dg-marketing_basic |
"YouTube2019 CtoC YouTuber 6"
Price: 24000.00 |
"Como parar de procrastinar e de se autossabotar: viva melhor" |
"Se voc tem dificuldade emcomear a fazer algo e/ou tem o hbito de deixar tudo para depois, este curso para voc.O curso foi cuidadosamente dividido em duas partes:1 Parte:analisando o hbito da procrastinaoVoc aprender que a procrastinao no passa de um hbito ruim!Ao aprender a anatomia do hbito da procrastinao, porque e como ele se desenvolve, voc estar preparado para lidar com esta questo de um ponto de vista completamente novo.2 Parte: as 5 Chaves da MudanaVoc aprender a usar as 5 Chaves da Mudana: um mtodo estruturado sobre importantes fundamentos da neurocincia, do estudo da probabilidade e do estudo do comportamento humano. Fique tranquilo, este mtodo praticamente no depende da sua disciplina ou da sua fora de vontade. Tudo o que voc precisa fazer assistir aos vdeos e tomar algumas aes simples para aplic-lo. As 5 Chaves da Mudana funcionam bem para qualquer tipo de pessoa, independentemente da sua personalidade ou realidade.Ao final do curso, voc ir se sentir muito mais motivado e satisfeito com a sua predisposio para realizar tarefas.Voc ir perceber tambm um aumento significativo nos resultados que tem obtido, em qualquer rea da sua vida que voc esteja querendo mudar."
Price: 354.99 |
"Torne-se um Mestre da Mecnica Esttica" |
"Este curso apresenta os conceitos e equacionamento da Mecnica Esttica de uma forma de fcil entendimento e descomplicada. Ao trmino do curso, voc ser um especialista no assunto e estar apto a projetar e analisar situaes reais de Engenharia usando softwares.Procurei trazer um pouco da minha experincia prtica de Engenheiro, ensinando como os profissionais da rea modelam, analisam e conduzem seus projetos, atravs de clculos e programas computacionais (gratuitos). Resolvi tambm alguns problemas clssicos, apresentando alguns atalhos e premissas que facilitam as solues.Assuntos principais abordados:Conceitos bsicosEquilbrio em duas dimensesTreliasSuportes e mquinasEquilbrio em trs dimensesAs aulas tm vdeos com explicaes tericas, animaes didticas, comentrios sobre a prtica e a realidade do mercado e a gravao da tela do meu computador, onde eu mostro como resolvo alguns exerccios e uso programas para projetar.Voc ainda ganhar:Meu suporte em caso de dvidas na seo de perguntas;Certificado personalizado de concluso;Acesso vitalcio ao curso;Garantia do seu dinheiro de volta de 30 dias.Matricule-se hoje!Estou te esperando para te ajudar a se tornar um Mestre em Mecnica Esttica :)Prof. Marcus Oliveira"
Price: 429.99 |
"Como controlar a ansiedade com neuroplasticidade e PNL" |
"Mtodo testado e fundamentado na neurocincia para controlar os nveis de ansiedadeFaa no conforto da sua casa: o mtodo 100% online30 prticas dirias que tomam poucos minutosPossibilidade de comunicao com a instrutora durante toda a prticaO Condicionamento Neural no estimula o uso de medicamentos, com seus graves efeitos colateraisOs efeitos do Condicionamento Neural so visveis a partir de alguns poucos dias de prtica, e custa muito menos do que os tratamentos tradicionaisO Condicionamento Neural uma alternativa 100% livre de riscos para a sadePERGUNTAS FREQUENTESQuem a instrutora?DBORA DALLA VECCHIA formada em Farmcia e Mestre em Cincias Farmacuticas pela UEPG, doutora em Farmacologia (subrea Neuropsicofarmacologia) pela UFPR, doutorado sanduche no departamento de Psicologia (Neurocincia Comportamental) da Philipps-Universitt Marburg (Alemanha). Tambm possui formao completa em coaching pela Line Coaching e Analista Comportamental, alm de atuar como professora universitria e de ps-graduao.Qual a durao do mtodo?Voc pode fazer as prticas sugeridas do mtodo no seu ritmo. Entretanto, assim como necessrio consistncia e regularidade para obter condicionamento fsico, tambm necessrio consistncia e regularidade para obter o Condicionamento Neural. Por isso, sugerimos que voc siga a ordem das prticas propostas e faa uma prtica por dia.O que acontece se eu pular um dia do mtodo?Se voc ficar impedido de praticar por algum dia, por qualquer motivo que seja, recomendamos que voc refaa a ltima prtica sugerida e, ento, siga adiante com as demais prticas.O que acontece ao final do mtodo?Voc ter controle total de sua ansiedade generalizada, mas ainda sero passadas algumas sugestes caso voc queira continuar com algumas das prticas. Voc poder permanecer em contato com outros participantes e com a instrutora, em uma poderosa rede de ajuda.Existe garantia de que o Condicionamento Neural funcionar para mim?Sim, desde que voc realize as prtica da forma proposta. Qualquer pessoa que realize as prticas sugeridas de uma maneira consistente ir experimentar um maior controle sobre os nveis da ansiedade, at a eliminao completa e duradoura de seus efeitos.O Condicionamento Neural perigoso?No. No existe nenhum tipo de risco ao se adotarem as prticas sugeridas pelo mtodo, nem nenhum tipo de efeito colateral.Os vdeos sero disponibilizados todos de uma vez s?Sim."
