"Personagens para jogos 2d: Do zero at animao" |
"Ol e seja muito bem vindo ao meu curso de desenvolvimento de personagens e animao 2d.Aqui voc aprender a criar personagens do ZERO, usando a ferramenta inkscape, que um software totalmente gratuito.Alm de aprender a criar animaes com o Dragon Bones, que um software gratuito e muito poderoso.Ento, o que acha de comear a criar suas prprias artes e animaes?Vamos comear?Bons estudos"
Price: 249.99 |
"S.D.K Self Defense Karate the platinum course" |
"We start to write the basics of the basics,and steep by steep, we will go to the quick and more instinctively respond that we need outside.However, we must remember that as much as we practice and master the most basic technique, our response will be more effective.It depends on how serious and devoted we are when we practiceLearning the basics and retching the next step, retching the next level of protecting yourself."
Price: 34.99 |
"Get The Anxiety Monkey Off Your Back: Natural Anxiety Relief" |
"This course is for those looking to get the proverbial anxiety monkey off your back once and for all naturally. I created this course because I have something to say dealing with anxiety 30+ years. Does that make me an expert? I want to help alleviate suffering from those dealing with anxiety all around the world. This course will continue to update as new insights into anxiety are discovered. I hope you enjoy my course and most of all I hope it helps."
Price: 39.99 |
"Preparatrio para Certificao ANBIMA CPA-20" |
"CURSO CPA-20 ATUALIZADO EM OUTUBRO DE 2019, DE ACORDO COM O LTIMO EDITAL DA ANBIMA.O que voc vai encontrar aqui:73 vdeo-aulas.26 horas de vdeos.700 questes de prova (atualizadas constantemente).Resumos das aulas, disponveis para download.Suporte com o professor, durante todo o seu curso, via Whatsapp.Mtodo de estudo com 100% de aprovao!Este preparatrio est super atualizado com o ultimo edital da CPA-20 da ANBIMA!Com este curso voc ter dois ganhos: TODOS OS conhecimentos necessrios para obteno da certificao ANBIMA CPA-20.Compreenso dos mercados financeiros no Brasil.O curso contempla assuntos em economia brasileira, finanas, mercado de aes, derivativos e instrumentos de aplicao em renda fixa, de acordo com as recomendaes da ANBIMA para o exame de certificao CPA-20. Tambm so apresentados os mercado de fundos de investimento e de aplicaes em previdncia privada. Apresenta-se a Mensurao e o Gerenciamento de Riscos de Carteiras e Investimentos.DIFERENCIAIS:Professor com experincia em preparatrios CPA-20 para ANBIMA: mais de 3000 alunos treinados presencialmente!Acesso vitalcio: voc no tem presso de tempo para passar na CPA-20.Aulas em HD: muito melhor quando voc tem uma imagem de alta qualidade no seu dispositivo!Resumos das aulas, materiais extras e estudos de caso disponveis durante todo o curso!Suporte on-line durante todo o curso!Veja nas avaliaes as recomendaes de quem j fez o curso!"
