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"Career Development Course"
"""Career development is the progressive development of individuals within their own set of problems, themes and tasks. Career development is another process that allows employees to realize their career goals and objectives by giving them the power to develop, evaluate and expand their unique abilities (Kozak 2001, 19).Career development is the result of a very important decision and responsibility understanding of individuals and organizations in business life. Individuals and organizations want to develop more and improve their performance by considering existing positions and evaluating educational opportunities. The process of activation by following a specific plan to improve the performance of the individual can be defined as career development. ""In this course, you will find much more with video lessons."
Price: 39.99

"Organizational Psychology with Further Aspects"
"Especially in recent years, the increasing popularity of Business Psychology in our country and in the world is one of the sub-branches of the science of psychology. Work psychology is a field of applied psychology that aims to increase the structural quality in the workplace from the behavioral structures of the individuals to the organizational dimension.The American Psychology Association defines work psychology as studies and practices for the development of business life. This field, which examines human behaviors and systematic structures in the workplace, aims to achieve effective and sustainable performance processes for individuals and organizations by combining the psychology of human behavior with the applied fields of business life.In this course, you will develop further knowledge of work and work psychology by taking further information. Video lessons will be very useful to you and your business."
Price: 29.99

"Human Resource Management"
"In the late 1800s, industrialization and production processes that emerged as a result of the industrial revolution turned human resources management into a field of expertise. Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is considered one of the first HR experts and is the father of the Taylor Digital Taylorism approach. Human resources is an area of expertise that needs to be learned and is one of the sub-titles of business science.With your instructor instructions, you will find more details and useful information in the videos and other materials of this course. You will use this course with videos and other materials for your business life throughout your education."
Price: 39.99

"Life Coaching Basics"
"A professional life coach is your guide and companion to achieving your goals. It helps you to set correct and attainable goals, to take necessary actions on the way to the target, to focus on the target, to support you, to provide effective feedback in a timely manner and to provide your motivation.It should not be forgotten that life coach is never a psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist.A good coach is a person who asks questions correctly and effectively. It questions the person whether their goals are achievable or not, and enables them to identify negative and negative factors and behaviors in achieving the goal and confront them in a sense. He regularly meets with his client, reviews actions, and makes a companion in achieving the goal as a result of the feedback he receives.In this course, you will learn much more with video lessons in a clear and practical way."
Price: 59.99

"Forensic Medicine Course"
"Forensic investigation and clarification of an incident in the judicial process, the courts may require the expert service to obtain information on technical matters and solve the case. Expertise can be in many different areas. Forensic medicine is one of the most widely known fields of expertise and is the intersection of law and medical practice. Although autopsy comes to mind when it comes to forensic medicine, autopsy is only one of the fields of forensic medicine. However, if all expert services are collected under a large umbrella, we can name this umbrella as forensic sciences.. Forensic medicine has an important role and function in the working mechanism of forensic science umbrella. It can be described as a device that brings the parts together and ensures harmonious operation.You will find more in this course."
Price: 39.99

"Investment Management Course"
"Individual Portfolio Management (BPY) is a tailor-made portfolio management service offered to investors in order to manage their savings by expert portfolio managers in accordance with the management criteria determined by the investors themselves such as benchmarking criteria, investment bands, assets to be invested or not to be invested.The BPY service contract is provided through an Individual Portfolio Management Framework Agreement arasnda signed between the investor and the institution.Investors benefit from the market experience of portfolio managers who are experts in their field thanks to the BPY service. Portfolio managers manage customer portfolios within the framework of contractual criteria within the framework of prudent merchant approach and professional portfolio management principles, knowing the value of the valuable savings that investors have gained by working for years with the forehead sweat.You will find more in this course."
Price: 64.99

"Basics of Counselling Course"
"Psychological counseling is a process of professional help by experts for individuals to understand themselves, to gain awareness, to identify problems and to produce solutions, to make decisions, to be in harmony and healthy communication with the environment. The person providing this help is called a psychological counselor and the person receiving the help is called a counselor.Counseling is a process that helps individuals to cope with adaptation problems related to situations they face in daily life. From this perspective, individuals who want to receive psychological counseling are not patients.. Contrary to the negative view of our society on this aid process, the counseling process deals with the problems of normal individuals in daily life. It is natural that individuals who cannot cope with the changes in their lives can get help.You will find much more in this course."
Price: 29.99

"Effective Communication Course"
"Effective communicationThere are many definitions of communication. Communication is the transfer of knowledge, thoughts and attitudes by using certain tools.""What is communication?"" To put it briefly, the cradle to the grave is always a human need and a vital need for human beings as air. Communication is an effort to seek meaning, a creative act initiated by a person, trying to distinguish and organize warnings in a way that directs himself around and meets his changing needs.Mankind has resorted to various means to communicate since its existence. Communication has evolved continuously from past to present. At first, communication was communicated with body language, hand and arm movements, gestures and gestures, by making fire, by creating smoke, by drawing pictures in caves, by making various figures in the palace of kings, and then there were new developments in communication tools in parallel with the development of technology.In this course, you will find much more."
Price: 39.99

"Managerial Skills Course"
"Skill; It is the power of a person to gain from the knowledge, experience, intelligence and innate abilities gained by education.We define people who have the power to make, realize and finalize them as skillful. Skill is a result of integrated factors.Intelligence alone or education alone is not enough to experience experience alone. If we are talking about management skills, we need to remember the factors that enable us to successfully manage the phenomenon of management. Which factors are successful and our management skills are perceived as high? Scientists have sought answers to this question and have tackled a large number of skills in a wide range of skills by grouping them under specific headings."
Price: 44.99

