected, you still going to keep all the Knowledge, Video Tutorials, VRay Models AND COOL 3D Renders in your Portfolio....How Does it Work?Week 1 - You're going to explore DESIGN of small spaces - I'm going to go to the TOP Designer SHOPS and Make a Video Review about HIGH-END DESIGN. Plus I'm gonna send you references for DOWNLOAD so you could apply it to your selected space.Week 2 - You're about to enter the real world of Advanced 3D Lighting - I'm gonna teach your how to DESIGN with Light & Textures. By the end of this week you're set Perfectly Balanced ""High Resolution Renders"" - to render during the weekend.Week 3 - You're about to learn ""How to Breathe Life"" in to your image and make it look like a real PHOTO! The most advanced techniques for doing post work that I picked up during last year and about to teach them for the FIRST Time!Week 4 - Work submission END of CHALLENGE * Even though the LIVE workshop has ended - The Challenge Continues (all year around). You can still get a Feedback from me in the Forum AND make Photorealistic scene by using my Guidelines & RECORDED WEBINARS and if it will be good enough you will be featured in CUBICCO Website and get a chance to win an iPad Mini/iPodNano/Nikon Pocket Cam....How good Can YOU Get?If you follow my guidelines You can Get to the Results your about to See or EVEN BETTER!....What to expect?If you follow these steps you will experience improvements in ""Quality of Work""! This is a very practical training with step-by-step assignments - that will lead you for better understanding of natural life.Using training materials and putting learned knowledge into practice....Training Highlights?You will learn step-by-step method to physically correct 3D Image.You will improve your ""Artistic Eye"" to get perfectly balanced exposure.You will know what area in the image doesn't look good and how to fix it.You will get the Complete VRay Pipeline, that so many companies trying to figure out.You will increase your Level of Performance AND have at least 3 Amazing NEW images in your Portfolio.SPECIALBONUSESChance to win the Challenge! All winning work will be featured in CUBICCO website PLUS we will ship a brand NEW iPad Mini with all our APPS directly to your home address.All Training Materials Got Unlimited Downloads!Pre-Modeled CUBICCO Workshop Spaces for free selection - We give you the place - You design it!30 IES LightsTHIS WORKSHOP IS BASED MY PERSONAL ""OVER THE SHOULDER"" VIDEOS of CUBICCO DESIGN SCENE - With all 3 LEVELS 3Ds Max 2014 VRay 3.0 Photoshop files....Need Guarantee?After doing this Training ""Your Renders"" will never look the same it will look like Professional Studio Production!Many users have passed our training's and those that invested the most NOW leading the Arch. Viz. Industry and amaze people around the world with their 3D Works.""From my personal experience i can say that this is the best tutorial for Post Work in PS. The live webinars, the great responsibility of Alex for every question, his professionally make really unique this tutorial. I also learned a lot from the other students works. I have still to improve a lot, but my renderings start to become photorealistic, thanks to Alex! Ill wait the tutorial for exterior scene, hoping it will be soon! I stay tuned from Italy!"" - Jacopo Bigi (Italian Competition - Award Wining Work)...REQUIREMENTS!GOOD WILL AND MOTIVATION TO BECOME PRO 3D ARTISTThis training is going to be very informative and concentrated with NEW High-End Knowledge - therefore we're going to use 3Ds Max 2019-2015, VRay 3.0-4.0, Photoshop & After Effects CS6 with MagicBullet. If you have older versions of programs you can still attend but some rendering settings might not go as fast as VRay 4.0. You will need only few hours a day to complete the assignments AND/OR catch-up during the weekend. I'm gonna show all my process with step-by-step videos, so you will not get lost.How to Get In?THEDOORSAREOPENANDWAITINGFORYOUTOJOINOURCLASSROOM See you insideAlex"
Price: 79.99 |
"Home Baking Made Simple" |
"Do you want to learn how to bake, but are worried about the expense or your own lack of experience? Well then this is the course for you.The course is designed to help you become a confident home baker by guiding you through some quick, easy and inexpensive recipes. Each lecture is supported with a downloadable recipe and video to guide you through the process, step-by-step. Included (amongst others) are decadent brownies, cinnamon rolls, bread and lemon-meringue pie. This is a great way to start your baking experience and start creating deliciousbaked goods right in your own kitchen. You can do this!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Android App continuous integration using CircleCI" |
"Continuous Integration (CI) is one of the important part of professional app development. CircleCI is best at it due to availability (free signing), flexible integration and advance customization. This course will show you step-by-step how to support CI in any Android application.Course divided into different sections to explain everything clearly. Android project setup will show basic sample project setup. Then course will explain in depth onAndroid build process, project structure and everything you need for CI. CI and Android build system is tightly coupled and this will cover all of it. Gradle is core part of build system and it won't miss to explain about it. CircleCI dashboard integration, YML scripting or advance gradle scripting are part of it.In final section, I'll explain how to create HockeyApp from their dashboard, custom scripting and deployment. You won't miss anything to deploy a build automatically.This course has compressed lot of informations because I don't want to take students extra time to learn it. It's guaranteed what it suppose to deliver which CI."
