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"Almanca Balang Testi"
"Daha ok yeni balayan renciler iin faydal olacak olan test genel olarak yeni bir dille renilecek olan konulardan oluur ve genel olarak yaplan bit testtir. ok zor olmamak ile beraber rendiiniz bilgileri tekrar amaldr. Altrma niteliinde olan test size sadece bilgileri yerine oturtacaktr. iddetle size tavsiye edeceim olan bu pratik test faydanza olacak ve ok ie yarayacan dnyorum."
Price: 49.99

"Study Skills - Graduate online with a Certificate 2019"
"today I will be talking about the saylor academy . how you an study and pass an exam and graduated with a certificate from it .i hope you guys will find this video useful and learn something from it .Videos: Watch over my shoulder as i explain step by step how you can sign in and recieve your courses and start learning and preparing for the exams and how the question can be . also the tricks of the exam and how you can get more points to pass it .and get the certificate .everything is step by step all you need to do is to follow me and u will easily understand .Who this course is for: this course if for all kind of people cultured or non cultured . you will be able to develop your self and your learning skills and that would make life more easy fo you .stop wasting tile and start building a good resume for your own benefits"
Price: 34.99

"Psychology for Product Managers & Entrepreneurs"
"The study of psychology encompasses the study of how people think and how they can be motivated or deterred. What could go better with business than a solid understanding of how people tick? By pulling out your old textbook and implementing strategies found in a basic psychology class you will give yourself the ultimate foundation for entrepreneurial success.This course looks at several psychology principles that helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and product managers to:build better and more engaging productsbuild high performing teamsbetter their sales and marketing effectivenessThe course goes through several frameworks and examples that can be applied by readers in their day to day work."
Price: 49.99

"Choosing the Right Machine Learning Algorithm"
"This course covers the basics of the following algorithms:Linear RegressionLogistics RegressionDecision TreesK-MeansPCASupport Vector MachinesRandom ForestAprioriAdaptive BoostingNave BayesNeural NetworksFor each of these, the course dives into the underlying concept, pros & cons, and the different practical business use cases where each of these algorithms work well. For those interested in getting their hands dirty, there are also sample implementations of the algorithms in Python"
Price: 49.99

"An In-depth Course on Google Analytics"
"This course will help digital marketers and product managers understand both the basic and advanced concepts of Google Analytics, with live examples of how to access and configure different reports, as well as practices and tips on using the reports in their day to day job.Enroll in this Google Analytics course to learn how to:Understand basic and advanced concepts of audiences, acquisition reports, behavioral reports, conversions and segments.Master attribution so you know exactly how your channels work together and how your users convert.Get 10x more out of the basics you already know: custom dimensions, custom metrics, event tracking, etc.Draw out advanced insights from your content analytics, form analytics, social analytics and PPC analytics.Unlock all of the potential of enhanced ecommerce and content tracking to make smarter marketing decisions."
Price: 29.99

"Backlog Grooming for Product Managers"
"Backlog grooming is one of the important responsibilities of product managers.  Backlogs help teams keep aligned and ensure the features developed are aligned with the business goals. This course looks at how Product Managers can approach backlog grooming, along with some practices they should abide by and some real examples of backlog structures they can adopt."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe After Effects"
"After EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter EffectsAfter Effects"
Price: 24000.00

"cours biologie cellulaire"
"Sommaire1Principales structures cellulaires1.1Procaryotes1.2Eucaryotes2lments constitutifs d'une cellule2.1Membrane2.2Cytosquelette2.3Matriel gntique2.4Organites2.4.1Organites prsents chez tous les tres vivants2.4.2Organites des cellules d'eucaryotes2.4.3Structures extracellulaires2.4.3.1Paroi cellulaire2.4.3.2Structures spcifiques aux procaryotes3Processus cellulaires3.1Mtabolisme et cycle cellulaire3.2Rplication3.3Biosynthse des protines3.4Locomotion ou motilit4Multicellularit4.1Spcialisation cellulaire4.2Origine de la multicellularit5Origine des cellules5.1Origines des premires cellules5.2Origine des eucaryotes6Mthodes d'tude de la cellule in vitro6.1Microscopie6.2Marquage de molcules6.3tude des constituants cellulaires6.4Numration des cellules7Nombre et taille des cellules8Histoire du concept8.1Thorie cellulaire"
Price: 109.99