Price: 324.99 |
"Cmo cumplir todos los objetivos que te propones" |
"Qu est pasando?Por qu la mayora de la gente fracasa a la hora de cumplir sus objetivos?Por qu al final solo unas pocas personas personas llegan a conseguir su mximo xito y realizacin?Esto sucede ya que posiblemente an no sepas cuales son esas claves y esos requisitos para poder cumplir con todo aquello que te propones. Y esto es algo trgico ya que al final si quieres conseguir grandes resultados en tu vida, necesitas cumplir aquellos objetivos importantes que te propones. Esto sucede porque desde pequeos, nadie nos ense cuales son esas herramientas y trucos para arrasar en tu vida, y yo no s a ti pero... a mi esto me parece una autntica pena.Pero tu hoy te vas a convertir en la excepcin, en esa excepcin que va a conseguir ser exitoso en aquellas reas y objetivos que realmente son importantes en tu vida y va a marcar un antes y un despus en ella. Mientras que el resto de la poblacin intenta conseguir el xito y fracasan una y otra vez en el camino, tu dejars de ser como ellos y estars ms cerca de sintonizar con tu mejor versin.Preparado para ser exitoso en tus objetivos? O quieres seguir fracasando una y otra vez en todo lo que te propones?Pues yo te ensear lo que necesitas saber para que puedas ver esos resultados que tanto quieres ver en tu vida de una vez por todas!Si accedes ahora a este video curso adems obtendrs de regalo 2 bonus extras + 1, te veo dentro!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Descubre los secretos para aumentar tu productividad" |
"Qu est pasando?Por qu a pesar de dedicarle tantas horas a tu proyecto no consigues grandes resultados?Por qu algunas personas tienen una productividad increble y el resto no?Esto sucede ya que posiblemente an no sepas cuales son esas claves y esos requisitos para poder llevar tu productividad al siguiente nivel. Y esto es algo trgico ya que al final si quieres conseguir grandes resultados en tu vida, necesitas invertir tus recursos de la mejor forma posible. Y es que, nadie nos ense cuales son esas herramientas y trucos para darlo todo con tus proyectos, y yo no s a ti pero... a mi esto me parece una autntica pena.Pero tu hoy te vas a convertir en la excepcin, en esa excepcin que va a arrasar en aquellas reas y objetivos que realmente son importantes en tu vida para conseguir los mximos resultados en cada segundo invertido. Mientras que el resto de la poblacin pierde su valioso tiempo en aquellos objetivos que tienen, tu dejars de ser como ellos y estars ms cerca de sintonizar con tu mejor versin.Preparado para convertir tu productividad en un xito? O quieres seguir derrochando tu tiempo?Pues yo te ensear lo que necesitas saber para que puedas ver esos resultados que tanto quieres ver en tu vida de una vez por todas!Te veo dentro!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Heursticas e Metaheursticas em Python" |
"Nesse curso estudaremos uma rea muito importante da computao: heursticas e metaheursticas.Utilizamos heursticas e metaheursticas quando os mtodos exatos de resoluo no so eficientes para nosso problema.No curso aprenderemos:- Heursticas Construtivas- Estruturas de vizinhana- Buscas Locais- Diversos tipos de metaheursticas dentre eles GRASP, colnia de formigas, algoritmos genticos, ILS e busca tabuPara cada tpico haver um trabalho prtico em python (voc tem a flexibilidade de implementar na linguagem que preferir) para que os conceitos sejam fixados.No final tambm h um projeto final de um problema de sequenciamento da produo."
Price: 99.99 |
"Otimizao Multiobjetivo em Python" |
"Nesse curso exploraremos de Otimizao Multiobjetivo. Otimizao multiobjetivo, como o nome diz, so problemas em que duas ou mais funes objetivos so consideradas e normalmente conflitantes (ex: custo e performance).Nos concentraremos nos mtodos clssicos (soma ponderada e -restrito) e no final faremos juntos um estudo de caso em Python utilizando Pulp. desejvel ter experincia e conhecimento prvio em modelagem matemtica e para o estudo de caso, python (embora possa ser executado em qualquer linguagem de programao)"
Price: 99.99 |
"English Grammar and Speaking Skills" |
"Hello everyone. I made this course for all those people who lack confidence in speaking English and those who want to improve their English Grammar. I have taught all the modules step by step. My name is Pinkie Sachdeva. I have experience of 25 years. Join me in this journey where I teach you all the basic structure of English step by step."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Maths For SSC,PSC,Railway,Vyapam & all competitive exams" |