Price: 49.99 |
ms-access-2016-for-beginners |
"- MS Access 2016 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - -"
Price: 19.99 |
iso-90012015-training-and-implementation |
"9001:2015 9001:2015"
Price: 19.99 |
"El Arte de Liderarnos en lo personal y lo profesional" |
"Conferencia online sobre la reflexin antropolgica sobre las claves del comportamiento humano en lo personal, lo profesional y lo grupal.La consistencia personal y la integridad como claves de vincularidad sana en cada mbito de la vida.Aprender a ser lder de uno mismo: Autoconocimiento, autoestima y autorrealizacin.Actitudes fundamentales para la vida: Conviccin, confianza y compromiso.Anlisis antropolgico de las caractersticas propias de cada nivel de conciencia.Luces y sombras de la interioridad.La importancia de vivir con intensidad, poniendo atencin e intencin en cada presente.La nueva conciencia en el liderazgo personal: El arte de ser Lder."
Price: 19.99 |
"Couch to 10K Basics On a Plant-Based Diet" |
"Have you been looking at the fitpictures of runners splashedon social media and wondered how they began running in the first place?Have you always wanted totake up running yourself but haven't figured out where to begin?Did you start running at one time and gave it up because schedules went haywire or because you felt stressed out?Do you believe thatyou are not in the ideal shape to run?Are youlooking at losing weight through running?Are you looking for a holistic approach to fitness by combining diet, sleep, exercise, and mediation?Then, without further ado,this course is just for you!This course gives you all the information you need to prepare yourself mentally and physically to adopt running as a fitness activity in justunder 50 minutes andall in one place. This not only increases your preparedness but considerably reduces the time you will otherwise spend to gather information on your ownbecause you can take advantage from the instructor's experience who has already been there, done that!If you wish for more information and tips, and most importantly, if you have clarifications and questions, no worries! The instructorwill be around at the discussion forum to assist you further. Just post your questions and he will respond to them promptly.In terms of tangible outputs, this course will enable you torun a distance of 10 kilometers in 8 weeks using the sound principles of training, exercise, nutrition, and sleep. It isguaranteed that you can achieve this milestone while being stress-free (well, little bit of positive stress is good!)andinjury-free too!Come, add this course to your cart to become a fit YOU anda role model for others!_____________________________________________________________________________________________Content and OverviewThis course is divided into five parts: Part 1: An Overview to Running Here you will get a historical overview to running and understand how it is the most affordable sport requiring negligible investment. You will also get a sense of the benefits running can bring to you and to your social life. Part 2: Prepare Yourself to Run Here together, we will examine the running essentials and see how 3-4 days of running per the plan can improve the quality of your life. We will also see the importance of setting realistic achievable targets and why 10K is the ideal distance for anybody aspiring to be fit and with a little bit of challenge thrown in! Part 3: Nutrition and Sleep Here, we will talk about what to eat, what not to eat, how much to eat, and at what time. You will also see how some specific foods are well suited to the sport of running and their role in quick recovery. We will also touch upon sleep and the myriad benefits it brings. Part 4: Training Plan and Exercises This is the engine of the course which talks in detail about the plan you will be following for the next 8 weeks. Besides run days, we will be talking about the importance of rest days and cross training days. While running causes some amount of wear and tear, what we eat and how we strength train our body for optimal returns, results in a totally injury-free running experience. Part 5: The Zen of Running This part includes important considerations that we dont often talk about in the context of running. Here we will be talking about things like how to run for the joy of running and not make it a slugfest of timing and distances, how to incorporate yoga practices to truly experience total bliss in the state of running, and more."
