"Cwna-107 Practice Test" |
"Welcome to the CWNA-107 practice test.This Cwna-107: Certified Wireless Network Administrator practice test was developed by our team to test your knowledge before taking the official exam.Unlike other practice tests, you get lifelong access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.Our goal is to test your knowledge to know if you are really prepared.FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included.___________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!___________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success.___________"
Price: 184.99 |
"CWDP-303 Practice Tests Exam 2020" |
"This is the time to reinforce what you know before taking the official exam:CWDP-303,.Master the skills needed to succeed on the exam: CWDP-303.Nowadays, the person who constantly progresses will not be eliminated. The entire IT team knows that it is very difficult to attain the CWDP-302. certification while taking the certification exam and the way to improve their ability and prove their worth.Our staff spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get a better result on your official CWDP-303.Our practice test covers all exam topics.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSSimulations based on online performance give work environment experienceThe practical test experience prepares you for the actual exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesAll types of questions found on the vendor exam are included in the practical testDetailed explanations for correct and distracting responses reinforce the materialThe Practice Mode covers all the objectives, ensuring that the topics are coveredMode of certification (timed) prepares the conditions of ""examination""Detailed scoring instant reports tell you exactly which areas to focus onOther related Web references included_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success."
Price: 89.99 |
"AI-100 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Exam Q&A 2020" |
"Are you ready for the Azure AI-100 Exam Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution?This practice test contains 3 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.One of Udemy's only practice tests with exam topics linked to each question. At the end of each practice test, you get the graphical percentage of the topic score. This is the best way to know where you need to improve to succeed on the official exam.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the AI-100 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain AI-100 Designing and Implementing an Azure certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the best score on the AI-100 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the AI-100 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included.__________The test covers: Measured skillsAnalyze solution requirementsDesign AI solutions Implement and monitor AI solutions __________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success.__________"
Price: 134.99 |
"AZ-203: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure, Prep exam" |
"Are you ready for the exam: AZ-203 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure?This practical test course contains 3 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for AZ-203 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure.Each practice test upon completion, you have a score table with questions from each exam topic.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the exam:Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain AZ-203 certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official exam:This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you don't like the AZ-203 practice test,We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like._________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. The test covers: Measured skillsDevelop Azure Infrastructure as a Service compute solutionsDevelop Azure Platform as a Service compute solutions Develop for Azure storage Implement Azure security Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize solutions Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services _________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________"
Price: 189.99 |
"70-767 Implementing a Dta Warehouse using SQL, Practice Test" |
"Are you ready for Exam 70-767 Implementing a Dta Warehouse using SQL?This practice test contains 3 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the 70-767 Implementing a Dta Warehouse using SQL exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain Exam 70-767 certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the best score on Exam 70-767 official.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the Exam 70-767 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included.__________ The test covers: Measured skillsDesign, implement, and maintain a data warehouseExtract, transform, and load data Build data quality solutions __________ Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success.__________"
Price: 189.99 |
"70-762 Developing SQL Databases, Practice Tests Exam" |
"Are You Ready for the 70-762 Developing SQL Databases Exam?This practice test contains 2 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the 70-762 Developing SQL Databases exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that 70-762 Developing SQL Databases certification is very difficult to achieve during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the best score on the 70-762 Developing SQL Databases official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the 70-762 Developing SQL Databases practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like._________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included._________ The test covers: Measured skillDesign and implement database objects Implement programmability objects Manage database concurrencyOptimize database objects and SQL infrastructure _________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score! _________ Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________ "
Price: 179.99 |
"DP-100: Designing and Imp. a Data Science Solution, Test" |
"Are you ready for the DP-100 Exam: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure?This practice test contains 2 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.One of Udemy's only practice tests with exam topics linked to each question. At the end of each practice test, you get the graphical percentage of the topic score. This is the best way to know where you really know if you are prepared to succeed on the official exam.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the DP-100 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that getting DP-100 certification is very difficult during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official DP-100 exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the DP-100 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressed.Certification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included.__________ The test covers: Measured skillsDefine and prepare the development environmentPrepare data for modelingPerform feature engineeringDevelop models __________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success.__________"