"The course includes video explanations of solving complex Math problems in seconds. We always wonder how to do so many questions in a competitive exam in such little time. This course will help you to crack competitive exams.Number system Indices and surds Average Ratio and proportion Partnership L.C.M. & H.C.FTime and work Pipes and cistern Percentage Profit, loss and discount Simple interest Compound interest Time, speed and distance Boats and streams Mixture and Allegation Ages"
Price: 2240.00 |
"Reasoning For SSC,PSC,Railway,Vyapam & all competitive exams" |
"The course includes video explanations of solving complex Reasoning problems in seconds. We always wonder how to do so many questions in a competitive exam in such little time. This course will help you to crack competitive examsTime & Clock Calendar Decoding Relation Sense Test Test Arrangement Syllogism Test Dice Cube and cuboid Assumption of Arguments Strong or weak Arguments Statement & Conclusion Courses of Action Assertion and Reason Input output Computing"
Price: 2240.00 |
"Advance Maths SSC,PSC,Railway,Vyapam & all competitive Exam." |
"The course includes video explanations of solving complex Advance Maths problems in seconds. We always wonder how to do so many questions in a competitive exam in such little time. This course will help you to crack competitive exams (Algebra) (Geometry) (Co-ordinate Geometry) (Mensuration) (Trigonometry) (height and distance) (Permutation and Combination) (Probability) (Data Interpretation)"
Price: 2240.00 |
"Crer une audience de fan accro tes mails" |
"Apprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'actionApprendre crire des mails qui poussent passer l'action"
Price: 99.99 |
"Crer 1 business en ligne rentable en partant de 0" |
"tes-vous dans cette situation ?Vous souhaitez crer un vritable business en ligne mais vous ne savez pas o commencer.Le paradoxe c'est qu'il y a normment d'informations sur le web mais vous n'arrivez pas faire le tri dans tous ces contenus. Aujourd'hui vous avez perdu trop de temps et vous avez envie de passer la vitesse suprieure avec un plan d'action concret.Je peux vous rassurer ?Vous tes au bon endroit !J'ai cre ce cours car j'tais comme vous il y a 2ans et aujourd'hui je vous partage tout ce que je sais dans ce cours pratique o je vous montre TOUT.Qu'allons-nous voir dans cette formation ?Ce cours a t pens autour des 5piliers du business en ligne.A savoir : Le MINDSET, c'est dire l'tat d'esprit indispensable avoir pour russirLe BRANDING, c'est tous les dtails qui creront une diffrence sur le web La LISTE MAILS, c'est la base de ton business pour crer une relation et vendreLa TECHNIQUE, c'est toute la partie invitable pour exister et je te guide clic par clicLe CONTENU, c'est ce qui te permettra de crer du trafic pour attirer des clientsLe programme vous plat ? Il ne vous reste plus qu' me rejoindre maintenant dans la formation complte.J'ai pens tous les modules pour les dbutants en particulier pour la partie technique qui fait souvent peur au plus grand nombre. Je filme mon cran et on avance ensemble sans pression.Vous avez maintenant l'opportunit de vous forger un MINDSET de feu, un BRANDING de qualit, une LISTE MAILS qualifi, un SITE scuris et des CONTENUS pertinents.A vous de jouer, je vous attends dans le 1er module !Si cette formation vous aide avancer, je vous invite laisser un commentaire c'est ce qui m'aidera le plus faire connaitre ce cours pratique."
Price: 19.99 |
"Critical Reflection for Everyone" |
"The focus of this course is on personal and professional development through applying Critical Reflection to life, academic and work situations. You will first explore what Critical Reflection is and why it is important. Then you will learn about a simple Critical Reflection model, and hear an example of how to apply it. Next I will discuss some conditions and resources that can support your growing Critical Reflection Practice. We end by learning about some alternative Critical Reflection models that may suit your unique needs and situation better at times.While Critical Reflection is an educational mainstay in professions like teaching and nursing, my goal is to make it applicable for everyone. So, if you want to learn and grow, either professionally or personally, this course can give you some tools to assist you on your journey."
