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Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

Price: 12000.00

"55 made in japan"
Price: 12000.00

Price: 2400.00

Price: 2400.00

"Oil Painting The Facial Features - Nose In Black And White"
"In 'Oil Painting The Facial Features - Nose In Black And White' you will learn how to paint a realistic nose in black and white oil paint to an sketchbook. This is a great way to quickly practice oil painting without fear of ruining expensive colors, panels or other materials.This is excellent course to take if you are just beginning with oil painting and especially if you are interested in portrait painting, but also nice skill to learn if you want to expand your ideas for sketchbook drawing.What you will learn:Easy method for starting practicing portrait painting.How to observe and paint values.You will learn how to paint to sketchbook instead of expensive canvases.And of course how to paint the forms of the nose!"
Price: 34.99

"Web Scraping and Mapping Dam Levels in Python and Leaflet"
"Welcome to Web Scraping and Mapping Dam Levels in Python. In this courseyou will be exposed to multiple technologies, and topics such as: Web ScrapingETL, Python Django Programming, Web Mapping, and Data Visualization. Youwill combine each of these topics and technologies to create an end-to-end GISweb application. You will learn how to apply web scraping to collect dam level data from awebsite. You will then build a model, that you will use to plot the dam level data on amap using leaflet. You will learn how to use the Django Template Engine instead of Ajax, topass data from the back-end to the front-end. You will learn how to build a spatial database using PostgreSQL. You will also learn how to build a small dashboard that floats over yourmap, which will contain graphs that will visualize your model."
Price: 500.00

"Introduction to Maps in Folium and Python"
"Welcome to the Introduction to Maps in Folium and Python Course. In this course we will beexploring the different capabilities of the folium library. Folium is a python mapping library thatallows you to create maps rapidly with very little and easy to understand code. We will use thislibrary to create a variety of maps for multiple use cases. We will be exploring the most usefulobjects that the folium library has to offer ranging from Markers, Points, Measure Controls, Tiles,Web Map Tile Services, Layers and much more. We will also do a bit of preprocessing with the pandas library, in order to prepare our data formeeting the requirements of the maps that we will be building. By using the full capabilities of thetools we will be using, one can build very advanced map applications with very few lines of code. This course is useful to all levels of experience from beginner to advanced professionals and is veryeasy to get started with. There are no complex installations and configurations required, as we willuse a single platform that includes everything we need such as jupyter notebook. It is only required that you have python 3 installed and anaconda, as well as an internet connection,in order to download our datasets and libraries. Any operating system is applicable as long as youare able to run jupyter notebooks and use the python 3 compiler. This course is done on a windows10 machine. After you build your maps you will learn how to share them with anyone."
Price: 500.00

"Introduction to Maps in R Shiny and Leaflet"
"Welcome to the Introduction to Maps in R Shiny and Leaflet course. In this course we will becreating a fully functional web gis application using the R programming language. This applicationwill be comprised of different types of maps ranging from point maps to heatmaps, to choropleth maps.We will also be using different datasets ranging from dataframes to spatial dataframes, which wewill use to transform and visualize our data on different types of maps, depending on the use case.Once we have completed the course we will be equipped with extremely valuable skills, that we canuse to build sophisticated web map applications of any kind and tell spatial data stories that almost anyone can interpret and understand.Some of the skills you will acquire from taking this course range from:Working with spatial data in the R programming languageInstalling and using R studioUsing the leaflet web mapping libraryCreating a variety of maps and integrating it into a single applicationBuilding a dashboard in R ShinyCreating map legends and colour palettesStyling maps using embedded html functionsWorking with dataframesUsing R terminal operations"
Price: 500.00

"Snavlarda km doruda a konu soru ve zmleri"
"Bu video;doruda alar konusu olan videomuz izlenip alldktan sonraki videodur.Videomuzda ; 1.Bursluluk snavlarnda km sorular incelenip zenle orjinal soru ktlarnn grselleri kullanlarak ayrntl zld.2.Lise gei snavlarnda km sorular incelenip orjinal soru ktlarnn grselleri kullanlarak ayrntl zm yapld.3.niversite snavlarnda km sorular incelenip orjinal soru ktlarnn grselleri kullanlarak soru zmleri yapld.Mmknse videoyu yazarak dinlemenizi ve izlemenizi tavsiye ederim."
Price: 34.99

