"App Inventor Firebase BD partage temps rel (Projet 10 Bis)" |
"Dans ce tuto App Inventor 2, vous allez apprendre concevoir et gnrer une application Androidinteractive, permettant de partager des donnes dans une basede donnes Firebase en temps rel via le rseau Internet.Nous prsentons les composants ncessaires la mise en uvre de l'interface Homme-Machine et ceux permettant la gestion des vnements et du comportement de l'application (Firebase, Label, Canvas, ImageSprite).L'exemple prsent dans ce tutoriel permet deux ou plusieurs applications connectes une BD FireBase de communiquer entre elles en temps rel.L'illustration permet de comprendre comment une voiture rouge, prsente sur un des smartphones, peut tre pilote distance par un utilisateur qui bouge son doigt sur un deuxime smartphone."
Price: 19.99 |
"App Inventor : Piloter un robot Lego Mindstorms (Projet 39)" |
"Dans ce tuto App Inventor 2, vous allez apprendre concevoir et gnrer une application Androidinteractive, permettant de piloter un robot Lego Mindstorms (version EV3 ou NXT) via une communication Bluetooth.Au programme de ce tutoApp Inventor :Nous prsentons les composants ncessaires la mise en uvre de l'interface Homme-Machine et ceux permettant la gestion des vnements et du comportement de l'application (Lego Mindstorms, Bluetooth, Canvas, ImageSprite).L'exemple prsent dans ce tutoriel permet de faire dplacer une robot en le pilotant depuis une smartphone ou une tablette, en appuyant sur des flches de direction. L'illustration permet de comprendre comment mettre en uvre une communication Bluetooth, puis envoyer des ordres au robot, mais aussi, recevoir des informations de la part du robot lorsqu'il s'approche d'un obstacle, grce l'utilisation d'un capteur ultrason."
Price: 24.99 |
"CSI SAFE Professional Essential Training Series [2019]" |
"From Nothing to everything. CSI SAFE (Slab Analysis by the Finite Element Method) is the best tool for designing concrete slabs and foundations by the Computer and Structures, Inc. SAFE provide easiness to engineer towards the safe design of structures with powerful tools like draw, analyze, design and detailing etc.Course Contents CSI SAFE - 01 Introduction , Define Material, Define Slab Section CSI SAFE - 02 Define Beam Properites CSI SAFE - 03 Define Column Properties, Load pattern load case load combination CSI SAFE 04 Define Soil Subgrade Modulas CSI SAFE - 05 Mass Source as per ASCE CSI SAFE - 06 Concrete Slab with Drop Panel Part I CSI SAFE - 07 Concrete Slab with Drop Panel Part 2 CSI SAFE - 08 Concrete Slab Design and detail Part I CSI SAFE - 09 Concrete Slab Design and detail Part 2 10 RAM Connection Column Base Plate design (Axial) 11 RAM Connection Column Base Plate design (Biaxial) CSI SAFE - 12 Edit Geometry by 3 Different Tools CSI SAFE - 13 Import Cad (Architectural grids clxf dwg files) CSI SAFE - 14 Isolated Footing Detailed design with concept pat I CSI SAFE - 15 Isolated Footing Detailed design with concept pat 2 CSI SAFE - 16 Isolated Footing 800k Example Verfication CSI SAFE - 17 Combined Footing Design Detailed Example I CSI SAFE - 18 Combined Footing Design Detailed Example 2 CSI SAFE - 19 Mat or Raft Foundation CSI SAFE - 19b Mat or Raft Foundation Uplift Check CSI SAFE - 20 Design of Full building, Export from CSI ETA8S or SAP2000 to CSI SAFE Part 1 CSI SAFE - 21 Design of Full building, Export from CSI ETA8S or SAP2000 to CSI SAFE Part 2 CSI SAFE - 22 Strap Foundation Detailed analysis and designCSI SAFE - 23 Pile Cap design in detail with pile spring constant calculations CSI SAFE - 24 Cantiliver Slab designCSI SAFE - 25 Concrete Slab Short term and Long term Deflection"
Price: 199.99 |
"CSI ETABS Professional Training Series" |