Price: 129.99 |
"DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution, Test Exam" |
"Are you ready for the DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution exam?This practice test contains 4 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.One of Udemy's only practice tests with exam topics linked to each question. At the end of each practice test, you get the graphical percentage of the topic score. This is the best way to know where you need to improve to succeed on the official exam.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the DP-200 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain DP-200 certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official DP-200 exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the DP-200 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSSimulations based on online performance give work environment experienceThe practical test experience prepares you for the actual exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesAll types of questions found on the vendor exam are included in the practical testDetailed explanations for correct and distracting responses reinforce the materialThe Practice Mode covers all the objectives, ensuring that the topics are coveredMode of certification (timed) prepares the conditions of ""examination""Detailed scoring instant reports tell you exactly which areas to focus onOther related Web references included_______________ Skills measuredThe content of this exam was updated on December 4, 2019. Please download the Skills measured document below to see what changed.Implement data storage solutions (40-45%)Manage and develop data processing (25-30%)Monitor and optimize data solutions (30-35%)_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 114.99 |
"AZ-500: Azure Security Technologies Practice Tests exam 2020" |
"Are you ready for the AZ-500 Azure Security Technologies Exam?This practice test contains 4 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.One of Udemy's only practice tests with exam topics linked to each question. At the end of each practice test, you get the graphical percentage of the topic score. This is the best way to know where you really know if you are prepared to succeed on the official exam.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the AZ-500 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain AZ-500 certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the best score on the AZ-500 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the AZ-500 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included._________ The test covers: Measured skillsManage identity and accessImplement platform protection Manage security operationsSecure data and applications_________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success."
Price: 194.99 |
"CompTIA Server+ SK0-004 Practice Test exam 2020" |
"Are you looking for material that can prepare you to use CompTIA CompTIA Server +?Whether you want a dream IT job or a fundamental navigation experience in today's difficult technical problems, CompTIA certification drives you in your career. CompTIA industry certifications tell employers that you are a capable and motivated person, but studying for them is a challenge!What makes us the best tool for preparing for the certification exam?Our CompTIA SK0-004 materials are ALWAYS up to date!Compatible with mobile devicesWe understand. Studying for an exam is not just time consuming, you can't always bring a computer to study. We are compatible with mobile devices running on iOS and Android so you can study wherever life takes you.This CompTIA SK0-004r professional practice exam course is for anyone looking for study material that provides the following:607 high-level questions - has 6 sets of CompTIA CompTIA Server + practice tests with a time limit of 140 minutes for each set.SIMULATES THE REAL EXAMINATION ENVIRONMENT - mimics the current and most recent CompTIA SK0-004 exam to help you pass and even the SK0-004 exam.These are NOT CompTIA Server + Professional dumps and should not be considered as such.IMPORTANT NOTEThese ACompTIA SK0-004 Professional exams have a passing score of 70%, but it is highly recommended that you repeat these exams several times until you consistently achieve a score of 90% or more on each exam.Remember that the isolated use of this product does not guarantee that you will pass the exam, as you still need to take your own readings and practical exercises on the ACompTIA SK0-004. However, these DOP practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success."
Price: 114.99 |
"DP-201 Designing an Azure Data Solution, Practice Test exam" |
"Are you ready for the DP-201 Designing an Azure Data Solutio Exam?This practice test contains 3 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.One of Udemy's only practice tests with exam topics linked to each question. At the end of each practice test, you get the graphical percentage of the topic score. This is the best way to know where you need to improve to succeed on the official exam.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the DP-201 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain DP-201 certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the best score on the official DO-201 exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the DP-201 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.Skills measuredThe content of this exam was updated on November 27, 2019. Please download the Skills measured document below to see what changed.Design Azure data storage solutions (40-45%)Design data processing solutions (25-30%)Design for data security and compliance (25-30%)__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSSimulations based on online performance give work environment experienceThe practical test experience prepares you for the actual exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesAll types of questions found on the vendor exam are included in the practical testDetailed explanations for correct and distracting responses reinforce the materialThe Practice Mode covers all the objectives, ensuring that the topics are coveredMode of certification (timed) prepares the conditions of ""examination""Detailed scoring instant reports tell you exactly which areas to focus onOther related Web references included._________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success."