"Eitimde Psikoloji Kursu"
"Eitimin, maara devri insanndan beri, gnmzde de bazen nktelere konu olmas itibariyle insanln gelimesi ve ""insanlk tarihini"" oluturmas iin olmazsa olmaz olduunu, eitimsizliin, yannda grgszlk ve bilgisizlik, hatta kltrszlk olduunu artk anmaya ve anlatmaya gerek yok. Ama unu anlamamz art; eitimin ilk adm bizle balyor. Bizim ve yaknlarmzn eitimi iin eitimli olmamz ve onlar ynlendirmemiz gerekiyor. O maara devri gelimemilii ve kabul edemediimiz gerekleri deitirmenin tek yolu bu; o nktelere konu olmamak iin admmz ne mi olsun? Eitimin ne olduunu anlamak ve onu iyi irdeleyerek atacamz admlar belirlemek olsun. Bu kurs da vesile olsun.Deecek, inann, verdiiniz zamana, izlediiniz gzlerinize, dediiniz paraya!Haydi balayalm!"
Price: 109.99

"Aromaterapia Segura para Pais e Filhos"
"Neste curso, voc aprender sobre Aromaterapia, leos essenciais e como us-los de forma segura e responsvel. Possui vrias receitas, inspiradas na literatura clssica francesa, para apoiar os mais diversos problemas como assaduras, insnia, gripes, dentio e muito mais. um curso elaborado de forma simplificada com slides visuais, voz e tabelas de consultas para facilitar sua aplicao.Tratamos um pouco dos conceitos bsicos e da histria da aromaterapia para que todos os alunos possam conhecer a origem milenas e benfica desta terapia complementar e poder us-la com confiana.Alm disso possui contedos extras incrveis para agregar ainda mais valor ao seu conhecimento."
Price: 279.99

"The Complete WordPress Website Beginners Course"
"Learn how to build a professional and amazing websites using WordPress CMS. Without learning how to code and without any programming! Apart from learning the all about the nook and cranny of WordPress and how it works, In this course you would also learn how to use amazing WordPress plugins , PageBuilder Frameworks and themes such as Elementor, Avada , WP Pagebuilder etc."
Price: 19.99

"Motivate Your Kids"
"Do you find yourself micromanaging your kids' school work?Are you worn out from feeling like you're having to force them to care about school?Want them to be more proactive and self sufficient?In this course, we examine the dynamics of strained parent-child relationships and how you can effectively communicate with them so that they start to take your advice seriously.Objective of course:To equip parents with methods of influence that allow them to effectively guide their kids to be self starters, in such a way that the kids cannot blame themselves, and so the parents are able to preserve their self esteem and self efficacy."
Price: 49.99