Price: 429.99 |
"Investieren in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)" |
"Ein automatisiertes Zusatzeinkommen als Vermieter professionell verwalteter Apartments, Brokomplexe, Einkaufszentren, Industrieanlagen, Krankenhuser, Seniorenresidenzen und weiterer Immobilienarten rund um die Welt? Das lsst sich heutzutage unabhngig vom Geldbeutel mit Real Estate Investment Trusts, kurz REITs, bewerkstelligen! Dank dieser brsennotierten Immobiliengesellschaften ist der Aufbau eines globalen Immobilienportfolios mit laufenden Ausschttungen uerst preiswert und unkompliziert mglich. Als Fachmann zum Thema im deutschsprachigen Raum vermittle ich im Onlinekurs Investieren in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) die dafr notwendigen Grundlagen."
Price: 24.99 |
"Bestseller Facebook ads & Facebook marketing course (A TO Z)" |
"(PRIME FEATURE:- Get fastest results with ""Free"" 365*24*7 PRO consultation...(Learn from the top 100 awarded digital marketing expert)Widest coverage on facebook marketing, facebook training & facebook ads (A TO Z).Upgrade your facebook marketing game with advanced facebook ads growth hacks.Best of the best facebook sales funnels (Highest rate of conversion)Special coverage on ecommerce funnels for facebook ads & marketing.Direct access a well renowned digital marketing expert.No more overwhelming stuff, no more random strategies, its a completely interconnected system.No more wastage of time & money. Ask me anything, all your queries, all the what, why & how's will be clarified LIVE...)What our top students are saying:-Frank Mabuduko rated his digital marketing course with top ratings.Dean is super happy with his marketing course & gives it full marks.Shakir Javed is really impressed with his marketing course.Margarie says about his other course ""I like it for sure, a complete marketing system with brilliant detailing & examples.""Ramjas Yadav says about his other course ""feeling confident about my marketing skills like never before, lots of doubts have been cleared. Mohammad makes marketing really easy.""Solvita mak is happily recommending this course to family & friends.Milos Gavranovic asks for more clarity in speaking, which is immediately solved by Mohammad & overall Milos really enjoys the course.Andrei kolozsvari says ""Very good! Exactly what I need to boost sales on my new webshop"".This facebook ads & marketing course gives you a full proof facebook marketing strategy step by step starting from the very beginning to advance strategies like:-1. How to create & engage your audience organically with facebook business page (step by step).2. Ultra accelerate your sales with facebook groups.3. Rank your business page organically with perfect facebook pages SEO.4. Don't just create a page, get the best look for your page with tabs & templates.5. Give your new products a perfect launching platform with facebook events.6. Get thousands of likes & shares within few minutes of creating the page.7. 70-20-10 rule of posting will get the right amount of engagement, which your page deserves.8. Free List of countries to get cheapest likes & clicks on your facebook page with facebook ads.9. Find your major errors & strengths with facebook audience insights.10. Steal your competitor's audience with a secret hack.11. Create hyper targeted facebook ads campaigns which convert really crazy.12. Have lots of ideas for your ads, find the perfect idea for your ads with split testing.13. Create an audience & then find similar audience from around the world with lookalike audience.14. Get more people to your store by creating irresistible offers in facebook ads.15. Retarget your website visitors with facebook ads by installing facebook pixels.16. Custom conversion VS standard events.17. Specialized lead generation ads.18. Go hyper targeted with facebook dyanamic ads.19. Get thousands of link clicks on your ads with video ads.20. Learn to create specialized ecommerce sales funnels.21. You work in a big agency, learn how to use facebook business manager to add staff to your facebook ads account.22. Learn how long should you run a facebook ad?23. How to find whether you should stop running ad.24. How many people should see your ad before you make a decision about your ad.25. Important factors to decide the success or failure of an ad.26. How to find the budget for your ad campaign.27. Find when to change the copy of your ad creative.28. What is the minimum budget required to run facebook ads.Who can join this digital marketing online course:- 1. If you want to learn facebook ads & marketing (A TO Z, EVERYTHING) 2. If you want to start your own facebook ads agency 3. If you're just looking for an extra source of income to pay your bills.4. If you're a big dreamer looking to enter into serious online business & make real money, you're at the right place.5. If you're a freelancer or a work from home expert, then you should definitely try this once & you'll forget about that workload forever.6. Tried different online courses but nothing worked, let me tell you this stuff is trusted by many pros of the industry so your success chances are extremely high.7. If you're a PRO marketer, I BET you'll learn a whole lot of new stuff...keep learning, keep growing.8. If you're a mom who wants to earn from home while taking care of kids.9. If you're a teenage looking to enter into online entrepreneurship & earn from the internet.You'll also get these free resources:- Lifetime 365*24*7 support by Mohammad via Messenger. (Exclusive offer, no other instructor offering this). Lifetime Access to this course 'facebook ads & facebook marketing'. Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section. Direct access to the instructor for your work & future client projects. Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download. A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Get the most out of this facebook ads & marketing course by going through each chapter step by step & then doing everything by yourself, then check your growth by yourself, you'll feel the change & confidence yourself.No need to worry! Just follow these steps to get a head start and if you get stuck i'm available 365*24*7 days, ask me anything and that too live.(Note: For best experience, Learn in a peaceful environment & use headphones/earphones to listen to these lectures)."
Price: 199.99 |
"Turn Instagram Stories Lurker Into Newsletter Subscribers" |
"With 500 million daily active users, stories is the fastest growing part of Instagram and an influential tool for growing your newsletter. I will be sharing my best stories strategies I use to help skyrocket list growth and opt-in sign ups. You'll leave this course with actionable steps on how to covert stories lurkers to newsletter subscribers."
Price: 29.99 |
"In this course you will be learning foundations of Turkish language and will be starting speaking Turkish. The course includes 19 videos and some downloadable documents and homeworks.You can get in touch with me whenever you want .If you are willing to learn turkish quickly by a fast method you are in correct place! "
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn To Create Amazing Tapestries With Textile Fibers" |
"Do you love quilting and crafts? This course is for you!!!!!Learn with the peruvian artisan Rosa Palomino the magic of 3d Quilting. Use this amazing and unique technique to improve your creations.In this course you will learn how to quilt beautiful figures and shapes to any kind of textile garments. The techniques you will learn is what many artisans use to create everything from souvenirs to incredible pieces of art. In Andean countries, like Peru, this technique is known as ""Arpilleria"".You will learn this type of quilt from scratch with a basic illustration that Rosa will teach you to quilt on a purse. Be free to change the figures and forms used by Rosa and apply your own. In this course, you can be as creative as you want, you just need to focus on the guidelines to quilt that Rosa shows. At the end of this course, you will be able to carry out an endless number of projects quilting your own ideas: garments, handbags, blankets, pillows, carpets and any home decoration. You will be able to decorate everything you can imagine with shapes and forms of your own creation. With this course you will master the techniques of quilting ""arpilleria"" in short time and you will be able to create projects for your own use, as presents to your family and friends or even to sell.The artisan who dictates this course is Rosa Palomino, recognized in Peru for her career in the artisan sector. Rosa has participated with these techniques and craft products in fairs and craft competitions, both national and international.You don't need any previous knowledge or ability to take our classes, just lots of enthusiasm and creativity.For our team it is important that you know that for your purchase you will be donating 50% of the cost to vulnerable communities of artisans in Latin America.If you want to know more about us, visit us on our fanpage ARTESANY OFFICIAL"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Make Woven Coasters A Project for Beginner Weavers" |
"Who are we Artesany offers artistic techniques that are not taught in the formal education; techniques related to artisan work from different regions. Our classes, unlike all competitors, focus on the cultural identity of the community and not on crafts marked by fashion. Our product offers our students the possibility of adding added value to their work and offers our producers (artisans) the possibility of generating new economic income and understand new ways to market their work linking it with technology. Artesany is a project that seeks to be profitable and generate social impact.Artesany is still a young startup and has recieved incubator support by Telefonica Open Future and the Center of Innovation of Lima.What do we representMost of us carry a busy life and have little time to travel and even less time to visit other countries to take classes from local artisans. Even if we had the time, it would be very expensive: flight ticket to another country, transport to the artisans