"la composition de la matire vivante /la base de la biologie"
"les composs peuvent tre spars en deux grandes classes : -organiques, ils contiennent du carbone, mais aussi de lhydrogne et oxygne. -inorganiques, sans carbone, H2O, HNO3 Ces deux familles sont vitales pour le fonctionnement de notre organisme est vitales de faon gale.Sommaire du cours:Les principaux constituants de la matire vivanteIntroduction (Composition de la matire organique La matire organique est compose de carbone, hydrogne, oxygne, azote, phosphore, soufre)Les constituants minrauxLes constituants chimiquesLes constituants organiquesGlucidesLipidesProtidesAcides nucliques"
Price: 49.99

"Le systme immunitaire - immunologie -"
"ce cours introduit quelques notions de base permettant de comprendre le fonctionnement du systme immunitaire. Elle prsente dabord la notion dantigne puis la structure et la fonction des protines du CMH (complexe majeur dhistocompatibilit). Elle dcrit ensuite la nature et la formation des principaux types de cellules du systme immunitaire. il prsente aussi la raction immunitaire mdiation humorale (structure et fonction des anticorps, slection clonale et diffrenciation des lymphocytes B, mmoire immunitaire) puis la raction immunitaire mdiation cellulaire (slection clonale et diffrenciation des lymphocytes T, rles des lymphocytes T4 et T8)."
Price: 134.99

"QCM biologie cellulaire"
"Biologie cellulaire. Quiz QCM en BiologieLa biologie cellulaire (anciennement appele cytologie) est une discipline scientifique qui tudie les cellules, du point de vue structural et fonctionnel.  Progressez en Biologie cellulaire grce aux QCM ! De nombreux QCM de biologie pour rviser ses concours (biologie , PCEM1, infirmier, pharmacie, Mdcine gnral ... ), dans diffrentes catgories.Inscrivez-vous et profitez de l'intgralit des QCM !"
Price: 39.99