Price: 24.99 |
"Curso de Scrapbook - lbum Costurado" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a fazer toda a estrutura, montagem, capa e decorao externa, com o diferencial de utilizao da costura.A tcnica permitir que a estrutura do lbum tenha mais resistncia e ainda um design totalmente diferente.O projeto foi pensado para que voc possa guardar suas melhores lembranas por longos anos, misturando a resistncia do tecido, a durabilidade da costura e a delicadeza dos papeis.Se voc nunca costurou, no se preocupe, neste curso voc ir utilizar apenas costura reta, em mquina simples, ou poder deixa-lo sem as costura, aproveitando apenas das tcnicas de colagem que tambm mostraremos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Scrapbook - lbum Tcnicas Mistas" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a fazer toda a estrutura, montagem, capa e decorao, com o diferencial de inserir pginas com profundidade e pginas pop-up.Aprender toda parte tcnica da montagem do miolo com papel de maior gramatura, permitindo mais flexibilidade para inserir mais pginas e de tamanhos variados.O projeto foi pensado para que voc possa guardar suas melhores lembranas, com o diferencial de usarmos uma coleo de papeis tambm pensada exclusivamente para este projeto.Se voc nunca fez um lbum, no se preocupe, neste curso voc ir aprender do bsico ao acabamento, com a vantagem de fazer uma decorao diferenciada e cheia de tcnicas."
Price: 54.99 |
"ETABS Eitim Akademisi (TBDY2018'e gre)" |
"ETABS; tpk SAP2000 gibi tm dnyada inaat mhendislerinin en ok kulland bir CSI (Computers & Structures Inc.) yazlmdr. ETABS yazlmnn hem arayz hem de ierii, spesifik olarak daha ok yksek katl yap analizine yneliktir.Mhendis Akademi tarafndan oluturulan ve tm anlatmlarn n. Yk. Mh. / Dr. Ad. Mehmet ner YELEEN'in yapt bu eitim setinde, yine bir yandan ETABS yazlmnn en nemli ksmlarna deinilirken dier taraftan da yksek katl yap analiz sreleri A'dan Z'ye ele alnmtr.Ek olarak, tm tasarm sreci 2018 Deprem Ynetmeliine gre yaplmakta ve yeni ynetmeliin en nemli noktalarna eitim boyunca deinilmekte, zellikle yeni eklenen/deien blmlerle alakal nemli noktalar, uygulamal olarak vurgulanmaktadr.Eitim ieriinde; 18 kattan oluan yksek bir bina sfrdan oluturulmakta, analiz edilmekte, kan problemler detaylandrlarak dzeltilmektedir. Eitim sonunda ""STATK ANALZ RAPORU"" da yer alacaktr.Her zaman olduu gibi, aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce, ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 319.99 |
"MS PROJECT Eitim Akademisi" |
"Microsoft Project, MICROSOFT tarafndan gelitirilen ve proje yneticilerine plan oluturma, kaynaklarn grevlere atanmas, aama takibi, bte ynetimi ve i yk analizi gibi konularda yardmc olmas amacyla tasarlanm bir proje ynetimi yazlmdr. Uygulama kritik yol zamanlamalar, kritik zincirleme ve olay zincirleme metodolojisi oluturur. Takvimler, grnmler, tablolar, filtreler ve alanlar gibi kiiselletirilmi nesneler; tm kullanclar tarafndan paylalan bir kurumsal globalde saklanrlar. Bylelikle ynetimsel anlamda bir ortak akl oluturulabilir.Microsoft'un nc Windows-tabanl uygulamas olan Microsoft Project, yaynlandktan birka sene sonra PC-tabanl proje ynetimi yazlm sektrnn lideri haline gelmitir. Farkl raporlama seenekleri, kolay kullanlabilir arayz ve zellikle MS Office programlar arayzne benzerliiyle kullanc dostu olarak bilinen bir planlama yazlmdr.te MS PROJECT Eitim Akademisi ile, bu esiz yazlmn tm detaylarn rahatlkla renebilecek, kolaylkla kullanabilecek ve bilinli bir planlama ile en zor ynetim srelerinin stesinden gelebileceksiniz.Bu eitim, tm planlamaclar hedef alnarak hazrlanmtr ve sadece belirli bir meslek grubuna ynelik deildir. Tm planlamaclarn yararlanabilecei, Mhendis Akademi kalitesiyle ve n. Yk. Mh. Mehmet ner YELEEN'in anlatmyla oluturulan bu eitimi KAIRMAYIN!Aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 279.99 |
"TEKLA STRUCTURES for Beginners & Intermediates" |
"TEKLA STRUCTURES is the most constructible structural software for BIM. With it, you can create, combine, manage and share accurate multi-material 3D models full of construction information.You can use Tekla Structures for design, detailing and information management from conceptual planning to fabrication and construction on site. The Beginning of this course will provide you with the basic knowledge and skills to get you started with Tekla Structures. As the course progresses, you will develop your Tekla Structures abilities with a key focus on steel models, working through a series of practical examples and exercises.The Creator of the course, MEHMET NER YELEEN, is an experienced engineer and owner of the MHENDS AKADEM, which is a technical Youtube channel especially created engineers. This course will teach you how to navigate and use the interface, model a steel structure, generate drawings and reports, and how to set up and maintain your system, giving you the confidence and skills to be more productive and efficient."