town, hotel, food, etc. We feel you...Artesany wishes to connect artists, designers and other creatives with artisans that live in remote areas of the world. We want you to meet these artisans through our courses, learn from them, ask them questions, and get inspired to create your own projects.The objective of this courseAfter taking our course you will be able to make a drink coaster with vegetable fibers. Everyone can do it! That's what this course is all about - breaking down the steps of weaving a drink coaster with vegetable fibers. We hope this course can also be a break in your life, a time for you to discover and feel new materials, and enjoy a creative and fullfilling personal space.Who is the teacher?The Peruvian artisan Jos Manuel Ocas teaches us how to weave with vegetable fibers. He is a certified artisan by the Mincetur (Ministry of Commerce and Tourism of Per). He has more than 30 years in his craft and is hired frequently by the peruvian government and NGOs to teach his craft to aspiring artisans.Where can I find the fiber to weave?This weave can be made with jute or any fiber you get in your city, in craft stores or amazon. Please get in contact with us if you need help finding the materials.What will you be able to do with this course?Learning this technique from the beginning guarantees that we will be able to work bigger projects later, such as handbags and carpets. Remember that any learning requires a lot of patience and that we are all capable of learning what we propose.If you've ever wanted to jump right into basket weaving with vegetable fibers, but didn't know how - this is the perfect course for you.How does this course work?This course is taught by a certified teacher. The course teaches step by step how to make the specific project of weaving a basket with vegetable fibers. While it will be easier to follow along if you have some experience with weaving, it is not a requirement. If this course goes too quickly or seems too advanced for you, send us your questions. We are sure anyone is capable of finishing the project on their own, but we are happy to help.Throughout this course, you will be working on your own basket weaving project. Each lesson is explained by a video.Why should you enroll?You should enroll if you want to quickly learn the basic building blocks of creating unique and artisanal drink coasters with vegetable fiber. We are always available to help out - as if you were in a live course. So if you ever get stuck or need something explained, you will find an answer. By the way, Jose, the instructor, has taught over hundreds of artisans in Per and has years of experience in his craft.Learning the techniques in this course means that you will not only be able to make a basket, you will be able to use the same technique to make purses, carpets, and other decorative home objects out of vegetable fiber.We can't wait to see you in the course!In what language is the course?What moves the people working in Artesany is to bring to your home online courses from artisans all over the world. Some of them speak English but most don't. This course has audio in Spanish and subtitles in English. We believe the benefits of learning are far greater than the barriers of language, but we will be glad to help with any necessary translations!We are happy to tell you that your purchase is protected by a 30 DAYS MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE from Udemy. What are you waiting for? Join us!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn advanced crochet and do your own amazing creations" |
"Interested in making and selling your own crafts? Then this course is for you!This course has been designed by professional artisans and designers. In it you can learn to crochet with alpaca or cotton yarn. With these classes you will not only have fun and relax, but you will also boost your knowledge in crafts. In this course you will learn, together with the artisan Pilar Quiroz, how to make a lightweight and elegant poncho.All classes of this course have been recorded in Lima, Peru, by the initiative's team called ""Artesany"".Artesany is a creative community that works with authentic artisans from Latin America. With our classes you can learn to work different craft techniques that you can use for your entertainment and even to create or enhance your own business.Why will our classes help you create or strengthen a business? Because the techniques we teach are unique, traditional and are usually only known by native artisans. Each time you learn a new techniques, you will be differentiating yourself in what you do, being able to create very special projects.Our teaching methodology is designed in projects. In each class you will find a project with a specific work technique around it. This work technique can be used to create your own projects.You don't need any previous knowledge or ability to take our classes, just lots of enthusiasm and creativity.Our community donates a percent of the cost of each class to the artisan who teaches it, with the intention of collaborating economically with their communities, which are often vulnerable.ArtesanyWe are happy to tell you that your purchase is protected by a 30 DAYS MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE from Udemy. What are you waiting for? Join us!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Create Amazing Projects Weaving with Natural Fibers." |