"English as a Second Language, Level I"
"This the first level, for people who have never learned English grammar before and need to start from the very beginning. However, this is an Intensive Course and you will learn a lot and fast, if you follow my instructions, and you will be ready to use the language immediately.During this course, you will learn all the basic words, how to greet someone, to tell the time, to know numbers and colors, prepositions and adjectives, Verbs To be, to have and regular verbs. Present Continuous and Present Tense.You will learn to ask questions using; what? when? Why? and more.At the end of this course, you will be able to write, read and start using the language easily.My only suggestion is that, you to take your time, and when you finish one lecture, go back and review it, to make sure you understood everything before starting a new lecture.There are plenty of quizzes and exercises, for you to put in practice what you are learning.And of course, you can take LEVEL II to further your education. Thank you.TammyINDEXLECTURE 1GreetingsAlphabetBasic ColorsDays of the weekMonths of the YearSeasonsNumbersFaceArticlesFill in the Correct ArticlePersonal PronounsAdjectivesMore AdjectivesPrepositionsRead the following sentencesFill in the Blanks, with a PrepositionVerb to BeNegative Form of Verb to BeInterrogative Form and Negative FormPlease answer the Following QuestionsPlease answer the following questionsNounsSingular and PluralRules for PluralMore and some irregular noun pluralsNo changesWrite the Plural of the Following Nouns:SummaryLECTURE 2TimeWrite the Time in LettersAM & PMAdverbs Time RelatedThere is - Affirmative FormInterrogative FormNegative FormQuestions and AnswersPlease answer the following questions with an Affirmative AnswerPlease answer the following question with a Negative AnswerPlease answer the following questionsLECTURE 3There areNegative FormReadingPlease answer the following questions:Answer the Following Questions(Using Negative and Affirmative Forms)Some & AnyMuch & ManyHow Many & How Much?InfinitiveImperativeFill in the blanks with a verb (Write 5 sentences using Imperative)Let & LetsPlease practice by writing sentences Using LET plus the following verbs:LECTURE 4Present ContinuousInterrogative FormNegative FormPractice (Q&A)Fill in the blanksAnswer the Following QuestionsAsk Questions, based on the AnswerContractionsShortening from Original FormAcronymsSome Good SuggestionsLECTURE 5Verb to HaveInterrogativeAffirmative and NegativeAuxiliaries DO and DOESRead Out LoudAlsoAnswer the Following Questions (Using yes and no)Use DO and DOESRegular Verbs - Present tensePresent Tense AffirmativeInterrogative FormNegative FormsPlease Answer the Following QuestionsContractionsChange these sentences using contractions:Difference between There, Their and They'reThere Adverb or PronounThere is and There areTheyre is Contraction of They areTheir is a Possessive AdjectiveFill in the correct wordLECTURE 6Past TenseInterrogative Form and Past TenseAnswer the Following QuestionsPossessive AdjectivesSentences using Possessive AdjectivesQuestions and AnswersPlease fill in the blanks with a Possessive PronounWhose?Question PronounsWhy and BecauseQuestions and AnswersQuestions & Answers (Practice questions and answers with all pronouns)Please Answer the Following Questions (What)Please Answer the Following Questions (Where)Please Answer the Following Questions (When)Please Answer the Following Questions (Who)Please Answer the Following Questions (Whose)Please Answer the Following Questions (Why)ConversationLECTURE 7Possessive CaseAsk Whose? Notice the two forms:Answer the Following Questions (Whose)Possessive PronounsPlease Note the DifferenceComparison of Possessive Adjectives and Possessive PronounsPlease Answer the Following QuestionsEmphatic PronounsAnswer the Following Questions (Using Emphatic Pronouns)Objective PronounsHow to use Objective PronounsPlease Answer the Following QuestionsLECTURE 8What like?Answer the Following QuestionsAsk Questions Based on the AnswersVerb LikeReadingPlease Answer the Following Questions:Answer the Following QuestionsNumbersPlease learn and practice numbers!Numbers 20-100Write in number the followingEnd of Course"
Price: 34.99

"Your brain is amazing ! use it at its full potential"
"Your brain is wonderful and can do much more than what you would expect. In this course, I will learn you some easy tricks to tap your brain and impress everybody ! For each module, I will explain and analyse the subject and then tell you some hints about this topic, so that you use thelm in the future, and feed your brain.Module 1 : How to negociate like a proModule 2 : Win every single game of rock-paper-scissorsModule 3 : Pass any oral exam and win charismaModule 4 : Extract any square root even with very big numbers such as 5184 in half a minut !Module 5 : Learn what is lucid dreaming and try it"
Price: 39.99

"Learn the basic french in one hour"
"You want to travel to France or to a french-speaking country ? Or maybe you are just curious and want to speak the basic french. Then this course is made for you ! Learn how to speak and how to understand the elementary french. At the end of the course, you will be able to use and understand the basic grammar rulesuse some expressions that the native use dailycount to one thousandknow the days, the months and the seasonsuse and understand sentances in case of emergency situation talk about the weatherTherefore, you will be able to handle a small conversation with french people !"
Price: 39.99

"A User Experience Approach to ROI + Brainstorming"
"This course will explore hands-on techniques for quantifying time spent on brainstorming, and identifying a common baseline for a new project or product. Participant-focused, new approaches to brainstorming to increase return-on-investment (ROI). These methods work best in a group setting, for small teams. The course will include:A numerical way to represent the value generated by a brainstorming session.Identifying a common baseline for a project, by establishing a unified purpose and forming alignment.I hope you take advantage of the activities provided in the course, as well as all the lecture videos. Each section of the course will start with a section introduction video and a section conclusion video. The first section of the course is offered, through Udemy, as a free preview of the course. Section two of the course will start to dive into the core content of the course.Created by Frank Garofalo, Principal Consultant of Garofalo UX."
Price: 89.99