"gende a"
"Bu kursa baamadan nce doruda alar videosunu ve doruda alar konusunda kan sorularn olduu videoyu izleyip zdkten sonra bu videoya balamanz tavsiyi ederim.Bu videoda genin tanm ,genler asal olarak incelendi .gen eitleri ve kurallar ilendi. gende alarla ilgili btn kurallar ve ok sayda rnekler zld.Konunun sonunda alarna gre zel genler anlatld.Bu konuyu iyice dinleyip yannzda kat kalem bulundurmalsnz ve zm yaparken izlediimiz yolu takip etmelisiniz."
Price: 34.99

"gende alar konusunda kmi niversite snav soru zml"
"Bu videomuzu almaya balayacaklara tavsiyem ;doruda alar,doruda alarda km sorular altktan sonra gende alar videosunuda alp ellerinize kat kalem alp bizimle birlikte almanzdr. Bu derslerimizde niversite snavnda km sorular grsellerini kullanarak ve btn ekilleri tekrar izerek kurallarmz uyguladk .Baz sorularda birinci dereceden basit denklemlerden yararlandk ,baz sorulardaki drt ilem kullandk"
Price: 34.99

"genin yardmc elemanlar"
"Bu videodan nce videolarmzdan gende alar konusunu almanz ve snavlarda km sorular zmenizi neririm. Aortayn tanm . Aortaylarn kesitii yerin i teet emberin merkezi olduunu. Dik gen ve tanm ,muhteem l ,ikizkenar gende ikizkenarlara ait aortylar,kenarortaylar,ykseklik anlatld.Ekenar gen,30-60-90 ve45-45-90 zel geni anlatld ve bu kurallarn ierdii gzel rnekler zld. Videomuzu izlerken yannzda kat kalem olursa ve yazarak alrsanz baarnz artacaktr."
Price: 34.99

"Websphere Application Server 8.5. (Em portugus.)"
"Aprenda a instalar e configurar Websphere Application Server 8.5. (Em portugus.)1 Conceitos do Ambiente Middleware.2 Arquitetura do WebSphere Application Server.3 Instalao do Installation Manager.4 Instalao do WebSphere Application Server.5 Criando uma Clula (DMGR e AppServer federado).6 Criando um AppServer e federado na DMGR.7 Criando um Cluster.8 Executando Deploy da Aplicao.9 Instalao do IHS (IBM HTTP Server).10 Configurao do IHS Gerando e propagando plug-in."
Price: 129.99

"Hacking Web - Anlisis y Explotacin de vulnerabilidades"
"A lo largo de este curso aprenders a pensar como una atacante, las tcnicas y vulnerabilidades de los que estos se aprovechan para penetrar en una aplicacin web o servidor, todo con el uso de la menor cantidad posible de herramientas qu, de alguna manera, sirvan de gua al alumno para llevar a cabo un test de intrusin de manera prctica."
Price: 199.99

"Pentesting con SQLMAP - Master en SQL Injection"
"Aprende a dominar la herramienta para la explotacin de SQL Injection ms completa de la historia totalmente desde 0.No importa si tienes conocimiento alguno de la herramienta o si no sabes siquiera instalarla, a lo largo de este curso cubriremos mltiples aspectos que cualquier estudiante puede llegar a no conocer.Empezaremos desde lo ms bsico de la herramienta hasta su conocimiento y funcionalidad en profundidad.Todos los aos, las vulnerabilidades del tipo inyeccin ocupan de los primeros puestos en el top 10 de OWASP, Te perders de aprender a manejar una de las herramientas ms utilizadas por los Hacker's?Al termino de este curso, usted podr explotar cualquier vulnerabilidad web que afecte a una base de datos con esta herramienta, Se encuentra decidido a ello?"
Price: 199.99

Price: 24000.00

Price: 24000.00

Price: 9600.00