"Would it not be wonderful if you could make your own handmade products for yourself or to sell them? Then this course is for you!In this course you will learn how to weave baskets and other projects with natural fibers. The techniques you will learn is what many artisans use to create everything from souvenirs to incredible pieces of art.At the end of this course, you will be able to carry out an endless number of projects woven with fibers: handbags, individuals, coasters, baskets, mats, home decoration, and everything you can imagine. With this course you will master the techniques of weaving in short time and you will be able to create projects for your own use, to give to your family and friends or even to sell.The craftsman who dictates this course is Jos Manuel Ocas, recognized in Peru for his career in the artisan sector. Jos has participated with his techniques and craft products in fairs and craft competitions, both national and international.You don't need any previous knowledge or ability to take our classes, just lots of enthusiasm and creativity.For our team it is important that you know that for your purchase you will be donating a percentage of the cost to vulnerable communities of artisans in Latin America.If you want to know more about us, visit us on our fanpage ARTESANY OFFICIAL We are happy to tell you that your purchase is protected by a 30 DAYS MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE from Udemy. What are you waiting for? Join us!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Bag Making with Natural Fibers: Learn From Scratch" |
"Would it not be wonderful if you could make your own handmade products for yourself or to sell them? Then this course is for you!In this course you will learn how to weave three different types of bags with natural fibers. The techniques you will learn is what many artisans use to create everything from souvenirs to incredible pieces of art.At the end of this course, you will be able to carry out an endless number of bags woven with fibers: shoulder-strap bags, handbags, and backpags, and everything you can imagine. With this course you will master the techniques of weaving in short time and you will be able to create projects for your own use, to give to your family and friends or even to sell.The craftsman who dictates this course is Jos Manuel Ocas, recognized in Peru for his career in the artisan sector. Jos has participated with his techniques and craft products in fairs and craft competitions, both national and international.You don't need any previous knowledge or ability to take our classes, just lots of enthusiasm and creativity.For our team it is important that you know that for your purchase you will be donating a percentage of the cost to vulnerable communities of artisans in Latin America.If you want to know more about us, visit us on our fanpage ARTESANY OFFICIAL We are happy to tell you that your purchase is protected by a 30 DAYS MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE from Udemy. What are you waiting for? Join us!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Costura para Mascotas: Introduccin Ropa para Perros." |
"Bienvenid@!!En este curso podrs aprender cmo hacer, desde cero, ropa para perros. Te ensear cmo realizar los dibujos base, tambin llamados patrones, aprenders cmo cortar las telas y coser tus prendas paso a paso. Con este curso aprenders los conocimientos bsicos necesarios para que empieces tu propio negocio de ropa para mascotas. Incluso, si no es de tu inters hacerlo como negocio, este curso te servir para crear prendas diversas para tus propias mascotas o las mascotas de tus amigos y familia. En el curso encontrars tres proyectos: 1. Sweater de invierno.2. Chaleco de invierno.3. Camiseta de verano. El curso est pensado para principiantes, por lo que todo est explicado con mucho detalle y todo se realiza por pasos. Con estas clases no solo aprenders a hacer ropa a medida para mascotas, sino que tambin te dar las herramientas para que puedas aprender a realizar ropa para mascotas con talles industriales (xs, s, m, l, xl...). Este ltimo sistema, el de medidas industriales, es el utilizado para negocios. Adems de los vdeos explicativos y demostrativos, encontrars varios PDF de apoyo para que tu proceso de aprendizaje sea ms completo. Recuerda que la compra de este curso incluye una garanta de Udemy de 30 das. Qu quiere decir esto?, que podrs recuperar tu dinero si el curso no es lo que esperabas o lo que necesitabas!, Qu esperas?Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Documentary on Quechua Weaving" |