"Gmail Mastery and Productivity: The Essential Gmail Training"
"Gmail Mastery and Productivity: The Essential Gmail TrainingDescription:This class is about Gmail or Google mail. This class is one of my first in the series of Google Products.In this class you will learn some of the cool and new features of Gails latest interface which was released in mid-2018. The only assumption about the potential students of this class is that the student has a Gmail account and the student knows how to send and receive an email. Everything else is explained in this class. There will be more videos included in this class and you will might get a notification of my message in Udemy (I am not sure about that yet!).The purpose of this class is to make you more organized and more productive in your emails. All of us spent a lot of time reading and replying to our emails daily. By organizing our inbox and becoming more productive, we can save a lot of time for more important tasks in our business. You will learn how to organize emails in folders, using labels. You will also learn how to automate tasks in your inbox so whenever an email come, it goes to a desired folder on auto. You will also learn how to send the self-destructing emails with an expiry date on it. You will also learn how to create a vocation responder using Gmail so that whenever you go on holidays, your contacts or people who send you an email could receive an auto-generated response to their emails to you. So, I have made a good collection of some cool features of Gmail in this class and if you have any questions, I would be delighted to answer that in the Q&A tab or even could be able to add a video on demand! So have a look at the course outline and see if there is something for you.Pre-Requisites:You have a Gmail account and know how to send a receive an email using Gmail.Course Outline:In this class you will learn the following:1. Introduction to Inbox settings2. How to create a Gmail signature3. Sending large files using Gmail and Google Drive4. Gmail preview pan, Archive, Snooze and Colorful star features5. Gmail contacts groups and group emails6. Organizing Gmail messages using Filters and Labels7. How to manage disposable email addresses.8.Gmail confidential mode: How to send self-destructing emails.9.Gmail ShortcutsFuture Videos & Questions:Students are encouraged to ask questions in Q&A tab. I will either answer the question there or make a video on that topic if it deserves a separate video. Therefore, feel free to ask any particular problems or questions you may have on the class topic."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Trello Project Management in One Hour [Fast Paced]"
"Trello Project management and Productivity Course:Trello is a web-based project management tool. You can use trello for managing all types of projects. From a family vacation, wedding to a high-end corporate projects. Trello can be used in many ways. It keeps you organized, focussed and more productive with tasks in hand. Trello is one of the best tools for solopreneurs like myself. I develop online courses and have found Trello extremely useful for streamlining an online course creation process. In this course you will learn how to use trello. This is a beginners to advance level course. We will be talking about basic features upto the integration of Trello with other apps and platforms. Anyone who is interested in project management or increasing the productivity will find this course useful.Lecture Titles:1. Introduction and Basic Building Blocks of Trello1.1 Trello teams, Boards, Lists and Cards1.2. How to use Trello Cards1.3. How to use Trello Labels1.4 Trello features: Move, Copy and ArchiveMoving Cards: We move cards for many reasons, To move it to completed, to change its board, to change its priority etc. Card priority can be set by changing label colors or by moving up in a list.1.5. Trello Notifications and Watch Feature1.6. Linking Trello Cards and Boards2. Advanced features2.1 How to use Trello Filters2.2 Introduction to Trello Power-ups2.3 Integration of Trello with Slack"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Master Google Docs"
"LEARN TO M A S T E R GOOGLE DOCS Introduction to Google Docs:Google docs is an online word process which is free for you to use. You only need to have a Google account. It has tons of features which most people dont know. Google docs is available as a desktop web application supported by almost all browsers as well as a mobile phone application. The best thing about Google docs is that all the documents you create in google docs are saved on cloud storage provided free by Google. This storage is called Google Drive. Every Google account holder gets 15GB of free storage and then you can buy more at a very low yearly price. All the Google documents which you create on google docs does not count towards your 15 GB free limit. This is a huge benefit. Another feature of docs is that you can collaborate with your team members. This is an era of home-based entrepreneurs who collaborate with their customers from home or with the people who do gigs for their business. Google docs is a perfect way to do these kinds of collaborations. You can also buy paid version of google apps which is called Gsuite if you are running a company. This will give you some additional benefits. However for this course it is assumed that you only have a Google account for yourself only.Who Should Take This Course:In today's world, almost everyone uses Google products. Therefore this course is useful literally for everyone who uses the internet and Google product and applications. Google docs is being used by more and more companies on a daily basis and learning how to use Google docs can help you in your job. Almost all schools in the US, Australia, UK and western countries have started using Google documents. Whether you are a student, teacher, a job seeker, a single mom or a single dad, learning Google docs can help you in taking care of your documents, keeping them organized and saved on cloud storage.If you are in business or managing teams of people, it is almost essential to understand Google ecosystem and google documents are one of the central parts of this ecosystem.About This Course:This Google docs course on Udemy is designed as a comprehensive guide for Google documents. Even if you are an absolute beginner, you will be able to learn and master google docs. No prior knowledge of Google docs is assumed for you to have if you take this course. At this stage the course has nearly 30 lectures each explaining a few features of the application. However I will be adding more videos and exercises as this course gets seasoned. You will learn Google docs over my shoulder in each video. I will show you by actually doing the things in the documents. From creating a Google account to sharing, collaborating, making suggestions and comments for your team members, everything is explained in detail. I have kept the video lectures size to be digestible for you.Topics Covered in this Online Course on Google Docs:Google Account and Google DriveCreating and saving your First Google DocumentTour of the User interfaceUsing Ad-on to Place some Dummy text.Text Formatting: The Basic MethodText formatting using Styles in Google DocsCreating table of contentsThe paint format tool in Google docsHeader, footer and footnotesConverting a Microsoft Word document into a google Docs documentHow to do page setupAdding more fontsInserting images into google documentSome basic image operationsCreating and formatting tablesAdding, resolving and assigning comments in a Google documentMaking and handling suggestions to your team membersSharing document in Google docsReceiving a shared documentDeleting and restoring a documentThe Explore feature in Google documents.Making drawings inside a google documentEmailing documentRestoring a previous version of a Google documentTranslating a document in any language instantly.Keyboard shortcutsCreating your own shortcutsVoice typing in Google docsUsing templatesSome Details of Key Features of Google Docs:Lifetime Free Storage:All the documents you create on Google docs will be saved on your google drive and these documents will not even consume your quota of free storage allowed by Google. This means you don't have to worry about losing your articles, your blog posts, your lecture notes, you project proposals, your reports or any other document which you create on google docs. This will give you a peace of mind.Collaboration with Team members:Google docs provide an easy way to collaborate between team members. If you manageteams or you have a lot of students to collaborate with, Google documents will help youin doing that On one single document, anyone from the team members can putcomment, make suggestions or ask someone else to make comments or do approvals.You can see the discussions and make informed decisions based on the feedback ofyour team members.Version History of Your Google Documents:All the previous versions of your documents are kept stored on your Google drive. Youhave the ability to see all the previous changes, who made those changes, when thechanges were made, what discussion and suggestions were going on at the time whendocument was changed etc.You can also go back to any previous version and make it acurrent version.The ability to handle Images & Drawings:Google docs has a wonderful ability to handle images and drawings. You can draw shapes and flow charts or even algorithms inside your Google document. You have plenty of shapes, arrows, lines etc available in Google drawing app which can be used from within your document. This is really powerful because you don't have to buy any separate software for drawing shapes and flow charts and flow diagrams. Google documents also have some options for basic operations on images. For example you can change the transparency of the image, the contrast and brightness.Doing Translations and voice TypingIn Google docs, you can translate your document into any other language almostInstantly. There are many languages available and the process is very simple. This maynot be 100% accurate but you might need only few changes instead of translating thewhole document which can save you hrs. If you are a content creator, this can help youin reaching audiences from other countries.Also you can make documents just by saying something and Google docs will translatethat into text document. This is a powerful feature for transcribing videos or lectures."
Price: 199.99