"In this training course, you will learn the following contents with concepts, as per code ASCE 7-16 / UBC 97.Materials, Frame Section Definitions, Mass Source ,Load combinations.Import grid from AutoCAD, Reference points, Earthquake and wind LoadsStructural Modelling checks....Stiffness, Mass ,Torsion and Building eccentricity checks.Concrete Slab Design with Strip Based Method and Finite Element Method (FEM)P-Delta checks and how to apply.Equivalent static Force Method.Response Spectrum Analysis.Time History Analysis.Slab and foundation Export to CSI SAFE for slab and foundation design."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complex Numbers for Beginner" |
"Imagine you are living in the 17th century. You have 7 bananas and I asked you to give me 9 bananas. How can you give ????How can you give 9 bananas to me when you have only 7.But, now as you are in 21st century, you can write 7 9 = - 2. Simple!What, exactly, does it mean? How can you take 9 bananas from 7? How could you have less than nothing?What happened? We invented a theoretical number that had useful properties. Negatives arent something we can touch or hold, but they describe certain relationships well (like debt). Imaginary Number (iota) have a similar story. Join this course to Learn how imaginary numbers came into existence, and develop an insight of Complex Numbers.Happy Intuitive Learning !"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Beginners guide to Fibonacci numbers" |
"Learn the mathematics behind the Fibonacci numbers, the golden ratio, and how they are related. These topics are not usually taught in a typical math curriculum, yet contain many fascinating results that are still accessible to an advanced high school student. The course culminates in an explanation of why the Fibonacci numbers appear unexpectedly in nature, such as the number of spirals in the head of a sunflower.Fibonacci numbersGolden ratioFibonacci identities and sumsBinet's Formula and its applicationFibonacci Numbers in trading"
Price: 29.99 |
"Dao Yoga - Tai Chi - Qi Gong 1" |
"Dao Yoga - Tai Chi - Qi Gong 1Mit diesem Kurs Dao Yoga, Dao Tai Chi und Qi Gong 1 bekommst du einen Einstieg in die drei Hauptbereiche der Yin Knste der Daoistischen Bewegungsknste nach Lishi.Der Yin und Yang Stil Lishi unterliegt einer langen Tradition und hat sich mit seinen physischen bungen, Atemlenkung und Energiefhrung ber die Jahrhunderte bewhrt. Dieses System zeigt uns einen Weg zur inneren Ruhe und zur Harmonisierung von Krper, Geist und Seele. Dieser Weg fhrt uns entspannt und gelassen zu einem schnen Leben.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet:Dao Yoga bungenbewusste AtemlenkungDehnen und strken der Beinmuskulatur, des Rckens und des Brust/Schulter/NackenbereichsKraftvolle und vitalisierende sowie przise ausgefhrte bungen, die den ganzen Krper einbeziehen, auerdem Tips fr FortgeschritteneQi Gong bungenzur bewussten Energiefhrung, sowieHarmonisierung von Atem und BewegungAusrichtung und KrperhaltungFokussierung auf innere ProzesseDao Tai ChiAusfhrung und Techniken der ersten 11 Bewegungen der Dao Tai Chi Square Yard FormKoordinieren von Ober- und Unterkrperdeine Aufmerksamkeit auf der physischen, emotionalen und mentalen Ebene zu erweiternDie korrekte Ausfhrung von Stellungen und StndenIn diesem Kurs werden wundervolle bungen und 2 ausgedehnte Flows unterrichtet, die dir ein neues Krpergefhl und frische Energie geben und damit dein Leben bereichern werden. Ergnzend zu diesem Kurs empfehlen wir unseren Dao Tai Chi Square Yard Form Kurs, in dem die Form, die hier in die Flows eingebettet ist, detailliert erklrt wird. Wir wnschen dir viel Spa bei all den neuen Erfahrungen."