"This is not a course on weaving, but a documentary on traditional Quechua weaving filmed in the community of Totora.Few places today conserve native traditions as the community of Totora, high in the andes of southern Peru, and surrounded by its rings of mountain spirits. From Lima, the capital of Peru, we took a flight to Cusco, the old capital of the Inca empire, then went on road for 3 hours until we reached the small village of Calca, and another half hour car ride up a hill, to reach our destination.The community has been here for as long as can be remembered. Today it has more than 20 families, living and farming much as might they would have done before the spanish conquest or the days when Peru was ruled by the Incas. The people are Quechua.Mario, the community leader, and his brother Tito, will give you an overview of their culture and specially on the steps of their weaving process. Weaving is very important for Quechua people. It constitutes on one side the basis of their characteristic clothing, but it is also linked to the identity and differentiation between various groups and communities, and are a central element in the construction of interpersonal and intergroup human relationships.The community is aware of the cultural legacy left by their ancestors and their vision is share their art, crafts and culture with the rest of the world so it is not forgotten."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Dye and Stain Baskets for Beginners" |
"Start dyeing your own natural fibers with aniline, a common chemical dye used by artisans around the world!If you're looking for an easy dyeing technique that will allow you to dye natural fibers, this course will be a great tool. This course will teach you everything you need to know to get started dyeing.Make fibers look the way you envision - better! If you want to know different color formulas, know tips and tricks on fiber dyeing, and differentiate your crafts from the rest, this is the course for you.Here are the colors and topics taught in this course:YellowRedOrangePurpleBrownEmerald greenParrot greenLeave greenBlue FucsiaHow to dry fibers How to wash fibers Why is this the course that will make you successful?Taking online courses isn't easy. It takes work and action. This course will help you succeed with concrete practice lessons. We'll walk you through each exercise. By the end of the course, you'll have a fully dyed ragne of fibers so that you can weave colorfull baskets or crafts and share them with the world.Who teaches this course?Jose Ocas is a peruvian artisan who has taught hundreds of students. His crafts have won international contests, sold in craft shows, and told stories around the world. You'll love learning from Jose.What this course is not?The course teaches to dye with chemical dyes, specifically aniline. This course does not teach the use of natural dyes.Are you ready to be successful?Are you ready to dye your natural fibers?Enroll now!Who this course is for:Beginners who want to dye natural fibers for basket making or other crafts.Artisans on a budget looking for an inexpensive dyeing technique."
Price: 29.99 |
"Java/Eclipse & Programmation Orient-Objet" |
"Formation de Java et Programmation Orient-ObjetC'est une formation destine tout le monde, mme ceux qui n'ont jamais programm ou qui n'ont pas des notions en programmations.Cette formation contient toutes les notions essentielles de Java, qui vous permettent plus tard de passer la cration concrte des logiciels et d'applications mobiles Android."
Price: 19.99 |
"General Organic chemistry basics(+10hours) for 11th std &MCQ" |
"About Course - 1( Organic Chemistry basics for NEET, JEE and MHTCET,MCQ) {+10hours} [ Do watch 7 Free Preview Lectures] This Course - 1 is designed to help students, understand organic chemistry and remove the fear of organic chemistry.My experience says that, students feel organic chemistry difficult because they do not follow the proper sequence while studying organic chemistry. ( Please enjoy 7 PREVIEW lectures before joining). Proper Sequence : 1) INTRODUCTION 2) Concept of HYBRIDIZATION (11th Level) 3)Effects in Organic Chemistry (Inductive effect, Electromeric effect, Resonance, Hyperconjugation etc) (11th Level). 4) Reactions & Mechanisms.( 12th level) 5) Advanced MCQ discussion.( 12th level) In this course i have focused on Hybridisation & Effects in Organic chemistry for 11th std students. This platform will help them for their 12th std & NEET,JEE, & MHTCET . [ After completing Course 1 then you can enroll my Course 2 : Organic Chemistry Basics for 12th } { In Course 2 Reactions & Mechanisms and Advanced MCQ,s are included}"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Balancing Chemical Equations for 10th & 11th standard(CBSC)" |
"This course will help both 10th school students and also 11th science students.Balancing of Chemical reactions require knowledge of Electronic Reduction & Oxidation. At School level students relay on Memorizing & avoid understanding the basics. This affects their study in 11th & 12th standard.Although at school level my method will be felt a bit difficult & complex but this habit will help students in future.Try to follow my method so that future chemistry becomes easy."