"Learn to Master Google Drive"
"Learn to Master Google Drive for productivity, Security & Team CollaborationGoogle drive as a cloud storage platform is the most popular for storing your files. But also Google drive is the most versatile application from Google. With your google account you not only get 15GB of free storage on your Google drive but also can access many more Google applications. Some of the commonly used are Google docs, Google sheets, Google drawing, Google forms and you can also built a free forever website with Google sites.In this video course I will give you a detailed introduction to Google Drive features and a brief introduction to mostly commonly used Google apps which I just mentioned. Storing your files only on your PC or laptop is highly risky. What if something happens to these devices and you lose all your data. Therefore, now a days people have started to upload files on some trusted cloud storage platforms and Google drive is definitely the most used platform.Key Features of Google Drive:Provides online storageGlobal access with an internet connection and on any deviceSecuritySharing & collaboration with team membersThe biggest benefit of using Google drive is the ability to share you documents with your team members with security. Multiple team members can work on the same document at the same time. You can grant any of the 3 different levels of access. You can allow them to only view your document, or allow them to make a comment or the highest level is that you can offer them full editing access. All documents on google drive will be saved automatically.Google drive is far more than just a place to store your files. There are many Google applications built on top of Google drive. I have also dedicated one video for some of the popular Google apps such as google docs, Google sheets, Google forms,Google sites but this course is not a detailed course about these apps. However if you want to know about any particular feature of these apps, you can send me a question because I answer all the questions of my students if I have the answer to their question. The best thing about these apps is that any document you create using these apps does not count against your free quota of 15GB.Another cool feature of Google Drive is that you can store various versions of your documents. You can keep a record of what changes have been made to a particular document and you can restore a previous version of the document if you want.With time your files will grow on Google drive, you have the ability to search within your Google drive in the same way you search on Google.In short google drive is full of features,office applications, sharing and collaboration capabilities and if you want to learn how to use google drive, hit the Enroll button and I will see you inside the course.About This Udemy Course on Google Drive:This Udemy course on Google Drive is for everyone interested in saving and securing files online with a Gmail account. I will start from the very beginning, such as how to create a Google account and then I will walk you through over my shoulder to all the features of google drive.Course Lectures[Please read this before Enrolling in the course]Following Topics are currently covered in this course. I will be adding more topics if demanded by students.Lecture 1: How to create a google Account and start Using Google DriveLecture 2: Google Drive Backup and SyncLecture 3: Using Google Drive to Send Files Larger than 25 MBLecture 4: Brief tour of user interface of Google DocsLecture 5: Light box PreviewLecture 6: Handling Word DocumentsLecture 7: Sharing & Collaboration in Google DriveLecture 8: Revision HistoryLecture 9: Understanding Google Forms with a Survey ExampleLecture 10: Tour of Google Sheets user interfaceLecture 11: Google DrawingsLecture 12: A Useful Chrome Extension for google DriveLecture 13: Overview of google SitesLecture 14: Adding Flares to Google DriveLecture 15: Signing a PDF Document using a Free appIf you have any questions, please put forward and I will try my best to answer your questions."
Price: 199.99

"Lectures on Control Systems Engineering"
"Control Systems Engineering CourseControl systems engineering has many applications in Mechatronics, Robotics, Electrical and Mechanical engineering. This Udemy course could be useful for both graduate and undergraduate students of these disciplines who want to clear some concepts of control systems..Prerequisites:You must be familiar and have some knowledge of at least these subject areas:Differential EquationsLaplace TransformPartial FractionsKirchoffs lawsHigh School AlgebraMatricesI have added a 30 minute lecture on Laplace Transform, a similar lecture on partial fractions and might add one lecture about differential equations if you give me some feedback, but if you don't know high school algebra or not familiar with basic laws of physics, then I am afraid, I won't be able to help you with that.What topics are covered in this CourseThis course covers a very broad range of topics on control systems engineering. In the beginning you will learn about the basic terminology used in the field. This includes system, modelling, input, output, techniques for modelling dynamic systems such as differential equations, transfer functions, state space equations and block diagrams. Also what are linear time invariant (LTI) control systems and how to check. What are open and closed loop control systems. These topics are covered in subjects which have slightly varying names such as linear control system, feedback control system or simply the control systems engineering. All these refer to essentially the same topics. Most of these topics are covered in this course.Finding Transfer Function:You will also see examples of open loop and closed loop feedback control systems. You will also learn how to get a transfer function of various components and what are some of the properties of transfer function.Stability:Stability of a control system is of prime importance. We present two definitions of stability, the Asymptotic stability and the Bounded input Bounded Output (BIBO) stability. You will also learn how pole locations affect the stability of a system. What is multiplicity of poles on the imaginary axis and how it changes a marginally stable system to an unstable control system. A dedicated video is available on stability but stability has been discussed at various places throughout this course on control systems engineering.Block Diagram Reduction:Another important part of learning control systems is how to reduce a block diagram in its simplest form. This is an important part of this subject and there are few lectures dedicated to block diagram reduction techniques. In these lectures you will learn various familiar forms of block diagrams and rules for the reduction of these diagrams. The familiar forms include the cascade or series block diagram, parallel block diagram and feedback loop. In rules you will learn how to move a block to the right or left of a summing point, how to move a block to the right or left of a pick-off point etc. Time Response of First order & Second Order control Systems:There are many lectures on finding the time response of first order and second order control systems. This is one of the fundamental components of learning control systems engineering.You will learn how to find the time response from a transfer function. How to use poles and zeros to determine the response of a control system. Also finding poles and zeros from the transfer function. What pole will generate what type of response. You can estimate the form of the time response by looking at the poles in a transfer function. Also time constant of first order system and how it can be used for system identification. Also you will learn some terms such as rise time, settling time, overshoot, natural frequency, damping ratio etc. You will also learn the types of second order system and how can you find it by looking at the roots of the characteristic polynomial of the system. Also what is the difference between the underdamped, overdamped, critically damped and undamped time responses of a control system. We will also look into the performance parameters also called the design parameters of a control system. You will also learn about the forced and the natural response of a control system.Frequency Response & Bode Plot:In the steady state, if we apply a sinusoidal input to a linear system, we will get the sinusoidal output response of the same frequency. However the amplitude and phase will change. There are few lectures on frequency response of control systems. You will learn the importance and how to plot Bode plot of a control system in order to find the frequency response of the system. You will also learn the analytical expressions for the frequency response.Nyquist Stability Criterion:The Nyquist criterion relates the stability of a closed-loop system to the open-loop frequency response and open-loop pole location. Therefore our knowledge of the open-loop systems frequency response yields information about the stability of the closed loop system. There is a lecture on Nyquist criterion in which I tried to explain the concept without doing a lot of Mathematics. This will help you understand the concept. You will learn the mapping of complex numbers and some associated concepts."
Price: 199.99