"An Introduction to User-Centered Design"
"This course will explore several techniques for flushing out high-level design solutions for your projects and get inside the minds of your target audience. You will be empowered with methods you can immediately implement in your day-to-day work.The course will include: Research methods to gain a better understanding of your target-audience; and,Design strategies for user-centered problem solvingI hope you take advantage of the activities provided in the course, as well as all the lecture videos. Each section of the course will start with a section introduction video and a section conclusion video. The first section of the course is offered, through Udemy, as a free preview of the course. Section two of the course will start to dive into the core content of the course.Created by Frank Garofalo, Principal Consultant of Garofalo UX."
Price: 99.99

"A User Experience Approach to Agile & Scrum"
"This course will explore concepts for taking a user experience approach to working within an agile team or scrum team. At the end of this course, you will have a foundation / introductory understanding of the intersection between business, agile, and user experience, to give you a jump start to working collaboratively within an agile or scrum team.The course will include:An introduction to agile and scrumThe players and roles for a scrum teamThe overall life-cycle of the scrum methodologyI hope you take advantage of the activities provided in the course, as well as all the lecture videos. Each section of the course will start with a section introduction video and end with a section conclusion video. The first section of the course is offered, through Udemy, as a free preview of the course. Section two of the course will start to dive into the core content of the course.Created by Frank Garofalo, Principal Consultant of Garofalo UX Note: This is not an agile or scrum certification course."
Price: 89.99

"Curso de Blogger profesional 2020 domina Blogger paso a paso"
"Curso profesional de Blogger.En este curso identificaras todas las caractersticas que componen un blog o una pagina web de blogger.Este curso incluyePosicionamiento web.Google Analytics.Google Webmaster.Google Adsense.Con este curso podrs crear una pagina web completamente profesional. y podrs crear blog para tus futuros clientes o simplemente convertirs ese pasatiempo tuyo en algo mas profesional."
Price: 270.00

"LAW TRIAL NOTEBOOK: Making a OneNote Court e-Trial Notebook"
"This course is a study of all aspects of constructing an Electronic e-Trial Notebook using OneNote electronic notebook technology. Since constructing a good trial notebook should begin when the case first comes into the law office, this course will cover every aspect of pre-trial, trial and post-trial practice and procedure. This educational knowledge will import with technological advances which make it possible to take thousands of pages of trial documents and store them in the cloud providing real-time access to all members of the trial team as well as back-up of all materials.  This Course is Approved by the State Bar of Texas MCLE  - Course #174035691; California Bar MCLE Provider No. 18294 - 4.75 hours.  ***Please note: There is time at the end of each video for you to take the Quiz if you like. At that time, the video is idle. You can move on and come back and take the Quiz later but I wanted to let you know that the video is idle at the end of each section for that reason. You are not required to take the quiz but you want to make sure you are clear on how to create your OneNote account on Microsoft and how to download the free desktop version of the program.***"
Price: 34.99

"LAW STUDENT: Case Briefing - How to Brief a Legal Law Case"
"This course will teach law students or anyone interested in law how to brief a court case opinion and how to develop critical reading, analysis and problem solving skills. This course will teach law students how to prepare for all law classes and how to strengthen analysis skills necessary for successful preparation for the attorney bar examination."
Price: 34.99

"How to Make a Wig"
"This course will teach students how to save money by making their own realistic lace silk base closure wig with lots of length and style in a short period of time. Students of all levels can learn from this course. Take this course and you will be making your own wigs in no time!"
Price: 19.99