Price: 1280.00 |
"P-Block elements( balancing of chemical equations for 12th)" |
"Balancing Chemical Equations is felt difficult by many as they rely on blind MEMORY,which is wrong.This course will train you to use basic knowledge of REDOX to Balance Chemical Equations.This way of learning will help other topics also. Use of basic chemistry & chemistry behind various conditions of temperature,catalyst,concentration etc. is a must. { Enjoy 4 Preview lectures }"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Story Time with Ely" |
"This lesson helps students with reading and reading comprehension. It's a BASIClevel course for students learning English as a second language. You can listen to the stories, read the stories and review the stories.You will:1. Learn vocabulary 2. Read two stories 3. Review the stories and practice making your own sentences. 4. Take a short quiz that will test you on BOTH stories."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso de Aprofundamento em Estatstica Inferencial" |
"O CURSO DE APROFUNDAMENTO EM ESTATSTICA INFERENCIAL permite que o aluno tenha uma base terica slida, bem como desenvolva as habilidades necessrias para resolver problemas, dos mais simples aos mais complexos. Ele foi preparado por um instrutor com mais de 15 anos de experincia em sala de aula no ensino mdio e superior e instruo online, tendo j publicado 7 cursos na rea de Estatstica na plataforma Udemy. O curso est organizado nas seguintes sees:1. Introduo ao Curso2. O Teorema do Limite Central3. Intervalos de Confiana4. Testes de Hiptese e Significncia5. Modelagem Estatstica6. Concluso do CursoEm cada seo, voc encontra vdeo-aulas em alta definio, materiais didticos de alta qualidade, listas de exerccios, testes de avaliao dos conhecimentos, links para recursos online e muito mais.Ao final desse curso, voc ter um excelente conhecimento de Estatstica Inferencial e estar pronto para aplicar seus conhecimentos em reas tais como Data Science, Pyhton para Data Science e o pacote estatstico SPSS, entre outros.Veja o testemunho de alguns alunos que j se matricularam nos cursos do professor Alexandre Raymundo:""Gostei da forma como o professor comunica as aulas."" (Chaiane R.)""Curso de qualidade! Professor tem boa didtica, atendeu minhas expectativas!"" (Kelly A.)""Professor com excelente didtica, vai encaminhando o aprendiz passo-a-passo na aquisio dos conceitos fundamentais... Aprendi muito. Valeu a pena "" (Joo S.)""O professor muito didtico e os recursos disponibilizados auxiliam bastante no aprendizado"" (Camila F.)""O professor atencioso, e o contedo de introduo bem elaborado."" (Jos W.)Voc ainda ganha:Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso;Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy;Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador;Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro;Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana ao professor atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas."
Price: 59.99 |
"Frmulas e Funes no Excel: Melhore Sua Produtividade" |
"O curso ""Frmulas e Funes no Excel: Melhore Sua Produtividade"" oferece a voc a oportunidade de desenvolver as habilidades e os conhecimentos necessrios para resolver problemas prticos e melhorar sua produtividade e eficincia utilizando a ferramenta Excel e suas frmulas e funes. Esse curso foi preparado por um instrutor com mais de 15 anos de experincia no ensino em sala de aula e instruo online, tendo j publicado 8 cursos na plataforma Udemy. Esse curso est organizado nas seguintes sees:1. Introduo ao Curso2. As Funes Lgicas do Excel3. As Funes de Pesquisa e Referncia do Excel4. As Funes Financeiras do Excel5. As Funes de Texto do Excel6. Outras Funes Importantes do Excel7. Concluso do CursoEm cada seo, voc encontra vdeo-aulas em alta definio, materiais didticos de alta qualidade, exerccios prticos e muito mais. Ao concluir esse curso, voc ser capaz de criar testes condicionais com a funo SE e suas variaes, poder realizar pesquisas de informaes na sua planilha com mais eficincia, aprender a calcular taxa de juros, nmero de pagamentos e valores a serem desembolsados na quitao de uma dvida, saber como criar menus suspensos, aprender como trabalhar com a validao de dados, a formatao condicional, e vai conseguir gravar a sua primeira macro sem o uso da linguagem de programao VBA. Ao final desse curso voc ter desenvolvido um conhecimento mais avanado no uso de frmulas e funes do Excel, com estratgias para melhorar sua produtividade, independentemente do seu campo de atuao. Veja o testemunho de alguns alunos que j se matricularam nos cursos do professor Alexandre Raymundo:""Bom curso , o professor explica muito bem, e ainda mostra no excel como fazer os clculos ... para o iniciante como eu est timo."" (Fernando C.)""Professor com excelente didtica, vai encaminhando o aprendiz passo-a-passo na aquisio dos conceitos fundamentais... Aprendi muito. Valeu a pena "" (Joo S.)""Gostei da forma como o professor comunica as aulas."" (Chaiane R.)""Curso de qualidade! Professor tem boa didtica, atendeu minhas expectativas!"" (Kelly A.)""O curso atendeu minhas expectativas; trabalhou-se bastante aplicaes do cotidiano... Obrigado por tudo."" (Sarley A.)""O professor muito didtico e os recursos disponibilizados auxiliam bastante no aprendizado"" (Camila F.)""Excelente curso. Me ajudou bastante a relembrar importantes temas..."" (Felipe M.)Voc ainda ganha:Acesso total vitalcio ao contedo do curso;Certificado de concluso do curso oferecido pela Udemy;Acesso no seu dispositivo mvel e TV ou Computador;Garantia de 30 dias para a devoluo do seu dinheiro;Acesso 24h / 7 dias por semana ao professor atravs da seo de Perguntas e Respostas."