Price: 119.99 |
"Certified Information Security Manage, Practice Tests Prep" |
"""This is an unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISACA in any way.""This CISM practice exam course) is for anyone looking to test their knowledge before taking the official exam:The course contains six practice tests lasting 150 minutes and a passing score adjusted to 80%.NOTE: ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS ARE TIME LIMIT, WHICH HELPS EVEN MORE TO BE ADJUSTED WITH THE REAL EXAMINATION ENVIRONMENT.INDIVIDUALS DON'T WORRY !!! WE HAVE 100% REFUND POLICYExamination mechanisms allow you to mark questions for review, move forward and backward, skip questions.Remember that the isolated use of this product does not guarantee that you will pass the exam, as you still need to take your own readings and practical exercises at CISM. However, these practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!._________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success."
Price: 184.99 |
"70-487 Developing Azure and Web Services, Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to practice test 70-487.This 70-487 practice test Windows Azure development and web services have been advanced to test your knowledge before taking the official exam.Unlike other practice tests, you get lifelong access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.Prepare the best practice test: 70-487 Developed on Windows Azure and Web Services, it is one of the only tests in which it is separated by the exam topic; Each question you answer at the end of the test will know which area of the exam you need to improve on.Our goal is to test your knowledge to know if you are really prepared FEATURES AND BENEFITS Online simulations available in performance allow for a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesHow to practice all goals, including those discussedThe certification mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. ________________ The Test Covers: Measured SkillsData access.See and manipulate data using the Entity Framework.Create and consume web services created in the API.Design and implementation of web services.Implementing Web Applications and Services.__________Education is the best way to overcome life's challenges.I wish them good studies and success."
Price: 194.99 |
"70-742 Identity with Windows Server 2016, Practice Test exam" |
"Are you ready for the 70-742 Identity with Windows Server 2016 exam?This practice test contains 4 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the 70-742 Identity with Windows Server 2016 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that 70-742 certification is very difficult to achieve during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the 70-742 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the 70-742 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. The test covers: Measured skillsInstall Windows Servers in Host and Compute Environments (10-15%) Implement Storage Solutions (15-20%)Implement Hyper-V (20-25%)Implement Windows Containers (5-10%)Implement High Availability (30-35%)Maintain and Monitor Server Environments (10-15%)__________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!__________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success.__________"
Price: 19.99 |
"70-765 Provisioning SQL Databases, practice Test" |
"Are you ready for the 70-765 Provisioning SQL Databases exam?This practice test contains 4 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed on the 70-765 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that 70-765 certification is very difficult during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the 70-765 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the 70-765 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________""Features and Benefits""Performance-based online simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice mode covers all objectives, ensuring that topics are addressedThe certification mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""_________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome life's challenges.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 114.99 |
"Oracle Database 12c Administration (1Z0-062): Practice Tests" |
"Are You Ready for Oracle Database 12c 1z0-062 Exam: Installation and Administration?This practice test contains 5 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the 1z0-062 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain Exam 1z0-062 certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the Exam1z0-062 official.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for any reason you do not like the Exam 1z0-062 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. _________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 119.99 |
"70-779 - Microsoft Excel BI - Practice Tests exam 2020" |
"Are You Ready for the Azure Exam 70-779 Examining and Viewing Data with Microsoft Exceln Exam?This practice test contains 2 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test or help will perform better to take the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed on the 70-779 exam.Currently, a person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain Exam 70-779 certification. Having a certification is the best way to show your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test to score higher on the official Exam 70-779 exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, or you can get a good score in this practice test because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the 70-7791 practice test.We have 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you can access LIFETIME from these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________ FEATURES AND BENEFITS Online simulations available in performance allow for a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesHow to practice all goals, including those discussedThe certification mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. ________________ As Test Covers: Measured SkillsOnsConsume and transform data using Microsoft Excel (30-35%)Model Data (35-40%)Viewing data (30-35%)________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Note that this practice test alone does not guarantee an exam without an exam. We recommend that you do your reading practices and exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests use a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!________________Education is the best way to overcome life's challenges.I wish them good studies and success._________________"