"LAW: Write Draft & Negotiate Business Contracts (Samples)"
"We all encounter situations in life in business that require written contracts or agreements.  Unfortunately, too many people sign them without really understanding what they mean; and many times people use contracts that do not solve all of the business issues (problems) that result from the goal of the contract.  This is because they do not understand how to determine what those problems may be. On a basic level, we cannot solve a problem if we do not know what the problem(s) is/are.  Taught by a business attorney and contracts professor of law students and attorneys, this course will teach you everything you need to know write contract, to draft contract, to minimize your risk, protect your personal or business interests and create a win-win situation when drafting, negotiating, and signing contracts of any type for any transaction or deal. You will learn the basics of contracts including:How to determine if any of 5 BUSINESS ISSUES (PROBLEMS) result from the personal or business goals of the contract, including: MONEY ISSUESRISK ISSUESCONTROL ISSUESSTANDARDS ISSUES & ENDGAME ISSUESHow to use 7 CONTRACT CONCEPTS (PROBLEM SOLVERS) to draft the provisions of the contract needed to resolve any personal or business issues that result from the goals of the contract. How to organize the contract concepts in the 10 CONTRACT SECTIONS that should be present in any good contract. This is the course that you need to take in order to make sure that you and your company are protected, that you get what you want, and that that you can sleep at night without anxiety about your contract.ADDED FEATURES:I teach this class in the same manner as I teach law students and lawyers (using a trademark license agreement example)Free text book includedFREE SAMPLES OF CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS (INCLUDED):House Purchase AgreementCar Purchase AgreementAircraft Purchase AgreementAsset Purchase Agreement (for any asset other House/Car/Aircraft)Employment AgreementIndependent Contractor AgreementHouse Purchase Agreement (Text Explanations)Website Development Agreement (2 Versions) (Text Explanations)Assignment and Assumption Agreement (Text Explanations)Bill of Sale (Text Explanations)Let's Get Started!"
Price: 19.99

"e-File in California Courts Using OneLegal"
"e-Filing allows individuals to file court documents, arrange service of process, and more without leaving their desk. In this course, students will learn how to e-File in California Courts using one of the most popular e-File Service Providers - OneLegal.  Some courts in California allow filing into their courts using ""e-FileCA"" (only).  Students will also learn how to link their OneLegal to e-FileCA so that they can use one e-File Service Provider (OneLegal) to e-File into all Courts  in California."
Price: 19.99

"Collecting Debts from Money Owed - Obtaining Money Judgments"
"This course is a study of all aspects of collecting money from judgments and/or court orders. Topics covered will include aspects of laying the proper foundation in pleadings and drafting a proper judgment; abstracts of judgment, writs of execution (wage garnishments, bank levy, vehicle levy, till tap/cash register levy, shopkeeper levy), debtors examinations, judgment renewal, Domesticating foreign judgments, etc."
Price: 19.99

"LAW: OneNote Court e-Trial Notebook Extras"
"This is an add-on to my course entitled: ""LAW TRIAL NOTEBOOK: Making a OneNote Court e-Trial Notebook (Main Course)"".The Main Course is a study of all aspects of constructing an Electronic e-Trial Notebook using OneNote electronic notebook technology. Since constructing a good trial notebook should begin when the case first comes into the law office, this course will cover every aspect of pre-trial, trial and post-trial practice and procedure. In Part 5 of the Main Course, I teach you how to use your OneNote e-Trial Notebook during trial including:How to play video excerpts directly from your OneNote e-Trial Notebook;How to show exhibits to the judge or jury during trial directly from your OneNote e-Trial Notebook;How to take quick written and audio notes for cross-examination of witnesses or for other uses;How to use your cell phone or pad as a document scanner/camera to store copies of documents in your OneNote e-Trial Notebook for later useIn this Course, Im going to talk to about some of the hidden extras in OneNote that you can use in your everyday law practice or to conduct activities as you prepare for trial. Im going use the same case example we used in the Main Course the automobile / pedestrian bicycle accident case: Winters v. Ramirez to show you some of the OneNote resources you can use to prepare for a deposition as you build your e-trial notebook in anticipation of trial including:Part 1 - How to create OneNote Notebook Sections and Notebook Pages for all of the events associated with an upcoming deposition;Part 2 - How to create Outlook Calendar and Google Calendar Meeting Details on your OneNote Notebook Pages;Part 3 - How to turn on Dictation to dictate notes during events and how to turn on Audio Recording to record audio during events on your OneNote Notebook Pages;Part 4 - How to create Drawings and insert Diagrams, photos, documents, etc on your OneNote Notebook Pages associated with meeting events and deposition events;Part 5 - How to replay a drawing/diagram from your OneNote Notebook that was created during a deposition."
Price: 34.99