Price: 19.99 |
"Application of Human Rights Framework The Basics" |
"Are you someone who has an interest in daily news and has noted the worldwide concern for human rights? Have you been following the debates on human rights? Have you wanted to learn about the basics of human rights yourself?Or, are you a human rights or social activist seeking to strengthen your skills for applying the human rights framework? If one of these categories describes you, then this course will help you in your quest! So, what will you get from this course?Very briefly, the course introduces you to the basic concepts and principles of human rights, the different categories of rights, the notion of State obligations, the basics of applying the human rights framework to issues, and an overview of strategies for promoting and protecting rights. What will you get in terms of how the course is taught? The course is taught using the following:Lectures with lots of examples to help you connectQuestions for reflectionCase studiesPractice exercises based on case studiesLesson-end quizOne 60-minute assignmentEach lesson begins with a statement of what you will cover in that lesson and ends with a reinforcement of what you have learned. There are lots of infographics in the course to help understand the complex concepts and whats more, to make it exciting for you, we have converted each of them to a poster, which you can download at your end. Similarly, you can download the case studies and practice questions along with the model answers as well! You can use all the downloadable materials to conduct your own trainings and workshops or as ready reckoners. What else do you get? Please remember, this course is a basic course on human rights, hence each component discussed in this course needs further in-depth inquiry and learning. Therefore, it is likely you will have clarifications and questions. Be assured that the instructor will always be around at the discussion forum to assist you further. Simply post your questions and she will respond to them promptly. Human rights being a very dynamic subject, the instructor will also keep you informed with periodic news, views, materials, and updates through the discussion forum. The aim is to make your journey into learning human rights a truly collaborative one! Whats more, at the discussion forum you are likely to meet human rights enthusiasts and activists from all over the world and be able forge new alliances and friendships! If all this sounds exciting to you, then get ready to add this course to your cart and make it a part of your knowledge-acquiring journey knowledge that you can put into action for a better world! _______________________________________________ Content and Overview This course is divided into four lessons: Lesson 1: Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Rights In this lesson, you will get to know what we mean when we say, I HAVE a right and from where and how these rights have evolved. You will get a close look at systems at the national, regional, and international levels that provide recognition and protection to these rights. You will also understand how rights holders and duty bearers are defined under the international human rights system. Lesson 2: Categories of Rights This lesson will cover the meaning and scope of rights guaranteed in the International Bill of Rights. So, here we will examine the fundamental characteristics of rights, including a discussion on discrimination. Finally, you will get a glimpse into the different categories of nights namely civil liberties, political, economic, social, and cultural rights along with an understanding of the common features that bind them. Lesson 3: Understanding State Obligations In this lesson, with the help of a case study and a practice exercise with a model answer, you we will get to examine the content of obligations of States to respect, protect, and fulfil with regardto any right.Lesson 4: Applying the Human Rights Framework In the concluding lesson, you will have the opportunity to learn about how to conduct a human rights assessment. Case studies and practice sessions will help you fortify your learning. Finally, we will wind up reflecting upon strategies for human rights work."
Price: 24.99 |
"Introduction to Editing Audio for Games Course" |
"Do you want to learn to edit audio to create professional sound effects? Or are you a game developer who loves to make games? But you dont know where to start with learning about audio and sound? Or maybe youre a video game composer who wants to dive into the world of sound design.In the Introduction to Audio Editing for Games Course, we will teach you how to edit audio to create sound effectsfor gameswith the free program Audacity. Well teach about what makes up a sound, the basics of sound, and even create a sound effect with a free package of sounds that you can download from mysound librarycompany websiteBlipsounds. com. Well be using these free sounds throughout the entire course so you can follow along with exactly what I am doing.Then well use the tools we learned from Audacity to teach about the different effects that are available in Audacity including Equalizers, Pitch Shifting, Compressors and limiters.Then with all that we learned in the previous lectures, we will create a Laser gun sound effect a full audio scene soundscape where an alien UFO is chasing our character and he shoots back at it with his laser gun. And youll get to watch me create all of this step by step so you can follow along and try making it yourself.Getting started with making sound effects can be expensive and difficult, so I made this course to help people get started with sound design and audio editing without investing too much time or money.So what are you waiting for? Get started and enroll today! Looking forward to seeing you there."
Price: 199.99 |
"Remaking Illaois Tentacle Smash Sound from League of Legends" |
"Do you want to learn to edit audio to create professional sound effects? Or are you a game developer who loves to make games? But you dont know where to start with learning about audio and sound? Or maybe youre a video game composer who wants to dive into the world of sound design.In this course, we will teach you how to recreate the sound of Illaoi's Tentacle Smash Sound Effect with theAudioEditing Program Reaper. I will be providing you with the source recordings so you can follow along yourself. And I will also be giving you the original session that I created so you can see exactly what I did.Then well use the tools we learned from Reaper to teach about the different effects that are available in Reaper including Equalizers, Pitch Shifting, Compressors and limiters.And youll get to watch me create all of this step by step so you can follow along and try making it yourself.Getting started with making sound effects can be expensive and difficult, so I made this course to help people get started with sound design and audio editing without investing too much time or money. Reaper is free for the first 60 days and I provide you with the audio files so you can create the same exact sound effect that I did.So what are you waiting for? Get started and enroll today! Looking forward to seeing you there."
Price: 69.99 |
"Remaking Greninja's Water Shuriken Sound from Smash Bros" |
"Do you want to learn to edit audio to create professional sound effects? Or are you a game developer who loves to make games? But you dont know where to start with learning about audio and sound? Or maybe youre a video game composer who wants to dive into the world of sound design.In this course, we will teach you how to recreate the sound of Greninja's Water ShurienSound Effect with theAudioEditing Program Reaper. I will be providing you with the source recordings so you can follow along yourself. And I will also be giving you the original session that I created so you can see exactly what I did.Then well use the tools we learned from Reaper to teach about the different effects that are available in Reaper including Equalizers, Pitch Shifting, Compressors and limiters.And youll get to watch me create all of this step by step so you can follow along and try making it yourself.Getting started with making sound effects can be expensive and difficult, so I made this course to help people get started with sound design and audio editing without investing too much time or money. Reaper is free for the first 60 days and I provide you with the audio files so you can create the same exact sound effect that I did.So what are you waiting for? Get started and enroll today! Looking forward to seeing you there."
Price: 49.99 |