Price: 49.99 |
"Design Grfico com CorelDRAW 2019 /Corel Draw/Nmotion Cursos" |
"Ateno (Este curso est em Desenvolvimento) O Designer Grfico cria solues, atravs de projetos de comunicao visual que atendam s necessidades do mercado. O seu trabalho criar peas visuais, que passem uma determinada mensagem e resolvam o problema de seus clientes. Ele pode atuar em projetos grficos que envolvam tanto o impresso quanto o digital."
Price: 579.99 |
"Siemens NX - Para Iniciantes (Bsico)" |
"Neste curso o aluno ir aprender as ferramentas bsicas do NX, algumas tcnicas de modelamento e desenho 2D.Ir aprender tambm algumas ferramentas de superfcie e ter um pouco de vivncia com projetos e desenvolvimento de novos componentes, parte essa que ser vista mais ao final do curso.Ao trmino do mesmo o aluno ter conhecimentos de tcnicas de modelamento, conhecer interface, ver tambm como se usa o 2D do NX."
Price: 159.99 |
"Finanas Pessoais - Controlando suas Finanas com o Excel" |
"Neste curso voc aprender como criar um controle financeiro simples e eficaz no Excel, para isso, todas as funes bsicas da ferramenta sero abordadas, de modo que ao final do curso voc seja capaz de iniciar o controle e anlise de suas finanas indo em direo a uma vida financeira mais saudvel."
Price: 39.99 |
"OCS: Gestin de inventario profesional" |
"Todo buen administrador de tecnologa e infraestructura tiene que tener conocimiento de los activos que posee, con este curso aprender a gestionar en forma centralizada toda la informacin relacionada con sus activos tecnolgicos (servidores, computadoras, software instalado, licencias, usuarios y mucho mas).En el transcurso del curso veremos como instalar este sistema paso a paso. Crearemos nuestro propio laboratorio donde contaremos con el servidor de inventario, un servidor Linux y un servidor Windows para que podamos practicar al mximo todo lo necesario para dominar esta grandiosa herramienta."
Price: 119.99 |
"Mikrotik: De principiante a experto" |
"Los routers Mikrotik se vuelven mas populares da a da, su avance es notorio y ya podemos notar su presencia en muchas empresas a lo largo del mundo. Mikrotik ofrece una solucin accesible econmicamente y sumamente potente llena de funcionalidades de nivel empresarial por una fraccin del costo de otras marcas, mas econmico aun que armar una pc con un software para usarlo como router. No se quede afuera del mundo Mikrotik! con este curso podr aprender todo lo necesario para dominar estos equipos y poder brindar una solucin de nivel empresarial para sus clientes o en su trabajo diario todo en un solo lugar. El curso es totalmente practico, cada alumno podr armar en la comodidad de su hogar o trabajo un laboratorio basado en GNS3 donde podr realizar todas las practicas que veremos sin la necesidad de tener acceso a un router Mikrotik real."
Price: 119.99 |
"Mikrotik: Practicas de un Experto" |
"Los routers Mikrotik cuentan con muchas opciones avanzadas, destinadas para los expertos en la materia. En este curso vamos a ir directo a las prcticas de las caractersticas avanzadas de esta gran marca, aprender a dominarlas y podr aplicarlas en sus trabajos, entregando un resultado ms que profesional para sus clientes o sus empresas."
Price: 119.99 |
"Fortinet: De principiante a experto" |
"La seguridad en los tiempos que corren es una problematica central de toda organizacin y en este aspecto Fortinet en los ltimos aos se a desarrollado hasta posicionarse como la empresa lder en seguridad en redes, en este curso aprender a dominar los firewalls Fortigate de Fortinet comenzando por lo bsico desde cero sin experiencia alguna requerida. En este curso aprendera todas las herramientas y habilidades requeridas por la certificacion NSE4 de Fortinet, juntos iremos recorriendo las opciones de esta gran marca abarcando desde su configuracin inicial, polticas de seguridad, UTM (unified threat management), SD-WAN y politicas de trafico, web filter, antivirus, IDS/IPS, application control, traffic shapers, conexiones seguras mediante vpn, gestin de usuarios, integracin con Active Directory, actualizacin, backup, migracin de configuraciones entre diferentes modelos y mucho mas!"
Price: 119.99 |