Price: 24.99 |
"Dao Yoga - Tai Chi - Qi Gong 2" |
"Dao Yoga - Tai Chi - Qi Gong 2Mit diesem Kurs Dao Yoga, Dao Tai Chi und Qi Gong 2 bekommst du einen Einstieg in die drei Hauptbereiche der Yin Knste der Daoistischen/Taoistischen Bewegungsknste nach Lishi.Der Yin und Yang Stil Lishi unterliegt einer langen Tradition und hat sich mit seinen physischen bungen, Atemlenkung und Energiefhrung ber die Jahrhunderte bewhrt. Dieses System zeigt uns einen Weg zur inneren Ruhe und zur Harmonisierung von Krper, Geist und Seele. Dieser Weg fhrt uns entspannt und gelassen zu einem schnen Leben.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet:bewusste AtemlenkungDehnen und strken der Beinmuskulatur, des Rckens und des Brust/Schulter/NackenbereichsKraftvolle und vitalisierende sowie przise ausgefhrte bungen, die den ganzen Krper einbeziehen, auerdem Tips fr Fortgeschrittenezur bewussten Energiefhrung, sowieHarmonisierung von Atem und BewegungAusrichtung und KrperhaltungFokussierung auf innere ProzesseAusfhrung und Techniken der ersten 11 Bewegungen der Dao Tai Chi FormKoordinieren von Ober- und Unterkrperdeine Aufmerksamkeit auf der physischen, emotionalen und mentalen Ebene zu erweiternDie korrekte Ausfhrung von Stellungen und StndenIn diesem Kurs werden wundervolle bungen und ein ausgedehnter Wave Flow unterrichtet, die dir ein neues Krpergefhl und frische Energie geben und damit dein Leben bereichern werden. Ergnzend zu diesem Kurs empfehlen wir unseren Dao Tai Chi Square Yard Form Kurs, in dem die Form, die hier in die Flows eingebettet ist, detailliert erklrt wird. Wir wnschen dir viel Spa bei all den neuen Erfahrungen.Frank & Katja"
Price: 24.99 |
"Dao Tai Chi - Fei Shou" |
"Du lernst in diesem Kurs die ""jngste"" Form der Daoistischen Bewegungsknste nach Lishi - Fei Shou - fliegende Hnde. Sie ist dynamisch und durch die natrlichen, ausladenden Bewegungen gut geeignet, um Krper und Geist fit zu halten oder zu machen. Es ist eine traditionelle Form aus dem Jahrtausende alten Lishi Dao System und hilft dir neben den physischen Aspekten Koordination und Balance in deinen Alltag zu integrieren. Dafr braucht es bung. Wir haben dir hier einen Kurs erstellt, in dem du alle Bewegungen sehr detailliert erlernen kannst. Dieser Kurs sollte wie Unterricht betrachtet werden, d. h. dass du dir Zeit lassen solltest, diese Form zu erlernen. Wir haben aber bewusst darauf geachtet, den Kurs nicht zu ""trocken"" zu gestalten, sondern dir viele Praxisvideos und zum Schluss Trainingsteile eingebaut, bei denen du mitmachen kannst. Wenn du mit Frank gemeinsam diese Praxisteile ausfhrst, wirst du das Gefhl haben, nicht alleine ben zu mssen..... und das in einer tollen Umgebung mit Meer und Sonnenschein im Hintergrund. Mit diesem Training beschreiten wir einen Weg, der uns mehr Leichtigkeit, Weichheit und Liebe beschert."
Price: 24.99 |
"Certified Electronic Health Records Exam (CEHRS) Review" |
"This is a premier Certified Electronic Health Records exam prep course designed to take the CEHRS with any agency that administers the exam for certification. Let this review help you along your journey to becoming a Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist on your own time. In only a few hours you can have a comprehensive review of EHR principles leading to a successful certification exam.You will have access to your review when even you need it to prepare for the certification exam and you can focus on the areas you need the most. This review is perfect for the newly trained front office specialist, medical records clerk or overall health care professional. If you handle electronic medical records this review is for you!"