"Google Advanced Search"
"Google Advanced SearchIn this course you will learn how to use google Advanced Search operators to search the web in a more efficient manner. You can save a lot of time by knowing how to use Googles search operators. Google provides logical AND and OR operators and in addition to that many other search operators and filters for videos, images and text based search. Most people just through some keywords in Google search dialog box and then get lost in million of results google through back on them.Video Lectures:1. Introduction to Course2. Understanding How Google Search Works3. Google Quick Search with Unique Results4. Some Basic features, calculations and Map5. Using site operator and filters6. Combining Search Operators to Refine Search Results7. Searching for a Particular File Type with Multiple Search Criteria8. 6 Advanced Search Operators"
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft Excel bsico hasta avanzado, incluye Power BI."
"Este curso va a comenzar por el mdulo bsico, donde aprenderemos los conceptos bsicos, como que es una fila, una columna, una celda, y, un rango. Crearemos una imagen vinculada a partir de un modelo de datos.Conoceremos los principales, y, quizs los ms tiles atajos de teclado, como puede ser CTRL e =, que es el atajo de auto suma.Usaremos la herramienta copiar formato de la pestaa de inicio, tanto para copiar en celdas adyacentes, como celdas que no estn contiguas.Veremos como hacer para poder ver, por ejemplo, dos hojas de Excel en la misma pantalla a travs de la pestaa vista.Inmovilizaremos paneles. Tambin, aprenderemos a usar perfectamente las referencias relativas, absolutas y mixtas con ejemplos prcticos.Veremos como usar el comando autosuma, el formato personalizado, el relleno rpido, y, todo sobre el formato condicional, y, formato condicional con frmulas, por ejemplo, para que nos seale cual es la cantidad mayor dentro de un modelo de datos.Aprenderemos a realizar nuestros primeros grficos, y, cuales son sus partes, como el uso del eje secundario.Tambin, configuraremos una hoja para ser impresa, por ejemplo, haciendo que se imprima el titulo en todas las hojas, como poner un encabezado, y, un pie de pgina, y, ajusta la hoja, tambin veremos los saltos de pginas.Por supuesto, veremos que es una tabla, y, que diferencia existe respecto a un rango. Ordenaremos por ms de un criterio, veremos el comando buscar y reemplazar.Veremos en este mdulo bsico que es la media ponderada, y, como se calcula manualmente con la funcin SUMAPRODUCTO.Respecto al mdulo intermedio.Empezaremos viendo el condicional SI, y, el condicional SI.anidado junto con los operadores lgicos Y/O.Veremos cmo usar las funciones SUMAR.SI, SUMAR.SI.CONJUNTO, CONTAR.SI, CONTAR.SI.CONJUNTO, funciones de texto y funciones de fechas, y, tambin veremos la funcin MAX.CONJUNTO, con ejemplos prcticos.Veremos funciones de bsquedas con ejemplos prcticos como puedes ser BUSCARV, INDICE, INDIRECTO, y, algunas ms. Veremos la validacin de datos al completo, como agrupar y como consolidar. Protegeremos libros y hojas.Veremos todo en relacin con tablas dinmicas, desde lo bsico hasta, por ejemplo, como vincular tablas dinmicas, o como crear campos calculados.Daremos un repaso a otras funciones como puedes ser SUBTOTALES, SUMAPRODUCTO entre otras. Veremos funciones estadsticas, con ejemplos prcticos como siempre.En cuanto a Excel avanzadoEmpezaremos viendo que es power Query, que significa, que es lo que hace, y para que usarlo, he de decir que es una herramienta muy poderosa, que nos va a permitir trabajar con varios modelos de datos a la vez.Tambin vamos a aprender que es Power Pivot, igual que power Query, veremos cual es su utilidad, que es mucha, y ya aprenderemos a relacionar modelos de datos, y, crear tablas y grficos dinmicos.Aprenderemos los mens de power pivot, cules son sus funcionalidades. Todo detallado con ejemplos.Veremos funciones avanzadas como puede ser la funcin ELEGIR, DESREF, entre otras. Tambin, echaremos un vistazo a las funciones de bases de datos, como puede ser BDSUMA.Conoceremos las funciones matriciales, y, las formulas de matriz, como puede ser la funcin transponer.Veremos para que vale la funcin pronostico y tendencia.Crearemos diferentes escenarios con solver, buscar objetivo, anlisis y, entre otras.Veremos las macros en Excel junto con visual Basic para poder crear reportes con filtros avanzados y controles de formulario.Ya, entraremos a fondo en el tema de Power BI, quizs el mas amplio, empezaremos explicando un poco su definicin, y, su uso, veremos cmo descargar e instalarlo.Como poder crear un modelo, veremos la diferencia entre columnas calculadas y medidas, tambin, veremos un caso prctico, y, haremos un recorrido por Power BI.A continuacin, entraremos de lleno en Power Bi, una vez visto una presentacin, donde aprenderemos a usar algunas herramientas que nos sern de mucha utilidad como poder ser jumpshare.Veremos los diferentes entornos de trabajo, como puede ser, Excel 2010, 2013 y 2016.Aprenderemos a configurar nuestro onedriveVeremos como podemos conectarnos a diferentes orgenes de datos, como podemos crear un origen nico en el caso que cambie la ubicacin del archivo original.Aprenderemos a usar manager parameters. Anexaremos consultas Veremos que es unpivoting y pivoting.Crearemos una columna personalizada. Veremos que es group by. Aprenderemos lo que es la denormalizacion y normalizacin. Sabremos distinguir entre una tabla de hechos y una maestraConoceremos el modelo estrella y copo de nieve.Veremos que son las relaciones, que es una medida, que es una columna calculada, usaremos el crosshfiltering, veremos que es la ambigedad y userrelation shipSabremos que son los kpis o indicadores claves de rendimiento.Veremos diferentes tipos de grficos, y, aprenderemos a descargar y usar custom visualHablaremos sobre power map y power view. Usaremos la herramienta analyze in Excel, veremos la definicin de contextos.En fin, aun queda mucho mas que decir, pero no quiero aburriros.El ultimo modulo, es un ejemplo prctico, que se va a explicar como se construye paso a paso.Aprenderemos a realizar un dashboard econmico-financiero desde cero, siendo este el resultado final de dicho dashboard.Por ultimo, conozca los 100 trucos de productividad de Excel."
Price: 99.99