Price: 79.99 |
"REVIT Architecture (Mimari) 2020 Eitim Akademisi" |
"REVIT Architecture (Mimari), 3 boyutlu yap tasarm ve modelleme yaplabilen bir Autodesk yazlmdr. Parametrik yaps ve oluturduu Yap Bilgi Sistemi (BIM) sayesinde, dokmantasyon ilerine harcanan sreyi en aza indirerek, tasarma daha fazla zaman ayrlabilmesini salar. REVIT Mimari'de, tasarm srecinde herhangi bir veri sadece bir kez eklenir ve tm sre boyunca kullanlr ve yaplan her deiiklik annda tm dkmanlara yansr. Ksaca Revit Mimari, artk Mimari tasarm ve modelleme srelerinin bir vazgeilmezi haline gelmitir.Mhendis Akademi tarafndan oluturulan ve anlatmlar tamamen n. Yk. Mh. / Dr. Ad. Mehmet ner YELEEN tarafndan yaplan bu eitim setinde, REVIT Mimari'ye ait tm zellikler en ince detayna kadar anlatlmaktadr. Bylelikle reneceiniz tm detayl komutlar ve kullanm kolaylklar ile tasarm srecinizin hem daha ksa hem de daha kolay gereklemesi hedeflenmitir.Bu eitim setinde REVIT 2020 kullanlmaktadr. Bu balamda son eklenen zellikler ile REVIT Mimari'yi gncel bir ekilde kullanabilmeniz hedeflenmitir.Eitim ieriinde rnek bir proje tasarm anlatlmam, ancak tasarm srecinizde kullanacanz bir ok zellik adeta bir kullanm klavuzu hassasiyetinde ele alnmtr.Aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 299.99 |
"Applied Cyber Security for Professionals" |
"Are you ready to defend your system or company against real Hackers and advanced Cyber Attacks?While Pen Testing may propose a theoretical scenario, Hackers attacking a company or a given system have been hired to do so; they are highly motivated and relentless!They study their target, crafting new exploits and malware accordingly. They wont stop at your brand new Firewall or latest trendy Antimalware.But how can you be prepared to defend against this type of pervasive attacks, unless you already understand how these are performed.Beyond Phishing emails and malicious websites and other tactics that may be surpassed by the users common sense, you need to know how Hackers actually hack into systems and companies when they have been paid to do so.What should you prioritize as a Cyber Security Officer for ensuring the safety of your users, integrity of the systems and that day-to-day businesses operations don't get hindered?Nowadays Cyber Security solutions pileup by the score. Which solutions actually work? What should the company invest into? Whats the right choice to make?This course will help you to answer all these questions, by teaching not just how Cyber Attacks actually occur in the real world, but what techniques are used by real Hackers (not only Pen Testers) to reliably hack into system and companies. And most importantly, what can you do to start protecting your system against such type of attacks.Moreover, this course was developed from experience of protecting companies under this type of circumstances.As such this course wasnt developed from performing Penetration Tests against these companies, but form actively defining them against real Hackers!For this reason, this course observes Cyber Security from a professional point of view, or from an environment in which budgeting, use of resources and implementation at big scale actually matters.And thus, is not the intention of this course to lead the user into install multiple third party applications, that cannot be realistically implemented in business environments and across multiple users.Nevertheless, and due how extensive and complex Cyber Security could be, as more than one single set of steps, is a series of different engineering disciplines put together under this term, this introductory course address the most simple elements of the matter, and hence focuses on Windows 10; versions Home and Professional.And for this same reason, and as a beginners level course, this doesnt pretend to cover every aspect of security present in Windows 10. But the core aspects that will allow you to protect your system against the type of Cyber Attacks described during this course. And which as a matter of fact are the most effective ones.Finally another very important aspect of this course, and that will allow you to further develop your skills, by putting you in the right track, is that it will teach you the core aspect of Cyber Security; what are we trying to protect exactly within a system and what could be the ideal scenario in which hacking is no longer possible!FAQ1. Is this a complete course about Cyber Security?No, this is an introductory course to the matter. But its aimed to those wanting to or being in the position