Price: 84.99 |
"Records and Health Information Management" |
"This course was created for those looking to advance their career or to start a new career in the healthcare industry. This course will also refresh the essential knowledge needed to stay up to date in a fact-paced field, and to prepare to sit for the industry standard certification exam. If you ever wanted to learn more about Electronic Medical Records look no further!"
Price: 84.99 |
"Let's Play Bass on ""Only Jesus"" by The McKains" |
"Come learn the bass guitar parts on one of today's hottest Praise & Worship songs-Only Jesus by the McKains! Learn from an instructor who diligently designed the course so you can understand every nuance of the dynamics. Unlock the key-change trick necessary for your praise team! Take the skills that Kirby teaches with you to your next rehearsal!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Usando Linq com Lambda em C#" |
"Nesse curso conheceremos a Consulta Integrada Linguagem, ou Linq. Aprenderemos como escrever consultas para trazer resultados obtidos de objetos em C#. Para escrever as consultas, utilizaremos expresses Lambda, que so muito prticas.O curso est separado em sees que dividem os objetivos de cada mtodo do Linq. Na maioria das vezes, cada aula trata de um mtodo especfico. Logo no incio do curso, temos uma aula onde preparamos o ambiente e criamos os dados que serviro de apoio durante todo o curso.No final, voc ter acesso ao cdigo fonte utilizado durante as aulas."
Price: 579.99 |
"C# - Guia Completo de Comandos Avanados" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender os seguintes comandos avanados em C# com aulas prticas:Interpolao de cadeia de caracteresUsar o Identificador Textual @Como trabalhar com TuplesParamsFunes locaisMtodos de ExtensoYield ReturnDelegateExpresses Lambda - Delegate ActionExpresses Lambda - Delegate FunctionAlm de aprender como usar o comando, voc ver situaes prticas onde aquele comando til.Se voc deseja sair do bsico em C# e se tornar um desenvolvedor que domina a linguagem, esse curso a chave que falta para aumentar o seu conhecimento!Os assuntos so divididos em sees, e cada aula geralmente explica sobre um comando ou conceito especfico. Dessa forma o curso no sequencial, e logo na primeira aula voc j aprende um recurso novo. Caso deseje assistir aos vdeos de outra seo primeiro, voc poder faz-lo sem precisar se preocupar.No final, alm de um rico conhecimento, voc poder acrescentar muito na sua carreira profissional e no seu currculo."
Price: 579.99 |
"C# Avanado - Testes Unitrios com NUnit" |
"Testes unitrios so muito importantes no desenvolvimento de programas.Eles garantem que os seus cdigos esto funcionando e facilitam seu ciclo de desenvolvimento.Nesse curso, mostrarei como usar uma das ferramentas muito usadas em C# para criao de testes unitrios, o NUnit.Aprenda, aplique e surpreenda seus gestores por deixar o seu cdigo testado e seguro!"
Price: 199.99 |
"C# 8.0 - Novos recursos disponveis a partir do .NET Core 3" |
"Se voc j programador em C# e deseja se manter em dia com as verses dessa linguagem, esse o curso certo!Visto que sempre as linguagens de programao esto evoluindo e adicionando novos recursos para simplificar o desenvolvimento e aumentar as possibilidades de codificar, fundamental que nos atualizemos e conheamos as novas funcionalidades da linguagem.Nesse curso, mostrarei os novos recursos, padres e funcionalidades disponveis na verso 8.0 do C# e as diferenas comparado com as verses anteriores.A verso 8.0 do C# est disponvel a partir do .NET Core 3.0. Nesse curso, focaremos nas novidades da linguagem que poder ser aplicada em qualquer aplicativo .NET Core 3.0 ou em outra estrutura que aceite essa nova verso do C#."