"Dashboard economico financiero"
"Aprende a crear en Excel paneles o cuadros de mando destinados al anlisis y la toma de decisiones. Entiende paso a paso qu tablas dinmicas, funciones o grficos necesitas para que sean intuitivos y permitan entender de una pasada gran cantidad de datos. Conoce los tipos posibles y sus distintas utilidades como, por ejemplo, para mostrar datos econmicos y financieros o para el rea comercial. Empieza hoy y no dejes escapar la ventaja competitiva que supone dominar los dashboard."
Price: 19.99

"100 trucos de productividad en Excel"
"Optimiza tu trabajo en Excel con la variada lista de trucos que te presenta este curso. Esta formacin te presenta importantes detalles sobre la propia configuracin de Excel, hasta tcnicas que servirn para proteger nuestra informacin o aumentar nuestra velocidad de trabajo. Este curso es, en definitiva, una excelente recopilacin de trucos agrupados por objetivo, para que encuentres el tip adecuado que te servir para ahorrar tiempo y esfuerzo pensada para cualquier persona que trabaje con Microsoft Excel.Temario.Modulo 1. Configurar y optimizar excel.3 trucos para acelerar el funcionamiento de Excel.5 trucos desde las 'Opciones de Excel.Quitar las lneas de cuadrcula de una hoja.Reducir al mximo el tamao de un archivo Excel.Restaurar las configuraciones por defecto de Excel.Modulo 2. Formato de valores y celdas.2 trucos para resaltar celdas automticamente.Borrar todo en una celda o rango de celdas.Cambiar signo negativo de derecha a izquierda.Convertir nmeros de texto a nmeros de valor.Forzar formato de nmero telefnico.Modulo 3. Grficos en Excel.5 Trucos para mejorar nuestros grficos.Agregar series a un grfico en tres segundos.Evitar que un grfico de rea represente ceros.Cmo hacer un grfico interactivo.Grficos dentro de una celda con Repetir.Como hacer un grfico termmetro.Modulo 4. Introduccin de datos en excel.3 trucos para la edicin de celdas.Listas desplegables en Excel.5 trucos para introducir datos rpidamente.Comentarios dentro de frmulas con la funcin N.Insertar iconos y smbolos en Excel.Insertar una ecuacin en Excel.Solucionar un error cometido en mltiples frmulas.Modulo 5. Ordenar y filtrar en excel.Dejar valores nicos en una lista.Filtrar por ms de dos criterios un campo de tabla.Ordenar una tabla por ms de un campo.Modulo 6. Productividad y ahorro de tiempo en excel.Trucos para alinear grficos y formas.Apertura de libros de Excel.Barra de inicio rpido en Excel.Trucos para seleccionar rangos rpidamente.3 trucos muy rpidos sobre celdas que ahorran tiempo.Depurar tablas importadas de un ERP con una macro.Transponer filas a columnas o al revs.Modulo 7. Proteccin de datos y detectar errores en excel.5 trucos para proteger nuestra informacin.Compartir un libro y revisar cambios.Detectar diferencias y duplicados en listas.Mantener actualizada siempre una tabla dinmica.Permitir a VBA ejecutar macros en hojas protegidas.Usar CodeName en VBA para evitar incoherencias.Ver una vista previa de lo que se va a imprimir.Modulo 8. Sumas especiales y manejo de texto en excel.Dos formas de hacer sumas acumuladas.Varios trucos para manejar texto.Sumar rangos con filas ocultas o con errores.Modulo 9. Varios trucos en excel.Movernos por Excel con ms agilidad.Ajuste de columnas y filas en Excel.Imprimir Excel de forma profesional.Trucos geniales para impresionar al jefe.Filtrar una tabla por color.Combinar celdas horizontalmente.Crear un libro nuevo de Excel a partir de una hoja.Bloquear objetos ante la eliminacin de filas.Tabla dinmica con varias tablas de origen.Calcular el trimestre correspondiente a una fecha."
Price: 19.99

"Formulas y funciones avanzadas en Excel"
"Introduccin a las frmulas y funciones avanzadas de ExcelUtilizar las funciones nos permitir ser ms eficientes y eficaces a la hora de buscar informacin, obtener clculos o realizar estadsticas.Una funcin puede hacer centenares de clculos en el mismo tiempo que nosotros podemos hacer solo uno.Adems, todo ello sin errores y de forma masiva en mltiples celdas con tan solo unos clics.En este curso es indistinto el nivel que tengas de Excel o cul ser tu sector profesional.Vas a aprender a utilizar todas las frmulas y las funciones ms importantes de Excel.Estn organizadas temticamente para una mejor localizacin.Encontrars funciones de texto, de fecha, condicionales, funciones de bsqueda, matemticas, estadsticas y financieras.En definitiva, todo un compendio ms que suficiente para adquirir grandes habilidades de clculo en Excel.Mi nombre es Miguel ngel Franco Garca y soy formador y consultor, as como especialista en Excel y otros programas de Office.Mi trabajo hace que, constantemente, est actualizado en materia de frmulas y funciones, y en este curso te ofrezco toda mi experiencia al respecto.Creo, sinceramente, que es una oportunidad que no debes dejar escapar.Decdete a incorporar a tu currculum el contenido de este curso, porque a buen seguro que va a potenciar en gran medida tu vala profesional."
Price: 29.99