of protecting systems or companies against real Cyber Attacks.Whats your experience regarding Cyber Security?As of now I have 10 years of experience working in Cyber Security, being the most significant highlight of my career to intervene when companies are being persistently attacked by hackers or Cyber Criminals.Although and while these are extreme cases, most of the time I help companies to perform security audits and train IT personnel.2. What do you mean not from Pen Testing only?There are many Cyber Security books and courses that are created from the assumption of what a Cyber Attack could be. And which mostly use commercial Pen-Testing tools as reference.However this will never prepare a Cyber Security officer for facing an actual Cyber Attack, as hackers (often times a team of 6 or more people), will most likely develop their own exploits and malware for attacking a given target.Nevertheless all these share a common goal. And by understanding what this is, you will begin taking the first steps for presenting an effective defense.3. I am a Network / System Administration with some experience in this subject. Is this course still useful for me?Yes, although this is an introductory course, you may have never faced an actual Cyber Attack or have whatever you have implemented in terms of protection, contested by real Cyber-criminals. And thus this course should at least give you a new insight regarding Cyber Security.4. Can you elaborate more into the subjects covered in this course?Sure, just please let me know what do you need me to cover in further detail and Ill be happy to add new lectures accordingly."
Price: 64.99 |
"Logo Design in 5 minutes + Illustrator + Sketching" |
"Logo designing, you must understand what is Logo. What a logo means is more important than what it looks like. Logos identifies a company or product by the use of a mark, flag, symbol or signature. Their meaning from the quality of the thing they symbolize. It is only an 1 hour course after a very detail research and experience from a very experienced Atul Puri. you got point to point information about Logo design and important tips without wasting your valuable time.So join this course without any doubt for being a creative Logo designer:) To illustrate the logo concept, think about logos like you think for people. The logo identifies a business or product in its simplest form. In this same way a logo should not describe what the business does but identify the business in a way that is recognizable and memorable. After a logo becomes familiar it is also important it functions the way it is intended to do. We should prefer to be called it by name rather than by the confusing descriptions. Here are some tips we need to consider to make the perfect logo. Now you learned about logo design, these logo designing tips help you to become a good and quality logo designer. Keep in mind the theory of logo designing and also remember that there is no such particular rule to create a design. You can create what you think justify your brand or company. It should be justify with the product describe the clients product and business well. So now just sketch, create and explore your creativity."
Price: 19.99 |
"Practical Mindfulness" |
"In our busy lives topped with distractions, we have conditioned ourselves to not live our life fully. Mindfulness appears as a meditating practice, however, it is a lot more than that. It can be achieved while you are running your errands and performing daily tasks. Daily, but little, mindful steps are the most powerful steps you can take to improve the quality of your mental focus, well-being, spirituality, health and clarity. This course does not teach meditations, but simple techniques that you can use on-the-go."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Articulate Storyline 3 the Easy Way!" |
"Welcome to Learn Articulate Storyline 3 the Easy Way! In this course, you will create an entire example Articulate Storyline 3 course from scratch along with me. I will walk you through step-by-step how to do this and, by the end of this course, you will have a completed Articulate Storyline 3 project of your own!I firmly believe that we learn best when we have a goal to work towards or a project to complete. So, I have taken this project-based approach to teaching you how to use this e-learning authoring tool software - Articulate Storyline 3.So, Ihope you will come along with me on this journey and learn Articulate Storyline 3 the easy way! Hope to see you inside!"