Price: 199.99 |
"Implementacin y Cumplimiento del Estndar PCI DSS" |
"En este curso tratamos en profundo detalle tcnico cada uno de los requisitos del estndar PCI DSS v3.2 que es la actualmente vigente y est orientado a brindar todo el conocimiento y experiencia para llevar a cabo un proyecto exitoso de implementacin y cumplimiento con los requisitos del estndar de seguridad y adems, les doy las pautas para enfrentar la auditora de certificacin hecha por un QSA (Auditor certificado por el PCI Council).En este curso aprenderemos a Determinar el mbito de aplicacin de los requisitos del estndar PCI DSS Reducir el mbito de aplicacin a lo mnimo necesario antes de iniciar el proyecto Interpretar cada requisito del estndar PCI DSS y poder identificar lo que se requiere para cumplirlo Definir la forma en que se dar cumplimiento a cada requisito bajo un nivel de inversin que sea razonable para la empresa Identificar las tecnologas que nos permiten cumplir con los requisitos de seguridad Diferenciar entre lo que se requiere para el cumplimiento y lo que se requiere para lograr un nivel de seguridad adecuado segn el apetito de riesgo de la empresa Conocer las tecnologas emergentes que hoy en da existen en el negocio de pagos con tarjetas que han permitido una reduccin considerable del fraude"
Price: 79.99 |
"Implementacin del Framework de Ciberseguridad del NIST" |
"Este curso est conformado por 3 partes:La primera parte est orientada a que el alumno conozca el Framework de Ciberseguridad del NIST. Esta clase incluye:Una introduccin al Framework de Ciberseguridad del NIST Explicar por qu es el marco de ciberseguridad ms adoptado hoy en da por las organizacionesLa descripcin detallada de los componentes del frameworkLos beneficios de implementar el framework en la organizacinTestimonios de empresas que han encontrado beneficios adoptando el frameworkEn la segunda parte se presenta en detalle el proceso de evaluacin de riesgos, ya que es el principal input para la implementacin del Framework de Ciberseguridad del NIST. Esta parte incluye:Definicin de los principales conceptos relacionados a los riesgos y evaluacin de riesgos de ciberseguridadComprensin de los objetivos de la evaluacin de riesgosPreparacin para la evaluacin de riesgosEjecucin de la evaluacin de riesgosComunicacin de los resultados a los diferentes niveles organizacionalesActualizacin permanente de los resultados de la evaluacin de riesgosRespuesta al riesgoEn la tercera y ltima parte veremos en detalle un caso de estudio, en el cual analizaremos la situacin actual de una empresa e iremos desarrollando paso a paso segn el roadmap para la adopcin del Framework de Ciberseguridad del NIST. Este caso es muy prctico y servir a los alumnos para poder realizar la implementacin del framework en sus empresa."
Price: 64.99 |
"Anlisis de datos: Tablas dinmicas, grficos y vba Excel" |
"Las tablas dinmicas es quizs la herramienta ms poderosa que tiene Excel, con ellas podremos realizar cualquier tipo de anlisis y tomar decisiones ms precisas en una organizacin o empresa, es por ello que he creado este curso donde no solo aprenders a construir dashboards (informes) avanzados haciendo uso de esta potente herramienta, sino que tambin te enseare a estructurar la informacin y las diferentes maneras de presentarla en un informe.Este curso cuenta tambin con secciones dedicadas a ensearte acerca de los grficos y en qu momento podremos utilizar cada uno de ellos.Tambin te explicare como crear otros grficos para representar un KPI haciendo uso de auto-formas y VBA, logrando as que tus informes sean nicos y profesionales."