"Programmez-vous la russite!"
"J'ai conu ce cours-coaching afin de vous accompagner travers une stratgie complte pour vous permettre de raliser un maximum d'objectifs et mettre toutes les chances de votre ct pour russir votre nouvelle anne!Je vous partage au cours de ces 15 jours, des tapes concrtes et prcises, qui si vous les suivez au bon rythme, vont vous offrir des rsultats bien plus puissants et mesurables que ce que vous avez accomplis durant les annes coules.Comment pourrais-je tenir cette promesse? Et bien en vous apportant des outils pratiques et les moyens de prendre le contrle de ce qui conditionne 80% de vos russites, succs et checs aussi.Entre autre choses, vous allez dcouvrir dans cette formation :Ce qui conditionne le succs et la russiteCe qui bloque votre progressionApprendre modliser votre recette personnelle du succs pour la reproduire l'infini Reprendre le contrle de votre cerveau et le manipuler positivement pour plus de rsultatsApprendre organiser vos objectifs et les rendre accessiblesComment passer l'action et arrter de procrastinerComment se tenir aux objections et aux ""bonnes rsolutions"" sans les abandonnerProgresser grands pas et rapidement dans tous les domaines de votre vieComment appliquer cette approche chaque anne et dans tous vos projets...Pour vous permettre de vivre une exprience de cours-coaching encore plus pousse, vous pourrez intgrer un groupe priv immdiatement aprs votre inscription. Vous allez dans ce groupe pouvoir changer avec d'autres personnes qui comme vous veulent russir et progresser. Ce sera aussi l'occasion de communiquer plus facilement et rapidement ensemble lorsque vous aurez besoin de prcision. Vous aurez galement accs de nombreux partages et inspirations pour votre dveloppement personnel et professionnel.Vous ne voulez plus que la prochaine anne ressemble toutes les autres? Vous ne voulez plus faire face au mme constat en fin d'anne? Vous voulez vivre de la progression, voir les rsultats se mettre en place, obtenir plus, vivre plus, ...?Le temps passe vite... Trop vite... Ne laissez pas les remords devenir vos compagnons de route et prenez les commandes de vos objectifs!Rejoignez ce cours ds prsent. tout de suite de l'autre ct.Bien vous,Julien alias MerlinLe Coach Magicien"
Price: 99.99

"Organiser et grer son temps efficacement"
"Bienvenue!Vous tes la recherche d'une mthode qui va vous faire gagner du temps et vous permettre de passer plus facilement l'action?Vous tes au bon endroit! Laissez-moi vous expliquer rapidement pourquoi:Dans cette formation vous allez apprendre comment:Amliorez votre rapport au tempsOrganisez efficacement vos ides, vos penses, vos projetsPassez plus facilement et rapidement l'actionAgissez avec cohrence et efficacitGagnez du temps et profitez plus de votre temps libreObtenez plus de temps libre pour vos proches et vos amisInvestissez votre nergie et votre temps dans ce qui compte vraiment pour vousAchevez vos projets qui trainent depuis des semaines, des mois ou des annes mmes!Simplifiez votre organisation et votre vie pour plus de rsultatsInstallez de nouvelles habitudes productives et positivesC'est aprs plusieurs annes o j'ai eu l'opportunit de former des cadres-dirigeants, des quipes de management au sein de moyennes et grandes entreprises, ainsi que des accompagnements en coaching individuel autour de la gestion du temps, de l'organisation et de l'efficacit que j'ai fini par crer ce programme cl en main.Ce systme s'inspire de nombreuses lectures, formations et apprentissages que j'ai pu moi-mme suivre pour parfaire mes interventions et apporter toujours plus de rsultats pour mes clients. J'ai dcid de mettre disposition cette approche globale sur Udemy afin d'offrir un contenu de qualit et surtout concret et pratique pour chaque personne qui a le dsir profond d'amliorer sa gestion du temps, son organisation et sa productivit.Psychothrapeute de formation, j'ai toujours choisi et une fois de plus ici, une approche centre sur l'individu en mettant en avant les mcanismes et le fonctionnement du cerveau humain face la technique.Apprendre grer son temps travers l'utilisation d'outils et de techniques ne suffit pas! Vous l'avez probablement dj remarqu si vous avez dj pris la peine d'essayer de transformer vos rsultats par le pass.C'est pourquoi dans cette formation vous allez apprendre galement comment:Dpassez les limites de la penseSortez du cadre pour avoir plus de rsultatsLevez les freins de votre passage l'actionMettez un terme la procrastinationNe vous perdez plus dans vos ides et vos pensesRestez focus et gardez votre motivationBien entendu, vous allez apprendre une mthodologie complte qui va vous permettre de cadrer efficacement vos apprentissages. Mettant toujours en avant la simplicit et l'efficacit, j'ai slectionn et combin pour vous les meilleurs outils pour aller plus vite, plus loin et avec le moins d'effort et temps possible pour accomplir vos projets.Alors j'ai une question pour vous.Est-ce que vous tes vraiment prt(e) faire ce qui est ncessaire pour booster votre productivit, grer efficacement votre temps et passer vritablement l'action?Si votre rponse est OUI, on se retrouve tout de suite de l'autre ct!Bien vous,Julien alias Merlin"
Price: 149.99