Price: 194.99 |
"Certified Associate in Project Management (PMI-100)" |
"Are you ready for the Certified Associate in Project Management (PMI-100) exam?This practice test contains 5 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the PMI-100 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that PMI-100 certification is very difficult to achieve during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the PMI-100 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the PMI-100 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. _________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 194.99 |
"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Practice Tests" |
"Are you ready for the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) ?This practice test contains 2 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the PMI exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that PMI certification is very difficult to achieve during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the PMI official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the PMI practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. _________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 189.99 |
"E20-007 Data Science Associate Certification Practice Exam" |
"Are you ready for the Azure Exam E20-007 Data Science Associate Certification?This practice test contains 3 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the E20-007 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain E20-007 certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the best score on the E20-007 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the E20-007 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included._________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 104.99 |
"70-761: Querying Data with Transact-SQL, practice tests exam" |
"Are you ready for the 70-761 MCSA Querying Data with Transact-SQL exam?This practice test contains 4 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the 70-761 MCSA Querying Data with Transact-SQL exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that 70-761 certification is very difficult to achieve during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the 70-761 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the 70-761 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.Querying Data with Transact-SQLCandidates for the Microsoft Querying Data with Transact-SQL exam are SQL Server database administrators, system engineers, and developers with two or more years of experience who are seeking to validate their skills and knowledge in writing queries.This exam measures the following skills:Manage data with Transact-SQLQuery data with advanced Transact-SQL componentsProgram databases using Transact-SQL__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included._________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 179.99 |
"70-741 Networking with Windows Server 2016, Tests exam" |
"Are you ready for the 70-741 Networking with Windows Server 2016 exam?This practice test contains 5 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the 70-741 Networking with Windows Server 2016 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that 70-741 certification is very difficult to achieve during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the 70-741 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the practice test70-741.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like._________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. ________________ The test covers: Measured skillsImplement Domain Name System (DNS) (15-20%)Implement DHCP and IPAM (25-30%)Implement Network Connectivity and Remote Access Solutions (20-25%)Implement Core and Distributed Network Solutions (15-20%)Implement an Advanced Network Infrastructure (15-20%)_________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 179.99 |
"70-339 Managing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Test Exam" |
"Are you ready for the 70-339 SharePoint Server 2016 exam?This practice test contains 3 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the 70-339 SharePoint Server 2016 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that 70-339 SharePoint Server 2016 certification is very difficult to achieve during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your value.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the 70-339 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the 70-339 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like.__________FEATURES AND BENEFITSOnline performance-based simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice Mode covers all objectives, ensuring topics are addressedCertification Mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included.________________ The test covers: Measured skillsSharePoint infrastructure design (1520%)Plan authentication and security (1520%)Plan workload optimization (1520%)Plan productivity solutions (1520%)Manage search capabilities (1015%)Plan and configure cloud services (510%)Monitor and optimize a SharePoint environment (1015%)_________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome life's challenges.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 199.99 |
"98-365 Windows Server Administration Fundamentals (Test)" |
"Are you ready for the Windows Server Administration Fundamentals 98-365 exam?This practice test contains 5 complete timed tests. With questions to see how prepared you are for the real test.We are confident that our practice test will help you perform better by taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of hands-on challenges.Master the skills required to succeed in the Windows Server Administration Fundamentals 98-365 exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.All IT staff know that it is very difficult to obtain Windows Server Administration Fundamentals 98-365 certification during the certification exam and is a way to improve your ability and prove your worth.