"LAW: Write Draft Contracts - Settlement Agreements"
"This is an addendum to my Main Course entitled: ""LAW: Write Draft & Negotiate Business Contracts"".We all encounter situations in life in business that require written contracts or agreements. Unfortunately, too many people sign them without really understanding what they mean; and many times people use contracts that do not solve all of the business issues (problems) that result from the goal of the contract. This is because they do not understand how to determine what those problems may be. On a basic level, we cannot solve a problem if we do not know what the problem(s) is/are.Taught by a business attorney and contracts professor of law students and attorneys, this course will teach you everything you need to know write contract, to draft contract, to minimize your risk, protect your personal or business interests and create a win-win situation when drafting, negotiating, and signing contracts/agreement for any pre-lawsuit or post lawsuit dispute settlement agreement transaction or deal.This is the course that you need to take in order to make sure that you and your company are protected, that you get what you want, and that that you can sleep at night without anxiety about your pre-lawsuit or post lawsuit dispute settlement agreement/contract.ADDED FEATURES: Free text book included (and) Free Example Scenarios included in the course."
Price: 19.99

"LAW STUDENT: OneNote for Law Students"
"In this Course, Im going to show students (specifically Law Students) how to increase productivity, efficiency, and organization by moving from hand written notes to using OneNote for study-related notes.  The following is an overview of this course:Part 1 - Course Introduction;Part 2 - How to create OneNote Notebooks, Sections, Pages and Subpages;Part 3 - How to use the OneNote Screen Clipper Tool to insert screen clippings and how to insert Files and Printouts to insert documents such as Course Syllabi, Course Schedules, etc.;Part 4 - How use the Microsoft Office Lens app to scan quick images of the whiteboard or PowerPoint presentation during class and of pages of books and other periodicals using your cellphone; and how to save them on your cellphone version of your OneNote Notebook and immediately sync them instantaneously to all other versions of your OneNote Notebook; andPart 5 - How to turn on the OneNote Dictation Tool to dictate notes during study sessions and class and how to turn on the OneNote Audio Recording Tool to record audio during study sessions and class and store them on your OneNote Notebook Pages."
Price: 29.99

"OneNote for Attorneys - Court Motion Hearing Notebook"
"This is an add-on to my course entitled: ""LAW TRIAL NOTEBOOK: Making a OneNote Court e-Trial Notebook (Main Course)"".The Main Course is a study of all aspects of constructing an Electronic e-Trial Notebook using OneNote electronic notebook technology. Since constructing a good trial notebook should begin when the case first comes into the law office, this course will cover every aspect of pre-trial, trial and post-trial practice and procedure. In Part 5 of the Main Course, I teach you how to use your OneNote e-Trial Notebook during trial including:How to play video excerpts directly from your OneNote e-Trial Notebook;How to show exhibits to the judge or jury during trial directly from your OneNote e-Trial Notebook;How to take quick written and audio notes for cross-examination of witnesses or for other uses;How to use your cell phone or pad as a document scanner/camera to store copies of documents in your OneNote e-Trial Notebook for later useIn this Course, Im going to show you how to make a Court Motion Hearing Notebook using a Demurrer and/or Motion to Strike Plaintiff's Complaint:Part 1 - How to create OneNote Notebook Sections and Notebook Pages for all of the events associated with an upcoming motion hearing;Part 2 - How to Insert items such as Files, Documents, Photos using the OneNote Cell Phone App on your OneNote Notebook Pages;Part 3 - How to Insert items such as Microsoft Sways (and other embedded online videos), Calendar items and tasks;Part 4 - How to Use the Microsoft Surface and the Surface pen to take handwritten notes and convert them to text;Part 5 - How to turn on Dictation to dictate notes  and how to turn on Audio Recording to record audio notes on your OneNote Notebook Pages;Part 6 - How to create links to use to construct a Notebook Index and for links to use to construct a table of authorities to link to Legal Research in the research section of the Notebook."
Price: 34.99