"Comment russir vendre? De zro Pro!"
"Vous pensez que la vente n'est pas faite pour vous? Que c'est trop compliqu? Que vous tes trop gentil(le) pour pouvoir russir dans ce monde de requins? Ou peut-tre encore que vous n'avez pa assez confiance en vous, ni les capacits pour pouvoir exceller et en vivre?Bienvenue vous!Pour tout vous dire j'tais dans cet tat d'esprit par le pass. J'avais mon expertise mtier mais en aucun cas je ne me voyais comme un professionnel de la vente... Loin, trs loin de l mme!C'est aprs une prise de conscience importante que j'ai enfin compris ce que sont rellement la vente et la ngociation, et pourquoi nous devrions toutes et tous tre en mesure d'utiliser ces comptences et ces forces dans notre vie. Quelque soit votre mtier, la carrire que vous voulez mener ou le domaine dans lequel vous voulez travailler, savoir vendre n'est pas une option.Alors pour toutes les personnes qui ont une peur bleue de la vente et de tout ce qui tourne autour, aux personnes qui n'y connaissent rien ou qui au contraire en savent beaucoup trop (tellement que a les bloque), je vous partage les stratgies de vente et les fondements qui me permettent aujourd'hui d'exceller dans cette comptence et de pouvoir vendre avec efficacit au quotidien.Qui devrait suivre cette formation?Novice avancPersonnel de vente en commerce de dtailsEntrepreneurs et travailleurs autonomesEntrepreneurs dans le domaine du conseil et du serviceDveloppement d'affairesMarketing de Rseau (MLM)Artistes professionnel(le)sToutes personnes qui dsirent obtenir plus de la vieQu'allez-vous apprendre durant cette formation?Ce qu'est vraiment la venteComment tre gentil peut booster vos rsultatsDevenir un(e) vendeur/vendeuse qu'on remercie et que l'on rfreAugmenter votre chiffre d'affairesConvaincre facilement vos prospectsGrer avec souplesse et facilit toutes les objectionsDpasser la peur de se faire dire nonDpasser la peur du rejetDvelopper votre confiance et votre assuranceAmliorer votre communication gnralePouvoir tirer profit de toutes les situationsConclure plus rapidement vos ventesNe plus avoir peur des rmunrations la commission et augmenter vos revenusVous allez la fois apprendre vous dvelopper en tant que vendeur/vendeuse et vous allez aussi augmenter vos comptences terrain.J'ai fait en sorte que cette formation dont le sujet me passionne de vous offrir un maximum d'informations pertinentes et de mises en situations. Pour a j'ai cr de nombreux supports pour vous guider tout au long de la formation et vous challenger progressivement sur vos comprhensions et vos acquis.La vente concerne tout le monde et vous pouvez changer considrablement vos rsultats en dveloppant vos comptences aujourd'hui, et ce, quelque soit le domaine concern! Comme je le dis, savoir vendre et convaincre efficacement c'est aussi se donner la chance de pouvoir faire vos propres choix et dfinir le genre de rsultats que vous voulez dans votre vie.Lorsqu'on sait vendre et convaincre, les choix des autres nous impactent beaucoup moins et on obtient beaucoup plus ce qu'on dsir vraiment! Alors, on fait quoi? tout de suite dans cette formation!"
Price: 149.99

"Devenir manager coach"
"Vous tes Manager ou envisagez de le devenir? Vous voulez donner une dimension plus humaine et plus adapte l'panouissement de vos collaborateurs dans votre entreprise? Vous souhaitez apprendre les techniques de coaching adaptes au milieu de l'entreprise et booster vos rsultats et ceux de vos quipes?Alors cette formation est pour vous!Durant cette formation, je vais vous accompagner dvelopper votre posture de coach et devenir un(e) acclrateur(trice) et un(e) facilitateur(trice) de succs et de ralisation!Au programme de cette formation:Psychologie applique au managementLeadershipCommunicationMotivationGestion des conflits et des problmesCoaching pour managerGestion et dveloppement des talents Cette formation a t construite de faon pouvoir rpondre la ralit du terrain et au management des quipes quelque soit le secteur d'activit.Vous saurez grce au contenu de ce programme adapter les outils et les techniques votre milieu professionnel, convaincre et vendre votre nouvelle posture vos suprieurs et vos quipes de l'intrt pour eux que vous deveniez Manager Coach.De nombreuses mises en situations et exercices vont sont proposs tout au long de votre parcours afin de vous permettre d'intgrer efficacement et rapidement le contenu que vous avez appris.Je reste votre coute tout au long de cette formation et par la suite, afin de pouvoir rpondre vos questions et vos besoins de prcisions. Comme pour toutes les autres formations que je propose sur Udemy, il est important pour moi que vous ayez un maximum de valeur sur votre apprentissage et votre investissement dans ce cours.Si vous voulez humaniser votre mtier, reprendre votre lien avec l'humain et tre un(e) vritable acteur(trice) du changement et du succs pour vos collaborateurs et collaboratrices... alors cette formation est faite pour vous! tout de suite, pour le dbut de cette aventure.Bien vous,Julien alias MerlinLe Coach Magicien"
Price: 199.99

"Wordpress ile Web Tasarm : 1 Saatte Kodlamasz Web Sitesi"
"Bu eitim setimizde sfr bilgiyle balayarak 1 saatte web sitesi kurmay reniyoruz.Hi bir adm atlamyor,eksiksiz bir eitim setiyle yalnzca 2 saatte hem Wordpress'in nasl kullanldn,hem de ksa srede harika web sitelerini nasl kurabileceimiz reniyoruz.Bunlara ek olarak ""domain(alan ad)"" nedir,""hosting(barndrma)"" nedir gibi sorular cevaplayp alan ad ve hosting'i nasl uygun fiyata satn alp web sitemizi yaynlayacamz reniyoruz."
Price: 59.99

"Modelagem 3D com Blender: Desenvolvimento de jogos em 3D"
"Ol a todos e sejam bem vindos ao curso de ""Modelagem 3D com Blender: Desenvolvimento de jogos em 3D"".Quero deixar claro, que voc no s aprender a criar alguns jogos, mas tambm ter uma visocompletamente diferente sobre desenvolvimento de artes para jogos.Alm de criar suas artes, voc tambm ter acesso a algumas sesses extras, onde vamos programar e criar alguns jogos.Ento, vamos comear!?Bons estudos"
Price: 249.99

"Design de Sons para Video Games: Aprenda audacity e LMMS"
"Ol e seja bem vindo ao curso de Design de sons para jogos.Aqui voc no s aprender a criar seus prprios sons para seus jogos, mas tambm ir destravar seu lado criativo.Assim, garanto que alm de aprender a usar o Audacity ou LMMS, voc tambm entender como tudo funciona nesse cenrio de desenvolvimento de sons para jogos.Ns vamos, juntos, desenvolver sons para 3 jogos completos, assim te dando uma experincia incrvel para aplicar em seus prprios jogos.Caso tenha interesse, estarei te esperando em minhas aulas.Bons estudos!"
Price: 249.99