Price: 99.99 |
"Mster en Grficos y KPIs Excel [+ Visualizaciones con VBA]" |
"En este curso te detallare cada uno de los grficos que vienen por defecto en la herramienta EXCEL, tambin te enseare a representar la informacin de una manera efectiva y profesional, Y como si fuera poco, te enseare a crear diferentes visualizaciones haciendo uso de auto-formas y VBA Excel, como nubes de palabras, flujos, grficas para representar relaciones entre items de una tabla, entre otras muchas mas visualizaciones.Con lo anterior estoy seguro que potenciaras aun mas todos tus informes y seras un mster representando datos.No pierdas ms el tiempo y nos vemos dentro del curso!.-"
Price: 99.99 |
"Crer un montage vido suprieur et bluffant avec iMovie." |
"Vous avez dj fait un peu de montage vido, ou vous avez suivi le cours pour dbutant, et vous souhaitez aller plus loin ? Vous tes la bonne place.Ici nous allons apprendre des techniques avances pour crer des effets, des ambiances, et repousser les limites qui vous empchent de vous exprimer.Devenir un super Youtubeur, faire des films institutionnels convaincants, ajouter des effets attrayants pour captiver l'attention, tout cela est possible avec iMovie, qui est fourni avec votre Mac et qui, malgr ce que l'on pourrait penser, couvre la totalit des besoins de montage courants.Avec en plus quelques astuces et ides pour stimuler votre inspiration.Chaque nouvelle technique qu'on va apprendre sera mise en situation, on ne fera pas tout d'un coup, on les apprendra en pratiquant, au moment o on en aura besoin.Je vous fourni dans les ressources tout ce qu'il faut pour commencer sans attendre, et on regardera galement comment complter nos crations avec des ressources gratuites.Le cours est en qualit Full HD (1080p), donc n'hsitez pas le visionner sur votre tlviseur si vous avez une chromecast par exemple. Mettez la qualit du lecteur UDEMY sur ""auto""."
Price: 29.99 |
"Apprenez aimer Microsoft Word (Mac et PC)" |
"Si vous tes dbutant ou que vous utilisez Word sans toujours savoir ce que vous faites, vous allez dcouvrir les bases qui vous feront de vous une autre personne qui obtiendra un rsultat rapide et convaincant, sans ttonner des heures comme le collgue d ct.Lorsquil sagit de tirer quelque chose de propre, une lettre, un livre, un eBook (Kindle), un CV, une documentation ou une table des matires, on a limpression que cest insurmontable. Forcment, lorsquon ne sait pas ce quil se trame en coulisses, on perd un temps rageant, et lorsqu'on envoie ou partage son travail, le rsultat peut poser des problmes.Si, pour vous, utiliser Word est toujours un peu alatoire ou mystrieux, lorsque je vous aurai rvl les bases essentielles du traitement de texte, vous utiliserez Word (et presque nimporte quel traitement de texte) avec aisance, et mme avec plaisir.Vous saurez l'utiliser sur Mac et sur PC. Je montrerai les petites diffrences qu'on peut trouver au fil des cours. Bien que le cours soit enregistr avec la plus rcente version, si vous avez une version de Word 2007 ou postrieure, les bases restent les mmes, certaines icnes peuvent tre lgrement diffrentes, mais rien de majeur. Regardez les premiers extraits vido gratuitement pour mieux vous en rendre compte.Le fameux a mnerve, je ny comprends rien appartiendra au pass.La vido est en qualit HD. Vous pouvez la regarder sur votre tlviseur si vous souhaitez apprendre en tant bien install(e)."
Price: 24.99 |
sakae_002 |
Price: 24000.00 |
Price: 12000.00 |
"Congreso de Matrimonios" |
"El Congreso fue basado en los principales problemas que causan el divorcio, son las causas ms comunes, prioridades equivocadas que minan la relacin en el matrimonio, errores al no conocer las necesidades uno del otro, pero su solucin y respuesta en Dios, cada problema encontramos la respuesta y solucin conforme Dios lo ensea y el resultado de creer y aplicar lo aprendido da como resultado el fortalecimiento y en algunos casos el rescate del matrimonio."