"How to Create Passive Income from Etsy Digital Products"
"Did you know that Etsy is the one of hottest growing eCommerce platforms right now? This course will teach you how to make money selling digital products on Etsy. Catch me on Instagram @yaswanthnukasani to get free exclusive insider content ??You can make money selling Digital Prints/Products on Etsy today! Unlike eBay, where you have millions of sellers competing against you, on Etsy the odds are in your favor.In this class Yaswanth will be sharing their experience, tips and secrets with selling digital products online on Etsy.How to find a digital product niche and look at what's already on Etsy.Where to get products for free or very cheap ready-to-resellHow to create digital product photos without any photoshop software.How to create custom digital productsHow to create an SEO focused Etsy digital product listing to make sure it ranks well.How to increase your chances of having your first sale with your newly launched Etsy shop.Strategies to ensure your Etsy shop is a success.Give you 40 free listings (normally priced at 20 cents/listing $8 in value) to test out your digital products in your Etsy shop today. Click Here :)The best community to join to connect with other new Etsy sellers working towards their first 100 sales on Etsy!Inside look at existing shops to breakdown what is working and what can be improved so you can make sure your Etsy shop is top notch!ExtrasWhere I Buy/Get My Digital Products to Sell on EtsyHow to Create Your Own Custom Digital ProductsHow to Optimize Your Listings to Be Found by Etsy ShoppersHow to Hire Virtual Assistant to Outsource & Post 200 Products for $20 for You, so you dont have to.Join us today to learn how to start making money selling digital products on Etsy. We won't bore you with slide shows, instead you'll get real tutorials that are filled with our expertise and secrets about the Etsy platform to ensure you have a success shop launch and get your first sale ASAP!Overview of Etsy Digital and ExamplesHow to Find or Create Digital Products to Sell on Your Etsy ShopHow to List Products on Etsy the Right WayInside Look at My ShopHow to Get People to Find and Buy from Your StoreThree Ways to Get Even More Visitors to Your ShopHow to Improve the Appearance of Your ShopThank You"
Price: 19.99

"How to Start & Grow a Fiverr Freelance Business Step-By-Step"
"Fiverr is the world's largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs. Catch me on Instagram @yaswanthnukasani to get free exclusive insider content ??Some Services you can offer!Freelance Writing and Translation ServicesLogo Design - Photoshop Editing - Flyers & Brochures - IllustrationSeo - Social Media Marketing - Video Marketing - Web TrafficCustom logo designWhat You Will LearnWhat is Fiverr? & How Does it Work?The Advantages & Disadvantages of FiverrAmazing Lead GenerationHigh FeesHow to Set Up Your Fiverr Profile the Right WayHow to Create a Logo for Your ShopHow to Write Your BioAdding Your SkillsLinking Your Social Media Accounts to ProfileAdding CertificationAdding a Payout MethodHow to Develop Your Skillset to Increase Your Value LevelTake Free/Paid Certification CoursesFacebook BlueprintGoogle AdWords CertificationHubspotHow to Pick What to Offer as a ServiceYour past experienceYour credentialsAny new skills you picked up?Two Type of Service Business ModelsIn-HouseOutsourceHow to Create Gig Offers that Sell WellHow to Design a Great Thumbnail for Your GigHow to Create Optimal TitlesHow to Write Great DescriptionsUnderstanding Value PropositionHow to Make Passive Income on FiverrSelling Digital ProductsHow to Make Your Fiverr Business More EfficientUse Quick ResponsesAdd FAQsLearning Communication SkillsHow to Get Promoted to a Level 1 Seller on FiverrFiverr Rank SystemFiverr Platform Rules"
Price: 19.99