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the 98-365 official exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practical test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the 98-365 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.Unlike other practice tests, you get LIFETIME access to these questions. There is no time limit. You can take the tests as many times as you like._________FEATURES AND BENEFITSPerformance-based online simulations offer a better experience.Practical test experience prepares you for the real exam and develops your knowledge of the exam objectivesPractice mode covers all objectives, ensuring that topics are addressedThe certification mode (timed) prepares the conditions for the ""exam""Other related web references included. The test covers: Measured skillsUnderstanding server installation (1015%)Understanding server roles (2530%)Understanding Active Directory (2025%)Understanding storage (1015%)Understanding server performance management (1015%)Understanding server maintenance (1520%)_________________IMPORTANT WARNING:Please note that this practice test alone does not guarantee passing the exam. We recommend that you take your own readings and practice exercises on the requirements of this exam. However, our practice tests provide a comprehensive assessment in which area of knowledge you need to improve and even help you get a higher score!_________________Education is the best way to overcome the challenges of life.I wish you good studies and success._________________"
Price: 194.99 |
"ESP8266 Wifi module Software Programming" |
"Basic hardware and software programming knowledge about ESP8266 Wifi module, including:(1) ESP8266 wifi chip's features and minimum system;(1) AT command control ESP8266 by PC;(2) Setup ESP8266 web server by AT command;(3) Setup ESP8266 SDK compile environment;(4) ESP8266 NONOS SDK software timer, hardware timer, gpio led, gpio interrupt, I2C, PWM, Wifi Connect mode coding examples;"
Price: 199.99 |
"ESP32 Lesson Season 01" |
"This season will cover three aspects of ESP32 wifi chip software development:(1) ESP32 basic hardware knowledge;(2) ESP32 SDK Compile Environment Setup(3) ESP32 Periperals Driver software development: Uart, GPIO, Interrupt, Timer, DAC, ADC, I2C, SPI, SDCard, I2S etc.This season is the first part of the ESP32 development lesson series. It mainly takes the ESP32 as a regular Microcontroller to demo how to control other sensors or MCU."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Half of Juzz Amma (Part 1) - Surah by Surah" |
"The Quran Made Easy course is catered for new learners who know how to read basic words in Arabic (having the knowledge of the meaning is not necessary) and have some basic knowledge of Tajweed. In this course, we will help in teaching our students how to read from Surah Al-Fatiha all the way to Surah Al-Fajr correctly, following the narrations that have been narrated and passed down to us from the Prophet peace be upon him. As we read and ascend through the course, we will learn the rules progressively to make it easy for you to implement them as you learn.The course is also beneficial for beginner/trainee teachers as it aims to simplify Tajweed rules indirectly for the students. So as long as you meet two conditions, regardless of your colour, age, religious level, then youll be able to enrol and benefit from the course. They are:Ability to read words in Arabic at a medium paceHave that zeal and desire to learn and correct your recitation."
Price: 19.99 |
"Arabic Made Easy" |
"The Arabic made easy course is catered for new learners who know how to read and write in Arabic. Preferably those who have studied or were exposed to some Arabic previously. This is not a requirement but will make learning the course easier. As long as a student has a strong will to learn and puts effort, they will do well in this course.In this course we will help you learn the classical Arabic language (original Arabic in the way it was first spoken). The course will be simplified that everyone of all ages and benefit from it. Lessons are going to be explained in a very simple and organized manner. In addition to this, we will indirectly teach the grammatical parts of the language.The course is also beneficial for beginner/trainee teachers as it aims to simplify the Arabic language for the students. So as long as you meet two conditions, regardless of your colour, age, religious level, then youll be able to enrol and benefit from the course. They are: Ability to read words in Arabic at a medium pace Have that zeal and desire to learn.This course is for those who cannot get to a teacher, for whatever reason that may be, OR is currently learning Arabic, but not quite understanding it. We try to simplify and bring that teacher-student experience to you as close as we can."
Price: 59.99 |
"App Inventor : Bases de donnes locales (Projet N9)" |
"Dans ce tuto App Inventor 2, vous allez apprendre concevoir et gnrer une application Android interactive, permettant de sauvegarder des donnes dans une base de donnes locale (sur le smartphone), puis de retrouver ces donnes plus tard, mme aprs fermeture du smartphone.Nous y prsentons les composants ncessaires la mise en uvre de l'interface Homme-Machine et ceux permettant la gestion des vnements et du comportement de l'application (Button, Textbox, TinyDB, Clock, Notifier).L'exemple prsent dans ce tutoriel permet l'utilisateur de taper du texte puis de le sauvegarder en base de donnes. Lorsqu'il reviendra sur cette application, il pourra relire la donne prcdemment sauvegarde. Ce tuto explique galement comment gnrer l'APK (version finale package) de l'application, afin de l'installer sur n'importe quel smartphone ou tablette Android."
Price: 19.99 |
"App Inventor : Bases de donnes partages (Projet N10)" |
"Dans ce tuto App Inventor 2, vous allez apprendre concevoir et gnrer une application Android interactive, permettant de sauvegarder des donnes dans une base de donnes partage (sur le rseau Internet), puis retrouver ces donnes plus tard, mme aprs fermeture du smartphone. Cela permet donc de transmettre des informations entre plusieurs smartphones ou tablettes ayant install l'application ainsi dveloppe.Nous prsentons les composants ncessaires la mise en uvre de l'interface Homme-Machine et ceux permettant la gestion des vnements et du comportement de l'application (Button, Textbox, TinyWebDB, Clock, Notifier, Label).L'exemple prsent dans ce tutoriel permet des utilisateurs de s'envoyer des messages par l'intermdiaire d'une base de donnes partage. Le mcanisme de sauvegarde puis de rcupration asynchrone des donnes est expliqu grce un exemple d'application gnre afin d'envoyer des messages textuels entre n'importe quel smartphone ou tablette Android qui installera la version finale (APK) de cette application."
Price: 19.99 |