Price: 204.99 |
"Enhance Your Presentations: Easy PowerPoint Animation Tricks" |
"Do you want to improve the look of your PowerPoint slides when you give a presentation? Have you ever wondered how to create animated elements like clickable buttons for your PowerPoint presentations or for your online course slides (if you are a course creator)?If you said YES to either of these questions, then this course is for you!In this course, I will show you how to do exactly that. I will show you how to create a few different animation elements that you can easily incorporate into all your presentations to help make them more engaging for your audience.I will walk you through step-by-step how to add PowerPoint animations using 3 generic examples. In the first example, we will look at how to transition from an animated bulleted list to an image. Then, I will show you two ways to create clickable buttons on your presentation slides. Lastly, we will explore how to create an animated sequence of list items.Looking forward to teaching you these PowerPoint animation tricks to help enhance your presentations.Hope to see you inside,Heather"
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduction to LaTeX Using Overleaf" |
"Welcome to Introduction to LaTeX Using Overleaf! In this course, you will create an entire example article from scratch along with me using the online LaTeX editor, Overleaf. I will walk you through step-by-step how to do this and, by the end of this course, you will have a completed professionally typeset article that you can use to help you with other LaTeX projects!I firmly believe that we learn best when we have a goal to work towards or a project to complete. So, I have taken this project-based approach to teaching you how to use Overleaf and to show you how it can make LaTeX coding less intimidating.So, I hope you will come along with me on this journey and learn how Overleaf can help you learn LaTeX more easily. Hope to see you inside!Heather"
Price: 99.99 |
"Implantando o Grafana" |
"Nesse curso iremos aprender como funciona o Grafana, desde a sua instalao at a integrao com Zabbix e PRTG. Mostrarei toda a estrutura do sistema, desde os painis at a instalao de outros plugins que aumentam suas funcionalidades.O Grafana torna a anlise de dados mais simples, dessa forma mesmo profissionais que no so da rea de TI conseguem interpretar as informaes com mais facilidade."
Price: 39.99 |
"Oracle Fusion Financials Online Training Course Videos" |
"Oracle R13 Fusion Cloud Financials Training Course Videos/ Oracle Financials Cloud Training with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.Oracle R13 Fusion Cloud General LedgerOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts PayablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts ReceivablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Cash ManagementOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Fixed AssetsFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of User, User Types, Assigning the Roles, Creation of Implementation Project, Defining the Currency and Calendar, Creation of Chart of Account Value Set, Defining the Segments, Creation of Chart of Account Structure Instance, Deploy the Flex Field, Enter Value Set Values in Segments, Defining the Legal Entity and Location, Assigning Legal Entity to Primary Ledger, Review GL Role Template, Assign GL Roles, Opening GL Periods, Creation of Journals, Journal Post Process, Creation of Foreign Currency Journal Setup, Journal Process, Primary Ledger Definition, Assign Data Access Set to Primary Ledger, Creation of Cross Validation Rules, CVR Journal Process, Security Rules Setup Process, Creation of Ledger Set Setup Part1, Reporting Ledger Setup Process, Creation of Reporting Journal, Secondary Ledger Setup Process, Auto Post Setup Process, Auto Reversal Setup Process, Introduction to AP, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of Business Unit Setup and Process, Assigning AP Access Roles to User, Run LDAP Job, Defining the Procurement Agent, Payable Roles, Manage Common Options in Payables, Creation of Distribution Set, Creation of Supplier, Supplier Site Details, Creation of New Bank, New Branch and Account, Assigning Data Roles to User, Run LDAP Program, Introduction to Invoice, Invoice Setup and Creation of Invoice Process, Creation of Debit Memo Setup and Process, Creation of Credit Memo Setup and Process, Prepayment Setup Process, Apply Prepayment to Invoice, Withholding Tax Setup and Process, Receivables System Options, Define Transaction types, Define Transaction Sources, Auto Accounting Configuration, Define Payment Terms, Create Statement Cycle, Collector Creation, Customer Profile Class, Define Customer, Customer