Price: 24.99 |
"DevOps On AWS" |
"In this course, I will give you a deep dive into DevOps and CI/CD tooling on AWS.We are going to cover four key AWS services in detail - CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline, and with lots of hands-on examples. At the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of these four services and exactly what they can do for you"
Price: 69.99 |
"JavaScript Complete Real time Production Usage (2019)" |
"Why Should you learn JavaScript ?JavaScript has become an essential web technology along with HTML and CSS, as most browsers implement JavaScript. Furthermore, JavaScript usage has now extended to mobile app development, desktop app development, and game development. All in all, it has exploded in popularity and is now a very useful skill to learn. The merits of using JavaScript are :Less server interaction : You can validate user input before sending the page off to the server. This saves server traffic, which means less load on your server.Client-side validationDynamic drop-down menusDisplaying date and timeDisplaying pop-up windows and dialog boxesDisplaying clocks etcHandling DOM & BOM.Immediate feedback to the visitors : They don't have to wait for a page reload to see if they have forgotten to enter something..Increased interactivity : You can create interfaces that react when the user hovers over them with a mouse or activates them via the keyboard..Richer interfaces : You can use JavaScript to include such items as drag-and-drop components and sliders to give a Rich Interface to your site visitors.JavaScript is not a programming language in strict sense. Instead, it is a scripting language because it uses the browser to do the dirty work. If you command an image to be replaced by another one, JavaScript tells the browser to go do it. Because the browser actually does the work, you only need to pull some strings by writing some relatively easy lines of code. Thats what makes JavaScript an easy language to start with.Secondly, and more importantly, there are the browser differences. Though modern web browsers all support JavaScript, there is no sacred law that says they should support exactly the same JavaScript. A large part of this site is devoted to exploring and explaining these browser differences and finding ways to cope with them.Theres no better time to learn JavaScript : Youve made a smart choice, because JavaScript is the most popular programming language out there. This is no exaggeration. This popularity and growth means more jobs and opportunities than ever before.Get access to fast support if you get stuck : Theres nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. Thats why Im here to answer every single question that comes my way.I guarantee that this is the most up-to-date and engaging JavaScript course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.I cant wait to see you on the inside ! - B. Praveen Kumar ( PHP Developer & Web Designer ).Who this course is for :Learning JavaScript for the first time? Already using JavaScript and want to master the language? This course is for you!This course if for anyone who wants to use JavaScript to launch an application, switch careers, or freelance as a JavaScript developer."
Price: 1280.00 |
"ASP.NET Core SignalR in a nutshell" |
"Are you a web developer? If so, you would know that many web development projects these days require the ability to establish a persistent connection between a client and a server without having to keep sending repeated requests from the client. As you may also know, such functionality may be hard to implement.However, if you can build your web application inASP.NETCore, there is a way to make this whole process easy. There is a library called SignalR. This is what I'm going to talk about in this course. As well as doing all the heavy lifting for you, the library abstracts away all complex implementation details, so your code can be made extremely simple.However, as you would already know, nothing in programming is simple in absolute terms. Programming is a complex activity, so even those concepts that are relatively simple require some practice and studying.This is why I've created this course. By the end of it, you should be able to build a web application that clients will be able to establish a persistent connection with and exchange the data with in real time."
Price: 29.99 |
"Blazor and Razor Components in a nutshell" |
"Blazor is a technology that allows developers to run .NET Code directly in the browser. With .NET Core 3.0, the technology is officially supported by Microsoft. And you can opt for either client plus server setup (server-side Blazor) or a pure WebAssembly-based experience (client-side Blazor). Whichever flavor you choose, the syntax will be almost identical."
Price: 29.99 |
"C# for absolute beginners" |
"This course will teach you the fundamentals of C# in an unconventional way: by throwing you straight into the deep water and getting you to do something useful with it. So, no more ""Hello World!"" application!Together, we will be building an application that will convert markdown (MD) files into HTML. By the end of the course, you will be familiar with the following:Basic C# code structureFlow control (for, foreach and while loops)Conditional statementsAbstraction via interfacesReading files and writing into themProcessing textBuilding and running your applications on Windows, Mac and Linux"
Price: 19.99 |