Site Address, Create Remit to Address, Memo Line Creation, Create Receivable Activities, Create Receipt Classes and Methods, Create Receipt Sources, Assign Receivable Data Roles to User, Submitting LDAP Job , Open Receivable Periods, Create AR Transaction, Create Receipt and Apply, Creation of Debit Memo Transaction Process, Charge Back Setup and Transaction Creation, Miscellaneous Receipt Setup Process, Standard Receipt Reversal Setup and Process, Introduction to Fusion Cash Management, Creation of Manual Bank Statement, Manual Reconciliation, Automatic Reconciliation Setup and Process, Generating External Cash Transaction, Creating External Cash Transaction, Introduction to Fixed Assets, Discuss Different Type of Fixed Assets Flex Fields, Creation of Category Flex Field, Enter Values in Category Flex Field Segments, Defining Fiscal Years Calendar, Defining Depreciation Calendar Setup and Process. Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Knowledge on Oracle Apps R12 Financials"
Price: 3520.00 |
"Oracle Apps R12 Financials & Fusion Cloud Financials Bundle" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Financials & Fusion Cloud Financials Bundle Consists of Oracle Apps R12 Financials Course and Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Course with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.DescriptionOracle Apps R12 FinancialsOracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Basic Knowledge on ERPOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Financials Training Course Videos/ Oracle Financials Cloud Training Consists of Below ModulesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud General LedgerOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts PayablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Accounts ReceivablesOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Cash ManagementOracle R13 Fusion Cloud Fixed AssetsFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of User, User Types, Assigning the Roles, Creation of Implementation Project, Defining the Currency and Calendar, Creation of Chart of Account Value Set, Defining the Segments, Creation of Chart of Account Structure Instance, Deploy the Flex Field, Enter Value Set Values in Segments, Defining the Legal Entity and Location, Assigning Legal Entity to Primary Ledger, Review GL Role Template, Assign GL Roles, Opening GL Periods, Creation of Journals, Journal Post Process, Creation of Foreign Currency Journal Setup, Journal Process, Primary Ledger Definition, Assign Data Access Set to Primary Ledger, Creation of Cross Validation Rules, CVR Journal Process, Security Rules Setup Process, Creation of Ledger Set Setup Part1, Reporting Ledger Setup Process, Creation of Reporting Journal, Secondary Ledger Setup Process, Auto Post Setup Process, Auto Reversal Setup Process, Introduction to AP, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of Business Unit Setup and Process, Assigning AP Access Roles to User, Run LDAP Job, Defining the Procurement Agent, Payable Roles, Manage Common Options in Payables, Creation of Distribution Set, Creation of Supplier, Supplier Site Details, Creation of New Bank, New Branch and Account, Assigning Data Roles to User, Run LDAP Program, Introduction to Invoice, Invoice Setup and Creation of Invoice Process, Creation of Debit Memo Setup and Process, Creation of Credit Memo Setup and Process, Prepayment Setup Process, Apply Prepayment to Invoice, Withholding Tax Setup and Process, Receivables System Options, Define Transaction types, Define Transaction Sources, Auto Accounting Configuration, Define Payment Terms, Create Statement Cycle, Collector Creation, Customer Profile Class, Define Customer, Customer Site Address, Create Remit to Address, Memo Line Creation, Create Receivable Activities, Create Receipt Classes and Methods, Create Receipt Sources, Assign Receivable Data Roles to User, Submitting LDAP Job , Open Receivable Periods, Create AR Transaction, Create Receipt and Apply, Creation of Debit Memo Transaction Process, Charge Back Setup and Transaction Creation, Miscellaneous Receipt Setup Process, Standard Receipt Reversal Setup and Process, Introduction to Fusion Cash Management, Creation of Manual Bank Statement, Manual Reconciliation, Automatic Reconciliation Setup and Process, Generating External Cash Transaction, Creating External Cash Transaction, Introduction to Fixed Assets, Discuss Different Type of Fixed Assets Flex Fields, Creation of Category Flex Field, Enter Values in Category Flex Field Segments, Defining Fiscal Years Calendar, Defining Depreciation Calendar Setup and Process. Who is the target audience?Any Professional with Knowledge on Oracle Apps R12 Financials"
Price: 4480.00 |